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Bank Islam thinks BN will fall in PRU13?
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Himpunan 121: Surat syarat perhimpunan
Ceramah, portal dan cybertrooper, media, rumah ke rumah, surau dan masjid, dan apa lagi lah yang tak cukup untuk mereka mengamalkan hak dalam demokrasi. Apa perlu buat demo bersar-besaran yang menafikan hak asasi manusia pihak-pihak lain.
Buat demo sikit-skit dan janji mesej sampai cukuplah!
Kantoi ! Ini Bukti Syabas Sabotaj
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Rally at Stadium Merdeka stays put, says Pakatan
PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu said which as Pakatan has already done preparations for Stadium Merdeka, to shift venue during the last notation would be impossible.
"This is the final day prior to the rally. The sound system has already been prepared." he told reporters during PAS' domicile in Kuala Lumpur today.
He combined which the ancestral track during the heart of the city is the convenient place due to open transport access, which would be the mode of transport for most participants.
[More to follow]
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Toyota set to overtake Syed Mokhtars Proton
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Berjalan Bersama AMK Demi Kebebasan, Keadilan dan Demokrasi
Jangan Takut Sertai HKR 112, Tangkap Siapa Yang Cuba Halang & Provoke
Peserta HKR jangan takut, polis jaga keselamatan
Kuala Lumpur: Jawatankuasa Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat (HKR) meminta rakyat agar tidak takut untuk menghadiri himpunan itu pada Sabtu ini kerana polis telah memberi jaminan keselamatan sepanjang perhimpunan berlangsung.
Pengerusi HKR, Mohamad Sabu yakin keselamatan rakyat sepanjang himpunan itu akan terjamin memandangkan polis akan memberi kerjasama nanti.
Beliau dan beberapa orang lagi pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat mengadakan pertemuan dan perbincangan lebih satu jam bersama Ketua Polis Dang Wangi (OCPD) Zainuddin Ahmad.
"Pertemuan ini adalah peraturan biasa dalam Akta Perhimpunan Aman, dan ini sebagai memenuhi peraturan ini," katanya.
Beliau percaya para peserta himpunan tidak akan membawa sepanduk yang akan menghina agama orang lain.
Sehubungan itu, katanya, orang ramai boleh membawa sepanduk atau kain rentang bagaimanapun ianya tidak boleh menimbulkan sebarang provokasi.
"Syarat ini katanya, antara twenty-seven syarat yang perlu dipatuhi oleh peserta HKR.
Pada awalnya ia tidak dibenarkan membawa kain rentang tetapi kami membantah syarat itu, akhirnya polis membenarkan asal tidak menimbulkan sebarang ketidakpuasan hati sesetengah pihak," katanya dalam sidang media di perkarangan IPD Dang Wangi.
Sementara itu, Hishamuddin Rais yang juga jawatankuasa HKR meminta media melaporkan agar perserta himpunan menggunakan pengangkutan awam untuk ke Stadium Merdeka.
Beliau mengingatkan para peserta tidak merosakkan barang-barang serta padang Stadium Merdeka kerana ia adalah padang warisan yang perlu dipelihara.
"Kita juga dimaklumkan oleh pihak polis akan ada jalan-jalan ditutup untuk melancarkan perjal! anan him punan itu nanti.
"Dan kita juga meminta kereta tidak diletak di bahu jalan di sekitar stadi! um dan meminta polis membenarkan para peniaga berniaga di kawasan itu," katanya.
Beliau turut memberitahu beberapa lokasi berkumpul dan masing-masing akan diketuai oleh pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat serta NGO.
- Masjid Negara (Hijau) akan diketuai oleh Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa, Khalid Samad dan Azmin Ali.
- Pasar Seni (Ungu atau jingga) akan diketuai oleh Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud, Teresa Kok, dan Elizabeth Wong.
- Universiti Malaya (Anak Muda) akan diketuai oleh Raja Iskandar Al Hiss, Adam Adli, Nurul Izzah Anwar dan Saiful Anang.
- KLCC akan dikepalai oleh Husam Musa dan Mazlan Aliman
- Brickfield dan KL Central di kepalai oleh Zunar Kartunis, Arun dan Faizal.
Penganjur Minta Peserta HKR112 Patuhi Arahan Pimpinan
Peserta Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat (HKR 112) perlu mematuhi semua arahan yang diberikan pimpinan semasa berkumpul dan bergerak ke Stadium Merdeka Sabtu ini.
Ini kerana, Penganjur HKR 112 dan polis sudah menyatakan persetujuan bersama bagi menetapkan beberapa lokasi yang akan dijadikan lokasi awal berkumpul.
Perkara ini dinyatakan Ahli Jawtankuasa Penganjur HKR 112, Hishamuddin Rais dalam satu sidang media di perkarangan IPD Dang Wangi selepas perbincangan bersama lebih satu jam bersama pihak polis.
Lokasi dan pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat yang terlibat adalah seperti berikut:
Brickfields Aruchelvan, Maria Chin Abdullah dan Faizal Yusof.
Universiti Malaya Nurul Izzah, Ng Suee Lim dan Raja Iskandar, Adam Adli, Safwan Anang.
KLCC Mazlan Aliman, Datuk Husam Musa, Datuk Teng Chang Kim.
Jalan Sultan Ronnie Liu, Fuziah Salleh
Pasar Seni Dr Siti Mariah, Taresa Kok, Elizabeth Wong
Padang Sultan Sulaiman Chegu Bard
Selain itu, penganjur juga turut menyatakan empat jalan utama akan ditutup bagi memastikan perhimpunan dan pergerakkan peserta berlan! gsung la ncar.
Empat jalan tersebut adalah Jalan Hang Jebat, Jalan Changkat Stadium, Jalan Stadium dan Jalan Maharajalela.
Menurut Hishamuddin lagi, peserta turut diingatkan supaya menggunakan kenderaan awam bagi mengelakkan kesesakkan pada hari himpunan.
"Kami daripada pihak penganjur juga meminta peniaga-peniaga berniaga kalau boleh di seberang jalan berhampiran Chinese Assambly Hall (KLCAH).
"Ini merupakan sebahagian daripada perkara yang dipersetujui bersama polis tadi," ujarnya lagi.
Sementara itu, Pengerusi Penganjur HKR, Mohammad Sabu menyatakan, perbincangan bersama pihak pengurusan Stadium Merdeka pagi tadi berlangsung positif.
Selain itu, pihaknya juga bersedia mematuhi twenty-seven peraturan yang ditetapkan seperti yang dinyatakan di dalam Akta Himpunan Aman 2012.
"Perbincangan stadium cukup positif di mana perkara ten! tang keselamatan dan teknikal," katanya.
Beliau menambah, penganjur juga akan menyediakan 10,000 anggota keselamatan yang terdiri daripada Unit Amal dan anggota Pakatan Rakyat bagi membantu perjalanan himpunan.
Dalam pada itu, Ketua Polis Dang Wangi, ACP Zainuddin Ahmad berkata, polis tidak membenarkan sebarang kain rentang dan pelekat berunsur hasutan, dan memecah belahkan keamanan dibawa semasa himpunan bagi mengelakkan perasaan gusar masyarakat dan orang awam.-selangorku
Ulasan GB
Perhimpunan HKR 112 adalah sah, dan dibenarkan undnag-undang.
Tiada sebab lagi untuk mana-mana pihak mempertikaikannya termasuk pihak-pihak yang melakukan laporan polis untuk menyekat kebangkitan rakyat ini bersama dengan pihak media pencacai yang cuba memberikan imej buruk terhadap "perhimpunan bersejarah" ini.
Para peserta diminta menjaga disiplin.
Pengelaman yang lalu membuktikan wujudkan agen provokater yang cuba membuat onar, kita sama-sama pastikan jika ada terjumpa perlakua dan tindakan provokater yang cuba berlagak samseng ini, maka hendaklah dita! han dan diserahkan kepad apihak berkuasa.
Sama-sama kita doakan agar perhimpunan berjalan dengan aman dan selamat serta dihapuskan segala mereka yang berniat jahat yang cuba menghalang dan menggagalkan HKR 112 ini.
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Kantoi!! Pembohongan TV3 Terbarai..
Saya merujuk kepada laporan-laporan media baru ini yang merujuk kepada penahanan saya oleh SPRM atas satu dakwaan korupsi bagi kononnya menutup aduan gangguan seksual terhadap seorang pegawai tinggi.
Saya amat terkejut kesemua laporan media tersebut adalah lebih memfokus terhadap saya sebagai pembantu khas Timbalan Ketua Menteri (I) Pulau Pinang. Saya dengan ini ingin menegaskan seperti berikut:-
2) Pihak SPRM telah menangkap saya dan telah ditahan semalaman dalam lokap SPRM sebelum disoal siasat. Pada setiap masa siasatan, saya dirujuk dan disoal sebagai seorang saksi sahaja dan bukannya sebagai suspek atau pesalah;
3) Siasatan berkenaan dakwaan korupsi untuk menutup aduan gangguan seksual tersebut adalah melibatkan Bekas Pegawai Daerah Seberang Perai Tengah dan tidak melibatkan mana-mana pimpinan parti dari Pakatan Rakyat mahupun melibatkan Timbalan Ketua Menteri (I).
4)Memandangkan terdapat niat jahat serta kecenderungan berbaur politik dalam laporan-laporan akibat penangkapan saya yang telah menjatuhkan imej saya serta imej pimpinan parti saya, maka saya telah mendapatkan nasihat guaman dan tidak akan teragak-agak untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap mana-mana pihak yang meneruskan fitnah terhadap saya tanpa sebarang justifikasi.
Sekian ! penjelas an saya.
Zainal Abidin garbage bin Saad
Pembantu Khas
Timbalan Ketua Menteri (I) Pulau Pinang
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Arsenal Or Spurs? Spain Striker Negredo Poised to Land Up in London
Himpunan zina Anwar-Shamsidar disebalik Himpunan 121
Mereka akan adakan Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat sebagai kesinambungan dan kemuncak usaha terdesak mereka untuk menghuru-harakan Malaysia menjelang pilihanraya ke-13.
Memandangkan beberapa himpunan tajaan mereka akhir-akhir ini menunjukkan kemesorotan yang ketara dari jumlah peserta, maka himpunan ini diharap mampu menyemarakkan
Deepakism and 55 Shades of Spin
January 11, 2013
Deepakism as good as 55 Shades of Spin: The Wheels of Deception keeps upon turning
by Mariam Mokhtar (01-07-13)@
If a carpetman Deepak Jaikishan has aspirations of changing career as good as essay books for a living, he should not give up his day pursuit of low mark carpets too quickly.
For most weeks, he attempted to enthrall a Malaysian open with stories of comparison politicians as good as lawyers violation a law, of underhand commercial operation strategy as good as broken promises, as good as a abuse of energy by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak as good as his family. Sadly, his stories did not live up to expectations.
Shakespeare's line, 'All a world's a stage' suits Malaysians really well. All of us have been acting a roles according to a script, though a temperament of a writer is not known, usually yet. The rakyat have been a bit players, who appear happy which they have been pity a limelight with a stars. Some of us destroy to realise which you have been being sucked in by this good show.
If you have been to be honest with ourselves, you should ignore this fool around as good as combine upon a bigger picture. We have been so unfortunate to see a finish of corrupt order as good as a rain of UMNO, Najib as good as his 'self-styled First Lady', Rosmah Mansor, which you instruct Deepak's spin will have a fairy-tale ending. It won't.
The contents of a e-book 'The Black Rose' have been neither earth-shattering nor revelatory. Much of what is created is already known. Deepak a carpetman is no saint. He is similar to a mercenary who plans an descent usually if a price is right. He told an additional ! online p ortal: "I cannot be bought. you am not for sale. you am priceless." When his motives were questioned, he unprotected his loyal colours.
Referring to a botched commercial operation understanding relating to a Defence Ministry plan which involved Raja Ropiaah Raja Abdullah, a Wanita UMNO part of who is close to Najib, Deepak said: "I think it's unfair, it's my land. you paid for it, you get a pittance as good as she gets a lion's share. She got a appreciation (value) though you got nothing. you usually got what you put in."
Does a infancy of a rakyat keep still since a understanding involved UMNO, a woman, Najib's close colleague or a Raja? Deepak made his expos usually since he was let down by similarly miserly people. Even when he pronounced he would exhibit supportive information, he has chosen to do it in installments, usually similar to a soap opera.
Why certitude a man who boasted, for weeks, about a announcement of 'The Black Rose', afterwards denied which he wrote a e-book with a same title? He said: "My chronicle is utterly opposite from this one, you have nothing to do with it." So, where is Deepak's e-book which he pronounced would be published upon Jan 2, 2013?
Why books?
Why do some Malaysians feel it required to tell a 'truth' in a book? The 'self-styled First Lady' wants to relate her chronicle of Malaysian domestic back-stabbing in her biography. Deepak also pronounced he would write a book after Rosmah's book comes out.
He subsequently changed his thoughts as good as pronounced he would tell a 26-page booklet, though announcement of this book was in a future delayed as good as Deepak pronounced he would afterwards tell an e-book. Deepak blamed a delay up! on PKR's Rafizi Ramli who had emitted details of trinket allegedly being bought for Rosmah by Deepak.
People will ask, 'Why books?', as Malaysians have been not well well known for being avid readers. Rosmah is substantially you do it for prestige. Perhaps, she is trying to sign a rakyat's love for her, by their greeting during a pre-launch.
Is there a some-more sinister ground for Deepak's series of installments? Are they a crafty ploy to confuse us from whatever UMNO has in store for a rakyat, in a final lap of a race to GE13? In Malaysia, income talks. There have been couple of group or women of integrity, as good as everybody has a price.
After 55 years of independence, UMNO has run into a buffers. It is confronting an inner predicament as good as a domestic presence depends upon a result of GE13. UMNO will lie as good as bribe people. It has engineered acts of violence to dominate a public.
So, is Deepak as good as his carpet-tales, a crafty fake to confuse us for as prolonged as possible? Will Malaysians ever sense to heed between play as good as real life? Can Malaysians sense to take carry out of their lives?
Studies by a French have shown which group who have been in need of attention will woo their conquests with gifts as good as coax them with things they wish to hear. Once these group have had their approach with a women as good as completed orgasm, a group will hurl over as good as tumble into a low sleep.
Substitute a word 'men' with 'UMNO', 'orgasm' with 'GE13, 'conquests' with 'rakyat' as good as you'll get a ubiquitous idea: after a election, a rakyat, similar to some women, will be left frustrated as good as insecure.
The woman knows which one thing is certain. The same protocol will be repeated when a man wants some-more sex. That is what happens each five years, when UMNO wants to woo a rakyat.
The fastest offered paperback in history, a amorous novel '50 Shades of Grey' tells a sexual relationship of Christian Grey, a man with sado-masochistic tendencies, as good as his comprehensive carry out over a nave student, Anastasia Steele. The trusting Steele is mesmerized by a billionaire Grey, with a vast ego. He seduces Steele as good as tells her which she will be happy underneath his power.
Malaysia's story could be told in a novel called '55 Shades of Spin'. UMNO is a dominant, assertive subjugator with most dim secrets, similar to Grey. UMNO has exercised comprehensive carry out over an susceptible as good as submissive rakyat, similar to a nave Steele, for 55 years.
UMNO as good as a rakyat have been sealed in a violent relationship, with a rakyat being forced to obey a manners as good as obey itself utterly to Umno or face punishment.
It is time for a rakyat to take charge, to be a widespread partner as good as foreordain a future of a country. We don't need group spinning yarns to tell us what is right or wrong, nor do you wish group as good as women who keep silent in a face of allegations of crime as good as murder, while pretending everything is all right. Now, a rakyat must correct up as good as stop being raped by UMNO.
Read More @ SourceMore Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Bersih police abuse shows Suhakams proposals ignored, inquiry told
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Lawyer Lingam, 12 others fail to secure QCs service in contempt proceeding
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Stop issuing permits for new Tamil dailies
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Police wont insist on media tags at rally
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PKR seeks schooling for stateless children
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Prince charming absconds with RM15,000 dowry
UMNO K.L High Court rightly strikes out Tan Sri Isa's KPF ...
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Mahathir on Malaysia-US Relations: Uphold Sovereignty
January 10, 2013
Mahathir upon Malaysia-US Relations: Uphold Sovereignty
by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad@
UPHOLD SOVEREIGNTY: Malaysia's stability is because of a BN government's autonomy from unfamiliar influence
MALAYSIA is a pacific country. Well, comparatively speaking. If a single looks during most of a countries in West Asia, North Africa, Central Africa, Latin America, by comparison with a upheavals there, a single contingency contend which Malaysia is a pacific country.
Even with a release of a film scandalising as well as insulting Prophet Muhammad did not see a kind of aroused demonstrations in Malaysia as in alternative Muslim countries. The Malaysian Muslims' reaction was comparatively mild.
But really, Malaysia should not be fast or peaceful. It is populated by an bomb brew of races, widely separated not only ethnically, though by language, culture, religion as well as economic function. We see in alternative countries with fewer number of races as well as religions being continuously assailed by riots, with cars as well as buildings being burnt as well as people killed.
Although a racial differences in Malaysia cause clever disagreements, they have been occasionally violent. Even a 1969 race riots subsided fast as well as a people returned to working as well as playing together. They do live largely apart though there have been no enclaves or ghettos.
Because a nation is fast as well as pacific it could be grown fairly quickly. Malaysia changed from an agricultural nation to an industrialised a single but difficulty. The people prospered as well as suffer a customary of living ! allied w ith most grown countries.
The bloc of race-based domestic parties worked well. The people of all races gave clever support to a coalition, which has won elections repeatedly as well as have governed a nation since autonomy 55 years ago.
Apparently, a West, which used to order a nation as a colony, is not happy with the assent as well as stability of Malaysia. Why doesn't Malaysia face a same kind of misgovernment as well as domestic instability similar to alternative building countries? Why have been a races not fighting any other? Why have been there no Muslim extremists murdering any other? Why aren't there aroused demonstrations? Why doesn't a economy fall as expected, generally following a currency crisis? Why isn't a supervision overthrown?
Unhappy with a clear success of Malaysia, a United States, in particular, launched a debate to destabilise a country. Malaysia contingency have a system of administration shift so which a supervision debasing to a US is put in place. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was identified as a right candidate to take over.
The effort to grasp system of administration shift unsuccessful initially. Support for a BN supervision remained strong. The benefaction leader of Malaysia is not antipathetic to a US, though a welfare is still for Anwar.
Then US tries not to show a hand. It is well known which in Egypt, American non-governmental organisations, financed by US supervision agencies, were interfering in internal politics.There have been copiousness of evidence which a US has! been de eply concerned in a overthrow of a supervision of Libya. It is financing as well as providing arms to a rebels in Syria.
So is it not surprising which US NGOs as well as George Soros have been financing Malaysians to destabilise Malaysia by furious accusations opposite a supervision as well as a chronicle of democracy. The US as well as Germany would love to see what happened as well as is function in a Arab countries also occur in Malaysia.
The people contingency be told about how bad a governing party is. They should opinion for a Opposition as well as have Anwar a Prime Minister. If they destroy afterwards hold more demonstrations as well as have them aroused similar to what was seen in Arab countries.
Malaysia contingency not be allowed to remain fast as well as prosperous. It contingency go a way of a alternative "failed" countries. It contingency have a shift of supervision as well as a supervision contingency be debasing to a West.
The pious speak about democracy as well as a order of law is hypocritical. If a nation is debasing it doesn't matter if it is an oppressive dictatorship. It is being subservient, which is important, not democracy.
Malaysians have a choice. They can concede themselves to be influenced by NGOs as well as their websites in a pay of a US as well as put an American poodle in Putrajaya, or they can maintain Malaysia's proud autonomy as well as leisure from outward division in a internal affairs.They will practice their choice in a 13th ubiquitous election. We will get what we deserve.
Read More @ SourceMore Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
PENTING: Panduan untuk semua, sebarkan...
Panduan penting untuk peserta Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat
KUALA LUMPUR 10 Jan:Peserta Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat, Sabtu ini disaran mengikuti garis panduan bagi kelancaransepanjanghimpunan.
Pakaian yang selesa untuk bergerak termasuk alas kaki/kasut yang sesuai.
Bawa air mineral/minuman secukupnya untuk diminum. Kami mencadangkan 2-3 botol air mineral/minuman 500 ml.
Sapu tangan bersaiz besar atau tuala kecil. Basahkan dan tutup mulut/hidung dengannya sekiranya gas dilepaskan.
Makanan seperti coklat, snek makananringan.
Jika anda ada masalah kesihatan serius seperti masalah jantung dan paru-paru, kami menasihati anda mengelakkan diri dari menghadiri perhimpunan ini.
Jika anda ada masalah kesihatan yang terkawal dan mahu menyertai perhimpunan, pastikan bawa ubat-ubatan preskripsi anda untuk bekalan sekurang-kurangnya sehari termasuk alat inhaler untuk pesakit asma.
Topeng muka (surgical mask) boleh dibawa.
Bawalah wang saku yang mencukupi untuk makanan, pengangkutan, telefon dan sebagainya sekadar perlu.
Rehat, makan dan minum secukupnya sebelum perhimpunan. Walaupun kita berniat untuk berhimpun secara aman, kita tidak dapat mengagak tindak balas dari mereka yang cuba menghalang perhimpunan.
Sertailah perhimpunan secara berkumpulan dengan rakan/keluarga yang mengenali anda, dan mengetahui masalah kesihatan anda sekiranya ada. Jangan bergerak bersendirian.
Jangan pakai pelembap kulit berasaskan minyak kerana ia boleh mengakibatkan bahan kimia terperangkap lama.
Jangan pakai kanta pelekap (contact lenses) yang juga boleh memerangkap bahan kimia di mata.
Tanda-tanda terkena bahan kimia:
* Pedih di mata, hidung, mulut dan kulit
* Pandangan kabur, dan ! air mata keluar berlebihan
* Cecair hidung keluar secara berlebihan
* Batuk dan sesak nafas
Tanda-tanda di atas hanya sementara. Ketidakselesaan pada mata akibat gas pemedih mata akan hilang selepas 5-30 minit, manakala kesan 'pepper spray' memerlukan twenty minit-2 jam.
Bagaimana menghadapinya:
BERTENANG.Jangan panik. Ingat, ia hanya kesan sementara.
Hembus hidung, kumur mulut & elakkan daripada menelan."JANGAN SAPU MUKA"
Sekiranya gas pemedih mata dilepaskan, cuba elak daripada mengikut arah angin.
Sila dapatkan bantuan sukarelawan 'Pasukan Perubatan' yang berada di sekitar kawasan perhimpunan dengan segera sekiranya anda memerlukan bantuan perubatan.
Jika anda seorang pengamal perubatan, bantuan anda kepada yang memerlukan amat dihargai.
* Maklumat ini sekadar panduan kepada peserta. Ia hanya maklumat umum, dan tidak sepatutnya menafikan pandangan pakar perubatan yang merawat anda, atau pakar perubatan yang lain.
Segala risiko kesihatan yang mungkin berlaku semasa perhimpunan adalah atas tanggungjawab anda sendiri.~KD
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SMS ugutan dari Perkasa, Pekida dan Pemuda Umno tersebar
Di bawah ini SMS yang dimaksudkan.
Kalau dsebelum ini, semasa Himpunan Bersih 3.0 ada juga persatuan silat katanya nak kerah ahli-ahli persatuan mereka difahamkan berjumlah lebih 1 juta untuk halang perhimpunan tersebut. Kononnya mereka nak belasah semua peserta Himpunan Bersih masa tu. Namun di hari perhimpunan, batang hidung joke tak nampak.
Bukan semua ora! ng silat tu sokong Umno BN. Gua sendiri orang silat, tapi gua sokong Pakatan Rakyat. Malah kebanyakkan kawan-kawan gua yang merupakan pesilat dan juga ahli PESAKA (Persatuan Silat Kebangsaan) menyokong Pakatan Rakyat.
Orang nak berhimpun secara aman tak payahlah nak tunjuk samseng.
- milosuam Read More @ Source
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Bilakah Non-Muslim Diperangi?
What Value Our Degrees, asks Citizen Nades
January 10, 2013
What Value Our Degrees, asks Citizen Nades
by R. Nadeswaran (01-08-13)@
Citizen is the special status held by the people who have the right to be in the country. For example, people deserved to select their own hold up such as individual freedom, leisure of workship, as well as citizenship through marriage. It was the critical thing to be the modernized nation as well as additionally decrease the bad people. Moreover, Malaysia is the wonderful city. People have to select their own minister to be right choosed after 'Pilihan Raya'. In Malaysia additionally they have no age limits to their wish to get studies. It was the good thing to us as well as additionally to be the modernized city in 2020. Malaysia additionally have their own systems as well as additionally rules.
Malaysian Constitution is the many critical things in Malaysia it is because Malaysia was the many pleasing country. Besides, the Yang DiPertuan Agong has the highest positions according to the constitution. Other than that, people in this nation deserved to select their own preference for e.g. their Prime Minister. It is shown which Malaysian was the good city than others. In Malaysia additionally they have no war it is because Malaysia was the ease country. Moreover, Malaysia additionally trying to together with the other nation to move brazen to be the modernized city in the eyes of the world.
NO, the upon top of have been not the work of the little unfamiliar students trying to sense English. Neither have been they of primary propagandize pupils attempting their Standard Three English language test. No, they have not been edited as! well as have been reproduced as they were written as well as submitted.
The creators of the upon top of have been last year students of the mixed award-winning university. These have been excerpts of their essay upon Malaysian studies. Despite the bad language as well as content, they will be "passed" by the university as well as maybe given an "A" for their efforts.
Will these students be able to word the pursuit application? Will they be able to go through the pursuit interview? Will employers wish to give jobs to this difficulty of students who cannot string two sentences without 5 mistakes? Will these students be rebuilt to face the outside world?
Later this year, they will "graduate" complete with gowns as well as mortars in front of proud relatives as well as relatives. They will embrace scrolls from the VVIP as well as compensate the tiny fortune for the rite as well as photographs. They will stick upon the thousands of immature men as well as women who would fall underneath the difficulty of impoverished or unemployable graduates. But the corkscrew is not worth the paper it is printed on.
In short, they have been the end-products of production lines which have been set up to churn out graduates, irrespective of their skills, believe or ability. To capacitate these production lines to function, the total load of people get licences or permits to set up "tertiary institutions". There is no peculiarity control as well as the end outcome is which the little of them have been positively invalid as well as make income from the National Higher Education Loan (PTPTN).
As the supervision continues to provide some-more supports for education underneath the PTPTN scheme, some-more immature people look brazen to the tertiary education as well as the degree. But in the zeal to emanate some-more graduates, the little universities have been closing an eye to the weaknesses as well as shortcomings of students.
In 1997, the PTPTN intrigue was launched at the time when in i! solation colleges were starting to bloom, as well as unfamiliar universities such as Monash University as well as Nottingham University were invited to set up their campuses in Malaysia. The PTPTN was ostensible to be the rolling account to provide loans to students who could not means tertiary education.
Today, the PTPTN scheme, as one observer remarked, is no different from or maybe worse than the "sub-prime" loan liaison in the US.You lend income to people (children) who have been "not qualified" to "buy" the grade which is worth very little, upon the belief which the worth of the grade will keep increasing. When the worth appreciates as well as there is the regular income, the loan can be settled as well as thus everybody will be happy.
But the bitter law is which the grade is not the guarantee of regular income as well as as the result the loan defaulters. Under these circumstances, will the supervision be able to recover the loans or will they be written off?
R. Nadeswaran has met several "graduates" who cannot hold the elementary conversation.
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The Obama Coalition vs. Corporate America
January 10, 2013
The Obama Coalition vs. Corporate America
by Thomas B. Edsall (01-09-13)
The delayed implosion of a Republican Party along with a growing strength of a Democratic coalition dominated by low-to-middle-income voters threatens a energy of a corporate investiture as good as will force large commercial operation to find new ways to reassert carry out of a policy-making process.
The warning signs have been everywhere. The growth carrying perhaps a most symbolic stress was a desertion final week by 85 House Republicans as good as 40 of a 47 Republican senators of their longstanding joining not to raise taxes. The tax increase was imposed upon a affluent, a core Republican constituency. The Wall Street Journal's editorial page did not chop words, not which it ever does:
The Senate-White House compromise grudgingly upheld by a House is a Beltway classic: a greatest tax increase in 20 years in lapse for spending increases, as good as all spun for domestic purposes as a "tax cut for a center class."
The intensity institutionalization of a infancy Democratic coalition of a downscale including single women, minorities, kinship members as good as a immature is similarly (if not more) ominous for members of a tip 0.1 percent as good as for a corporations which have profited over a past 40 years.
Voters in this ascendant coalition hold "politicians assistance a abounding get richer as good as cor! poration s pick up record increase while refusing to sinecure or increase salary or salaries for workers," according to an extensive study conducted by a Democratic polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research.
Although there is a pro-business wing of a Democratic Party associated with figures like stream as good as former Treasury Secretaries Timothy Geithner as good as Robert Rubin, as good as with centrists like Senators Mark Warner of Virginia, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware as good as Max Baucus of Montana this coterie is in risk of being submerged by a swell of redistributional final entrance from voters in a bottom half, income-wise.
This isn't a usually thing causing problems for what you used to call Big Business represented by a Business Roundtable, a United States Chamber of Commerce, a National Association of Manufacturers, a American Bankers Association as good as alternative traffic associations which faces a set of hurdles which have a intensity to threaten a clout.
Economists upon both a right as good as left, from Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University to a Times columnist Paul Krugman, have been increasingly articulate about a unpropitious consequences of high concentrations of mercantile as good as domestic energy concentrations which threaten a innovation which is ostensible to be what makes unsymmetrical outcomes worth a price.
Daron Acemoglu of M.I.T., who wrote a highly regarded book "Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, as good as Poverty" with James A. Robinson of Harvard, argues which concentrations of resources as good as ma! rketplac e energy allow "the already good off as good as already good organized" to practice extreme leverage by "lobbying, debate contributions as good as otherwise" which crush marketplace processes.
The wide range of feeling to large commercial operation is reflected in a views of Erick Erickson, the influential worried blogger at who, "through a mix of incendiary posts, canny self-promotion (he has 24,540 Twitter followers) as good as publicity of regressive primary candidates" has done himself "a regressive powerhouse." Erickson contends which a executive failing of a Republican Party is a subservience to a commercial operation elite:
The Republican Establishment gets their head patted as they sip booze with major C.E.O.s who wish Washington to only do something. But these C.E.O.s have something in common. They wish Washington to work for them. Washington operative for Fortune 500 does not proportion to Washington operative for family groups or entrepreneurs or small businesses. We have an unlevel personification margin with Washington picking winners as good as losers with cushy jobs for a elites when they leave a Capitol.
A second growth which raises a turn of feeling to corporate chieftains is a fact which there has been, over a past decade, a sharp decrease in a prerogative for work.
Margaret Jacobson as good as Filippo Occhino of a Cleveland Federal Reserve documented this decrease in a paper published in September, "Labor's Declining Share of Income as good as Rising Inequality." The following chart shows a continuing change in a placement of national income from work to a owners of capital, commencement in 2000:
An additional chart put together by a Cleveland Fed demonstrates which from 1948 to 1973 remuneration rose during rounded off exactly a same rate as productivity; in alternative words, workers gained proportionately as their capability improved. Over a following two decades, from 1974 to 1995, however, a rate of remuneration growth fell during a back of capability by rounded off 0.25 percent a year, as good as then fell even further, by 0.5 percent, over a years from 1996 to 2011. For a workman creation $ 25,000 a year in 1974, the disaster of his compensate to keep up with his capability growth means which he done $ 5,763 reduction in 2011, $ 43,225, than he would have had his compensate kept up with capability gains, $ 48,988.
The some-more workers recognize which their salary have been not keeping up with their capability gains, a some-more they have been expected to press for redistributive government movement by tax policy or by alternative means.
Jacobson as good as Occhino write
that economists have identified three long-term factors which explain why "the wage-productivity opening has widened as good as a share of income accruing to work has declined." The first is a decrease of! unions as good as a resulting weakening of a negotiate energy of labor. The second has been a movement of good paying jobs overseas a "migration of comparatively some-more labor-intensive sectors from modernized economies to rising economies. As a consequence, a sectors remaining in a modernized economies have been comparatively reduction labor-intensive, as good as a normal share of work income is lower." The third cause is automation as good as technology advances which have speedy a change from workers to machines "technological change continuous with improvements in information as good as communication technologies, which has lifted a extrinsic capability as good as lapse to collateral relative to labor."
The shift of income from work to capital occurs during a time (and might good be a single of a causes) of huge increases in a share of income issuing to C.E.O.'s as good as those during a tip of a income distribution.
Although a stars have been lined up in favor of a anti-corporate left, American business, when a back is to a wall, has historically proved to be unusually resourceful.
Just over 40 years ago, during a similarly volatile moment, Lewis F. Powell, Jr. wrote a 6,030-word memo to a United States Chamber of Commerce which has gained mythological status: The Powell Manifesto or, as it was rigourously titled, "Confidential Memorandum: Attack upon American Free Enterprise System." The soon-to-be-appointed join forces with probity of a Supreme Court warned: "We have been not dealing with sporadic or isolated attacks from a comparatively few extremists or even from a minority revolutionary cadre. Rather, a attack upon a craving complement is broadly based as good as consistently pursued. It is gaining movement as good as converts."
In a face of this onslaught, commercial operation mobilized as good as by 1977 was back upo! n top, d efeating magnanimous initiatives like consumer protection as good as work law reform during a Carter administration. Then, in 1980, a one coalition of corporations as good as traffic associations helped Ronald Reagan win a presidency, as good as a Republican Party wrested carry out of a Senate.
The 1980 election marked a start of a quarter-century of corporate domestic omnipotence which permeated a administrations of Reagan, George Bush, as good as George W. Bush as good as, to a estimable degree, a administration of Bill Clinton.
In alternative words, a stream Republican implosion notwithstanding, it would not be startling to see regressive feet upon Democratic throats prior to too much time has passed.
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