"Stupid", Senator X - The Australian editor

Courtesy of The AustralianMalaysia"on any measure is one of a most approved as well as freewheeling nations inSoutheast Asia."Its elections have been positively not perfect, though they have been better than in mostparts of a world.Indeed, its really openness allows people such as Xenophon to grandstandthere." - The Australian
We Malaysians have been as well polite. We give all sorts of excuses for a little unfamiliar burro politician's bad manners. We should try to be some-more like a Australians. Like Nick Xenaphon himself. Or like Greg Sheridan, a seasoned editor, who certainly knows his own politicians, together with Mr Xenaphon, some-more than us. Read h e r e what Mr Sheridan has to contend about this Undesirable Immigrant.

Read additionally Tell it like it is by A Voice.

PRU 13 : Anwar Ibrahim Guna Bekas Tentera, Kitar Janji Lama

Segelintir pesara tentera yang diumpan menyertai Pakatan Rakyat kini diguna untuk berkempen di kawasan yang didiami oleh anggota keselamatan menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) ke-13 akan datang.Malam tadi giliran Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menggunakan "khidmat" mereka apabila beliau berceramah di kawasan perumahan yang berdekatan Kementerian Pertahanan (MINDEF) di sini. Malah, Anwar mendakwa telah menawarkan kepada bekas-bekas panglima tentera untuk bertanding sejurus sebelum memula ... Read More

Kenapa kejadian Lahad Datu lepas Selatan Thai?

Sebelum berlaku kejadian pencerobohan di Lahad Datu, ada berlaku serangan terhadap pengkalan troops di Selatan Thai pada Februari 10hb. Berikut adalah laporan Associated Press:

Five Soldiers Killed in Southern Thailand

PATTANI, ThailandSuspected militants killed five soldiers and wounded five others in two roadside attacks Sunday in Thailand's insurgency-plagued southern provinces,


PRESS....Sultan of Sulu Jamalul Kiram III speaks during a news discussion in Alabang, Metro Manila February 17, 2013. Kiram III pronounced in a news discussion which his group's event final are a approval of a Sultan of Sulu as well as Sabah as a legitimate owners of a land, as well as a renegotiation of a strange terms of a lease with a British trading company. He additionally pronounced a minute will be sent to a Malaysian supervision to start negotiations to finish a stand-off.

PARLIAMENT as well as Sabah State Assembly should encounter in obligatory sessions if Home Minister Hishammuddin is unqualified of safeguarding a supervision of Sabah as well as Malaysia as well as a rights as well as safety of Sabahans.

Parliament as well as a Sabah State Assembly should encounter in obligatory sessions if a Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, is unqualified of safeguarding a supervision of Sabah as well as Malaysia as well as a rights as well as safety of Sabahans.
Malaysiakini has quoted a Sunday inform of Philippine Daily Inquirertodaythat despite a Malaysian authorities declaring an finish to negotiations with some-more than 100 armed Filipinos who landed in Sabah early this week as well as saying they will be deported, a group's leader insists which they will stay put.

Jamalul Kiram III, who claims to be ruler of a right away gone Sulu Sultanate, told a ! Philippi ne Daily Inquirer which he certified a 'incursion' as well as which his organisation would sojourn in Lahad Datu as long as needed.

Jamalul pronounced a group, led by his younger hermit crown king Agbimuddin Kiram, would sojourn in Sabah for "as long as necessary" in their bid to reclaim a state, which was formerly a domain of a Sulu Sultanate.

"I sent my hermit to Sabah in a name of peace as well as in a exercise of our historic, ancestral as well as emperor right over Sabah," Jamalul, who is in Manila, is quoted as saying by a Philippine inhabitant daily.

"It is upon us, a leaders of Sulu, to claim back what is ours," he added.

The Philippine Daily Inquirer additionally quoted Agbimuddin as saying which his group, holed up in a encampment in Lahad Datu, is versed with an collection of weapons, including M-14, M-16, M203, Baby Armalite as well as no a single could have them leave unless his elder broher Jamalul intended which they do so.

Agbimuddin combined which some-more men, supporters of a Sulu Sultanate, were approaching to stick upon them in Sabah soon.

This inform in a Philippine Daily Inquirer has made unsteadiness of a statements by a Bukit Aman Internal Security as well as Public Order director Datuk Salleh Mat Rasid as well as a Sabah Police Chief Commisioner Datuk Hamza Taib which negotiations were over with a some-more than 100 Filipino gunmen holed up during a strand encampment of Tanduo in Lahad Datu as well as which a Malaysian authorities were ready to expatriate a armed organisation back to southern Philippines.

It has additionally put a Home Minister in a really bad light as a patience as well as certainty of Sabahans as well as Malaysians in Hishamuddin's capability to finalise a event during Lahat Datu speedily as well as in a peaceful demeanour have run r! eally th in, especially as a Home Minister seems some-more meddlesome as well as pre-occupied in playing domestic games in a run-up to a 13th ubiquitous elections than entirely focussed upon security issues inspiring a people as well as a nation, like:

Trying to give credence to a 'tall tale' which a lives of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as well as a Korean K-pop luminary Psy were in jeopardy during a Barisan Nasional Chinese New Year bash in Penang upon Monday, when there is no iota of evidence or ounce of truth;

Defending a vast detention as well as deportation of Australian Senator Nick Xenophon for receiving up a means of fair as well as purify elections in Malaysia as well as attracting world-wide condemnation; and

Disseminating liesabout a DAP not having submitted celebration election earnings to a Registrar of Societies when this had been finished before a Chinese New Year, raising questions whether he ispreparing a grounds for a "Pakatan Rakyat"/BN supervision to acknowledgement DAP as an bootleg as well as wrong domestic party.

If Hishammuddin is unqualified of single-mindedly focussing upon solution a event with a armed Filipino organisation in Lahad Datu in a rapid as well as peaceful manner, he should let others who are able of giving correct priority to inhabitant security issues as distinct from concocting politically-inspired controversies to do a job.

It will be many hapless if Hishammuddin is associated in a minds of Malaysians, particularly Sabahans, with a saying: "Nero fiddled while Rome burned".
Read More @ Source

More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rak! yat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Masa Depan Bangsa Melayu (Bab 4)

February 18, 2013

Suaris Interview: The Future of Malays Part 4: The strange in Malay (below) appeared in suaris.wordpress.com upon Feb 6, 2013

Wawancara Dengan Dr Bakri Musa: Masa Depan Bangsa Melayu (Bab 4)

Suaris: Orang Melayu dikatakan berada di persimpangan. Dalam politik, pilihanraya umum ke thirteen akan datang dianggap satu persimpangan yang runcing di mana orang Melayu dikehendaki memilih antara liberalism dan feudalism. Sejauh mana Dr bersetuju dengan perkara tersebut?

Dr Bakri: Saya setuju bangsa Melayu sekarang berada di simpangan yang Liberating the Malay Mindruncing. Pilihan kita ialah antara meneruskan jalan yang sedia ada dan akan terus mengsangkarkan (memenjarakan) minda kita, atau membelok kuat dan berpisah ke arah yang membebaskan minda kita. Sedia ingat bahawa biasanya jalan yang sibuk diikuti ramai ialah jalan ke loji sampah.

Saya kurang setuju dengan anggapan saudara bahawa PRU thirteen ialah pilihan antara "liberalism" dan "feudalism," menurut fahaman saya atas makna kedua-dua istilah itu dalam bahasa asalnya (Inggeris). Ternyata PRU13 ialah pilihan antara satu pihak yang sudah moyok, tua dan kebangsatan modal dengan satu lagi yang cekap, muda dan bertunas baru.

Untuk berpisah sebentar, "liberalism" pada saya ialah satu aliran fikiran yang menganggap setiap hamba Allah itu berhak (dibagi olehNya) kepada beberapa kebebasan, antaranya bebas berfikir, beragama (atau tidak), memilih pemimpin, mempunyai harta benda, dan menujui ketenteraman diri sendiri.

Sebaliknya, "feudalism" ialah bentuk masyarakat Eropah semasa Zaman Kegelapan dahulu di mana manusia itu adalah Tuan atau Ha! mba. Tan ah, harta benda dan orang hamba semuanya dipunyai oleh kaum Tuan. Tuan yang pale tinggi darjatnya ialah raja dan sultan. Taraf atau tempat seseorang dalam masyarakat ditentukan semasa lahir, menurut keturunan, dan tidak bertukar selama hidup. Maknanya, jika dilahirkan hamba ia akan terus menjadi hamba seumur hidup.

Terang-terang dari segi nilai dan taraf seseorang manusia, "liberalism" lebih dekat kepada Islam daripada "feudalism."

Betul, masyarakat Melayu sekarang masih banyak lagi mengutamakan dan mengusahakan unsur-unsur "feudal". Tetapi sekarang kita berhak dan boleh memilih pemimpin kita melalui pilihan raya. Sungguhpun kita tidak boleh memilih sultan tetapi kita tidak sifatkan diri kita hamba kepada mereka walaupun kita masih lagi mengunakan istilah "patek" (yang bermakna hamba). Itu hanya kebiasaan. Sultan tidak boleh menganggap anak dara kita sebagai hartanya. Kita juga berhak jika mampu mempunyai rumah dan kereta lebih mewah lagi daripada kepunyaan sultan.

Kembali ke PRU13, sebelum kita membuat sesuatu keputusan seperti pihak mana yang patut kita undi, ada baiknya jika dibuat kajian hilir saluran (downstream analysis). Hanya tiga keputusan yang boleh berlaku. Pertama, Barisan Nasional menang; kedua, Pakatan menang; dan ketiga, tidak satu puak menang dengan jelas. Maknanya, lima atau enam ahli parlimen dibeli dan timbang kuasa bertukar, ala Perak 2008.

Kalau Barisan menang, itu bermakna rakyat menyokong perbuatan rasuah dan salah guna kuasa yang telah dan sedang berlaku yang tidak terkawal lagi. Kita tidak ambil kisah bahkan kita hadiahkan mereka yang mengakibatkan kejahanaman MAS, Perwaja, dan Bank Bumiputra, antara lainnya. Kerabat menteri boleh lagi bertambah tamak. Cara pendidikan kita yang sekarang merosot akan terus merosot. Professor- professor kita akan terus dipilih atas kepintaran mereka membodek dan bukan melalui mutu kajian ilmiah mereka. Najib akan terus memimpin seperti apa yang dibuatnya dalam tempoh empat tahun kebelakangan ini banyak ikrar, melimp! ah "acro nym," dan tidak terhingga unggapan seperti pemimpin dalam cerpen Shahnon Ahmad, Unggapan.

Najib berikrar, mengikut istilah pilihannya, "mentransformasikan" pentadbirannya. Bagaimana hendak membuat begitu bila semua menterinya akan dicalonkan lagi? Bila mereka menang takkan mereka berhenti jadi menteri. Apa "transformasinya" yang dimaksudkan? Hishamuddin jadi Menteri Wanita?

Pemimpin Barisan menakutkan rakyat dengan mengatakan kestabilan negara tergantung atas mereka menang. Sebaliknya, jika Barisan menang tetapi tidak melebihi keputusan PRU12 pada 2008, (tiada kemungkinan mereka menang begitu) pimpinan mereka (dengan itu negara kita) akan digoncang dengan rebutan kuasa di paras atas yang lebih hodoh lagi daripada pertikaian Abdullah/Najib dahulu. Bahkan, pertingkahan baru Najib/Muhyiddin akan lebih buruk lagi daripada Mahathir/KuLi dahulu. Pentadbiran negeri akan terus lalai sebab orang atasan sibuk memilih puak mana yang mereka patut sokong. Tengok sahajalah sekarang. Mahathir sudah mula mengasah pisau Pak Lahnya yang lama untuk digunakannya atas Najib selepas PRU13.

Di dalam kekalahan, Pakatan akan terpaksa memeriksa diri mereka. Mungkin pemimpin mereka akan berikrar untuk mara ke hadapan dengan memberatkan perkara yang bermakna kepada rakyat dan boleh mereka setujui, seperti menghapuskan rasuah dan salah guna kuasa, menegakkan keadilan, dan meninggikan taraf pendidikan, serta menjauhi perkara-perkara yang tidak bermakna seperti Negara Islam dan siapa yang berhak menggunakan istilah Allah. Perbincangan seumpama itu membazir dan hanya membelah-belahkan kaum.

Keputusan kedua ialah Pakatan menang. Itu tidak bermakna segala masalah negara akan hapus. Jauh sekali! Pertama, pemimpin Pakatan seperti manusia lain akan mensifatkan kemenangan mereka sebagai durian runtuh. Lebih banyak pertalian sekeluarga semasa durian runtuh! Pemimpin Pakatan akan sibuk merebut kuasa terutama siapa yang akan bakal jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri (khasnya Melayu atau bukan) dan menteri-menteri terte! ntu sepe rti pendidikan, kewangan, dalam negeri, dll. Itu semuanya boleh disangkai.

Kebijakan pemimipin Pakatan ialah sama ada mereka boleh mengatasi masalah pertama itu. Kalau mereka berperangai budak kecik di Hari Raya dan sibuk merebut duit raya dan ang pow, keruhlah masa depan mereka dan juga negara. Tetapi kalau mereka sifatkan kemenangan PRU13 bukan sebagai Hari Raya tetapi permulaan puasa, maknanya, musim cubaan, bertekun, beramanah, bersabar serta menahan nafsu, itu akan menjaminkan kecerahan masa depan mereka dan juga negara.

Apa akibatnya kepada UMNO di dalam kekalahan? Ahli-ahli yang masuk parti bukan untuk membela negara dan bangsa tetapi kerana tamak akan cabut lari keluar. Saluran candu mereka sudah terputus. Pisau tajam Mahathir akan cepat keluar untuk digunakan ke atas Najib. Puak 2M baru (Mahathir-Muhyiddin) akan terang-terang bertentangan dengan puak Najib. Sementara itu penyokong Abdullah Badawi yang lama pula akan sibuk melepaskan dendam ke atas kedua-dua pihak.

Sungguh joke buruk dan memberi malu kepada bangsa kita, kejadian demikian akan mengakibatkan baik kepada UMNO pada masa panjang. UMNO akan bermula pulih, balik ke asalnya. Ahli-ahlinya akan terhad kepada mereka yang betul-betul berahi dan cinta pada perjuangan parti dan bangsa. UMNO mungkin kembali menjadi kecintaan bangsa dan bukan seperti sekarang, dihina sebab ia sudah menjadi nadi rasuah dan salahguna kuasa.

Ada dua lagi akibat yang penting dan lebih bermakna jika UMNO tumbang. Pertama, terdedahnya rasuah Khir Toyo, bekas Mentri Besar Selangor, ialah akibat kemenangan Pakatan di sana. Jika UMNO menang dalam PRU12, 2008, sudah tentunya Toyo akan terus menjadi MB dan perangai rasuah dan tamaknya akan berterusan melimpah. Oleh sebab Pakatan menang, Toyo sekarang menunggu penjara. Ramai lagi Khir Toyo di peringkat pusat. Kebusukan mereka hanya boleh terbongkar jika Pakatan menang. Kalau UMNO menang mereka akan terus membisa dan membinasakan negara.

Kepentingan kedua ialah kepada ahli-ahli perjawa! tan teta p (permanent establishment) saperti kakitangan kerajaan, ketua GLC, sultan-sultan dan professor-professor. Mereka akan sedar bahawa kerjaya mereka tidak boleh lagi tergantung atas membodek Barisan. Mereka akan terpaksa memeriksa diri sendiri dan berusaha supaya tidak lagi berterusan politik. Cara mara ke hadapan dalam perjawatan mereka ialah melalui ketekunan, kesetiaan, dan professionalism tanpa membodek dan politik haluan seperti apa yang berlaku sekarang. Itu akan membaiki pentadbiran dan pemerintahan negara.

Ramai yang meramalkan jika UMNO kalah itu akan mengakibatkan rusuhan seperti Mei 13, 1969. Saya tidak setuju langsung dengan pendapat itu. Pada tahun 1969 peralihan kuasa di Selangor ialah daripada Melayu (UMNO) ke Cina (DAP). Jika UMNO kalah sekarang, kuasa politik masih diterajui Melayu, hanya Melayu bukan UMNO. Kedua, masyarakat Malaysia sekarang lebih bijak dan matang. Kaum Cina misalnya tidak payah lagi berarak dengan naga besar mereka sebab tengok sahaja di Kuala Lumpur, kuasa mereka jelas. Juga sekarang, kalau Melayu megamuk dan membakar banglo- banglo mewah, mungkin itu semuanya kepunyaan Khir Toyo dan Abdullah Badawi!

Perbezaan yang pale penting ialah ini. Pada 1969, UMNO masih lagi Melayu dan Melayu, UMNO. Sekarang keadaan sudah jauh daripada itu. Lihat apa yang terlangsung semasa KL112 yang lalu.

Suara nyaring pelampau seperti Brahim Katak senang sahaja didiamkan. Beri saja mereka satu dua pengarah perusahaan (company directorship) dan tiket kapal terbang ke Macau, senyaplah mereka. Atau bebaskan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia dan akibatnya sama juga. Saya berasa geli hati melihat pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu yang ghairah seperti Mahathir dan cerdik pandai kita seperti Ramlah Adam (Profesor Datuk) mengagungkan dan mempercayakan masa depan bangsa kita kepada pemimpin bertaraf Brahim Katak.

Untuk rakyat Malaysia, akibat yang pale besar menurut kekalahan Barisan ialah ini. Untuk pertama kalinya negara kita sungguh benar-benar menikmati makna penuh erti ! pilihan raya, yakni, kita boleh menukar pemimpin dan kerajaan dengan hanya menaruk huruf "X" dalam kotak tertentu di kertas undi. Ini akan membebaskan kita. Tidak payah lagi kita berdemo atau berusuhan. Kekalahan Barisan akan menunjukkan kepada rakyat serta pemimpin maknanya sifat "checks dan balances" di dalam demokrasi.

Akibat ketiga ialah di mana tiada pihak yang menang dengan jelas. Kita dapat sekelip gambaran itu selepas PRU 2008 di Perak. Tidak cantik! Semua pihak, ahli politik dari Barisan ke Pakatan, serta ahli perjawatan tetap dari kakitangan kerajaan ke Sultan berperangai yang tidak cemerlang, bahkan mereka betul-betul memalukan bangsa dan negara.

Kita boleh sangkakan perkara seumpama itu tetapi lebih buruk dan memalukan lagi akan berlaku di Putrajaya. Walau seburuk mana joke ada juga baiknya. Pertama, kita akan menengok dengan terang tingkah laku ahli-ahli politik kita. Mereka akan menjual diri mereka dengan terang-terangan dan lebih terbuka daripada pelacur-pelacur di Jalan Chow Kit. Perempuan-perempuan Chow Kit ada lagi maruah sedikit; mereka tidak buat terang-terangan menjual diri; mereka menunggu gelap.

Kelakuan sanggang ahli-ahli politik akan membencikan kita kepada mereka, menyebabkan rakyat yang beramanah dan berkebolehan menyondorkan diri mereka ke arah politik. Itu adalah akibat yang baik! Akhirnya rakyat dengan jelasnya akan memahami bahawa undi kita serta pilihan raya ada makna dan akibatnya. Mungkin pada masa depan kita akan mengundi dengan lebih teliti! Itu akibat yang tidak terharga.

Kesimpulan saya, keputusan PRU13 yang pale baik ialah jika Pakatan menang dengan jelas. Seperti saya terangkan di atas, ada juga baiknya jika tiada satu pihak dapat menang dengan jelas. Itu bermakna Pakatan menang, hanya kemenangan yang kurang indah atau cemerlang. Keputusan yang pale buruk untuk bangsa dan negara ialah jika Barisan dikembalikan.

http:/ /suaris.wordpress.com/2013/02/06/pemimpin-pakatan-berebut-kuasa-selepas-menang-pru13-dr-bakri/

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More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Kalau ya joke wahai Khalid gagap kau nak masuk rumah orang, bukaklah kasut tu. Aku tau la kau ni free thinker jenis pad saleh celup. Tapi beradab la sikit. Cuba kalau pemimpin UMNO yang buat macam ni, mesti si blogger pukimamak world dah kecoh dan dan blogger tisu terbang si Milo Suam akan kutuk kaw-kaw punya..

Kenapa pemimpin melayu Islam mereka buat macam ni, senyap je mereka? Sampai naik juling la mata si Suhaimi Raja Pasir kat bawah ni dengan perbuatan Khalid Gagap ni...

Dr Tan KK in Wangsa Maju - Support by PKR 'inner coterie' and PAS?

The Malaysian Insider -PKR banks on ex-deputy minister to win behind Wangsa Majureported (extracts only):

Dr Tan Kee Kwong
PKR is banking on the former deputy minister to take behind the Wangsa Maju civic subdivision needed to seize sovereign energy in Election 2013.

Former Deputy Minister Land as well as Cooperative Development Datuk Dr Tan Tee Kwong had started reconnecting with the voters to increase his form on the belligerent since obligatory Wangsa Maju representative Wee Choo Keong quit the celebration in 2010 as well as incited Independent though pledging await to the Barisan Nasional (BN) sovereign coalition.

A bit about Dr Tan Tee Kwong.

In the prior postSandiwara of the python(a PASpython, which was, wakakaka) we had created about him in relationship to the sickening factious SMS episode in Perak where the villainous mufti, after his SMS distortion which scarcely caused the eremite riot, attempted to change the censure to the Muslim woman Raja Sherina, as follows:

Sherina, hold me, it's for Islam which Iwantyou to take the tumble for me

Shortly after which SMS wildfire fabrication, SIS programme manager Norhayati Kaprawi said: "This is not the initial time the mufti has finished careless statements as well as allegations."

She cited the series of prior statements finished by the mufti, together with in Feb [2006?] wh! ere he cl! directed which in between 100,000 as well as 250,000 Muslims had renounced Islam.

She added: "To date, he has not been means to justify these claims, except to merely state which these were obtained from 'reliable sources'."[...]

Anyway, in which irresponsible factious liaison of the wildfire SMS, FT Gerakan asked for the priest's sacking.

Guess who came to his rescue? UMNO?

No, it was PAS.

Pythonic PAS
As we ! posted in! BolehTalk's PAS not seeing woods for the trees? in April 2007:

In PAS: Gerakan biadap we discussed PAS' anger at the FT Gerakan's fortitude calling for HRH Sultan of Perak to sack Harussani Zakaria as the State Mufti for inciting eremite restlessness as well as hatred, with intensity dire consequences.

PAS told Gerakan to stay clear of Islamic areas, the solitary prerogative of Muslims.

I raised the query as to the su! m absenc e of any move by Muslim domestic groups*, both in government or PAS, to call the factious Mufti to account. The Mufti is the obvious for his extreme right wing views though his latest unsteadiness had been really dangerous to open security. He is the threat to society with his foolishness as well as irresponsibility.

* NGO Sisters in Islam was the dauntless exception

And disgustingly, hedidn'teven have the backbone of his eremite self-assurance since when it was the box of accountability's push becoming the shove, he blamed the woman to avoid answering for his own shortcoming for the lie.

But the FT Gerakan has right away behind off from the resolution, claiming it was usually the personal perspective of Gerakan FT chairperson Dr Tan Kee Kwong. The Star has additionally simplified which it carried an erroneous report. Obviously the Barisan Nasional has kicked in to fool around Ops Retreat as Islamic issues could well be deleterious to UMNO's battle for the Malay heartland in the coming general election.

Dr Tan in defiance of Gerakan perfectionist his resignation for accepting
a job with the Selangor government to head the task force on land issues.
Tan sneered "If they sack me, the open is not starting to similar to it."
"But if they don't, Umno is starting to be really upset with them" wakakaka

But PAS sensing it has the domestic winner inten! ds to dra! w out the emanate for as long as probable as well as for every sweet drop of domestic propaganda, calling for the FT Gerakan as well as Dr Tan to redress the fortitude as well as emanate an open apology.

So it's frequency startling which PAS FT behaving youth chief Kamaruzaman Mohamad pronounced the celebration would still press for Tan to redress his remark notwithstanding the clarification by the Star.

He stated: "Whether or not the call came from the fortitude or Tan is right away irrelevant. The remark should not have been made. He has no entitlement to which remark."He additionally finished the police report.

I do not care if he has been factious or has blamed the woman
! for his irresponsible reckless factious lie
because he's the mufti as well as we cannot criticize him

Now, this is where PAS showed the stand in standard when Kamaruzaman, with good irony which he obviously didn't realise,remarked:

"This is the supportive emanate between Muslims which can stir conflict between assorted groups."

"... stir conflict between assorted groups ..."?

Yes, though what about which Mufti who scarcely caused the racial riot with his irresponsible rumour-mongering?

That was afterwards when Dr Tan was in Geraka! n though currently Dr Tan could possibly be PKR's claimant for Wangsa Maju.

The question which needs to be asked is: "Will PAS accept Dr Tan as the Pakatan ally, the male who once had appealed to HRH Sultan Perak to sack which villainous as well as factious mufti, as well as whom PAS considered to be interfering in Muslim affairs?" wakakaka.

Not which we had ever upheld PAS (specificallyPAS FT behaving youth chief Kamaruzaman Mohamad)in which foolish PAS stand in standard in not usually abstaining from criticising the mufti for hissinfuland factious lies though in moronically defending him, though we would right away love to hear them insist how they perspective Dr Tan as possibly one of their allies' candidates for GE-13.

I underline the word 'possibly' since the PKR inner sect (the inner secret cupboard of Anwar-Azmin comprising former UMNO-ites as well as cronies - even Tian Chua isn't in it) hasn't nonetheless since their approval of Dr Tan.

Saifuddin Nasution, strong destroyer of Apcet II

Apcet II giant destroyer Saifuddin Nasution dodged aroundthequestion with the "Dr Tan was since the shortcoming to revive the celebration s image as well as make firm the choosing machinery. The possibil! ity of h im contesting in Wangsa Maju is there", whilst his inner sect mate Nik Nazmi Nik tap danced through the domestic tulips with the "A full preference is nonetheless to be finished though that's it ... may be Tan will competition which seat."

"The possibility is there ... the full preference is nonetheless to be finished ... may be ..."

Nik Nazmi

If we were Dr Tan, we wouldn't equate my chickens yet, not with such prevarications by the Anwar-Azmin's inner coterie. Even Khalid Ibrahim is on tenterhooks in available the preference on his GE-13 candidature from the inner coterie.

But assuming he becomes the PKR claimant for Wangsa Maju, will PAS await him in the campaign as well as election, or will PAS still maintain the await of the mufti, where we had created in my postSandiwara of the pythonas follows:

And hasn't it been divine-decreed padan muka for PAS when in mid Nov 2012 the SMS Priest had the thick hide to pontificate about the what should be finished or not finished by Muslims (did he exempt himself?) as well as afterwards accused Pak Haji Nik Aziz ofbeing slanderous for branding UMNO as apostate?

Iwould dearl! ylove to see PAS t! ap dance ! (or pogo pogo) around this emanate of 'then they desired the sms lying mufti, as well as right away they don't'in regards to their probable new Pakatan ally Dr Tan, wakakaka.

pogo pogo, wakakaka

And which Dr Tan has left Gerakan to possibly stand as the PKR claimant is additionally wise padan muka for Gerakan for being the sycophontic UMNO slave, nothing some-more than the kowardly kniasu kowtow-ing kutu, for not standing firm in await of Dr Tan when hecorrectlyappealed toHRH Perak to sack which factious priest.

And in closing, just areminderthat Chandra Muzaffar had advised PKR never to take in the statesman who left or was sacked by an additional Pakatan ally - thus, hasn't he been scold about the person similar to Wee Chong Keong?
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Lim Guan Eng - Ex-ISA detainee - Pt 1

In an disdainful interview, CM Lim Guan Eng shared what was hold up in the ISA as well as additionally prison. He was incarcerated under the ISA in 1987 for eighteen months when he was twenty-six years old. Then, in 1998, he was condemned to eighteen months in Kajang prison. This is the initial partial of the dual partial videos.

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Janji Husam untuk Pulau Gaya: Royalti minyak, highway, dan stadium

Lawatan Dato Husam Musa ke Pulau Gaya semalam betul-betul menimbulkan banyak persoalan.

Apa perlu PAS datang ke situ dan cuba membuka cawangan di Pulau Gaya dan menyampaikan bantuan kepada fakir miskin situ dengan hanya beras 5 kilo, rumpai laut yang banyak kedapatan di Pulau Gaya dan makanan ringan keropok kentang goreng?

Bukankah Pemuda PAS juga yang melaungkan isu PATI tapi dirinya

'Blade Runner' Pistorius Case: 'Bloody Cricket Bat' At Center Of Investigation

JOHANNESBURG: South Africa has been shocked new by the series of new details about what happened in between Oscar Pistorius as well as his late partner Reeva Steenkamp upon the night she died, reported Eurosport.Read more... ... Read More


UMNO akan jatuh walaupun tanpa keganasan Begitu bimbang pemimpin UMNO-BN terhadap perjalanan pilihanraya umum ke 13 nanti. Pelbagai persepsi dan andaian seperti igauan buruk yang bermain di fikiran mereka sehingga membuat kenyataan yang pelik. Begitu beriya-iya pemimpin-pemimpin negara mengingatkan rakyat supaya tidak melakukan kekerasan terhadap kerajaan sekiranya BN menan...g dalam PRU 13. Jika terdahulu, Tun Dr Mahathir menyatakan kebimbangannya kononnya Pakatan Rakyat akan mencetuskan ... Read More

Manifesto in the works, BN activists prepare for GE13

KUALA LUMPUR, February 18 Barisan Nasional (BN) parties have started distributing laptops as well as mobile phones to operation centres opposite a nation to monitor as well as mobilize electorate for Election 2013, as a ruling coalition puts finishing touches to the declaration for a ubiquitous election. The Malaysian Insider understands a Umno domicile here has ... Read More

Senators detention gross abuse of power

Malaysiakini Opposition personality Anwar Ibrahim has described a detention as well as deportation of Australian senator Nick Xenophon as gross abuse of power as well as violation of international protocol. I reject in a strongest terms a detention of Xenophon during a Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) who is said to be a security threat as well as branded an enemy [...] Read More

PKR banks on ex-deputy minister to win back Wangsa Maju

Md Izwan, The Malaysian Insider PKR is banking on a former deputy apportion to take back a Wangsa Maju civic subdivision needed to seize federal power in Election 2013. Former Deputy Minister Land as well as Cooperative Development Datuk Dr Tan Tee Kwong had started reconnecting with a voters to enlarge his form on a ground since incumbent Wangsa Maju deputy Wee Choo Keong give up a celebration in 2010 as well as incited Independent yet pledging await to a Barisan Nasional (BN) federal ... Read More

Najibs time ends now

Josh Hong
From day one, Najib Abdul Razak's apprenticeship as prime minister has been noted by facade.
Having edged out Abdullah Ahmad Badawi with a assistance of Muhyiddin Yassin as well as Dr Mahathir Mohamad, he betrothed a people a consummate reform, so which Barisan Nasional as well as most critically, Umno, could regain a open trust, as well as nonetheless another charge to rule.
At a media function nearly 4 years ago, hepublicly statedthat "there is a vital place for a vibrant, giveaway as well as sensitive media" as well as which "we need a media both old as well as new which is empowered to responsibly inform what they see, without fright of consequence".
NONENow, spin toUtusan Malaysia,Berita Harian, theNew Straits Times,The Starand a Najib-friendlySinchew Daily, as well as review for yourself their coverage upon a fiasco during a Chinese New Year jubilee in Penang, during which a throng shouted "No!" loud as well as clear not once, though 3 times to Najib early this week. There is no improved way to put Najib's sincerity to test, as well as it is found definitely wanting.
Najib also admits which "the era when a government knows most appropriate is over". Still, his party as well as bloc partners go upon to practice a parsimonious hold upon a mainstream media, withUtusanarguing openly as well as ! atrociou sly which there is no need to verify negative headlines connected with a antithesis parties.
And my sources told me which with Chinese await roughly bottoming out with no hope of being revived before a upcoming general election, there is now a group of people during a Prime Minister's Department without delay monitoring all a Mandarin headlines upon TV to safeguard which 'undesirable' elements have been edited out before they have been aired.
azlanEven a Malay chosen have been beginning to feel a heat of Umno's hegemony, as well as Azrul Azwar, a arch economist during a Islamic Bank suspended from duty over his 'politically incorrect' predictions, is a box in point.
Facade is essentially a worse form of politicking than spin-doctoring. Whereas a latter is meant to appreciate agreeably words as well as actions of a certain statesman to remonstrate a public, as well as might contain half truths in it, a former is a sheer practice of deception with a clear goal of fooling a people.
Najib's rubbing salt into wounds
Hence, when Najib bent to mounting open pressures as well as set up a royal commission of exploration (RCI) into a puzzling as well as tragic genocide of Teoh Beng Hock, all which it culminated in was a outcome which usually rubbed salt into a wounds of a victim's family, whilst a genocide ofAhmad Sarbaini Mohamedhad been completely erased from open memory.
Despite which a RCI did identify 'institutional racism' as being pervasive in a open sector, Najib has finished nothing to address a issue, selecting to blow his own horn of '1Malaysia' ad nauseam.
But what '1Malaysia' is he boasting? His wife, a infamou! s 'First Lady' Rosmah Mansor, graced a fundraising event hosted by Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa exactly a year ago, over which Najib was conspicuous by his elegant silence. we still remember someone describing it as, "as if Michelle Obama is endorsing a Ku Klux Klan". What a fitting analogy!
NONENajib's being gratified to a ultra-conservative forces within Umno can be clearly seen from his disaster to disapprove Ibrahim Ali (right) over a latter's recent threat to bake a Bible. While Mahathir rushed to a counterclaim of a Perkasa head, Najib only played dumb as usual. As a believer in giveaway speech, we disagree with those who call for Ibrahim Ali's arrest in a wake of his remarks, incendiary yet they might have been.
But as a statesman determined allegedly to national leadership, Najib should have during slightest had a courage to reprove them. Born with a silver spoon, Najib is no risk-taker. He prefers, obviously, to put up with in his own fantasies of 'transformation' whilst a extremists have been becoming bolder by a day.
And never in Malaysian story has there been a prime minister who is so shameless as well as desperate as to try to float upon others' coattails during each opportunity. At a most politically-charged CNY jubilee in Penang, Najib had hoped Psy's recognition would massage off onto him, though a throng showed no qualms in revelation him off, leaving him so broke which it was roughly like a diverting 'You assistance me, we assistance you'episodeall over again.
NONEBut a worse was nonetheless to come. Three days after a open relations nightmare, Penang BN arch Teng Chang Yeow unexpected regained his mental recall as well as revealed which Najib had to leave a theatre rught away after tossing a yee sang since "there was an try upon Psy's life".
Remember how a police sealed down a complete city centre of Kuala Lumpur as well as installed roadblocks upon all a vital roads heading to a Klang Valley areas ahead of a pacific travel rallies of Berish 1.0 as well as 2.0? The drastic actions were taken in annoy of a miss of evidence of violence upon a partial of a participants.
Now they have been seeking to have us hold which a 'Oppa Gangnam Style' uncover contingency go upon even when Psy's life was during risk. Some who were there told me security was barely competent as well as which people were giveaway to pierce in as well as out of thepadang(field). we suspicion our PDRM would have dispatched a moment squad so which a 'First Lady' as well as a others would get to suffer a horse-riding dance?
NONEWhat an meaningful sign for BN, when their leaders no longer know how to tell lies properly. With their credit so easibly demolished, we would not be astounded which Mahathir (left) as well as his boys have been quietly sharpening their knives once again. Like all regimes confronting a fast downfall, these people have been deceived to consider which any a single of them would do improved than Najib, perhaps by adopting an ultra-Malay platform.
My recommendation is for everybody to stay calm even if voices of 'Chinese in Penang showing disrespect to Malay leaders' have been heard in a days to come, for this is only a single of a superfluous antics which they can employ to obstruct a public's att! ention f rom unbridled corruption, alarming crime rates, as well as rising costs of living.
As for Najib, we would not strew a rip for him should he spin out to be a usually prime minister without a mandate. After all, his probation would have been consummated prolonged ago in light of his disastrous performance had there been a some-more approved resource of checks as well as balances in Malaysia.
JOSH HONG complicated politics during London Metropolitan University as well as a School of Oriental as well as African Studies, University of London. A keen viewer of domestic as well as general politics, he longs for a day when Malaysians will learn as well as master a art of self-mockery, as well as suffer life to a full in annoy of politicians.
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No way, Hisham!

Nicole Tan Lee Koon
you would like to criticism upon Hishamuddin's make the difference upon the 16th of Feb, 2013 which the Registrar Of Societies can examine DAP as well as DAP run the risk of being deregistered usually like UMNO in 1987 :http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/bahasa/article/ros-boleh-mula-siasat-dap-kata-hishamuddin/
In his promptness to finish DAP off, Hishamuddin done the huge blunder by jumping the gun. His belligerent was manifested ever so clearly. The 60 days period which he mentioned can be found in Section fourteen of the Societies Act 1966. Section fourteen stipulates which every registered multitude shall forward to the Registrar inter alia, copies of AGM minutes; attendance; amendments to rules (if any); list of bureau bearers; address of the society; accounts inside of 60 days after the land of the annual ubiquitous meeting. For those who have been familiar, it is essentially the filing of Borang 9 returns. DAP has filed the necessary earnings in accordance to Section fourteen as reliable by DAP NS State Chairman as well as additionally National Organising Secretary , Anthony Loke Siew Fook in response to Hishamuddin's press make the difference upon the same day.
What Hishamuddin meant was probably Section sixteen which stipulates which if the Registrar is of the opinion which the dispute has occurred in between the members as the outcome of which the Registrar is not satisfied of the identity of the persons who have been properly constituted as office-bearers of the society, the Registrar may serve notice upon the multitude requiring the society, inside of one month of the use of such notice, to furnish to him justification of the correct ap! pointmen t of the official office-bearers of the multitude as well as if any such notice is not complied with to the satisfaction of the Registrar inside of the period of one month, the Registrar may take stairs to cancel the registration of the society.
What the ROS should have done was to issue the notice pursuant to Section 16, which the ROS did not do so. you opine which even if the notice was issued, DAP does not run the risk of being de-registered as follows. Firstly, pursuant to Section 16, you can furnish justification of the correct appointment of the official bureau bearers i.e the inner as well as outmost auditors' reports which obviously states which the manual counting as well as formula were correct as well as valid. However, there was the "copy as well as paste" error when the formula were transcribed to the computer. The mistake was then rectified.
Secondly, underneath Sections 18A-18C (provisions germane to domestic parties only), where there is any inconsistency in between Sections 18A-18C as well as any supplies in the Act, Sections 18A-18C shall prevail. Section 18C stipulates which the preference of the domestic celebration upon any make the difference relating to the affairs of the celebration shall be last as well as decisive as well as such preference shall not be challenged, appealed against, reviewed, quashed or called in subject in any justice upon any ground, as well as no justice shall have office to perform or establish any suit, application, subject or move upon any belligerent per the effect of such decision.
you repeat emphatically which the preference of the domestic celebration upon any make the difference shall be last as well as conclusive. What more carrying been irreproachable by the outmost auditor's report.
When UMNO was deregistered in 1987, they longed for to safeguard which history does not repeat itself as well as hence enacted Section 18C. Chedet pre-empted any moves by domestic opponents to de-regi! ster the domestic celebration back in 1987 (but Section 18C usually took effect in 1990). Therefore, Hishamuddin is wrong to contend which DAP situation is the same as the time UMNO was deregistered. Karmic ? Further, the Court in the box of Pendaftar Pertubuhan Malaysia v PV Das (Bagi Pihak People's Progressive Party of Malaysia (PPP)) resolved which underneath the business the election of the plaintiff as President of PPP as well as the capitulation as well as publicity of the defendant's Presidency of the PPP have been the decisions of the domestic celebration inside of the meaning of Section 18C of the Act as well as which the business of electing the president or the capitulation as well as publicity of the president have been 'matters relating to the affairs of the party'. Therefore, decisions upon such make the difference in the perspective of the Court have been last as well as decisive decisions as well as the justice has no office to subject the effect of such decisions.
Section 18C of the Societies Act creates such disputes counts of inner affairs of the domestic parties as well as the non-justiciable domestic subject not fit for judicial determination. The territory precludes the courts from exercising office in counts relating to the inner affairs of domestic parties.
De-register DAP ? No way, Hisham !! you titillate the Home Minister to do the little task before making the press make the difference which threatens to deregister the challenging opposition domestic celebration !

Nicole Tan Lee Koon
Secretary, Seremban branch, DAP NS
Tweet handle : @loyarbaik
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Karpal accuses Hishammuddin of lying

The DAP supremo final an apology from a home apportion for claiming which a celebration unsuccessful to submit a choosing earnings before a deadline.
GEORGE TOWN: Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein has lied as well as acted irresponsibly for alleging which DAP unsuccessful to submit a choosing earnings to a Registrar of Societies (ROS) inside of a required 60-day period, pronounced celebration arch Karpal Singh.
Karpal demanded which Hishammuddin redress his fake matter as well as apologise.
He simplified which DAP had submitted a choosing earnings in suitability with a law upon February 8, a week forward of a 60-day deadline upon February 15.
"We submitted a choosing earnings as well as received ROS' admission receipt," he added.
Karpal pronounced Hishammuddin's accusation was a serious matter as it could lead to a de-registration of DAP.
He pronounced Hishammuddin's matter which DAP had unsuccessful to encounter a deadline was a falsification of facts, fake as well as misleading
"He has lied publicly. It shows irresponsibility. The apportion should apologize as well as redress his lies," he added.
Hishammuddin had pronounced which ROS would probe complaints by celebration members upon DAP's quarrelsome executive executive committee (CEC) choosing held upon Dec fifteen last year in Penang.
He also pronounced which a DAP had unsuccessful to encounter a February fifteen deadline to submit a choosing returns.
The complaints followed an proclamation by a celebration care three weeks after a inner polls which there had been a technical glitch in a text format of a results.
In a revised list, celebration secretary general Lim Guan Eng's aide Zairil Khir Johari was towering from previous 39th spot to a inaugurated 20th in front of in a CEC.
The "technical error" forced a abdication of celebration choosing director Pooi Weng Keong.
BN exploiting a non-issue
Karpal, a counsel by profession, explained which a choosing earnings to ROS did not include a report upon a technical glitch.
Based upon a choosing returns, he pronounced a ROS would usually investigate if there were valid complaints upon irregularities in a electoral process.
He accused a Barisan Nasional of exploiting a non-issue to put DAP in a bad light.
He pronounced BN would surely play up a emanate during a general choosing campaign as well as hoped which a ROS would act but fear from any buliding in a investigation, if any.
He reiterated which a celebration polls were not manipulated, rigged or fraudulent.
"The choosing was giveaway as well as fair," he insisted, adding which a emanate did not really demand an investigation.
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Pakatans Allah decision is official

Karpal Singh says which a PAS majlis syura's preference cannot overwrite a mount taken by Pakatan Rakyat.
GEORGE TOWN: Pakatan Rakyat's preference which a tenure "Allah" can be used by non-Muslims is a coalition's central mount which should be respected by a allies, pronounced DAP national chairman Karpal Singh.
He pronounced Pakatan's preference was contracting upon DAP, PAS as well as PKR notwithstanding a parties' particular mount upon a issue.
Hence, he pronounced a preference by PAS' majlis syura, a party's top decision-making body, which non-Muslims cannot make make use of of a tenure would not overwrite Pakatan's stand.
He pronounced Pakatan's central mount was collectively as well as unanimously adopted by a leaders PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim, DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang as well as PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang to safeguard incomparable open interests as well as rights.
He pointed out which majlis syura was only a small entity in a party which was partial of Pakatan.
"Mathematically, it can't overwrite Pakatan's decision. Pakatan is a bigger entity. The three Pakatan parties agreed to it unanimously. All allies should mount by Pakatan's decision," he said.
He was commenting upon media reports about groups protesting against a mount taken by DAP as well as PKR leaders, similar to Karpal, Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Anwar as well as Azmin Ali upon whether Christians could make make use of of a tenure Allah in a Malay edition of a Bible.
Claiming to be current as well as former PAS members, a groups criticised DAP as well as PKR leaders for stirring Muslim sentim! ents as well as undermining a Majlis Syura decision.
Karpal criticised sure Barisan Nasional-controlled media for personification up a emanate to irk Muslim sensitivities against Pakatan leaders similar to him.
"Publishing pictures which have been defamatory is a critical matter," he cautioned.
The Allah emanate aside, he pronounced a relationship between Pakatan allies were generally great as a parties had great bargain upon most usual as well as dire issues.
He additionally commented upon Pakatan's leadership seeking construction from Hadi over his flip-flop upon a emanate following a majlis syura's preference as well as pressure from party grassroots.
"The emanate does not arise. Pakatan's mount is clear," pronounced Karpal.
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Village encircled by security forces

Malaysia is not entertaining a 'militant' group's direct which they be recognized as a Royal Sultanate Army.
LAHAD DATU: Time is using out for some-more then 100 Filipino gunmen holed up during a seaside encampment of Tanduo as Malaysian confidence officials have spoken which a negotiations are over.
Heavily armed police, armed forces as well as maritime forces have shut in a encampment within Felda Sahabat seventeen as well as sources pronounced talks with a so called "Sulu stately army" led by Raja Mudah Azzimudie Kiram have came to a halt.
Bukit Aman Internal Security as well as Public Order Director Salleh Mat Rasid confirmed in Kota Kinabalu which a negotiations were over as well as they were ready to deport a armed organisation back to southern Philippines.
"We are in a routine of deporting them home," he told reporters after a walkabout during a Jesselton Point boat terminal in Kota Kinabalu along with Sabah Police Commissioner Hamza Taib as part of a ongoing nationwide Ops Selamat 2 in as well as with a Chinese New Year celebrations here.
Asked when a heavily armed organisation including 5 women will be deported, Hamza said: "Soon".
Asked either military design a deportation to be trouble-free, Hamza said: "Of course, we are upon top of a situation" but both he as well as Salleh declined to say how a organisation would be deported.
Salleh additionally pronounced Malaysia was not entertaining a group's direct which they be recognized as a Royal Sultanate Army as well as which there were no deportations of Sultan of Sulu's subjects in Sabah.
"We have told them to voice their demands by correct channels," he added.
Asked either a part of of Sulu Sultanate family Datuk Ismail Kiram was aiding authorities, Hamza pronounced "there is no personality with such a name involved."
He additionally discharged talk which a organisation had raised a Philippines flag in a encampment as well as Philippine media reports which about 1,000 some-more armed gunmen were upon their way to Sabah from a island of Tawi Tawi.
"We have a navy, Marine Police as well as Maritime Enforcement Agency examination a waters," Hamza said.
At a heavily guarded opening to Sahabat seventeen yesterday, General Operations Force kept tighten burial upon a transformation of a Filipino gunmen as seven of them approached a well near a hut to fetch water.
One of a gunmen is believed to have asked because a confidence forces were tighten to a mosque where they were camped.
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Postal voting: Malaysians abroad have until dissolution of Parliament

Applications through a 1B Form perceived after midnight upon a day of dissolution will not be processed, says a EC.
KUALA LUMPUR: Registered Malaysian voters vital abroad have until a dissolution of Parliament to apply for postal choosing by casting votes for a 13thgeneral election.
Election Commission (EC) emissary chairman Wan Ahmad Wan Omar pronounced applications through a 1B Form perceived after midnight upon a day of dissolution would not be processed.
Since January 21, a EC had perceived 2,485 applications from Malaysians vital overseas of which a highest were from Australia with 574 applications, United Kingdom (449), United States (195), China (132), Qatar (116) as well as United Arab Emirates (97), he told Bernama.
Besides them, 2,651 Malaysian students as well as civils servants as well as their spouseshave also purebred for postal choosing by casting votes for a entrance elections.
He pronounced Malaysian adults could refer to a guideline for filling in a 1B Form upon a EC website for any subject they competence have regarding form completion to safeguard it was finished properly.
Completed forms need to be sent to a EC headquarters in Putrajaya by e-mail (upup@spr.gov.my), fax (+603-8881 1201/ 1202/ 1187/ 1192) or by post.
Wan Ahmad pronounced each duplicate would be immediately processed as well as a applicants would be informed of their duplicate status.
"Malaysians abroad should keep themselves updated upon EC's announcements by visitingwww.spr.gov.myfrom time to time," he said.
For a! first t ime in a country's choosing history, Malaysians vital abroad who are purebred voters can opinion as well as be involved in determining a future of a country.
Previously, usually full-time students as well as civil servants as well as their spouses were authorised to use a postal choosing by casting votes facility.
Besides being a purebred voter, they contingency also have been in Malaysia for not reduction than thirty days inside of five years before Parliament as well as state assembly are dissolved.
Malaysians vital in Southern Thailand, Singapore, Brunei as well as Kalimantan are not authorised for postal choosing by casting votes as well as are required to lapse to cast their votes upon polling day.
- Bernama
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MIC man calls on Hindraf to woo BN

Since Pakatan does not appreciate the efforts of Hindra, KP Samy says the transformation should turn to BN instead.
PETALING JAYA: Days after Hindraf voiced which the wooing with Pakatan Rakyat has soured, the former Hindraf romantic wants the transformation to woo MIC as well as Barisan Nasional.
Ex-Hindraf romantic KP Samy wanted the transformation to reveal Pakatan Rakyat's shortcomings to the Indian community.
"Hindraf should agree which MIC is the solitary Indian representative. They should work with MIC to make firm the community.
"Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has been doing his turn most appropriate for the past four years," pronounced the MIC central operative committee member.
He additionally pronounced Hindraf's efforts to build the operative attribute with Pakatan was not appreciated by the federal antithesis fondness which helms four state governments.
"Hindraf should go behind to the Indian village as well as reveal Pakatan's insincerity. A large number of Hindraf supporters have left Pakatan," he told FMT.
Samy pronounced which Hindraf's contribution which led to Pakatan's feat was neither valued nor recognised.
He combined which Pakatan should have honoured the 5 Hindraf leaders hold under ISA as well as provided monetary subsidy for the hundreds of Hindraf supporters who were detained.
Instead, he pronounced Selangor senior manager councillor Dr Xavier Jayakumar usually voiced monetary assistance for Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga when the federal supervision instituted the suit against Bersih.
Samy additionally requested Hindraf to consider the Indian equity factor. "Only the s! ingle ra ce the Chinese have maximised their equity in Selangor. The Indians sojourn the same," he added.
He combined which in terms of positions inside of the government, Pakatan had usually over the oath by giving the Penang Deputy Chief Minister 2 post to P Ramasamy but in Selangor which was not the case.
"Jayakumar's exco post is the eighth in the list. All the important exco positions are hold by Chinese representatives from the DAP as well as PKR," he said, citing Teresa Kok as well as Elizabeth Wong as examples.
Meanwhile, Hindraf authority P Waythamoorthy still hoped which Pakatan would go upon courting Hindraf.
"Hindraf has done transparent from the outset which it supports Pakatan as well as wishes to work closely with Pakatan to grasp the objectives of addressing the 56-year marginalisation of the Indian village in this country," he pronounced in the press statement.
He additionally emphasised upon Hindraf's critical role in moving Indian votes for Pakatan.
"Pakatan leaders have to realize which it was Hindraf which broke the 80% 'fixed deposit' which MIC boasted it regularly had as well as delivered which to the antithesis including PAS in the final general election. The climate of the 2008 election was different," he said.
He certified which the Najib administration department was upon the right path to recover the Indian votes.
"The Najib administration department has done tremendous work upon the ground as well as if they are successful in gaining 55% of the sum Indian voters, Pakatan is expected to face risk in 25 Parliament seats. Kedah would be the certain fall as well as Selangor would be during great risk.
"We during Hindraf hold you could prevent this," pronounced Waythamoorthy, who combined which Hindraf would be able to sway 50 percent of the uncertain Indian voters in foster of Pakatan.
He additionally pronounced which Pakatan must endorse the Hindra! f bluepr int which aims to utterly resolve the Indian community's issues.
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Pemimpin PR disambut hebat, tak kisah Najib

KAJANG:Buat kali pertama sejak Merdeka, seorang Perdana Menteri menjejak kaki ke rumah terbuka anjuran pertubuhan pendidikan Cina, Dong Zong, dalam usaha Barisan Nasional untuk menawan hati pengundi berketurunan Cina yang sebelum ini tidak begitu dipedulikan.

Datuk Seri Najib Razak menghadirkan diri di selama kira-kira setengah jam di padang Pusat Pengajian Tinggi Dong Jiao Zong di sini hari ini. Beliau menyertai acara menggaul yee sang bersama pemimpin Cina dan menonton persembahan kebudayaan.

Namun, Najib meninggalkan acara tersebut tanpa memberi sebarang ucapan atau membuat pengumuman peruntukan berjuta-juta ringgit seperti yang sering dilakukan sekarang dalam kempen pilihanraya umum tidak rasmi Umno BN.

Sebaik saja Najib meninggalkan majlis, ribuan hadirin memberi sambutan besar-besaran kepada barisan pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat walaupun Dong Zong tidak menyediakan permaidani merah atau tarian singa untuk mereka.

Ketibaan Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang bersama wakil-wakil rakyat DAP Tan Kok Wai dan Charles Santiago disambut meriah, begitu juga dengan kehadiran Naib Presiden PAS Datuk Mahfuz Omar.

Sambutan paling hangat diberikan oleh hadirin untuk mengalu-alukan kehadiran Ketua Pembangkang Parlimen, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan isteri Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail dengan secara spontan mengangkat sepanduk asal 'I Love PM' (Saya sayang Perdana Menteri) yang ditambah ayatnya menjadi 'I Love new PM Anwar' (Saya sayang Perdana Menteri Baru, Anwar).

Reaksi tersebut ! memperli hatkan penolakan kuat masyarakat Cina terhadap kepimpinan Najib dan kesediaan mereka untuk menerima Ketua Umum Keadilan itu sebagai Perdana Menteri menjelang pilihanraya umum tidak lama lagi.

Minggu lalu Najib Razak dimalukan di Pulau Pinang apabila tiga kali mendapat jawapan negatif "no" (tidak) ketika bertanya sama ada rakyat Pulau Pinang bersedia untuk menerima BN dalam PRU akan datang, sewaktu majlis rumah terbuka Tahun Baru Cina anjuran BN Negeri.
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Kempen Aktivis DAP Dibiayai Gereja

Helen Ang - Tweet oleh DAP SubangJaya telah mempromosikan sebuah rencana berjudul A Christian woman in Malaysian governing body YB Hannah Yeoh yang disiarkan di portalMalaysia Chronicle (6 Feb 2013).Rencana tersebut merupakan teks khutbah yang disampaikan oleh Hannah Yeoh baru-baru ini besar kemungkinan di Gereja Methodist Damansara Utama (DUMC) pada tempoh hari.Di antara kandungan khutbah tersebut yang diterbitkan sebagai sebuah rencana di portal berita Malaysia Chronicle adalah seperti berikut ... Read More

Najib Bakal Keluar Dari Putrajaya Dengan Lenggang "Gangnam Style"?

Najib, UMNO/BN ditimpa tiga aib besar di pesta Gangnam

Tiga keaiban besar menimpa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan UMNO/Barisan Nasional (BN) ketika pesta RM3.

5 juta Psy dan Gangnam Style yang turut memalukan negara.

Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang berkata, video satu minit tiga jawapan 'ya' untuk Psy dan tiga jawapan 'tidak' untuk BN ditonton hampir setengah juta di Youtube daripada banyak laman sejak Isnin lalu.

Katanya, Najib dan UMNO/BN dimalukan menerusi video lima minit penolakan Psy untuk tidak bersama Najib dan pemimpin BN, termasuk bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ketika acara menggaul yee sang.

"Psy menolak untuk mempersembahkan "Gangnam 1Malaysia Style" juga memalukan Perdana Menteri sebaik mengumumkan bahawa Psy akan mengadakan persembahan itu selepas jawapan tiga kali "Ya" untuk Psy dan tiga kali "Tidak" untuk BN," katanya dalam kenyataan media mengenai Pengiraan Detik 56 Hari ke PRU-13, semalam.

Menurut Kit Siang, kemunculan Psy dan Gangnam Style sempena pesta Tahun Baru Cina BN di Pulau Pinang sepatutnya menjadi hiburan dan menambahkan keyakinan UMNO/BN memenangi PRU-13, sebaliknya bertukar menjadi kemusnahan besar bagi parti yang memerintah negara 56 tahun itu.

Beliau yang juga Ahli Parlimen Ipoh Timur berkata, setakat ini kegagalan menjelaskan penaja yang melangsaikan sekurang-kurangnya RM3.5 juta untuk membawa terus "Psy dan Gangnam Style" dari Brazil ke Pulau Pinang melalui penerbangan 20 jam jika tidak daripada wang rakyat.

"Pada hari pertama sambutan Tahun Baru Cina, lebih 10,000 bendera 1Malaysia memenuhi jalan besar di Pulau Pinang yang digunakan Najib dalam lawatan dua hari itu menunjukkan keangkuhan "penaja misteri" pesta ! Psy dan Gangnam Style serta menghina undang-undan! g kerana bendera itu dipasang tanpa mengambil kira keselamatan dan undang-undang dianggar menelan belanja kira-kira RM100,000.

"Setakat ini penganjur rasmi BN Pulau Pinang mendakwa mereka tidak tahu siapa yang menaikkan 10,000 bendera 1Malaysia menggambar betapa tidak bertanggungjawab atau tidak cekap pemimpin BN negeri itu," katanya.

Katanya, persoalannya mampukah Malaysia melakukan peralihan kuasa secara aman bagi Pakatan Rakyat menggantikan BN menjadi kerajaan baru di Putrajaya pada PRU-13 nanti Sekiranya ini dapat dicapai, beliau berkata, keaiban Najib itu menjadi rahmat buat negara bagi membolehkan Malaysia membuka lembaran baru untuk mencapai mencapai kemerdekaan kedua untuk rakyat Malaysia mampu berdiri sama tinggi dan bersaing dengan negara lain di dunia.- Roketkini

Riding out of Putrajaya 'Gangnam style'?

Feb 11, 2013 in a Chinese metaphysics monthly calendar was labelled as "Destruction Day" as good as no disbelief it was disastrous for Barisan Nasional as Najib Tun Razak unsuccessful to enlarge his recognition notwithstanding removing South Korean artist Psy to come to Malaysia to perform a Penang crowd.

There were 3 vital disasters for a prime apportion upon which day:

1. Pronouncing a name of a venue as "Han Yang" when it should be "Han Chiang";

2. Failing to get Psy to come onstage to stir a "yee sang" traditional do for Chinese New Year; and,

3. Getting deserted 3 times by a Penang crowd.

Najib's advisers positively did have a mess of things by failing to surprise him which a name of a unison venue was a Han Chiang Chinese school ground as good as not "Han Yang", thuscausing him to be booed multiform times by a throng due to mispronunciation.

Failing to get Psy to come upon theatre for a "yee sang" do was misfortune as it was obvious for all to see since a master of ceremonies had called Psy's name multiform times.
An d of courseasking a throng whether it was were ready for BN was positively a bone-headed move since it opens oneself to attack.Najib had to sheepishly turn a master of ceremonies to conceal a faux pas afterward by inviting Psy to come onstage for his opening to sing his important strike "Oppa Gangnam Style".

"For a prime minister, this is a second vital embarrassment to go viral upon a social media after a 'Listen, listen, listen' episode. If Najib was meditative of dissolving Parliament this month, he has to think again,"said PAS Pokok Sena MP, Mahfuz Omar.

"Those in Umno who dislike Najib contingency be carrying a good giggle during a misfortunes which he as good as his mother appear to be facing.Najib is now a liability to Umno as good as Dr Mahathir [Mahathir] contingency be removing worried with a new developments. The latter can even knock his conduct upon a wall in frus! tration during saying Najib's stupidity upon Feb 11,"he said.

Mahfuz is additionally of a perspective which Najib can switch careers after a 13th ubiquitous choosing as a latter has already acted in a Chinese New Year advertorial as good as additionally played a role as a master of ceremonies during Psy's concert.

Fed up of PKR's Batu MP, Tian Chua, had commented which a expensive unison has unsuccessful to get a throng to await BN. He additionally noted which a infancy of a throng usually came to watch Psy's opening as good as many of them left after Psy had performed.

DAP's Taiping MP, Nga Kor Ming, opined which "we, a rakyat, have been fed up of BN which is regularly trying to surprise us.BN regularly thinks which a rakyat is foolish as good as therefore we decided to tell him off during a unison when a opportunity presented itself".

Calling upon everyone to reject BN, Nga, who is additionally a Pantai Remis state assemblyman, pronounced which a 13th ubiquitous choosing is a best time to opinion for a shift in government, andBN's disaster in removing Psy! to expe rience in a "yee sang" do is definitely a pointer which their days have been numbered.

Insider news revealed to a PAS' Harakah publisher who is this columnist's hit told of how a fighting spirit has gone out of Penang Umno after a new announcement by Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin which a authority of Penang BN, Teng Chang Yeow, will be done chief apportion if BN succeeds in recapturing Penang.

Umno is a usually opposition in Penang as it is land all a eleven BN seats in a State Legislative Assembly after MCA as good as Gerakan were wiped out in Penang in 2008. Umno's cybertroopers have been now very indignant with MCA, Gerakan as good as Penang Umno for a fiasco suffered by BN in a Penang-do.

According to this Harakah journalist, his hit had mentioned which a authority of Penang Umno, Zainal Abidin Osman, had unsuccessful to ensure which there will be "10,000 mercenaries" station in front of a theatre to give Najib a resou! nding "! yes" to all which he says during his speech.

The disaster of Najib as good as BN to capitalise upon Psy's recognition is positively a vital setback for BN's efforts in wooing a electorate. Contrasting a "yes" to Psy with a "no" to BN obviously shows which a usually way BN can win a GE13 is by a indeterminate as good as much-disputed electoral roll as good as by a farming votes.

PAS is operative very hard to reach out to a farming folk of all races. If this group wakes up in time for a GE13, afterwards BN is finished.

BN leaders will do good to take note which threats as good as instant goodies will not work very much in this day as good as age. This is 2013 as good as BN has to move with a times as electorate have been removing to be more discerning.

The year of a Water Snake this time might infer to be BN's year of doom as a lizard swallows it whole. BN leaders might very good be soon roving out of a main gate of Putrajaya Gangnam style.-FMT
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Hishamuddin diminta jelaskan kegagalan menagani situasi Lahad Datu

Oleh Nomy Nozwir

Timbalan presiden PKR Mohamed Azmin Ali berkata HIshammuddin harus menjawab mengenai isu ini kerana ia melibatkan keselamatan negara.
Gambar Fail
KUALA LUMPUR Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri didakwa gagal menangani situasi di Lahad Datu, apabila sekumpulan orang seramai 100 orang datang ke negara ini dan mendakwa Sabah adalah sebahagian dari Kesultanan Sulu, kata timbalan presiden PKR Mohamed Azmin Ali.

"Jika laporan itu benar, persoalannya mengapa situasi itu tidak dipantau sehingga sekarang? Apakah Kementerian Dalam Negeri 'tidur semasa kerja' sehingga tidak mampu bertindak dengan lebih awal?" kata Azmin dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Azmin mempersoalkan kemampuan Putrajaya menangani masalah itu, kerana membiarkan situasi tersebut sehingga pihak berkuasa terpaksa berunding dengan kumpulan bersenjata tersebut.

"Anggota keselamatan kita mesti mengawal situasi ini dan kumpulan tersebut mesti dilucutkan senjata sekarang," kata Azmin lagi.

Ahli parlimen Gombak itu juga mengatakan Kementerian Dalam Negeri harus menjawab mengenai isu ini kerana ia melibatkan keselamatan negara, disamping mengkritik tindakan kementerian itu menghalau senator Australia Nick Xenophon atas alasan 'risiko keselamatan'.

"Daripada kita memperbodohkan diri dengan membuat kenyataan dengan mengatakan Senator Nick Xenophon sebagai 'musuh negara dan ancaman keselamatan', pihak kementerian seharusnya lebih fokus dengan ancaman sebenar negara ini," katanya.

Pada thirteen Feb lepas, pasukan keselamatan Malaysia menahan sekumpulan warga asing bersenjata yang berpakaian tentera kerana menceroboh perairan Lahad Datu, Sabah.

Jumaat lalu, Manila menggesa sekumpulan 100 warga negara itu yang bersenjata dan kini dikepung pas! ukan kes elamatan Malaysia di pesisir pantai berhampiran Lahad Datu, Sabah pulang ke pangkuan keluarga masing-masing di tanah air mereka.

Setiausaha Ketiga dan Naib Konsul Kedutaan Besar Filipina di Kuala Lumpur Johann Veronica M. Andal berkata pasukan tentera dan polis negara itu kini memantau serta bertukar maklumat dengan rakan sejawatan mereka di Malaysia dalam ! usaha mencari penyelesaian segera insiden itu.

Sabah merupakan sebahagian dari Kesultanan Sulu sehinggaSyarikat Berpiagam Borneo Utara British (British North Borneo Chartered Company) pada 1881 dan menjadi sebuah negeri naungan Empayar British pada 1888.

Walaubagaimanapun, hal ehwal dalam negeri masih diselaraskan oleh Syarikat.

Pemerintahan Syarikat tamat pada 1946 dan ia menjadi tanah jajahan Borneo Utara sehingga penyertaanya dalam Persekutuan Malaysia beserta Sarawak, dan Singapura pada 16 Sep 1963.
Dicatat olehELBI RISALAH
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Kerana Sokong Pakatan Jeneral Difitnah Dalang Enjin Jet Hilang

HULU KELANG seventeen FEB: Seorang bekas jeneral angkatan tentera udara yang sekarang aktif di dalam PKR difitnah sebagai dalang di dalam kes kecurian enjin jet lima tahun dahulu.

Dipercayai fitnah terhadap Briged Jeneral (B) Datuk Abdul Hadi Al- Khatab dilakukan bagi menakutkan dan mencalar reputasinya supaya beliau berhenti daripada mendedahkan penyelewangan yang berlaku di dalam institusi ketenteraan.

Fitnah tersebut disebarkan melalui risalah pada siri ceramah Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat bersama bekas pegawai tinggi tentera yang lain dan Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Taman Rekreasi, AU3 Keramat, malam tadi.

Risalah tersebut cuba mengaitkan Abdul Hadi dalam skandal dua enjin F-SE jet Northrop yang dicuri dari sebuah pengkalan udara tentera pada tahun 2007.

Kedua-dua enjin tersebut didakwa dijual di pasaran gelap untuk sebuah syarikat di negara Uruguay.

"Masa nak datang sini, saya dapat satu risalah fitnah mengenai ketenteraan yang disebar, jangan cuba cabar kesabaran saya, saya tidak gentar dan takut."

Abdul Hadi mencabar Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi supaya mendedahkan dalang sebenar dalam skandal kehilangan enjin jet F-SE pada tahun 2007 lalu.

Beliau juga menuntut penjelasan daripada Panglima Angkatan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) mengenai skandal itu.

"Saya nak beritahu Zahid Hamidi, saya nak tanya kepimpinan angkatan tentera yang ada sekarang, saya nak tanya bekas Panglima Angkatan Tentera yang dah bersara.

"Dia bertanggungjawab, saya nak cabar dia, kalau dia berani, jangan permainkan orang, kalau saya takut saya tidak berani berdiri dihadapan ini, cabar saya dimana-mana," tegasnya.

Sehingga kini mahk! amah tid ak dapat memberi apa-apa keputusan mengenai kehilangan enjin jet tersebut, kata Abdul Hadi yang merupakan Pengerusi Majlis Ru! ndingan K! eselamatan PKR.

"Kes seperti Scorpene, pembelian helikopter dan banyak lagi sehingga hari ini tidak ada jawapannya, masa depan negara dan generasi akan datang bergantung pada PRU-13," katanya dihadapan hampir 4,000 hadirin.

Ceramah itu turut disertai mantan Timbalan Panglima Tentera Darat, Leftenan Jeneral (B) Datuk Abdul Ghafir Abdul Hamid, mantan Pengarah KAGAT, Briged Jeneral (B) Datuk Najmi Abdul Hamid, dan Laksamana Pertama (B) TLDM, Imran Abdul Hamid.
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PANAS: Ini sebabnya Najib BALIK AWAL [Bergambar]

Najib elak bertembung, Anwar disambut plakad 'I Love (New) PM'

KAJANG 17 FEB:Ketibaan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ke majlis Tahun Baru Cina anjuran Persatuan-persatuan Lembaga Pengurus Sekolah Cina Malaysia (Dong Zong) disambut dengan plakad 'I Love New PM' (Saya Sayang Perdana Menteri Baru)

Plakad yang disediakan untuk menyambut Datuk Seri Najib Razak itu diubah suai sebelum dijulang beberapa pengunjung di Kolej New Era hingga menarik perhatian orangramai.

Pengunjung berkenaan, Jimmy Wong, 34, berkata, rakyat bosan dengan pentadbiran Umno BN dan berharap sempena sambutan tahun baru kali ini, Perdana Menteri bertukar dan bukan lagi dari BN.

"Saya tak takut atau malu untuk bawa plakad ini. Apa salahnya. Sebab yang pilih Perdana Menteri adalah rakyat," katanya yang memakai t-shirt Bersih.

"Tiga kilang Lynas (Kuantan), Bukit Koman dan (Rapid) Pengerang, mesti ditutup," kata Jimmy yang lebih menekankan kepada isu alam sekitar.

Bagaimanapun, Najib Razak datang sejam awal hingga mencetus persoalan sama ada Perdana Menteri itu berbuat demikian kerana tidak berani bertembung atau bertentang mata dengan Ketua Umum KEADILAN itu.

Kira-kira 5,000 hadir ke majlis jamuan Tahun Baru Cina Persatuan-persatuan Lembaga Pengurus Sekolah Cina Malaysia (Dong Zong) di Kolej New Era, Kajang.

Anwar yang tiba bersama Presiden KEADILAN, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah diiringi Adun Kajang, Lee Kim Sin dan disambut Pengerusi Dong Zong, Yap Sin Tian, turut dikerumuni rakyat yang mahubersalaman.

Turut hadir Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang, Naib Presiden Pas, Datuk Mahfuz Omar, Naib Presiden KEADILAN, Tian Chua dan Ahli Parlimen Hulu Langat, Dr Che Rosli. ~ KD
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