What Felda settlers want
Kematian Sarbaini: Teori RPK serupa merepek pekena Stout!
Gambar 2: Gambar mereka lihat dari tingkap tempat Sarbaini dipercayai jatuh
Gambar dua di atas dipetik dari The Star menunjukkan keadaan tingkap di mana pegawai kastam Ahmad Sarbaini dipercayai "lompat" keluar dan mati.
Persoalan yang Inkues perlu jawab dan keluarga Sarbaini mahu lawan habis-habisan adalah adakah Sarbaini dibunuh
Asia in a Messy World
August 15, 2011
In a disorderly world, Asians have been not inured.
by Simon Tay
Problems in public monetary in a United States as great as Europe have spooked markets. The debt roof debacle in Washington shows how divided politics have become. Riots first in Greece as great as right away in a United Kingdom dramatically signal how governments struggle as downturns invert a expectations of citizens. Even as sequence is being restored, a opinion is for a potential recession in a West as great as an accompanying domestic malaise.
Coming in a wake of uprisings in a Arab world, there have been reasons to be endangered that, for as great most of a world, Spring is branch into a enlarged as great as torrid Summer. What of Asia?
For most countries for most of a past year, a segment has withstood contagion from revolutionary politics as great as one after another to grow rapidly. Some might trumpet this as another step in a decline of a West as great as a rise of Asia. These comparatively favourable conditions are, however, subject to change.
Global independence continues as great as most exports from Asian factories still seek a last consumer in a West. Countries like a Philippines as great as India bank substantial remittances from workers abroad. A enlarged slump in Europe as great as a US will stroke exports, industries as great as jobs opposite Asia.
What has buoyed Asian economies has been a China cause though now, signs from a Asian giant must be closely watched. Economic expansion is slowing, even as inflation rises as great as salary demands spiral. Rapid expansion has been a lubricant for social as g! reat as domestic frictions, so this is some-more than an mercantile question. Protests by a Uighur minority earlier this mont! h might be a special case. But new annoy over a tragic train crash in China shows a restive public sentiment. Since a branch indicate of a Foxconn protests in mid-last year, labour costs as great as fewer jobs have additionally been a spectre.
Chinas intensely domestic issues make a difference some-more today than ever before. If Beijing cannot say mercantile expansion as great as domestic stability, then bereft of a mercantile engines of a West, a impacts will be outsized opposite a segment as great as for most multinationals.
Yet even if China is stable internally, a external shift is not always benevolent. Tensions have risen with alternative Asians over domestic as great as confidence issues such as a South China Sea, Senkaku islands as great as Korean peninsula. Thus, even as a little have been endangered about an inconstant Chinese economy, others fright an assertive Middle Kingdom attitude, generally if a US is sidelined. In a disorderly world, Asians have been not inured. Many hope a West is starting by usually proxy disruptions as great as which their economies soon will recover as great as polities heal. Few have been prepared, if a West is in sharp decline, for a tellurian mercantile downturn as great as some-more domestic ruptures.
If governments cannot keep inflation down, problems can flare not usually in a streets of Beijing though in Jakarta or Kuala Lumpur as well. If they give in to populist gestures as great as do not discipline subsidies as great as impulse spending, macro-economic conditions can shift fast in a universe of monetary turmoil.
If protests mangle out in Asian cities, supervision make use of of force might be tougher than a little consider legitimate, as seen in a crackdown upon a Bersih proof in Malaysia. Protests might be exploited by opposition elite groups, in attempts to upset any other, as seen! in Bang kok. Violence as great as casualties can thus spiral, as easily as you have seen opposite a UK if not worse.
Social congruity as great as domestic concede will be key factors to equivocate such scenarios. For a little countries, sacrament or nationalist institutions can p! rovide s uch cohesion. Asias elites as great as ordinary adults must be rebuilt to co-operate as great as in truth make sacrifices. Such elements have been conjunction different nor alien to Asia.
In times of downturn, workers in Singapore as great as elsewhere were not summarily laid off though instead co-operated with companies by staying at home until mercantile conditions improved. In a Asian monetary crisis of 1997, most Thais followed a e.g. set by monks to make donations of gold to a Bank of Thailand. Now again, most will look to Thailand underneath new Premier Yingluck Shinawatra to see if promises of a smallest salary as great as infrastructure spending can be interconnected with a little domestic accommodation.
Where finances allow, Asians should erect policies to provide better wages, safety nets of basic gratification as great as healthcare. Regionally, economies should open up some-more to any other. This is not usually for a benefits of free traffic as great as investment though additionally to help Asians collectively understanding better with tellurian shocks than anyone can do alone.
If a universe gets messier, Middle East cannot creed upon a stability rise. There have been things which can as great as should be done, right away in these comparatively great times, to hope for for potentially worse days ahead. Today/www.themalaysiainsider.com
* Simon Tay is chairman of a Singapore Institute of International Affairs as great as author of Middle East Alone: The Dangerous Post-Crisis Divide from America.
Cathay Pacific Sex Scandal ... More Insider Information
Cathay Pacific forced to Revamp Ads as the outcome of harmful Sex Scandal
Expect Cathay Pacific to come up with something similar to Ryan Air ?
How about
With CX, You Get Blowjobs beside Bonkworks ?
Sex liaison forces Cathay to examination ads
A sex liaison has forced Cathay Pacific to examination the selling debate which bills the airline as the group who go the extra mile to make we feel special, the association mouthpiece said.
Cathay Pacific Blowjob-Like Campaign can been seen HERE (download the .swf filehttp://www.cathaypacific.aero/people/cxPnS.swf before they delete it, just similar to how the single Scott Maxewell deleted his Facebook.): -
Meet The CX Gurls Who Will Send U All The Way To Nirvana ?
Hi-Res version
or if we bandwith complaint try the Lo-Res version is here
Great service. Great people. Great fares as well as Great SEX too ?
What Sets Us Apart
Cathay Pacifics latest selling debate is formed upon the people as well as the service since the passengers consistently discuss it us which it is the people, the service they deliver, as well as the worth we offer which set us apart from alternative airlines
The Hong Kong carrier launched an review last week after photos were published upon the internet of the lady in the red outfit imitative its cabin organisation uniform performing Oooral sexxX upon the man, reportedly her boyfriend, upon board.
Two Cathay employees subsequently left the company, but the annoying episode which reportedly took place in the cockpit has caused the airline to consider postponing its People as well as Service campaign.
We have been meditative of land the debate back for the little while since the timing doesnt fit us at the moment, pronounced the mouthpiece upon Sunday, observant which the extra mile slogan was launched in 2010.
The emergence of the sex photos is considered to have compromised the promotion campaign, where cabin organisation as well as staff have been to be featured upon billboards as well as newspaper as well as repository slots, the newspaper inform said.
The timing of this liaison unequivocally could not have been worse in selling terms, the Cathay management source was quoted as revelation the Sunday Morning Post.
The range for the slogan as well as the debate to be misinterpreted, or ridiculed as well as lampooned, in light of the cockpit incident, is obvious.
The slogan was being used in online adverts upo! n Sunday , nonetheless the spokeswoman, citing confidentiality reasons, told AFP she could not disclose if it would subsequently be used upon billboards or alternative advertising.
Cathay chief executive John Slosar pronounced in the matter expelled late upon Friday which two members of organisation shown in compromising situations in the photographs have been no longer employees of the company.
It was not clear whether the span were sacked or quiescent voluntarily, as the airline pronounced it would not disclose details.
Read More Here
Cathay Pacific Sex Scandal we Swear, The Pilot's Name Is Scott Maxwell
Read More HerePossible Copyright Infringement
In any case, we feel Cathay Pacific could have infringed egghead properties of Ryan Air which is well known for its excellent extraordinary Business Class service Bloojob Included !
Ryan Air Promises A Blowjob In Business Class
No kidding, this is entrance out from the horses mouth RYAN Airs no frills, straight-down-to-business airline:
Ryanair Cabin Crew Charity Calendar
See is believing Watch the videos: -
Ryanairs debate slogan. Interview with Michael OLeary
Watch The Sexy Ryanair Cabin Crew Charity Calendar 2010 HERE
If Oppositions can stand tall after GE13, they got Najib's Ball-less-ness on Mamak to thank.
Mamak alone cannot penetrate UMNO, they need a all 'spineless creature' like Najib ...
Perkasa bakar akhbar Star
KUALA LUMPUR: Perkasa membakar akhbar The Star sebagai memprotes akhbar itu menyiarkan iklan hidangan Ramadan baru-baru ini.
Akhbar itu menyiarkan iklan juadah Ramadan mengandungi daging babi.
Pembakaran itu diketuai oleh Ketua Wira Perkasa Irwan Fahmi Idris.
Dalam ucapannya, Irwan berkata. Penyiaran iklan oleh akhbar The Star itu menghina orang Islam.
Perkasa meminta akhbar The Star meminta maaf secara terbuka kepada orang Islam, katanya.
Dalam ucapannyqa, Irwan juga menyelar MCA dan MIC yang dianggapnya suka menjaga hal ehwal orang Melayu.
Kamu kerjalah untuk kaum kamu sendiri kerana dalam pilihan raya tidak mendapat sokongan.
Tolong hormati kaum majoriti, katanya.
Book Review Podcast
Peringatan dari kes Nor Aishah dan Azalina Jailani
Certificate of Baptism
This is to certify which AZLINA BT JAILANI (LINA) child of JAILANI BIN SHARIFF and his wife KALTHUM BIN OMAR born during Selangor date of Birth 08 January 1964 was baptized in CHURCH OF OUR LADY FATIMA-BRICKFIELDS KL on a 11 May in a year of our Lord 1998.
In a Name of a Father
and a Son
and of a Holy Spirit Duty of Parents & Godparents You
Bersungguh2 UMNO Pertahan Pendatang Asing Jadi Pengundi
Jangan manipulasi isu akidah
Demikian antara resolusi Sidang Meja Bulat NGO-NGO Islam bertajuk Isu Aqidah Ummah: Apa Sikap Kita anjuran Ikatan Ilmuan Malaysia (Ilmuan) yang diadakan di Kompleks Perumahan Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor, semalam.
NGO yang terlibat ialah PIMPINAN, ILMAM, Sekteriat Pemuda Perihatin, Yayasan Kepimpinan Malaysia, Ummah Prihatin Malaysia, ILMUAN, Pro Guam, Perubatan Islam Darus Syifa, PAPISMA, GAMIS, INTELEK, BISA Belia Islam Ampang, IKATAN Ikatan Padu Rakyat Malaysia, IMPROF Pertubuhan Muslim Professional, Khidmat Ikatan Khidmat Muslim, MPM Majlis Perundingan Melayu, GAGASAN, PMRAM, UKP Usrah Kebajikan Profesional, FORKAD Front Bertindak Anti Murtad, Umah Care, Terap Care, Tabung Kebajikan Al-Masakin dan Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia.
Berikut adalah resolusi penuh sidang meja bulat berkenaan.
1. Kami bersepakat dan beriltizam untuk mempertahankan pegangan akidah umat Islam di negara ini daripada dicerobohi selaras dengan kedudukan Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan di dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia dan juga Peruntukan Undang-undang yang sedia ada termasuk menguatkuasakan undang-undang murtad.
2. Kami mendokong dan menyokong usaha mana-mana pihak untuk memperkukuh akidah umat Islam melalui program-program pendidikan dan kebajikan serta menuntut diperkasakan program-program tersebut termasuklah dengan mengembalikan semula bantuan yang secukupnya kepada sekolah-sekolah agama rakyat.
3. Kami menggesa supaya Jais dan pihak-pihak berwajib yang lain segera membuat tindakan dan pendakwaan jika benar terdapat usaha-usaha untuk memurtadkan umat Islam dari pegangan akidah mereka sebagaimana tuntutan Pengerusi Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan dan Bekas Pengerusi Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan.
4. Kami menuntut supa! ! ya ba dan -badan yang berkaitan dengan harta amanah umat Islam bertindak secara cekap bagi membantu umat Islam yang terpinggir dan tercicir supaya kehidupan mereka lebih terbela dan terjamin.
5. Kami mendesak supaya isu-isu berkaitan dengan akidah umat Islam tidak dimanipulasikan dan diputarbelit oleh akhbar-akhbar untuk memberikan kelebihan politik kepada sesuatu pihak sehingga memecahbelahkan perpaduan umat Islam.
6. Kami menegaskan bahawa isu-isu berkaitan dengan akidah umat Islam ini adalah isu yang sangat sensitif yang boleh menjejaskan keharmonian kaum, justeru menyeru kepada semua pihak supaya tidak bertindak menyalahi undang-undang yang termaktub.
7. Kami menuntut supaya semua pihak yang pernah terlibat merobohkan institusi-institusi Islam termasuklah meruntuhkan institusi pendidikan Islam, masjid dan surau memohon maaf kepada seluruh umat Islam di Malaysia disebabkan tindakan-tindakan mereka inilah yang telah mendorong agama Islam tidak dihormati.
8. Kami menggesa supaya institusi-institusi yang mentadbir urusan umat Islam diserahkan kepada mereka yang benar-benar layak dan dihormati supaya institusi-institusi ini akan dilihat sebagai benar-benar berwibawa.
9. Kami mencadangkan supaya forum-forum seperti sidang meja bulat ini dijadikan height muzakarah yang dapat menemukan semua pihak, pelbagai jalur pemikiran yang mewakili masyarakat madani dan parti-parti politik demi meninggikan syiar Islam di negara ini.
10. Kami NGO yang hadir hari ini bersepakat untuk bergabung dalam membela Islam.
Mata mu Anwar tidak lagi menggoda
Tak tahulah samada itu yang ramai jadi mangsa buas seks Anwar, lelaki mahupun perempuan. Pondan dan kedi saja terselamat. Anwar tak minat pada cranky dresser.
Al Kisahnya dikhabarkan oleh blog Gelagat Anwar bahawa ...
... puak
Gay pastor union will cause social ills, Jamil Khir says
Jamil expressed concern the happy matrimony would encourage liberalism in Malaysia. File pic
Rev Ou Yang Wen Feng, 41, as well as his African-American partner have been planning to tie the knot during the end of the month in New York as well as reason the accepting later in Malaysia.
It is one of the tenets of liberals; they hold in freedom in the name of extreme tellurian rights.
We determine with tellurian rights though such extremism which allows male as well as male to marry will emanate amicable problems, he told reporters after the launch of the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Al-Hijrah Surau here during the Pantai Ria housing project.
The minister pronounced Malaysian polite law does not concede same-sex marriages.
To me, as the minister in the Prime Minister Department in the religious context, we consider it will encourage liberalism in Malaysia as well as this understanding is worrisome, he said.
Jamil Khir stopped short of observant the matrimony should be stopped, though combined which the relevant authorities will take the appropriate action.
Ou Yang, who now serves during the Metropolitan Community Church in New York, pronounced he programmed to come back to Malaysia for holidays subsequent year after his matrimony to partner Phineas Newborn III, 47, the Broadway low-pitched producer.
He pronounced his coming out took place in 2006 after 9 years of childless kinship with his now ex-wife, whom he described as an angel. Ou Yang grew up in the conservative Christian family.
Ou Yang, the former columnist with Sin Chew Daily, is now in Hong Kong promoting his book upon homosexuality as well as Christianity.
Ustazah Nurul Izzah lwn Ustaz Elias Kazan ... Ustaz Unspinners mencelah
Macam mana Ustazah Nurul nak pertahankan ayahanada Shiekh AL Juburi apabila ...
Dia tak mahu hukum hudud?
Menolak negara Islam.
PAS pun bukan boleh buat hudud dan sudah ketepikan hudud untuk negara kebajikan.
Farish Noor: Still dreaming of a Malaysia to call Home
University of Tasmania Honors Senator Tunku Abdul Aziz
August 14, 2011
The University of Tasmania honours a Distinguished Malaysian Alumnus, Tunku Abdul Aziz
I am gratified to inform which upon Aug 12, 2011, The University of Tasmania awarded a Degree of Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) to Yang Berhormat Mulia Senator Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim during a Conferral Ceremony in Hobart, Australia.
My mother Dr. Kamsiah as well as we sincerely honour a Tunku upon this well deserved award, though we bewail to note which a Malaysian of Tunku Azizs status is not recognised by his own country.
What is new, we ask ourselves? It is a predestine of Malaysians but difference who have a bravery to verbalise a truth to energy as well as mount up for freedom, democracy as well as amicable justice to be sidelined or brutalised. Criticisms meted out with a most appropriate of intentions have been not welcome, more so from Tunku Aziz who is Deputy Chairman, Democratic Action Party.
Tunku Aziz as well as we have been from Kedah Darul Aman as well as were colleagues in Bank Negara Malaysia as well as Sime Darby Berhad. Our friendship goes back a prolonged approach as well as stays strong, notwithstanding occasional disagreements upon politics, amicable as well as civil society issues. we have regularly reputable him for walking a talkunusual for most politicians when it came to ethics as well as open condition. On corruption, he is formidable as well as tough.
Tunku Aziz has an outstanding private zone career during a very tall level with most achievements as well as contributions, of which he is as well medium to speak about. He served with eminence during a Commonwealth Secretariat under Sir Shridath Ramphal (Commonwealth Secretary-General, 1975 1990).
Upon his lapse! to Mala ysia after his stint, he led a group of like-minded individuals to set up Transparency International Malaysia during a most! difficu lt time when Dr. Mahathir, well known for his ambivalence towards crime in open life, was a Prime Minister. He became a initial President, Malaysian Chapter, Transparency.
Few people have been as known for their robust advocacy opposite crime not only in Malaysia, though globally, as Tunku Abdul Aziz. As a measure of his standing in a general anti-corruption community, he was appointed Special Adviser to a UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in 2006. In which capacity, he established a United Nations Ethics office in New York, putting in train a alarm ventilator insurance programme as well as a stipulation of resources programme involving some two thousand top officials around a world. Upon his return, he was actively involved in consultancy upon governance as well as associated issues before joining politics.
Tunku Aziz is additionally a inclusive writer with a few books to his credit. His articles upon issues of open administration, commercial operation management, crime as well as governance have appeared in The New Straits Times, Sin Chew as well as The Malaysian Insider. He travels widely as well as is active in general forums, where he is invited to verbalise upon ? la mode issues.
Professor David Rich, MA. PhD (Cambridge), who isDeputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Provost presented Senator Tunku Abdul Aziz for admission to a grade of Doctor of Laws honoris causa and review a citation (reproduced here in part):
As members of a approved society all of us place tall value upon a beliefs of ! integrit y, clarity as well as reliable conduct. We design a politicians, commercial operation as well as village leaders to action according to these beliefs in their exchange with ! any oth er as well as with us. We additionally design these beliefs exhibited in a day to day interactions with a peers as well as with government agencies as well as business.
Most of us have been perturbed when we see these cornerstones of a approach of hold up eroded by self interest or hurtful conduct. Many of us have been rebuilt to condemn infringements, though few of us have been rebuilt to mount up in open forums as well as be counted being critical where necessary as well as championing a importance of integrity, transparency, as well as reliable control in a exchange with a single another.
Tunku Aziz has made this his lifetimes work as well as has campaigned fearlessly as well as in cold blood for great governance as well as reliable control in his quarrel opposite corruption.
Tunku Aziz came to a University of Tasmania in 1962 graduating Bachelor of Arts with majors in History as well as Political Science in 1965. He joined most alternative immature people from Australias South East Asian neighbours with a vigilant of later assuming care roles in their home countries.
Tunku Aziz not only reached, though exceeded which expectation, achieving general prominence for championing, as well as driving to hide in all a exchange with a single another, beliefs which great as well as honest people throughout a universe hold dear to their hearts.
In we do so Tunku Aziz has brought honour to himself, to his country, as well as to his University. It is, indeed, most wise which his University should reciprocate by recognising his achievements by a conferral of a grade of Doctor of Laws honoris causa.
In his Occasional Address, Tunku Aziz wished his immature graduates success as well as gratification in their chosen ! careers. He positive them as they insincere energy as well as authority there would be temptations galore. He reminded them which theirs is entrusted energy for them to make use of with a pinnacle care for a sole good of those for whom we have a open shortcoming as well as to whom we owe a open duty.
As usual, Tunku Aziz spoke from a heart, ever so ardent about reliable control as well as probity in open affairs. Once again, a congratulations.
A Samad Said yang banyak kerenah
Pisang Emas Di bawa belayar,
Masak Sebiji Di Atas Peti,
Hutang Emas Boleh Dibayar,
Hutang Budi Dibawa Mati
Salam Sdr Papagomo.
Artikel Sdr berkaitan penglibatan SN A. Samad Said dengan perhimpunan haram BERSIH adalah dirujuk.
Ramai orang tertanya-tanya apa kaitan penglibatan beliau dengan rangkaian pertubuhan haram ini yang jelas bermotifkan politik
Fanbook, Fadbook or Facebook
They range from being amicable misfit in genuine hold up not having any amicable skills when in the genuine group to only plain uncertain courtesy seekers to those perasan or vain-port narcissist.
The droll thing about such reports in the NEWSPAPER, the PRINTED EDITION is it does not strech those they have been perplexing to address. Those who have been 24 by 7 online or rsther than longer online than paying courtesy in school or work!!! These FBs will not know the risk since they most expected won't worry with the sociological side of amicable networks.
All they wish is substantially to get some-more likes, have some-more fans than Justin Bieber as well as demeanour prettier than the subsequent doorway cat or wish to be perpetually continuous to their friends live any micro nano second than to know they essentially live in the residence with genuine people waiting for them to come down to dish or wash their boots or even throw out the thrash. A friend even complained her kids will take care of the virtual animals than take the dog out for walks!!!
It is not usually era y as well as z which have been continuous in FB. Even era X have been anticipating brand brand new life. Hot 40 FB for those 40 years who call themselves immature during heart as well as not worried about if their girl has faded! Hello is which for real? How most of these 40 yr aged fuddles will post their genuine pix sans the have up as well as next their chin for the rest of their fans to see huh? And since plan the get together similar to months ahead? Oh to concede them to go for the little boost as well as beauty as well as slimming system of administration most substantially no?
Social media is not to be blamed for formulating perasan hey I demeanour cold as well as ! voluptuo us as well as someone who is the Just Be, the half of the genuine Justin Bieber. Each of us wish to demeanour the most appropriate as well as it's the lie if any the single tells we they do not worry about their looks or their body profile. If which is the box the so called bea! uty cons ultants as well as the personal bathing consultants should only fold up right?
But amicable media does have us individualistic as well as lonely in the cyberworld. We have make use of of to think we have been lonely in crowded downtown KL with millions of migrants these days around us. And amicable media used to surveillance itself as making the single some-more sociable. Really? Look around as well as we see most continuous to their electronic cigarette dispensing cyber nicotine 'fag' gizmos, their bberry, iPod, iPad as well as it's not an irony such gizmos have been all 'i' in front since it focuses upon the 'I' the ME I am the centre of everything. And I am continuous to my virtual universe as well as communittee. The people around me have been only the distraction restraint my travel trail we can supposed.
Even drivers have been glued to their mobile devices! If we see the automobile in front of we swaying as well as delayed we can bet the fello is regulating the mobile, either reading or texting! The automobile manufacturer who invents the mobile device auto switch symbol will be the a single selling the most cars!!!
They contend which it is not reaching the destination which is important. But the journey along the way as well as the pit stops we have is the noted ones. Social media takes divided appreciating the universe around us. We have make use of of to peek outward the window to check the weather. Now, it's upon the screen.
We have make use of of to ask for directions as well as encounter engaging people as well as places. Now it's the GPS upon the screen.
We have make use of of to sing with frens whilst upon foot as well as get the g! reat lau gh. Now we plug the ears with earphones
These days, amicable media or SM is vouchsafing us see the genuine universe less. It's odd we have been all spending the outrageous lot to get 3D knowledge similar to examination NATGEO HD when we could step out as well as smell the flowers!!!
When radio was launched, it was taught to be the great amicable bonding for family groups as they would lay around the vital room as well as listened. Next came the simpleton box. Then atari as well as the mechanism games revolution. And as technology progresses, we found ourselves wired! to the gizmos than connect with the genuine people in the lives.
Perseverance in jogging, the mental fortify as well as mental woe go which extra mile is no some-more the plea when the walkman as well as iPod took divided the dullness as well as made exercise similar to taking the travel in the park! Unplug the earphones or switched off the tv shade as well as we can see the torturous faces of the people in the gym? Wrong assumption try as well as lope but the song or tv as well as see if we really persperate to take which 3 minute lope huh?
SB as well as all the 'i' centric gizmos have been here to stay. Is it the breakthrough similar to the walkman or pong game or mario brothers? It's indignant bird these days as well as droll the RSPCA have been extremely ease as well as still regulating birds to destroy, destroy, destroy. One day if the child uses the cat, or dog or dolly the bird as the rolling ball, who do we blame, indignant bird?
We have been still perplexing to find ways to balance this SM obsession. It leads to compulsive behaviour disorder the little contend as well as there is so most truth. Look around us generally in the lift any morning in office. You have someone checking upon their mobile, to review the brand brand new message or substantially go over the sweet zero repository ones!
It used to be gurls will check their have up as well as! gincu p rior to they lay down to eat or encounter as well as prior to they leave the table. These days, the mobile gizmo is the initial as well as final act during the table, right?
Men used to check their watches, right away they do only similar to what the gurl does with her device, true, hah?
Am I additionally the single of the guilty ones? Yes as well as no. Yes as throwing up upon headlines upon the shade having dishes alone replaces the hardcopy! Blogging upon the go? No since still era X who prefers the tough set of keys as well as during slightest the twelve inchi as well as 12pt font during slightest to see what I'm typing!
Connect to FB? Used to but afterwards we get tired of people posting in their wall the same ole tedious stuff. If they have been not commenting upon themselves they have been commenting upon others. So deleted all those similar to sites as well as left with ! about twelve fans upon my FB. The narcissism partial is posting the cinema taken upon print hobby shoot! 'Why do not we sell your pix as well as have the little money,' friends would urge. Too lazy.
Has FB made my hold up richer? Frankly no since noone ordered my pix hah which is not the goal to post but to let friends give me the little 'like's encouragement. 'Why do not we open your comments to everybody so we can improve?' is the correct request. But then, it might stop me enjoying my photography as well as the disastrous comments might cause me to stop photography!!!
Therein lies the uncertain me which SM is unable to help, simply since only as most as it allows me to inflate my ego, it additionally protects me from getting deflated! So it's kinda loyal SM creates us narcissist hah!
There have been those who need the fans in FB to give them which 'caffine' perk any time they wake up. Even blackberry as well as all those telco services have been enlivening us to combine the lives with their electronic devices with FB postings or bb postin! gs simil ar to 'What is the initial thing we do with your bberry when we awake or what is the initial word we type.'
Some might think these have been rsther than nice engaging ways to keep themselves relevant, some-more often than not, they have been only subtle ways of pciking up information about your behaviour!!!
Nothing is giveaway in this world! Even great uninformed air as well as surrounding we pay millions for which space as well as view. Check out the genuine skill leaflet as well as we get the drift!
So as well FB as well as SM sites. Even knowing FB exposes your hit phones in FB itself is worrying for the unsuspecting. We all pour out to contend approbation to all their queries since we wish to get to have make use of of the apps right? And in the process scapegoat the privacy!!!
Which SM sites do i love best? For zero to do as well as pictures, FB. For cinema Flickr if usually they do not charge over the giveaway pix. For genuine great veteran community Linkedin as well as the mom of all blog search engines Technorati. And which is about all t! he continuous universe in my SM space. Is which as well most to spin me in to the perasan vain-pot?
Being some-more the pleasing as well as abdominal human, would rsther than face the book than Facebook, encounter genuine blokes than blog, as well as go out as well as snap cinema than flikr over someone's else! Go live hold up out there afterwards we can blog about it hah!