N.Ajis 16 hari diam: Sah Ngeh dapat lepas 2008 dan "sogok" RM1.5 juta

Hari ini hari ke 16 Nik Azi membisukan diri tak jawab tapi serahkan keapda SUA bangangnya.

Mana tidak? Banyak kantoi!!!

Menurut Akar Umbi SINI, Dato Wong Yuen Chai atau Tengku Wong yang mempunyai reputasi buruk di negeri-negeri BN dilayan agak istimewa oleh kerajaan Kelantan.

Mari kita ikuti kenyataan Setiausaha Akbar Nik Aziz, Ahmad Fadli Shaari yang dilaporkan Haram-kah Daily:

Theres No Excuse for Not Reporting the Truth

If these have been instances of reports which were published though initial verifying a contribution since of a imprisonment of time, as per Firoz's implication, they should in a initial place not have seen print. The reason is clear not usually have been they wrong as well as able of upsetting sure communities, they additionally negatively affectUtusan Malaysia's credibility. And, worse, they have a journal demeanour stupid.
Kee Thuan Chye
WhatUtusan Malaysia's counsel reportedly told a High Court upon Dec 27 is shocking.
According toThe Malaysian Insider, Firoz Hussein Ahmad Jamaluddin pronounced newspapers do not have a "luxury of time" to verify a law of headlines reports prior to book them.
In defendingUtusan Malaysia's inform which allegedly accused Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim of being a proponent of gay rights, Firoz additionally said, "If newspapers have to go through a full process of ascertaining a truth, a details, they wouldn't be means to inform a subsequent day."
If he thinks this would justify a publication of untruths by a media, he is grossly wrong. No media organization should ever publish untruths or lies. On top of that, no media organization can, after doing it, explain actuality by observant it had no time to check a facts.
Not checking contribution prior to publication is a principal impiety in journalism. And no self-respecting publisher or media could pardon themselves by observant they did not have a "luxury of time".
If a law cannot be! verifie d, a inform should not be published. That's a initial principle of journalism. "When in doubt, leave it out" is a mantra of responsible media editors. It is a responsibility of a media organization to tell a truth, not spread untruths to a public.
How couldUtusan Malaysiastand by Firoz's claim? How could it allow a counsel to contend something as shameful as this?
Is it any consternation afterwards thatUtusan Malaysiahas, especially in a last few years, been book wildly speculative as well as unverified reports with cavalier negligence for decency as well as responsibility?
Such control has positively been deserving of censure, though what is additionally deserving of condemnation is a Home Ministry for not carrying taken adequate punitive movement opposite a newspaper.
The Home Ministry is a physique which oversees a control of media organisations since it has a absolute energy to accede to as well as devaluate licences, though it has been exceedingly kindly towardsUtusan Malaysia.
It is surely wakeful which in a last few years,Utusan Malaysiahas been found guilty of shaming a number of Pakatan leaders as well as others, in in between them Mahfuz Omar, Karpal Singh, Khalid Samad, Lim Guan Eng, Teresa Kok as well as Tenaganita Director Irene Fernandez.
In 2009, even Minister in a Prime Minister's Department Nazri Aziz slammedUtusan Malaysiafor a outdated extremist propaganda.
Furthermore, a journal has been using mischievous reports though substantiation, most targeted during a DAP in sequence to demonise it as well as divide it from Malay voters. One was about church leaders conspiring with a DAP to Christianise a country. Another was about a DAP wanting to turn a nation in to a republic by abolishing a Malay royalty.
Then last July, it pronounced S! ingapore 's statute party, a People's Action Party (PAP), was plotting a rain of a BN government through a internal proxy, a DAP. This was of march inconceivable like a alternative two instances quoted on top of since a law is some-more expected to be which a PAP would cite BN to sojourn in government for a consequence of continuity.
If these have been instances of reports which were published though initial verifying a contribution since of a imprisonment of time, as per Firoz's implication, they should in a initial place not have seen print. The reason is clear not usually have been they wrong as well as able of upsetting sure communities, they additionally negatively affectUtusan Malaysia's credibility. And, worse, they have a journal demeanour stupid.
This must surely comment for why, according to a Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC),Utusan Malaysia's circulation has forsaken twenty per cent in in between July 2005 as well as Jun 2010, a duration of 5 years. In conditions of numbers, a dump is from 213,445 copies per day to 170,558.
Within a same period, a Sunday edition,Mingguan Malaysia, plummeted from 483,240 copies to 372,163, dropping even some-more during twenty-three per cent.
Utusan Malaysiabeing punished through a loss of a readers is one thing; what it needs to additionally experience is serious low mark from a authorities.
After all, alternative newspapers have been punished exceedingly for lesser sins. In 2010,China Presshad to apologize as well as postpone a editor-in-chief after it was given a show-cause minute by a method over a allegedly false inform which a afterwards Inspector-General of Police, Musa Hassan, had resigned.
That same year,The Starwas additionally slapped with a show-cause minute for using an article about a caning of three Muslim women for illicit se! x. And i nFebruary 2012, it was exceedingly hounded by a method for using a photograph of American singer Erykah Badu sporting tattoos of a word 'Allah' in Arabic upon her top body. It had to apologize as well as postpone two editors. After their suspension, they were transferred to alternative desks.
The Home Ministry did, however, issue a notice minute toUtusan Malaysiafor a Christian conspiracy report, though which has substantially been a usually movement it has taken opposite a journal in recent memory. Besides, a notice minute is zero compared to a movement opposite a two cases referred to above.
One surmises this is becauseUtusan Malaysiais owned by Umno, a widespread celebration in a statute coalition. So it enjoys some-more shield than any alternative newspaper.
In this regard, it is timely to cruise a Media Freedom Act which is being deliberate by a Opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat.
This Act, which DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has pronounced Pakatan would try to order if it won Putrajaya during a 13th general election, would, detached from ensuring press leisure in a country, prohibit domestic parties from directly owning media companies.
Right now, a media companies have been often owned by parties in a statute Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition.
Among a influential newspapers,Berita Harian,Harian Metroand theNew Straits Timesare additionally owned by Umno, whileThe Staris owned by a MCA, andTamil NesanandMakkal Osaibelong to MIC stalwarts.
Media Prima, which controls 8TV, ntv7, TV3 as well as TV9 as well as three air wave stations, is additionally owned by Umno. This means which with BN being in government as well as determining a State-owned RTM, a television middle is probably monopolised by a statute coalition.
The upshot of all this, as we have gifted over a decades, has been intensely unhealthy. Political coverage has been biased towards a statute celebration as well as unlucky towards a Opposition. News which would confuse a Government or have it demeanour incompetent is blocked from dissemination.
In total, a statute bloc has been means to train a rank as well as file with a propaganda to a frightening extent. One phenomenon of a goods is a inability of some Malaysians to differentiate in in between "government" as well as "party" or to hold which BN is hurtful or abuses a powers.
Malaysian journalism, too, has lost a seat of nobleness as well as honour since of one-sided reporting, manipulation of a law as well as even a gripping of a law from a public. It has become a custom for editors to sell their souls as well as toe a line in sequence to keep their cushy jobs.
It has additionally led to a kind of meditative expressed byUtusan Malaysia's Deputy Chief Editor, Mohd Zaini Hassan, who in July 2012 told a forum which it was all right for reporters to turn a contribution to benefaction readers with a "desired picture". He justified spinning as a approach to attack a Opposition.
"Spin we can," he said. "No make a difference how we turn a sure actuality to be biased in a favour, that's okay."
For observant that, Zaini has no commercial operation calling himself a journalist. His difference bring disgrace to a profession. Spinning is distorting a truth, as well as distorting a law is opposite a beliefs of journalism. It is additionally implicitly wrong. Those who turn have been zero some-more than propagandists.
Such propagandising should not be allowed any more, in any case of which bloc comes to energy after a arriving general election. We can put a stop to it by ancillary a tabling of a Bill for a Media Free! dom Act.
That Pakatan is willing to obey a opportunity to control Malaysian minds through determining a media if it comes to energy speaks admirably of a commitment to a democraticMalaysia. But it should not stop during preventing domestic parties from directly owning media companies; it should additionally ensure which they do notindirectlyown such companies.
Then as well as usually afterwards can we have a beginnings of a free media. Then as well as usually afterwards can we proceed to enjoy a payoff of meditative for ourselves.

*Kee Thuan Chyeis a author of a bestselling bookNo More Bullshit, Please, We're All Malaysians, as well as a ultimate volume,Ask for No Bullshit, Get Some More!
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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


UMUM tahu, Azhar Idrus ini penceramah agama yang tiada tauliah, tiada ijazah dan tiada kelayakan langsung untuk mengajar agama. Sekolah joke di sekolah Inggeris, sekolah pondok joke tak pernah, Universiti Al Azhar apatah lagi. Tapi sebab dia ada pengetahuan sikit (mungkin berguru) dan gemar melawakkan agama sehingga buat orang ramai ketawa, maka jadilah dia popular.

Antara lawak bodoh Azhar Idrus yang penulis pernah dengar ialah soalan kenapa orang perempuan tidak boleh masuk kawasan kubor, jawab Azhar Idrus sebab orang itu tak mati lagi!!! Tak ke bodohnya lawak, sejak bila pula nak masuk kawasan kubor kena mati dulu?

Tapi, biasalah orang Malaysia, trend sekarang memang suka tengok lawak jenaka, itu yang Maharaja Lawak laku, rancangan realiti macam menyanyi semua dah tak beberapa nak diperhatikan orang.

Bagaimapun, kepopularan Azhar Idrus sekarang ini disalahgunakan untuk kepentingan parti politik oppurtunis macam PAS, yang kita tahu gemar cari jalan singkat untuk mendapatkan penyokong, antara lain menggunakan orang yang diketahui mempunyai pengikut dan peminat mereka sendiri macam bekas-bekas artis, tidak terkecuali Azhar Idrus inilah.

Maka itu tidak hairanlah kenapa baru-baru ini bila kecoh di alam maya Azhar Idrus dipetik sebagai berkata undi UMNO masuk neraka kerana meluluskan lesen judi dan arak ramai melihat kenyataan itu saling tak tumpah macam Amanat Hadi yang menjustifikasikan kenapa UMNO ini perlu ditolak dan PAS itu perlu disokong.

Penulis tidak rasa Azhar Idrus ini terlalu bodoh, sehingga tak tahu bahawa PAS, PKR dan DAP juga meluluskan lesen judi dan arak di negeri yang diperintah masing-masing. Malah kalau nak jadikan contoh di Selangor ini, bukan itu sahaja yang dilulu! skan tap i ada tambahan iaitu lesen rumah urut yang diantaranya menyediakan urutan B2B (body to body).

Soal lesen baru atau memperbaharui lesen, itu soal lain. Yang penting sudah jadi kerajaan negeri, kuasa dalam tangan, kalau mahu tidak sambung lesen joke boleh.

Tapi bila Azhar Idrus mengenepikan itu dan menyebut UMNO sahaja, maka kita sudah nampak dia menyebarkan fahaman politik PAS dan bukan sangat nak mengajar agama yang mana dia memang takdak kelayakan pun.

Hakikat bahawa lesen judi dan arak yang diluluskan kerajaan UMNO adalah untuk meraikan kehendak 40% rakyat bukan Islam di negara ini (tidak termasuk pelancung asing lagi tu), bukan orang Islam, diketepikan begitu saja oleh Azhar Idrus. Bukan dia tak tau, saja buat-buat tak tau, sibodoh ni.

Tak tahulah apa pandangan orang bukan Islam dengan fatwa Azhar Idrus ni.

Dengan Nik Aziz hampir-hampir putus nafas, rasanya kunci syurga dan neraka sudah dipindah milik kepada Azhar Idrus sekarang. Di tangan Azhar Idruslah yang menentukan siapa masuk syurga dan siapa masuk neraka.

Sebetulnya penulis tak faham apa pendirian macai PAS dalam soal menuduh UMNO kafir, tolak Islam, masuk neraka dan sebagainya ni? Kalau menyokong, kenapa bila Nik Aziz kata UMNO ini tolak Islam dalam muktamar lepas, masing-masing (termasuk Nik Aziz sendiri) pakat nafi dan tuduh Utusan fitnah?

Begitu juga Amanat Hadi, kenapa masing-masing pakat tak mengaku?

Bila ada beruk macam Azhar Idrus ini keluar kenyataan macam itu, masing-masing ambil matter itu dan jadikan rujukan pulak?

Nak dijelaskan kepada para biol-biolan ini, syurga dan neraka kuasa Allah swt untuk menentukan siapa yang masuk dan siapa yang tidaknya, bukan Azhar Idrus. Ini perkara asas yang semua orang mengaku Islam patut tahu. Orang macam Azhar Idrus ni, patut diludah saja sebab cuba-c! uba nak ambil alih kuasa tuhan.

Sumber: MyKMU

ROSMAH SHOCKER: Deepak bought 19 pieces of jewellery worth US$ 3.9 MILLION for PM's WIFE?

ROSMAH SHOCKER: Deepak paid for nineteen pieces of trinket value US$   3.9 MILLION for PM's WIFE?
PKR strategic executive Rafizi Ramli forsaken another bombshell in a series of expose's revealing a extent as well as amount of corruption Prime Minister Najib Razak as well as his mother were allegedly concerned in.
Waving a sheaf of invoices obtained from a "third-party source", Rafizi showed how controversial businessman Deepak Jaikishan paid by his company Carpet Raya for several huge diamonds paid for from top Hong Kong jewellers allegedly for Najib's mother Rosmah Mansor.
"Deepak has to come brazen with some-more details as well as Rosmah has to come brazen to transparent a air because a word 'cincin' is a sensitive make a difference in Malaysia. The invoices so far uncover which Deepak's runner organisation paid for a diamonds though Rosmah's name is not there. Even so, these have been very serius allegations made by Deepak as well as must be investigated," Rafizi told a press conference on Wednesday.
Rafizi combined which a allegations took on a critical note since which Deepak has an existing censure opposite a first integrate over a Ministry of Defence land understanding for which a unit of a Armed Forces pension account (LTAT) has offering to compensate Deepak RM30 million as well as Selangor Umno women's arch Raja Ropiaah RM130 million to resolve.
"The understanding may be a method to silence Deepak though a MACC has refused to act. Why is a MACC not acting yet," PKR MP for Selayang William Leong, additionally during a press conference, told reporters.
"These papers display a solid purchases for Rosmah as alleged by D! eepak ha ve been enough justification which a MACC must probe to check their veracity. But because hasn't it done so? The solid purchases have been not frivolous allegations. The Boustead (LTAT) understanding is not excuse for a MACC not to investigate. Now is a test for a MACC to use the powers to probe. I call on a MACC arch as well as a police arch to act without fear of favour."
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People to the fore

The Star
1 January 2013

It competence have been 4 scattered years since a 2008 ubiquitous elections, yet you can look forward to 2013 optimistically, safe in a believe which whilst a Malaysian people have become outspoken about many issues, they have remained largely polite about it.


PART of my instructions for this square was to write about my hopes for a destiny of governing body in this country. After giving it a little thought, you came up with a single immeasurable New Year's wish.

I wish which a little boffin would invent a device all politicians have to wear.

It would be akin to a immeasurable nauseous hat. It should look similar to something which is desperately perplexing to appear "high tech". Kind of similar to a props which you find in a utterly bad part of Star Trek.

Apart from a advantage of being able to brand politicians from distant so which you can possibly proceed them or run away, this device would give off electric shocks each time a wearer lies, makes a false make a difference or raise God's name in vain. In this way, you can wean out a dodgy ones right away.

But then, looking during a little of a politicos, you consider utterly a couple of of them competence actually enjoy a occasional eccentric electric shock.

Oh, well, behind to a drawing board.

Actually, you am being astray to a politicians. They have been not all unbearable. Since a final ubiquitous elections, there have been a couple of bright sparks (on both sides of a domestic divide yet some-more upon a opposition side, you contingency admit) who have been making intelligible as well as intelligent sounds. A lovely shift from a common Neanderthal grunts you have been used to. Mind you, those grunters still exist, yet there is some-more of a counter-balance now.

The actuality which this brand new batch of politicians have b! een comp aratively young, bodes well, in which a single can hope which when a aged inferior retire or get voted out, their ! replacements will during least have greater-than-average intelligence. And domestic discuss will be logical, reasoned as well as intelligent minus a sexist, extremist as well as circular arguments which drift up from a gutter each now as well as again.

The biggest shift over a past 4 years, though, is not in a hallowed as well as leaking halls of parliament, yet upon a streets. The people of Malaysia have changed. The many obvious denote of this shift is a actuality which travel demonstrations have been starting to become almost a normal thing here. From a immeasurable Bersih as well as Himpunan Hijau rallies to a not as big demos as well as sit-ins similar to a Occupy Dataran movement.

What is amazing about these gatherings is which a very immeasurable number of a participants have been not childish rabble-rousers yet middle-class, middle-aged gents as well as ladies who a couple of years ago would rsther than be during home sipping tepid tea as well as examination cookery shows rsther than than braving a Malaysian sleet both healthy as well as chemical-laced.

It seems to me which a cloak of fright which has dense any thought, let alone expression of exasperation aimed towards a powers-that-be, has been lifted. After decades of inside whispers as well as hiding glances over a shoulder when being critical of a government, for fright which a Special Branch has someway managed to infiltrate even private living rooms, Malaysians have been being flattering darned vocal.

The standing quo is being challenged as well as in a way never before seen in Malaysian politics. The challengers cross ethnic, religious as well as category boundaries. And this, in my opinion, indicates which issues have been now a cause celebre for a Malaysian people, not slight ethnic views or individual idol worship.

Of course, a Malaysian bug bear of race sti! ll exist s. It is unfit to consider which a couple of years can see to a finish of a country's prime domestic weapon. And there have been those who will shamelessly churn out a race sheet for their own agenda.

And from underneath decaying logs of wo! od as well as da! mp rocks, there have been groups crawling out in to a sun to have their day in a spotlight; groups which have been blatantly extremist as well as divisive. It is of no surprise, of course.

They have always been there yet a events of a final couple of years have jarred their comfortable existence.

Personally, you am glad it has come to this. There is zero some-more irritating than a blemish which lies underneath a skin. You can't really cocktail it because it can't be seen as well as you risk scarring your skin. Far improved to have it burst onward in all a pus-filled excellence so which you can brand it, as well as understanding with it with a dollop of cream as well as a nice squeeze.

The same goes for those with abominable ideology. Far improved to have them where they can be seen as well as challenged in a open.

Staying upon this theme of racial divisiveness, a single contingency say there have been a little critical incidents in a final 4 years. Fire-bombed churches as well as severed cow as well as pig heads have vied for a courtesy upon top of a shrill, hate-filled speech you have been some-more in a habit of to. Once again, nothing of this is utterly surprising, yet what is startling is a reaction to such incidents.

There is a patience which tempers a approaching feelings of anger, as well as this speaks volumes. It shows that, upon a whole, a immeasurable infancy of a Malaysian people will not be provoked as well as will not climb to a bait.

We have reached a point where what matters is good governance, clean governing body as well as a apply oneself for democracy as well as tellurian rights. Communalist thinking is receiving a behind seat to these things as well! as no m ake a difference what a couple of mindless idiots will do, by as well as immeasurable you will not reduce ourselves to their level.

And you consider which a supervision has noticed this. They can't be so blind as to not notice. Therefore a Internal Security Act has been replaced; a Peaceful Assembly Act introduced as well as a copy Presses as well as Publications Act amended. Whether these changes have been quite cosmetic or substantial, you do not have enoug! h space h! ere to delve into. But what is sure is which without this newly voiced domestic majority from a citizens, such changes, as superficial as they competence be, would not have happened during all.

We have been a opposite nation today. What has changed in a final 4 years is which there is a sense of empowerment in us. What you hope for in a destiny is which it will go on as well as grow. Read More @ Source

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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Pengerang family commit suicide on New Year's Day

Poverty as well as forced relocation to make approach for a RM60 billion Refinery as well as Petrochemical Integrated Development (Rapid) plan could have led a family of three in Pengerang to finish their misery by committing self-murder on a first day of 2013.

The Chinese couple - a 62-year-old man as well as his 57-year-old mother - along with their son, elderly 20, who suffers from Down syndrome, were found passed in their home in Kampung Jawa, Pengerang yesterday.

According to English dailyThe Star, Kota Tinggi OCPD Supt Che Mahazan Che Aik pronounced a next door neighbour who smelled fume entrance from a residence alerted a police during around 10am yesterday.

pengerang resident self-murder 010113 01"When we went to a house, we found a bodies of two group as well as a lady in a bedroom. We hold which a family might have burnt something as well as suffocated themselves to genocide by inhaling smoke," he was quoted as saying.

According to Che Mahazan, a father had earlier told a next door neighbour which he longed for to kill himself ! as well as his family because they were living in poverty.

"Initial investigations showed which there was no evidence of rapist intent in a house," he said, adding which all a bodies were sent to a Kota Tinggi Hospital for post-mortem.

Chinese dailyChina Pressalso reported which a family was believed to be under tremendous pressure after a land they stayed on was acquired for a plan as well as a family was forced to relocate.
< br>Husband caring for mother as well as son

According to Chua Peng Sian, treasurer for a Coalition of Pengerang NGOs which is heading a anti-Rapid movement, a family was renting a residence on a affected land, as well as thus could usually perceived some RM20,000 of compensation.

NONEThe father had complained to internal political leaders after receiving a relocation direction as well as told them which he longed for to commit ! suicide, ! purported Chua (left).

"We found out from a internal residents which a family was in poverty. The mother was a cadence patient while a son was mentally-challenged.

"The father was a cook in a internal grill but he had to stop working recently to take care of his mother as well as son," pronounced Chua in a statement released yesterday.

Chua urged a government to seriously look in to a difficulty faced by Pengerang residents due to a Rapid plan or else there would be more such tragedies.

azlanThe RM60 billion Rapid project, jointly grown by inhabitant oil association Petronas, Johor state government as well as private companies including Dialog Group as well as Dutch association Royal Vopak, would eventually take up 9,000 hectares of land, inspiring during least fifteen villages in a area during a southern tip of Johor.

The bulk of a plan will be distant incomparable than a combined distance of Petr! onas' exi! prick oil complexes in Malacca, Kerteh as well as Gebeng.

The me ga plan aims to renovate southern Johor in to a enlightening as well as petrochemical centre, complementing a existent facilities on a east coast of a peninsula as well as in Singapore.

The internal residents have launched an anti-Rapid movement given early final year to protect their homes as well as environment. Read More @ Source

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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


KAH KAH KAH KAH KAH! Nak tau kenapa aku gelak? Meh baca kat bawah ni:

Selepas majlis di Tanjung Aru Plaza, Anwar menghadiri majlis perasmian pertubuhan pakatan Perubahan Sabah (PPPS) pada pukul 10:30 pagi di Conference Room, Starcity, Asia City, Kota Kinabalu.

Kan elok buat belah-belah Sepanggar di mana Lajim ada projek situ dulu. Oh ye ... nak bawak orang Beuford tak boeh jauh sangat.

Dikatakan yang hadhir ada 2-3 ribu orang penyokong Dato Lajim tapi sebenarnya hanya dalam 800 orang. Kebanyakkan diangkut dari Beauford dengan upah RM100-200 seorang.

Yang hadhir joke adalah juga ahli-ahli PPKR, DAP, PAS SAPP dan APS. Tiada STAR. Kelihatan hadhir dalam 80% kaum BI, BBI 15% dan lain-lain 5%.

Lajim nak tunjuk pada Anwar bahawa dia kononnya ramai pengikut tapi kesian si jubur ditipu Lajim

Selain Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai tetamu kehormat, hos Dato Lajim Ukin, Dato Wilfred Bumburing, Thamrin Hj Jaini selaku Ketua PKR Sabah, YB Hiew King Cheu, MP DSP Kota Kinabalu, Datuk Richard Yong mewakil SAPP, Datuk Chua Jua Ming, Dr Xavier Jayakumar dan Alimudin Aling mewakili PAS Sabah.

Dalam ucapan Datuk Lajim, dia dilihat mengampu Anwar dengan menyatakan sedih mengenangkan nasib Anwar yang diperlakukan BN kerana dia adalah pesaing utama Dato najib. Eh ye ke? kih kih kih

Lajim menjaja hujah bahawa Sabah negara miskin dengan penganguran tertinggi. Beliau menjelaskan beliau keluar BN kerana prinsip politik me! ngutamak an rakyat dan ingin menambahkan baik sistem pentadbiran dan utk membangun dasar ekonomi sabah berdasarkan Buku Jingga.

Kah kah kah ... siapa tak tahu dia tak dapat masyukkk ... lalu dia keluar. Kalau nak majukan Sabah, apalah pakai Buku Jingga. Bodohnya Lajimmm!!!!

Dia mengulang tuntutan yang sedang cuba dipopularkan di Sabah iaitu Program Borneonisasi, tuntutan 20% royalti minyak, mengkaji dasar kabotaj, pinjaman pendidikan yayasan sabah dimansuhkan, dan pemberian semula Amanah Saham Rakyat Sabah.

Apa pulak tuntut kaji sabotaj? Kau orang kaji dulu baru tuntut. ,
Lajim turut menuntut ditubuhkan sebuah lagi Universiti di Sabah iaitu Universiti Kinabalu Malaysia untuk tingkatkan pendidikan rakyat Sabah. Apa bodohnya Lajim?

UMS joke tak cukup pelajar Sabah untuk dipenuhkan. Kebanyakkan pelajar Sabah mahu belajar di Semenanjung untuk dapat pelajaran yang bermutu. Eloklah buat Universiti dan isi dengan orang Visaya dari Filipina!!!

Dia turut menimbulkan isu hak tanah adat Sabah dan mohon di kaji subsidi kuota Haji untuk Sabah ... mana ada kuota ikut negeri, Mohon sajalah, sapa cepat dia dapat!

Dalam ucapan Anwar, banyak mengulang cerita lama. Dalam hal Sabah, dia kata lanskap politik Sabah bakal berubah sebagai mana politik wang Anwar akan cuba membeli orang sana sini.

Anwar kata PRU thirteen Sabah adalah penentu kemenangan PR. UMNO dan BN sudah goyang di Sabah. Ya ke? Kah kah kah .... dengan kosong majlis boleh ke goyah???? Muahahahahahahaha

Lain itu hanya UMNO gitu gini dan PR hebat cemerlang gemilang dan temberang.

Punyalah hebat dan taat penyokong Lajim. Habis saja anwar berucap dan tinggalkan dewan, semu adah keluar dan tidak tunggu Lajim kah kah kah ...

Itu petanda hadhiran yang dibayar.

House PK: Ini aku petik dari The Unspinners. AKu gelak guling-guling baca artikel ni, bukan apa depa semua nak cuba! perbodo hkan rakyat Sabah, apa mereka dfikir orang Sabah bodoh? Tolong la wahai Pakatan, orang Sabah semua bijak dan mereka tahu yang mana satu mereka patut pilih. {adan muka majlis tak dapat sambutan. Inilah hakikat sebenar PGayR di Sabah!

A new boss for Bernama (and Felda?)?

Yong Soo Heong, a Bernama Editor-in-Chief, was substantially a first journo to get a taste of a post-March 08 Lim Guan Eng. And so, in his own way, he was a dude who showed me a Penang CM's unimportance as well as audacity after PRU12. Guan Eng's direct for an apology, here, was a bit "over" already, though making "public" a private apology was simply unbecoming. Guan Eng would go upon as well as done enemies of mainstream journalists who had been nothing though fair to him before he became CM. we started being wary of a brand new Guan Eng as well as whatever he claimed to represent ...

Well, we listen to which a same Yong is sloping to turn a next General Manager of Bernama as well as which is substantially great news to my friends at a inhabitant news agency. The blogger Big Dog confirms in his latest posting End of Shelf Life (he was referring to Rais Yatim, by a way) which a reign of a last GM finished with 2012 as well as would not be renewed.

Two questions;
1. Who will be a brand new Editor-in-Chief of Bernama?
2. How prolonged will Yong's tenure as GM be - six months, a single year?
(Rais Yatim likes reduced tenures for his officers, perhaps so which they won't overstay their acquire like he's you do ...) .

p.s. we listen to there will additionally be an proclamation with regards to a vital appointment in Felda Global Ventures Berhad this week. FGV group president/CEO Sabri Ahmad's tenure, however, doesn't end until middl! e this y ear. And he does not inform to Rais Yatim, fortunately.

Melayu Bersatu Untuk Amar Makruf

Pemimpin "Pakatan Rakyat" ada slick cepat kaya lebih hebat dari slick Pak Man Telo.Sebab? Sebab kalau mereka buat, tidak akan dapat ditangkap. Kecuali kerajaan bertukar dan semua kontrak, semua perjanjian, IPP, lesen pelabuhan, lapanganterbang, lesen ASTRO, lesen TV, lesen Celular, dikaji semula.

Kita kena teliti dan periksa dan lihat sama ada, harga tender, harga kontrak, harga pembelian diUMNOkan. Maka tahulah kita, zikir harian "Pakatan Rakyat" ialah-wa haramun kalau makan sorang, wa halalun kalau kongsi sama.

Itu sebab nya, kos pembinaan PLUS dari RM3 bilion jadi RM6 bilion. Dan setelah kutipan tol dan pampasan sudah melebihi RM20 billion, lesen untuk kutip tol masih disambung oleh puak "Pakatan Rakyat". Demikian juga, harga kapal selam kita tidak akan tahu harga sebenar sehingga kerajaan baru ambil alih. Yang kita tahu bab komisyen sahaja sudah RM500 juta lebih. Kita tak tengok lagi pembelian RM7 billion kereta perisai yang diberi kepada Syed Mokhtar- lelaki Melayu yang satu dan terakhir di Malaysia. kita tak tengok lagi pembelian pesawat2 dari Rusia, pembinaan bot patrol laju dari zaman amin shah omar shah sehingga zamanBastardBoustead Holdings.

Jika sebuah kereta APC yang DYMM Sultan Johor beli hanya RM150,000 harga yang KEMENTAH beli ialah RM650,000. Ertinya, diUMNOkan harga nya RM500,000 setiap satu. Kalau beli 500 buah?

Bangsa Melayu- lihatlah bagaimana para pemimpin "Pakatan Rakyat" sapu bersih. Mereka cekap menyapu harta benda negara, amanah dalam menyimpan rahsia samunan, bersih membalun ! wang. 1 malaysia mereka yang punya, rakyat di ketepikan. Bolehkah kita percaya bila Najib melaung dan melolong Hidup Melayu? Yang mematikan Melayu ialah parti kamu. "Pakatan Rakyat" hari ini bukan "Pakatan Rakyat" dulu. Pembangkang hari ini, bukan pembangkang dulu.

Bila keadaan sesak, barulah "Pakatan Rakyat" mahu bercakap mengenai perpaduan Melayu agama Islam dan Raja Melayu. Semua perkara ini tidak memerlukan "Pakatan Rakyat" melindungi nya. Rakyat melalui kerajaan yang baik yang menjamin keselamatan kita. Kerajaan yang baik yang menghukum mengikut rule of law. Kerajaan yang baik yang mendukung perlembagaan Malaysia.

kalau raja Melayu rasa terancam, sudah tentu mereka akan menyatakan apa yang perlu dinyatakan. Apa- raja2 Melayu tidak ada mulut dan suara? Raja Melayu tidak ada orang yang pandai? Apa jadahnya, raja2 Melayu memerlukan matlaon "Pakatan Rakyat" untuk bercakap bagi pihak mereka? Tidakkah malu besar raja2 Melayu kalau yang bercakap bagi pihak mereka ialah orang macam Ibrahim Ali? Orang Pahang kata- sempuas( dengan loghat Pahang) mulut Ibrahim Ali nak bercakap bagi pihak raj2 Melayu.

Malu kita kalau orang "Pakatan Rakyat" nak bercakap bagi pihak Islam. Mengikut pengalaman saya, orang "Pakatan Rakyat" hanya bersaing hendak jadi pengerusi surau dan masjid. Menjalankan program mereka semua lari. Ahli "Pakatan Rakyat" tak suka ke surau dan masjid kecuali kumpulan yang kecil. Semasa saya jadi Ketua Penerangan "Pakatan Rakyat" Pekan dahulu, bila kita jalankan aktiviti berpusat pada masjid dan surau- orang "Pakatan Rakyat" mengejek bukan menyokong.

Malu kita jika presence dan kesinambungan hayat bangsa kita dibicarakan oleh golongan pelampau. Saya malu jika yang nak bercakap bagi pihak orang Melayu ialah orang mcam Ibrahim Ali. Atau yang nak bercakap bagi pihak kita ialah seku! mpulan b ekas tentera yang melondehkan seluar mempamirkan punggung mereka. Malu orang Melayu kalau jurubicara mereka ialah pelampau yang membaling batu, yang menyimbah cat, yang mengkasari Melayu lain yang mempunyai pandangan bertentangan dengan "Pakatan Rakyat". Bukan Melayu "Pakatan Rakyat" sahaja yang Melayu.

Saya sudah nyatakan banyak kali- Melayu sudah joke bersatu yakni bersatu mahu menumbangkan "Pakatan Rakyat" yang rasuah dan sudah tidak membela orang Melayu.

Najib bukanlah pemimpin yang kita boleh percaya. Hari ini dia bercakap mengenai orang Melayu yang susah, rakyat yang mesti dibela- dibelakang dia bercakap bagaimana mahu membalun harta benda rakyat.

Janganlah kita hiraukan pemberita yang menyanjung dan memuja Najib.Apa mereka tahu? Mereka bukan pernah jadi ahli "Pakatan Rakyat". Mereka tidak kenal sifat semula jadi dan jiwa2 yang penuh mengharap terdiri dari 3 juta ahli "Pakatan Rakyat" dibawah sana. Mereka hanya bergeseran bahu dengan segelintir pemimpin "Pakatan Rakyat" yang merompak khazanah negara.

Mereka hanya harimau2 yang dibuat daripada kertas yang membina career membentuk metos mengenai kehebatan mereka ketika,masyarakat tidak boleh menjawab apa yang mereka tulis. Bila kita selidik keadaan minda mereka yang sebenar, customary pemikiran mereka- maka tahulah kita mereka hanyachou koutuan2 mereka- anjing2 buruan.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47
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UBAH ROCKET STYLE (Full English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin version) Officially Launched

Some pictures taken at KL Selangor Chinese Town Hall where a official launching of DAP Ubah Rocket Style.

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IC merah tak Malaysian! Tipak Koyak nipu dan biadap!

Kurang ajar dan biadap cara Latheefa Koya bercakap walaupun apa yang dicakap bukan betul sangat.

Besar kepala loyar. Ingat dia tahu semua tapi sebenarnya loyar ni selalu tak tahu apa.

Nak pertahankan peanggan di mahkamah joke sebenarnya pelanggan yang fikirkan.

Mereka hanya jadi tukang cakap tapi mintak dibayar.

Perhimpunan Duduk dan Bantah gamat apabila Ketua Biro Hal Ehwal Guaman Parti

Apa Anwar buat jumpa Arab di Sepang Gold Coast?

Menjelang tahun baru hari Isnin pukul 2:30 petang, seorang rakan sedang beristirehat nampak Anwar bersama sepasang suami isteri Arab di Sepang Gold Coast, Bagan Lalang, Morib.

Memang ramai orang Arab nakal dan kuat berzina dengan Chinadoll macam Anwar bila di luar negara. Ada rakan-rakan yang bekerja di luar negara ada pengalaman Arab raba-raba bontot mereka dari belakang dalam lift. Persepsi

Melayu Bersatu Untuk Amar Makruf

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A LTAT-Deepak-Raja Ropiaah Deal that will hurt UMNO

January 1, 2013

A LTAT-Deepak-Raja Ropiaah Deal which will harm UMNO

by Wong Choon Mei, Alaa Soleiman, Malaysia Chronicle

Vowing to urge the Armed Forces grant comment (LTAT) from being pilfered by tip supervision leaders, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's PKR celebration has demanded which the Najib administration department come purify upon the RM160million understanding to buy at the behind of land belonging to the Ministry of Defence.

Wanita UMNO Selangor Chief RPThe PKR reply follows headlines the day ago which the section of the Armed Forces' grant comment had agreed to compensate RM30 million to the controversial bureau worker Deepak Jaikishan as well as RM130 million to the organisation controlled by Raja Ropiaah, the Selangor Wanita UMNO chief (left).

PKR strategic director Rafizi Ramli indicted Prime Minister Najib Razak as well as Defense Minister Zahid Hamidi of "gross abuse of power", describing the ultimate contract involving 223 hectares of Defense method land in Bukit Raja, Selangor as "outright bribery" as well as the "worst-ever box of bad investment you have seen".

"It is plain as well as elementary which the RM30million to take 80% of Astacanggih (Deepak's firm) as well as the RM130 million paid (to Raja Ropiaah's firm) for roughly non-existent land is transparent abuse of energy by Zahid Hamidi. you dare say which Najib had tasked Zahid to hoop this by whatever equates to necessary," Rafizi, the UK-trained auditor, told the press discussion final Saturday.

"You can ask any investment or research analysts as well as they will discuss it you this is not great investment practice. So why does the sovereign supervision come in in to su! ch the b ad investment. One can usually interpretation this is meant to overpower Deepak as well as to tighten the entire issue."

Outright bribery?

Deepak (right), once the tighten friend of Najib's wife Rosmah Mansor, had in 2007 paid for the landDeepak J from Raja Ropiaah's organisation Awan Megah for about RM120million during RM12psf. But the understanding has been "stuck" as well as the titles still not released to Astacanggih unit, Cebur Megah.

This resulted in Deepak suing Ropiaah as well as Awan Megah for specific opening as well as "criminal intent", the Defense method as well as the land as well as mining bureau Pejabat Tanah dan Galian for not releasing the land titles to Cebur Megah.

Deepak also indicted Ropiaah of 'stealing' as well as on-selling one of the 3 parcels of land to GuppyUnip Sdn Bhd during RM16psf. The box was heard during the Kuala Lumpur High Court late final month, with Deepak personally taking the stand. It was shelved to December fourteen though deferred tentative the allotment which Deepak has since insisted was "forced" upon him as well as his firm.

"It is loyal which my shareholders as well as me have sole the shares in Asta Canggih for RM30 million which is the tangible price price of RM13 million for Raja Ropiaah, RM8 million in political contributions, RM7 million of monetary costs as well as RM2 million in authorised as well as diverse costs. This was an ultimatum which was forced upon us," Deepak pronounced in the content summary upon Friday.

Protecting grant comment of Armed Forces

The commercial operation bickering culminated in Deepak squealing upon the 'dark hands' at the behind of the deal. He indicted Najib's family of accepting millions of ringgit for Najib! 's abusi ng his management in approving the deal.

Najib, who was afterwards the Defense Minister, has still not done any reply to the array of damning allegations despite mounting open disgust as well as pressure from his own political party.

Rafizi slammed Najib for refusing to comment to the open as well as indicted him of sensitively conspiring with Zahid to come in in to "such the dubious" understanding which would obviously place the Defense Ministry's grant comment in the disadvantaged position.

"The fact which at the behind of the silence, such the contract has been sewn up to overpower Deepak indicates there contingency have been the little law in his accusations. Deepak's disclosures contingency have frightened Najib so much which he has got Boustead to come in in to this deal," pronounced Rafizi.

"It is very impertinent for the Prime Minister to instruct the Defense apportion to do such the deal. In any other country, the open exploration would have been called. PKR will do all it can to perplex the understanding as this involves the LTAT, the grant comment of the Defense Ministry. It has turn ridiculous. You have already lost RM250mil to one Minister as well as right away you have been starting to remove RM160 mil of pensioners' income to another minister."

Rafizi was referring to the RM250mil NFC cattle-breeding failure which the family of UMNO Wanita's chief Shahrizat Jalil has been indicted of being concerned in.

Najib will have to win at the behind of Selangor for the understanding to go through

In the Deepak-Ropiaah case, Rafizi forked out which the land had never altered hands in the first place as well as questioned why the Defense Ministry was shopping at the behind of the own land.

"PKR will write to the Selangor state supervision to stop this deal. Previously you kept still since you weren't sure how loyal Deepak's allegations were. But now, after the Boustand proclamation to the Bursa, all the piece! s have b een starting to fit together. At the recent UMNO General Assembly, Zahid pronounced he would look in to the make the difference as well as find the approach to finalise it. After that, there was silence. We thought it was usually Najib up to his common ways of refusing to answer to the public. Then Boustead done their proclamation yesterday," pronounced Rafizi.

ZH"This is obviously the understanding pulled together deliberately to keep Deepak quiet. But it doesn't appear to be working. How can Zahid (right) imagine such the understanding can work? It will need the immature light from the state supervision since the land is in Selangor. Deepak is right away observant he is not starting to shut up since he got usually RM30 million as well as Ropiaah perceived RM130 million. We say to Deepak, don't worry. We will do the utmost to perplex this understanding since the pensioners' income is involved. In fact, you need to thank Tan Sri Khalid for insisting upon checking all the details as well as not allowing the send to go through."

Rafizi agreed the title to the land would probably have altered hands by right away if not for the Opposition winning carry out of the Selangor state supervision in the 2008 ubiquitous election. According to Rafizi, if Najib longed for the understanding to go by the usually approach was if "he wins at the behind of Selangor".

The state is the richest as well as has the greatest economy of Malaysia's 13 states. Najib has previously vowed to take at the behind of Selangor "at all costs". The state is right away led by PKR Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

Mindef section profitable RM160 million for land which still belongs to it

In the filing to the stock exchange, Boustead Holdings Bhd, the section of LTAT, announced ! which th e wholly-owned section Bakti Wira Development Sdn Bhd had acquired an 80 per cent seductiveness in Astacanggih Sdn Bhd for RM30 million.

Bakti Wira Development as well as Astacanggih also signed an agreement with Awan Megah earlier upon Friday to take 80.94ha of freehold land in Klang, Selangor, for RM130 million. Describing the understanding as an opportunity to expand the land bank, Boustead pronounced the share squeeze as well as land acquisition would be funded around bank borrowings as well as internally-generated funds.

"Moreover, the land was diagonally opposite to 283.28ha of development land reason under Jendela Hikmat Sdn Bhd, the association which the group as well as Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera mutually binds 60 per cent equity interest. The direct for industrial land in this place has been upon the uptrend with the completion of UMW's ultimate storage as well as testing plant in Bukit Raja, Klang," pronounced Boustead.

Rafizi as well as Selangor Pakatan representatives will be scrutinizing the deal's fine-print over the week end as well as plan to reason another press discussion upon Monday. "In the afternoon, you will go with the little of the pensioners to Bakti Wira's bureau to inspect the documents. The pensioners have the right to know what happens to their money," pronounced Rafizi.

The Black Rose

So far, Ropiaah has not commented upon the transaction. Previously, when contacted by Malaysia Chronicle, she had pronounced she would refer Deepak's allegations to her lawyers.

In his reply to the Boustead proclamation upon Friday, Deepak vowed he would go on Najibwith his "revelations". Deepak has not usually unprotected Najib's hand in the Bukit Raja land understanding though has suggested which both the Prime Mini! ster as well as his wife Rosmah had asked him to "facilitate" the withdrawal of the damning orthodox stipulation done by the private investigator implicating Najib in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder as well as the Scorpenes corruption case.

Apparently, more as well as "hotter" scandals have been due to be unprotected to test the already embattled Najib, who has been facing tremendous pressure from inside of his own UMNO celebration to step down as well as pass the reins to his Deputy Muhyiddin Yassin prior to job for ubiquitous elections.

"The irony is which Raja Ropiaah who 'stole' the land from us was paid RM130 million, guess which is real power, isn't it?" pronounced Deepak, who in the content summary to Malaysia Chronicle promised to pull upon with his tell-all book upon Rosmah 'The Black Rose'.

Malaysia Chronicle

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Aguero Blow For City

LONDON: Manchester City star striker Sergio 'Kun' Aguero is set to be sidelined for the number of weeks after picking up the injure leg tendon damage in Tuesday's 3-0 win over Stoke City.Read more... ... Read More

Anwar layak diberi peluang kedua...

Jika sesiapa yang perlu mendapat peluang kedua, orangnya,adalah Anwar Ibrahim. Beliau adalah seorang tokoh politik yang paling berjaya pernah dicipta UMNO.Menonjolkan dirinya sebagai suara yang sederhana negara Malaysia dan berjaya mengekalkan sebuah pakatan rapuh terdiri daripada suara yang berbeza2, yang sama2 berikrar bahawa 'UMNO mesti pergi' , Anwar adalah 'pilihan rakyat' atau sekurang-kurangnya, beliau telah menyuntik satu harapan besar untuk para pengundi supaya memb ... Read More


Calon Pas PRU-13 tidak perlu tapisan SPRM kerana kaedah pemilihan parti itu lebih diyakini - Timbalan Setiausaha Agung Pas Takiyuddin Hassan.

Itulah kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut si Takiyuddin ni. Nak tergelak pun ada bila baca matter bodoh dia ni.

Yalah sedangkan UMNO/BN pun buat saringan. Ini calon PAS yang memang terkenal dengan gila BUrit dan DUit (short form BUDU) tak nak ditapis pulak.

Mana boleh macam tu beb? Kalau betul yakin semua calon bersih suruhlah SPRM siasat baru jantan. Itulah PAS...dulu korang cerita banyak, sekarang bila dah rasa kuasa dan penangan BUDU maka nak dicover line pulak kata bersih.

Wei PAS, aku lagi percaya kat anjing atau babi la dari nak percaya kat korang ni. Ptuiiihhhhh

'Bendera Rakyat' flies at Dataran Merdeka

The 'Sang Saka Merah Putih' or additionally well known as 'Bendera Rakyat' which had been flown for a first time by leftists on December 10, 1947, was flown again during a New Year's celebrations during Dataran Merdeka final night by a organisation calling themselves 'aktivis Sang Saka'.

sang saka malaya dwindle lift during dataran merdeka brand brand new year count down 010113 1It was once proposed to be a inhabitant dwindle by 1940s as well as 50s revolutionary organisation Putera-AMCJA (All-Malaya Council of Joint Action).

The dwindle was expelled during a cadence of midnight regulating white-and-red-coloured gas balloons which were expelled in between Jalan Raja as well as Jalan Tun Perak in a capital. The dwindle was after 'attached' to a lower apportionment of a STAR Light Rail Transit (LRT) marks during a Masjid Jamek station.

When it was released, a people in a closeness were watching a fireworks display as well as usually noticed a dwindle after a end of a New Year celebrations.

At about 12.30am, two police officers were seen regulating sticks to move down a flag.

NONEBefore that, an activist, Muhammad Nasir Abu Bakar (centre in photo), when met byMalaysiakini, pronounced which they flew a dwindle to demand which story involving a independence onslaught of a leftists be ! created "with truth as well as facts".

Nasir pronounced which alternative than Dataran Merdeka, a dwindle was additionally flown in Kelantan, Pahang as well as Penang.

sang saka malaya dwindle lift during dataran merdeka brand brand new year count down 010113 4"What you want is for a onslaught ande sacrifice of a revolutionary groups for independence to be recognised.

"What is right away created in story often usually mentions Umno, even yet they (leftists) were additionally movers of a fight for independence. So you flew this dwindle as a! reminder! of a story of a leftists," he said, while claiming which he as well as his comrades were not from any political party.

Previously,another flagknown as Sang Saka Malaya had been flown during a Janji Demokrasi gathering in Aug final year. Read More @ Source

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The Malaysian Fiscal Story unflattering

January 1, 2013

The Malaysian Fiscal Story unflattering despite clever mercantile expansion in 2012

M Ariffby Mohamed Ariff, INCEIF

Surprisingly, a Malaysian manage to buy could grow during a equitable pace in 2012, despite dismal trade opening compared with a delayed expansion of a US manage to buy as well as retrogression as well as stagnation in Europe.

Malaysia's quarterly expansion rates have been sincerely impressive: 4.9 per cent, 5.4 per cent as well as 5.2 per cent respectively in a initial three quarters.The manage to buy needs only 4.1 per cent expansion in a fourth entertain of 2012 to garner 5.0 per cent expansion for a year as a whole.

So all indications have been which Malaysia's GDP expansion will slightly exceed a government's aim of 5.0 per cent expansion in 2012. The categorical expansion drivers have been made during home expenditure as well as investment, both private as well as public. Construction as well as services have been a fastest flourishing sectors in 2012.

It is noteworthy which acceleration has become increasingly tame, decelerating from 2.7 per cent in January to 1.3 per cent in Oct 2012. The acceleration rate for a full year in 2012 is projected to solve during 1.7 per cent. The unemployment incident has been somewhat steady, in a segment of 3.03.3 per cent. The banking zone stayed full of health as well as well capitalised with a net marred loans comparative measure of only 1.4 per cent. The executive bank has kept a overnight process rate during 3.0 per cent in a face of ample liquidity.

Malaysia continues to register a current account over-abundance in a balance of payments, although a distance of a over-abundance has been dimin! ishing. International pot during a finish of Sep stood during US$ 135.6 billion, providing a defended import cover for 9.4 months, which is some-more than comfortable.

The Malaysian fiscal story, however, is unflattering, as a nation has been continuously running bill deficits given 1998. With elections around a corner, supervision subsidies as well as money handouts have been flying in a face of fiscal discipline, with no attempts made to address much-needed tax reforms which would revoke a current over coherence upon oil as well as gas, which accounts for rounded off 40 per cent of supervision revenue. Government income has unsuccessful to grow in tandem with GDP expansion in recent times, with a comparative measure of income to GDP descending from 33 per cent in 2007 to twenty-four per cent of GDP in 2011 as well as to an estimated twenty-two per cent of GDP in 2012.

All this might have an adverse result upon a country's international credit ratings, as well as as a result a need to rein in emperor debt. Government debt has ballooned to MYR 502.4 billion (US$ 164.6 billion) in a third entertain of 2012, breaching a self-imposed debt ceiling of 55 per cent of GDP. The debt ceiling was carried from 40 per cent to 45 per cent of GDP in April 2008 as well as carried further to 55 per cent in Jul 2009. Malaysia's debt-to-revenue comparative measure of about 250 per cent is close to Italy's 260 per cent.

The near-term outlook for a Malaysian manage to buy is very most dependent upon a mercantile opening of a vital trade partners. Export marketplace diversification efforts currently underway might assistance revoke Malaysia's vulnerability to outmost impacts though cannot relieve a exposure to a outmost world. Likewise, a dynamic made during home manage to buy can contribute to larger resilience though cannot be a substitute for a some-more remunerative outmost sector, given a relatively small distance of a m! ade duri ng home market. GDP expansion in 2013 is forecast to be in a segment of 5.5 per cent.

Malaysia, an advanced building nation with an considerable development track record, right away caught in a throes of a current tellurian mercantile slide, needs to escape a middle-income trap before it can join a league of developed nations as envisaged in a Vision 2020. Malaysia needs to reinvent itself to get ahead this goal. To this end, a supervision has taken a number of strategic reform initiatives to enhance a country's competitiveness as well as urge a expansion potential. While mercantile imperatives can explain the government's reform agenda, a rapidly changing political landscape in a nation appears to be a categorical motorist of change.

After 55 years of one-party administration department by a statute coalition, Malaysia has arrived during a brand new crossroads with a clever opposition effectively charity an alternative supervision to a Malaysians. For a initial time in history, a statute bloc is confronting a formidable opposition. All signs indicate which a two-party system is already in place, in any case of a result of the forthcoming elections, which remain too close to call.

Malaysia has eventually come of age politically after 55 years of independence. The race-based governing body of yester year have been giving way to an issues-oriented political process which cuts across secular boundaries. Simply put, it is not starting to be business as common any some-more in Malaysia which bodes well for a nation's future. To be sure, pluralism is Malaysia's strength, not a weakness.

Mohamed Ariff is Emeritus Professor during a Department of Economics as well as Governance, Global University of Islamic Finance (INCEIF).


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Malaysia resumes hiring Bangladeshi migrants

Malaysia has resumed recruiting Bangladeshi migrant workers after a four-year pause, an official said today, in a move easing Dhaka's remittance worries after a jobs marketplace in a Middle East dusty up.

The Bangladesh supervision yesterday voiced which an online registration process for those looking work in Malaysia would begin from Jan 13, following calls for 10,000 plantation workers.

The proclamation followed a government-to-government understanding in Nov to recruit up to 500,000 workers in manufacturing, service, agriculture as well as building a whole sectors in subsequent 5 years.

"We have been starting with 10,000 workers as well as by a end of this year a accumulative series would be 100,000," abroad employment cabinet member Zafar Ahmed Khan toldAFP.

There have been now an estimated 500,000 Bangladeshi labourers in Malaysia, but a South-East Asian republic has not hired given 2009 following reports of recruitment agencies promulgation a outrageous series of migrants to work illegally.

Impoverished Bangladesh, which heavily relies on multi-billion dollar remittance to coax a economy, has some 8.5 million workers in 157 nations across a globe.

The United Arab Emirates stopped employing workers from Dhaka in August. The Gulf republic had been a top recruiter from Bangladesh given 2007, replacing Saudi Arabia, which also drastically cut workman numbers.

Migrant workers sent home a jot down US$ 12.85 billion in a final mercantile year ended June, accounting for 12 percent of Bangladesh's gross made at home product, according to official figures.

-AFP Read More @ Source

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The Malaysian Fiscal Story unflattering

January 1, 2013

The Malaysian Fiscal Story unflattering notwithstanding clever economic expansion in 2012

M Ariffby Mohamed Ariff, INCEIF

Surprisingly, a Malaysian manage to buy could grow during a equitable pace in 2012, notwithstanding dismal export opening compared with a delayed enlargement of a US manage to buy as good as retrogression as good as recession in Europe.

Malaysia's quarterly expansion rates have been fairly impressive: 4.9 per cent, 5.4 per cent as good as 5.2 per cent respectively in a initial 3 quarters.The manage to buy needs only 4.1 per cent expansion in a fourth quarter of 2012 to garner 5.0 per cent expansion for a year as a whole.

So all indications have been that Malaysia's GDP expansion will slightly exceed a government's aim of 5.0 per cent expansion in 2012. The categorical expansion drivers have been done during home consumption as good as investment, both in isolation as good as public. Construction as good as services have been a fastest growing sectors in 2012.

It is noteworthy that inflation has become increasingly tame, decelerating from 2.7 per cent in January to 1.3 per cent in Oct 2012. The inflation rate for a full year in 2012 is projected to solve during 1.7 per cent. The stagnation incident has been rather steady, in a region of 3.03.3 per cent. The promissory note zone stayed full of health as good as good capitalised with a net marred loans comparative measure of only 1.4 per cent. The central bank has kept a overnight policy rate during 3.0 per cent in a face of ample liquidity.

Malaysia continues to register a stream account over-abundance in a shift of payments, although a distance of! a over- abundance has been diminishing. International reserves during a end of September stood during US$ 135.6 billion, providing a retained import cover for 9.4 months, that is some-more than comfortable.

The Malaysian mercantile story, however, is unflattering, as a nation has been continuously using bill deficits given 1998. With elections around a corner, supervision subsidies as good as cash handouts have been flying in a face of mercantile discipline, with no attempts done to address much-needed taxation reforms that would revoke a stream over coherence upon oil as good as gas, that accounts for rounded off 40 per cent of supervision revenue. Government income has unsuccessful to grow in tandem with GDP expansion in new times, with a comparative measure of income to GDP falling from 33 per cent in 2007 to 24 per cent of GDP in 2011 as good as to an estimated twenty-two per cent of GDP in 2012.

All this might have an adverse outcome upon a country's general credit ratings, as good as hence a need to rein in emperor debt. Government debt has ballooned to MYR 502.4 billion (US$ 164.6 billion) in a third quarter of 2012, breaching a self-imposed debt roof of 55 per cent of GDP. The debt roof was lifted from 40 per cent to 45 per cent of GDP in April 2008 as good as lifted further to 55 per cent in July 2009. Malaysia's debt-to-revenue comparative measure of about 250 per cent is close to Italy's 260 per cent.

The near-term opinion for a Malaysian manage to buy is very much contingent upon a economic opening of a major trading partners. Export marketplace diversification efforts currently underway might help revoke Malaysia's vulnerability to external impacts though cannot lessen a exposure to a external world. Likewise, a energetic done during home manage to buy can minister to greater resilience though cannot be a substitute for a some-more lucrative external sector, given a relatively small distance ! of a don e during home market. GDP expansion in 2013 is forecast to be in a region of 5.5 per cent.

Malaysia, an modernized building nation with an impressive development lane record, now held in a throes of a stream global economic slide, needs to shun a middle-income trap prior to it can join a joining of developed nations as envisaged in a Vision 2020. Malaysia needs to reinvent itself to get ahead this goal. To this end, a supervision has taken a number of strategic remodel initiatives to enhance a country's competitiveness as good as urge a expansion potential. While economic imperatives can insist the government's remodel agenda, a rapidly changing domestic landscape in a nation appears to be a categorical motorist of change.

After 55 years of one-party administration department by a statute coalition, Malaysia has arrived during a new crossroads with a clever antithesis effectively charity an pick supervision to a Malaysians. For a initial time in history, a statute bloc is facing a formidable opposition. All signs suggest that a two-party system is already in place, in any case of a outcome of the forthcoming elections, that sojourn too close to call.

Malaysia has finally come of age politically after 55 years of independence. The race-based governing body of yester year have been giving approach to an issues-oriented domestic routine that cuts across racial boundaries. Simply put, it is not starting to be commercial operation as common any some-more in Malaysia that bodes good for a nation's future. To be sure, pluralism is Malaysia's strength, not a weakness.

Mohamed Ariff is Emeritus Professor during a Department of Economics as good as Governance, Global University of Islamic Finance (INCEIF).


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Hari ke 16 Hadi tak jawab: Tunggu lagi banyak dolak dalik

Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Kelantan (MAIK) telah pun membuat teguran rasmi melalui surat terhadap Hadi Awang.

Dalam surat yang dikeluarkan setelah bermesyuarat bersama beberapa tok guru pondok serta Mufti dan Timbalan Mufti Kelantan, mesyuarat telah menggariskan 8 perkara yang membuktikan bahawa fatwa Hadi Awang itu menyesatkan masyarakat, seperti berkut:

1. percaya bahawa

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Himpunan Hijau sambut tahun baru di hadapan kilang Lynas

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Find mystery lawyer behind Balas second SD first, Bar Council told

Lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu has lashed out at a Bar Council for allegedly boring a feet over a temperament of a poser lawyer. Pictured here is Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee, who has pronounced a examine in to a make a difference is already underway.
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 1 The Bar Council was currently chided for boring a feet over a temperament of a poser counsel behind P. Balasubramaniam's controversial second sworn make a difference in to a 2006 attempted murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu, notwithstanding a series of clues at a disposal.
Lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu, who is acting for a former private detective, toldThe Malaysian Insiderthe Bar Council should speed up a examination upon a high-profile box which had formerly been related to multiform high-ranking government officials as well as resurfaced not long ago in a run-up to a 13th general elections.
"I'm suggesting a Bar Council was a small hesitant in questioning this matter," he pronounced when contacted today.
The Bar Council, a orthodox physique controlling a veteran control of some 14,000 legal practitioners in a country, has pronounced it is questioning a possibility of bungle in a drafting of Balasubramaniam's second orthodox declaration (SD), which contradicts his previous sworn make a difference done just a day progressing over a genocide of a Mongolian translator hired to support in a government's merger of dual French submarines multiform years ago.
"They can pass a make a difference to a disciplinary board for action," Americk said, adding which a Bar Council could of a own volition pull for an inquiry row to be set up.
A clouded cover of poser has been unresolved over a temperament of a counsel who had drawn up Balasubramaniam's second SD, antiquated a day after his initial upon July 3, 2008, regardin! g Altant uya's 2006 murder, for which dual elite military commandos have been convicted as well as have been facing genocide sentences.
In an open minute published progressing today, Americk pronounced M. Arunampalam's role as a counsel who had drafted Balasubramaniam's second SD had been dispelled by well-connected businessman Deepak Jaikishan who is additionally in a centre of a debate surrounding Balasubramaniam's dual SDs.
He pronounced a clues were all fabricated prior to a Bar Council to action as well as suggested a physique to check out lawyers who had formerly worked for a politicians declared in Balasubramaniam's (picture) SD to subject them in an inquiry.
He forked which usually a handful of lawyers would have access to a distinguished personality which had been declared in Balasubramaniam's SDs out of a 14,000 members of a Malaysian Bar.
Americk forked out which Deepak had privileged Arunampalam - whom a runner play had engaged to hoop his property exchange formerly - as a expected claimant for drafting a second SD.
"We have now narrowed down a operation of intensity participants. This should support a Bar Council in a endeavours to snippet a culprit(s) who unilaterally as well as but instructions, drafted a false orthodox declaration for my customer to sign under circumstances in which a subject of voluntariness remains highly suspect," he had pronounced in his open minute today.
Americk had formerly called upon a Malaysian Bar president Lim Chee Wee to "organise a elementary email to be sent to all members of a Malaysian Bar requesting which a member(s) responsible for drafting which 2nd SD do a right thing as well as make themselves known, as it appears trusting parties may be publicly falling plant to a censure diversion as well as finger pointing which has emerged given Deepak's reve! lations, to which we positively do not subscribe".
In a harried press discussion upon July 4, 2008, Balasubramaniam, accompanied by M. Arulampalam, came out to withdraw his initial SD, where he negated a essence of a initial statement, claiming it had been signed under duress.
He afterwards constructed a second statement, which he claimed after in 2009 had been prepared by another lawyer, whom he did not meet with as well as who did not consult him when drafting a document.
A former Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's (MACC) adviser, Tan Sri Robert Phang, had publicly declared Tan Sri Cecil Abraham, who sits upon a graftbuster's Operations Review Panel (PPO), as a counsel in subject in a headlines discussion last month.
Three others have lifted a emanate publicly runner merchant Deepak Jaikishan, former apportion Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, as well as a domestic activist, Haris Ibrahim.
Haris, a former lawyer, has created in to a Bar Council demanding it examine a counsel for misconduct.
But Americk, who pronounced he knew Abraham privately as well as described him as "someone who possesses such an ingrained sense of dignity, firmness as well as professionalism", forked out there was no concrete justification to uncover a latter had drafted Balasubramaniam's second SD.
Americk stressed which a former private investigator had not met a person who drew up a second make a difference which he claimed he had been coerced to sign as well as was clueless as to a person's identity.
The MACC's PPO additionally spoke out upon a emanate yesterday, saying which Abraham had not been partial of a examination group which had closed a examination file upon Balasubramaniam's SD.
"PPO had agreed with a preference by a deputy open prosecutor to stop questioning a box upon grounds a main witnesses' testimonies were not supported by any other declare as well as a credibility of a main witnesses were disputable. "PPO wishes to state which a single of a row members, Tan Sri Datuk Cecil Abraham was not present as well as was not involved in which meeting," Tan Sri Hadenan Abdul Jalil, authority of a eight-man MACC operations examination panel, pronounced in a media make a difference last month.
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Claiming credit for other peoples work

Sure, you quarrel for leisure of speech. And which is the single of the reasons since you conflict Umno as well as Barisan Nasional -- since you wish leisure of speech. But leisure of debate means you have been giveaway to speak about what you identical to though should not speak about what you do not like. And PAS talks about Islam, which is something you do not like. Hence you have been indignant with PAS for articulate about what you do not identical to even if underneath leisure of debate they have the right to speak about whatever they wish to speak about.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
JAIP nabs thirteen couples for 'khalwat' in New Year's Eve
(Bernama) - The Enforcement Division of the Pahang Islamic Religious Department (JAIP) caught thirteen unwed couples in in between eighteen as well as twenty-five years old in aSyariahcrime impediment operation after the 2013 New Year Eve celebrations.
JAIP arch coercion officer Mohd Raffli Abd Malik said the couples were nabbed for committingkhalwatat several bill hotels in locale from 9pm Monday to 6.30am Tuesday.
"Most of the couples were in in between eighteen as well as twenty-five as well as were picked up from bill hotels around locale where they had checked in after the New Year celebrations."
"They will be charged underneath the Islamic Religious Administration as well as Pahang Malay Customs 1982 Enactment," he told reporters after the operation.
Last night/early this morning, thirteen unwed couples were arrested in the state of Pahang, the state underneath Barisan Nasional, the same supervision which is in energy during sovereign level! . These unwed couples were arrested underneath Islamic laws, additionally well known asSyariahlaws.
Malaysia, however, is not an Islamic State. It is the Constitutional Monarchy with the Westminster complement of government. In alternative words, Malaysia is roughly identical to the UK as well as deliberation which the complement is the bequest of the British Colonial Government which is not as well surprising.
Pahang is not usually underneath Barisan Nasional. It is additionally the state were the Muslim woman was arrested as well as convicted for drinking drink as well as was condemned to the low mark of whipping. Furthermore, Pahang is where the PKR leader who is additionally anustaz(religious scholar) was arrested for being alone in the hotel room with the tied together woman, not his mother obviously.
Looking during the lane record of Pahang, it appears identical to Barisan Nasional is some-more Islamic than Pakatan Rakyat as well as is really serious about the doing of the IslamicSyariahlaws.
None of the alternative states have condemned the woman who drinks drink to the low mark of whipping. None of the alternative states arrested unwed couples celebrating New Year Eve in the hotel room final night or early this morning. Only the Barisan Nasional run state of Pahang did this.
Note which these unwed couples were arrested underneath the Islamic Religious Administration as well as Pahang Malay Customs 1982 Enactment. Yes, it was underneath the 30-year old law which was passed back in 1982.
1982 was the year you did my initial Haj. 1982 was additionally the year which Anwar Ibrahim left ABIM to stick on Umno so that, as he himself claimed, he can shift Umno from the inside as well as have it some-more Islamic.
Also really important, 1982 was when the Sixth General Election was hold as well as Barisan Nasional won 132 of the 155 Parliament seats (or 86% of the seats in Parliament) upon 6! 1% of th e popular votes whilst DAP won usually 9 seats as well as PAS won 5 seats (with 8 seats starting to eccentric candidates).
And which was the law used to arrested these thirteen unwed couples in Pahang final night/early this morning, the law which was passed by the Barisan Nasional supervision in 1982 soon after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over as Prime Minister as well as Anwar Ibrahim left ABIM to stick on Umno so which he can have Umno some-more Islamic.
Many of us have been really indignant with PAS. We have been really indignant with PAS since they have been perplexing to have Malaysia some-more Islamic. We have been really indignant with PAS since they have been perplexing to mislay Malaysia's physical complement (or prejudiced physical system) as well as spin Malaysia into the fully-fledged Islamic State (from the prejudiced Islamic complement which you have now).
The weird thing is, whilst PAS talks about creation Malaysia some-more Islamic (and which is the reason of the anger, since they speak about it) none of the PAS run states identical to Kedah or Kelantan arrested any the single final night or early this sunrise (and not since no the single in Kedah as well as Kelantan were engaged in 'illicit' sex to usher in the new year, thoughts you).It is the Barisan Nasional state identical to Pahang which arrested unwed Muslims for checking into the hotel room.
What is of special seductiveness to me is which this law which they used to arrest these unwed couples is the 1982 law. And in 1982 Dr Mahathir had only become the Prime Minister as well as Anwar assimilated Umno to have it some-more Islamic. And in 1982 the Malaysian voters gave Barisan Nasional the resounding win in the Sixth General Election whilst the Islamic party, PAS, won usually 5 seats.
you think PAS is the fake. They speak about Islam. However, in states underneath their control, such as in Kedah as well as Kelantan, no the single was arrested for ill! icit sex . Those who were arrested were arrested in the Barisan Nasional state identical to Pahang. And what you find even weirder is which the Menteri Besar of Pahang in 1982 was stream Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
you wonder whether you should go on being indignant with PAS. It looks identical to the culprits who 'Islamised' Malaysia were Dr Mahathir, Anwar as well as Najib. And these laws were enacted in 1982 when Dr Mahathir initial became Prime Minister, Anwar left ABIM to stick on Umno, as well as Najib was the Menteri Besar of Pahang.
Maybe you should only let PAS keep articulate about Islam. After all, it is the Barisan Nasional supervision as well as not the PAS supervision which appears to be overzealous about implementing Islam. It is those who do not speak about Islam who crop up to be the dangerous ones.
In 1982, PAS was not in energy in any of the states (not even in Kelantan). In fact, in 1982 PAS won usually 5 Parliament seats. The people in energy then were Dr Mahathir as well as Anwar during sovereign spin as well as Najib in the State of Pahang. And the thirteen unwed couples arrested final night/early this sunrise were arrested underneath the 1982 law which was the product of Dr Mahathir, Anwar as well as Najib.
Well, did you not say which politics is all about perception? And reality as well as notice have been two opposite animals. We have been indignant with PAS since they speak as well much about Islam. But it is not PAS which arrested these people final night/early this morning.
Sure, you quarrel for leisure of speech. And which is the single of the reasons since you conflict Umno as well as Barisan Nasional -- since you wish leisure of speech. But leisure of debate means you have been giveaway to speak about what you identical to though should not speak about what you do not like. And PAS talks about Islam, which is something you do not like. Hence you have been indignant with PAS for articulate about what you do no! t identi cal to even if underneath leisure of debate they have the right to speak about whatever they wish to speak about.
Or may be PAS should stop articulate about Islam. After all, final night/early this sunrise it was not the PAS run states though the Barisan Nasional run state which arrested thirteen unwed couples for celebrating New Year's Eve in the hotel room. And this law which they used to arrest these people was the law which was enacted in 1982 when Dr Mahathir initial became Prime Minister as well as Anwar left ABIM to stick on Umno as well as Najib was the Menteri Besar of Pahang.
Hence how can PAS claim credit for something which alternative people did back in 1982 when PAS was not using even the single state in Malaysia as well as won usually 5 seats in Parliament?
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