Psy dibayar USD500,000 untuk 30 minit, agaknya Najib bayar berapa untuk bawah Psy ke Pulau Pinang...
The most expensive road in Malaysia

BN man gives evil Dr M a tongue lashing

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Check your voting election STATUS
Please check your status constantly to safeguard which your name is in a voters list or not being moved to an additional constituency
The 13th General Elections is just around a corner.....VOTE WISELY FOR A BETTER MALAYSIA.
WHAT DO YOU SAY.......DO YOU NEED "CHANGE" ? Read More @ Source
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PM Najib has always been observant as well as pleading..."HAVE NAMBIKEI" ON HIM as well as he will deliver to the Indian community".
It seems true which the real KINGMAKERS in GE13 will be the INDIANS. The Chinese have all lost confidence with MCA/UMNO/BN. The Malays are divided, now even greater.
BUT how can we certitude PM Najib when he continues to provide the Indians as SECOND CLASS!!!!!
Look during this excellent example:
Dr Mahathir when he left the Cabinet he was conferred the "TUN".
Worst still, the onward largest BN component, Gerakan, it former President Dr Lim Keng Aik when he left the Cabinet was conferred the "TUN".
Even when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was forced to resign as Malaysian Prime Minister, he was conferred the "TUN".
BUT when Datuk Seri S SamyVellu left the Cabinet, he was not long ago conferred the Datuk Seri Utama during Hari Wilayah Award Ceremony the couple of days ago. Samy Vellu had served the Cabinet for the much longer period as well as nonetheless NOT CONFERRED the "Tun ship".
Should Indians still have NAMBIKEI when UMNO treats Indians as second class........ Read More @ Source
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Karpal ni Kristian ke bila sungguh sangat hal kalimah?
Kali ini, kenapa pula seorang berbangsa Punjabi kuat menyuarakan isu kalimah Allah untuk digunakan gereja?
Harap jangan pula guna alasan perundangan kerana kelantangan Karpal dalam hal ugama begitu
Government will fulfill expectations, aspirations of Indian community, says PM Najib

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Please give me 'nambikei', Najib pleads to Indians

In stressing which he did not want a Indian village to be left out of a country's rapid development, Najib pronounced he wants to see a village progress as well as be successful.

Also present were his wife Rosmah Mansor, MIC boss G Palanivel, Information, Communications as well as Culture Minister Dr Rais Yatim, Federal Territories as well as Urban Well-Being Deputy Minister M Saravanan as well as Malaysia's Special Envoy (Infrastructure) to India as well as South Asia S Samy Vellu.
Najib acknowledged which a challenges as well as problems faced by a Indian village contingency be since due care by a BN government.
"We will also set up pre-school preparation in SJKT since early preparation is really important," he said.
Najib pron! ounced T afe College would also be upgraded to a university college status since a institution has a capacity to yield technical expertise which is indispensable by a country.
The prime apportion pronounced a supervision would also allot supports to ascent village centres as well as crematoriums as well as raise a equity for a Indian community.
"Please give me 'nambikei' (trust), greatfully hold as well as have certainty in me. If we give me as well as a BN supervision 'nambikei', we will certainly do more for a success of a Indian village in a country," he said.
- Bernama
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Dr Mahathir Ajak Berpegang Kepada Al-Quran, San Miguel Apa Cerita?
San Miguel Brewery menguasai 95 peratus pasaran arak Filipina. Syarikat yang sudah mencecah satu abad itu, difahamkan turut mempunyai kilang arak serta kepentingan di China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand dan Malaysia. Menurut laman web San Miguel, ia mempunyai pasaran 60 buah negara di seluruh dunia.
Menjelaskan lagi bahawa Mahathir itu manusia hipokrit darjah tertinggi!
Tun Mahathir saran berpegang kepada al-Quran
SUNGAI PETANI, 2 February Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata peperangan yang membabitkan sesama masyarakat Islam berlaku kerana pengikutnya tidak menjadikan al-Quran sebagai pegangan mereka.
Bekas Perdana Menteri itu berkata sejak zaman sebelum kedatangan Islam, peperangan dan pembunuhan telahpun berlaku di negara-negara Arab, walaupun pada masa yang sama masih terdapat kumpulan yang inginkan keamanan wujud.
"Peperangan dalam zaman Islam berlaku kerana kita mengabaikan ajaran Islam.
Agama Islam mengajar kita supaya mengutamakan keamanan terutama sesama Islam.
"Memang pendapat manusia berbeza, tetapi tidak perlulah sampai membunuh atau mengkafirkan orang.
Perbuatan ini tidak mengikut ajaran Islam.
"Ia da! tang dar i orang yang mahu 'hijack' (merampas) agama Islam untuk kepentingan mereka," katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas menyampaikan ucaptama pada Forum Islam dan Keamanan di Institut Pendidikan Guru kampus Sultan Abdul Halim di sini hari ini.
Semasa berucap di forum itu, Dr Mahathir berkata Islam adalah berkait rapat dengan keamanan, tetapi kerana perpecahan sesama penganutnya sehingga saling berbunuhan seperti yang berlaku sekarang, ia tidak membezakan mereka dengan zaman jahiliah.
"Orang Islam berperang dengan orang Islam disebabkan ada pihak yang 'hijack' agama Islam untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. Apa yang terjadi kini, orang Islam bunuh orang Islam, kadang-kadang orang Islam bagi senjata kepada orang bukan Islam untuk bunuh orang Islam. Ini amat menyedihkan.
"Oleh itu bagi mengembalikan semula keamanan dan menghapuskan kekeliruan yang berlaku disebabkan kurang pemahaman terhadap kandungan al-Quran.
"Kita kena baca terjemahan al-Quran dalam bahasa yang kita fahami dan juga memahami hadis-hadis sahih. Al-Quran diturunkan sebagai panduan tetapi kalau kita tidak faham, macam mana nak dijadikan panduan," katanya.-Bernama
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Looking for Mister Goodpain
February 3, 2013
Op-Ed Columnist
Looking for Mister Goodpain
by Paul Krugman (01-31-13)
UNEMPLOYMENT WOES: Advocates of purgation policies won't confess that their prescription has unsuccessful despite ascent evidence
THREE years ago, a distressing thing happened to mercantile policy, both in a United States as well as Europe. Although a worst of a monetary predicament was over, economies upon both sides of a Atlantic remained deeply depressed, with very high unemployment.
Yet a Western world's process chosen someway decided en masse that stagnation was no longer a crucial concern, as well as that shortening budget deficits should be a overriding priority.
In brand new columns, I've argued that worries about a necessity are, in fact, severely exaggerated as well as have documented a increasingly desperate efforts of a necessity scolds to keep fright alive.
Today, however, I'd similar to to speak about a opposite though related kind of desperation: a frantic effort to find a little example, somewhere, of purgation policies that succeeded. For a advocates of mercantile purgation a austerians done promises as well as threats: austerity, they claimed, would both avert predicament as well as lead to prosperity.
And let nobody accuse a austerians of lacking a clarity of romance; in fact, they've spent years seeking for Mr Goodpain.
The poke began with a passionate hurl in between a austerians as wel! l as a R epublic of Ireland, that incited to oppressive spending cuts shortly after a genuine estate bubble burst, as well as that for a while was held up as a idealisation exemplar of mercantile virtue.
Ireland, said Jean-Claude Trichet of a European Central Bank (right), was a role model for all of Europe's debtor nations. American conservatives went even further. For example, Alan Reynolds, a senior fellow at a Cato Institute, declared that Ireland's policies showed a approach forward for a US, too.
Trichet's memorial was delivered in Mar 2010; at a time Ireland's stagnation rate was 13.3 per cent. Since then, each uptick in a Irish manage to buy has been hailed as explanation that a nation is recuperating though as of final month a stagnation rate was 14.6 per cent, usually somewhat down from a rise it reached early final year.
After Ireland came Britain, where a Tory-led supervision to a receptive to advice of hosannas from many pundits incited to purgation in mid-2010, influenced in partial by a belief that Irish policies were a outstanding success. Unlike Ireland, Britain had no sold need to adopt austerity: similar to each alternative modernized country that issues debt in a own currency, it was as well as still is means to borrow at historically low interest rates. Nonetheless, a supervision of Prime Minister David Cameron insisted both that a oppressive mercantile squeeze was required to damp creditors as well as that it would essentially boost a manage to buy by moving confidence.
What essentially happened was an mercantile stall. Before a turn to austerity, Britain was recuperating some-more or less in tandem with a United States. Since then, a US manage to buy has a single after another to grow, although some-more solemnly than we'd similar to though Britain's manage to ! buy has been dead in a water.
At this point, we might have expected purgation advocates to consider a probability that there was something wrong with their research as well as process prescriptions. But no. They went seeking for brand new heroes as well as found them in a tiny Baltic nations, Latvia in particular, a nation that looms amazingly large in a austerian imagination.
At a single turn this is kind of funny: purgation policies have been applied all opposite Europe, nonetheless a most appropriate e.g. of success a austerians can come up with is a nation with fewer inhabitants than, say, Brooklyn. Still, a International Monetary Fund not long ago released dual brand new reports upon a Latvian economy, as well as they really help put this story into perspective.
To be fair to a Latvians, they do have something to be proud of. After experiencing a Great-Depression-level slump, their manage to buy has experienced dual years of solid expansion as well as falling unemployment. Despite that growth, however, they have usually regained partial of a lost belligerent in terms of either output or practice as well as a stagnation rate is still fourteen per cent. If this is a austerians' thought of an mercantile miracle, they truly have been a young kids of a lesser god.
Oh, as well as if we're starting to invoke a knowledge of tiny nations as evidence about what mercantile policies work, let's not forget a loyal mercantile miracle that is Iceland a nation that was at belligerent 0 of a monetary crisis, though which, interjection to a embrace of unorthodox policies, has almost entirely recovered.
So what do we sense from a rsther than pathetic poke for purgation success stories? We sense that a doctrine that has dominated chosen mercantile discourse for a past 3 years is wrong upon all fronts. Not usually have we been ruled by fright of self-existent threats, we've been betrothed rewards that haven't arrived as well as never will.
It's time to put a necessity obsession ! aside as well as get back to traffic with a genuine problem namely, unacceptably high unemployment. New York Times
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Isteri Pemimpin Mana Yang Berbelanja Di Pasar Malam?.. Saksikanlah!!
Gambar ni di ambil di Pasar Malam Guar Perahu semalam, Kelihatan Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail berbelanja di pasar malam.
Bagai langit dengan bumi cara isteri pemimpin Umno dengan isteri pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat ini dalam berbelanja..
Foto ~ media rakyat Read More @ Source
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Evangelis DAP bakal penentu urusan pentadbiran Islam
PULAU PINANG 2 Feb. - Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh menyanggah kenyataan Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang yang menyifatkan isu kalimah Allah telah selesai dan keputusan Majlis Syura Ulama Pas diterima baik oleh orang bukan Islam
Singapura buat UMno baran!!

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JASAs booklet dishonest propaganda, Bersih says

As a supervision agency, it has unsuccessful to assimilate a inactive role though became a spokesman spewing out lies. Maria Chin Abdullah

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Hari Hijab Sedunia: Ratusan Perempuan Non-Muslim Berjilbab
SALAM-ONLINE:Ditandai dengan ratusan perempuan non-Muslim mengenakan jilbab, Hari Hijab Sedunia diperingati pada 1 Februari.
"Saya tidak terlatih menggunakan apa yang Anda sebut sebagai jilbab. Anda tinggal memasukkannya ke kepala Anda. Tetapi saya menemukan bahwa jangkauannya sangat luas. "
"Dia meyakinkan saya bahwa saya tidak perlu menjadi Muslim, ini hanya soal kesopanan, meskipun dikaitkan dengan Islam. Jadi saya pikir, mengapa tidak?"
Rhodes merupakan salah satu dari ratusan non Muslim yang akan mengenakan jilbab dalam peringatan pertama Hari Hijab Sedunia pada 1 Februari.
Jejaring sosial
Peringatan yang diorganisir oleh seorang perempuan asal New York Nazma Khan, dan disebarkan melalui situs jejaring sosial ini telah menarik perhatian Muslim dan non-Muslim di lebih dari 50 negara di seluruh dunia.......Bagi banyak orang, hijab merupakan simbol penindasan dan perbedaan. Dan menjadi perdebatan di negara-negara Barat.
Hari Hijab Sedunia dirancang untuk meredakan kontroversi itu. Dan mendorong perempuan non-Muslim (atau perempuan Muslim yang tidak mengenakannya) untuk meng! gunakan dan mengalami seperti apa memakai jilbab, sebagai bagian dari upaya untuk saling memahami.
"Tumbuh di Bronx, di NYC, saya mengalami diskriminasi yang besar karena hijab saya," kata penyelenggara, Khan, yang pindah ke New York dari Bangladesh pada usia eleven tahun. Dia merupakan satu satunya Hijabi (istilah untuk pemakai jilbab) di sekolahnya.
"Saya berpikir satu-satunya cara untuk mengakhiri diskriminasi adalah jika kita meminta rekan kita untuk merasakan sendiri pengalaman berhijab."
Khan tidak menyangka akan mendapatkan dukungan dari seluruh dunia. Dia mengatakan telah dihubungi oleh puluhan orang dari berbagai negara, termasuk Inggris, Australia, India, Pakistan, Prancis dan Jerman. Informasi mengenai kelompok ini telah diterjemahkan ke dalam 22 bahasa.
Melalui jejaring sosial ini, Jess Rhodes terlibat. Rekannya Widyan Al Ubudy tinggal di Australia dan meminta teman Facebooknya untuk ikut terlibat.
"Mereka khawatir saya akan diserang di jalanan karena adanya kesenjangan toleransi."
Rhodes juga khawatir dengan reaksi ini, tetapi setelah delapan hari menggunakan jilbab dia terkejut dengan situasi positif yang dialaminya.
"Saya tidak dapat menjelaskan tetapi orang-orang sangat membantu, terutama di toko-toko," kata dia.
Esther Dale, twenty-eight tahun, yang tinggal di negara bagian California AS, merupakan seorang perempuan non-Muslim lain yang mencoba mengenakan jilbab pada hari ini.
Ibu dari tiga anak ini diberitahu oleh seorang temannya yang merupakan seorang 'hijabi'.

Dia mengetahui stigma terhadap penutup kepala dan berharap kesempatan ini dapat digunakan untuk menghapusnya.
"Saya mengetahui mengenai kesantunan dalam perilaku, tidak hanya pakaian dan ini hanya merupakan asumsi yang salah bahwa perempuan menggunakannya jika mereka dipaksa, terutama di AS," tuturnya.
"Ini merupakan kesempatan yang baik untuk mendidik orang bahwa Anda tidak dapat memberikan tuduhan yang akurat mengenai seseorang berdasarkan apa yang mereka kenakan," kata Dale. (bbc/salam-online) Read More @ Source
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Malay politics and Ramleeology
Of late you have been strike by nostalgia, reminiscing as well as even romanticising a 60s, 70s as well as a early 80s before Mahathirism took root.
My last column on Malaysia in a 70s was an enjoyable square of journaling as well as from a numerous comments you read from all a blogs which carry it - my own blog Between Cybernetics as well as Existentialism, my Facebook page, Malaysia Today, etc - you feel which there was a time when a good Malaysian suggestion was about to be forged.
This was which clarity of a chronological block, until May 13, 1969 came, of course; either it was orchestrated or a feat campaign which went wrong you have been commencement to find out, as alternative accounts of it go on to be written.
After grieving in honeyed memories of a 70s, you subsequent suspicion of a 60s; a time when you was growing up in Johor Baru as well as how a kampong as well as a city as well as a school you went to became my "global classrooms".
My fond memories always go behind to a "multicultural Malaysia you knew - especially how you owed my seductiveness in guidance as well as omnivorous titillate to take believe through a unselfish work of my teachers - Malay, Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, as well as even my Peace Corps American teachers.
Without them, you would not have been means to write honestly about a need not only to "tolerate" other culture! s though to sense from any a single of them, welcome a dynamics of each, as well as to move out a universality of a values, as well as subsequent to design good guidance systems as well as environments which wi! ll maint ain these differences in to commonalities as well as to hybridise a wisdom you will acquire.
This is what has been lacking in a preparation complement - critical sensibility as well as a embracing of a thought of "cultural action for freedom", as a Brazilian tutorial reflective thinker Paulo Freire would say.
A P Ramlee movie
Of late, too, you have been watching P Ramlee movies - reminiscing my childhood days as well with my mental recall of a black as well as white television, which "machine to call on distant divided vision" (tele + vision), or on a some-more fanciful basis, anthropologists of record would call "a fantasy-machine in a garden" as well as in this case, a "TV in a peaceful kampong".
I watched as well as "read closely" Malaysia's good humanist-social-philosopher P Ramlee's, classic of a 60s Pendekar Bujang Lapok.
I found something interesting in there worthy, in fact, of a full-blown thesis on a anthropology of a Malays. Here is what you discovered about a initial seventeen mins of it:
There is an intellectual horizon in "reading" this movie; a single which could be a hybrid of political-economy of growth as well as underdevelopment (see a work of a Dependenistas/Dependency Theorists of a 70s), World-Systems Theory, Marx's thought of "technological determinism", i.e. record as a shaper of amicable relations of production (see my thesis Thesis on Cyberjaya, on a start of Cyberjaya as well as a last contention on Marx as well as record as well as culture), semiotics of power, as in a thought of "habitus" (see Pierre Bourdieu's work on "symbolic power") as well as a study of post-colonialism emblematic in a work of Albert Memmi's Colonizer as well as a Colonized, Frantz Fanon's Black Skin White Masks, as well as others! in a g! enre of mental studies of oppression.
Ramleeology as method
Syed Hussein Al Attas's work is additionally instructive of a ! horizon in looking during a thought of how a image of a native is constructed, as lazy, obedient, as well as imbued with "bebalism" as well as "tolol-ism " (feudalistic Malay idiocy as well as moronism); assembled by a rich as well as land-owning category which drew inspiration from "divide as well as rule" - from a British colonials.
Indeed there is a lot to "read" in this movie; supposing you deconstruct it to a minute detail (dialogue, characterisation, symbolism, plot, discourse of power, language play, irony, metaphor, etc.). Herein lies a rejuvenation of my seductiveness in developing "Ramleeology" as a "method of cultural critique based on radical amicable theory which can be applied to a trajectoric landscape of history such as Malaysia of this 'hypermodern' era".
In only which seventeen opening minutes. you saw a entire history of a expansion of a feudal as well as neo-feudal Malay mentality being displayed; from pre-independence to this day as you equate a days to a system of administration change.

But during a end of which "kampong jetty scene" of Pendekar Bujang Lapok, you saw "counter-hegemony" in a form of a revolt of a Malay rank as well as file against a oppressors, as if elegant probity contingency always be with a alienated as well as humiliated Malays during opposite epochs of history.
The last "revolt scene", similar to a storming of a Bastille, as well as a overthrowing of Louis Capet as well as Marie Antoinette, you saw rallies on rallies such as t! hose you h! ave been seeing in a last couple of years commencement from a initial Bersi! h rally.
The Malays these days, a cordial ones, in collaboration with their brothers as well as sisters of opposite race, religion, inhabitant start have all become a new "pendekars" or "warriors" such a a 3 "pendekars" headed by P Ramlee.
But a last scene is not here yet. The deconstructionism mart is there; Malaysians have been means to "read" what has been delusioning them vis-a-viz a dismay called "Mahathirism", a idiocy called "Ketuanan Melayu", as well as a rhetoric called "social contract", framed according to a truncated Malay view as well as not similar to a prophesy suggested by a amicable reflective thinker of a French Revolution, Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
I had fun watching which sold P Ramlee movie. you think he is a visionary, rather similar to a complicated Malay prophet speaking up truth to energy for Malaysians of all races, for a oppressed, for those dehumanised by those who owns a means, methods , machinery, as well as media record of oppression.
Watch a movie on YouTube - you Malaysians have been all in it!
Paranormal Team Pencari Hantu Malaysia !!! 2

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Penggiat seni negara terima Anugerah Gemilang Seri Temasek
National bravery award recipient passes away in Sarawak
Roma Sack Manager Zeman After Loss To Cagliari
Don't 'jolok' me on GE date, says PM Najib

"This is only pestering, what for? we know when to see the Agong to ask for the Parliament's dissolution.
"The time will come soon, but for now we shall focus upon fulfilling the 2013 Budget. Right or not?" he said, as well as the reply was the resounding "Right!"

Chinese New Year will fall upon February 10, whilst Chap Goh Meh is upon February 24.

This would pave approach for the state choosing to be hold ahead of the ubiquitous election.
BR1M not paid with income from AES
In his debate which was also broadcasted upon live television, Najib also regularly pounded the Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor supervision over the horde of issues, quite its H2O woes.
He pronounced he as well as the federal supervision would do what it can to finalise the emanate as well as has already since allocations of about RM180 million to state H2O concessionaire Syabas.
"However, the easiest approach to solve this appears to be during the elections," he said.

"It is not because of the Automatic Enforcement System (AES) which we can exercise BR1M. That is the opposition's slander.
"AES is not the tax, it is for speeding. If we do not speed, we don't have to pay, as well as even which is still being studied," he said.
He forked out which between the factors which ! done BR1 M probable is which the Internal Revenue Board has available its top ever tax collection of RM125 billion final year, whilst the manage to buy has grown by over five percent.
Najib was expected to be referring statements by opposition leaders such as DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, whohad forked outthat dual AES summons of RM300 any would allow the supervision to recoup BR1M, with profit.
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Your Weekend Entertainment : With P. Ramlee and Saloma
February 2, 2013
Your Weekend Entertainment: With P. Ramlee as well as Saloma
Dr Kamsiah as well as you consider which for this week end you should play songs by Malaysia's exquisite singing integrate Tan Sri P. Ramlee as well as Puan Sri Saloma.
Enough has been said as well as written about both Penang born Ramlee as well as his special woman from Singapore which you both have nothing brand new to add except to contend which there is yet an additional integrate from a entertainment attention in Malaysia who can replace them. Duets are, in fact, not a same but them.
Listen to their voices as well as may these tunes bring back memories of what used to be as backdrop to what is function now. There is a clever rumour which GE-13 will be hold soon as well as prior to a heavy debate as well as media blitz begin, you contingency enjoy a songs of Ramlee as well as Saloma.Dr. Kamsiah as well as Din Merican
P.Ramlee as well as Saloma
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Shocking news from Ground Zero(1)
As we promised, here is how a cookie might crumble. These figures were handed to me by moles burrowed low in Bukit Aman, at MINDEF, from UMNO politicians as well as a boys as well as girls from Putrajaya whose tongues were made light as well as easy after nights out in town. we am astounded to listen to of a endless rejecting of people in a Forces towards UMNO as well as BN. Pleasantly astounded which is.
My own feeling is there will be reversal of positions. In this entrance elections, PR will get what BN got in 2008- 140 seats or thereabouts as well as a change going to BN. when which happens, some-more will desert a BN boat especially from a UMNO camp.As for now, what these shadows tell me have been as follows:-
Table 1: The probable outcome in GE13.
! 6
The table upon top of is even some-more bullish than a analyses which we have made upon multiform occasions. Having carefully suspicion about the data given to me, here is my take.
In Perlis, a chair which is many expected to tumble is Arau. In 2008, PR performed roughly 49% of a votes casted. A pitch of 5% of a votes this time to PR, will outcome in BN losing a seat.
In Kedah, a 2 seats which crop up protected for BN have been Langkawi as well as KUbang Pasu. BN's many gentle chair is Langkawi. In Langkawi nonetheless a antithesis increasing a share of a votes, BN starts with a strong existing opinion bank. Similarly, in KUbang Pasu, in 2008, a antithesis performed 40% of a votes as well as increasing a share of a votes by 9%. So perhaps, it's time for Najib to pierce MUkhriz Mahathir to Langkawi so which he can go upon to be an MP upon a antithesis dais in a subsequent parliament.
In Kelantan, upon top of Tengku Razaleigh , we would have suspicion a tasteless as well as colourless Mustafa Mohamad would be means to keep his seat. It appears a tide is branch against him principally because of his stand upon a oil royalty emanate of Kelantan. Here is a son of Kelantan who's opposed to giving Kelantan people their oil royalty unless a managed by UMNO. UMNO people have been thieves who will not remove a second in getting their hands in a till. The people handing me a numbers demand which Mustafa Mohamad will get a boot this time.
What about those PR MPs who have been seen to be under-performing? These will be replaced by determined as well as dedicated candidates who will go upon to benefit from a altogether await for PAS's spiritual leader.
I have already overwhelmed upon Terengganu in my earlier article. we predicted which PR will get 5 seats. According to a comprehension sources, PR would probably get 4 seats. Which is what PAS's secgen, Dato Mustafa Ali maintained. Earlier we thought, BN might remove Besut if it retains Abdullah Mat Zain , a incumbent. The male is frequency there. Will Mat Said be peaceful to select his physical c! ondition rivalry Idris Jusoh to contest in Besut? Otherwise according to these sources, BN will expected keep Besut, Setiu, Kemaman as well as Hulu Terengganu. That makes it 4-4.
In Penang, a usually chair protected for BN is Tasek Gelugor. If Pak Lah stands again in Kepala Batas, he will lose. His replacement, either a Reezal Merican or even son in law Khairy, will additionally be defeated. What else is left for Pak Lah to prove?
In Perak a relative safer seats for BN have been to be found in (1) Gerik (2) Lenggong (3) Parit (4) Tapah (5) Bagan Datoh as well as (6) Tanjung Malim. Out of these 6, a weakest links have been found in Bagan Datoh as well as Parit. So, people out there if you want to kick out Zahid Hamidi from Bagan Datoh, come out in full force to opinion in PR13.
Please wait for a subsequent monthly payment of a forecast.In a meantime, see how a BN leaders have been squirming. Some of them demand which BN will get a 2/3 majority. Meanwhile, Najib goes to Mahathir as well as says- please save me. He tweets to all as well as sundry, save Kedah. Why a plaintiff cries when you have been assured of winning 2/3 majority?
To a rest of us, it should as well as must be- save a rakyat from a clutches of a immorality BN government.
UMNO/BN Tidak Bersungguh-sungguh Tangani Korupsi

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Kanak-kanak di perhimpunan politik BN [Video Inside].
Kalau mereka disabitkan kesalahan, buta2 je la mereka kena bayar denda kat pdrm. Pehhhhh...
Dah alang2 PDRM kita skema sangat nak ikut akta balbalbala yang melibatkan perhimpunan politik kenapa tidak dakwa kes kat bawah neh sekali?
Ini citer terbaru oke. Berlaku di kedah. Negeri under PR. "Pakatan Rakyat" BN pembangkang kat situ. Situasi sama je la macam di kl. Eh.. jap. KL bawah mp pro pembangkang kan? So kesimpulan nya ;
1. Bila rakyat tak dizinkan bawa anak2 ke perhimpunan aman politik yang mana di anjurkan oleh mereka sendiri, diberikan kelulusan oleh kerajaan ikut akta perhimpunan aman, diberikan permit oleh pdrm dan kena bayar track sendiri
2. PDRM juga tiada sebab u! ntuk ben arkan perhimpunan politik BN bebas usung anak2 kecil bawah fifteen tahun.
Fair as well as Square.
Nak bukti? Pdrm nak bukti? Amek la. Video ini boleh dijadikan rujukan. Budak2 siap pakai baju HIMPUN yang kita tahu himpunan narrow-minded dan pegang bendera BN lagi. Kalau nak siasat sangat hah kau siasat seme orang. Tapi kalau ko taknak siasat bn maka jangan sibuk2 nak siasat perhimpunan rakyat. Adil beb.
Tengok sendiri ;
Pendapat aku, PDRM taknak sokong PR takpe. Tapi bersikap adil la. Kan atas jawatan tue. Bukan suruh bunuh diri. Jadi adil je. Takan tak boleh kot? Lue fikirlah sendiri. Bai.
- amenoworld Read More @ Source
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[Mungkinkerana hikmah di sebalik pembatalan kuliah pendakwah tersohor, Ustaz Azhar Idrus di Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) Oktober lalu, maka dengan tidak disangka-sangka akhirnya umat Islam di sini dapat menyaksikan kemunculan beliau secara eksklusif di Stadium Darul Makmur dekat sini jam 8.30 malam nanti.
Program yang dibawakan oleh Anugerah itu akan menggandingkan beliau dengan Ustaz Haslin Baharin atau lebih dikenali dengan gelaran Ustaz Bollywood. Program yang dinamakan Wacana Perdana itu akan mengupas tajuk "Merungkai Kehidupan Alam Jin Dan Permasalahan Hidup Dengan Al-Quran" di mana menampilkan Imam Muda TV9, Ustaz Khairul Azhar Ghazali sebagai moderatornya.
Oleh itu umat Islam di seluruh Kuantan dan kawasan sekitarnya dijemput hadir beramai-ramai pada malam ini.
Pastinya sesuatu yang menakjubkan apabila buat julung kalinya module dakwah yang melibatkan Ustaz Azhar diadakan di dalam track terbabit.
Harus diingat, dalam sejarah Kuantan belum pernah ada module seperti ini dianjurkan oleh mana-mana pihak di dalam track berkenaan. Apa ! yang ser ing disaksikan ialah acara sukan seperti olahraga dan bolasepak, serta beberapa kali module konsert melibatkan artis-artis terkenal tanahair.
Makanya, kemunculan Ustaz Azhar pada malam ini pasti akan disambut dengan meriahnya. Dijangkaka Stadium Darul Makmur akan dipenuhi dengan lautan manusia seperi apa yang berlaku kepada Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat di Stadium Merdeka awal bulan lalu.
Justertu, penampilan beliau malam ini diharap dapat menutup mulut pihak-pihak berkenaan yang tergamak menggunakan kuasa politik untuk membatalkan satu module dakwah semata-mata mahu beri laluan module hiburan di UMP dulu].
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Malay Politics and Ramleeology
February 2, 2013
Malay Politics and Ramleeology
by Azly Rahman @
"Alif-Mim-Nun-Wau sarkis!" pronounced a character in P Ramlee's film Pendekar Bujang Lapok.
Of late you have been hit by nostalgia, reminiscing as well as even romanticising a 60s, 70s as well as a early 80s before Mahathirism took root.
My last column upon Malaysia in a 70s was an enjoyable piece of journaling as well as from a numerous comments you read from all a blogs which carry it my own blog Between Cybernetics as well as Existentialism, my Facebook page, Malaysia Today, etc you feel which there was a time when a good Malaysian suggestion was about to be forged.
This was which clarity of a chronological block, until May 13, 1969 came, of course; whether it was orchestrated or a feat debate which went wrong you have been commencement to find out, as alternative accounts of it go upon to be written.
After languishing in sweet memories of a 70s, you subsequent thought of a 60s; a time when you was flourishing up in Johor Baru as well as how a kampong as well as a city as well as a school you went to became my "global classrooms".
My fond memories regularly go back to a "multicultural Malaysia you knew generally how you owed my seductiveness in guidance as well as insatiable titillate to acquire believe through a selfless work of my teachers Malay, Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, as well as even my Peace Corps American teachers.
Without them, you would not have been means to write honestly about a need not only to "tolerate" other cultures! though to learn from any a single of them, embrace a dynamics of each, as well as to bring out a universality of a values, as well as subsequent to pattern good guidance systems as well as environments which will maintain these differences into commonalities as well as to hybridise a knowledge you will acquire.
This is what has been not in in our education complement critical sensibility as well as a embracing of a thought of "cultural action for freedom", as a Brazilian tutorial reflective thinker Paulo Freire would say.
A P Ramlee movie
Of late, too, you have been watching P Ramlee movies reminiscing my childhood days as well with my memory of a black as well as white television, which "machine to call upon far divided vision" (tele + vision), or upon a more fanciful basis, anthropologists of record would call "a fantasy-machine in a garden" as well as in this case, a "TV in a pacific kampong".
I watched as well as "read closely" Malaysia's good humanist-social-philosopher P Ramlee's, classic of a 60s Pendekar Bujang Lapok. you found something interesting in there worthy, in fact, of a full-blown thesis upon a anthropology of a Malays. Here is what you detected about a initial seventeen mins of it:
There is an intellectual horizon in "reading" this movie; a single which could be a hybrid of political-economy of development as well as underdevelopment (see a work of a Dependenistas/Dependency Theorists of a 70s), World-Systems Theory, Marx's thought of "technological determinism", i.e. record as a shaper of amicable family of prolongation (see my thesis Thesis upon Cyberjaya, upon a start of Cyberjaya as well as a last contention upon Marx as well as record as well as culture), semiotics of power, as! in a th ought of "habitus" (see Pierre Bourdieu's work upon "symbolic power") as well as a study of post-colonialism emblematic in a work of Albert Memmi's Colonizer as well as a Colonized, Frantz Fanon's Black Skin White Masks, as well as others in a genre of psychological studies of oppression.
Ramleeology as method
Syed Hussein Al Attas's work is additionally instructive of a horizon in looking during a thought of how a picture of a native is constructed, as lazy, obedient, as well as flushed with "bebalism" as well as "tolol-ism " (feudalistic Malay insanity as well as moronism); assembled by a rich as well as land-owning category which drew inspiration from "divide as well as rule" from a British colonials.
Indeed there is a lot to "read" in this movie; provided you deconstruct it to a minute item (dialogue, characterisation, symbolism, plot, sermon of power, denunciation play, irony, metaphor, etc.). Herein lies a rejuvenation of my seductiveness in developing "Ramleeology" as a "method of informative critique formed upon radical amicable theory which can be applied to a trajectoric landscape of history such as Malaysia of this 'hypermodern' era".
In only which seventeen opening minutes. you saw a complete history of a evolution of a feudal as well as neo-feudal Malay genius being displayed; from pre-independence to this day as you count a days to a regime change.
P Ramlee showed me what authoritarianism, stupefication, Malay gangsterism, wanton kampongism, corruption, as well as arrogance mean. These can be seen in today's display of political idiocy, as a bequest of Mahathirism.
But during a end of which "kampong jetty scene" of ! Pendekar Bujang Lapok, you saw "counter-hegemony" in a form of a revolt of a Malay rank as well as file opposite a oppressors, as if poetic probity must regularly be with a alienated as well as flustered Malays during opposite epochs of history.
The last "revolt scene", similar to a attack of a Bastille, as well as a overthrowing of Louis Capet as well as Marie Antoinette, you saw rallies upon rallies such as those you have been seeing in a last few years commencement from a initial Bersih rally.
The Malays these days, a enlightened ones, in collaboration with their brothers as well as sisters of opposite race, religion, national start have all become a brand new "pendekars" or "warriors" such a a 3 "pendekars" headed by P Ramlee.
But a last scene is not here yet. The deconstructionism mart is there; Malaysians have been means to "read" what has been delusioning them vis-a-viz a dread called "Mahathirism", a insanity called "Ketuanan Melayu", as well as a rhetoric called "social contract", framed according to a truncated Malay perspective as well as not similar to a prophesy referred to by a amicable reflective thinker of a French Revolution, Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
I had fun watching which particular P Ramlee movie. you consider he is a visionary, rather similar to a complicated Malay soothsayer vocalization up law to energy for Malaysians of all races, for a oppressed, for those dehumanised by those who owns a means, methods , machinery, as well as media record of oppression.
Watch a film upon YouTube - you Malaysians have been all in it!
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Ini kerana, Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh terus menyanggah keputusan Majlis Syura Ulama Pas bahawa kalimah Allah tidak boleh dipakai oleh agama lain.
Beliau berkata, Pakatan Pembangkang sudah bersetuju dengan penggunaaan kalimah Allah dalam kalangan bukan Islam tetapi hanya Pas yang tidak bersetuju menerusi Majlis Syura.
Dipetik Sinar Harian Online Karpal menegaskan Pas sepatutnya mempertimbangkan keputusan yang dibuat oleh Pakatan Rakyat (PR) mengenai kalimah ALLAH dan bukan oleh Majlis Syura Ulama Pas.
PR adalah sebuah organisasi yang besar (dianggotai DAP dan PKR) manakala Majlis Syura hanya terdiri daripada Pas.
Saya kesal dengan kenyataan itu. Isu ini belum selesai dan DAP tetap dengan pendiriannya, katanya sambil menegaskan DAP kesal dengan kenyataan Pas yang mengesahkan bahawa isu penggunaan kalimah ALLAH dalam kalangan bukan Islam sudah selesai.
Sehubungan itu DAP katanya, masih meminta Majlis Syura Pas untuk mempertimbangkan supaya kalimah ALLAH boleh digunakan oleh orang bukan Islam.
Pertengahan Januari lalu, Nik Abdul Aziz menganggap isu kalimah Allah selesai selepas Majlis Syura Ulama parti itu memutuskan kalimah itu tidak lagi boleh digunakan bukan Islam.
Beliau berkata semua anggota parti perlu akur dengan keputusan Majlis Syura Ulama Pas yang dianggotai orang alim, peringkat doktor dan universiti.
Malah difahamkan, presiden Pas, Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang mengumumkan isu penggunaan kalimah ALLAH dalam kalangan bukan Islam sudah selesai selepas Karpal akur dengan keputusan Majlis Syura Pas apabila mendapat penerangan lanjut daripada Nik Aziz ketika lawatannya di Pulau Pinang minggu lalu.
Bagaimanapun, hari ini Karpal menafikan kenyataan Hadi sebaliknya menyifatkan ia hanya pertemuan biasa (tidak rasmi) dan tiada perbincangan isu serius.
Semasa per! jumpaan itu, saya dan Nik Aziz langsung tidak berbincang isu ini malah tiada perbincangan isu serius. Beliau hanya datang melawat saya sebagai seorang rakan.
Ia adalah perjumpaan yang tidak formal. Saya tidak tahu bagaimana Hadi dapat maklumat mengenai isu kalimah ALLAH yang dikatakan sudah selesai selepas DAP setuju dengan keputusan Majlis Syura Pas, katanya.
Sumber: Detik Perubahan
Pak Lah denies involvement in 'Project IC'

Former budding minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has denied opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's claim which he was involved in a 'Project IC' in Sabah.
He pronounced Anwar concerned him in a emanate to cover his own wrongdoing.
"He (Anwar) is all a time blaming others. He will accuse alternative people as well as then he'll rinse his hands off it. we know him as well well," he told reporters after a presentation of 1Malaysia People's Assistance (BR1M) 2.0 to 262 Kepala Batas Chinese residents at a Tau Boin Temple Keong Hall in Kepala Batas today.

Anwar who is additionally Permatang Pauh MP was additionally reported to have denied his impasse in a emanate but pronounced he was prepared to give his statement to a RCI.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad had progressing claimed which Anwar was without delay involved in a plan to emanate citizenship as well as temperament cards to ineligible foreigners in Sabah in a 90s.
He claimed which although Anwar did not give orders directly, he was always taking a initiative, infrequently some-more than was necessary.
Meanwhile, Abdullah pronounced 12,060 people in his subdivision were authorised for a first phase of a BR1M 2.0 as well as a placement would be carried out thro! ughout F ebruary.
- Bernama Read More @ Source
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Legal headache over AES a technicality, says transport minister

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