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PSC on Electoral Reforms Another Black Eye for Barisan Nasional
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Khairy 'Jobless" BUT RICH....Only in Malaysia this is possible if you are a UMNOputra
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JAKIM a corrupted council of men
I don't certitude a skills as well as believe of those working in a Chemistry Department. you had initial hand dealing with them in 1994 over a box involving E.coli found in Salad. you was assisting a defence counsel to present a come-back of their end drawn from their defective laboratory results. you can discuss it you which they have a tendency to jump to a wrong conclusions. When a representation was asked from them, they could not provide. you met a analyst for a initial hearing yet after which a same analyst had not spin up subsequently during your convenience a box was mentioned. This showed a miss of professionaletiquette as well as a disregard of a court.We were ready with all a supporting papers to emanate pretty doubts as to their contrast methods as well as end drawn.This box went upon for a year, it was usually a waste of everybody's time. The grill was eventually liberated but being called for its defence.
In this Tabasco with pig DNA case, could it be prearranged to emanate a opening prior to a entrance of 'HALAL' Pedasco in to a market?
Pedasco Takes The Heat Off Tabasco
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MP Pembangkang Jadikan Dewan Rakyat Sebagai Pentas 'Halalkan' Demo Bersih 3.0
'Change not just the driver, but the car, too'
YOURSAY'Rather than receiving perpetually to reach my end given the motorist kept making U-turns, I would sinecure the brand brand new one.'
PM: Don't switch motorist of shift halfway
Pemerhati:PM Najib Razak said, "According to 2011 records, the country's GDP has reached RM852.7 billion. This opening has authorised the supervision to collect the tip income given post-independence story of RM185.4 billion."
This is really great headlines for all the tip Umnoputras as well as their cronies given they will be means to siphon off even some-more billions by regulating their common strategies such as the Mahathir-style IPP-type of curved deals, the NFC-type of handouts, the most overpriced negotiated contracts as well as purchases with huge kickbacks, the nonessential purchase of overpriced troops hardware with vast commissions, etc.
Going by the past figures, the volume siphoned off by these Umno crooks is estimated to be about the third of the revenue. Hence these Umnoputras as well as their cronies would be looking brazen to siphoning off the whopping RM60 billion or so in the single year.
PB Win:What great is the motorist who keeps engaging the reverse gear instead of forward?
What great is the motorist who can't see which the former tip cop as well as the attorney-general were allegedly involved in underworld activities, especially with the evidence right in front of him?
Joker:If the motorist is not receiving me where I want to go, I would ditch hi! m immedi ately. Rather than receiving ! perpetua lly to reach my end given the motorist kept making U-turns, I would sinecure the brand brand new one.
The brand brand new motorist would additionally be cheaper to keep given he won't keep asking for commission as well as income top-up.
Anonymous_3f4a:Najib, the issue during palm is not the 'driver' though the 'vehicle'. We need to shift the 'vehicle', which has been upon the road for some-more 50 years as well as using ever slower than before.
By any account, it needs deputy given of technological obsoleteness, crime of the appurtenance as well as operational inefficiency. A mere shift of the 'driver' will not make the 'vehicle' some-more advanced, some-more efficient as well as reduction corrupt.
Maplesyrup:If the country can be run by great speeches, inspirational slogans as well as instant-mee projects, then yes, nobody does it better than Najib.
But being is, you need to go beyond mere rhetoric, you need genuine measures, as well as first as well as foremost, Malaysia needs to weed out corruption.
There is no point carrying some-more supervision revenue, when there have been people in high places (and low places too, I am told) siphoning it away.
Malaysiasakit:I brave contend most Malaysians would like to see BN keep energy supposing which it has demonstrated improvement in reining in corruption, uplifting customary of civil service as well as preparation as well as conduct race as well as eremite relations.
If I were to give Najib the inform card upon these subjects, he unsuccessful with an 'F' all round. If there is the theme for sloganeering as well as acronyming, Najib would have scored A+.
It is shameful for the motorist to ask for the licence when he fails miserably in all aspects of the pushing test. I would suggest which he go back to pushin! g propag andize as well as learn the basics of handling the automobile as well as with regard to trade laws.
Chee Hoe Siew:It is the regulatory requirement which there should be two drivers for the long-distance bus. This is given long-distance pushing is really tiring as well as really dangerous if the single person is to go all the way.
Therefore, the long-distance train switch drivers halfway in between the journey to say reserve for the passengers.
Equally, Umno as well as BN have been getting really sleepy after some-more than 50 years of pushing as well as it is already as well late to switch drivers. Malaysia will be driven in to the canyon if you do not do so soon.
KSD:Change? ISA still there or transposed with the similar law. Freedom of Assembly serve curtailed. Education system in the mess. Religious tensions in worst condition given independence. Economy sputtering. Prices out of control. Public transport barely moving. Corruption even between cows.
This is shift you can do without.
Trueglitter:It's inevitable which in carrying Najib as motorist as well as the two Ali stooges, Hasan Ali as well as Ibrahim Ali, as his conductors, the shift of motorist as well as even the train itself becomes the apocalyptic prerequisite for reason of our reserve as well as self-preservation, due to their demonstrated insufficiency as well as blatant negligence in discharging their duties.
The analogy of the shift of drivers by Najib is an meaningful denote of his undisguised acknowledgment which he has the capacity to plunge his domestic automobile in to depth with the rakyat upon board.
Hence the direct for the shift of motorist by the rakyat must be made loud as well as transparent as it ensures the nation's own survival as well as the rakyat's well-being by the common establishment of the brand brand new ! supervis ion under Pakatan Rakyat when crime as well as the blatant abuse of energy by the BN is so overwhelmingly unacceptable.
Multi Racial:I agree with Najib. If the motorist is good, you should not shift the driver. But then you have been carrying this motorist for some-more than 50 years. Many of those countries make use of to be during the back of us have been right away approach ahead of u! s.
We have come to realise our motorist as well as those mechanics who have been maintaining the automobile have deceived us, such as paying petrol price during much aloft price than marketplace price as well as buying deputy tools during prices most times what others could get them.
The condition of our car, in annoy of being regularly maintained, has deteriorated really badly. Very often the motorist drove us to the wrong places as well as as the result you have mislaid so much time.
We always hear excuses given by the motorist for all his mistakes as well as he swears which it will not occur again, as well as nonetheless it continues to happen.
So in such the situation, would you shift your driver? I don't know about you, I regretted not you do it earlier. - Malaysiakini Read More @ Source
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JAKIM a corrupted council of men
I don't trust a skills as well as knowledge of those working in a Chemistry Department. we had initial hand traffic with them in 1994 over a box involving E.coli found in Salad. we was helping a defence counsel to present a rebuttal of their conclusion drawn from their defective laboratory results. we can tell we which they have a bent to burst to a wrong conclusions. When a sample was asked from them, they could not provide. we met a researcher for a initial conference though after which a same researcher had not spin up subsequently whenever a box was mentioned. This showed a lack of professionaletiquette as well as a contempt of a court.We were ready with all a supporting papers to emanate pretty doubts as to their contrast methods as well as conclusion drawn.This box went upon for a year, it was usually a rubbish of everybody's time. The grill was eventually discharged though being called for a defence.
In this Tabasco with pig DNA case, could it! be prea rranged to emanate a opening before to a entrance of 'HALAL' Pedasco in to a market?
Pedasco Takes The Heat Off Tabasco
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Najib and The Pied Piper of Malaysia
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Namun adakah kesemua mangsa mendapat bantuan dari kerajaan negeri masing-masing?
Sudah jelas disini, kedua-dua kerajaan negeri dibawah kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat langsung tidak prihatin dengan nasib rakyatnya malah sanggup melepaskan tanggungjawab sama ada untuk membantu membawa pulang apatah lagi untuk menanggung kos hospital.
Kerajaan beginikah yang harus dipilihan rakyat, sanggup membutakan mata dan memekakkan telinga dan membiarkan mangsa-mangsa ini di Thailand.
Sedikit joke tidak terlintas di fikiran mereka untuk membantu mangsa-mangsa ini dan disebabkan tidak sanggup membiarkan mangsa terbabit maka kerajaan BN menggalas tanggungjawab yang sepatutnya dilakukan oleh Pakatan Rakyat.
Untuk galeri foto, KLIK SINI
Penang Umno disappointed with Pas over Bayan Baru land issue
Pembaharuan dilambatkan walaupun pilihan raya semakin hampir
Kebelakangan ini, garis sempadan menyentuh agama Islam kelihatan mula dilanggar, malah ada di kalangan bukan Islam yang semakin lantang mencabar perkara-perkara berkaitan Islam melalui ungkapan dan kenyataan bernada mempersendakan syariat dan memperkecilkan akidah umat Islam.
Perkara menyentuh syariat dan akidah Islam yang disuarakan oleh ulama Islam khusus untuk menasihati umat Islam kini dipersoalkan, dipertikaikan dan diperdebatkan secara terbuka oleh individu bukan Islam.
Perbuatan tersebut nyata telah melanggar sempadan dan adat resam beragama secara aman dan damai, titah Baginda semasa merasmikan Mesyuarat Pertama Penggal Kelima Sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Perak ke-12 di Ipoh, hari ini.
Raja Nazrin bertitah, perbuatan melanggar sempadan agama lain secara keterlaluan secara terbuka dibimbangi dan bermungkinan menjadi punca tercetusnya tragedi buruk.
Reforms delayed despite looming polls
Baca kembali pendedahan Zin di Sel13 sini
Bagaimana tidak, Rocky Bru sini dan Apanama sini memberikan perhatian keapda laporan CNN mengenai penutupan pejabat KAF dan NDI di Mesir dan Abu Dhabi.
Baca CNN di sini.
Mantap sekali Dato Zin! Bila pula pihak berkuasa di Malaysia nak bertindak?
Sumber: The Unspinners
A bucket of shit has hit the ceiling fan and UMNO members have no place to hide
Najib,walaupun driver cekap tapi mabuk dan dok guna telefon bimbit...
EC rejects six out of 10 preliminary proposals
This has lifted doubts as to either a six-month bid of a PSC in putting together itsfinal reportwill move about poignant changes to a electoral system.
1. Granting absentee voter standing to overseas Malaysians
The EC refused to expand a category of absentee electorate to all overseas Malaysians as well as concede them to vote early at Malaysian missions abroad due to logistics issues as well as practicality.
However, a EC referred to postal choosing by casting votes facilities be supposing to them, subject to certain conditions which have been still being finalised. Two of these conditions have been which overseas citizens have been purebred as electorate as well as have returned home at slightest once in a final 5 years.
2. Allowing outstation electorate to vote but carrying to lapse to their constituencies
The EC refused to exercise this in a next ubiquitous election, but it concluded to serve investigate a offer in propinquity to Article 119 of a sovereign constitution, which stipulates which an authorised voter must be a p! roprieto r in his or her choosing by casting votes constituency.
3. Application to shift choosing by casting votes address must be attached with a statutory declaration
This offer is to discharge a complaint of electorate regulating fake addresses to shift their choosing by casting votes constituencies.
But a EC argued which it would be a weight to electorate since a statutory declaration must be done in front of a commissioner of oaths, whose service is limited to certain areas.
4. Verification of a Sabah electoral roll
The PSC lifted this offer after it was purported which most controversial names were found in a roll.
However a EC deserted this as well as said it would focus on efforts to purify up a electoral hurl of Sabah with a help of a National Registration Department.
5. Abolish a RM10 objection fee
This offer aims to facilitate members of a public in raising objections to indeterminate names published in a supplementary electoral hurl draft. However, a EC's evidence is which it "is not a body which can beget income".
6. Amend laws to concede objections to a master electoral roll
The EC disagrees with this.
The court lost a energy to subject a master electoral hurl when a supervision through Parliament combined an ouster clause, Section 9A, to a Election Act 1958 in 2002. This was done after a High Court spoken a Likas by-election outcome nothing as well as void due to 4,197 controversial names in a electoral roll.
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Anwar refused to resolve Chinese school issue in 1987, says Soi Lek
By Yow Hong Chieh
The Chinese should not be hoodwinked in to observant a Chinese preparation emanate is since of MCA. Chua Soi Lek
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Bowing to Umno Speaker draws flak
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Property owners hit out at MRT Corp CEO
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Malaysia's educational excellence Part l: Dong Zong
ASEAN Leaders adopt Phnom Penh Declaration, 2012
April 3, 2012
ASEAN Leaders adopt Phnom Penh Declaration, 2012
by Xia Ziyi@
PHNOM PENH, Apr 3 (Xinhua) The ASEAN leaders adopted a Phnom Penh Declaration upon ASEAN: One Community, One Destiny during a Peace Palace here upon Tuesday, pledging to go upon their utmost efforts to implement ASEAN initiatives as well as agreements to pull forward community building.
The Declaration was adopted after endless deliberations as well as discussion during a full-day plenary session during which a leaders exchanged views upon a swell done in doing of key documents as well as deals, initial as well as foremost, a Roadmap for an ASEAN Community (2009-2015), a 3 Community Blueprints as well as a Initiative for ASEAN Integration Work Plan , as well as a Master Plan upon ASEAN Connectivity.
They additionally renewed their commitment to raise effective coordination as well as team-work among a member states as well as between ASEAN as well as outmost parties to comprehend a ASEAN objectives.
According to a Declaration, a leaders contend they have been desirous by a achievements of ASEAN in a 45 years of existence in essay towards a entirely integrated, people-centered, people- oriented as well as rules-based organization, as well as which they endorse a concurrent ASEAN approach as well as softened partnership which would contribute to informal as well as global undertakings to make some-more achievements of ASEAN in a future.
They additionally defend a contin! gent ful filment of a informal Code of Conduct, collective efforts to address a non-traditional hurdles faced by a region as well as a international community, by a graduation of closer as well as some-more fit collaboration in a relevant areas of cooperation, lay away alia, mess risk reduction as well as management, peace-keeping operations, counter-terrorism activities, combating transnational crimes, maritime security, trafficking in persons as well as other challenges.
Earlier in a day, a leaders additionally adopted a Phnom Penh Agenda for ASEAN Community Building which outlines a priority areas to focus upon underneath a Cambodian Chairmanship in 2012, including estimable economic development, informal financial stability, a appearance of a private sector, mess management, food security, a purpose of women in boosting informal prosperity, among others.
The two-day Summit will conclude Wednesday with back-to-back adoptions of multiform documents which have been approaching to make firm a endeavors as well as mechanisms for an ASEAN Community envisioned by 2015.
The ASEAN, determined in 1967, groups Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, a Philippines, Singapore, Thailand as well as Vietnam.
ASEAN Summit 2012-The Phnom Penh Declaration
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Moderate Earthquake Hits Banda Sea
The Malaysian Meteorological Department in a statement here currently said a trembler occurred 388km northeast of Kupang, Indonesia and 1,500km southeast of Semporna, Sabah.
- Bernama
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RON97 price up by RM0.10
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EC rejects six out of 10 preliminary proposals
This has lifted doubts as to whether a six-month bid of a PSC in putting together itsfinal reportwill bring about significant changes to a electoral system.
1. Granting absentee voter standing to overseas Malaysians
The EC refused to expand a category of absentee electorate to all overseas Malaysians as good as concede them to vote early during Malaysian missions abroad due to logistics issues as good as practicality.
However, a EC suggested postal choosing by casting votes comforts be provided to them, theme to sure conditions which have been still being finalised. Two of these conditions have been which overseas adults have been purebred as electorate as good as have returned home during least once in a last 5 years.
2. Allowing outstation electorate to vote without having to lapse to their constituencies
The EC refused to exercise this in a next general election, but it agreed to further investigate a offer in propinquity to Article 119 of a sovereign constitution, which stipulates which an eligible voter must be a resident in his! or her choosing by casting votes constituency.
3. Application to shift choosing by casting votes address must be trustworthy with a orthodox declaration
This offer is to eliminate a problem of electorate using false addresses to shift their choosing by casting votes constituencies.
But a EC argued which it would be a burden to electorate because a orthodox declaration must be done in front of a commissioner of oaths, whose use is limited to sure areas.
4. Verification of a Sabah electoral roll
The PSC lifted this offer after it was purported which many controversial names were found in a roll.
However a EC deserted this as good as said it would focus upon efforts to clean up ! a elec toral hurl of Sabah with a assistance of a National Registration Department.
5. Abolish a RM10 objection fee
This offer aims to promote members of a open in raising objections to indeterminate names published in a supplementary electoral hurl draft. However, a EC's evidence is which it "is not a physique which can beget income".
6. Amend laws to concede objections to a master electoral roll
The EC disagrees with this.
The court lost a power to question a master electoral hurl when a supervision by Parliament added an ouster clause, Section 9A, to a Election Act 1958 in 2002. This was done after a High Court declared a Likas by-election outcome null as good as blank due to 4,197 controversial names in a electoral roll.
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Mahathir and Malaysias State of Confusion
"What is certain, it won't be easy for BN to get two-thirds majority this time. The antithesis right away is not similar to which of a past, as well as a stream incident is rather confusing," pronounced a former premier.
Mahathir is a master in formulating state of confusion. We have seen him at it during his time serving as budding apportion as well as even so now. As an example, not as well prolonged ago, a man had criticized a celebration which he himself created (Umno Baru) as well as used to l! ead, obs ervant which it is decaying to a core. He additionally once declared which a supervision is hurtful from tip to bottom. On tip of that, according to Raja Petra Kamarudin, Mahathir had launched Anything But Umno (ABU) after having quit Umno during a time when his successor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (whom he himself picked as well as later heavily criticized by a way) was budding minister.
Kind of t! hink abo ut it, Mahathir is a source of this total confusion. After all, a antithesis personality was additionally created (and broken) by him. The total Umno (Baru) enlightenment right away which people have been not as well happy about has all to do with him too.
To supplement to this confusion, lately he's been singing praises about a same celebration which he pronounced not as well prolonged ago is decaying to a core.
I essentially can't recollect if we had ever created anything dissing Mahathir. People who might hatred me for this have been a very people who can't see why many Malaysians, generally antithesis leaders, blame Mahathir for a lot of things which have been not so right in this country. Either which or they owe Mahathir a favor, or their lives, even. To be fair, we know Mahathir have additionally been a great Samaritan to a lot of people who had find help from him as well as even those who hadn't.
It's essentially not hard to disagree about The Doctor in a House's contribution to a nation generally right away which he is no longer budding apportion as well as have no carry out of a media (and a police as well as a legislation for which matter). To those who adore him so much, we just need to ask one thing: what has he finished for a country? The initial thing which comes to mind would unfailingly be a Petronas Twin Towers. Then we would ask them how this identical tiwn towers have helped Malaysians. There's customarily a prolonged pause after this yet we know they want to contend those dual buildings have helped put Ma! laysia u pon a map. This is when we discuss it them: how have these former tallest buildings in a universe helped in reducing poverty? (another prolonged pause). Then we go into whether it has improved education, a quality of life, price of living, tellurian rights laws, secular harmony, crime rates etc. They customarily get frustrated by this time.
As with many cases, Mahathir was very noble in his early days when he was a alloy upon condition which his services for giveaway as well as upon credit. The problem is he ruled for as well prolonged (22 years) as well as he became shrewder with time. We've seen what happened to alternative dictators similar to Muamma! r Gaddaf i who proposed out as a venerable as well as intrepid leader. As they say, energy corrupts; absolute energy corrupts absolutely. Having pronounced that, a Father of Modernization additionally deserves a pretension of 'The Most Cunning Prime Minister' we have ever had.
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UAE dan Mesir bertindak atas pendedahan Dato Zin?
PSC usul penstukturan semula SPR untuk jaminan kebebasan
PSC report approved, trio get the boot
No standard
Parliamentary Speaker
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Anti ISA Gathering 22 Dec 2007
Freedom Video Rating: 5 / 5More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
The R.A.H.M.A.N prophecy and the last Umno prime minister of Malaysia
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