Manusia Mana Membiarkan Tangan Mereka Dicalit Sebelum Mengundi Dengan Rela?

Dalam perdebatan SPR-BERSIH semalam, wakil SPR, Wan Ahmad menyatakan dakwat kekal tidak dilaksanakan sebelum 2008 kerana mereka mendapat laporan bahawa dakwat yang sama telah diseludup masuk ke Malaysia. Khabarnya dakwat tersebut akan digunakan untuk mencalit tangan pengundi-pengundi sebelum pengundi dapat mengundi. Soalan saya kepada wakil SPR tersebut adalah: 1.0 Siapakah manusia di dalam Malaysia yang akan sengaja membiarkan tangan mereka dicalit dengan sebegitu mudah?2.0 Berapa ramai kah pen ... Read More

10 things the Monyet (Monkey) King wants Civil Society to do

Yes, Walski did contend which a King is fair... as well as in this third installment of his 10 things, a aim is Civil Society. Meaning, a NGOs as well as individuals who care enough to contend as well as do something.Being a peripheral partial of polite (and many times 'sewel', meaning nutty) society, Walski thinks his simianness' advice might not be something we wish to hear, though it really is something we NEED to heed. And yes, Walski still maintains which a Monyet King is being very fair. So, stop monyetting arou ... Read More

Soalan yang tidak dijawab Bersih

Memandangkan rakyat Malaysia masih bercerita mengenai isu Bersih ni, elok Semut paparkan beberapa soalan yang pernah Semut ajukan kepada mereka dulu.Soalan - soalan ini ditanya sewaktu Semut berinteraksi dengan mereka sama ada secara 'online' atau joke bersua muka. Diantara soalan - soalan yang ditanya:Soalan: Kenapa perlu adanya perhimpunan? Bagi menyatakan sokongan terhadap tuntutan yang


Semalam aku tengok dalam Buletin Utama TV3, Che Khalib Mohd Noh, CEO TNB dengan penuh yakin berkata, TNB dijangka mencatatkan keuntungan pada tahun kewangan yang berakhir 31 Ogos ini, sekalipun kerugian sebanyak RM440.2 juta dicatatkan pada suku ketiga. Bagaimanapun, kata CEO yang 'amat pandai' itu, TNB tidak mampu mengatasi keuntungan tahun lepas.

Sikitlah aku tulis tentang profit TNB... TNB

Justice goofed is justice denied

The Keystone Cops couldnt do any better. The Indonesian Justice Minister, according to The Jakarta Globe story below, wants to seize Nazaruddin, though he doesnt wish him to know about it as well as refuses to hold where they think Nazaruddin is. And then he tells a inhabitant press which when group will be leaving?

Now let me get this right. In effect a Justice Minister is observant to Nazaruddin: We know where youre stealing right away as well as were sending a group to seize you tonight. But since I wont tell anyone where youre holed up in, youll be lulled in to a fake sense of security as well as wont shaft from wherever you have been right right away (that you know though you dont know which you know since you havent told you).

Yeah, right. Patrialis wins a shit-for-brains tag for this glorious attainment of enforcement.Is it any consternation which they just cant utterly bring him to book.

Justice Minister Employs Team to Nab Nazaruddin

Makassar. Justice as well as Human Rights Minister Patrialis Akbar has voiced which a group from his method is leaving for an undisclosed location to lane down fugitive graft suspect Muhammad Nazaruddin.

The group will leave tonight, a minister pronounced upon Tuesday. But a end will not be revealed since it is feared he will escape again.

He also declined to say how most people were in a team, usually divulgence which it included representatives from his ministry, a immigration bureau as well as a National Police.

Read Morehere

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

For a good laugh.

Filed under: Alternatives Tagged: Anak Sarawak Bangsa Malaysia, Human rights, Save Sarawak Read More

Eja B E R S I H ... beruk sarkas!

Namanya sebuah wacana ilmu, dan tajuknya cukup membayangkan ia perbincangan ilmiah 'Apa selepas 9 Julai?" dengan ahli row berprofil tinggi, sepatutnya semua hadirin duduk dengan tenang dan tertib mendengar row berhujah. Namun kalangan penyokong Bersih yang hadir menukar wacana ilmu jadi macam pertunjukan sarkas. Itulah hakikat sebenar perangai tak senonoh segelintir manusia yang sikapnya


Ada cerita menarik yang sampai ke telinga aku. Aku tak pastilah sama ada cerita yang aku dengar ni betul ke tidak. Tapi kalau dilihat sekali imbas, memang ada juga kebenaran cerita yang disampaikan kat aku ni.

Jumaat lalu, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah atau Ku Li yang merupakan Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang, yang juga merupakan antara Ahli Parlimen pale 'dinosaur' dalam sejarah negara telah merasmikan

Bersih open to biometric plan, but not convinced...

Following a Jul 9 Bersih 2.0 rally, a embattled Election Commission (EC) due to introduce a biometric voter verification system in order to eliminate mixed voting as well as 'phantom voters' - though electoral remodel group arch Ambiga Sreenevasan has her reservations.The tip concern, Ambiga said at a forum with EC emissary chairperson Wan Ahmad Wan Omar in Shah Alam today, was either a National Registration Department (NRD)'s datebase, upon which a biometric system will be entirely dependen ... Read More

Kumpulan perusuh tak perlu dilayan

Wacana Kecoh, Penyokong Bersih Gagal Kawal EmosiOleh ARIFFFUDDIN ISHAKSHAH ALAM: Selepas kekecohan di ibu negara pada 9 Julai lalu, penyokong Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) masih gagal mengawal emosi termasuk sewaktu menghadiri diskusi ilmiah mengenai hala tuju gabungan berkenaan pada Selasa.Selain mencetuskan suasana bising hingga menggangu kelancaran majlis, terdapat juga

Malaysian blogs on Singapore's radar

A couple of blogs my dear readers would be informed with have been posterior a have a difference with our troops radars (see screenshots). The Singapore Mindef has contacted a single of a bloggers to have some clarifications (the blogger will be publishing it upon his site soon). The amazing thing is, Sin's Mindef did not repudiate a posting. Mmmm ...

Read a total story here

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After Christians and communists, Wahabis next - Malaysiakini

Everybody who does not determine with Umno's version of Malay leverage is possibly a Jew, a Christian, a Wahabi, a communist or what not.' Dood: So terrorism is a bogeyman now? The demonising of a Christians, Jews, communists as well as unfamiliar agents are not ...



Bila aku dengar berita ni, aku gelak guling-guling! Kelakar sungguh! Memang SI BANTUT KEMETOT PUTRAJAYA ni sangat pandai buat lawak! Sangat berkesan lawaknya!

Ada orang bagitahu, dia tengah duk aim tempat di salah satu kerusi DUN Perak untuk dia bertanding pada PRU13 nanti. Tu pasallah dia himpit gila babi dan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh supaya namanya on-the-surface. Gaduh

EC praises BN for responsible approach to reform suggestions

Members of the assembly react during todays open dialogue. Picture by Choo Choy May

SHAH ALAM, Jul twenty-six The Election Commission (EC) today praised Barisan Nasional (BN) for progressing the non-hostile approach when suggesting possible electoral reforms to the commission.

EC deputy authority Datuk Wira Wan Ahmad Wan Omar pronounced which this was in stark contrariety to the actions of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers, who he claimed irresponsibly portrayed the elect in the bad light.

BN has never attacked or put down the EC, which is the difference between PAS, DAP, PKR as well as BN.

BN will criticize us when they encounter us though they will not resort to regulating the media to openly chastise us though you, sirs, make use of the media as well as gash us, he pronounced to the carol of boos as well as jeers during the open discourse with Bersih authority Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan today.

Wan Ahmad pronounced this in reply to critique which the EC had acted in the defensive demeanour when addressing Bersihs remodel final when it should have remained neutral instead.

Your tone, even in the EC handbook, contains partisan language, commented IDEAS authority Wan Saiful Wan Jan, who was the moderator for the dialogue.

The EC is defending itself. We have been attacked left, right as well as centre. You cannot expect us to sojourn quiet, pronounced an exasperated-looking Wan Ahmad.

Bersih claimed which 50,000 people showed up for the convene notwithstanding efforts to prevent the entertainment from taking place. Police pronounced the series was closer to 6,000.

The criticism incited chaotic when military dismissed tear gas as well as water cannons at demonstrators, resulting in nearly 1,700 arrests, scores injured as well as the genocide of former troops man Baharuddin Ahmad, 59.

The supervision has betrothed to examine allegations of military sa! vagery w hilst the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) will hold the separate open inquiry into military conduct during the rally.

Clone voters: EC confessed so police must act

Teoh El SenThe find of multiform news cases of counterpart electorate has constrained PAS to board a military report.The military must investigate allegations of counterpart electorate now which a Election Commission (EC) has confessed to its life in a electoral rolls.PAS Youth secretary Khairul Faizi Ahmad Kamil pronounced a find of multiform brand new cases of counterpart electorate is incontrovertible explanation which haunt electorate existed on a ECs voter lists.Khairul, who lodged a inform during a Dang Wangi military headquarters today ... Read More

Guna Blogger Anti Islam untuk Fitnah Anwar Ibrahim dan Pakatan Rakyat

Di bawah adalah kata-kata dari beberapa blogger yang diupah Najib dan Taib Mahmud mengikut pendedahan blog Sarawak Report. Mengikut Sarawak Report, blogger2 seperti Jon Tevino dan Caleb Howe ini biukan sahaja menista Nabi Muhammad SAW tetapi menyokong Israel secara terbuka.Malahan, blogger ini secara terbuka mahu flotilla membantu Gaza ditembak dan dijahanamkan.BLogger2 yang sama sedang digunakan oleh Najib dan Taib Mahmud untuk menyerang Anwar Ibrahim dan Pakatan Rakyat.Rupanya tak cukup dgn cy ... Read More


Kontroversi melibatkan MKN dengan sebahagian cerdik pandai agama yang dikatakan Wahabi dan dilabelkan sebagai PENGGANAS sebenarnya tidak lebih daripada MAINAN MALAYSIAKINI dalam cubaan melaga-lagakan figur-figur penting umat Islam di negara ini, terutama sekali apabila membabitkan Uthman El-Muhammadi.

Seperti yang kita tahu, MALAYSIAKINI adalah salah satu daripada senjata Zionis yang menerima

"Kickback" ke tiga: Cerita submarine oleh Suaram hanya wayang

Ada maklumat baru yang puak Suaram cuba mainkan. Kononnya pihak peguam Perancis yuang mereka lantik sudah jumpa ada bayaran "kickback" ke tiga.Mai kita ingat balik. Suaram hidupkan isu ini dengan melantik William Bourdon sebagai peguam. Pada mulanya dia tidak yakin tapi dengan pujuk rayu, dia setuju. Barangkali mereka mengaruh peguam hak asasi manusia itu dengan cerita2 politik untuk dapatkan

Malaysia's Media Consultative Council: Why it's NOT a good idea

READ additionally the journalist's perspective of reporters shooting off their mouths

... And how they could have made it happen.You may have review it at 3540 Jalan Sudin, how the reporters as well as editors* shot down Rais Yatim-Hishammuddin Hussein's attempt at giving birth to the Media Consultative Council as well as dealt the Information Ministry's sec-gen, Kamaruddin Siarap, the massive humiliation.

None of the