Temuramah Mangsa Fitnah Khalwat Bersama Badrul Amin
Explain why FELDA unit overlooked for NFC project, PKR asks Najib
PETALING JAYA, Feb twenty-eight Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should explain because a FELDA auxiliary with 11 years in cattle tillage was ignored when a National Feedlot Centre (NFC) plan was awarded to two companies in 2006, PKR officials said today.
The RM250 million NFC plan was awarded to Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalils family company, Agro Science Industries Sdn Bhd, as well as Lambert Sdn Bhd.
The anchor association selection cabinet for a NFC was chaired by Datuk Seri Najib Razak. He must explain how he can speak about fighting for FELDA with a public listing though did not give a plan which would have benefitted a settlers, PKR strategic executive Rafizi Ramli (picture) said, referring to a Federal Land Development Authority underneath a Prime Ministers Department.
He told a press discussion currently which FELDA has a land as well as they need to value-add their operations so most so which they often speak about a success in rearing thirty some-more cows, a reference to a NFC target of tillage 8,000 head of cattle.
PKR distributed to reporters currently FELDA Farm Products Sdn Bhds monetary information which states which for 2010 a income was RM9.6 million.
Under a 9th Malaysia Plan in 2006, a NFC was targeted as a High Impact Project with an objective to attain 40 per cent confidence for beef production by 2010. Agro Science Industries was allocated 2,000 hectares of land while Lambert took 200 ha.
The other 5 companies which submitted bids in a singular proposal were all established in 2004 or 2005.
Agro Science Industries then set up a National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) to run a project, which is chaired by Datuk Seri Mohamad Salleh Ismail, Wanita Umno arch Shahrizats husband. Their 3 young kids additionally hold executive posts in a company.
The NFC strike a headlines after it made it in to a A! uditor-G enerals Report final year, as well as has one after another to sow a limelight after it was related to Shahrizat as well as her family.
NFCorp has been repeatedly accused by PKR of using a RM250 million federal loan for over RM60 million worth of losses like a purchase of multiform luxury common ownership units in Bangsar as well as Singapore, land in Putrajaya as well as personal umrah trips.
Shahrizat applied for 3 weeks leave from her ministerial duties final month after brand new allegations of bribery surfaced as well as resumed work on February 8. She was called in for doubt by a MACC on a same day.
Bukit Aman recommended final week end which a Attorney-General charge NFCorp directors with rapist breach of certitude (CBT), an perspective which was common by de facto law minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz.
Kat atas ni penerangan dari dua pakar pasal isu Lynas salah seorangnya dalah ahli Parlimen PAS yang juga merupakan seorang akar Sains Nuklear dan bukan Sains Rumahtangga macam Fuziah tu ok. Malah blog Kickdefella juga telah menerangkan perkara ini secara terperinci. Klik sini
Ramai sudah pakar yang mengatakan Projek Lynas ni tak bahaya, baik dalam negeri mahupun dari luar negeri. Berbuih-buih mulut bos Lynas menerangkan siang malam pasal projek ini. Malah blogger neutral MALAY MALE juga telah menerangkan perkara yang sama di dalam blognya dengan bahasa mudah difahami. KLIK SINI
Pendek kata bermacam bukti saintifik telah dihidangkan kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia, namun Fuziah yang merupakan pakar Sains Rumahtangga terus meroyan macam betina gersang yang dah lama tak dapat adanya. Sampai buat Himpunan Hijau la, akhirnya MB Pahang kata itu DEMO TOURISM dan dia mintak diadakan selalu. Kih kih kih
Sekarang ni aku nak bagi andangan aku pulak, dah lama sebenarnya aku nak tulis pasal Lynas ni cuma aku tak berkesempatan, nampaknya aku sudah tidak tertahan lagi dan aku nak juga bagi pandangan aku yang tak seberapa ini.
Sepertimana yang korang lihat dalam perhimpunan Hijau di Kuantan atau mana-mana perhimpunan Anti Lynas ni, korang boleh lihat ada satu saja bangsa yang paling ramai, maaf la aku bukan nak racist. Cuma kebenaran ni aku terpaksa kongsi bersama kalian.
Bangsa yang paling banyak sertai Demo dan Anti Lynas ini adalah bangsa Cina, kenapa? Adakah mereka cintakan alam sekitar sedemikian rupa? Kalau benar mereka cintakan alam sekitar, patutnya mereka ke tempat proses Amang tu dulu, itu lagi bahaya dan tinggi radiasinya. Tapi tak mereka tak berminat kisah Amang sebab lombong semua milik Cina kan? Takpa maaa..
Lynas pulak dimiliki olh orang melayu kat sini, pekerja-pekerja Lynas yang melebi! hi 400 o rang juga berbangsa Melayu. Jadi bila melayu yang dapat benda yang sebesar ini dan seperti mana yang kita semua tahu bahawa Lynas ni kalau kena gayanya memang amat menguntungkan baik bagi syarikat mahupun kerajaan negeri.
Jadi timbul la perasaan tak puashati kaum-kaum yang memang nak knock out business ni, au boleh gerenti la kalau Lynas ni dimiliki oleh Robert Kuok atau kawasan-kawasan yang sesepetnya. Maka tiadalah kekecohan sebegini yang berlaku, malah aku rasa senyap-senyap je benda ni dah jalan punya.
Tapi nak buat macamana, bila Melayu yang nak berniaga, maka ada dari kalangan melayu sendiri seprti Fuziah Rektum yang sanggup menjadi anjing kepada DAP dan sekutu-sekutu mereka untuk membunuh kaum sendiri. Inilah hakikatnya. Takde lain lagi.
Apa logiknya Fuziah dan anjing-anjing DAP nak melalak pasal Lynas? Semuanya dah terbukti selamat? Tapi mereka tetap juga membuat kacau! Tahukah kamu semua, sepatutnya kilang Siemens didirikan bersebelahan dengan Kilang Lynas tapi disebabkan kebabian bangsat-bangsat yang tak boleh tengok melayu senang ni akhirnya Siemens tak jadi buat kilang disana.
Bayangkan berapa banyak peluang pekerjaan yang telah hilang disebabkan oleh segelintir manusia yang nak menghancurkan ekonomi orang melayu ini. Marah orang-orang kampung kat sana, tak percaya pergi la turun sendiri dan tanya orang kampung apakah mereka tidak gembira dengan projek Lynas ini?
Lagi satu hal, aku nak tegur kerajaan sikit, kalaulah Tun M dulu layan segala kerenah Pembangkang ini, aku rasa negara kita ni tak kemana punya! Korang tengok la sendiri bilamana Tun M nak buat jambatan Pulau Pinang dulu joke DAP menyalak macam anjing Gila, nak buat Highay Plus joke mereka melalak juga sama juga masa nak bina KLCC, Klia dan banyak lagi.
Hari ini, DAP sendiri mintak jambatan kedua, Highway dah mula rasa sempit, kalau boleh kita nak ad ahighway 5 line sebab banyak sangat kereta. Cuba korang bayangkan kalau Tun M dulu layan kerenah manusia-manusia gila semacam Fuziah dan rakan-! rakan gi la dia ni boleh majukah negara kita?
Kepada kerajaan, ingin aku nasihatkan dengan ikhlas hati, baik MITI mahupun pihak-pihak lain, jangan takut. Segaa lapran pasal Lynas sudah diketahu umum. Teruskan sahaja eri lesen kepada Lynas, tak perlu bagi lesen sementara. Bagi je terus lesen penuh! Apa nak takut?
Kalau nak jadi kerajaan kena berani! Lagipun projek ini bukan la sesuatu yang salah disisi undang-undang mahupun kselamatan. So? Takkan nak layan kerenah pembangkang siang malam. Buat kerja la.
Berbalik pada ketidakpuashatian golongan DAP ni, jangan kita orang Melayu mudah terpedaya dengan mainan politik mereka. Kita sebagai orang Melayu sepatutnya membantu kaum kita untuk membuat perniagaan Dah la NFC dibunuh dengan kejam, takkan kita nak biar Lynas juga dilakukan sedemikian rupa!
Aku harap dengan penjelasan aku ni maka korang dah faham ya diversion DAP Sepet ni! Wake up now wahai orang-orang Melayu semua. Aku tak berniat extremist cuma aku nak beritahu hal yang sebenar, maaf la kalau ada yang terasa. SIAPA MAKAN CILI DIA KENA TARUK!
8 Kedah excos sworn in for new term
Integrity: You Know It But Do You Have It?*
A VERY GOOD PIECE OF MATERIAL THAT WILL ENLIGHTEN MALAYSIANS as great as it will have us to consider how critical a person's firmness is in ONES LIFE. Read, request as great as use it to have a happy life.
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Ku sangka dua, rupanya Badrul "Burit" ada tiga
Tun M: Malaysia Capable of Creating Its Own Unique System
Dah 48 jam Swiss Garden masih tiada bilek untuk Zatiwani?
Khalwat, Tangkap Basah & The Politicians
So, when you review a story of a single Dr Badrul Amin Baharom being allegedly held in close vicinity better good known in a Malaysian syariah parlance as "khalwat" as good as a Malay language as "tangkap basah" - it reminded me of a similar story which took place a little fifteen years ago.
For those unfamiliar with "tangkap basah", it literally equates to being held whilst being wet.
Of course, like all macho as good as self-righteous Muslim politicians indicted of khawat, Dr Badrul Amin vehemently denied it.
Only a encampment hick would own up when caught. He certified to committing a khalwat either out of fear of being beaten to pap or since he wanted to marry his khalwat partner fast as good as cheaply.
But Dr Badrul Amin is no country yokel. He is a member of Parti Keadilan Rakyat's supreme council as good as a Selangor government report chief. He was a former law lecturer during a International Islamic University Malaysia as good as has regularly held a moral tall ground.
But a couple of nights ago in Kuantan, he was indicted of committing khalwat with a 28-year aged married woman. They were "caught wet" by a woman's father as good as his friends.
What is similar as good as informed about Dr Badul Amin's story as good as a story of fifteen years ago was a reason for being in a khalwat situation.
They were both being good macho group trying to help married women in trouble a arrange of knight in shini! ng armou r.
In denying a "tangkap basah" allegation, Dr Badrul Amin was reported observant which "he was merely helping a lady who was facing domestic problems."
Like a story you listened fifteen years ago, a venue for helping a lady in trouble was not a mosque or a surau. It was not even during a bureau of a party's censure bureau or a use centre of a wakil rakyat. Instead, a allegedly attempt to "save a mosque" took place in a road house room. The Malays mostly refer to matrimony as building a mosque.
The story of fifteen years ago was told to me (and multiform alternative media editors) by a indicted person himself. However, distinct Dr Badrul Amin, this high-ranking national statesman was not indicted of khalwat by any person or state authority. He was indicted of having an event or something of which arrange with a housewife. His accuser was a lady who is related to a unsettled housewife.
He too did not try to compromise a woman's alleged matrimony problem during a mosque, his own official residence or office. He went to a posh condominium. Then, a series of such establishments was tiny as good as could be simply tracked down.
Politicians very mostly speak about transparency as good as decency. The most transparent way of solving problems as good as handling complaints, including marital ones, is MCA Public Complains Bureau way.
The bureau's facilitator, (Datuk) Michael Chong is so good well known which a bureau's clientele cuts opposite religious, racial as good as political divides.
Rendezvous in a road house room as good as a common ownership clubhouse is not a most appropriate way for politicians to compromise marital problems of unsettled housewives.
Still, you contingency give credit to a Selangor Pakatan Rakyat Government for swiftly asking Dr Bardul Amin to go upon leave for a month.
"We hope a leave will be us! ed (by D r Badrulamin) to focus upon efforts to transparent his name," a Menteri Besar's bureau said a statement.
But Dr Badrul Amin does not have to worry too much. Unlike in a West, where politicians have been forced to renounce since of sexual improprieties, in Malaysia, politicians indicted of such offences thrive.
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Badrul rela undur, kenapa Anwar tidak?
The Essence of Vladimir Putin
February 28, 2012
The Essence of Vladimir Putin
by Mikhail Kasyanov (02-27-12)
Few people, least of all Vladimir Putin, who plans to lapse to Russia's presidency on Mar 4, could have imagined final Dec which Russians would, for a first time in 20 years, arise up as well as convene in their tens of thousands opposite a government.
Unlike a Arab Spring rebellions, a driving force during a back of a ongoing protests is not Russia's poor as well as disadvantaged, but rsther than a country's taking flight urban center class. That is an critical difference, for, historically, successful approved transitions have almost always compulsory a politically mobilized center class.
Well-educated as well as successful, middle-class Russians have taken to a streets to benefit respect from a Kremlin hierarchy which is mired in deceit as well as corruption. The final straw was a obvious forgery of December's parliamentary elections, which reinforced citizens' clarity which a regime regards them with contempt. Russians are particularly angry by Putin's arrogant treatment of a presidency as an bureau which can be "loaned" to allies similar to a current incumbent, Dmitri Medvedev as well as reclaimed during your convenience he wishes.
But, despite a vast protests in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, as well as alternative cities, a authorities rejected demonstrators' demands to nullify a election results. Indeed, it is becoming increasingly transparent that, by hook or by crook, Putin will spend 6 more years as Rus! sia's ru ler.
What will another Putin presidency meant for Russia? Securely fenced off from genuine domestic competition, Putin cannot lapse to a Kremlin as "the boss of hope," as he styled himself in 2000, during a beginning of his first term. Moreover, he no longer resembles Putin a "national leader," who, in his second term, reinvigorated a state as well as presided over an economic boom.
So who can Putin III be? How will he make use of a enormous powers postulated a Russian boss in a domestic complement which lacks any genuine checks as well as balances?
Putin's pre-election monologues as well as articles indicate an ominous answer: his presidency will be based on a genuine misunderstanding of a structure of contemporary general relations, markets, as well as democracy, as well as will be driven by his wild messianism. Calls for liberalism coexist with statist dogma, as well as bloviating populism trumps regard for complexity as well as tough choices.
In fact, Putin has zero to offer Russians in reserve from his own vulgar, old rhetoric. He no longer understands a problems confronting a country, as well as therefore has no idea what needs to be done. Nor does he have any stress about a repairs which his misrule portends for Russia's future. Putin's third presidency will be a energy of instinct as well as appetite, rsther than than a supervision of reason as well as restraint.
Of course, Putin will begin his new tenure with earnest words about renewal, development, democratization, as well as a flay of corruption. He might even offer a little mystic gestures, such as dissociating himself from disgusting domestic as well as media figures, or showing leniency towards those he has detained for opposing him. But all of this would be aimed during progressing dome! stic pow er, rsther than than reforming it.
Indeed, a Kremlin has produced most lofty speak of leisure as well as modernization in recent years. But, without a domestic will to exercise a required changes, such promises are destined to remain just that. The problem is which a principle of giveaway as well as satisfactory foe which characterizes a grown universe is subversive of a Russian state which Putin has built a state based on a partnership of supervision as well as business.
As a result, even if a will to change unexpected as well as miraculously emerged in today's Kremlin, a illegitimacy of a entire federal supervision would render effective process making impossible. Instead of formulating as well as implementing comprehensive as well as transparent reforms, a supervision would have no choice but to go on to indulge and, on top of all, equivocate melancholy vested interests.
No a single should be cheated by any concessions which a Kremlin makes. Russia's liberals would benefit zero from compromising their consciences as well as good fortune Putin's third term. As before, they would get no genuine energy in return, as well as any possibility of genuine change from within a existing energy structure would remain minimal. Indeed, stairs by a authorities to mollify open opinion will go on to be accompanied by increasing pressure on a antithesis as well as on civil-society organizations.
In a months following Putin's lapse to a presidency, most will depend on Russia's civil society as well as a protest movement's leaders. Russians contingency persist as well as delineate a set of specific domestic demands. They contingency demand on genuine as well as dramatic changes rsther than than cosmetic improvements to Russia's domestic system. The categorical objective right away is to strive for giveaway as well as satisfactory elections which will ultimately lead to a bona fide as well as obliged government.
The list of dire issues confronting Russ! ia is al ready long, as well as their resolution can no longer be delayed. As prolonged as Putin stays in control, which list will usually grow.
Mikhail Kasyanov was Prime Minister of Russia from 2000 to 2004, as well as is a personality of a antithesis People's Democratic Union.
Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2012.
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Lynas and Anwar the environmentalist
Haze. Almost each year but destroy the mist hits us. The repairs is unequivocally unequivocally high. Many people humour from it, the price to tellurian health is tall as well as young kids as well as the aged have been particularly disposed to it. It saddens me to see asthmatic young kids humour (and some die) during the mist episode. The problem, of course, lies in Indonesia. But given we have been the greenie right away as well as we have tall level contacts in Indonesia, because do not we make use of your change to get the Indonesians to do something about it. Why is it which we have never listened we rebuke the Indonesian supervision about this. The mist essentially KILLS people each year. Why do not we organize the protest in front of the Indonesian embassy this weekend? we know the mist is not here right away though there is no make use of protesting when the mist arrives. Protest in advance lah. we routinely would not worry we with things similar to fume though given we have been the greenie now, we am asking we to do something.
Over the past week, we have detected 2 more. moronium as well as sodomium. (of march Sharizat detected common ownership though that's the story for an additional day)
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Nurul: Dad wouldn't be the only one with a black eye

"It was inches away, we do not wish to measure, it was really unpleasant," she pronounced during the PKR headquarters in Petaling Jaya after camp the inform during the Tropicana military station.

"If our supporters had not parried it, then (opposition leader) Anwar Ibrahim would not be the only the single with the black eye," she pronounced in anxiety to the barbarous situation where then-inspector-general of military Abdul Rahim Noor had punched her father.
Nurul Izzah revealed which internal military in Gambang had identified the assailant as Asrullah Affendi Abdullah. However no further information was available.
'Insults hurled during us'
The PKR vice-president, accompanied by PKR communications director Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad had arrived during the coffeeshop during around 9.30pm to find which the little 30 people, wielding Umno as well as BN flags during another coffeeshop next door, were blasting shrill music to drown out the ceramah speakers.
"They shouted for Nik Nazmi to go behind to Selangor, for me to go behind to Lembah Pantai as well as called Anwar the sodomite, it was really demeaning.
"I attempted to ease them down, we pronounced we're all 1 Malaysia, we know, we had to try, but..."

"There were about 100 people during the ceramah as well as they were really patient with all the heckling, they might not indispensably be supporters but they longed for to hear what we had to say," she said.
After the attempted attack, Nurul Izzah pronounced they moved farther into the shop. However, the situation was as well tense to go on as well as they were forced to leave.
"When we longed for to leave, the organisation attempted to retard us, about 4 or 5 Felda auxiliary military had to be called in to escort us out," she said.
'Police additionally became victims'
Nurul Izzah combined which prior to the fiasco, around 10 uniformed as well as plainclothes military were benefaction as organisers had informed military of the event, as well as military had attempted to ease the hecklers, but to no avail.
However she commended the military effort, indicating out which even they had been abused by the group.

Nurul combined which she reason the organisation was done up of Umno supporters, stating: "They could sing the entire Umno song from mental recall as well as they had brought Umno as well as BN flags."
The ceramah was situated inside of the Paya Besar parliamentary subdivision helmed by Umno's Abdul Manan Ismail.
Expressing shock, Nurul Izzah condemned the physical intimidation, adding which even if Umno longed for to reason ceramah in Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor they were granted the entrance to do so.
"We have been not meddlesome in any drama, we just wish to get on with our work," she said.
Merely hours prior to this incident, the organisation of people who were listened chanting pro-Umno slogans haddisruptedan anti-Lynas convene in Penang, as well as dual journalists were injured.
Such incidents appears to be on the climb as PKR creates the foray into Felda ar! eas in t he face of the appearing general election.
Last week, antithesis personality as well as PKR de facto Anwar Ibrahim's ceramah in Sembrong, Johor was met with violence after Umno supporters allegedly threw stones, pieces of wood as well as firecrackers, as well as kicking during his Mercedes Benz, ensuing in the cracked windscreen as well as the dented door.
VIDEO|10.29 mins
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PM Najib: More bite for MACC, only if BN gets two-thirds

"I concluded with a perspective of a MACC advisory house which to simulate to autonomy of MACC, an Anti-Corruption Service Commission should be created. This elect will be since a power to appoint as well as pouch MACC staff.
"But this emanate needs a inherent amendment. God peaceful if BN is since a two-thirds charge in a coming 13th ubiquitous election, a inherent legislative addition will be carried out as well as this service elect will be formed," pronounced Najib whilst officiating a Certified Integrity Officer Programme during Putrajaya today.
"If it can be implemented, it will easier as well as some-more fit for professionals who wish to serve for MACC to do so," he added.
Currently MACC's tellurian resources is underneath a reach of a Public Services Commission, a same as all alternative supervision agencies.
Among alternative counts be! ing cons idered by a government, Najib said, was a standing of a MACC arch commissioner, which may be upgraded to a post stipulated in a constitution such as a posts of attorney-general, auditor-general as well as judges, to safeguard autonomy as well as transparency.
"This will discharge a open as well as general notice which there is law which usually takes account into a seductiveness of sure quarters," he added.
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Shahrizat's family unlikely to be charged, says ex-top cop

Former Kuala Lumpur rapist review dialect arch Mat Zain Ibrahim, when contacted, pronounced which based upon writings related to NFC's condominium purchases as well as writings pointing to NFC supports being used to account trips, he believes which there were elements of CBT.
However, based upon his experience in questioning high profile individuals in a past, Mat Zain believes which a CBT assign would not be slapped upon NFC's bosses because they have been a family of Women, Family as well as Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.
"If a attorney-general were to assign Shahrizat's family based upon military recommendations, afterwards he might additionally have to assign (former MAS chairperson) Tajudin Ramli, according to military recommendations.
"Then, a attorney-general might have to follow up by charging (former Malacca arch minister) Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik as well as (former International Trade as well as Industry Minister) Rafidah Aziz.
Mat Zain explained which in his three examples, a military or Anti-Corruption Agency, as it was afterwards known, had done recommendations which they be charged for various offences.
He pronounced this when asked to criticism upon Bukit Aman commercial crime review dialect executive Syed Ismail Syed Azizan'srecommendationthat NFC chairperson Mohd Salleh Ismail be ! charged with CBT.
Mat Zain, who additionally review law, pronounced three main elements should be cited in a CBT box namely prejudiced misappropriation, converts to his own a property, or dishonestly uses or disposes a property in violation of any citation of a law.
"The charge is usually compulsory to fulfill a single of a above ingredients - not all three, though one," he stressed.
Explaining further, Mat Zain pronounced thepurchase of a condousing a NFC funds, as well as registering a condo in their own names is as good as transferring money in to personal accounts.
"If this is not converting to ones's own use, what is?" he asked.
"Another e.g. have been a allegations against Mohamad Salleh as well as his son Wan Shahinur which they performed a umrah in 2010 using company supports amounting to a little RM31,000 or so.
"If this can be proven than no need to argue. It's 100 CBT. Companies have been not compulsory to perform umrah, usually individuals are," he said.
Last November, PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution suggested which NFC supports were used for Mohamad Salleh as well as his son Wan Shahinur Izran for them toperform a umrah.
Mat Zain was a review military officer in a Rahim as well as Rafidah cases.
In a related development, attorney-general chambers head of charge Tun Abdul Majib Tun Hamzah refused criticism when asked reply to Syed Ismail's statement.
He pronounced his dialect have yet to receive review writings from a police.
Yesterday, NFC in a statement pronounced it was shocked with Syed Ismail for starting open upon a make a difference as well as indicted him of perplexing topre-empt a attorney-general's decision over a matter.
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Screen 'Kitty Porn' in Karnataka assembly, says PETA
New Delhi: Animal rights organization PETA Monday wrote a minute to a Karnataka public orator urging him to shade " Kitty Porn" video in a house, to garner await of legislators for sterlisation of stray cats as well as dogs.
"We have sent a minute to K.G. Bopaiah, orator of a Karnataka assembly, urging him to show PETA India's 'Kitty Porn' video to a entire public to spur await for sterlisation of cats as well as dogs," said Poorva Joshipura, chief functionary of PETA India.
The video shows animatronic cats in a act of making kittens to focus courtesy upon a critical need to sterilize all cats as well as dogs.
The minute from PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals)comes upon a heels of a resignations of 3 ministers, who were exposed for viewing racy material upon a single of a minister's mobile phones earlier this month.
"Unlike a ministers, who were examination porn simply to get off, examination PETA's 'Kitty Porn' video could help get tens of thousands cats as well as dogs off a streets. The lives of unwanted cats as well as dogs, who roam a streets or long for in shelters have been no lives during all, as well as sterilisation is a only answer," said Joshipura.
According to PETA, showing a ! video in a public would hint discussion about India's animal homelessness crisis, as well as would hopefully motivate many ministers to await sterilisation efforts for wandering animals. It would additionally help to conduct awareness programmes to encourage Karnataka residents to sterilize their animal companions.
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Police report lodged over Felda fracas

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Najib: Govt to control 'political financing' of all parties
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Nurul identify Asrullah as the UMNO thug who wanted to attack her (with VIDEO)
Nurul Izzah told which she could identify the UMNO bully named Asrullah Affendi Abdullah, who is wearing the red shirt was the one which longed for to attack her at the ceramah in Felda Lepar Hilir 1 .
Will the Police detain this bully rught away for having intentions to attack the woman as well as the Member of Parliament.
Watch the next video for details:
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scattered petals ... beautiful still
the little sparse in pieces
the little station firm
pleasing they have been
they have the belligerent alive
like endless motifs of an very old carpet
designs but finish
but beginning
beget we will not
begotten we have not been
... ahh ... sparse petals
the hundred as well as fourteen pieces they ought to be
more than six thousand pieces they shall bit into
come the seventh day of mercy which hadth come the visitin'
pleasing we have been --- the flowering plants which stand still
we have been the guardian of the desired one which hath bestowed upon you
adore as eternal as the dissipating of the petals
as they waste as well as become seeds of
more beauty to come
as beauty begets truth
law begotten by the adore of all things beautiful
how perfumed we are
- flowers, the fresh earth, the verses which serenade the goodbye
petals however fragments we have been
as perfumed as dedicated difference left unspoken
as perfumed as law left unshaken
i am which pleasing flower station still
serenading the one as well as most
ahhh ... pleasing flowering plants upon the ground
any sparse petal smiling
as if law hadth come
as beauty unfolding
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PUTIB - Sabtu 21.01.2012 Wacana Hudud wakil BERSIH Datuk A.Samad Saidpart 1/4

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We were nearly beaten up by Umno rowdies: Nurul and Nik Nazmi
"When a military were negotiating with us a organisation shouted: Why we have been talking to a opposition, because have been we supporting a opposition. We have been not meddlesome in any drama, we just want to get upon with a work."
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |