Malaysians by as great as vast have been hypocrites who usually speak though will do a conflicting of what they say. They direct which others do what they themselves exclude to do. They have been really quick with their mouth as great as openly swear as great as abuse others whilst they will not endure any disagreement.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
What irks me is not criticism. I can take criticism. What irks me is hypocrisy. And there is most pomposity behind which veil which hides a face. And which pomposity comes in most forms.
How do I depreciate thee? Let me counts a ways.
One form of pomposity is regardingHudud.
I respect a right of Islamists to disciple a IslamicSharialaw ofHudud,as is a right of any a single in a democracy to disciple whatever they want, including some-more Chinese schools or some-more Hindu temples or happy rights or whatever.
It is therefore hypocritical, in a democracy, for anti-Hududproponents to vilify pro-Hududproponents by job them barbarians usually as it is fake for pro-Hududproponents to vilify anti-Hududproponents by job them infidels (whether they have been Muslims or non-Muslims).
In a democracy everybody has a right to disciple whatever he or she wish to disciple without being ridiculed as great as vilified. And both sides -- a pro-Hududproponents as great as a anti-Hududproponents -- demonstrate a lack of approved spirit. This is pomposity when you shout about democracy though you exclude to allow democracy.
Whether a Federal Constitution of Malaysia allows a you do ofHududis a have a difference open to debate. Whether Malaysia is a fully-fledged Secular State deliberation which Islam is stipulated as a religion of a Federation, either Malaysia is already an Islamic nation (not quite definition Islamic State) as declared by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, as great as either a Constitution allows or forbids a you do ofHududdoes not take approach a right of any a single who wishes to propagate or opposeHudud.
You can introduce or opposeHudud. That is your right. You can't take away which right to introduce or conflict it. And in this example both sides have been guilty of not respecting a approved right to argueHududand hence both sides have been hypocrites.
Malaysians complain which Malaysia does not respect a right of its adults to criticize a supervision or a country's leaders. Doing so would outcome in you facing charges underneath a Sedition Act, they lament.
However, Malaysians have a really low toleration turn when you criticize a supervision they love, either state or federal, as great as when you criticize a leaders they love, either from Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat.
This is not in a spirit of a democracy as great as is pomposity from both sides of a domestic divide.
Muslims speak about Islam roughly non-stop. And if you contend anything disastrous about Islam they will roar as great as credit you of insulting Islam as great as will direct your blood. These Muslims contend you contingency follow a Qur'an, a Sunnah as great as a Hadith as great as if you do not afterwards you have been not Muslims though will, in fact, turn an heathen orkafir.
However, these same Muslims elect their supervision through akafirsystem of Parliamentary ubiquitous elections modelled after thekafirWestminster complement of government.
How ! can Musl ims who roar Islam, Qur'an, Sunnah as great as Hadith adopt a complement which does not follow a Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah? Is this not hypocrisy? "But if you do not imitate with thekafirsystem afterwards how would you get into power?" these Muslims will argue. Would clarification yourself in a toilet play freshen you?
Muslims exclude to accept which they have been saying a single thing though you do a other. And which is hypocrisy. If Islam is supposed to be supreme, afterwards all else which is placed above Islam contingency be rejected, a ubiquitous elections included. If not afterwards Islam will not be autarchic given Islam will come underneath a system. Are Muslims prepared to place Islam autarchic by rejecting all which is not Islam, a ubiquitous elections included, even if they can't get into power?
The Muslims hold which a Four Caliphs who came after Prophet Muhammad were a Rightly-Guided Caliphs, definition God or Allah guided them. Hence what they did is not what they did though what Allah guided them to do.
When a First Caliph after Prophet Muhammad, Abu Bakar, was about to be chosen, a adults of Medina asked him how can they be positive which he would be a fair, honest, just, etc., leader?
Abu Bakar took out his long knife as great as placed it on a ground before him as great as told a throng which if he deviates as great as is not true to his word afterwards they have been to take his long knife as great as cut off his head. That was a example of Abu Bakar, which Muslims have been really proud to discuss it us.
At a impulse you have not even taken a long knife to cut off a heads of our leaders yet, which Abu Bakar pronounced you contingency do as great as as reported in a Hadith. At a impulse you usually criticize them in a Blogs as great as in a Internet as great as everybody is foaming at a mouth as great as abuse us as great as call us all sorts ! of nasty names.
This is hypocrisy, especially those Muslims who have been so proud of Islam, a Qur'an, a Sunnah, a Hadith, Prophet Muhammad as great as a Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs as great as those non-Muslims who contend they wish to shift a supervision since they wish some-more democracy as great as leisure of speech.
Malaysians have been so ardent about a domestic parties which they support, both sides of a domestic divide. They will vilify as great as abuse those who criticize a celebration they await as great as will call you all sorts of nasty names.
However, reduction than one-third of registered electorate have been card-bearing members of domestic parties. They have been so ardent about 'their' domestic celebration as great as will not endure an iota of critique conflicting 'their' domestic party. And they adore 'their' domestic celebration so most which they will not even outlay RM1 to turn a part of of 'their' party.
This is hypocrisy. And they will direct which others who have been neutral as great as have been not members of any domestic celebration to show faithfulness to 'their' party. And if you do not they will condemn us like ruin for not showing faithfulness to a celebration which they did not even compensate RM1 to turn a part of of.
Readers of Malaysia Today call me a coward for refusing to go behind to Malaysia to 'face charges' when there have been no pending charges conflicting me. And they have this claim regulating fake names as great as fake e-mail addresses whilst villainous refusing to register to criticism in Malaysia Today since they wish to sojourn anonymous.
This is hypocrisy.
One million Malaysians live abroad as great as these people have been perfectionist a shift of supervision since they have been fed up with a same supervision for a final 55 years. They wish us to scapegoat for a great ! of a nat ion. But they exclude to scapegoat their time as great as money to go behind to Malaysia to register as electorate or go behind to Malaysia to opinion during a by-elections or ubiquitous elections. Sacrifice is what they wish others to do, not what they will do.
This is hypocrisy.
Malaysians by as great as vast have been hypocrites who usually speak though will do a conflicting of what they say. They direct which others do what they themselves exclude to do. They have been really quick with their mouth as great as openly swear as great as abuse others whilst they will not endure any disagreement.
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