Nekulturny! Biadap! Kurang ajar!

'Nekulturny' is pronounced to be the single of the worse insults which we can contend to the Russian.

Translated in to English, it literally means 'uncultured' or 'without culture'.

But in the Russian context, it carries some-more weight, as culture is, or used to be, the prized receive of each as good as each Russian.

To lose hold of one's culture, is to lose the connection to one's soul.

It was no collision which most of the biggest functions of literature in the universe hailed from the Russian homeland.

Home to good literary as good as low-pitched total similar to Tolstoy, Turgenev as good as Dostoyevsky, the producer Alexander Pushkin, as good as filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsk

Novels, ballets, films, as good as orchestral song dot the historical landscape of this wintry land, tales as epic as the actual story of the nation itself.

Crowds reportedly pack halls just to listen to poetry recitals, theaters as good as cinemas full to the brim.

Though the little argue which nowadays, even Russia is losing its informative identity, as modern intruders such as rock song done their approach in to the hearts as good as souls of citizens..

But to this day, 'Nekulturny' is still the worse of all insults.

Similar to insults similar to 'hick', 'white trash', 'foreign devil' as good as the some-more familiar 'biadap' as good as 'kurang ajar'.

In the Malaysian context, culture is the single of the things we appreciate, as exhi! bited by the informative farrago which exemplifies Malaysia.

But to Malaysians of whatever believe as good as ancestry, the single thing we prize above all, including the singular diversity, is ouradab, tingkah laku, budi pekerti, or to put it simply, good manners.

'Good manners have! been th e core of the souls'

It is also no collision which Malaysians have been good known worldwide as accessible as good as pleasant, the Klang Valley traffic commuters notwithstanding.

To us, good manners have been the core of the souls, as good as paint not usually the dignity as individuals, though also the origin of the ancestry.

As the relatives who were taught by their relatives as good as so on, will pass to us these lessons in good manners.

To call someone 'kurang ajar' (lack teaching) or 'biadap' (rude or uncouth) is to expel critical disbelief on, not usually which person, though upon his entire believe as good as stock as well.

While most here would contend which Malaysians nowadays, especially the some-more recent generations, no longer care about manners, 'biadap' as good as 'kurang ajar' have been still considered as grave insults.

And so such insults flew, we bet, when the sure video went viral recently, display the forum orator browbeating the university student.

Though we consternation if the people who threw brickbats during the chairman they no disbelief labelled as 'biadap' and'kurang ajar', saw the control of their part of in the Dewan Rakyat.
The word 'listen' was substantially not used, though the rabble speak which both sides of the aisle used upon the regular basis, we celebrated as the Parliament correspondent, amounts to worse.

Some of these so called inhabitant leaders, from both sides, were hitting out during the chairman for doing what they themselves regularly practice in the good House, in lieu of their duty.

While we may pat ourselves upon the back after going onTwitterorFacebookto post the own contribution to the online transformation to bully the orator in question to join in the wave of support for the so called victim - the political activist who knowingly put herself prior to the banishment line, to commendably fight for her cause, though conscious! nonethe less.

We all - Pakatan adherents, BN supporters, free debate advocates, political leaders, as good as the open in general - are, we deem, being 'biadap' as good as 'kurang ajar' in endlessly shaming the person.

Many of us do not realize which if we look in the counterpart right now, most of us have which same smug look which the orator had when she berated the student.

Many of us have the same tinge of voice, expression as good as worse, the same conviction which we have been right without need for fact or consideration.

To quote Friedrich Nietzsche:

"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become the monster, as good as if we gawk in to the abyss, the endless hole gazes also in to you."
HAZLAN ZAKARIA is the part of of theMalaysiakiniteam.
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Electricity bill rebate extended to December

PUTRAJAYA, January seventeen The government has lengthened to December a physical phenomenon rebate for made at home bills under RM20, pronounced Energy, Green Technology as well as Water Minister Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kui (picture) today. The government spent RM146 million for 1.1 million made at home consumers national last year under a programme proposed in October 2008 ... Read More

RCI Sabah: Pendatang Dulu, Pendatang Sekarang

When we were Malaya ...The author Syed Akbar Ali has come up with a brillaint suggestion: set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to demeanour into how as well as because 1 million citizenship was granted to Chinese as well as Indian migrants not which prolonged ago.

"Allow me to annoy a other immigrant citizenry : would it be too out of place to indicate which we have a Royal Commission of Inquiry to examine because 1.0 million immigrants (mostly Chinese as well as Indians) were since citizenship in Malaya in a 1950s?
I meant surely there must be during least 5 million Malays on a Peninsula today who might be wondering because or how which sold incident happened? Were they consulted? Was there a public referendum?
Is this a fair request? Or a not fair? Lets not argue about a fairness. Lets have a RCI initial on a emanate - how as well as because 1.0 million Chinese as well as Indians (including my mamak squad of course) were since citizenship."

Read OutSyed a Box's Alamak They Were ISA detainees

History can learn us useful lessons, a single of it is never to pretence thatthe present-day Malaysian-wannabes in Sabah (or, for which matter, in Sarawak as well as Semenanjung) have been reduction qualified, or will be reduction loyal, than those 1 million Chinese as well as Indian migrants. Or reduction credible than those hurtful KDN officials who were offered a blue ICs for money.

Read A Voice's ("Anifah Aman for PM") RCI's witnesses' credit questioned
Big Dog'sGhost of Christmas Past

Najib sudah tahu UMNO kalah

Saya sedang duduk diluar Stadium Negara pada twelve Januari yang lalu. Ye, mahu cakap lagi. Sebab perhimpunan ini menimbulkan ketakutan yang amat sangat dalam hati pemimpin UMNO. Masa ini tentu semua orang sudah tahu karakter Naib Tun Razak- anak bangsawan yang gembira tengok ramai rakyat miskin. Sebab jika ramai yang masih miskin, barulah sah rasa seorang feudal melihat rakyat menadah tangan meminta pertolongan. Baru ada rasa flog melihat seorang insan lain merayu rayu.

Ketika saya sedang duduk di bingkai pavement track merdeka, seorang berbangsa India, warga negara kita datang menghampiri saya. Dia memperkenalkan diri. Orang dari Perak, dari Sungai Siput. Kita gelar dia Mr Sungai Siput. Encik SS.

Dia pembaca blog saya. Terima kasih lah- kenalah baca sebab blog ini kepada blogging adalah seperti track Lumpini kepada Muay Thai, Madison Square Garden kepada fighting dan Wimbledon kepada pertandingan tennis. Tidak perlu setuju dengan apa yang saya tulis. Hanya kongsikan bersama dengan kawan2. Bawa mesej ini. Ini kalilah kita singkirkan UMNO. UMNO berketuakan Najib macam Ayam berak kapur. Teringat saya kata2 Tun Daim- Najib hasn't got what it takes to run a country.

Encik SS cerita pada saya. Pertemuan dengan seorang Ketua UMNO Bahagian. Ketua Bahagian meminta dia menggembelingkan sokongan masyarakat India Sungai Siput untuk UMNO. Encik SS kata- ini kali, orang Yindia mahu dengar denyut hati rakyat.

Maka jika ketua UMNO tidak bingung, dia mesti sedar bahawa orang India bukan lagi berlari mendapatkan dakapan maut UMNO. Takde orang nak layan UMNO dah. Padan muka.

Apa dah jadi? Apa nak jadi? Sampai sekarang masih memilih? Masaalah UMNO bukan masaalah ahli. Yang membawa celaka dan malapetaka kepada UMNO ialah pemimpin mereka. Tunku Abdul Rahman pernah berkata- hampa tengoklah nanti- yang akan bawak ke! hancuran kepada UMNO dan merosakkan orang Melayu adalah Dr Mahathir. Lebih baik orang Melayu berkawan dengan syaitan yang kita kenal daripada malaikat yang kita tak kenal. Ertinya, lebih baik bersahabat dengan orang jahat daripada berkawan dengan orang baik dan mulia? Emak bapak jenis apa yang beri nasihat sedemikian?

Sifat syaitan ialah (1) ingkar (2) sombong (3) takabbur (4) berbangga kerana asal usul. Bila Najib ingkar hadir ke Parlimen setelah membentangkan bajet terbaik nya sejak zaman nabi Adam, dia ikut perangai siapa? Iblis dan syaitan. Bila dia pergi ke Pulau Pinang cakap besar bahawa bajet Pakatan Rakyat tidak senilai kertas ianya dicitak- Najib ikut perangai siapa? Sombong dan takabbur- perangai syaitan. Bila orang UMNO berlagak kerana ahli mereka 3 juta dan mereka berasal usul golongan yang berjuang untuk merdeka- mereka ikut perangai siapa? Syaitan.

Sebab itu dalam AlQuran kita ada sebut yang ikut syaitan dan iblis ialah mereka yang bernaung dibawah syaitan dan golongan yang musyrik.

Semua pemimpin UMNO dari atas sampai kebawah, semua korap. Bukan saya kata, Dr Mahathir kata. Dr Mahathir bercakap mengenai rasuah sedangkan dia dikatakan bernilai USD44 billion atau RM 132 billion? Gila kita orang Melayu nak dengar cakap orang seperti ini.

Bagaimana nak benteras rasuah jika wang dan merangkak, merayap, berlari dan memanjat sehingga nombor 1? Bukan saya kata. Tun Daim beritahu. Yang nombor satu ada skendel beli kapal selam. RM5 billion beli kapal selam dapat komisyen RM500 juta. Terima sogokan dari kontraktor negeri Cina buat landasan berkembar Gemas-JB. Ada pula dakwaan dengan skendel Altantuya.

Isiu Altantuya tidak akan reda. Jangan kita mengentengkan pembunuhan ini kerana Altantuya bukan orang Melayu, agama Islam atau wanita yang dianggap tidak mulia. Ketika isiu pembunuhan ini mula2 timbul dulu, orang UMNO kata apa sangat nak kisahk! an seora ng kafir dan pelacur dibunuh? Sebab yang meniduri wanita itu ialah Melayu, Islam dan yang dibunuh itu manusia. Jadi kita kena kisahkan.

Rakyat naik berang dan tanya. Apa yang susah sangat nak buat Razak Baginda cerita kepada rakyat Malaysia? Razak Baginda terang2 mengaku wanita Mongolia girlfriend dia dan dia bercucuk tanam dengan bumi Mongolia. Balasubramaniam sebut, gadis Mongolia itu Najib Razak yang kenanalkan kepada Razak Baginda. Najib Razak suruh dia jaga Altantuya baik2. Kalau nak pakai boleh. Depan atau belakang joke boleh.

Padan muka orang UMNO kena tipu- Razak Baginda seronok bersuaka di England bawak kereta Ferari, bawak Aston Martin. Hidup Melayu. Hidup UMNO. Kamu berkeringat membanting tulang semata mata membiayai kehidupan pemimpin kamu yang mewah.

Apa yang susah sangat nak buat dua orang polis tertuduh, cerita siapa suruh mereka tembak dan bom Altantuya? Mustahil suka2 dan seronok, bangun pagi- hari ini aku nak tembak, rogol dan bom? Apa yang susah nya pendakwa raya mendedahkan ini semua? Mereka ni lulus university mana? Betulkah ada sijik peguam?

Yang merunsingkan orang Melayu hari ini ialah kedudukan orang Melayu? Pertama nya, soalan ini tidak perlu ditanya pun. Jumlah orang Melayu dalam Negara ini ialah majority. eighteen juta dari twenty-eight juta. Ahli UMNO , 3 juta. Mati semua ahli UMNO pun, ada fifteen juta orang Melayu terus hidup tanpa perlukan ujudnya UMNO. Jadi apa perlu pemimpin UMNO yang rasuah dan korap? Kita tak boleh jadi jurucakap sendiri menjuarai kepentingan kolektif bangsa Melayu?

Kedudukkan, keistimewaan dan kepentingan orang Melayu dilindungi oleh perlembagaan dan undang. Undang2 kekal. UMNO sifat nya sementara. Kedudukan dan kepentingan orang Melayu tidak boleh diperlakukan sesuka hati. Mesti dapat persetujuan Majlis Raja2 Melayu. Hanya jika Majlis Raja2 Melayu tiba2 jadi Majlis Raja K! apur- ma ka ketika itu, mungkin kita orang Melayu akan rasa cemas. Itu joke mungkin, sebab fakta nya ialah kita ni majority. Dan kita boleh mempertahankan dan menjuarai kepentingan kita secara sendiri tanpa memerlukan bantuan UMNO yang bingung itu.

Kenapa perlu kita beri Najib mandate untuk 5 tahun lagi? Apa yang boleh dia lakukan dalam masa 5 tahun yang dia tidak lakukan dalam masa 55 tahun? Kamu beri satu undi kepada UMNO bererti kamu melanjutkan usia parti dan pemimpin yang merompak dan melanun negara ini atas nama agama, bangsa dan tanah air? Kamu ingat orang UMNO yang membela agama Islam? Orang UMNO berebut nak jadi pengerusi masjid dan surau. Yakni berebut jawatan. Bukan berbakti dan memberi maksud kepada jawatan tersebut. Budaya berkerja ikhlas dan jujur tidak ada dalam budaya atau piagam hidup orang UMNO. Sebab itu, pemimpin besor UMNO Tanya- lu tolong gua, wa tolong lu yang sekarang dah jadi, lu tolong gua dulu, baru wa tolong lu.

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Hari ke 30 Nik Aziz bisu: Harakah buta huruf ke?

Haramkah Daily SINI memutarbelit mengatakan telah tarik balik tuduhan sebaik saja diugut akan disaman.

Pisau telah mendedahkan bahawa PAS telah memberikan tanah Kelantan seluas lebih 10 ribu ekar kepada Ngeh dan Nga untuk sokong perlantikan Nizar sebagai MB.

Dia hanya membuat ralat untuk membertulkan beberapa fakta. Sila baca apa yang telah tulis wahai orang PAS dan

Dr Hou: China recognises 71 local universities and university colleges

PUTRAJAYA: China has formally recognized 71 internal universities and university colleges where some 10,000 of its nationals have been now studying in.Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Dr Hou Kok Chung pronounced the approval followed an agreement sealed by both countries in 2011.The agreement only covers institutions which suggest degree-level courses.As the number of institutions have been upgraded to universities or university colleges, we will send them an updated list of institutions (t ... Read More


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Act Of Treason Against Sabahans, Where Was Anwar Ibrahim In 1994?

Hantu Laut

It's right away becoming a conform of sort to censure a dead.As we all know "dead men tell no tales." A passed male additionally cannot arise up from his grave, kick you in a ass as well as urge himself. So it's a win-win situation.

Former Sabah NRD executive Ramli Kamaruddin said former Deputy Home Minister Megat Junid told him,here, to issue receipt to allow bootleg immigrants to vote in a 1994 state elections. Megat Junid died upon twenty-four January 2008.

Former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Monammad had been concerned with a distribution of Malaysian I/C to bootleg immigrants dubbed "Project M". Mahathir contingency be unequivocally foolish to allow his name to be used for bootleg activity.

The question is was Mahathir complicit in this bootleg wake up or was it people below him who took upon themselves to do a malfeasance?

Anwar Ibrahim,the good pretender as well as male of consciencewas afterwards a deputy budding minister as well as minister of finance, why did he not stop this action of treason against Sabahans?

Was he additionally complicit to a bootleg wake up in a 1994 Sabah state elections?

We know what he did in 1994!

He was a male upon a belligerent not Mahathir. He was really most involved in a programme to destabilise a afterwards PBS supervision as well as was a ! designer of a channel over of PBS assemblymen to BN at which time.

As they contend "what goes around come around", a same fr! ogs have right away assimilated him to do exactly a same exercise as well as this time to destabilise a BN government.

The hapless thing is Malaysians still think this male is estimable of trust.

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Sejak dari semalam banyak portal pembangkang terutama sekali portal yang dibiayai oleh Soros iaitu Melacurkini memainkan isu pendatang Sabah yang mandapat IC, yalah kan ada satu RCI sedang diajalankan disana. Kecoh beb bilamana ada seorang saksi kata Megat Junid terlibat dalam pemberian IC ni.

Aku bukan apa, Megat Junid dah arwah jadi bila ada pihak yang cuba salahkan dia tak patut la, macamana dia nak urge diri dia. Yang lagi pelik orang yang tuduh tu adalah merupakan adik kepada adun PAS iaitu Saari Sungip, so korang boleh fikir sendiri la tahap kredibiliti orang tu kan?

Anyway, kalau korang nak tahu kisah sebenar, KLIK SINI

Najib sudah tahu UMNO kalah

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Exposed! UUMs Bavani is an Active Pakatan Activist!

The video which has gone viral shows an incredibly foolish Sharifah Zohra Jabeen cheering down, articulate down upon one Bavani of UUM. The Persatuan Suara 1 Malaysia president was arrogant as well as condescending.
She was even off the tangent, articulate of sharks fins soup! But this Bavani is no angel. She isn't the domestic virgin or the elementary university student. She has the jot down of being the rabble rouser. She wasn't there to ask the question, she was land upon to the microphone as well as giving the ceramah!
She should have only asked the question to the row as well as wait for them to answer but instead she went upon the diatribe as well as refused to let go of the microphone as well as went upon with her ceramah. At this point, the implausible bimbo Sharifah told her off, in the many outrageous manner.
But Stop The Lies wants to expose which Bavani has been an active Parti Sosialis Malaysia activist as well as has been the serial anti-BN protector in roughly every pro-Pakatan Rakyat demonstration. We have here pictures of her involvement in pro-opposition gatherings as well as her revolutionary favourite Dr Nasir.
She is not the domestic virgin as well as we hope UUM will look during her implausible domestic record! We hope KDN will also keep these pictures of her in the new record upon her.
- Stop The Lies
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Hari ke 31: Mufti, Majlis Fatwa lebih benar dari ular mak PAS

Kalau nama tuhan yang lebih besar implikasinya untuk Hadi ubah pendirian balik ke jalan yang benar, kenapa pula dia tak boleh tarikbalik Amanah Hadi yang jelas salah?

Hadi tarikbalik pendirian yang dibuat atas desakan Anwar Ibrahim dan Lim Kit Siang berhubung kalimah Allah dan sedia ketepikan persepakatan dengan mereka kerana Dewan Syura dah tetapkan kalimah Allah tak boleh digunakan oleh


Aku terima email dari satu hamba Allah ni yang menceritakan pasal ada pegawai PM yang nak masuk campur dalam urusan MBM. KLIK SINI

Aku tak tau cerita ni betul atau tidak, tepai aku gusar bilaman PRU dah dekat dan benda-benda macam ni keluar. Aku harap Pejabat PM siasat dakwaan ini, sekiranya tidak benar maka tuan punya blog kena ambil tindakan terhadap juru blog tersebut.

Kalau betul ceritanya, lu fikir la sendiri...

Asri: Allah sudah digunakan Yahudi, Kristian sebelum kedatangan Nabi Muhammad

KUALA LUMPUR, 17 Jan Penganut agama Yahudi dan Kristian sudah menggunakan kalimah Allah jauh lebih lama sebelum kedatangan Nabi Muhammad kata Prof Madya Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin (gambar) dalam sebuah kuliah dikala isu ini masih lagi hangat diperdebatkan dan menjadi tajuk utama diseluruh negara. Penjelasan bekas Mufti Perlis ini muncul ... Read More

Mahfuz: BN behind suspension of bank officer

PAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar believes the BN government exerted domestic pressure on Bank Islam to postpone the arch economist Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajudin.

NONEMahfuz (left), who is also Pokok Sena MP, pronounced the financial institution would not conflict in such manner to the economist for creation the professional matter for the significance of the bank.

He believes domestic pressure was exerted by the government, regulating the seductiveness it has in Bank Islam by Tabung Haji, which owns the majority share in the financial institution.

"I hold this (directive) comes from the government. we do not consider Bank Islam would conflict stupidly, which will stroke the people's trust in Bank Islam," Mahfuz told the press discussion during the PAS domicile in Kuala Lumpur this morning.

Azrul had yesterday claimed which the cessation sequence issued to him by his employer waspolitically m! otivated.

"I do not know what to say. we am repelled which this happened," Azrul said.

"I do not want others to suffer. This is for my boss' benefit," he explained, adding which his superiors were confronting undue change from "senior BN leaders".

Mahfuz, in the press discussion during PAS domicile today, pronounced the cessation gave the sense which Bank Islam is putting BN's domestic interests ahead of their clients' as well as is dismissing their arch economist's analysis.

This,! he said , sends the wrong message to those who keep as well as deposit their income in Bank Islam as well as Tabung Haji.

"If this happens, what guarentee is there which Tabung Haji as well as Bank Islam can demeanour after their deposits?

"I have lost faith in Bank Islam as well as Tabung Haji now," he said.

Tabung Haji: Suspension has zero to do with us

Meanwhile, when contacted, Tabung Haji pronounced the emanate of the cessation was an inner Bank Islam event as well as had zero to do with the pilgrims account board.

Its Public Affairs as well as Group Corporate Communications ubiquitous manager Anis Zuhani Ahmad pronounced both Tabung Haji as well as Bank Islam have been run individually, each with the own employment conditions for the particular staff.

"I consider Tabung Haji has zero to do with this emanate as it is an inner Bank Islam issue.

"Bank Islam as well as Tabung Haji retain opposite house of directors as well as the emanate should be referred to the Bank Islam human resources division," she toldMalaysiakini.

She, however, confirmed which Tabung Haji does own an 18 percent seductiveness in Bank Islam.

Malaysiakiniis contacting Bank Islam to acquire the more minute reason per Azrul's suspension.

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Teacher files RM1m suit against Mais, three others

SHAH ALAM, Jan 16 A schoolteacher in Sepang today filed the RM1 million fit against the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) as well as three others for disseminating dual reports which settled that she was the supporter of deviant teachings in Sepang dual years ago. Shahriah Omar, 47, who filed the fit at the High Court Registrar Office here, by ... Read More

Bayern Announce Guardiola Coup

MUNICH: Bayern Munich have confirmed that former Barcelona physical education instructor Josep 'Pep' Guardiola will take assign of the German giants in the summer, reported Eurosport.Read more... ... Read More

TERHOT: UUM patut kudung kepala ngan cabaran neh...

Di sini, kami ingin menggesa Sharifah Zohra Jabeen untuk meminta maaf secara terbuka kepada saudari Bawani KS dan pada masa yang sama, mencabar Sharifah Zohra Jabeen untuk mengadakanforumdi Universiti Malaya!!!

JikalaunasibBawani tidak dibela oleh mahasiswa UUM, datanglah ke UM, kami tidak akan membiar anda berseorangan !!!

Credit : UMANY

Bawani berhak diberikan ruang tanpa dimalukan dan mendesak Sharifah Zohra dalam kadar segara memohon maaf kepada Bawani dan seluruh mahasiswa.

Puan Sharifah Zohra yang merupakan Presiden Suara Wanita 1 Malaysia (SW1M) adalah lambang kepada budaya pembodohan Umno BN yang selama ini menanam rasa ego kuasa yang akhirnya melenyapkankesantunanbahasa dan budaya Melayu.

Mungkin Puan Sharifah harus diingatkan bahawa dia bakal berhadapan dengan ribuan anak muda yang tidak akan hanya "diam dan dengar" tetapi akan bangkit bersama dalam mempertahankan hak mereka.

Buat puak UUM, terimalah video clip neh... BAEK punyerrrrrr....


- shalehudin

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Jamaluddin Jarjis - Part 1

Pungkok punya kes dah kira kawtim.

Tapi bang...RM332.336 jutadah lama sangat tertunggak ni!

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Ahmad: BN divisions must open operations room by February 1

KUALA LUMPUR, January sixteen All Barisan Nasional (BN) district polling centres contingency open their operations room by February 1, pronounced BN Publicity as well as Information Bureau authority Datuk Ahmad Maslan.
He pronounced this was in line with a Prime Minister as well as BN authority Datuk Seri Najib Razak's gauge in preparation for a 13th general election.
"This means which BN component parties have two weeks to hope for their operation bedrooms either by renting or regulating their own premises," he told reporters after on vacation BN polling district operation bedrooms in a Ampang as well as Pandan parliamentary constituencies here today.
Ahmad, who is also Umno report chief, pronounced a operation bedrooms should be versed with a BN as well as party flags as well as report on voters, as well as filled with every day activities.
He pronounced a BN would have 7,531 operation bedrooms nationwide, a little of them had already been opened.
Earlier, Ahmad gave away necessary items from 1Malaysia Shops to 150 people with disabilities, singular mothers as well as a needy in a Ampang as well as Pandan constituencies. Bernama
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KOTA KINABALU: Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP) in Sepanggar is expected to boost a production zone in Sabah to surpass twenty per cent in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contribution by 2020. The stream rate is nine per cent.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, who was formerly KKIP Chairman, pronounced a State's expectations upon KKIP have been tall as it is an entrance indicate plan (EPP) underneath a Economic Transformation Programme (ETP).
Pleased which a Performance Management as well as Delivery Unit (Pemandu) is anchoring KKIP as a concentration for a expansion of production in Sabah underneath a ETP's production as well as logistics sector, he pronounced Pemandu is aware of a State's heading industrial park's strength as well as weaknesses.

"One of KKIP's assets is a outrageous areas for industrial expansion which has placed it in a enlightened position to attract as well as capture heavy industries such as automotive producers which can serve as a spring house for start-ups as well as expansion of small as well as middle enterprises (SMEs)," he said.

The International Trade as well as Industry Ministry has since released a licence to TC Manufacturing Company (Sabah) Sdn Bhd (TCMC Sabah), a subsidiary of Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad, to make as well as assemble luxury newcomer as well as commercial vehicles during a plant to be sited inside of KKIP.

"This will turn a initial vehicle assembly plant in a Brunei, Indonesia, M! alaysia as well as Philippines-East Asean Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) region," he pronounced when officiating during a KKIP Showcase Seminar & Exhibition 2013 - Moving Forward with a SMEs - during a Pacific Sutera here Tuesday.

His debate was review by Deputy Chief Minister cum Resource Development as well as Information Technology Minister Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai.

The State Government is now in a process of seeking in to alternative aspects of this ultimate expansion which is expected to bring about a far-reaching operation of socio-economic benefits.

"The investiture of an vehicle industrial cluster during Industrial Zone 9 of KKIP will embody not only a anchor tenant for a assembly plant, but a host of vendors to support it," pronounced Musa.

The assembly plant will have a multiplying outcome as there will be a need for seats, air-conditioning, engines as well as alternative items which vehicles require, he said, adding it is additionally envisaged which a plant for lorry as well as bus body office building work will be set up as well as alternative associated automobile attention activities during a cluster would embody production of motorcycles as well as newcomer coaches.

"Eventually, this cluster could turn an vehicle heart for a BIMP-EAGA region. Activities in a new automobile attention cluster will additionally outcome in origination of 5.263 jobs," he said.

Despite a strengths as well as certain outlook, Musa pronounced KKIP contingency take batch of areas where improvements should be done as well as severely address a little of a inherent weaknesses.

"Greater efforts will have to be done to accelerate a take up rate to a much aloft turn so which this premier industrial park can be developed as planned. KKIP has to push for a aloft turn of set-ups in a industrial zone as w! ell as n ot concede expansion to remain stagnant," he said, adding a single of a issues can be looked in to is a rate of land price offering to investors.

Musa pronounced there have been many as well as points for KKIP in attracting investments as well as a single of them is a vital location being in a heart of a BIMP-EAGA region.

"An critical care when planning a production enterprise during KKIP is a actuality which a products would have a outrageous consumer marketplace of over 50 million inside of a nearby BIMP-EAGA territories," he said, whilst job upon entrepreneurs to look during a marketplace potential over Sabah as well as set targets which embody a wider horizon, even over a BIMP-EAGA region.

Another advantage is which KKIP is only 10 kilometres away from a Integrated Container Port during Sepanggar Bay, he said, adding such vicinity to a port benefits industries, comforts trade as well as import as well as encourages shipment of products.

"Port comforts have been essential for a sustainability of production industries, a as well as indicate for investors. There is additionally solid physical phenomenon supply from KKIP Power Sdn Bhd as well as there have been plans to have gas supply sourced from Sabah Oil as well as Gas Terminal in Kimanis to meet gas demands in KKIP," he said.

The State Government remains mindful of key challenges in a subsequent phase of KKIP's progress, he said, adding it is seeking in to a little of a difficulties expressed by investors, including entrance to resources which they need for a production process.

"We have been additionally addressing logistics constraints associated to shipping costs as well as time, as well as alleviation in infrastructure development.

These have been among counts which you have been actively posterior with a applicable au! thoritie s as well as a Federal Government in seeking lasting solutions to ensure which KKIP moves brazen but further hindrance," he said.

"With a bigger goal in mind, as well as with over 23,000 new jobs to be combined by 2020 in KKIP, you contingency move brazen by being proactive as well as by essay for excellence, we am assured which KKIP can a single day broadcast to be a driving force for industrialisation in Sabah," he said.
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KOTA KINABALU: Tighter security measures were taken during a building yesterday following Monday's explosve anything forged during a begin of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) in to bootleg newcomer issues in Sabah.
City military chief, ACP Jauteh Dikun, said, military believed a antic call, which was made by a masculine caller during 2.30pm on Monday, was dictated to disrupt a RCI proceedings.
"Police have been still investigating a case as well as looking during every angle. No detain has been made during a moment as well as military has urged any one with any information to come forward to assist in our investigation," he pronounced when contacted yesterday.
Jauteh added which military were still carrying out review to identify a caller as well as which a case would be investigated under Section 505 (b) of a Penal Code.
The initial day of a RCI was abruptly halted after military ordered a evacuation of a building following a explosve threat.
Court guards rught away ushered commission members, witnesses as well as members of a public out of a building after a masculine caller claimed which there was a explosve wrapped in a black plastic bag as well as placed in a dustbin.
A military explosve squad as well as K9 dog unit were deployed to a scene though did not found any explosve in a building as well as a surrounding area after two hours of combing a area. The RCI move resumed but any incident. (BP)
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KOTA KINABALU: Former Chief Minister, Tan Sri Harris Salleh, yesterday denied that there was ever a 'Project IC', a scheme allegedly created to yield Malaysian citizenship to immigrants in Sabah in lapse for their votes for a supervision in Sabah.
Harris, who appeared as a declare in front of a Royal Commission of Inquiry upon Immigrants in Sabah (RCI), testified that no such plan ever existed as claimed by certain quarters.
"I never heard about plan IC, you only read it in a newspapers sometimes, some people done accusations in blogs though you never read them because because should you engage my self in all this false stories.
"I do not wish to be involved in all this, they never have proof, they only speak about it, political talk, income talk," he testified during a second day of a five-day proceeding.
Harris, a sixth arch minister of Sabah from 1976 to 1985, was asked by RCI Chairman, Tan Sri Amar Steve Shim Lip Kiong, if he has any comments upon a claim in regards to a "Project IC".
"Even if there were anything, a ICs were probably given in a hurry, because they were giving it i! n thousa nds as well as thousands. All those concerned, they were asked to speed up (the process).
"As far as you know, officially or unofficially, plan IC does not exist. you can say this honestly," he said.
Conducting officer, Manoj Kurup, had asked Harris to explain either he had done a quote in a book '007: Lelaki Malaysia Terakhir' by Mutalib MD.
Harris declined to give a direct answer, observant that all a bootleg activities attributed to him in a book were lies.
"I never did anything illegal. So you do not wish to have to answer that, because what is created in a book are all illegal, not true," he said.
Harris additionally denied allegations that he was involved, during slightest in instructing that identification cards are to be released to immigrants, observant he did not have a management to give such instruction even as a Chief Minister then.
According to him, a management to issue permanent residence standing as well as citizenship lies only with a Federal Government as well as a State Government has no privilege during all upon a matter.
"We only assisted, not a sovereign government, though a individuals to fill a form, you do not have a energy (to give approval).
"I believe in a Federal Constitution it says that if a sovereign supervision thinks that so as well as so is eligible, even if a State rejected (it), a sovereign supervision can still accede to entrance to Sabah, if it thinks that it is necessary in a seductiveness of a nation,
"I'm not sure about a legal aspect, if this is scold or not, though you was sensitive similar to that. you was told once in a assembly in Kuala Lumpur, they said, you a State do not speak as wel! l much, you have a energy underneath a Constitution," he said.
Asked by a Commission if he knows either a information given to him was correct, he said: "No, unfortunately I'm not a counsel though you was told so".
To a apart subject from Commissioner Tan Sri Herman J Luping, Harris sensitive that a State Government (had) never categorized in any policy that an newcomer contingency be a Muslim to be famous as interloper in Sabah.
He pronounced there were concerns however, that if a refugees were not properly resettled, it may means problems in a growth of Sabah. He added there were additionally seductiveness in a refugees from a Philippines following a boom in a construction zone during a time of his tenure.
"Most importantly, a sovereign supervision (had) concurred as well as supposed these refugees to stay in Malaysia, as well as you were told that there was additionally a UN convention to accept refugees during a time," he said, adding that a policy upon refugees has remained a same until currently since it was introduced by a afterwards Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj.
On how most immigrants as well as refugees were released citizenship during his tenure, Harris said, he had no thought as a sovereign supervision never reported a make a difference to a State.
However, in a created make a difference he submitted to a Commission, Harris had mentioned that there were an estimated of around 150,000 refugees from a Southern Philippines in Sabah during a peak of their emigration into a State in 1973.
As to a claim that immigrants in Sabah seemed to be removing Blue IC as well as citizenship during a rate faster than a locals, he pronounced that subject should be posed to a Federal agencies endangered as well as ! not to a State as a make a difference was underneath a Federal's purview.
Another dual witnesses, Statistics Department Director, Norezan Wahid as well as Deputy Director of Citizenship Division, National Registration Department, Nik Norashikin Nik Mansur, were called to attest after Harris.
Norezan in his testimony sensitive there were 3.2 million people in Sabah formed upon a race census hold in 2010. Out of this figure, he said, about 889,000 were non-citizens.
Norashikin, meanwhile, pronounced 66,682 immigrants were released citizenship in between 1963 as well as Oct final year, of that a infancy or about half were immature field who declared Malaysia as their nation of bieing innate in their application forms.
For those who were innate outward Malaysia, successful field from China represented a greatest series during over 13,000, Indonesia during second place with over 7,000, as well as followed by Hong Kong as well as a Philippines during third as well as fourth. (BP)
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UMNO pandang rendah kaum India Malaysia

Wanita UMNO ni kalu nak marah Bawani tu marah aje le, tak siape yang larang. Dah sememang nye perangai pencacai2 UMNO ni mau cari salah orang yang 'tak sokong' kerajaan aje.

Tapi kalau marah sesangat joke jangan lah sampai sebut2 keturunan nye dan suruh balik ke negare asal nye. Itu dah kire menghine kan sesuatu bangse name nye. Wak bukan nye nak memehak mane2, tapi yang benar tu tetap benar, dan yang tak betul tu tetap salah.

PRU-13 akan di adekan pade bile2 mase sahaje, jadi seharus nye jangan timbulkan ke marahan antare kaum. Wak tak heran kalu kaum India naik meradang dan ramai2 menolak UMNO/BN. Yang pasti UMNO/BN akan terjerumus ke dalam longkang pade PRU-13 nanti.
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KANTOI! Kita Tunggu Apa Kata Mahathir!

Dua bekas orang kanan bekas Perdana Menteri, Mahathir Mohamad hari ini dikaitkan oleh saksi-saksi yang memberi keterangan kepada suruhanjaya siasatan diraja (RCI) berhubung dakwaan pemberian kewarganegaraan untuk jadi pengundi di Sabah.
NONEBekas pegawai Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) Sabah memberi keterangan bahawa dia dan yang lain-lainnya menginap di rumah Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin (kanan), yang ketika itu merupakan setiausaha politik kepada Dr Mahathir, untuk mengeluarkan kad pengenalan biru kepada pendatang asing.

Yakup Damsah, yang ketika itu ketua JPN Tamparuli, memberitahu RCI bahawa beliau dan pegawai lain JPN telah diterbangkan dari Sabah ke Kuala Lumpur.

Katanya, selepas menerima arahan dari pengarah JPN Sabah ketika itu, Abdul Rauf Sani, mereka diminta pergi ke Kuala Lumpur dan ditempatkan di kediaman Abdul Aziz di Kampung Pandan.

Beliau berkata mereka ditugaskan untuk menandatangani kad pengenalan yang akan diberikan kepada pendatang, yang kemudiannya dilamina di ibu pejabat JPN di Petaling Jaya dan dihantar ke JPN Kota Kinabalu untuk pengagihan.

Ditahan di bawah ISA

Yakup berkata, mereka te! lah diberi taklimat mengenai tugasan khas oleh seseorang yang mereka tidak diketahui, bernama 'Mat Nor'.

"Beliau minta kami mengeluarkan kad pengenalan biru kepada pendatang," katanya.

Yakup, yang kemudiannya ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA), berkata dia sedar bahawa operasi itu! adalah haram, tetapi dia mengikuti arahan kerana dia adalah seorang penjawat awam.

"Kami telah diberitahu bahawa kami akan dilindungi daripada sebarang tindakan undang-undang," katanya.

Yakup berkata,kumpulannya menandatangani sebanyak 40,000 kad pengenalan biru dalam tempoh sebulan, berdasarkan borang permohonan yang telah diisi yang diberikan kepada mereka.

Katanya, mereka tidak melihat borang secara terperinci, "kita hanya tandatangan..."

"Kami tahu mereka adalah pendatang, kebanyakannya warga Indonesia dan Filipina, tetapi kami tidak tahu sama ada mereka pendatang yang sah atau tidak," katanya.

Beliau menambah bahawa niat tindakan mereka itu adalah untuk meningkatkan bilangan pengundi Islam di Sabah dan untuk memastikan bahawa mereka akan mengundi untuk Umno dalam pilihan raya 1994 di negeri Sabah.

Pada masa yang sama, kata Yakup, kumpulannya juga terlibat dalam operasi lain, di mana mereka tidak memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada pendatang tetapi memberi mereka resit kad pengenalan sementara (resit JPN) dengan tarikh luput, semata-mata untuk tujuan pilihan raya.

Bekas timbalan menteri dalam negeri juga dikaitkan

Sebelum itu, dalam keterangannya, bekas pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Sabah, Ramli Kamaruddin yang menggantikan Abdul Rauf, mendakwa operasi itu bermula hampir dengan tarikh pilihan raya.

Ramli mendakwa operasi itu dijalankan selepas secara peribadi menerima arahan dari timbalan menteri dalam negeri ketika itu, Megat Junid Megat Ayub.NONE
Menjelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai operasi itu, Ramli mendakwa beliau telah diarahkan untuk mengeluarkan resit kad pengenalan kepada pendatang asing menggunakan butiran mereka yang sudahpun ada dalam da! ftar pem ilih tetapi tidak pernah mengundi sebelumnya.

Beliau mendakwa menerima panggilan dua minggu sebelum pilihan raya negeri Sabah pada 1994 untuk menemui Megat Junid di sebuah hotel.

Beliau mendakwa telah diarahkan untuk membantu memastikan akan kemenangan kerajaan negeri yang disokong oleh kerajaan persekutuan.

Ramli mendakwa telah diarahkan untuk mengeluarkan resit JPN menggunakan nama dan nombor IC pengundi yang sudah ada dalam daftar pemilih dengan tujuan bagi memboleh mereka mengundi.

Resit JPN adalah slip kad pengenalan sementara yang dikeluarkan sebelum menerima kad pengenalan sebenarnya. Dokumen tersebut adalah memadai untuk mengundi, jelas beliau.

Personaliti lain yang hadir di road house tersebut ketika itu ialah Osu Suka! m yang me! njadi ketua menteri Sabah pada tahun 1999.

Ketika dihubungi lewat petang ini, jawapan ringkas Aziz ialah: "Saya tak ingat apa-apa mengenai perkara itu. Terima kasih."

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Pendedahan Janda: Mahathir Bela 2 Ekor Hantu Untuk Terus Berkuasa!

Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin. Megat Junid Megat Ayub, IC palsu
Semuanya terbongkar dan dibongkar hanya setelah menjadi bekas, sudah jadi janda semua daki dan danu barulah dilerah. Semasa masih dalam perkhidmatan, semuanya "Yes Boss" ! Sunggup dilembukan oleh syaitan bernama Mahathir !!

Dua bekas orang kanan mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hari ini dikaitkan oleh saksi-saksi yang memberi keterangan kepada suruhanjaya siasatan diraja (RCI) berhubung dakwaan pemberian kewarganegaraan untuk jadi pengundi di Sabah.

Bekas pegawai Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) Sabah memberiketerangan bahawa dia dan yang lain-lainnya menginap di rumah Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin, yang ketika itu merupakan setiausaha politik kepadaDr Mahathir, untuk mengeluarkan kad pengenalan biru kepada pendatang asing.

Yakup Damsah, yang ketika itu ketua JPN Tamparuli, memberitahu RCI bahawa beliau dan pegawai lain JPN telah diterbangkan dari Sabah ke Kuala Lumpur.

Katanya, selepas menerima arahan dari pengarah JPN Sabah ketika itu, Abdul Rauf Sani, mereka diminta pergi ke Kuala Lumpur dan ditempatkan di kediaman Abdul Aziz di Kampung Pandan.

Beliau berkata mereka ditugaskan untuk menandatangani kad pengenalan yang akan diberikan kepada pendatang, yang kemudiannya dilamina di ibu pejabat JPN di Petaling Jaya dan dihantar ke JPN Kota Kinabalu untuk pengagihan.

Ditahan di bawah ISA

Yakup berkata, mereka telah diberi taklimat mengenai tugasan khas oleh seseorang yang mereka t! idak dik etahui, bernama 'Mat Nor'.

"Beliau minta kami mengeluarkan kad pengenalan biru kepada pendatang," katanya.

Yakup, yang kemudiannya ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA), berkata dia sedar bahawa operasi itu adalah haram, tetapi dia mengikuti arahan kerana dia adalah seorang penjawat awam.

"Kami telah diberitahu bahawa kami akan dilindungi daripada sebarang tindakan undang-undang," katanya.

Yakup berkata, kumpulannya menandatangani sebanyak 40,000 kad pengenalan biru dalam tempoh sebulan, berdasarkan borang permohonan yang telah diisi yang diberikan kepada mereka.

Katanya, mereka tidak melihat borang secara terperinci, "kita hanya tandatangan..."

"Kami tahu mereka adalah pendatang, kebanyakannya warga Indonesia dan Filipina, tetapi kami tidak tahu sama ada mereka pendatang yang sah atau tidak," katanya.

Beliau menambah bahawa niat tindakan mereka itu adalah untuk meningkatkan bilangan pengundi Islam di Sabah dan untuk memastikan bahawa mereka akan mengundi untuk Umno dalam pilihan raya 1994 di negeri Sabah.

Pada masa yang sama, kata Yakup, kumpulannya juga terlibat dalam operasi lain, di mana mereka tidak memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada pendatang tetapi memberi mereka resit kad pengenalan sementara (resit JPN) dengan tarikh luput, semata-mata untuk tujuan pilihan raya.

Bekas timbalan menteri dalam negeri juga dikaitkan

Sebelum itu, dalam keterangannya, bekas pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Sabah,Ramli Kamaruddinyang menggantikan Abdul Rauf, mendakwa operasi itu bermula hampir dengan tarikh pilihan raya.

Ramli mendakwa operasi itu dijalankan selepas secara peribadi menerima arahan dari timbalan menteri dalam negeri ketika itu,Tan Sri Megat Junid Megat Ayub.

Menjelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai operasi itu, Ramli mendakwa beliau telah diarahkan untuk mengeluarkan resit kad pengenalan kepada pendatang asing menggunakan butiran mereka yang sudahpun ada dalam daftar pemilih tetapi tidak pernah mengundi sebelumnya.

Beliau mendakwa menerima panggilan dua minggu sebelum pilihan raya negeri Sabah pada 1994 untuk menemui Megat Junid di sebuah hotel.

Beliau mendakwa telah diarahkan untuk membantu memastikan akan kemenangan kerajaan negeri yang disokong oleh kerajaan persekutuan.

Ramli mendakwa telah diarahkan untuk mengeluarkan resit JPN menggunakan nama dan nombor IC pengundi yang sudah ada dalam daftar pemilih dengan tujuan bagi memboleh mereka mengundi.

Resit JPN adalah slip kad pengenalan sementara yang dikeluarkan sebelum menerima kad pengenalan sebenarnya. Dokumen tersebut adalah memadai untuk mengundi, jelas beliau.
Personaliti lain yang hadir di hotel tersebut ketika itu ialah Datuk Osu Sukam yang menjadi ketua menteri Sabah pada tahun 1999.

Ketika dihubungi lewat petang ini, jawapan ringkas Aziz ialah: "Saya tak ingat apa-apa mengenai perkara itu. Terima kasih." -MalaysiaKini
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THE SALE of prohibited cigarettes is right divided getting really critical as well as out of carry out in Sabah. This is becoming drawn out as well as extremely worrying between a people, generally in a City of Kota Kinabalu or a nearby towns.

This situation is really heavy as well as a prohibited cigarette sellers do not appear to have fright toward a applicable authorities, as well as they go upon to sell their prohibited cigarette everyway.
The Sabah DAP wanita Noriah Onong pronounced a sellers often have been kids as well as women as well as many have been bootleg immigrants (PTI). They will go upon to sell their goods at any time in a day, as well as a many important place in a city is at a train terminal, versus a Philippine handicraft market as well as in a alleys of buildings.

The many alarming as well as unfortunate is that they dare to take a risk of selling their prohibited upon a highway side of flitting vehicles which resulting in a drivers interlude their vehicles in a middle of a highway only to purchase a pack of cigarettes. This situation will cause caused traffic jam.

The sellers of a prohibited cigarettes were also ignoring their own safety as well as to a public. They only regard in creation money. Similarly, a buyers of a prohibited cigarettes have been giving encouragement to these people because a cost is poor as well as they will stop anywhere to purchase a cigarettes.

The sellers of prohibited cigarettes have been brave as well as they know how to understanding wi! th a mil itary as well as DBKK enforcement. Despite a various raids by a applicable authorities, it has no outcome upon them, as well as they will come back to do their trading even with in increased numbers.

This situation doesn't appear to improve, though gets worse day by day. We subject a efficacy as well as potency of a authorities.The departments should be obliged for these, have been a Royal Custom, Police, Immigration, as well as DBKK.

What stairs should they be receiving to residence as well as prevent a problem from getting worst, or only leave it to be similar to this hoping it will go away?We can no longer tolerate this sort of bootleg activities happening each day under our noise.
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EXPOSED.... Edward, Andrew Lee as well as Noriah Onong display the screws upon the plinths.

THE PEDESTRIANS in Sembulan shops told the Sabah DAP leaders there have been some dangerous screws adhering out as well as left upon the cement from the write booths that were taken away.

They pronounced these screws will caused risk to the pedestrians when they have been upon foot pass but noticing them. They competence outing over as well as get hurt. It is especially so if it is in the dark night. They wanted these screws to be removed immediately.
On inspection, the DAP leaders Edward Ewol Mujie, Andrew Lee Chee Kiong as well as Noriah Onong found that the screws adhering out upon the old petrify plinths of the write booths that were dismantled have been very long as well as can caused people to outing over if not careful.

They pronounced the write association should be some-more clever as well as considerate, as well as should come rught away to mislay the petrify plinths as well as the screws. The total cement contingency be backed to the turn surface with the cement as well as walkway.

DBKK being in charge of the city should take stern movement towards this make the difference as well as do not leave these screws there until someone is hurt. We cannot means the mishap to happen. There have been most other similar sight in the city as well as DBKK should be some-more aware as well as has to "level as well as iron out" all these little obstacles that compe! tence ca used risk to people.
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SPR & Megat Junid arah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara bagi IC kepada pendatang2 haram supaya mereka boleh mengundi dan menangkan calon2 BN...

Seorang bekas pegawai Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) hari ini memberi keterangan berhubung dakwaan kerjasama pihak berkuasa untuk mengubah demografi pemilih Sabah pada tahun 1990-an.Mohd Nasir Sugip ketika memberi keterangan kepada Suruhanjaya Diraja (RCI) mengenai masalah imigrasi Sabah hari ini mendakwa jabatannya pernah menerima arahan daripada Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) negeri untuk memberi kad pengenalan kepada pendatang asing untuk membolehkan golongan itu mengundi.Mohd Nasir ... Read More


Kepada semua kawan2 saya yg berbangsa India. Maafkan saya jika komen saya membuat anda semua tidak selesa. Saya telah meminta maaf pada hari yg saya berhujah dan saya juga telah jelaskan perkara yg sebenar. Dalam komen saya itu saya tidak pernah suruh Bawani balik tapi saya ada suruh dia pergi ke India belajar di sana kalau nak percuma dan mengenai perkara JAMBAN pula kita kena akui semasa awal ke...See More

Just a couple of minutes ago, she RETRACTED her ridiculous statements as well as is asking forgiveness!!!!

BEFORE they even decide to contend anything...they should have suspicion about a implications!!!!

Photo: Mentaliti Ahli2 UMNO....  Pengundi2 dari Kaum India...Masihkah kamu mahu   mengundi UMNO???  Wah!dah popular ko yer YT...terjumpa gambar ni dlm blog pro PR...Meh...Sy tolong POPULAR kan Kamu YT kat FB plak..hehehehe

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Go to India, Umno woman tells Bawani

Norhayati Saiddin claims which Indians are perfectionist as well most even though they did not know a existence of toilets while vital in a estates.
PETALING JAYA: The critical comments of a Wanita Umno member regarding law tyro KS Bawani is causing a stir.
In her Facebook posting, Norhayati Saiddin wrote: "Deii Bawani.. kalau mau pendidikan percuma tanggechi pergi ler belajar sana India we mother land.. sana tanggechi boleh dapat pree ammakk!!" (Bawani if we wish giveaway education, go as well as investigate in India, your motherland. There we can get free)
"Untung lorrr dulu India banyak duduk estet itu jamban pun lu orang tarak tau sekarang India org banyak mahu sebab itu BN ada perintah ini negeri." (It's a privilege.. before Indians often lived in estates. They didn't even know toilets. Now Indians have a lot of final which is because BN rules this country.)
Norhayati's Facebook additionally had a photograph of her posing with three alternative Wanita Umno members at a function.
Some people who found her comments descent took a screen capture of a matter as well as Facebook as well as tagged her to a photo.
One Facebook user Tajol Ariffin Omar questioned a need for Indians to opinion for Umno possibilities following such descent comments.
"It is Umno members'! mentali ty. Indian electorate do we still wish to opinion for Umno?" Tajol wrote as well as posted a photo which read: "Umno then, right away as well as forever racist"
The photo was additionally common in assorted Facebook group pages such as "1,000,000 Chinese don't wish MCA to paint a Chinese."
Bawani had turn an overnight sensation went a video of her being reprimanded by a pro-government NGO personality went viral upon a Internet.
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The Malaysian Insider to PAS: Are You For All or Exclusively for Muslims

January 16, 2013

The Malaysian Insider to PAS: Are You For All or Exclusively for Muslims



The doublespeak over a Arabic word "Allah" as well as Kedah's discipline for entertainment has put a spotlight on PAS's political truth as well as policies.

In a "Allah" issue, PAS has pronounced a tenure competence be used by all, even those who have been not Muslims, as there is only a single God. But it cannot be translated into or used in alternative religious texts apart from a Quran. How does a single reconcile this: That there is only Allah, though if we have been not Muslim, your God cannot be called "Allah" in a religious text?

As for Kedah, a PAS-led Pakatan Rakyat state government has right away back pedalled on restrictions for a Chinese New Year celebrations next month, though a damage is already done.

Yes, it is a predominantly-Malay state though there have been alternative races who applaud their own informative as well as religious festivities which competence engage adult group as well as women, not only youths.

PAS must assimilate which Malaysia is a multiracial nation as well as belongs to all not only a Muslims, as well as not only a Malays. That it has assimilated PKR as well as DAP shows it knows it needs a await of all to form a government.

After all, a Alliance as well as right away a Barisan Nasional have finished it for years, demonstrating which no a single competition or village can go it alone in Malaysia. Wasn't this single-minded insistence on doing things the own approach which unravelled a Barisan Alternatif a few years after a 1999 general election?

If PAS wants to insist on the way, contend so right away as well as Malays! ians can confirm how to treat Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, Mohamed Sabu as well as their cohorts in a polls.

It must confirm either it is a celebration for all Malaysians or only exclusively for Muslims. One cannot support to all Malaysians though have restrictions according to only a single view. Malaysia is for all, not only for a single community.

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MCA, Gerakan join in slamming of panellist

Two some-more BN political parties have assimilated a flourishing group of people hurling brickbats during tyro forum panellist Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin, who was captured upon video final month berating a Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) student.

NONEThe MCA as well as Gerakan Youth preparation bureaux came brazen currently to demonstrate their condemnation of Sharifah's (right) diagnosis of law tyro KS Bawani during a Dec 8 forum during UUM.

MCA Youth preparation business arch Chong Sin Woon pronounced Sharifah's "uncouth behaviour" towards Bawani was uncalled for.
Chong reminded Sharifahthat university students of currently are no longer "katak di bawah tempurung(ignorant)" as well as are means of land sound opinions of their own.

"On a contrary, university students are means to consider critically as well as hold clever opinions upon current issues. It is their right to hold a view as well as position upon what they believe in.

"Bawani showed bravery as well as did not interject in a face of verbal nuisance as well as condescension," he pronounced in a matter today.

Meanwhile, Gerakan Youth preparation business arch Thor Teong Gee called upon open universities to vet some-more entirely their choice of panellists before calling them to speak during forums as well as conferences.

If no befitting candidate could be found, Thor said, then a forum should not be held during all.
[More to follow]
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Halal lifts to avoid cross-contamination

The argumentative signboards, explains MAH, have been there as a surety measure.
PETALING JAYA: The argumentative signboards during a Crystal Crown Hotel here have been not meant to discriminate but were put up to safeguard which a discipline regarding to "non-halal" food have been adhered to, pronounced Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) head Reginald Pereira.
He pronounced which a steps were taken to avoid "incidental cross contamination" of food but clarified which no such incidents had happened to date.
According to Pereira, it was some-more of a surety measure.
"This is because Crystal Crown had to put up a signboardswhich usually serves to have sure which suppliers have been in a know," he added, referring to a signboards subsequent to elevators in a hotel which stated which usually "halal" products could be ecstatic in them.
Pereira pronounced hotels which still had valid halal certificates as well as were not up for renewal could still work based upon a Malaysian Islamic Development Department's (Jakim) prior standard handling procedure.
However, he pronounced which once these licenses expired, a hotels would have to imitate with a strict discipline set by Jakim in order to replenish their licenses.
"There is a sure set of regulations as well as mandate set by a eremite authorities based upon a Malaysian standard of halal certification," he told FMT.
He was referring to a supervision enlivening hotels to apply for or replenish their halal certification, usually if they complied with Jakim's guidelines.
"This total duplicate as well as renewal emanate for hotels which serve pig is under rev! iew thro ugh concentration organisation discussions as well as hopefully a solution will be met soon," he said.
He also explained which MAH as well as Jakim decided to explain a current procedures as well as to rationalise matters which MAH members must practice to attain their "halal" certification
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Satu kemaluan besar bagi PAS untuk flip flop

Selepas tertekan dengan isu kalimah Allah , PAS akhirnya akur dengan keputusan Majlis Syura Ulama .
Ramai yang hairan sebelum ini bagaimana Hadi selaku Presiden boleh setuju kalimah Allah digunakan penganut agama lain sebelum dipersetujui Majlis Syura PAS. Mat Sabu pun terpaksa tukar pendirian yang pasti mengecewakan adik kesayangannya Guan Eng yang menjadi dalang tercetusnya isu ini .



Kalau korang nak tahu cerita penuh, KLIK SINI

After Listen, listen, listen video, speaker loses paid gig

A screen capture shows Sharifah Zohra lecturing a student during a forum organised by SW1M.
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan sixteen Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin's tirade upon YouTube may have cost a controversial speaker a paid engagement, after organisers of an entrepreneurial convention scheduled for next week said today they are calling off a eventuality over security concerns.
The romantic who is seen as pro-Barisan Nasional had sparked a firestorm this week after a varsity video exposing her written attack upon a student went viral, leading Internet users to dub her a "'Listen, listen, listen' woman" over her steady make use of of a word whilst interrupting a student.
"The cabinet discussed a pros as well as cons, as well as motionless which it would be most appropriate to terminate it," organiser Lina Ahmad was reported saying by The Star Online.
The military had advised a organiser to call off a speak following headlines of a planned open criticism opposite Sharifah Zohra upon which day, a headlines portal reported Lina adding.
Sharifah Zohra was set to crop up upon Jan twenty-six at a DoubleTree Hotel, partial of a Hilton group, in a inhabitant collateral for a speak titled, "How to make your initial million" with two other speakers, retired diplomat Datuk Pahamin A. Rajab as well as Zafri Zakaria Merican, which charged participants RM200 per person.
A former member of a Indian Muslim Congress of Malaysia (KIMMA), Sharifah Zohra had been blackmailed over a now-viral video showing her bullying a Universiti Utara Malaysia student as well as has now gone into hiding to safeguard her reserve as well as which of her children, a deputy of a little-known organization Suara Wanita 1 Malaysia (SW1M) had told The Malaysian Insider yesterday.
The spokesman, who wanted to be known only as Emalee, i! s also a arch director of a SW1M Facebook page.
"I ask her to go somewhere safe because she has children. Someone try to extort her, this emanate has turn quite serious," said a SW1M autarchic council member, who uses a moniker "Ratu Naga" upon a NGO's fanpage.
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Crime watchdog alleges statistics manipulation

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 16 Crime watchdog MyWatch pronounced currently which it had explanation which a crime rate had left up last year, as well as furnished what it pronounced was central military interpretation to back up a claims which a inhabitant crime census data had been manipulated.
"All these census data have never been revealed to (the) public as well as were not referred to in any crime index dump which was since by PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) or Home Affairs Ministry," MyWatch authority R. Sri Sanjeevan pronounced during a press discussion here.
He pronounced which a altogether vehicle burglary had in a July-September duration in 2012 risen by 3.5 per cent, or 624 cases, in more aged with a same duration in 2011.
He also pronounced which serious crimes such as criminal intimidation, kidnapping, extortion as well as causing disgusting hurt have been classified as non-index crimes, which have been not included in a inhabitant crime statistics.
The military divide crime in to two categories, index as well as non-index with a former defined as crime which is reported with sufficient rule as well as significance to be a suggestive indicator of a crime situation, while a latter is considered as teenager in nature.
Sanjeevan gave a police's calculations of a percentage increase of serious crimes for sure states by comparing a January-June duration in 2011 as well as 2012.
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