Hindrafs Waytha risks freedom to return home
Minister, don't gamble with air travellers' lives

'How did minister's family land costly air trade system?'

Can the supervision infer over any disbelief which the company awarded the stipulate has the knowledge as well as expertise to manage air trade carry out systems, which is intensely worldly as well as requires 100 percent technical expertise as well as back-up?
What was DCA's (Department of Civil Aviation) role in awarding the contract? Did it put in all the stringent checks as well as measures to ensure which there was no compromise?
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC) contingency step in to find out because such the technically worldly stipulate was awarded by 'closed tender'?
We have already heard of contracts to build as well as manage hospitals awarded to companies with 0 knowledge in the field. And now an air trade carry out system.
The supervision cannot play with people's lives, which is precious compared to the business interests of the small minister's kin. Such BN complement of 'closed tender' contingency be abolished once as well as for all.
Telestai: you do not assimilate because the supervision is mucking around when purchasing something as critical as an air trade carry out system.
One teenager glitch in the complement will result in the loss of hundreds of lives. Is rewarding the minister's family some-mor! e critic al than the lives of air passengers?
Tpn:The question is not if the complement is "doing fine". The question is because was the tender was since to the minister's family by "closed negotiations"?
Odin:Kong Cho Ha, the emissary executive of the National Air Traffic Control Centre as well as 10 others jointly wrote the letter to their executive about the HMI (Human Machine Interface) being unsatisfactory.
Inaccurate radar readings poise the very tall risk to the reserve of aircraft such as those encircling an airport during different altitudes whilst watchful for clearway to land. Hundreds of millions of ringgit as well as hundreds or even thousands of lives might be mislaid should an collision begin in midair.
Your reply shows an insane perspective to the matter. Is it because between the celebration obliged is the son of the minister?
Kairos:The longer the PM waits to call the GE, the some-more pollution as well as mud is unclosed which will spell doom for BN. One corruption liaison after another is being unearthed. It seems to be the unfounded pit.
What makes the total corruption process so nauseating is the approach the anti-corruption agencies respond to all these exposures, including the Scorpene squeeze as well as the NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) scandal.
They spin the blind eye to these massive abuse of taxpayers' money. Whatever small trust which is left in the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) as well as their likes has all evaporated into the thin air.
Fair&Just:Still awarding contracts to cronies as well as kin?
We have dignified studies in Form Five though the leaders here do not assimilate dispute of interest, corruption, cheating, theft, pillaging, plundering, etc.
And only similar to in an examination, the same subject should be done mandatory for all ministers as well as civil servants to pass p! rior to they have been allow to take up their posts.
Johorean:The apportion pronounced so distant the complement is operative excellent as well as there is no incident. Well, does he wish an air pile-up prior to revelation which there have been something wrong with the system?
Any stipulate since to the family of the apportion is transparent dispute of interest.
Anonymous #21828131:In reserve management, it takes several teenager incidents prior to the major collision happens. A reassessment of the complement should be carried out rught away by DCA. Pride goes prior to the fall. Only in this case, peoples' lives have been during stake.
you am sure which for the DCA emissary executive to come up with the complaint, there is definitely something wrong with the system, as opposed to Kong the layman during that, when it comes to the nitty-gritty of the operation of the system.
Kosongcafe:This is another box of MCA apportion involved in another suspicious contract. But this time, distinct PKFZ (Port Klang Free Zone), not only income was involved, though the lives of air travellers have been during stake.
How could he be peaceful to take on such an enormous responsibility only to please an Umno ex-minister?
MCA ministers should re-think their role in BN as well as cruise if any concede asked of in any since situation is value their firmness as well as honour. Please do not only consider in terms of your in front of as well as wealth. Think of the consequences too.
Anonymous_3e21:Well done MP Nurul Izzah Anwar, you the public wish to know the name of the apportion whose family received the contract.
This is critical make the difference as it involves the reserve of air passengers. Do the supervision wish something to happen, as well as then begin giving excuses?
you will pray very hard which Kong's denial of problems with the air trade complement is true, for the pick is unthinkable - which these immoral as well as unscrupulous Umnoputras have been peaceful to risk people's lives for their own element gains.
Yet the fact is which you know it is not over them - only look during Lynas.
Anonymous #88174484:How did the certain minister's family get the RM250 milllion soft loan for cattle rearing even though they had 0 experience?
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God may not be on your side, Najib: Listen to the groundswell and stop inconveniencing Muslims

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Reporters complain about conditions in Parliament
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AT IT AGAIN: RM3 mil for Najib-Rosmah's trip but official plane also landed in Milan, Dubai
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UMNO and its hijacking of an Ancient Covenant.
I cant suggest Nizar Jamaludin
Skios, a Novel by Michael Frayn
Can the old trope of in error identity still play in the age of Google images? Especially if it's the young, large womanizer with undone blond hair being in error for the middle-aged, balding keynote orator during the meticulously planned discussion of the prestigious foundation?
Well, no. But since the author is Michael Frayn, the master farceur both onstage as well as upon the page, it's tantalizing to cut him the little slack. So most of his brand new novel, "Skios," is so expertly created as well as such genuine fun, it seems ill-mannered to quibble about the indeterminate premise. Or the fact which the finale of the farce is usually as satisfying as the third prohibited fudge sundae, because the usually judicious outcome to rampant stupidity is even some-more rampant absurdity. But between begin as well as finish, Frayn, who has created 10 prior novels, together with "Headlong," the finalist for the 1999 Booker Prize, builds his puzzle so painstakingly as well as tells his story so engagingly, you wish to jump in his path as well as build the nest for winter.
The illusory Greek island of Skios is the setting for the annual entertainment sponsored by the Fred Toppler Foundation, the seemingly eminent outfit promoting "civilized values," presided over by Toppler's widow, the former outlandish dancer. Attendees embody "the second-richest integrate in the state of Rhode Island" as well as V. J. D. Chaudhury, "the great government upon comparative underdevelopment."
Mrs. Toppler's trusty assistant, Nikki Hook, is scheming to take over the operation, though her ambitions do not prevent her from fantasizing about the guest of honor, Dr. Norman Wilfred, the world-renowned consultant in "the government of science." Granted, his address, "Innovation as well as Governance: The Promise of Scientometrics," doesn't reason most promise of romance: "All those committees as well as international lectures would have taken their toll. His jowls would be heavy with impor! tance, h is waistline thick as well as his hair thin with it."
What Nikki has imagined in her mind's eye is essentially Oliver Fox, the charming sociopath is there any alternative kind? who arrives upon Skios to rendezvous with the girl he met quickly in the bar, during the villa of another Englishwoman he's additionally seeing. Once he as well as Wilfred confuse their luggage, Fox, who is quickly souring upon the awaiting of his glorious adventure, is greeted during baggage explain by Nikki, holding the sign for Dr. Norman Wilfred.
"Good God, thought Oliver, as he saw the smile. She thinks I'm him! And all during once he knew it was so. He was Dr. Norman Wilfred. He saw his hold up as Dr. Norman Wilfred stretching in front of him similar to the golden pathway in to the taking flight sun. He had no preference though to travel along which pathway, towards the warmth, towards the light. . . . 'Dr. Wilfred?' she said. 'I cannot tell the lie,' pronounced Oliver. No pronounced Dr. Wilfred."
Meanwhile, the genuine Wilfred, who carries the content of his harangue with him, has left the discussion information in his checked luggage (really?) as well as can't remember the name of the foundation. After most haranguing, he heads toward the cab where the driver guesses he is Fox, his dictated passenger. Exhausted as well as defeated, Wilfred acquiesces as well as ends up during the villa, assuming it's partial of the foundation.
Mayhem ensues. Along the way, Frayn tosses off all demeanour of interesting commentary. The foundation's beleaguered chef, who must house the requests of the big shots attending the discussion gluten-free, salt-free, diabetic halal glumly observes: "When I was the child in Piraeus, was usually dual sorts of food. Was food, as well as was no food."
And when Georgie, Fox paramour No. 1, finds herself inhabiting the villa with the rightful owner, Annuka, Fox paramour No. 2, she mistakes Annuka for the cleaning lady, afterwards can't figure o! ut becau se she has angered her. "She looked Greek, though she sounded English. Maybe you had to call local English employees something different. Cleaning supervisors. Directors of camp services."
That Dr. Wilfred, the smug eminence who has delivered his famous harangue so mostly he "saw the difference as they would look up during him from the comfortable pool of light upon the lectern, similar to well-behaved children during their lustful father," is the utterly drawn character is no surprise. But which Oliver Fox is credible, even sympathetic, as he takes larger as well as larger risks during fakery as well as succeeds, is the genuine accomplishment. In "Headlong," Frayn's nerdy professor of philosophy plays during being the high-stakes art play as well as botches the craving spectacularly. Here, any half of the ready to fight composite gets his due.
Alex Witchel is the staff writer for The Times Magazine. Her brand new book, All Gone: A Memoir of My Mothers Dementia. With Refreshments, will be published in October.
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Boleto, a Novel by Alyson Hagy
With his seemly depictions of a embattled American West, Wallace Stegner remains unrivaled in his capability to humanize a strife in between limit beauty as well as "progress." But there is regularly some-more gold in those hills, as well as Alyson Hagy isn't a writer to inapplicable designation pyrite for something precious. In her third novel, "Boleto," a erotically appealing wilds of Wyoming as well as a horses wrangled there come with price tags affixed. The subject is: Are you buying?
By Alyson Hagy
251 pp. Graywolf Press. $ 24.
Good stories learn us how to review them, as well as a opening pages of "Boleto" have been entertaining, entrancing teachers. In reduced order, you encounter Will Testerman, a 23-year-old horseman "known to pound himself up in between his dreams." Following a string of far-flung jobs, Will has returned to his family's plantation in Lost Cabin, Wyo. A year later, after weathering his father's air of beating as well as his mother's cancer treatments, Will (who is some-more studious as well as less stubborn than his older brothers) swings back in to a worn saddle of his ambitions. It is covenant to Hagy's narrative instincts which you arrive so fast during a novel's engaging premise: When a remarkable brook filly is offering for sale, a aptly declared Will cobbles a possibility encounter with a kingpin of a polo equine commercial operation in to a plan. Cashier's check in hand, "he reminded himself of his promise. This was a commercial operation proposition. If he was to buy this horse, it would be a decision based upon business."
Having determined a central dispute in between a man'! s love f or horses as well as his desire to turn a profit, "Boleto" chronicles Will's squeeze of a filly, his departure for his summer pursuit as shut in trainer during a Black Bell Ranch in a Absaroka Mountains as well as his contingent move to a Estancia Flora polo devalue near Anaheim, Calif. His impression upon this journey is satisfyingly complex; here is a young male who proves during once compassionately idealistic as well as unapologetically self-serving. Deep in his story lies a particular love toward his mother, who has posed, given his boyhood, an fast question: "Who have been you today, Will Testerman?" As a query suggests, a answer varies day by day. At a single time, Will is a male who nurses his mom by her illness. At another, he's held with his pants down (literally) in a show equine fast with a teenage girl.
Hagy often dazzles with her descriptions of a Wyoming landscape as well as wildlife. Whether it's a shut in of a Testerman ranch, a imperishable passes of a Black Bell Ranch or a vexed outskirts of Anaheim, a settings spark with well-chosen metaphors. One afternoon during a guest ranch, Will as well as his co-workers conduct in to a mountains: "They rode along a stream to a east as well as to a west, as well as he watched a first of a falling aspen leaves turn in to a clear stream water as if they were golden coins flung from an generous hand." Soon after, Hagy serve amplifies a tragedy in between inlet as well as commerce as a ranchman's shepherd ambles beside a horses: "The chime of a dog's tags was a same as a sound of comfortable money in a man's pocket."
Another pleasure stems from Hagy's occasional liberties with indicate of view. While you sojourn mostly in Will's body as well as mind, a perspective infrequently shifts for a sentence or dual to which of a poetic brook filly who will eventually be declared Boleto (Spanish for "Ticket"). "She listened as hard as she thought she ought to listen," Hagy writes in a single passage, as well as in another, she "continued to bre! athe his scent with long, delayed breaths by her nostrils, as well as she continued to watch him, but she had made up her thoughts about him for a moment."
The novel does falter during times, interjection in part to a same kind of overreaching you see in a characters. Hagy puts a lot of stories in play, slowing as well as cluttering a drama. She slows things serve by endlessly modifying her dialogue: if you listen to a impression barking, "You get out of my goddamn sight," do you really need to be told which her cheeks have been "splotched with temper"? And as Will is pulled first here, then there by a single minor impression after another, pages as well as pages pass with no discuss of a filly which will become his ticket.
These interruptions should have a difference less once Will arrives with his filly during Estancia Flora, a sprawling domain of a Argentine polo pony mogul. But just as he's upon a cusp of fulfilling a plan set forth in a opening pages, a central dispute shifts as abruptly as a bedrock along a California fault line. The estancia, it turns out, is home to a series of Argentine laborers who appear exploited and, to varying degrees, abused. The presentation of this new antagonistic relationship in between resources as well as labor, as well as a resulting sociopolitical drumbeats of a story, intrude mightily upon a organic growth of Will's character. More important, they threaten to drown out a scenic hoof-strikes of a horses as well as a bruised, beating hearts of a men who float them. In a end, whilst it is true which Will acts of his own volition, as well as whilst a choice he must have is a single of consequence, a difficulty feels planted rsther than than grown, as celebrated as a mulched tulip bed set down in between a cactuses.
Bruce Machart teaches creative writing as well as literature during Bridgewater State University. His most new book is a story pick up Men in a Making.
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Revelation of SPEEDLINE.INC (Part 5) - in Malay
Kalau dengan budak hingusan joke (Harisul haramaini aka Dato' Aariz Rizman) Ketua Penerangan "Barisan Nasional" boleh kena tipu, macamana lah nak jaga "Barisan Nasional"? Sebab tu lah "Barisan Nasional" lemah sebab dapat orang macam ni!
Bila tengok ada omputih, ada bank gergasi dan kad visa debit kononnya dibelakang perniagaan ini, terus percaya bulat-bulat. Ada menteri joke bangang tak periksa dulu! Pastu masuk hotel 6 bintang dengan lampu berkelipan dan dapat makan giveaway yang tak berapa sen dah kira GEMPAK. Patung tu kalau boleh bercakap 'perkataan' pertama yang keluar dari mulutnya, 'KENAPA LAH KORANG SEMUA BANGANG SANGAT?" lepas tu patung tu gelak tergolek. Aduhai....
Habislah aku lepas ni kena pukul plak...Aduh mak aduh bapak sakitnya aku kena belasah...hu..hu..Muahaha..
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Jais director: Political parties not involved in church raid
Bayaran kapal selam semua masuk poket Najib?
Soi Lek: Penang self-sabotaging by rejecting port privatisation
Umno's Saifuddin praised for agreeing to debate with PAS' Salahuddin - Malaysia Chronicle
Malaysia Chronicle
PAS has praised emissary Higher Education apportion Saifuddin Abdullah for similar to discuss with the party's clamp president Salahuddin Ayub next week d...
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Defect and you get RM2 mil, BN agents tell ... - Malaysia Chronicle
The Malaysian Insider
Malaysia Chronicle
PKR or Parti Keadilan Rakyat is often a target of BN dominant celebration Umno since of a intense rivalry in between Prime Minister Najib Razak, a Umno ...
Ex-PKR man denies being BN agent but says 'most likely' man in video The Malaysian Insider
Full video of Pakatan MPs being enticed out soon Free Malaysia Today
all 5 news articles
Ramalan keputusan pilihanraya ke 13
PMM akan menang besar.
PMM akan membentuk kerajaan pusat dan di semua negeri.
Harap maklum
Suruhanraya Pasar Raya Malaysia
Monyet King says
I am tired of a political shit which going on.
Read More @ Source
BERSIH 3.0 sit-in protest & Himpunan Hijau 3.0 3.03.0

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Autokrasi-Demokrasi Tun Dr Mahathir
Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, (Harakahdaily)15 Jun 2012
1. Tun M telah mendedahkan segala-gala dari pemikirannya tentang demokrasi dan mengapa kerajaan Umno-BN dalam 22 tahun pemerintahannya sehingga kini dalam ucapannya semasa Konvokasi di Universiti Santo Tomas, Manila, pada 11 Jun11 lalu.
2. Kini rakyat Malaysia lebih jelas mengapa Tun M dan kepimpinan Umno-BN sehingga kini telah mentadbir-urus negara ini dengan cara demokrasi kacukan atau demokrasi dengan kuku-besi sekaligus melahirkan sebuah negara yang dinobatkan sebagai sebuah "Snycretic State" dalam Sains Politik. Seorang professor menklasifikasikan demokrasi di Malaysia sebagai salah sebuah Negara yang mengamalkan "Electoral Authoritarianism" (Andreas Schedler).
3. Tun M tanpa segan-silu menyatakan bahawa beliau sebenar memang tidak pernah mempercayai bahawa demokrasi mesti diamalkan secara menyeluruh dan penuh. Beliau percaya bahawa kerajaan mesti "melaksanakan demokrasi dengan had dan batasnya" (practising democracy with limits).
4. Tun M menyerlahkan lagi kesangsiannya terhadap sistem demokrasi dengan mempertikaikan natijah demokrasi dengan persoalan sinis beliau "Mengapa demokrasi gagal memberikan kebaikan yang kita harapkan" ("Why has democracy not delivered a good life we had approaching of it?")
5. Tun membuat kesimpulan bahawa adalah mustahil untuk melaksanakan 'utopia demokrasi' yang berteraskan "kerajaan rakyat, oleh rakyat dan untuk rakyat" kerana akan berakhir dengan satu kebuntuan. (A supervision of a people, by a people as well as for a people will outcome in a stalemate, in no supervision at all, in anarchy).
6. Lantas tegas beliau, mesti ada 'ubahsuaian' dan rakyat 'berkorban' sedikit untuk kita dapat memenafaatkan complement demokrasi ini.
7. Tun M telah mengisytiharkan apakah kepercayaan demokrasi yang dianutinya! Barulah rakyat Malaysia hari ini faham d! an tahu benar-benar mengapa Tun dan pimpin BN yang meneruskan legasi-tradisi beliau yang telah 'mencekik' dan 'menjerut' demokrasi dengan segala akta-akta draconian dan 'rimba' yang meragut hak kebebasan rakyat yang sebenarnya termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
8. Baru rakyat faham bahawa Tun M dan Umno-BN memerlukan semua 'ubahsuai' (adjustment) dengan 'undang-undang' semasa mereka berkuasa dengan 2/3 majoriti untuk 'mentadbir negara' dulu.
9. Sebagai cotoh Kebebasan berpolitik dan berhimpun diragut dengan ISA dan Akta Polis, Kebebasan menerbit-berkarya dicekik dengan Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan (1984), hak kepada maklumat dengan OSA, hak mahasiswa-akademik berpolitik dengan AUKU.
10. Dan kini walaupun ISA telah dimansuhkan, kerajaan Najib pula meneruskan tradisi Tun M ini dan tidak boleh diberikan demokrasi sebenarnya maka diperkenalkan "Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan 2012, yang dikatakan sama drakonian kalau tidak lebih zalim lagi, mengikut pengamatan pakar-pakar undang-undang.
11. Tun M ini tetap akan buta demokrasi dan tidak akan celik dengan erti pencerahan minda tentang demokrasi sampai keliang lahadnya.
12. Dengan demokrasi yang konon di'adjust' dan diubahsuai itulah telah berleluasa dan sarat amalan rasuah dan salah-guna kuasa kerana rakyat tidak mendapat capaian maklumat untuk 'menyemak-imbang' kerajaan yang menyalahguna kuasa.
13. Inilah yang mengakibatkan sekaligus satu 'gross fiscal mismanagement' yang menjadikan Negara hilang daya-saing dan amalan kroni kapitalisme dan amalan 'rent-seeking' sarat terpasak dalam amalan dan complement delivery pentadbiran Umno-BN.
14. Sebagai contoh Perjanjian konsesi utility mega (IPP, Tol Lebuhraya)dirahsiakn atas nama OSA. Skandal besar seperti PKFZ yang menelan RM 12 b makan tahun untuk dikesan berbanding kalau rakyat bermaklumat dan punya informasi!
15. Demokrasi yang benar-benar berfungsi akan melahirkan rakyat yang bermaklumat, berani menegur pemimpin bahkan berani menurunkan dan mengguling! pemimpi n melalaui 'ballot box' atau pilihanraya dari bermaharajalela dengan kuasa serta 'membutakan rakyat' dengan 'ketakutan' dan sedikit 'gula-gula' kononnya pemberian sebuah kerajaan yang 'prihatin dan mendahulukan rakyat.
16. Sah Tun M adalah seorang tyrant yang bersembunyi disebalik pakaian demokrasi yang beliau sangat membencinya! Kebencian terserlah kini dengan ucapannya di Manila ini! Sebab itu Tun dan semua pimpinan Umno-BN sangat takut dengan 'Arab Spring' yang merupakan kebangkitan rakyat Arab menjatuhkan pimpinan tyrant dan regim kukubesi yang telah berdekad menafikan rakyat kebebasan dan demokrasi sebenar!
17. Jelas mengapa Tun M secara terang-terengan'memandul kekebalan raja', memecat seorang Ketua Hakim Negara dan segala yang perbuatan zalim atas nama 'adjustment' kerana 'demokrasi itu ada batasnya' dan diktator inilah dan regim umno-BN inilah yang menentukan batas-batas HAK yang boleh diberikan kepada rakyat!
Amat malang Negara ini telah diperintah berdekad oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yang curang dan culas dengan demokrasi. Sememangnya Demokrasi bukanlah asalnya sistem pemerintahan Islam tetapi tidak juga bertentangan dengan Islam bahkan ulama' besar seperti SheikhYusuf Qardhawi meletakkan demokrasi sebagai bersejejaran (compatible) dengan Islam. Ia termasuk dalam maksud hadith "Al-Hikmah Dhollatul Mukmin". 'Barang hilang' orang mukmin yang mesti dicari dan dimenafaatkan.
Sebagai contohnya, dalam prinsip utama demokrasi yakni 'semak-imbang' ia adalah sangat bersejajaran dengan Islam yang menganjurkan prinsip 'Sunnatud Tadaafuq' sebagai dinamika yang menentukan kerajaan terus menginstitusikan prinsip-prinsip 'Keadilan, Ketelusan, Keamanahan dan Kebertanggungjawaban' dalam amalan demokrasi yang sihat atau 'vibrant' dan matang (mature).
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Demo Bersih Tukar Jadi Sampah di Sitiawan

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Woman drops pants after rat runs up her trousers
Ana Vargas, 40, was sitting in a sight as it approached New York's Columbus Circle station when a rodent unexpected crawled up her leg.
Varagas, a hotel supervisor, pronounced she primarily thought it was her trousers relocating until she realised it was something crawling inside.
Despite vigourously jolt her trousers, a vast rodent still didn't drop out.
"I said, 'Oh, my God - it's an animal on my leg'".
"I was shaking, though zero was entrance out ... I had to lift my pants down in front of everyone on a train," a Daily Mail quoted her as saying.
Thankfully, Vargas' blushes were saved when 3 men attempted to defense her from alternative people in a carriage.
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Director of Ipoh KDN meets a Applicants of red IC holders.

PR leaders as well as Applicants awaiting for a Director whilst sitting during a stairs during KDN Ipoh.

This crusade will go upon until all these people become adult of a country
pictures courtesy of MP Kula.
Malaysiakini reports :

- Terence Netto
- 4:38PM June 15, 2012

Sit-ins were a eminent tactic of a polite rights movement in a United States in a mid-1950s to a mid-1960s to force a desegregation of restaurants as well as open facilities in a South.
The sit-in in Ipoh this morning failed to grasp its objective of flog starting a legalisation routine for a stateless though it did benefit a minor concession.
It compelled a executive of a Registration Department, who primarily refused to have anything to do with a crowd, to come down from his office upon a top floors as well as discuss counts with a leaders of a campaign.

Surendran was accompanied by deposed Perak menteri besar Nizar Jamaluddin, DAP vice-chairman as well as Ipoh Ba! rodent MP M Kulasegaran, PKR Perak arch Mohd Nor Manuty, PKR executive leadership council part of Lateefah Koya, PKR state assemblyperson Chang Lih Kang, as well as N Sivakumar, a DAP state authority as well as ousted Perak state assembly speaker.
Stateless to rally in Putrajaya
Surendran pronounced Alias' insistence which a stateless request for citizenship underneath articles 16 as well as seventeen of a constitution was a sticking! point i n a contention which saw him travel off in a huff.

"The stateless here are people who were innate as well as have lived in Malaysia all their lives as well as should be legalised underneath Article twelve of a constitution," he asserted.
Surendran, who has headed a PKR debate upon interest of a stateless, pronounced a subsequent theatre was to accumulate as many of a stateless, whose numbers he estimates as in between 200,000 to 300,000, during Putrajaya to press their means for legalisation.
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Flight Safety at Risk due to Defective Air Traffic Control System Upgrade
June 15, 2012
Flight Safety at Risk due to Defective Air Traffic Control System Upgrade
by Koh June Lin (06-08-12) @www.malaysiakini.com
A poor air trade carry out systems ascent at a National Air Traffic Control Centre (NATCC) near Subang Airport final year has put flight reserve at risk, claimed PKR leaders today.
The ascent was allegedly poor upon a installation upon Dec 13, 2011, leaving controllers clamouring for a lapse of a comparison carry out system, pronounced Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar at a press discussion today.
She told reporters which a NATCC coordinates air trade nationwide, with airfield carry out towers handling only local air traffic. She pronounced she learned of a emanate by papers as well as letters which had been left at her doorstep, copies of which she proceeded to discharge to a press though with a little names withheld.
The sincerity of a papers could not be exclusively verified at this point. "Air trade controllers deemed (the brand new system) Human-Machine Interface (HMI) inconstant with substantial weaknesses, prompting a director of a NATCC to send a memo to all trade controllers, in sold highlighting a 'inconsistency in cleared flight level'," she said.
She combined which a stipulate to ascent complement was awarded by a closed negotiated tender, as well as was part of a final phase of a two-part Malaysian Air Traffic Services Modernisation Programme (MATSMP).
Nurul Izzah (centre in photo), who is additionally a PKR Vice-President, pronounced a Phase Two of a programme costs RM120 million, while a initial phase costs RM160 million.
Malaysiakini is withholding a names of a co! ntractor s pending comment.
Among a papers she distributed was a minute antiquated January 4, purportedly sealed by eleven people together with NATCC's emissary directors of air trade control.
The minute is addressed to their director, complaining which efforts to redress a problems up to afterwards were "very disappointing", as well as air trade controllers had been suggested to be cautious.
'New complement caused staff's workload to increase'
"The brand new complement had caused our staff's workload as well as highlight to increase as well as a work environment had become uncomfortable. From time to time, we hear a officers upon duty dispute about it," a minute read.
The minute additionally pronounced although they are not against to upgrades, a brand new complement needs to be better than a old one, dubbed "System Alpha", which they pronounced should be easy if no evident movement is taken to redress a matter.
In a apart request antiquated Dec 21 final year, a contractor purportedly told a Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) which it would repair all a reported defects in March 2012, together with flights which appear to be devious from a flight trail upon a radar screen, though are actually not doing so.
Nurul Izzah pronounced she has no information upon further movement upon a matter, as well as demanded a DCA as well as a Transport Ministry to rught away reply to a allegations, insist a current border of problems affecting a nation's air trade carry out system, as well as clear a reason a plan was awarded to a contractors.
"The DCA must assure Malaysians of a current reserve standards by obtaining an eccentric audit, to be conducted by a International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), as well as to be distributed to all members of Parliament," she added.
After a press conference, a duplicate of her minute was handed over to a DCA via a bureau near Subang Airport, while another duplicate was faxed to a Transport Ministry. She was accompanied by PKR Vice-Presidents N Surendran as well as Tian Chua.
Air trade carry out military officer Johnei Idek perceived a minute upon a DCA's behalf. When contacted, DCA Director-General Azharuddin Abdul Rahman pronounced he would emanate a make a difference upon a matter. As of a time of writing, Malaysiakini is still perplexing to get a reaction from a contractors.
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Free port - Now Najib contradicts Chang Yeow

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Dah kena baru Nizar nak minta maaf
Crime Perception PEMANDU
MOSTI says no scientific justification to block Lynas licence

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Education was excuse to sell state land to cronies
RM1,000 for a rubber band?

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Trial of a Doctor: Letters to Mahathir, Najib
Kit Siang is perplexing to fibre the noose around Mahathir's neck. Why?
I am not interested in removing abounding or vital the hold up of luxury. What we have right away is far some-more than we had hoped for when we was forgetful as the student. we am grateful to Allah for what we have as great as for provident me to live this long. we am ready to go when my time comes. we am conscious which all which we have will not accompany me to the grave.
Mahathir Mohamad, 2012 June
A male dies usually once. His genocide competence be the have the difference pithy as Mount Tai or light as the feather. It all depends upon the reason for which he dies. The most appropriate of men die to equivocate flaw to their forbears; the subsequent most appropriate to equivocate flaw to their persons; the subsequent to equivocate flaw to their dignity; the subsequent to equivocate flaw to their word.
Sima Qian (c.145 86BC) in Letter to Ren'an
Xiaode addresses the Honourable Mahathir Mohamad
Lim Kit Siang's veiled threat conflicting we was additionally specific: open up investigations in to the Bank Negara's forex waste incurred in between 1992 as great as 1993. It contains zero else. And the sums, we contingency admit, areastronomical given generally Malaysia'srelatively low financial station globally.
In an American university, the segment of the macroeconomics march (ECN 160B) is dedicated to guidance the doctrine from which forex trade: governments have no commercial operation to be in business. In your time, your income market trade was upon tip of other shameful financial c! onduct, speculating upon forward tin contracts, for example. Remember Maminco? Guthrie? Sime Darby?
Given this past, Kit Siang's hazard was substantially conceived not upon the spur, the singular night, his conduct resting alone upon the pillow. For sure, they contingency have talked about it, heads nodding as they sell records about you.
If any of which is true, thenyour reply to Kit Siang -that you're as purify as the whistle xiaode regrets to say, misses the point. It has little or zero to do with shame or innocence.
To additionally contend we have been usually fearful of charges fabricated conflicting you, we have been tacitly conceding which this has been the normal in Malaysian polity. And it is; face it.
Therefore, Kit Siang's fundamental basis in his hazard couldn't have been about abuse or crime of authority nor could it be specific to the forex waste only. Why? Because Anwar's own palm in the event is additionally severely tainted.
Recall, sir, Anwar alien in to Malaysia American tall finance, Paul Wolfowitz, as great as he desired those fancy financial derivatives in which the Bank Negara argent forward contracts were usually the singular of those things which impressed him as great as which he would have favourite even if he wasn't but delay involved: deals which do the 1 billion ringgit paper trade upon the behind of the 2 dollar company.
Remember Nick Leeson who in 1992-94 (same time as Anwar) mislaid the entire capital base of Barings PLC after some-more than USD800 million in derivativetrading waste usually subsequent door, Singapore. Those were trades which even the bank's house of directors couldn't understand. From people similar to Leeson,Anwarlearned the Orwellian newspeak phrase, 'paper loss'. But, he was the kampung Malay with the large ego who wanted to stir as great as get upon in the universe similar to dozens of others we attempted nurturing.
Even though you've usually the plumber's believe of economics! as grea t as ubiquitous finance, those Leeson type of deals ought to, intuitively, alert you. They usually do not have clarity but, still, we substantially couldn't care less given American 'financial engineering', sold by the similar to of Lehman Brothers as great as Merrill Lynch, got what we wish with income the Treasury didn't nonetheless have. They got we roads, airports, power plants, Twin Towers, Putrajaya, Hicom, Perwaja.
Also stop Anwar was financial apportion during the time, as great as some-more than anybody, even yourself, he brought in as great as fostered an entire western, commercial, Wolfowitz kind of financial enlightenment which altered the approach Malaysia done money, financial projects, conduct banking services, as great as in creating debt. Growing rubber trees as great as mining tin competence not be voluptuous as great as illusory though those were honest, decent work. You utterly abandoned these qualities as great as went with Anwar instead.
Xiaode regrets to have to remind we of this unfortunate past. But it helps to give context to Kit Siang's resurrecting the forex debacle as great as which little show they had in Penang talking about the Bank Negara Gang of Four, Anwar excluded of course. If it isn't solely about we what afterwards was his hazard about?
Very probably, it is multi-angled.
At an individual, personal level, it is about removing even. It is about what we had put Kit Siang through over the years. And not usually him though additionally his entire family. Anwar, for sure, thinks the same. So as great Nik Aziz.
Sino reliable enlightenment informs the Chinese to regularly allow your enemies an shun track once cornered . That's for the great reason which won't be elaborated.
You weren't usually the conflicting receiving no prisoners. Your annihilating the enemy surpassed the ruthlessness when it done no eminence in between the enemy as great as the friends, people who competence usually be onlookers or bystanders comp! elled to take sides given of old, family, personal or professional loyalties. Remember Salleh Abbas? You went over him as great as the whole Bench got it.
Although Kit Siang's hazard was nebulous as great as superficial (in your abuse of power as great as generally monetary corruption), we immediately jumped in to the defence as if we have been already upon trial. Here, in your own words:
I had regularly been clever not to abuse the power.
I have not taken anything which is not mine.
I didn't allow my children to do commercial operation with the Government.
Except for Mirzan, my children did not get any scholarships.
Whatever income we right away have is from savings.
My salaries were not big.
I am not interested in removing abounding or vital the hold up of luxury.
If we recall, the nearby exact same things were pronounced by Anwar Ibrahim when he stood in the wharf conflicting the set of sodomy as great as crime charges. That is, your government couldn't find the single, dirtysen upon him which had been stolen.
But which wasn't the point, was it?
Now, if we knew that, if Anwar additionally knew, as great as if Kit Siang knew, why afterwards did we go upon as great as upon with which infantile, suave mollification perplexing to composed the looming spook of yourself station in the wharf as great as before the whole nation of judges?
The truth? You really wish to know the truth?
You were toadying for apurpose. And it is this:you have been perplexing to get upon the right side of the amiability called Malaysians. The Chinese call this 'right side', qingbai, literally transparent white.
No God can assistance we right away though usually people: Malaysians. If people as the collective can move down Gaddafi as great as Mubarak, they could additionally have saved them as well. Or they could save y! ou. And this is the problem, isn't it? Will they, the people, or will they not lift the finger in your name?
If you're not confident people will, afterwards surely we contingency ask why?
While as PM we mostly spoke, upon the the singular hand, about bringing pride to the Malays, about building towering Malays, about how refined the people they are. Yet those speeches as great as difference interpret to the conflicting formula in your personal actions (Anwar's treatment, the monarchy, Tunku Abdul Rahman) as great as in your open deeds (forex, Tajudin et al). The list goes upon as great as on.
Then, upon the other hand, we malign the Chinese for no great reason during all -pitting the Malays conflicting them as great as job them names.
This code of politics, if we still do not know it, had bred dual generations of bigots (Ibrahim Ali, Apanama, Hannah Yeoh), after which they were recast as great as tutored in to fascists (Anas Anus Zubedy, Lim Guan Eng, Pure Shiite) under the 'vision' propagandize curriculum of Anwar Ibrahim who you, unfortunately, done preparation apportion in 1986. Anwar et al are, xiaode is sorry to say, your creatures.
In sum, your failure begins once we tainted the prolonged amiable story of Chinese-Malay relations, upon the behind of which we afterwards rose to the in front of as budding minister. Once in in front of the same process is applied. You spin to persons similar to Anwar so as to hoist up the shining, pedestal model of the clever, modern Malay no longer tied to rivers as great as padi fields. Francis Yeoh, Christian, Anglophile as great as utterly during contingency with being Malaysian, was your contrasting thought of an Anwar conflicting number between theChinese.
Umno's Nazri, your party mate, was usually half right when he once called we the Father of Racism in Malaysia. You're the Father of Bigotry.
!Again st this credentials generally given we have been the liability to Umno Barisan right away has to be concerned about the outcome of your track record upon the electoral performance. Tell us, therefore, how have been the people unless we do not count Chinese as the Malaysian people to rise up in your defence conflicting Pakatan?
But not to worry, sir.
Kit Siang's hazard is pivoted upon the assumption Pakatan takes Putrajaya. He is being overly confident as great as conceited. He assumes the Chinese chauvinists (the non-Francis Yeoh types), so mostly derided by you, won't come together to give Najib Razak the chance, thereby saving we from any further humiliation.
All which says which whilst Anwar et al have been starting to have the entrance elections the referendum upon Najib as great as Umno, they, regulating the same brush to connect you,will spin their campaigns in to an indictment conflicting your person. Kit Siang will go around the country to contend this: for those who wish Mahathir investigated for past sins, opinion Pakatan.
Should which happen, what shall we do?
Xiaode bows to you.
(Because the minute as an essay form is the same, the earlier post addressed to Najib is reproduced below, additionally for some-more aged purposes in between dual budding ministers, their personality characters as great as their politics.)
Xiaodi addresses the Honourable Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak
Xiaodi brings we fraternal greetings in the name of the forefathers as great as in secure friendship in betw! een the peoples, the Melayu as great as the Chinese.
Before proceeding, apologies have been in sequence for this is the law -especially for the audacity as great as the impudence to have to move this memorial to we in such the manner. Xiaodi has no great deeds to be entitled any privileges, even to be honourable of the hearing. But, as Sima Qian has great advised, "A male has usually the singular death. That genocide competence be as pithy as Mount Tai, or it competence be as light as the goose feather. It all depends upon the approach he uses it. "
Some time not prolonged ago when Wen Jiabao visited he asked to host the dinner in your honour as great as afterwards forsaken this request: would we be so kind as to move your mom along.
You're right to consider the Chinese have the long, prolonged mental recall as great as they generally remember the great deed as great as feel compelled, until eternity, to pay off the gratitude. Your father was, of course, the commencement source of which mental recall which will continue the subsequent ten generations as great as beyond.
This low clarity of high regard stems, paradoxically it seems, from the Chinese apostate perspective of the world.
But, still, it creates clarity if the singular were to demeanour during the association closely as great as bypass the interpretation, hold by bigots, which the Chinese have been extremist all given they, in their commercial operation dealings, for example, prefer the close-knit familiarity as great as confidence of any other. This is additionally to suggest which the Chinese do not certitude simply as great as their loyalties have to be earned any of which couldn't have anything to do with skin colour though the man's arrangement of impression in difference as great as suited by deeds.
You have travelled as great as seen most so we contingency know what all which means.
Scepticism has, as we would say, the "downside". Since the Chinese owes few loyalties ext! ernal th e family, it creates for being the politician to the Chinese which most harder, whether Malay or Chinese. The DAP, for example, did not arrive during the benefaction pivotal indicate upon the behind of the Chinese opinion until almost 40 years later.
This singular actuality alone has profound implications, inspiring the little misconceptions which have to be debunked as great as uninstructed if Barisan is to to move ahead in the entrance ubiquitous elections.
Only dual would be cited, but elaboration. Myth 1: The Chinese opinion is the confederation opinion upon racial lines. Myth 2: Treating problems dear to the Chinese as issues of competition (education for example) rsther than than of probity as great as fairness.
In counterbalance to those assertions is the MCA consult which Chua Soi Lek says show the Chinese, similar to Malays as great as Indians, to regularly return to their 'ethnic cocoons'.
On the surface, this end appears loyal maybe given ethnicity in consult forms is interpretedly primarily upon skin colour terms. But the Chinese see competition as formed by reliable enlightenment included in which have been impression as great as particular values. That is to additionally contend ethics surprise an ethnicity: for example, the Chinese generally sees as great as decider the person upon comment of such as great as such the conduct or attitude.
Likewise the Chinese perception of the Melayu, as great as this is pivoted upon the known set of values, Islamic in Malaysia, but eminence whether this competence be agreeable or not agreeable. Christians would contend any values sourced external the bible or the Church is not agreeable; they have been instead the pathway to damnation. The Chinese have no such concept, as great as they oppose it.
Instead of contradictions, Chua's claims of the MCA consult reaffirms instead the Chinese distrustfu! l worldv iew: be cautious with loyalties, certitude the familiar as great as the proven, be clever with the difference of strangers.
Extrapolate from this worldview is the operation of ramifications inspiring how we as great as your domestic colleagues competence approach the Chinese electorate.
1. Visit them as the crony seeking friendship. This is some-more effective than visiting as the budding apportion bringing cheques to schools given the complaint for the Chinese after taking of the cheques is which their votes won't co-ordinate with the debt repayment. Those have been dual opposite things. Friends do not give away income for no reason so which the action casts suspicion rsther than than win trust. Moreover as great as this is similarly critical income for Chinese schools is Chua Soi Lek's job, not the Malay's even if budding minister. Go to their temples as great as schools, enter their homes as great as their villages as great as enquire about their welfare. Even but promises, those visits would be great enough given that's what friends do.
2. Visit them as the Malay, the conduct of the Malay kingdom seeking the collaboration with the Chinese race as great as not their acquiescence. Malaysia is many nations under the singular flag. Your station says most about mutual respect which is demonstrated as sincerity as great as honesty if you, sir, wear the Malay baju. This external entrance reflects who as great as what we have been internally, but the make-belief which we merely wish Chinese favours by wearing red clothes or by giving away angpows. The Chinese, similar to Malays, similar to yourself, value genuineness given it is the foundation for the durability relationship entrance generally from the person opposite from those we visit. The DAP Anglophile women wearing shawls in to mosque competence stir Malays, though the Chinese see them intuitively as phoneys.
3. Visit them as the open central of the little station inside of the Chinese village as great as not ! as an Um no Malay or Barisan politician. The Chinese perspective of the Malay open central is severely disabled by the bequest which the singular does not need to elaborate. This is something to overcome, though it is not an improbable task as great as the Chinese have the prolonged story in entrance to regard the open official. The junzi category is the top order. He is fair-minded, given to reason, never arbitrary as great as is well-informed by the set of humanistic ethics which supercede as great as is improved than any despotic duplicate of the law.
4. Visit them as MCA's domestic family not as the partner given the latter infers the bequest of unequal relationships. Kinship says instead which your interest in the Chinese village stems from your old, family holds with the MCA which, for whatever reason in the past, had been unable to do the best. You have been there upon the aloft authority as great as by virtue of your patrimonial ties with other bodies or institutions inside of which we have influence.
In this minute as great as this is borrowing from Sima Qian again xiaodi has not been means entirely to communicate what is in the mind, though xiaodi has attempted to lay onward the crude outline, sick voiced as it has been.
With low respect, xiaodi bows to you.
Majlis Dana DUN Chukai

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