Hu Pang Chaw: Media Have Right to Get True Picture
Jakarta lawmakers to probe KL land grab allegations
Jakarta as well as Putrajaya have already rubbished a allegation Malaysia shifted a limit markers in a favour recently. Both governments pronounced there was no justification to show a markers had been moved.
But a paper pronounced head of Indonesia's Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) Tjahjo Kumolo, who disclosed a set-up of a special review team, insisted there was basis to a burglary allegation.
"We would not have made a indictment if we did not have a data," Tjahjo was quoted as observant by Indonesia's state news agency Antara.
"We suspect which some of a range markers have been changed as well as which there is a scandal during a back of this, since there is spark mining in a limit area," he said, adding Indonesian lawmakers were unhappy during their government's lack of gravity in dealing with a alleged land grab.
The brawl first emerged last Saturday after several Indonesian MPs visited a area.
Its Parliament's defence as well as foreign affairs commission deputy head TB Hasanudin was reported tyo have pronounced Indonesia had mislaid 1,400 hectares in Camar Bulan as well as eight hectares in Tanjung Datu, both in West Kalimantan, to Malaysia.
Indonesian Home Minister Gamawan Fauzi pronounced limit issues in between a two countries were discussed annually as well as which Malaysia could not be accused of illegally occupying Indonesian lands.
Indonesia's foreign apportion RM Marty Natalegawa pronounced there were no limit disputes in between Malaysia as well as Indonesia as both countries referred to a Dutch-British treaties of 1891, 1915 as well as 1928.
Malaysia's Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman also pronounced a make a difference had been resolved with both parties committed to a existing border, as well as added which a coordinates have been fixed as well as! can alw ays be out right.
"This is just governing body by some individuals in Indonesia," he said.
Bajet Najib Tidak Berpijak di Bumi Nyata - Pakar Ekonomi
Three concerns not addressed by the Budget Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj
OCT twelve Every year, once a Budget is review by a financial minister, a Barisan Nasional sycophants will tumble over any alternative in perplexing to give a certain spin to it.
Tomorrow, you will see a same sleepy phrases steady in a mainstream papers "a people's budget", "a caring budget", "budget from a heart", "with goodies for everyone", as well as alternative sweetened phrases meant to have everyone hold in a humanity of a BN government.
Sure there have been some points which have been certain a abolishment of all propagandize fees, for example, which yet is usually about RM200 per student, will give real relief to a 40 per cent of family groups whose sum monthly income is reduction than RM2,300.
The grant of RM100 million any for Tamil first schools, Chinese first schools as well as religious schools will be of good help to these partly aided schools. And there have been multiform alternative examples similar to these.
An design comment of a inhabitant Budget, however, has to go deeper than this. You just can't juxtapose a couple of goodies for manifold sectors as well as use which to argue which it is a good Budget! A inhabitant Budget is a blueprint detailing how a supervision of a day skeleton to tackle a categorical mercantile problems confronting a nation.
So what have been a categorical mercantile problems confronting a nation? I think which there have been 3 categorical ones:
There is a real probability of a serious retrogression in a subsequent twelve months. The sovereign debt crisis in Europe as well as a US might curt this. How would this start us, a republic which exports roughly 60 per cent of what you produce? How should you prepare ourselves for such an eventuality?
Liberalisation of a manage to buy as well as a faith on a giveaway marketplace to supply basic necessities such as health care, water, preparation as well as housing have led to monetary hardship for a 80 per cent of family groups earning reduction than RM5,! 300 per month. How do you residence this problem?
The leakages have been enormous. Government procurements have been during prices which have been up to 3 times their actual marketplace value. The expansion bill is about RM45 billion, as well as a grant for supplies as well as services is an additional RM30 billion. At a conservative guesstimate which half of this money will go into a pocket of cronies by over-priced contracts as well as quotations, a republic will lose RM37.5 billion in a march of 2012. (To put this volume in proper perspective, a sum bill for a Selangor State Government for 2010 was reduction than RM1.5 billion!)
Sad to say, nothing of these consequential issues have been addressed in this Budget.
The supervision planners appear preoccupied to a probability of a recession. They talk glibly about receptive to advice fundamentals, of robust expansion in India as well as China though taking into account which 8 per cent expansion in gross made at home product (GDP) of US$ 1.5 trillion (India) as well as US$ 3.3 trillion (China) is not sufficient to opposite a dump of 4 per cent in a US GDP (US$ twelve trillion) as well as a total GDP of a EU which is of a similar magnitude!
And in any case, China's as well as India's expansion rates additionally rely to a certain border on exports to a US as well as a EU; so their expansion rates will additionally be brought down by a retrogression in a West!
There have been multiform things you can do to pillow a outcome of a serious recession. One would be would be to quickly exercise a Retrenchment Fund which a MTUC, PSM, Jerit as well as alternative labour groups have been asking for.
Another would be to put off expensive infrastructure work as well as keep those supports in reserve to ensure which a rakyat's basic needs have been met maybe by a arising of food stamps if there have been people who cannot find re-employment for some months.
As for a emanate of liberalisation, it appears which Prime Minister ! Najib Ra zak as well as his planners have no doubts in their mind, although ordinary people a universe over have been coming out to protest neoliberal policies.
The liberalisation of an additional 17 use sub-sectors including in isolation hospitals was announced in a Budget. Now a foreign company can set up a in isolation hospital in Malaysia. The fact which this will accelerate a brain empty as well as weaken a supervision sector on which 75 per cent of a race rely seems to have been deemed unimportant by a financial minister!
As for plugging leakages, there is nothing though mouth use as well as a whole set of acronyms such as "SRI", "GTP" as well as "ETP" between others, which do not appear to have reduced a theft of open supports significantly. There do not appear to be any new believable initiatives in a 2012 Budget to stem a haemorrhage of open funds.
The 2012 Budget fails to residence a consequential mercantile issues confronting a nation. This can usually meant one thing those entrusted with a stewardship of this republic as well as a economy, have been positively not up to mark.
It's tall time they have been replaced!
* Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, an Aliran member, is a MP for Sungai Siput
* This is a personal perspective of a writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not validate a perspective unless specified.
PAS sebenarnya sangat takut kalau media yang tidak menyokong
"It's a Blessing I Am in Malaysia", Says Indonesian Maid
UMNO makes refugees trashed by Australia BUMIPUTRA to f*** Malays
Kadeer: Malaysia not to be devoted with haven seekers
Posted October 12, 2011 08:03:25
Malaysia is "better for refugees" screams a front page lead story of The Age newspaper.
"Julia Gillard has received a rare boost..." it reads.
The paper quotes a United Nations refugee organisation as saying: "asylum seekers would get improved insurance in Malaysia underneath her proposal than if hold in indefinite imperative apprehension in Australia."
It may seem similar to an obvious matter to people who would be of a perspective which being free to live in a village - any village - competence be improved than being hold in indefinite detention.
That's in spite of a steady warnings about Malaysia's diagnosis of refugees which have been done given a Federal Government voiced a goal to have an asylum-seeker swap understanding with which country.
But according to one renowned domestic refugee as well as activist, Malaysia is not to be devoted when it comes to haven seekers, possibly in a village or not.
The conduct of a World Uighur Congress, Rebiya Kadeer, travels a world perplexing to quarrel what she calls a hardship by Chinese authorities! of her people, who series about twenty million, as well as who live in China's north-western-most province.
She's regarded in China as a dangerous separatist.
Ms Kadeer, who was herself a domestic prisoner as well as now lives in exile in a United States, caused huge controversy in Australia when she visited in 2009.
There were official protests done after Australia granted her a visa to visit.
A Chinese vice-foreign minister cancelled a revisit here in protest.
But she slipped quietly behind in to a nation last week to speak during an Amnesty International tellurian rights discussion in Brisbane.
Once again, Australia released her a visa to visit, though this time, it seems China possibly didn't know, or didn't find her trip estimable of protest.
Whatever a case, Ms Kadeer was penetrating to indicate out to Australians which Malaysia's jot down with haven seekers who have fled a Uighur homelands (known to them as East Turkistan) is distant from humane.
Indeed, a organisation of Uighurs was not long ago deported behind to China.
"Of march not long ago a Malaysian supervision has deported during least eleven innocent Uighurs, in violation of general law, to China," Rebiya Kadeer told me through an interpreter, "so I'm unequivocally worried with a Malaysian government's diagnosis of haven seekers."
"From my indicate of view, if a Australian Government genuinely trusts a Malaysian supervision afterwards maybe it is a great idea to have a deal."
"Otherwise, afterwards it is really risky."
Ms Kadeer pronounced which nobody knows what happened to a haven seekers once they arrived home.
"Once a Uighurs were deported behind to China, they all left for great as well as in spite of general pressure upon Malaysia, a Malaysian supervision still deported a Uighurs behind to China.
"So which is unequivocally worrying from our indicate of view because of China's ongoing heavy-handed hang-up of a Uighurs, as well as a Uighurs have no choice tho! ugh to r ush a nation as well as seek haven in other countries.
"Australia is additionally one of a countries [which accepts Uighur refugees] as well as we have been grateful for Australia helping a Uighur refugees, though in light of Malaysia's deportation, my advice is which Australia should unequivocally seriously consider about possibly Malaysia can be trusted...Australia should unequivocally seriously consider about this," Rebiya Kadeer said.
I asked her if she had any thoughts upon what competence have happened to a eleven returnees.
"I hold once a Uighurs were deported behind to China, customarily they were imprisoned as well as forced to declare purported crimes they have never committed as well as afterwards through assume trials they would be condemned - a little to life, a little in a worst cases even to death."
But Malaysia is a mostly Muslim country, as well as Uighurs, too, have been primarily Islamic.
Did it set upon her as unusual which Malaysia wouldn't, instead, want to offer a haven seekers a little sort of insurance upon religious grounds?
"It's not usually Malaysia actually, it's most of a Middle Eastern countries - Muslim countries - they all have been allies of China they support a Chinese supervision as well as they have additionally deported a huge series of Uighurs behind to China," she said, in answer to my question.
"For example Pakistan has deported most Uighurs behind to China where these Uighurs were executed by a Chinese authorities.
"So in these countries where there is no apply oneself for tellurian rights or democracy, their allies have been all a same."
"That's a sad being today," she said.
"So where there is apply oneself for democracy as well as tellurian rights, a diagnosis of Uighurs is different, though where there have been none, similar to those Muslim countries, it's all only deportations."
Jeff Waters is! a Senio r Journalist in Victoria for ABC News.
Still Talking Numbers: Budget 2012
October 12, 2011
Still Talking Numbers: Budget 2012
by Dr. Ong Kian Ming (10-11-11)
One of the points of attack against Najib's 2012 Budget was that he was basing it on too rosy expansion projections. As such, the projected bill necessity of 4.7% of GDP, the rebate from the 5.4% in 2011, is probably not realistic.
Upon going by the relevant figures in the Economic Report 2011/2012, my anticipating is as follows: If favoured GDP expansion rates for 2011 as well as 2012 were cut by between 1% to 2%, the projected supervision necessity to favoured GDP would enlarge to 5.3% to 5.6% from the 4.7% announced.
This can simply enlarge to over 6.0% if the extra bill of RM10b is upheld after the 2012 Budget, generally if an additional 'stimulus' package is seen to be needed.
Real mercantile expansion projections
According to the list below, the GDP during consistent 2000 prices is projected to expansion from RM559.6 billion in 2010 to RM588.4 billion in 2011, the projected enlarge of 5.2%, that is inside of the 5% to 5.5% projected expansion rate voiced by the PM in his bill speech.
In the same table, GDP during consistent 2000 prices is projected to enlarge to RM620.5b in 2012, the projected expansion rate of 5.5%, that is inside of the 5.0% to 6.0% projected expansion rate in the bill speech.
Hence, the projected genuine expansion rates used by the MoF have been in the center operation of the expansion projections about 5.2% in 2011 as well as 5.5% in 2012.
Nominal mer! cantile expansion projections
However, the bill necessity voiced as the commission of GDP uses the favoured GDP as the denominator, that means that the effects of acceleration have not been nude out. Increases in favoured GDP embody both increases in genuine mercantile activity as well as increases in cost of products as well as services.
Projected favoured GDP expansion rates embody both the genuine mercantile expansion rate as well as cost increases. For example, favoured GDP increased from RM680 billion from 2009 to RM766 billion in 2010, the favoured enlarge of 12.7%. In comparison, the genuine GDP expansion rate in 2010 was 7.2%, after adjusting for cost increases.
Nominal GDP is projected to enlarge to RM847 billion in 2011, an enlarge of 10.6% as well as to RM918 billion in 2012, an enlarge of 8.4%.
The projected enlarge in favoured GDP is 2012 is essentially revoke than the projected enlarge in favoured GDP in 2011, even yet projected genuine GDP enlarge in 2012 is rather aloft than in 2011 (5.5% in 2012 compared to 5.2% in 2011).
One possible reason is that the projected acceleration rate for 2012 will be revoke than the projected acceleration rate of 3% to 3.5% in 2011, that might not be realistic if one after another demand pressures as well as the lack of an enlarge in seductiveness rates by Bank Negara maintains the acceleration rate during around 3% in 2012.
Increases in supervision output as well as revenue
The projected enlarge in supervision income is rather conservative during 1.9% from RM183.4b in 2011 to RM186.9b in 2012. Government income unexpectedly increased from RM159.6b in 2010 to RM183.4b in 2011, an enlarge of 14.9%, whereas the 2011 bill projected an enlarge of 2.3% to RM166b in 2010.
This means an additional RM17 billion was picked up as income in 2011. The astonishing enlarge in bill revenues was due to an enlarge in the Petroleum Income Tax (from RM18 billion in 2010 to RM26 bill! ion in 2 011) as well as in corporate taxes (from RM36b to RM44b).
At the same time, the projected output in 2012 of RM233b is the 9.8% enlarge from the RM212b projected bill in 2011 as well as is 1.7% aloft than the RM229 essentially spent in 2011 (including the extra budget). Of course, the projected output of RM233b in 2012 might not be sufficient (as is usually the case) as well as an approaching extra bill will probably be tabled in the center of next year, thereby augmenting the bill deficit. The supplementary
The list next summarises the pass figures discussed above.
What happens to the bill necessity as well as bill necessity as the commission of GDP if mercantile expansion is lower?
Some economists have questioned the projected expansion rates for 2011 as well as 2012 observant that they have been on the optimistic side. How will the revoke GDP expansion rate shift the bill deficit?
Obviously, with the revoke expansion rate, supervision income from personal as well as corporate taxes will be lower. Taxes for 2011 should have been 'locked in' already for this fiscal year. The usually subject is the border to that the revenues will be influenced in 2012. Direct income taxes have been projected to enlarge by 5.9% or RM5.6 billion from 2011 to 2012.
The bulk of this enlarge will come from enlarge corporate taxation revenues (RM3.5 billion) as well as income taxation income (RM1.7 billion). Revenue from corporate taxes have been particular susceptible to changes in mercantile conditions as was seen in 2009 where favoured GDP decreased by 8.4% while corporate taxes decreased by 25%.
I have constructed 3 scenarios where we have decreased favoured GDP expansion by 1%, 1.5% as well as 2% respectively for 2011 as well as 2012. Under any scenario, we have also decreased projected revenues by RM2, RM3 as well as RM4 billion respect! ively fo r the year 2012.
It is not irrational to project decreases in favoured GDP rates that have been aloft than possible decreases in genuine GDP expansion rates given of the GDP deflator effect. The projected decreases in income will be felt in the pick up of corporate taxes as well as possibly given of the revoke oil prices. Using these projections, we recalculated the bill necessity as the commission of the GDP for 2012. Table 2 next summarises the results.
While the enlarge in the projected bill necessity as well as bill necessity as the commission of the GDP is not large (the UK supervision is currently running the bill that is 9% of GDP), it does call in to subject the longer-term commitment of the current supervision to revoke the altogether debt weight as well as whether the objective of decrease the bill necessity to reduction than 3% of the GDP by 2015 is achievable.
This is generally the regard given there were no new income measures voiced with the exception of becoming different the conditions as well as conditions of commanding the 10% genuine skill gains taxation (RPGT) for properties sole inside of two years of purchase, is will usually net the supervision the maximum of RM100 million during most.
Comparison with Pakatan Rakyat's budget
In contrast, Pakatan's bill caps spending during RM220 billion, has some-more reasonable income projections during RM181 billion (compared to RM186.9 billion for the actual budget), as well as has some-more reasonable expansion projections of 4% to 4.5% for 2012. This allows for the bill necessity in Pakatan's bill to be marked down to 4.4% of GDP underneath most some-more reasonable baseline assumptions.
DR ONG KIAN MING binds the PhD in Political Science from Duke University. He can be reached during
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MPs pay My Sinchew
OCT 12 Whether or not to adjust a pay of Member of Parliament reminds me of something.
Not as well prolonged ago, we had lunch with an MP with a supervision post during an normal grill in town.
When a bill eventually arrived during a finish of lunch, a MP was petrified as well as speechless momentarily. He took off his glasses as well as brought a bill closer to his nose to get a improved demeanour of it, as well as detonate in to laughter all of a sudden.
His greeting was rather horrendous. we was thinking he could have been taken value of by people.
After he picked up his senses again, he blurted out slowly, "Only RM250! Have not been having lunch this cheap for a little time!"
For a meal shared by five, a price was honestly not as well exorbitant to an typical man, though it was really nowhere near a clarification of "cheap."
I don't consider this lady was perplexing to adopt generosity, as we were flattering tighten to a single another.
That said, money appears to have shrunken significantly in value in a eyes of this lady after he has cumulative a supervision post.
I am not perplexing to contend that an MP is regularly a wealthy chap. Indeed a little have managed to bag in large gains after they have been inaugurated though a little others remain flattering many penniless, perplexing hard to have ends encounter upon a day-to-day basis. There have been MPs who used to be utterly installed though turned impoverished after becoming an inaugurated rep for several years.
All MPs get a prosaic rate of RM6,500 that could be increased to RM13,000 a month given a bound entertainment, transport, assistant, motorist as well as alternative allowances. Along with a little non-static perks together with those for meetings, travels, overseas trips, medical expenses, APs, etc, RM20,000 is within easy reach.
Even for a same amount of RM20,000, a little MPs could live a king's hold up while others can hardly feed their families.
Th! e dispro portion lies in either a MPs have been professional as well as self-disciplined enough.
If a reps lift out their jobs professionally as well as conscientiously, spending many of their allowances upon public matters such as setting up offices, hiring capable assistants as well as researches, organising events as well as subsidising county associations as well as public welfare, there would not be as well many that would eventually go in to their own pockets.
Not to be lost is a expected losses for election campaigning.
Meanwhile, a little alternative reps could have reckoned that their career hold up spans have been in truth limited, so they have a best of a conveniences that come with their positions to forge favourable relationships, secure contracts as well as rake in fat commissions.
Their net worth swells in a span of several years, as well as would by all equates to quarrel for their re-elections.
To select in between a two ends will really many rely upon our insistence as well as confluence to our faith. Of course, we still have to chuck in a factor of fiscal government capability.
Whether they deserve an increment will really many rely upon which difficulty of inaugurated reps they belong.
* This is a personal opinion of a bard or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse a view unless specified.
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Hudud kekal, Pakatan pun kekal
11 OKT Kekecohan atas isu pelaksanaan hudud antara PAS dan sekutu Pakatan Rakyatnya terutama DAP telah diselesaikan dengan baik mengikut semangat muafakat Pakatan Rakyat.
PAS kekal boleh meneruskan dakwahnya bagi memperkenalkan hudud kepada masyarakat seumumnya dan mengakui hak DAP tidak bersetuju dengan pelaksanaan hukum itu.
Tetapi DAP yang tidak setuju itu pula mengaku hak PAS untuk memperkenalkannya yang menjadi cita-citanya sejak PAS ditubuhkan 60 tahun lalu.
Sekalipun terdapat perbezaan pandangan dan sikap atas perkara itu oleh kedua pihak, keduanya bersetuju, bahawa mereka tidak setuju atas satu perkara itu secara nyata tetapi mereka bersetuju dalam banyak perkara lain bagi menegakkan kerajaan bersama dan membina negara dan masyarakat yang adil dan kukuh.
Komponen Pakatan Rakyat dan penyokongnya berkongsi banyak yang boleh menjadikan Pakatan Rakyat satu muafakat politik yang kuat yang mampu mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan dan sudah bersedia menjadi pick kepada Barisan Nasional baik sebagai parti politik yang bertenaga dan sudah joke kerajaan yang menunggu.
Pada masa bersetuju mengadakan kerjasama pilihan raya menjelang PRU 1999 dulu dan membentuk Pakatan Rakyat selepas PRU twelve tahun 2008 dulu, DAP dan PKR sudah joke tahu bahawa hudud adalah satu cita-cita PAS sejak mula, dan PAS juga tahu bahawa DAP tidak tertarik dengannya lama sebelum kedua-dua pihak boleh duduk semeja.
Perbezaan itu telah wujud sejak awal tetapi perbezaan itu tidak menghalang kedua pihak untuk mengadakan kerjasama politik yang besar hingga kini Pakatan Rakyat berjaya melayakkan Malaysia menyamai negara-negara demokrasi dan maju di dunia mempunyai lebih dari satu kerabat parti poliltik alternatif yang kuat.
Britain dan Amerika ada parti pemerintah dan parti pembangkang yang menjadi kerajaan yang menunggu. Begitu juga Perancis, Jerman, Australia dan lain wujud lebih dari satu parti yang bergilir-gilir menjadi kerajaan atau menjadi pembangkang mengikut keputusan raky! at dalam pilihan raya.
Malaysia sejak merdeka tahun 1957 dan sejak pembentukan Malaysia tahun 1963 tidak ada kedewasaan politik yang kondusif seperti itu, hingga meletakkan BN yang dulunya Periktan parti yang monopoli kuasa dan menapikan hak rakyat membuat pilihan.
Sekalian ahli fikir dan penggiat politik tahu bahawa kuasa itu korap dan kuasa sepenuhnya terdedah kepada korap sepenuhnya. Sekalipun Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra dan Umno memperkenalkan amalan demokrasi kepada masyarakat negara, justeru monopoli politik yang tidak dapat dipecahkan, menjadikan negara dan kerajaan rasuah sepenuhnya dan menyeleweng seadanya.
Rakyat sedar segala kepincangan itu dan rakyat jugalah yang menuntut supaya diwujudkan satu pakatan alternatif yang kuat yang boleh mencabar monopoli kuasa itu. Rakyat juga yang menuntut supaya parti-parti pembangkang yang banyak dan tidak cukup tenaga itu mengenepikan perbezaan atau mengurangkan perbezaan bagi membentuk satu gabungan parti alternatif yang kuat yang berupaya memecahkan monopoli kuasa yang rasuah dan menyeleweng itu. PAS, PKR dan DAP telah menyambut cabaran rakyat itu. Mereka sudah melupakan berbezaan itu kecuali dalam satu isu iaitu hudud. PAS tahu DAP tidak setuju hudud dan DAP tahu PAS tidak setia mengggurkan hudud. Kalau tidak boleh bersetuju dalam semua perkara, janganlah semua perkara tidak disetujui.
Lalu mereka bersetuju satu dua perkara yang tidak disetujui, tidak menghalang mereka mengadakan pakatan kerana mereka sudah bersetuju dalam banyak perkara.
Yang tidak bersetuju dengan hudud itu bukanlah DAP saja. Umno telah menzahirkan tidak setujunya lama sebelum DAP dan PAS mengadakan muafakat. Umno menganut Islam tidak bersetuju dengan hudud dan ia juga tidak setuju dengan banyak perkara yang PAS perjuangkan. DAP tidak menganut Islam, maka ia tidak setuju dengan hudud tetapi ia setuju dengan banyak perkara yang diperjuangkan oleh PAS.
PAS mengemukakan konsep negara berkebajikan yang mendukung cita-cita dan ajaran Islam. DAP menerimanya. PAS! mahu hi sbah, DAP tidak menolaknya. DAP mahu sebuah pemerintahan bersih dari rasuah, reaksi PAS pula ia juga yang PAS cita-cita.
Jika PAS terus bercakap tentang hudud dalam kontek adanya kerjasama dengan DAP dan lain, bukan ia tidak pelayan pendirian DAP tetapi adalah untuk menerangkan kepada masyarakat umum dalam dan luar negara betapa indahnya hudud dan hudud tidak mengancam keamanan dan anutan mana agama lain.
Cara PAS dan DAP menyelesaikan perbezaan dalam isu hudud itu membayang cara dan keupayaan mereka mengatasi segala masalah yang berbangkit kiranya rakyat memberi mandad mentadbirkan Putrajaya nanti.
Bagaimana kerajaan DAP di Pulau Pinang melayan isu Islam dan orang Islam mencerminkan sikapnya jika Pakatan diizinkan membentuk kerajaan pusat, dan bagaiama kerajaan Kelantan dan Kedah melayalan orang bukan Islam membayangkaan keadilan yang akan serlahkan dalam kerajaan bersama di Putrajaya nanti.
* The views expressed here are a personal opinion of a columnist.
Budget 2012- hardly transformative
Here is a reason because PM Najib isn't seeing a unsolicited talking-tos as well as recommendation of Dr Mahathir. He has which a single tool which he thinks can consequence a faithfulness as well as allegiance of people who will ensure BN stays in power. The BUDGET.
It's themed as a transformative budget. The usually transformative underline in a bill described to induce which effect, is converting a cashless chairman to a chairman with some income through a sudden though temporary windfall. The jaga who is a former home-guard will get a RM 3000 asset after which he remains a jaga to means a living.
The denunciation used is a denunciation of a gambler. Hence, his minders leaked report which this is a break a bank budget, a denunciation some-more suited to a roulette table. The residence doesn't have sufficient supports to cover a value of a chips upon a table. Yet it lets people win to encourage some-more to fool around during a table. Because in most cases a residence eventually wins, so a PM's minders reasoned, which law will additionally work upon a 2012 budget. So spend.
PM Najib is gambling. Create a apparition which voters can win by removing income now, whilst a residence is depleting itself. But in a finish because a residence usually wins, Najib is starting ahead to spend. At around a same time, a former PM who was additionally a former financial apportion additionally never known for mercantile frugality, warned a west not to outlay in denial. Was he additionally targeting a current PM? In a universe set upon by slower mercantile growth, where do you sell a exports? Can you maintain a price of oil as well as gas to ensure you have sufficient supports to financial a 2012 budget?
These seem to worry a financial apportion a slightest for now. So, he will as well as can call elections anytime. Best, call it prior to a finish of a year. But then, UMNO people have been on! ly start ing through a drill attending courses here as well as there. The UMNO Assembly is slotted someday during a finish of a year. The PM is leaving for Hajj event for about two weeks. Perhaps there he will be seeking boundless signs upon a dates to reason elections. God is upon BN's side only as God is a Republican in USA. It's unfit not to win. you will say, a elections will be around March 2012.
In brand new years, a bill instead of being a honest comment of what a supervision earns as well as how it will request as well as designate a income has turn Santa Claus's bag of goodies. The 2012 bill breaks all barriers- all amicable groups conceivable by a financial apportion as well as a organisation which prepared a bill have been included as recipients of some sort of money. It pays everybody to secure their vote.
How a nation's bill is employed is not dissimilar from a approach a Ketua Bahagian UMNO of Pekan sorts out problems in Pekan- compensate each damn person. That's a small approach to have people dont consider about about a trials as well as tribulations of life- a taking flight prices of food stuffs as well as goods, a horrendous levels of crime as well as abuse of office for self-aggrandizement, a unfair placement of wealth, a covetous profiteering around supervision projects, a audacity of those in power.
The 2012 bill gives a pain killer to provide a some-more troublesome agony. With all a income which is starting to be since out, a nation will have additional liquidity unless it has a absorptive capacity. So where is a buildup of prolific genius to absorb a additional liquidity which will certainly supplement to inflationary pressures? What you see is a catalogue of spending as well as not most report upon an altogether devise to do probity to a 2012 bill theme- to transform society. Mr Finance minister, Mr Optimus Prime falls short here.
How do you do that? We can achieve which transformative agenda by office bui! lding ca pacity, cultivating skills as well as other prolific enhancing capabilities. We have been deluged with a overzealous enterprise to palm out income to all sorts of people. Indeed, you conclude as well as salute a sacrifices of a home-guards, special constables as well as so upon giving them RM 3000 a single off payment. That's RM 500 per month if you consequence a income of a jaga which will final you for 6 months. The retraining scheme of a servicemen who offer no longer than 21 years has been an ongoing module since so most years back. So, it's only a re matter of an existing plan.
There is regularly this funfair ambience surrounding a presentation of a national budget. Everyone thumps a list upon hearing this organisation will embrace a a single off payment, which organisation another pile sum payment. The loudest reply of march came when PM announce MP's stipend will additionally be revised. A bill is a honest document. It's an comment of how most this nation earned as revenue, a sources as well as afterwards a proposals to commit which income. It's a explanation a single a exercise of monetary management as well as discipline. Those have been a things you must approach a attention to.
For example, everybody clapped when a financial apportion said; this year's bill is a lower proportion of a GDP. Yes, though isn't a GDP this year bigger than final year's? Look during a comprehensive figure too. It's still a necessity suggesting perhaps monetary indiscipline as well as even worse unjustifiable leakages. Have a leakages been dealt with?
The bill is humongous RM232.8 billion which is a lot of money, generally with a 9.4 per cent rise in expenditure. Despite a country's necessity being marked down to 4.7 per cent from 5.4 per cent of GDP, a fact remains which in conditions of comprehensive mount, it would be a biggest necessity in Malaysian history. Biggest deficit.
Our expansion rate of 5-6 %? Malaysia should be ! behaving a spectacle next year. Our financial apportion is confident which Malaysia will do a 5-6% expansion rate, whereas a universe will grow from a disastrous figure to maybe 3% max. So is a 5-6% expansion rate realistic as well as achievable? Or is a financial apportion confidently pulling nap over a eyes?
Please tell me- when is it, during a 50 over budgets presented have you ever listened a commentaries which followed a bill ever described a bill in disastrous terms? The analysts someday behave similar to children only since some lollipops gushing with wild exuberance.
Before a 2008 elections, Pak Lah presented a bill in most a same way- giving out something good to eat to everybody he can capture in a dragnet, nonetheless it didn't stop a BN losing a vast number of seats. So when friends told as well as confided in me, afterwards a 2012 bill strikes fright in a hearts of a opposition, you told them to let a realities of a bill penetrate in first. Similar feelings were clear after a bill prior to a 2008 GE.
I do not watch TV during all during a bill presentation preferring to attend to old school radio. Listening to only a written presentation, excludes a urge to determine upon comment of facial expressions, speech giving antics as well as so forth. Also you usually give up from giving a extemporaneous reply again preferring further analysis of a budget. People can easily be impressed by a feel good inlet of an choosing budget. Did you say an choosing budget?
That's what it is really notwithstanding a DPM's common dour rejecting to suggestions which it is. But nowadays not most people take a DPM seriously. So you can forgive his monotonal warnings as well as posturing.
Nowadays people have been easily bewitched by a form by which a bill is presented. Hence people will comment upon a denunciation used by a PM, a approach he presented it as well as so forth. This reminded me of a time when Anwar Ibrahi! m was a financial minister. He presented his bill quoting phrases from a Quran, roughly all a philosophers known as well as review by him, used brand new phrases- call Johan Jaafar, afterwards conduct honcho of Utusan Malaysia then, to report Anwar Ibrahim as a most appropriate financial minister. We could roughly suppose Johan Jaafar removing soppy in a pants when describing Anwar Ibrahim as such. Today, Johan Jaafar is of march ensconced in a guts of BN's media citadel somewhere. If he were asked to report PM Najib yesterday when presenting a budget, he will expected do so with a same awed glorification.
I do not understand because there is so most hype around a bill unveiling. It seems a politics is some-more critical afterwards a contents, ramifications as well as implications of a budget. It's additionally erroneously used as a height to announce a slew of projects which has zero to do with a budget. But this year, you have been spared a announcement of construction of towers by PUNB, Felda as well as so forth. The financial apportion stays close to a script. The bill is an comment of income entrance in as well as where a income is going. That's it. Then a issues as well as factors which have influenced a entrance details as well as starting outs.
How has he addressed a issue of taking flight price of living? People have been doubtful about a official acceleration rate said to be around 5%. What products as well as services have been contained in a basket of products chosen by bank Negara? One year ago 1 kilo of ikan kembong was 60% cheaper. So acceleration can't be 5%. The most critical products as well as services which a public have been looking during have been a price of foodstuffs- easily taking flight over 5%, education, housing, transport, price of fuels etc. acceleration only can't be around 5%. Will a disposable income increases all around tackle a root means of taking flight prices?
What's a means of rice shortages which forc! es us to incur vast import bills upon rice? Why should be allow Bernas to own a corner over rice imports causing marketplace distortions? The apportion has voiced plans to rise a cultivation sector so which you can enlarge food prolongation as well as so forth. That will take a couple of years down a road so which a evident as well as effective approach to sort out food import bills is to remove any form of monopolies.
I review a single commentator( from Khazanah you think) said- There is a discernible change towards bite-sized, approach transfers which have a extended reach as well as approach impact upon people's lives as well as in isolation expenditure numbers. There you are- enhancing in isolation consumption. That's not transformative all. The additional liquidity is starting to be mopped up by in isolation consumption.
I find it rather strange a same writer saying which a bill exhibited mercantile fortify as well as it was a very efficient bill which manages evident needs in an capricious environment. Is this a state of rejecting Dr Mahathir spoke about?
In relation to that- i.e. exercising mercantile discipline, only how do you reconcile this matter with a devise for some-more mega projects such as a Coastal Highway JB-Nusa as well as a Taiping Heritage Tourism Project during a price of RM978 million. Can you see mercantile fortify being exercised there or can you expect these to go into price over-runs, be theme to closed tenders as well as cronyism. Certainly not transformative. .
Impending polls moved gov't to act on 6% telco tax

However, this populist magnitude might not be a best preference in a prolonged run, National Internet as well as Communications Technology Association of Malaysia (Pikom) president Saifubahrim Mohd Saleh said.

"It creates (the price of business) cheaper.
"But since it is not renouned upfront, since a community does not utterly assimilate it, so a best way (for a supervision to deal with a backlash) is to pass it behind to telcos, since (the government) might lose a lot of votes," Saifubahrim (left) pronounced in Kuala Lumpur today.
Answering a subject from a building during a row discussion upon transforming a open zone by competition, he pronounced that in a lon! g run, i t would be better for a supervision not to interfere in such matters.
"If we look during crime around a world, Malaysia, where does it stand? The hurtful during a top, slightest hurtful countries (at a bottom) as well as Malaysia is in a middle.
"That's because people jokingly say Malaysia is a controlled-corruption country.
"The same goes for liberalisation, competition... though we have to digest it in detail to see what's best in a prolonged run. If we wish to liberalise, have certain it's market-driven," he said.
Saifubahrim was commenting upon a government's preference in September to pressure telcos to swallow a 6 percent use tax, that they had intended to pass upon to their customers, after years of balance a bill.
The taxation has been upheld upon to post-paid users, though a pierce to pass it onto pre-paid users as well saw clever opposition, with manyarguing that it would further burden mobile phone users in a low- as well as middle-income brackets.
Saifubahrim was speaking during a Economic Freedom Network Middle East Conference, that was mutually organized by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), a Institute for Democracy as well as Economic Affairs (Ideas) as well as a Centre for Public Policy Studies (CPPS).
'Big commercial operation gathering up price of healthcare'
Also upon a row was a president of a Federation of Private Medical Practitioners' Associations of Malaysia, Dr Steven KW Chow.

Instead, a dermatologist said, a key of in isolation commercial operation in healthcare has driven costs up for a normal patient in Kuala Lumpur, even for simple healthcare.
"Let's take a examples in Kuala Lumpur. In a 1970s, to see a ubiquitous practitioner would price RM15, together with medication.
"But a day (the government) allowed large commercial operation to enter, such as managed care organisations, as well as introduce a fee report as well as various other schedules, we find that a price per encounter has gone up to RM30 to RM35," pronounced Chow who consults during in isolation hospitals Gleneagles Intan as well as Pantai Medical Centre.
Liberalising healthcare, he added, has been successful in bringing in higher nu! mbers of patients to in isolation practice, though has failed to move down costs, discordant to elementary economic expectations.
Severe the ethnic & religion umbilical cords
Should you wait another 54 years prior to you have been since another golden opportunity to uncover togetherness as well as vote for change?
As you approach a final path in a competition towards Putrajaya, Pakatan Rakyat as well as Hindraf have been carrying a lover's tiff. Hindraf appears to be doing all a wooing while Pakatan is personification hard to get.
Mariam seems to have forgotten that Hindraf in a chairman of a Great Uthayakumar went around badmouthing as well as melancholy Pakatan, demanding fifteen federal seats as well as a larger batch of State seats from a coalition.
Mariam seems to have forgotten that Hindraf demanded these seats from Pakatan instead of BN, telling us Hindraf has been anti Pakatan rather than anti BN.
So, it's nonsense to contend Hindraf has been doing all a wooing, yet it's correct to contend that Pakatan has had sufficient of a Hindraf threats to right away justifiably ignore a Great Uthayakumar.
I don't await political parties based on ethnicity or sacrament (sorry PAS), because such organizations marginalize (deliberately or unwittingly) a 'nons', whether a 'nons' have been Malays, Chinese, Indians, etc or religion-wise, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus etc.
A new classic example has been seen in PAS non-Muslim supporters right away melancholy to leave PAS because of Pak Haji Nik Aziz's arrogant intention to implement hudud in Kelantan in any case of a consequences to a adhesiveness of Pakatan.
Quite frankly, a misfortune in this courtesy have been PAS as well as UMNO, both of which, at your convenience a situations fit th! eir poli tical interests, would pitch from being religious parties to being racial nationalists. The former couldn't make up its! mind, a llowing their true colours to emerge from time to time, while a latter has unscrupulously exploited a theme of a day.
Once upon a time, during a onslaught for independence from colonial Britain, maybe such ethnic-based organizations had their purposes in bringing various racial groups together for a usual cause, as well as subsequently to fuse their supporters into a Malayan society. But their use-by dates have been really over.
There shouldn't be any more Hindraf, MIC, MCA, UMNO, PAS anymore. Much as we have been disappointed with Gerakan at slightest it has a option of being a multi-ethnic classification it used to be. Likewise with PKR, DAP, PPP, PSM, PRM as well as wakakaka PCM. Read More @ Source
Cops fired tear gas directly at demonstrators, witness tells Bersih inquiry
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct eleven Riot military dismissed rip gas without delay during a throng of pacific as well as "non-hostile" Bersih supporters, a declare told a public exploration in to a July 9 protests today.
Lawyer Nor Syazwani Muharam, a Bar Council deputy who had monitored a rally, pronounced which a situation occurred along Jalan Masjid Jamek where a military had told Bersih supporters to disperse as well as rang a notice bell 3 times.
"I did not see any violence by a Bersih supporters. There was no hostility from a public, I did not see any irritation from them," she told a Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) exploration here.
Nor Syazwani(picture) pronounced a throng was about "one block" away from a riot military prior to rip gas was dismissed without delay during them.
"Police fi! red dire ctly towards a crowd," she said.
The exploration has set itself 3 terms of references to brand tellurian rights violations upon or prior to July 9, to determine how a violations occurred, a process as well as group concerned as well as to make recommendations to forestall any recurrence.
The exploration is led by Suhakam vice-chairman Professor Datuk Dr Khaw Lake Tee, commissioners Datuk Dr Mahmood Zuhdi Abdul Majid as well as Detta Samen.
The Bar Council is represented by Roger Chan as well as Richard Wee, while a p! olice ar e represented by ASP N. Rajagopal as well as ASP Lim Chee Wah.
Asked by Chan whether there were any tellurian rights violations upon which day, Nor Syazwani pronounced "yes."
"The one which I saw myself, a shooting of rip gas straight in to a crowd."
She additionally pronounced which there were no alternative tellurian rights vio! lations, as well as admitted which she was not familiar with military procedures during a convene as this was a first time she had monitored such an event.
The exploration resumes upon November 15.
Christians say no reason to apologise, slam Hasan Ali over Jais-DUMC
Muslim NGO Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia or Isma has demanded an apology from the Damansara Utama Methodist Church as well as all those endangered in holding the recent AIDS fundraiser which it purported was the cover-up for proselytizing Muslims. But Christian groups have been having none of it as well as see no reason to swallow ones pride during all.
"Apologise for what, why should the Christians apologize. If there is no evidence, afterwards it is all hearsay. On what basement is the direct done to the Christians to apologize," Ramon Navartnam, the lay Christian personality as well as past boss of Transparency International told Malaysia Chronicle.
"Frankly, I am unhappy during the reaction from such groups. Regardless of whether they have been Muslim, secular of Christians, there have been such things as universal great values of humility, of adore for truth, great conscience, as well as adore for all humankind which cuts across the all colors as well as faiths."
Emboldened by Sultan's statement
Ramon was responding to the call for an apology from Isma boss Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman.
Abdullah had formed his direct upon the make the difference released by the Selangor Sultan which pragmatic there were indeed attempts to subvert the conviction as well as beliefs of Muslims during the fundraiser organized by Harapan Kommuniti.
The Sultan's make the difference has been panned by Christian groups who minced no difference in ac! cusing h im of favouring the Muslim village during their expense. Indeed, while the Selangor Ruler spoke of 'evidence' of proselytization, he was additionally discerning to contend authorised movement could not be taken since of the 'lack' of evidence.
Nonetheless, this has not stopped groups similar to Isma from serve rattling their sabres, emboldened by the Sultan's statement.
"The issues raised by the eventuality have caused Muslims to feel endangered which it will turn the regard as well as the hazard if not stopped. His Highness' stand, which views Jais' actions objectively, has shown his regard for this sensitive issue," Abdullah Zaik pronounced in the statement.
Sultan's make the difference favored Jais
The Sultan, who is head of Islamic affairs in the state, systematic which no serve movement be taken against DUMC, Harapan Kommuniti or Jais, which raided the church office building but any poke aver upon August 3.
The Sultan's decision came after the long-delay by Jais in submitting the inform upon the DUMC raid. Amid the outrageous public outcry, Jais or the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department, had claimed it raided the DUMC premises since it had justification which the Christians there were perplexing to modify the Muslim guests.
It ha s additionally hauled up the twelve Muslim guest in attendance the cooking to the Syariah court, but no movement has been taken. Meantime, the Sultan has advised which all twelve be given counselling.
The complete part is regarded as the bare-faced try by the Umno-controlled Jais to get the Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor government in difficulty with the Muslim electorate in the state.
The Hasan Ali factor
PA! S counci lor for Selangor Hasan Ali has additionally been among those who has thrown his support behind Jais, but afterwards Hasan's loyalty to Pakatan has regularly been question. He was not long ago nude of his position as state commissioner. It is expected which after this episode, his DAP as well as PKR colleagues will vigour his PAS celebration to drop him from the state council.
On Monday, after the Sultan's make the difference had been issued, Hasan was among the initial to insist which Sultan's difference reliable there was proselytization.
This has sparked the sharp repartee from Bishop Paul Tan.
"In leaping to his conclusions in the make the difference of purported Christian proselytisation of Muslims during the cooking hosted by the DUMC, Hasan has been grossly inattentive in respect of justification evaluation," pronounced Bishop Paul.
"He has done the grave harm to the cause of the legal system his celebration is upon jot down as propounding for the great of citizens in this country. People have been going to look during the way he has leaped from capricious actuality to accusatory end in this make the difference as well as contend what kind of system is his celebration propounding which allows the grave accusation to be elite upon the indeterminate evidentiary basis."
But perhaps Hasan's heart is not with the Pakatan anymore. In the issue of the 2008 election, he had wanted PAS to form the unity government with Umno in Selangor, with himself as Mentri Besar.
There have been previous calls to PAS boss Hadi Awang to disapprove Hasan. But so far, Hadi has refused to do so. This time, chances have been high which Hasan will emanate the outrageous backlash for PAS.
Let this be the lesson to you Christians, says Isma
Meanwhile, Isma called upon state eremite councils as well as eremite af! fairs de partments national to learn from the DUMC situation as well as "always take proactive measures to see issues holistically".
Rather than treat the twelve as having committed the 'crime', Isma pronounced they should be viewed as victims of Christian conversion attempts as well as counselled so which any confusion or misunderstanding they may have about their conviction can be corrected.
"That the organiser of the eventuality was let off but any assign should serve as the lesson," pronounced Abdullah.
Malaysia Chronicle
THE KOTA KINABALU H2O front sea land should not opened for a take even though it is under a power of a Chief Minister of Sabah to pointer divided state land under corner venture basement to in isolation companies with a government.
The management granted to a arch apportion under a Chief Minister (Incorporation) Ordinance (Sabah Cap 23) to empower him to permit a supervision listed companies (GLC) making Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) with in isolation companies had combined much doubts, problems as well as defaults.
The brand new authorised fit in court upon a 400 acres of KK waterfron! t sea la nd had reflected much of a problems as well as demerits.
The Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu commented upon this issue because there have been most some-more pending as well as probable cases will surface if this is not handled with due caring as well as diligence by a supervision as well as a GLCs. This time a Sabah State supervision may be propitious to get off a hook, but there is no pledge which a subsequent time is likewise lucky.
MP Hiew questioned upon a logic because in 1997 a then arch apportion of Sabah sealed out such a huge square of 400 acres of a KK H2O front upon a corner venture basement to some in isolation companies with a GLC-MLGH Sdn Bhd, as well as finished up with a in isolation companies suing a state supervision in lapse for damages as well as waste incurred up to a towering total of RM1.7 billion. The box had sounded an warning in a state administration de! partment as well as a procedure in doing a state affairs, as well as in a administrative procedures.
The approval upon a KK H2O front of up to 400 acres of budding land as well as sea front was made by a past arch apportion as well as right away a present arch apportion pronounced there will be no some-more future growth allowed at a KK H2O front, as well as we want to know how sure is a Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman upon this matter.
Will he be means to pledge which there will not be any some-more KK H2O front plan to be approved? What occur when a subsequent arch apportion who comes in to office, some-more brand new changes?
The BN state supervision had caused most problems as well as right away a people have been beginning to remove confident in their competency, as well as consternation upon either they have been really handling a purify as well as true administration department in Sabah. We cannot means some-more plunders as well as defaults in a Sabah Administration, no make a difference it is in a past or present under a BN rule.
According to reliable sources, a standard example to a box is a 116 acres of a Tanjong Aru Civil Servant Quarters land which was under a JVA, had faced a same conviction of having to finish up in authorised fit as well as tangled up totally.
This has caused a large square of a budding state land to become an eye sore as well as a brand new forest shaped in a pleasing Tg Aru beach area. What should we do now, having up with all these every right away as well as then?
It is time to shift all these 'Managers' who run a Sabah State administration department in to jeopardy as well as difficulties.
- Sabahkini
REFERRING to a requests by a Sabah Housing as well as Real Estate Developers Association to a Sabah State Government to revert a land leases for country leases as well as locale leases to a strange 999 tenure, actually, in actuality a supervision can approve land leases for a reign of 999 year, especially if a strange master title of a land already has a reign of 999 years.
This has been done prior to but any need for changes to a law. There is no need for any delay because it is only a make a difference either a supervision wants to honour a 999 reign or not.
The Chief Minister was reported to have pronounced which a Cabinet needs to discuss first because a 999-year franchise requires legislation. In fact, in my Likas constituency, Taman Seputeh with 230 units of houses were released land titles with 999-year franchise by a afterwards Chief ! Minister , Datuk Yong Teck Lee in 1997.
The premium charged per residence was RM 1000 as well as annual quit rent during RM 90. This in accord with rate has made it probable for a residence owners to own a houses after a deserted plan was revived by a afterwards State government.
What is disturbing in recent years is which owners of land with 999-year leases were denied their rights when their land leases were cut short to only 99 years after their land was subdivided? It is unfair to cut short a strange reign of 999 years to 99 years.
The people turn some-more worried when they look during a Kolombong shop houses box which has been watchful for multiform years to replenish their land tit! les whic h have been about to expire soon.
The interest for prolongation was submitted in 2008 to a Chief Minister by a Datuk Sari Tan with a large headlines coverage. But until now, there is no headlines of a application, not even for 99 lease.
Without an prolongation of their land leases, their shops turn worthless, banks exclude to lend income for renovations as well as insurance companies turn reluctant to protection a properties.
Shop owners likewise have been scared to correct their shop houses as a supervision competence arbitrarily turn a brand new owners of a shops once a land leases have expired. ! Yesterda y, a little land owner during Kampong Sembulan Laut have protested during a warding off of a supervision to replenish their land leases which have been due to expire in 7 to 20 years' time.
With so many land grabs incidents occurring all over Sabah, whereby locals have been being evicted from their prevalent lands, it is obvious which people have been endangered which they will lose their homes as well as properties in a future.
We have been worried when a Chief Minister pronounced which his cabinet will look in to a issue. This is because this cabinet has taken a lot of time to look in to issues after issues but any result like a definition of natives, misery eradication programmes as well as Borneonisation of a polite service.
- Sabahkini
Malaysians Must Know a TRUTHMCA Hot Chicks A Publicity Stunt Turns Sour
MCA, one of a three major member domestic parties of a statute bloc in Malaysia, is dying. The party, led by President Chua Soi Lek, had been perplexing thousands of methods to win a hearts of a immature voters but in vain, had resorted to a extreme measure not attempted prior to showcasing a little 7 prohibited chicks during a MCA Youth AGM raising most outsiders' eyebrows as well as really raising most insiders' (MCA members) "inner spirit" judging from a smiles as well as compensation from all those who attended a recent annual general meeting.
Those who didn't turn up during a Oct 2 AGM have been still kicking themselves, as this turn of meeting was may be a best (and hottest) in a story of a party. The 7 beauties were so prohibited with some wearing short-skirts which photographers were snapping their photos as if there's no tomorrow. we gamble those photographers would have tagged "more drive-in theatre or upgrade memory" in their todo-list when they were to cover a event come subsequent AGM. Who knows may be Paris Hilton or Pamela Anderson would uncover up.
Sexy girls, prohibited chicks, beauty models, uncover girls, prohibited babes, or whatever we wish to call it, is animportant part in any product selling. And it seems MCA recognize this after they learnt from their mentor, PM Najib Razak. Do we know which dialect is a most important! in any organization? Which dialect essentially sells a company's product? If we answer is "Sales", afterwards we gamble your association is not doing which spectacular after so most years. The answer is "Marketing" as well as this is a major split in between major Asia companies as well as Western companies in doing businesses.
PM Najib Razak recognises a important of branding. That was since his administration outlayed a whopping RM94 million (19.6 million euros) to media consultancy association FBC Media for 3-year duration starting 2007 for consultancy services as well as management of information exchnage campaign. In reduced it was for selling pursuit to "repair as well as overhaul" a sinister statute government's image, never thoughts which it cost a public RM94 million. That was since PM Najib has been starting in to a air wave sinecure numerous times to engage a youngsters sanctimonious to be "Cool". Of march not all youngsters have been stupid to be duped but we would be warn upon a series of a remaining idiots which would come handy, especially in a razor-thin majority seats.
And MCA did only which selling as well as rebranding a celebration image, nonetheless it was badly executed. You do not sinecure a group of beauties as well as held a special ceremony for these prohibited chicks to walk in to a hall together as if it was a Super GT or beauty contest. Strange which MCA Youth Chief didn't pose for a print with all a prohibited chicks surrounding him, as is he was James Bond. It would be some-more healthy for them to walk in blending with a other formal members, but afterwards it would better a purpose of selling a hot-chicks-also-join-MCA idea. Also, a contr! adiction about a prohibited chicks' membership first it was told they were from Subang division, afterwards Shah Alam multiplication was simply hilarious.
And since can't they set a record straight whether a sexy girls were hired or otherwise? Beating around a bush with "no comment" would only have MCA celebration looks foolish with a ultimate broadside stunt. People have been not as well concern whether these allegedly "hired models" have been already MCA members or member-wannabe or observers but some-more upon a sudden appearance as well as special treatment given during a AGM. And since distortion about these prohibited chicks being bank executive, senior skill negotiator, corporate management team or selling senior manager when in actuality they (at least 4 of them, as identified by a user from have been actually models for Motors-GT, magazines, computer fairs as well as whatnot?
The approach MCA tries to hide a models' function give an sense which modelling is an function fit in to prostitution difficulty when in actuality it isn't. Do we know which Forbes Supermodel Rich List 2011 such as Gisele Bundchen (#1) earns a whopping $ 45 million, Heidi Klum (#2) earns $ twenty million as well as Kate Moss (#3) earns about $ 13.5 million alone? Was MCA disturbed about a President Chua Soi Lek's prior sex liaison would aspect only since a celebration hired a prohibited models with a intention of attracting youngsters in to a party?
Of course, these prohibited chicks have been there to have a living so if MCA or any domestic parties for which make a difference have been willing to compensate for their appearance, they would really accept a offer. As for MCA membership I'm certain they won't thoughts signing upon a form's dotted line as long as it won't cost them a leg as well as an arm. They're not serious about starting in to governing physique anyway. Anyway, judging from a remarks from netizens after a delicious presentation, it seems a plan to make make use of of flattering faces as well as voluptuous physique backfires badly upon a face of MCA quite Chua Soi Lek.
Naturally netizens recalled a president's sex video scandal as well as commented how poor as well as low MCA was in regulating such tactic. If regulating beauty faces can win votes as well as members in a big way, President Obama won't have to blemish his head bland worrying about a U.S. economy. Hopefully a celebration will not make make use of of sex as a subsequent approach to win over votes. Hopefully they can differentiate in between a dying domestic residence as well as a Penthouse (*grin*). But it was a good try though. At least a existing members were propitious to have a feast ofdrools as well as realized how obsolete a celebration is. we mean, who would we rsther than vote from a print plea below? The answer is obvious, isn't it?
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Isu Gaji dan Elaun Ahli Parlimen
October 10, 2011
Isu Gaji dan Elaun Ahli Parlimen: Sandiwara Politik Pakatan Rakyat
Oleh Datuk Badrul Hisham Abdul Aziz
Bekas Ahli Parlimen Hulu Langat
Sebagai bekas Ahli Parlimen selama dua penggal,saya dapatmemahami perasaan rakan-rakan yang kini masih berkhidmat.Tentunya frust menonggeng bila dengar pengumuman Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz bahawa cadangan nak naikkan elaun semua Ahli Parlimen di tarik balik.
Sayangsikit ' Chief '- itu gelaran padanya oleh semua rakan-rakan Ahli Parlimen termasuk pembangkang terikat tangan, tak boleh buat apa-apa nak bantu mereka. Ini gara-gara bos-bos pakatan pembangkang nak tunjuk terror tak kena tempat menolak cadangan yang diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak untuk naikan elaun mereka yang sekarang ini ciput.
Kita bukan tak tau ini bukan apa sangat cuma sandiwara mereka nak tunjuk kononnya pembangkang sanggup ikat perut untuk berkhidmat. Apa yang saya dapat tahu disebalik ini ramai Ahli Parlimen pembangkang merungut diam-diam bila bos-bos mereka buat keputusan itu tanpa bincang dulu dengan mereka.
Satu dunia tahu elaun Ahli Parlimen Malaysia RM6,500 sebulan cukup rendah,malah kalah kalau nak dibanding dengan apa yang Ahli Parlimen Singapura dapat yakni RM33,000 sebulan. Thailand pula RM12,000 manakala Indonesia RM18,111.
Perdana Menteri berniat baik untuk naikan elaun dengan syarat semua sekali Ahli Parlimen termasuk pembangkang setuju. Sebab itu beliau masukan cadangan yang dibuat oleh Nazri dalam bajet 2012 yang dibentangkan pada 7hb Oktober.
Kita faham mengapa Najib terpaksa bagi syarat semua kena setuju. Kalau tidak nanti pembangkang tuduh bukan-bukan.Kalau mahu ! semua ke na mahu.Tak aci kalau malu tapi mahu. Nak buat macam mana kalau bos-bos pembangkang bersikap biasa mereka bangkang asal nak bangkang.
Dalam sidang akhbarnya untuk menerangkan keputusan kerajaan menarik balik usul bagi menyemak elaun ahli-ahli Parlimen,Nazri berkata tujuan menaikkan elaun tersebut tidak membolehkan seseorang menjadi kaya. Sebaliknya,kenaikan tersebut adalah untuk menampung keperluan bagi perbagaiperbelanjaan ketika menjalankan tugas untuk rakyat.
Katanya, cadangan itu terpaksa ditarik balik daripada urusan mesyuarat yang sedang berlangsung kerana empat pemimpin utama parti pembangkang termasuk Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menolak cadangan tersebut.
Alahai..terlajak perayu bolehlah berundur,terlajak kata nak buat camno..?Sepanjang ucapan pembentangan Belanjawan 2012 yang memakan masa selama dua jam itu, acapkali dewan persidangan mendapat tepukan apabila Perdana Menteri mengumumkan pelbagai faedah dan ganjaran yang meliputipelbagai macam masyarakat. Bagaimanapun, tepukan meja pale gemuruh adalah ketika Najib dengan senyuman meleret mengumumkan kesediaan kerajaan untuk menimbang kenaikan elaun berkenaan.
Malah, ucapan Perdana Menteri tersekat-sekat beberapa kali lantaran tepukan dan keterujaan ahli-ahli dewan. Kemuncak kepada kegembiraan ahli-ahli dewan itu tiba-tiba bertukar menjadi derai apabila beliau memberitahu pertimbangan akan hanya menjadi kenyataan sekiranya semua ahli yang berhormat termasuk pembangkang dan bebas setuju dengan cadangan tersebut.
Anwar selaku Ketua Pembangkang tak tunggu lama. Dengan segera selepas pembentangan i! tu meneg askan tidak setuju. Begitu juga dengan Setiausaha Agung DAP yang juga Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng. Orang nombor dua PKR, Azmin Ali dan panglima perang PAS, Salehudin Ayub turut membantah.
Ini memang lawak garbage bin kartun. Betulkah semua ahli Parlimen pembangkang membantah.Ini kerana dalam jawatankusa yang membuat kajian mengenai kenaikan ituyang turut dianggotai Ahli Parlimenparti pembangkang mengesyorkan agar elaun dinaikkan.
Tapi atas nama politik, nampaknya mereka terpaksa berkorban pasal nak jaga hati bos. Siapa sebenarnya yang tidak mahu? Kata Nazri, Anwar Ibrahim dan Azmin Ali memanglah tidak hairan langsung mengenai kenaikan itu kerana mereka kaya raya.
Kesemuanya ada 222 orang Ahli Parlimen di Dewan Rakyat sekarang. Siapa di kalangan mereka yang mahu dan siapa pula yang tidak mahu! Khabarnya kerajaan dah sediakan peruntukan sebanyak RM30 juta untuk kenaikan tersebut yang merupakan 0.02 peratus daripada perbelanjaan keseluruhan belanjawan tahun hadapan.
Sayangnya, kerana ingin mengambil hati pengundi kononnya, mereka sanggup 'control maco' dengan menolak kesediaan ikhlas kerajaan itu.Berapa sebenarnya elaun ahli-ahli Parlimen kita.. Tak perlu tanya seorang demi seorang. Merekapun malu dan segan nak beritahu berapa yang mereka dapat. Biarlah saya sahaja yang berkongsi mengenainya.
Berdasarkan pencen yang saya diperolehi RM3,250 sebulan, bermakna, elaun penuh seorang YB kini adalah RM6,500. Mungkin ada yang tak mahu atau tak boleh percaya dengan kenyataan ini. Memang benar, itulah elaun mereka.
Semasa mula-mula menjadi MP pada tahun 1995, elaun bulanan hanyalah RM4,890. Tambahannya hanyalah RM300 untuk saraan pemandu. Mana ada pemandu nak kerja dengan gaji RM300 sebulan pada tahun 1990-an? Pada sekitar tahun 2000 elaun ini diti! ngkatkan sedikit, elaun pemandu juga dinaikkan ke RM600 (kalau tak silap) di samping elaun telefon RM500.
Elaun penyelenggaraan pejabat juga diperkenalkan iaitu RM1,200 sebulan yang dikreditkan setahun sekali.
Seorang wartawan yang berkelulusan SPM dan baru berkhidmat kira-kira 15 tahun terkejut dengan jumlah itu kerana beliau sendiri dibayar RM4,400 sebulan. Saya katakan kepadanya, ada rakan yang sama-sama saya dahulu, juga berkelulusan SPM, kini membawa pulang RM7,500 sebulan. Itu baru berkelulusan SPM dan wartawan biasa. Belum lagi yang memegang jawatan kanan!
Apakah yang YB boleh lakukan dengan RM6,500 sebulan? Kakitangan pejabat kurang-kurang ada tiga orang. Jika dihitung RM800 seorang, bertiga dah terbang RM2,400.Telefon pejabat, bil api dan air pejabat dah berapa pula. Peruntukan RM1,200 sebulan mungkin cukup untuk bayar
sewa premis.
Hari Sabtu, Ahad dan cuti umum adalah 'hari gugur' bagi para wakil rakyat. Pada hari-hari berkenaan, selain daripada ada pelbagai acara yang memerlukan kehadiran mereka seperti merasmikan mesyuarat agung, sukaneka, pertandingan sukan dan memancing serta acara pertemuan dengan rakyat, ada pula jemputan ke majlis-majlis perkahwinan.
Nak 'huloq' joke kena tengok siapa pula yang jemput. Kalau ketua pemuda atau ketua puteri yang kahwin, sampulnya tak sama dengan anak ketua cawangan atau ahli jawatankuasa bahagian. Macam ada hiraki pula. Nak hulur sebarangan tak boleh sebab tuan rumah akan letak sampul daripada YB di poket baju melayu yang sebelah atas. Yang lain bercampur sahaja kerana dimasukkan dalam poket bawah dan apabila dah penuh disalinkan ke beg lain. Itu biasa!
Apabila minum pagi dan petang, bagi YB-YB di kampung memilih di gerai sahaja kerana di sanalah senang menemui pengundi atau rakan-rakan. Mulu-mula semeja, kemudian datang lagi dan dalam zaman telekomunikasi canggih kini, jumlah meja boleh bersambung menjadi empat atau lima.
Dulu-dulu, sayapun berani 'open table' minum pagi atau petang sahaja.Makan malamoooops tak! larat b ang Di pejabat banyak juga yang tiris. Ada yang datang bawa anak-anak kecil dengan cerita dah lima enam hari minum teh kosong sahaja dan makan roti canai dua keping berkongsi lima orang. Sanggup dan laratkah YB berpeluk tubuh sahaja tanpa membuka dompet? Kena tujuh lapan kali sebulan, akhirnya dompet tak tak boleh dibuka lagi sebab tak tak ada isi.
Saya melalui pengalaman-pengalaman seperti ini. Nak mengadu pada siapa? Saya agak bernasib baik punyai cikgu semasa di kelas malam dahulu yang akhirnya sama-sama menjadi Ahli Parlimen. Nama cikgu itu, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, ahli Parlimen Bagan Datok yang kini Menteri Pertahanan. Ketika itu beliau adalah Ketua Pemuda UMNO.
Dengan tebal muka saya pinjam duit daripadanya. Pinjam RM2,000 bayar balik RM1,000 je.. Kena dua tiga kali tak apalah. Dia kata, "Bad.. kau kalau tak ada duit..tapi payah bayarlah " Saya senyum dan ucapkan terima kasih. Selepas tu,nak pinjam lagi dah malu tetapi dia seorang guru yang amat mengenali anak didiknya.
Pengalaman sebegini bukanlah asing, cuma jarang-jarang diceritakan kepada umum kerana 'air muka'. Di Dewan Rakyat ketika itu, selain saya ada beberapa lagi YB yang dikategorikan sebagai "YB marhain" Kami tidak ada pohon rendang untuk berteduh. Kami tetap bertuah kerana Pengerusi Kelab Penyokong Kerajaan (BNBBC) ketika itu, Datuk Seri Dr. Jamaluddin Jarjis (sekarang Duta ke Amerika) pemurah orangnya.
Tidak ramai yang tahu hal sebegini kerana umum menyangka YB-YB adalah Yang Berduit sedangkan sebenarnya YB bagi kami adalah Yang Broke atau Yang Bocor.Ada orang sangka peruntukan yang diberi oleh kerajaan boleh digunakan. Oleh kerana kebanyakan YB berkereta Mercedes Benz, ada juga yang bertanya kepada saya bila nak dapat kereta mewah itu. Pada jangkaan mereka, kereta disediakan oleh kerajaan. Nak merasa guna Mercedes Benz, saya beli juga sebuah tetapi indication 300D bekas kereta sewa di Melaka Beli 300D kerana cukai jalan percuma. Kalau ada 500D mungkin saya beli juga sebab semakin tinggi ccnya, semakin murah seb! ab cukai jalan (bagi orang awam) sangat mahal.
Semasa memandu Mazda Bongo dan Pajero, beberapa kali saya tidak dibenarkan masuk ke kawasan letak kereta kerana yang jaga parkir tak percaya YB datang menaiki kenderaan sedemikian. Apabila Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz yang ketika itu Menteri Perdagangan Antarbangsa dan Industri beri AP (Permit Import) saya beli juga Mercedes besar dari United Kingdom dengan kos keseluruhannya hanyalah RM45,000.
Jadi dengan elaun RM6,500 sebulan, berapakah baki yang YB bawa pulang. Mungkin RM1,000 atau mungkin juga -RM1,500. Kalau jumlahnya negatif maka terpaksalah cari sumber-sumber lain.
Maka haraplah elaun dinaikkan. Khabarnya, nak dinaikkan sehingga RM20,000 sebulan. Itu joke belum dapat lawan elaun Ahli Parlimendi Singapura. Malangnya kerana beberapa karenah bos-bos pembangkang, yang lain termasuk anak-anak buah mereka terpaksa gigit jari.
Betul lah kata Nazriala naik elaun joke bukan boleh jadi kaya, tetapi yang pasti kalau terus tak naik, boleh jadi kayap.
THE 999-year franchise tenure to a land titles should lapse instead of a 99 years after master land titles had been subdivided for landowners, developers as well as residence owners, as well as this magnitude should be encouraged.
The offer done by a Sabah Housing as well as Real Estate Developers Association (Shareda) is valid as well as upheld by all quarters. The Chief Minister of Sabah Datuk Musa Aman commented which a Sabah State Cabinet will study as well as will take into comment a views of a stakeholders as well as a people prior to a decision is reached upon a matters.
Sabah DAP Member of Parliament for Kota Kinabalu as well as a DAP State Advisor Hiew King Cheu pronounced this 999 year franchise tenure must be backed in perspective of a prerequisite of a most land titles which wer! e since a franchise tenure axed from a original 999 to only 99, as well as some cases even as low as 60 years term.
The cut to 99 year tenure did not benefit a most stakeholders though instead had since them difficulties in passing a properties down to their destiny generations. The commercial banks will be hesitated as well as reluctant to yield financial upon a property which has a reduced franchise tenure remaining, routinely reduction afterwards 15 to 20 years. It is very loyal which a singular time left upon a titles did affect a worth of a property concerned.
MP Hiew pronounced if a returning a 999 year franchise tenure is approved, a prior land titles which had been subdivided as well as since a axe as! well as had mislaid their 999 year status should be returned with a same 999 year to these titles. The existent prolongation procession as well as paying of a expensive reward income upon a extended leased duration should no longer come into force.
The most applications for a prolongation of time upon a leases had caused difficulties as well as troubles for a property owners. Many applications had been delayed as well as there is no significant swell in a process. The typical box is a Inanam Kolombong Industrial Estate.
The t! itles ar e very near to a expiry dates now, though their applications are still pending in a land as well as consult dialect but much progress. The application procession for a prolongation upon a franchise had become more difficult as well as troublesome. This is due to a guidelines set down by a authorities which one must go by a various authorities to seek comments upon a prolongation of time.
For e.g. in Kota Kinabalu, one will have to go by DBKK, JKR, Fire Department, Health Department, DID, Town as well as Country Planning Department as well as so upon to get their last approval.
MP Hiew upheld a pierce to lapse a 999 year to a subdivision titles from the master titles to all a stakeholders. This is their basic entitlement as well as should not be axed away by a government as distant as integrity is concerned.
Will ECM Libra back down?
In my posting on the matter final Thursday (The (still) continuing E & O saga: The Sime Darby vs ECM Libra scuffle the proxy war?),I wrote, between alternative things, which "the boys during ECM Libra have been operative tough to try as well as force a