The Steve Jobs Factor

October 9, 2011

Esther Dyson upon Mr. Jobs: The Steve Jobs Factor


NEW YORK Normally, you need a sold initial name not to need a last name, though in this as in everything which he did Steve Jobs was different. He was regularly just "Steve."

In a personal-computing commercial operation which changed from a bulky Apple II to a sleek as well as intelligent iPhone 4s (announced a day prior to Steve's death) Steve was a usually loyal showman of what is right away a singular of a world's biggest industries. He inspired extended public unrestrained for a quality of his products as well as his personal charisma. (Others have become "business" leaders, though usually Steve became someone known as well as dignified by millions together with a Romanian waiter during a British Airways lounge where we am sitting now.)

I initial met Steve back in 1979 or 1980, during Ben Rosen's Personal Computer Forum. For a tiny reason, it was hold during a Playboy Resort in Lake Geneva (never again!). Regis McKenna, Apple's public-relations agent for many years, set up a meeting. As we recall, a three of us sipped Diet Cokes, served by a Playboy bunny. Even then, as a universe traveler who had outlayed critical time in India, Steve had a improved sense of a universe outward educated, middle-class America than many techies.

I'll regularly remember his stroke during Personal Computer Forum, which we after bought as well as ran from 1982 to 2007. He came many times in a mid-1980's as well as 1990's. The rivalry between him as well as roughly everyone in a attention was bitter. He as well as Apple were deliberate conceited loners; they didn't fool around nicely with others. (And, yes, he was spasmodic bold to me as well, when we unsuccessful to earn his approval for a singular reason or another. That includes my last email from him, in September 2010, where he called a sold app we had introduced to him "reallycrummy.")

Nonetheless, thirty or so years ago, a number of us gathered in a hotel suite to watch him being interviewed upon television by Larry King. As he talked, constrained as ever, a mood in a room changed. He was no longer our competitor inside our market; he was a singular of us, outward in a bigger, alien world, explaining our juvenile tiny attention as well as products to a most broader public than we could ever reach or change upon our own. Our tiny attention had lots of a own stars, though usually Steve had a appeal as well as utterance to be a star to a outward world. We cheered as he explained in eloquent, elementary terms, vocalization for all of us a outcome which personal computers could have upon people's lives.

On a commercial operation side, he built a unique company, despite his own period in outcast from Apple whilst a array of missteps roughly broken a classification which he had built. In a universe where people genuflect to a believe of "open systems" (and sometimes actually practice it), Steve insisted upon being closed in sequence to control as well as broach a unified, awake experience to consumers. His mania with item was legendary.

His company reflects which singleness of focus. Apple still controls what apps you can buy, what calm you can see, as well as many other aspects of a products which i! t sells. Despite a operation of products, Apple has a singular pattern team as well as centralized management, as well as has done usually a few acquisitions over a years, many particularly Siri, a source of most of a intelligence inside a newest iPhone. Apple's goal has never been to amass market share, though rather to attract business a singular by a singular by a unaccompanied appeal of a products.

But in a end, a point isn't a battle over strategies. Openness is great, as well as a strategy we normally applaud: no singular businessman is likely to be a best, so openness allows a extended operation of suppliers to compete as well as compute so a most appropriate can emerge. The closed strategy creates sense usually if you are a best. That is what Steve was.

Esther Dyson, CEO of EDventure Holdings, is an active financier in a accumulation of start-ups around a world. Her interests embody report technology, health care, in isolation aviation, as well as space travel.

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2011.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Former detainees back abolition of ISA in Singapore

Tang Fong Har (left) as well as Francis Seow pic

SINGAPORE, October 9 Two people formerly incarcerated underneath a Internal Security Act (ISA) in Singapore have called for a law to be abolished in a island nation, Bernama Online reported today.

The headlines portal quoted Channel News Asia as saying Francis Seow as well as Tang Fong Har had addressed a open forum upon a ISA entitled "Silenced No More: A Conversation with Francis Seow as well as Tang Fong Har", as organized by a Singapore Democratic Party upon October 6, via teleconference.

The eventuality marked a first time a individuals, who both currently live in exile abroad, have spoken to Singaporeans in a open setting.

Seow lives in a United States whilst Tang resides in Hong Kong. It is understood which both have voiced a wish to lapse to Singapore in a future.

Former solicitor-general Seow was incarcerated in 1988 for being a "willing partner to acts of division in Singapore's inner affairs by representatives of a foreign power". The foreign power in subject is pronounced to be a US.

Tang, upon a alternative hand, was incarcerated in 1987 upon a drift which she was a single of 22 "Communist conspirators" concerned in a Marxist plot to mishandle as well as destabilise Singapore.

During a forum, a lawyer pronounced a Act should be repealed as well as not transposed with something even more draconian whilst Seow combined which Singapore has sufficient laws (other than a ISA) in place to safeguard open order.

On September 19, sixteen former detainees of a ISA in Singapore had issued a corner matter calling for a Act which allows detention but trial to be abolished.

It came shortly after Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had announced a dissolution of a ISA as well as a 3 Emergency Declarations in his Malaysia Day residence to a nation.

The Malaysian Insider :: Malaysia

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Utusan says Manoharan let off hook to save Guan Eng

Utusan Malaysia said today that a light of Manoharan's cessation was to "save" Lim Guan Eng (pic) from confronting disciplinary movement over his new Johor remarks. file pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 9 Utusan Malaysia said today DAP's light of deputy M. Manoharan's cessation was to "save" Lim Guan Eng from confronting disciplinary movement over his new Johor remarks.

The Umno-owned newspaper said that suspending a Kota Alam Shah deputy "will entice vigour from a lot of people" generally Indians.

"Manoharan has only been freed to save him. The celebration had missed a opportunity to uncover that they have been not racist. DAP's leadership can sense that a cessation will spark some-more restlessness between Indian members as well as supporters.

"Guan Eng is again shielded. Other than being Kit Siang's son, as well as land an important position, his skin is lighter than Manoharan's," Awang Selamat, a pen name used by a newspaper's editors, wrote in its week end edition Mingguan Malaysia.

Awang said a DAP cabinet member ubiquitous had committed a most some-more critical corruption as compared to Manoharan who had called for a inhabitant dwindle to be changed.

"There have been people who saw Guan Eng's actions as an attempt to sabotage Johor's economy as well as to harm a country's image.

"Guan Eng's actions shocked Malaysians generally Johor residents. A lot of people were harm together with a Johor Sultan, as well as a military who have worked hard to reduce a crime rate in a state," he said in his column.

Although Lim had apologised upon Sep 30, Awang said his method was "not gentlemanly" as a Bagan MP had blamed a media for playing up a issue.

The Penang chief minister was responding to an audio recording in that he appeared to have unlucky remarks about Johor's crime rate.

He insisted, however, that his statements we! re skewe d by a Barisan Nasional-controlled media as well as remained austere upon taking legal movement against these outlets, beginning with state headlines group Bernama.

DAP carried upon Friday a six-month cessation of Manoharan, less than a month into a punishment for suggesting a inhabitant dwindle to be changed.

The DAP lawmaker posted upon his Facebook page last month that a Jalur Gemilang should be redesigned, observant it caused difficulty due to its similarity to a United States' Stars as well as Stripes.

Manoharan's critique had drawn fierce critique from BN leaders who attacked him for being unpatriotic with his demand.

Despite his apology, PAS DAP's partner in Pakatan Rakyat had also insisted Manoharan be punished.

The Malaysian Insider :: Malaysia

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Pandangan ilmuan Islam berkenaan Bajet 2012

9 Okt Dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasihani, Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan mulia Nabi Muhammad s.a.w serta ahli keluarganya, sahabat dan seluruh umat yang menurutinya dalam kebaikan dan keimanan.

Kami sekumpulan ilmuan Islam dan pendakwah tanahair dengan ini sukacita untuk berkongsi sedikit respon kami terhadap bajet 2012 yang baru dibentangkan Jumaat. Dengan standing sebahagian besar kami yang kerap diajukan soalan berkaitan kehidupan dari pelbagai aspek khususnya dalam bab agama, kami merasa tanggungjawab untuk menyumbang thought dan ilmu, justeru kami duduk mengadakan pertemuan di antara ilmuan dan beberapa pendakwah yang berkesempatan bagi membincangkan BAJET 2012 walau mengakui kami tidak mempunyai angka-angka lengkap dan terperinci berkait pembangunan ekonomi Negara. Pun begitu, itu tidaklah menghalang kami dari memberikan respon dari angka-angka dan cadangan yang termaktub di dalam buku bajet 2012.

Bajet 2012 yang telah dibentangkan oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak semalam menyediakan peruntukan RM232.8 bilion dengan defisit 4.7 peratus. Secara umumnya kami mengakui bahawa bajet yang dibentangkan secara umumnya adalah baik dan memberi perhatian yang banyak serta agak komprehensif kepada kemaslahatan rakyat dari pelbagai genap lapisan dan sektor.

Pun begitu, agak merungsingkan apabila bajet ini masih kekal defisit, tahun lalu defisit adalah sebanyak 5.4 peratus. Perlu difahami unjuran hasil kerajaan pada tahun 2012 hanyalah RM 186.9 billion dan ini bermakna kerajaan perlu membuat hutang dalam negara yang baru sebanyak RM 45.9 billion.

Kami dengan ini, menyuarakan kebimbangan kami terhadap direction menambah hutang dalam mengurus dan membangun Negara tercinta ini. Menurut Laporan Bank Negara Malaysia yang terkini bertarikh thirty Sep 2011, berdasarkan angka hutang negara setakat suku kedua 2011 menunjukkan jumlah hutang negara telah joke mencecah RM437 bilion dan meningkat 11.9 peratus kepada RM455.75 billion bagi hujung tahu! n ini.

Berhutang itu bukanlah perkara yang sihat untuk diteruskan tanpa sebarang devise konkrit untuk menyelesaikannya, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w bersabda:


Ertinya: Barangsiapa yang meminjam harta orang lain dengan niat ingin mengembalikannya, Allah akan mengembalikan pinjaman itu, namun barangsiapa yang meminjamnya dengan niat ingin merugikannya, Allah joke akan merugikannya" ( Riwayat Al-Bukhari, 2/83 )

Juga sabda baginda:-

( ) , : : ,

Ertinya: Ya Allah, aku berlindung kepadaMU dari dosa dan hutang, lalu Baginda ditanya : Mengapa engkau sering meminta perlindungan dari hutang, whaai Rasulullah ? ; Baginda menjawab : " Jika seseorang berhutuang, bila berbicara ia dusta, bila berjanji ia mengingkari" ( Riwayat Al-Bukhari, 1/214 )

Berdasarkan hasil perbincangan telus, sederhana akademik dan sifat non-partisan di antara beberapa peserta pertemuan ilmuan Islam dan pendakwah terlibat dalam pertemuan berkala ini, pihak kami menyambut Bajet Negara 2012 dengan perasaan bercampur-campur.

Secara ringkas dan mudah dan berdasarkan kemampuan kami yang sederhana, berikut adalah respons kami terhadap beberapa isi penting terpilih dari Bajet 2012 yang dibentang pada 7 Oktober 2011:

A) Sokongan sepenuhnya

Kami memberikan sokongan sepenuhnya terhadap item-item berikut:

1. Kewujudan Dana Perusahaan Kecil Sederhana secara Patuh Shariah bernilai RM2 billion yang akan diagihkan melalui institusi kewangan Islam yang terpilih.

2. Potongan cukai kepada sukuk terbitan wakalah, sebelum ini telah diberikan kepada sukuk mudarabah, BBA, Istisna', murabahah, ijarah.

3. Pengecualian cukai bagi urusniaga sukuk bukan ringgit sebagai galakan perkembangan industri kewangan Islam.

4. Skim pembelian kereta baru jenama tempatan bagi pemilik teksi individu dengan beberapa tawaran nilai lupusan bagi jangka hayat kereta yang berbeza. Ini juga baik, bagi menggalakkan k! ualiti t eksi sedia ada, sekaligus mengurangkan risiko pengguna dan menaikkan imej negara.

5. Potongan dua kali belanja syarikat bagi yang menyediakan latihan internship. Langkah ini juga disokong khususnya latihan teori dan peperiksaan di universiti semata sememangnya tidak mampu menghasilkan tenaga kerja yang cekap dan mahir, justeru tawaran ini dikira mampu meningkatkan kecekapan tenaga kerja muda di Malaysia disamping menaikkan produktiviti syarikat terbabit dengan tenaga kerja yang lebih menjimatkan.

6. Mana-mana pemberi biasiswa dari kalangan syarikat swasta akan memperolehi pengecualian cukai.

7. Pertukaran gaji kepada sistem satu lapisdan kenaikan gaji, iaitu pada kadar RM80 RM320 atau opsyen slick SBPA dengan faedah kenaikan gaji pad akadar 7-13 peratus.

8. Bonus setengah bulan kepada kakitangan awam dan bantuan RM500 kepada pesara.

9. Dana Pengkomersialan Inovasi bagi PKS sebanyak RM500 juta melalui pembiayaan patuh Shariah.

10. Yuran sekolah rendah & menengah dimansukhkan.

11. Sumbangan orang ramai kepada rumah ibadah dan sekolah swasta akan mendapat potongan cukai.

12. Pelbagai program membangun hal asasi di luar Bandar melalui dana bernilai RM5 bilion untuk jalanraya, air bersih, elektrik, tangki air, felda diperbaiki sistem pengairan dengan bajet RM400 juta lagi.

13. Umur bersara lanjut ke 60 tahun.

14. Jadual dan jumlah jam kerja pegawai perubatan di ubah kepada purata hanya 60 jam seminggu sahaja, ditambah dengan sistem elaun oncall pada kadar RM30 ke RM80 semalaman.

15. Bajet biasiswa bagi galakan penjawat awam menyambung pelajaran di peringkat BA, MA dan PhD

16. Naik pencen dua peratus setahun.

17. Baiki rumah nelayan dari dana sumbangan bernilai RM300 juta.

18. Bantuan guaman bagi yang tertuduh tidak mampu. Bajet RM15 juta diperuntukan.

19. Hospital kanak-kanak dan wanita RM700 juta.

20. Warga emas berumur 60 ke atas dikecualikan dari caj sanatorium kerajaan sebagai pesakit luar.! Selain itu juga diberikan 50 peratus diskaun tambang LRT dan Monorel

21. Orang ramai boleh menggunakan RM1,300 dari wang KWSP mereka untuk mendapatkan kuota haji melalui kaedah ring-fencing.

22. Peruntukan meningkatkan sumber makanan melalui pertanian dengan nilai 1.1 billion.

23. Baucar buku RM200 bagi pelajar matrikulasi, IPTA, IPTS dan tingakatan enam.

24. Galakan sistem bina kemudian jual, diperuntukan melalui perbankan Islam bagi rumah bernilai RM600,000 ke bawah. Ertinya, hanya apabila rumah siap, barulah pelanggan diperlukan untuk membuat bayaran bulanan.

B) Sokongan dan nota perhatian

Berikut pula adalah item yang disokong, namun dengan dengan sedikit nota:-

1. Pengecualian cukai duti import dan duti eksais untuk kereta elektrik dan hybrid. Namun pihak kami merasakan pihak kerajaan sewajarnya meluaskan lagi galakan ini dan bukan sekadar terhad kepada dalam industri automatif, malah juga wajar diberikan potongan cukai atau insentif yang sesuai kepada mana-mana perusahaan dan perkilangan yang mampu beroperasi secara bersih dan kurang pencemaran melalui sistem 'tekonologi hijau', selain itu kami juga ingin mencadangkan agar kerajaan mengkaji bagi mengenakan cukai penalti atau khas kepada mana-mana kenderaan dan kilang yang mengakibatkan sebaran 'carbon emission' berlebihan kepada persekitaran.

2. Pengecualian cukai bagi francais tempatan bagi mengalakkan perkembangannya. Dengan kelebihan ini, pihak kami menyeru agar harga khidmat, servis dan makanan yang disediakan oleh francais terlibat tidak dinaikkan bagi mengelakkan tambahan beban bagi rakyat, juga diharapkan pihak kerajaan mampu mengambil inisiatif menasihatkan pihak francias menaikkan kualiti perkhidmatan mereka.

3. Skim rumah pertama bagi kakitangan berpendapatan di bawah RM3,000, dibenarkan untuk membeli rumah pada harga maksimum RM400 ribu berbanding RM220 ribu sebelum ini, dengan kebenaran menggabung nama suami isteri. Kami berpendapat kenyataan ini hanya merawat seba! hagian m asalah pemilik rumah pertama sedang ia tidak mampu menyelesaikan masalah harga rumah yang tinggi kepada golongan ini. Selain itu, pengumuman ini dijangka boleh mengakibatkan galakan tidak langsung penjual untuk menaikkan harga rumah lalu menambahkan risiko kemampuan peluang golongan ini memperolehi rumah.

4. Amanah ikhtiyar 2.1 billion bagi tujuan 'micro credit', namun diharapkan agar ia mampu disalur juga melalui dana patuh Shariah.

5. Sistem bas di luar bandar RM150 juta. Namun begitu, bajet kali ini mengalpakan peruntukan dan tumpuan untuk pengemaskinian dan sistem transportasi dalam bandar yang masih belum berkesan.

6. Menggalakkan Doktor, akauntan, guaman dan lain-lain veteran buka perkhdimatan di luar Bandar dengan dana RM100 juta bagi pinjaman riba 4 peratus. Ia disokong namun mengapa tiada pilihan dana patuh Shariah? Juga disarankan agar kerajaan bukan hanya mengehadkan kepada badan veteran tetapi juga badan-badan kebajikan dan sukarela yang ingin mengadakan khidmat sepertinya.

7. SME 'revitalization fund' untuk SME bermasalah. Pinjaman mudah 1 juta boleh diberikand dari dana bernilai RM100 juta yang disediakan. Walau bersetuju namun pihak kami merasakan keperluan kerajaan memberi pilihan perkhidmatan Patuh Shariah melalui perbankan Islam.

8. Bantuan RM500 kepada isu rumah berpendapatan bulan RM3,000 dan ke bawah dalam usaha meringankan belanja seharian rakyat termasuklah dalam menyekolahkan anak-anak mereka. Kami bimbang bantuan ini akan mencetuskan lambakan tunai ke dalam masyarakat yang boleh mengakibatkan peningkatan kadar inflasi akibat kenaikan harga barangan, justeru pihak kami mengharapkan kerjaaan mampu merancang tatacara yang boleh digunakan bagi mengawal kenaikan harga barang agar tidak dinaikan sewenangnya akibat pengumuman ini, khususnya apabila ditambah dengan pemberian reward sebanyak setengah bulan gaji. Juga pihak kami juga menegaskan bahawa agak ramai keluarga berpendapatan kurang dari RM3,000 yang tidak akan mendapat bantuan ini lantaran mere! ka tidak berdaftar dengan LHDN, juga tidak jelas sama ada individu yang tidak pernah membayar cukai LHDN boleh berdaftar tahun ini lalu terus mendapat kemudahan ini.

9. Pemilik teksi individu dan kereta sewa dikecualikan dari duti eksais dan cukai jalan sebanyak 100 peratus. Ini adalah baik bagi menggalakan lagi tekanan syarikat kepada pemandu teksi. Pun begitu, kami juga merasakan adalah bertambah jika kerajaan dapat juga mempertimbangkan pemberian permit-permit teksi kepada individu dengan lebih banyak.

10. KARISMA: Untuk warga emas miskin RM300 sebulan, kanak-kanak miskin RM100 sebulan, kurang upaya RM150-350 sebulan. Kami bersetuju cuma melihat agar perlu ada peruntukan bagi OKU untuk mendapatkan peluang pekerjaan di dalam perkhidmatan awam, menaikan fasiliti asasi mereka di tempat awam selaras dengan dasar OKU, selain itu sewajarnya kerajaan memberikan pengecualian cukai kepada syarikat swasta yang mengambil OKU bekerja (jika belum ada)

C) Komentar umum

Berikut pula komentar umum kami terhadap bajet 2012 :-

1. Belanjawan defisit berterusan melebihi 5 tahun bukanlah sesuatu yang sihat. Defisit menyebabkan keperluan kerjaaan untuk meminjam dengan faedah riba, apabila setiap tahun pinjaman bertambah maka jumlah hutang-hutang sebelum ini yang 'outstanding' pasti akan semakin menyesakkan. Bajet kali ini masih tidak menjelaskan devise kerajaan untuk menaikkan hasil dan pendapatan bagi mengelakkan belanjawan defisit.

2. Tiada sama sekali peruntukan untuk pembangunan urusan hal ehwal Islam sebagai agama rasmi melalui agensi-agensi kerajaan. Ini patut dikaji segera oleh kerajaan kerana bajet sepatutnya memberi perhatian dan sokongan kepada resolusi yang dicapai dalam Kongres Majlis Agama Islam Negeri SeluruhMalaysiabagi membangunkan pengurusan hal ehwal Islam.

3. Peruntukan bagi sekolah-sekolah agama rakyat tiada disebut dan diabaikan.

4. Peruntukan untuk mengatasi gejala sosial yang semakin meruncing juga tiada diberikan perhatian sama sekali.! Peruntu kan patut disediakan sama ada melalui sekolah, agensi kerajaan terbabit, NGO dan yang layak.

5. Pemberian konsesi dan kontrak kepada beberapa pengendali lebuh raya yang akan dibuat sebagaimana diumum di dalam bajet mestilah diurus dengan penuh integriti agar tidak lagi klausa perjanjian yang merugikan rakyat akibat menjamin kenaikan wajib setiap tahun.

6. Di dalam keadaan defisit dan pemotongan pelbagai cukai terhadap pelbagai perkara, kerajaan sangat wajar mengenakan kembali 'import tax' untuk barang mewah yang pernah dihapuskan sebelum ini.

7. Terlalu banyak agihan perlu sampai segera kepada masyarakat yang mengharap dari bajet ini, tanpa sikap efisyen tinggi dan tiada badan khas yang dipertanggungjawab, ia mungkin hanya tinggal pengumuman sahaja. Justeru, kami mencadangkan bagi membuktikan ketelusan dan keikhlasan bukan sekadar pilihanraya, kerajaan mewujudkan badan pemantau khas dianggotai wakil kementerian, NGO & ahli politik untuk mencatat setiap agihan yang diumumkan di dalam bajet, lalu melaporkannya secara suku tahunan (quarterly) kepada parlimen bagi pengetahuan rakyat.

8. Pengecualian cukai bagi projek dan syarikat-syarikat KLIFD yang diberikan sehingga 10 tahun adalah terlalu panjang yang merugikan Negara khususnya apabila kewangan negara berada di dalam kedaaan defisit, justeru kami mencadangkan ia dikaji semula dan diubah kepada lima tahun sahaja.

9. Sekuriti dan isu keselamatan rakyat tidak diperuntukan dengan peruntukan yang mencukupi, walaupun ada bajet untuk polis namun kita perlukan peruntukan khusus untuk sistem tekonologi sekuriti lebih baik seperti CCTV dan lain-lain sistem bagi memudahkan polis membantu keselamatan rakyat jelata.

10. 'Green tax' sekali lagi ingin kami highlightkan, pengecualian cukai bagi syarikat mampu mengurangkan pencemaran dan kenakan cukai bagi yang membuat pencemaran diperlukan.

11. Bagi mengelak spekulasi di dalam pemilikan perumahan, kami berharap kerajaan mampu mengkaji lagi sistem yang telah diperkenala! n sebelu m ini iaitu pembelian rumah ketiga dan seterusnya, institusi kewangan diminta untuk memberi pinjman sehingga 70 peratus sahaja, namun bagi merendahkan terus peluang spekulasi yang menyebabkan harga rumah meningkat sehingga menyukarkan pembeli rumah pertama dan pembeli untuk tujuan penginapan (bukan pelaburan), kami meminta pembiayaan dan pinjaman untuk pembelian rumah ketiga dan ke atas dihadkan kepada 50 peratus sahaja berbanding 70 peratus sebelum ini.

12. Peruntukan bagi mengemaskan dan menaiktaraf sistem pengangkutan dalam bandar tidak disebut di dalam bajet kali ini.

13. Selain memberikan tumpuan kepada sanatorium baru, naik taraf sanatorium swasta dan klinik, perlu juga perlu juga mengkaji khidmat di sanatorium swasta yang kian meningkat kos khidmat mereka.

14. Transformasi sepatutnya tidak hanya terhad kepada devise agihan yang baik tetapi devise kerajaan untuk tingkatkan integriti, kesungguhan dan keazaman mengelak ketirisan yang mengakibatkan perbelanjaan mengembang.

15. Tidak disebut kali ini berkenaan cukai barangan 'dosa' ke atas rokok, arak, judi dan sepertinya. Ini diperlukan bagi memperolehi pendapatan Negara dalam keadaan defisit dan mengecilkan jumlah mereka yang ingin terjebak di dalam masalah terbabit.

16. Kedai 1Malaysia (KRIM) adalah baik namun perlu disedari peruncit kecil terpaksa bersaing dengan harga barangan jualan KRIM yang 40 peratus lebih rendah dari harga pasaran, jika tidak dikawal lokasinya boleh 'membunuh' kedai-kedai runcit milik peniaga kecil dan sederhana, justeru kami mencadangkan agar kedai ini benar-benar ditempatkan lebih banyak di kawasan luar bandar atau di kawasan yang dikenalpasti didiami kumpulan pendapatan rendah seperti PPRT di kawasan bandar atau universiti.

17. Kadar keuntungan cukai harta tanah, di dalam lampiran bajet 2012 disebutkan niat kerajaan adalah untuk mengekang spekulator hartanah dari berleluasa lalu cukai ke atas keuntungan jualan harta tanah dinaikkan dari lima peratus ke 10 peratus bagi pelupusan dal! am tempo h kurang dari dua tahun, kami mencadangkan agar kerajaan mengembalikannya kepda jadual cukai asal iaitu thirty peratus secara berperingkat dwi tahunan agar masalah ini dapat dibendung dengan lebih efektif. Selain itu, jualan harta tanah setelah 5-10 tahun pula dicadangkan agar tidak dihapuskan terus, maka boleh diletakkan cukai minima sekitar a single peratus, ia dijangka penting untuk menjana pendapatan kerajaan.

Akhirnya, kami menyeru kepada semua pihak yang terlibat dalam fasa penyampaian dan perlaksanaan segala inisiatif yang telah dimaktubkan dalam belanjawan yang diumumkan agar bersifat amanah dan menzahirkan accountability yang tinggi agar setiap inisiatif yang dijanjikan benar-benar dirasai manfaatnya oleh para kumpulan sasaran. Kami mengingatkan seluruh stakeholders yang terbabit dengan Firman Allah SWT:

"Sesungguhnya Allah menyuruh kamu supaya menyerahkan segala jenis amanah kepada ahlinya (yang berhak menerimanya) dan apabila kamu menjalankan hukum di antara manusia, (Allah menyuruh) kamu menghukum dengan adil. Sesungguhnya Allah dengan (suruhanNya) itu memberi pengajaran yang sebaik-baiknya kepada kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa Mendengar, lagi sentiasa Melihat". (An Nisa:58)

Firman Allah juga :

Ertinya: sesungguhnya orang yang pale baik yang kamu ambil untuk bekerja (pada kita) ialah orang yang kuat lagi dapat dipercaya. (Al-Qasas : 26)

Sabda Rasulullah SAW:

"Tiada iman pada orang yang tidak beramanah" (Riwayat Ahmad)

Dari kami untuk khidmat masyarakat,

Ustaz Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri (Mursyid)

Ustaz Dr. Zaharuddin Abd Rahman (Pengerusi)

Ustaz Dr. Maszlee Malik

Ustaz Dr. Zahazan Muhammad,

Ustaz Syed Mohd Norhisyam

Ustaz Dr. Abdul Basit Abdul Rahman,

Ustaz Hj Mohammad Nidzam Abdul Kadir,

Ustaz Hj Aizam Mas'ud,

Ustaz Hj Hasrizal Abdul Jamil,

Ustaz Dr. Khairuddin Aman Razali,

Ustaz Imam Muda Asyraf Mohd! Ridzuan ,

Ustaz Ramadhan Fitri Elias,

Ustaz Dr. Ahmad Wifaq Mokhtar,

Ustaz Zamri Zainuldin 'Mantop'

Ustaz Abdullah Bukhari Al-hafiz

Ustaz Ahmad Husni Abd Rahman

Ustaz Shauqi Othman

Ustaz Dr. Firdaus Mohd Hatta

Dr. Mohd Nizam Barom

*This is a personal opinion of a bard or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse a view unless specified.

The Malaysian Insider :: Side Views

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

In Memoriam: Steven Paul Jobs (1955 - 2011)

Technorati tags: Obituary, Steve Jobs, Apple Theres probably not a lot which Walski can add to whats already been said today about Steve Jobs, opposite only about all mediums of communication. What greets visitors to Where others chose a path of evolution, Steve Jobs revolutionized. The iPod, iPhone and a iPad will remain a mans many lasting legacies for which very reason these 3 inclination not only revolutionized 3 different industries, but together ... Read More

Risiko hilang sokongan, ketua bukan Muslim ingatkan PAS

KUALA LUMPUR, 9 Okt PAS berhadapan dengan risiko kehilangan sokongan dan mencetuskan keadaan keluar beramai-ramai dari sayap bukan Muslim jika parti Islam itu tidak mengalah dalam isu hukum hudud, kata Pengerusi Dewan Himpunan Penyokong PAS Hu Pang Chaw. Menurut Hu, ramai ahli dewan itu tidak gembira dengan langkah PAS mahu memperkenalkan hukum ... Read More

Hudud will empty out PASs non-Muslim wing, says chief

KUALA LUMPUR, October 9 PAS risks losing the await of as well as triggering an exodus from the non-Muslim wing if the Islamist celebration does not yield upon the hudud issue, says PAS Supporters Congress (PSC) chairman Hu Pang Chaw.

He pronounced most members were unhappy about PAS's skeleton to introduce hudud law in Kelantan as well as warned this could cause non-Muslims to desert the association en masse, deleterious the party's chances during the polls.

"We have to confess in politics anything can happen," Kelantan-born Hu told The Malaysian Insider.

The stream strap began the fortnight ago when former prime apportion Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dared PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat (pic) to order the Islamic law in Kelantan. record pic

"When we tumble in love with somebody, by offshoot or by crook, you'll get together. But when the love is gone, when the feeling is not there anymore, we go your way, I go mine."

Hu pronounced this was generally loyal of PAS's Chinese supporters, who were prepared to abandon the celebration if they felt they were not getting returns upon their "investment".

"When they think this celebration ... can no longer be considered the most appropriate party, they will walk away. PAS has to bear this in mind," he said.

PAS should accept that Malaysia is the multiracial country as well as abandon the try to levy hudud upon non-Muslims as this would explode upon the party, Hu added.

He pronounced PAS should strew the "phobia" of non-Muslims as well as welcome this relatively new vote confederation instead of holding upon to outmoded ways of thinking by championing quite Malay causes, he added.

"My sincere advice to PAS leaders is, if they unequivocally wish to take over Putrajaya, they contingency get used to this approach of life," he said.

The PSC, formerly well known as the PAS Support! ers Club , was shaped in 2004 to assistance build non-Muslim await for PAS, only the week before the celebration suffered the subjection in the 11th ubiquitous election.

It was elevated to the non-voting wing of PAS in May last year to assistance recruit non-Muslim celebration members, especially in Kedah, Perak as well as Selangor.

The 20,000-strong PSC has been credited with bridging the opening in between PAS as well as non-Muslims, as well as softening the Islamist party's hardline picture between the Chinese as well as Indians.

The stream strap over hudud began dual weeks ago when former prime apportion Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dared Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat to order the Islamic law in Kelantan right away that the Umno maestro was no longer in power.

Dr Mahathir had previously created to the Kelantan mentri besar in 1993 to surprise him that the state did not have the right to introduce hudud, that prescribes stoning, defeat as well as amputation as low mark for rapist offences.

Nik Aziz, who is also PAS spiritual leader, however, discharged the idea as laughable as well as instead challenged Prime Minister Datuk Najib Razak to repel any objections Putrajaya still had over Kelantan's skeleton to implement hudud.

PAS has drawn slam from Barisan Nasional (BN) as well as Pakatan Rakyat (PR) allies over the skeleton to implement hudud, with the DAP central cabinet threatening to quit if Kelantan goes ahead as planned.

PAS, that has assured that any key of hudud will be finished slowly as well as in phases, pronounced yesterday it would kick off the series of talks in Kelantan to explain hudud law to Muslims as well as non-Muslims alike.

The Malaysian Insider :: Malaysia

Courtesy of Bono! Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Najibs 2012 Santa Clausian Budget: Xmas is early this year

October 8, 2011

Netto upon Najib's 2012 Santa Clausian Budget: Xmas is early this year

by Terence Netto (10-08-11)

COMMENT: A distinguished Pakatan Rakyat leader who enjoys a attribute with Prime Minister Najib Razak which allows for amiable chaff called upon a PM upon a first day of a new Adilfitri celebrations.

Nattily ready to go in his Bersih-yellow shirt, a Pakatan notable, after charity festive greetings, dispensed with preliminaries as well as went straight to a point.

"This year or subsequent year?" he chortled.

"What good will it do for me to wait," dead-panned a Prime Minister.

Yesterday's 2012 Budget which a PM as Finance Minister unveiled is substantially a most transparently electioneering budget ever tabled in Parliament. It did not only sport a sign which 'Polls have been near'; it came flat out as well as pronounced 'These something good to eat have been meant get me your vote.'

It would be genuine to expect which a annual matter of how a incumbent monetary minister wants to procure income as well as how he intends to pay for it would be exempt from politics as well as unconditionally debasing to a imperatives of advantageous bookkeeping.

But to proffer a single which is as nakedly vote-enticing as Najib's 2012 Budget is an abandonment of fiduciary duty.

Going bankrupt? Never heard of it

It is as if a murky prognostications of Pemandu chief Idris Jala (right) which stream levels of income as well as output would have us swamped in red ink by 2019 were unheard.

And it is as if a liquid bullion which gushes from next as well as off a coasts contributing up to 60 percent of income for a annual budget is set to last for a prolonged time instead of depleting in a couple of years.

There have been essentially two schools of suspicion upon a monetary crisis now besetting a United States as well as tools of Europe. One binds which a plague was brought upon by a poisonous decoction of subprime mortgages as well as runaway speculation in monetary derivatives, aided as well as abetted by marketplace fundamentalism upon a part of regulators.

The other is which even if undiscerning exuberance had not characterised a dabbling in new monetary products, a ever-enlarging entitlements which some democracies ladle out to their adults would in a destiny describe their governments insolvent.

Fortunately, Malaysia had not ascended to a levels of monetary lack of simplicity which would have done it susceptible to a bank failures which assailed a economies of a US as well as other tools of a West in late 2008, recovery from which is proving elusive. But in permitting a size of a public sector to grow as well as in treating with a polite use as a opinion catchment area, Malaysia is careening into paths which pave a approach to a sclerosis which presently assails Greece.


With a bloated polite use of 1.3 million (for a race of 28 million) as well as counting, with both government as well as a opposition treating them as dedicated cows which cannot be put out to pasture, a desert enligh! tenment which warps fiscal formulation in some western democracies is headed for trespass in Malaysia.

Combined with UMNO-BN's partiality to a plutocratic few, a Malaysian domestic economy is set to become, more markedly than ever underneath a Najib Razak administration, crony capitalistic during a top as well as a present welfare state during a middle, during least.

Presumably, those during a bottom of a economic totem stick would be left to try out Marie Antoinette's recommendation "Let them eat cake" to a inspired rank as well as file upon a eve of a French Revolution.

That Najib is means to furnish his erstwhile nostrums in a mantle of reformist labels Government Transformation Programme, Economic Transformation Programme, etc, only attests a prescience of George Orwell's warning of multiform decades ago about how denunciation corrupts suspicion as well as clamp versa.

A public which is not beguiled by these lone labels would not be left in ignorance about a destiny costs of Najib's stream munificence where over RM20.5 billion is to go for debt-servicing, up 60 percent over a grant in a prior year.

Rather it would be determined to absolved a nation of governance which conceives of a role as responding to exigency expediently, as securing support by pay-offs.

In other words, it is a government which is for a survival as priority, for a people as afterthought, as well as for a destiny as amnesia.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


UMNO Vice President as well as argumentative Chief Minister of Malacca Mohd Ali Rustam, only weeks after telling a press that UMNO did not need a votes of a ruling coalition's Chinese or Indian constituents, affianced that "in a entrance election, BN (Barisan Nasional) will win in Kelantan." Mohd Ali claimed a Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) only won control of a Kelantan State Assembly in 2004 ...

Malaysias Debt is RM 455billion in 2011

October 8, 2o11

Malaysia's Debt is RM 455billion in 2011, says The Treasury

Federal Government debt went up 11.9 percent to a stunning RM455.75 billion this year, pushing up estimated seductiveness payment for 2012 up by RM1.94 billion.

According to a Economic Report 2010/2011, a bulk of a increase came from domestic debt, "mainly due to higher borrowings to encounter financing requirements".

The inform records that during that rate, Federal Government debt stands during 53.8 percent of a GDP, up by a teenager climb of 0.7 percent compared with 2011.

"Through a debt turn has been trending upwards in brand new years, debt servicing genius stays affordable as well as inside of advantageous limits. The supervision will safeguard that debt use charges remain during 10.1 percent of income (compared 9.8 percent in 2010) will remain docile as well as not strike upon productive spending programmes," a inform said.

It combined that mercantile rules will be "rigorously observed" so that debt will not surpass some-more than 55 percent of GDP with debt servicing costs maintained next 15 percent. Leading a approach in a debt bucket up in 2011 was a distribution of RM28.39 billion worth of brand new supervision investment issues (GII).

Also contributing to a travel in supervision debt have been securities, up by 6.4 percent or RM16.72 billion this year. External debt have up a smaller apportionment of supervision debt, with market loans higher by around RM 745 million in 2011 compared with final year, as well as plan loans down by 2.8 percent or RM 7.2 billion this year.

Th! e climb in bonds contributes to a largest apportionment of a approaching climb in seductiveness payments for 2012, that a Estimated Federal Expenditure inform for 2012 estimates to be an strange RM20.45 billion. Debt servicing of bonds is up by RM1.2 billion, or 10.47 percent, to RM12.79 billion.

Securities have been marketable debt instruments released by a supervision to raise supports from a capital market. Issued in 1970s as well as 1980s to encounter open sector growth expenditure, a supports raised were used to means a check deficit as well as prepayment of external loans starting a 1990s.

It was followed by seductiveness paid to a Employees Provident Fund (EPF) during an estimated RM2.04 billion is up by 14.68 percent. Heavy upon a seductiveness check during RM4.94 billion for supervision released investment is, approaching to climb by RM751.17 million compared with a figure for 2011.

Household debts high but manageable

The Economic Report 2010/2011 also remarkable that a sum household debt this year stood during an phenomenal RM524.9 billion, leaping by 12.7 percent compared with final year. This means that debts held by households mount during a worrying 77.2 percent of GDP during a finish of July 2011, nonetheless a inform contends that this is "manageable".

"The households debt turn remained docile as some-more than half of a debt comprised asset-backed loans for residential properties (at 45 percent) as well as vehicles (at 19.2 percent)". A expected means for regard is credit card spending that a inform pronounced "continued to expand" in 2011, with transactions taking flight 11.8 percent to RM50.3 billion in a first seven months of a year.

At a same time, a move to levy credit card use tax, annou! nced in Budget 2010, resulted in a decrease in credit card distribution. "(The) sum credit cards in dissemination has been upon a decline, recording 8.3 million cards as during end-July 2011. This represented a 26% decrease from a turn available in October 2009," it noted.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Corruption: The Prognosis is not good

October 8, 2011

Corruption: The Prognosis is not good

Written by Moaz Nair, Malaysia Chronicle (10-08-11)

Never in a trail of a nation's history has crime been as uncontrollable as it has been for a past 3 decades. Corruption has turn a flay which would in conclusion ruin a republic as good as you should appreciate Barisan National opportunism for this knack as good as flamboyance.

Interesting media highlights upon purported crime as good as abuse of energy

To a obligatory regime, it's regularly a rejection syndrome which would stain their tongue during your convenience a emanate of crime is raised by a open as good as this would in spin be handily backed as good as spun by a pro-government media. Nevertheless, let's summation a small of a engaging media highlights in a past years upon corruption-related issues in a country.

"Nine Japanese shipping companies which transport lumber from Sarawak, Malaysia, allegedly unsuccessful to inform a small 1.1 billion yen of income in sum during a period of up to 7 years alleging a income constituted kickbacks to Sarawak officials via a Hong Kong agent."

"Serious allegations of integrity involving a apportion in counterclaim contracts such as US$ 100 million for Sukhoi jets from Russia as good as US$ 120 million for submarines from France."

"A immeasurable commission in millions of Euros being paid to a submarine broker."

"Customs officers found about 600 boxes of frozen beef value about RM80,000 in between a cargo. In a export documents, a meat was spoken as fruits. ACA officers have questioned a dozen people, together with etiqu! ette off icers, forwarding agents, trawler organisation members as good as pier officials."

"Alcohol smugglers have been short-changing a supervision to a balance of about RM800 million in taxes annually as good as adversely inspiring a drink industry in a process. The loss in taxes was due to loopholes in enforcement, specifically in Malaysia's territorial waters, pronounced a Minister. He urged a department to take organisation movement to rout bootlegging activities by upgrading surveillance in areas which were identified as smugglers' routes."

"The male who is ostensible to lead a clean-up, has himself been indicted of wrong enrichment by a former underling."

"The senior manager claimed which a supervision project in a balance of RM500 million was subcontracted to his organisation for RM430 million."

"In a apart case, a apportion is indicted of taking bribes to set rapist suspects free."

"A consult this month by PERC, a Hong Kong-based consultancy, shows which crime is viewed to have worsened in Malaysia."

"A extravagant supervision which will retard mercantile stimulus, leading to a broke nation."

"Billions of ringgit is mislaid in a name of kickbacks or crime as good as this is starting to have a republic go bankrupt."

"Police deputy jailed for accepting bribe."

"Several high-ranking etiquette military military officer detained to be investigated for temptation allegations."

"Immigration officers detained underneath ISA."

"Minister's purported impasse in income politics."

"It was purported which a distinguished counsel wrote a visualisation for a judge."

"Politicians indicted of income politics."

"UMNO aspirant unfit since of income politics."

"Billions of ringgit mislaid in forex trading."

"Malaysia: Billions of ringgit mislaid in crime annually due to c! rime as good as bootleg income transactions."

"Billions of ringgit was siphoned out of a republic by wily income changers."

"Former chief apportion in court indicted of corruption."

"Former apportion clear of crime charges."

"Former Perwaja trainer clear of hurtful charges opposite him."

"Millions of dollars used to build up a image of Malaysian politicians overseas."

" Millions of ringgit outlayed upon residential renovations."

"Millions of ringgit outlayed upon travelling expenses of politicians."

These were but only a few of a countless headlines laid bare by a media which have brought utter disgust to a taxpayers. A former Prime Minister denied a most allegations which appeared in a media upon crime involving those in energy as good as claimed which usually about 15 percent of those reported were genuine.

Be which as it may, a prepared citizens have been disbelief this: When would a politicians learn about competence, transparency as good as burden in managing a country's wealth? The people during immeasurable feel which a billions of ringgit mislaid as good as cumulative by kickbacks as good as temptation for a past thirty years could have brought superb expansion to a country.

The income mislaid could have been used to perk up people's provision such as building schools as good as upon condition which improved illness facilities for a people. A distinguished accountant attached to an established open organisation in a city has this to say: "RM2 ringgit out of any RM10 outlayed by a supervision is pristine wastage due to miss of pristine customary procedures in a supervision of taxpayers' money. Only a Opposition-held states have shown a small cold in ad! apting t o these procedures."

Business, Politics as good as Corruption have turn inseparable

Corruption seems to have turn a approach of life in most sectors open as good as private. According to a retired private sector executive, "Business is so hurtful these days as good as a dye is cast. Business, Politics as good as Corruption have turn inseparable." On a alternative hand, a people's ubiquitous notice is which a obligatory supervision lacks a domestic will to quell corruption. They have a notion which most high-profile cases have been swept underneath a runner as most distinguished personalities were allegedly concerned as good as rocking a vessel would affect support for a domestic parties. Some tall form leaders have not been netted by a MACC as good as charged for abuse of energy as good as for corruption.

This superb silence upon a government's partial is disturbing a citizens more. When a people see which hurtful leaders have been still hanging upon to power, their pristine surmise would be which no immature light has been since by those aloft up to take movement to this effect. The view which there would be a recoil from in between party members is a sparse excuse as good as analysis of a genuine situation upon a ground.

For this reason, a obligatory supervision would face an uphill task in convincing a critics in a subsequent ubiquitous election. The Cyber fight as good as domestic campaigns upon a belligerent would see a emanate of crime in a republic used to a knob to win votes.

The urban citizens have been already good aware of this flay inspiring a nation. The Opposition would contrive to sway a voters' sentiments by regulating crime as a instrumental apparatus as good as gizmo to win them over. Analysi! s has it which this is starting to be in effect approach by a Opposition to convince a people to opinion for a change.

Endemic crime proposed in a 80s

Corruption as viewed by a people has left beyond a sound as good as haw mores of a society. It is right divided being strongly secure in a nation's culture. Endemic crime in a republic proposed from a 80s' onwards. A very senior UMNO politician was once quoted as saying, "Corruption is a form of lubricant. It creates work get finished faster." Of late, a same politician was quoted as saying, "Never thoughts if there is a small crime here as good as there as prolonged as a people have been helped."

When statements of this nature immoral as good as agnostic to God-fearing laypeople come from a politician a feeling is starting to be bad for a country. This is tantamount to compelling as good as tact a culture of crime some-more in between politicians as good as those with authority. Corruption, as any Malaysian is aware of, goes opposite a eremite as good as dignified values of any courteous society. There, no doubt, could be a short-term element benefit to corruption, but if this blight goes uncontrollable would finish up becoming a hazard to a amicable fabric of a future generations.

Less a citizens forget, a media in a past have highlighted allegations of crime involving politicians, middle-men, supervision agencies, coercion officers as good as a open in general. There were allegations, in between others, which income had been paid to oil a routine of appropriation supervision projects, palms were greased to have sure which politicians were elected in to office in what is popularly good known as income politics, millions of ringgit was outlayed to secure votes during elections, ta! ll commi ssions were paid in weapon dealings, millions of ringgit was paid to get projects authorized by internal as good as unfamiliar businessmen.

The people have additionally come to perceive which there have been a "touchable" as good as a "untouchable" when it comes to punitive actions opposite those purported to be corrupt. These have been a small of a shocking amicable symptoms confronting a republic today. From governing body to a securing of a pushing license it has been touted which crime is involved. The irony is which a pro-government media have been so earnest in their responsible sermons upon integrity as good as a corrupt-free multitude to deceive a law from a people.

Bribe Payers Index

The subsequent ubiquitous choosing would see a Opposition campaigning to a knob upon this sensational emanate which is boiling a nation. The denial as good as horror could already be observed in a urban constituencies as a Corruption Perception Index (CPI) of a urbanites has risen to 4.5 upon a scale of 1 to 5 in between a prepared populace. To them a obligatory supervision has unsuccessful to rein in crime which has price a republic billions of ringgit annually.

In a Transparency International's (TI) 2008 Bribe Payers Index (BPI) it was found which hurtful practices in a republic has been upon a rise. Political parties were singled out as one of a most hurtful institutions in a republic with a BPI of 3.6. The military force was indicated as a most hurtful institutions in a republic with a BPI of 4. The commercial operation communities additionally were not assured ofthe government's efforts to fight corruption, compared with a small alternative Middle East Pacific nations. These have been a small of a total noted by TI:

Bribery to tall ranking officials to or domestic parties: Malaysia 42% of 92 respondents.

Bribery to low turn open officials to speed things up: Malaysia 38% of 94 respondents.

Use of personal as good as familiar relati! ons upon open contracting: Malaysia 44% of 93 respondents.

Assessment of supervision movement in a fight opposite crime in Malaysia (100 respondents):

Very Ineffective 27%

Ineffective 46%

Neither 9%

Effective 12%

Very Effective 6%

Sectors in Malaysia viewed to be influenced by crime (1: not all corrupt, 5: extremely corrupt):

Police 4

Political Parties 3.8

Registry as good as Permit Services 3.6

Parliament/Legislature 3.3

Customs 3.3

Criminals, Businessmen as good as Politicians

Corruption has in actuality caused some-more damaging goods to a multitude than what meets a eye. It has been purported which criminals oftentimes collude with distinguished businessmen as good as politicians. This would unquestionably be damaging to a nation's security. The collusion in between criminals as good as a small enforcers would cut a total routine of law enforcement.

Studies upon crime have shown which rich as good as bad countries have captivated rapist gangs as good as hurtful officials. In a small countries rapist organisations have influenced law coercion as good as politics. Some countries have been right divided in vital disharmony as a outcome of this collusion as good as it has turn almost unfit to put right a problems. Is Malaysia relocating towards this direction?

In most countries, a conviction of scandalous gangs have led to a break up of mobs as good as disturbances. Law enforcers as good as their families have been tormented as good as a small assassinated. Studies upon crime have additionally shown which organized crime syndicates have been equates to to strengthen themselves by most divergent equates to crime of law-enforcement officers, physical violence opposite informants, threats opposite prosecutors, lawyers as good as judges, use of lawyers to by-pass a authorised complement as good as financia! l contri butions to domestic candidates. In a small countries, mob activities have been so gainful which organized crime could afford to keep in a payroll supervision officials during various levels, together with politicians as good as law enforcers, to change a authorised complement in a favour. Is Malaysia relocating towards this direction?

Impede Malaysia's mercantile growth

In a small situations, criminals have been additionally equates to to establish supportive coercion officers who pass information to them about investigations as good as dictated raids as good as by creation intentional mistakes in prosecutions technical errors ensuing in cases in courts being thrown out. Corruption of coercion officers is finished easier by a actuality which they have been modestly paid as good as theme to temptation as good as as a consequence crime as good as temptation would sojourn unchecked. When coercion officers have been hurtful they would have efforts to guarantee which their equals have been additionally corrupt. An honest military military officer would unfortunately come underneath oppressive pressures from them. Is Malaysia additionally relocating towards this direction?

Why is a increase in smuggling, peddling as good as abuse of drug as good as a series of addicts in a republic left unabated? Why is there a incessant increase in bootleg immigrants in a country? Apparently, these pains in a neck have been only unfit to be finished divided with since of purported crime involving a small of those with management in a country. At a rate it is going, any year about twenty-five 000 of a country's inhabitants would measure off as drug addicts as good as sensitively thaw in to a multitude an irritant to all assent amatory Malaysians. This series almost equals one-third of a series of students graduating from a universities annually. If this direction continues, by a year 2020 instead of achieving developed status a republic is expected to graduate with some-more! than 1. 5 million drug addicts a terrifying figure indeed! They would move about most some-more alternative amicable ills which could undoubtedly impede a country's mercantile growth.

Is Malaysia relocating towards destruction?

About RM60 million is right divided outlayed yearly to rehabilitate a estimated 60 000 drug addicts which you know of, as good as only suppose how most of a taxation payers' income is starting to be outlayed in 2020 to do a same. The immeasurable series of bootleg immigrants a projection of some-more than 3 to 4 million by 2020 who would contribute their shares of nuisance to a multitude would devalue to this menace.

The colossal costs for deportations as good as upkeep of detention centres in a republic would again be during a expense of a taxpayers. Could crime financial captivate too remunerative as good as tantalizing for those with a miserly thoughts in a multitude attribute to a small of these amicable problems? And is Malaysia relocating towards destruction?

When politicians have singular burden as good as when personal domestic interests have been prioritised, a avocation as good as shortcoming of individuals in management cannot not be unconditionally fulfilled. This is wretchedly starting to import down a country's progress. Corruption during any turn of a multitude is an depraved wake up which would usually assistance inspire wondrous as good as wrong activities.

Corruption is an unethical movement opposite a dignified avocation as good as obligation. It is a symptom of deep problem in multitude which could cause most conflicts in multitude as good as indirectly affects a economy, investments, enforcements, a authorised processes as good as even ethnic groups ensuing in low civi! c alertn ess in between people as good as to illustrate would in conclusion debase a total society. Surprisingly, with all these goods of crime upon tellurian values you have politicians who still would cruise crime as a lubricant to promote commercial operation as good as assistance people.

If graft is seen as a normal use in life, or as a lubricant in a daily chores to get authorised or bootleg things finished speedily, in a prolonged run it is starting to devastate a fabric of a relatively pacific society. The multitude to illustrate needs improved politicians with improved thoughts as good as a implicitly sturdier frame of thoughts which could assistance develop a improved Malaysia.

We need politicians whose conscience would tell them which crime in any form is opposite a edicts of all vital religions. If crime is left to develop by a small self-seeking politicians it would certainly criticise a polite society. Politicians who have a dignified bravery to say no to crime have been those who would eventually get a nod from a people.

The mould of governance in Opposition-held states?

The people should opinion for a supervision which could instil a nationalistic enthusiasm in a masses to guarantee a republic from being blackmailed by criminals as good as corrupters. Short-term financial benefit people have by crime as good as crime should not be condoned as good as politicians should never be partial of these deals.

Critics as good as auditors have commented which a Opposition-led states have been displaying exemplary governance as good as have been very concerned about a importance of carrying a corrupt-free complement of management. These states have to illustrate far shown extensive mercantile success as good as have certainly assured a people to stay with them. Numerous reports internal as good as unfamiliar have been created upon how in effect is a supervision of these states but regulating crime as a lubricant to move in investors.!

Corruption in these states is nipped in a bud prior to it continues to develop to turn a vital hazard to a administration. Profit margins upon supervision projects have been set very low as contractors do not have to bribe their approach to get those contracts. Contractors do not have to compensate bribes to politicians for being since a project or compensate for a politician's wife as good as children to go upon eighth month overseas. The scandalous "Mr 10% politicians" have been not listened of in these Opposition governed states. Only capable contractors have been since projects as good as there is no abuse of these contracts as they have been not subcontracted to others for quick profits. The mould of governance shown by a states underneath a Opposition have been value emulating for a improved Malaysia.

BN would in all luck remove some-more votes

The people in ubiquitous to illustrate have been looking forward for a change in supervision during a inhabitant turn to guarantee which a ill-effects of crime could be erased from politics, commercial operation as good as a amicable fabrics of a society.

The Opposition would sanguinely hinge upon this emanate to constraint votes in a subsequent ubiquitous election. The urban citizens have been already awaken by this confusion when they see crime rearing a ugly conduct in a society; a farming citizens would shortly be influenced as well.

The people's notice currently is which nothing most has been finished by a obligatory system of administration to rein in hurtful practices in a country. Corruption is rife as good as has turn entrenched in a country's domestic psyche. For this reason, BN would in all luck remove some-more votes than they could ever suppose in a subsequent ubiquitous! electio n.

Malaysia Chronicle

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Budget 2012 proves BN puts people first, says MCA - The Malaysian Insider

By Debra Chong

KUALA LUMPUR, October 7 MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek currently welcomed a budding minister's Budget 2012, saying a stairs to desk pad a public's pocket in perspective of taking flight vital costs worldwide valid a statute Barisan Nasional was a "people first" government.

The former health apportion lauded a Najib administration's initiatives to help a open cut down upon spending unnecessarily, such as waiving school fees as well as tax upon places of worship, while giving money directly to those who indispensable a additional cash a most.

"We laud a 'people first' beginning by a supervision to offer a one-off accede to of RM500 to households with a monthly income of RM3,000," Dr Chua (picture) pronounced in a media statement tonight.

He listed giving students money to buy books, RM100 million any for vernacular as well as Islamic schools as well as RM3,000 any to a country's former certainty crew as among examples a supervision was showing it cared.

He additionally pronounced a MCA was happy a supervision will go on to outlay RM33.2 billion for all subsidies, incentives as well as assistance.

While he noted a world manage to buy is not in a great shape due to a debt crisis as well as financial instability, he voiced certainty Malaysia might still grasp mercantile expansion of in between five per cent as well as 5.5 per cent subsequent year as well as revoke a inhabitant deficit from 5.4 per cent to 4.7 per cent, through a government's Economy Transformation Programme (ETP).

! The usually regard he had was over a inhabitant open delivery system.

"We need to urge open delivery system so which a nation can be some-more competitive. Hence, changes in arrangement as well as recruitment together with an exit policy for low performers are needed," Dr Chua said.

He urged a supervision to encourage some-more in isolation as well as open investment (PPI), saying a BN's second-biggest party is optimistic a PPI will expected rise by 15.9 per cent in in isolation investment as well as 7 per cent in open investment which is upheld by unfamiliar investment, a ETP as well as a 10th Malaysia Plan.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

PAS Mat Sabu restu "Omar Abdul Aziz" ada perempuan simpanan?

Kantoi ...makan pakai sudu dan garpu. Bila nak ambil gambar, makan pakai tangan... baru berjiwa rakyatala-ala pemimpin yang benar-benar ingin mendekati Islam bak kata Nik Aziz Bila sudah mabuk... hahahahaha... Siapa perempuan sebelah Lim Guan Eng tu...yang ada bunga sebelah kepalanya Yang ni jelas sikit.... Guan Eng joke asyik pandang dia.... yamm sengggg....Yang ini pasti jelas ... Siapa


Seperti yang kita semua tahu, semalam GSC telah joke membatalkan tayangan filem yang penuh dengan najis racist!

Tapi malangnya, Astro bangang pulak tengah tayangkan di saluran Astro First! Apa punya bangsat la Astro ni? Takde sivik langsung.

Pasal duit mereka ni sanggup buat apa saja, dah la suka naikkan harga ikut mak bapak depa la ni filem sampah bertaraf lubang jamban dan racist ni pulak


Baru-baru ini Mufti Besar Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria dilaporkan media telah bersetuju dan menyokong perlaksanaan hudud yang dicadangkan oleh Menteri Besar Kelantan, Nik Aziz Nik Mat. Tan Sri Harussani meminta agar Kelantan diberikan peluang oleh Kerajaan Pusat untuk melaksanakan hukum berkenaan di negeri Cik Siti Wan Kembang itu dan kemudiannya melihat hasil ujikaji berkenaan.

Dato' Seri Diraja Adnan Hj Yaakob

aCik Cairo posted the photo:

Dato' Seri Diraja Adnan Hj Yaakob

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Canon Lens FD 50mm f/1.4
35mm Fujifilm 400 (exp)
Fujicolor Superia X-Tra (Press Pack)

Majlis Ramah Mesra & Jamuan Hari Raya
YAB Menteri Besar Pahang

Kembarasufi 2011

Errant policeman will face disciplinary committee

Police fires rip gas into a crowds during a Bersih 2.0 convene - record pic

KUALA LUMPUR, October 8 City military Chief Deputy Commissioner, Datuk Mohamad Salleh have pledged which action would be taken opposite a military corporal who is responsible for a rip gas incident during a Tung Shin Hospital during a Bersih 2.0 rally.

In a reports final Tuesday, a Health Ministry has ascertained which a law enforcemetn officer had acted in an unethical manner as well as had breached a Standard Operation Procedure while carrying out his duties during a Bersih Rally 2.0 on Jul 9, 2011.

The inform prompted a matter from a Home Ministry secretary-general, Tan Sri Mahmood Adam which a law enforcemetn officer would be referred to a military disciplinary committee.

A inform in The Star cited a city Deputy Commissioner as giving a declaration which befitting action will be meted out for a breach of a Standard Operation Procedure as well as a unethical march of action employed by a law enforcemetn officer when determining a crowd during a rally.

According to Datuk Mohamad, a law enforcemetn officer who is still performing his duties will shortly have his matter available by a disciplinary committee.