Untuk Sabah dan Sarawak: Dengarkan lah Keluhan hati seorang Doktor

Ini suatu pendedahan oleh seorang doctor dari Semenanjung mengenai kemiskinan di Sabah.

Penulis yang melakukan pendedahan itu memulakan:-

Saya membaca surat Dr Hams dan amat bersetuju dengan banyak pengamatan nya. Saya berkerja di Sabah selama lebih dari 7 tahun sebagai residence military officer dan healing officer. Setelah housemanship saya, saya telah dihantar bertugas di sanatorium daerah Ranau. Apa yang diceritakan oleh Dr Hams di Kota Marudu bukan lah suatu perkara yang terasing hanya untuk Kota Marudu. Cerita menyayat hati ini diulangi diseluruh negeri Sabah.

Pengenalan saya kepada keadaan kemiskinan Sabah terjadi dalam beberapa bulan pertama saya di Kota Marudu. Suatu hari seorang wanita berumur 70 tahun dari Kota Marudu telah dihantar ke Hospital Queen Elizabeth kerana demam kuning yang dasyat.( deep jaundice). Wanita ini tinggal berseorangan dalam sebuah kampong di Kota Marudu. Dia menyedari mengenai demam kuning nya setelah selang satu bulan.

Wanita ini tidak mempunyai wang untuk tambang teksi. Dia telah menunggu masa salama 1 bulan mengumpul wang. Dengan menjual ayam ayam peliharaan nya dia dapat cukup RM50 membayar teksi ke Kota Marudu Hospital. Dia terpaksa berjalan kaki sejauh 2 batu untuk sampai ke bahu jalan mendapatkan teksi.

Sebagai seoarang yang lahir dan dibesarkan di Semenanjung, saya amat terkejut. Bila wanita ini sampai, dia berada dalam keadaan keracunan atau putrid or toxic dan mempunyai batu karang dalam saluran bile nya( gallstone in her bile duct). Batu karang tersebut di buang tapi masa yang sama, saya dapati wanita ini mempunyai masaalah jantung yang memerlukan suatu pacemaker. Kami telah mengusahakan supaya dia mendapatkan suatu pacemaker tapi dia telah enggan menerima pacemaker tersebut.

Apabila saya mendesak mengapa dia enggan, wanita ini membertahu saya bahawa dia tidak mampu untuk membeli bateri pacemaker. Aya! m2 nya s emua nya sudah dijual. Sebaik sahaja saya menerangkan bahawa bateri yang ada pada pacemaker boleh bertahan untuk beberapa tahun, barulah dia bersetuju memasang pacemaker tersebut.

Bandar Ranau sendiri mempunyai rangkaian jalan yang baik dan terletak hampir dengan lebuh raya antara Sandakan dan Kota Kinabalu. Bandar ini telah membangun kerana ada lombong tembaga Mamut( mamut copper mines). Tapi kita mesti sedar, apabila saya sebut rangkaian jalan ianya ialah jalan dua hala yang selalu mengalami tanah runtuh dan penuh dengan lobang lobang besar. Perjalanan dari Ranau melalui jalan seperti ini mengambil masa selama 2 jam untuk ke Kota Kinabalu.

Keluar sahaja bandar Ranau, pengangkutan dan hubungan jalan menjadi masaalah besar kerana jalan connect tiba2 menjadi jalan tanah dan batu atau jalan2 lori balak. Sesiapa yang pernah berkerja di Sabah akan mempunyai cerita yang sama yakni mengenai kemiskinan yang amat dasyat dan sistem pengangkutan dan hubungan jalan yang amat buruk.

Selama 2 tahun saya diRanau, saya telah melihat hampir kesemua nya. Pesakit dengan celebral malaria, suatu penyakit yang hampir tidak terdengar di Semenanjung. Pesakit penyakit ini datang ke sanatorium setelah 48 jam dari tempat2 seperti Kaingaran and Karagasan, dimana saudara mara mereka terpaksa menolak taxi sapu atas jalan yang berlumpur, berbelanja RM50 kalau ianya musim hujan. RM50 sama dengan gaji selama 2 bulan walaupun ketika itu harga petroliam pada waktu itu hanya RM1.20/litre di Ranau.

Keadaan pesakit terpaksa menangguhkan rawatan keatas penyakit yang membahayakan nyawa kerana jambatan runtuh . rawatan kecemasan seperti pembedahan caesarian , supplementary material bahkan termasuk juga kandungan songsang atau ectopic pregnancies terpaksa dilakukan dalam sanatorium kami oleh Medical Officer yang hanya mempunyai pengalaman 4 bulan housemanship.

Rawatan perubatan kecemasan seperti se rangan jantung atau myocardial infarctions, yang kalau di Semenanjung akan dilakukan di bahagian Coronary Care Unit terpaksa dilakukan oleh sanatorium daerah. Akan tetapi saya bersyukur dan berterima kasih kerana kakitangan saya di sanatorium tersebut adalah pasukan yang terbaik yang saya rasa bangga berkerja dengan mereka. Mereka adalah perkerja yang penuh dedikasi yang komited terhadap membaiki taraf kehidupan pesakit2 mereka.

sistem pengangkutan jalan yang teruk bukan sahaja memburukkan keadaan kesihatan tapi juga menyusahkan rakyat mengangkut hasil mahsul mereka ke pasaran. System pengangkutan menyebabkan rakyat sabah terperangkap dalam kitaran kemiskinan.

Suka atau tidak, terpaksalah mereka menjual hasil mahsul mereka kepada orang tengah . hasilan mereka dijual dipasar tamu untuk memberi mereka pulangan RM 20-RM 50. Orang2 kampung juga dieksploitasi oleh penjual2 kain jalanan yang kebanyakan nya terdiri dari warga asing. Penjual kain jalanan ini akan menawarkan slick bayaran ansuran dan apabila tidak boleh bayar dan faedah kepada pembelian itu meningkat, ramailah orang kampong membenarkan anak gadis mereka berkahwin dengan penjual2 kain yang kebanyakan mereka mempunyai isteri di Pakistan.

Satu daripada kes yang saya tidak boleh lupa melibatkan kes sebuah keluarga yang datang ke Hospital Ranau. Ianya kes suatu kelgara yang hampir kebulur yang terpaksa memakan telur katak puru yang mengakibatkan fatality. Keluaga ini tidak ada makanan kerana tanaman mereka rosak dan mereka tidak dapat membeli makanan. Oleh kerana terlalu lapar, sibapa telah memberikan kepada anak anak nya telur katak puru. Bila mereka sampai ke clod kecemasan, satu daripada anak meninggal dunia dan 2 lagi meninggal setelah 10 minit tiba di clod kami kerana keracunan telur katak puru tadi.

Pendidikan merupakan suatu lagi masaalah di beberapa tempat yang berada diluar Kota KInabalu. Ramai anak2 Sabah ti! dak mamp u pergi ke sekolah. Ramai dari pesakit saya tinggal di luar Ranau dan bernasib baiklah jika mereka mendapat pembelajaran yang pale asas. Kebanyakan mereka berkahwin dalam umur belasan tahun.

Saya bertemu dengan kes gadis2 berumur fourteen tahun yang melahirkan anak dan mereka tidak pernah menjejak kaki ke sekolah. Pendidikan mereka amat rendah menyebabkan mereka memberi bayi2 mereka meminum susu kondens kerana menyangkakan susu tersebut lebih baik dari susu ibu.

Tapi matlamat asas ialah semua ibu2 ini mahukan yang terbaik untuk bayi2 dan anak2 mereka. Tahap pendidikan yang rendah menyekat mereka dari melakukan nya. Bandar2 utama di Sabah mempunyai bekalan letrik dari Perbadanan Elektrik Sabah. Namun, kampong di pendalaman hanya mengunakan generator of electric power disel, lilin atau pelita bila waktu malam.

Bagaimana anak2 Sabah mahu belajar dalam keadaan demikian?

Saya sendiri terpaksa belajar bahasa orang Dusun untuk berkomunikasi kerana pesakit2 tidak tahu berbahasa lain. 45 tahun setelah Malaysia ditubuhkan, janji suatu kehidupan yang baik untuk rakyat miskin terdiri dari orang Dusun, Murut dan Rungus dalam daerah Sabah hanya merupakan janji kosong. Bagaimana pemimpin politik kita berbohong telah membawa kemajuan dan pembangunan untuk rakyat Sabah sedangkan sebahagian besar rakyat Sabah masih memakai t- shirt yang murah dan topi yang di beri percuma oleh BN beberapa tahun yang lampau?

Mana mungkin saya tergamak untuk menyatakan saya bangga dengan Putrajaya yang indah dengan jambatan cantik dan tiang lampu yang exuberant dan bangga dengan menara kembar Petronas, ketika warga Malaysia di Sabah menderita dan terbiar?

Kitaran dan kedaaan kemiskinan di daerah2 Sabah sungguh menyayat hati dan menghancurleburkan perasaan kita. Pembasmian kemiskinan mesti menangani isiu2 besar seperi tahap pembelajaran dan pendidikan dan complement perhubungan jalan dan pengangkutan dan ! bukan pe nyampaian bantuan kepada rakyat.

Istiharlah 16 September sebagai cuti awam, tapi tolonglah ingat bahawa dalam konteks nyata, kita telah berjanji keada rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak bahawa kita akan melayani mereka sebagai berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah. berikan mereka kemajuan dan pembangunan yang telah lama kita nafikan.

Berhentilah berlagak pemberi yang murah hati sedangkan kemajuan dan pembangunan asas dilupakan.Tepailah Janji dengan ikhlas dan jujur dan bukan sebagai hiasan billboards.
Tamat Keluhan sang doktor. *******

Mahukah rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak ditipu lagi? kenapa kita mahu percaya kerajaan BN?

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Kit Siang dah gelabah dosanya diketahui rakyat

Khabarnya sidang akhbar Datin Paduka Shuhaimi Baba untuk mengumumkan tarikh penayangan filem Tanda Putera pada Nov fifteen sungguh menarik sekali. Selalunya sidang akhbar wayang hanya dihadiri oleh wartawan hiburan tetapi kali ini, beberapa portal berita pro pembangkang datang tanpa dijemput. Dengarnya Malaysiakini bukan hantar satu saja tapi sampai 4 orang. Malaysian Insiders pun hantar 'samseng

Information Campaign In Polling Districts Begins August

information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan said the programme that ...


THE RESIDENTS who live near as well as around a Kg Ketiau in Putatan filed a complaint to a Sabah DAP Wanita Chief Puan Noriah Onong concerning a really unwashed as well as overflowing empty in front of a 1-Malaysia Clinic as well as a shops in Taman Ketiau. They pronounced a empty was blocked for roughly 3 years now.

The concrete drains here have been filled with unwashed H2O as well as additionally had picked up a lot of rubbish. The H2O will over flow whenever there is rain, as well as a road is additionally flooded. There had been many complaints made to a authorities similar to JKR as well as Putatan District Council, but no movement was seen entrance here. The people here have been not happy about a non reply from a authorities.
Puan Onong brought a Sabah DAP KK MP Hiew King Cheu as well as a Vice authority who is additionally a Sabah DAP Bureau chief for a Local Government as well as Housing to check a area. She pronounced she additionally lives upon a other side of Kg Ketiau, as well as their kampongs have been additionally frequently affected by inundate due to complicated down flow of rain.

They just do not know what to do when they saw their furniture as well as belonging were all submerged in low water. The people pronounced who should compensate for their losses. Obviously, this is a fault of a internal Wakil Rakyat as well as a supervision for not doing their job. We occasionally see these people come to visit us as well as see which a problems have been solved, as well as it is a actuality which you see them usually when choosing is entrance or m! ess stri kes.

Puan Onong found out which a pronounced flooded empty is due to a critical blockage caused by a disproportionate weed inside a drain, as well as a H2O couldn't pass through. She wants a authorities to come to transparent a retard drains rught away before a mosquitoes begin to multiply to 100 times, as well as affecting a illness of a Kampong folks.

The healing personals working in a 1-Malaysia Clinic should be a initial a single to hit a authorities to come to transparent t! he smell y drains which is dangerous to illness as well as it is a really good breeding ground for a mosquito.She pronounced she will go behind to check upon a empty either it has been cleaned in a couple of days time.

Edward Ewol Mujie pronounced he is not happy about this, as well as a incident similar to this should have never happened if a authorities had finished their job. It is a elementary pursuit to transparent a drains, as well as it won't take prolonged to clean this mess up. The people representatives (YBs) here must do their pursuit to check as well as to listen to a open complaints. In fact, they have been being paid to execute this job. - Sabahkini
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Mode Change Minister says: Cabinet is firm on Section 114A

August 16, 2012

Mode Change Minister says: Cabinet is firm upon Section 114A of a Evidence Act

by Bernama (08-15-12)@www.malaysiakini.com

The Cabinet is "carefully studying" Section 114A of a Evidence Act 1950 which is most discussed in cyberspace, in line with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's directive.

NONEInformation, Communications as well as Culture Minister Rais Yatim (left) pronounced currently a supervision held a firm stand upon a matter but so far, there were no plans to have brand new amendments to a Act.

The legislative addition to Section 114A was one of dual made to a Act which were gazetted in July this year, receiving various reactions from Internet users.

A campaign was mounted opposite a Act by a Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) with its ensign titled, 'Stop 114A', appearing upon Facebook as well as downloaded by Internet users in a country.

The development has held a Prime Minister's courtesy who is right divided in Mecca to attend a Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Extraordinary Summit, as well as he has straight divided asked a Cabinet to plead a issue, by his Twitter comment yesterday.

Rais pronounced a Cabinet got an thought from what was tweeted by a Prime Minister upon a issue, as well as Section 114A was right divided being scrutinised.

Rais was met by reporters during a breaking-of-fast organised by his Ministry with a team-work of a Malaysia Islamic Development Department as ! well as Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council during a Putra Mosque, here.Earlier, in his speech, Rais urged a Muslim village in Malaysia to make firm unity so which Islam would go on to flourish.

- Bernama

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Abby Jawab Gosip Kahwin, Bakal Jadi Ahli Politik

Sepertimana yang kita semua sedia tahu, Abby Abadi atau nama sebenarnya, Arbaieyah Abdul Manan mendapat pelbagai reaksi berikutan penghijrahannya ke dalam locus sebagai ahli Pas. ... Read More

Mode Change Minister says: Cabinet is firm on Section 114A

August 16, 2012

Mode Change Minister says: Cabinet is firm upon Section 114A of a Evidence Act

by Bernama (08-15-12)@www.malaysiakini.com

The Cabinet is "carefully studying" Section 114A of a Evidence Act 1950 which is most discussed in cyberspace, in line with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's directive.

NONEInformation, Communications as well as Culture Minister Rais Yatim (left) said today a government held a firm mount upon a make a difference but so far, there were no plans to make new amendments to a Act.

The legislative addition to Section 114A was one of dual done to a Act which were gazetted in Jul this year, reception various reactions from Internet users.

A debate was mounted against a Act by a Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) with a banner titled, 'Stop 114A', looming upon Facebook as well as downloaded by Internet users in a country.

The development has caught a Prime Minister's attention who is right divided in Mecca to attend a Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Extraordinary Summit, as well as he has true divided asked a Cabinet to discuss a issue, through his Twitter account yesterday.

Rais said a Cabinet got an thought from what was tweeted by a Prime Minister upon a issue, as well as Section 114A was right divided being scrutinised.

Rais was met by reporters at a breaking-of-fast organised by his Ministry with a team-work of a Malaysia Islamic Development Department as! well as Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council at a Putra Mosque, here.Earlier, in his speech, Rais urged a Muslim community in Malaysia to strengthen unity so which Islam would go on to flourish.

- Bernama

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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

KDEB kurangkan air dirawat

Barisan Nasional (BN) Selangor mendakwa mereka mempunyai maklumat bahawa pengarah Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (KDEB) Suhaimi Kamaralzaman telah mengeluarkan surat arahan kepada Pihak ABASS pada tahun 2011 supaya mengurangkan pengeluaran air terawat daripada 145 juta gallon sehari kepada hanya 120 juta gallon sehari.Koordinatornya, Dato Sri Ir Mohd Zin Mohamed turut mendakwa tindakan yang

Untuk Sabah dan Sarawak: Dengarkan lah Keluhan hati seorang Doktor

Ini suatu
pendedahan oleh seorang doctor dari Semenanjung mengenai kemiskinan di Sabah.

Penulis yang
melakukan pendedahan itu memulakan:-

membaca surat Dr Hams dan amat bersetuju dengan banyak pengamatan nya. Saya
berkerja di Sabah selama lebih dari 7 tahun sebagai house military officer dan medical
officer. Setelah housemanship saya, saya telah dihantar bertugas di hospital
daerah Ranau.

Gobind: Need to Repeal Section 114A of the Evidence Act

August 16, 2012


Gobind: Need to Repeal Section 114


MP SPEAKS: Barisan Nasional contingency accept as well as admit which a amendment to Section 114 of a Evidence Act was a mistake.

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has certified in a twitter which he has asked a Cabinet to discuss Section 114A. He said, "whatever you do, a people contingency come first".

With respect to a Prime Minister, while a voice of a people plays a poignant role in a make a difference as well as contingency be since due regard as well as respect, he should additionally simulate upon because as well as how, if a people come first, his government authorised this law to be upheld in a initial place.

The Bill to amend a Evidence Act was debated in Parliament as well as it was zero alternative than Mohd Nazri Aziz who responded to concerns lifted by a parliamentarians.

Nazri (left) is himself a lawyer. He is said to be a de facto law minister.The concerns over a annulment of weight were lifted by me as well as alternative MP's precisely to him during a debate. He was made well wakeful of a problem, though chose to do zero about it.

As BN parliamentary whip, Nazri could have stopped a Bill afterwards but, as in a box of all alternative Bills, it was pushed through.

And now, when there is public outrage, you see a MPs from BN, together with a PM, fasten in a call for a review. This is good, though really, as well as with a greatest of respect to them, it makes a finish ho! ax of Pa rliament!

BN's disaster to assimilate issues

What you see is disaster upon partial of a BN to assimilate as well as scrupulously admit a issues when debating Bills in Parliament, a disaster upon partial of BN to respect as well as take seriously a views as well as concerns of all MPs.

Perhaps you ought to recur pushing by Bills in a middle of a night, stopping a clock, as well as relying upon a competence of parliamentary infancy to pass anything tabled, whatsoever it is.

The Attorney-General should suggest a cupboard scrupulously this time, as well as the motive behind reckless should be re-evaluated. It is where contribution which need proof, which have been inside of a believe of a indicted as well as over which of a state, which reckless have been applied.

So where a report is inside of a personal believe of a accused, a presumption will be invoked as well as it would be upon a indicted to provide explanation of contribution display he is not guilty of a offence.

This is what you call a annulment of weight as a weight of explanation in rapist prosecutions is usually upon partial of a prosecution.

The state has all a resources as well as report required to infer those matters sought to be reputed underneath Section 114A of a Evidence Act. As such, Section 114A loses its purpose. Therefore, there is unequivocally no need to depart from a norm here. There is no need for a annulment of a burden.

The life of Section 114A, upon a alternative hand, opens really most innocent persons to prosecution. It is to my mind, astray as well as unnecessary as well as contingency therefore be repealed as shortly as possible.

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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Najib fears backlash from Musa, Taib - Free Malaysia Today

Free Malaysia Today

Najib fears backlash from Musa, Taib
Free Malaysia Today
Najib Tun Razak is worried that acting against Musa Aman as well as Taib Mahmud will open the Pandora box upon Umno as well as BN's abuses. COMMENT. By Calvin Kabaron. KOTA KINABALU: Any right-thinking Malaysians contingency now be asking why Prime Minister Najib ...

Sinis Subuh: Minum air lombong?

rejects it, says Hadi

has rejected a Islamic penal code, PAS boss Datuk Seri Hadi Awang has said, as he defended his Pakatan Rakyat (PR) ally that had come under relentless attacks from statute Barisan ...

BN more disadvantaged by anti-hopping law

-BN is ...

99.7% of projects benefit Taibs family

FMT Staff Sarawak DAP is demanding to know SUPPs stand on the monopoly of construction projects by the Taib Mahmud family. Some 99.7% of the bridges built in Sarawak were undertaken by Titanium Project Management Sdn Bhd, the company owned by Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmuds son Mahmud Abu Bekir. The bridges that were written [...] Read More

Thinking About Income Inequality Properly

August 15, 2012

Thinking About Income Inequality Properly

August 14, 2012 by Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Islamic Renaissance Front

In a recent emanate ofThe Edge, Lim Ewe Ghee wrotea counterclaim of income inequality. Going opposite a increasingly prevalent explain which lack of harmony is problematic, he argues instead which it is in actuality a good thing.

This, he explains, is because lack of harmony is merely a satisfactory result of a meritocratic "market manage to buy formed upon individual liberty" whereby whatever disparity you find is unequivocally usually a "monotonic function" of how well a abounding has served humanity.

He uses Bill Gates as well as Steve Jobs as examples, "because Jobs as well as Gates emanate / innovate products which a normal chairman wants.

Since no a single forces us to buy an iPhone or iPad or Windows computer, these intentional purchases with a head-earned income contingency make us improved off The improved their products, a some-more people will buy them, a improved off these people will be as well as a higher their earnings. Win-win."

Lim Ewe Ghee then added: "The harder a single works, a some-more innovative a single is as well as a improved a single serves a people, a richer a single will be. The abounding as well as successful in a marketplace manage to buy do not owe us anything. They have already served us."

On portion humanity

One can proceed to empty Lim Ewe Ghee's proof by doubt if a tough warranted innovations which delight in a marketplace economy, by trait of a resources they generate, do in actual! ity offe r us better.

For one, there have been a lot of things a giveaway marketplace manage to buy would welcome which is essential though necessarily mending multitude as a whole. Cigarettes have been at large purchased as well as used up though heading to improvements in anyone's health or finance. Whatever virtues there might be of having, among alternative things, pornography, prostitution or firearms in a open marketplace cannot be reliable quite upon a basis of their potentially high demand.

How as well as because such things can be said to "serve humanity" contingency take in to consideration a horde of alternative factors, above as well as over what marketplace forces or individual whims suggest.

One can magnify which line of thinking to even some-more simple goods. The genetic modification which right divided customarily goes in to a prolongation of a bland meats as well as vegetables has all to do with a necessity of fast prolongation in a rival distinction driven food economy.

The motivation in such cases is not a happiness, contentment or health of others, though a distance of a product as well as a speed as well as quantity of production. So by which logic, it does not matter which a beef you eat is injected with cancer causing chemicals so long as an corner is gained by a producer to delight in a fast rival market.

Furthermore, a profitability of an intent or use can mostly reflect a symptoms of a problem some-more than a solution. Private security, steering locks as well as pepper sprays have been essential in a climate of crime. Many people would be in need of these products as well as a increased sales will even supplement to a nation's GDP, though they have been not indicators of well-being. True, those who distinction from these have been providing "services" though a services additionally reflect a presence of deeper structural as well as some-more systemic problems which a marketplace cannot solve, let alone reveal.

Hard work as w! ell as s uccess

Lim Ewe Ghee's confidence in a giveaway marketplace meritocracy explains a direct connection he draws in between tough work as well as wealth. The problem is which this logic leaves out an important consideration: if material lack of harmony is a natural result of a giveaway marketplace economy, how can this still secure a circumstance of fairness, whereby whatever competition therein would be scrupulously regarded as just?

Lim Ewe Ghee believes which tough work determines who would emerge victorious in a giveaway market, though you know which matters have been some-more formidable than that. How far you finish up has a lot to do with factors over how tough you work.

For one, a on-going prevalence of non-institutionalized injustice as well as sexism even inside of close-to-free marketplace societies exhibit a border to which minorities have been some-more unprotected to taste in a rival process.

Furthermore, one's class background determines a good deal of what's possible. Personal or patrimonial resources in a giveaway marketplace manage to buy is many some-more likely to be inherited rsther than than distributed. Thus, a connectors which a single would be presented with in a march of one's life depend severely upon a opportunities accessible inside of one's amicable setting, which is influenced by where a single works as well as how many a single makes.

The import here is which unsymmetrical resources translates to unsymmetrical power: a some-more resources a single has, a some-more advantages, lean as well as change a single can means in society. This, unnecessary to say, is a hazard to a approved process, not to mention a tangible tough work done by those who have been of obtuse amicable standing.

Jobs as well as workers

One! common, alternate, strategy to defend a giveaway marketplace is to discard all talks of integrity altogether (since which would require some arrogance which equivalence is implicitly desirable) whilst pointing to how corporations emanate jobs. This is supposed to mitigate a problem of lack of harmony somewhat, since a resources gap is compensated by a actuality which a normal chairman is presented with work opportunities instead. This is additionally a reason mostly since to disagree because large businesses should not be taxed.

Lim Ewe Ghee somehow did not evoke this rationale, though let us for a consequence of argument address it quickly to see a border to which successful entrepreneurship in a giveaway marketplace unequivocally serves humanity.

The problem is which whilst large businesses need workers, they have been not regularly invested in caring for them. Coca-Cola, Nestle as well as Nike have been a many commonly cited corporations opposite which reports of sum work abuses have been made, with abominable details which would take far some-more space than this article to list. To take a some-more stream example, consider a allegations Samsung is confronting for work abuses in their factories in China.

The point is which increase cannot be maximized if workers have been paid well, or if cost is taken up to contend their welfare. The resolution is to sinecure as little as possible. A report by a Institute of Policy Studies in 2000 found which "while a sales of a Top 200 [corporations] have been a equivalent of 27.5 per cent of world mercantile activity, they occupy usually 0.78 per cent of a world's workforce."

A multitude whereby everybody is employed is not desirable for corporations anyway, as poor work as well as a willingness to do them depends upon employment opportunities being scarce.

Is distinction a usually ground for innovation?

Lim Ewe Ghee's explain which a key trait of a giveaway marketplace is which it produces i! nnovativ e products is additionally questionable. There is a wide range of giveaway sophisticated operating systems which a single can choose from over a simple Mac / Personal Computer dichotomy that's gripped a market.

Talent as well as innovation have little to do with how many a single is paid anyway. Anyone with an informed familiarity with music, movie or aesthetics can attest to how what is many mostly marketed or consumed, is not a product reflecting a most appropriate state of innovation, creativity or originality out there.

The boundary of giveaway marketplace idealism

Lim Ewe Ghee ended his article with a sign which a giveaway marketplace contingency be done distinct from a kind of associate capitalism which you as Malaysians have been all too familiar with. Thus, he insists which giveaway marketplace capitalism should be judged underneath its own conditions as well as ideals, formed upon what it aims to achieve: "you might again intent correctly which a undiluted marketplace complement does not exist. However understanding these principles empowers us to essay for a best."

This faith is similarly strong in how he keeps emphasizing which "a priori", which is to say, prior to experience, there is nothing innately wrong with income inequality.

This appeal to an a priori unfolding is curious deliberation which Lim Ewe Ghee's counterclaim of lack of harmony creates not even a smallest anxiety to a stream global mercantile crisis, whose culprits have been to be foundnotin Iran, Venezuela, Cuba or Bolivia though in a highest echelons of Western financial as well as a political chosen it closely works with to safeguard pro-capital policies have been passed. This collusion in between politicians, bankers as well as corporations in actuality is now multiplying in a U.S., a nation Lim Ewe Ghee singled out as a existent example of a good marketplace formed meritocratic system.

Consider how a American mercantile predicam! ent of 2 008 was caused not by workers toiling divided at factories, restaurants or hotels to yield a public with real products as well as services, though by speculators selling formidable financial instruments whilst creation millions in a process. When things went under, a supervision sped to a rescue of a bankers whilst leaving millions of Americans' homes foreclosed.

This is a grave image of a giveaway marketplace meritocracy, to contend a least. Lim Ewe Ghee could disagree which a governments should not have bailed out a banks though which does cannot confuse us from a actuality which a predicament severely puts in to question a conjecture which a abounding in a meritocratic multitude have been abounding because they worked hard, or because their essential innovations offer humanity.

A consideration of this reality, which banks as well as corporations do not regularly have a most appropriate interests of amiability in mind, raises a consequential point. A improved approach to understand a problem of lack of harmony is not by a priori, "individual liberty + giveaway marketplace vs. large government" perspective.

Rather, it is by saying how in any marketplace society, a lives as well as contentment of its tough operative typical adults as well as a approved space they deserve will regularly be at a mercy of those who own a wealth, resources as well as means of production, all of whom have been not necessarily in government.

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Hungarian anti-semitic party leader discovers he is Jewish

BUDAPEST: As the taking flight star in Hungary's far-right Jobbik Party, Csanad Szegedi was notorious for his incendiary comments upon Jews. He indicted them of "buying up" the country, railed about the "Jewishness" of the domestic elite as well as claimed Jews were desecrating inhabitant symbols.

Then came the explanation that knocked him off his roost as ultra-nationalist standard-bearer: Szegedi himself is the Jew.

Following weeks of internet rumors, Szegedi concurred in June that his grandparents upon his mother's side were Jews - creation him the single as well underneath Jewish law, even though he doesn't use the faith. His parents mom was an Auschwitz survivor as well as his grandfather the veteran of forced work camps.

Since then, the 30-year-old has turn the pariah in Jobbik as well as his domestic career is upon the brink of collapse. He declined to be interviewed for this story.

At the root of the drama is an audio fasten of the 2010 assembly in between Szegedi as well as the convicted felon. Szegedi acknowledges that the assembly took place though contends the fasten was changed in unspecified ways; Jobbik considers it real.

In the recording, the law-breaker is listened confronting Szegedi with justification of his Jewish roots. Szegedi sounds surprised, afterwards offers income as well as favors in sell for keeping quiet.

Under pressure, Szegedi quiescent final month from all celebration positions as well as gave up his Jobbik membership. That wasn't good enough for the party: Last week it asked him to give up his chair in the European Parliament as well. Jobbik says the emanate is the suspected bribery, not his Jewish roots.

Szegedi came to inflection in 2007 as the founding membe! r of the Hungarian Guard, the group whose black uniforms as well as striped flags removed the Arrow Cross, the pro-Nazi celebration whic! h quickly governed Hungary during the finish of World War II as well as killed thousands of Jews. In all, 550,000 Hungarian Jews were killed during the Holocaust, most of them after being sent in trains to death camps similar to Auschwitz. The Hungarian Guard was criminialized by the courts in 2009.

By then, Szegedi had already assimilated the Jobbik Party, that was launched in 2003 to turn the country's biggest far-right domestic force. He soon became the single of the most vocal as well as visible members, as well as the post of the celebration leadership. Since 2009, he has served in the European Parliament in Brussels as the single of the party's three EU lawmakers, the position he says he wants to keep.

The fallout of Szegedi's ancestry tale has lengthened to his commercial operation interests. Jobbik senior manager director Gabor Szabo is pulling out of an internet site selling nationalist Hungarian sell that he owns with Szegedi. Szabo pronounced his sister has quiescent as Szegedi's personal assistant.

In the 2010 tape, former convict Zoltan Ambrus is listened revelation Szegedi that he has papers proof Szegedi is Jewish. The worried statesman seems genuinely astounded by the news - as well as offers EU funds as well as the probable EU job to Ambrus to hush it up.

Ambrus, who served time in prison upon the weapons as well as explosives conviction, apparently deserted the bribes. He pronounced he personally taped the review as partial of an inner Jobbik energy struggle directed during ousting Szegedi from the internal celebration care post. The party's greeting was swift.

"We have no alternative though to ask him to lapse his EU mandate," pronounced Jobbik president Gabor Vona. "Jobbik does not examine the birthright of the members or leadership, though instead takes into care what they have finished for the nation."

Szegedi's knowl! edge is not unique: The Holocaust was the taboo theme during Hungary's decades of comrade rule that finished in 1990, as well as most survivors chose to keep their ordeals to themselves. Russian far-right firebrand Vladimir Zhirinovsky was anti-Semitic until he ac! knowledge! d in 2001 that his father was Jewish.

Szegedi, who was lifted Presbyterian, concurred his Jewish origins in June interviews with Hungarian media, including news broadcaster Hir TV as well as Barikad, Jobbik's weekly magazine. He pronounced that after the assembly with Ambrus, he had the long review with his grandmother, who spoke about her family's past as Orthodox Jews.

"It was afterwards that it dawned upon me that my parents mom unequivocally is Jewish," Szegedi told Hir TV. "I asked her how the deportations happened. She was in Auschwitz as well as Dachau as well as she was the usually survivor in the lengthened family."

Judaism is traced from mom to child, definition that underneath Jewish law Szegedi is Jewish. Szegedi pronounced he defines himself as someone with "ancestry of Jewish start - since we declare myself 100 percent Hungarian."

In the talk with Hir TV, Szegedi denied ever carrying made anti-Semitic statements, though several of his speeches as well as media appearances show otherwise.

In the Nov 2010 talk upon Hungarian state television, Szegedi blamed the large-scale privatization of state resources after the finish of communism upon "people in the Hungarian domestic elite who shielded themselves in their Jewishness."

Speaking upon the morning program in late 2010, he pronounced that "the problem the radical right has with the Jews" was that Jewish artists, actors as well as intellectuals had desecrated Hungary's inhabitant black similar to the Holy Crown of St. Stephen, the country's initial Christian king.

Szegedi also complained of "massive genuine estate purchases being finished in Hungary, where - it's no secret - they wish to move in Israeli residents."

Szegedi met ! in early Aug with Rabbi Slomo Koves, of Hungary's Orthodox Chabad-Lubavitch community, whose own parents were in their teens when they detected they were Jewish.

"As the rabbi ... it is my avocation to embrace every chairman who is in the incident of predicament as well as generally the Jew who has only right away faced his heritage," Koves said.

During the meeting, Szege! di apolog! ized for any statements that may have annoyed the Jewish community, as well as vowed to revisit Auschwitz to compensate his respects.

Koves described the review as "difficult as well as spiritually stressful," though pronounced he is carefree for the successful outcome.

"Csanad Szegedi is in the middle of the difficult routine of reparation, self-knowledge, re-evaluation as well as learning, that according to our hopes as well as interests, should conclude in the certain manner," Koves said. "Whether this will occur or not is initial as well as foremost up to him."

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MB Sgor arah Syabas tutup mulut

SHAH ALAM: Kerajaan Negeri Selangor hari ini memutuskan untuk tidak membenarkan Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas) membuat sebarang kenyataan akhbar mengenai operasi air melainkan ia telah mendapat persetujuan pentadbiran negeri.Menteri Besarnya, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim berkata, keputusan dibuat berdasarkan perjanjian asal di antara kerajaan negeri dan Syabas di mana kerajaan negeri mempunyai kuasa untuk menyelia operasi syarikat pengendalian air itu.Kita (kerajaan negeri) ki ... Read More

Selangor akan rampas tanah jika pembakaran terbuka dilakukan

SHAH ALAM, 15 Ogos Exco Pelancongan, Hal Ehwal Pengguna, dan Alam Sekitar Elizabeth Wong (gambar) berkata, kerajaan negeri Selangor akan merampas tanah kepada pemilik tanah yang membiarkan pembakaran terbuka di kawasan mereka. Katanya, tindakan ini bagi memastikan masalah jerebu tidak bertambah serius di Lembah Kelang. Baru-baru ini, kita ... Read More

Opposition Leaders call for Foreign Minister Anifah Amans resignation

August 15, 2012

Opposition Leaders call for Foreign Minister Anifah Aman's resignation

by Hafiz Yatim@www.malaysiakini.com

Pakatan Rakyat has called on Foreign Minister Anifah Aman to resign over purported desertion of duties as well as failing to hoop unfamiliar affairs properly.

DAP international cabinet member Liew Chin Tong pronounced currently a Pakatan secretariat which met final night unanimously agreed which Anifah was not up to a job.

Liew pronounced talk inside of tactful circles was which Anifah preferred ambassadors to meet him in his home state of Sabah instead of in a federal capital Kuala Lumpur.

"He is hiding in Kota Kinabalu as well as even required a Chinese envoy to meet him there," he told a press conference today.

NONELiew (left) pronounced which Malaysia, distinct before, had unsuccessful to assert a position in important international counts such as a Syrian conflict or to address a problems faced by a Rohingyas as well as a Palestinian community.

"Compare this to when Anwar Ibrahim was in a cabinet, when we actively participated in a fortitude of a Bosnian conflict in a Balkans," Liew said.

He additionally referred to an essay in The Star written by former diplomat Dennis Ignatius, angry about a state of Malaysia's unfamiliar affairs, where said, "Wisma Putra no longer has a genius to provide receptive to recommendation strategic recommendation to a government."

Liew added: "Many ambassadors have additionally called for a more hands-on Forei! gn Minis ter," he said.

PKR Vice-President Tian Chua pronounced Anifah has proven himself to be an ineffective Foreign Minister for playing a bad purpose in a brawl over a Spratly Islands as well as alternative disputes with a Philippines.

"Maybe it is required for a Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to take over a Foreign Affairs Ministry, replacing Anifah in a Organisation of Islamic Conference to resolve a Syrian conflict," Tian Chua said.

NONEHe additionally forked out instances where tactful officials who met Anifah were scolded but a PKR Vice-President did not wish to divulge their identities, observant this concerned counts of diplomacy.

"How often can you find Anifah in Kuala Lumpur to do his responsibilities? He is regularly in Sabah, perplexing to demeanour after his subdivision ever given former UMNO autarchic legislature member Lajim Ukin left a party," Tian Chua (right) said.

Anifah's Deputy Richard Riot, he added, was improved known in a tactful circles.

'It's not usually bringing students home'

Mocking a "rescue" of Malaysian students in inconstant countries such as Egypt as well as Syria, PAS Kuala Krai MP Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli pronounced a Foreign Affairs Ministry was usually in charge of bringing home Malaysian students who were overseas.

"There is a issue of a United States wanting to put troops in Australia. The capability of a Foreign Ministry is in disrepute. If Anifah cannot do a job, it is improved which he resigns," Hatta said.

"The Foreign Ministry is ostensible to be a eyes of a nation to a world as well as Anifah is simply not playing this role.

Describing Anifah as a most unprofessional Foreign Minister in Malaysian history, Hatta pronounced Anifah could be prono! unced to be a worst in a ASEAN region as he had additionally been complacent in doing informal cooperation.

Normally, he pronounced Malaysia's avowal in Foreign Affairs could be seen inside of ASEAN region but this was not so now, generally with a predicament of a Rohingyas.

Agreeing with this, Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar pronounced in a Rohingya affair, where Malaysia has nonetheless to make a stand, "we find a Turkish Prime Minister's mother going into Burma to uncover her concern".

Take evident stairs to stop genocide

Malaysia's silence, Nurul Izzah added, was unbecoming of a nation which had during Dr Mahathir Mohamad's time had authorized Burma's entry into ASEAN notwithstanding it being ruled by a military junta.

NONEShe pronounced a Pakatan secretariat wants Najib to take evident action to stop a genocide in Burma as well as to concede a international village to provide direct benefit to a Rohingyas.

Pakatan additionally wants ASEAN to direct which Burma halts a genocide there; ask China to meddle as well as actively advise a nation to strengthen all minorities; as well as direct which Bangladesh pressures Burma to open a border to provide service assist to Rohingyas.

Malaysia should additionally direct which a Organisation of Islamic Cooperation issue a corner statement job for an puncture sitting of a United Nations Security Council to meddle in a attacks on a Rohingyas.

"Malaysia must action fast as well as decisively to help a predicament of a Rohingyas as well as make a nation once more an exemplary Islamic nation which is active in unfamiliar affairs," Nurul Izzah added.

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Super Boring CyberTeams

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Stop 114A: Veni, Vidi, Victorious (well, almost)

Technorati tags: CIJ, August 14 Internet Blackout, Evidence Act, Amendment 114A It may not have sunk in nonetheless for most who participated, though yesterdays Internet Blackout Day was a significant victory. And if for no other reason, its since of this: PM Najib's useful tweet We, a netizens of Malaysia, saw a complaint with Amendment 114A, you took certain action, as well as which action has been noticed. For this, you have to appreciate a Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ) for th ... Read More

Not Surprising If Nasharudin Quits PAS, Says Nik Aziz

president Datuk Seri Najib ...

Stop 114A: Veni, Vidi, Victorious (well, almost)

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It competence not have sunk in nonetheless for many who participated, though yesterday's Internet Blackout Day was a significant victory. And if for no alternative reason, it's because of this:

PM Najib's momentous tweet

We, a netizens of Malaysia, saw a complaint with Amendment 114A, we took certain action, as well as which movement has been noticed.

For this, we have to appreciate a Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ) for a Internet Blackout Day initiative. In conditions of raising recognition about a problematic 114A, as well as having a certain outcome (so far), a beginning was a definite success.

It's a tiny victory, though a fight for a free, easy Internet is distant from over. In a incomparable sense, this fight is for a freer, a some-more open, as well as ultimately, a some-more vibrant Malaysia.
(Stop114A gets noticed worldwide, as well as more, in a full post)

While it competence be a tiny victory, it's! an impo rtant one. The Malaysian Internet Blackout Day got noticed, not only by a Prime Minister, though distant beyond a shores, by general headlines agencies (ABC, BBC, CNET, Forbes, as well as MSN, among others see here for a longer list).

Another important indicator, pointing to a success of a initiative: a hashtag #Stop114A made it to a Top 10 Twitter trends yesterday, peaking at second position, if not mistaken.

The initiative's success is concurred by a organizer, CIJ in an article published today by Free Malaysia Today.

CIJ senior manager officer Masjazliza Hamzah told FMT which a reply to a campaign combined to highlight a but a friend legislative addition to a Evidence Act 1950- was phenomenal.

"In conditions of reply to a campaign, it's only phenomenal," she said, surrender however which it was not as "huge" as alternative online protests ha! ve been i! n a past.

"The catalysts have been a websitesand a commercial operation which supported it[but] we consider a credit sho! uld go t o netizens for making themselves wakeful of it," Masjazliza added.

Nevertheless, she noted which a campaign which saw many websites either starting offline or hosting black pop-ups messages- helped to not only create a open awareness, though also pressured a government to consider twice about a amendment.

(source: Free Malaysia Today)

Of course, yesterday's Internet Blackout Day wasn't but its detractors, primarily Tan Keng Liang, Kedah Gerakan Youth Chief. Whether a guy didn't worry to read anything posted upon what was compulsory of a Blackout participants, or simply abandoned contribution to only be his irritating self, Tan (and others "inspired" by him) went upon a tweet-rampage using down any antithesis politician who were tweeting between 0000 as well as 2359 hrs.

It is believed which it was Tan who penned a #BlackOutTipu hashtag used via yesterday (and today), tracing behind to a twitter which initial used a hashtag.

But enough about Tan Keng Liang we have to take yo! ur shawl of! f to a man for his perseverance in being annoying

In any case, a onus is right away upon a Cabinet to "discuss" Section 114A, as well as do something about it, not simply plead a amendment. Walski is rsther than intrigued isn't t! his a sa me Cabinet which drafted a legislation as well as pushed it through Parliament in a initial place? Weren't "people first" then?

Question, Walski's sure, which many others have been wondering, too. But be which as it may, let's goal something genuine as well as certain comes out of said "discussion" (whenever which competence be).

Again, KUDOS to CIJ for an beginning well executed, as well as to all who participated in yesterday's Internet Blackout, congratulations upon a pursuit well done.

Never dont think about which yesterday was a genuine victory, even though a conflict is distant from over. What a next step will be all depends upon a anticipated Cabinet discussion and, presumably, action.

We wait with bated breath

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Threatened with aggression, Samad cries 'peace'

Having consistently advocated peace, Bersih co-chairperson A Samad Said is deeply saddened by a greeting to a 'Janji Bersih' rally, hold in as well as with a independence day celebration during Dataran Merdeka.

NONE"We have been only carrying out a noble cause, as well as for this you have been indicted of beingkotor(dirty) as well as for violation a law," lamented a inhabitant laureate, who is fondly known as Pak Samad.

Samad said this when asked about a hazard from an anti-Bersih group, a Kuala Lumpur Petty Traders Action Council, that a members would"respond aggressively"if a 'Janji Bersih' entertainment was to proceed upon a night of August 30.

Malay dailyBerita Harianon Monday quoted legislature chairperson Jamal Md Yunus as saying that he was sleepy of domestic games that he claimed caused inconvenience to a public as well as that a sparse traders would "respond aggressively to prevent" a gathering.

The definition of 'aggressive'

NONEJamal is a owners of a famous Sekinchan Ikan Bakar chain grill as well as had, before to this, threatenedto organisea &! #39;prot est bazaar' outward Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan's house for her purpose in a Bersih 3.0 gathering.

Responding to a hazard of aggression, Samad said: "That is his (Jamal's) right, as well as (we seek his) knowledge (to explain) what he means by aggressive."

He added that an additional meeting upon a logistics as well as alternative counts regarding to a Janji Bersih entertainment will be hold tonight.

Those in support of a eventuality - that is aimed during reminding a government to do a guarantee for clean as well as fair elections - will enclose yellow during Dataran Merdeka upon a night of August thirty as well as a participants will stick on a government-organised countdown to Merdeka Day.
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The years of living racially

"Whatever you instruct to grasp in a future, it must proceed by suggestive where you have been in a present - not where you instruct you were, or where you instruct others to think you are, yet where you have been in fact."- Thomas Sowell (Economic Facts as well as Fallacies)

COMMENTSo, let me get this straight. Bersih leader Ambiga Sreenevasan believes which secular politics should finish as well as a approach to finish it would be to engage in more... secular politics?

niat forum choosing 120812 ambigaNational Indian Rights Action Team's (Niat's) rsther than self-indulgent list of demands, you contend self-indulgent since a single of a components of a 3 cabinet ministers post as well as four emissary ministers reserved (for Indians) would not usually embody inaugurated member yet additionally (surprise, surprise) those appointed from NGOs.

Question. If a Chinese or Malay NGO candidate/elected deputy has done "more" for a Indian village which an Indian candidate, would a said particular still be considered for a 'Indian-only' post?

I would gamble my last ringgit which if Pakatan Rakyat (if they ever come in to sovereign power) were to announce such a strategy, they would be perceived with open arms by a certain territory of a Malaysian choosing by casting votes public who explain to be interested in a race-blind society yet who in being understand a code Pakatan uses to demonstrate a commitment to a suspicion which their secular expectations would be met in a some-more "honest" demeanour by a non-BN government.

I do not th! ink a de vise is "too idealistic", you think it's downright myopic, cynical as well as detrimental to any arrange of "racial harmony" which oppositional sorts similar to to contend is part of a 'change' bulletin as well as a kind of secular nonsense Umno-BN has been peddling for decades. Can you suppose a fallout if this were a group of Chinese NGOs carrying a list of d! emands for a government?

The editorial warlocks over atUtusan Malaysiaand a Perkasa thugs would be carrying epileptic fits as well as Umno would be leaping for happiness during a astonishing asset of essentially being in a Pakatan in front of of you do zero whilst their counter fire himself in a foot.

NONEPoor DAP, whilst their golden boy Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has to go out of his approach to calm Malay nerves which nobody in his party would ever seek a highest bureau in a land, here you have Indians NGOs being satisfied with second best as well as worse of all a in front of since to them by their Malay masters.

It's funny, actually. Lim has to fend off allegations from a rival domestic party (MCA) which he is giving false goal to a Chinese village with regards to heading this country, all a whilst proof an intensely effective inaugurated deputy for a state he runs.

Indians, or those claiming to represent them, upon a other have been so marginalised which they do not even poise a convincing threat to a powers-that-be.

Yet another secular formula

Apparently a Niat booklet explains which a marginalisation of a Indian village was due to underneath illustration in a government. Apparently dual former budding ministers determine with this claim. Really?

I believe a Indians have been marginalised since they continued to perspective for ine! pt ! corrup! t leaders who bilked them with a dedicated cows of religion as well as enlightenment as well as an boring Indian middle-class who didn't give a damn about their community. All this set a stage of an eventual class dispute as voiced by a 'mandore' sentiments of Hindraf. (This perspective drew much flack when it initial appeared in my'The gangland slaying of a dedicated cows'piece)

And if a dual former budding ministers suspicion which underneath illustration was a cause of a marginalisation of a Indian community, because didn't they do anything to fix it? you meant if it was easy a putting a couple of token Indians in positions of power, which would in spin 'fix' a Indian problem, they because not do it?

najib thaipusam batu caves 070212The answer is simple. A marginalised as well as fractured Indian village served a interests of a statute elite. The Umno secular formula as well as a complicity of a Indian 'mandores' ensured which a Indian perspective bank would be paid for over by short-term racialist gains.

What this stupid list of final is attempting is another kind of secular formula. And because not? If anything, Chinese as well as Indian support of Pakatan is not unequivocally formed upon any egalitarian foundation yet rsther than which their racialist expectations would be better served by an alliance which is not as corrupt as well as (here's a hilarious part) racist, as Umno.

Nobody in Pakatan (with a couple of exceptions) dares put forward a suspicion which a non-Malay could ever lead this country yet Pakatan supporters make a appropriate sound when it ! comes to ! meritocracy as well as competition blindness when it is politically expedient to do so.

The common fact i! s which a Malay village is a infancy as well as usually they can confirm if as well as when it is savoury for a Malaysian in any case of his or her competition to rise by popular will to a highest bureau in a land. So do not stone a boat. The goal is to be led by a forward-thinking Malay as well as banish a hated BN from Putrajaya.

Yup, as well as once there, you can still play a same secular diversion with ideas of a arrange espoused by Niat yet coming from Pakatan no disbelief it would be some-more palatable. And once this happens you will unfortunately once again, get a supervision you deserve.

Ambiga praises this initiative as proposing solutions rsther than than a list of problems, yet what if a solutions have been as bad as a problems?

thaipusam najib 070212How does carrying a Department of Minority Affairs as well as Development assistance minority communities here in Malaysia? Has a Women's Affairs Department helped women in Malaysia? Has a Orang Asli Department helped alleviate a problems faced by a indigenous peoples of this land?

I would disagree which all these 'minority' departments have only added to a bureaucratic calamity which is a Malaysian civil service as well as has turn a tact ground for a despised cronycrats.

I was of course smirking during a suggestion which banning a sale of ethanol in preference stores would assistance 'curb' alcoholism in a Indian community. Didn't ! PAS attem! pt this dance before?

Interesting isn't it, how these eremite sorts (and I'm assuming eremite sorts of every flavour had their contend in this list of demands) regularly resort to enforcing their value complement upon others instead of usurpation a being which when it comes to social ills similar to alcoholism, a aspect of personal responsibility should be fron! t as wel l as centre of any effort to curb a problem.

Provocative ideas

Why not champion a little of a some-more provocative ideas which have been out there for decades? Here have been a few.

Dismantle a sovereign bureaucracy which is there to yield employment for a specific secular group, which in spin nurtures as clarity of desert inside of this territory of a Malaysian polity. Dismantle a NEP (New Economic Policy) as well as hospital a class-based certain movement programme.

Halt state/federal funding for vernacular/religious schools. Re-establish English as a middle of direction in school, with Malay being a mandatory paper. Add Mandarin as well as Tamil to a mandatory list. Do away with a race-based quota complement when it comes to educational opportunities.

jerit tamil propagandize council criticism 290307 lim kit siangCurb a powers of eremite institutions, especially if they attempt through eremite convictions to criticise a relations in between a diverse eremite communities in a country. Concentrate upon farming development as a equates to of raising a standa! rd of liv! ing instead of viewing them as ignorant perspective banks.

These have been only a couple of ideas which have been floating out there for decades as well as not solutions. Solutions come about if people have been peaceful to cruise these ideas as a basement for probable solutions which would lead us out of this secular quagmire you find ourselves in.

Perhaps if you perspective for people who believe which these ideas have been sound as well as which it should during slightest be attempted after decades of following a Pavlovian reply to secular hot-button issues, maybe it would lead to a incident where a 'majority' has no hang-up as to who leads Malaysia! .
Maybe it would lead to a domestic climate where NGOs do not have to propose race-based solutions to problems caused by raced-based preoccupations in a initial place.

niat forum choosing 120812 niat cabinet member arun dorasamyIf anything Niat cabinet member Arun Dorasamy (right), this is "too idealistic" as well as not your demands, which is merely playing a same competition diversion regularly as well as anticipating for a opposite outcome. Understand now, which both a ideas would no disbelief lift flack from a certain territory of a Malay village nurtured in to desiring which their really presence depends upon a diversion being fraudulent in their favour.

But a difference is which Niat's final is in effect threshing away in secular swamp worsening a incident whilst a ideas I'm highlighting have been an attempt to grab a vine to lift us out of this mess.

The tragedy is this choosing is for a average Pakatan supporter, it is a preference in between a lesser of dual evils (as a little too comfortably claim). Perhaps this is because Niat's suggestions would during a finish of a day be implemented if Pakatan ever comes in to energy (even yet it is mocked now) as well as a ideas you talked about would be consigned to a balderdash bin.

Change is usually suggestive if it involves scapegoat as well as nobody wants to stone a boat when a port of Putrajaya is inside of reach.
S THAYAPARAN is Commander (rtd) of a Royal Malaysian Navy.
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The Passing of a Malaysian Badminton Icon

August 15, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: The Passing of a Malaysian Badminton IconDato' Punch Gunalan

Mr. Hamid Ahmad and Mr. QadeerAhmad of Car & Co, a well knownsporting goods company, and you have just returned from Section 12, PetalingJayawhere you paid ourlast respects to a Late Dato Punch Gunalan, All England Champion and Thomas Cupper, who passed on this morning of serious illness. He was my co-worker in Sime Darby, where he headed Sime's Sports Division. More on this thread later.Din Merican

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Perpaduan ummah yang Anwar dan Nik Aziz benci

TV3 petang semalam menyiarkan Ustaz nasharuddin PAS memperkenalkan Dato Najib kepada ulamak-ulamak Saudi Arabia. Pasti terkedu dan marah membara Anwar Ibrahim, Nik Aziz dan Lim Kit Siang melihat pemimpin PAS bersahabat dan menunjukkan perpaduan ummah kepada orang Islam asing. Mereka mahu tunjukkan kepada rakyat asing bahawa kita berpecah belah dan bergaduh sesama sendiri.Blog Celah Gelegar

So, Suu Kyi doesn't know?

No Eid for Rohingyas.For years, Suu Kyi was a name revered by many, together with Malaysians. The junta were rulers of Myanmar as well as Suu Kyi, a country's democratic future, was underneath seemingly perpetual residence arrest. She was a victim, a oppressed. Today, interjection to general pressure as well as regional support, Suu Kyi is a single of a democratically-elected leaders of her country. Today, a only ones oppressed in Myanmar have been a Rohingya Muslims. They have been being violated as well as killed systematically. If there's anyone in Myanmar who could - as well as should - come to their support, it is a Nobel Prize leader Suu Kyi.

But she, apparently, has not.

Read her Song of Silence by A Voice.

Why Najib Razak's Cabinet should not fear 114A

Section 114A was inspected in Parliament
Section 114A of a Evidence Act was inspected by Parliament in May this year as well as came in to outcome August 1. Some people feel a brand brand brand brand brand new territory was usually a government's excuse of perplexing to conceal Internet leisure though most have been of a perspective that it is indispensable to force a little accountability as well as shortcoming online.

Last night, while a "Internet trance day" debate staged by a anti-114A organisation was in progress, PM Najib Razak unexpectedly sent out this tweet:
Mohd Najib Tun Razak@NajibRazakI have asked Cabinet to plead territory 114A of a Evidence Act 1950. Whatever we do we contingency put people initial .
To a Stop 114A group, it was really twitter of a Prime Minister, indeed! Read Malaysiakini'sEvidence Act examination another Najib flip-flop). Najib's detractors wish us to remember what flip-flopping did to a PM's predecessor! Even though Najib didn't contend his supervision was going to examination 114A - he merely pronounced that he had asked today's Cabinet to plead it - his detractors have been already celebrating!

To me, a point to cruise is really simple: Parliament, a country's highest senior manager physique comprising representatives inaugurated by a people, had inspected territory 114A. I'm sure a MPs debated a Bill, unless they were all sleeping upon a job! Najib's supervision contingency apply ! oneself that as well as let a democratic process takes a course. The brand brand brand brand brand new law hasn't even been put to test.

The Internet is not indifferent usually by we as well as your kids as well as your neighbours as well as people with good intentions. The amicable media as well as a blogs have been filthy with millions of strangers as well as bizarre behaviors, with crooks, pedos, cons, as well as even mass murderers. I believe, as I'd created upon my really initial twitter upon a subject, that if we have been not guilty of an offence, there is nothing to fright a 114A or, for that matter, any law that group have passed.

Please review this this essay sent to me by an consultant upon a matter:
Dear Sir:
The right to leisure of debate as well as countenance is well confirmed in a Federal Constitution, thus providing each citizen a liberty to speak their thoughts demonstrate their thought.
Nevertheless, a right to do so is not an comprehensive one. Parliament might by law levy restrictions upon a right if it deems necessary or judicious to do so in a seductiveness of a confidence of a Federation or any partial of it, friendly relations with alternative countries, public order or morality.
Restrictions might additionally be imposed to strengthen a privileges of Parliament or of any Legislative Assembly or to provide opposite disregard of court, or incitement of any offense.
Dissenting voices as well as opinions by citizens as well as organizations comparison have never been tempered so long as they have been expressed inside of a parameter authorised by law.
Freedom of debate as well as countenance is thriving both in a imitation as well as in cyberspace as well as generally so in brand brand brand brand brand new times, an indication of a workings of democracy in this country.
Towards a end of a 20th century, Malaysia emba! rked upo n a tour towards a digital age. Citizens became some-more IT-savvy as well as a make use of if IT devices became prevalent generally in civic areas. Mass information exchnage via cyberspace became a norm. Blogs, websites as well as online amicable media became a media of communication. Where once papers need to be typed, papers have been right away created as well as posted as well as simply circulated inside of seconds. Where once papers were cramped to those in a broadcasting profession, right away anyone can write anything, be it in their own blogs as well as websites or provide comments to a papers of others.
In a surrounded by of a brand brand brand brand brand new technological landscape, writers turn bolder as cyberspace provides them a veil to anonymity. Writings have been penned as well as posted underneath pseudonyms. Comments have been simply done to a papers of others as well as some-more often than not, without being aware of a laws that apply to a practice of a right t leisure of debate as well as expression, either out of ignorance or otherwise.
In a light of a brand brand brand brand brand new growth ensuing in brand brand brand brand brand new ways of elect of offenses, most laws have been enacted as well as existing laws amended to keep up with a technological advancement.
Section 114A is as well as example if an legislative addition to a law have been to keep up with cyberspace offenders.
Contrary to allegations:
# Section 114A is not intended to quell a leisure of debate as well as countenance of citizens.
# Section 114A does not shift a weight of explanation of a crime from a charge to a offender
# Section 114A does not make a chairman guilty until proven innocent. The legal notion that a chairman is trusting until proven guilty is as well as has regularly been inspected in this country.
Section 114A is merely a orthodox hypothesis which was provided to promote a charge of offenders in cyberspace.
Statutory presumptions have been not uncommon as well as have been found in a number of laws. Examples:
1. The hypothesis of dishonesty underneath territory 409B of a Penal Code.
2. The hypothesis of crime underneath territory 50 of a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009
3. The hypothesis of trafficking underneath territory 37 of a Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.
A orthodox hypothesis functions to presume a sure actuality until proven to a contrary. The weight of proof a sure cause to a contrary is shifted to a celebration who would be in a improved position to do so i.e. a celebration who has carry out of believe of a fact.
Owners, hosts, administrators, editors or sub-editors of websites or amicable media accounts are deemed responsible for any calm that has been published or re-published upon their website either by themselves, persons impersonating them or any alternative persons; subscribers or a network use that was used to tell or re-publish any calm have been deemed obliged for a publications; as well as owners or individuals in carry out of an electronic device that was used to tell or re-piublish any calm have been deemed obliged for a publication.
Section 114A supplies reflect a responsibility that owners, hosts, administrators, editors or sub-editors of websites of amicable media accounts, subscribers of a network use as well as owners or individuals in carry out of an electronic device should bear in apply oneself of any papers upon a blogs, website as well as amicable media comment for that they have control.
They have to be obliged for a correct make use of of their blogs, websites or amicable media account, either by themselves or by others whom! they ha ve authorised access to. They should practice full carry out over a publications of papers in their blogs as well as websites as well as over who can access their amicable media online account.
They should understand that a use, or rather a misuse, of any blogs, websites, accounts or devices can cause good mistreat as well as thus they should take even greater caring to prevent them from being misused, generally by others.
This shortcoming is nothing new. The same shortcoming is borne by publishers in a real, earthy world. They have to be obliged for what they tell as well as they should be ready to face any consequences should there be an infringement of a law in a publication.
However, unlike a earthy universe where it is really easy to brand a publisher, a same cannot be pronounced of publishers in cyberspace. Thus, a need to have supplies like territory 114A.
It is additionally impending to note that statutory presumptions cannot be applied arbitrarily.
Firstly, prior to a hypothesis is applicable, a charge needs to infer first facts, failing that a hypothesis is not applicable.
Secondly, a hypothesis is a rebuttable presumption, meaning that a chairman opposite whom a hypothesis is applied might adduce justification to rebut a presumption. If he for any reason whosoever chooses not to do so, afterwards a hypothesis is deemed to be proved.
However, if he does adduce justification towards that end, a justice shall cruise whether, upon a balance of probabilities, a justification adduced has rebutted a presumption. There should not be any fright of orthodox hypothesis if a single is not guilty of an offense.
It is additionally to be remarkable that territory 114A is not usually cramped to a proof of criminal offenses. It is equally germane to polite s! uits in sold defamation suits involving virtual publication. The brand brand brand brand brand new territory will thus promote a plaintiff to infer a announcement of a insulting matter done online.
Laws have been never hurried as well as inspected in Parliament. Any due legislative addition to a law or law remodel is discussed entirely with correct consultation carried out with those concerned in a administration department of justice such as a Royal Malaysian Police, Bar Council, Suhakam, as well as alternative relevant agencies prior to it is presented as well as debated in a Parliament.
Section 114A does not conceal leisure of debate as well as expression, generally dissenting voices opposite a ruling supervision of a day. The supervision has regularly embraced a actuality that dissenting voices as well as opinions have been partial as well as parcel of a full of health democratic system. The role of a brand brand brand brand brand new territory is to strengthen a public as well as a supervision comparison from false, insulting as well as seditious information that have been threats not usually to an individual's rights though additionally to nation seductiveness as well as security.