The hawks have landed


The hardliners in a Big Brother have apparently prevailed in a doing of tomorrow Bersih 3.0 gathering.

It shows which notwithstanding a enactments of certain laws to reinstate a old draconian ones, a hardliners have been not willing to concede a power of control. While conceding to a rakyat a right to public in principle, a refusal of vouchsafing Bersih to accumulate during Dataran Merdeka is a signal which these people have been not willing to let people accumulate in practice.

However, having schooled a lesson from Bersih 2.0 a tough way, DBKL is being used as a front to conflict a entertainment during a Merdeka Square.

So it will again be a mount off .

I goal solemn minds will overcome as well as which no unfavourable situation happen tomorrow. If tear gas as well as water cannot have been used again, it will certainly be doing a reformists in a government a disservice as well as BN would never get a votes of a middle ground again, in spite of a attempts to rush by laws which have been more liberal than before.

Please read also:

PM should attend Bersih 3.o

The debacle of mishandling


Insofar as to a differences in between a hawks as well as a liberals, it reminds me of a Tiananmeng entertainment in 1989 in Beijing. Then primarily a liberals were gaining grounds , though eventually a hawks had a contend as well as armoured column were used to crush a gathering.

I have regularly of a opinion which a single day, China's care is starting to revisit a June 4 incident, as it is popularly known, as well as a liberals' purpose will be recognized as well as rectified. .

The universe is much different from which era, as well as Malaysia is not China. CHina then was underneath totalitarian order as well as Malaysia, notwithst! anding m ost abnormality as well as anomalies in voting, is still presumably a democracy.Even for China, ifJune 4 happens in this complicated era, a same proceed would have very different result

The Hawks maybe have forgotten about a Arab Spring where harsh termination of a people led to a rain of not a single though most dictators in a Arab world. In this epoch of a internet, headlines cannot be suppressed as well as people have entrance to genuine time happenings.

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