Permintaan Hadi Awang dan Jawapan bodoh si Rais Yatim...

Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang akan diberi peluang memberi penjelasan mengenai amanatnya yang mengkafirkan Umno pada 1981, di Radio dan Televisyen Malaysia (RTM).

Menteri Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim berkata Abdul Hadiperlu memohon kepada kementerian mengenai saluran yang dipilihnya untuk memberi penjelasan itu.

Pihak RTM boleh siarkan kenyataannya sekiranya kandungannya sesuai dan ada nilai berita.

Tetapi pada masa yang sama, Abdul Hadi perlu memberi peluang kepada pihak lain memberi pandangan mereka kerana amanatnya ini telah dibuat pada 1981," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditemui pemberita selepas menyaksikan raptai sambutan Rumah Terbuka Malaysia Krismas dan sambutan Tahun Baru 2013 di Dataran Merdeka di sini, hari ini. Sambutan itu dijadual diadakan pada 31 Disember.

Rais berkata pandangan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) dan mufti perlu diambil kira untuk mengetahui standing amanat itu yang mengkafirkan Umno daripada sudut akidah.

Presiden PAS itu hari ini berkata beliau sedia menjelaskan isu amanatnya pada 1981 sekiranya beliau diberi peluang untuk berbuat demikian menerusi siaran langsung di stesen televisyen tempatan.-malaysian insider

Kalau nak kasi...kasilah. Buat siaran terus menerus tak perlu buat rakaman dan siarkan kenyataan yang telah diedit kemundian...

Amanat: 'Beri ruang saya jawab live di TV1, TV3'...
PAS sedia menjawab segala polemik yang ditimbulkan dalam isu 'Amanat Haji Hadi' dengan syarat diberi peluang satu jam secara langsung melalui RTM oleh Kementerian Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan.

Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang menegaskan diberi peluang kepada beliau satu jam secara 'live' dalam RTM dan TV3 bagi menjelaskan isu amanat tersebut.

Malah, beliau turut menyatakan kesediaan merungkai permasalah isu 'Amanat' yang diucapkannya dalam satu ceramah di Banggol Peradong, Manir pada tahun 1981.

"Saya minta beri peluang satu jam di saluran RTM, TV1 atau TV3 untuk saya jelaskan secara 'live', bukan rakaman.

"Jika saya bercakap di sini nanti akan diputarbelitkan dan satu kenyataan bertulis akan saya berikan. Sama ada saya tarik balik atau tidak 'amanat' itu, beri peluang saya bercakap satu jam secara langsung dahulu," tegasnya selepas Majlis Pelancaran Petugas Muslimat PAS Marang PRU13 di Dewan Tok Guru, Rusila Marang, hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika menjawab pertanyaan media yang mahukan penjelasan beliau bahawa 'Amanat' pada tahun 1981 itu yang didakwa menjadi punca pecah belah dalam masyarakat umat Islam di negara ini.-harakahdaily

Rais - PAS boss will be authorised to explain 'Amanat Haji Hadi' over RTM, but...

PAS boss Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang will be authorised to yield an explanation over Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) upon his "Amanat Haji Hadi" (Haji Hadi's Message) delivered in 1981 branding Umno members as well as supporters as infidels, Information, Communications as well as Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rai! s Yatim pronounced today.

He pronounced Abdul Hadi would have to apply to the method stating the choice of channel to give the explanation.

"RTM can promote his matter if the essence are suitable as well as have news value.

However, at the same time, Abdul Hadi should allow others to give their views as well because his summary was delivered in 1981," he said.

Rais spoke to reporters after examination the operation of the Malaysia Yuletide as well as New Year 2013 celebration scheduled for December 31 at Dataran Merdeka, here.

Rais pronounced the views of the Department of Islamic Development, Malaysia, (Jakim) as well as muftis should be taken into comment to determine the standing of the summary in terms of the faith of Muslims following Abdul Hadi's branding of Umno members as well as supporters as infidels.

Abdul Hadi had pronounced earlier today that he was rebuilt to explain the summary if he was since the opportunity to do so live over the local radio station.-malaysian insider

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BERUCAP...Abdul Rahman kelihatan sedang menyampaikan ceramahnya di majlis tersebut.


USAHA bagi memastikan rakyat terutamanya di peringkat akar umbi tidak tertipu memandangkan dakyah dan tohmahan yang dilemparkan adalah tidak berasas sama sekali.

Setiausaha Barisan Nasional (BN) Sabah, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, berkata parti tidak pernah berdiam diri dalam menjawab segala pembohongan pembangkang malahan sentiasa turun padang untuk memberi penjelasan yang lebih konkrit terhadap setiap isu cuba mereka putarbelitkan.
Ini katanya, pembangkang masuk kawasan untuk berkempen dengan mengutarakan sesuatu isu yang berbeza-beza dan lebih malang lagi mereka memutar belitkan fakta seolah-olah kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) gagal dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya.

"Banyak contoh yang kita boleh buktikan di mana pembangkang cuba mengelirukan rakyat dengan melempar pelbagai tuduhan tanpa usul periksa. Seperti isu twenty Perkara dan isu Borneosasi yang dibangkitkan pembangkang.

"Kita kena jawab balik kerana kalau tidak takut nanti rakyat keliru. Pembangkang ini tahu cakap saja. Oleh sebab itulah, kita dalam Umno bersama-sama dengan rakan komponen BN yang lain sentiasa turun padang bagi memberi pen! jelasan tepat supaya rakyat tidak terpengaruh.

"Apa yang kita bimbangkan ialah masa depan rakyat di negara ini amnya Sabah tertipu dengan segala pembohongan pembangkang itu," jelasnya sewaktu berucap pada Majlis Ceramah Isu Semasa Fakta Benar anjuran Umno Bahagian Sandakan di Kelab Rekreasi Indah Jaya, Batu 4, Jalan Utara, di sini, baru-baru ini.

Hadir sama Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Elopura, Au Kam Wah; Ketua Parti Liberal Demokratik (LDP) Karamunting, Lim Kai Ming; Ketua Wanita Gerakan Sabah, Lili Au; Setiausaha Umno Sandakan, Haji Hamdan Dikong; Ketua Penerangan, Abdul Hamid Sabal dan Ketua Puteri, Siti Haiba Majid.

Sehubungan dengan itu, Abdul Rahman yang juga Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud meminta rakan-rakan komponen BN di seluruh negeri ini mempergiatkan usaha memperkukuhkan jentera parti bagi memastikan kekuatan khususnya peringkat akar umbi tidak mudah digugat.

Tambahnya, pembangkang akan menggunakan bermacam bentuk cara untuk menggugat termasuk dengan melemparkan tuduhan-tuduhan yang tidak berasas semata-mata demi mempengaruhi rakyat.

Katanya, rakyat tidak perlu terpengaruh dengan apa jua tuduhan pembangkang kerana sudah terbukti ia hanya gimik politik kerana dilakukan tanpa usul periksa sedangkan BN terus bekerja keras membela nasib rakyat.

"Kita akan perbetulkan segala pembohongan pembangkang ini melalui usaha yang dilaksanakan jentera Penerangan di mana pendekatan itu digerakkan bersama rakan-rakan komponen BN dalam usaha menangkis dakwaan pembangkang.

"Majlis ceramah pada malam ini amat penting yang membolehkan pimpinan BN dapat memberi penjelasan kepada setiap pemimpin BN khususnya di peringkat akar umbi berhubung sikap pembangkang yang suka mengadu domba; padahal kerajaan hari ini benar-benar melaksanakan tanggungjawab bukan seperti diperkatakan.

< div> "Sebenarnya, pembangkang silap. Jangan beranggapan bahawa mereka mampu mempengaruhi rakyat. Rakyat kini sudah matang dan tidak semudah untuk diperkotak-katikkan. Saya yakin usaha-usaha ini mampu memperkukuhkan lagi kekuatan parti dalam menghadapi Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) Ke-13 nanti," kata beliau.
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PAMER.......Dokumen yang dipamerkan di Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur bagi tempoh bantahan mengenai permohonan tanah seluas 200 ekar itu.


RIBUAN penduduk di daerah kecil Menumbok membantah pengambilan tanah seluas 200 ekar di daerah ini oleh sebuah syarikat dari Semenanjung Malaysia, Sejuta Jalin Sdn Bhd. bagi tujuan aktiviti penternakan udang.

Tanah itu sepatutnya tidak dibuka peluang untuk orang luar memandangkan penduduk di sini sendiri tidak berpeluang memohon tanah seluas itu.
Permohonan tanah itu ketika dipamerkan di Pejabat Tanah dan Ukur daerah Kuala Penyu bagi tujuan bantahan sebelum ia diproses ke peringkat seterusnya.

Seorang penduduk jati daerah berkenaan, Ag Besar Rashid melalui laman sosial facebook mengajak penduduk membuat bantahan terbuka sebagai langkah terakhir untuk menghalang kawasan tanah tersebut terlepas kepada pihak luar.

Katanya, penduduk berhak menyatakan bantahan mereka bagi membolehkan pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya.

Berdasarkan reaksi dalam FB, rata-rata penduduk meluahkan rasa tidak senang hati kerana orang lain cuba mengambil kesempatan tanah yang ada di daerah Menumbok.

"Kita harus mengemukakan bantahan kepada pihak berkenaan sebelum tempoh bantahan berakhir pada ! Januari depan," kata Ag. Besar, seorang guru yang lantang menentangkan birokrasi dalam jabatan kerajaan.

Penduduk lain yang turut merasa marah dengan penglibatan syarikat dari Semenanjung mendapatkan tanah itu, meminta kerajaan tidak menutup mata dengan pengambilan tanah di daerah ini.

"Ini tindakan merugikan rakyat, kita sendiri tidak ada peluang memohon tanah seluas, kenapa syarikat dari luar dengan mudah diberi peluang seperti ini," katanya.

Beliau berkata para pemimpin terutama wakil rakyat Kuala Penyu perlu tampil mengetuai rakyat melakukan bantahan keras terhadap masalah ini.

"Kita tidak mahu wakil rakyat berpeluk tubuh saja sedang beliau sendiri tahu pengambilan tanah ini. Mana dia, tolonglah angkat telefon dan datang bantu rakyat menyelesaikan masalah," tegas penduduk itu.

Beliau juga mahu supaya siasatan menyeluruh dilakukan mengapa syarikat yang beralamat di Selangor itu dibenarkan memohon tanah tersebut.

"Adakah sesiapa terlibat termasuk kakitangan Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur harus disiasat secara menyeluruh, adakah mereka menjadi dalang," jelasnya.
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Puspahanas tak siap, tapi RM 21 juta sudah disapu...

Mula-mula kita mesti tanya di mana Pusat Pertahanan bernilai RM100 juta?

Jika tiada-bagaimana MINDEF boleh memindahkan hak milik 3 lot tanah yang berjumlah 223,33 ekar kepada Raja Ropiaah?

Kita tentu anggap dia mempunyai hak milik tanah itu untuk membuat pemindahan. Jika tidak, dia tidak dapat memeterai perjanjian dengan Deepak; juga untuk menjual kepadanya 200 ekar dan menjual satu lot kepada Guppyunit Sdn Bhd.

Raja Ropiaah bukan saja terima RM thirteen juta dari Deepak. Beliau juga disamping mendapat RM thirteen juta, menerima RM 8 juta lagi untuk sumbangan politik. Jumlahnya twenty-one juta.

Deepak membelanjakan RM7 juta untuk yuran guaman dan RM2 juta untuk pelbagai. Beliau membelanjakan RM30million. RM9 juta,dianggap hangus, sehinggalah LTAT memberikan kembali RM30 juta kepadanya. Tetapi Ropiaah telah balun RM21 juta tunai dari Deepak.

Raja Ropiaah, pemilik Awan Megah yang mempunyai hak milik ke atas 223,33 ekar tanah milik MINDEF, yang sepatutnya untuk membina Pusat Penyelidikan,'Puspahanas' bernilai RM100 juta mendapat amaun yang berikut: -

1. RM13 juta wang tunai dari Deepak
2. RM 8 juta tunai bagi sumbangan politik diluluskan pada beliau.
3. RM 2 juta tunai dari Guppyunit Sdn Bhd
4. RM16 juta kemudahan OD dari Unit Guppy
5. Sekarang -RM130 juta bagi 220 ekar tanah yang asalnya milik MINDEF. MINDEF membeli balik tanahnya sendiri dengan harga RM130 juta.

Mengapa LTAT menjadi cukup bodoh untuk membeli sebuah syarikat yang ! harubiru dengan nilai RM30 juta, melainkan dengan tujuan untuk menutup mulut Deepak?

Mengapa LTAT sanggup membayar RM130 juta untuk sebidang tanah yang asalnya dimilikinya? LTAT telah membelanjakan RM160 juta dalam satu hari untuk menghilangkan masalah yang dihadapi PM?

Wanita yang menjadi fokus kontroversi ini mendapat wang tetapi mana kah Pusat Penyelidikan Kebangsaan yang dia berjanji untuk membinanya? Sudahkah dia mula membinanya? Pada akhirnya, jika LTAT dipaksa membina Pusat tersebut dan membelanjakan lebih daripada RM100 juta,bererti LTAT akan membelanjakan lebih daripada RM260 juta.

Wahai bekas tentera sekalian! Para perajurit yang memperjudikan nyawa mereka untuk negara "Pakatan Rakyat" - saksikanlah bagaimana wang anda sedang digunakan oleh LTAT? Itulah sarang telur anda yang anda tahu. Itulah tabung wang simpanan anda yang anda sendiri kenal.

Sudahkah MINDEF membayar RM27 juta Awan Megah milik Raja Ropiaah, sebagai pendahuluan untuk membina Puspahanas bernilai RM100 juta?

Jika MIDEF telah membayar - maka Raja Ropiaah mendapat RM27 juta lagi sebagai tambahan! wow- sistem "Pakatan Rakyat" yang terbaik di dunia! - Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz. @ Sakmongkol AK47 blogspot

Aku nak tengok apa reaksi,Mohd Ali Baharom,Presiden Veteran Tentera Melayu (PVTM) a.k.a "kaki tonggek punggong", yang buat demonstrasi "senaman punggung" di depan rumah Ambiga tempoh hari...

Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi guna wang pencen tentera untuk tutup mulut Deepak...

Pada 30 Nov 2012, Dato' Seri Zahid Hamidi mengu! mumkan k epada wartawan dan Perhimpunan Agong Umno bahawa beliau akan menjawab dan mematahkan tuduhan Deepak yang mengaitkan Perdana Menteri, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak dengan pelbagai salahlaku.

Malangnya, keesokan harinya, pada 1 Disember 2012 beliau tidak mengotakan janjinya itu. Tuduhan-tuduhan Deepak kekal tidak dijawab oleh pentadbiran Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Saya beranggapan itu strategi Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak dan Dato' Seri Zahid Hamidi iaitu untuk tidak mengendahkan tuduhan-tuduhan tersebut atas alasan ia tuduhan liar tanpa bukti.

Sehingga saat itu pun, rakyat masih samar-samar mengenai bukti yang dikemukakan oleh Deepak, apatah lagi keterlibatan Deepak dengan keluarga Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak menimbulkan tanda tanya mengenai motif dan kredibiliti beliau.

Oleh sebab itu, KEADILAN tidak memberi sebarang reaksi mengenai tuduhan-tuduhan tersebut, kecualilah menuntut agar ia disiasat segera.

Ternyata anggapan saya itu tidak tepat. Tuduhan-tuduhan yang dibuat oleh Deepak dipandang serius dan dibuktikan benar-benar mencemaskan Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak, sehingga tugas untuk menyelesaikan kemelut ini diserahkan kepada Dato' Seri Zahid Hamidi.

Walaupun awalnya Dato' Seri Zahid Hamidi mengelak dari memberi jawapan, jalan penyelesaian yang beliau laksanakan mengikut perintah Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak akhirnya terbongkar kepada umum pada twenty-seven Disember 2012.

Urusniaga mengejut melibatkan pembayaran RM30 juta untuk membeli 80% saham terbitan Astacanggih dan RM130 juta untuk membeli 200 ekar tanah dari Awan Megah Sdn Bhd adalah satu salahguna kuasa oleh Dato' Seri Zahid Hamidi dan Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak bertujuan untuk menutup mulut Deepa! k dan me nyelesaikan skandal ini yang kian merebak.

Urusniaga ini akan dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh Bakti Wira Development Sdn Bhd, sebuah syarikat pelaburan hartanah yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Boustead Holdings Berhad, milik Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT).

Modal dan aktiviti Boustead Holdings Berhad banyak bergantung kepada caruman dari potongan gaji anggota tentera yang disalurkan melalui LTAT. Sebagai menteri yang bertanggungjawab memikul amanah ini, Dato' Seri Zahid Hamidi haruslah berhati-hati dalam memastikan pelaburan yang dibuat oleh Bakti Wira Development Sdn Bhd adalah pelaburan yang terbaik untuk kepentingan anggota tentera.

Sebab itu, sekiranya urusniaga ini diteliti, ia sudah tentu! tidak menepati apa-apa garis panduan pelaburan baik berdasarkan perkara-perkara berikut:

1. Astacanggih adalah sebuah syarikat yang tidak mempunyai aset mahupun rekod perniagaan yang baik. Semakan denganSuruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia(SSM) menunjukkan ia tidak pernah joke memfailkan penyata kewangannya. Selain modal berbayar sebanyak RM20 juta, syarikat ini dibebankan dengan hutang sebanyak RM98 juta dari Kuwait Finance House (mengikut rekod SSM);

2. Nilaian RM30 juta bagi 80% saham terbitan Astacanggih itu tidak ada asas. Kenyataan Boustead Holdings Berhad bahawa nilaian RM30 juta itu dicapai atas persetujuan bersama pembeli dan penjual membuktikan bahawa urusniaga ini dibuat berdasarkan pertimbangan politik, bukan pertimbangan pelaburan komersil;

3. Pembayaran RM130 juta terhadap 200 ekar tanah yang statusnya masih belum dipindahmilik kepada Awan Megah Sdn Bhd bermakna D! ato' Ser i Zahid Hamidi mengambil wang sebanyak RM130 juta dari caruman anggota tentera untuk membayar syarikat milik seorang pimpinan Umno tanpa ada sebarang pertukaran aset, kerana tanah 200 ekar itu masih belum dipindahmilik kepada Awan Megah Sdn Bhd;

4. Nilaian RM130 juta bagi 200 ekar tanah tersebut juga dibuat tanpa menggunakan penilaian bebas, semata-mata atas dasar persetujuan yang dicapai di antara penjual dan pembeli;

5. Pengumuman rasmi Boustead Holdings Berhad kepada Bursa Malaysia memberi alasan bahawa pembelian! tanah itu bertepatan dengan bank tanah sedia ada milik anak syarikat Boustead (iaitu Jendela Hikmat Sdn Bhd) di kawasan berhampiran (rujuk perenggan 4 pengumuman). Walau bagaimana pun, semakan rekod menunjukkan tanah seluas 236 hektar yang dipindahmilikkan kepada Jendela Hikmat Sdn Bhd dinilai pada RM230 juta pada akhir tahun 2005 (rujuklaporan akhbar Utusan Malaysiayang disertakan bersama);

6. Ini bermakna tanah sekitar kawasan yang sudah dimiliki oleh Boustead Holdings Berhad dinilai sekitar RM390,000 seekar, berbanding urusniaga terkini melibatkan Awan Megah yang membayar RM650,000 seekar ke atas tanah yang statusnya belum dipindahmilik.

Jelas bahawa urusniaga ini bukanlah urusniaga yang lulus pertimbangan komersial dan panduan pelaburan LTAT.

Saya hanya boleh simpulkan bahawa urusniaga ini dibuat semata-mata untuk menutup mulut Deepak dan memadamkan skandal ini. Makanya, tindakan tidak berwaspada Dato' Seri Zahid Hamidi yang m! enyalahg unakan kuasanya dengan mengarahkan LTAT membayar RM160 juta mengesahkan bahawa dakwaan Deepak itu benar, sehingga mencemaskan Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Oleh itu, saya akan mula meneliti dan mendedahkan pembayaran yang dibuat oleh Deepak terhadap pihak tertentu yang dikaitkan dengan Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak, memandangkan sudah jelas bahawa dakwaan Deepak itu ada kredibiliti dan kebenarannya.

KEADILAN akan mengadakan sidang media pada hari Isnin, Rabu dan Jumaat minggu depan jam 11 pagi mengenai pendedahan ini. -RAFIZI RAMLI,keadilandaily

Rafizi nak bawa bekas tentera 'serbu' syarikat bayar kepada Deepak isnin depan

No PUSPAHANAS, But Raja Ropiaah has 'sapued' RM21million cash...

First we must ask- where is a RM100 million Defence Center? If there is none- how could MINDEF send pretension over a 3 lots of land totaling 223.33 acres to Raja Ropiaah? We must pretence she has pretension to transfer. Otherwise she could not have entered in to agreement with Deepak Jaikishan to sell him 200 acres as well as sold a single lot to Guppyunit Sdn Bhd.

Raja Ropiaah does not usually embrace RM thirteen million from Deepak. She was paid RM thirteen million as well as RM 8 million in domestic contributions. That's twenty-one million.

Deepak outlayed RM7 million upon authorised fees as well as RM2 million in miscellaneous. He did outlay RM30million. RM9 million kira burnt until LTAT gave behind RM30 million. But Ropiaah has sapued RM21million cash. From Deepak.

Raja Ropiaah, owners of Awan Megah which has authorised pretension over 223.33 acres of land belonging to MINDEF, which is suppos! ed to se t up a RM100 million Research Center got a following amount:-

1. RM13 million income from Deepak
2. RM 8 million income for domestic contributions passed upon to her.
3. RM 2 million income from Guppyunit Sdn Bhd.
4. RM16million OD facility from Guppy Unit
5. Now- RM130 million for 220 acres of land creatively belonging to MINDEF. MINDEF buys a own land behind for RM130 million.

Why would LTAT be stupid enough to buy a messed up association for RM30million, unless it was meant to silence Deepak Jaikishan?

Why would LTAT compensate RM130 million for a land which it creatively owned? LTAT outlayed RM160 million in a single day to get rid of a complaint for PM?

The lady in a center of this controversy- got income though where is a National Research Centre she promised to build? Has she started building it? At a end of a day, if LTAT stairs in as well as builds a Center- as well as outlay some-more than RM100 million, LTAT would be spending some-more than RM260 million.

Ex-servicemen! Perajurit yang memperjudikan nyawa untuk negara "Pakatan Rakyat"- See how your income is being used by LTAT? That's your egg nest we know.

Has MINDEF paid out RM27 million to Raja Ropiaah's Awan Megah as advance to set up a RM100 million Puspahanas?

If they have- then she gets an additional RM27 million!. wow- "Pakatan Rakyat" system, most appropriate in a world!-Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz.@sakmongkol AK47 blogspot

PKR to block Deepak's land understanding by S'gor govt...

PKR, by a Selangor government, will block theRM130 million land understanding between Lembaga Angakatan Tentera(LTAT)-linked association Bakti Wira Development Sdn Bhd as well as a Wanita Umnoleader's company.PKR strat! egic exe cutive Rafizi Ramli says as long as Pakatan Rakyat is land Selangor, it will not concede a RM130 million land understanding to go through.

PKR strategic executive Rafizi Ramli pronounced a understanding which involved some200 acres of land in Bukit Raja, Selangor, came under final reach ofthe state supervision as it required transferring of titles.

In a filing with Bursa Malaysia dual days ago, Bakti Wira, awholly-owned unit of Boustead Holdings Berhad, sealed an agreementwith Awan Megah, a car association of Selangor Wanita Umno chief! RajaRoppiaah Abdullah to take a freehold land during a pronounced price.

This followed after runner businessman Deepak Jaikishan's companyAstacanggih Sdn Bhd forsaken a legal box against Awan Megah without clearreasons given.

Boustead subsequently concluded to purchase 80% interest in Astacanggih forRM30 million from a businessman who not long ago finished a series ofexposes upon Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's family.

"So long as Pakatan Rakyat binds Selangor, we would not concede a dealto go through. we would talk to a Selangor supervision subsequent week. Wewould frustrate a deal," Rafizi told a press discussion today.

He pronounced a understanding did not make commercial operation clarity as well as a remarkable decisionto take Deepak's association usually valid which a latter's allegationswere true.

Elaborating, he forked out which Astacanggih did not have any assetsbesides a RM20 million shares, which was again shortchanged by itsRM98 million debt with Kuwait Finance House.

"The RM30 million premium paid to Deepak was too high, for certain therewas no independent gratefulness done. The usually explanation is which itarose out of a willing seller as well as willing customer basis. This equates to thetransaction was finished out of domestic considerations," he said.

"By satisfactory cl! arity as well as satisfactory logic, unless a allegations finished by Deepakcarry law as well as velocity, Najib wouldn't have reacted in which way.Because by an open transaction, it would open a twin to publicscrutiny," he added.

Rafizi suspected which Najib had tasked Defense Minister Zahid Hamidiwith handling a box as a latter's method oversees a LTAT,which owned a acquirer association indirectly.

The PKR personality additionally forked out which a transaction was a transparent actof abuse of power as Zahid had authorised a little RM160 million of pensioners' income to be put during risk.

This was because Boustead's capitals as well as activities were dependent onarmed forces servicemen's contributions, he explained.

"It's ridiculous, because we already lost RM230 million to a cowrearing project, now we want to lose an additional RM160 million! ," he s! aid.

'Why upon earth would we do that?'

On a tract of land in Bukit Raja, Rafizi echoed Deepak's statementyesterday which Boustead was virtually shopping a land which had yet tobe eliminated from a government's comment to Awan Megah.

The 200-acre of land creatively belonged to a supervision as well as wassupposed to be eliminated to Awan Canggih in sell for thep! rivatisat! ion deal..

However, a Selangor supervision had never approved a send of land title.

Meanwhile, Rafizi additionally claimed which Boustead via an additional subsidiarycompany Jendela Hikmat Sdn Bhd had acquired an adjacent tract of landfor RM230 million in 2005.

He pronounced this meant which Boustead final paid for a tract of land aroundthat area during RM390,000 per hactare as well as now it longed for to a! cquire the! onefrom Awan Megah during RM650,000 per acre.

"So far we have not met any land which can conclude twice a valuejust by being idle.
"Why would we want to supplement your land bank since we did not developthe land (which we already own), unless it is cheaper. Why upon earthwould we do that?" he asked.-FMT

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Rosli Dahlan Defamation Suit: Whats Up, Judge?

A Wicked Twist in a Rosli Dahlan Defamation Suit: What's Up, Judge?

by Hafiz Yatim(12-29-12)@
In a wicked twist, a Kuala Lumpur High Court yesterday refused to accede to Rosli Dahlan time to file an confirmation in reply to a Attorney-General's duplicate to mislay sure paragraphs in a lawyer's acknowledgement matter per the'Copgate'affair.
The senior sovereign warn in a box had usually affirmed an confirmation submitted upon Thursday to oppose Rosli's acknowledgement matter as well as open testimony in court. What was rare in a Senior Federal Counsel Azizan Md Arshad's duplicate was which he had deposed it himself, since it is common practice for a affirmation to be done by an additional senior officer.
NONEIn a affidavit, a A-G's Chambers reproduced all of Rosli's statements which it opposed, creation them public.
Despite this, Justice Hue Siew Kheng refused to accede to Rosli (right) time to submit his affidavit-in-reply to Azizan's application, grouping a parties to submit yesterday afternoon in her chambers.
Justice Hue then fixed Wednesday (Janaury 3, 2013) for a decision upon a A-G's Chamber's conflict to expunge sure paragraphs.
On Nov twenty-eight it was reported which a A-G's Chambers, representing a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's prototype a Anti-Corruption Agency as well as a government, hadopposedRosli's duplicate to read out his acknowledgement matter as well as additionally wanted expu! nged sur e portions of it associated to *Copgate as well as alternative matters.
The Copgate affair involved former Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Musa Hassan as well as Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail alleged to be a hidden hands in upon condition which insurance to an underworld figure declared Goh Cheng Poh, additionally known as Tengku Goh.
At theprevious session, Justice Hue had allowed Rosli to read out his acknowledgement matter in open court, which had been fixed for Jan 25 during a conference of a RM50 million suit.
'Goh's detain viewed as unfriendly act'
NONERosli, in hiswritfiled in 2009, had described a acrimonious attribute in between former Commercial Crime Investigation Department Director Ramli Yusuff as well as Musa, (left) as well as how a IGP had used a ACA as well as a A-G's Chambers to apply to him as well as Ramli in a arise of Goh's arrest.
Rosli said he acted for Ramli as well as a then-Deputy Home Minister Johari Baharom opposite Goh's habeas corpus duplicate in 2007, after a A-G's Chambers reneged upon sketch up their affidavits.
The counsel claimed which Musa saw Goh's detain as an act of disloyalty upon Ramli's part, resulting in a IGP initiating serve ACA investigations opposite him, thus straining a Musa, Ramli as well as Johari relationship. Rosli additionally claimed which he earned Musa's wrath as well as which of a attorney-general's when he drew up a affidavits for Ramli as well as Johari, triggering a ACA probe opposite him as well as his subsequent arrest.
He said an ACA military officer kick! ed his l eg, twisted his arms as well as handcuffed him tightly, resulting in lacerations as well as flourishing of his wrists. He gave his matter during a ACA headquarters, though was hold overnight as well as taken to justice as well as charged upon a eve of Hari Raya, upon October 27, 2007. These were malicious actions out to tarnish his image, he combined in his writ.
However, a KL Sessions Court had acquitted Rosli but job for his defence, upon a assign of not complying with a agency's procedures to acknowledgement his assets.The prosecution hadwithdrawnits appeal opposite a acquittal earlier this year.
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Panas! asal usul isyarat 1 Malaysia Najib ditemui!

Isyarat tangan 1 Malaysia adalah simbol puak kristian untuk ukiran batu nisan! Mufti tolong keluarkan fatwa!
Komer fikior jari telunjuk hala ke langit itu ciptaan Najib? Kalau komer fikior gitu komer dah silap besor!
Cer komer tengok gambor-gambor berikut:
Carian Yong mengenai isyarat tangan itu menemui soalan dan jawapan berikut dari Wikianswer:
What does the right palm sealed in the fist with the index finger indicating up meant upon the tombstone?
There is the single way, there is the single God as well as Jesus is his son. The gesture was common in the 70s for the Christians often referred to as the "Jesus Freaks" same to the hippies with the Christian bent.
Terjemahan jawapan:
Ada satu cara, ada satu Tuhan dan Isa adalah anaknya. Isyarat ini adalah kebiasaaan bagi orang Kristian dalam tahun 70-an yang sering dirujuk sebagai "Yesus Freaks" serupa dengan hipi yang berhaluan Kristian.
Tok Mufti, ulama ameno dan tak ulama, tetiba minta PAS tarik balik amanat Hadi. Terima kasih ameno kerana "menghidupkan" Amanat yang telah diarkibkan itu.
Komer tengok diri sendiri dulu sebelum tunjuk jari pada orang lain! Adakah komer benar?

Patutlah ameno dan BN semakin mereput! Ropernyer demer guna isyarat yang digunakan oleh orang mati!!!
Orang mati itu bukan kaum Muslimin! Lantok demer nak letak tanda apa kat kubur demer. Yang komer ameno (konon nak perjuang Islam) ikut sanjung isyarat tu apekejadah?
Kesian kat bebudak sekolah rendah yang diajor guna isyarat orang mati nih!
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13 hari N.Ajis membisu: Dari '08, tunggu Ngeh beli Upahdaya

Diketahui sekarang bahawa Upahdaya dibeli Ngeh Koo Ham pada Mei 2012 pada harga yang tidak diketahui untyuk nilai RM36.8 juta.

Ptojeknya adalah untuk pajakkan tanah selama 70 tahun. Baca Akar Umbi SINI

1. Persoalan yang timbul kenapa SUA AKhbar Nik Aziz kata ianya untuk 50 tahun. Adakah kemasukkan Ngeh dapat memanjangkan tempoh pajakann?

Akar Umbi SINI hairan kenapa kerajaan Kelantan masih

'Allah' row: What now, ban Sikhism as well?

YOURSAY'It is pathetic. Hindi songs have been full of a word of 'Allah'. So banning Hindi cinema would be a right move.'

Sikh group: Fatwa upon Allah anathema 'illegal as good as void'

your sayMohican:Extremely utilitarian as good as very good put,guruji(spiritual teacher). Even though you am no Sikh, you respect Sikhism as good as a holy Guru Gran Sahib as it is a dedicated old testament of a good religion.

As a Christian, you was taught both during home as good as during a goal propagandize which you attended which all religions must be respected. For anybody who thinks which his or her sacrament is some-more autarchic than others smacks of audacity as good as is thus irreligious in his/her outlook.

The autarchic God done all a single as good as equal, as good as you have been all his young kids however good or tiny you might be.

Lionking:Narrow-minded supposed Muslims in Malaysia such as Penang mufti Hassan Ahmad have been creation fools of themselves. Is this what they learn? It is pathetic as good as it shows how shoal their meditative is.

Hindi songs have been full of a word of 'Allah'. So banning Hindi cinema would be a right move.

Grow up as good as be some-more rational. The word 'Allah' appears in a holy book of a Sikhs, so now what, anathema a sacrament too?

Abasir:The congenitally ignorant in Malaysia sho! uld be a lerted which there is a strain sung by Hindus all over India as good as in all tools of a universe (including Malaysia) containing a word 'Allah'.

It is a strain which is also featured occasionally in Hindustani cinema (which has a clever following between sure racial groups in Malaysia) as good as in Richard Attenborough's multi-Oscar awarded film 'Gandhi'.

It has not annoyed a some-more than 160 million Muslims in India. But afterwards you have been here in PM Najib Razak's 1Malaysia where everything is contaminated by a Umno virus.

Quigonbond:Two questions - first, can a arch apportion meddle with a make a difference which is Islamic in nature? Hassan should be careful to put a blame upon Lim Guan Eng prior to removing his contribution as good as laws right.

Second subject - even presumption a Chief Minister's Office has a right to make as it deems fit, has a Penang government a right to make it against a Sikhs? you bet a answer is a resounding 'no'.

Which reminds Malaysians again which 5 years of Pakatan Rakyat state administration is hardly enough to spin a waves of cynicism, extremism, corruption as good as abuse of energy in Malaysia. you look forward to during least 10 to 15 years of Pakatan order in federal power.

Onyourtoes:It is not just unconstitutional though a disregard of justice given a interest is still pending - so upon what legal basis was a fatwa in Penang issued?

Wanderer:A bloke similar to Hassan, a supposed Muslim scholar, brings shame as good as confusion to Islam. The word Allah is used by so many religious faiths in alternative countries, yet a Muslims in those countries have never objected.

What makes Umno Muslims, marbles wipers here, some-more Muslim than a rest?

Senior:Are a Muslims here weaklings compared to Indonesia as good as a! Arab co untries which they need a fatwa upon a word 'Allah' so which their faith is not misled? you consider not, though someone wants them to be some-more Muslim than Arabs as good as Indonesians.

AJ-N:I am Muslim, as good as this emanate is really embarrassing. Malays, as usual, have been behaving similar to a Jews, meditative they have been special as good as discriminating all alternative races/religions in Malaysia. Indeed, this is a non-issue in Arab countries.

Hang Babeuf:Elsewhere in a universe it is okay for non-Muslims to make make make use of of of 'Allah', though here in Malaysia it cannot be used except by Muslims, as good as usually for officially (government-) approved purposes?

It sounds crazy. It is crazy. Rules similar to which would be okay for a God who needs a passport, visa as good as landing label to transport opposite state boundaries.

But for a God who is deliberate a universal king as good as lord of a universe? That sounds a lot, though for some that's not enough.

If he is usually that, they say, as good as a Malaysian government is something greater, afterwards it is entitled to impose which condition upon his paltry movements here as good as there.

They can try to impose which restriction. But meanwhile God travels where he pleases, though a passport, as good as under whatever name through which his true know, worship as good as honour him. Or her...

Imran Firdaus Zain:When did a Sikh sacrament come into being for it to make make make use of of of a word 'Allah'?

Ubah lan:Imran Firdaus Zain, Sikhism was born prior to a Malays became Muslims. you don't consider you have any doubts as to whether Christianity or Islam came first, or do you?

Oh, you forgot, in Malaysia, history can be rewritten, just similar to how a Hindu kingdoms of Malay! sia have been roughly self-existent in our history books today.

Perplexed:Sikhism was born as a center trail when a Muslims as good as Hindus were busy murdering each alternative 500 years ago in India.

Hence Sikhism is also ordinarily known as an amalgamation of a best of these dual religions. That's because a Sikh temple has a architecture structure. Want to anathema which too?

Anonymous #06659895:If a word 'Allah' had been used by alternative religions prior prior to Islam, my subject is who copy a word 'Allah' as good as from whom?

Abasir:Malaysian Gurdwaras Council boss Jagir Singh said, "...the make a difference had usually been politicised as good as done an emanate in Malaysia given a late 1980s."

This is an additional a single from former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad's prolonged list of effect to undermine a constitution.

James Dean:This Allah emanate is a present from Mahathir to all future Malaysian generations. BN will never be means to resolve this issue, as good as BN will not want it to be resolved.

Chandran Sukumaran:I doubt if it is written anywhere in a holy book which non-Muslims might not complete a word 'Allah'. How can Malaysia swell if such a non-issue is being politicised? May Allah save Malaysia!

Ez24get:Hailam duck rice is utterly renouned between a Malays - a dish whose recipe came from a non-Malays a prolonged time ago.

Then comes a single day, a ruling is passed which a name "hailam duck rice" cannot be used by non-Malays as it is a dish enjoyed by a infancy of Malays as good as they could upset a renouned hailam duck rice rebuilt by a Malays with a alternative type of duck rice eaten by a non-Malays.

Now taking a step further, non-Malays have been subsequently criminialized from eating hailam! duck ri ce. Hailam duck rice is just hailam duck rice eaten though bitch in alternative countries as good as in a past in Malaysia.

Malays, all these while, never had problem in distinguishing halal hailam duck rice from a non-halal hailam duck rice. It's usually a politicians who have been formulating a hypothetical confusion for fear of losing power.

Geronimo:Just watch how Umno will conflict to this brand new situation. Earlier on, they came up with a cockamamie thought which it was okay for Sabah as good as Sarawak to make make make use of of of a word 'Allah' though not Christians in Semenanjung.

Now with a Sikhs fasten in a fray! , they wi! ll come out with a decision which a Sikhs can make make make use of of of a word, though not a Christians. And they have been asking us because you have been not choosing by casting votes for them. - Malaysiakini Read More @ Source

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KL Mayor: Retaining wall outdated

As residents of Bukit Setiawangsa were being evacuated following the landslide, the Kuala Lumpur mayor suggested which the maintaining wall had collapsed to the little extent since it was the wrong type. Datuk Ahmad Phesal Talib pronounced the wall built in 1992 would never have been approved underneath benefaction specifications.As residents of Bukit Setiawangsa were being evacuated following the landslide, the Kuala Lumpur mayor suggested which the maintaining wall had collapsed to the little extent since it was the wrong type. Datuk Ahmad Phesal Talib pronounced the wall built in 1992 would never have been approved underneath benefaction specifications.
KUALA LUMPUR: The maintaining wall in Bukit Setiawangsa was the wrong type which was since it to the little extent collapsed, destroying the oppulance one-story dwelling as good as putting some-more than 100 homes as good as shops in jeopardy.
The startling revelation by MayorDatuk Ahmad Phesal Talibhas right away lifted fears which identical walls might additionally be during risk.
He told the press conference last night which the shotcrete maintaining wall, which was built in 1992, would not have been approved today as it would not have met benefaction specifications.
"If the developer had practical to set up the same wall today, it would not be approved as it would not meet the October 10, 2010 discipline upon hillslope developments.
"If the wall was built in suitability with those guidelines, the landslide would not have happened," he said.
However, he additionally pronounced nobody could be blamed for the landslide as the developer had adhered to the prior g! uideline s.
Asked since the wall was not rebuilt in order to comply with the 2010 guidelines, Ahmad Phesal pronounced the developer,I&P Group Sdn Bhd, monitored as good as conducted maintenance work upon the wall in 2007.
"Despite this, the wall still collapsed," he added.
It is not good known how most such shotcrete walls have been built upon unsuitable dirt conditions but the mayor pronounced City Hall would urgently examination those inside of its jurisdiction.
The landslide occurred during 10pm upon Friday in the posh neighbourhood of Bukit Setiawangsa, which comprised oppulance bungalows, boutique shops as good as patio houses.
Six of the bungalows, any costing RM5mil as good as some-more as good as built upon land above the 60m-high maintaining wall, are right away during risk.
Scores of shops as good as related houses below, separated from the wall by the road, have additionally been deemed unsafe.
Ahmad Phesal pronounced they were deliberation the developer's proposal to explode the worst affected one-story dwelling situated closest to the corner of the wall to revoke the load upon the slope.
Other remedial measures will additionally be taken to make firm the wall as good as forestall further dirt erosion.
He additionally pronounced which dual other houses in the critical zone, belonging to Rompin MPDatuk Seri Jamaluddin Jarjisand Setiawangsa MPDatuk Seri Zulhasnan Rafique, might be ripped down as well, tentative evaluation.
He combined which I&P Group would handle the liberation of the damaged wall.
There were no casualties since the tenant as good as family of the destroyed one-story dwelling had changed out dual days progressing after noticing signs of slant failure, pronounced the neighbour.
However, some-more than 57 families have been evacuated as good as Ahmad Phesal pronounced some-more were approaching to follow suit.
He pronounced the stream situation was still critical as there was still dirt transformation as good as the authorities were monitoring the situation upon an hourly basis.
"If the wall totally collapses, the little 11,000 cubic metres of dirt will come crashing down. That will require 1,800 lorry trips to remove," he said.
Ahmad Phesal combined which an pick route to bypass the wall would be built as shortly as probable to yield safe access for the residents.
"We are doing everything you can for the residents," he said.
He combined which the special cabinet would additionally be set up to update residents upon the situation every day during 5pm as good as say contact with those involved.
"To forestall looting as good as break-ins, the military will feature surveillance as good as patrolling efforts," he said. - Star

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Where is our Puspahanas? (2)

See how people in positions abused their power? The PM, counterclaim Minister, a management of LTAT. A multiplication of LTAT, Boustead Holdings answerable to a Defence Minister, buys 80% of Astacanggih Sdn Bhd for RM30 million.

What does Astacanggih have? It has no property. It has no lane record. It has an superb loan with Kuwait Finance House. That is a liability. It has an unsettled brawl over rights upon a land of 200 acres that upon paper, is still owned by Awan Megah Sdn Bhd.

So since buy Astacanggih? Where is a value? Why not omit Astacanggih as well as concentrate upon Awan Megah that company that has value? It has a contract to set up a RM100 million Defence Research Center as well as authorised rights over an estate of 223 acres in Kelang. Who a ruin in LTAT endorsed a squeeze of Astacanggih?

The answer to a poser is since Astacangih is infancy owned by Deepak or his hopeful companies. This guy is giving nightmares to a PM as well as his missus. He is also dragging a good name of Tun Razak's family. It must be in a interest of a Great Leader, Kim Il Najib, that LTAT sprang into action. Stupid pun takpe. LTAT buys off Deepak for RM30 million as well as he has no standing any longer to sue RR (Raja Ropiaah). It is now clear; RR is some-more critical to Najib as well as Rosmah as well as must be saved.

But since buy usually 80%? Why not a whole 100%? Who owns a change 20%? Maybe Raja Ropiaah or a little Defence people. It's droll since LTAT did not buy out 100% knowing a owner can do a Deepak stunt too. Unless that 20% is owned by friendly parties. In that case, we might as well say LTAT owns 100% of Astacanggih now.

We will have to assume that Astancaggih is 100% owned by LTAT by Boustead Holdings. Semua sama sahaja- penyamun tarbus.

That settles a volume that Deepak paid to Raja Ropiaah to benefit control of a squa! re of la nd planned by MINDEF to set up a counterclaim training center. The squeeze of Astancanggih by LTAT serves to confirm that Depak in truth has drift over his brawl with Raja Ropiaah.

How did a volume of RM30 million come about?

Deepak pays income to Raja Ropiaah.

This is how: Deepak paid out RM13 million to Raja Ropiaah, RM8 million in political contributions, RM7 million of monetary costs as well as RM2 million in authorised as well as diverse costs. Total RM30 million. The woman got RM13 million buta money, as well as RM8 million for political contributions.

Where is a RM8 million?

The UMNO people in Raja Ropiaah's multiplication improved checked how much was given to a division. The SOP of UMNO leaders is when they meet up with a Minister who will be a end user of a training center, will say- "boss, we guarantee to give X volume to a division. You know we need to outlay income to regain Selangor as well as also safeguard a coming delegates have been solidly at a back of you. Najib will grin as well as write upon a offer paper- saya tidak ada halangan untuk cadangan ini, sila ambil tidakan dan beri saya lapuran susulan.

The actual common use among a thieves in UMNO is, they paid nothing to a division. The RM8 million might have been pocketed by her or might be given to a Defence Minister then or may be to MINDEF people. Maybe. Many buayas there.

Let's see how this scandal started. One day, Raja Ropiaah met up with Defence Minister Najib. Raja presented Red Lips Minister with a proposal. Boss, pronounced Raja Ropiaah- we have checked. There's this 223.33 acres as well as land belonging to MINDEF. Its tanah milik kerajaan persekutuan. The state supervision has no jurisdiction. The stutterer MB cannot do anything. They have been in 3 lots. Why don't we propose to set up a National Defence Center for a s! upervisi on upon a cranky subsidy basis? we set up a core for RM100 million, a supervision pays me a certain volume in income while a change paid for by a MINDEF land in Klang. You compensate us income RM27 million as well as a change in a form of land. 223 acres in Port Klang- Kementerian Pertahanan punya.

We will set up we a inhabitant investigate core valued at RM100 million. We shall name it Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan Nasional (Puspahanas). Its 1 Malaysia standard.

Najib will say- have we checked with Bahagian Pembangunan to have certain we have pretension over a land? To that RR would have answered: - we have checked boss- in truth we have kautim a little key people in Pembangunan. Sure a land is MINDEF's.

Ok lah itu macam. Without waiting to be asked- boss, we am not greedy, we won't take all a money. we will give a little to a multiplication as well as a little to your slash fund. That Muhyidin has got a inspired look. His people have been starting around a country building support as well as will challenge we subsequent year. We improved get ready. we will have certain wanita members support you. Moreover they like your red lips.

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The Choice: TIMEs Person of the Year

December 29, 2012

The Choice: TIME's Person of a Year

By December. 19, 2012

In 1782 an ostracise French aristocrat declared J. Hector St. John de Crvecoeur who lived in New York's Hudson Valley published a book in London called Letters from an American Farmer. The third letter was patrician "What Is an American?" That subject reverberated in a late 18thcentury as a Old World attempted to have clarity of a New. It's still applicable 230 years later, in partial given Americans have been becoming opposite even as America itself remains most a same.

Crvecoeur wondered, "What afterwards is a American, this brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new man?" He was a adult by choice, not bieing born he had motionless to come here. Such a thing had never existed before. In most ways, Barack Obama is a 21st century version of this brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new American. But he's some-more than usually a domestic figure; he's a informative one. He is a initial President to embrace happy matrimony as good as to suggest work permits to most immature undocumented immigrants. There has been most speak of a bloc of a forefather immature people, minorities, Hispanics, college-educated women as good as in winning re-election, Obama showed which these fast-growing groups have been not usually a destiny though additionally a present. About 40% of millennials a largest generational conspirator in U.S. history, bigger even than a baby boomers have been nonwhite. If his win in 2008 was extraordinary, afterwards 2012 is confirmation which demographic shift is here to stay.

Obama is a initial Democratic President given FDR to win some-more than 50% of a opinion in uninterrupted e! lections as good as a initial President given 1940 to win re-election with an unemployment rate north of 7.5%. He has stitched together a winning bloc as good as perhaps a governing a singular as well. His presidency spells a finish of a Reagan realignment which had tangible American governing body for thirty years. We have been in a midst of historic informative as good as demographic changes, as good as Obama is both a pitch as good as in a little ways a architect of this brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new America. "The truth is," a President pronounced in a Oval Office, "that we have steadily spin a some-more opposite as good as passive nation which embraces people's differences as good as respects people who have been not identical to us. That's a profoundly good thing. That's a singular of a strengths of America."

Time-Barack ObamaAll elections have been about change, as good as 2012's was as well. Pretty most everybody voted for shift of a little kind: 49% of electorate longed for to shift a President, whilst 51% of electorate longed for a shift which Obama promised 4 years earlier.

The pollster Frank Luntz told me which 40% of America is ecstatic, 20% is accepting as good as 40% thinks a nation is starting to hell. "The usually alternative time we've seen this was FDR in 1936," he said. "Those who have been alienated hold a President as good as his policies have been not grounded in American values."But whose America is that? Is there a conflict in in in in between a aged America as good as a new?

Obama would contend no. He sees his time in bureau as a kind of joining of past as good as future. "I consider about this eight-year project," he says, as a singular in which "we've additionally accommodated all a demographic chang! es as go od as informative as good as technological changes which have been taking place as good as been equates to to marry those with a little of a out-of-date virtues of tough work as good as fortify as good as shortcoming all in a approach which allows us to succeed as good as to thrive."

That's a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new America. And it's anticipating a voice: a President we heard during a wrenching commemorative use in Connecticut was some-more assertive, some-more personal, some-more willing to risk his domestic capital for what he indeed believes.

At a finish of Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison's good 1952 novel about racial injustice, a executive impression says, "America is woven of most strands; we would commend them as good as let it so sojourn Our fate is to spin one, as good as yet most This is not prophecy, though description." Just 12 years ago, Obama was so invisible which he attended a 2000 Democratic National Convention in L.A. as good as watched it upon a Jumbotron in a Staples Center parking lot. Today he is universally visible as good as known. But he would determine with Ellison's regard which this shift is indeed outline as good as not prophecy.

The brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new America is not so most a aged e pluribus unum out of many, a singular but, as Ellison says, a singular as good as yet many. That is Obama's America. For anticipating as good as forging a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new majority, for branch debility in to event as good as for seeking, in in in between good adversity, to emanate a some-more perfect union, Barack Obama is TIME's 2012 Person of a Year.

Time Magazine's Person of a Year: President Barack H. Obama

By Michael Scherer December. 19, 2012

Twenty-seven years after pushing from New York City to Chicago in a $ 2,000 Honda CivicObama for a pursuit which probably wouldn't volume to much, Barack Obama, in better shape though with grayer hair, stood in a presidential apartment upon a top building of a Fairmont Millennium Park road residence as prosaic screens announced his re-election as President ofthe United States. The networks called Ohio progressing than predicted, so his aides had to hightail it down a hall to join his family as good as friends. They encountered a room of tall fives andfist pumps, hugsand relief.

The final days of any debate can shift a psyches of even a most experienced domestic pros. At a little point, there is nothing to do though wait. Members of Obama's organisation responded in a usually receptive approach accessible to them by acting irrationally. They incited neckties in to sorcery charms as good as facial hair in to a talisman as good as compulsively repeated past behaviors so as not to jinx what seemed to be working. In Boca Raton, Fla., prior to a final debate, they finished with allege staff to find a greasy-spoon café given they had eaten during a identical joint prior to a second debate, upon New York's Long Island. They sent comparison strategist David Axelrod a sketch of a tie he had to find to wear upon choosing night: a same a singular he wore in 2008. Several staffers upon Air Force One stopped shaving, identical to big-league hitters in a playoffs. Even a President succumbed, playing basketball upon Election Day during a same court he played upon prior to winning in 2008.

But right away it was done, as good as reason had returned. Ever given a debate computers proposed raising a odds of feat from nearby even to something identical to surefire, Obama! had bee n thinking a lot about what it meant to win though a lightning-in-a-bottle quality of which initial national campaign. The Obama effect was not ephemeral anymore, no longer reducible to what had once been mocked as "that hopey-changey stuff." It could be measured in wars stopped as good as started; industries saved, restructured or reregulated; taxation cuts extended; debt levels inflated; terrorists killed; a health-insurance complement reimagined; as good as happy use members who could travel in unvaried with their partners. It could be seen in a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new faces who waited hours to opinion as good as in a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new ways campaigns have been run. America debated as good as motionless this year: story would not jot down Obama's presidency as a fluke.

So after his staff arrived, he left his family in a categorical room of a apartment as good as stepped out to speak with his three top advisers, Axelrod, domestic strategist David Plouffe as good as Jim Messina, his debate manager. He longed for to discuss it them what this feat meant, given it was really opposite a second time. "This one's some-more gratifying than '08," he said. "It wasn't usually about what we was starting to do as President. It's what I've done." In a end, a result would not even be really close, as good as this realization was sinking in, unleashing something, dropping a shield he had been carrying for a prolonged time. Over three days in November, a male good known for his preternatural cool won re-election as good as cried twice in public. And then, perplexing to find meaning in a tragedy in Connecticut, he did it again, all though violation down in a White House Briefing Room.

In mid-December, as Obama settles in to a singular of a Oval Office's reupholstered chairs brownish-red tanned hide instead of Bush's blue as good as gold candy stripes a validation of Election Day still hovers around him, suggesting whi! ch his s econd 4 years in bureau may spin out to be utterly opposite from his first. Beyond a Oval Office, strenuous challenges remain: deadlocked fiscal-cliff talks; a Federal Reserve which predicts years of tall unemployment; as good as some-more unrest in places identical to Athens, Cairo as good as Damascus. But a President seems unbound as good as gives inklings of an aspiration he has kept in check ever given he arrived during a White House to find a nation in crisis. He leans back, tea during his side, legs crossed, to explain what he thinks usually happened. "It was easy to consider which may be 2008 was a anomaly," he says. "And we consider 2012 was an indication that, no, this is not an anomaly. We've left by a really formidable time. The American people have rightly been frustrated during a gait of change, as good as a manage to buy is still struggling, as good as this President we elected is imperfect. And yet notwithstanding all that, this is who we want to be." He smiles. "That's a good thing."

Bjarne Jonasson for TIME

The Campaign Team: David Simas ran Obama's opinion-research team, including concentration groups; Stephanie Cutter managed a daily bid to defend Obama as good as dismantle Romney; David Axelrod, co-author of a Obama debate story, oversaw a complete plan from Chicago; Jim Messina, a debate manager, designed, built as good as ran a whole debate from scratch; Jim Margolis, a TV adman, relentlessly bombarded swing-state airwaves for months; Jeremy Bird, a grassroots organizer, combined a smarter, larger Obama army than in 2008

Two years ago, Republicans liked to contend which a usually tough thing Obama ever did right was beating Hillary Clinton in a primary, as good as in electoral terms, there was a little truth to that. In 2012 a GOP hoped to expel him as an i! nspiring male who was not up to a job. But right away we know a disproportion in in in in between a instruct as good as a thing, a hype as good as a male in a office. He stands rather shorter, carrying won 4million fewer votes as good as dual fewer states than in 2008. But his 5million-vote domain of feat out of 129million ballots expel shocked experts in both parties, as good as it probably would have been higher had so most of New York as good as New Jersey not stayed home after Hurricane Sandy. He won most of a toughest battlegrounds walking away: Virginia by 4 points, Colorado by 5 as good as a lily white states of Iowa as good as New Hampshire by 6. He untied Ohio's knotty heartland politics, picked a Republican close upon Florida Cubans as good as won Paul Ryan's hometown of Janesville, Wis. (Those final dual interpretation points generally hold a President's interest.) He will take a promise upon Jan.20 as a initial Democrat in some-more than 75 years to get a infancy of a renouned opinion twice. Only five alternative Presidents have finished which in all of U.S. history.

There have been most reasons for this, though a greatest by distant have been a nation's becoming opposite demographics as good as Obama's singular capability to capitalize upon them. When his name is upon a ballot, a subsequent America a younger, some-more opposite America turns out during a polls. In 2008, blacks voted during a same rate as whites for a initial time in history, as good as Latinos broke turnout records. The early numbers suggest which both groups did it again in 2012, even in nonbattleground states, where a Obama forces were distant reduction organized. When minorities vote, which equates to immature people do too, given a subsequent America is distant some-more opposite than a last. And when all which happens, Obama wins. He got 71% of Latinos, 93% of blacks, 73% of Asians as good as 60% of those under 30.

That final series is a a singular Obama revels in most. When he talks about a campaign, he likes! to cons ider about a generational shift a nation is starting by upon topics identical to happy matrimony an emanate upon which he lagged, usually to retreat himself final spring. He connects it to a optimism he felt as a immature man, a same thing he regularly talks about with staff in a limo or upon a plane after visits with debate volunteers. "The arc of a dignified star is long, though it bends toward justice," reads a singular of a quotes stitched in to his brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new Oval Office rug an aged abolitionist cry which Martin Luther King Jr. repurposed whilst marching upon Selma, Ala. Obama believes in that, as good as he believes he is some-more than usually a bit player in a transition. "I do consider which my 8 years as President, reflecting those values as good as giving voice to those values, assistance to countenance or solidify which transformation," he says, "and we consider that's a good thing for a country."

Few experts expected dual years ago which Obama would be bustling writing his second Inaugural Address. Pre-election polling showed vexed unrestrained in in in between immature people as good as Latinos, for example, in in in between mountainous interest in in in between white evangelicals as good as a elderly. But a check questions did not comment for Obama's tip weapon: a people who do not most caring for politics. A large cube of a President's most ardent backers do not admire either celebration yet consider Obama is someway above it all, immune to all a equine trade as good as preference mongering which governing body entails. These electorate aren't domestic in a cable-TV clarity of a word. But in 2012, they stuck by Obama. In a final month of a Obama campaign's voter registration, 70% of those sealed up were women, minorities or people under 30.

The President feels a shortcoming to allege a values he sees reflected in a becoming opposite electorate. Of a nearly 66million people who pulled a push for him, Obama says, "The pr! eference which they finished was reduction about me as good as some-more about them, some-more about who they saw themselves to be." It's a lovely perspective for a winner, though even if Obama's right, a subject right away is, Who exactly do they want to be? And can Barack Obama takethem there?

Bjarne Jonasson for TIME

The Geek Squad:from left: Harper Reed, a arch technology officer, tweeted "My boss is awesome" after Obama won; Dan Wagner, a arch analytics officer, oversaw a organisation of series crunchers five times a distance of a 2008 group; Dylan Richard engineered most of a program during a during a during a back of of of a campaign; Andrew Claster used analytics to develop brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new ways of targeting as good as presaging voter behavior

The choosing which Obama won, as he has pronounced repeatedly, was in a finish a choice, not a referendum. He valid to be a better choice than Mitt Romney, who was an unlawful candidate by most measures. On a issues, Obama did not fare utterly as well. While 51% of electorate in exit polls in 2008 pronounced they longed for a supervision to do more, usually 43% pronounced so in 2012, as good as Obamacare still polls badly.

But Obama doesn't see his legacy in conditions of an ideological imprint, identical to Ronald Reagan's explain which "government is a problem" or Bill Clinton's censure which a "era of Big Government is over." He says he usually wants smarter supervision as good as a set of formula which he can explain as he leaves bureau in early 2017: "That we had directed this boat of state so which we once again had an manage to buy which worked for everybody, which we had laid a substructure for broad-based wealth as good as which internationally we had combined a ho! rizon fo r continued American caring in a world via a 21st century." Recent story as good as current headlines suggest he will fall short of achieving all those goals. But if he succeeds, it wouldn't be a initial time this leader kick expectations.

Since a impulse Obama arrived upon a national scene in 2004, a really suspicion of caring has been under assault. Many of a aged institutions which once anchored a American Dream have been bled of open confidence. Banks, Big Business, a news media as good as Congress all polled during or nearby jot down lows during his initial term. Obama himself was a target of odd vitriol, though he has someway managed to keep a public's faith.

To assimilate how he kept his job, a most appropriate place to start is where he did. In early 2011, David Simas, a former registrar of deeds in Taunton, Mass., who had spin a comparison White House aide, switched upon what competence be called a singular of a largest listening posts in U.S. history. For months upon end, dual or three nights a week, Simas as good as his organisation secretly picked up electorate in rented bedrooms across a swing states, 8 during a time, a men separated from a women. The Obamans poked during their guinea pigs' animal spirits, asked for confessions as good as played word-association games. (Among swing voters, Democrat mostly elicited Barack Obama, as good as Republican would yield difference identical to aged as good as backward.) Live feeds of a concentration groups were shown upon mechanism screens during debate domicile in Chicago. The initial find Simas finished hold a keys to a kingdom. "Here is a most appropriate thing," he pronounced of Obama when he went during a during a back of of to home base. "People certitude him."

In an age of mislaid authority, Obama had managed to contend his. In organisation after group, a electorate told a researchers they believed a President was honest, lived an admirable personal hold up as good as was perplexing to do a right thing. "Here's what we! heard f or eighteen months," Simas says. "'I certitude his values. we consider he walked in to a misfortune incident of any President in 50 years. And we know what? we am disappointed which things haven't incited around.' But there was regularly which feeling of 'I am willing to give this male a second shot.'"

In opposite rooms, during a during a during a back of of of opposite one-way mirrors, Republicans finished a same discovery. "There was almost nothing which would stick to this guy, given they usually liked him personally," Katie Packer Gage, Romney's emissary debate manager, pronounced after a election. Most of those who had voted for Obama in 2008 were still unapproachable of which opinion as good as did not see a President as partisan or ideological. When Republicans channeled their party's most furies, aggressive Obama as an extremist, it backfired in in in between swing-state voters. "The kind of traditional negative debate which a Obama debate did was not accessible to a side," explained Steven Law, who oversaw some-more than $ 100million in anti-Obama advertising for American Crossroads as good as Crossroads GPS.

So even prior to a initial ad ran, Obama had an edge as good as a approach of framing a race. While Romney attempted to concentration upon Obama's diseased mercantile record, Obama finished his race about confidence. The most critical check subject in Chicago was, Which candidate is seeking out for electorate identical to you? "What we saw these uncertain electorate we do for literally a year," Simas says, "looking during dual really opposite people outward fundamental message, tactics as good as strategy, is, they were creation a really trust-based comment in in in in between Obama as good as Romney."

This became a by line of a heartless as good as during times astray Obama attacks upon Romney a cracks about car elevators, a specious discuss of his potentially criminal Securities as good as Exchange Commission filings, a fake explain which he upheld an termination! ban tho ugh a rape exception, a unconstrained harping upon a Swiss bank comment once hold in his wife's name. It all spoke to a executive summary built around trust: One man, notwithstanding his failures, had electorate identical to we in mind. The alternative man, by contrast, knew how to have a lot of income for people we will never meet.

Bjarne Jonasson for TIME

The Geek Squad: from left: Michael Slaby, a veteran of a 2008 effort, hired a tech as good as interpretation teams as good as kept them upon track; Chris Wegrzyn built a infrastructure as good as program during a during a during a back of of of a massive interpretation operation; Teddy Goff, a digital director, ran social-media, online as good as mobile outreach; Joe Rospars, a architect of online fundraising for Howard Dean in 2004 as good as Obama in 2008, oversaw digital efforts; Marie Ewald focused upon e-mail fundraising, helping lift $ 690million online

Of course, Romney incited out to be Obama's greatest ally in which narrative. But during a during a back of of during debate headquarters, Simas slapped a print upon his bureau wall which told an even bigger story. It had three lines: dual showing a rise of percapita GDP as good as productivity in a U.S. given 1992 as good as a singular prosaic line showing household income. He opened all his presentations with a same chart. "Above it was usually a phrase from a concentration organisation 'I'm operative harder as good as falling behind,'" Simas says. "That was a North Star. Everything we did as good as everything we pronounced was derivative of which sentiment." The difference of a faceless focus-group participant upheld from a rented room to a mechanism screens in Chicago as good as in a future right in to a President's stump speech. "As prolonged as there have been family group! s who ha ve been operative harder as good as harder though falling further behind," Obama told crowds, "our work is not yet done."

Message is a singular thing. though in modern presidential politics, it can't go really distant though a machine, as good as a appurtenance is what really finished Obama cry initial during his final rally, in Des Moines, Iowa, as good as afterwards during his domicile a day after a election. Appropriately sufficient for a debate which redefined a boundary of viral politics, a second set of tears became a YouTube sensation, seen a little 9million times in a weeks after a election, some-more than any alternative debate video of a cycle.

You can see him travel to a microphone, seeking easy as good as confident, chewing his gum. He starts telling a story of his initial years as a village organizer upon Chicago's South Side, when he was twenty-five as good as perplexing to find his way, with little success. "It's not which we guys actually remind me of myself," he says to a immature staff prior to him. "It's a fact which we have been so most better than we was in so most ways. You're smarter, as good as you're better organized, as good as you're some-more effective Even prior to final night's results, we felt which a work which we had finished in running for bureau had come full circle," he continues, "because what we guys have finished equates to a work which we am we do is important. I'm really unapproachable of that. I'm really unapproachable of all of you." Then he breaks down. Tears good as good as drop.

Obama didn't have to do most to build this appurtenance a second time around. The same recurrent staff, who had never really left his circle, returned with a same set of techniques, a reduction of old-school village organizing as good as high-tech amicable networking: one-on-one conversations with supporters, repeat telephone calls, staffers focused usually upon organizing volunteers, registration drives where no presidential debate had attempted registration! before. But Obama was additionally obsessed. On a tour by Iowa in September, his state director, Brad Anderson, told him which a debate had organised for an early-vote place during a Latino grocery store. "The President loved that," says Plouffe, who trafficked with him. "The Latino village in Iowa is relatively small, though we were perplexing to harvest any opinion possible." The President even got to fool around shop foreman during times, as if he were during a during a back of of in a projects overseeing voter-registration teams. A couple of days prior to a election, he confronted a salaried staffer during a entertainment bureau in Ohio who asked a President for a photo. "You're a margin organizer," Obama replied reproachfully, citing a obvious order which staff's initial pursuit is to classify others. "You gotta be seeking out for your volunteers."

In a second incarnation, a Obama debate began to blur as good as afterwards obliterate a line in in in in between governing body as good as daily hold up for millions of Americans. The President hold off-the-record calls with FM disc jockeys in black as good as Hispanic communities. Aides sealed up Latinos during pledge soccer leagues, circulated clipboards in bars as good as nightclubs as good as canvassed blockbuster-movie-premiere lines for brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new voters. "In Chapel Hill for a wedding," White House help Tommy Vietor e-mailed Plouffe in mid-September from North Carolina. "Multiple people with Obama clipboards have attempted to register me to opinion in a 5 hours I've been here." Later which night, Vietor read a specials scribbled upon a chalkboard during a bar. The Obama was a shot of Jack Daniel's as good as a Pabst Blue Ribbon for $ 7. The Romney was a shot of Johnnie Walker Gold as good as a bottle of 1995 Altamura cabernet for $ 870. The summary was violation through.

And so were a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new methods devised by a geek patrol conve! ned from multinational ad agencies, corporate consultancies as good as high-tech start-ups. The goals were a same as ever: some-more income in a bank, some-more doorway knocks, some-more phone calls, some-more voter registrations as good as some-more electorate during a polls. But a methods for achieving those ends in 2012 bordered upon a revolutionary. A patrol of dozens of interpretation crunchers combined algorithms for presaging a likelihood which someone would reply to specific types of requests to get ahead any of those goals. Vast quantities of information were picked up as good as afterwards in use to envision usually which television shows various target electorate in certain cities were examination during usually what time of day a better to confirm where to place TV ads. Facebook, which was an afterthought in 2008, became a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new electronic telephone call, in use to persuade some-more than 600,000 Obama supporters to strech out to 5million swing-state friends online with targeted messages in a days prior to a election. One woman in executive Ohio who was living with her immature voting-age daughter reported which her residence got 4 opposite visits upon a sunrise of Election Day, any from a opposite neighbor creation certain both women had remembered to vote.

Bjarne Jonasson for TIME

The White House Staff: from left: Jay Carney, a spokesman, handled a White House press; David Plouffe, a domestic strategist, directed a campaign's White House outpost; Alyssa Mastromonaco, a emissary arch of staff, kept a President focused; Pete Rouse, a comparison adviser, was a go-to troubleshooter; Valerie Jarrett, Obama's closest adviser, was his sounding board; Dan Pfeiffer, a communications director, motionless how to deliver a message

The geek pa! trol add itionally found brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new ways to have electorate spin out their pockets. They refined meet-the-candidate lotteries in to an art form, invented a complement for texting dollars from a mobile phone which compulsory entering usually a singular series as good as experimented with a language of e-mail pitches until they stung. Of his $ 1billion campaign-cash haul, Obama was equates to to lift $ 690million online in 2012, up from about $ 500million in 2008. More than $ 200million of which came in donations of $ 200 or less, a 10% enlarge over a history-making frenzy of 2008. In a debate which large super-PAC income was ostensible to dominate, Obama's operation valid which most tiny efforts were some-more absolute than a couple of large ones. No a singular in either celebration thinks debate financial will ever be a same.

How most of this survives for destiny Democrats when Obama exits a stage? Obama's advisers have been discerning to contend it won't be around for others to tap. Too most of a Obama coalition, they say, is about Obama himself. It competence reject anyone who tries to take up his mantle in a couple of years. "This classification is not transferable," says a comparison debate adviser. "The subsequent hopeful upon either side is starting to have to build their own coalition." But a Obama bid is starting to try to live on. Bob Bauer, a campaign's attorney, has been operative upon a plan for a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new classification expected to be incorporated as a nonprofit over a strech of a Democratic National Committee which will be announced in a entrance weeks. The suspicion is to emanate an opening for Obama's supporters, some-more than 80,000 of whom pronounced after a choosing which they were willing to run for open office. A identical bid stumbled in 2009, when Obama reined in his grassroots supporters to equivocate ruffling feathers in Congress. But a a singular thing Obama has sch! ooled in his initial term is which he won't be equates to to get ahead most in a second though an active outward game.

The fifth year of any presidency is regularly a sweet spot, a golden hour in in in in between re-election as good as lame-duck status, when a President has a possibility to consider some-more about story than about a tracking polls. And so a President must right away confirm how tall to strech as good as what to get ahead whilst he still can. "I'm some-more than informed with all a novel about presidential overreach in second terms," Obama pronounced during his initial press conference after a election. "On a alternative hand, we didn't get re-elected usually to bask in re-election."

He began to navigate a issues in a days after a choosing by scribbling his hopes upon a yellow authorised pad. Obama has regularly suspicion most appropriate by writing, as good as for which reason he struggled to keep a diary during his initial term, a charge during which he hopes to redouble his efforts over a entrance years. "In my life, writing has been an critical exercise to clarify what we believe, what we see, what we caring about, what my deepest values are," he says. "The routine of converting a jumble of thoughts in to awake sentences creates we ask tougher questions."

But a yellow desk desk desk pad he began to fill after a choosing was not for himself or his subsequent memoir. Instead, he longed for to work out what he should try to get finished in a subsequent 4 years, over his inbox as good as legislative to-do list for a subsequent nine months. The evident goals have been clear: a vital push upon immigration remodel as good as a approach to lower a medium-term deficit by a combination of raising taxation rates, reforming a taxation code as good as anticipating a little temporary equal in in in in between a parties upon entitlements. He picked up his staffers for a "40,000-foot" perspective of what was possible.

They soon discovered which a yellow desk desk desk pad in! cluded a little things oral of usually frequency during a campaign: dealing with a problem of climate change, for instance, emerged as a vital thread, notwithstanding all a income a debate had spent in southeastern Ohio praising Obama's joining to coal. He spoke of augmenting opportunities for early-childhood education as good as anticipating brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new ways to relieve a weight of college costs. The prolonged lines which forced millions to wait for for for hours to opinion led him to speak about a broad brush of intensity electoral reforms, which would expected include a renouned push upon campaign-finance remodel as good as brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new legislation to force states to improve list access. He additionally pronounced he longed for to demeanour during a criminal-justice system. "There's a large cube of which prison population, a good outrageous cube of a criminal-justice system, which is concerned in nonviolent crimes," he tells TIME. "I consider we have to figure out what have been we we do right to have certain which which downward trend in assault continues, though also, there have been millions of lives out there which have been being destroyed or twisted given we haven't fully suspicion by a process."

Prison remodel won't spin a top priority of his Administration, though his interest in it signals his integrity to enhance a bounds of what a second-term presidency competence be. When dual states, Washington as good as Colorado, legalized pot for adults in November, Obama motionless which federal law-enforcement resources should not be deployed to bust people who have been complying with state law. "When it comes to drug enforcement, big-time drug dealers, folks who have been preying upon a kids, those who have been engaging in assault which has to be a focus," he said.

Obama2In a arise of a killings during a Newtown, Conn., facile school, Obama asked if a nation as good as a President had finished sufficient in his initial term to deal with mass shootings. "I've been reflecting upon this a final couple of days, as good as if we're honest with ourselves, a answer's no, we're not we do enough," he pronounced prior to promising to "use whatever energy this bureau holds to rivet my fellow citizens, from law coercion to mental-health professionals to relatives as good as educators, in an bid directed during preventing some-more tragedies identical to this." He had finished identical vows before, after alternative shootings. But this a singular affected him more. Never had he expel a emanate so starkly as a subject of dignified as good as domestic courage. Never prior to had he so clearly reproached himself for failing to take action.

White House aides pull a distinction in in in in between what is probable legislatively as good as what they can do rhetorically as good as by open education. It's not usually what Obama gets passed, they muse; it's a legacy he leaves for a subsequent occupant of a Oval Office. "You commend you're not starting to arrive with you'll never arrive during which promised land, as good as whatever seeds we plant right away may bear fruit most years later," Obama says. Only time will discuss it usually how he fulfills which vision.

Which is O.K. with a President. In mid-November, White House aides organised a postelection screening of a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new Steven Spielberg movie Lincoln, inviting a executive as good as most of a cast, including actors Daniel Day-Lewis, who plays a 16th President, as good as Sally Field, who plays his wife. Obama called a knowledge of examination a equine trading, corruption as good as compromise which allowed a thoroughfare of a 13thAmendment, which banned slavery, "incredibly powerful." For Ax! elrod, w ho attended a screening as good as who fought alongside a President by a disappointments as good as triumphs of a initial couple of years, a story echoed a bruising as good as during times pell-mell conflict for health caring reform, something he referred to to his boss.

"Part of what Lincoln teaches us is which to aspire to a highest ideals as good as a deeply dignified means requires we additionally rivet as good as get your hands dirty. And there have been trade-offs, as good as there have been compromises," Obama says of his favorite President. "Anything we do is starting to be rather imperfect."

Obama says he prolonged ago motionless which he should not compare himself to Lincoln. But he yet starts his second term with a better clarity of what is probable in his pursuit as good as what is not, something Lincoln struggled with as well. "You do assimilate which as President of a United States, a volume of energy we have is farfetched in a little ways," Obama says. "But what we do have a capacity to do is to set a direction." He has warranted a right to set which citation as good as has schooled from knowledge how to move a country. After 4 of a most severe years in a nation's history, his possibility to leave bureau as a good President who was equates to to face crises as good as build a brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new infancy bloc remains within reach.

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