Penggabungan MAS-Airasia pertaruh >40,000 undi BN
Hudud issue critical but Pakatan can overcome, says PAS veep
By G. Manimaran
Bahasa Malaysia Editor
PAS as well as a DAP have sealed horns over a issue, with a latter's secretary-general Lim Guan Eng pledging that his entire executive care will renounce if hudud law ever became partial of a tripartite pact's joint policy.
Salahuddin (picture) told The Malaysian Insider that "even though a situation is deliberate critical, you can still plead as well as overcome it. There is no problem that cannot be solved."
"If you cannot concede it today, you will concede it tomorrow, or a next day. I am assured you can plead it as well as concede it. We must be large hearted as well as concede to find a solution," a Kubang Kerian MP said.
He combined that a opposition pact was still young, being less than 5 years old, as well as Barisan Nasional (BN), that is over 50 years old, was not giveaway from problems either.
Salahuddin pronounced that PR, that has held two conventions as well as agreed upon a Common Policy Framework that has been stretched into a Buku Jingga manifesto, has already "made history... as well as there is no celebration that is giveaway from problems as well as dissatisfaction."
"There is no emanate of any celebration bowing to another. It does not movement during all," he said.
The tip PR care is expected to meet upon Wednesday to finalise a longstanding emanate that had also split an earlier Barisan Alternatif alliance when a DAP left in 2001.
In his statement yesterday, Penang Chief Minister Lim had stressed that PR was shaped upon usual policies such as traffic with crime as well as await justice while hudud was neve! r partia l of their joint policy.
Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who has privately backed a doing of hudud in PAS-held Kelantan, also pronounced last night that they would plead a emanate in this week's care meeting.
The DAP as well as PAS have been during loggerheads over a Islamist party's await for a argumentative law that prescribes stoning, defeat as well as amputation as punishment for criminal offences.
PAS has refused to back down from its plan, with its spiritual confidant Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat reportedly observant not long ago that a DAP could leave a coalition if it refused to suggest support.
Hudud is a irritated theme in multicultural Malaysia where race as well as sacrament have been closely linked.
Khir Toyo Begins Defense in Corruption Trial
Warga asing talian hayat BN Mohd Rashidi Hassan
26 SEPT Sungguh jelek dan memalukan apabila sebuah parti yang mendakwa dirinya parti terbesar yang didokong rakyat, menguasai kerajaan lebih 50 tahun, terpaksa mendapatkan khidmat warga asing untuk membantu mereka mengekalkan kuasa.
Umno-Barisan Nasional tidak boleh menafikan fakta, bahawa di bawah pemerintahan mereka, mereka terlalu mudah untuk memberikan kerakyatan kepada warga asing.
Dasar kerajaan Umno-BN terlalu longgar. Mereka sanggup menggadaikan standing warganegara yang begitu berharga itu hanya semata-mata untuk mengekalkan kuasa dengan penuh rakus dan tamak haloba.
Umno-BN menerusi agensi dan jabatan kerajaan yang bersubahat, mula memberikan kad pengenalan (IC) palsu kepada warga Indonesia dan Filipina, khususnya yang berada di Sabah mulai tahun 1980-an untuk menguasai negeri tersebut.
Kerakusan mereka ini merebak dan semakin berleluasa, tetapi terbongkar apabila rakyat yang semakin sedar, mula mendedahkan satu-persatu, bahawa wujudnya pemalsuan dan pemberikan MyKad kepada warga asing, khususnya di kalangan warga Indonesia dan kini, warga Bangladesh pula.
Untuk apa dasar sebegini longgar diamalkan? Untuk tujuan apa MyKad atau IC diberikan sewenang-wenangnya kepada orang asing semata-mata atas alasan mereka cukup syarat untuk diberikan kerakyatan kerana tempoh mendiami negara mencukupi?
Apakah kerajaan Umno-BN boleh menafikan bahawa jika alasan tempoh mendiami negara dijadikan asas, berapa puluh ribu warga asing yang sudah mendiami Malaysia sejak puluhan tahun masih mempunyai IC Merah atau sekadar Permastautin Tetap (PR) sahaja?
Mengapakah hanya sekarang ini harus Umno-BN segerakan pemberian MyKad dan mengiktiraf mereka sebagai warganegara? Mengapa sudah hampir saat Pilihan Raya Umum diadakan, Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara dan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya begitu tangkas memproses senarai warganegara baru dan dijadikan pengundi dalam tempoh yang singkat?
Apakah sistem pentadbiran kerajaan sudah semakin canggih sehingga ramai kalangan kak! itangan awam begitu cekap memproses MyKad baru atau pun mereka diarahkan oleh pemimpin Umno-BN untuk berbuat demikian?
Inilah persoalan yang dibangkitkan rakyat. Rakyat tidak bersetuju dan amat marah dengan tindakan kerajaan Umno-BN yang secara sewenang-wenangnya memberikan MyKad kepada warga asing.
Malah rakyat juga berang dan mengesyaki terdapat kalangan kakitangan awam yang bersubahat dengan pemimpin Umno-BN untuk menyempurnakan pendaftaran mereka dengan kadar yang segera.
Apakah standing warganegara begitu murah buat mereka? Apakah mereka tidak sedar bahawa dengan memberikan kerakyatan kepada warga asing yang tidak layak, akan mengancam masa depan negara?
Kita turut mempersoalkan keikhlasan pemimpin Umno, kerana apabila kuasa mereka semakin terhakis akibat tidak disokong kaum Cina dan India, mereka sanggup melabelkan warganegara Malaysia sebagai kaum pendatang atau orang asing.
Manakala, warga asing yang sebenar, pendatang asing yang sebenar, terdiri dari kalangan rakyat Indonesia, Bangladesh, Myanmar dan sebagainya, 'ditimang-timang ' serta diberikan hak yang cukup istimewa sebagai warganegara Malaysia.
Inilah pengkhianatan Umno-BN terhadap rakyat dan negara yang harus kita hentikan. Kita tidak mempunyai cara lain untuk menyelamatkan negara, selain daripada menghapuskan Umno-BN daripada berkuasa.
Justeru kita mendesak dan merayu Majlis Raja-Raja Melayu supaya bingkas menangani persoalan ini. Kerakyatan adalah kedaulatan.
Kedaulatan adalah hak istimewa Raja-Raja Melayu. Apakah Raja-Raja Melayu boleh menerima 'rakyat' Malaysia yang menyebut 'Daulat Tuanku' dalam telo Indonesia dan Bangladesh?
* This is a personal opinion of a writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not validate a view unless specified.
Kelantan mahu hudud untuk ugut dan tindas rakyat
Commonlah, MACC Lucius Goon
SEPT 26 There must be a red blinking pointer on a heads of Malaysians which read: "Easily Duped".
Or else, why would a argumentative as well as credibility-deficient Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) still persists in scornful us with batch answers as well as clichs as well as incredible decisions.
Let us pretence we have been arrested trying to steal/extort US$ 300,000 (RM930,000) from someone. In all probability, we will be handcuffed, interrogated as well as charged in court in no time.
If we have been in a private sector or a professional, we will be suspended from your pursuit or even face stop if a terms of a contract spell out clearly that organisation with criminal activities have been grounds for termination.
But if we have been an MACC officer, we will be eliminated to executive duties. Basically pick up your compensate as well as "hentak kaki".
According to a brass during MACC, a case against a 3 allegedly brute comparison MACC officers is being investigated without fright or favour.
It is obvious that a chaps during MACC have a different perspective of what constitutes without fright or favour.
The 3 MACC officers who attacked a money changer of US$ 300,000 have been eliminated to a commission's executive division.
Yes, a same guys who did not suggest Teoh Beng Hock food or drink for hours as well as who were very assertive in questioning him a think really must hold Malaysians have been easily duped.
* Lucius Goon reads The Malaysian Insider.
* This is a personal perspective of a bard or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse a perspective unless specified.
Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #83
By M. Bakri Musa
Chapter 10: Freedom, Justice, as good as a Law
No chairman is undiluted enough to be entrusted with a autocracy as good as grace of others.
Mahmoud Mohamed Taha (1909-1985)
Sudanese Reformist, executed by his country's troops rulers.
I was visiting Malaysia after being away for most years. It was right after a race riot of 1969. The streets were still deserted, as good as you was pushing with my father when you came upon a stop pointer during an intersection. you duly stopped, looked around, as good as anticipating no oncoming traffic, proceeded.
My father asked since you stopped, as good as you responded which there was a stop sign. Startled by a astonishing question, you looked behind to find him in a pensive mood, his face tilted, as good as his eyes looking far in to a distance. After a prolonged pause, he matter-of-factly murmured, "That is since a West is so advanced. People there conform a law even when no a single is watching!"
Intuitively he had resolved which since my stopping during a stop pointer was so natural, it contingency have been conditioned by my years of vital abroad. He remembered usually as good well my pushing day to day during home a decade earlier!
While you was study abroad, my father always speedy me to venture over a campus as good as be concerned in as good as mindful of a village during large. Canada, he wisely observed, contingency be really advanced to be able to suggest scholarships to foreigners, as good as he suggested me to use a event to learn everything about a country, as good as not only come home with a degree. Thus my summers were outlayed operative during such places as a dairy farm as good as a summer resort, operative as good as interacting with typical Canadians. you would write home frequently about my observations.
I described how efficien! t a mode rn dairy farms were, as good as of cows with humongous udders pouring out literally gallons of divert daily. Once you associated how a rancher had unhesitatingly rejected a bucket of fresh milk, as he did not know whether it had been contaminated. That potentially spoilt milk, he noted, would be churned with others, as good as thousands of customers would be sick. Besides, a repute of his outfit could not be compromised or busted for a consequence of a couple of dollars value of milk.
On an additional occasion, after a train trip, you wrote of my wonderment during Canadian train drivers; how veteran as good as proud they were about their jobs. Indeed they were ready to go similar to pilots, with their crisp light blue long-sleeved shirts neatly tucked inside their dark blue pants, finish with a crawl tie as good as a captain's cap. That train motorist had taken us by a neighborhood where he lived as good as proudly showed us, a tourists, his home. It was a neat, medium track one-story dwelling in a purify pleasant suburb. you could not help though review him with his Malaysian counterparts who for a most part had their shirts drifting loosely untucked, with untied boots or slippers, as good as in all looking disheveled.
Through such unchanging commentaries my father knew firsthand about life in Canada. He had a right sense which a West was indeed advanced as good as wondered since or how it got which way while countries similar to Malaysia were still struggling.
My father was upon to something profound when he celebrated which obeying a law when no a single is watching is a pass ingredient to a West's success. To most observers, a apply oneself for a order of law is a exigency for progress. A modern multitude is ruled by law, as good as not by men. Progress cannot take place when there is callous negligence for a law.
This apply oneself for a law contingency be shown not usually by typical adults though additionally some-more importantly, a leaders. For when leaders abuse thei! r privil eges as good as flout a law, then there is small goal for a country. This abuse can come in most forms, from outright negligence of a law to some-more pointed forms as in selective charge as good as uneven applications of a law. When leaders as good as a chosen do not apply oneself a law, it sends a transparent summary to a rank as well as file to do likewise.
Similarly all laws contingency be respected, even a clearly teenager ones. The ? la mode American political scientist James Q. Wilson initial made a astute regard which when you omit violations of teenager laws, this would later inspire a crack of some-more critical ones. Law enforcement agencies have been right away informed with a "broken window syndrome," which is, when you omit teenager vandalisms similar to damaged windows, you inspire others to commit even greater crimes, until a total bureau building is completely wrecked or burnt down by arson. New York police successfully marked down a rate of vital crimes by initial enormous down upon such clearly harmless ones as loitering, jay walking, as good as littering. When typical adults see which such teenager laws have been being particularly enforced, they righteously pretence which alternative some-more critical infractions would additionally be energetically pursued.
Going behind to my father, you should have since him an update upon my pushing day to day right away which you have lived in California for a while. Californians have been among a worst drivers. They consider a stop pointer usually a suggestion; as good as a yellow trade light a vigilance to step upon a gas!
Apart from apply oneself for a law, an additional underline of a West is a reward it places upon particular as good as personal liberty. Americans do not conclude this leisure as it is taken for granted. They have been sensitized usually when which leisure is threatened or breached. Notice a stream conflict over a president's offer to detain intensity terrorists without due process in response to a 9/11 t! ragedies . Americans become really much aware of their cherished leisure when they have been abroad.
Once upon a moody to Malaysia you came upon an essay in a informal publication which was supportive of Malaysia though contained a little amiable though valid criticisms of a leadership. you associated which essay to my Malaysian friend, as good as he as good was interested to review it. you rushed to a nearest bookstore to get a copy of a magazine. (Having been away from Malaysia for a prolonged time you have not developed a habit of swiping a airline's copy!) Imagine my horror when you could not find a article; a pages had been neatly excised! Some bureaucrats in a censors' bureau had a insolence to confirm what you can as good as cannot read. How insulting! you felt violated.
This blatant negligence for a rights as good as grace of a particular is pervasive in a Third World. These bad societies fail to conclude which in a last research it is people who outcome changes, as good as thus progress. Western societies have been some-more on-going since they place a reward upon a individual. Eastern societies in all submerge a particular to a needs of a larger society. They stress society's goals as good as stability over which of a individual, as encapsulated by a Japanese saying: a nail which sticks out gets hammered. At least which is a viewed wisdom.
I plea that. Consider what a Sudanese reformist Ustaz Mahmoud Taha wrote in 1963, "Every particular is, authentically, an finish in himself. He is not equates to to any alternative end. He even if he is an imbecile is a "God" in a making as good as contingency be since a full event to develop as such. Liberty is a exigency need. Man contingency be giveaway from all dehumanizing influences poverty, ignorance, as good as fear."
Fifteen years earlier, a United Nations, regulating far reduction superb prose, pronounced radically a same thing in a Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In a preamble a request reaffirms a fundamental grace as ! good as a next to as good as inalienable rights of all humans as a substructure of freedom, justice, as good as peace. The document's initial essay could easily have been taken from a Koran when it declares which all tellurian beings have been innate free, with next to grace as good as rights, as good as have been endowed with reason as good as conscience.
Many outward a West would plea a universality of this UN Declaration, generally a statement reaffirming a supremacy of a individual. But as a Islamic scholar a late Fazlur Rahman wrote, "Whether ultimately it is a particular which is poignant as good as multitude merely a necessary instrument for his origination or clamp versa is academic, for particular as good as multitude crop up to be correlates. There is no such thing as a societiless individual."
Next: Society as good as Individuals
This entrance was posted upon Monday, twenty-six September 2011, 11:28 am as good as is filed underneath Bakri Musa, globalisation. You can follow any responses to this entrance by RSS 2.0.
Lim Kit SiangPerbalahan hudud hanya sandiwara Manja Ismail
26 SEPT Hanya mereka yang buta politik percaya kekecohan ekoran kenyataan Mursyidul Am PAS, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat bahawa parti itu tetap akan menubuhkan sebuah negara Islam serta melaksanakan hukum hudud bakal meretakkan pakatan pembangkang, khususnya antara PAS dan DAP menjelang pilihan raya umum akan datang.
Dengan memerintah empat negeri sekarang, pencapaian terbesar pembangkang setakat ini dan bercita-cita mahu menduduki Putrajaya selepas pilihan raya umum akan datang, pemimpin PAS, DAP atau Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) tidak mungkin begitu bodoh untuk berbalah mengenai perkara yang mereka sendiri sedar sukar dilaksanakan di negara ini.
Justeru, kenapa Nik Aziz, yang sebelum ini dilihat lebih selesa dengan DAP dan PKR berbanding Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, Khamis lalu berkata, beliau tidak kisah sekiranya DAP keluar pakatan pembangkang jika tidak setuju dengan pendirian kerajaan Kelantan untuk membentuk negara Islam dan melaksanakan hukum hudud di negeri itu?
Begitu juga dengan kenyataan Penasihat PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, yang selepas sekian lama tidak bercakap mengenai Islam, mengulas bahawa beliau secara peribadi menyokong hukum hudud dilaksanakan di negara ini.
Seperti biasa pemimpin DAP seperti Karpal Singh dan Lim Kit Siang dilaporkan terus melenting, manakala sesetengah pemimpin daripada komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) turut menumpang publisiti daripada polemik mengenai hudud ini.
Mengikuti polemik terbaru ini, sejak kenyataan Nik Aziz pada 8 June lalu kononnya hasrat PAS melaksanakan hukum hudud dihalang oleh Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad selepas Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan meluluskan Enakmen Undang-Undang Kanun Jenayah Syariah (ii) pada 1993, sehinggalah kepada pendirian Karpal dan Pemuda PAS kelmarin, ia bagaikan membaca sebuah skrip drama.
Ulasan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak bahawa langkah Nik Aziz memutarkan kembali cerita lama mengenai hudud sebagai taktik parti itu bertujuan menagih perhatian rakyat, mem! ang tepa t.
Malah, kita melihat gimik terbaru kali ini bukan ciptaan Nik Aziz seorang, tetapi dirancang secara teliti oleh pembangkang untuk mengabui mata penyokong setiap parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat ketika pilihan raya umum semakin hampir sekarang.
Memang perbalahan mengenai hudud, khususnya antara PAS yang mendakwa memperjuangkan Islam dan DAP, parti menjuarai bukan Melayu/Islam, akan menaikkan imej mereka di kalangan penyokong masing-masing.
Jika diimbas kembali, hampir setiap kali menjelang pilihan raya umum dan pilihan raya kecil yang mana kemesraan PAS-DAP tidak disenangi penyokong masing-masing, Karpal dan Nik Aziz akan bertikam lidah mengenai hudud. Perbalahan mereka kemudian senyap sebaik saja pilihan raya berakhir.
Oleh itu, tidak hairanlah jika perbalahan mengenai hudud kali ini akan berlarutan, malah mungkin menyebabkan PAS dan DAP dilihat tidak lagi bekerjasama pada pilihan raya umum akan datang. Dengan berbalah mengenai hudud, PAS akan dilihat oleh penyokong tradisional mereka sebagai kembali ke pangkal jalan selepas cuba menukar matlamat menubuhkan negara Islam kepada negara kebajikan. DAP pula berharap dapat menarik lebih banyak sokongan pengundi Cina yang tidak mengundi mereka sebelum ini kerana takut parti itu akur dengan hukum hudud PAS.
Dengan menimbulkan semula isu hudud, pakatan pembangkang bukan saja berharap dapat mengalihkan perhatian rakyat daripada pelbagai kelemahan dan masalah dalaman yang mereka hadapi, tetapi turut memperbaiki imej pemimpin tertentu yang tercalar.
PAS misalnya belum lagi kebah dengan keputusan pemilihan parti yang menyaksikan golongan magnanimous menguasai barisan kepemimpinan kanan. Walaupun perubahan itu mendapat reaksi positif di kalangan PKR dan DAP, ia tidak diterima baik oleh penyokong akar umbi PAS di luar bandar.
Bagi Nik Aziz pula, beliau tidak mempunyai banyak pilihan dalam memastikan terus mendapat sokongan rakyat Kelantan dan dihormati ahli PAS sendiri kecuali memainkan watak Tok Guru yang tidak bertolak an! sur meng enai hukum Islam.
Setakat ini, hanya Hadi belum mengeluarkan kenyataan mengenai perkara ini. Ramai menunggu dengan penuh minat bagaimana versi terbaru sandiwara hudud ini berakhir dan siapa sebenarnya yang bakal terperangkap. Berita Harian
* This is a personal opinion of a writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not validate a view unless specified.
Cuci air Normah dari muka sebelum perjuang Hudud
Mao of Love by Azly Rahman
by Azly Rahman
March 5, 2011
I had a dream
Of reading a Rilke
Whilst in a Rimbaud state of mind
Unfinished was my reading
of a Duino Elegies
of terrifying angels as well as of love
In which mental condition too
In-between my readings
I looked yonder
Three teens
In broad illumination slowly climbed up an apartment building
Scaling a height
To burglarize
And they took only umbrellas
Three beautifully crafted ones
And they non-stop a umbrellas
And together ... through a window
Smilingly, they ascend to a ground
That image: similar to a freeze frame of a postmodern clip
of The Matrix
In which dream
In a room
Full of people we saw her
In red cardigan
Or was it a turtleneck we was not sure
As what dreams give me: good of a doubt
In her lies a childhood
A landscape of tender emotions
A tapestry of dialiectics
Amidst a world of growing materialism
Dialiectical materialism ... of love
I woke up
Time collapses
Persisting similar to a mental recall still, similar to a Salvador Dali
Flashed in front of my unseeing eyes are a words:
Mao of Love ... Mao of Love ..
Forcing me to seek inside of me
This bizarre prodigy of love
That constructs as well as deconstructs as well as reconstructs
That is a topic as well as an anti-thesis as well as synthesizes as well as a cycle continues
That proposes as well as disposes as well as recomposes
That lives as well as dies as well as reincarnates
That loves as well as hates as well as reconciles as well as comes behind in forms anew
That walks as well as marches tens of thousand of miles as well as sacrifices for a Mao of Love
That has no fear to abandon adore of materials for higher love
Mao of Love we was writing
Beyond a Tao of Physics
we too was contemplating
Out of a mental condition which came a-visitin'
These difference regularly we was chanting
My ! chants o f a Mao of Love
Bro! ught me behind to my dreamstate
As each dungeon in me chants a mantra
Like a wise a single under a bodhgaya tree
Becometh of me was something we have never seen
A physique as well as essence there is --
yet without boundaries
There are only difference inscribed unto my complete body
Like tombstones glowing in a solitude of comfortable lights aplenty
Like a apparation in front of me
I saw myself similar to clouds moving
in a pretentious ceremony
Entering a room where a a single in red sat alone
In a smoke-filled room
With kaleidoscopic strobe lights dancing
till eternity Read More @ Source
Hudud: Pakatan di persimpangan Tok Ki
26 SEPT Amat menarik isu hudud dibangkitkan semula oleh Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat yang diberi pandangan balas oleh Dr Mohd. Asri Zainul Abidin, reaksi penentangan oleh Karpal Singh, provokasi oleh Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan sokongan Anwar Ibrahim secara peribadi terhadap pendirian Mursyidul Am PAS ini menegakkan negara Islam dan melaksanakan hudud di Kelantan.
Ia meletakkan pakatan pembangkang di suatu persimpangan bahawa muktamar PAS lalu seperti menunjukkan peralihan yang radikal daripada perjuangan negara Islam ke arah negara berkebajikan.
Sehingga kini tiada huraian jelas bahawa Negara Berkebajikan adalah Negara Islam yang menuntut pelaksanaan hudud.
Apakah ia suatu taktik menjinakkan kelompok bukan Islam bahawa PAS sedang mengambil pendekatan sederhana untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan kelompok-kelompok lain?
Umum mengetahui bahawa telah sekian lama PAS memperjuangkan Negara Islam. Adakah ia sungguh-sungguh atau lebih merupakan retorik politik semata-mata, ia memerlukan pemeriksaan dan penelitian.
Sementara Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) pula menjadi lebih liberal. Tidak nampak secara tegas memperjuangkan Melayu dan Islam. Pemimpinnya Anwar akhir-akhir ini semakin liberal kalau tidak joke sedang mengarah kepada faham pluralis.
DAP tetap dengan keazaman melaksanakan konsep Malaysian Malaysia ikut acuan Sosialis Demokratik. Sepatah kata Karpal Singh "langkah mayat saya dulu" sekiranya ingin melaksanakan Negara Islam. Secara jelas pakatan pembangkang berada di persimpangan ideologi dan fahaman yang amat tajam.
Walaupun Anwar menjadi penghubung utama pakatan pembangkang dan bercita-cita untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri, tetapi ideologi dan fahaman komponen politik pakatan tidak sekata dan sehaluan
Bayangkan Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) Ke-13 semakin dekat, percanggahan mula timbul, apakah corak dasar dan manifesto yang bakal dirumus bagi meyakinkan rakyat bahawa ideologi dan fahaman yang berbeza boleh menghasilkan corak kerajaan yang kukuh dan tegu! h.
< p>PAS dengan penguasaan kelompok Anwarinasnya sedang mengukuh pengaruh supaya ia selari dengan kehendak Anwar.Kelompok ulama semakin menjadi tidak berpengaruh dan sering terpapar nada sumbang dari Ketua Ulamanya, Datuk Harun Taib dan Ketua Pemudanya, Ustaz Nasrudin Hassan terhadap isu pemurtadan dan menyebabkan Datuk Dr Hasan Mohamed Ali semakin terpinggir.
Bila Anwar tidak bersetuju dengan usaha Hasan menubuhkan Unit Penyelarasan dalam portfolionya di Selangor, ia menunjukkan belang sebenar Anwar terhadap isu agama yang sangat sensitif.
Apakah kenyataan Anwar terhadap isu hudud Nik Aziz bakal memerangkap diri dan menyebabkan keretakan dan akhirnya perpecahan dalam pakatan?
Bagaimana komponen pakatan yang mempunyai ideologi dan fahaman yang berbeza ibarat langit dengan bumi ini boleh mencapai suatu rumusan dasar negara apa yang bakal dibangunkan nanti sekiranya mereka menang dalam pilihan raya.
Anwar pada hemat penulis tidak akan selesa dengan konsep Negara Islam PAS. Hairannya, bagaimana PAS boleh menerima faham liberal-pluralis yang dianut oleh Anwar sedangkan konsep Negara Islam Nik Aziz jauh lebih rigid.
Dalam masa sama, bagaimana PAS dapat bertolak ansur dengan DAP sedangkan DAP tidak pernah berkompromi dengan maksud Negara Islam yang dibawa oleh PAS.
Yang penulis amati adalah PAS memerlukan sokongan DAP supaya dapat memerintah Malaysia. Anwar dan PKR memerlukan PAS dan DAP supaya boleh menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Dan DAP memerlukan PAS dan Anwar supaya undi umat Melayu pecah.
Logik akal tidak mungkin tiga aliran fahaman ini boleh menyatukan masyarakat majmuk di Malaysia.
Sering dihubungkan pakatan ini ibarat tidur sebantal mimpi lain-lain. Citarasa politik menjadi tidak sama. Lambat laun ia bakal bercanggah dan pastinya membawa perpecahan. Penyokong PAS tidak mahu PAS cair dengan perjuangan Negara Islamnya.
DAP sedang menjinakkan ramai veteran Melayu untuk terlibat dalam kepimpinan partinya supaya apa-apa berlaku ia boleh ! menjawab keperluan perlembagaan Selangor atau Perak kalau berbangkit isu pucuk kepimpinan negeri nanti.
Anwar dengan isu mahkamahnya dan krisis dan kepimpinan Wan Azizah-Azminnya tidak mungkin melonjakkan PKR dalam keadaan lebih kuat seperti PRU Ke-12 dulu
Eksperimen kelainan ideologi dan fahaman ini adalah sesuatu yang berbahaya bagi Malaysia. Malaysia memerlukan asas kestabilan dan perpaduan yang tinggi kerana tidak mudah membangun Malaysia seperti yang kita lihat keadaannya hari ini.
Pendekatan sederhana dan tolak ansur amat perlu supaya maksud Islam dalam dasar membawa pendekatan ketamadunan bukannya retorik politik yang sifatnya memikat tetapi dari sudut module pembangunan Islami tidak berlaku.
Islam tidak harus dilihat sebagai sesuatu yang rasis. Prinsip amanah, keadilan, keikhlasan, telus dan tulus sekiranya dapat dihayati oleh setiap tahap kepimpinan dan pengikutnya, ia mampu menjadi faktor penyatu masyarakat majmuk.
Ia boleh dibina sekiranya ada tekad politik yang tinggi untuk membawa Malaysia ke arah negara maju berasaskan acuan kita sendiri.
Oleh itu Malaysia memerlukan suatu pendekatan yang lebih serasi dengan sifat masyarakatnya yang berbilang.
Mengambil pendekatan firm Nik Aziz tanpa berlakunya transformasi sosial, ekonomi, ilmu dan pendidikan dan budaya meletakkan suasana yang tidak kondusif dalam membangunkan syariah.
Kita tidak boleh berfikir simplistik bahawa laksanakan hudud akan selesai semua masalah yang berbangkit. Hudud adalah suatu kaedah hukuman Islamiah dari Allah. Kita wajib mengimaninya.
Bagaimana hudud dapat dilaksanakan dalam realiti yang serba bejat atau tidak seimbang memerlukan penelitian ulama dan ilmuwan supaya maqasid syariah berlaku dengan tekad dan persiapan yang terbaik.
Ini kerana keadilan tidak akan terjelma dan lahir sekiranya hudud hanya menjadi slogan politik untuk memikat dan mengekalkan pengaruh. Utusan Malaysia
* This is a personal opinion of a writer or publication. The Malaysian Insi! der does not validate a view unless specified.
Write History as It is
by Din Merican
On Sep 25, a mainstream media front paged a honors conferred upon Temengong Kanang anak Langkas (left) a Sarawak Datukship. Also prominently featured is a endowment of a commando beret of VAT 69 to Apot Saad.
Kanang as well as Apot have been inland bumiputeras, a former from Sarawak as well as a latter from Perak. Both honours have been for aplomb as well as flattery in fighting a communists during a Emergency (1948-1960). They positively deserved a honors as heroes of a country. No complaints about that.
The Criminal Defamation Charge Against Mat Sabu
But given weren't these heroes honored many earlier? Why usually now? Has this to do with Mat Sabu, Deputy President of PAS, who was charged for rapist insult last Wednesday Sep 21. Is UMNO- BN creation domestic mileage of history?The assign opposite Mat Sabu followed weeks of debate after he pronounced which there were many alternative leisure fighters who have been all forgotten.
Mat Sabu afterwards drew a courtesy to Mat Indera who played a distinguished purpose in a 1950 conflict upon a Bukit Kepong military station. This was immortalised in a film played by a mythological actor-director Tan Sri Dr. Jins Shamsuddin. The Policemen were portrayed as heroes who fought opposite a communists who were portrayed as villains as well as traitors. Thus, Mat Indera, who was allegedly a communist cadre , was expel as a traitor. However, a book by a Johor su! pervisio n in 2004 named Mat Indera as an mutinous leisure warrior as well as distinguished him as a Johor hero. So, was Mat Indera a favourite or a diabolic ruffian?
This stereotyping of Malaysians in to heroes as well as villains shows a failure as a republic to accept chronological contribution as well as a miss of high regard for humanistic contributions.
And a moment politicians get involved in chronological discourses as well as debates, afterwards egghead duplicity creeps in as well as story is distorted for domestic as well as alternative self portion ends.The law of story becomes irrelevant. Sir Winston S.Churchill once pronounced : "History will ! be kind to me for you intend to write it."
For this reason, you am grateful to my friend, lawyer Rosli Dahlan, who insisted which you should read a writings of Tunku Zain Al'Abidin Muhriz, founding boss of a Institute for Democracy as well as Economic Affairs (IDEAS) in his book, Abiding Times.
It seems which Rosli is an fervent suitor of this immature royalty whose hands he declared politely to me he would straightforwardly kiss, notwithstanding their age difference. Having usually read Tunku Zain Al'Abidin's piece, Roaming Beyond a Fence(see couple :, you can right away assimilate given Rosli is impressed with this immature man's intellectualism as well as maturity.
Yam Tuan Antah of Negri Sembilan
The egghead probity as well as capacity of Tunku Zain Al'Abidin (left) in evaluating story is suggested when he compared his ancestors, Yam Tuan Antah, as well as his great great grandfather, Tuanku Muhamad, whose son,Tuanku Abdul Rahman, became a initial Yang Di Pertuan Agong (YDPA).
Yam Tuan Antah had waged fight opposite a British in 1875 which invited a British plea by an artillery force which cannon-shot which destroyed ! Yam Tuan Antah's camp. The British advanced to Seri Menanti where they burnt down a Istana. Subsequently, Yam Tuan Antah was recognised usually as Yam Tuan of Seri Menanti, rather than of Negri Sembilan as a whole. Yam Tuan Antah is distinguished in a same exhale with Datuk Maharaja Lela as well as Mat Salleh as valiant defenders of their race, sacrament as well as nation.
Reclaim History for Ourselves
Yet, his son, Tuanku Muhammad, enjoyed many improved family with a British. He was educated at a English High School in Malacca as well as even perceived compliments from a British Resident, Sir Frank Swettenham, who wrote which he was an "example of a many appropriate sort of intelligent, straightforward Malay Raja".
Thus, Tunku Zain's square raised a many pertinent question as well as you quote a immature Prince: "Clearly, my dual ancestors employed opposite strategies in traffic with a British. Was a single a favourite as well as a alternative a traitor? No, they were merely individuals trying to abide by their adat while traffic with a exigencies of tellurian British powerThe usually way to fix this is for us to reclaim story for ourselves. Politicians contingency be private from a process of writing a curriculum, as well as professors granted a educational leisure to include controversial viewpointsMost importantly, a entire basis of a education complement urgently needs to change from a rote guidance of acceptable "facts" to a equipping of immature smar! ts to ap preciate as well as break down into parts opposite opinions."
Isn't this a same thing which Mat Sabu had said? So, given does Mat Sabu's statement consecrate rapist defamation? Did A-G Gani Patail not advise a supervision upon this? Or is A-G Gani Patail again personification governing physique with a comprehensive powers vested in him as a Public Prosecutor to dedicate selective prosecution?
That story contingency be put in its! proper viewpoint is again amplified in an article by my journalist-author friend as well as associate Kedahan, Tan Sri Zainudin Maidin , which appeard appeared upon page 8 of Mingguan Malaysia(September 25, 2011) under a title "Api ini terus menyala".
Zainudin wrote which in a 1930's, Utusan Melayu emerged from a very slight patriotic feelings as an countenance of anti-Indian Muslim as well as Anti-Arab sentiments given these dual races had flustered a Malays as well as exploited a Malay economy. The Malays by Utusan Melayu to illustrate labeled these dual groups as DKK (Darah Keturunan Keling) dan DKA (Darah Keturunan Arab).
On this platform alone, Dr Mahathir as well as many Penang Malays, including my ancestors, a Mericans, who have been DKKs would have been a rivalry of Utusan Melayu. And additionally all a Arab Syeds like Dato' Jaffar Albar as well as his son Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar who have been DKAs would additionally have been a "enemy"!
Malays contingency stop blaming others
Malays blaming alternative Malaysians for their state of affairs is therefore not new. Previously it was a DKK as well as a DKA. Now it is a DKC (Darah Keturunan China). This encircle mentality will have to stop if a Ma! lays hav e been to progress. There will always be a convenient bogeyman as well as dishonest politicians to foot who will always capitalize upon a competition card.
Dato' Onn Jaafar
It is to a credit as well as tasteful egghead probity of Dato' Onn Jaafar, a Malay of Turkish descent, which he had a bravery as well as benevolence to defuse as well as correct this slight ethnic prejudices. Dato' Onn rose to be a initial UMNO President, though died outside of UMNO when he was rejected for his ambitious plans to open UMNO to non-Malays.
This is what Tan Sri Zainuddin wrote:"Bagaimanapun Presiden UMNO yang pertama Dato' Onn Jaafar meluaskan takrifan itu dengan memasukkan keturunan Arab dan India sebagai Melayu kerana mereka berugama Islam dan mengamalkan adat-istiadat Melayu untuk membesarkan kelompok Melayu yang diperlukan untuk perjuangan besar bagi menentang Malayan Union dalam 1946. Tabir perjuangan Utusan Melayu berubah dari semasa ke semasa oleh tuntutan dan tekanan politik tetapi terbukti, baik ketika didukung oleh pejuang kiri atau ketika dikuasai oleh pejuang kanan, namun kejatian diri Utusan tetap tidak berubah malah lebih menyerlah dalam keadaan yang tercabar."
Even Dato' Usman Awang (later decorated as a National Poet Laureate) was considered a revolutionary in Utusan Melayuwhen he opposed a takeover try ofUtusan Melayu by UMNO. But a afterwards brand new UMNO President as well as initial Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, insisted upon a takeover to prevent Utusan Melayufrom continuing to be a revolutionary newspaper. If Usman Awang is to be judged by a same thirty-six-inch ruler as Mat Sabu, would he additionally be called a hypocrite currently as well as be charged in court?
Despite once being UMNO's promotion chief, you praise Tan Sri Zainuddin for attempting a little egghead probity in his book "Api ini terus menyala" by divulgence a contribution as they have been to us.
We would be a improved republic if you can admit all a past, warts as well as all, instead of distorting story to fit a momentary needs, like a center overlay flavor of a month of a Penthouse magazine. That is how contrived you have turn to a border which you would repudiate which you were once colonized by a British. Is which what you wish to be a republic of liars?
If Prime Minister Najib truly wants to pierce a republic forward in implementing reforms, afterwards he should be confidant enough to accept Chin Peng's plea in his book "My Side of History" when Chin Peng concluded:
"I suspicion you would describe my side of story to make support of these years a little less lopsided you fought a liberation war. To ask either you would do it again is resting talk. you was a immature male in an wholly opposite setting though a realities as well as a lessons you schooled from which time comprised a physique of values you can share with a immature who might wish to demeanour over their palmtops as well as assimilate how story is shaped. you would like to be involved in a forum. It is a exchange of ideas ! which ult imately moved a world. The trade of views still exhilarates me. You can discuss it me you was wrong. You can discuss it me you failed. But you can additionally discuss it you how it was as well as how you tried."
Hegel is unfortunately right when he pronounced "What experience as well as story teaches us is which people as well as governments have never schooled anything from history, or acted upon beliefs deduced from it." We do not wish to know chronological truth, in stead you merrily go along with story as written by those in power.
No wonder, Churchill, writer of The History of The English Speaking Peoplesand History of The Second World War, was never bothered either story was kind to him given he was a author. Sir Winston patently knew his own people well as well as believed which by winning a Battle of Britain opposite Hitler as well as a Germans he had a credibility to discuss it his side of a story to adoring Britons. True to his words, he wrote story as he had intended.
That said, we should write story as it is given story is about who you have been as a people as well as a republic as well as a collective achievements as well as failures. By distorting it, you have been usually mean action ourselves as well as those after us, which is you have been fibbing to ourselves as well as deluding future generations.
E.H. Carr, a writer of What is History, had this to contend about! his tim e: "History is sick. But afterwards a multitude as well is sick". Is a story ill too? If so, what does which contend of us as a people as well as country?
Malaysians Must Know a TRUTHDBKL, diarrhoea and Raja Nong Chik: Giving up Lembah Pantai for Titiwangsa?
Walking past Bangsar's Telawi Streets, where many of a favoured eateries have been located, a single is reminded of a Old West where anything goes. None of a establishments crop up to feel compelled to follow any rules.
There have been chairs as well as tables upon a sidewalk, some, incredibly, henceforth cast in concrete! If you were to outing over a single of these as well as fall, who would be liable? The restaurant? DBKL? They would all be pointing fingers. Some have outrageous plants in front of them. So if a centipede or a cobra were to crawl out as well as bite some passer-by, who would be responsible? We suspect DBKL would deny ever meaningful about this. We know they know, given they hand out parking tickets often sufficient in this part of town. So because will they not act?
How to widespread diarrhoea
There should be nothing upon a sidewalk; that's because a called a sidewalk. Tables as well as chairs as well as inebriated customers go in a restaurant. As do gaudy concrete elephants as well as outrageous concrete tables and, good grief, fountains! Fountains upon a sidewalk!?
If that isn't bad enough, revisit a single of a few, though popular, Indian restaurants in Bangsar as well as you will be repelled during a state of their kitchens. The Health Department in DBKL is clearly coma or worse. One restaurant has diluted blood streaming out a behind drain! Forget a supportive customer, it is plain unhealthy. Waiters freely have use of their hands to touch your food before serving it! A great approach to get faeces in your food, as well as bacteria in your belly.
!It al l comes behind to enforcement, that shortcoming lies with DBKL, that shortcoming they have been ignoring. DBKL has a Datuk Bandar, not inaugurated by a people; generally a tired aged polite menial about to retire. He could caring l! ess abou t a residents of KL, you suppose, as he swings his golf bar in some green fairway.
And a real culprits?
The Nong Chik
The Federal Territories Minister as well as his deputy of course! Raja Nong Chik has a gall to send out Hari Raya messages to everybodys handphone, as well as not long ago an invitation to attend an open house for Lembah Pantai residents, nonetheless you have no idea what he has done for KL given receiving office. His deputy has managed to turn Brickfields in to a mixed-up disaster with a gaudy monstrosity of an elephant fountain right in a middle, as well as awful colors everywhere else.
The FT Minister should focus upon his stream pursuit as well as have certain DBKL is scrupulously run; instead of spending his time campaigning for Lembah Pantai, where he does mount a possibility against PKR clamp boss Nurul Izzah Anwar.
Even his Umno friends know this as well as they have advised him to give it up. Go to Titiwangsa as well as plea PAS for a seat. But a approach things have been going, it looks similar to fat possibility for him there too!
A nice lady
Titiwangsa still remembers Dr Lo'Lo' Ghazali, who died of lung cancer in Jul during age 54. A healing doctor, Lo'Lo' became a second woman from PAS to win a parliamentary seat when she kick Barisan's Aziz Jamaludin Mohd Tahir by a majority of 1,972 votes in a 2008 general election.
But if Umno is banking upon a narr! ow margi n of Lo'Lo's win, they had better think twice. In a reduced few years given receiving over a constituency, Lo'Lo' has been able to set upon a good dialog with a people there.
"Even upon her deathbed my mom continued to be concerned about a people in her constituency," said her son Muhd Fawwaz.
And even Umno nastie, Rembau MP Khairy Jamaluddin, had a kind word to gangling when he listened of her death. "She was a nice lady."
Nonetheless, a nondescript Nong Chik does not have all a choices in a world. A subsequent par! adminis trator, he is lucky to have been removed to a Cabinet, Umno veterans say.
So it looks similar to Nong Chik's time in Lembah Pantai, perplexing to stir up a storm for a young though steely Izzah, might have been wasted. It's right away off to Titiwangsa, so do not be astounded to bump in to him, stirring up trouble for Lo'Lo's family as well as PAS a subsequent time you have been in a area.
- Malaysia Chronicle
Dokumen bukti Dr Macdonald bukan pakar DNA
Winds of change pick up in Myanmar Thaung Tun
SEPT twenty-six When former Prime Minister Thein Sein was inaugurated President of Myanmar earlier this year, observers saw him as a puppet of a aged regime.
They considered a Nov elections to be nothing some-more than window sauce as well as expected which a military, which had been in a driving chair for over 4 decades, would still be pulling a strings as well as running a nation in much a same aged proceed as before out of step with a times as well as a own people.
Six months into his presidency, however, a brand new President is beginning to infer his critics wrong.
Myanmar appears to be moving divided from a discredited policies of a past as well as adopting some-more open policies. Recent press reports indicate flourishing signs of tangible change in a country.
Expectations as well as hopes which real change may be upon a horizon have been heightened by a statements of comparison European Union as well as United States officials who visited a nation recently. EU Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva said she was encouraged by central pledges of larger entrance to uneasy areas.
Derek Mitchell, US Special Representative as well as Policy Co-ordinator for Myanmar, settled following his five-day revisit which a US recognised as well as welcomed recent gestures from Nay Pyi Taw such as Thein Sein's assembly with Aung San Suu Kyi, a investiture of a inhabitant human rights commission, open importance upon discourse with racial groups as well as easing of media censorship.
The taking flight optimism in a nation stems especially from a actuality which a brand new President appears to be genuinely committed to reforms. He has not only done policy statements job for political reconciliation, strengthening of approved practices as well as mercantile reforms, though additionally followed them up with action.
He has taken a unusual step of assembly with Suu Kyi as well as hosting her to dinner i! n a bran d new presidential residence. Observers determine which a sketch which appeared in Myanmar writings of Thein Sein station with Suu Kyi in front of a central mural of General Aung San, her father as well as a inhabitant hero, sends a certain signal.
Suu Kyi herself has confirmed which there is a clarity of spring in a air. In her speech marking a International Day of Democracy, she told her audience: "I believe we have reached a indicate where there is opportunity for change."
She additionally told AFP which a brand new supervision appeared genuine in a enterprise for approved remodel as well as which an Arab-style overthrow was not a answer to a country's problems. "There have been changes, though we do not consider we're all giveaway or completely giveaway yet. There's still utterly a proceed to go though we consider there have been certain developments," she said.
Derek Tonkin, a former British Ambassador to Thailand as well as Vietnam as well as current CEO of non-profit Network Myanmar, sums up a incident when he says: "The supervision has left further than most thought expected in term of a declarations of intent as well as has demonstrated a penetrating clarity of purpose upon amicable welfare as well as mercantile issues."
Still, unsurprisingly, there have been doubting Thomases who have been not convinced a changes go over a cosmetic. Mitchell alluded to this: "I consider everybody who follows this nation knows which there have been stops as well as starts, which expectations have been dashed, which things only go so distant as well as afterwards they stop or they reverse themselves. And we really urged a care to infer a sceptics wrong."
Myanmar's manage to buy as well is beginning to stir from a low doze of decades of stagnation brought about initial by General Ne Win's misguided policies as well as his experiment with "The Burmese Way to Socialism" as well as subsequently a sanctions imposed by a US as well as EU.
!Acco rding to reports in Xinhua as well as a BBC, Myanmar perceived a record US$ twenty billion (RM60 billion) in unfamiliar investment in a past year alone: US$ 10.2 billion was in a oil as well as gas sector, US$ 8.3 billion in electric power, US$ 1.4 billion in mining as well as US$ 66.3 million in manufacturing. The heading investors have been China with US$ 7.75 billion, Hong Kong with US$ 5.79 billion, South Korea with US$ 2.67 billion, Thailand with US$ 2.14 billion, Britain with US$ 799 million as well as Singapore with US$ 226 million.
The census data have been a thoughtfulness of a actuality which Myanmar is a resource-rich nation as well as which it can attract investors notwithstanding Western sanctions, which have obviously been a disaster upon all fronts.
A pro-business proceed could have provided a West an opportunity to foster some-more political, polite as well as mercantile leisure in Myanmar.
With a West staying away, China's hand has been strengthened. A series of Chinese corporations have been concerned in outrageous hydropower, mining as well as oil as well as gas projects opposite a country. The projects include building a whole of dams as well as a vital tube as well as rail projects opposite Myanmar aimed during transporting gas as well as oil to China's landlocked horse opera provinces.
China has additionally proposed work upon a deepwater seaport as well as oil depot upon Ramree Island upon a west seashore of Myanmar. Once completed, oil from a Middle East as well as Africa will be off-loaded there as well as ecstatic to Kunming via a 1,100km-long pipeline, which would eliminate a need for tankers to pass by a Malacca Strait.
Myanmar's other large neighbours, India as well as Thailand, as well have jumped upon a bandwagon to benefit from a opening up of a country.
The US$ 110 million Kaladan plan will connect Myanmar's horse opera seashore with India's land-locked northeastern states, giving a latter entrance to a sea as well as ! an oppor tunity to develop larger mercantile linkages with Southeast Asia. The plan involves upgrading Sittwe pier as well as developing a 225km-long waterway in between Sittwe as well as Setpyitpyin in Myanmar along a Kaladan River. It additionally includes building a whole of a 62km main highway from Setpyitpyin to Lawngtlai in Mizoram, where it will combine with India's inhabitant main highway 54.
Myanmar as well as Thailand have signed a framework agreement upon building a massive low seaport in Dawei in a south of Myanmar coupled with a main highway as well as rail couple to Bangkok. The project, which includes a special mercantile zone, is estimated to cost US$ 13 billion.
The gigantic infrastructure projects will connect Myanmar to a neighbours as well as create openings similar to never before. Other Southeast Asian countries similar to Thailand, Indonesia as well as Vietnam which have gifted similar situations have been able to leap-frog to larger prosperity.
As a universe watches with expectation a evolving incident in Myanmar, it would be in a interest of a general village to see which a remodel routine does not go awry.
The general village should ensure which Thein Sein's tentative stairs during reforms will grow into larger strides. One proceed might be for Asean to accede to Myanmar's request to pretence a chairmanship of a organisation in 2014.
The actuality which Myanmar is actively looking to chair Asean's Standing Committee shows which it has come a long proceed from a time it motionless to forgo a spin to chair Asean in 2006. It reflects a augmenting certainty a brand new Myanmar supervision has in a ability to set a residence in sequence as well as a willingness to commence a stairs necessary to consequence a approval of associate Asean members as well as discourse partners.
Under a circumstances, Asean may be in a most appropriate position to foster some-more freedoms as well as honesty in Myanmar. Tod! ay
< p>* Thaung Tun, a on vacation comparison research associate during ISEAS, is a former Ambassador of Myanmar to Belgium, a Netherlands as well as a EU.* This is a personal perspective of a bard or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse a view unless specified.
Indias premature celebration Sarabjit Singh
SEPT 26 Corruption is a complex problem. No a single reason explains given it exists as well as no nation in a universe is completely giveaway from it. Corruption does not lend itself simply to discerning as well as easy solutions, especially in a nation like India where it has developed over many generations.
But seeking during a celebrations upon a streets of New Delhi upon August 28, we might have suspicion that a conflict has already been won.
The development a crowds were celebrating was in truth important. Following a 12-day hunger strike by amicable activist Anna Hazare, who had been lobbying a supervision to bring in a brand brand new anti-corruption law, a breakthrough had eventually been achieved. The statute as well as opposition parties passed a Parliamentary fortitude pledging bipartisan await for Hazare's demands.
At a centre of these final was a January Lokpal Bill, that would emanate an eccentric ombudsman empowered to examine complaints of crime opposite anyone from state turn bureaucrats all a way up to a prime minister. The supervision dragged a feet during initial but, underneath pressure from a open as well as supporters of Hazare, it eventually supposed a brand brand new legislation in principle.
It was an encouraging step. But in a context of a work that remained to be done, a inlet of open celebration far exceeded anything that would have been proportionate. After Hazare broke his fast, "victory rallies" were hold across a country. Flag-toting crowds spent a rest of a day singing songs of feat as well as inhabitant pride. It all seemed a bit surreal.
In being though, this ultimate fight opposite crime had usually just begun. India suffers from a enlightenment of crime that permeates many deeper than a domestic or bureaucratic category as well as that will take some-more than a singular legislation to cure.
One of a many prevalent aspects of this enlightenment is taxation evasion. In a nation of 1.2 billion people, usually 3 per c! ent comp ensate any taxes. And that is not given a rest have been poor. According to Bloomberg, if all of India begins to inform a incomes correctly as well as compensate a taxes it owes, a supervision would collect an additional US$ 314 billion (RM942 billion) a year some-more than a fifth of a country's GDP.
Among a worst offenders have been small businesses as well as a center category ironically a same income bracket as many of a people protesting to a single side Hazare. Go anywhere in India as well as we will find shops that mostly do not issue profits for a products they sell, especially smaller family-run stores that represent some-more than 90 per cent of a country's retail sector. The reason? Income picked up in income can avoid being reported.
Of course, this income needs to be invested somewhere. The normal assets of choice have been those that appreciate in a prolonged run, though can still be kept hidden from a taxation authorities. Two such examples have been gold (India accounts for some-more than twenty per cent of tellurian direct for a yellow metal) as well as genuine estate.
When skill is bought or sole in India, it is not odd for bundles of income to sell hands. This is given for many pieces of genuine estate in a country, usually a single part of their marketplace worth is declared. This is a "white" income that a customer pays stamp duty on, as well as a amount that he or she can borrow from a bank to financial this purchase. The rest, that can be as many as half of a property's marketplace value, is in "black".
Now put together all a houses, offices, apartments as well as in isolation plots of land in a country, as well as that adds up to a lot of black money.
According to a story in a Indian headlines magazine Business Today, "of a illicit income generated in India given independence a staggering US$ 180 billion is still in (the country), mostly in genuine estate". Some of this income may have gone into office building houses for a rich, t! hough th ere is no evidence to suggest a center category is any cleaner.
Corruption, therefore, pervades all levels of a Indian society. It is a actuality that seems to have transient a open discuss over a January Lokpal Bill, that is at large being talked about as a polite multitude crusade opposite a corrupt government. As such, even if enacted as well as implemented in great faith (which is a big if), a Bill usually offers an incomplete solution.
A some-more finish resolution lies outside a gamut of a country's legislature. For many Indians, fright of removing held upon a wrong side of law usually goes so far. To incentivise a shift in behaviour, a carrot will need to accompany a stick. Many taxpayers, for example, will usually begin to inform their true incomes when they see their taxes being used for great governance by competent leaders.
But that will require a consummate cleansing of a India's domestic system, that seems doubtful to occur any time soon.
Until then, a country's struggle with crime is likely to go on. The people who participated in a feat rallies final month can put divided a flags as well as a celebratory banners. The genuine feat is not nonetheless in sight. Today
* Sarabjit Singh is an entrepreneur as well as commercial operation writer in Singapore.
* This is a personal opinion of a writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not validate a perspective unless specified.
Earning the support system
Guan Eng riled up by MCA comparison: Follows Soi Lek's hudud 'quit' threat
It looks like choosing fever has begun. DAP is the latest to rush to clap the blade after arch rival MCA 'beat' it to the post in the Islamic hudud law issue. MCA boss Chua Soi Lek had vowed to take his celebration out of the BN if Umno introduced hudud law.
Caught between the stone as well as the tough place, Guan Eng motionless to out-shout the scandal-tainted Chua, nonetheless politically it competence not have been the most savvy of moves.
Took the bait, hook, line as well as sinker
However, with the 13th ubiquitous choosing during large expected in November, DAP competence have felt the pressure to protect the hold over the Chinese electorate it competes for opposite the MCA as well as Gerakan.
Both BN parties had final week stepped out fiercely to criticism Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin's matter which Umno upheld hudud though would not exercise it yet as the republic was not ready.
In the demoniac burst of co-ordination, the BN-controlled press played up the emanate with Soi Lek photograped walking subsequent to Prime Minister Najib Razak to imply which he was the a single who succeeded in getting Najib to reverse Muhyiddin's statement. Najib had voiced which there was no place for hudud law in Malaysia.
"Yes, it was unnecessary of Guan Eng. Firstly within Pakatan, it is the fact there is no provision for hudud in the first place, so Kelantan could not exercise it anyway. Nik Aziz was responding to Mahathir Mohamad who had challenged him as well as Nik Aziz had substantially longed for to show Umno's hypocrisy," PKR director of strategies toldMala! ysia Chr onicle.
"Then since Najib had already declared there would be no hudud, it was redundant for Guan Eng to say he would quit the Pakatan council though may be he f! elt the pressure from the MCA as well as which Chua Soi Lek."
According to Rafizi, some-more such choosing 'madness' would grip the republic in the subsequent few weeks since the impotance of GE-13, where the Pakatan Rakyat led by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has the good possibility of overthrowing the BN.
Made to look diseased by the BN-press
According to the Star, Guan Eng pronounced DAP's tip leadership would renounce en masse if hudud law or the arrangement of an Islamic state was incorporated in the Pakatan common process horizon or "Buku Jingga".
"If there is any mention which you wish to exercise hudud law in the common process horizon as well as Buku Jingga, the party's complete c! entral c ommittee will resign," Guan Eng told reporters after officiating DAP's Federal Territories convention upon Sunday.
"Hudud law was never enclosed in Pakatan's common process horizon as well as if it is not included, it should not be part of the agenda."
This was the poignant depart in tinge from the press conference since just dual days ago, where he pronounced DAP would determine to remonstrate with PKR as well as PAS.
A day ago, Soi Lek was played up as the favourite of the Chinese community for thumbing his nose during Muhyiddin.
! "MCA s stand is very clear. We will object strongly to hudud. If Umno wants to exercise hudud, you will lift MCA out of Barisan Nasional - simple as that. Our stand is very clear. Umno wants to exercise hudud, MCA is no celebration to it, we'll get out of it," Soi Lek told reporters upon Friday.
Amused as well as bemused
Other MCA leaders rushed to hurl insults during Guan Eng as well as DAP, demanding to know because they were so quiet as we! ll as ob edient to their Malay 'masters' PAS as well as PKR.
Meanwhile, as the domestic parties in the country tied themselves in to the knot over hudud as well as other issues together with the Bukit Kepong i! ncident, Christian groups who have mostly been victims of Umno's cruel domestic teasing have been cool over the matter. Many were bemused as well as amused.
"They have been all posturing as well as rattling their sabres. we was in Church currently as well as the priest referred to the hudud issue. No the single was fearful of PAS or hudud. People understand which it is usually for the Muslims. It is the politicians who have been playing havoc," Ramon Navaratnam, the Christian lay personality as well as past boss of Transparency International, told Malaysia Chronicle.
- Malaysia Chronicle
Related Story: Jui Meng: Soi Lek is bluffing, if MCA left BN he will be charged for verbal sex
Malaysians Must Know the TRUTH
Anwar's Myrmidons mute and meekly spineless?
Well, Lim Guan Eng has laid a DAP cards openly on a table ...
But we consternation where are those foolish & tongue-tied Myrmidons of a man-man-lai Master?
They're customarily virulently vicious & vociferous, those (non-Muslim) anwaristas! Suddenly they have turn tongue-tied and modest or foolish (or some-more likely, spineless). Read More @ Source
Showdown between Umno and PAS begins: Perkasa-led violence in Seremban
It has finally happened, as well as with physical assault breaking out. The most touted showdown between Umno as well as PAS has begun, with Perkasa leading Prime Minister Najib Razak's charge for a hearts as well as minds of a Malay electorate.
Using PAS' popular emissary boss Mat Sabu as bait, some-more than 100 Perkasa members attempted to stir up difficulty during a PAS ceramah or political speak in Seremban upon Saturday night.
They carried banners with provocative slogans Mat Sabu Pembohong (Liar) , Mat Sabu Perosak Bangsa (Corrupter of a race) as well as "Mat Sabu Hina Pejuang (Insulter of a leisure fighters) and attempted to take control of a stage.
But PAS supporters were not carrying any of it as well as soon, a dual opposition groups began throwing H2O bottles as well as stones during each other. It finished with dual PAS supporters pang injuries.
"Perkasa has shown a true colors. This is their culture. If they have any grievances, they should make use of alternative means as well as platforms rather than come to a PAS gathering to pick a fight. They could have handed a chit over to a domicile or to any of a branches. Why choose to do it during this ceramah, what have been they perplexing to do," PAS vice boss Salahudin Ayub told Malaysia Chronicle,
According to Malaysiakini, a eventuality was a Hari Raya-related function as well as was supposed to begin during 9pm, though as e! arly as 8.30pm, scores of Perkasa members were already during a side of a main road about 60 metres from a stage. There, a Perkasa organisation hold their customary noisy gathering.
It was still calm when Mat Sabu delivered his debate during 10.15 pm, though prior to he could finish, a Perkasa organisation started to allege towards a stage. That was when a fracas erupted..
The Perkasa members carried banners with slogans like "Mat Sabu Pembohong (Liar)", "Mat Sabu Perosak Bangsa (Corrupter of a race)" as well as "Mat Sabu Hina Pejuang (Insults leisure fighters)".
One of a injured PAS supporters pronounced he was punched by Perkasa members, while another nursed a head injury.
"One of a Perkasa man longed for to contention a memorandum, though you did not agree as well as asked them to disperse. Then you informed a police. When a military asked them to disperse, they resisted as well as afterwards showed their biadap(uncouth) behavior. Only when a military sent for some-more people did a organisation disperse," pronounced PAS Seremban emissary arch Ghazali Mat Som.
"I urged a military to take a fair action as well as in future to take earlier action opposite this kind of situation. My organisation have already left to a Rahang military hire to board a report."
Negeri Sembilan Perkasa cabinet member Alias Mohamad later pronounced which they were not opposite PAS, though longed for to criticism Mat Sabu for his debate upon Aug 21 which Umno alleges had maligned a military over a Bukit Kepong incident which took place in 1960.
"There most former armed forces officers final night as well as they were unhappy with Mohamad Sabu's stubbornness as well as rejection to apologize for his statements. He martabatkan (dignified) a communists as well as a communist symbol," pronounced Alias.
"We jus t longed for to contention a criticism chit as well as you were stopped by a PAS supporters. This resulted in a incident of panic. It should not have happened. But I heard which a single of my organisation was additionally hit with prohibited H2O from an different individual."
However, his reason was deserted by PAS.
"What is this? Who is Perkasa to handle as though they have been a police? Mat Sabu has already been charged for criminal defamation opposite a supervision for this, as well as he has pleaded not guilty. The trial is due to start. Who is Perkasa to come as well as means trouble," pronounced Salahuddin.
Mat Sabu has been a thorn in Umno's strength ever since he was inaugurated in June, signaling a begin of a some-more progressive as well as liberal PAS which could easily opposition a restored Umno for a votes of a Malay electorate. Like Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, Sabu is a charismatic speaker as well as together a dual organisation have been upon top of a Umno blacklist.
Perkasa is a ultra Malay rights organisation founded by Ibrahim Ali as well as most of a members have been from Umno. The patron of a celebration is Mahathir Mohamad, a former premier as well as ex-Umno president.
- Malaysia Chronicle
Sex, Sex, Sex, is this all Umno knows; Blackmail ahead of Sarbaini verdict?
It looks similar to a Pakatan Rakyat antithesis might be right. Umno is unequivocally starting to lose it. Its traditional Malay citizens is commencement to see a celebration as it is as well as no longer as it was.
In a past due to a overwhelming power, Malays flocked to join a party, hoping to tap in to a huge gravy train. Spurred by a secular politicking of a tip Umno leadership, many ordinary Malays stayed upon in a party, even yet they knew they were doubtful to have it to a higher ranks. Total membership is pronounced to number 3 million these days, a largest domestic organisation in a country.
But that might have been a peak for a Malay jingoist party. Not usually have Malays become some-more emancipated by education, many have been commencement to feel offend in place of a trust they once held.
Starting to wise up
For sure, in a single zone of a sprawling civil service, runs a deep tide of discontent - a Customs Department.
Not usually was a single of a senior officers, Ahmad Sarbaini, a victim of an Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission interrogation, Umno bloggers aligned to tip leaders have started spinning a sex video to indicate dignified incorrectness upon his part.
It is believed to be an try take a feverishness off a MACC as well as Prime Minister Najib Razak's government. Both have been blamed for his sudden death tumble during a revisit to a MACC headquarters in Cheras.
"Al yet a blog obviously showed pass! ionate a cts, until today there has been no further information over who was involved. As such, it cannot be conclusively pronounced that it concerned a Customs staff," Malaysian Insider reported Customs director-general Mohamed Khalid Yusuf (right) as saying.
"Linking a sex action to Sarbaini's case, that I cannot even see a link, is a vicious action as well as an insane one, if it seeks to disparage a person who has died."
Sex - Umno's antidote as well as addiction?
But this has been Umno's style. Even in a Teoh Beng Hock case, MACC had tried to instil he might have taken his own life due to a love triangle with a housemate.
Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has been strike with sex charges a single after an additional - from accusations he had sodomized his masculine former worker to carrying sex with a womanlike prostitute.
PAS emissary boss Mat Sabu as well has been victimized by allegations of sex scandals, with ultimate being a 'phone-sex' recording of a conversation that purportedly took place in a early 1990s!
In a Sarbaini case, a video shows a Malay male engaging in sex with a Caucasian lady in what looks similar to a hotel room. Umno blogger was a initial to release a video, claiming a male was a Customs military military military officer whilst suggesting a lady was a Russian prostitute.
The male in a video is not named, though a blogger links a recording, that is titled Pegawai Kastam Yang Terlampau, to Sarbaini's death whilst in MACC custody progressing this year.
It appears to be an try to taint a repute of a Customs military military military officer ahead of Monday's outcome in his controversial inquest.
Blackmail as well as 'fitnah'
Meanwhile, Sarbaini's widow Maziah Manap has refused to be brow-beaten by a sex tape, vowing to get probity for her husband. Like Beng Hock's family, she as well had been finished an intent of gibe during a inquisition by a MACC as well as a lawyer Shafee Abdullah.
Shafee, who often acts upon interest of Umno as well as a leaders, had just days ago postulat! ed that Sarbaini fell off a third-floor window in his promptness to encounter a girlfriend operative during Schenker Logistics (M) Sdn Bhd, a Wan Zainalabidin Wan Zaki.
"I am many disappointed as well as saddened during a accusation finished by a MACC. It is a good slander to have such an insinuation," Maziah had pronounced in a statement.
All eyes have been now upon Monday's verdict. Pundits say a signs have been clear, there is some-more corruption as well as untrustworthy activities within a MACC than outside.
"We positively hope they have been not perplexing to extort Sarbaini's widow in to silence as well as acceptance over a inquisition tomorrow," Batu MP Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
Coincidence during a MACC - dual deathfalls in dual years
Sarbaini, a partner executive of Selangor Customs, had left to a MACC office building in Cheras to encounter his investigating military military military officer over a money-laundering pole in that he had been implicated. Like Beng Hock, who was being interrogated as a witness in to an embezzlement case, Sarbaini never finished it out of a MACC premises alive.
It is believed Sarbaini fell from a third-floor cupboard of a MACC Cheras office. Beng Hock fell from a 14th building of a MACC Shah Alam building.
Both their family groups have been certain they did not dedicate suicide as we! ll as ha ve indicted a MACC of foul play. The MACC comes under Najib's direct jurisdiction, though he has finished little to rein a officers in.
Beng Hock's physique was found in June 2009. Two years later, Sarbaini's physique was discovered. Who's next?
Malaysia Chronicle
Earning the support system
Penang govt in a spot over affordable housing
The DAP-led state supervision is finding itself in a fix when its Pakatan allies have been openly vicious of its housing policy.
GEORGE TOWN: The DAP-led state supervision has landed itself in a mark over a emanate of affordable housing in Penang.
Since June, a strongest voice of gainsay has been entrance from Pakatan Rakyat, of which DAP is an active partner.
One would design Umno as well as Gerakan to be making a many sound though a startling turn of events took place here when 3 Pakatan leaders two MPs as well as one state assemblyman broke ranks with a alliance by becoming openly vicious of a stream housing policy.
They have been making claims of fraud, incompetency as well as even crime over a arising of affordable units.
Affordable housing strikes a chord with a Malay settlements here, many of whom have been being forced out due to society's lust for redevelopment as well as complicated amicable amenities.
While Malays grapple with a being which many have been right away squatters, it was a tiny Indian community whose 18-month fight opposite eviction in Kampung Buah Pala, Gelugor, set a theatre for a need to disciple amicable probity amidst rapid development.
The onslaught of a little 8 family groups in Buah Pala opposite attempts to evict them by tact or forced measures, made many people here, including ! a gove rnment, realise which there is a need for a decent housing process in Penang.
PKR autarchic legislature member as well as Balik Pulau MP Yusmadi Yusoff was a initial to subject a state supervision for commendatory new projects but receiving in to comment a predicament of normal villages which stood in a way of redevelopment.
Yusmadi, who brought up a e! manate i n Parliament, is right away propelling Pakatan to rectify a Land Acquisition Acts to safeguard a interests of normal villagers in semi-urban areas.
Don't censure BN
Then came DAP's Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi who caused a stir when he asked state senior manager councillor in assign of housing, Wong Hon Wai, to step down for failing to address a housing woes.
Ooi additionally hinted there is a blackmarket in operation for housing units.
Now, Kebun Bunga state assemblyman Jason Ong has stepped in to a fray, alleging crime in a housing unit.
Although he did not censure Wong, Ong pronounced if a housing woes could be resolved, it would be a major feat for Pakatan.
Ong additionally pronounced Pakatan has hereditary a emanate of affordable housing from a previous Barisan Nasional government.
However, he pronounced a stream administration could no longer pin a censure upon a BN, adding which Pakatan contingency right away find a domestic will to finalise a strident necessity of affordable houses.
Ong pronounced which Penang contingency finalise a emanate quick as with each passing year, a market-driven growth costs shoot up in tandem with a tellurian increase of commodity prices.
In Penang, a direct for housing has one after another relentlessly.
There is additionally a outmost factor: foreigners cite staying upon lush islands, as well as thus Penang enjoys a resurgence of interests from keen unfamiliar investors under a "Malaysia My Second Home" scheme.
This again has pushed up a property prices here, Ong said.
Mushroooming slums
It is a usual idea in Penang which only a abounding as well as foreigners can afford many of a properties upon a island whilst a infancy of a folk stay in slums which have been mushrooming admist lush housing projects.
Ooi cited Jelutong where twelve normal villages involving 1,000 family groups who have been sitting upon prime land have been confronting a threat of eviction with no correct compensation.
Former Jelutong Umno division authority Abdul Rashid Ismail pronounced which it is not easy to resettle people unlike before.
"They wish to stay upon or nearby an area where they grew up, or where their comparison generations hail from. Everybody has an affinity with their ancestry, especially where Penangites have been concerned," he said.
Wong, an artless bespectacled Air Itam assemblyman, is right away caught up in a row, having to defend a state governement opposite critics from Pakatan.
Wong, who pleads for patience, has asked a 3 Pakatan representatives to yield evidence of corruption, rascal or incompetency of a housing authorities.
He additionally urged a people to accept a being which if they wish cheaper units, they contingency be peaceful to resettle upon a mainland.
With superb infrastructure such as a second Penang Bridge Link as well as alleviation in interconnectivity such as open transport, he pronounced which staying upon a mainland should not be a hinderance unless a people stubbornly wish to live upon a island.
Wong pronounced which affordable units have been in a pipeline.
Ooi, a maverick politician, has made history by becoming a initial inaugurated deputy in Penang to place an advertisement in newspapers looking for open registration of those looking affordable housing in his constituency.
He is additionally right away enchanting a priv! ate zone to find ways to move amicable probity to a state's housing policy.
Meanwhile, design some-more fireworks over a emanate of affordable housing in Penang as a emanate is additionally rarely politicised.
Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH