Melaka Dah Jadi "Darul Pondan"?

KLIK IMEJMengikut laporan THE STAR 4 October 2011 di atas, pondan2 di Melaka sedang menghadapi masaalah untuk menjalankan "perniagaan" mereka di Taman Melaka Raya.Ini kerana pondan-pondan dari luar negeri sedang menjajah tempat biasa itu dan menyebabkan pondan2 tempatan terpaksa lari ke tempat lain.Kebanjiran pondan dari luar negeri ini sangat2 tidak disukai oleh pondan-pondan tempatan. Namun, pondan2 ini dilindungi serta bilangan mereka terlampau ramai.Akhirnya, pondan2 tempatan terpaksa mengak ... Read More

Proselytizing the Halloween way...

Let's face it, there have been people who go around scaring people in to submission. It's a subtler form of coercion, if you consider about it. But is this practice based upon scriptural recommendations, or a vivid aptitude of those who practice it?

In this article, Zan Azlee offers his opinion...

Scaring people in to submission

Another popular story is of an aged woman (or man, as a stories do vary) who is during her deathbed surrounded by friends as well as family.

She is about to die though seems to be struggling as well as in tremendous discomfort. The story continues to explain which this goes upon for weeks.

Then it is detected which she had led a sinful hold up as well as used to (insert dreaded impiety of your choice) as well as she is now being punished for it.

They had to do special prayers to ask for redemption as well as only afterwards did a aged woman die, as well as in to a subsequent hold up where sh! e will p resumably be punished again.

Recently, stories similar to these have been creation its rounds upon FaceBook as well as as spam emails as well as a senders regularly make comments similar to "repent now!" or "fear Allah!".

After celebration of a mass one too many of these stories at your convenience I record upon to FaceBook, it's actually creation me want to repent of all my sins NOT!

I consternation if it's desperation which Muslims have been perplexing to preach to other associate Muslims to repent as well as lapse to a right path.

How low do you have to be when you feel a only approach to lift somebody behind to Islam is by scaring them witless?

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See this Amp during

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

MCA and hudud: Part 2

Stanley Koh | October 20, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

In 2001, when Dr Mahathir spoken Malaysia an Islamic state, MCA president Dr Ling Liong Sik pronounced he as well as alternative non-Muslim leaders upheld a budding minister's position


What is a role of religions in politics? Is Islam compatible with democracy? How do you deal with a conflicts in between a inherent supplies for fundamental liberties as well as equivalence with eremite laws as well as policies which might violate them?

Should a state legislate upon morality? Is it a avocation of a state to bring about a some-more moral society?

Can there be a singular truth as well as a singular last understand of Islam which contingency be legislated as well as govern a lives of each Muslim citizen of a country?

These were some of a questions lifted in 2001 during a MCA-organised forum attended by Dr Hamid Othman of a Prime Minister's Department, Shad Saleem Faruqi of Universiti Teknologi Mara, Zainah Anwar of Sisters in Islam as well as member of a Inter-Religious Council of Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism as well as Buddhism.

The forum came in a midst of public disquiet over afterwards budding apportion Dr Mahathir Mohamad's declaration, in September 2001, which Malaysia was an Islamic state. Many Malaysians were confused as well as quite a series were in fear which a republic would in a future be run similar to a Taliban state.

Hamid, whose job was to advise a PM's Department upon eremite matters, pronounced he did not have answers to a questions raised.

"I would similar to a dialogue to begin upon these really critical issues," he said. "This dialogue as well as plead have begun, quite in Muslim countries similar to Iran as well as Indonesia. And a search for answers as well as solutions cannot be a disdainful safety of a ulamas.

"All c itizens have a right to rivet in this dialogue as well as in this plead because zero less than a future of this republic is during stake. The peace, political fortitude as well as prosperity, a jubilee of our rich, multiracial as well as multireligious birthright which you have enjoyed, contingency be a birthright which you leave to our children."

Why did Mahathir have a surprising declaration? Veteran political observers interpreted it as purely as well as simply a pierce to outdo PAS in a foe for Malay voting support. They pronounced Mahathir had no alternative considerations detached from a political. Some interpreted it as a desperate political stratagem occasioned by increasing await for PAS as which party pushed a own brand of Islamic Malaysia, a singular which would embody hudud punishments underneath Islamic law.

MCA's stand

BN's vital member parties, quite MCA, were caught in a bind. To a credit, MCA organised a forum upon short notice to seek construction as well as answers to end a difficulty as well as fears.

What was a MCA president's own response to Mahathir's declaration? Dr Ling Liong Sik claimed which many non-Muslim leaders upheld a budding minister's position. The following were a expect difference he used during a forum, as available upon tape:

"Can we contend my personal indicate of view? Now via a world, there's conflict, struggle, war in between a moderates as well as a extremists. In any society, sometimes even inside of a eremite societyyou name themfundamentalists, some moderates, some of them reasonables.

"Now in Malaysia, we, in BN, are taking a moderate-centre stand. We try to plead all in between races. That is why you have invited eremite councils to give your views. Now you know, you know, a wearing away of Malay await is serious.

"It is serious. And in Selangor, prior election, let us contend in Shah Alam, won by 41,000 votes. Last choosing (1999), dropped to 2,400 votes. In Gombak, prior choosing won by 30! ,000-ove r votes, though last election, kalah 800 votes.

"This is a wearing away of Malay support. And it is starting a alternative way to a nonconformist call. The hudud laws, Islamic state, this as well as that, right away non-Malay taking a middle road.

"Are you starting to await a moderates? Because even if withdrawing support, being silent, is ancillary a nonconformist line."

Ling elaborated which ancillary Mahathir's stipulation was merely a proof of await for moderates.

"Now, if Dr Mahathir pronounced you are starting to change a constitution as well as have this a theocratic state, we think it will be completely different.

"This is a constitution drawn up by our forefathers as well as everyone concluded to it. And it is a autarchic law of a land. And it should not be changed. And which is what he said.

"By definition, you can right away call ourselves an Islamic state. we am not observant Dr Mahathir's observant is right though he has great reason in perplexing to stem a erosion."

Only a duty

Hamid gave his understand of what Islam expects of Muslims who reason political power.

"Islam recognizes any values not contradicting to Islamic teachings," he said.

"The doing of hudud laws is only a duty, as well as not a pillar of Islam.

"If PAS refers to books upon Islamic jurisprudence, PAS will contend a same things as Umno. If PAS says which hudud is a pillar of Islam, they cannot surprise Islamic scholars.

"The governance as well as administration of Malaysia is run in suitability to Islamic teachings, particularly, in a expulsion of poverty, or some-more correctly, hunger. Secondly, expulsion of disturbances, definition efforts to say assent as well as harmony for a country. From a really beginning, a Alliance, as well as after Barisan Nasional (BN), was run to grasp these objectives. It has been a objective of a government.

"You can call it an Islamic objective or secular. Islam accepts (what is) secular, though not s! ecularis m.

"Secular in Islam equates to in this life, essay for betterment, upon condition which services for a wellbeing as well as gratification of associate men whilst carrying out your duties as well as responsibilities.

"Islam cannot accept secularism, which equates to which there is no hold up after death. Secularism equates to there is no punishment after genocide as well as this runs discordant to Islamic teachings."

Neither Islamic nor secular

Shad concluded which there is no a singular model of an Islamic state, just as there is no such thing as a singular model for communism, socialism, capitalism or secularism. "It is a matter of semantics," he said.

He pronounced a Reid Commission did "a great job" of drafting a "detailed inherent document" for Malaysia, though he remarkable a "significant omission" in which a constitution does not have a preamble.

"Maybe it was a deliberate move," he said. "Most inherent papers have a preliminary saying a republic supports possibly secularism, socialism or social mercantile justice. Our constitution lacks a preamble. Neither a word 'secular' nor 'Islamic' appears anywhere.

"Article 4(1) states which a created constitution is a autarchic law of a federation. Though Islam is a sacrament of a federation, it is not a simple law of a land. And Article 3 (on Islam) imposes no boundary upon a energy of Parliament to legislate.

"Islamic law is not as well as never was a general law of a land, possibly during a federal or state level. In such fields as criminal law, Islamic law has really small relevance. Thus, a hudud corruption of zina (fornication) cannot be punishable in Malaysia underneath syariah law. Article 160(2) of a constitution, which defines law, does not embody syariah as partial of a definition of law.

"All in all, it can be pronounced which Malaysia is conjunction a bone-fide Islamic state nor wholly secular. On a a singular hand, it maintains Islam as a state sacrament as well ! as is de eply committed to a graduation of sacrament in a hold up of Muslims. On a other, it places a Yang di-Pertuan Agong as well as a state sultans as heads of a eremite hierarchy as well as adopts a supremacy of a constitution as a simple order of a authorised system."

According to a professor, a authorised complement is "mixed". "It avoids a extremes of American character secularism or Saudi, Iranian as well as Taliban sort of eremite carry out of all aspects of life. It mirrors a abounding farrago as well as pluralism of a population. It prefers pragmatism over ideological purity, mediation over extremism. It walks a middle path.

"Islam provides a simple norms for Malay society as well as culture. In perspective of a actuality which Muslims constitute a majority of a population, as well as Islamisation is being energetically enforced, Malaysia can indeed be described as an Islamic or Muslim country."

To be continued in Part 3

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Lim Kit Siang

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Himpunan membumikan kasih sayang untuk kepentingan sejagat Aziz Jamaluddin Mhd Tahir

Himpunan membumikan kasih sayang untuk kepentingan sejagat Aziz Jamaluddin Mhd Tahir

21 OKT Perhimpunan Sejuta Umat yang bakal berlangsung pada twenty-two Oktober di Stadium Shah Alam nanti bakal menjadi kekuatan perhubungan antara manusia.

Ini kerana ia diasaskan kepada kehendak untuk melihat setiap orang dapat hidup dalam situasi aman, harmoni dan sejahtera tanpa ada prasangka serta pergeseran berasaskan kepentingan tertentu.

Lebih penting dan diharapkan himpunan ini bukan sekadar laungan atau aphorism "menyelamatkan akidah ummah" tetapi lebih praktikal lagi bagaimana memikirkan cara-cara pengukuhannya nanti.

Ini kerana banyak lagi unsur-unsur lain yang perlu diketengahkan sebagai alat-alat pengukuhan akidah. Maknanya di samping kita menslogankan akidah, tidak patut pula diabaikan ajaran yang penting yang sering diistilahkan sebagai ibadah. Bahkan ibadah atau ilmu itu sendiri memainkan peranan penting bagi pengukuhkan akidah.

Meskipun pada peringkat awal sebuah parti pembangkang telah memberikan pendirian bahawa penyertaannya adalah tertakluk sejauh manakah ada jaminan bahawa perhimpunan itu tidak mempunyai design politik.

Kebarangkalian tetap berlaku kerana prasyarat yang diletakkan oleh parti berkenaan juga boleh dilihat mempunyai niat politik yang berselindung kerana takutkan kredibilitinya tercabar oleh kerana sudah ada penilaian mengenai kegagalannya menangani isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan Islam.

Hendak diikutkan matlamat perjuangannya ia bakal kehilangan dokongan pihak lain manakala membiarkan perhimpunan itu berjalan tanpa penglibatannya, ia akan berhadapan dengan situasi resah dan gelisah.

Bagaimanapun, pujian harus diberikan kepada salah satu sayapnya kerana awal-awal lagi telah menunjukkan pendirian mereka yang penuh bersemangat dan berwibawa mengambil pendekatan menyokong perhimpunan itu serta berjanji untuk sentiasa bersama dalam meneruskan cita-cita perjuangan Islam bagi mempertahankan akidah di bumi bertuah ini.

M ereka menyedari bahawa himpunan hasil gabungan mencecah 1,000 NGO Muslim yang julung kali dianjurkan ini, bakal menyatukan pelbagai lapisan umat Islam di negara tercinta ini. Bukan untuk memecah belahkan seperti mana yang dilaungkan oleh induknya yang terpaksa menikus apabila berhadapan dengan isu Islam dan sekadar mempergunakan ayat al-Quran dan menampalkan peristiwa sejarah silam untuk memperteguhkan kuasa politiknya sahaja.

Sebenarnya, nilai keislaman itu terletak kepada kesungguhan seseorang untuk menzahirkan niat baiknya, dan bukan hanya menterjemahkan firman Allah SWT tetapi tidak melakukannya. Islam bukanlah suatu agama yang menganjurkan permusuhan, persengketaan, ketegangan dan perpecahan kerana sebagai cara hidup, Islam itu adalah agama yang berasaskan kasih sayang, kemesraan dan hidup berhemah.

Perhimpunan tersebut sebenarnya menjadi petunjuk bahawa lebih ramai rakyat mahukan gelora yang diakibatkan oleh pautan politik akan terurai dan dapat dibenamkan kerana yang lebih diberikan keutamaan ialah kehidupan yang aman dan tenteram, tidak disebabkan oleh perbezaan pegangan agama.

Dalam tragedi banjir besar di China, rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira perbezaan politik menubuhkan tabung bencana bagi meringankan beban mangsa. Ini membuktikan bahawa rakyat Malaysia berupaya melupakan sengketa politik demi kemanusiaan dan sifat kasih sayang itu adalah selaras dengan gesaan Islam.

Sebagai agama majoriti penduduk Malaysia, setiap daripada umat Islam sanggup menghulurkan derma sekadar yang termampu manakala yang lain turut mengumpul pakaian, bahan makanan dan ubat-ubatan. Nilai kasih sayang itu adalah sesuatu yang amat menyeluruh dan kerana itu Malaysia terus dilihat sebagai sebuah negara yang amat serius membumikan semangat kasih sayang.

Sewaktu cuba meringankan beban mangsa malapetaka ada sindiran bahawa itu adalah bersifat politik. Maka, keengganan sebuah parti pembangkang itu juga boleh dilihat bersifat politik, kerana bimbangkan bahawa penglibatannya nanti ditafsirkan se! bagai sa tu percubaan mengalah dan meruntuhkan kredibilitinya sendiri.

Pendirian itu sebenarnya sudah memberikan gambaran bahawa kejelasan maksud telah dipolitikkan sehingga menjadi satu pilihan yang juga bersifat politik. Seharusnya parti itu sedar bahawa politik tidak akan selama-lamanya boleh dijadikan senjata untuk menolak dan menepis sebarang bentuk bantuan kemanusiaan.

Prinsip Islam amat jelas, yang gagah membantu yang lemah. Mereka yang senang membantu mereka yang lemah. Mereka yang tersasar dari landasan perlu dikembalikan ke pangkal jalan manakala yang kehilangan arah di pandu agar segera memperoleh peluang menemui jalan pulang. Inilah makna membumikan kasih sayang, kerana naluri itu adalah nilai kesejagatan yang pale luhur dalam kehidupan manusia yang boleh berfikir, menilai dan menentukan arah sesuai dengan fitrahnya.

Kerana itulah ada di antara kita boleh menerima, setiap bencana yang menimpa sebenarnya satu kaedah Allah SWT menguji kekuatan syahadah yang kita lafazkan setiap ketika. Setiap kejadian buruk adalah ujian yang sengaja dilakukan oleh Allah SWT untuk menguji kecairan iman dan kekentalan jiwa kita.

Bahagialah mereka yang menjadikan kasih sayang sebagai teras dan budaya hidup seharian tanpa mengharapkan keuntungan peribadi. Beruntunglah mereka yang boleh membumikan kasih sayang untuk kepentingan manusia sejagat dan bukannya atas kemahuan politik semata-mata. Utusan Malaysia

* Datuk Aziz Jamaludin Mhd Tahir adalah Yang Dipertua Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim).

* This is a personal opinion of a writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not validate a view unless specified.

The Malaysian Insider :: Side Views

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

PAS,Perjuangkan Islam pun kena minta lesen DAP dan PKR?

Keenganan PAS menyertai perhimpunan sejuta umat bagi menunjukkan bantahan kepada cubaan untuk memurtadkan umat Islam sekadar menyerlahkan hakikat yang selama ini cuba disembunyikan daripada pandangan masyarakat umum bahawa sememangnya PAS sebuah parti yang bertuhankan politik. Ya, pakaian mereka ala Nabi, janggut mereka ala Nabi, ana ente sana sini, tapi tuhan yang mereka

Anya Corke: I dont know Guan Engs son

Mahathir's Bros - Gaddafi & Saddam Executed. When Is Mamak's Turn ? ?

Question: When Will Mamak Be Executed ?

VIDEO : Gaddafi killed

Al Jazeera has acquired exclusive footage of the physique of Muammar Gaddafi after he was killed in his hometown, Sirte.

Abdul Hafiz Ghoga, clamp authority of Libya's National Transitional Council, reliable that the ousted personality had been killed upon October 20, 2011 nearby Sirte.

"We announce to the universe that Muammar Gaddafi has been killed during the hands of the revolutionaries," Ghoga told the headlines discussion in Benghazi.

The headlines came prior to prolonged after the NTC prisoner Sirte after weeks of fighting.

Rakaman video tangkapan Muamar Gaddafi sebelum dibunuh pemberontak

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Gaddafi dead: Hillary Clinton reacts as she finds out headlines upon BlackBerry

  • Gaddafi attempted to rush in the procession strike by American drone
  • Vehicles were additionally shelled by Nato warrior jets...
  • ... prior to being driven back to his devalue in Sirte
  • Gaddafi in final attempt to rush prior to final pull by rebels
  • 'Found in the hole' wearing military-style clothing, cheering 'Don't shoot'
  • Rebel forces executed him in front of the baying mob
  • His physique was paraded by the streets of the city
  • Gaddafi's eldest son Saif shot in leg - with some reports saying he is dead
  • Reports say Gaddafi will be since tip burial

Gaddafi dead: Dictator begged for his hold up prior to being summarily executed

Wounded, enervated as well as covered in red blood as well as dirt, the bedraggled depressed dictator was hauled from the lorry to meet his unmannerly end.

In front of the baying host as well as amid gun-waving pell-mell scenes, Muammar Gaddafi, the former! Libyan leader, begged the insubordinate soldiers for his life.

Becoming increasingly desperate, he asked the single insurgent fighter: 'What did I ever do to you?'
But his pleas fell upon deaf ears.

The deposed despot was thrown onto another lorry as well as taken away - to be mercilessly shot to death.

His spilt red blood heralded the finish of the distressing 42-year date in Libyan history.

Scroll down for video of Gaddafi's final minutes...

Pleading: Muammar Gaddafi was killed today

Pleading: Muammar Gaddafi pleaded with his captors for his hold up after he was found cowering in the charge drain

Paraded: Gaddafi struggled with his captors in this video footage taken by insurgent fighters after he was captured

Terrified: Gaddafi pleaded for his hold up after he was prisoner by insurgent fighters

Terrified: Gaddafi pleaded for his hold up after he was prisoner by insurgent fighters

Fear: Becoming increasingly desperate, Gaddafi asked the insurgent warrior 'What did I ever do to you'

Chaotic: Gaddafi was pushed around by insurgent fighters, the single of whom filmed the situation upon the mobile telephone

Chaotic: Gaddafi was pushed around by insurgent fighters, the single of whom filmed the situation upon the mobile telephone

These hideous pictures are taken from the video that has emerged of the tyrant's final moments after he was prisoner progressing today.

After weeks of conjecture as to his whereabouts, Gaddafi was in the future tracked down as well as! killed in Sirte, his final building as well as the locale of his birth.

Like Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi's final hiding place was no some-more than the hole in the ground, the charge empty nearby to where his final few loyalists had staged their final stand

As headlines of his genocide swept by the nation as well as opposite the world, full of blood images of the 69-year-old tyrant slumped opposite the legs of the insubordinate warrior emerged.

Struggle: Video footage shows Gaddafi being hauled off the insurgent warrior lorry mins after his capture

Struggle: Video footage shows Gaddafi being hauled off the insurgent warrior lorry mins after his capture

Manhandled: Rebel fighters graphic being taken off the lorry prior to prolonged after he was detained

Arguing: Gaddafi graphic mins prior to he was killed

Arguing: Gaddafi graphic in pell-mell video footage mins prior to he was killed

Watch the footage of Gaddafi's final mins in this video:

'We have been waiting for this impulse for the prolonged time,' pronounced Jibril. 'Muammar Gaddafi has been killed'

The headlines was additionally welcomed by David Cameron who pronounced he was 'proud' of the role Britain had played in safeguarding Libyan civilians.

Gaddafi is the initial personality to be killed in the Arab Spring wave of popular uprisings that swept the Middle East. It is believed he will be since the tip burial.

Brutal: There had been fierce fighting around the empty prior to Gaddafi was in the future killed. The physique of the warrior can be seen in the dirt du!  ring the  centre of the screen

Brutal: There had been fierce fighting around the empty prior to Gaddafi was in the future killed. The physique of the warrior can be seen in the dirt during the centre of the screen

Already the monument: As celebrations continued, some-more as well as some-more wall scrawl appeared during the entrance to the empty where the personality was in the future found

Already the monument: As celebrations continued, some-more as well as some-more wall scrawl appeared during the entrance to the empty where the personality was in the future found

Battleground: Bodies of suspected Gaddafi loyalists lie outside the charge drains their personality was captured

Battleground: Bodies of suspected Gaddafi loyalists lie outside the charge drains their personality was captured

Headshot: The physique of former Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi lies in an ambulance as it is brought to hospital in Misrata, the bullet hole manifest in his temple

Headshot: The physique of former Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi lies in an ambulance as it is brought to hospital in Misrata, the bullet hole manifest in his temple

The insubordinate offensive began around 8am local time as well as progressed quickly in to the locale centre.

Gaddafi had been barricaded in with his heavily armed loyalists in the final few buildings they held west of the executive Green Square.

Nato airstrikes as well as insubordinate belligerent forces concentrated upon the devalue in that area of the town.

National Transitional Council ! (NTC) so ldiers pronounced that the procession of during slightest five vehicles attempted to leave the locale in the early morning, though it came under sustained fire - initial from the Hellfire barb as well as afterwards from French fighters jets that were partial of the Nato force.

The vehicles were forced to lapse to the loyalist-controlled area as battle continued.

Gaddaffi, already injured, was found the reduced time after in the large storm-water drain.

Fighter Mohammed Al Bibi told reporters that the toppled tyrant had pleaded 'Don't shoot, do not shoot' as he attempted to surrender.

He had been bleeding in the legs.

NTC central Abdel Majid Mlegta said: 'He [Gaddafi] was additionally strike in his head.

'There was the lot of banishment against his organisation as well as he died.'

Mobile phone footage, expelled prior to prolonged after the headlines of his capture broke, showed the bloodied Gaddafi being manhandled.

Al Jazeera additionally showed footage of what appeared to be Gaddafi's shirtless as well as lifeless physique being dragged along the ground.

The physique was afterwards taken to the nearby city of Misrata, that Gaddafi's forces were besieged for months in the single of the bloodiest fronts of the polite war.

Al-Arabiya TV showed footage of Gaddafi's bloodied physique carried upon the tip of the car surrounded by the large throng chanting: 'The red blood of the martyrs will not go in vain.'

Read some-more Here

Gaddafi dead: Hillary Clinton reacts as she finds out headlines upon BlackBerry
Libya trip: Hillary Clinton acted with Libyan soldiers after she paid the embattled nation the warn revisit dual days ago

Libya trip: Hillary C! linton a cted with Libyan soldiers after she paid the embattled nation the warn revisit dual days ago

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Demo Kedai 1Malaysia : DAP Tak Mahu Rakyat Beli Barang Murah?

Puak-puak DAP yang disokong oleh PAS dan PKR akan mengadakan satu demonstrasi di hadapan Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia Pantai Dalam, jam 10 pagi esok (hari ini) . Mereka akan mengumpul seramai mungkin penyokong untuk melakukan demonstrasi menentang Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia. Alasan yang digunakan ialah barang-barang di Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia adalah barang yang tidak berkualiti. Nampak

Intellectual apostasy by Azly Rahman

Intellectual apostasy
by Azly Rahman

News had it that in an islamic university
they devise to kick out the professor of law as well as inherent legality
... who spoke up opposite interference of the monarchy
they suspended him as well as the nation is right away in jeopardy
what an un-islamic action i am beginning to see
achieved by an islamic university
today i asked this question most moments aplenty
is it islam? -- or is this domestic idiocy?
that has crept into the corridors of what could have been plato's academies
what value is having an islamic university
when the action itself is non-halal laced with hypocrisy
what faith would the single have in islam as practiced by hypocrites aplenty
when even an islamic university is advancing egghead decadency
ahhh ... i wonder what version of islam must the single hold in
when all is right away so messy
disorderly disorderly disorderly .. like the lid of the pandora box of despondency as well as lunacy
let me retreat to the jungle as well as live like lao tzu as well as finally be happy
care to stick on me?
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Malaysian academicians and their pledge of loyalty

Academicians as well as a 'Akujanji'
by Azly Rahman
(written circa 2006)

A simple sentence/clause can obviously illustrate how these academicians have been being controlled as well as their intelligence subdued. It takes us to deconstruct a proviso as well as analyse what kind of 'truth' it embodies as well as how a 'truth-force' operates in a guidance environment, to assimilate how thought-control operates.

The proviso you am referring to is from a right away barbarous Surat Akujanji (Pledge of Loyalty) for 'government servants'. Let us scrutinise in to a genealogy of a prolongation of a clause, how it is used to dishonour a university, as well as how a academicians have been being silenced as well as stupefied by it.

The irony is which you have graduates from universities abroad who themselves were trained in a most appropriate as well as rigorous sourroundings of guidance which protects egghead freedom.

We expect them to consolidate a ethos of a committed egghead who will translate great expressions of leisure of practice, though instead, they have turn a brand new colonisers of a neo-colonialist state.

Let us right away compare, for example, what tutorial leisure equates to in America as well as in Malaysia. Let us afterwards suggest suggestions on how a Malaysian tutorial village can have a right to be intelligent.

Right to be smart

In a US, open school teachers, village college as well as university professors have all a guarantees of tutorial leisure as rights in their collective agreement with their particular institutions; rights which have been additionally enshrined to ensure which a students they teach will turn smart as well as sensitive citizens.

Academic Freedom clauses from a American Association of University Professors include

1) Teachers have been entitled to full leisure in investigate as well as in a announcement of a results, theme to a adequate opening of ! their al ternative tutorial duties; though investigate for financial lapse should be based on a! n unders tanding with a authorities of a institution.

2) Teachers have been entitled in a classroom in discussing their subject, though they should be careful not to introduce in to their teaching argumentative matter which has no relation to their subject. Limitations of tutorial leisure since of eremite or alternative aims of a institutions should be obviously settled in writing during a time of a appointment.

3) College as well as university teachers have been citizens, members of a learned profession, as well as officers of an tutorial institution. When they speak or write as citizens, they should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, though their special in front of in a village imposes special obligations. As scholars as well as tutorial officers, they should recollect which a open might judge their contention as well as their establishment by their utterances. Hence they should during all times be accurate, should practice appropriate restraint, should uncover apply oneself for a opinions of others, as well as should have every effort to indicate which they have been not vocalization for a institution.

Another e.g. comes from a reknown investigate university, Columbia University, in New York:

'The University is committed to progressing a climate of tutorial freedom, in which officers of instruction as well as investigate have been given a widest probable embodiment in their teaching as well as scholarship. However, a freedoms traditionally accorded those officers lift analogous responsibilities. By usurpation appointments during a University, officers of instruction as well as investigate assume sundry obligations as well as duties.'

Clarifying which commitment, it states:

'Academic leisure implies which all officers of instruction have been entitled to leisure in a classroom in discussing their subjects; which they have been e! ntitled to leisure in investigate as well as in a announcement of a results; as well as which they might not be penalised by a University for expressions of perspective or associations in their in isolation or civic capacity; b! ut they should bear in thoughts a special obligations outset from their in front of in a tutorial community.'

These statements of pledge have turn a cornerstone of a culture of 'free spirit of inquiry' enshrined in a meditative of American academicians as well as a single which emanated from a insurance of a elemental rights of a individual.

The Surat Akujanji is you do exactly a opposite. Consider a implications of a proviso (ix), in Bahasa Melayu as well as in English, from a document forced on a Malaysian egghead community:

bahawa saya antara lain:

(ix) tidak akan ingkar perintah atau berkelakuan dengan apa apa cara yang boleh ditafsirkan sebagai ingkar perintah (I shall not be dissident or control myself in such demeanour as is likely be construed as being insubordinate.)

Such a sweeping as well as generalised matter endangers expertise members in their pursuit of law through vicious inquiry. The proviso entails which a educational shall have no freedom, rights, as well as shortcoming in deciding a nature of 'truth' to be pursued. The thought of insubordination implies which a work of academicians will be subjected to a rigours defined by a prevailing ideology as well as those who have been in energy to levy such ideology.

In addition, a disproportion in between a Academic Freedom clauses as well as which in Surat Akujanji is clear; whilst a a single produced by American institutions inspire leisure as well as responsibility, a a single adopted by Malaysian universities take away such leisure as well as assures which even academicians have been innately irresponsible.

In alternative words, a American tutorial village sees a 'goodness as well as genius in a tellurian being' whilst a a single adopted by Mala! ysian un iversities see a 'evil as well as sub-standard intelligence of a tellurian being' as well as a need for a thoughts to be subdued, tamed, as well as domesticated. The latter is unquestionably reminiscent of colonial discourse.

Why should you perpetuate such a discourse ! between th e people of eccentric Malaysia?

Power-hungry leaders

We contingency assimilate which organisations have been done up of tellurian beings who have personal biases, grudges, as well as motivations which can be counter-productive to a growth of egghead convention of any university.

A personality of an organisation, even in a supposedly egghead sourroundings as in a university, can never explain neutrality in a way decisions have been made. Our purpose as intellectuals contingency be to furnish as most appropriate as you can, statements of guarantees which a nobleness of a university sourroundings contingency be preserved by all, as well as generally which rights of a expertise contingency be guarded opposite attempts by a leadership to mishandle them.

The phrase 'insubordinate likely to be construed as being insubordinate' is unequivocally problematic. In a hands of an autocratic personality who wishes to say his/her omnipotence over others, or to say control as well as energy over a powerless, or to say rule around Machiavellian tactics, a semantics of 'insubordination' can be a powerful instrument of oppression.

Ultimately, who defines what 'insubordination' equates to as well as what have been a dimensions? It is too subjective of a term to be used in such a supposedly-objective manner. It will be open to abuse. Academicians do not instruct to be oppressed nor abused generally in an tutorial environment.

Why can you not sense a virtue of egghead leisure as well as a elemental rights of a particular from nations such as a US? Must you not implement what is great from world-class practices?

Is not a purpose of education in Malaysia is to ! teach a students to turn intelligent, creative, vicious as well as open-minded? Do you not assimilate what a 'university' equates to as well as why you lecturers as well as professors have a moral obligation to assistance open minds as well as not close them shut? Do you unequivocally assimilate what a world-class university means?

What afterwards contingency a Malaysian educational do?
A cademicians need not be powerless entirely. In times like this which try their egghead sensibility, they might discover which they can no longer seek a assistance of a university to residence grievances - judging from a actuality which there is no provision for an educational to disagree for tutorial freedom, as well as which there is no mechanism to attend to such grievances fairly.

Clause (viii) of a Surat Akujanji guarantees which such a recourse cannot be taken. It states (in translation) which an officer " shall not move or attempt to move any form of outside change or pressure to support or allege (his/her) explain or which of alternative open officers relating to a open services "

One contingency be wakeful how deleterious a proviso can be to a interest of a aggrieved party. Should there be instances of abuse of power, corruption in all forms, attempts to mishandle a egghead foundations of Malaysia universities, or any form of reprobate practices, a proviso would ensure which a complainant would not be means to seek a assistance of some-more credible outside agencies/organisations/bodies/persons to finalise those issues.

How do academicians criminalised by a complement seek probity from a administration department department when they do not have conviction in a organisation's capability to be design as well as to assimilate what a rights of an tutorial might be - when in fact, there is no charter or covenant/compact to pledge such rights?

We contingency right away be concerned how a universities will, in future be seen in a eyes of a general tutorial vill! age with this proviso which illustrates a egghead problematique of this nation.

What afterwards contingency you do? We contingency have a universities nullify, revise or discard a Surat Akujanji.

We contingency direct which a university administration department department forms tutorial leisure committees so which parameters of leisure of expression can be constructed. The committees contingency furnish a matter of guarantees of tutorial leisure to be signe! d as well as ho noured by all.

We contingency inspire dissenting views from as most perspectives as possible, true to a growth of newer philosophies of multi-culturalism which is developing.

We contingency elect on-going university leaders in to office; ones which will promote a rights of academicians as well as students to be some-more smart as well as some-more rigorous in their thinking.

Malaysian academicians, stand up for your rights!

Do not allow those who abuse energy to trample on your hard-earned intellectualism. We have generations of beautiful young minds to educate. They have been waiting for academicians to regain their right to be treated intelligently.
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

The 3R program

The devise is: how do they have certain which a Malays will swing behind to Umno? They need to have certain which they get during slightest 60% or some-more of a Malay votes given they expect during slightest 80% or some-more of a Chinese votes to swing to a antithesis with might be 50% or so of a Indian votes. So they need a Malay votes to stay in power.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Those Malaysians as old as me will substantially remember a 3R p! rogram a nd a 3M team. 3M were Mahathir, Musa as good as Murad: a Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister as good as DG of Education. 3R was a module to focus upon reading, riting as good as rithmestic. Now you know given a module failed. Writing is 'w' as good as arithmentic is 'a'. So it should have been called a WAR module instead.

Anyway, a group has been set up to launch a brand new 3R program. The brains behind this module have been Dato Othman Razak, a Special Adviser to a Prime Minister, Dato Wan Ahmad of a Elections Commission, Dato Kamarudin Baria, Dato Tajuddin Wahab, Rahman Dahlan, Harun Che Su, Misri Barham as good as a few alternative sleaze balls.

But no, this group it is not to teach school children how to read, sermon as good as rithmetic. This brand new 3R module is Royalty, Religion as good as Race.

The devise is: how do they have certain which a Malays will swing behind to Umno? They need to have certain which they get during slightest 60% or some-more of a Malay votes given they expect during slightest 80% or some-more of a Chinese votes to swing to a antithesis with might be 50% or so of a Indian votes. So they need a Malay votes to stay in power.

So they launch a 3R module as good as have Malays as good as Chinese quarrel over royalty, competition as good as relig! ion. And this Saturday's 'one million male march' is usually a single of many things they have been doing. They lifted a hudud emanate as good as everybody jumped in to quarrel over a matter. They lifted a 'who is a favourite as good as who is a treacherous Communist' emanate and, again, everybody jumped in as good as proposed fighting. Then they raided a church as good as got a Sultan to have a matter given he is head of religion in a state.

They know which Malaysians have been unequivocally emotional as good as irrational. Malaysians additionally do not know how! to enga ge. They usually know how to curse, swear as good as insult. So all they need to do is to lift a single supportive emanate as good as sit behind as good as watch Malaysians quarrel any other.

The Muslims will start quoting verses from a Koran as good as a non-Muslims will scream, "Go fuck your Islam!" Christians will allude to what Jesus said as good as will allude to passages from a Bible. It is so easy to have Malaysians fight. It is like taking sweets from a baby.

So distant a devise is operative well. Just be celebration of a mass a comments in Malaysia Today alone have been enough to magnitude this success. Malays as good as non-Malays have been unequivocally hammering any alternative in the! name of Bangsa, Negara dan Agama.

Umno has come a long way given Najib Tun Razak took over as Prime Minister. People ask me given we admire Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad so much. Simple! Dr Mahathir is a master politician as good as we am seeing him fool around Malaysians as good as a antithesis for suckers any as good as each time, as good as win. It is fantastic how he can manipulate Malaysians as good as they not usually fall for it but additionally do not realize they have been suckers.

According to Umno, a non-Malay opinion is critical. Even Johor, which remained a citadel of Barisan Nasional in a 2008 ubiquitous election, is right away shaky. They estimated which about 60%! or some-more of a Chi! nese opi nion in Johor might swing to a opposition.

Umno additionally estimated which if in Sabah as good as Sarawak a antithesis engages in a one-to-one fight, Barisan Nasional is starting to remove quite a series of seats there. 20 parliament seats from a 57 is not unrealistic.

So they contingency have certain which there have been many three-corner or four-corner fights in East Malaysia. Then a antithesis will not be means to win even five seats. And they contingency have certain which a Malays spin pissed with a Chinese, as good as vice versa. Then a Malays will opinion for Umno. Only afterwards can Barisan Nasional be assured of forming th! e subsequent g overnment.

Actually, Najib as good as his group of advisers have been unequivocally clever. And we contingency say we take my hat off to them. They have been personification Pakatan Rakyat as good as Malaysians for suckers as good as it is operative during each turn. The 3R module appears to be a success.

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Cancel rally, say Indian NGOs

The anti-apostasy convene will stoke eremite as good as secular tensions, warns a bloc of more than 20 NGOs.

KUALA LUMPUR: A bloc of Indian-based NGO has urged a organisers of an anti-apostasy convene scheduled for Saturday to terminate a eventuality to equivocate eremite tension.

Angkatan Warga Aman Malaysia (WargaAMAN), that represents more than 20 NGOs, pronounced that a "Himpunan Sejuta Umat" might emanate an "uncomfortabe situation" among a various races as good as would not bode good for secular harmony.

Its secretary-general S Barathidasan pronounced a convene would additionally understanding a blow to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's 1Malaysia campaign.

"The convene is being exploited by sure parties to emanate a state of tension. We still do not assimilate what is a main role of a event," he added.

On Tuesday, a National Statistics Department reliable that for a final decade not even a singular Malay had been converted to alternative religions.

Commenting upon this, Barathidasan said: "So what is a indicate in having such a massive assembly?"

He additionally slammed a military as good as government for practicing stand in customary with courtesy to a distribution of permits.

The military had released a permit for a organisers to reason a convene at a Selangor stadium in Shah Alam.

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Zul Nordin buat Agama Baru

Hari ini Zul Nordin telah melalak dalam Parlimen dengan berkata:Katanya, perkataan kecuali dengan isteri itu jelas membawa maksud seseorang suami boleh memasukkan zakarnya ke dalam dubur isterinya kerana ia tidak dimaksudkan meliwat."Inilah hudud PAS. Ini bercanggah dengan Islam. Dalam Islam, jika seseorang lelaki itu memasukkan zakarnya ke dalam dubur seseorang tidak kira dengan sesiapapun termasuk dengan isteri sendiri, ia tetap liwat."Tetapi dalam hudud PAS, itu tak dikatakan liwat. Maknanya ... Read More

PPSMI turning into a major thorn in BNs side

Hawkeye With a 13th ubiquitous choosing looming, will Najibs administration have an about-turn on PPSMI, as well as would Pakatan speak with one voice on a issue? One emanate stays contentious for Barisan Nasional (BN) as it heads in to what pundits here hold to be a last leg of preparations for a 13th ubiquitous election. The emanate [...] Read More

UIA: Aziz Bari akan diminta beri penjelasan

KUALA LUMPUR, twenty Okt Lembaga Disiplin, Tatatertib dan Kakitangan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) akan memberi peluang kepada Profesor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari memberi penjelasan berhubung kenyataannya yang mempertikaikan titah Sultan Selangor Sultan Shafaruddin Idris Shah baru-baru ini. Menurut kenyataan Pejabat Perhubungan Awam UIA hari ... Read More

AIPMC statement on detainees swap between Malaysia and Myanmar

20 Oct 2011 AIPMC notes with critical regard recent developments of the Malaysian governments devise to implement the detainees exchange program with Myanmar. This devise will result around 1,000 people from Myanmar, incarcerated in Malaysia, deported from the country. There will be the possibility of persecution for those who have been sent behind to Myanmar. Those [...] ... Read More

Najib: Win-Win Situation to Resolve Maritime Border Dispute

MATARAM (LOMBOK), twenty OCTOBER, 2011: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak said which he and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono have since transparent instructions to finalise a maritime limit brawl in a South Sulawesi Sea. ... Read More

Himpun defends rally, says not anti-Christian

KUALA LUMPUR, October 20 The argumentative Himpunan Sejuta Umat (Himpun) rally this Saturday is not an anti-Christian campaign, Himpun Secretariat leaders insisted today. Dr Mohd Yusri Mohamed, a co-chairman of Himpun set up to defend Islam and reject dissenting view among Muslims told reporters that recent dissenting view cases necessitated a rally, ... Read More

Indonesia benar amah ke Malaysia mulai 1 Disember

LOMBOK, twenty Okt Pembantu rumah Indonesia dibenarkan dihantar semula ke Malaysia mulai 1 Disember ini, sekali gus menamatkan moratorium lebih dua tahun untuk penghantaran tenaga kerja sektor informal ke Malaysia. Keputusan mengenai perkara itu dimumumkan pada sidang akhbar bersama oleh Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Perdana Menteri Datuk ... Read More

MOE: Year One students only to learn Maths, Science in BM

KUALA LUMPUR, October twenty Science as well as Mathematics can be taught in either English or Bahasa Malaysia in schools in 2012, solely for Year One classes, a preparation ministry clarified today.

Deputy Education Minister Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi told Dewan Rakyat which a subjects will be taught to one side in Bahasa Malaysia for a students starting propagandize in January, Bernama Online reported.

This he pronounced was a soothing alighting approach a ministry had by still allowing English as a middle to persist in many of primary preparation until a full reversal to Bahasa Malaysia is completed in stages.

However a deputy apportion did yield a disclaimer which a temporary twin language process will rest upon a ability of teachers as well as students.

He was replying to a subject from Che Uda Che Nik, a PAS MP from Sik.

In a apart subject upon transforming vocational preparation in a National Human Capital Development, Dr Puad (picture) pronounced which a government is aiming for some-more energetic vocational preparation to compare a learned manpower final of industries.

He pronounced which a Basic Vocational Education programme will be implemented in fifteen delegate schools as well as vocational colleges.

The subject was raised by Barisan Nasional MP Datuk Mohd Nasir Ibrahim Fikri from Kuala Nerus.

Kenapa Kerajaan Penang Tak Mahu Sediakan Rumah Murah?

Membiarkan harga rumah melambung tinggi. Klik untuk besarkan imej. MyMassa lihat perkara ini sebagai agenda halus untuk menyingkirkan Orang Melayu dari negeri berpulau ini. Taktik yang sama digunakan oleh Lee Kuan Yew untuk membangunkan Singapura.Jika benar pakatan pembangkang pembela rakyat, mengapa dasar mereka tidak sama? Kenapa Kerajaan Selangor merancang untuk menyediakan rumah murah

Moratorium on maids likely to end on December 1

MATARAM, Indonesia, Oct twenty The duration upon Indonesian maids to Malaysia is set to be carried upon December 1, The Star newspaper reported. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono announced currently which a task force set up to weigh a implementation of a memorandum-of-understanding (MoU) upon domestic maids will present the inform by ... Read More

Tengku Adnan: Umno not behind Himpun

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct twenty Saturdays Himpun convene is not organized by Umno, pronounced Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor today.

He told Bernama Online at Parliament run which a event was an non-governmental organisations initiative.

Tengku Adnan (picture) pronounced which a little groups have been perplexing to politicise a event as well as creation accusations at Umno.

The Himpunan Sejuta Umat (Gathering of a Million Faithful), a entertainment to protest opposite Christians challenging a sovereignty of Islam, to be hold at Stadium Shah Alam has lifted tensions in a country, generally with claims which 250,000 persons have been converted out of Islam.

Umno information arch Datuk Ahmad Maslan meanwhile ignored a Umno factor in Himpun, though simplified which a party was not forbidding members from attending.

The scurrilous and vicious allegation against Penang chief minister Lim Guan Engs 16 year old son circulating on the internet requires a through police investigation

By Karpal Singh | DAP National Chairman as well as MP for Bukit Gelugor The smutty as well as vicious allegation against Penang chief apportion Lim Guan Engs sixteen year aged son circulating upon a internet requires a through police investigation. The swelling of lies upon a internet should be nibbed in a bud prior to it develops into a [...] ... Read More

Ahmad Sarbaini's Family Reiterates Their Demand for RCI

KUALA LUMPUR, twenty OCTOBER, 2011: Pakatan Rakyat currently demanded a supervision to form a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate what caused a genocide of Selangor Customs military officer Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamad whose physique was found during a premises of a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) office here in April. ... Read More

Bajet BN ketinggalan zaman, tak peduli aspirasi rakyat Liew Chin Tong

20 OKT Bajet Barisan Nasional 2012 dibentangkan oleh Datuk Seri Najib Razak selaku Menteri Kewangan pada 7 Oktober lalu boleh dikatakan berdasarkan pemikiran politik dan ekonomi yang usang tanpa mengambil ibarat daripada Revolusi Melur, iaitu kebangkitan rakyat Arab menentang pemerintahan zalim.

Tahun 2011 akan diingati oleh dunia pada masa depan sebagai satu titik perubahan sejarah yang sepenting tahun-tahun 1968 dan 1989.

Pada tahun 1968, kebangkitan anti-perang Vietnam membawa pemikiran baru terutamanya di kalangan kaum muda. Tahun 1989 pula menyaksikan kejatuhan blok komunis yang tidak disangka sama sekali.

Kesan politik global

Kita di Malaysia memulakan tahun 2011 tanpa menjangka apa yang akan berlaku di Tunisia, Mesir, Libya, Syria dan negara-negara lain di dunia Arab.

Kita juga tidak sangka kebangkitan pengundi di Singapura yang memilih pembangkang, kita buat-buat tidak dengar tentang protes anti-korupsi Anna Hazare di India, kita juga tidak mengendahkan protes dipimpin oleh Camila Villejo di Chile, dan sekarang sedang berlaku protes gerakan Tawan Wall Street.

Ada banyak persamaan di sebalik pergolakan-pergolakan yang disebutkan tadi. Apa yang kita saksikan adalah respon rakyat jelata sedunia terhadap globalisasi sejak kejatuhan blok komunis pada tahun 1989.

Dalam tempoh twenty tahun yang lalu, dunia menyaksikan mobiliti modal atau pelabur-pelabur sedangkan pada masa yang sama, buruh atau tenaga kerja mengalami situasi "race to a bottom" di mana gaji sebenar tidak ditingkatkan.

Kaum pekerja terpaksa akur dengan keadaan ketidaksaksamaan ini kerana kekuatan modal. Tetapi inflasi yang mengancam pendapatan boleh guna atau "disposable income", golongan miskin sedunia telah mendorong kebangkitan di Arab dan merata tempat.

Generasi muda sedunia yang begitu mahir dengan media sosial juga menggunakan saluran alternatif ini yang tidak dapat dikawal oleh kerajaan-kerajaan diktator yang menyangka mereka boleh mengongkong rakyat melalui k! awalan m edia massa.

Cabaran besar yang dihadapi oleh kerajaan-kerajaan seluruh dunia adalah bagaimana untuk mengimbangkan keadaan ketidakseimbangan kedudukan ekonomi ini, termasuk bagaimana untuk mengatasi masalah inflasi yang kian membebankan golongan berpendapatan rendah. Di Malaysia, masih dengan janji-janji usang

Malangnya, di Malaysia, selain daripada berjanji atau dengan memberikan "lip service", kepada golongan pendapatan isi ruman di bawah RM3 ribu sebulan dengan ganjaran "one-off" RM500, tiada dasar baru untuk mengatasi cabaran Revolusi Melur.

Sebaliknya, cadangan yang diberikan tumpuan adalah Kuala Lumpur International Financial Centre (KLIFC). Insentif-insentif yang diberikan kepada pelabur asing dalam sektor kewangan.

Bukankah sektor kewangan Wall Street dikecam sebagai sumber krisis ekonomi sejak 2007 di mana kesannya masih dirasai?

Pengumuman inisiatif-inisiatif memperangsangkan ekonomi melalui penawaran kontrak-kontrak pembinaan bangunan, jambatan, jalanraya dan MRT juga dasar usang yang hanya membantu kroni-kroni tanpa memanfaatkan rakyat jelata.

Dasar untuk membantu sektor pembinaan seperti meningkatkan "ceiling" peminjaman MyFirstHome dari RM200,000 ke RM400,000 hanya memanfaatkan pemaju perumahan , dan tidak akan memanfaatkan golongan muda yang memerlukan rumah pertama.

Oleh itu, saya menyifatkan Bajet BN sebagai satu belanjawan yang ketinggalan zaman yang tidak mengisi aspirasi rakyat.

Belanjawan Pakatan Rakyat

Sebaliknya, Belanjawan Alternatif Pakatan Rakyat memberikan seluruh tumpuan untuk menjamin agar pertumbuhan ekonomi negara dapat dinikmati oleh semua golongan melalui dasar dan kerangka yang menekankan kepada peningkatan pendapatan untuk majoriti rakyat Malaysia, iaitu 60 peratus isi rumah yang berpendapatan kurang daripada RM3,000 sebulan.

Bidang pertama peluang pekerjaan dan pendapatan

Pakatan Rakyat mencadang supaya

Gaji minima RM1,100 (total compensation) diinstitusikan,

Jumla h pekerja asing tidak terlatih dikurangkan secara berperingkat,

Tumpuan untuk meningkatkan kemahiran dan produktiviti secara bersepadu, peningkatan penglibatan kaum wanita dalam tenaga kerja.

Dasar-dasar ini akan meningkatkan gaji, kemahiran dan produktiviti sekaligus dan mencipta satu kitaran yang baik atau "virtuous cycle", dan bukan "vicious cycle" kita alami selama ini.

Bidang kedua pendapatan boleh guna

Penambahbaikan keupayaan pengangkutan awam,

Penyediaan perumahan awam dan

Penjagaan kesihatan yang memuaskan akan meningkatkan pendapatan boleh guna (disposable income) rakyat golongan pendapatan rendah.

Ketiga monopoli

Monopoli dan oligopoli yang diamalkan di bawah pentadboran BN akan dipecahkan bagi meningkatkan persaingan serta membantu ahli perniagaan Malaysia dengan mengurangkan kos operasi dan perniagaan. Persaingan akan meredakan tekanan inflasi dengan memberi lebih banyak pilihan kepada rakyat.

i. Memansuhkan monopoli Padiberas Nasional Berhad (BERNAS) untuk mengimport beras. Sebaliknya, lesen import akan diberi melalui proses yang kompetitif, terbuka dan telus

ii. Telekom Malaysia (TM) akan diarahkan merombak indication infrastruktur perkhidmatan internet jalur lebar untuk menggalakkan penyertaan penyedia perkhidmatan internet jalur lebar yang baru; seterusnya mengurangkan kos dan melonjakkan kadar penembusan internet jalur lebar melalui persaingan yang lebih dinamik

iii. Kartel syarikat telekomunikasi akan dihapuskan

iv. Kartel akhbar dan media akan dihapuskan

v. Kartel perkhidmatan penerbangan akan dihapuskan

vi. Monopoli Astro ke atas perkhidmatan televisyen satelit siar terus berbayar akan dihapuskan

vii. Lesen teksi akan diberi terus kepada para pemandu teksi

Pakatan Rakyat yakin dasar-dasar yang menumpukan golongan pendapatan isi rumah ke bawah RM3,000 sebulan yang merangkumi 60 peratus rakyat akan meningkatkan permintaan domestik (dome! stic dem and) yang sekali gus memerangsangkan ekonomi selain menambahbaikkan kebajikan rakyat jelata.

* Liew Chin Tong adalah Ahli Parlimen DAP Bukit Bendera

* This is a personal opinion of a bard or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse a perspective unless specified.

The Malaysian Insider :: Side Views

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Non-Muslims can gather too, say Umno MPs

The Malaysian Insider :: Malaysia

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Rakyat Malaysia Berebut Hantar Anak Belajar di Singapura

KLIK IMEJKeratan akhbar di atas diambil dari THE STAR 4 Oct 2011. Ia menyatakan ibubapa sanggup bersusah payah menghantar anak2 mereka belajar di Singapura, anak2 mereka bersusah payah bangun jam 5 setiap hari untuk menyeberang ke Singapura dan ibubapa sanggup berpekin-pekin mencari wang membayar yuran sekolah yang jauh lebih mahal.Jelas standard pendidikan di Malaysia adalah jauh lebih rendah berbanding Singapura sehingga rakyat Malaysia sanggup hantar anak2 mereka belajar di sana.Malangnya ... Read More

Kelantan Defisit RM 83 Juta : PAS Tak Pandai Memerintah

kesiann.. kesiann kan.. Patutla Nik Aziz makan nasi bungkus sahaja sebab Kelantan menanggung hutang yang terus meningkat.Belanjawan Negeri Kelantan 2012 yang dibentangkan di Dewan Undangan Negeri pada Selasa, menyaksikan kadar defisit bagi tahun depan terus bertambah yang dijangka meningkat berjumlah RM83.23 juta berbanding RM53.25 juta pada belanjawan tahun ini.Pengerusi Jawatankuasa

Families of police shooting victims want day in court

KUALA LUMPUR, October 20 The family groups of 3 young men shot dead last Nov 13 upon guess of robbing a petrol station demanded today which a case be brought to court.

This comes after a Home Ministry pronounced a military "acted according to a law" in a reply to a parliamentary question by Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo upon October 17.

"I challenge, we plea a government to let a justice decide. we have no faith left in a police," pronounced a tearful Norhafizah Mad Razali, mother of 15-year-old Mohd Shamil Hafiz Shapiei.

Shamil, along with Hairul Nizam Tuah, 20, as well as Mohd Hanafi Omar, 22, died in a military shooting after a reported high-speed automobile chase in a early hours of Nov 13, 2010, in Glenmarie, Shah Alam.

According to a family's lawyer, N. Surendran, a autopsy showed Shamil was shot in a head as well as a chest during a 45-degree point of view from above.

"If they were kneeling, afterwards they were not facing though surrendering themselves," Norhafizah added.

The Home Ministry had pronounced which a military had investigated a situation under Section 307 of a Penal Code (attempted murder).

"Investigation papers were referred to a Attorney-General's Chambers as well as orders were since to finish it. The result of a review found which a military officers who dismissed during a 3 youths in a situation had acted according to a law," it said.

The trio's deaths came scarcely seven months after 14-year-old schoolboy Aminulrasyid Amzah was shot after a high-speed military automobile chase in Shah Alam in a early hours of Apr 26, 2010.

Corporal Jenain Subi was a solitary law enforcemetn officer charged in a Aminulrasyid shooting as well as was condemned to 5 years in jail.

The Malaysian Insider! :: Mala ysia

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz