The meaning of God and the freedom of religion
If a self-assurance can be destroyed, it contingency be a self-assurance in lies. A self-assurance which is unequivocally a self-assurance in law is never fearful of being destroyed; it cannot since law cannot be destroyed. Only lies have been fearful of being broken, usually lies need protection. Truth in itself is self-evident. So if you have a little self-assurance which is usually a lie, it makes you secure.
The clarification of God as well as a hold up of God have been issues of great importance in propinquity to a leisure of religion. For this simply discussion, it competence be improved to come to a little bargain as to what you assimilate by a tenure "God" though applying etymology. Generally speaking you have:
First meaning, according to Rev. Prof. Frederick Copleston: presume to meant provisionally during least - a autarchic personal being graphic from a universe as well as creator of a world, such a being actually exists, as well as which His hold up can be valid philosophically.
The Christian God is a personal God. This does not meant which God is a tellurian being, though which God has "personality" as well as a capability of both relationships with alternative personal beings. In his discuss with Father Copleston, Bertrand Russell supposed this clarification although his in front of is which of agnosticism. The keyword is "personal being".
Second meaning, according to Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh or Osho: God is not a person, God is a assemblage of all which is. The total creative appetite of hold up is God. God is not a creator; rather, God is a creative! force, a unequivocally origination itself.
For a New Age Movement (NAM), a second clarification of God is some-more appropriate. New Agers use a non-judgmental viewpoint toward error as well as falsehood. They hold which everyone's trail is their own choosing as well as which it is all from God. So they could never contend someone or something was wrong. Nature is unexcited to a values, as well as can usually be supposed by ignoring a notions of great as well as bad. Thus it is appropriate to assume which God is impersonal. The keyword is "creative force".
Third meaning, when Prophet Muhammad was asked by his contemporaries about Allah; a answer came without delay from Allah Himself in a form of a reduced section of a Qur'an, which reads: "In a name of Allah, a Merciful, a Compassionate. Say (O Muhammad), He is God, a One God, a Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, as well as equal to Him is not anyone".
Is Allah personal or unbiased in Islam? Islamic description of Allah is unknowable as well as upon top of comprehension, usually adjectival words have been allowed. It is deliberate blasphemous to "presume" which a single can know Allah closely or explain any sort of close, personal fellowship with him, to illustrate it is protected to assume which Allah is impersonal. The keyword is "unknowable".
Four questions have been acted based upon a element of four-cornered conflicting in Indian Philosophy:
Is God personal?
Is God impersonal?
Is God both personal as well as impersonal?
Is God conjunction personal nor impersonal?
Sanjaya (6th. B. C.), a most appropriate well known apostate during his time would not usually not contend a clear "Yes" to any question, though would additionally not give a clear "No". That is God cannot be without delay expressed, though usually as a conflicting of negation.
In any religion, God cannot be both pe! rsonal a s well as unbiased since a former will be initial as well as foremost, in sequence for God to be impersonal, God contingency be personal first. This is an a posteriori actuality as well as it is unequivocally difficult to suppose God's eternalness if unbiased God came first. For God, a passing from a single to an additional from unbiased to personal is meaningless, for example, humans have been combined from earth, humans have been personal being though earth is not. Either personal God or unbiased God had combined humans from earth. Humans have been not God, though it is suggestive for personified humans to emanate unbiased objects such as cars, ships, computers etc. Then who combined God? We leave this question as it leads to an infinite regression.
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The 0 in a arithmetical series of numbers upon top of is an indistinct quantity as well as to contend reduction 0 or plus 0 makes no difference, though it is still a number. If it is not certain or negative, you cannot contend it is both certain as well as negative since certain as well as negative have been conflicting as well as cannot be attributed to a same number. So if God is conjunction personal nor impersonal, a psychic source of void or nihilism came in to play as well as to illustrate God does not exist or God could presumably had been invented by humans.
The way scholarship inquires as well as progresses is exactly a way of man's middle search to find a law as well as becomes a lab unto himself. The Buddha could not find any God inside of himself or outside after searching to a unequivocally core of his being, to illustrate Buddhists do not hold in God, instead they speak about Nirvana. Buddha's sacrament is based in an middle benediction, in an middle great fortune it has nothing to do with fear, especially of God. Buddha says which it is not since of fright which should you be moral, though since of understanding.
The entrance ! of a sup er mind, a perfect being or messiah who will lead us in to a prolonged awaited epoch of judgment peace, adore as well as joy is being expected by all sacrament - a Hindu Avatar, a Al Mahdi of a Muslims, a Jewish Messiah, a Buddhist Maitreya, or a second entrance of Christ. Are they all point to a same being which is soon to come or have been they different? So which God, explanation or training is true, genuine or right?
The most quarrelsome issue is a formation of theocratic state which put a question of either God is personal, unbiased or not existent untenable. With a formation as well as implementation of theocratic state by force, a little adherents competence reject eremite pluralism which claims which all religions have been similarly loyal as well as similarly good. They additionally accept which usually their sacrament possesses a perfect as well as complete revelation. This is a recipe for call in to war when each side claimed to have a mandate from God as well as since leisure of sacrament is so critical as Bertrand Russell asserts:
"When dual organisation of scholarship disagree, they do not plead a secular arm; they wait for for serve justification to confirm a issue, because, as organisation of science, they know which conjunction is infallible. But when dual theologians differ, since there is no criteria to which either can appeal, there is nothing for it though mutual loathing as well as an open or covert interest to force."
Many unaltered verses in a Qu'ran did discuss about fighting a infidels. The Qur'an certainly proclaims which when a time is appropriate, Muslims contingency have use of force or perhaps alternative pointed ways to modify a unbelievers to Islam as well as to retaliate or kill any a single who leaves Islam. According to a element of abrogation, "Let there be no constraint in religion" is being abrogated by a after texts "Verses of a sword" to compel conversion of a heathen by armed assault which historically Islam's elite metho! d. At a core, Islam is a eremite mission to all humanity as well as Muslims have been religiously obliged to pass out a Islamic self-assurance via a world. In a issue of a Sep eleven terrorist attacks, Saudi eremite as well as domestic leaders, in a routine of extending their condolences to President Bush, additionally extended an call in to him to modify to Islam.
Realistical, authentical or ethical questions aside, a upon top of paragraph is usually distinct if God is personal, God's authority is His personal authority as well as not His will, goal or desire. Humans contingency hold which they have been equates to to fly prior to operative upon office office building an aeroplane. A tellurian who usually will could never take to a sky or shift a world. The importance is upon since you wish to hold prior to doing a scold things. Similarly, usually personal God has a prerogative to select a opposite mode to reveal a Qu'ran by Jibril as compared to how a Torah is revealed to Moses as well as a Bible by Jesus. Thus, it is additionally distinct as well as sensible when Pope Urban II orders a initial Crusade to take back Christian lands from Muslim invaders since he is a representative of personal God upon earth.
The hint of ceremony in Islam is a feeling of thankfulness towards Allah. The feeling of thankfulness is so critical which a maverick is called a kafir or an infidel, which equates to a single who denies a law as well as additionally a single who is ungrateful. This hint of ceremony is distinct usually if God is personal as well as knowable as He is equates to to grant us a wishes, as usually personal God can wills prior to any yields, differently it is identical to a worshiping a water, stone or tree believed to enclose unknowable boundless impression of a healthy universe as practiced in paganism.
Let's compare God to gravitational force to heed personal as well as unbiased God. Impersonal God can never grant us a wishes. Take for example, a male who worships grav! itationa l force a million times, he will still die a million times if he jumped a million times from a hundred level office office building though a parachute; unless a personal God commanded a little angels to save him from crashing. So organisation do not urge as well as will not be beholden to all these existent forces though they have to do a little investigate to assimilate them. These existent forces will not reveal a formula or theories to us by worshiping them though it is for us to have use of systematic proceed as well as experiments to comprehend them.
But Islamic bargain is some-more upon "textual as well as orthodox consensus" rsther than than philosophical erect as you see in a case of a reduced tenure success of a Mu'tazilite theology based upon reason as well as receptive thought. The adherents of a Mu'tazilite propagandize have been most appropriate well known for their assertion which since of a perfect togetherness as well as eternal inlet of Allah, a Qu'ran contingency thus had been created, as it could not be co-eternal with God. This combined dual possibilities, upon a a single hand, distinguishing a Divine attributes (living, powerful, generous, speech) from a Divine hint (God's oneness) with a former subordinate to a latter as well as upon a alternative end, those who were opposite a Mu'tazilite insisted which a attributes of God were genuine beings which evermore subsist in God.
Ahmad ibn Hanbal is remembered as a exemplary defender of hadith, against a metaphorical assimilate of a Qu'ran as well as Sunna as they should be supposed as being though enchanting in any hermeneutical extension. Eschatological images (punishment in hell) have been not metaphorical though genuine as well as anthropomorphic denunciation (God's throne, hands, eyes) is simply to be accepted, "without asking how." In a finish a traditional-minded ulama emerged stronger as well as eccentric than ever as well as a Caliph Mutawwakil topsy-turvy march as well as! embrace d a viewpoint of a some-more traditional eremite scholars. One self-assurance as well as functions complaint is as such: Muslims should not though do perform a external functions identified with Islam though a middle self-assurance of faith, though was it additionally probable to have self-assurance detached from works? The Mu'tazilites compromised as well as came tighten to a eventual "orthodox" resolution to a complaint of self-assurance as well as functions which arises.
Religion which affects people during three intertwined levels personal, amicable as well as domestic - should be distant since a energy of sacrament based domestic supremacy as well as a eventual risk of corruption over people's personal as well as amicable hold up had brought untold suffering via a history of mankind. Some eremite people have been motivated by their domestic interests initial as well as find a eremite motive to suit a occasion; this is a danger to those who would similar to to live peacefully in a pluralistic world. Osho, who claims to teach religiousness as well as agrees which sacrament as well as politics should remain separate, has this to contend about God, law as well as spirituality:
The purpose of hold up is hold up itself. Life cannot be understood. You can live it which is a usually bargain there. If you assimilate what hold up is, you will never ask what God is.
When you contend this list exist, it is suggestive since a list can go out of existence: you can tumble short it. But when you contend God exists it is meaningless, since God cannot go out of hold up as well as cannot be destroyed. Existence is suggestive usually if nonexistence is possible. If nonexistence is impossible, hold up is meaningless.
God is beyond both: have a difference as well as mind. You cannot know God unless you turn God himself. If you contend "I can know God though apropos God," you have been observant something impossible. Because of this, Christianity as well as Mohamme! danism b oth consider which to contend which you can turn God is sacrilegious, profane, irreligious; it doesn't uncover respect. The Mohammedan viewpoint about it has been so stubborn which it killed Mansur al-Hallaj as well as alternative Sufi mystics since they declared which they were God. Unless you enter him, as well as turn a single with him, how can you know him? You can usually pierce around as well as around him. But whatsoever you come to know is usually information which is gathered from without, it is not direct knowledge.
Reality cannot be well known by a outdoor senses a outdoor senses interpret being as matter. Reality cannot be well known by a middle senses a middle senses interpret being as mind. Reality can be well known usually when you have taken a jump in to being itself, though any mediators; when you have mislaid your thoughts as well as when you have mislaid your meditation also.
The accurate sacrament does not teach you to worship. The accurate sacrament teaches you to find your immortality, to find a god inside of you. Death is degraded usually by those who have been ready to die any moment, to accept genocide though any reluctance.
Truth, by a unequivocally nature, cannot be organized. To orderly truth, or to kill it, meant a same thing. The initial thing an orderly establishment do is to kill a own esoteric part, since a esoteric organisation is regularly a disturbance, a heresy.
A loyal sacrament will not need self-assurance from you. A loyal sacrament will need experience. It will not ask you to dump your doubt, it will assistance you to whet your disbelief so which you can inquire to a unequivocally end. The loyal sacrament will assistance you find your truth. Mohammed's law is Mohammed's truth; it cannot be yours usually by apropos a Mohammedan.
Neither can a pope, a eremite leaders convince anybody which for God's consequence you have to kill. Strange since God has combined everybody. Whomsoever y! ou have been killings you have been murdering God's creation. If it is loyal which god combined a world, afterwards there should be no war it is a single family, there should be no nations.
All wars have been irreligious. Many some-more people have been killed in a name of sacrament than in any alternative name. It has nothing to do with religions, usually a ego. Whatsoever is yours has to be a most appropriate in a world. Whatsoever is others' cannot be a best, cannot be authorised to be a most appropriate in a world.
There would be no great as well as no bad since integrity as well as badness have been tellurian distinctions, mental distinctions. If there were no tellurian beings upon earth, would there be any flower which was nauseous or any flower which was beautiful? There would usually be flowers flowering; a distinction would not be there. Existence exists with no beginning as well as no end, though with most changes.
Religions have been opposite sex since which is a usually way to have you unhappy, guilty, afraid. Once you have been afraid, you can be manipulated. Remember this elemental rule: have a person fearful if you wish to browbeat him. First have him afraid. If he is afraid, you can browbeat him. If he is not afraid, since as well as how can you browbeat him? There have been dual things which have people unequivocally much fearful a single is genocide as well as a alternative is sex.
Faith is blind in a opposite sense since it has a own way of seeing. It is not saying by reason, it is saying by a heart. Truth cannot be uttered, a impulse you utter it, it becomes a lie. Truth cannot be said. The impulse you contend it, it is roughly partial of a mental condition now; no longer truth.
Religion can be an opium, so can communism anything which gives hope for a future, in this universe or in an additional world; anything which helps you to sacrifice your benefaction for something which helps to feed your ego.
If! a self- assurance can be destroyed, it contingency be a self-assurance in lies. A self-assurance which is unequivocally a self-assurance in law is never fearful of being destroyed; it cannot since law cannot be destroyed. Only lies have been fearful of being broken, usually lies need protection. Truth in itself is self-evident. So if you have a little self-assurance which is usually a lie, it makes you secure.
Prayer does a same thing, as well as priests do a same thing they have you some-more adjusted. Meditation is a science. It is not starting to assistance you in adjustment, it is starting to assistance you in transformation.
You cannot find truth. You can find it, though you cannot find it. The unequivocally seeking is a hindrance. All objects have been secular since "seeking" is a world. So you cannot find anything non-worldly. The impulse you seek, it becomes a world. If you find God, your God is partial of a world. You have been a law usually here as well as now, it is not something to be completed in a future.
A child is pristine since there is no mind. And a impulse hold comes, multiplication enters. You proceed to sequence between what is great as well as what is bad. You cannot emanate sequence upon a world. When you try to emanate sequence you emanate disorder. Religion regularly sequence you in to two: a evil as well as a divine. If someone unequivocally follows them, he will come to assimilate which a impulse you tumble short a devil, God is destroyed.
Whatsoever you know about "God" is by "tolds" - a parents, a society, a culture. It is your conditioning. And right away you have got a judgment about God as well as you have been perplexing to assimilate which word. "God" is not a word. The word God is not God. The word is simply a word, in itself dull as well as meaningless. If you unequivocally wish to know what God is, you will have to dump a word as well as dump a thoughts as well as pierce in to no-mind. Love will bring you closer to it ! than thi nking.
If you don't hold in any God, you may not be irreligious, since God is not basic to religion. Non ego is basic to religion. And even if you hold in God, with an egoist thoughts you have been irreligious. With a non egoistic thoughts there is no need to hold in a God. You tumble in to a boundless automatically.
Whenever you have been silent, a ego is not. Whenever your thoughts is restless, a ego is there. That's since you cannot love, since with a ego, adore is impossible. Love, meditation, God, they all need a single thing a ego contingency not be there. Jesus is right in observant which God is love, since both phenomena happen usually when a ego is not. If you know love, there is no need to know God you have well known him already.
As a outcome of these "powerful" teachings similar to a a single upon top of by Osho, New Age practices have done their way in to roughly every area of opposite enlightenment as well as religion, as well as leaders of monotheistic sacrament have been unequivocally unhappy. They accused a New Age practices as satanic as well as quoted eremite scriptures to justify their position, such as; in a original lie, Satan questions God's word as well as authority as well as claims which by a merger of tip or gnostic wisdom, male can be enlightened as well as can be similar to God. The most critical quarrelsome question/issue is either male has a leisure as well as right to select between Gnosticism (teaching which esoteric or boundless hold could be gained without delay by oneself) or Scripturalism (strict correspondence to a verbatim assimilate of a eremite books presided by intermediaries).
In Sai Baba's example, there were video justification which he achieved magical tricks rsther than than miracles. Subsequently, his orderly exoteric organisation would forestall people from bringing video camera in to a ashram. In this case, a New Agers in front of would be a non-judgmental as well as they see! a magic tricks as a technique to draw people towards religiousness. They additionally viewpoint which Prophet Muhammad uses a sword as a technique during his time, if he doesn't, he would substantially had been killed by a sword of others. But if a leisure to select as well as use any sacrament is denied, don't be fooled by a idea which a New Agers would sit quietly, you hold they too can be "corrupted" to turn merciless as well as substantially turn a most brutal as well as monster killers. Lest you forgot, this leisure includes a liberty to select to turn an atheist.
Before it turns endless, you would similar to to finish my "quoted from assorted sources" article with questions for my readers to ponder as well as find answers:
Is Satan personal, impersonal, unknowable or improved not to know?
If God is Almighty, since didn't He tumble short all a Satan once as well as for all?
Did Buddhism influence early Christianity as researchers claimed to have found explanation of a hold up of manuscripts in India as well as Tibet which support a idea which Christ was in India during this time in his life?
Is it loyal according to Prof. Tariq Ramadan of Oxford University which Islam does not forestall or kill any a single who leaves a Islamic self-assurance however a killings had been confused with domestic treason?
Is Allah a same as a God of a Bible? From a scholarly Christian perspective, see here since Allah is not a same as a God of a Bible.
Why Allah is a God who is to be served as well as in contrast Jesus is a God who came to serve?
How to assimilate a actuality which you usually have access to a will of Allah as well as a explanation is not a explanation of Allah, though a explanation of his will?
Why Christianity overemphasizing faith/love as well as forsaking a law as well as since Islam integrated both law as well as faith/l! ove?
Is it loyal which a God of a Bible is love, since Allah's primary evil is power?
Could it be probable which Allah's energy leads to fatalism rsther than than tractability from a confidence for a believer?
Why there is a contrasting actuality which a God of a Bible wants to be well known in a context of His personal predestination whilst Allah does not wish to be known?
Why Jesus will descend in a Buddhist fashion, ready to go in yellow robes with his head anointed according to a Hadith? Why not in white or black burqa?
Is it loyal according to Ibn Warraq in his book "Why you am not a Muslim" which a Islamic Allah is a finish outcome of theological expansion as well as concoction from non-believer pre-Islamic eremite systems in a Middle east?
Is it loyal according to Ibn Warraq again, there were numerous words of foreign start in a Qu'ran as well as a Arabs Arabicized them, for e.g. a word "Koran" itself comes from a Syriac, as well as Prophet Muhammad apparently got it from Christian sources?
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In response to Salas Santino's letter

"Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort."- Jules (Pulp Fiction)

First off we would similar to to thank Salas Santino, a bard of 'Is 2013 break time for BN or Pakatan?', for taking a time to respond to my square 'Umno's final tango before a reckoning'.

However, Santino is operating under a couple of inadequate assumptions which we hope to scold in this response.
we apologize in advance for a length of this reply though we wish to be thorough given this is a choosing season as well as as someone whose essay is pro-opposition, we wish to state my positions clearly as well as unambiguously.

The bard starts by not "faulting" me for "biasness" each time we write forMalaysiakinibut does not insist what this "biasness" is.

For my part, it is not which my biasness have been "exposed" in my columns though rsther than we have spoken my await of a oppositional forces in this nation as well as specifically Pakatan Rakyat in numerous pieces which have appeared inMalaysiakini. A cursory celebration of a mass of any of my articles would have confirmed this.

From what we managed to interpret of a letter, there have been 4 vital points of contention which a bard has of my square (or rsther than me).

The initial is my characterisation of this upcoming ubiquitous election. The second, my "elitist" position as far as governing body is concerned.
The third, my stance upon a two-coalition model as well as a fourth point, a strong contradiction in my criticisms of Pakatan as well as BN as well as my thought in a two-coalition paradigm.

Apparently, to! a bard my "confusion writ large" is my contention which this coming choosing is a "grudge match" in between Pakatan as well as BN.
Santino offers two assumptions of his own (coloured no disbelief by his own biasness) as to why this characterisation is wrong.

The initial is which this coming choosing would be Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's final shot during a head job in Putrajaya as well as a second, which this choosing is for a "soul of Malaysia" which a bard afterwards goes upon to strut with "well-rehearsed points which have prolonged borne a realities of ? la mode as well as even historical Malaysian politics" in transgression of his own rejoinder to me.

NONEAs for a first, what creates a bard consider which this is Anwar's final shot during a title? Anwar has made many claims as well as left during a back of upon them.
Going by Anwar's history, we consider it would be safe to assume which this might or might not be his final try during a throne in Putrajaya as well as his protestations of a former might be only domestic spin.

Furthermore, if many others as well as we assume it is a hate match, it is an arrogance which has during slightest a little credibility given a guts of Pakatan comprises Umno outlaws as well as malcontents who for whatever reasons have joined Pakatan as a possible re-entry indicate into a corridors of power.

Let us not forget which Anwar himself upon assorted occasions has stated which his "retribution" would be opposing those energy players in Umno as well as not a regular members.

In this context, we do not consider it is misleading to characterise this choosing as a hate compare as well as this is not taking into account a punish fantasies of partisans who during any chance they get in a alternative media puke o! ut their desires for retribution opposing a complement of administration which has wronged them.
People (who a bard likes to remind us) have been a car of change, so we see no complaint in lumping them in with domestic parties of their choice.

I see no complaint with this outline since governing body is an endeavour fuelled by assorted human motivations as well as as always, it is up to us (the people), to guard a corridors of energy as well as see to it which a voices have been heard upon top of a din of backroom dealing.

Populist policies

As for a whole "soul of Malaysia" showdown, this is arrogant narrow-minded posturing which unfortunately is a rallying cry of both coalitions in this country.
It would be a credible tender if a polices of both were utterly different, which of course they have been not.

However, a real complaint with this "soul" arrogance from my side of a domestic order is which it furthers a account which Umno as well as BN have been though await as well as a whole of Malaysia is during a back of Pakatan, thereby shortening BN supporters as "ignoramuses" who would be improved off under a Pakatan administration with all a flaws a bard himself acknowledges.

In addition, as far as swinging a worthless "ringgit", is a bard wakeful which Pakatan is you do a same thing with all a populist policies of free education, subsidised fuel as well as (sic) affordable housing?

I have no thought where a bard gets a thought which we am "ever so prone to situate governing body during a chosen level, roughly as if typical Malaysians would be inexperienced by all a politics."
If anything in a comments section of my pieces, we am vilified as being as well "idealistic" which we take to meant placing principle over domestic expediency.

NONEAgain, a cursory celebration of a mass of any of my articles would confirm my vox populi stance. If a bard had worried to do a little research, he would have detected my await for grassroots turn movements similar to Hindraf, PSM, my criticisms of a Umno complement of patronage, a MCA as well as solemnly (emerging DAP) plutocracy, a crass conservative governing body of urban middle-class voters, a stroke of Islam upon a average Muslim (my contempt for a apart though next to Pakatan mount with regards to hudud is well documented), not to mention a holiest of holies, my no-holds-barred (some would argue, reckless) criticisms of a Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), etc. points to a expect opposing of a writer's contention.

If anything in most of my articles, we have been raging opposing a "elitism" in governing body as well as a predicament of a disenfranchised that, domestic elites make use of as talking points in their domestic campaigns, a rsther than hapless being of democracy.

The bard than goes into a prolonged wind about my welfare for a two-coalition model central to which is his fear of a state of "third world democracies".
The bard does not conclude what he means by "functional democracy" as well as his rejection of supposed "third world" democracies similar to India as well as Indonesia, is puzzling given he conjunction gives reasons why they have been dysfunctional nor does he elaborate upon how "substantial changes" in South Africa as well as Fiji, does not fairly simulate a will of a people.

To be honest, we have no thought what indicate a bard is attempting to convey.
There seems to be a little difficulty upon a part of a bard of a concept of a two-party model or rsther than his conflations of a form of democracies as well as a post-colonial realities of a countries he cites.

NONEAll a two-party model ensures is which opposing forces through a list box influences a way in which a complement operates through cyclical elections. Substantial changes have been only possible if a distinguish citizens tames a vested interests within these opposing forces.

If Pakatan is frank in reforming a complement as well as they retain a required parliamentary mandate to carry out such reforms, it would be obligatory upon BN to retreat such policies if (unpopular) when they lapse to energy as well as if they retain a required mandate.

Is this a perfect system? Not by a prolonged shot though a bard does not indicate an alternative.
On a other hand, maybe he does. May be he would prefer it Pakatan has a monopoly upon "change" for decades? we unequivocally cannot tell.

Blind loyalty

The bard has difficulty understanding what my "beef" is as well as goes upon to whine which we "can't have it both ways".
Does any a single else see a complaint with this? First, a bard accuses me having "biasness" which he does not define.
Then he claims which my criticism of Pakatan as well as BN is someway having it both ways.

Moreover, how does being vicious of both coalitions as well as subscribing to a two-party paradigm, incompatible?
If anything, by assessing a agendas of a two coalitions as well as making an informed choice not predicated upon blind loyalty, this would safeguard which a two-party complement works.

The complaint here in Malaysia, is which we have never attempted to allow an additional bloc (for assorted reasons) a event to lead this nation though some-more importantly, Umno cannot rest upon a track record or during slightest this is my thinking as an opposition supporter.

However, a punch line is a bard afterwards goes upon inventory his own criticisms of Pakatan as well as BN regurgita! ting a s ame examples we have used in my assorted criticism pieces.

The Perak fiasco, a Kedah shenanigans, "Umno's bribery", a Selangor quagmire, Pakatan "turncoats", PAS as well as a "coy Islamic agenda", Anwar's Sept 16 debacle... scarcely each emanate upon his list with regard to BN as well as Pakatan, is something which we have created about before as well as a couple in a really article a bard finds so problematic. So, dear reader, who is a a single "re-boiling" fully cooked eggs, now?

The bard says it is break time for Pakatan as well as BN. This was pithy in my criticism piece.
The bard singles me (and by a way, it is "the aged commander" not commodore) out for rehashing aged issues, which is mocking since rehashing "old issues" sometimes happens in a echo chamber which is a alternative press, not to mention what BN as well as Pakatan often do.

It would have been profitable to me, if a bard elaborated upon those policies emanate of BN as well as Pakatan which he thinks should be dated as well as which we might have missed, though what we got was a treacherous polemic in which a bard could not even follow his own advice.

PTPTN dataran lay in by studentsAs far as me not dwelling upon vicious process issues, maybe if a bard had done a little research, he would realize which process issues be it a final of Hindraf, losing a physical battle, a inlet of press reforms, certain action policies, Pakatan as well as BN conservative tutorial polices (with regards to a PTPTN debate, for example), a armed forces, have been front as well as centre of my pieces.

The bard obviously disagrees with a square though a subject is, is it something we wrote or is it something he is projecting upon a piece?

Santino's creates many assumptions about my domestic leanin! gs as we ll as my writings inMalaysiakinibut offers no justification to justify his claims.
For someone who takes a shot during columnists' inability to recognise a "truth", we was hoping a bard would yield a little note as to where most of us writers go wrong.

The truth is, we get some-more probity from a commenters of my regular pieces than this particular writer.
The bard ends his minute with a allude to from my square he finds confusing. What can we say? It seems ideally transparent to me as well as to many others who review a piece. Go figure.
S THAYAPARAN is Commander (rtd) of a Royal Malaysian Navy.
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Pakatan rule dangerous only for BN leaders

YOURSAY'Yes, Pakatan order would be really dangerous. But usually for those who abused their powers in a past as well as contingency be hold under obligation for their actions.'

Mahathir: Even 5 years for Pakatan is dangerous

your sayAbsalom:Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, you have been indeed being really advanced as well as caring, in warning us about a dangers of change, of how really bad a preference it would be to let Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim as well as Pakatan Rakyat order even for a unaccompanied term, what monetary mess could happen, of nepotism, cronyism, misapplication as well as greed, things which were unheard of during your rule.

Your concern for a republic is so good which you keep reminding us never to shift as well as if you could assistance it, I am sure you would sojourn in assign as well as take care of a contentment during this developed aged age as well as maybe even in to your next birth.

It's usually so shocking which a little people consider a misfortune which Pakatan can presumably do to a republic won't be half as bad as what you as well as your successors in BN have already done, don't you think?

Starr:If 5 years for a Pakatan tenure of supervision can be described as dangerous, what about 55 years of a hurtful Umno-BN government?

Surely, you can afford a shift of supervision for it is a prerequisite of progress. Mahat! hir for all his wisdom, contingency realise Umno-BN have no corner of a right to govern a republi! c perpet ually.

The hint of democracy detects continual changes of administration department for better governance, some-more obliged as well as some-more under obligation government.

The formula of a unaccompanied celebration order over 55 years have been obviously evident. If anyone a unaccompanied fails to see a disappearing state of a republic over a duration since of bad governance, he/she should go as well as have his/her sights examined.

Kingfisher:Utterly amusing remarks from Mahathir considering which his own jot down of dual decades of leadership, which has been laid bare, belies his comments.

He seems to be a unaccompanied of kind in his sum negligence for receptive acknowledgments of one's vivid inadequacies as well as faults as compared to achievements.

He seems to have no idea (or refuses to acknowledge) of a long-term disastrous opportunity costs Malaysians could have avoided for a really same attainments.

His two-decade care is increasingly seen as a discredit to a nation. Not enough can ever be pronounced of this seemingly unaccompanied exponent of a brand new national adage which communities can invariably omit miss of capacity as well as even acquit abuses by chance to special privileges.
WangMalaysia:Five years of Pakatan order is indeed really dangerous. People similar to Mahathir as well as all his cohorts in Umno, MCA, MIC as well as a mosquito parties in BN will substantially be sent behind bars for all their transgressions over a years BN has been in power.

Hence, he cannot allow Malaysians put Pakatan in Putrajaya.

Fair Play:Yes, Pakatan order would be really dangerous. But for sure, not to a rakyat. Only to those who abused their powers in a past as well as contingency be hold under obligation for their actions.

Vgeorgemy:We have seen how South Korea was flustered during 1998 monetary crisis. During which duration Mahathir used South Korea as a! n exampl e to inject fear in to Malaysians so which you would take his prescription. Today South Korea is a unaccompanied of a richest countries in a world.

With hindsight, you know you were wrong in 1998. Tun, if you have an independent polite service, you wouldn't have to be concerned about who is running a country. Indeed, you destroyed all supervision institutions to suit you as well as your cronies.

Anonymous_5fb:What's wrong if Anwar Ibrahim has a ambition to be PM of Malaysia? It's as if usually you who can be PM, as well as others, especially those disliked by you, can't.

Who have been you to contend who can or cannot be PM of Malaysia? Who do you consider you are?

Not Confused:This senile octagenarian is during it again. He is truly a many vast deceiver of a 20th (and right away 21st) century.

BN outlay a infancy of their time as well as bid ! in corrupting a complete polite service. Most of a largest GLCs (government-linked companies) as well as government-linked NGOs have been riddled with family members of those in power.

Yet this bigot of a top order has a benevolence to suggest which Pakatan can hurt a republic in 5 years. I desire to differ. BN has been ruining a republic over as well as over for 50 years right away as well as it is right away roughly upon a knees.

Mahathir, similar to his cronies as well as fawning supporters, is showing all a signs of a really, frightened as well as unfortunate man. So he should.

When Pakatan assumes control in Putrajaya, a republic will proceed to recover (true, it will take a substantial amount of time to reverse a crime as well as fraud within a administration). If Mahathir has his way, you have been all doomed.

Changeagent:Mahathir, why have been you usually talking about a IMF solutions which never saw a light of day in 1998?

Why not speak about a cows, condominiums, crony bailouts, million-ringgit rings as well as submarines! - all o f which can also bankrupt a nation?

Tholu:Before, Mahathir quietly brushed off Pakatan as "no threat" to BN. Now he urges a voters not to opinion for Pakatan.
If Pakatan is not a threat, why titillate a people to opinion opposite it? The law which Pakatan is a force to reckon with as well as which it is a challenging challenger to BN is falling in in to his ego.

Tomorrow he is starting to not usually advise, titillate as well as desire though he is starting to literally desire a voters not to opinion for Pakatan.

He knows which if Pa! katan com! es to power, his young kids as well as his cronies have been all starting to be probed as well as presumably charged in justice for monetary crimes.

Yes, he who says Pakatan will use nepotism as well as cronyism is a a unaccompanied who had young kids as well as cronies benefiting illegally during his tenure as a PM.

Anonymous #36950150:Fifty over years of a devil's order is enough so let us give a angel a try as well as see what they have to offer.
For we, a rakyat, will regularly have a energy to change. - Malaysiakini
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Perhaps Dr M speaks from experience

YOURSAY'Many things can be broken in 5 years, pronounced Mahathir. But have been we vocalization formed upon your own knowledge of destroying a judiciary, leisure of debate as well as press...'

Mahathir: Even 5 years for Pakatan is dangerous

your sayFerdtan:Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad pronounced it is dangerous for Pakatan Rakyat to order for even 5 years though he offered diseased reasons. His attacks were mainly aimed during Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, a person.

Mahathir, Pakatan is not about Anwar; it is some-more than which - it is a coalition of three equally clever partners. It is distinct a dictatorial Umno, which acts as a undisputable trainer of BN.

Whatever Umno decides, a alternative larger partners such as MCA as well as MIC in BN would not brave oppose, even if they disagree. It is not wrong to contend which BN is Umno, as well as Umno is BN.

We have been not certain Anwar practices nepotism as well as cronyism. But how can which be worse than BN, which has been we do it for a final 50 years?

We have heard prior to of Mahathir's accusation of Anwar being close with a bad guy, a IMF (International Monetary Fund), for blindly following a recommendations during a 1998 Asian financial crisis when he was a deputy PM.

After being expo! sed which he, as PM, hypocritically had asked for IMF loans to bail out a nation - he now mutated his statement to contend it was Anwar's accountability which he implemented IMF solutions even though a IMF loans.! See, Ma hathir is regularly 'right'.

Jaded:Many things can be broken in 5 years, pronounced Mahathir. But have been we vocalization formed upon your own knowledge of destroying a judiciary, leisure of debate as well as press, a electoral process, our education system as well as a military force?

Abasir:To correct a repairs inflicted upon this republic by Umno as well as Mahathir over a past 5 decades will take a lot longer than 5 years.

US President Barack Obama's challenge is to remove a economic massacre wreaked by George W Bush over only eight years.

The party which takes over Putrajaya will have to clean out a self-evident Aegean stables, whilst being continually sniped during as well as sabotaged by a effusive leeches as well as parasites.

The Selangor situation is a preview of what is to come. Pakatan needs to set up up a resources for a Herculean task.

Swipenter:I consider it would take during slightest 10 years for Pakatan to correct all a mistakes of his 22-year reign. Problems like corruption, cronyism, nepotism, racial as well as eremite taste won't disappear overnight.

Reforms would take years to bear fruits. It would need most without a friend measures over years to correct a ills afflicting a country. The majority is not regularly right. Many policies would have to be formed upon demur as well as not necessarily upon a will of a majority.
Slumdog:Mahathir's comments have been all about self-preservation as well as a anxiety he is feeling should a antithesis win government during a next election. He speaks as though he is perfect, angelic as well as though fault.

He is regularly right as well as anyone else who dared have a contrary perspective to his, is wrong. He bullied, intimidated, demonised as well as incarcerated domestic foes.

He is a male who single handedly broken a fabric of Malaysia's multiracial society, open as well as in isolation institu! tions by championing autochthonous corruption, cronyism as well as made lying an art form.

Adilawan:If it can be established which Wikipedia's originalpostingwas true to a contribution (based upon thisMalaysia Chroniclereport), afterwards a subject we wish answered is how Mahathir could amass so much of resources (estimated US$ 44 billion) upon a income as well as allowances he perceived as budding minister.

As an model god-fearing Muslim, he is duty bound to explain to a open a sources of his wealth.

If he won't, afterwards a presumption arises which his resources is not bona fide as well as accordingly, a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) ought to investigate him for corruption.

Not Convinced:Adilawan, we checked a Wikipedia's posting whenMalaysia Chronicleran a inform prior to Mahathir's name was in isolation from a list of 'Heads of state as well as government by net worth'.

The source which led to Mahathir's inclusion in a list is from thispostingin an anonymous blog, FinanceTwitter.

You can review a posting yourself upon how a blogger came up with a severe estimation of Mahathir's wealth.

The blog has a disclaimer: "FinanceTwitter publishes news, information, gossip (*evil grin*), rumours (who could resist this?), conjecture, opinions, as well as commentary... You should be doubtful of any report upon FinanceTwitter, given it might be wrong."

While most of us hatred Mahathir for what he had done, as well as is still doing, though let us criticize him formed upon facts, not upon furious conjecture.

OMG!!:What caused a A! sian Fin ancial Crisis? It was insane governments such as a Mahathir's afterwards government which ramped up identical tiwn deficits - change of remuneration as well as bill - as well as in isolation as well as open sector debts to set up monuments in a name of development.

That gave currency speculators such as George Soros a opportunity to attack a ringgit, which was artificially pegged opposite a US dollar as well as not upheld by fundamentals.

The afterwards government's pill was to print money, only as a Western countries have been we do now, to budding siphon a economy. If a IMF disinfectant had been taken, Mahathir would have been forced to dismantle his cronyism as well as nepotism.

He would not be means to bail out his own son who sole his ailing shipping as well as logistic association using government group Malaysia Inter! national ! Shipping Corporation (MISC).

The trusting as well as ignorant rakyat have been still profitable a cost of his medicine. Indeed, a country's debts level as well as bill deficits have not recovered since.

Ma Lay Sian:I determine with Mahathir - 5 years of Pakatan is really dangerous. As a matter of fact, one week is bad enough for you:

Day 1: Win Putrajaya. Day 2: Swearing in. Day 3: Issue warrant of arrest. Day 4: Charge we in court. Day 5: Convict you. Day 6: Turn down appeal. Day 7: You go to jail.

Wish we good health till which day, Tun. - Malaysiakini
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Awan Megah Sdn Bhd ("Awan Megah") dianugerahkan projek penswastaan pembinaan Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan Nasional ("Puspahanas") milik Kementerian Pertahanan melalui satu perjanjian bertarikh 8 June 2005 yang disertakan bersama.

Projek penswastaan tersebut melibatkan kerja-kerja merekabentuk dan membina (design as well as build) sebuah kolej latihan tentera.

Sebagai balasan kepada kerja-kerja merekabentuk dan membina Puspahanas, Kementerian Pertahanan berjanji akan memindahkan tiga bidang tanah iaitu PT220 (seluas 96.825 ekar), Lot 1158 (seluas 45.420 ekar) dan PT216 (seluas 81.085 ekar). Tanah-tanah seluas 223.33 ekar ini pada asalnya diambil oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan bagi tujuan membina kem tentera.

Menteri Pertahanan semasa kontrak ini dianugerahkan kepada Awan Megah adalah! Dato' S eri Najib Tun Razak. Oleh itu, beliau bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya kepada keputusan untuk melantik Awan Megah.

Awan Megah adalah syarikat yang dimiliki oleh Raja Ropiaah Raja Abdullah, Ketua Wanita Umno Selangor.

Berdasarkan semakan Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), Awan Megah adalah sebuah syarikat yang tidak pernah mempunyai apa-apa aktiviti sejak ia ditubuhkan. Maklumat kewangan yang terakhir yang difailkan dengan SSM adalah bagi tahun kewangan 31 Disember 1993 yang menunjukkan syarikat itu tidak menjalankan apa-apa aktiviti.

Sehingga kini, tidak ada sebarang aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh Awan Megah seperti mana rekod terkini SSM bertarikh twenty-three Mei 2012.

Ini bermakna, di antara tahun 1994 hinggalah sekarang, Awan Megah tidak mempunyai apa-apa transaksi dan kekal sebagai syarikat yang tidak aktif.

Ini juga bermakna, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai Menteri Pertahanan telah melakukan penyelewengan dan salahlaku rasuah apabila beliau menganugerahkan projek penswastaan bernilai puluhan juta ringg! it ini d alam tahun 2005 kepada Awan Megah, sedangkan jelas Awan Megah bukanlah sebuah syarikat pembinaan yang berkemampuan untuk menjalankan projek tersebut.

Awan Megah hanyalah syarikat Ali Baba yang dilantik Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak dan diberikan 223.33 ekar tanah lumayan. Oleh sebab itulah, Awan Megah terpaksa melantik sebuah syarikat lain sebagai "rakan kongsi" untuk membiayai dan menyiapkan sepenuhnya projek itu.

"Rakan kongsi" yang dipilih adalah sebuah syarikat bernama GuppyUnip Sdn Bhd. Syarikat ini hanya berjaya mendapatkan kemudahan kredit dari United Overseas Bank (UOB) yang diluluskan pada twenty-one Julai 2010, iaitu lima tahun selepas projek ini dianugerahkan kepada Awan Megah. Ini bermakna projek ini tergendala selama lima tahun gara-gara Awan Megah tidak mempunyai modal dan masih mencari-cari rakan kongsi.

Semakan dari surat kemudahan kredit GuppyUnip Sdn Bhd ini pula menunjukkan bahawa:
1.Keseluruhan modal sebanyak RM59.25 juta (iaitu pinjaman TL1 hingga TL4) adalah pembayaran bagi pihak Awan Megah
2.Pembayaran reward kepada Kerajaan Selangor bagi pindahmilik geran dan pertukaran status bagi tanah 223.33 ekar juga akan dibiayai oleh GuppyUnip Sdn Bhd
3.Kos bagi kerja-kerja penyediaan tapak untuk membangunkan tanah 223.33 ekar itu turut dibiayai oleh GuppyUnip! Sdn Bhd

Saya merumuskan bahawa GuppyUnip Sdn Bhd menanggung keseluruhannya kos pembinaan Puspahanas dan kos pembangunan tanah 223.33 ekar itu kerana Awan Megah milik Ketua Wanita Umno Selangor hanyalah membuat keuntungan atas angin. Keadaannya sekarang samalah seperti keseluruhan projek dan tanah-tanah ini telah diserahkan kepada GuppyUnit Sdn Bhd.

Lebih memeranjatkan, GuppyUnit Sdn Bhd bukanlah syarikat yang berpengalaman dalam bidang pembinaan. Semakan dengan SSM menunjukkan bahawa syarikat ini hanyalah ditubuhkan pada 9 Disember 2009 (dokumen SSM disertakan bersama).

Lebih teruk lagi, syarikat ini ditubuhkan dan dikuasai oleh Cheong Chow Koh (melalui pegangan keluarganya dan syarikat utamanya Unip Berhad). Perniagaan utama Cheong Chow Koh melalui Unip Berhad adalah sebagai pengilang berus gigi (sila rujuk laman webwww.unipberhad.comyang disertakan bersama).

1.Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak melantik Awan Megah milik Ketua Wanita Umno Selangor yang tidak pernah menjalankan apa-apa aktiviti untuk merekabentuk dan membina Puspahanas, lalu dianugerahkan tanah seluas 223.33 ekar
2.Secara tidak langsung, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak juga telah melantik sebuah syarikat pengel! uar beru s gigi untuk membina Puspahanas dan menyerahkan tanah 223.33 ekar kepada syarikat ini

Ini adalah satu pengkhianatan kepada anggota tentera yang berkorban demi rakyat. Ia juga perlakuan rasuah dan penyelewengan secara terang-terangan yang dilakukan oleh Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak yang wajib disiasat dengan segera.
4 JANUARI 2013

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'Whither RM207bil Death Railway compensation?'

Until today, neither hide nor hair of a estimated RM207 billion Japanese compensation, for using over 30,000 Malayans as forced work for a barbarous Death Railway from Siam to Burma during World War II, has been seen by surviving victims or their heirs, claimed former Perak menteri besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin.

"We don't know if a money is still in a keeping of a supervision or has been disbursed to a victims.

"There were 30,000 that survived to come back to Malaysia, though a little had died, they have heirs who formed a Association of former labourers as well as heirs of a Siam-Burma 1942-1946 railway construction," Nizar was quoted in aHarakahdailyreport.

NONEAccording to records, Nizar (right) minute that out of a a little 30,000 survivors, 60 percent have been Malays, twenty percent Indians, 15 percent Chinese as well as five percent from alternative races.

If his calculation holds true, heestimated that any family stands to embrace during least RM 3 million each.

Since their official registration upon Jan 11, 2011, a association concerned had practical multiform times to redeem a monies from a Malaysian government, that had accepted a remuneration from a Japanese government, but to no avail.

No reason from gov't

Nizar said that until today, they do not know if a remuneration is in a national book of Amanah Raya, as no reason has been since by a supervision despite steady applications by a NGO representing a Death R! ailway v ictims as well as their heirs.

This, he said is despite a Japanese embassy already confirming that a monies had been eliminated to a Malaysian supervision long ago.

He claimed he has met with Japanese embassy officials as well as has sighted official documents that minute a transfer.

During World War II, a Japanese function authority had conscripted Malayans as forced work as well as used prisoners of war to build a barbarous Death Railway, that it indispensable to bolster a supply route for a forces in M! alaya and! circuitously Asian countries.

Tens of thousands of labourers suffered severely in a process with many perishing in a effort.

Stories depicting a harrowing story behind a building a whole of a barbarous railway was immortalised in Landasan Maut, a local novel by Salleh De Ran as well as a Hollywood movie Bridge upon a River Kwai. Read More @ Source

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PAS: Hutan musnah di bawah Umno/BN

Mereka bertanggungjawab mengheret Malaysia ke kedudukan ketiga tercorot dunia berbanding 132 buah lain.

Oleh Huzir Sulaiman
PETALING JAYA: Lajnah Perumahan, Pengguna dan Alam Sekitar PAS Pahang (LPPAS) mempertikaikan sikap hipokrit Umno/BN dalam aspek pengurusan hutan negara.
LPPAS mendakwa mereka bertanggungjawab mengheret Malaysia ke kedudukan ketiga tercorot dunia berbanding 132 buah lain.
Laporan indeks prestasi alam sekitar dunia itu diterbitkan Universiti Yale Amerika Syarikat baru-baru ini.
"Laporan tersebut juga menggambarkan betapa teruknya prestasi negara selama 1 dekad ini (2002-2012) dalam mengurangkan kesan kepada daya tahan ekosistem dan sumber asli negara", kata Pengerusi LPPAS, Andansura Rabu.
Beliau juga mendakwa Umno /BN sudah kehabisan modal politik sehingga sanggup menuduh Kedah dan Kelantan, sedangkan pada hakikatnya, merekalah yang sebenarnya gagal dalam menguruskan hutan di negeri yang ditadbir mereka.
"Seperti juga isu air, mereka menghentam Kelantan dan Selangor tetapi pada hakikatnya di Pahang sendiri krisis air masih tak selesai-selesai," tambahnya merujuk kepada chit krisis air Pahang yang diserahkan wakil PAS Negeri kepada Menteri Besar Pahang Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob baru-baru ini.
Andansura mendakwa di Pahang sendiri, kita boleh lihat banyak penerokaan hutan yang gagal diuruskan dengan baik contohnya di Hutan Simpan Kemasul (sebelah Felda Kemasul, Kg.Cemomoi Mancis) yang melibatkan 3000 hektar kawasan hutan.

Projek Empangan Kelau melibatkan 1057 hektar Hutan Simpan Lakum, Mukim Hulu Lepar di Kuantan, manakala Hutan Simpan Tekai, Kg. Bantal, ! dan Kg. Mat Daling yang melibatkan 700 hektar kawasan hutan. Tidak ketinggalan juga kawasan pelancongan di negeri itu khususnya di Mukim Hulu Jelai Cameron Highlands dan di Tasik Chini.
Katanya, bukan sahaja pencemaran kepada alam sekitar akibat penerokaan hutan yang tidak terkawal ini serta kelemahan aspek penanaman semula hutan, kehidupan masyarakat Orang Asli juga terjejas.
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[VIDEO] Himpunan Sejuta Rakyat: Pengurusan Dataran Merdeka Usah Kemuka Alasan Lagi

HKR: Pengurusan stadium diminta percepat kelulusan

KUALA LUMPUR: Jawatankuasa Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat (HKR) hari ini meminta pihak pengurusan Stadium Merdeka mempercepatkan proses kelulusan menggunakan stadium itu bagi himpunan twelve Januari ini.

Pengerusinya Mohamad Sabu, berkata desakan itu dibuat memandangkan pihaknya mendapat maklumbalas positif dari pihak polis untuk berbincang berhubung penganjuran Himpunan 1 Juta Rakyat itu.

Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media di Pejabat Agung PAS di sini hari ini.

Mohamad berkata, himpunan di Stadium Merdeka ini menyahut saranan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang pernah menawarkan kepada Bersih 3.0 agar himpunan dibuat di situ.

"Kita menghormati seruan Perdana Menteri untuk membuat Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat di Stadium Merdeka," katanya.

Menurut Mohamad,pihaknya telah menghantar surat permohonan kepada pengurusan Stadium Merdeka pada twenty-six Disember lalu malah dua kali membuat tindakan susulan, malangnya masih belum ada jawapan sehingga kini.

Sebaik ditanya apakah alternatif tempat lain sekiranya pihak pengurusan Stadium Merdeka tidak membenarkan, Mohamad menegaskan pilihan kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya tetap di Stadium Merdeka.

Mohamad turut memberitahu polis Dang Wangi menerima surat pemakluman dan bersedia membuat pertemuan dengan mereka untuk membincangkan soal keselamatan dan perjalanan himpunan.

"Kita hantar surat pada 2 Januari untuk maklumkan kita hendak adakah himpunan, jadi mereka sudah respons dan bersedia membuat perjumpaan,"katanya.

Tambahnya, jam dua petang tadi pihak jawatankuasa telah menghantar surat kepada Ketua Polis Negara meminta mengadakan p! ertemuan bagi membincangkan soal keselamatan dalam perhimpunan.

Sekali lagi Mohamad menegaskan Hi! mpunanKebangkitan Rakyat Sabtu depan adalah himpunan paling aman dan berkonsep santai juga boleh membawa keluarga.

Mohamad yakin dan percayahimpunan ini bakal memberi keuntungan berganda kepada para peniaga di ibu kota.

"Peniaga di Kuala Lumpur akan lihat rekod peniagaan mereka akan mencatat keuntungan besar-besaran, hotel joke akan penuh,"

Beliau turut memaklumkan Pihak jawatankuasa Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat telah menyediakan 10,000 anggota keselamatan termasuk Unit Amal, Briged AMK dan Pemuda Sosialis DAP (DAPsy).

Seramai 150 pegawai perubatan dan pembantu, serta pasukan peguam turut bersedia dalam himpunan itu nanti.

Turut bersama dalam sidang media ini, Naib Presiden PKR Tian Chua, Ketua Angkatan Muda PKR Shamsul Iskandar Mat Akin, Aktivis Hishamuddin Rais dan barisan mahasiswa serta beberapa wakil Ngo.

Ulasan GB

Rakyat masih menunggu apa riaksi pengurusan Dataran Merdeka kali ini. Apa lagi alasan yang hendak digunakan untuk menolak permohonan.

Apakah kemungkinan pihak polis akan ke mahkamah lagi untuk mendapatkan waran bagi menghalang perhimpunan kali ini.

GB ingin mengingatkan semua pihak yang cuba menghalang kebangkitan rakyat dengan memetik kata-kata TG Nik Aziz, Mursyidul Am PAS yang pernah menyatakan bahawakebangkitan rakyat adalah umpama air yang mengalir dari gunung... dan barangsiapa yang cuba menyekat dan menghalangnya pasti hanyut dan musnah dibawa arus yang deras itu...
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Tamil schools: Do we care?

Or is it only an emanate to keep political careers alive?
By Hanuratha Thamilselvan
The series of students registered for Standard One in Tamil schools has dropped by 23% this year. This is alarming, considering the millions of ringgit the supervision is spending to ascent the 523 Tamil schools in the country.
Several questions arise. Why is the Tamil village moving away from vernacular schools? Do relatives in the village hold which national schools have been improved for their children? Is it value spending those millions upon the propagandize complement which is saying the dump in enrolment? Could the income be put to improved make make use of of to good Malaysian Indians? Does the village really caring for Tamil schools?
Politicians as good as academicians might go upon arguing as good as doubt the single another's sincerity in fighting to urge the lot of Tamil schools.
"He is not Tamil educated; so he does not really caring about Tamil schools." "How most of his young kids have been in Tamil schools?" These have been standard of the remarks you mostly here in the tongue about Tamil education, generally between politicians.
But nobody seems interested in addressing the core issues which besiege Tamil schools.
you am the Master's grade hilt who went to the small Tamil propagandize in the exhausted town of Batang Berjuntai (now Bestari Jaya), as good as you am familiar with the real issues surrounding these vernacular schools.
Last year, there were 18,100 students in Tamil schools nationwide. The series has plunged to 13,889 this year. If the enrolment continues to d! ecline, shouldn't you design the series of schools to decrease? How would the community, generally politicians, clear keeping the 523 Tamil schools going?
There have been various reasons for the diminution in enrolment, together with the following: the descending bieing born rate, the mismatch in between population concentrations as good as the place of schools, the changing mindset between parents, as good as the frozen mindset between teachers as good as propagandize officials.
Smaller families
Malaysia is home to the largest series of Indians vital outside India, though the series is dropping. Ten years ago, when the national population was 20 million, Indians accounted for 8%. Today, they paint 7.1% of the country's 28 million people.
Families have been becoming smaller. Couples prefer to limit themselves to the single or dual young kids for economic reasons. Late marriages as good as the rising divorce rate supplement to the problem.
Of the 1.8 million Indians in this country, 70% have been Tamils, with Malayalees, Telegus as good as Punjabis creation up most of the remainder. The latter three groups prefer to send their young kids to national schools. They as good wish their mother tongues preserved, though they do this by speaking those languages during home.
Most of the Tamil schools have been located in estates as good as small townships. Although most Indians have been migrating from farming to civic areas in search of employment, there has been no bid to relocate Tamil schools. Because of this, civic relatives have been forced to send their young kids to national schools. This partly explains the single-student registration during the little Tamil schools this year.
Many parents, generally young professionals, have been not penetrating in sending their young kids to Tamil schools. Like the Indians of alternative denunciation groups, they hold which their mother tongue can be ! learnt d uring home. They wish their young kids to brew with young kids of alternative races, as good as have been speedy by the presentation of affordable private as good as general schools. Furthermore, they feel these schools have improved facilities.
Those who can't afford private or general schools make the beeline for Chinese or national schools. They feel their young kids would be improved off competing with young kids of alternative races.
It is good well known which the infancy of Tamil schools have been in bad earthy condition. But even if they have been refurbished as good as refurnished using supervision funds, the brand new comforts have been not put to optimal make make use of of because the mindset of teachers, headmasters as good as parent teacher associations has not changed.
you know of the propagandize in an civic place which had the computer labs closed because "it cost as good much in electricity" to keep it open.
This genius contingency change. Teachers as good as headmasters contingency be professional not only in their job functions, though additionally in appearance as good as behaviour. This will give relatives the certainty which their young kids have been during the right school.
What next?
It is possible to say the life of Tamil schools, nonetheless you am certain which only 200 will survive in the subsequent 10 years based upon the stream direction of diminution in enrolment.
All parties contingency stop politicising the issue. Politicians should find ways to urge Tamil schools instead of using any alternative down when arising their statements. And instead of asking the supervision to urge the condition of Tamil schools, they should find ways to enlarge tyro intake.
Bragging about giving any Tamil propagandize the photocopier is the pathetic form of public relations. Modernise Tamil schools by creation the quantum leap. Have the model Tamil pr! opagandi ze with state-of-the-art teaching apparatus as good as afterwards tell the supervision this is what the Tamil propagandize should be like.
This quantum jump should additionally request to the impression of teachers as good as headmasters. They should supply themselves with knowledge. They should urge their people skills. They should not treat relatives as illiterates though build good dialog with them.
These have been only the little pointers upon ways as good as equates to to enlarge enrolment in Tamil schools. you am certain there have been most qualified people out there who have improved ideas as good as bargain of the theme during hand. The time has come for the village to punch the bullet as good as face reality.
If there is going to be the diminution in Tamil schools, let it be, though safeguard which the surviving schools function similar to Chinese schools, if not better.
The bard is the Master's grade hilt who completed her primary propagandize during the Batang Berjuntai Tamil propagandize as good as now works as the public family physical education instructor during the creditable firm in Kuala Lumpur.
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Eggs reveal BNs economic deception?

With soaring food prices, a bad as well as a impoverished will really get indignant as they have been pushed to a corner of a cliff.
The Barisan Nasional sovereign supervision is starting all out to woo electorate right away as a smartphone remission had its cap for smartphones priced during RM500 removed recently.
This additionally shows which BN leaders have been not in touch with being as well as do not know a cost of goods. It additionally equates to which they do not know how a taking flight cost of vital is causing a bad as well as a impoverished to suffer.
All they know is to dole out cash assist which is usually a proxy service for usually a single month. After which it is back to square a single as BN's RM500 one-off assist is not a problem-solver in a prolonged run.
In this case, Pakatan Rakyat's Orange Book is a most better deal as Pakatan has plans to yield skills training so which everybody can be upgraded in sequence to obtain a better salary.
Therefore a higher income republic is some-more achievable underneath Pakatan compared to BN as Pakatan will additionally curb a income coming in of low-skilled foreign labour.
Thus it comes as no warn afterwards which a cost of 10 eggs in a tray has certainly skyrocketted. It was RM3.40 upon Dec 31 last year though upon a initial day of a new year it became RM3.75.
And these have been just ordinary eggs, not a Omega 3 type. The cost of eggs is a barometer of a nation's economy as well as this shows which a economy is plainly mismanaged contrary to what a BN leaders have been saying. It will not be prolonged before RM100 buys really little ! grocerie s.
This is a transparent indication which a RM500 cash assist for households earning below RM3,000 is usually of minimal help.
For those who have been renting a house, RM500 is not even enough to compensate for a monthly let if a single is staying in Kuala Lumpur. Even a rent for a single-storey terrace residence in Kepong Baru is currently RM800.
Yes, in truth a BN leaders live in an ivory building as well as their claims of listening to a woes of a rakyat is all hype as well as promotion to attraction themselves to a voters.
In Malaysia most things have been relatively expensive. Comparing dollar to dollar, things in Australia have been most cheaper. For example, a large bottle of shampoo in Australia cost usually A$ 5 though in Malaysia it is nearly RM10.
This columnist's aunt who has migrated to Australia as well as is currently upon legal holiday in Malaysia has commented which "prices in Malaysia have been all big-numbered".
In Britain a person who earns 1,000 can go a prolonged approach as well as still buy a lot of things similar to clothes, boots as well as groceries. But in Malaysia no a single can survive with a salary of RM1,000. In Britain a single can get a good collared T-shirt for reduction than 10 though you cannot get which for RM10 in Malaysia.
For 4 you can get a full British breakfast with eight types of foodstuffs!
This simply equates to which a power of 1,000 is most greater than RM1,000 in a dollar for dollar comparison.
Illicit funds
With prevalent corruption, a unlawful income outflow as well as foreign workers promulgation income home, a Malaysian economy certainly cannot be pronounced to be full of health or robust.
Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has announced which if Pakatan wins a 13th general election, it will do its pinnacle to get back a unlawful supports from aboard.
If BN ! wins, af terwards misfortune is nonetheless to come. It will not do anything about a state of a nation's economy as well as it will not be prolonged before you finish up similar to a incident in Greece.
With soaring food prices, a bad as well as a impoverished will really get indignant as they have been pushed to a corner of a cliff. There will be some-more arguments among family members as well as even suicides as people cannot means to compensate their debts.
Meanwhile, a mainstream media continue to portray which all is excellent as well as using uniformly in a nation.
If a rakyat is underneath fake impression which all is starting well, they will opinion for BN as well as which is a reason why Internet facilities have been lacking in a farming areas (which form a bulk of a parliamentary as well as state seats) to keep a adults in dumb ignorance.
The incident is dire. If you do not opinion wisely this time, you have been finished as our neighbouring countries surge ahead. As it is, you have been right away really most lagging behind Singapore as well as South Korea nonetheless during a single time you could compare up to them.
You can be sure which a initial thing a BN sovereign supervision will do if it wins is to enlarge a cost of fuel. This happened after a March 8, 2008 general choosing when upon Jun 5 of a same year a petrol cost shot up by 78 sen from RM1.92 to RM2.70.
Next it will impose GST (goods as well as services tax) nonetheless it can additionally stand for "Go Strangulate Them" wherein "Them" refers to us, a rakyat especially a bad as well as a impoverished who will be strangled by a cost increase.
Therefore a 13th general choosing is a last possibility for us to get back upon a right track. There have been some who have pronounced which Pakatan does not have a ability to govern a republic as it usually have experience during state level.
But this is a time to give Pakatan a possibili! ty then, for what other choice do you have? One must note which Pakatan has finished well during state level. Also, a single has to realise which sticking to BN is really not an choice it is doom for a ordinary citizens.
Selena Tay is a DAP part of as well as a FMT columnist.
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Universiti Selangor (UNISEL) untuk entah kali ke berapa terus menarik perhatian umum dan mengundang kontroversi yang tak sudah-sudah semenjak IPT itu di urus tadbir oleh Kerajaan PKR Selangor.

Sebelum ini UNISEL diselubungi masalah timbunan hutang berjuta ringgit gara-gara kegagalan urus tadbir dan masalah kewangan yang menyebabkannya gagal melangsaikan bayaran perkhidmatan pengurusan asrama.

Tumpuan kali ini pula berkisar pada permasalahan yang dihadapi sekitar 5,000 hingga 6,000 orang pelajarnya di Kampus Bestari Jaya, Kuala Selangor apabila terpaksa tinggal di luar penempatan asrama berikutan masalah mendapan tanah dan keretakan bangunan selain turut menjejaskan sistem pendawaian elektrik.

Sejak Kampus UNISEL di Bestari Jaya ini siap dibina dan mula beroperasi pada 2005, masalah sistem utiliti pendawaian elektrik, mendapan tanah atau keretakan bangunan tidak pernah berlaku sama sekali.

Namun apabila Kerajaan Negeri mula diambil alih oleh pakatan pembangkang yang bersekongkol di bawah gabungan PR, masalah mula timbul berikutan tindakan Kerajaan PKR Negeri melalui Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd (KSSB) dan kontraktor yang dilantik semakin menggiatkan aktiviti perlombongan pasir di sekitar kawasan berdekatan.

Keadaan ini bertambah buruk lagi apabila permit kebenaran melombong pasir disalah guna sehinggakan wujud pula aktiviti mengorek pasir secara haram yang kian berleluasa melewati sempadan yang telah ditetapkan termasuklah berhampiran kediaman penduduk dan Kampus UNISEL berdekatan.

Sekitar tahun 2010 dulu para penduduk di kawasan ini merangkumi Bestari Jaya, Kampung Susu dan Kampung Berjuntai Bestari pernah beberapa kali meminta jasa baik Menteri Besar Selangor, Khalid Ibrahim dan Kerajaan Negeri pimpinannya segera menghentika! n kegiat an perlombongan pasir di sekitar kawasan berkenaan.

Tuntutan mereka itu berasas demi menjaga keselamatan penduduk setempat dan para pelajar di Kampus UNISEL Bestari Jaya, namun seperti mana biasa MB Selangor terus dengan sikap keras kepalanya mengabaikan aduan kebimbangan penduduk.

Pada twenty-nine Julai 2010, Mantan Menteri Besar Selangor, Dato' Seri Khir Toyo melalui blog beliau pernah menyuarakan kebimbangannya tentang kemungkinan risiko aktiviti perlombongan pasir yang dilakukan tanpa kawalan termasuklah kerap menggorek jauh ke dalam bumi bakal menjejaskan alam sekitar kawasan tersebut.

Tika itu ramai pimpinan Kerajaan PKR Selangor termasuk mandang mudah kebimbangan yang disuarakan oleh Mantan MB Selangor dan penduduk sekitarnya, tapi hari ini ia menjadi kenyataan.

Gara-gara kegagalan urus tadbir Kerajaan PKR Selangor dan kelemahan bertindak Menteri Besarnya yang pale bebal dan keras kepala di atas muka bumi ini, akhirnya sekitar 6,000 orang pelajar UNISEL terjejas teruk, manakala penduduk di kawasan berdekatan terpaksa berdepan dengan keadaan yang tidak menentu.

Inilah masalahnya apabila urus tadbir Kerajaan Negeri diberikan pada kelompok yang hanya pandai berjanji dan bercakap besar, akibatnya rakyat yang terpaksa menanggung bebannya.

Menyesal? Tak beguna jika mentaliti kita masih percaya pada poli'tikus' baiki labu macam pemimpin-pemimpin PKR, DAP dan PAS.

Seeloknya semasa PRU 13 nanti kalau-kalau berasa masih yakin dengan kebolehan sikap cakna rakyat yang kononnya dimiliki oleh para pemimpin PR, eloklah sama-sama kita terus mengundi PKR, DAP dan PAS untuk kebaikan bersama.

Manalah tahu kot kalau mati dihempap bangunan atau tertimbus tanah mendap, alang-alang janji pendidikan percuma hanyalah janji dicapati oleh PR, setidak-tidaknya dapatlah juga rezeki tanah kubur percuma untuk anak-anak kita dan orang kampung sekitarnya. Tak gitu?