Macam komunis, Guan Eng arah sabotaj majlis MCA
Macam gangster mereka nak kacau majlis MCA.
Anwar before RCI will be High Noon
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Bring on Porntip, let's get it over with
Sambutan Ponggal Dan Sukanika Di Kajang Utama
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Dulu suara wanita haram, sekarang artis ganti ulamak
MACHANG 3 Feb. - Rakyat diminta tidak terpengaruh dengan 'fatwa' yang dikeluarkan oleh Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat yang jelas mengelirukan dan menyimpang daripada ajaran Islam.
Bekas Setiausaha Dewan Ulama Pas Kelantan, Wan Ismail Wan Ahmad berkata, Menteri Besar Kelantan itu juga tidak pernah konsisten dengan kenyataan yang
GE-13: Scrapping for every vote
February 4, 2013
Politics in Malaysia
Scrapping for each vote: Lembah Pantai is a bellwether chair in GE-13
A general choosing is due shortly, as good as for a first time it could be close
February 2 2013 | KUALA LUMPUR |The Economist-Print Version
THE smell of fresh paint in Taman Sentosa, a single of a poorer districts of Malaysia's capital, can mean customarily a single thing: elections have been during hand.
The walls of a countless public-housing blocks in a area have been gleaming, all painted inside of a past year. The redecoration of a single block, 1A Pinang, was finished customarily upon January 3, as good as a propitious residents got some glossy new guttering as well. The caretaker says it is a first time a place had perceived any courtesy given it was built twenty years ago. And lest anyone dont think about to whom they owe their good fortune, distinguished signs up outside each retard remind them: a statute Barisan Nasional (BN) bloc government. The paint-job is a federally saved project in an Opposition MP's constituency.
A general choosing contingency be called before a finish of April, as good as it competence be a tightest ever. The BN has never mislaid an choosing given Malaysia's autonomy from Britain in 1957. Last time round, however, in 2008, a celebration suffered a greatest rebuff during a polls, losing a two-thirds parliamentary majority as good as five out of 12 contested state governments. This time a opposition People's Justice Party (Parti KeADILan Rakyat) as good as a allies, led by a maestro Anwar Ibrahim, hope to go a single better, so a BN is withdrawal nothing to chance.
Taman Sentosa is in a Lembah Panta! i subdiv ision in central Kuala Lumpur, as good as what happens there will confirm a predestine of a choosing as a whole. It had regularly been a BN stronghold though was mislaid by a slight margin in a electoral meltdown of 2008.
The new MP was Nurul Izzah Anwar (right), a daughter of Mr Anwar, who won by just 2,895 votes. If a BN can wring behind this chair they will be safe; if a PKR win again they will know they have a chance of finale a BN's run in power.
It has thus become a totemic race, as good as Nurul Izzah believes which a BN have been not customarily deploying paint brushes to give them a edge. The subdivision used to have 149 postal votes, though a total has now jumped to 2,180, she saysall policemen, traditionally BN supporters.
As in alternative urban constituencies a overall series of citizens has risen given 2008, by about 15,000. Many of these live elsewhere though have registered to opinion in Lembah Pantai, as good as Nurul Izzah claims which hundreds of these have been well known BN voters, which could have a large disproportion in a tight race.
Lembah Pantai is a bellwether chair in an additional way, offering a image of Malaysia's racial diversitythe evil which customarily dictates how elections have been won. The subdivision is 54% racial Malay, 25% Chinese as good as 20% Indian, some-more or reduction reflecting a inhabitant balance.
The BN, as good as privately a categorical basic party, a United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), is traditionally a citadel of Malay interests, since a PKR does improved with a minorities, as it advocates a finale of a comprehensive system of quotas as good as privileges which favours Malays in a universities, a civil use as good as elsewhere.
Thus a PKR, for instance, argues which all supervisio! n contra cts should be open-tender rather than lopsided towards Malay-owned companies. The PKR argues which such policies have merely speedy crime as good as finished small for poorer Malays.
But, Nurul Izzah concedes, her celebration has to be "careful" upon this issue for fright of alienating Malays. Her party's position, therefore, is nuanced, advocating supervision help for a bad as good as students, for instance, based upon "needs" rather than race, though during a same time safeguarding a special in front of of Malays in a civil service.
At a alternative finish of Lembah Pantai is smart Bangsar, mystic centre of Malaysia's sepulchral manage to buy of a past few years. Here it's all posh boutiques as good as frappuccinos, home to a young, professional as good as select who now form an critical pitch opinion in a electorate. Much reduction wedded to a aged race-based politics, they should be a natural subdivision for a PKR.
But here again a celebration will struggle, as immature professionals have welcomed liberalising legislation, such as abolishing odious national-security laws, pushed by by a prime minister, Najib Razak. Hip Bangsar sorts competence be persuaded by a BN's claims to be a proven celebration of reformasi, Mr Anwar's aged battle-cry. Nurul Izzah is finding which no opinion can be taken for granted.
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Stricken Ali Could Be Dead In Days, Legend's Brother Rahman Reveals Family Feud
Tidak berapa lama dahulu dia juga yang menyatakan "Barisan Nasional" itu sudah busuk sampai ke ususnya, tetapi semalam beliau juga yang meminta kita mengundi parti yang beliau katakan busuk itu. Beliau juga yang mengatakan beberapa bulan dahulu "Barisan Nasional" sudah tidak ada apa-apa lagi, kerana yang pandai masuk PAS, yang baik sertai PKR dan yang bijak sudah menyokong DAP. Oleh itu jelas Mahathir ini tidak boleh di ikuti langsung kerana kita akan diperbodoh-bodohkannya sepanjang masa. Sesungguhnya Mahathir ini mudah lupa, bukannya Melayu yang mudah lupa seperti yang beliau katakan dahulu
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Sori,semua sudah cabut!
164 halaman dengan harga RM160, daripada 'Chairman' YAPM (Yayasan Amanah Perdana Malaysia) yang merupakan penerbit buku ini, turunkepada Ahmad Maslan sebagai 'spokesman' kepada FLOM Rosmah Mansur, dengan Siti Rohaya Attan dan Noraini Razak sebagai penulis upahan, semua nya kini sudah cabut!
Jadi, kepada mereka-mereka yang dah mula kumpul lebihan-lebihan syiling sebab nak beli buku ini boleh lah gunakan syiling itu untuk bayar duit parking .. kah..kah..kah..
dollah yankee -
Kah..Kah..Kah.. jadi penunggu lah nampaknya peminat-peminat buku
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My Beautiful Malaysia tue apa?
Sana sini aku baca orang asyik dok kutuk2 module My Beautiful Malaysia. Konon nya module neh memaksa rakyat hadir dan blablabla.. mengerah budak2 sekolah, guru2 dan sebagainya untuk hadir bagi menyatakan sokongan ke atas module My Beautiful Malaysia.
Betul ke?
Yang aku tahu ;
1. Program nehmemerlukanguru besar+ beberapa orang guru + pelajar untuk hadir.
2. Tujuan module ialah bergotong royong membersih! kan kawasan.
Lihat bawah ;
Assalamualaikum wbt dan Salam Sejahtera,
Y.Bhg. Dato'/Datin/Tuan/Puan,
Dengan segala hormatnya saya diarah oleh pihak Pengurusan Atasan merujuk kepada perkara di atas.
2. Adalah dimaklumkan,Pejabat Ketua Setiausaha Negara akan menganjurkan Program My Beautiful Malaysia yang melibatkan penyertaan seramai 1 juta sukarelawan belia yang akan melaksanakan aktiviti-aktiviti kesukarelaan secara serentak di seluruh Negara pada 3 Februari 2013 (Ahad)yang akan dirasmikan oleh YAB Perdana Menteri bertempat di Kampung Medan, Selangor.Sehubungan itu, dipohon jasa baik dan kerjasama daripada pihak Y.Bhg. Dato'/Datin/Tuan/Puan untuk menamakanseorang (1) wakil daripada bahagian masing-masing untuk menyertai module ini.
3. Dipohon jasa baik dan kerjasama daripada pihak Y.Bhg. Dato'/Datin/Tuan/Puan untuk mengemukakan nama peserta, gred jawatan dan no telefon<> selewat-lewatnya pada hari Khamis, 31 hb Januari! 2013 se belum jam 1 petang untuk tindakan selanjutnya.Sebagai makluman, pengangkutan dan makanan akan disediakan oleh pihak urusetia dan pihak KKR memaklumkan, pegawai yang hadir sebagai peserta akan diberikan cuti gantian.Maklumat lain seperti tempat dan masa berkumpul akan dimaklumkan kemudian melalui email selepas mendapat pengesahan daripada Bahagian Pentadbiran KKR.
4. Bersama-sama ini juga disertakan surat daripada Kementerian ! Belia dan Sukan siri JBSN:R.M.400/05-06 JLD 2(88) yang jelas menerangkan maksudnya untuk tindakan pihak Y.Bhg. Dato'/Datin/Tuan/Puan. Kerjasama daripada pihak Y.Bhg. Dato'/Datin/Tuan/Puan berhubung perkara ini amatlah dihargai dan segala kesulitan amat dikesali.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Yang menurut perintah,
Bahagian Keurusetiaan
Cawangan Pengurusan Korporat
Ibu Pejabat JKR Malaysia
No Tel : 03-2610 7114/7118
No Fax :03-2612 2068
Pointpenting ;
1. Program neh ialah module kesukarelawanan. Ada ke ayat neh hah? Mampos la. Tabohje laweh. Wakaka.
2. Setiappihakyang dikehendaki menghantarwakil [pihak sekolah ataupunkementerian lain]perlu menghantar wakil. Berikan nama dan etc2 bagi menjayakanmisi/matlamat module tersebut.
Lihat bawah ;
3. Matlamatprogram tersebut ialah bergotongroyong, bersihkan kawasan dan etc2.
4. Dapat cuti ganti. Lepas tue pengangkutan joke ada. Makan joke ada.
5. Rupanya ini module kemas2 satu malaysia secara besar-besaran.Nak cakap paksa hadir joke takde kot.Dapat cuti ganti lagi.
Pendapat aku.
1. Program neh adamatlamat yang! baik.
2. Boleh diteruskan. Tapi bab cuti ganti tue aku ingat tak payah kot. Bayangkan 10,000orang kakitangan awamdapatcuti ganti sebabbersihkan kawasan? Hak eney.Satu pembaziran tenaga. Kerajaan tak perlu susah payah bagi cuti ganti. Ada masa2ny kerja macam neh kita kena buat dengan lapang dada. Bukan selalu ajak ko gotong royong kan. Rileks la.
3. Bab makan giveaway aku sokong. Bab pengangkutan giveaway tueaku rasa tak perlu la.Patutnya ko open pada mereka2 yangada kenderaan. Lagipun takut pengagihan peruntukkan tue lari. Jangan2 lebih kepada songlap.
4.Dan kalau seriyus masalah pengangkutan tue jadi isu, ko patut offer tempatyang perlu dibersihkan,berdekatan di kawasan masing2. Tue lebih baik. Nama module sukarelawan kan? Patutnyapenggunaan duit t! ue harus ! dikurangkan. Jangan ko bagi bajufree, topi giveaway sudah la.Tak guna sambil bersukarela sambil buang duit pada pembuat topi n blablablatue.
5.Alamak.. kalau nak kemas2macamneh bukan ramai yang nak p joke kalautak diwajibkan hadir. Kenapaksa g baru depa hadir. Betul aku setuju. Paksa je mereka pergi. Benda2baik untuk kemas2 satu malaysia kalau kena paksa hadir joke takdehal. Aku sokongjek. Kalau paksa hadir untuk nyatakan sokongan kepada bn, kena pegangbendera, dapat upah dan blablabla.. tue boleh la kompl! ain. Yan g neh aku tengok ada pengisian yang baik.
6. Apa joke boleh juga jadikan ia acara tahunan.Dan oke juga dijadikan sebagaiacara bulanan untuk pesalah2seperti pesalah2 traffic,bohsia, pad rempit, pad pit, pad gian, pencuri, penjenayah dan blablala..
7. Untuk anak2 yang bermasalah, pelajar2 yang suka melawan guru joke oke. Ko hantar je nama2 tue katpihak berkaitan.Biar depa kena bersihkankawasan sebab melawan. Masa aku kat sekolah dul! u, aku pe! rnah kena dendasapu sampah, sapu padang [jalan tar],kemas padang[rumput]. Aku tak serik2. Lepas kena cucitandas terus aku stop. Cilakak. Kerja tue tak best beb. Wakaka.
Apa joke aku puji laprogramMy Beautiful Malaysia. Ada usaha yang baik. Mohon BN jangan jajaia sebagai module politik sudah. Kalau ia dijaja sebagai module politik, tak kira baik mana la module lue sekalipun orang tetap menyampah. Pasal orang menyampah kat bien. Lue kena faham la.
kah kah kah
Tapi,tak lengkap rasanya kalau kita tak dengar pendapat dari mereka2 yangterlibat secara peribadi dengan module ini... so kalau nak tahuprogram ini berjalan sepertimana matlamat dia ke tak, kita tunggu la mereka2 yang terlibat dengan module ini bersuara kalau ada. Jangan2 mereka ada cerita lain yang aku tatau. Pakat2 share oke. Bai.
- amenoworld Read More @ Source
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welcome to hypermodern Malaysia, in that entertainment, hedonism, as well as domestic ethics have been all enmeshed -- a physique as well as essence turn a place of capitalist exploitation as well as a reason for domestic campaigning as well.
the small known Gangnam district of Seoul -- of red lights as well as tall category tall fashion, as well as tall turn prostitution beacme a glitzy as well as neon-ified womb of a "gangnam-style" of dancing in that women as well as group beome horses riding any alternative in public, to a receptive to advice of techno-disco tunes watched by a billion people on youtube as well as made in to a disturb by those how cannot see a logic of Korean gagsta enlightenment as it travels a conveyor leather belt of high-speed tall brow higly cherished artifact of Asian capitalism imitating a vulgarity as well as gangsta-ism of poor as well as disabling enlightenment of gangsta swat pf East L.A. as well as a 'hoods in a Bronx.
women in a video adore pole-dancing on a transport train, strip-club style- gangnam-style much to a a amazement perhaps of Reverand Moon of a Korean Unification Chuch.
but hey ... , you have been in Malaysia -- where everything, including degenerating culture, can be alien lock batch as well as tub .. to a tune of million US dollars for discerning fifteen-minte vulgar shot of a opening ... a great 3.3 million Ringgit that can be used ot set up schools in a most impoverised areas where gangnam-styled horses would not even tarry for a lack of great grass to graze ...
bless us all ... may you have a Blessed Chinese New Year with Barisan Nasional ... in Malaysia these days, anything goes .. because not .. because not .. because not ... let them eat Gangnam mooncakes -- azly rahman
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Original Plasma Ion Ceiling-my version
Udara Yang UMNO . Persekitaran Yang Sihat Satu Lagi Produk Berkualiti Dari Colourland Video Rating: 0 / 5More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Hamas kunjungi Anwar: Tidak hiraukan Najib
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Proksi Vincent Tan Dan Tauke Judi Jadi Setiausaha Kerja UMNO!! Setiausaha Kerja UMNO yang baru dilantik Datuk Tengku Adnan Mansor adalah keturunan feudal Acheh, dari keluarga pelarian. Menjadi substitute kepada Tan Sri Vincent Tan termasok Sports Toto, syarikat perjudian. Bertanding untuk jawatan Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dengan sokongan Vincent Tan, kroni penting Mahathir dan pengusaha syarikat perjudian besar. Hubungan rapat dengan Mahathir terutama setelah mendapat tanah kerajaan Negeri Pahang lebih 2,000 ekar untuk Vincent Tan di Bukit Tinggi, dari Tan Sri Khalil Yakob Menteri Besar Pahang waktu itu. Sekarang dilantik pula sebagai Setiausaha Agong UMNO. Ramai tokoh UMNO Pahang mendapat habuan juga dari Vincent Tan ini melalui Datuk Tengku Adnan. Vincent Tan sedang membina rumah peranginan Mahathir di Bukit Tinggi berharga twenty-five juta ringit. Nama Tengku Adnan juga dikaitkan dengan konspirasi menjatuhkan DS Anwar Ibrahim. Dalam temubual Umi Hafilda dengan Dato' S'ng; ada disebut peranan Tengku Adnan yang membiayai Umi dan mempunyai banglo besar 5 tingkat dengan lif khas rumah peribadi hasil keuntungan syarikat judi Sports Toto. Nampak gayanya tauke-tauke judi sudah menguasai polis, kehakiman, pendakwaraya dan UMNO . Sedikit masa lagi seluruh kerajaan akan dikuasai mereka sekiranya Barisan Nasional tidak ditumbangkan dengan kadar segera!!!! Rakyat tidak ada pilihan lagi!!!! BARISAN NASIONAL MESTI DITUMBANGKAN!!! Mana ada bulletin Islam dalam UMNO yang dilaungkan oleh Pak Lah sekiranya setiausaha kerja joke tauke judi!!!!DAN PALING MALANG SEKALI PROXY TAUKE JUDI CINA!!!!Masih ada lagi kah bulletin membela Bangsa Melayu dalam UMNO???? Wan Mokhtar..... saya nak dengar juga nasihat cara ISLAM yang Wan Mokhtar war-warkan tu.... Betul ke Ayah Wang nasihat Mahathir cara Islamic atau Ayah Wang menyembah Mahathir untuk terus jadi MB???? Ni substitute tauke judi Cina jadi setiausaha kerja UMN! O maca! m mana n ak nasihat cara ISLAM??? Entah-entah Ayah Wang ada apa-apa juga kot... Kalau tidak takkan lah Vincent Tan dapat membina Redang Island Resorts di Pulau Redang dengan harga tanah macam bagi giveaway aje... dan Lim Goh Thong (tauke judi Genting Highland) dapat bina Kijal Resorts dalam kawasan Ayah Wang... Ini macam mengesahkan apa yang dikatakan oleh Mahathir bahawa tidak ada ulama' yang boleh dihormati kalau kecimpung dalam politik???... Entah-entah destroy Ayah Wang joke tebal juga kot... Rakyat Terengganu sedar yang Perwaja rugi RM 8.0 billion tu.. Nasihat saya kepada Ayah Wang jangan guna nama Islam dalam UMNO. Mahathir dah tolak ketepi dah.... Ayah Wang nasihat juga kepada Hamid Othman tu... Kalau masih nak berada dalam UMNO pakat-pakatlah buat baik dengan tauke-tauke judi... Kalau tidak melepas habuan dunia yang menjadi kegilaan pemimpin UMNO sekarang ini... TITISAN AIRMATA KU BERDERAI KELUAR SEMASA MENULIS WARKAH INI!!!! APA DAH JADI PADA NASIB BANGSA KU!!!! AKU YAKIN ALLAH S.W.T. AKAN TETAP MENYULUH NURNYA WALAU PUN BANGSAKU MEMILIH UNTUK MENGABAIKANNYA... HIDUP UMNO??? HIDUP MELAYU??? TAKKAN MELAYU HILANG DIBUMI INI??? MERDEKA??? Proksi Vincent Tan Dan Tauke Judi Jadi Setiausaha Kerja UMNO!!
Lawan Corruptions'sphoto.
Hubungan rapat dengan Mahathir terutama setelah mendapat tanah kerajaan Negeri Pahang lebih 2,000 ekar untuk Vincent Tan di Bukit Tinggi, dari Tan Sri Khalil Yakob Menteri Besar Pahang waktu itu.
Nama! Tengku Adnan juga dikaitkan dengankonspirasi menjatuhkan DS Anwar Ibrahim.
Nampak gayanya tauke-tauke judi sudah menguasai polis, kehakiman, pendakwaraya dan UMNO .
Wan Mokhtar..... saya nak dengar juga nasihat cara ISLAM yang Wan Mokhtar war-warkan tu.... Betul ke Ayah Wang nasihat Mahathir cara Islamic atau Ayah Wang menyembah Mahathir untuk terus jadi MB????
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Last-last jadi gila dah.... Kah kah kah
Next, he'd burn our homes to the ground!
Guang Ming Daily
Sunday Night Edtion
If Lynas is not tighten down after General Election, Wong Tack threatens:"I will privately bake down the singular earth plant!"
Don't take his hazard lightly
Feb 3: Himpunan Hijau chairman, Wong Tack (pic), pronounced if Lynas singular earth plant still not tighten after 13th GE, the rakyat will take the final review which is to bake down the singular earth plant in order to strengthen the people illness as well as safety.
Wong Tack pronounced the action of burning down the plant will not mistreat any the single since their objective is to stop the singular earth plant from causing mistreat on people's illness as well as life.
They have been prepared to shoulder the legal implication, Wang Tack pronounced during the Parti KeAdilan Rakyat's Indera Mahkota program.
Wong Tack pronounced on 31 December 2012, the immature impetus has reached the doorway of singular earth plant, so if to take the next step, it would be to gate crash as well as bake the plant, which would simulate the rakyat's angry sentiment as well as it would be the immature march's final review since the rakyat has been forced in to such resort.
He pronounced Green Mar has voiced its await for Anwar Ibrahim's Pakatan Rakyat in the next GE, as well as hope which when PR wins energy as well as form the new Federal Government, the singular earth plant will be closed.
He said, "We will select to await PR, since its leader Anwar Ibrahim has promised the rakyat which when they come in to power, the singular earth plant as well as Bukit Koman cyanide gold cave plan will be closed."
H e pronounced they appreciate peace, which was because after the demo in front of singular earth plant on 31 December 2012, they pronounced they will not theatre any other demo though to prepare for GE as well as assistance PR consummate democratic equates to to topple the ruling BN government.
He said, "Although internally there have been members who hope we can turn an choosing claimant so which there will be the Green repute in the Parliament, though privately we am not so meddlesome with election, to do which would be as well large the scapegoat for me."
However, he felt which Wong Chin Huat, Dr Tok Kin Woon as well as Maria Chin would be some-more suitable to turn candidate. Wong Tack said, "Compare to reduction as elected rep, we consider the role of amicable romantic is some-more suitable for me."
Bru's comments:
Wong Tack might be you do his domestic masters' behest though certainly there have been boundary there. we hope the applicable authorities will NOT take the man's threats lightly. This kind of talk - of burning down multi-million ringgit facilities to the belligerent - contingency be taken very, really seriously. This man contingency be considered the danger to society. Lives could be during interest here. There will be employees during the plant as well as their family members, too.
Eco-terrorist acts have been carried out most times before, maybe not in this country. Click here to review about the little new eco-terrorisst activities like the a single in the article below. Wong Tack might have been desirous by these acts.
Read additionally of similar acts by so-called activists:
Activist arrested after hazard to bake down the home of former Sacramento city manager
Black romantic threatens to bake city after the black was shot by police
Sodomites bluster to bake down Catholic church over happy marriage
The moment ofTRUTHhas arrived for a Malaysian Monarchy. The Malay Rulers contingency make their mount now either they have been upon a side of a Rakyat (People) or which of a Satanic BN/Umno Regime of Najib Razak. It is tough to hold which a Royalty have been preoccupied to what is happening to a republic either it is about deaths in Police custody, dispersion of non Muslim places of worship, threats to burn theBible, murder cover ups, choosing rascal by a Election Commission,foreigners been since Citizenship in lapse for voting BN/Umno, financial scandals by a BN/Umno Regime, a one after another harm of non Muslim Malaysian's by a JAKIM as well as a State Religious Councils, a one after another existence of extremists organizations such as PERKASA, PEKIDA, GPMSetc..
The Royalty can't only say which they have been upon top of governing body when you haveidiotic decreesfrom a likes of a Sultan of Selangor upon a Allah issue. The Malay Royals contingency comprehend which 40% of their subjects have been non Muslims. The Royals contingency be reminded which they have been statute during a wish of a Rakyat as well as not a alternative approach around. The Malay Rulers can't fake toSEE NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL & HEAR NO EVIL!
The following essay from theMALAYSIA CHRONICLEsums it up:
Speaking during a launch of a book upon a Malaysian monarchy, Malaysian budding apportion Najib bin Razak pronounced which th! e Malay Rulers "are upon top of politics" (see 'Najib: Constitutional kingdom fosters stability, prosperity ', The Malaysian Insider, 30 January 2013).
He pronounced which a Malaysian kingdom "provides a solid foundation" for branch Malaysia in to a high-income nation.
To be upon top of governing body equates to to not interfere in a domestic workings of a republic as well as to take no sides in celebration politics.
To act as a substructure to a manage to buy so which Malaysian adults suffer tall incomes equates to abstaining from as well as disapproving a undemocratic use of a public's resources as well as resources.
So is a budding minister's statement about a Malaysian kingdom true?
The evidence paints a different story.
A Negri Sembilan prince simplified which a kingship have as well as do participate in celebration governing body as well as gave five examples (see ' Response to statements by Tunku Aziz as well as Anthony Loke ', The Malaysian Insider, 29 January 2013).
In his biography of Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysian Maverick (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009), Barry Wain speaks about how a sultans of a 9 states had "sometimes p! layed pol! itics, leveraged their positions for financial benefit as well as indulged in fairytale-like extravagance during a public expense". Although a sultans were "not meant to engage in commerce, they were essentially so deep! ly invol ved which they were resented by a business community".
Roger Kershaw's Monarchy in South-East Asia (Routledge, 2001) states which "in lapse for secure resources as well as status", a Malaysian kingdom gives a statute Malay elite a "more normal kind of legitimacy" by proxy, in what is pronounced to be an "important though unwritten 'social contract'" in ? la mode Malaysia.
On this domestic relationship, join forces with highbrow Azlan Tajuddin in Malaysia in a World Economy (1824-2011) (Lexington Press, 2012) claims which when a constitutional essay upon stately immunity in 1993 was removed, "the real aim" of a supervision of seeking "full carry out of a monarchy" was "to safeguard which a Malay kingship one after another to offer a domestic duty in preserving Malay electoral await for "Pakatan Rakyat"". The author says it should not be startling "to find a little of a sultans publicly generating await for "Pakatan Rakyat" or admonishing those who have been vicious of a party".
He explains: "For a royals, a reward for subservience to a celebration [UMNO] would additionally sustain one after another enjoyment of unrivalled advantages... Several members of a a Malay royalty... have found their approach in to "Pakatan Rakyat"'s circle of crony entrepreneurs... Many royally-run businesses have resulted in numerous bankruptcies... [but] as long as a Malay rulers remained staunch "Pakatan Rakyat" supporters, they! would be! assured their businesses stayed operational as well as have been since entrance to remunerative blurb ventures".
Fadzilah Majid Cooke's The Challenge of Sustainable Forests: Forest Resource Policy in Malaysia, 1970-1995(Allen & Unwin, 1999) notes which between 1987 as well as 1990 alone, a Pahang stately family was awarded logging concession licenses totalling 18,723.82 hectare! s (or 18 7 square kilometres) of forest.
In illustrating a "growing economic nexus in a ruler-executive family in probably every Malay State", Kershaw links a "[Pahang] Sultan['s] fervent ambience for timber concessions" to "being 'genuinely' consulted... over a appointment of Chief Ministers" as well as a need for a "malleable" Chief Minister to expedite or hook rules in a "processing of land disunion during favoured rates".
Tajuddin claims which "[i]n 1981, a Sultan of Pahang as well as a little members of his family had allegedly gambled away massive amounts of taxpayer money within days of an tour during an overseas casino. When a state supervision refused to settle a debt, a state's chief minister, Rahim Bakar, was forced to resign from office. "Pakatan Rakyat" resolved a issue by... replacing a apportion with a some-more amenable candidate, who rapidly helped in clearing a sultan's gambling dues. In return, a sultan has remained a clever as well as constant disciple of "Pakatan Rakyat", especially during elections".
Tajuddin supplies another example: The Sultan of Perak's eldest daughter Eleena is "a major ! controlli! ng shareholder of Gamuda, an "Pakatan Rakyat"-linked construction company... [and] between Malaysia's top 40 millionaires in 2011". He adds which "[t]his has provided reasonable drift for Malaysians to speculate upon a connection between a Sultan of Perak's family fortunes" as well as a dislodgement of Pakatan Rakyat's state supervision headed by ex-chief apportion Nizar Jamaluddin.
According to The Economist (2 May 2009), Nizar "had been removed, not as is common in parliamentary systems, by his inaugurated peers though by a Perak sultan", Azlan Shah, "ignoring an appeal from [Nizar] to disintegrate a house". The outcome favoured "Pakatan Rakyat".
If these academic sources have been correct, it equates to which a Malaysian monarchs have been not "above politics" in annoy of appearances, as well as which a monarchy's stroke upon a public's economic welfare as well as rights is questionable.
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