Foreign Man's Body Found in Luggage Bag
Hebat!! Hari ini Ketua Penerangan PAS sendiri sudah mengesahkan bahawa PAS/Pakatan akan bubarkan FELDA kalau mereka menang di PRU13 dan tawan Putrajaya. Ini merupakan janji terbaru yang dilafazkan oleh Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man didalam satu ucapannya di Pahang.
Tujuan PAS ialah, kononnya mereka mahu menyelesaikan masalah rakyat yang tak mempunyai tanah. Jika mengikut tafsiran Tuan Ibrahim dan juga PAS, kerajaan BN lah yang menyebabkan generasi sekarang tak mempunyai tanah.
Dan untuk selesaikan masalah tersebut, PAS melalui Tuan Ibrahim telah melafazkan janji untuk menjadikan FELDA sebagai galang gantinya. Tanah-tanah FELDA yang berjumlah 134 hektar diseluruh negara akan diberi percuma kepada rakyat..
Satu yang Tuan Ibrahim terlupa, tanah-tanah FELDA semuanya pada ketika ini sedang diusahakan oleh peneroka-peneroka FELDA seluruh negara. Tanah pertanian itulah yang menjadi sumber pendapatan mereka sejak beberapa puluh tahun yang lalu.
All contracts on Isthmus went to Taibs family
10 million new shares
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Prove non-involvement in NFCorp, Rafizi tells Shahrizat
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
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Marah sana sini ... Ranting PKR tuntut William Leong undur
Prove non-involvement in NFCorp, Rafizi tells Shahrizat
KUALA LUMPUR, February 6 PKRs Rafizi Ramli currently demanded Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil prove she was not concerned with a National Feedlot Corporations (NFCorp) operations, observant it was a make a difference of pinnacle public interest.
The PKR arch strategist charged which a Wanita Umno arch had not once refuted PKRs allegations with concrete proof, as good as which her response so distant had merely been jokes as good as jibes directed during her detractors.
Rafizi (picture) was referring to Shahrizats ultimate comments upon a issue yesterday, where she said she will send a Wanita Umno wings heading red-and-white baju kurung to her stalker in PKR, whom she joked longed for to assume her post.
In an strong anxiety to Rafizi, who has led PKRs attacks upon Shahrizat as good as a NFCorp, a federal minister said a idea had been mooted by Perak Wanita Umno during a recent meeting.
She has not provided explanation which she was not during all concerned in a preference creation which awarded a contract to turn integrator to her familys company, nor has she proven which she was not during all concerned with a operations of NFC, Rafizi said in a statement to The Malaysian Insider.
The PKR personality said which Shahrizat would be guilty by association if she was wakeful which federal supports meant for a cattle project were used for other purposes as good as did not a make a difference to a applicable ministry.
If our inspection of her control she deems as a personal conflict opposite her or Wanita Umno, clearly she does not understand a weight of burden which she assumes as a comparison minister.
I will continue to dig for justification of misappropriation as good as her complicity in such misappropriation no make a difference how many baju kurungs she wants to send me, since no before liaison involving a ministers! complic ity in a monetary misconduct receives such interest from a public, combined Rafizi.
Shahrizat has been repeatedly related to NFCorp since of her husbands purpose as association chairman, as good as their childrens directorships in a same entity.
The RM250 million publicly-funded cattle-raising scheme was first coined a mess in an article in English every day The Star after it made it into a pages of a Attorney-Generals 2010 Report for really bad blank production targets.
The tenure was after repeated by various media organisations to describe NFCorp after PKR launched a series of exposs to show which a projects supports had been allegedly abused.
PKR, led by vital director Rafizi, had claimed which RM27 million was used for land as good as skill purchases as good as expenses separate to cattle farming by Shahrizat as good as her family.
The companys resources were frozen after investigations were launched by a police as good as a inhabitant anti-graft body following a exposs.
Shahrizat returns to ministerial duties currently after taking three weeks leave to allow a authorities to complete their probe.
Why vigil aunty caused a storm: media freedom without an ethical code
YESTERDAY: 'Live' khalwat raid by TV vigil aunty [video]
The Maya Khan "vigil aunty" controversy has put the focus upon the flourishing clash in in between conservatism as good as liberalism in Pakistani society, as good as vigour upon the young, the flourishing strech of online media, as good as the uncertain growth of the mass media uncertain of doing the new freedom.
Nosheen Abbas, BBC match in Islamabad, spoke to immature couples as good as summed up the clash of cultures in her report Why 'vigil aunty' caused Pakistan media storm
What immature couples say
"It's very formidable to go to places with the girl. Even if we want to reason her palm people demeanour during you in the bad way.
"I am essentially quite religious, even though I'm wearing jeans, though people would demeanour during me strangely as good as contend I'm not the good Muslim or person," the single male says.
A immature lady said: "Yes, we listened about what Maya Khan did, though we don't caring what people think. we will reason my husband's hand, we am perfectly comfortable with it even if others aren't."
Her father said: "There have been the little places where we can show open displays of love similar to holding her palm though there have been additionally places where it is formidable to do that."
You do see open displays of love in Pakistan, though rarely in in between men as good as women. It is some-more common to see immature men, quite those from poorer backgrounds, holding hands, fingers tightly interlocked.
Media right away the third force, uncertain of the own power
This part additionally exposes the pitfalls of Pakistan's media, freer! than ev er prior to as good as often referred to as the "third post of society".
But the open believes the media act as if they have unquestionable authority that might go the little approach towards explaining how the group of women took it upon themselves to police people's personal affairs in public, upon live television.
Pakistan's media have been still finding their feet as good as lack the formula of conduct.
For now, the courts might suggest the little people protection from intrusion.
Human rights activist Farzana Bari not long ago appeared upon the state-run TV show quoting article fourteen of the Pakistan penal code, that allows the chairman to take legal movement opposite someone who publicly humiliates another.
But litigation is expensive as good as many people might simply cite to be able to go about their affairs without being hounded.
The in isolation media attention is burgeoning in Pakistan as good as has grown largely unchecked in the battle for ratings.
Many commentators argue that populist programmes as good as in the little cases "vigilante television" have been an unavoidable effect of such the system.
For others, Maya Khan is just the pitch of the regressive mindset vigilant upon aggressive personal freedoms.
FULL REPORT: Why 'vigil aunty' caused Pakistan media storm
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Too many cooks!
I have been a single of a initial to voice out about a mushrooming of healing schools as great as a prolongation of as great most doctors as early as a couple of years ago. we have voiced my concern upon a peculiarity of brand new doctors as a remarkable mushrooming of healing schools have resulted in an acute necessity of great healing teachers.
Now, even a method has acknowledged this actuality as great as a moratorium is right away in place to forestall granting of some-more license to set up some-more healing schools in a country.
ALready, our healthcare complement is facing a complaint of producing as great most nurses.
Nurses have been an critical partial of any sanatorium care. A great nursing customary is required to safeguard that a sanatorium patients getting a caring prescribed by a doctors, as great as really often a mental state of a patient is shabby by a manner in that nursing caring is being dispensed to that particular patient, as great as that mental state can play a consequential partial in a liberation from an illness.
We have been right away producing some-more than 12000 nurses a year, as great as a requirement for brand new nurses is only about a single to two thousand a year. There have been right away so most public as great as in isolation colleges conducting nurses courses that i have lost tract, as great as nurses have been being topsy-turvy out identical to cars in an public line.
What has been noticed is that as a outcome of carrying so most nursing colleges in a reduced time, nursing customary is upon a decline since a mushrooming of nursing colleges put strains upon a availability of efficient teachers, as great as a unsentimental aspects. Some of a nurses under precision confessed that they sometimes have only a single or 2 patients in a reserved sanatorium to practise their nursing skills, as great as this is grossly unsound for them to perfect their nursing skills.
As a result, a small of a nurses being construct! ed have been below par when compared to nurses constructed in a 70s as great as 80s.
This is identical to a as great most housemen problems that we have brought out in my serials upon 'a alloy as great most I,II III .." .
so i envisage that a great healthcare customary that was put in place by a British we am against colonialism as great as am only uttering a fac is right away being slowly as great as surely been eroded, as great as that we have been perplexing to reinstate peculiarity with quantity.
The same thing is happening to a Medical lab technologists (those who conducts a red blood tests in lab) as great as radiographers ( those assisting a radiologists to take Xrays). There have been simply as great most of these, too!
I was told that even there have been additionally as great most pharmacists being produced. This will lead to foe as great as undercutting in future, as great as this will inevitably lead to a small pharmacists, in sequence to survive, fixation their own profitability forward of their veteran ethics.
The whole healthcare manpower situation is a mess.
This is a direct results of mushrooming of in isolation colleges as great as universities, set up by those who caring not so most about a needs of a nation, though some-more for a profit that they can reap by setting up such colleges( Tuition fees have been right away most times aloft than before). These people have been usually those who have domestic connections as great as they can simply get licenses to set up as great as operate such colleges.
You would design a college to have during slightest a couple of buildings as great as a tiny campus. But no, a small of these colleges have been housed in only a 4 level building.
More importantly, since of a foe among each other for teaching staff, a small of a teachers hardly encounter a minimum requirements as great as lack experience . Because of foe for sourcing students, tyro entry customary is additionally being compromised.
Prof! essional march such as medicine, nursing, curative field requires sanatorium as great as patients to sight as fundamentally these have been apprenticeship. BUt with so most colleges as great as schools, there is only not sufficient precision positions to safeguard that these people get a correct precision that they need to turn a efficient professional.
This leads to a state of carrying as great most graduates in these fields that have small unsentimental experience.
In a end, we will finish up identical to in a Philipines, where doctors have been being retrained as nurses, though with our nurses being in surplus too, maybe a small of a nurses need to be retrain to turn hospitals Amah as great as attendants. Don't be surprised that a small will finish up selling nasi lemak , chicken rice or roti canai.
Malaysia boleh!
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The Southern Front On The War On Terror
And since is that? By laying out a attacks, a single contingency know that this is concurrent as well as planned.This is not a a single off or only pointless whacks, no it bears a trademark style of an "blogger characterassassination" job, a pursuit these guys have been so famous for.
"Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman pronounced Gwee was being extremely disrespectful by refusing to wear a correct attire generally a songkok in a Sultan's presence.
Mana PERKASA? Benda mcm ni tak nak komen ke Harap jangan jadi kes chakap tak serupa bikin...
PS: The title "The Southern Front" refers to a i! ncident in World War II when Nazi Germany had to face an assault from a Western as well as a Eastern front. Hopefully, a same will happen to a Mahas as well as "those a Mahas have insulted" will see that a order contingency have come from most aloft powers, if not these Mahabloggers would not have proceeded.
Can Johor Fall?
Lets cut to a chase as well as check out this graph
The bars in red impute to DUN's formed upon 2008 voter demographic that is reduction than 60% Malay. Further engaging reading is as follows:18 of those seats have comprehensive non Malay majority.Of those 18 seats, a normal Chinese race is about 55%, a minimum is 36%.
The engaging distribution, in actuality a vital rise is during a interlude between 50% - 60% Malay. The normal Chinese is about 38%, a normal Indian is about 7%.
Ok so what does all of this mumbo jumbo mean.
The Chinese opinion is actually most reduction fractured than a Malay or Indian opinion for that matter. If in truth a tsunami hits Johor, you can design something similar to 70% of Chinese voting for Pakatan, as a minimum. (This is what happened in 2008. But in 2012, you got some brand brand new thingy called Perkas! a hooray !)
The seats afterwards demeanour something similar to this
The bars in red paint areas where 70% of a Chinese opinion alone accounts for greater than 35% of a sum vote. So in a place similar to Tangkak, 70% of a Chinese opinion going to Pakatan equates to that in a bag Pakatan has 37% of a sum vote. All they need to do is get another 13%, that is highly practicable for them to take a seat.
On a other hand, places similar to Semarang, Sedili as well as Pasir Raja have a high Malay representation, so 70% of a Chinese opinion still equates to nothing.
The black line shows where a DUN majority lies.
Lets demeanour during it in finer detail, all areas where Pakatan has in a bag 30% of a sum electorate, by trait of taking 70% of a Chinese vote.
There have been a serve twenty-three Duns where Pakatan is competitive since of a Chinese vote, though still not positive of victory. But in probably all of these DUN's Pakatan has a bottom of during about 30% of a vote. So they have been very competitive.
If Pakatan slams a initial 12, as well as wins 50-50 a upon top of center ground duns, afterwards you get Pakatan with twelve + 0.5*23 = twenty-three seats in a Johor DUN. BN will have 33 seats.
Maybe not enough to take a Government, though that is presumption a rest of a seats work towards BN. And you have been completely discounting PAS or PKR making in roads into a Malay dominated areas, that you never know.
Well looking from a despotic demographic view, it is positively very easy for Pakatan to during slightest have twenty-three elected member in a Johor Assembly if a stream polemic still continues. An comprehensive feat is still possible, they would only need to win an additional 5, as well as who knows, a Kluk Klek could deliver upsets of their own.
dream upon dude.
i live in muar.
Posted bySir Wenger Khairy Read More @ Source
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Hang Li Po dan Hang Tuah: Benar atau dongeng?
Winston Churchill (Wiki commons)
"HISTORY is created by the victors" atau "Sejarah ditulis oleh orang yang menang atau berkuasa". Ungkapan yang begitu terkenal namun tiada orang yang tahu siapa yang pertama kali mengungkapkannya. Ada yang kata Winston Churchill tapi ramai yang meraguinya. Soalan yang menarik untuk kita adalah jika kita tidak tahu sejarah asal-usul ungkapan itu, dan tiada dokumentasi tentang siapa yang sebenarnya telah mengeluarkan kata-kata itu, maka apakah kita boleh mengatakan bahawa ungkapan itu hanyalah suatu dongeng?
Baru-baru ini, Emeritus Prof Tan Sri Dr Khoo Kay Kim telah melontarkan kenyataan yang mengejutkan. Beliau mendakwa Hang Tuah dan Hang Li Po tidak pernah wujud dan hanya mitos belaka.
Beberapa ahli sejarah telah menolak dakwaan Khoo dan tetap mempertahankan kewujudan Hang Tuah. Senator Dr Syed Husin Ali pula telah membidas kenyataan Khoo tentang sejarah Partai Kebangsaan Melayu Malaysia dan Ahmad Boestamam. Sementara menunggu komen balas dari Khoo, patut kita bertanya apakah kriteria untuk sesuatu itu diiktiraf sebagai sejarah sahih? Dan sejarah siapakah yang dianggap penting dan benar?
Barat dan Timur
Oleh kerana saya kini di Indonesia, saya pun meminta pendapat Pak Agus Sunyoto, seorang ahli sejahrawan dan budayawan serta pensyarah di Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia. Menurut Pak Agus, sejahrawan harus berhati-hati agar tidak terjebak dengan kaedah pengkajian sejarah positivistik yang terlalu memberi keutamaan terhadap dokumen rasmi be! rtulis d an bahan fizikal dalam mengakui kewujudan sesuatu. Yang mereka anggap naskah historis adalah yang berupa deskriptif, laporan dan catatan-catatan seperti yang lazim ditulis oleh orang Barat.
Pak Agus mengingatkan bahawa tradisi pemahaman sejarah di timur sangat berbeza sekali kerana ia juga banyak diungkapkan dalam bentuk-bentuk lain seperti naskah-naskah sastera dan secara lisan. Malahan, sejarah di nusantara ini banyak ditulis dalam bentuk penceritaan seperti hikayat atau bentuk-bentuk kakawin, kidung, tembang, dan pantun seperti syair, gurindam dan sajak.
Pak Agus (Sumbangan Norhayati Kaprawi)
Naskah Sulalatus Salatin iaitu Sejarah Melayu adalah salah satu contohnya. Karya sejarah yang ditulis sendiri oleh orang Melayu di Melaka pada abad ke-15 atau ke-16 menceritakan tentang kebangkitan, kegemilangan dan kejatuhan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka. Naskah inilah yang menyebutkan bahawa Hang Tuah ialah nama yang diberikan oleh Sultan Mansur Shah kepada seorang pemuda dari Makassar.
Cheng Ho (Wiki commons)
Pak Agus maklum bahawa ramai ahli akademik gemar bergantung pada dokumen-dokumen rasmi kerajaan sahaja seperti dokumen kerajaan Cina di zaman Dinasti Ming. Menurut beliau, pendekatan sedemikian membuatkan ramai sejahrawan akademik sehingga yang bergelar profesor dan doktor telah menolak sejarah tentang kedatangan Cheng Ho ke Semarang, Jawa Tengah atas sandaran hujah tiadanya catatan dalam dokumen rasmi kerajaan Cina.
Namun, Pak Agus berhujah bahawa tidak semua perjalanan Cheng Ho dilaporkan secara formal. Ini terbukti kerana walaupun tiada catatan rasmi tentang persinggahan Cheng Ho ke Blambangan, Jawa Timur, namun terdapat laporan sejarah tentang kematian 170 orang askar Cheng Ho di Blambangan! semasa peperangan dengan tentera Majapahit. Maka, ia jelas menunjukkan tidak semua persinggahan Cheng Ho dicatatkan secara rasmi oleh kerajaan Cina.
Pada Pak Agus, jika catatan rasmi bertulis sesuatu kerajaan sahaja yang mahu dijadikan sebagai parameter, maka ia akan mengakibatkan sejarah bangsa lain mungkin sekali menjadi tidak teriktiraf kesahihan dan kewujudannya.
Syed Husin juga pernah membuat kritikan serupa di dalam bukunya yang diterbitkan pada 1978, Orang Melayu: Masalah dan Masa Depan. Beliau menolak kaedah dan perspektif ahli sejarah Orientalis Barat yang gemar merendahkan dan menuduh orang Melayu sebagai tidak mempunyai sejarah.
Menurut Syed Husin, ahli-ahli sejarah tempatan telah berjaya membuktikan bahawa masyarakat Melayu mempunyai sejarah yang lebih tua dan gemilang berbanding penjajah Barat. Dan sekiranya sejarah orang Melayu begitu tua, apa lagi sejarah orang asli dan orang asal yang pastinya jauh lebih tua walaupun tidak bertulis?
Peringatan ini penting untuk jabatan-jabatan kerajaan Malaysia. Tuntutan dokumentasi bertulis sebagai bukti terhadap pemilikan tanah atau status kewarganegaraan telah banyak mengakibatkan orang asal dan pribumi di Malaysia teraniaya dan kehilangan hak mereka.
Di mana herstory pula?
Hang Li Po (Wiki commons)
Dari ungkapan "History is created by the victors" juga ada satu kata kunci yang ingin saya komentar. Perkataan "history" selalunya memang secara literal bermakna "his story" pencatatan sejarah yang disampaikan oleh lelaki dan biasanya juga tentang lelaki.
Menurut Pak Agus, konteks masyarakat pencatat sejarah sangat penting diambil kira. Sikap patriaki yang melebihkan kekuasaan lelaki dari perempuan terbukti sangat besar pengaruhnya. Lalu menurut beliau, tidak tercatatnya perkahwinan Puteri Hang Li Po itu memang boleh difahami memandangkan betapa kuatnya nilai patriaki dalam tradisi Cina.
! Oleh ker ana keturunan berdasarkan jalur darah ahli keluarga laki-laki, dan pewaris kerajaan mestilah dari keturunan lelaki, maka kerajaan Cina mungkin saja tidak melihat perkahwinan Puteri Hang Li Po sebagai sesuatu yang penting untuk dicatat secara rasmi. Malahan, dengan pernikahan itu, sang puteri dan anak cucunya dianggap telah kehilangan nama keluarganya.
Seperti masyarakat Cina, masyarakat Arab juga sangat kuat tradisi patriakinya. Begitu kuat sehingga kekayaan budaya penulisan tarajim (kamus biografi) masyarakat Arab masih tidak dapat membantu dalam memperkenalkan sarjana-sarjana dan ulama-ulama perempuan Arab bukan sahaja pada dunia, malah pada masyarakat Arab sendiri. Ada keengganan di pihak ulama dan pendakwah laki-laki untuk mencatat dan menyebarkan maklumat mengenai kewujudan dan kehebatan sarjana dan ulama-ulama perempuan di zaman silam.
Ahli sufi perempuan terkenal, Rabiah Al Adawiyah, diragui kewujudannya kerana berkurun lamanya, nama Rabiah hilang dalam catatan sejarah. Namanya tidak didokumentasikan oleh ramai ulama lelaki walaupun nama anak-anak muridnya dan ahli-ahli sufi lelaki yang hidup setelah Rabiah dicatatkan dengan terperinci.
Pada bulan Januari ini, sebuah buku berjudul Syahadah Cinta Rabiah Al Adawiyah telah dilancarkan. Penulisnya, Mohamad Guntur Romli, merasa perlu menjelaskan mengapa berkurun lamanya, nama Rabiah Al Adawiyah hanya dicatat secara remeh di dalam sejarah, dan namanya tidak disenaraikan dalam barisan ahli sufi.
Rabiah Al Adawiyah (Wiki commons)
Hasil penelitiannya terhadap kitab-kitab Islam klasik, maka terungkaplah bagaimana pengaruh patriaki dan sikap diskriminasi terhadap perempuan memberi pengaruh terhadap pencatatan sejarah. Akibat kurangnya ulama yang mahu mengiktiraf ketokohan Rabiah Al Adawiyah, maka sejarahnya banyak bercampur mitos. Malah, seperti nasib Puteri Hang Li Po, mungkin ada yang justeru menolak kewujudannya dan ! mengangg ap beliau sekadar mitos yang tidak pernah hidup bernafas di muka bumi ini.
Kini semakin banyak penelitian yang mengungkap kewujudan sarjana dan ulama-ulama perempuan.Dr Syeikh Mohammad Akram Nadwi, seorang sarjana di Universiti Oxford, telah menulis buku Al-Muhaddithat: The Women Scholars in Islam yang menelusuri kitab-kitab klasik dan menemukan lebih dari 8,000 wanita perawi hadith. Ulama-ulama perempuan itu didapati sering mengajar di masjid-masjid besar dan di madrasah-madrasah serta mengembara jauh untuk menimba ilmu.
Hang Tuah (Wiki commons)
Ramai ulama lelaki yang dianggap ulama besar sebenarnya telah belajar dari ulama-ulama fiqah perempuan, dan ulama-ulama lelaki itu sangat memuji-muji kebijaksanaan dan ketinggian ilmu guru-guru mereka yang terdiri dari orang perempuan. Menurut kajian Dr Syeikh Akram, ulama-ulama perempuan tersebut mempunyai kuasa dan pengaruh yang agak besar di dalam masyarakat mereka, dan itu merupakan suatu kebiasaan, bukan sesuatu yang luarbiasa.
Siapa yang menentukan?
Sejarah itu penting sebab ia dapat membantu kita memahami keadaan semasa. Lihat sahaja sejarah mahasiswa-mahasiswi tahun 1960an dan 1970an di Malaysia kalau kita hendak memahami asal-usul undang-undang hari ini seperti Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti.
Sejarah juga penting sebab sejarah memberitahu kita siapakah yang berkuasa pada zaman dulu dan sekarang, dan siapa yang ingin mengekalkan kuasanya.
Seorang tokoh sejarah seperti Khoo memang mempunyai hak untuk memberi pendapatnya mengenai Hang Tuah dan Hang Li Poh. Namun, apa yang lebih penting adalah cara apa yang diutamakan dan cara mana yang diketepikan dalam mengiktiraf sesuatu itu sebagai sahih dan wujud.
Norhayati Kaprawi adalah seorang aktivis wanita dan juga pembuat filem. Dia percaya pintu pendemokrasian ilmu di Malaysia memerlukan keterbukaan yang lebih luas.
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The Prophet's sense of humour
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Umno will collapse in the next general election
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The shrine in me
Comes the time
days ahead
Like the whirling dervish
... Like the prince underneath the bodhgaya tree
Like the kings of kings erratic still
we will
Circumambulate which tabernacle unseen
7 times aplenty
opposite 7 seas
opposite 7 heavens no one has ever seen
alone we will be seen
on foot in trance
in thought
in tranquility
From the dawn of man
till the dusk of divinity
we shall go around in circles
till the tabernacle in me
becomes incomparable than Time as well as Space collapsing
incomparable than even souls as well as memories congregating
till the tabernacle in me explodes similar to which day
the universe becomes it
as the it journeys into the Thou
bringing along thee
we shall circumambulate which shrine
With each step we make
each exhale we take
will each dirt be sprinkled similar to the sound
in each mantra
we shall circumnavigate
which shrine
which heart of mine ....
Read More @ Source Jogjakarta @Music+ Metro TV
Maaf kalo rekamannya kurang bersih... Selamat menikmati Video Rating: 0 / 5More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Hasan Ali, Now a Pariah in Malaysian and Malay Politics
Hasan Ali - Thank Goodness, He Didn't Appeal!
Iskandar Dzulkarnain
A long time ago, when we referred to Hasan Ali's name, there was the small apply oneself for this PAS leader even yet he was fundamentally an additional self-proclaimed defender of Islam. Respect was lengthened to him for his Islamic standing as well as which was often due to his in front of as the conduct of PAS Selangor.
Less concentration was placed upon his persona, tutorial background but mainly he was held in esteemed as well as since face since he had been handpicked by PAS to urge the Muslims in the state, as well as viewed to be performing his eremite duties to uphold the great name of Islam.
But things changed. Something happened.
Even from before 2008, Hasan was interested in UMNO
Rumours as well as furious speak proposed to aspect after the final choosing in 2008. Hasan Ali proposed to turn prominent for alternative reasons. From religion, he proposed to pierce in to race-championing.
Talks of tip meetings between Hasan Ali as well as UMNO to form the brand brand new Selangor government underneath Pakatan Rakyat eventually came out in to the open.
PAS had to emanate the denial, as well as the boss Hadi Awang had to have the clarification. Within PAS, the confused lines between the party's liberals as well as the ultra conservative ulama or eremite heads began to take figure as well as sharpen. Along with Pakatan, PAS was jarred as well as stirred by the Hasan's exchange with UMNO.
It was no tip which Hasan harbored dreams of apropos the next Menteri Besar as well as was willing to sleep with the demon usually to repudiate the Pakatan Rakyat government in Selangor.
Since th! en, he h as in the news for all the wrong reasons, as well as oftentimes people wondered either he was representing PAS, Pakatan or UMNO!
The beer fiasco in Shah Alam's minimart left the green note upon people's lips. Non-Muslims proposed to watch him with the wary eye as well as avoided him similar to the plague.
Later on, when he intended accusations during the Christians for attempting to change Selangor Muslims in the Damansara Utama Methodist Centre, it confirmed everyone's set-back fears. Hasan was similar to Ibrahim Ali - the domestic lunatic running amuk as well as ready to do any impassioned action usually to reap the small gain from UMNO.
The DUMC-JAIS raid affected some-more than Selangor. It left the durability disastrous impression upon the total country, especially Sarawak where 43% of the people there have been Christians. Surprisin! gly, BN politicians seemed unknowingly of the horror the dual domestic 'pyschos' were creating.
In fact, BN leaders sided with Hasan even yet he was afterwards still in PAS. It was starting to turn obvious which Hasan might straddling dual 'sampans' or long-boats during the same time.
But to Hasan, he was similar to the white horseman in resplendent armour, fighting against the purported proselytization of Muslims in the state. Somehow he could not remonstrate the Muslims he was sincere. The infancy saw him as usually an additional domestic opportunist. Soon, the every day attacks against the Christians as well as declarations which his actions were for the great of Islam began to tumble apart.
Thank goodness, he didn't appeal
As he spoke about Islam, or the version which he practiced anyway, others were already discussing his defection to UMNO. It was the matter of when as well as in what demeanour - the probability was never even questioned!
Thus, it was not the surprise when PAS eventually sacked him. Everyone knew he had it coming. In f! act, he worked tough to force PAS to pouch him.
Seduced by flattery from UMNO, it is likely Hasan believed which PAS wouldn't have the balls to dump him. Still disorder from the aftershock of his shameful sacking, he has embarked upon the roadshow to educate the open upon the domestic parasites in PAS, who was partly responsible for his sacking. And guess who is tagging along with him? None alternative than Ridhuan Tee, the faithful Muslim.
The interest period for Hasan Ali has expired as well as he has declared he has no intention to appeal. The sighs of service have been loud in truth along the corridors of power in PAS as well as Pakatan.
If he had appealed, it would have put the coalition as well as the celebration in the slight pickle. They would have looked bad if they deserted him. But if they re-opened the doorway to him, as well as he proposed his unsteadiness again, they would demeanour diseased as well as foolish - most similar to our Prime Minister Najib Razak!
Talking about parasites, Hasan Ali unsuccessful to comply which most parasites have been so tiny, similar to the lice in one's hair which most do not notice. As far as the open knows, there have been usually 3 parasites with voracious blood-sucking traits which have been of the small 'entertainment' value. So well fed have been these parasites, they have incited in to appalling overweight monsters similar to Jabba the Hut in Starwars.
One of them is the ongoing as well as confirmed party-hopper. This guy owes allegiance to no one as well as his master is whoever pays him for the moment. Though he contested upon the PAS ticket, within months of winning, he incited Independent as well as afterwards shaped Perkasa.
The second mislaid his in front of as the number 2 in PAS final year.
The third one didn't comprehend which he was the parasite as well as has embarked upon an tutorial debate to display himself!
And to top it all, all of 3 of them were benefac! tion dur ing the brand new press discussion in respect of Parasite No. 3's sacking. Were they there to lend await to him as the associate parasites, or to delight in glee during his sacking?
Political ambitions
Now, Hasan says he wants to form the brand brand new NGO called JATI to quarrel for Islam, Malay Rights as well as the Malay Rulers. What the eminent cause, if it usually were true. Already there is Perkasa as well as Perkida as well as these 2 organizations contingency be sleeping if there is the need to form JATI.
Hasan clearly still harbors domestic ambitions, positioning JATI as the Third Force. So assured is Hasan which he has already deserted the lures thrown out to him by KITA. But there is the small shadow-play there as well as nonetheless for ex-UMNO apportion as well as PKR turncoat, Zaid Ibrahim, has announced plans to disintegrate KITA, the small have been betting which eventually peace will be done as well as Hasan will go in to KITA nonetheless Zaid might have an exit after doing his inhabitant service for UMNO.
So one approach or an additional Hasan looks sets to turn the rusty fixture, most similar to Ibrahim Ali, Zul Noordin as well as Zahrain Hashim. His JATI can even apply for the own license to turn the nation's newest domestic party.
Then he can field himself as well as alternative like-minded specimens in the next election, since whileUMNO might await him, they won't touch him with the 20-foot barge pole.Apart from KITA, no one else would!
Hasan has eventually shown his loyal colours as well as it's not green similar to those small green group from Mars. Instead of looking redemption from the Party which gave him an illustrious career, he sees it fit to back-stab his former colleagues.Memang kartunor the genuine cartoon, is how they right away view him. But this modus operandi will severe threat his brand brand new career as Zaid will discuss it him.
Zaid as well had embarked upon the 'politics of revenge'! against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. But the slandering as well as washing of linen in open usually put Malaysians off Zaid. From the tall roost as the Malay intellectual, Zaid was eventually viewed to be usually an additional domestic pirate doing the rounds for UMNO. The very same is receiving place with Hasan, ! yet h e doesn't see it or chooses not to see it yet.
Another unsuccessful UMNO tactic
Obviously, if Hasan has brand brand new backers, he contingency show them the benefits of receiving him on-board. How can he blow the alarm upon himself? For example, how can he discuss it UMNO -you guys were foolish to collect me!
So, acting similar to the crusader as well as perplexing to collect the quarrel with the Christians whom he regards as the enemy, Hasan is out to conquer the nation with yet an additional out-of-favor as well as shelf life-expired bubbly beverage of racism as well as eremite bigotry.
Hell-bent to animate the fla! mes of c ontroversy, Hasan will put the censure for his set-back upon the brotherly Christians in this nation whom he thinks will not brave to retaliate. Hardly the hallmark of the male of Islam!
By now, no one in PAS is angry any some-more during Hasan's sacking.
The genuine Hasan Ali has stepped out from the shadows as well as he has sprouted horns. No disbelief about it, similar to Ibrahim Ali, Hasan Ali is the boon to the Pakatan Rakyat.
The some-more the 'Alis' rant as well as holler, the some-more Malaysians will sympathize with Pakatan.
Whoever in UMNO dreamed up this sinful intrigue to behind gash PAS has right away been behind stabbed by himself! Really, they should consider some-more carefully as well as not pour out to grab off the shelf items which might not work or have been defective. No point to handle similar to the longhorn in the China shop, but maybe this is an indication of how broke UMNO is of brand brand new ideas.
What their strategists have been doing is similar to the ! Malay sa ying,tak sa takut! Gostan saja. Jika langgar, pasti ada bunyi
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