Hadi setuju Sarawak negara Kristian?

Helen Ang menganalisa janji Deklarasi Kuching.

Utama sekali dalam janji mereka adalah memperkasakan kedudukan Sarawak dan Sabah setanding dengan Semenanjung Malaysia.

Dengan tuntutan itu, ia bermakna Pakatan Rakyat mahu Sabah dan Sarawak bukan lagi jadi dua negeri antara 14 negeri dalam Malaysia tetapi standing mereka melebihi 12 negeri-negeri dalam Malaya yang sudah ada legitimacy sebagai

Bukti PAS Kaldai DAP: Nizar tetap pertahan pastor Ngeh

Betul apa perlu orang Islam menunjukkan sangat kemarahan dan cuba tahan You Tube yang tidak mudah untuk disaring isi kandungnya.

Namun demikian, bukan hak Ngeh Koo Ham untuk menegur orang Islam kerana dia bukan orang Islam. Adalah menjadi hak orang Islam untuk menyuarakan pendirian dan perasaan mereka kepada penghinaan sedemikian.

Bukankah Ngeh juga merungut dan bising jika ada

Najibs theatre of dreams

As speeches go, a prime minister struck all a right chords final week at a National Press Club awards night. It would have been a cracker of a speech had it come from someone else or made in an additional setting. A cracker of a speech to eager-beaver young cadet reporters, a valedictory speech to [...] Read More @ Source

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Giliran Najib di Google Hangout, mensasarkan golongan celik internet

KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Sept Datuk Seri Najib Razak (gambar) akan menjadi tuan rumah Google Hangout pada twenty-nine September, ahli politik Malaysia yang kedua berpeluang untuk berhubung dengan rakyat Malaysia celik IT terutamanya belia yang membentuk demografi berbeza daripada thirteen juta yang layak mengundi dalam pilihan raya umum (PRU) akan datang. The ... Read More


Senang betul cara minah ni nak lariskan buku yang ditulisnya..."Miss Bikini America 1996",Jennifer Nicole Lee dikatakan tampil seksi tanpa pakaian dengan hanya memakai apron di set penggambaran untuk mempromosikan buku pemakanan cara sihat terbarunya yang bertajukJennifer Nicole Lee Fun Foodie Cookbook....Kalau tak percaya cuba tengok gambar-gambar dibawah ini....Mudah bukan...Jennifer menjangkakan dengan memuatkangambar-gambar seksinya di dalam buku itu pasti akan membuat peminat-p ... Read More


Lagi laporan polis dibuat terhadap Pengerusi DAP negeri Perak, Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham berhubung kenyataannya di laman sosial yang mempersoalkan usaha dan tindakan umat Islam menentang filem Innocence of Muslims yang telah menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Bertempat di Balai Polis Kampung Rapat, dekat Medan Gopeng, hampir 30 laporan polis dibuat oleh badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan orang perseorangan terhadap Adun Sitiawan itu, diketuai oleh Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) DUN Sungai Rapat, Alang Abdul Rahman Ahmad Nazri.

Bercakap kepada pemberita selepas itu, beliau berkata, sudah tiba masanya kerajaan di bawah pimpinan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap Ahli Parlimen Beruas itu kerana mengeluarkan kenyataan yang menyentuh sensiviti umat Islam di negara ini.

Kita ingin nasihatkan beliau supaya jangan buat bising kerana kita tidak penah menyentuh agama lain.

Harus diingat, bangsa asing juga seharusnya menghormati agama Islam, katanya lagi.

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Menukar Kerajaan tidak Kiamat Dunia

Mulai sekarang kita panggil Dato Najib- Kim Il Najib. Semua gara2 gambar. Gambar Najib dan Kak Ros adalah gambar suci. Gabar alim agama seperti Nik Aziz takpe kalau diludahi dan dibakar. Ini agak nya yang dimaksudkan oleh Dr Mahathir bila dia kata , selepas PRU13 ini, Najib jadi orang garang.Pada peringkat gambar sahaja, kalau orang tak hormat, tangkap dan tembak. Najib hendak jadi dictator macam Kim Il Sung. Kita tengoklah nanti- puak UMNO akan memuja pemimpin Korea Utara. Pemimpin Korea Utara pun ummatan wasatho- dalam konteks wasathiyah UMNO.

Dari sudut itu, Najib sama dengan Kim Il Sung. Jadi, Kim Il Najib lah nama yang paling sesuai dengan nya.Seorang komunis dan seorang mengaku dia democrat.Tidak lama lagi, bila kita berdepan dengan gambar Najib, kita semua mesti tunduk hormat macam orang Jepun. Sama seperti rakyat Korea lakukan bila berdepan dengan potret Kim Il Jung atau Kim Il Sung.

Kita orang Melayu yang beragama Islam ini janganlah taksub sangat dengan gambar Najib.Kalau kita hendak orang hormat gambar Najib, kenalah kita juga menghormati gambar orang lain. Ketua Pembangkang sebagai contoh, kalau dalam negeri sistem Westmnister, adalah ketua Pembangkang Raja Malaysia. Seperti juga England, ketua Pembangkang ialah Her Majesty's Oposition Leader. Dia pun PM in waiting. Jadi kena lah hormat juga.Dinegeri yang bertamaddun, kita saling hormat menghormati satu sama lain. Semua terlibat dalam industry yang sama yakni menawarkan kepada rakyat jelata kepimpinan kita, wawasan dan dasar kita dan keperibadian parti kita. Bolehkah kita hormat kalau impression parti kita macam! samseng ?

Kalau kita hendak debat, maka berdebatlah atas dasar pemimpin dan kepimpinan, dasar parti kita dan keperibadian parti kita. Biarkan rakyat buat pengadilan. Kalau UMNO bagus, maka UMNO lah yang mereka pilih. Kalau PR bagus, maka PR yang mereka pilih. Sesiapa yang menang, kita akan nilai nanti apa yang mereka lakukan.

Apa yang sebenar nya Najib tawarkan kepada rakyat? Menawarkan pemimpin UMNO yang berkualiti? Ramai yang korap dan tidak bersih. Yang tuduh pemimpin UMNO korap ialah Dr Mahathir sendiri. Dalam suatu jamuan makan tengah hari dengan bekas2 menteri cabinet, Dr Mahathir sendiri yang mengistiharkan bahawa semua pemimpin kerajaan/UMNO adalah korap dari yang tertinggi sampai kepada yang kecil. Mengikut kefahaman saya yang lulus SA- Sekolah Atap, yang dimaksudkan oleh Dr Mahathir yang ada weak propagandize certificate, yang korap itu termasuklah Dato Najib sendiri. Bukan saya yang kata, Dr Mahathir yang kata. Dan sebagai PM selama 22 tahun, dalam bab ini saya percaya Dr Mahathir sebab dia ada destroy setiap menteri dibawah nya.

Pemimpin UMNO bodoh. Bukan saya kata- Dr Mahathir yang kata. Mereka ini semua half past 6 leaders. Dr Mahathir kata, yang cerdik sudah masuk DAP, yang bijak masuk PAS dan yang pandai masuk PKR. Jadi tinggallah yang koro dan koman didalam UMNO.

Maka jika pemimpin UMNO bodoh seperti yang diperakui oleh Dr Mahathir. manalah boleh kita sandarkan masa depan negara, masa depan orang Melayu dalam tangan pemimpin yang korap, rasuah dan bodoh pula?

Sekarang, bila Dr Mahathir melihat besar kemungkinan UMNO kalah, maka dia bertungkus lumus menegakkan benang basah. Kerana itulah, saban minggu Dr Mahathir asyik dok beri taklimat kepada badan pehubungan UMNO negeri2- supaya menerima calu! n2 payun g terjun. Kita dah tak ada calun bermutu. Terpaksa ambik dari luar.

Mulakan dari Najib sendiri. Bolehkah Najib dijadikan contoh pemimpin yang baik? Najib sendiri, sebagai pemimpin- dia bukanlah maksum. Najib tidak boleh dijadikan sebagai contoh teladan- Najib dan pemimpin UMNO tidak mencerminkan pemimpin yang bersih dan pemimpin yang bagus.Kerajaan yang bersih dan kerajaan yang bagus memerlukan pemimpin yang bagus dan bersih.

Dari sudut mana, kita nak jadikan Najib sebagai tokoh wasathiyah? Sebagai pemimpin oang Melayu, dia nampak lembik. Depan orang Melayu dia takutkan orang Melayu dengan DAP. Depan orang Cina dia kata nanti PAS akan sunat dan potong tangan semua orang. Depan orang India dia akan kata PAS dan DAP bahaya. Depan raja2 Melayu dia akan kata, kalau PR memerintah, negara ini akan jadi repablik. Maka kerja dia hari2 ialah berdusta dan berbohong.

Dia tidak ikhlas dan jujur bila tolong dan bantu rakyat. Dia akan bantu dengan syarat rakyat kata terima kasih. Dia hanya bantu bila sokong UMNO dan Najib. Pemimpin yang jujur dan amanah, bila dia bantu rakyat dia tidak letak syarat. Hendak tolong, tolong kerana itu suatu amanah.

Tidak pernah buat keputusan yang muktamad. Negara dibiarkan dalam keadaan huru hara. Najib tidak berbunyi sedikitpun bila anasir2 jahat dan kaki busuk mengacau ketenteraman awam. Najib sebagai PM bisu seribu bahasa bila kaki busuk menggunakan agama untuk pecah belah masyarakat. Agama ajak orang melakukan kebaikan, puak UMNO anjur lakukan rusuhan. Najib sebagai ketua amat lemah.

Najib suka lakukan rasuah. Dr Mahathir kata pemberian BRIM dan bayaran2 lain hampir menyamai rasuah dan beli undi. Saya tidak boleh mengatakan sebaliknya apabila pemberian wang sana sini dilakukan dan! diinsti tusikan. Ertinya, rasuah dan sogokan kepada rakyat dijadikan suatu amalan kebiasaan. Inilah nilai yang hendak diterapkan oleh Najib.

Bagaimana pemimpin UMNO hendak dijadikan contoh teladan atau contoh sederhana sebagai umat pertengahan- ummatan wasatho? Rakyat dianjur belanja cermat dan jimat- isteri bersalut dengan berlian dan bertatahkan emas? Bagaimana jadi contoh teladan untuk jadi amanah, bila harta benda kerajaan diperlakukan seperti harta sendiri? Jet kerajaan digunakan untuk beli belah dan mengangkut kawan2 mandi lulur di Indonesia?

Kemudian bagaimana UMNO itu sendiri hendak dijadikan contoh teladan?Ahli dan penyokong tidak ada disiplin dan bertindak macam samseng kampong dusun? Semua jadi Sharif Dol. Penyokong UMNO tonggeng bontot didepan rumah Ambiga. Penyokong UMNO gesa Ambiga digantung kerana mempunyai pandangan yang berbeza. Inginlah kita ingatkan penyokong UMNO, kita hukum gantung pembunuh dan pengedar dadah. Kita gantung bunuh orang yang membunuh Altantuya. Mereka ini kita gantung bukan cerut leher orang yang berbeza pendapat dengan kita.

Malah setiap pemimpin UMNO banyak cacat dan cela dari ciri2 baik nya.Mereka kata Anwar Ibrahim tidak bermoral, pemimpin UMNO pun tidak kurang jahat nya. Orang Melayu tidak peduli sangat ciri2 peribadi yang ada pada pemimpin Melayu. Kalau mereka mengutamakan kebersihan moral, tentulah ramai pemimpin UMNO ditolak.

Jadi mengapa sekarang apabila tiba membezakan antara pemimpn UMNO dan bukan UMNO, perhitungan dignified seseorang menjadi tersangat penting?Jangan lah berpura pura. malu kita bangsa Melayu, bila pemimpin UMNO boleh sebut dalam parlimen- kalau kita korap, mengapa rakyat tetap memilih kami?

Inilah yang kita mahu tukar. Ki! ta janga n lagi memilih pemimpin yang korap sebab memlih mereka menjadikan mereka angkuh dan mereka akan buli dan mem-boss kita.

Yang dalam ketakutan sekarang ialah UMNO. Sebab itu dia gunakan segala cara untuk mengikat minda rakyat. UMNO ulang cerita lama dengan mengatakan dibawah PR, rakyat tidak ada masa depan. Kalau PR memerintah, orang Melayu terancam sebab DAP akan mendominasi.Masaalah UMNO ialah dia ingat Melayu dalam PAS dan Melayu PKR sama standard dengan orang UMNO. Najib lupa, jumlah ahli parlimen Melayu tetap mengatasi jumlah ahli parlimen Cina. Calun UMNO digantikan oleh calun Melayu dari PAS dan PKR dan calun Melayu DAP.

Apa yang terjadi pada UMNO sekarang? Hendak cari calun yang berkaliber dan bermutu dari kalangan 3.2 juta pun susah. Kali ini UMNO akan mengenengahkan ramai calun2 payung terjun. Ini mengesahkan , walaupun UMNO itu ramai ahli nya, mutu mereka tidak ada. Setiap minggu Dr Mahathir bertemu dengan badan perhubungan UMNO setiap negeri berpesan pada mereka , bersedialah untuk menerima calun2 yang ditetapkan oleh pemimpin UMNO. Mesti buat bai`ah jangan sabotaj UMNO. Demikianlah cemas nya UMNO. Parti yang ramai ahli, tapi penuh sampah sarap. Bukan saya kata, Dr Mahathir kata dan disahkan dan diperakui oleh Najib dan Muhyidin.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47
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An Appeal to the Contemporary Muslim Conscience

Tariq Ramadan http://www.tariqramadan.com/spip.php?article12539 eighteen septembre 2012 / Tariq Ramadan One controversy subsides ; an additional worse one begins. After a Danish cartoons, a Dutch video Fitna as well as several low-grade irritants, a short, crudely executedand conscientiously insultingfilm has inflamed deep-seated resentments. Several hundred mad demonstrators gathered in front of a American Embassy in Cairo as well as a U.S. [...] ... Read More

Do we really want to march to Putrajaya? (reprise)

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AG's Chambers: CCM probe on Suaram incomplete

The Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) has ordered a Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) to serve probe accounts as well as alternative related offences underneath a Companies Act 1965, allegedly committed by Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) as well as Suara Initiatif Sdn Bhd.

Deputy solicitor-general II Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah confirmed which a investigation papers (IPs) submitted by CCM were too deficient for a AGC to draft a charges.

"Investigation is deficient as well as a IPs have been returned to a CCM yesterday," Tun Majid pronounced today, when asked to comment on a media inform which charges opposite Suaram as well as a association were approaching to be brought to court, possibly currently or tomorrow.

Meanwhile, a Bank Negara central confirmed which a probe on a accounts as well as "money trail" of Suaram as well as a company, was still ongoing.

The central pronounced they were still looking "for (the) source of a supports as well as a income route as well as alternative suspected transactions", adding which Bank Negara was additionally working with alternative agencies to equivocate probable overlapping of investigations before forwarding their own IPs to a AGC for serve directives.

Recently, Domestic Trade, Cooperative as well as Consumerism Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob disclosed which CCM's consummate inves! tigation had allegedly rescued serious violations of at least five sections of a Companies Act by Suaram as well as a company.

The minister additionally wanted an investigation into either an American non-governmental organisation's purported appropriation of Suaram was linked to maverick currency speculator George Soros.

Ismail Sabri had asked Bank Negara to investigat! e a matt er underneath a Anti-Money Laundering as well as Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001, as well as a Home Ministry as well as Registrar of Societies to establish Suaram's status.

- Bernama
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MedikTV apologises over sexist 'guideline'

Health Ministry portalMedikTVhas apologised for posting a 'guideline' for womanlike employers, which was taken down following allegations of sexism.

NONE"We apologize if sure parties found a entry disturbing as well as disconcerting. Every entry you have is done as partial as a commitment to deliver health report without delay or indirectly in brand new ways.

"We guarantee which every entry you have is not unjust or favourable to sure parties for sure aims. We hope this statement will explain a situation as well as explain what transpired in a little of a entries," it pronounced upon itsFacebookpage today.

In aseparate statementsome hours later, it also simplified which a entries have been a shortcoming ofMedikTVand do not reflect a Health Ministry's policies or directives.

Theguidelinefirst appeared onMedikTV's Facebook page in Mar though went neglected until it was uploaded again upon Sept 12 as well as reproduced by a report dialect yesterday.

At a time of writing, a dialect had private a posting upon a Facebook page though a Twitter post linked to a Facebook post remained.
'Sexist as well as unfair'

The guideline appears to be partial ofMedikTV's infographics series meant for pity upon Facebook.

Topics lonesome include general tips for progressing a full of health l! ifestyle , dieting as well as health trivia, to off-beat topics includinggenital careand middle-agefemale sex drive.

khairy jamaluddin bn youth volunteers 240612As for a guideline for womanlike employers, a means of contention was with a caption as well as why it was destined during females.

According to a caption, womanlike employers have been "rigid" as well as "nags".

The most prominent critic to illustrate distant has been Umno Youth arch Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar (left), who urged a dialect to remove a posting.

"Sexist as well as unfair, aimed only during women," he pronounced in a twitter yesterday.

Prior toMedikTV's posting being discovered, there had been anuproarover an Education Ministry endorsed primer to detect! early signs of homosexuality between propagandize children.
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Dr M does not expect BN to win big

Former budding minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad expects BN to win a subsequent general election, though doubts which a coalition can win with a credible majority.

During his debate during a Perdana Leadership Foundation CEO Forum 2012, Mahathir pronounced this unfolding meant which a sovereign government's management will remain during standing quo - "weak".

NONEMahathir, who was budding minister for twenty-two years, pronounced this would bushel development as well as be bad for business.

"Now you have a supervision who has in additional of thirty seats which would be considered diseased as a shift in some-more than fifteen MPs would result in a shift of government.
"That is why you have a benefaction supervision which is diseased as it is trying to survive (by) carrying to attend to a assorted demands as well as not concentration upon a country's development or listening good to what a commercial operation village wanted.

"Personally, as in my time, you would have elite a two-thirds infancy as then you will have a stronger government. That is how it was during my five conditions as a PM.

"However, my opinion for a 13th general election is which BN will still win though with a tiny majority," he said.
The former premier also reiterated what he had postedin his blogthat it was improved to associate with a demon you know than a angel you don't, in selecting a subsequent government.
He admitted which a benefaction supervision faces problems of corruption, though remarked there ! have bee n no supervision which was giveaway of scourge.

Mahathir's debate was entitled 'What can Malaysians design post-GE13?'.

Mahathir pronounced putting Pakatan Rakyat in Putrajaya would be bad for a nation since a word "pakatan(alliance)" had a bad connotation to it, which it is used to indicate an partnership which is up to no good.

"Hence, it would be foolish for a people to select them," he said.
'If Pakatan wins, no decisive policy'

In attacking a persisting spat in between PAS as well as DAP upon hudud, Mahathir pronounced which if Pakatan is inaugurated a concentration would really much be upon a politicking rsther than then decisive supervision policies.

"You would find (Kelantan Menteri Besar) Nik Aziz Nik Mat as well as (DAP chairperson) Karpal Singh quarrelling over hudud. Personally, you do not approve of PAS' version of hudud as it would be detrimental to Malays as well as Muslims. Can you imagine which every Friday you will find ea Muslim's palm being chopped off for stealing whilst a non-Muslim committing a similar crime gets dual years' jail.

"I do not explain to be an ulama though in a Quran, it is settled which a law must be only as well as you think by this you have been not doing probity to a people," he said.

Training his sights upon PKR, Mahathir pronounced here you have a celebration claiming to be fighting for probity as well as they hijacked which name 'Justice' until you (the government) had to shift a name of a Palace of Justice (court complex) toIstana Kehakiman(Palace of Judiciary).

"It is their poise to steal ideas from a government," he said.
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Khalid: Letter sent to government about water restructuring

SHAH ALAM, Sept 19 The Selangor supervision has sent a minute to a federal supervision asking that discussions commence to finalise a issue of restructuring a state's H2O attention that stalled some time ago.
Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim(picture)said Energy, Green Technology as well as Water Minister Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kui was informed of a make a difference through a minute dated Sep 14.
"A copy of a minute was also sent to Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
"If Datuk Peter Chin does not respond inside of fourteen days from a date of a letter, I will courtesy a ministry as not having any objection to my move with a restructuring," he pronounced after chairing a state senior manager legislature assembly here, today.
He pronounced a state supervision would make known a ultimate offer to buy all 4 H2O concessionaires in a state, by Sep twenty-nine during a very latest, if there was no reply to a minute sent.
He pronounced a acquisitions were necessary to exercise a restructuring plan of a H2O supply attention in Selangor.
The 4 concessionaires have been Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas), Puncak Niaga Sdn Bhd (PNSB), Syarikat Pengeluaran Air Sungai Selangor Sdn Bhd (Splash) as well as Konsortium ABASS. Bernama
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Dr M: Najibs cash handouts very close to vote buying

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept nineteen Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad admitted currently that the Najib administration's gusto for handing out money to Malaysians by the assorted people-centric policies was "very close" to opinion buying.
But the former prime minister said the supervision was using out of time with polls sketch closer as the statute Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition needed the bigger mandate to tie the grasp on Putrajaya.
"I do not hold in giving income to the people. we hold in giving facilities. But we consider when the supervision has no time as well as they are facing an election, they make the decision that is easy," Dr Mahathir(picture)said in his keynote address at the Perdana Leadership Foundation's CEO Forum 2012 here.
"If we give people money, then they should await (you). Maybe it is not vote-buying... though it is very close to that," he said, to laughter from the audience.
The supervision is expected to make known the second turn of RM500 money handouts to lower-income households when Budget 2013 is tabled subsequent week, in the pierce that is seen as giving Najib as well as his BN pact's ratings the progress ahead of polls expected soon.
The initial turn of handouts under the Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (BR1M) programme, that involved the little 5 million families as well as price taxpayers RM2.6 billion, saw Najib's capitulation ratings fire up to 69 per cent, largely due to the surge of await from low-income households.
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Dr M agrees Malaysia less safe, suggests more funds for tackling crime

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 19 Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today agreed that Malaysia's streets have become less secure, labelling it the "new phenomenon" that the supervision should plunge into by spending some-more funds.
The country's longest serving budding apportion said it was no longer possibly for the public to be entirely dependent upon the police force to fight crime, notwithstanding noting that the supervision has taken measures to increase the number of confidence crew gripping the streets safe.
"I consider confidence is the problem now in Malaysia... but you need to have the proper study to find out about it.
"We need to spend some-more money to deal with something that is the brand new phenomenon," he told the Perdana Leadership Foundation CEO Forum 2012 here during the question as well as answer session.
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Telling us to migrate is wrong and rude

The LGBT village says which the resolution to the complaint lies not in the migration of the village yet with the government's approach of thinking.
PETALING JAYA: Members of the local lesbian, gay, bisexual as well as transgender (LGBT) village have lashed out opposite an join forces with professor's idea which they quit from Malaysia, observant which the recommendation is unconstitutional as well as plain rude.
Yesterday, UKM join forces with highbrow Dr Samsul Adabi Mamat pronounced which LGBTs who wished to go on with their lifestyle should quit to the West as Malaysians could not accept their culture.
"We contingency follow the infancy indicate of view. In Malaysia, LGBTs will be judged formed on sacrament as well as patently the LGBT enlightenment is opposite religion," he had told FMT.
But Victor, an plainly happy mass communications student from Taylor's university, pronounced it was wrong to concede sacrament to rule one's sexual preferences as well as make use of it as the basis to endorse the migration of the whole community.
"I don't believe which sacrament should dictate who you have been as well as who you should love. This idea of LGBTs migrating is wrong as well as rude," he said.
Writer Lilian Tan, who is the lesbian, also pronounced it was "erroneous" of the join forces with highbrow to tell LGBTs to quit to the West as such recommendation was unconstitutional.
"Where does he get this from? Why should you quit to the West? We have bieing innate certificates, you have every right to go on to stay in Malaysia," pronounced Tan.
"If! LGBTs c hoose to go to Western countries to find improved prospects, it's up to them to decide. But they should really not be forced into meditative which they contingency migrate.
"The constitution states everybody should be treated with colour fairly. It does not await such an advice," pronounced Tan.
She also pronounced which Samsul was perpetuating the "prevalent fallacy" by observant the LGBT enlightenment had been alien from the West, as members of the village had existed for the long time in every culture.
Malaysians have been open-minded
Meanwhile, speaking from his own experience, Victor disagreed with Samsul's statements which Malaysians were unable to digest the LGBT culture.
He pronounced he had encountered most people who not usually supposed his "unique" lifestyle yet were peaceful to learn some-more from him.
"People have been actually open-minded, even yet the approach we skirt up, the approach we travel or the approach we represent myself is all singular from others," he said.
"People have approached me to ask me all sorts of questions about being gay. They have been meddlesome as well as they accept me as the happy friend or the happy family member."
He pronounced even his family had been supportive of him when he came out of the closet, nonetheless they would at times disagree with some of the decisions he made.
But he did confess which he perceived negative feedbacks on the daily basis from Malaysians, together with strangers, who were less bargain as well as usurpation of the LGBT community.
"Not everybody can accept me being the gay. Every single day there have been people or strangers who criticise as well as condemn me only because we decided to be the genuine me gay," he said.
Tan pronounced it was clear Samsul's "sweeping conclusion" which Malaysians as the whole could not accept LGBTs was wrong, judging ! from the most LGBT-sympathetic websites as well as blogs.
"I don't know who done him the spokesperson for Malaysians, observant which Malaysians cannot digest the LGBT lifestyle.
"There have been opposite types of people out there. You can see from online reactions which Malaysians have been by as well as vast really empathetic as well as sensitive to the community," she said.
"I'm not observant all Malaysians await LGBT. There have been positively bigots out there, nonetheless I've never met them, yet sweepingly say which Malaysians cannot accept the enlightenment is wrong."

Government, not LGBT, the problem

Victor pronounced the so-called LGBT resolution lay with the government's views as well as perceptions regarding the community, as they had the ability to influence the meditative of Malaysians.
He pronounced which Malaysians had been taught to deny the LGBT community's rights as well as existence, despite usurpation as well as even enjoying the participation of LGBT characters on their TV screens.
"Homosexuality is not the problem. It's the lifestyle, the approach of living hold up for singular people similar to me," he said.
"Being the happy is not my choice, we only couldn't assistance it. we was innate this way, we was attracted to men since we was young as well as we have no feelings toward women.
"For me, the resolution is to be some-more usurpation as well as open-minded."
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Menukar Kerajaan tidak Kiamat Dunia

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My Mission is to establish a Clean and Efficient GovernmentLKY

September 19, 2012

My Mission is to settle the Clean as well as Efficient GovernmentLKY

In the region where crime is endemic, Singapore has remained clean. From 1959 when the PAP first formed the government, you have stamped out corruption. The challenge is to keep crime free. We have to absolved the society of greed, crime as well as decadence.

When you became Prime Minister in 1959, my goal was to settle the clean as well as efficient Government opposite the backdrop of the corruption-ridden region. We set up systems as well as processes to safeguard which each dollar in income was scrupulously accounted for: you sharpened the instruments which could prevent, acknowledge as well as deter instances where discretionary powers could be abused. The Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB), which was underneath my care, has succeeded in keeping the country clean.

The CPIB was determined by the British in 1952 to plunge in to the increasing corruption. However, little was finished since the CPIB lacked the necessary resources as well as legal powers. When you took over in 1959, you strengthened the laws as well as the organization of CPIB.

We tightened the law upon corruption. Wealth jagged to the person's earnings would serve as confirmatory justification when the chairman is charged for corruption. The CPIB was placed without delay underneath the Prime Minister. And if the Prime Minister were to refuse giving his consent for the CPIB to make any inquiries or to lift out any investigations in to any chairman together with the Prime Minister himself, the Director CPIB can find the concurrence of the President to lift upon with the investigations. In other words, nobody is exempt.

Over the years, Singapore has determined an eff! ective a nti-corruption framework. Leaders contingency be above suspicion. They contingency demand upon the same tall standards of probity of their fellow ministers as well as of the officials operative for them. We do not tolerate corruption.

CPIB has since grown the formidable reputation for the thorough as well as intrepid investigations. The business has successfully dealt with the number of hurtful senior supervision officials together with Ministers, Members of Parliament, senior civil servants as well as distinguished businessmen. This is covenant to CPIB's independence. The business can discharge the duties in the swift as well as sure, though organisation as well as satisfactory manner.

The many thespian case was which of Teh Cheang Wan, afterwards Minister for National Development. In November 1986, he was investigated by the CPIB for accepting dual bribes totalling US$ 1 million (RM3 million). In the single case, it was to concede the growth association to keep part of the land, which had been earmarked for mandatory supervision acquisition, as well as in the other to assist the developer in the squeeze of state land for in isolation development. These bribes had taken place in 1981 as well as 1982.

Teh denied receiving the money as well as attempted to discount with the Ssenior Assistant Director of the CPIB for the case not to be pursued. He had offering to compensate behind SG$ 800,000 in exchange for immunity. The Cabinet Secretary reported this as well as pronounced Teh had asked to see me. you replied which you could not until the investigations were over as you could become the witness. A week later, upon the morning of December 15, 1986, my security officer reported which Teh had died as well as left me the letter:

Prim! e Minist er,

I have been feeling really unhappy as well as depressed for the final dual weeks. you feel responsible for the feeling of this unfortunate situation as well as you feel you should accept full responsibility. As an honourable oriental gentleman, you feel it is only right which you should compensate the top chastisement for my mistake.

Yours faithfully,

Teh Cheang Wan

CPIB has been as well as is the devoted as well as effective instrument opposite corruption. The business as well as the officers have contributed to Singapore's standing, giving certainty to investors which has led to the swell as well as prosperity.

We contingency sojourn vigilant as well as safeguard which Singapore continues to be regarded as the single of the least hurtful nations in the world, with the clean public use as well as businesses which abhor corruption. TR Emeritus

* Former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, who was Singapore's first Prime Minister, wrote the preface for the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau 60th Anniversary memorial coffee list book. www.malaysianinsider.com

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Bila aku panggil parti iblis dan syaitan ahlul PAS yang bebal marah, tapi korang tengok la sendiri macamana perangai Ketua Pemuda PAS ni, ada ke patut dia gunakan nama Nabi hanya semata-mata nak membuktikan bahwa mereka yang ajak berdemo dulu dan bukan Pemuda UMNO. Adeh sengal betul la PAS ni:

Meh kita baca petikan Antara Pos dibawah:

SHAH ALAM: Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat, Nasrudin Hassan menempelak tindakan sesetengah pihak yang mempersoalkan keputusan sayap parti itu untuk mengadakan demonstrasi di hadapan kedutaan Amerika Syarikat Jumaat ini, serentak dengan yang dirancang oleh Pemuda Umno.

Menurut Nasrudin, beliau tidak melihat wujud perkara yang boleh dipolemikkan dan menegaskan ia tidak sepatutnya dipolitikkan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu memandangkan ianya melibatkan penghinaan kepada umat Islam.

Katanya lagi, isu sama ada Pemuda PAS dijemput oleh Pemuda Umno juga tidak wujud memandangkan pihaknya lebih awal membuat pengumuman untuk berdemo iaitu sebelum jemputan diterima.

Kami telah umumkan kepada media module itu sejak Rabu 12 sept yang lalu. So (Jadi) apa polemiknya ?

Tiba-tiba Isnin lepas (17 Sept) saya dimaklumkan bahawa Pemuda Umno ada mengajak Pemuda PAS untuk turun demo sekali. Itupun saya hanya tahu melalui media. Terima kasihlah jemput kami. Kalau tiada jemputan pun, kami memang akan turun pada twenty-one Sep ini, kerana kami terlebih awal telah di"jemput" oleh Nabi kami saw untuk turun menunjuk sikap dan mempertahankan kemuliaan Nabi kami saw. yang dihina sedemikian rupa oleh musuh-musuh Islam.

Kalau seventeen Sep baru nak jemput kami, memang terlalu lambat lah sebab kami dah setup (membuat perancangan) segalanya lebih awal, katanya.

Aku makin lama makin meluat den! gan pera ngai PAS ni, cara politiking mereka semakin low class. Mereka ni asal boleh je nak guna apa saja cara untuk mencari glamer, Nabi joke mereka tak lepas. Wahai ahlul PAS tinggalka partial yang mengamalkan cara jalan syaitan dan kembali ke pangkal jalan!

Your child could be GAY & it's the Opposition's FAULT: Another BN political gimmick?

Your kid could be GAY & it's a Opposition's FAULT: Another BN domestic gimmick?
The tenure LGBT an initial which collectively refers to a lesbian, gay, bisexual, as well as transgender community has been in have use of given a 1990s. They have been mostly genteelly referred to as intimately irrational individuals.
The preparation method is unexpected getting disturbed which Malaysian young kids have been "showing a little tendency" towards apropos gays. But they have unsuccessful to come up with any substantial justification or census data upon this. It seems which a method has established "guidelines" for relatives seeking to discover if their young kids have been happy in sequence to assistance set them straight.
Social kid abuse
This is starting to be a mental agonise politicians will be wreaking upon young kids as well as their parents. It can be described as another form of surreptitious amicable kid abuse which is being meted out upon all intimately irrational children.
Some politicians have been not aware which passionate disorientation is not an acquired mildew as well as to a psychiatrists it cannot be "cured". The most they could do is to have a intimately irrational clarity to conceal their passionate feeling, outward manifests or disjoin them from a flock. But this again will be during a expense of their mental misperception as well as confusion.
Little do politicians realize which a little intimately irrational individuals who competence fit a stereotyped image, as well as most others who do not. The disorientation might not even lead to passionate activities. And there have be! en a int imately irrational in all walks of hold up teachers, university lecturers, doctors, lawyers, politicians, executives, chefs, TV as well as film personalities, eremite total as well as so forth.
It's not a symptom which afflicts usually a socially anomalous groups found in schools or upon a streets. It's just another form of poise which does not heed to a accepted normal of a society.
Instead of improving a poor peculiarity of preparation in schools it was reported which a method is starting to be bustling identifying 'Gay Warning Signs' in schoolchildren. This contingency be a initial nation in a world to enter upon upon this practice all for their dark domestic agenda.
And this move is starting to bring lots of chagrin as well as mishap to schoolchildren as well as embarrass their parents. It will additionally catch a rage of voters.
Since when did UMNO or a preparation method take a moral high belligerent upon this intimately irrational syndrome in between schoolchildren? Are they indirectly hinting during a most bigger domestic emanate which they feel can be exploited to gain votes in elections?
UMNO is again trapped in their contaminated domestic stratagem to fight a decent conflict with a Opposition.
Political gimmick to murky a waters
Does a method have a expertise to typecast happy stereotypes in between young kids as well as teens? Or is it just another domestic gimmick to murky a waters with imaginary threats of LGBT to a society? No propagandize teacher, propagandize solicitor or relatives have been efficient or accomplished sufficient to handle this tender aspect of a child's earthy as well as mental proclivity.
Little do UMNO leaders realize which a happy proclivity in between a little teenagers is some-more of a medical-cum-psychological disorientation as well as which it is not an acquired trait. In a days when a enrichment of healing as well as ami! cable sc iences was insignificant in most societies, being passionate irrational was deliberate aberrant or a curse in a society.
With a advance of healing sciences humans have been means to comprehend better a reasons behind this physiological dynamics of a tellurian anatomy. Although most might not acquit an individual's passionate aberrances they have been assumingly some-more tolerant when they discern a emanate from a healing as well as biological perspectives.
There's no scientific justification thus far to contend one can choose not to be intimately disoriented.
Handling a intimately irrational needs a healing as well as mental approach to it not a domestic assignation. Large handbags, tight slacks, light-coloured clothes as well as large handbags, Karl Lagerfeld look, DM boots, makeups or a butch demeanour have been all yet extraneous amicable symptoms of a intimately disoriented.
These elements do not lift most weight in a healing sciences. They have been small conform manifests of individuals according to times as well as do not indeed represent schoolchildren as gays. Why such a chagrin to schoolchildren as well as relatives then?
A biological predisposition
Humans might have a little kind of passionate disorientation which comes underneath a reduction than 3 percent reduce percentile of a normal distribution curve of tellurian passionate orientation. But a psychiatrist would contend which there is no "normal" chairman upon this earth usually their grade of normality or monstrosity varies from a capricious norm.
That is to say, no tellurian being is psychologically normal, undiluted or has standard proportions of body hormones in his or her body to call himself a undiluted creation.
From within this teenager percentile have been found in between others those who have been manifestly described as lesbian a tenure used to report passionate as well as regretful e! nterpris e in between females; happy a tenure to report people captivated to members of a same sex; bisexual a tenure to report a regretful or passionate attraction or poise towards males as well as females; as well as transgender a tenure used to report people who might act, feel, think or demeanour opposite from a gender which they were inherited with.
Children will come to realize their passionate disorientation as they grow. Some will try hard to shift yet not most would succeed as this is some-more of a biological proclivity for them rsther than than an acquired trait.
Most will live upon with their genetic attributes as legitimate intimately irrational individuals despite undergoing tremendous mental torture as well as mental mishap as well as during times being ostracised by a community as well as even their own parents.
Sexual preference might not always be their priority in hold up yet a way they lift themselves could harry a little moralists as well as religionists.
Fallacious hints to parents
It was reported which a method wants this emanate be brought up in sequence for a "gays" to be "rooted out" as well as once a schoolchildren have symptoms of LGBT, "immediate attention should be given". This appears to be a blurry statement for relatives to digest.
Seminars have been organised across a nation with speakers including eremite total articulate to relatives as yet they have been a expertise, a know-all as well as saviours of a intimately irrational children.
It's all governing body in a guise of preparation as well as counselling.
This bid has flustered schoolchildren as well as relatives as well as is a scandalous discrimination opposite trusting schoolchildren whose passionate march is inherited as well as not acquired. It's a deliberate domestic move by UMNO to give fallacious hints to relatives or electorate which they have been opposite "those" who the! y politi cally understand as intimately irrational in a society.
The method knows which teachers as well as relatives can effortlessly mark signs of passionate disorientation in young kids yet unfortunately they cannot do most to overcome this "warning sign".
It's usually when they turn teenagers they proceed to realize their inherited passionate march without anyone influencing them. No young kids can be "converted" to a intimately irrational person. The symptoms have been traits of an particular solely singular to him or her as well as have been not contagious in any way.
Setting up camps for "effeminate" boys to uncover them how to turn group has not constructed any tangible results. They contingency have come to realize which changing passionate march is not possible.
Societies cannot accept this reality
All religions have been basically opposite those who have been intimately irrational if it is attributed to amicable influence or a cult. But when this disorientation has been medically proven to be genetic they will have to accept a actuality it is not a straightforwardly preventable disorder.
Sexual disorientation is not a purely learned poise any some-more than is 'normal' passionate comportment. "Victims" have not selected to be intimately irrational after most exposure to it.
Genes as well as a sourroundings might play a role in tellurian development yet inherited passionate disorientation is not a trait newly acquired, as "victims" already have a priori believe of their orientation.
Efforts in a healing sciences to get absolved of inherited passionate disorientation in an particular in a past have not been successful. Aversive care giving disastrous stimuli such as electric shocks or drug which have them queasy when they see homoerotic impetuses has unsuccessful as well as distressed them instead.
To a psychiatrist, being intimately irrational is a! healthy part of tellurian sexuality. But based upon culture, tradition or eremite beliefs most societies cannot accept this reality. Going by a manners of creation, lots of animal species, including insects, fish, mammals as well as reptiles do experience passionate disorientation.
Of course, humans have been endowed with some-more comprehension to heed in between right as well as wrong. But still this becomes too relative a matter when a earthy or biological charge is due to a little genetic predisposition, such as a person's passionate disorientation.
The "victims" need veteran counselling as well as not domestic prescriptions to mend their ways if during all a trait can be supressed or changed.
Adverse presage for UMNO
The ministry's "Gay Warning Signs" in propagandize is an bid to humiliate young kids as well as parents. This domestic shade in preparation is done during a exasperation of most parents. Children have been unnecessarily exposed to chagrin is schools underneath a wing of those who know reduction about passionate disorientation from a healing point of view.
Criticism as well as shaming young kids in propagandize since of gender-nonconforming poise in childhood or in adolescence will start them mentally. Parents have been averse to this all initiated by those with a domestic bulletin to it. This is starting to be another inauspicious presage for UMNO before a 13thgeneral election.
Bungling politicians have been again tinkering with preparation as well as this time humiliating schoolchildren as well as parents.
They appear not to be cognisant of a actuality which sincere as well as disastrous governmental views of passionate disorientation can lead to a accumulation of psychiatric as well as behavioural symptoms in between young kids which include clarity of guilt, downheartedness, fretfulness, denial, rejection, anti-social poise as well as even suicide.
! Malaysia Chronicle
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Malaysia outraged over Muslim Rage cover

Malaysia outraged over
KUALA LUMPUR- At a tiny Arab cafe in Malaysia's smart Bukit Bintang area of Kuala Lumpur, a organisation of Malaysians have been relaxing, puffing away upon their shisha, or water-pipe. But their faces have been moving as their row turns to Newsweek's new "Muslim Rage" cover which has created controversy opposite a Islamic world.
"Do they just not have a clue?" said Yussif Ahmad Aziz, a 22-year-old political science student in a city. "It's like these people in a west wish to get Muslims upset, they wish to have fighting difference as well as they wish to insult."
For these university students, Newsweek's new cover has become a new point of row among Muslims in a country. For Ayub Salim, a new graduate as well as broadcasting intern with a leading daily in Malaysia, a repository unsuccessful in a duty to defend probity as well as impartiality.
"I have zero wrong unequivocally with using a cover 'Muslim Rage' though what unequivocally angers me is a writer of a cover story, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She is someone who knows how to insult Islam all as well well as well as she has done so in a past. Her being a a single to write a essay is a sign which a repository wanted to go upon to stir hatred as well as anger," he argued.
The repository claimed which their issue "accurately depicts a events of a past week." Last week, Muslims opposite a universe took to a streets to protest an anti-Islam movie which insulted as well as defamed Islam as well as Prophet Mohamed. Protests were held in over 20 countries, as well as in a few places turned violent.
Malaysia saw a series of tiny demonstrations opposite a film, const! ructed b y a Coptic Christian in a United States, though they remained peaceful.
The Newsweek issue has hit a haughtiness with Muslims opposite a country, with a single online Twitter user writing, "we talk about creating acceptance as well as understanding of events, though then a repository goes as well as insults."
For these students here, they told Bikyamasr.com which by having Ali write a cover story, a repository has lost all a credibility in a situation.
"It is clear to me which whoever made a decision for this cover as well as this essay has no idea about Islam, because their goal appears to be to irritate Muslim hate as well as anger," Aziz continued.
Newsweek went a step further, arguing which a cover was to spark debate. "Our covers as well as hashtags bring courtesy as well as spark discuss around topics of vital global significance as well as a internet is an open forum for people to go upon their own discussion," orator Andrew Kirk told AFP.
But for Aziz, Salim as well as millions of Muslims in Malaysia as well as opposite a Islamic world, it highlights a growing gulf which exists in between a west as well as Islam.
"They patently do not understand, or wish to equivocate a real row upon Islam as well as what Muslims think. Ali does not represent Muslims as well as this is another blatant attack upon the approach of thinking as well as what angers us," said Salim.
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HOT EXPOSURE Panas ! Scandal of Noh Omar..possess Extra-Ordinary WEALTH ( Part 1 ) - in Malay

Skandal panas abad ini!! Benih siapakah ini wahai Noh Omar?

Maklumat yang akan didedahkan di bawah ini adalah bersumberkan dari para pegawai Kementerian Pertanian (MOA) dan Kementerian Kewangan (MOF) yang sudah tidak tertanggung lagi untuk menutup kepincangan yang dilakukan oleh Menteri Pertanian Datuk Noh Omar berhubung isu 'benih'...

Oleh Warga MOA

(Melibatkan Noh Omar Menteri MOA, Dato' Hashim KSU MOA dan Datin Naimah Pengarah IPB (Industri Padi Beras)

Menteri Pertanian, Noh Omar telah menyalahgunakan kuasa bagi proposal benih padi sah kepada petani tahun 2013/2014. Lihat surat dari Kementerian Kewangan bertarikh twenty Julai 2012 mengenai perkara ini.

Telah disahkan pihak MOF oleh Dato Fauziah Yaacob, Bahagian Perolehan Kerajaan (para 2) bahawa proses penilaian teknikal dan perakuan proposal tidak mematuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan dalam dokumen proposal dan tidak selaras dengan prinsip-prinsip proposal (terdapat 3 kriteria yang dinyatakan).

MOF pada para 3 menyatakan disebabkan keperluan benih yang mendesak serta faktor kesegeraan bagi musim penanaman semasa, maka MOF bersetuju dengan anggaran kos RM164.8juta. MOF pun kena tipu dengan Noh Omar. Tidak ada keperluan mendesak kerana proposal yang tamat boleh dilanjutkan secara bulanan (Amalan biasa MOA selama ini). Tiada masalah keperluan benih padi yang mendesak kerana benih padi yang sedia ada mampu memenuhi permintaan s! ehingga Mac 2013 dan musim penanaman padi antara negeri-negeri tidak serentak.

Noh! Omar ta kut mengenai kedudukannya sebagai menteri MOA jika berlaku pilihanraya awal, sebab itu beliau dengan tergesa-gesa mengarahkan agar proposal ini dibuat dengan kadar segera. Tender telah dikeluarkan pada twenty-nine Mac 2012, walaupun kontrak tamat pada 31 Disember 2012. Tidak pernah berlaku dalam sejarah MOA, benih padi dibuat secara proposal tergesa-gesa.

Tender dibuat dalam 2 kategori, iaitu 20,000 tan dan 8,000 tan. Untuk 20,000tan, telah diatur awal khas untuk Syarikat Kilang Beras Seri Merbok Sdn. Bhd dan Haji Md. Nor garbage garbage garbage bin Haji Abd. Hamid (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Semua pengusaha-pengusaha benih padi tahu hal ini).

Walaubagaimanapun, Syarikat Kilang Beras Seri Merbok Sdn. Bhd. mendapat tambahan 2,000tan lagi daripada kuota 8,000tan, menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan 22,000tan.

Noh Omar mengarahkan kontrak ini dibuat untuk tempoh 3 tahun yang tidak pernah dibuat oleh MOA sebelum ini (r! ujuk ker atan akhbar mengenai tender), walaubagaimanapun MOF hanya meluluskan untuk 2 tahun sahaja (amalan biasa).

Syarikat Seri Merbok, dipengerusikan oleh Dato Rais (kroni Noh Omar), bekas EXCO Negeri Sembilan, yang digugurkan daripada menjadi wakil rakyat kerana isu rasuah. Sri Merbok juga mempunyai rekod yang buruk. Petani sering mengadu syarikat ini membekalkan benih padi yang tidak berkualiti, antaranya adalah penyakit padi (seed borne disease - penyakit berpunca daripada benih padi) , penyakit karah, padi angin dan padi tidak tumbuh. Sewaktu lawatan YAB Perdana Menteri ke Perlis pada awal tahun 2012, YAB Perdana Menteri terpaksa meluluskan RM4juta tambahan kepada petani di Kedah dan Perlis untuk menyelesaikan masalah padi angin.

Pada Tahun 2011, pertama kali dalam sejarah padi negeri Kedah berlaku kekurangan benih padi yang amat mendesak berpunca daripada kuota yang terlalu besar diberi kepada Sya! rikat Se ri Merbok.

Satu lagi syarikat kroni Noh Omar adalah Syarikat Haji Md. Nor garbage garbage garbage bin Haji Abd. Hamid yang tidak melepasi syarat yang ditetapkan dalam tender. Syarikat ini hanya mempunyai loji benih berkapasiti 8,000tan sahaja (tidak memenuhi syarat proposal 20,000 tan). Walaubagaimanapun dengan kuasa Noh Omar, syarikat ini berjaya menyewa loji MADA di Sungai Burung yang mempunyai kapasiti 4,000tan. Secara teknikal ia masih gagal memenuhi syarat 20,000 tan.

Loji MADA di Sungai Burung disewa dengan kadar RM5,000 sebulan sahaja berbanding dengan loji MADA di Ajil, Terengganu berkapasiti 1,250 tan juga disewa dengan RM5,000 sebulan (syarikat lain yang bukan kroni). Noh Omar telah menggunakan kuasa bagi mengarah MADA menetapkan kadar kepada Syarikat Haji Md. Nor garbage garbage garbage bin Haji Abd. Hamid hanya RM5,000 sebulan.

Agensi Kerajaan seperti BERNAS dan KADA yang terlibat secara langsung dengan industri padi dan masing-masing mempunyai loji berkapasiti 10,000 tan dan 6,000 tan serta memenuhi semua syarat-syarat proposal tidak berjaya untuk mendapatkan proposal ini. Noh Omar telah memberikan kuota kedua-dua agensi ini pada musim lepas kepada Syarikat Haji Md. Nor garbage garbage garbage bin Haji Abd. Hamid dan Syarikat Padi Pukal Parit 7 (Sekincan) Sdn. Bhd. (kro! ni Noh O mar)

TKSU MOA, Dato Baharum Jani sebelum ini ialah Pengarah IPB (Industri Padi Beras) telah diganti secara mengejut oleh Datin Naimah yang dibawa khas dari MECD bersama-sama datuk Hashim KSU MOA. Dato Baharum Jani tidak mahu bersetongkol dengan Noh Omar berhubung perkara ini. Datin Naimah adalah orang suruhan Noh Omar di MECD. Selepas Noh Omar keluar dari MECD, MARA (dibawah MECD) menghadapi krisis kewangan serius berpunca salahgunakuasa Noh Omar, ketika menjadi Menteri di MECD.

Kuota keseluruhan benih padi negara adalah 80,000tan. Noh Omar dan konco-konconya menguasai 45,000 tan daripada keseluruhan kuota tersebut! (Kilang Beras Seri Merbok Sdn. Bhd - 22.000tan, Haji Md. Nor garbage garbage garbage bin Haji Abd. Hamid (M) Sdn. Bhd. - 20,000tan dan Padi Pukal Parit 7 (Sekincan) Sdn. Bhd. - 3,000tan). Jika berlaku apa-apa kepada syarikat-syarikat ini, maka akan berlaku krisis makanan yang serius kepada negara. Noh Omar dijangka mendapat habuan RM30juta daripada skandal ini.


Noh Omar hidup mewah, kaya raya, membeli rumah banglo terbaru berharga RM6juta di Sunway (tidak termasuk kos restoration dan peralatan dalam rumah), jam-jam mewah, kereta-kereta mewah. Pegawai-pegawai beliau seperti Dato' Saiful, Dato' Safie juga hidup mewah kaya raya. Dato' Saiful mampu berbulan madu di London dan debate mengelilingi Eropah (tiket MAS initial class). Pegawai Khas beliau, Datuk Bibah mempunyai kereta mewah (Toyota Alphard) beserta pemandu. Tidak ketinggalan juga Bodyguard dan pemandu Noh Omar yang juga hidup mewah dan kaya raya. Begitu juga 10 pegawai-pegawai khas beliau yang lain.

Adalah menjadi harapan kami, warga MOA agar MOF menubuhkan pasukan khas bagi meneliti semula kontrak ini.

Kami pegawai-pegawai MOA, merayu agar YAB Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Kewangan MEMBATALKAN segera kontrak ini demi untuk menyelamatkan petani dan industri padi negara. Kami juga merayu agar SPRM segera membuat siasatan mengenai skandal terbesar ini.

Ini adalah satu skandal yang amat serius. Y! ang menj adi mangsa adalah petani yang miskin. Yang menjadi kaya raya hidup mewah sombong dan bongkak adalah Noh Omar. Noh Omar adalah Menteri Pertanian yang pale korup dalam sejarah Kementerian Pertanian. Beliau umpama lintah darat. Hidup mewah atas keringat dan titik peluh petani yang miskin. Cakap tak serupa bikin. Menuduh orang lain korup, tetapi dialah BAPA KORUP !!!!

Kami warga MOA sekali lagi amat mengharap YAB Perdana Menteri mengambil tindakan tegas kepada Menteri kami yang amat korup ini.

Komen:Menteri sekor nie memang banyak! masalah , jenis syaitan yang Mahathir dok kata, Kalau jadi MB Selangor mengalahkan Mike Tyson dan Khir Toyo...Sambungan Siri 2 selepas ini.Kedahkini

TO BE CONTINUED........................
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Why Movement of Moderate Muslims

It's a contrition which a girl wings of Umno as well as Pas won't be upon foot together for a same Muslim "innocence" cause. They had wanted to but could not determine upon a usual approach. The Islamic party's girl wing wants a massive criticism outward a US Embassy. They wish to march by a thousands from KLCC to Jalan Tun Razak, where a US Embassy is. The Umno youths think this could be messy. They have seen sufficient aroused outcomes in other Muslim cities.

So, after a Friday prayers tomorrow Khairy Jamaluddin as well as his boys will accumulate at Kampung Baru or Masjid Jamek instead to express Malaysian Muslims' exasperation as well as anger over a provocative Innocence of Muslims (read AsH's post here to assimilate a issue). "We wish to travel but

On Sunday, Ummo's Wanita wing skeleton to accumulate outward DAP's ngeh's chateau as a reply to his disparaging remarks about The approach Muslims' reply to provocation. That one, too, will not be violent.

Dont discriminate against LGBTs

It's taste identical to those formed upon race, religion, gender as well as skin colour. And which is wrong, says Gerakan.
GEORGE TOWN: Asking lesbians, gays, bisexuals as well as transgenders (LGBT) to quit to a West is a provocative as well as uncalled-for form of discrimination, pronounced dual Gerakan politicians.
Baljit Singh as well as Rowena Yam, whilst making it clear which they were not for "free sex" culture, called upon a supervision not to pass a buck as well as weight schools to residence a issue.
Baljit slammed UKM associate professor Dr Samsul Adabi Mamat's idea which LGBTs should quit to a West if they wanted to continue their lifestyle.
Baljit pronounced Samsul's idea was approach off a symbol as well as which a professor should initial understand as well as accept a fact which LGBTs, identical to others, have their rights too.
"I agree which LGBT is not a enlightenment to be encouraged. But only since they have been LGBTs, we cannot follow them away from their own country.
"It's taste identical to those formed upon race, religion, gender as well as skin colour. And which is wrong," pronounced Baljit, who heads Gerakan's state authorised as well as human rights bureau.
Samsul pronounced a infancy of Malaysians could not accept or digest a LGBT culture.
He additionally pr! onounced informative as well as accurate description of sexuality was consequential as well as Malaysians indispensable Eastern views as well as opinions, not only contingent upon Western perspective.
In Malaysia, he pronounced LGBT would be judged formed upon sacrament as well as "obviously a LGBT enlightenment is opposite religion".
Bully culture
Yam pronounced which a supervision should not weight teachers as well as students with some-more moral preparation when they were already overloaded with exam-orientated syllabuses.
She cautioned which preparation discipline in schools could additionally trigger sexual abuse as well as a aroused bully enlightenment among pupils.
She ticked off a government's tendency to look for an easy approach out by regularly enchanting schools as well as teachers to tackle a new rising social ill.
She pronounced this was dodging from their shortcoming to tackle social ills. Yam removed progressing unsuccessful efforts to wash out out social ills, such as "lepak", "boh sia" as well as "boh Jan".
"LGBT is a worldwide phenomena, not only in Malaysia. It's beforehand to exercise propagandize discipline upon it. The supervision should rivet experts to finalise a LGBT issue.
"Schools should be left out," pronounced Yam, who heads Gerakan's state political precision bureau.
The Education Ministry not long ago permitted discipline to help parents brand LGBT traits among their children.
Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, a wife of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has called upon educators to follow up upon a discipline to be used by teachers! .
Malay rights organisation Perkasa, however, deserted a propagandize guidelines, insisting which parents' purpose was distant some-more critical in rebellious a LGBT issue.
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All the more reason to REPEAL S114A after A-G's 'explanation' - Gobind

The Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail says a nice Section 114A of a Evidence Act 1950 still binds a assign obliged for carrying out a extensive review prior to making charges.

He pronounced no assign could be made opposite anyone, simply since that person's name was linked to a published article.

The AG additionally pronounced it was imperative to firstly, infer a essay was offensive in nature, as well as secondly, that it was created or published by a chairman concerned.

With respect to a AG, if that were a case, why is there a need for S114A to proceed with?
Simple logic

S114A provides for a presumption. The logic behind a need for reckless is simple. It is where a contribution that need proof have been known usually to a chairman that a law will require a shift of weight as well as yield that a chairman contingency infer those contribution himself. This is since usually he will have believe of those facts. The assign would not be in a position to infer it. As such a hypothesis is invoked as well as a accused is compulsory to plead it.

An accused usually has to usually raise a in accord with doubt in sequence to secure an acquittal in a rapist trial. This is basic rapist law. The Federal Constitution guarantees equality of persons as well as that extends to equal duplicate of law to persons in rapist trials.

Where a hypothesis is invoked opposite him, a standard placed upon him to plead it is higher. This is an difference to a norm. Unless absolutely necessary, such arbitrary reckless would not usually be unfair but additionally open to abuse.

Going by what a AG has said, a assign will infer those exact contribution that S114A seeks to presume to exist. If we can as well as have been starting to infer it, why have a presum! ption? W hy retreat a weight as well as have it some-more formidable for a person?

This goes to show a objections modernized opposite S114A of a Act have been justified. The AG may wish to assure us that it will not be abused by promising consummate investigations as well as so forth but that's not a point.

The question is simply this. Is it required to have a sustenance that presumes something that we have been starting to infer any way ?

With respect, I consider a explanation of a AG provides all a some-more reason for S114A to be repealed instead.

GOBIND SINGH DEO i! s a DAP MP for Puchong
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SUARAM - political revenge going all the way to the top BN leadership? - Guan Eng

SUARAM - domestic punish going all a approach to a tip BN leadership? - Guan Eng
The recent onslaught opposite Suaram one after another when Domestic Trade, Co-operatives as well as Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri pronounced which tellurian rights advocacy group Suaram would soon face charge for a "confusing" as well as "misleading monetary accounts".
According to press reports, a Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) is ostensible to have done a recommendation yesterday to a Attorney-General's office to press charges opposite Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd, a company related to Suaram, for unexplained monetary irregularities.
This is a transparent box of double standards as well as resourceful charge by BN again as most companies which have committed some-more serious monetary irregularities have been not given a same courtesy as which given to suaram as well as obviously an action of domestic punish to confuse courtesy from a purported Scorpene as well as National Feedlot Corporation or Cows as well as Condos scandals.
Why is a privately-funded tellurian rights NGO being selectively victimised over ostensible monetary irregularities, when there have been a crowd of high-profile as well as shameful cases of purported crime as well as mismanagement of open supports such as a RM500 million "commission" for a squeeze of dual Scorpene submarines as well as a RM250 million National Feedlot Corporation scandal?
No Minister ever talked of questioning a accounts of a companies involved in a dual purported scandals.
All a approach to a top?
Besides a double-standards as well as viewa! ble dupl icity, this resourceful harm opposite Suaram once again reveals a BN government's gusto for punishing a whistle-blower. Just as how PKR Election Strategy Director Rafizi Ramli was arrested for divulgence bank account sum which led to a charges opposite NFC Chairman Dato' Seri Mohamed Salleh Ismail, Suaram appears to have been victimised for a role in publicly highlighting as well as assisting in a Scorpene crime trial in France.
After all,Suaram's accounts have been audited as well as submitted routinely each year. Even Suaram leaders have publicly declared which they have zero to hide. As Suaram was shaped in 1989, because take action usually now though not for a prior 23 years?
Is it an action of vengeance over Suaram recent highlighting of a merger Scorpene submarine liaison which goes all a approach to a tip care of BN?
Lim Guan Eng is a DAP sec-gen & Penang Chief Minister
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Dr M: Najibs cash handouts very close to vote buying

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 19 Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad certified today that the Najib administrations gusto for handing out cash to Malaysians by the various people-centric policies was really close to vote buying.

But the former budding apportion pronounced the government was running out of time with polls sketch closer as the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) bloc indispensable the bigger mandate to tie the grasp upon Putrajaya.

I do not believe in giving money to the people. we believe in giving facilities. But we think when the government has no time as well as they have been confronting an election, they have the decision that is easy, Dr Mahathir (picture) pronounced in his keynote address at the Perdana Leadership Foundations CEO Forum 2012 here.

If we give people money, then they should await (you). Maybe it is not vote-buying... though it is really close to that, he said, to delight from the audience.

The government is approaching to announce the second turn of RM500 cash handouts to lower-income households when Budget 2013 is tabled next week, in the pierce that is seen as giving Najib as well as his BN pacts ratings the progress forward of polls approaching soon.

The first turn of handouts underneath the Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (BR1M) programme, that concerned the little 5 million families as well as cost taxpayers RM2.6 billion, saw Najibs capitulation ratings fire up to 69 per cent, largely due to the swell of await from low-income households.


A-Gs Chambers: CCMs IPs on Suaram incomplete, ordered to revisit probe

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 19 The Attorney-Generals (A-G) Chambers has systematic the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) to serve examine accounts as well as alternative associated offences under the Companies Act 1965, allegedly committed by Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) as well as Suara Initiatif Sdn Bhd. Deputy Solicitor-General II Datuk Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah ... Read More

Malaysia's 'gay' parade: Free biryani to men wearing V-necks and sling bags


KUALA LUMPUR: Two racial Indians in Malaysia have been charity free 'biryani' meals to a initial fifteen group who travel into their restaurant in V-necks as well as rope bags, after a parenting convention combined quite a stir by citing such a sauce between indications of homosexuality.

The convention hold final week listed out a set of discipline for parents as well as teachers to assistance them spot signs of homosexuality in children.

The discipline included tendencies of lesbians, gays, bisexuals as well as transgenders, that it pronounced could be speckled between boys wearing tight-fitting V-neck T-shirts as well as carrying vast rope bags, as well as girls who enjoyed a company of their own gender.

The convention left some people doubtful as well as others amused. "When a discipline came out, you suspicion it was ridiculous," pronounced Herukh as well as Kubhaer Jeswant who run a 'Fierce Curry House'.

"Instead of fasten in a fray to condemn it, you suspicion it would be an interesting judgment to give out giveaway biryani dishes to a initial fifteen group who travel in with a V-neck as well as a man-bag".

Herukh then publicised his suggest upon Facebook. What proposed off as a beer hall conversation fast set a siblings to add some fun to their business as well as applaud a diversity of their patrons.

By midday yesterday, a ! brothers had to extend their promotion to another 10 customers after receiving a roaring response.

Kubhaer pronounced even women walked in with V-neck T-shirts as well as man-bags but they were disappointed given a suggest was usually for men.

Yayasan Guru Malaysia Bhd as well as a Putrajaya Consultative Council of Parents as well as Teachers Associations, who organised a parenting convention in Penang, had distributed a alleged discipline to participants upon Thursday.

The Education Ministry has given denied it had permitted a discipline nonetheless it views cases of social ills in a village seriously, a Star journal said.

Same-sex relationship as well as marriage have been prohi! bited in Islam.

Muslim-majority Malaysia has 60 per cent Malays as well as 25 per cent racial Chinese who have been often Christians or Buddhists as well as eight per cent racial Indians who have been often Hindus.

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Hahaha...asyik asyik amaran...EP rasa dah berkali-kali Karpal Singh bagi amaran terakhir pada PAS dan Nik Aziz pasal isu hudud...api cok macam tu juga...dahsyat betul wayang kedua dua orang tua ni...yang sana kalut bagi warning...yang sini pula kalut nak laksanakan..tapi semua kekalutan ini hanya berlaku masa nak dekat dengan pilihanraya je...mungkin bagi Nik Aziz pilihanraya ni sama macam dunia nak kiamat kot..hahahaha...kalau menang balik Kelantan...kiranya dunia tak kiamat lagi...jadi boleh l ... Read More

Leakages and corruption can occur on both sides of the Budget CL Tang - The Malaysian Insider

Malaysia Chronicle

Leakages as well as corruption can start upon both sides of a Budget CL Tang
The Malaysian Insider
SEPT eighteen In a new article Where will a money come from in a Edge, Khairy Jamaluddin, a Umno Youth Chief, again warned Malaysians which a opposition's assorted electoral promises will broke a country. Khairy poured ridicule upon a ...
Khairy repeats oversized total to mock during PR's promises Malaysia Chronicle

all 2 news articles

Why should politics be in black and white?

By Ong Kar JinThe world is not black as well as white. Even for a colour blind, there have been shades of grey (indeed, as many as ahem, Fifty Shades of Grey!). One of a initial things we sense as we grow up is which things have been often not simple nuances permeate a world.Somehow, however, this recognition which a world is not binary is dangling in a perception of Malaysian politics. Depending on whether we follow a mainstream or pick media, each blunt political participant is pigeon-ho ... Read More

Bernama takes down suspicious crowd photo

Bernama, the inhabitant headlines agency, has sensitively taken down the headlines photograph that appeared to have been doctored, with the duplicated portion of the crowd scene at the constituency duty held by Umno boss Najib Tun Razak in Pekan. No reason has been done by the headlines agency. Opposition web sites such as Harakah, perplexing [...] Read More @ Source

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