A plot in my fairy tale Stephen Ng
No blue MyKad, no school
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The kind of people Najib does not need at PRU13
Stolen Babies Scandal Haunts Spain
Stateless Indians: PKR shows proof
MIC hoodwinking Indian community
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Hak ada, tapi layakkah suara sampah-sampah ini dilayan awam?
Temple official files ROS complaint against DAP
The Cheating Basterds. ( note the spelling please)
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Why there will be no real CHANGE in 2012 or 2013 or ...
If Malaysians wish their leaders to apply oneself as well as be supportive to a multicultural society, afterwards all Malaysians should apply oneself as well as be supportive to a diversity. Unfortunately which is not what is happening. There have been Chinese in this nation whose hobby is putting down a Malays. There have been Malays in this nation whose hobby is scornful a Dusuns. There have been Indians in this nation whose hobby is poking fun of a Punjabis. There have been Christians in this nation whose hobby is scornful a Muslims. There have been Hindus in this nation whose hobby is exclusion a Christians. You do not have to go far. Just reads a most blogs as well as online headlines portal we will realis! e how in sensitive as well as insane most Malaysians are.
Monyet King additionally says
1.I am seeking for a little lax shift :)
2. Recyle hazard. I have posted this square prior to upon this blog. Read More @ Source
Demo Anti LGBT - Jaringan Melayu Malaysia
Sekumpulan thirty NGO di bawah gabungan Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) mengumumkan untuk berhimpun pada twenty-one April untuk menentang "agenda lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transeksual (LGBT)" serta seks bebas. Akhbar Mingguan Malaysia melaporkan pengerusi JMM Azwanddin Hamzah sebagai berkata, perhimmpunan itu akan diadakan di Dataran Merdera, Kuala Lumpur. Azwanddin dipetik sebagai berkata, JMM juga akan mendedahkan nama NGO yang mendapat dana daripada kumpulan LGBT antarabangsa -- Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, Trans dan Interseks Antarabangsa (Ilga). Lap! oran itu menyebut, dana berkenaan adalah untuk mempromosi gaya hidup LGBT, seks bebas dan perkahwinan sejenis di Malaysia. Perhimpunan tersebut diadakan selang seminggu selepas tarikh perhimpunan pelajar untuk membantah hutang PTPTN dan juga seminggu sebelum perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0, juga di lokasi sama. Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia (Suhakam) dalam laporannya pada 2011 menggesa kerajaan untuk menggubal undang-undang bagi melindungi hak golongan minoriti seks. Video Rating: 1 / 5More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Cops may have broken law in rejecting Bersih venue notice
By Clara Chooi
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Hak berhimpun ada undang2, p*kim*x amjadah!
A lack of sincerity is what pisses off city folks
The Cheating Basterds. ( note the spelling please)
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Berakhir Sejarahnya untuk UMNO
Saya amat berterima kasih kepada seorang pembaca blog saya yang bernama saudara Zaidi yang melakukan kerja ini. beliau telah bersusah payah menterjemah artikel yang saya tulis dalam bahasa Inggeris. Amatlah tinggi hutang budi saya kepada beliau dan terjemahan yang beliau telah lakukan amat baik sekali. Saya mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada saudara Zaidi diatas usaha beliau ini. seterus nya saya berharap pembaca budiman terutama yang berbangsa Melayu akan menghargai usaha saudara Zaidi ini. sakmongkol.
Sebahagian daripada pembaca sudah dapat meneka bahawa artikel saya yang lepas meminjam tajuk daripada buku Francis Fukuyama yang masyhur itu. Saya ragu-ragu tentang seorang penulis yang menulis Najib sebagai PM bagi Negara yang memberkati dan bukannya Negara yang diberkati (ini merujuk kepada kesalahan bahasa bagi seorang blogger daripada Jerantut penterjemah), saya tidak yakin dia pernah membaca buku Fukuyama tersebut. Jika dibacapun, mungkin dia tidak faham isi kandungan dan gagasan thought buku tersebut. Saya tiada masa untuk berdebat dengan beliau yang mana akan memuliakan lagi blog yang tidak mendapat sambutan itu.
Saya mengaku satu perkara. Blog saya kini tidak lagi berselindung sebagai forum perbahasan yang tidak berat sebelah. Semenjak menyertai DAP saya cuba mengemukakan sudut pandangan yang objektif dan semakin berfungsi sebagai orang yang menyebarkan cebisan-cebisan pandangan dengan objektif politik yang khusus. Saya tidak perlu menjelaskan dengan terperinci kerana ramai yang tahu apa yang saya maksudkan di sini.
Kembali kepada buku Fukuyama "Berakhirnya Sejarah". Buku ini menerangkan tentang berakhirnya pemerintahan kuku besi dan tidak demokrasi di seluruh dunia. Samada berakhirnya jenis pemerintahan tersebut dan digantikan dengan demokrasi bebas dengan maksudnya yang sebenar masih belum pasti. Apa yang berlaku diseluruh dunia adalah seperti berikut SEMUA pemerintah kuku besi dan tidak demokrasi di dunia sekarang! terpaks a menyesuaikan diri dengan kenyataan baru yang akibat daripada beralihnya kekuasaan kepada rakyat. Inilah yang berlaku kepada Negara kita ini. Hasilnya, walaupun banyak cakap-cakap besar yang "tidak malu" bahawa PM semakin popular, janji-janji pembangunan yang gagal di laksanakan setelah sekian lama, jelas kelihatan kerajaan yang memerintah pada hari ini semakin resah dan gelisah ; nampaknya keadaan sudah lagi tidak seperti biasa.
Perangai yang jelas kerajaan hari ini suka memijak rakyat dan merempuh mereka dengan polisi-polisi yang menindas dan program-program yang membelenggu jiwa rakyat yang bebas. Yang paling teruk ialah orang Melayu, selamanya dibutakan dan terikat dengan jentera penipuan UMNO.
Di sini saya akan menyambung dan menggunakan kebanyakan bahan yang telah ditulis oleh seorang yang rajin member komen di blog saya iaitu Walla. Pemerhatiannya adalah perkara yang dikemukakan oleh Fukuyama dari segi perkembangan sejarahnya juga sedang berlaku di Negara kita kerana rakyat telah mulai sedar apa yang UMNO lakukan selama ini. UMNO ini seperti sebuah mesin yang berkerja bersama-sama untuk melindungi kroni-kroni sambil mengeluarkan berita-berita baik setiap hari bagi memberikan perasaan gembira kepada rakyat. UMNO tidak lebih dari kumpulan perkongsian penyamun dan penipu yang memainkan emosi rakyat yang lurus itu.
Sebagai contoh peristiwa di Dataran Merdeka kelmarin. Sambil mereka mengupah penghibur-penghibur untuk menari di situ dan menujukkan senyuman kepada kamera supaya penonton-penonton di seluruh Negara terpaku dengan persembahan cahaya dan bunyinya, ada pula pelajar-pelajar kita yang berkumpul di satu sudut di dalam khemah-khemah mereka di dataran yang sama begitu simbolik masalah Negara kita ini. Pelajar-pelajar ini telah berkorban dengan beraninya menyuarakan rasa ketidakadilan bagaimana satu parti politik dengan sewenang-wenangnya memberikan jutaan ringgit kepada kroni-kroni tetapi menafikan biasisiswa kepada pelajar misk! in dan m engupah kaki pukul untuk membuli mereka dan merampas khemah mereka.
Ini adalah bukti "sudah terang lagi bersuluh" bahawa UMNO mengambil laluan yang bertentangan dengan kata-kata "Rakyat didahulukan". Kalau ini bukan hipokrit yang bertentangan dengan "rakyat didahulukan" apa lagi yang tinggal? Dan Najib berkokok ayam tentang rekod pencapaiannya dan gagasan gagasan thought beliau. Sedangkan UMNO sendiri telah menolak thought beliau. Adakah kita akan menebalkan muka dan memperdaya diri sendiri dan memaksa diri dan keluarga kita untuk menerima sahaja lakonan dan cakap-cakap kosong oleh Najib? Dia memang seorang penjual obat.
Sementara itu pencacai-pencacai UMNO mula menyerang Aspan membuta tuli dengan perkara yang tidak masuk akal. Lupakah sipencacai ini bahawa dia pernah duduk di sebelah Aspan dan secara ikhlas dan penuh bersopan membincangkan masalah yang dihadapi oleh orang Melayu kita di Negara ini?
Jika pencacai ini tergamak melakukan perkara sedemikian kepada rakannya yang jujur dan budiman , apakah lagi yang kita boleh harapkan daripada budi pekertinya untuk mempertahankan Tuan Besarnya iaitu UMNO?
Inilah apa yang UMNO telah lakukan kepada Negara dan masyarakat kita. UMNO telah memecahbelah dan memisahkan dirinya daripada kita. Malah lebih teruk lagi, UMNO telah menghina kita. Bukankah sebelum ini ada orang yang telah mengaku bahawa dia bukan murahan yang akan menerima dua ratus ringgit ?
Apa yang mereka tidak sedar ialah UMNO menganggap orang yang menerima duit daripadanya sebagai murahan. Wang RM 200 yang di bayar kepada pencacai adalah duit syiling kepada orang yang menabur duit yang sebenarnya dikutip daripada rakyat. Syiling RM 200 ini adalah sedekah daripada mereka tetapi ini terlalu sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan betapa banyak duit yang telah dirompak di siang hari oleh Tuan Besar di bawah perlindungan institusi persekutuan di Negara kita ini. Agaknya ini adalah sebahagian daripada prose! s penyuc ian jiwa mereka. Perangai bengap ini mesti ditamatkan menjelang PRU 13.
Lihat sahaja lakonan badut-badut sebagai contoh iklan di TV oleh Pemandu mengenai anti rasuah. Tanyalah diri kita bagaimana sebuah kerajaan boleh meminta syarikat-syarikat untuk membuat akujanju untuk tidak rasuah sedangkan kerajaan sendiri menghadapi masalah rasuah? Kita akan mengumpul banyak markah A jika kita jujur di dalam menjawab soalan-soalan tersebut. Muhyidin dan Khaled tentu tidak kisah kerana mereka tidak pernah terlepas perkara yang mereka tidak pernah dapat mereka sendiri jarang dapat A .
Masih ada yang tertanya-tanya apakah yang akan berlaku kepada UMNO selepas PRU13. Jawabannya sudah ada. Lihat sahaja di negeri-negeri yang dikuasai oleh Pakatan. UMNOlah pembangkang di negeri itu. Inilah yang akan berlaku jika Pakatan menumpaskan Barisan di dalam PRU13.
Di dalam negeri yang di kuasai Pakatan, adakah orang Melayu di situ lebih teruk keadaanya? Sudah hilangkah ketuanan Melayu ? Pelik bukan bila beberapa orang "Melayu" yang mengadu ditindas dan dianiaya itu tidak menyerupai orang "Melayu"?
Seperti yang saya nukilkan sebelum ini, cara terbaik untuk mengetahui perangai sebenar sebuah parti itu ialah ketika parti itu tidak memerintah. Apabila parti itu menjadi pembangkang adakah mereka benar-benar membela rakyat. Adakah UMNO yang menjadi pembangkang benar-benar cakna dan prihatin dengan masalah rakyat seperti mana pembangkan di negeri yang dikuasai BN?
Mari kita tanya diri kita sendiri jika Najib terpaksa mengupah penunggang motosikal untuk membawa bendera dan NGO UMNO boleh membuli dengan menghunus keris melawan gerakan pelajar dan rakyat, di sebelah manakah UMNO? Justru di sebelah mana pula Najib dan NGO UMNO? Maaf kerana markah A amat terhad.
Adakah anda bersama yang menzalimi atau yang dizalimi?
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Alleged RM1.5mil payout: MACC report pending
Rural as well as Regional Development MinisterShafie Apdaland a actressZahida Rafikhave alone denied a claim as well as threatened lawsuits for defamation.
Zuraida(right), who hadrevealedthe claim upon Apr eighteen by citing a military report lodged by a actress' ex-driver, pronounced she will produce "evidence" as well as lodge a report with a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).
"I will call a press discussion as well as come up with a justification as well as witnesses if there is a need. But for now, let's only combine upon Bersih 3.0 (rally upon Saturday)," she told a press discussion today.
The Ampang MP declined to report a sort of justification in her possession, detached from describing it as "solid".
She had progressing claimed which Shafie had paid a actress in between Oct final year as well as Jan this year for their "intimate relationship", as well as gave a apportion a week to insist his "source of funds".
Zuraida additionally disclosed she had received a lawyer's minute from Zahida yesterday, released by comparison counsel Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.
Dated Apr 23, a minute demanded which she st! op makin g serve statements upon a emanate as well as not to means any articles to be published by a media.
Zuraida was additionally told to redress her previous statement, as well as to apologise to Zahida(left)and compensate her.
If she fails to do inside of 7 days, legal record will be commenced.
"I did not design to embrace a minute from Zahida, we thought Shafie was a one who wants to sue me.
"It is not true as well as is only a story done up by certain people. we have no problems in carrying out my duties since we know which we am upon a right track," a Semporna MP reportedly said.
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Ambiga: Why offer alternative at eleventh hour?
Electoral reforms vigour group Bersih cannot accept Kuala Lumpur City Hall's (DBKL) last-minute suggest to have the Bersih 3.0 convene during Stadium Merdeka, only three days before the event.
The movement's co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan told Malaysiakini which DBKL knew good in advance about its intentions to use Dataran Merdeka for the convene this Saturday as well as could have done an suggest most earlier.
"Even theirfirst responseto us in Apr nineteen - which was the prosaic 'no' - did not enclose any mention of an pick venue," pronounced Ambiga when contacted today.
Ambiga explained which nonetheless the transformation had usually officiallynotifiedDBKL about their plans upon Apr 19, their intentions were during large well known given theannouncementon Apr 4.
Had KL mayor Ahmad Fuad Ismail (right) done the Stadium Merdeka suggest most earlier, Bersih would really consider it.
"It is the pity which Fuad chose to be caught up in bureaucracy or you could have resolved this," she said.
Ambiga pronounced this when asked to reply to Fuad, who told apress conferencethat it was Bersih's error if it feels which there was not sufficient time to change venue.
He pronounced DBKL had received the formal notification usually upon Apr 19, stressing which his organisation contingency foll! ow prope r procedures.
Fuad added which Stadium Merdeka, where Independence was declared, was better equipped for such the gathering as well as is only as mystic as Dataran Merdeka, where the Union Jack was lowered as well as reinstate with the flag of the Federation of Malaya.
Logistical nightmare
When it was pointed out which it was possible to re-direct its supporters to Stadium Merdeka, which is only the kilometre away from Dataran Merdeka, Ambiga pronounced this will pose the logistical problem.
"If you were to make known currently which you switching venues only 72 hours ahead of the rally, people will be confused as well as uninformed.
"We explained to the mayor during the assembly this morning which he will have another complaint since people will be in both places.
"Are they proposing which you turn the crowd around as well as ask them to travel to the stadium? I consider which would be the bigger mess. If anything goes wrong, they will blame us.
"We consider it would be the logistical calamity to change. A lot of people will be upon the streets. Isn't this what they want to avoid?" pronounced Ambiga.
On Fuad's explain which allowing the Bersih convene upon Dataran Merdeka would result in him being accused of disposition since he had denied s! imilar d emands by other groups such as Perkasa, Ambiga pronounced this was the non-issue.
"They have allowed so many events to take place there. At the finish of the day, who gets to use Dataran Merdeka is purely during DBKL's discretion.
"It is the option which you are asking him to exercise in the favour," pronounced Ambiga, adding which Bersih still hopes for DBKL to reconsider its position. Read More @ Source
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Anwar asks PM: What fate MAS with share-swap?
Anwar, who is additionally Permatang Pauh MP, described the waste as the largest in the airline industry. He additionally remarkable which it was recently reported which Najib had admitted to carrying second thoughts upon the share-swap.
"Najib conceded his government might have to decouple the dual airlines. How prolonged will he leave the make the difference as it is as well as what becomes of the destiny of thousands of employees? If he is intent upon decoupling, will he share the cost of the practice with the public?" Anwar asked.
"My positionhas been consistent. I opposed the share-swap immediately after it was inked 8 months ago.
MAS as well as AirAsia inked the dealto barter shareslast Aug in what many claimed bordered upon monopolising the internal airline industry.
Urging Najib to reply to waste suffered by the! inhabit ant conduit as well as the nose-diving opening of MAS, Anwar went upon to ask the budding minister what will he would do next to protect MAS as well as the employees.
"How prolonged will he leave the make the difference as well as the destiny of thousands of employees hanging?" he asked, adding which the MAS predestine remained unresolved.
Anwar additionally posed dual other questions for Najib to answer immediately:
- How prolonged will the 20,000 MAS employees under 8 unions be kept in the dark about their fate, given there is speculation which they will be forced out, or forced to work in the subsidiary airline?; and
- What has MAS altered in conditions of operational potency to opposite taking flight fuel costs as well as revoke resources impairment, as well as retreat the RM2.52 billion waste to become profit-making?
He said the final move would be to hindrance the perception there is an ongoing "AirAsia-nisation".
"MAS cannot continue to be managed through domestic decisions which have turned it into the detriment making company as well as bluster the destiny of the 20,000 employees. The furture of Malaysia Airlines lies with the employees.
"The government should not unnecessarily interfere with business. It should commission the senior government as well as not embark upon other half-baked measures.
"MAS is one of the many opportunities accessible for Najib to burnish his remodel certification as well as stretch himself from the disastrous mistakes done in the past," Anwar added. Read More @ Source
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Hishammuddin: Bersih 3.0 Organizers Should Accept Alternative Venue
As I was saying
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MB explains text messages worth RM300,000
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DBKL doormat for Najib and Hisham when it should be cleaning streets and clogged drains
Berakhir Sejarahnya untuk UMNO
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Dibawah ini gambar yang sempat sel13 rakam secara curi-curi dua hari lepas di Dataran Merdeka yang menunjukan Fahmi sedang tidur diatas riba seorang wanita.
Untuk pengetahuan pembaca internet sekalian, wanita tersebut adalah teman wanita Fahmi. Wanita tersebut berbangsa cina.
Nama : Liew XXX Svoon
IC No: 830925-01-5XX6
Fahmi yang dikenali sebagai seorang sosialis telah lama tinggal satu rumah dengan teman wanitanya. Sebab itu dia tidak segan-segan untuk tidur dalam satu khemah bersama teman wanitanya.
Sumber: Sel13 Blog
EC still lacks staff to check irregularities
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DBKL to Bersih: Prepare to face the music
"Action has been taken opposite those kids during Dataran Merdeka... The same action will taken if we (Bersih supporters) do a same," pronounced Fuad.
Fuad pronounced this when asked how Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) would react if a Bersih coalition deduction with plans to reason a sit-in a square from 2pm to 4pm.
He was vocalization during a press discussion after a one-hour assembly with Bersih member failed to strech an agreement over a venue for a rally.
"When a time comes, we will know. Don't worry... We have been ready. We don't concede them to go to Dataran Merdeka... let us do a job," he said.
When pointed out which a fight with a Bersih supporters competence emanate chaos, Fuad pronounced which should this happen, it is a convene organisers which should be blamed.
"Who emanate a chaos? They emanate it since they want to go opposite a laws as good as (threaten) to sit upon a road. we have given them alternatives but they didn't give me any alternative," he said.
In recent days, DBKL has conducted several raids upon students as good as activists who have set up a criticism stay during Dataran Merdeka for more than a week as partial of a campaign for free tertiary education.
Their tents as good as effects have been confiscated by DBKL while two out of six arrested have been charged in court.
Prior to Fuad's press conference, Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan told reporters a c! oalition still hoped which Fuad will shift his thoughts prior to Saturday.
"If we shift place now, it would means bigger confusion. People will still accumulate here (Dataran Merdeka) as good as Stadium Merdeka.
"It is only too little time to surprise people," she said.
"We would be rebuilt to discuss with a mayor upon crowd control as good as security issues if he changes his mind... We have been anticipating which we can make it happen," Ambiga added.
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Electoral boundaries drawn 'to benefit BN'
A forum organized by choosing watchdog Tindak Malaysia in Petaling Jaya yesterday was told which a BN secures a wins by ensuring farming electoral bounds have been incomparable than which of civic seats.
"For instance, a single farming voter is equivalent to six civic voters," Tindak Malaysia representative PY Wong pronounced in his opening speech at a 'How clean will a 13th ubiquitous choosing be?' forum.
Although a antithesis gained momentum in a 2008 ubiquitous election, Wong said, a BN defended a position with usually a simple majority of 18.9 percent of a popular votes.
"Nothing happens by collision in politics. Everything is designed," he added, prompting delight from a 350 people in a audience at a Petaling Jaya Civic Centre auditorium.
Wong remarkable which out of 139 parliamentary constituencies personal as a rural, 112 were bagged by BN in 2008, creation up 50.4 percent of a 222 parliamentary constituencies.
"It is evident in sovereign seats similar to Putrajaya. Well, in this case Putrajaya is probably a farming seat in a Federal Territory as it has 6,008 electorate as well as which BN won. In a Kapar, which has 112,000 voters, PKR won," he said.
Political researcher Wong Chin Huat pronounced usually in Malaysia were "urban seats surrounded by an enclave of farming seats as well as vice-versa".
Chin Huat (right), who is also a Coalition for Clean as well as F! air Elec tions (Bersih) steering committee member, pronounced a 112 farming seats bagged by BN usually done up 33.8 percent of a voters.
In a 2004 ubiquitous election, BN won 90.87 percent of a parliamentary seats with usually 63.85 percent of a popular votes.
This was in contrast with a votes received by afterwards antithesis leader Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, wh! o hold P KR's usually parliamentary seat with usually 8.43 percent of a popular votes, pronounced Chin Huat.
"The constitutional provision saying which a largest as well as smallest constituencies contingency usually have a fifteen percent parity was nice in 1962 to 50 percent as well as afterwards abolished utterly in 1973," he said.
"The Election Commission has upon purpose misinterpreted a constitution as well as acted unconstitutionally in formulating a own schemes.
"There is no ceiling for civic seats, which could make up 60,000 or 25,000 electorate as well as no building for farming seats, which could have anything less than 30,000 or 15,000 voters," he explained.
Overlapping internal management boundaries
Chin Huat forked out which a immeasurable inconsistency could usually be rectified by "ensuring a largest state subdivision in a state is not incomparable than half of a smallest parliamentary subdivision in electorate size".
"Believe me when we say which if this is not bound now, before a 13th ubiquitous election, even if a antithesis wins, it will not do it," pronounced Chin Huat.
As for gerrymandering of electoral borders, Chin Huat pronounced there were cases in Selangor where assemblypersons had to deal with multiple internal councils as their state constituencies come underneath multiform internal authorities.
"Sri Muda as well as Dengkil have been dual state constituencies which camber across 3 internal authorities, whils! t there have been eleven other state constituencies in which dual internal authorities operate," he said.
Political researcher Ong Kian Ming (left) pronounced clarity in a subsequent ubiquitous choosing would rely largely upon a EC's responsiveness to regulating reported frauds in a electoral roll.
Citing his investigate where he haddiscoveredthe existence of 3.1 million non-resident electorate who vote in constituencies which do not tally with a addresses stated in their MyKads, Ong pronounced this was nonetheless to be rectified.
Another speaker, Bersih 2.0 chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan, pronounced recent amendments to a Election Offences Act had "far reaching consequences" as vote observers were no longer authorised to be anywhere nearby polling booths.
"This utterly removes any checks. There will be no eccentric check of a MyKad, a stretch which they can work from is 100 metres, so they can't discuss it if memorable ink is placed upon a forefinger of a chairman who has voted," she said.
Ambiga pronounced a third section of Bersih's convene will take place at Dataran Merdeka upon Saturday in a hope which a electoral hurl as well as procedural discrepancies highlighted have been resolved, notwithstanding a blockades imposed by a police as well as a Kuala Lumpur City Hall! .
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
A lack of sincerity is what pisses off city folks Stephen Ng
Dataran 4 say they were 'roughed up' by DBKL
Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) officers assaulted a 4 individuals, including dual students, who were incarcerated during DBKL's raid upon those camping during Dataran Merdeka yesterday afternoon, a military inform states.
At least five DBKL officers roughed up Ekhsan Bukharee Badarulhisham, 20, during theraidthat took place about 12.30pm, Ekhsan says in his military report.
"(I) attempted to break up a scuffle, though was pulled away by five or six DBKL officers, dragged to a highway in a severe manner, as well as thrown onto a road," he said.
After that, Ekhsan said, he was "punched as well as kicked by a officers", ensuing in his shirt being torn as well as his eyeglasses broken.
The Universiti Selangor tyro pronounced he stepped in to ease a situation after a DBKL military military military military officer pushed another student, Muhammad Aliff Hafiz, until a latter fell.
"(The officer) accused us of pulling another DBKL military military military military officer until he fell," he said, insisting which a alternative DBKL military military military military officer had in fact "tripped" as well as fallen.
Assaulted whilst fibbing down
Ekhsan, who lodged a military inform upon interest of all 4 who were detained, pronounced a bystander, Shaiful Buhari Ramlan, 25, was additionally assaulted when he attempted to intervene upon his behalf.
"Shaiful (left) was pushed from a! behind as well as stopped from intervening (to assistance me). He was assaulted when he attempted to stop a officers from hitting another student.
"He was hit upon a head from a behind until he fell as well as was assaulted whilst he was fibbing upon a road... by five to six DBKL officers," Ekshan says in a report, noting which about 50 DBKL officers were present during which time.
Shaiful, who showed reporters his bruises during a press discussion during a Kuala Lumpur Court Complex upon Jalan Duta today, was additionally pronounced to be dragged onto a highway as well as "stepped upon his left cheek".
Activist Mohamad Karim Abdullah, 24, was "punched upon a face" by a DBKL military military military military officer when he attempted to stop them from dismantling a students' tents.!
"Karim was additionally grabbed until he sustained scratches as well as abrasions to his right hand. He was roughed up by about five DBKL officers prior to being put in to an unmarked van," Ekhsan said.
'We were provoked'
He added which a DBKL officers "did not deliver themselves or give any bona fide notice, though raided, annoyed as well as attacked" a protesters.
All 4 who were assaulted were incarcerated during a Dang Wangi military hire as well as expelled upon ! bail lat e last night.They have been expected to be charged in justice today.
On Monday, college tyro Umar Mohd Azmiclaimed trialto obstructing a DBKL military military military military officer from performing his duty in "apprehending as well as escorting" Occupy Dataran romantic Fahmi Reza.
Fahmi, who was arrested together with Umar upon a! < a href="http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/195647">Sunday morning raidon Dataran Merdeka by men from DBKL, was expelled upon military bail as well as not charged.
Protesters from a Occupy Dataran movement to reclaim public spaces as well as a tyro protesters perfectionist giveaway tertiary preparation have been camping out during Dataran Merdeka for 11 days. Read More @ Source
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Dakwa si CIBAI Lee Kee Hiong hina mahkamah! Nak tunjuk gangster ye ...
Sehubungan itu, Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir, menggesa pihak berkuasa iaitu Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) menyiasat tuduhan yang dilemparkan Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gantang itu kerana kenyataan itu sangat melampau, keterlaluan dan bersifat hasutan.
Katanya, Nizar dalam satu ceramah di Taman Desa Pakatan, dekat Pengkalan Isnin lalu, menggambarkan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak seolah-olah meminta pemimpin tentera melakukan `sesuatu sehingga tercetus pertikaman lidah antara mereka.
Nizar bukan sahaja celupar dan berbohong dalam sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) tetapi juga mempraktikkan perkara sama di luar dengan mengeluarkan tuduhan yang berasas tanpa memikirkan kesannya kepada rakyat dan negara ini.
Beliau juga tidak berasa bersalah sebaliknya terus berbohong dan memperdaya rakyat bahawa BN akan melakukan rampasan kuasa jika tewas pilihanraya umum akan datang.
Kenyataannya itu sangat serius dan kita harap pihak berkuasa menyiasat perkara ini, katanya kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat mingguan exco di Ipoh, hari ini.
BERSIH 3 di Mekah dan Madinah. Usaha Nasaruddin Mat Isa Gagal
Menjawab Isu Surat Pengesahan Pengundi
Air! Air! Air! Bila Kedah nak naikkan harga jualan air ke Pulau Pinang?
Fakta SPR Mengenai 12 Tohmahan Pembangkang!
Dakwaan 1:
SPR telah sengaja membetulkan sempadan kawasan pilihan raya DUN dan Parlimen tanpa kelulusan Parlimen bertujuan meramaikan pengundi di satu-satu kawasan ... Read More