KENANGAN.... Supt Fadzil (satu dari kiri bersama pegawai-pegawai Kanan PDRM yangturut menyertai module tersebut.


MASYARAKAT setempat disaran supayamembantu kepada pihak polis dalam memberikan maklumatmengenai adanya kegiatan jenayah sekeliling. Dengan adanya bantuan dan kerjasama rapat antara orang awam dengan pihak polis; sedikit sebanyak akan dapat membanteras kegiatan jenayah walaupun tidak secara mendadak.
Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Sandakan, Supt Fadzil Mohd Ali berkata kepada Sabahkini.Net semasa ditemubual ketika mengetuai module Hari PDRM Bersama Pelanggan IPD Sandakan yang diadakan di Blok 14, Taman Mesra petang kelmarin.
Katanya, dengan kecekapan dan kepantasan pihak polis dalam membanterasjenayah ini jelas indeks kadar jenayah di daerah Sandakan sepanjang tahun 2012 ini agak menurun.
Fadzil berkata lagi, Rakan Cop diwujudkan adalah middle perantara untuk merapatkan jurang antara polis dan masyarakat ia mengambil konsep yangmudah dan praktikal untuk merealisasikan ikatan hubungan kukuh dengan orang ramai melalui pendekatan yang lebih jelas, lebih m! udah ber sepadu dan tersusun.
Katanya lagi, Rakan Cop adalah bersifat "Community Oriented Policing" dan "Smart Partnership". Melalui pendekatan menggalakkan orang ramai menggembleng tenaga untuk memerangi jenayah danapa jua masalah keselamatan.
Tambah Fadzil lagi, antara impak positif dan pelaksanaanprogram Rakan Copyang pertama memberi kesan sivik kepada masyarakat setempat mengenai pelbagai sudut keselamatan
Dengana mengeratkan hubungan mesra antara polis dan masyarakat, maka akan meningkatkan lagi keyakinan rakyat kepada polis dan agar dapat memberi maklumat yang tepat untuk manfaat seluruh masyarakat.
Katanya, module sebegini mendapat sambutan agak menggalakan daripada masyarakat dan mereka tidak segan untuk tampil ke hadapan untuk melaporkan segala kelemahan-kelemahan PDRM dan juga yang berkaitan dengan jenayah.
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Hari ke 7 Hadi hilang, isteri-isteri buat laporan polis

Hari ini masuk hari ke 7 dan difahamkan isteri-isteri Presiden PAS, Dato Seri Haji Hadi Awang sudah membuat laporan. Sejak semalam kami bertanya macam-macam kawan di balai-balai polis terengganu samada benarkah mereka ada buat laporan sedemikian, tetapi tak jumpa.

Akhirnya The Unspinners diberitahu ada laporan yang dibuat tetapi dikategorikan sebagai laporan kanak-kanak hilang. Tujuan


NAIB Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal menyifatkan cadangan agar Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) menapis terlebih dahulu senarai calon pilihan raya umum ke-13 sebagai langkah wajar.

Langkah itu katanya, dapat mengelak masalah lebih besar dan menyusahkan rakyat jika calon tersebut bermasalah dan terbabit rasuah selepas pilihan raya berlangsung.
"Saya sokong penuh perkara ini kerana ia untuk kebaikan. Ini penting kerana kita tidak mahu nantu calon itu bermasalah dan terpaksa buat pilihan raya kecil pula selepas itu yang membabitkan perbelanjaan lain dan merumitkan rakyat," katanya kepada pemberita selepas melawat Projek Penempatan Semula Nelayan Tok Bali, di Pasir Puteh hari ini.

Beliau mengulas kenyataan Pengerusi Panel Perundingan dan Pencegahan Rasuah SPRM, Datuk Johan Jaafar yang dilapor media mencadangkan agar kerajaan mewajibkan parti politik mengemukakan senarai calon mereka kepada SPRM terlebih dahulu.

Mengulas lanjut, Mohd Shafie yang juga Menteri Kemajuan Wilayah Dan Luar Bandar, berkata perkara itu diamalkan BN selama ini bagi memastikan tidak ada masalah timbul apabila tiba hari penamaan calon.

Namun katanya adalah lebih baik jika parti dan calon yang bakal bertanding berbu! at demik ian secara sukarela.

Mengulas perkara berbeza, Mohd Shafie berkata kenyataan Mursyidul Am PAS Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat bahawa menentang Umno adalah untuk mencegah kemungkaran merupaka ketaksuban politik yang membawa kehancuran.

Sehubungan itu beliau menggesa rakyat, terutama umat Islam menimbang sebaik-baiknya kenyataan Menteri Besar Kelantan berkenaan.

Semalam Nik Abdul Aziz berkata beliau akan tetap bertanding dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang selagi bangsa Melayu masih menyokong Umno yang disifatkannya sebagai satu perbuatan mungkar.
Mengulas projek penempatan semula nelayan Tok Bali itu, Mohd Shafie berkata ia satu lagi bukti kerajaan pusat sama sekali tidak mengabaikan Kelantan walaupun tidak diperintah BN.

"Kerajaan BN sangat menjaga kepentingan rakyat. Yang mana layak dapat pembelaan kita akan bela," katanya.

Projek bernilai RM30.88 juta itu dibangunkan di atas tanah seluas lebih 38 hektar merangkumi pembinaan 300 unit kediaman, surau, tadika serta dewan serbaguna. Pembinaan fasa pertama akan bermula pertengahan Januari ini. (Bernama)
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MALAYSIA, hanya satu gagasan antara negara. Malaysia hanya satu persatuan antara negara. Malaysia hanya satu syarikat antara negara; dan Malaysia hanya satu rakan kongsi antara negara yang ditubuhkan bersama oleh Malaya, Sabah dan Sarawak (MASASA). Pembentukan MASASA itu telah diluluskan oleh pemerintah Great Britain untuk dilaksanakan fungsi aspirasi penubuhannya pada sixteen September 1963.

Inti dan dasar atau terma dan syarat penubuhan MASASA di pihak Sabah dan Sarawak adalah isi kandungan Perjanjian 18/20 Perkara. Manakala, inti dan dasar, atau terma dan syarat kelulusan atau pembenaran penubuhan MASASA di pihak Great Britain pula adalah isi kandungan Perjanjian Malaysia pada 9 Julai 1963.
Antara 9 Julai 1963 hingga sixteen September 1963, Great Britain telah membenarkan Sabah dan Sarawak mengisytiharkan tarikh hari kemerdekaan mereka dari menjadi tanah jajahan British. Justeru, Sarawak telah memilih tarikh hari kemerdekaannya pada 22 Julai 1963. Manakala, Sabah pula telah memilih tarikh hari kemerdekaannya pada 31 Ogos 1963.

Dengan kata lain, ada persamaan dengan tarikh, hari dan bulan kemerdekaan Malaya, tetapi berlainan tahun. Menurut Perjanjian 18/20 Perkara, iaitu Perkara 9 menyatakan bahawa, setiap usaha hendaklah dibuat untuk menggalakkan para pegawai British supaya kekal di dalam perkhidmatan awam ! sehingga tempat mereka boleh diambil alih oleh warga Borneo Utara yang sesuai dan berkelayakan.

Tegasnya, perkhidmatan awam kerajaan negara Sabah adalah hak mutlak penduduk tetap negara Sabah. Namun begitu, transisi peralihan kuasa perkhidmatan awam di Sabah dari tangan pegawai British kepada tangan pegawai perkhidmatan awam penduduk tetap Sabah mengambil masa sekurang-kurangnya dalam tempoh sepuluh tahun (31 Ogos 1963 31 Ogos 1973).

Malangnya, selepas tempoh transisi pengunduran penuh pegawai perkhidmatan awam British kepada pegawai perkhidmatan awam penduduk tetap Sabah, suntikan maut jarum fitnah regim Malaya telah mula dieksport ke Sabah, iaitu sebagaimana yang telah penulis jelaskan dalam artikel yang lepas-lepas.

Dalam erti kata lain, Regim Malaya telah memecah belahkan pemimpin Sabah kepada beberapa gerombolan yang tamak, gerombolan yang rakus dan gerombolan pentingkan diri sendiri; tanpa menghiraukan lagi atau tanpa memperdulikan lagi, akan hak-hak dan kepentingan holistik atau kepentingan menyeluruh rakyat Sabah.

Pada hal, tujuan sebenar atau kemuncak realiti regim Malaya memecah belahkan pemimpin Sabah kepada beberapa gerombolan adalah untuk membangun sebuah kerajaan 'Barua', sebuah kerajaan 'Boneka' dan sebuah kerajaan 'Kuda Tunggangan' mereka di Sabah; agar mereka dapat merompak, menyamun, mengaut dan memunggah hasil masyhul Sabah ke Malaya dan seterusnya memiskinkan Sabah.

Yang demikian, mereka telah lupa, pura-pura lupa atau dengan sengaja berani tergamak mencabul Perjanjian twenty Perkara dan hak-hak Sabah yang terkandung dalam Perjanjian Malaysia 1963. Justeru, puluhan tahun kemudian, rakyat Sabah telah dipaksa menghadapi fakta tragis, fakta tragis yang berhubung dengan ramai pemimpin Sabah yang terkorban dalam peristiwa "Double Six" pada 6.6.1976.

Puluhan tahun kemudian, Sabah kehilangan hak ke atas ! jabatan- jabatan perkhidmatan awamnya sendiri. Puluhan tahun kemudian, Sabah kehilangan statusnya sebagai negara yang menjadi rakan kongsi Malaya dalam Malaysia. Puluhan tahun kemudian, tanah besar Sabah menjadi sepi dan lengang akibat kehilangan Pulau Labuan dan warganya sebagai satu keluarga besar rakyat Sabah yang menjadi warisan bangsa nenek moyang antara keduanya.

Puluhan tahun kemudian, rakyat Sabah mendapati dirinya dalam buangan di tanah airnya sendiri sebagai bangsa lain-lain dan mendapati dirinya merengkuk di sudut gaung minoriti, akibat rempuhan PATI yang menjadi warganegara Sabah angkara IC Projek regim Malaya.

Justeru, di dalam kotak hati sekian banyak paradigma penulis, sama ada dalam bentuk artikel mahupun video, adalah semata-mata untuk menampilkan sebuah kebimbangan serius tentang nasib malang yang bakal menimpa warisan bangsa penduduk asal bumi negara Sabah.

Pada hal, kebimbangan di ruang hati, seperti yang tersebut di atas, tidak sewajarnya melanda kehidupan setiap anak-anak bumi negara Sabah pasca merdeka yang telah dijamin kedudukan mereka; yang telah dijamin hak-hak mereka; dan yang telah dijamin masa depan mereka untuk bebas dan bahagia oleh para arkitek 'Founding Fathers' Malaysia yang menandatangani deklarasi Perjanjian Malaysia pada 9 Julai 1963.

Namun begitu, hari ini dan sekarang, terang dan jelas bahawa, pihak regim Malaya telah gagal sepenuhnya dalam mematuhi isi kandungan surat Perjanjian Malaysia 1963, dengan memakai topeng Malaysia sebagai topeng Malaya dan kemudian mendakwa bahawa, Malaya itu adalah Malaysia yang kononnya merdeka pada tahun 1957.

Akhirnya rakyat negara Sabah telah dipakaikan dengan topeng penjajahan dan kemiskinan di dalam bank penipuan keadilan yang bankrap, tanpa sedikit wujud perasaan bersalah dan malu kerana mengkhianati isi kandungan surat perjanjian pembentukan Malaysia 1963.

< div> Sehubungan itu, tatkala segelintir golongan terpelajar rakyat Sabah, menyuarakan tuntutan yang berhubung dengan bacaan kedudukan, hak dan masa depan rakyat Sabah dalam Malaysia, mengikut sebagaimana jaminan yang telah dipersetujui dan ditandatangani oleh para 'Founding Fathers' Malaysia, dalam deklarasi surat Perjanjian Malaysia 1963, dengan tiba-tiba regim Malaya saban hari melaung-laungkan simfoni api perkauman dan sentimen keagamaan yang begitu mengerikan.

"Jangan cabar Ketuanan Melayu!; Jangan rakus cabar Ketuanan Melayu!; Jangan pertikaikan Ketuanan Melayu!; Ketuanan Melayu adalah Ketuanan Islam!; dan Melayu jangan jadi bacul!".

Yang demikian, rakyat Sabah akhirnya mendadak laksana tikus-tikus mondok yang berlari bertempiaran masuk ke dalam sarang masing-masing di lereng-lereng bukit dan di sudut-sudut lembah kerana ketakutan angkara laungan api perkauman dan sentimen keagamaan regim Malaya sebagaimana yang dinyatakan.

Lantas, rakyat Sabah yang bagaikan tikus-tikus mondok, dengan muncung yang berjojolan dari dalam sarang kengerian, kesian mereka hanya mengangguk, sebagai tanda akur dan taat kepada segala kehendak nafsu serakah regim Malaya; tanpa mengambil kira, bahawa kedudukan, hak dan masa depan mereka dalam Malaysia sebenarnya adalah dijamin atau telah dijamin oleh surat Perjanjian Malaysia yang ditandatangani pada 9 Julai 1963, andai saja ada kejujuran bersama untuk ia tidak dikhianati.

Sesungguhnya, segala sesuatu akan selamat dan sejahtera jika mematuhi janji hukum alam yang telah ditetapkan ke atas mereka. Contohnya, burung telah dijanjikan untuk hidup di udara dan membiak di atas pokok-pokok; cacing telah dijanjikan untuk hidup di dalam tanah dan membiak di dalam tanah; ikan telah dijanjikan untuk hidup di dalam air dan membiak di dalam air; dan singa telah dijanjikan untuk hidup di darat dan membiak di atas tanah.

Justeru! , andai kata janji hukum alam yang telah ditetapkan ke atas segala makhluk dicabul atau dikhianati, nescaya bencana besar akan menimpa makhluk-makhluk itu sendiri.

Demikianlah, Sabah terpaksa menanggung ribuan wajah derita kini dan sekarang akibat ketetapan yang dimeterai dalam perjanjian pembentukan Malaysia sah telah dilanggar dan dikhianati oleh regim Malaya.

Lantaran itu, setelah 49 tahun penubuhan Malaysia, dan Sabah sebagai sebuah wilayah yang mempunyai kekayaan sumbar alam yang besar dan hasil masyhul bumi yang sekian banyak; namun semenjak 2010 hingga kini Sabah sekali lagi dipaksa berdepan dengan keaiban pahit yang meloyakan, lantaran dijatuhkan kepada negeri termiskin di Malaysia; sesudah dijatuhkan dari standing negara kepada standing negeri sebelumnya.

Oleh itu, sekarang adalah masanya bagi seluruh peringkat lapisan masyarakat rakyat Sabah agar betul-betul bangkit mengangkat anak-anak bangsa negara Sabah dari ketidakadilan dan penindasan; perjanjian dan pengkhianatan; pembohongan dan pendustaan; sentimen keagamaan dan api perkauman; kepada permata intan perpaduan dan simfoni indah persaudaraan, dengan menggilap batu harapan di tanah manis kebebasan Borneo, bagi memancarkan cahaya fajar untuk menamatkan kegelapan panjang, dari baju biru penipuan dan payung merah penindasan regim Malaya sehingga Sabah jatuh termiskin di Malaysia.

Sesungguhnya, betapa kemiskinan mendadak Sabah dalam konteks masa kini bukan ciptaan rakyat Sabah sendiri yang miskin. Justeru, ia adalah hasil dari sistem pemerintahan yang telah melaungkan sebuah declaration 'Gagasan Sabah Baru Ke Arah Negeri Maju Dan Moden'; kononnya bagi mewajarkan kewujudan sebuah 'Kerajaan Lanun Standard Demokrasi Longkang' yang menjadi medium katak-katak biru beracun sebelumya.

Yang demikian, regim Malaya dan gerombolan Melayu baru UMNO di Sabah boleh menabur ratusan ribu janji baru yang ber! salut um pan beracun; suatu janji yang mereka akan kaitkan dengan isu pembangunan dan kemajuan, kemodenan dan keamanan, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan rakyat Sabah kononnya.

Namun, lumrah gerombolan baju biru dan payung merah bukan sekali, tetapi berkali-kali lari dari janji. Hutang janji lama mereka dalam declaration 'Gagasan Sabah Baru Ke Arah Negeri Maju Dan Moden' pada tahun 1994; bukan sahaja belum dibayar, bahkan Sabah mereka campak ke lembah gaung negeri termiskin di Malaysia, dan pada akhirnya, rakyat Sabah selamanya hidup mendekam di dalam penantian mahligai janji sepanjang hayat sampai kiamat.
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Panas!! Samseng Umno Serang Kembara OREN, Ketua Penerangan Cedera

Kembara Oren di serang, Naraza Muda, AJK ANAK Pusat, dicederakan oleh samseng Umno bersama beberapa yang lain dlm aksi ganas di tengah jalan besar berhampiran Felda Bukit Rokan Utara.

Samseng Umno sudah hilang akal dan ada yang mabuk! Suasana terkini Kembara Oren Negeri Sembilan....

~fb Mazlan Aliman(- Addin77) Read More @ Source

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Orang Asli parents thrown into a bureaucratic jungle

VOXPOP'They have been asked to board the inform upon their censure so which the method can examine the matter. This contingency be the apex of bureaucracy.'

'Dept knows about truancy of SK Bihai teachers'

vox populi tiny thumbnailAnonymous#007:It is the job of the Education Ministry to know what is happening during the schools. Its charge is to ensure the preparation discipline have been scrupulously implemented during all schools.

Now which the been sensitive - twice - of the teachers' truancy, it should retaliate the teachers. It should demand for the lapse of monies equal to the series of days they were purposely absent.

And they should be sacked - after all, you do have 7,000 impoverished training graduates who can fill the vacancies.

And for persecuting the stu! dents for being faithful to their own religions, these teachers should be sent to jail for violating the constitution. These will send the transparent summary to the rakyat upon the BN regime's stand upon these issues.

Lamborghini:Deputy Education Minister Mohd Puad Zarkashi, you as well as your officers have been all "sleeping upon the job" or shutting the single eye to such bungle of the teachers.

How is it which after some-more than dual months, when the emanate of the teachers' truancy was highlighted during the public discourse with your district preparation military officer in the participation of the Suhakam com! missione r, you can still confess ignorance?

What is the make use of of an additional official censure when the emanate has been highlighted to your own officers? Do you think the Orang Asli have zero improved to do than to keep upon travelling/walking miles to make the single censure after another?

You as well as your method officers contingency be some-more pro-active as well as sensitive as well as sensible, especially when traffic with the poor as well as uneducated who have really limited entrance to transport comforts as well as who will normally have to face the bureaucratic jungle prior to they can even meet the junior military officer in their air-conditioned officers in the city.

Laila:The Orang Asli relatives have been asked to board the inform upon their censure so which the method can examine the matter. This contingency be the apex of bureaucracy.

If true, afterwards these teachers lack respect for their profession as well as lack the enterprise to assistance the Orang Asli secure the improved future. Imagine the association where employees fool around law-breaker upon dual working days every week, though still receive full salary.

Fair Deal:This is usual in farming schools in Sarawak as well as Sabah. you once worked in the Jabatan Pendidikan Bahagian in Sarawak. Whenever you visited the farming schools upon Friday or Monday morning, many of them were closed.

When you reported this to the pegawai pelajaran daerah (PPD), no action was taken solely the general sign to the GB (headmasters) during the monthly assembly which the teachers cannot go behind until Friday afternoon as well as cannot come late upon Monday.

That is the quality of PPDs heading the Jabatan. No wonder, you mostly see zero percent pass in many farming schools.

RA 1:SK Bihai cannot even be found upon Google maps. It continge! ncy be s o remote which even handphones do not have service. Thus it is an well-developed case. It would be the hardship post for many teach! ers.

Not Confused:Two months, as well as zero has been done. The complete Education Department should be dismissed without notice.

They patently don't give the damn about the preparation of the Orang Asli. It's the national disgrace - someone contingency compensate the price! - Malaysiakini Read More @ Source

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Educators baffled by plan to ship in English teachers from India

PAGE believes reintroducing PPSMI will do some-more for students than a due Indian tutors. File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec twenty-three Putrajaya's devise to import Indians to learn English in inhabitant schools appears to be meeting insurgency from educators who doubt a government's thought will help Malaysian students master a language.
Local English-language teachers as good as an preparation remodel organisation polled byThe Malaysian Insidervoiced regard over what they saw as a short-term solution they pronounced would doubtful great a multiracial category whose guidance could be serve hampered by coaches vocalization in an unfamiliar accent.
"I consider a theme is, because do you need foreigners to learn Malaysians?" asked Khairun Nisa who teaches a denunciation theme in a open tall propagandize in Manjung, Perak.
The 27-year-old debunked as myth a government's claimed necessity of teachers in a denunciation regarded as a lingua franca worldwide.
She pronounced a existent training manpower was sufficient to manager students if merely passing propagandize as good as national-level examinations were all a Ministry of Education (MOE) wanted.
"What have been you perplexing to achieve? To what turn of proficiency [do] you wish a students to grasp?" she asked further.
"Teachers can't even send into my district. Doesn't which uncover which English teachers have been enough?" she claimed, explaining which red tape was some-more to blame than an actual clergyman necessity in a denunciation subject.
Khairun pronounced which a government would do improved to sight some-more local teachers rsther than than resorting to importing English-language teachers.
She pronounced Putrajaya had previously shipped in unfamiliar teachers, including local English speakers from! a Unite d States as good as a United Kingdom.
In 2011, Malaysia started a negotiation with a US government to move proffer teachers underneath a Peace Corps programme, as good as 75 English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) have been reserved given this year.
The ETAs came underneath a Fulbright English Teacher Assistantship programme jointly administered by a Malaysian-American Commission upon Educational Exchange (MACEE) as good as a Ministry of Education.
Khairun was confused over a ultimate pierce to import non-native speakers to learn a language, a perspective echoed by Shawn Shim, who teaches in Austin Heights Schools, an international propagandize located in Johor.
"It's a bad thought from a government. They have a 1960s style," Shim said, noting which India's regressive preparation complement focused upon rote guidance as good as memorisation.
"And their accent is tough to grasp," he added.
Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim who heads an preparation remodel group, a Parent Action Group for Education (PAGE), agreed.
"I consider if you wish to import teachers it must be English teachers, not even Irish as good as Scottish," she said.
"Along a way we'll develop a own intonation. We do have a own way of vocalization English, as good as you should be proud of it," combined Noor Azimah, a primogenitor who has been pulling a preparation method to return English as training middle in Mathematics as good as Science subjects, a policy which was abolished this year.
The dual teachers rapped a government for having such a knee-jerk reaction to preparation issues, observant bringing in Indian nationals as English-language teachers was a ultimate in a growing list of quick-fix measures implemented by a MOE.
But Shim departed from Khairun in observant there was a dearth of teachers smooth in a language, which is crucial to carry out a inhabitant preparation plan.
Instead, he pinn! ed it up on a miss of information exchnage skills between local teachers.
"Although a lot of them have been trained, they don't exactly verbalise English to each other... And even if they wish to have a difference, people will wish to move them down," he said.
As example, he related which he had attended multiform district-level meetings between English-language schoolteachers which were instead conducted in Bahasa Malaysia, a inhabitant language.
But a dual teachers noted which there were alternative external factors which have contributed to a decline of seductiveness between local English denunciation teachers.
"I like to do organisation work as good as presentations, infrequently mini treasure hunts. But a students complained when a category is all about 'fun, fun, fun'.
"They'd say, 'can't you just lay as good as listen to you teach?'" she recounted.
According to Shim, a series of local teachers have been unhappy with a volume of pay received by unfamiliar teachers, as good as a rich booty will play a vital part in because Indian nationals will be penetrating to learn in Malaysia.
"On average, they consequence around RM1,000 to RM1,500 per month in India, though they'll receive between RM4,000 to RM8,000 here after conversion.
"Caucasian teachers, meanwhile, can get up to RM8,000 to RM10,000 after conversion. In in isolation schools, [they] can get up to RM25,000," he said.
He referred to which a government may expected cite to sinecure a denunciation teachers from India as they were cheaper than their American or British counterparts.
Khairun referred to which a government would be improved off spending a extra cost incurred to sinecure as good as move over unfamiliar teachers upon upgrading existent propagandize comforts to provide a improved classroom environment conducive for learning.
"Won't you contend a great guidance environment helps tyro to learn ! better? We have a basics, though if you longed for appropriation to have a propagandize some-more cheerful, we'd have to ask a PIBG," she said, job a Parent-Teacher Association by its initials in a inhabitant language.
Shim pronounced if a government were serious about assisting Malaysians indeed master a language, it should reintroduce English as a middle of instruction for name subjects an thought which PAGE has been lobbying for over a past years.
"When you have a own effort to furnish as good as develop teachers, you don't have to import anymore," PAGE's Noor Azimah said.
"Currently, we're perplexing to dumb down a curriculum to accommodate a various segments of society," Shim said, as good as added, "We should actually raise a bar."
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak pronounced final week Malaysia programmed to sinecure teachers from India to learn Malaysian students English.
His deputy, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, gave his assurance which a Education Ministry will thoroughly study a due recruitment to ensure it meets a country's preparation needs, in response to a National Union of a Teaching Profession's call for an in-depth analysis to be carried out before rolling out a scheme.
"We will consider whether a English denunciation teachers from India had Cambridge or Oxford (university) preparation as good as whether they can learn (the subject) well," Muhyiddin who is also preparation minister, was reported by state headlines group Bernama as observant in Terengganu yesterday.
There have been around 70,000 English teachers in Malaysia, as good as according to Ministry of Education deputy director-general Datuk Dr Khair Mohamad Yusof, two-thirds of them unsuccessful to strech a proficient English level.
To residence this, a government had made it mandatory for a teachers to pass a Cambridge Placement Test by 2015, or risk being changed to alternative roles.
The New Straits Times had! reporte d which those who fail will be required to attend complete eight-week courses which mix face-to-face training as good as 30 hours of online instruction per week.
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PPO has no authority to review Balas SD

Does a Corruption Prevention Advisory Board (LPPR) have powers to overrule decisions made by MACC and a Public Prosecutor? Alyaa Azhar, FMT Former KL CID arch Mat Zain Ibrahim has questioned a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commissions (MACC) operations analysis panels (PPO) authority to examination the governing preference involving investigations into P Balasubramaniams second statutory declaration (SD) or any other matters. Mat Zain has additionally similarly questioned a PPOs power to revi ... Read More

MIC HAS DONE NOTHING: Malaysian Indians left to scrape the waste cans

MIC HAS DONE NOTHING: Malaysian Indians left to scratch a rubbish cans
It's right away a blessing which a nation has a two-party complement Barisan Nasional as good as Pakatan Rakyat. MIC, UMNO or Barisan cannot go upon hoodwinking a bad Indians after being in energy for 55 years. With 4 states Penang, Selangor, Kelantan as good as Kedah right away underneath Pakatan a bad Indians have been commencement to feel a shift as good as difference in their destinies.
Seemingly, a gratification of a bad Indians is not not asked in these 4 Pakatan states. Understandably though, because of singular resources during a state turn not much can be finished to assistance this racial organisation unless a benefaction Federal Opposition takes over a supervision in a subsequent ubiquitous choosing approaching to be hold any time prior to Apr subsequent year.
Left to scratch a rubbish cans
It's estimated which over 70 percent of a Indians vital in this nation a majority of them a descendants of estate labourers who were brought in to a nation during British sequence as indentured labourers to work in a rubber plantations as good as build roads as good as railways have been vital in pitiable conditions.
UMNO as good as MIC have not asked them for a prolonged time given Independence. They will usually proceed this organisation prior to elections to secure votes as good as just after favourable their selfish needs these bad Indians would be left to scratch a rubbish cans.
With a benefaction two-party system, a Indians currently have been good represented in both Pakatan as good as Barisan. In fact, a equation ha! s favour ed Pakatan some-more than Barisan given a 2008 ubiquitous election. A shift of supervision during a inhabitant turn in a subsequent ubiquitous choosing is approaching to bring optimisms for a impecunious Indians, as can right away be seen in a states underneath Pakatan rule.
Poor Indians vital in states underneath Pakatan sequence Selangor as good as Penang generally have been commencement to see their destinies changing. However, it's still an uphill charge to shift a mindset of these bad Indians though, as MIC has unsuccessful them for a past 55 years. The self-seeking leaders in a celebration have usually finished use of a bad Indians in a past for them to cling upon to power.
UMNO as good as alternative Barisan member parties upon their partial would usually seek Indian votes with dull promises for a community, additionally with a goal for them to stay in power. Beyond that, these marginalised Indians have been left to eke a vital upon their own with so small opportunities for them to climb up a mercantile ladder.
Indians need frank leaders
The bad or impecunious Indians need frank leaders who could assistance to reinvent their mindset so as to uplift their mercantile status, as their destiny lies upon their own hands now. Their predestine depends upon possibly they want to shift or penetrate in this land of opportunities.
They right away have a preference possibly to opinion for Barisan or Pakatan in a coming ubiquitous choosing to ensure a improved future for them.
To grasp change, they need to go through a sort of mental rebel in sequence to renovate their outlook towards governing body as good as life. Successful Indians, amicable leaders, volunteers as good as Indian politicians in a nation have to be wakeful of a needs of these marginalised Indians. They have to await a supervision which is earnest in assisting a deprived Indians.
They could play a very influential p! urpose t o assistance renovate a Indian mindset in sequence to assist a village to uplift their amicable as good as mercantile status. They need to assist a supervision which is taking critical efforts to assistance urge a vital standards of these replaced Indians.
The bad Indians need leaders who could keep upon showing them a path of optimism to strew their perspective of negativism, discover a value of quality hold up as good as renovate themselves to prosper in life. A mindset cloaked in pessimism, fatalism as good as being too obsessed with a suppositious aspects of sacrament or Tamil schools would draw towards them further back.
Could not depend upon MIC or UMNO
Continually expecting others to assistance them out or suggest them something good to eat just prior to elections is not starting to finalise their predicament in a prolonged run. They should have a will to reject leaders who have been guileful their minds with short-term bribes.
It is a actuality which a poignant apportionment of a Indian village in a nation does face contemptible poverty. A distinguished percentage of a bad have been plunged in irreversibly chronic alcoholism as good as alternative amicable delinquencies such as drug abuse, gangsterism as good as alternative forms of amicable violence due to misery as good as bad education.
They also, by race, dominate a prisons in a country. All this is in partial due to their unconstructive upbringing as good as they being misguided in life, as there have been no constructive purpose models in a family as good as vicinity to emulate. They could not depend upon MIC or UMNO leaders, for which matter, to shift their mindset.
Many Indians were replaced in multitude after a post-independence period as good as subsequent mercantile changes in a country. They lost their jobs in a estates which were grown for alternative mercantile purposes. Many estate Indians, as a consequence, were left j! obless a s good as homeless. They began to solve in urban peripheries as squatters. Without correct preparation as good as collective awareness, most were even left 'stateless'.
Many of their brood have to illustrate ended up superfluous benighted with a little enchanting in scandalous activities to let go their frustrations or earn a living.
The Tamil preparation they received for a couple of years in most of a decayed as good as decrepit schools in a estates with untrained teachers have not contributed much to their progress. Regrettably, in most cases, these young kids would never make it further than a six-year preparation they receive in Tamil schools.
Many MIC leaders have not assured them of this matter, probably, for a little vested reasons a bad Indians have regularly been used in a past as their fixed opinion vault.
What's more, despite a myriad of problems faced by a Tamil schools in most areas, a little Indian politicians have been still austere which they should exist as good as they keep upon harping which a supervision should assistance them. The surreptitious ground which most observers sense is which this is for a political presence of a little leaders, as good as this is finished during a expense of a bad Indians.
A obliged government
The rich between a Indians would not send their young kids to Tamil schools. Most of their young kids have been found in in isolation or international schools as good as a little have been sent abroad for an English education.
Little do a little MIC leaders realize which most Tamil school pupils dump out a impulse they enter secondary school. The dropout rate between Indian pupils is usually second to a Orang Asal in a country. One reason is which they could not cope with preparation during a post-primary level, as they do not verbalise nor assimilate a National language or English.
Most Tamil school dropouts finish up knowi! ng to ve rbalise usually Tamil as good as they finish up being unemployed.
Social leaders, politicians as good as successful Indians have been not assisting a impecunious Indians enough to realize which in a context of a Malaysian society, it would assistance a lot if these bad Indian young kids attend inhabitant schools until completion.
They have to sense to accept a reality which in conclusion they have to finish their studies in a secondary inhabitant schools. They would afterwards from a start sense to mix with alternative races as good as they would additionally finish up having a improved outlook in hold up shading themselves off from their past confused disposition.
How much can a multitude do if a village itself does not have a drive to shift its way of life? It's a way of meditative of a bad in a Indian village which has to be shaped. Blame MIC for this setback, as it had not finished much to shift a mindset of a deprived Indians for a past 55 years.
It's a long-established 'class system' in MIC which has deprived a bad Indians of a improved livelihood. As for UMNO, it's a 'divide-and-rule' process which has given a celebration a little value in politics. This is where MIC is trapped.
The Indians need on-going leaders who could assistance shift a mindset of a bad Indians. This can usually be achieved underneath a obliged government. There has to be a strong will between leaders to assistance shift a predestine of these bad Indians. This contingency come through correct as good as on-going education, monetary assistance, job opportunities, positive vicinity as good as exposure.
The quandary of a bad Indians, predicament as good as picture should ring opposite all a racial Indian groups in a nation as good as Malaysians in ubiquitous underneath a obliged government.
A shift of government
These bad replaced Indians have been not unequivocally in to seeking political! power. They of course need frank leaders who could voice their plights as good as concerns for a improved livelihood. The bad Indians were too nave in a past as good as had prior to 2008 regularly voted for a incumbent (Barisan) no make a difference what hardships they faced in life.
Despite their predicament as good as downtrodden hold up they were afterwards still debasing - assisting Barisan to stay in energy for most years. But with a appearance of a two-party complement in a nation a bad Indians right away have a choice. They can make a shift which could bring them improved hopes in life.
Post-2008 saw a little changes to a livelihood of a replaced Indians in a little states. A shift of supervision during a inhabitant turn in a subsequent ubiquitous choosing would positively see some-more opportunities for a downtrodden Indians in a country.
Malaysia Chronicle
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Shouldn't we be told WHY Altantuya was killed - Gobind ticks off "Anwar Ibrahim" lapdogs

Shouldn't you be told WHY Altantuya was killed - Gobind ticks off
Perkasa as good as an ex-PKR man has asked me as good as Tony Pua to come purify upon who is to compensate debts of Deepak Jaikishan allegedly amounting to RM170m.
Why have been they asking us such questions? How do they know how most debts Deepak has? What have you got to do with it? Why don't they ask Deepak instead?
They have been pathetic. They should check their contribution initial before talking as good as not fire blindly in a dark. If they have evidence which possibly me or Tony have been privy to Deepak's debts or his debt allotment arrangements, afterwards say it as good as show us a evidence.
If they have no evidence of this, as good as you am certain they have none, afterwards they should just shut up as good as get upon to alternative some-more important things similar to asking a PM as good as his mother to reply to a allegations done by Deepak of late.
Questions a entire country wants answers to
Perhaps they can tell us, shouldn't you be told because Altantuya was killed? Has a AG suggested this in justice or outside? Why not? Apparently those charged for her murder didn't know her. So because would they wish to fire her in a conduct as good as blow her body into bits? Were these men of ordinary rank? Don't special officers action under orders? If so, did anyone give orders? Who gave a orders? Why weren't all these aspects probed? Why is our government not meddlesome in getting to all these answers? Why is Malaysia avoiding these questions?
In a cases of Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan, Aminulrasyid as good as ! Ahmad Sa rbani Mohamed, amongst others, a total country demanded for answers. We longed for to know what happened. The PM knows full good what needs to be done in cases similar to these. The AG also knows which inquiries in cases similar to these have been meant to puncture out a truth. Who did it as good as some-more importantly why? Were others involved? If there were, shouldn't they be probed as good as good as punished if found guilty?
Why did Bala redress his initial Statutory Declaration? Who drafted a 2nd Statutory Declaration as good as why? What role did a PM fool around in all this, if any?
These people should'nt sidetrack a issue. Get to a point. you am telling them here as good as right away which you have been not privy to Deepaks debt details nor his debt allotment arrangements, if any. And you really have no reason to be privy to such details during all. Now, they should tell us shouldn't you all be told because was Altantuya killed?

GOBIND SINGH DEO is a DAP MP for Puchong
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And Abraham found favour with the Lord

Abraham the father of all people who follow the Abrahamic faiths was the male who found foster with the Lord.

The Jews, Christians as well as Muslims have been people of Abrahamic faiths.

Ever since which time alternative great Abraham's have come as well as gone, there was Abraham Lincoln who fought as well as abolished slavery in the United States, the great president of America.

Abraham de Moivrewas the French mathematicianfamous for de Moivere's formula,which links complex numbers as well as trigonometry, as well as for his work upon the normal distributionand probability theory.

Then there isSelman Abraham Waksman,who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in approval "for his discovery of "streptomycin," the first antibiotic active against tuberculosis."

Abraham Flexner(November 13, 1866, September 21, 1959) was aneducator in America . His report published in 1910 called the Flexner Report, reformed preparation in medicine in the United States. He played the pass role in the establishment of the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton.

There is Abraham Gezner the male who invented Kerosine.

Not forgetful Abrham Maslow, important for the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs,very commonly used in the late sixties as well as to seventies in Management classes which dealt with tellurian behaviour.

There is Abrahamovic the important owners of the Chelsea football club upon whose alter most the football ma! nager wa s sacrificed, the latest be Robert De Matteo, as well as the earliest being Jose Mourinho.

If the single searches the web you'll see so most Abraham's the list is really countless, so most important as well as reputable gentlemen, achieved individuals who have since this name the honour it so deserves.

Abraham or Ibrahim is the same name, Abraham being Anglicised as well as Ibrahim or Ibraheem in Arabic,. Abraham is taken from the Hebrew name Avraham meaning, Av - , father, Ram - , high, supreme

So in the approach he is the big father as well as which is since the Jews as well as Christians refer to him as Father Abraham.

Held in tall venerate amongst the Saints as well as prophets of old Abraham found foster with the Lord, we will not go any serve as it might be in dispute with the teachings of each of the Abrahamic faiths.

So the name Abraham is approbation the name of honour as well as people who lift which name have to be aware of it as well as should essay not to bring which name into disrepute.

Back home in Malaysia we have of course Ibrahim Ali, my, my what the contrariety of all the Abrahams we have just mentioned, we hope he reads this passage.

There is yet another Abraham who is alleged to be the writer of an unsolicited Statutory Declaration made for the Private Investigator Bala concerned in the Altantuya case, which he was forced to pointer by persons already suggested by Deepak. Are these mere allegations or have been these allegations true, the open need to knwo as it might affect the sanctity of the bureau of the Prime Minister.

The question is since is everyone so quiet about divulgence Abraham, right away this Abraham might also go down in story as the writer of the important orthodox declaration which will be important as the single of the causes for the fall of "Barisan Nasional".

Whilst Abraham Lincoln's important Gettysburg residence still remains famous, we am wonder! ing how prolonged in History will the second orthodox request of PI Bala sojourn the chronological document, it should be every preserved for posterity, after all it's history.

Now will the genuine Abraham concerned in this case, this emanate of carrying drafted the second orthodox document, please stand up!! we have been told he is the lawyer.

The military upon the alternative hand can get this counsel to exhibit himself, if they really investigate, though in all issues per the Altantuya box the Police have remained silent, save to detain the little officers from their own force who have been found guilty of the murder of Altantuya Shaaribu although no ground fr them to kill Altantuya has been established,and it is per this box which the orthodox request was authored as well as right away the people need to knwo the chairman who authored it.

Is there the plan to set these convicted policemen giveaway since they have been not the usually killers, have been there others involved, Deepak talks about not being able to rest since of the Ghost of Altantuya Shaaribu.

So will this Abraham please stand up as well as discuss it us more.

Posted byToffee
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Lagi Restoran Sekinchan Ikan Bakar Di Tutup

Bila rakyat bangkit maka para peniaga berdarah dan berjiwa pekat totok "Anwar Ibrahim" yang sombong, angkuh, berlagak dan kepala besar akan sakit.

Terbukti apabila rakyat mengambil sikap mau memboikot Restoran Sekinchan Ikan Bakar kepunyaan Jamal Yunus, Pengerusi Bersih 4.0 tiruan yang membuat fitnah konnnya para peniaga kecil di Kuala Lumpur kerugian ratusan juta ringgi kerana perhimpunan Bersih 3.0 pada 28hb April 2012, sampaikan sanggup mereka cipta cerita sambil mau berniaga didepan rumah Pengerusi Bersama Bersih 4.0, Datuk Ambiga untuk menampung segala kerugian.
Dan pale terserlah kesombongannya apabila mau gerakkan semua ahlinya untuk bertindak kasar dan agresif kepada semua peserta Janji Bersih ( Janji Demokrasi ) pada malam ambang Merdeka 30hb Ogos 2012 yang lalu di Dataran Merdeka.
Sekarang lihat apa terjadi pada perniagaan Restoran Sekinchan Ikan Bakarnya... Lepas satu satu rangkaian restorannya tutup.
Nak katakan ditutup untuk direnovasi , hasil tinjuan dapati tiada menampakannya sedemikian rupa. Setelah dibuat risikan dan pertanyaan, maka sah restoran ini sudah ditutup.

Kempen cabutan bertuah bernilai hampir RM2juta dengan hadiah utama kereta Lamborghini dan BMW tidak mampu menyekat keruntuhan restorannya satu demi satu.
Disini amat jelas, bukan saja yang tidak menyokong "Anwar Ibrahim" boikot restoran-restoranya tetapi pendokong dan penyokong "Anwar Ibrahim" totok joke tidak mau berkunjung bag! i member ikan sokongan moral.
Ikut hukum akal logik, kalaulah ahli-ahli "Anwar Ibrahim" termasuk ahli PERKASA/PEKIDA/JATI/GAPS dll NGO mesra "Anwar Ibrahim" memberikan sokongan padu apa yang dilakukan oleh Jamal Yunus ini, maka mustahil rangkaian restorannya tutup satu demi satu.
Restorant Ikan Bakar Sekinchan cawangan Gombak.
Restorant Ikan Bakar Sekinchan cawangan Gombak.
Restorant Ikan Bakar Sekinchan cawangan Gombak.
Restorant Ikan Bakar Sekinchan cawangan Gombak.
Restorant Ikan Bakar Sekinchan cawangan Gombak.
Restorant Ikan Bakar Sekinchan cawangan Gombak.
Restorant Ikan Bakar Sekinchan cawangan Gombak.

Addin :

Lepas ni cawangan kat MITC, Melaka pulak bungkus..

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Mazlan Aliman kena jadi Santa Claus ... kah kah kah

Akhirnya adu domba pakatan pembangkang khususnya PAS menemui satu lagi kegagalan dan kemaluan yang amat sangat apabila lapan orang peneroka Felda yang merupakan penyokong PAS kalah lagi di mahkamah.Kesemua mereka dari Felda Wilayah Jengka itu juga telah diarahkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Temerloh supaya membayar RM3,000.00 setiap seorang kepada Perdana Menteri, Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak.Tak


Laman web Suara Pakatan Rakyat yang sering menjadi kontroversi nampaknya semakin keterlaluan dalam membela PR. Mungkin kerana ketandusan thought untuk membela PAS dalam berhadapan dengan serangan peluru Amanat Hadi, maka laman tersebut sanggup menyamakan Mufti Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria dengan anjing. Ini dilakukan dengan menggabungkan gambar wajah Tan Sri Harussani dengan badan anjing.

Kita sedia maklum dengan sifat takbur dan riak para pemimpin PAS yang mengangkat diri sendiri sebagai Ulama. Justeru, kita tidak terkejut jika apa yang dilakukan oleh laman web Suara PR itu direstui oleh mereka.

Selama ini pun PAS sememangnya memandang rendah para Mufti dan Ulama lain yang tidak menyokong parti mereka. Malah, ulama-ulama Pondok juga tidak diiktiraf PAS. Seringkali fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh sekumpulan Mufti dan cerdikpandai agama dalam Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan juga dianggap sebagai hampas sahaja jika ia tidak memberi keuntungan kepada PAS.

Semua ini digarapkan dengan jelas oleh Suara PR yang menyatakan bahawa "selain Mursyidul Am PAS, Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat dan Timbalannya, Datuk Harun Din, tidak ada mana-mana pemimpin agama di negara ini yang mempunyai kelebihan ilmu agama melebihi Hadi".

Laman itu juga menekankan bahawa jawatan mufti hanya menghabiskan wang rakyat kerana rakyat masih berbuat maksiat seperti biasa. Oleh yang demikian, PR ingin menghapuskan jawatan Mufti dan menggantikannya seorang Imam Besar sahaja.

Ramai yang menggeleng-gelengkan kepala dengan apa yang ditulis oleh laman tersebut manakala di kalangan penyokong PR pula, ramai yang cuba menafikan bahawa laman tersebut adalah milik mereka. Acapkali sesuatu yang begitu dahsyat dan keterlaluan yang ditulis di laman tersebut, dituduh sebagai 'kerja UMNO'.

Hairan juga kenapa penyokong PR perlu menafikan apa yang mereka sendiri persetujui. Bukankah mereka juga yang sering memperlekehkan Ulama yang tidak pro kepada mereka? Bukankah mereka juga yang sering memanggil semua yang menyokong keraj! aan seba gai anjing? Bukankah mereka juga yang mendabik dada bahawa Tuan Guru dan Tok Guru mereka sebagai manusia paling alim dan paling tinggi darjatnya?

Justeru, kenapa mesti 'cuak' apabila laman Suara PR mengulangi apa yang mereka sering laungkan? Kenapa mesti menafikan suara sendiri?

PR juga nampaknya terkial-kial menafikan bahawa Amanat Hadi Awang menjadi punca penceraian suami isteri, perpecahan ummah serta kehilangan nyawa dalam peristiwa Memali pada tahun 1985. Bagi mereka ia hanyalah cerita kitar semula yang tidak membawa makna seolah-olah rumahtangga penyokong mereka, perpaduan ummah dan nyawa manusia, termasuk penyokong tegar mereka, sebagai langsung tidak berharga.

Tiada manusia atau agama di dunia yang melihat soal kebahagiaan rumahtangga, perpaduan masyarakat dan menghargai nyawa sebagai perkara remeh. Dan di dalam Islam tentulah semua ini jauh lebih tinggi dan lebih penting lagi:

Nyawa bukan mainan yang boleh dijual beli atau ditukar ganti. Hanya Allah SWT yang berhak ke atas nyawa hambanya. Islam juga meletakkan rumahtangga di satu tempat yang khusus di mana 'lafaz nikah' juga perlu dilakukan dengan cara tertentu sekali gus menunjukkan satu ikatan rohaniah iaitu lebih kuat dari sekadar lahiriah. Perpaduan ummah pula ada sesuatu yang wajib diperjuangkan jika ingin melihat Islam dan umat Islam kuat serta mampu memikul tugas sebagai Khalifah di dunia ini.

Justeru, sikap PAS yang sanggup melihat akibat yang bertitik tolak dari Amanat Hadi itu sebagai remeh serta tidak perlu dibincangkan lagi, membuktikan betapa PAS sudah terlalu jauh tenggelam dalam usaha mengejar kuasa, lemas dalam pencarian jatidiri parti PR, sekali gus jauh meninggalkan Islam.

Akhir kata, adalah tidak perlu bagi sesiapa untuk cuba menjelaskan tuduhan laman Suara PR mengenai kelayakan Tan Sri Harussani. Rasanya, penyokong PAS sendiri tahu di mana sebenarnya kelayakan Haji Hadi berbanding Tan Sri Harussani kerana kerajaan UMNO telah meletakkan syarat-syarat kelayakan yang cukup tinggi dan! terbukt i sebelum melantik seseorang Mufti. Lainlah dengan PAS, di mana seorang yang tak lulus SPM dan tak tahu Bahasa Arab juga boleh diangkat sebagai Mursyidul Am.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device around Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

A Tribute to Datuk Ruslan Khalid

December 23, 2012

A Tribute to Datuk Ruslan Khalid: Designs for the improved nation

by Tunku Abidin Muhriz (12-22-12) @http://www.thestar.com.my

Datuk Ruslan KhalidProf Datuk Ruslan Khalid was an architect by contention if usually he had helped operative how Malaysians currently should think, work as good as live, ours would be the improved society, especially for the younger generation.

IN July the single of my father's friends asked me to encounter him to embrace the draft of his autobiography. Though we did not know him well, we duly picked up the huge file, accompanied by the letter stating: "I would be beholden if we could give me your opinion about the content."

Chronicling his hold up from his birth in Kuala Perlis in 1933 right by his extraordinary journeys as good as practice in London as good as across the universe to his eventual return to Malaysia, each page spurred my curiosity; it seemed which his hold up was full of new dramas which began prior to the prior ones were resolved, whether it was to do with his educational life, his road to apropos the veteran architect or his girlfriends.

Poignantly, the same settlement would repeat itself during the really end. Having been told progressing in the year which he usually had the couple of months left to live, owing to cancer, he adamantly declared which "the book launch must go upon as planned, even if we die the day prior to it. And it should be the happy occasion."

Prof Datuk Ruslan Khalid passed away five weeks prior to the launch.Malaysian architects Datuk Hijjas Kasturiwill know his name well, as good as during the launch, his friend Hijjas Kasturi (right) gave the speech, besides those by the late author's sister Datuk Faridah as good as his friend Datuk Dr Richard Leete (former UN Resident Coordinator for Malaysia). The Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan, who initial met him in London in the 1960s, prior to fasten him upon the Board of Directors in 2006, additionally gave the short debate prior to rising the book.

These speeches recollected amusing anecdotes as good as his engorgement of interests which ranged from skiing to horse riding as good as jazz to exemplary song he was founding president of the Chopin Society Malaysia, whose members came out in force during the launch which featured the recital by the immature Malaysian virtuosos. The speeches additionally noted his meticulousness as good as his dynamic patriotism.

It was the opposite arrange of nationalism in those days. As Hijjas Kasturi writes in his foreword, "the spirit of nationhood shaped our era in ways which younger Malaysians can never fully understand, as good as the desire to master the contention as good as bring back those skills to the nation which was crying out for the own veteran expertise was overwhelming".

This is precisely because Malaysians of my era as good as younger must review this book. Datuk Ruslan has supposing us with an discernment of what it was like to be partial of the era who knew which the success of their immature nation depended upon their contributions.

It was an era when Malays from inconsequential fishing villages could, by particular responsibility as good as tough work, develop in the meritocratic sourroundings even if, referring to himself, the single was the late starter. He celebrated the change when he returned home, though. An early declare of the unintended disastrous consequences of the New Economi! c Policy , Datuk Ruslan relates his experience during the Department of Architecture during Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, where he comparison candidates for the course.

Finding which nearly half of the applicants did not have the required education or aptitude, he rejected them for this, he was chastised by the Vice-Chancellor upon the grounds of ignoring the NEP.

He laments: "It never crossed my thoughts which the preference criteria upholding the educational customary of value was deliberate the disservice to the university as good as the Malay competition as the whole!"

Dato Richard LeeteMeritocracy as good as professionalism threaded by all of his endeavours. "Ruslan was unapproachable of what he completed but any political patronage working in London's rarely competitive architectural environment," removed Dr Leete (left) in his speech.

Back in Malaysia, too, he never used his extensive network to win jobs; indeed, "he was quite sardonic about the Ali Babas who lent their names as good as used personal change to gain contracts for others. Their actions deprived upcoming younger Malay contractors from meaningful participation."

Some of these frustrations have been felt towards the finish of the book. But it is required to review the initial partial of the book to appreciate how he acquired the values which not enough Malaysians retain as good as practise today.

Distributed during the book launch meticulously programmed by Datuk Ruslan, down to the scones as good as clotted cream was the CD of jazz numbers sung by him accompanied by the single of the former Alleycats. Recorded during his home usually the couple of months prior to his demise, the usually hint of his ailing health comes during the finish of the song Perfidia.

Perhaps, re! ferencin g his miss of luck in love, he sings, "I find my adore was not for you, And so we take it back with the sigh Goodbye, Goodbye."

Quest for Architectural Excellence by Allahyarham Professor Datuk Ruslan Khalid is published by Marshall Cavendish.

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Ex-Gerakan chief Keng Yaik dies

Veteran statesman as well as Gerakan stalwart Lim Keng Yaik upheld away today during age 73. He upheld away during 4.45pm during his chateau in Petaling Jaya.
gerakan ndc 311009 keng yaikAccording toBernama, Lim died of aged age.
He is survived by his wife, Wong Yoon Chuan as well as three children.
After headlines of his passing was broadcast, media representatives began to fill
up a area outside Lim's chateau given 6.30pm to find some-more information from
members of his family.
His son, Si Pin, who is also a Gerakan Youth head, when
approached by reporters, however, declined to be interviewed.
Lim helmed a leadership of Gerakan for close to three decades given 1980 prior to to stepping down in 2007.
He had served as energy, H2O as well as communications apportion prior to to his early retirement in a same year.

Lim was innate in Perak as well as graduated from Queens University of Belfast, United Kingdom with a bachelor of medicine as well as surgery in 1964.

He assimilated governing body in 1968 as well as became MCA Perak chairperson in 1971, though after assimilated Gerakan in 1974 after a fallout with a party.

He had held a Beruas parliamentary seat for eighteen years given 1986 though did not competition in a 2008 general election.
Consolidation of H2O assets

Lim was Primary Industries Minister given 1986 prior to to taking upon a portfolio of Energy, Water as well as Communications in 2004.

As energy, water, as well as communications minister,! Lim was credited with with a Water Services Industry Act 2006 that saw a consolidation of H2O resources from a states to a federal government.

gerakan nomination 2005 200805 lim keng yaik talkingThe H2O restructuring that had given been undertaken by several states, as well as is being currently advocated by a Selangor government, was a bid to address a weaknesses as well as fragmentation of H2O services as a outcome of privatisation.
Message of condolences began flowing in upon Twitter shortly after his death.
"Condolence to a family of a late Tun Lim Keng Yaik for his passing an hour ago. A good loss to a country," said Kedah Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang in a Twitter posting.
Lim is between a maestro leaders of former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad's cabinet.
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Jika tulisan boleh berbunyi, rungutan dan keluhan boleh didengar sekuat-kuatnya, tentulah bising, riuh rendah, gamat lagi bingit jadinya negeri Kedah dengan seruan memanggil Dato' Seri Azizan Razak, Menteri Besar Kedah.

Serata ceruk akhbar, blog dan laman web sedang memanggilnya, serata ceruk kampung sedang menyebut namanya, meminta beliau bangun dari tidur dan melihat apa yang terjadi di negerinya. Semua orang menjerit-jerit memberitahu bahawa pembalakan tidak terkawal di negeri Kedah kini berada di tahap kronik dan bakal menyebabkan bencana. Semua orang mengharapkan beliau menjawab dan seterusnya menyelesaikan apa jua masalah yang melanda.

Namun, sehingga habis empangan tercemar, sehingga habis sungai menjadi keruh dan gondol hutan-hutan dikerjakan, Azizan masih terus berdengkur. Amaran dari pihak Jabatan Alam Sekitar juga tidak diambil endah, malah sepatah joke Azizan tidak berkata apa-apa, baik di dalam media perdana, jauh sekali di media pembangkang.

Kata orang Azizan tidak tahu apa-apa, maklumlah, akhbar Harakah langsung tidak melaporkannya.

Walaubagaimanapun, memandangkan Azizan pernah mengugut untuk menebang balak di kawasan tadahan, maka tidak salah jika kita mengesyaki yang Azizan bukan tidak tahu tetapi cukup maklum mengenai pembalakan tidak terkawal di kawasan tadahan di Kedah. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila Azizan sendiri pernah bermegah kerana berjaya meningkatkan hasil pungutan balak daripada RM35 juta kepada RM39 juta sejurus selepas PAS mengambil alih Kedah.

Bukan sahaja Azizan, tetapi Amirudin, exco Kedah, pada Mei lalu juga masih lagi berceramah megah mengenai 'kebijaksanaan' PAS membuat keuntungan dari pembalakan. Dalam satu video ceramahnya (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v= CEaWFkAIwLU), Amiruddin berbangga mengumumkan pendapatan Kedah dari pembalakan melonjak sehingga RM48.5 juta pada tahun 2010 dan seterusnya, pada tahun 2011 pula sehingga RM80! juta!

Lihatlah saja cerdik tak cerdiknya kerajaan PAS Kedah. Walaupun ketika orang ramai sedang menjerit-jerit memberitahu bahawa pembalakan di Kedah sudah tidak terkawal, kronik dan membawa bencana tetapi pemimpin-pemimpin PAS Kedah berbangga pula kerana dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dari punca bencana itu.

Kita percaya, sehingga kini tiada seorang joke dari pemimpin PAS Kedah yang prihatin dan turun melihat sendiri apa yang berlaku bagi mengesahkan pendedahan ini.

Kerana itu, kita mengesyaki yang pemimpin PAS Kedah sebenarny sedia maklum mengenainya tetapi sengaja membiarkan saja keadaan menjadi buruk kerana tidak tahu cara lain lagi untuk menjana kewangan negeri.

Mereka tidak mampu membawa masuk pelaburan dan tidak pula dapat meningkatkan pendapatan anak-anak syarikat kerajaan negeri. Lalu, balak sajalah jawapannya, tidak kira yang sebesar pemeluk atau sebesar jari, semuanya ditebang asalkan ia mampu membawa masuk sedikit wang kepada negeri, atau mungkin juga ke poket sendiri.

Tidak cukup balak di negeri sendiri, kerajaan PAS Kedah juga memalukan negara dengan projek balak di Papua New Guinea. Pembelian saham projek pembalakan dan peladangan bernilai RM31.21 juta oleh Kedah Corporation Berhad (KCB) mendedahkan satu penyelewangan dalam bentuk sogokan kepada Menteri negara itu.

Laporan audit negara 2011 melaporkan kerugian yang membabitkan pembayaran goodwill kepada businessman sebanyak RM1.21 juta, pembayaran perbelanjaan mobililisasi (RM3 juta), komisyen dan yuran guaman pinjaman (RM1.6 juta) dan pinjaman dari lima syarikat dan kos berkaitan (RM7.68 juta) mulai 2007 hingga Mac 2011. Projek tersebut, bagaimanapun tidak berjalan.

Yang membuatkan kita bukan sahaja menggeleng-gelengkan kepala, tetapi ternganga kehairanan ialah semua perjanjian ini dilakukan tanpa kelulusan Lembaga Pengarah. Sama ada kerajaan negeri Kedah termaklum atau tidak mengenainya, masih lagi menjadi tandatanya. Ini kerana, tiada sepatah joke respon dari Azizan dan sesiapa jua dari kerajaan negeri untu! k menjel askan perkara ini kepada umum.

Sikap kekampungan PAS kini terbukti menimbulkan masalah di mana mereka mengurus negeri bagaikan mengurus sebuah kampung. Etika dan professionalisme langsung tidak wujud dalam pentadbiran mereka. Prosedur dan undang-undang adalah perkara asing bagi mereka.

Dalam pada itu, mereka amat tergila-gilakan kuasa dan masih teruja dengan kedudukan dan jawatan. Mereka mengalami kejutan budaya bila berada di atas. Sangka mereka, negeri, negara dan dunia ini, diperintah secara suka-suka hati pemimpin kerana kuasa ada di tangan mereka. Oleh itu, apapun yang diperkatakan oleh media dan apapun yang disungutkan oleh rakyat terhadap kepimpinan mereka dianggap sebagai asam garam politik semata-mata.

Bagi PAS, jika Kedah akan ditenggelami lumpur, itu sudah takdir. Jika rakyat sakit akibat bekalan air tercemar, itu adalah ujian. Jika ada rakyat Kedah yang mati dalam banjir lumpur, itu sudah ajalnya.

Ia bukan tanggungjawab mereka, kerana kerajaan PAS Kedah perlu buat duit untuk negeri, dan satu-satunya cara yang ada ialah dengan menebang balak sebanyak yang mungkin dan selagi ia boleh dilakukan sementara kuasa masih di dalam tangan.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device around Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Musa denies knowledge of SD, Najibs SMS

Musa Hassan confirms which he met afterwards DPM Najib Tun Razak to discuss it him which researcher Abdul Razak Baginda was to be arrested. Najib, however, told him to "carry on".
PETALING JAYA: The heightening gibberish of an purported swindling in a 2006 attempted attempted attempted murder of Altantuya Shaarribuu has put a SMS purportedly sent by Najib Tun Razak to his close friend Abdul Razak Baginda back in a spotlight.
The SMS was initial referred to in P Balasubramaniam's initial orthodox stipulation [SD], where a in isolation questioner claimed which Razak Baginda showed him a content summary from a afterwards emissary budding apportion a sunrise prior to he was arrested.
"On a day Abdul Razak Baginda was arrested, we was with him during his lawyers bureau during 6.30 am Abdul Razak Baginda sensitive us which he had sent Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak an SMS a dusk prior to as he refused to reason he was to be arrested, though had not perceived a response."
"Shortly thereafter, during about 7.30 am, Abdul Razak Baginda perceived an SMS from Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as well as showed, this summary to both myself as well as his lawyer. This summary read as follows :- 'I am saying IGP during 11.00 a.m. currently matter will be solved be cool'," according to a SD.
However, any instances of impropriety was dismissed by former Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan today, who pronounced which he did encounter Najib during a time though a latter did not try to interfere into a box in any way.
Speaking to FMT, Musa recounted which he had briefed a afterwards Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Ba! dawi abo ut a case. Musa had formerly told online headlines portal Malaysiakini.com which top cops were summoned in 2007 by Badawi about a case.
"The Prime Minister Badawi asked me either Najib was concerned or not. we pronounced no. Our investigations showed he was not. we told him my group will be arresting Razak Baginda because of his involvement, " he said, adding which a former premier afterwards destined which he inform Najib of this.
"I met Najib revelation him which we was starting to detain Razak Baginda. He replied 'carry on'. That's all. He did not try to interfere with what a military was starting to do."
Asked about a purported SMS message, Musa pronounced he was not privy to which as Najib did not uncover him anything of a kind.
He additionally explained which military investigations were focused upon a attempted attempted attempted murder as well as a emanate with a SD was being rubbed by another coercion agency.
"I do not know about a SD. The SD was actually investigated by somebody else. we usually monitored a attempted attempted attempted murder case."
On either serve investigations should be finished upon a SD matter, Musa replied: "I consider if they wish to find a law it should be investigated."
In a interview with Malaysiakini, Musa had pronounced which it was wrong which Najib's wife Rosmah Mansor was during a scene of a crime.
He pronounced investigations additionally showed military was not involved.
Murky saga
In October 21, Musa had denied which he was to reason a press discussion in Bangkok a subsequent day.
This was information posted upon a Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT) website, where it was created which a press discussion was ostensible to reveal brand new details about a Altantuya murder.
On several occasions, Musa's name would be dragged into a thespian though ghastly ! saga.
Aside from being identified in a initial SD, Musa's name was referred to during an purported exchange of content messages in between Najib as well as an Umno-linked lawyer.
This transcript, which was published in a Malaysia Today blog, had referred to which Musa had met Najib over a murder. Najib had reportedly pronounced which there was no abuse of power over a case.
Altantuya, a Mongolian national, was slain upon October 2006. She was shot as well as her stays broken by C-4 explosives in a jungle clearing in Shah Alam.
Two military personnel partial of afterwards emissary budding apportion Najib's security detail were found guilty of murdering Altantuya.
Defence researcher Abdul Razak Baginda, who certified to a justice which Altantuya was his lover, was clear upon a charge of abetting a dual military personnel in a murder, but his defence being called.
The justice has never established a ground for a murder.
Balasubramaniam's initial SD linked Najib to a attempted attempted attempted murder when he revealed it in 2008 during a press discussion together with Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.
However, a in isolation questioner topsy-turvy a initial SD via a second SD a subsequent day. He afterwards disappeared.
On October 27, 2009, Balasubramaniam came out of stealing as well as validated which his initial orthodox stipulation was true. He claimed he was offering RM5 million to retract it by runner trader Deepak Jaikishan together with Najib's hermit Nazim.
In a past few weeks, Deepak has emerged to claim, among alternative things, which Najib as well as Rosmah were a people who instructed him to seek out Balasubramaniam to shift his initial SD.
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THE ADDITION of the new direct track as good as the reinstatement of 3 alternative direct routes from the Asia Pacific region will serve enlarge the foreign arrivals to Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA).

11 airlines with the weekly seating capacity of 18,000 will reconnect 13 general cities with Sabah, including Shanghai, Hong Kong, Osaka as good as Perth.
Malaysia Airline's inaugural flight from Shanghai to Kota Kinabalu upon 12.12.12, the most portentous date of the century, signaled the start of something big for Sabah's tourism industry. Landing upon the land below the breeze twice weekly, this will be MAS'third general track originating from China after Hong Kong as good as Shenzhen.

"Shanghai is China's gateway to Sabah," pronounced the Chairman of Sabah Tourism Board (STB), Datuk Seri PanglimaTengku Zainal Adlin, "and the hub that connects Sabah to China's pass general monetary centres as good as the provinces located in it's eastern region namely Zheijiang, Jiangsu, Anhui as good as Hubei."

"We have been looking ahead to 2013 as good as beyond. The state government is sketch vital skeleton to enlarge its air accessibility, as 96% of the arrivals have been by air," pronounced the Chairman of STB.

Malaysia Airlines have already backed the direct routes from Hong Kong as good as Perth upon the 1st as good as 9th of Dec 2012, respectively. The Osaka direct track will be backed upon the 20th of Dec this year.

Up to October 201! 2, forei gn arrivals to Sabah have increasing by 779,845,a 14.5 percent burst compared to the same period final year.

"Thanks to all for creation this happen, particularly, the Ministry of Transport as good as Malaysia Airports Holdings as good as the partners in the tourism industry. Their combined efforts have done KKIA the busiest Airport in Malaysia after KLIA," pronounced Tunku Adlin. (Insight Sabah)
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ADMIRING.......Minister of Plantation Industries as well as Commodities Bernard Dompok (middle) admiring a palm oil brunches upon arrangement during a Career Carnival.


THE GOVERNMENT has no choice though to bring in unfamiliar workers to fill a mass vacancies in a camp industries as well as line sector, according to Minister of Plantation Industries as well as Commodities Tan Sri Bernard Dompok.

He pronounced a camp as well as line zone is a pass contributor to a nation's economic growth. The trade earnings from line in a country in 2011 available a twenty-four percent enlarge from RM114.2 billion in 2011 to RM141.2 billion in 2012. This figure is expected to climb to RM282.6 billion by a year 2020. As such a zone provides a vast series of jobs.
Disclosing details, Dompok pronounced 394,334 people work in oil palm plantations all over Malaysia as of September this year. Of this figure, 299,569 people or 76 percent have been unfamiliar workers.

He was speaking to a entertainment of pursuit seekers during a Ministry of Plantation Industries as well as Commodities Career Carnival hold during Penampang recently.

Dompok pronounced which his Ministry constantly receives complaints from plantations as well as bureau owners regarding a difficulties they faced in employing internal workers generally for a positions of managers, mechanics, elec! tricians , as well as positions in administration as well as finance.

"As of September 2012, there have been 26,167 vacancies in a oil palm camp industry which needs to be filled. Of this figure, 5,549 vacancies have been in Sabah," he said.

Dompok urged pursuit seekers to participate in a various precision programmes conducted by a Institute of Malaysia Plantation as well as Commodities (IMPAC) where participants will be lerned to become semi-skilled as well as learned workers in a oil palm, rubber, cocoa, wood, kenaf as well as peppers industries.

"With a exposure as well as precision supposing during IMPAC, even some-more opportunities in a plantations as well as line zone will be non-stop to those who have been interested," he told a gathering.

Dompok also urged employers to prioritise internal pursuit seekers when hiring, as many internal graduates as well as trainees have been qualified to fill a vacancies.

The Career Carnival, organized by Dompok's Ministry is a one-stop centre for pursuit registrations, open interview sessions as well as career talks which have been open to a public. The centre aims to surprise as well as create awareness between a open of a various pursuit opportunities in a camp as well as line sector.

25-year-old Adriana Alphonsus from Penampang found a Carnival to be useful as well as informative to her as a pursuit seeker. Adriana hopes to find a pursuit in a camp industry in a executive section. She has worked previously with alternative companies upon a contract basis as well as hopes to find a permanent job.

For J. Elly Tikol, 24,from Kudat, a Carnival enables him to gather some-more report about career opportunities in a production sector. He is now a student during HARINA Consultancy Services where he trains for a production sector. (Insight Sabah) Read More @ Source

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