At about 6pm yesterday, Sugumar who has NO POLICE RECORD was chased by 6 policemen in uniform, arrested & beat him upwhile another 20 ppl assimilated in d beating!

Eyewitness additionally said they saw military after handcuffing sugumar-rubbed tumeric upon his face b4 continuing to beat him!

Sugumar is NOW DEAD!!!

After d killing sugumar's physique was dumped upon a roadside- naked as well as handcuffed

family n lawyers still watchful - no progress- only spoken to eyewitnesses to a killing- land Personal Computer at a mortuary

Police line guarding mortuary doorway Serdang Hosp

its been some-more than 4 hours- still no sign of any military officer in charge-hospital uncooperative

photos & news from tweetLatheefaKoya Read More @ Source

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BN Secret Weapon in GE 13

Our fate is right away motionless by someone who does not go to here. Our supervision "help" them to benefit citizenship, as well as they "help" a statute celebration to win a election. Najib is you do a same thing now! What is a indicate to have election then?
20 years ago, a former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, was evenly extenuation of citizenship to bootleg immigrants by giving them identity documents in Sabah.

This so called Project IC a.k.a Project M is to alter a demographic pattern of Sabah to make it more favorable to a statute government, namely Barisan National. There have been during slightest 1,500,000 "Project IC citizens" in Malaysia by 2012.

In other words, our fate is right away motionless by someone who does not go to here. Our supervision "help" them to benefit citizenship, as well as they "help" a statute celebration to win a election. Najib is you do a same thing now! What is a indicate to have election then? Where is our right to select our future? How can we accept all these unethical actions of BN supervision that would destroy democracy?
Change now, save Malaysia. Please Share this video to your family members as well as friends.



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Of Bibles and crosses

Mohsin Abdullah
While the little Muslims might find the black 'sensitive', others don't thoughts 'haram' promotion of beer.
we MUST confess I've not listened of it before. Apparently, there's the organisation in Penang that is called Persatuan Mukabuku Pulau Pinang Pinang. In English that should be Penang Facebook Association.
Anyway, as you know new media reports quoted the organisation president the gentleman by the name of Salleh Ismail as observant "two organisation were seen circulating bibles to students together with Muslim students outside the propagandize in Jelutong, Penang".
And you additionally know Deputy Education Minister Dr Puad Zarkashi has asked military to examine as, pronounced the deputy minister, "proselytisation of Muslims is opposite the law in the country".
Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, Minister in the PM's Department meanwhile, has urged the military to "act fast as this is the very supportive issue".
That's the law of the land. Hence contingency be respected. Let the military probe.
Without going into that particular "case", we find myself asking this question. If, for the little reason, someone comes up to me as well as hands me the copy of the Bible, what would we do?
Well we can:
1) Turn it down ie do not accept the "gift";
2) Accept politely, say appreciate you, put it divided somewhere as well as forget about it totally;
3) Read the Bible although I'm not certain if we can assimilate or comprehend;
4) Study it. After all, the late Ahmad Deedat, the Muslim companion complicated the Bible as well as the believe in his own difference done him stronger in his belief of the Islamic faith. Some even called him! the "Gr eat Islamic Scholar of the Bible". Whether the single agrees with that or for that make the difference Ahmad Deedate's "style" of training as well as propagating Islam is another matter.
Point is he wasn't, for wish of the better word, "afraid" of the Bible. Unlike most or the little (definitely not all) Malay/Muslims in Malaysia.
Which bring us to the Christian cranky seen by Christians as the illustration of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
We know that most schools, that were formerly run by the Christian missionary, have had the propagandize emblems as well as badges "modified". Meaning the cranky in the button had been removed by order of the authorities. Some replaced by alternative "objects" similar to the star. The reason being to mislay any "religious semblance" so to speak.
It is pronounced the original button in the propagandize badge (with the cross) can be "offending" to students of alternative conviction (other than needless to say Christianity). Especially Muslim students. So that puts the cross, similar to the Bible, as something to be "afraid" of for Malay/Muslims here?
That brings me to rugby. Yes, the diversion played with an oval made ball. The diversion of hooligans played by gentlemen. Something similar to that.
The alternative day, we watched the rugby diversion that featured the single of the tip clubs in Malaysia. The bar is run primarily by Malays who have been Muslims of course. The players have been additionally primarily Malay/Muslim. Majority Allah-fearing as well as reason steadfast to the pillars of Islam.
But emblazoned across their jerseys is the name of the well-known beer. Obviously, the bar is sponsored by the brewery. Yes, they needed the income to do the horde of things but let's not go there.
Point is you have the organisation of "God-fearing" Muslims who have no qualms in "advertising" or "promoting" the drink brand. Not "afraid" of comparing with somet! hing "ha ram"?
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Masihkah letak tunggul pun "Barisan Nasional" menang di Pahang? (Masalah air-video inside)

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Sultan Perak Atau Kerabat? (Part 21)

Fitnah Arak (Part 1)

Aku anak dagang di negeri Pahang

Assallamualaikum sahabat dan semua pembaca budiman....

Kenapa aku menulis artikel ini
Memang aku tidak mahu panjangkan pergelotan kata diantara keluarga, tetapi setelah aku fikirkan masak-masak biarlah aku menjawap dan juga menanya dimana kesalahan aku. Memang pada mulanya aku enggan mencerita hal Almarhum Ayahanda, tetapi tomahan fitnah harus dijawap. Ia terjawap pada isu ke twenty (klik), oleh artikel yang di tulis oleh Dato Mokhtar Petah...

Apabila telah aku bermula menceritakan hal kehidupan ayahanda ku,pada 19 September 2012 (klik), maka aku telah di marahi dan di singkir dari segala jemputan (semada jemputan kematian atau kahwin, dan lain-lain) keluarga kerana ada ahli keluargaku yang beranggapan aku telah membukakan pekong Almarhum ayahanda Sultan Idris...

Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah dikapit oleh Raja Kecil Sulong Raja Hisham (paling kiri) dan Raja Muda Musa (disebelah Cik Puan Negara - paling kanan).

Ibni Sultan Idris telah meminggirkan aku dari segala urusan kekeluargaan
Me! mang ada persoalan yang menyatakan almarhum meninggal minum arak, tetapi cerita ini pon dah di nafikan oleh sorang penulis yang tiada kaitan dengan keluarga... Dek sebab persoalan ini, keluarga ku marah aku kerana membuka kembali luka lama... Mereka tidak suka soalan ini di ajukan didalam ruangan komen, oleh khalayak ramai... Aku di pecat dari senarai keluarga...

Kerana komen inilah aku difitnah(klik)

Aku sekarang menumpang kasih di Wadi Hussein... Itulah kesalahan ku, kerana berani menjawap dan menafikan segala fitnah dah tuduhan atas Almarhum Ayahanda ku... Konon nya mereka kata, "tak baik mengaibkan ruh si mati"... Tapi adakah pernah aku berbicara sedemikian hingga mengaibkan sesiapa..? Allah saksi ku... Biarlah aku membawa diri jauh dari keluarga yang telah membuang aku...

Sultan Azlan Shah berhadapan jenazah Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah setelah melaksanakan pengistihran KeSultanan.

Siapakah Uncleseekers yang amat kontroversi ini..?
Tuan Syed Hussein Alattas (klik), atau lebih dikena;i sebagai Pak Habib, juga bapa kepada blogger Uncleseekers memang kenal Almarhum Sultan Idris, dan mereka pernah bersuka-ria bersama waktu hidupnya Almarhum... Kini, Allah telah ketemukan aku dengan anak nya di Janda B! aik (klik)... Kehendak Allah memberi aku tempat menumpang kasih dan terhibur...

Aku telah keluar dari Hospital Kuala Lumpur pada bulan September dan telah di ajak oleh sorang kenalan facebook menziarah Wadi Hussein, di Janda Baik... Aku baru sihat selepas kena sakit tekanan darah tinggi dan sakit jantung... Aku sukakan keadaan di Janda Baik, Aku tumpang tidor dua hari... Best pulak rasa nya... Sebelum aku pulang ke KL, aku minta kebenaran utuk kembali lagi dan lepak dengan Uncle seekers... Dan Uncleseekers menjawap,"Suka hati Mak Abah tiri engkaulah..".Macam tulah perangai dia! Kalau amik hati, terserlah kebodohan diri

Justeru, setelah aku pulang ke Kl, aku berazam untuk aku terus bermastautin di Wadi Hussein atas sebab sebab udara yang nyaman dan sejuk, untuk menyembuhkan diri ku. Pak Habibb telah pelawakan rumah di Wadi Hussein, kata beliau, "duduk lah seberapa lama hingga sihat, dan jadikanlah tempat ini sebagai Istana Hinggap"....

Alhamdulillah dan berbanyak terima kasih saya ucapkan pada Pak Habib yabg murah hati... Hanya Allah saja yang buleh membalas budi baik anak beranak ini... Saya juga banyak berseloroh dengan Uncleseekers, kami memang suka mengusik dan merapu...Ini terapi stress-release bagi diri saya...

Seperkara lagi yang harus aku beritahu tentang keitimewaan anugerah Allah SWT pada Uncleseekers adalah menolong orang dengan perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan penyakit alam ghaib.., itupon ikut kehendak dirinya... kalau ada 'mood' dia akan tolong... Segala pertolongan itu kerana Allah,Tak pernah melihat dia mengambil upah, walau satu sen pon...

Aku pernah melihat didepan mata aku sendiri cara perubatannya yangamat luar-biasadantidak lojikaltetapi menyembuhkan sakit itu..Tiada kemenyan, tiada jampi seranah, tiada alat-alat pemujaan.. Pesakit terdiri dari orang2 biasa hinggalah ! orang-or ang kenamaan yang kaya...

Uncleseekers pada pendapat aku adalah seorang'psychic'yang menguruskan bab alam ghaib. Janagn pandang luaran beliau, mentang mentanglah dia berpakaian 'rugged' tapi kemahiiran atau ilmu nya adalahunik....

Menjawap Tuduhan Fitnah
Au hanya ceritakan hal kehidupan aku bersama Almarhum Ayahanda aku, dan sesiapa yang mengenalinya tahu kisah sebenar... Bilakah aku mengaibkan Almarhum...? Na'uzubillah Min Zalliq....Sepanjang aku menulis, dari Part 1 hingga ke Part 20, hingga ke saat ini, cuba cari satu ayat dimana aku telah mengaibkan Almarhum Ayahanda aku...

Bersambung (Part 2)

Ku Shah... 2013

Posted bySyed Abdullah Al-Attas Read More @ Source

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Photo: Sambutan maulidur rasul Kota Kinabalu

Sambutan Maulidur Rasul at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Read More @ Source

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PR yang sebar risalah nak bakar bible

... tapi tuduh Perkasa. Risalah atas dah tunjukkan hasrat mereka.

Tengok saja risalah di bawah ... itu risalah stail sapa?

Baca Flying Kick SINI

Dato Ibrahim Ali kata secara bersantai mencadangkan dalam ceramah suruh mana-mana orang Islam yang terima Bible yang diberi secara niat jahat untuk melanggar peraturan melarang dakwah Kristian kepada orang Islam supaya dibakar saja.

Ia hanya

Najib's Gaza: Continuing a proud tradition of a peacemaker nation called Malaysia

The Peacemaker in Gaza
Selawat for a Rasulullah.

Any Malaysian who is not unapproachable to be a Malaysian should go to Sarajevo since even today, 20 years after a last good racial cleansing attempt by their Balkan neighbours, a Bosnians will thank you for your nation's bravery in standing up to an general village which was seeking a other way. If Dr Mahathir Mohamad had sealed his large mouth or shut his vocal chords, perhaps today there would not be any nation called Bosnia-Herzegovina. Thousands some-more Muslim children would have died as well as their women raped in front of their husbands as well as sons. you was in Sarajevo in a midst 90s, as well as you was in a Non-Aligned Movement assembly in Jakarta in 92 when a former Malaysian Prime Minister spoke up as well as never stopped vocalization up for a Bosnians thereafter, as well as prior to which you was with reporters from a universe during a categorical stairs during Wisma Putra in KL when you told a former Yugoslav attaché to leave our nation as well as never come back.

At a time, Dr Mahathir was seen as an irritant. A recalcitrant. But he made us mighty unapproachable to be Malaysians. You can ask Musa Hitam, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Anwar Ibrahim, Rafidah Aziz - all of them played a purpose in making us, a small nation in Southeast Asia, a powerful voice vocalization for peace.

After Bosnia, you have spoken up for various countries in East! ern Euro pe as well as Africa. Closer to home, Malaysia not long ago helped find a end to a long-standing strife in southern Philippines. Many had tried as well as failed.

For years now, Dr Mahathir has quietly helped with village growth projects, together with building mosques as well as schools, in southern Thailand, something which has not been at large reported. The Perdana Global Peace Foundation, which he founded, has highlighted a plight of a peoples of Rohingya in Myanmar and, of course, Gaza.

Today, this unapproachable Malaysian is unapproachable to see Najib Razak, a stream Prime Minister, stability a brave Malaysian convention of fighting not just for other Muslims though for a trampled, a bullied as well as a underdogs in this unjust, dog-thumping world.

Bishop Murphy Pakiam, where are you?

FMT LETTER: From Francis Y Manickam around e-mailIm angry to read Perkasas Ibrahim Ali propelling Muslims in this country to seize and bake Malay Bibles. So where have been they starting to seize those bibles from? from a houses? or from a churches? or we design us to obey a bibles to them when they come knocking upon a doors? Where have been we Murphy Pakiam? You accompanied a Prime Minister and his mother to a Vatican to revisit Pope Benedict XVI upon July 18, 2011 upon a pretext of fostering cor ... Read More

UMNO's Maulidur Rasul 2013

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Nasrudin Tantawi Dikecam Pengikut Sendiri

Tindakan Ketua Dewan Pemuda Pas Pusat, Nasrudin Hassan mencemuh lawatan bersejarah Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak ke Palestin dikecam oleh pengikut Facebooknya sendiri.Ia ekoran tindakan melampau Nasrudin yang bukan sahaja tidak menghargai sokongan tertinggi ditunjukkan Najib terhadap nasib rakyat Palestin sebaliknya mencemuh lawatan bersejarah itu dengan perkataan kesat.Kebanyakan pengikut Nasrudin mempersoal mengapa sebagai orang yang dilabel ustaz beliau sanggup mengeluarkan keny ... Read More

Is education working out in Malaysia?

JAN 24 We are firmly in a election deteriorate and for infrequent observers of democracy, THAT subject remains. Not who to opinion for, that everybody gets wrong a single time or another. But to establish what should be measured, weighed or counted when choosing; then how to review those units of value with other units or even that units to set by a side ... Read More

Makna lawatan Najib ke Palestin

Dato Najib ke Palestin membuka sejarah bukan saja sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia pertama melawat Palestin, tetapi ketua negara bukan Arab pertama melawat Palestin. Lawatan ini menunjukkan komitmen Malaysia kepada Palestin.


Dalam lawatan ini, Dato Najib menawarkanbantuan dan kesediaan Malaysia untuk menjayakan pelan perdamaian antara Hamas dan Fatah. Hanya melalui perpaduan


Hans Isaac Kahwin 2014, Enggan Dedah Siapa Bakal Isteri

Melihat rakan-rakan baiknya yang kebanyakkan sudah berkahwin dan mempunyai keluarga sendiri, pelakon, pengarah dan penerbit Hans Isaac, 41, berkata memang terdetik di hatinya untuk melalui kehidupan bahagia seperti mereka. Mengakui dirinya seorang memilih namun Hans memberitahu dia sebetulnya sudah ada perancang dan mahu menamatkan zaman bujangnya tidak lama lagi.Read more... ... Read More

Salam Maulidur Rasul [Birthday of Prophet Muhammad] 2013 (1434H)

Ya Nabi Salam 'Alaika
Ya Rasul Salam 'Alaika
Ya Habib Salam 'Alaika
Sholawatullah 'Alaika
Anta Syamsun Anta Badrun
Anta Nurun Fauqo Nuuri
Anta Iksiru Wagholi
Anta Misbahush Shuduri
Ya Habibi Ya Muhammad
Ya 'Arusal Khofiqoini
Ya Muayyad Ya Mumajjad
Ya Imamal Qiblataini
Ya Habibi Ya Muhammad
Sholawatullahi 'Alaika


Sabda Rasulullah SAW, mafhumnya:

"Sesiapa yang bersalawat sekali ke atasku, nescaya Allah akan bersalawat 10 kali ke atasnya..."


Mohd. Kamal bin Abdullah, wife & family,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
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Temple noise order inquiry begins against officer

The Kajang Municipal Council has begun the made at home inquiry opposite an military officer who directed the Hindu church to reduce eremite activities after 6pm.

Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim pronounced that, if there is purported misconduct, an internal probe contingency be conducted.
"It is important, as an employer, to look after the employees' interests, for you can't simply dismiss or suspend them," he told the press conference after chairing the weekly state senior manager council assembly today.

NONE"There contingency be the process as well as this process is already taking place."

Khalid (left) was commenting upon calls for movement opposite the military officer who issued the sequence to the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple in Bangi Lama upon January 8, citing anoise complaint.

If the church cabinet failed to reside by the order, it could be slapped with the fine of RM1,000 or the jail tenure of six months, or both, underneath Section 82(5) of the Local Council Act. The sequence has given been cancelled.

Several people as well as groups have urged movement to be taken opposite the unnamed officer, including Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo.

"It is clearly opposite the Pakatan Rakyat spirit, as well as an attempt to again put Pakatan in the bad light." Gobind pronounced upon January 20.

"It is normal for temples to conduct prayers between 6pm as well as 9pm, during which time there will additionally be ringing of bells. This is the fact. It is obvious to us as well as ! you resp ect this."
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Girl studying in India, but is registered as voter

A father is crying foul that his daughter is listed in a latest electoral roll, even yet she has never purebred as a voter.

He pronounced he came to know of his daughter's name in a hurl when he perceived a Deepavali label final year from Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, who signed it off as Selangor BN chief.

NONEThe minute also contained his 22-year aged daughter's choosing by casting votes details, such as her polling district as well as constituency.

"My daughter is studying in India. She went there prior to branch twenty-one as well as she definitely would not have purebred as a voter.

"I then went in to a Election Commission's website to check whether she is registered," pronounced Tiruchelvam Vallipuram.

His check reliable that his daughter is eligible to vote in a Subang Jaya state subdivision as well as a Kelana Jaya parliamentary constituency.

Both seats are now held by Pakatan Rakyat politicians.

Tiruchelvam pronounced he contacted his daughter about a make a difference as well as she reliable with him that she did not herself register as a voter.

"From what we understand, we must present yourself, with your identity card, to register to be a voter. we do not assimilate how she was registered," he said, demanding an explanation from a EC.

If his daughter happened to be in Malaysia during a next ubiquitous election as well as her name was still upon a electoral roll, Tiruchelvam added, he would demand that she votes in sequence fores! tall her vote from being "misused". Read More @ Source

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Gratitude ain't nothing but resentment misspelled

"The usually thing that will set free humankind is cooperation."- Bertrand Russell

Since pro-opposition media (solely) do not inform my domestic position as good as since the ubiquitous choosing is creeping up upon us, you suspicion you would usually residence an emanate that has the little currency in pro-establishment circles as good as is the unequivocally sincere propaganda tool of the stream system of administration inflicted upon Malaysians.

The emanate is the singular of "gratitude" as good as prior to you go further, the common caveat applies. you write as the pro-opposition believer who speaks upon interest of no the singular though himself. On this subject, kudos to Universiti Utara Malaysia law student KS Bavani for declaring her domestic sympathies outright as good as not having to do the worried explaining when pro-establishment sorts unearth her domestic celebration leanings.

kl112 convene people's overthrow multiracial crowd storyIf you have been going to take stands opposite the status quo or opposite conventional pro-establishment ideology, credibility final that everyone is wakeful of the platform you have been speaking from (if any).

I do admit though, you tremble whenever internal revolutionary indicate to good aged "Che" as the source of inspiration. Surely, Parti Socialis Malaysia (PSM) can come up with relevant as good as maybe geographically correct icons for their immature adherents as good as you do not indispensably mean Rashid Maidin, whose beliefs is mostly willfully confused with socialism.

However, back to "gratitude".! Every t ime Umno hegemony is threatened, this aged canard is dug up as good as thrown in the faces.

Every time this emanate crops up, as good as depending ! upon the partisan nature of the media endangered amongst the civil comments, you will find the rantings of (especially) Umno competition supremacists or DAP apparatchiks. you would unequivocally adore to put them in the practical cage together. you consternation what happens when delusional brainwashing meets false groupthink.

Former budding minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has combined his sold venom to this meme when he spoken that Tunku Abdul Rahman "had finished worse" when granting citizenships to the non-Malays as the "defence" opposite his own black operations in Sabah.

So combined to the thought that you (non-Malays) should be beholden is the threat that the citizenship is suspect. The Malays, upon the other hand, should be beholden to Umno for protecting their "rights" that seems to embody being subjugated to the sold form of Islam (I am not being seditious or insensitive here, seeing as how Umno has spoken that they have been selected by God or Tuhan or Allah) as good as sheltering them from any kind of egalitarianism.

Citizens (Malay as good as non-Malay) who do not subscribe to this dogma have been considered ungrateful interlopers or competition traitors. One rather provocative countenance of this kind of thinking is the thought that "nobody consulted the Malays when citizenship was granted to the non-Malays", that was partial of the Merdeka deal brokered with the British overlords.

My question is did any the singular deliberate the Orang Asli when it was discovered that their lands were partial of the larger 'Malay' diaspora? Did any the singular deliberate the 'Malays' when the various Malay rulers in the good diversion of British imperialism forged up their lands? Were the inland peoples of Sabah consulted when their land unexpected enjoyed an liquid of newly-minted citizens?

'Melayu sudah bangu! n'

As the former pro-establishment spin-doctor told me, it is not that "Melayu mudah lupa", it is usually that for the sure territory of the Malay polity, it is "Melayu sudah bangun". What Umno fails to realize is that they have endured for so prolonged because the infancy of Malaysian were apathetic as good as this to Umno translated to "gratitude".

kl112 convene people's overthrow young kids with mothers crowd bigIt was anything but. Beneath it all, was years of rancour building up. Politicians from both sides of the divide played up the village fears as good as expectations, that was the genuine amicable contract.

This rancour takes most forms. Class as good as competition governing body have been conflated with eremite issues. Malaysians in any case of competition - interjection to the resurgent opposition, the freewheeling pick media as good as the system of administration concerned in the own internal energy plays - unexpected find themselves having to residence their issues of rancour in the unequivocally open manner.

As distant as the participation of non-Malays in this country, dont think about about the historical distortions as good as the secular re-engineering. The most credible evidence that the rot of right-wing dictatorship is present in any domestic entity is when domestic parties (for instance) final "gratitude" from the electorate.

What the Biro Tatanegara (BTN) courses have finished remarkably good is to obstruct the clarity of rancour of the Malay village divided from Umno towards the non-Malay co! mmunities! .
Fortunately, for us non-Malays, Umno has been derelict in the duties towards the Malay village that after years of sure action, the village still have been incompetent to contest with their associate Malaysians as goo! d as the ir village being racially re-engineered to fit the hegemonic purposes of the domestic celebration that was ostensible to "protect" their rights.

The rhetoric entrance out of Pakatan Rakyat is that the pick alliance is better matched to this idea than the decrepit infighting BN.

Non-Malays have been distressing that they have been all the time told to be beholden for citizenship when their participation here has contributed to the mercantile viability of this country. They have been distressing that laws have been applied selectively where proponents of the system of administration have been authorised the measure of free debate whilst those compared with oppositional governing body work underneath the sword of Damocles. They have been distressing of secular policies meant to help the disenfranchised though were in being used to connect power.

For distant as well prolonged this system of administration lectured us that you had to give up sure rights for the larger idea of peace as good as stability. Public demonstrations were aversion to the supposed Malaysian values as good as they were unpropitious to the mercantile contentment of this country. We were told that you should be beholden that Umno as good as Umno alone protected us from the forces that would fall short the delicate fabric of secular harmony.

In usually the singular day, the Jan 12 Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat buried that lie. Never thoughts the numbers though the being is that the large mass of people congregated with diverging political, eremite as good as amicable agendas as good as it was not the end of the world. It could be an denote of the end of the Umno universe though that is an additional story.

We have been all in this together

I instruct some-more non-Malays participated in the eventuality because it was the moment in Malaysian governing body where for the sure territory of the voting public, the aspirations as good as resentments was an entrance to express the restlessn! ess with the stream regime.

The usually thankfulness that the singular felt was the feeling of thankfulness that for that day during least you were all in this together.

NONEThe irony is that the longer Umno stays in power, the less likely Umno will be means to have the box that the open should be beholden for what Umno has given. The longer the split within the Malay polity, the some-more evident that "gratitude" asked is the implicitly as good as intellectually bankrupt proposition.

The some-more citizens rediscover the history of this country, light shines upon the lie that non-Malays have to be beholden towards the specific village through their self-appointed domestic guardian.

Let me be unequivocally clear. you will never feel any thankfulness towards any singular village for my place in the Malaysian sun. you design nothing in return. This is the country. We (and by "we" you mean each singular Malaysian in any case of competition as good as that includes domestic alliances similar to the pick coalition) helped build it as good as nothing will shift this fact.

However, this does not mean that thankfulness has no place in the discourse. For Malaysians, yes or no "si! de" you a! re on, who have attempted through rational sermon in annoy of incompatible perspectives to have this nation the better place, you unearthed my copy of Alexandre Dumas's 'Count of Monte Cristo', for the line that best describes my attitude towards gratitude:

"Be happy, noble heart, be blessed for all the good thou hast finished as good as shrivel do hereafter, as good as let my thankfulness remain in obscurity similar to your good deeds."
S THAYAPARAN is Commander (rtd) in the Royal Malaysian Navy. The title of this square is the corruption of the title of the book by ! Harlan E llison, that good American wordsmith.
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Salam Maulidur Rasul

Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (S.A.M.M) mengucapkan Salam Maulidur Rasul twelve Rabiulawal 1434H/24 Januari 2013 kepada semua muslimin/muslimat..Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam (Bahasa Arab: ) adalah pesuruh Allah yang terakhir. Baginda adalah pembawa rahmat untuk seluruh alam dan merupakan Rasulullah bagi seluruh umat di dunia. Sesungguhnya Nabi Muhammad merupakan satu anugerah dan kurniaan Allah SWT kepada umat manusia untuk menunjukkan jalan yang lur ... Read More

What the f**k Malaysia ignites protest

The Sri Lankan emissary tall government central is indicted of creation adverse remarks about Malaysia as well as the heated criticism is held to direct an apology.
KUALA LUMPUR: Tempers flared as well as the Sri Lankan inhabitant dwindle was ripped to pieces by the organisation of angry protesters this sunrise who demanded an reparation from the emissary tall government central who had assumingly insulted Malaysia.
Armed with placards, the protesters, who gathered outward the tall elect here, claimed which on December 27, Sunil Vikramesing had chased the organisation of protesters from the commission's drift as well as spoken the words: "What the f**k Malaysia as well as f**k constitution."
Sunil was pronounced to have done these remarks when the Tamil Progressive Team (TPT) brought the couple of Sri Lankan workers to the tall commission, who were abused as well as not paid their salaries.
"We have been asking for Sunil as well as the tall elect to express their apologies as well as you will disperse peacefully what they pronounced was insulting to all Malaysians," pronounced TPT boss K Arjunan.
A organisation of military personnel numbering around 30 stood ensure outward the building to forestall the protesters from marching towards the tall commission's grounds.
Arjunan, who was austere which the protesters be allowed to encounter Sunil, attempted to mangle the tellurian barrier created by the police.
Following this, the football practice broke out in between Arjunan as well as the couple of military personnel who were holding him back.
Arjunan told FMT which the military had no grace as well as! were wo rking in tandem with the embassy.
"Why have been you [police] interlude us? Don't you have any dignity? That guy [Sunil] pronounced harsh words about Malaysia as well as you're not you do anything to arrest him as well as you're interlude us Malaysians?" he said.
Arjunan, who led the organisation of fifteen protesters, repeatedly chanted: "Sri LankadieSri Lankadiewe have been the patriotic bunchwe will protect our rights."
Kapar MP S Manikavasagam, who was additionally present at the protest, asked the military for help in removing an central from the tall elect to insist the matter to the protesters.
A open relations military officer from the embassy after met Manikavasagam as well as MS Arjunan, who is the report chief of Kepong PKR.
"We repudiate which Sunil ever spoken any of those words inside the embassy drift as well as you will wait for for the military to investigate as well as you contingency conduct this in the civilised manner," pronounced the official.
However, Manikavasagam told the central which he was giving them dual weeks to issue an apology.
"If after dual weeks there is no actionI will move thousands of people to criticism here as well as things might get ugly if it's required to move the coffin as well as bake it hereI will do it," he warned.
During the protest, Arjunan additionally tore the inhabitant dwindle of Sri Lanka whilst calling for the country to be "destroyed".
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Najib: Wasatiyyah concept must prevail for a progressive nation

KUALA LUMPUR, January 23 The concept of wasatiyyah or moderation, as taught by Prophet Muhammad, should overcome to safeguard a mission of building a on-going as well as rival nation was achieved, pronounced Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak. In his summary in and with Prophet Muhammads birthday celebration tomorrow, Najib (picture) pronounced ... Read More

Video Pendedahan Graduan Mesir Masuk DAP Insaf

Graduan dari Mesir Ustaz Wan Khairuddin Bin Ahmad berasa menyesal dan tertipu oleh kepimpinan yang dibawa oleh DAP... Alhamdulil... Diharap lebih ramai lagi orang Islam kembali kepada to http://abuaqifstudio.blogspot.comVideo URL: ... Read More



KOTA KINABALU: A 31-year-old probity administration assistant was condemned to 7 years' prison as well as fined RM30,000 by the Sessions Court Monday upon 3 counts of reception income in propinquity to late birth registration applications.

Sarawak-based Judge Nixon Kennedy Kumbong found Jinny Daniul guilty after starting by all the evidence constructed prior to him.
The scandal was unclosed following the Daily Express investigation into the abuse final Jan as well as it was primarily denied by probity officials.

"I am confident which Jinny unsuccessful to expel any in accord with disbelief upon the prosecution's box upon all the charges. we am confident which the charge has proved the box beyond all in accord with disbelief in the circumstances.

"Since there were 3 principal charges as well as 3 pick charges, we find the indicted guilty upon the first, second as well as third principal charges usually as well as we convict her," pronounced Kumbong.

He systematic Jinny to serve dual years' prison from Monday as well as fined her RM10,000 or 6 months' prison upon the first equate of corruptly reception RM50 from the single Maslina Abd Sali as the reward for her to process the late registration of birth application in propinquity to the Certified Extracti! on - Bir th Certificate purebred underneath the name of Sitti Aini but starting by the conference prior to the probity here.

The corruption allegedly took place in between November as well as Dec 17, 2010 during the Kota Kinabalu Court here.

Jinny was jailed dual years as well as 6 months as well as fined RM10,000 or 6 months behind bars, respectively upon the second as well as third count, for reception RM200 from the single Hon Sun Wan, namely RM100 each, to acquire the stamp as well as probity corroboration for dual late birth registrations upon the Certified Extraction - Birth Certificates purebred underneath the name of Jennifer Hon as well as Hon Yi Mei, respectively upon June 15, 2010 during the probity here.

Each equate underneath Section 16(a)(B) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 as well as punishable underneath Section twenty-four of the same Act, carries the prison term of up to twenty years as well as the excellent of 5 times the amount involved or RM10,000 yes or no is higher upon conviction.

Kumbong systematic the imprisonment judgment to run consecutively.

In meting out the sentence, Kumbong held the fact which Jinny received the income obviously showed which she was not fit as well as competent for such profession.

"As the clerk of KK court, like all alternative occupations, the indicted is entrusted with shortcoming to perform her avocation honorably, some-more so in her in front of the open demeanour upon the probity for probity to find remedy, fairly.

"The indicted contingency perform her avocation to her pinnacle honour as well as care.

However, when she committed these offences, she not usually tarnished the court's image but caused the open to lose faith as well as certainty in the court, " he said.
Kumbong additionally pronounced Jinny's insane as well as heinous action in the benefaction box brought flaw to the face of the probity as well as which the box garnered most open as well as media interest.

"Due to the accused's bootleg conduct, the total probity is pronounced by the open as being corrupt.

"The recent investiture of the Royal Commission of Inquiry by the government was set to demeanour into the mom of all problems in Sabah, i.e. the presence of alarming numbers of foreigners, authorised as well as illegal, as well as those having MyKads.

"Such investiture obviously showed which the government fully took the bid in curbing bootleg matters. We do not want such bid to go to waste where illegals can be here due to the accused's action of committing such offences. The indicted contingency be punished with the deterrent sentence," held Kumbong.

Earlier, during mitigation, counsel Bobby Tan, who represented Jinny in the defence stage, told the probity he believed Jinny was innocent, so he did not know how to mitigate, adding they will be delectable opposite the court's decision.

However, Jinny requested for tolerance saying she is right away the single mom raising dual children as well as which she disturbed about them.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Deputy Public Prosecutor Joyce Blasius pulpy for the deterrent judgment to be imposed upon Jinny upon the grounds which as the probity staff who was since shortcoming as well as trust to assistance the State in processing the birth certificates, she had misused the system for her own benefit.

Jinny should have suspicion of her family first prior to committing the offences, she said.

Jinny was charged upon April 26, 2012 as well as was called to come in her defence u! pon Dec eighteen final year.

She was found guilty after seventeen charge as well as 5 defence witnesses testified.

Her 3 pick charges were forging Magistrate Cindy Mc Juce Balitus' signature upon the Certified Extraction - Birth Certificate purebred underneath the name of Sitti Aini, Jennifer Hon as well as Hon Yi Mei, respectively.


KOTA KINABALU: Seorang kakitangan mahkamah yang didakwa atas tiga tuduhan rasuah membabitkan sijil kelahiran dijatuhi hukuman penjara tujuh tahun dan denda sejumlah RM30,000.

Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen, Nixon Kumbong menjatuhkan hukuman itu ke atas Jinny Daniul, 30 selepas didapati bersalah atas tiga dakwaan itu.

Jinny didapati bersalah menerima RM50 daripada Maslina Abd Sali sebagai ganjaran untuk mendaftarkan permohonan pendaftaran sijil kelahiran lewat yang didaftarkan di atas nama Sitti Aini tanpa sebarang perbicaraan di hadapan majistret.

Dia melakukan kesalahan itu antara november 2010 dan seventeen Disember 2010 di mahkamah di sini.

Atas kesalahan ini, Jinny dijatuhi hukuman penjara dua tahun dan juga denda RM10,000 atau enam bulan penjara.

Sementara itu untuk dakwaan pindaan kedua dan ketiga, mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman dua tahun dan enam bulan serta denda RM10,000 atau enam bulan penjara lagi bagi setiap dakwaan ke atas Jinny.

Mahkamah juga mengarahkan hukuman penjara berjalan berasingan bermula dari kelmarin 21 Januari.

Dakwaan pindaan kedua dan ketiga menyatakan Jinny telah menerima RM100 dari Hon Sun Wan sebagai balasan untuk meminta sahkan dan cop mahkamah kerana pendaftaran lewat sijil kelahiran masing-masing untuk Jennifer Hon dan Hon Yi Mei pada fifteen June 2010 di mahkamah di sini.
Kesemua dakwaan di bawah Seksyen 16(a)(B) dan 17(a) Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) 2009 yang boleh membawa hukuman penjara sehingga twenty tahun dan denda RM10,000 atau lima kali ganda dari jumlah rasuah yang diterima, yang mana satu tertinggi jika sabit kesalahan.

Sebagai rekod, Jinny juga menghadapi tiga tuduhan alternatif kerana memalsukan tandatangan majistret untuk ketiga-tiga sijil kelahiran itu dengan tujuan menipu di tempat yang sama.

Bagi setiap dakwaan alternatif Jinny didakwa di bawah Seksyen 468 Kanun Kesiksaan yang boleh membawa hukuman penjara sehingga tujuh tahun dan juga boleh dikenakan dendan jika sabit kesalahan.

Perbicaraan bermula pada sixteen Okt tahun lepas dan tujuh belas saksi dipanggil untuk memberikan keterangan. (DE)
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Anwar Ibrahim: My Favorite Songs While In Prison (VIDEO)

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Anwar Ibrahim: Inspirasi Untuk Terus Berjuang (VIDEO)

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Common Manifesto for UMNO-MCA owned media with star Wong ...

A dish best served cold The unpleasant law is slowly emerging at a ongoing Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on a unusual race enlarge in Sabah since it became a Nation in Malaysia in 1963. There's little ...


Risalah ni ditemui dalam gereja kat Penang, wow, hebatnya orang Perkasa kan sampai boleh edar risalah ni dalam gereja kan? Hebat wei permainan DAP ni. Demi nak selamatkan Guan Eng, puak-puak DAP buat risalah seperti ni dan sebarkan didalam gereja.

Lepastu DAP tuduh kata ini kerja orang-orang Perkasa dengan niat untuk menakut-nakutkan orang Kristian di Penang. DAP mempergunakan isu kalimah Allah ni dengan sebaik-baiknya, sebab itulah Guan Eng bila ditanya isu Kalimah Allah ni dia buat-buat tak nak komen sebab dia dah ada perancangan lain.

Guan Eng melalui jenteranya telah pastikan isu ni dimainkan dengan sebesar-besarnya, sebab dia tahu Cina Penang dah mula cuak dengan kegagalan Guan Eng di penang, Guan Eng dah tak tau nak buat macamana lagi amak diciptanya 'FEAR FACTOR' kepada orang Kristian.

Ramai kat Penang ni beragama Kristian. Ini jalan terakhir Guan Eng nak pastikan dia menang dengan selesa di Penang. Lagi satu dia juga buat benda ni sebab nak cover cerita CEC DAP. Senang je kan? Just since Perkas kata nak bakar bible. baru kata belum buat pun, tiba-tiba dah ada risalah ni kat gereja..kah kah kah

Come on la Guan Eng, kalau nak categorical bangsat pun, biarlah nampak real. Ini macam punya risalah budak darjah 2 joke boleh buat. Grow up la Guan Eng.

Korang juga boleh baca di Kedahan69ers pasal isu yang sama.

Dato Ibrahim tolong ambik perhatian isu ni ya sebabnya DAP dah semakin melampau. So tolong AMBIL TINDAKAN yang sewajarnya.


PERJUANGAN...V.K Liew (tengah) bersama-sama pemimpin kanan komponen BN menyanyikan lagu BN.

KEMAJUAN yang dinikmati bandar ini terutama melibatkan aspek pembangunan ekonomi menjadikan Sandakan suatu ketika dahulu terkenal sebagai 'Bandar Mini Hong Kong' kini membangun pesat sekali gus muncul antara destinasi pelancongan menarik kepada pelancong asing.

Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Liew View Keong, berkata perkembangan yang amat menggalakkan ini adalah hasil kesungguhan dan komitmen pemimpin-pemimpin komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) yang sentiasa merancang untuk membawa pembangunan di bandar tersebut.
Beliau berkata, kepesatan pembangunan bukan sahaja menjadikan ia sebagai pintu masuk kepada pelbagai sektor tetapi membuka lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan khususnya terhadap golongan belia.

Katanya, kewujudan bandar-bandar kecil termasuk paling popular sekarang ini iaitu 'Sandakan Harbour Square' yang tersergam indah dengan sebuah pusat membeli-belah terunggul turut memberikan keyakinan kepada pihak pelabur luar.

"Tahap prasarana infrastruktur di bandar Sandakan terus meningkat, apatah lagi usaha-usaha membawa masuk projek pembangunan samada yang melibatkan membina mahupun menaiktaraf ! sedang d an telah dilaksanakan.

"Perkembangan positif ini adalah hasil komitmen wakil-wakil rakyat BN khususnya melibatkan Parlimen Sandakan yang sentiasa bekerjasama bukan hanya semata-mata membawa pembangunan bahkan untuk menepati janji kepada rakyat.

"Oleh itu, suka saya ingatkan bahawa kita akan menghadapi Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) Ke-13 yang akan diadakan tidak lama lagi dan apa yang penting ialah warga Sandakan terus memberikan sokongan padu kepada calon-calon BN yang bakal bertanding.

"Usah terpengaruh seandainya pihak pembangkang menabur janji manis ... percayalah, mereka tiada keupayaan pun. Rakyat harus matang dan berfikiran bijak bila memilih kerajaan, jangan sampai terpedaya akibatnya anda yang rugi," jelasnya semasa ditemui sejurus mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Ahli-Ahli Jawatankuasa BN Parlimen P.186 Sandakan di sebuah hotel terkemuka di sini, kelmarin.

Dalam konteks itu, Liew yang juga Ahli Parlimen Sandakan menaruh kepercayaan tinggi sokongan masyarakat Cina di kawasan ini terhadap BN tidak pernah berbelah-bagi, malah semakin meningkat.

Menurut beliau, berdasarkan pemantauan yang dilakukan menunjukkan masyarakat tersebut tetap memihak kepada sesiapa sahaja calon BN yang bertanding nanti.

Ini kerana, katanya, mereka amat menghargai sumbangan yang telah diberikan kerajaan BN selama ini terutama pelbagai kemajuan yang dinikmati membolehkan suasana perniagaan berjalan dengan baik.

"Kita berpuas hati dengan tahap persediaan BN Sandakan dalam menghadapi PRU-13 nanti ... strategi rapi sedang kita lakukan untuk memastikan jentera parti bertambah kukuh di setiap peringkat.

"Saya mengingatkan rakan-rakan komponen BN tadi bahawa kita mesti permantap Pusat Daerah Mengundi atau PDM bagi memastikan senarai pengundi yang ada dapat dikenal pasti.
"Apa yang lebih mustahak sekarang ini adalah kerjasama antara satu sama lain amat penting selain rajin turun padang bagi memaklumkan rakyat bahawa kemajuan, keamanan dan kestabilan politik adalah hasil usaha pimpinan BN," kata Liew selaku Presiden Parti Liberal Demokratik (LDP) itu.

Katanya, jentera parti BN sudah siap siaga dan tidak gentar menghadapi mana-mana parti pembangkang pada PRU-13.

Dalam pada itu, Liew turut merakamkan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada Menteri Perindustrian Negeri merangkap Wakil Rakyat Tanjung Papat iaitu Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah dan Wakil Rakyat Elopura, Au Kam Wah yang hadir pada mesyuarat itu.

Katanya, kehadiran kedua-dua wakil rakyat membuktikan bahawa kerjasama baik di kalangan komponen BN ini adalah petanda kerja berpasukan menjadi prinsip utama.

Katanya lagi, kemenangan BN di kawasan ini pada pilihan raya lepas disebabkan semangat berpasukan yang jitu membolehkan BN memenangi pilihan raya meskipun mendapat tentangan sengit.
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Musa Aman in the limelight, again! (Migrating to Sabah Part 3)

Dear Readers, many people read my blog for domestic red blood as well as gore so you will try my utmost after this posting NOT to tell some-more positive, feel-good stuff about a Chief Minister of Sabah. But it does seem to me that a some-more his foes (especially from Semenanjung) try to assail him, a some-more audible as well as manifest his differently bashful supporters as well as admirers become. After a glowing salute by a state's Archbishop yesterday (read h e r e), another group village leaders from a state comes brazen currently to put upon record a achievements of their leader. This time it is a KK Chinese Chamber of Commerce as well as Industry. Musa, if you didn't know, helped bring in a little RM10 billion in unfamiliar investments to Sabah in a first entertain of 2012, Malaysia's highest. Another good reason because people are lining up to quit to Sabah.

from a daily express

KKCCCI assured with benefaction State leadership
Published on: Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Email to a crony Printer Friendly
Kota Kinabalu: The Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber of Commerce as well as Industry is assured that Sabah will go on to prosper under a benefaction leadership.

Its newly elected President, Michael Lui Yen Sang pronounced Chief Minister! Datuk S eri Panglima Musa Hj Aman was a capable as well as in effect leader of a state.

"He has entrepreneurial qualities due o his commercial operation background.

The state's financial position is stronger than ever with poignant state reserve," he pronounced during a pleasantness call to a Chief Miister this bureau in Wisma Innoprise today.

Accompanied by a little 40 members together with a Management Committee members of KKCCCI, Michael pronounced a cover was some-more than happy to cooperate with a supervision as well as action as a go-between as well as facilitator in between a supervision as well as a Chinese commercial operation village in Kota Kinabalu.

"We want to assistance our members finalise any commercial issues affecting their businesses as well as assistance facilitate exchange with City Hall as well as alternative supervision bodies," he said.

Meanwhile, Musa pronounced a State Government always recognized a grant of a Chinese village to nation office building as well as a mercantile expansion of a state.

"You have played a poignant role in a expansion of businessesthroughout Sabah. You have additionally contributed to welfare as well as educational causes," he said.

He pronounced Sabah was upon a right lane in terms of a state's admiistration, socioeconomic growth as well as a overall mercantile development.

Musa who is additionally Finance Minister pronounced a state has managed to attract unfamiliar investment over a years together with last year, that saw a first entertain pulling in RM10 billion worth of investments, a top in ! a countr y.

"More as well as some-more unfamiliar investors are showing interests together with those from a US, Eastern European countries, Korea as well as of march China, that is a poignant eonomic force now," he said.

He pronounced a flourishing seductiveness to deposit in Sabah was due to a social, mercantile as well as domestic stability, critical pull factors for any country.

"Nobody would want to revisit your country, let alone invest, if they deem it politically unstable or there is social unrest. Fortunately, you in Sabah are sanctified not usually with healthy wonders as well as a abounding cultural birthright but additionally with hospitable people who worth assent as well as harmony in annoy of our eremite as well as secular diversity," he said.

He pronounced it was therefore critical for assent amatory adults in Malaysia as well as Sabah included to defend a suggestion of unity, team-work as well as consideration so as to go on a state's path to wealth as well as progress.

There is a Better Life after and without UMNO.

The signals have been all there. Mahathir, the man who can walk upon H2O has said it again- Najib is the diseased leader. Daim was some-more perceptive- saying which Najib, despite an armed forces of advisers working often at cross purpose, protecting turfs hasn't got what it takes to run the country.

There was additionally an earlier attempt to sound out Najib which his time is up. He was reported to be ill. Najib seems to be forgetting which to Mahathir, kicking out Najib is just similar to eating kuaci top helang.

Because the missus is screaming- don't give up darling. The universe for us will come to an finish if you do. So Najib puts upon the show- he is done of steel as well as his nerves of titanium. He goes to Gaza, Palestine probably not prior to asking USA to tell Israel not to launch any plane attacks whilst he is there. And the UMNO paid bloggers, the mental retards stealing at the back of anonymous names scream, Najib is great.

Najib is in Gaza, the Palestinian territory. He is where no the single had gone prior to therefore he is the great leader. He contingency be thinking, you live in the planet where there have been no signs of intelligence. We will humour him if he wants to reprise the role of Captain Kirk as well as additionally concede him to say the popular line- Mr Scotty- lamp me up. There have been no signs of smart life here.

Or may be Najib wants to crop up some-more hip to the Y generation; he can swat as well as dance to Nicky Minaj's, Scotty Beam me up.

Ahh lamp me up scotty

my wa-wa booze my booze it as well dutty

Beam me up scotty

my wa-wa booze my booze it as well dutty

We 'stupid Malaysians' know otherwise. He is the PM with the most baggage as well as has compromised the office. He will lead UMNO to its defeat, welcomed even by the little asocial UMNO members. By right divided people already believed which Najib is involved in most monetary irregularities as well as positively was at the back of people who murdered Altantuya.

He has come to suggest Palestinians moral support. Or may be he has come to suggest Palestinians the possibility to make use of the armoured personnel vehicles. We have the surplus series after spending RM7.7 billion (during his watch as Defence Minister). The APCS have been befitting for desert warfare. If the APCs have been not befitting what about the Rapid Intervention Vehicles paid for as RM 690,000 apiece, roughly RM500k some-more than the marketplace price. Mentally delayed Zahid Hamidi has not explained to the public why the difference.

Or may be he has come offering Palestinians the make use of of the Sukhois, submarines may be or the armoured column built by Deftech or the ones you paid for from Poland? Then he can justify all those spending he done upon the purchase whilst he was Defence Minister were justified.

The 2nd OPVs can unit the coast off Palestine. Maybe torpedo Tel Aviv with Malaysian done artillery.

He can do all that. Put upon the great show. Najib being in Gaza does not erase the right divided most accepted meditative which he is the sissy. Mahathir knows that. We all know that.

Najib is the greatest recipient of subsidies. He was done MP as well as immediately became the emissary apportion since! the fat her upheld away. By default he got the job since the saddened class of sycophants in Pekan was so impressed at the passing of Tun Razak. They insisted his children take over so which the suggestion of Tun Razak lives on. He was done emissary apportion since Uncle Hussein Onn was the PM. He became emissary UMNO girl personality since he camped with Anwar Ibrahim. He was done so most things but working tough as others do. Thus he eventually became Prime Minister of Malaysia by default, the position most Malaysians feel he does not deserve.

As MB for Pahang he was busy with alternative things. Like interesting the single Puan Rosmah Mansor for instance. Or similar to busy emptying the coffers of Pahang selling as well as disposing of assets very similar to the French aristocrats prior to the Revolution. It was underneath his watch which the right divided Berjaya resort in Tioman was sold off to Vincent Tan. It was additionally this contract which forever done Najib deferential to Mahathir. Mahathir can squeeze Najib's balls at any time the former chooses.

He was dishing out joist concessions to cronies as well as supporters. JJ got the big break when he was given the joist concession. He additionally have the joist concession afterwards value RM30 million to the recipient whose residence was the low price home. Najib was in truth the kind encourage chairman as well as he common this trait with so most people together with the afterwards Puan Rosmah mansor.

Was he great as the defence Minister? He outlayed billions as well as billions to enhance the defence capabilities. As far back as 2002, Najib longed for to buy armoured column from Poland- the PT-91M. A company called Bumar abdy built 48 PT-91M as well as 15 support vehicles, armoured liberation vehicle, 3 MID-M engineering tank, 5 PMC Leguan - armoured vehicle-launched bridge as well as the single SJ-09 driver training tank), a! mmo, spa res as well as support for $ 370 million. At which time 1USD =RM3.80. RM1.4 billion. The armoured column were delivered to Malaysia in 20072009. Are these armoured column opening capable or have been they mothballed somewhere? Maybe it was the wise thing at which time- spend upon apparatus which can frequency be used for battle here in Malaysia, unless of course you have been anticipating desert warfare. Or may be right divided Najib will eventually action upon his earlier plan to send the armoured column to quarrel alongside the Palestinians against the Israelis, right divided which he is Gaza?

Then there is the submarines liaison the single which will never go divided as the murder has been related to this liaison as well as most Malaysians have been convinced which Najib has had the little involvement here. More as well as some-more people right divided believed which Najib as well as Rosmah have something to do with the murder of Alatantuya Shaaribu. The Merdeka Centre can perhaps do the check asking people about this?

Najib has turn easy meat for the UMNO energy brokers since he is in actuality weak, as well as is compromised by his failure to come clean, as well as as the outcome lost the ability to lead.

We pierce upon to the subsequent phase- the a single UMNO fears most. There is in truth the better life after as well as but UMNO.

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[GAMBAR BERBICARA] 100K Sambut Muhyiddin Di Melaka Malam Tadi?

Beginilah suasana sambutan yang diberikan oleh rakyat Melaka kepada Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, TPM dalam satu majlis anjuran UMNO/BN dinamakan MAJLIS PERHIMPUNAN RAKYAT 1MALAYSIA GELOMBANG BIRU NEGERI MELAKA..walaupun diadakan cabutan bertuah.



Dengan hampir semua guru dipaksa hadir termasuk kakitangan kerajaan, serta disediakan pengangkutan percuma, makan minum disediakan tetapi begini juga sambutan yang diberikan.


Dahlah dipaksa datang, pakai baju BN pula

MELAKA: Semua kakitangan kerajaan khas guru-guru Melaka dipaksa datang ke Himpunan rakyat 1Malaysia gelombang biru negeri Melaka malam ini.

Yang lebih hebat lagi, kesemua mereka dipaksa memakai baju korporat BN yang berwarna biru.

Tujuannya untuk menunjukkan kebiruan majlis itu untuk dipanggil kemudiannya 'gelombang biru' rakyat Melaka.

Majlis itu akan diadakan mulai jam 7.45 malam ini di Kawasan Parkir Kompleks PKNM, Ayer Keroh, Melaka.

Timbalan Pedana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyidin Yasin dan Ketua Menteri Melka akan bersama-sama dalam module ini.

Setiap orang diberikan satu kad jemputan dengan di bawahnya tertera ruang untuk tulis nama, nombor kad pengenalan dan nombor telefon yan! g bakal digunakan sebagai kupon cabutan bertuah.

Ekoran itu, beberapa orang guru yang menghubungi Harakahdaily bertanya, "Mengapa perlu ada paksaan dalam majlis anjuran Umno/BN?"

"Mengapa majlis para hadirin dipaksa pakai baju korporat BN?"

"Ini dinamakan sudahlah dipaksa hadir, dipaksa pula menyamar sebgai menyokong Umno dan BN pula," kata mereka.-HD
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Dr M must be stopped

Zaid Ibrahim

If you follow a actions as good as meditative of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as good as his supporters, afterwards you must rectify a "errors' of a past, even if it means violating established beliefs of a Constitution, laws as good as good governance.
According to them, bringing in some-more Muslims in to Sabah in a 1990s as good as creation them citizens was not a cynical pierce to help a statute coalition win elections (although that was a immediate benefit), though to correct a mistakes of history. Simply put, a nation needed to have some-more Muslims even if they were foreigners from a Philippines, Pakistan or Indonesia since Tunku Abdul Rahman "gave away" citizenship to a Chinese as good as Indians as part of a Merdeka agreement. Dr M someway blames a Tunku for creation citizenship "easier" for non-Malays, that he believes justifies his call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry in to Tunku's decision 60 years ago.
His repetition could be ignored if it weren't for a actuality that it's dangerous. Dr M destroyed UMNO when it did his bidding as good as you must not allow him to fall short a nation too. To advocate reviewing all past policies as good as disowning a former leaders' good sacrifices is rarely irresponsible. The country's pattern as good as constitutional make-up is not similar to a ultimate Proton indication for him to change during whim. Our heritage as good as story have been ours, not his. He has mislaid all clarity of proportion in perplexing to benefit traction for his careless domestic views to change a outcome of a General Election.
Dr M was a member of a Alliance, that concluded to adopt a principle of "jus soli" in granting citizenship to non-Malays. It was a social stipulate that a Malay Rulers concluded to, as good as that the! rakyatalso supported, as evidenced by a Alliance's strenuous victories in a 1955 as good as 1959 elections. Yet Dr M has no remorse ridiculing a pioneering leaders' good bid to shape metal a nation. He is bent upon creation competition a divisive emanate in this General Election as good as he will fall short this nation if his views have been not accepted.
So let's have this General Election a referendum upon a man himself. If you reject him, as you must, afterwards you can usually do so by rejecting a Barisan Nasional. The eunuchs in a BN have been all frightened of him. we urge Malaysians to show their revulsion for this man as good as his ideas by rejecting a BN once as good as for all. We cannot solve today's problems by harping upon a past. We have to livewiththe past, as good as not find excuses when you have been incompetent to govern good now. We solve problems by working together, by adopting pacific means as good as by having big-hearted leaders similar to a Tunku. The revisionists of a story have to be put in their correct places.
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Remember your roots, Mahathir

NGO tells a former premier which he would not have been a Malaysian if Tunku had not granted citizenships to non-Malays during Merdeka
KUALA LUMPUR: If Tunku Abdul Rahman did not accede to citizenships to non-Malays during Merdeka, Dr Mahathir Mohamad would not have been a Malaysian, claimed an NGO.
Malaysian Indian Progressive Association (Mipas) authority A Rajaretinam made this well known during a criticism in Brickfields opposite Mahathir's call to probe citizenships since during Independence.
The former premier pronounced this in reaction to a damning revelations made in a Sabah RCI, which concerned his administration department in extenuation citizenships to foreigners to reside in Sabah.
Rajaretinam was hinting during Mahathir's Indian heritage, where a latter's father was an Indian Muslim immigrant.
Rajaretinam pronounced which not only did Mahathir insult a Tunku with his statement though additionally a entire Indian community.
He added which a Indians in Malaysia got their citizenships by sacrificing their blood, sweat as well as tears for a consequence of national development, as against to a immigrants in Sabah.
"Our ancestors were not refugees. We were brought in by a British supervision to Malaya to build a country.
"When we speak about plantation, railway as well as building roads, we will see a ancestors' sacrifice for a country," pronounced Rajaretinam.
Police report
He additionally reminded Mahathir which it was a non-Malay votes which saved him from being booted a from office in a late 80s as well as 90s, when he was during loggerheads with afterwards Umno bigwigs, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah as well as Anwar Ibrahim.
Rajaretinam pronounced which he will lodge a military report opposite Mahathir during a Travers military station after in a dusk as well as urged him to apologize for his remarks inside of a week.
"We additionally direct Umno boss Najib Tun Razak to state his mount upon a matter," he said.
Also benefaction during a protest, which drew a tiny crowd of about twenty people, were Sungkai assemblyman A Sivanesan as well as Angkatan Warga Aman secretary-general S Barathidasan.
Sivanesan pronounced which Mahathir's statement was factious as he was doubt a citizenship rights of a non-Malays as well as additionally also doubt a merits of a Independence.
Rajaretinam pronounced Mipas as well as twenty other NGOs are mulling calls to reason an additional criticism entertainment upon February 27.
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Prosecute Ibrahim Ali over bible-burning call, Bar Council urges

Authorities might opt to assign Ibrahim underneath a Sedition Act or Penal Code over a remarks, pronounced Lim. File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, January twenty-three Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali should be charged underneath a Sedition Act for his remarks advocating a blazing of bibles, Bar Council boss Lim Chee Wee pronounced today, backing an similar call by an opposition lawmaker.
Lim pronounced which nonetheless a Bar maintains a law deemed a domestic weapon to silence dissent, should be repealed, it must be impartially practical opposite Ibrahim given which authorities have charged opposition leaders underneath a same Act.
"If mutiny charges were brought opposite Karpal Singh, similarly charges should additionally be brought opposite Ibrahim Ali ... Whilst a Bar calls for a repeal of a Sedition Act, if it were to be applied, it must be practical sincerely as well as though discrimination.
"This situation together with a contemptuous make a difference by an additional Perkasa personality opposite a judge as well as a law indicate which Perkasa is authorised to handle with impunity," Lim pronounced in a statement.
Karpal, who is DAP authority as well as Bukit Gelugor MP, in on trial for mutiny over remarks done pertaining to a Perak constitutional predicament in 2009, for which he was accused of creation statements challenging a authority of a Sultan of Perak in dissolving a Perak state assembly.
He had earlier been clear of a assign by a High Court in 2010, though a Court of Appeal subsequently systematic him to enter his defence on a successful interest brought by a Attorney-General's Chambers.
Lim combined which if a authorities do not wish to assign Ibrahim underneath a Sedition Act, a Penal Code might additionally be practical on a Perkasa chief.
"This make! a diffe rence by Ibrahim is an incitement or abetment to dedicate criminal corruption underneath Section 107 of a Penal Code, whilst a seizure as well as blazing of bibles is an corruption underneath Section 441 of a Penal Code," he said.
Section 441 of a Penal Code states which "Whoever enters unto or on property in a receive of an additional with vigilant to dedicate an corruption or to intimidate, insult or provoke any person in receive of such property; or having rightly entered into or on such property, unlawfully stays there with vigilant thereby to intimidate, insult or provoke any such person, or with vigilant to dedicate an offence, is pronounced to dedicate 'criminal trespass'."
"The open must be warned which this is probably a criminal offence," Lim said.
Yesterday, Karpal lodged a military inform pressing Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail to beginner military investigations opposite Ibrahim over his alleged make a difference job for Muslims to "seize as well as burn copies of bibles which contained a word 'Allah' or alternative Arabic words".
Karpal's military complaint was done in reply to a A-G's reported criticism which prosecutors would only act opposite Ibrahim if bibles were actually burnt, as well as which he was not endangered by a remarks.
The DAP authority pronounced in his military inform which he programmed to go to justice to enforce Abdul Gani to take movement as well as "carry out his open duty" if a A-G refuses to take movement opposite a Perkasa boss inside of a subsequent two weeks.
Perkasa pronounced in a make a difference on Monday which Ibrahim's make a difference on a make a difference had been misinterpreted as he had merely been referring to Malay-language bibles.
"I endorse which a Perkasa boss did discuss a words 'burn a Bible' though he did not meant a strange English-language books.
"He meant a Malay-language bibles which use 'Allah' as well as Jawi writ! ing," pr onounced a group's secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali.
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