-BN trying to topple the people
Journalists petition for apology, compensation and fair inquiry
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Semalam, membidas kenyataan Guan Eng yang tebal dengan sifat fanatik keagamaan dan menyentuh sensitiviti perkauman itu, Presiden MIC, G Palanivel menegaskan bahawa Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang itu adalah satu dakyah fitnah yang berniat jahat.
Dalam kenyataannya itu, Palanivel menyatakan bahawa kerajaan Barisan Nasional selama ini memberikan jumlah peruntukan yang besar untuk membina dan membaik pulih rumah-rumah ibadat agama Hindu di negara ini, khususnya di Pulau Pinang.
Sebenarnya, agak menghairankan apabila Guan Eng membuat kenyataan yang menyentuh tentang soal pembinaan atau membaik pulih kuil Hindu memandangkan dia bukanlah seorang yang beragama Hindu.
Menurut tafsiran saya dari lenggok fahaman komunis yang dianuti oleh Guan Eng, saya berpendapat bahawa mungkin dia sendiri tidak mempunyai agama.
Setahu saya, komunis menentang kewujudan agama di dalam kehidupan mereka
Lebih besar lagi kesilapan taktiknya itu apabila dia memberikan komen tentang sesuatu yang dia sendiri tidak tahu hujung pangkalnya.
Bersih 3.0 Itu Kotor - RTM (VIDEO)
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Umno, how much did you spend to bring your crowd?
FGVH Listing- the game the crooks play
Here is what irks me as good as you hope it does others too. Felda settlers have since zero though any felda domicile is promised as good as since RM 15,000 each. For what? In lapse for the guarantee to vote UMNO as good as BN in the subsequent elections? And the homunculus of the felda chairman says it's not corruption. The RM 15,000 contingency be called as what it really is- the price of any settler as seen by the PM. Its full of blood corruption.
If not, how do you insist because the PM gives out the 15,000? Does he do it for quite philanthropic reasons?
Or Perhaps you haven't unclosed yet, the diabolical skeleton they have in store for the 51% which KPF owns in Felda Holdings?
It's shortchanging the investing open when it can usually suggest 49% of the seductiveness in Felda Holdings as good as their valueless businesses abroad which did not make money anyway.
!Felda Holdings became the open association on 3 October, 2003. Today, the total capitalization exceeds RM 5 billion with RM 220 million in paid up capital. It employs the dedicated workforce of roughly 19,000 employees, complemented by the labor force of 46,795 workers during the little 300 estates, 70 palm oil mills, 7 refineries, 4 kernel crushing plants, 13 rubber factories, production plants as good as multiform logistic as good as bulking installations spread throughout Malaysia as good as multiform locations overseas.
Its assets include more than 50 active subsidiaries, compared companies as good as corner try companies. It provides technical advice as good as await to the Felda Group. It has comforts to process rubber as good as cocoa products, make fertilizers as good as work multiform successful auxiliary businesses. Among these have been IT, engineering, security, storage as good as logistic services.
It also does commercial operation during the general turn it reserve 8% of universe palm oil in 2009. It has joint-venture partnerships with vast multinationals such as Procter & Gamble as good as Iffco. It has flourishing interests in businesses in the United States, Canada, Australia, China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka as good as South Africa.
But the many critical thing to recollect is this: FGV holds usually 49% of all these. But they have an critical partner in crime- the hilt of the 1 golden share. The Ministry of Finance.
The non felda adu! lts of t his country do not get any money handouts. Buy they have the same stature as Felda settlers who have since zero to UMNO as good as the government. So, they merit the same money handouts as settlers do. Why should the settlers be treated with colour any differently? If typical adults have been poorly treated with colour they should reply the usually decent approach they can- by not choosing by casting votes in this guileful government.
The apportion in assign of felda is starting ahead with the inventory of FGV. He has called those who opposed the inventory as unfortunate bastards- haramjadah. He has described them as insensitive if they take the RM 15,000 inducement. By you do so, he has displayed his fundamental inlet which you have been saying all this while- which Najib solves problems by profitable his approach through. He is not the personality who inspires the adults with ideas as good as ideals.
There is the vast as good as barren blank which lies between his ears.
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Hudud: Sandiwara, motif dan Azmin Ali
Selangor mulls legal action if Putrajaya refuses to solve water stalemate

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Harakah Daily on Tunku Azizs resignation from DAP
May 15, 2012
Harakah Daily upon Tunku Aziz's abdication from DAP
Harakah DailyOn Tunku Aziz's Resignation from DAP
"Just saw available (video of) Tunku's TV talk as we was receiving the flight. Heart-broken @ finale of Tunku's stint in DAP. TQ for efforts 4 yrs n best wishes".Lim Kit Siang upon Twitter
May 14DAP Vice Chairman Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim, given the prime time slot upon UMNO-controlled television channel NTV7, tonight announced his abdication from his celebration post as well as membership, observant he would forewarn the leadership.
In an hour prolonged talk aired by the station, Aziz, whose remarks criticising the BERSIH 3.0 convene of Apr twenty-eight brought out in to the open his differences with celebration leadership, called upon the open to support the Barisan Nasional government's 'transformation' programme.
"The supervision is listening. Although we go to the Opposition party, we can see the merit of what they have been doing. Give them the possibility to uncover which what they have been doing is for the good of all," pronounced the 78-year old, whose senatorship was not renewed by the Penang state supervision following his remarks deriding pacific protesters in Kuala Lumpur.
Suggestive questioning, NTV7 style
In the hour prolonged programme in which the pair of hosts threw revealing questions upon him, Aziz took pains to highlight which he was not opposite electoral reforms coalition BERSIH 2.0s demands, but was usually opposite the decision to defy the Police's notice opposite participating in the sit-in during Dataran Merdeka.
Last month, having denied entry to the ancestral open square, the little 200,000 people gathered for the BERSIH 3.0 convene in multiform parts of the capital, job for obligatory electoral reforms be carried out prior to the subsequent general election.
Aziz steady the now informed evidence in the mainstream media accusing BERSIH leadership as serving the political agenda, observant it was "unfortunate" which the renouned NGO was seen ancillary antithesis politicians.
On Malaysian Bar Council
Turning to the Bar Council which has not long ago come underneath attack from BN leaders as well as tip police brass over the stand last week condemning the military for the approach it treated protesters last month, Aziz chided it for being "more endangered with politics".
"The Bar until not long ago had the commanding influence as well as seen as fighters for probity as well as equity. But recently, for multiform years, it has been seen as being some-more endangered with politics," he said, similar with criticisms by UMNO leaders opposite the Bar's unanimous resolution last Friday.
Many times during the talk Aziz described himself as "naive" as well as "stupid" for his decision to join politics.Recalling the decision to join DAP in 2008, Aziz pronounced he was obliging veteran statesman Lim Kit Siang, whom he described as! "the on e man we trust", who offered him the platform in the party.
In the interview, Aziz however disputed suggestions which DAP was the Chinese-based party, observant the party's meetings were conducted in the inhabitant language, something he pronounced was proof which it was "trying to change".
'I didn't join PR'
Before finale his talk with an proclamation which he would tender his resignation, Aziz claimed which he chose to stay upon in the celebration for fear of "letting my crony down if we withdraw", adding which his role as clamp authority was "somewhat unerring in which you have been not totally free".
Asked because he had not assimilated PKR instead, Aziz argued he did not know the de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim as most as he knew Lim. According to Aziz, he had usually assimilated DAP as well as not Pakatan Rakyat. "I didn't join PR, we assimilated DAP. Don't design my views to coincide with theirs 100 per cent."
Aziz, however ,refused to be drawn in by the host's allegation which Anwar had the "questionable image as well as reputation", observant DAP's agreement to designate Anwar as the Prime Minister in the eventuality PR governs during the Federal level could have been "for the consequence of the coalition's unity". "Anwar seems to be the person best suited," he added.
'PAS no pushover'
He brushed aside allegations which DAP had been able to put pressure upon fellow coalition partner PAS, stressing which the Islamic celebration was "no pushover".
"You can't subordinate PAS. They have their own ideas as well as strength," he said, adding which differences among PR partners were common as well as expected.
Aziz, however, finished clear his support to the BN government, observant it had finished the "reasonable job", although he fast added: "But they could have ! finished better".
Praise for Najib's ETP Agenda: Moving in the Right Direction
He pronounced the BN supervision was relocating in the "right direction" in the much-trumpeted 'transformation' agenda of Prime Minister Najib Razak. "They have been upon the right track. we have absolute confidence," declared Aziz, repeating the informed evidence by BN leaders which ruling the multiracial country like Malaysia is the "monumental task" something which Aziz pronounced the PR coalition had "no experience" in.
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Tunku Aziz quits DAP!!! Aspan, Sakmongkol new house negroes?
Tunku Aziz quits DAP!!! Aspan dan Sakmongkol new house negroes?
FGVH Listing- the game the crooks play
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"Penyertaan terbuka kepada pasukan sekolah untuk Full Routine, dan kepada semua untuk Cheer Pom. Kategori pertandingan adalah:
- All-Girl (School) full routine
- Co-Ed (School) full routine
- Cheer Pom (Open)"
Untuk Lebih lanjut hubungi Y - AVENUE - EN. SABRAN B. ABD BAHAR (019-2230365/03-88713747)
"Yoyo merupakan aktiviti yang terdiri daripada dua cakera sama saiz yang diperbuat daripada plastik, kayu, atau besi, disambungkan dengan gandar, yang dibelit dengan tali. Pertandingan ini merupakan kali kedua diadakan sempena Sambutan Hari Belia Negara dan dipertandingkan dalam kategori berikut :
1A (Single)
2A (Double A)
4A (Offstring)
5A (Counterweight)
Pertandingan ini terbuka kepada semua pemain Yoyo di Malaysia tidak kira sama ada di Semenanjung atau Sabah dan Sarawak yang berumur 10 tahun dan ke atas. "
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut sila hubungi
EN. SABRAN B. ABD BAHAR (019-2230365/03-88713747)
Demontrasi Menyelamat Oleh Bomba Dan Penyelamat Malaysia # Seketeriat HBN 2012
Selain dari itu Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia akan mengadakan
demontrasi menyelamat yang mana dilaksanakan pada 26 mei 2012
bertempat di sector x jam 5.30 petang hingga 6.30 petang iaitu
demontrasi menyelamat mangsa runtuhan bangunan (Urban Rescue).
Manakala Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia akan melaksana
demontrasi menyelamat di tasik putrajaya pada twenty-seven mei 2012 bermula jam
5.00 6.00 petang . Penganjuran tersebut akan diuruskan oleh pasukan
StarTeam APMM.
Demonstrasi Menyelamat Mangsa
Tarikh/Masa: 3.00 - 4.00 Petang (25 Mei 2012)
Kerjasama: Polis Diraja Malaysia
Untuk Makluman hubungi EN. AHMAD SYAMMIEL BIN MOHAMED KARIM (019-6208284)
- Seketeriat HBN 2012
Konsert Sempena 66 Tahun UMNO Tiada Sambutan
Tahniah aku ucapkan pada Tunku Aziz. Anda seorang yang sangat tegas! Saya hormati anda. Susah nak cari manusia yang pendirian dia tegas semacam ni sekarang ni.
Pakatan reaffirms no-hudud stand
Stephanie Sta Maria | May 14, 2012 (FMT)
Top opposition leaders agree to say a Common Policy Framework
PETALING JAYA: Pakatan Rakyat's top leaders have been in agreement that a hudud law will not be implemented if a bloc takes over Putrajaya in a next general election as a Islamic penal law is not partial of a Common Policy Framework.
PAS boss Abdul Hadi Awang told a media after a assembly of a senior leadership during a PKR headquarters this morning that Pakatan would adhere to a in front of voiced in Sep 2011.
Pakatan leaders held a three-hour assembly upon Sept 28, 2011 to trash out a hudud emanate as well as subsequently voiced that it was not partial of a bloc's process to deliver such Islamic law supplies as well as that any pierce to do so would need a accord of all 3 parties.
"We agreed back then to uphold a Federal Constitution upon a in front of of Islam whilst during a same time respecting a different ideologies as well as religious ideology inside of Pakatan Rakyat," Hadi said.
The hudud question has prolonged been a troublesome emanate in between PAS as well as DAP, as well as flush again final week after PAS Ulama Council arch Harun Taib pronounced a implementation, as well as amending a Federal Constitution to enable it, would be PAS' priorities.
Hadi was afterwards quoted as observant that hudud would be implemented if Pakatan came in to energy though would be enforceable only between Muslims.
DAP authority Karpal Singh once again raised a clever conflict to Hadi's statement as well as DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng pronounced any try to work outside a Pakatan framewok would be akin to a "stab in a back".
Election manifesto
Veteran DAP personality Lim Kit Siang, vocalization during today's press conference, pronounced Pakatan would say a Common Policy Framework,! that co vers a bloc's joining to a Federal Constitution, that upholds Islam as a religion of a association whilst allowing alternative religions to be practised peacefully throughout a country.
"If there is any change in process it will have to be by approach of accord from all 3 Pakatan Rakyat parties," Lim said. "And upon a question of hudud it is not in a Common Policy Framework.
"We respect PAS' views upon hudud though a in front of is additionally really clear as we feel it is not in accordance with a Federal Constitution."
PKR personality Anwar Ibrahim pronounced all 3 parties were committed to superfluous united in streamer towards a next general election as well as would say that togetherness if Pakatan were to form a next government.
That assurance flew in a face of Harun's statement that PAS would cruise changing a domestic allies in sequence to grasp a hudud objective.
"What Kit Siang just pronounced we have signed upon as well as steady countless times," Anwar said. "But certain quarters inside of Umno as well as Perkasa have still pounded us, generally DAP.
"They have even pounded Kit Siang personally as someone who will dishonour a constitution as well as this allegation has been done as well by Najib [Tun Razak] himself. So I'm really glad that Kit Siang has cleared up a emanate today."
Apart from a hudud issue, a leaders additionally discussed a coalition's election manifesto, which, according to Anwar would be adapted to meet each state's particular needs.
With regard to chair allocation, PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali pronounced a negotiations were "90% complete" as well as would be finalised during Pakatan's next meeting, approaching to take place inside of a week.
also read:Pakatan: No hudud without OK from all parties
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Ya! BERSH 3.0 Berjaya - Part 1

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The Hidden Messages That You May Not Know
MAY142012 (The Financetwitter.com)
It's been dual weeks since a stunning 250,000 people brave a blazing sun demanding for clean elections during Bersih 3.0 rally. Interestingly a topic is still selling similar to prohibited potatoes. Actually a convene is still prohibited news simply since both government as well as antithesis wouldn't want it to die a healthy death. Understandably both sides have been fighting tooth as well as nail as it would deliver a precious votes come a next ubiquitous election. The aftermath of Bersih 3.0 is maybe a final as well as greatest propaganda apparatus prior to choosing so whoever can manipulate it to a best will benefits a most.
Sometimes we got to wait for a dust to solve prior to a actual tract emerges. So if we caring to see, read, listen as well as think over a final dual weeks, we should be able to put all a nonplus pieces together. It's become clearer because this version of Bersih was not as pacific as previous version 1.0 as well as 2.0. I've wrote prior to a Bersih 3.0 convene how some UMNO insiders were (plotting and) anticipating for a chaos convene (read here). So far it didn't disappoint as well as a story goes according to a script. Yes, we don't have to go extra miles by consulting happening tellers or demeanour to a stars to get answers as to who were a book bard as well as writer of this classical pacific incited violence film.
There was this speculation that PM Najib was scared shit that Bersih 3.0 would be a springboard for a "Malaysia Spring", ala Arab Spring. But Malaysia is not Arab so that's a truckload of bullshit. Malaysians simply cannot go through a prolonged rally. Don't hold me? Go as well as review this private conversation with PM Najib as ! well as President Obama (*grin*). If Najib in truth was devising himself as if he was upon ecstasy as well as couldn't think straight, as well as in a processordered a heartless crackdown upon pacific protesters, then he's just months or weeks away from being a shortest portion budding minister of Malaysia.
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Bersih 3.0- The impulse we share

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Shiite Muslims forced to remove banner, fined RM250

This time the group was forced to mislay the banner for the event, which Jais claimed was compelling their beliefs. The group was additionally slapped with the RM250 compound by the Selayang City Council (MPS).

"The rite may continue, just which the banner needs to be removed since we don't wish others to see this as compelling Shia beliefs.
"Don't put any sign which carries the definition (anniversary celebration of) the bieing born of Fatimah Az-Zahrah. These things would animate questions upon what the rite is about," he was heard saying during the contention with an organising committee member, Mohd Nassir Sahar (right in photo).
The contention celebrated byMalaysiakiniwas additionally attended by four MPS coercion officers.
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Umno, how much did you spend to bring your crowd? ALIRAN
Dumb and Dumber Just for laughs

into aloft ! circles or those sticking to energy since their closets have been spilling out with skeletons. We contingency reject these Laurels as well as Hardys, including those who wish to go behind in time, prior to we Malaysians become, "Malaysia-ah, Mana Boleh? Kan they all jokers?"
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Penubuhan akademi undang-undang akan dibinchang dengan jemaah menteri, peguam negara
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Dulu MARA dia kasi bersih, Nak bersihkan pilihanraya konon?
Clear message to fence-sitters
Nizar becomes uninvited guest at Umno ceramah

Nizar, a former Perak menteri besar as well as many recognisable face of Perak Pakatan, toldMalaysiakinitoday which which a throng looked rather dismayed when he arrived.

According to Nizar, Umno had been dogging opposition ceramahs in a state for a couple of months by land events nearby, yet this eventuality piqued his curiosity since his name was emblazoned upon a banner.
"I wanted to know whether we had longed for anything (in examining myself).
"I thought we competence as well attend prior to my turn to verbalise (at a PAS ceramah)," he pronounced in a telephone interview.
"I saw an empty chair (at a front panel) - which was Hanafiah's - as well as we took a chair there," he said, amused.
He claimed which when Hanafiah realised something was amiss as well as looked over his shoulder, a latter swiftly segued in to bashing Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan as well as PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim.
The throng of about 100 or so, according to Nizar, were likewise! dismaye d during his participation while he was "just sitting there as well as smiling".
"I think they werepucat(pale)," he laughed.

In addition, a throng took a eventuality to disapprove Nizar during each discuss of his colleagues in Pakatan Rakyat.
"He was utterly abashed, his face was utterly different," he cracked.
'Good for approved process'
He afterwards went to a PAS ceramah to insist himself, as well as a throng was likewise dismayed during a PAS leader's extemporaneous detour.
But a reply appears to have been great so distant for Nizar, with a single person promulgation him a text-message congratulating him as well as observant it was a "new era" in politics.
"My phone was also toll uninterrupted from 2am onwards," he added, laughing.
When asked if he competence have a robe of it, he was upbeat upon how it would affect politics, yet remained non-committal.
"Maybe this would be a great move, for a brighter approved process," he said, explaining which it would keep a lid upon what politicians say during ceramahs.
On a some-more serious note, though, a Pasir Panjang assemblyperson hopes which he managed to have a indicate by crashing a Umno event.

Among other things, they ran down PAS' dealings with Ambiga(right), describing a Islamic party as following a Hindu lady who was "pro-LGBT as well as anti-Syariah", according to Nizar.
On dealing with a antagonistic environment, Nizar chuckled as well as said: "It takes a lot of patience."
In a a text-message toMalaysiakini, he denied which a speakers during a ceramah had suddenly stopped aggressive Nizar, stressing which they had "followed a strange script".
"Nizar was not focusing upon a ceramah, he was instead chatting with a people beside him," pronounced Saarani, a Kota Tampan state legislative assemblyperson as well as state exco member.
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Penang Umno condemns Perkasa's mock funeral

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Pakatan dares not reveal decision on implementation of Hudud law
Umno patut berhimpun sekali lagi Aspan Alias
Penang BN blueprint comes with a catch

He pronounced a extensive development devise contingency be readied to accommodate a restoration of a giveaway pier status.
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IGP: Lawyers biased in swift condemnation of the police

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Aku pernah kerja Bank satu masa dahulu, dan sebagai seorang pekerja Bank kita kena tandatangan bermacam-macam borang akujanji sebelum masuk kerja dan kita patuh pada undang-undang Bank, salah satunya ialah BAFIA.
PAsal dia nak bising sekarang? Suruh dia mintak kerja ngan Rafizi la? Takkan la PKR nak mansuhkan BAFIA? Nanti semua orang punya akaun bank akan terkeluar dengan begitu sahaja? Korang nak ke? Silap-silap akaun Anwar pun keluar sekali beb.
Kenapa mesti mamat tu bising, kalau ikutkan hati aku la, elok dibuang negara je manusia macam tu. Takkan nak lepas dia macam tu je. Dia dah melakukan kesalahan, dia mesti dihukum. Bukan setakat dia sahaja, Rafizi juga bersubahat, malah sesiapa yang ada kaitan dengan kes ini wajar dihukum.
Ini tak mereka dengan bangga boleh masuk dalam portal yang sehina pelacuran di Chow Kit iaitu Malaysiakini dan nak mintak keadilan untuk anjing pengkhianat tu? Apa punya gila wei? Apa negara ini takde undang-undang ke? Mana Peguam Negara? Tidur ke?
Kalau korang nak tau apa tu BAFIA! KLIK SINI
Pembangkang ni belum pun berkuasa dah mula nak buat undang-undang sendiri, aku tak boleh bayangkan la kalau mereka menang, mampos kita semua mereka kerjakan. Ini namanya undang-undang rimba. Dulu mereka nakkan keadilan, sekarang mereka nak tukar undang-undang!
Spesis semacam ini wajib diambil tindakan sekeras-kerasnya. Dah le mereka buat salah, sek! arang ni mereka macam nak tuduh ada orang campur tangan untuk kenakan si PENGKHIANAT KERANI tak sedar diri tu. Ini undang-undang BAFIA la bodoh, kalau tak faham apa itu BAFIA, klik link yang aku kasi tadi ok!
Juga baca pengakuan Rafizi dia dah melakukan BAFIA. KLIK SINI
Tak cukup duit untuk berkahwin
Adakah kita perlu bimbang tentang berita bahawa bilangan rakyat Malaysia berumur twenty-five tahun ke atas yang tidak pernah berkahwin adalah seramai 2.5 juta orang atau 16.7 peratus daripada jumlah penduduk negara. Statistik ini berdasarkan Banci Penduduk dan Perumahan Malaysia 2010. Banci itu juga menunjukkan daripada jumlah tersebut, 60.4 peratus adalah lelaki dan 39.6 peratus lagi wanita. Faktor-faktor utama mereka tidak berkahwin ialah:
Faktor yang paling menonjol ialah masalah kewangan sehinggakan 44.7% lelaki memberikan jawapan ini sebagai masalah yang utama. Adakah ini benar? Mungkin juga memandangkan kos sara hidup yang semakin meningkat dan andaian lazim yang menghendaki si lelaki menjadi ketua keluarga setelah memasuki alam berumahtangga.
Sudah semestinyalah apabila menjadi pemimpin di dalam sebuah keluarga, tangggungjawab yang dipikul untuk memberi makan minum, pakaian dan tempat tinggal terletak di bahu si suami. Lelaki yang benar-benar prihatin sudah pasti mahu bersedia sebaik mungkin memberikan hidup yang selesa kepada kaum keluarganya.
Dia harus memikirkan bukan sahaja soal acara majlis perkahwinan tetapi memberikan tumpuan dan memikirkan tentang halatuju keluarganya pada masa hadapan. Ramai juga lelaki yang cuba sedaya upaya menabung dahulu dan mencari jalan bagaimana mempertingkatkan sumber pendapatannya ! supaya t idak membebankan si isteri dan keluarga dengan masalah kewangan.
Berbanding dengan pihak wanita dengan hanya 14% yang menyatakan masalah kewangan menjadi faktor mereka tidak berkahwin. Mungkin boleh dibuat andaian bahawa 86% wanita akan bergantung kepada suami apabila berkahwin kelak.
Peratusan kecil yang menyatakan masalah kewangan sebagai faktor tidak berkahwin ini merupakan golongan minoriti yang sedar bahawa mereka juga bertanggungjawab menyumbangkan tenaga dan wang ringgit dalam menjayakan sesebuah keluarga. Pendekatan mereka terhadap alam perkahwinan lebih praktikal kerana mahu bersedia jika ditakdirkan sesuatu terjadi kepada sang suami.
Pada masa sekarang nasib seseorang isteri yang bergantung sepenuhnya kepada suami untuk perbelanjaan hidup tidaklah terjamin. Si suami mungkin sahaja berkahwin lain dan ketika itu, sumber kewangan pasti menjadi salah satu isu utama dalam hidup si isteri.
Tiada jodoh berbanding tidak terlalu memilih
40% wanita berkata tidak ada calon yang sesuai menyebabkan mereka tidak berkahwin dan ini merupakan faktor utama di kalangan mereka berbanding hanya 19.3% lelaki yang memberikan jawapan yang sama. Adakah ini merupakan fenomena baru atau memang benar tidak ada calon yang sesuai lagi untuk dipilih? Kriteria untuk menjadi calon suami nampaknya berbeza sekali dengan apa yang dikehendaki oleh lelaki dalam memilih calon isteri.
Hakikat bahawa lebih ramai wanita yang berpendidikan dan berdikari iaitu mempunyai sumber kewangan sendiri mungkin juga menyumbang kepada faktor tidak ada calon yang sesuai untuk dikahwini. Wanita juga mahukan pasangan yang sesuai bukan sahaja daripada segi paras rupa tetapi juga daripada aspek tahap pemikiran serta pemahaman dan seboleh-bolehnya memilih calon suami yang mempunyai kedudukan kewangan yang kukuh.
Hakikatnya tidak ramai lelaki yang sebaya yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut dan pihak wanita lebih sanggup terus membujang daripada mengambil risiko berkahwin! dengan sesiapa sahaja.
Berbeza pula dengan sikap lelaki yang mungkin lebih bersahaja dalam pemilihan seorang isteri. Memang paras rupa sentiasa memainkan peranan yang penting dalam apa juga hubungan kerana kita impikan yang dikahwini akan menjadi pasangan sehidup semati. Kadang-kadang bukanlah paras rupa atau bentuk tubuh yang mengiurkan yang menjadi daya tarikan utama tetapi tutur bahasa dan tingkah laku yang memaut hati si lelaki kepada calon isterinya.
Lelaki memang kaum yang lemah dalam hal-hal sebegini, dan oleh kerana sikap tidak terlampau memilih, peluang untuk berkahwin terbuka lebih luas untuk kaum Adam.
Rakan kongsi rumahtangga dan peniagaan
Kedua-dua pihak lelaki dan wanita tidaklah meletakkan kemajuan kerjaya sebagai penghalang utama untuk mereka berkahwin. Ini satu petanda yang baik bahawa kerjaya dan alam rumahtangga boleh seiring malahan kadang-kadang bantu-membantu dalam meningkatkan tahap kemajuan di dalam kerjaya masing-masing.
Setengah-setengah pasangan suami isteri merupakan rakan kongsi di dalam sesuatu usaha perniagaan misalnya dan menjadi simbol kejayaan kepada orang lain. Usaha mereka sebagai satu section menjadi lebih mantap dan gandingan sebagai rakan kongsi mengeratkan pula hubungan suami isteri.
Nampaknya hanya kaum wanita yang selesa hidup membujang kerana mereka sahaja yang memberikan sebab ini sebagai salah satu faktor tidak berkahwin. Adakah ini berhubungkait dengan faktor tidak ada calon yang sesuai untuk menjadi pasangan mereka? Mungkin juga.
Apa yang pasti, kaum wanita mempunyai jangka hayat yang lebih lama berbanding lelaki dan secara tidak langsung mereka telah bersedia untuk hidup tanpa lelaki. Kita tahu bahawa ramai balu-balu yang masih hidup bertahun-tahun tanpa mendiang si suami dan berjaya membesarkan anak-anak mereka dengan baik sekali. Mungkin ini juga menjadi contoh kepada mereka yang masih bujang bahawa lelaki tidaklah begitu perlu di dalam hidup mereka.
Apa yan! g dikehe ndaki masing-masing
Mungkin tidaklah begitu mengejutkan apabila peratusan yang sama iaitu 7.4% daripada lelaki dan wanita memberikan sebab komitmen kepada keluarga sebagai faktor tidak berkahwin. Besar kemungkinan mereka yang memberikan jawapan sedemikian menjadi tulang belakang keluarga dan bersedia mengorbankan kebahagiaan hidup sendiri supaya keluarga mereka terurus dengan baik.
Mereka mungkin mempunyai rancangan untuk berkahwin apabila telah berjaya mengendalikan segala urusan keluarga terlebih dahulu atau mendapat calon yang boleh memahami situasi mereka. Kemungkinan besar kumpulan ini akan berkahwin juga akhirnya.
Banci Penduduk dan Perumahan memang menarik untuk dikaji dengan lebih mendalam supaya kita dapat mengenal pasti apa sebenarnya masalah kewangan yang dihadapi oleh kaum lelaki dan calon yang bagaimanakah yang dikehendaki kaum wanita.
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Time to dismantle the regime
Autobot or decepticon?
And a alternative?
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
The face of change

When a call for Bersih 3.0 was made, you already knew you would be going. you had left for Bersih 2.0 as a "mere novice, a demure demonstrator". Now, you am no longer a novice, though still reluctant, as you unequivocally didn't penchant a thought of most probably carrying to continue smarting tear-gas as well as ru! n for my hold up again.
It unequivocally isn't most "fun" being BBQ-ed underneath a feverishness of a sun. My friend was upon her phone commenting how tedious it was, when you saw a tear gas entrance during us without any warning.
Christine SK Lai was a single of a participants in a Bersih 3.0 rally which drew some-more than 80,000 people upon Apr 28.
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