Seismic Activity Reported Near N. Korea Nuclear Test Sites
Modus operandi PAS fitnah Dato Ikmal Tanah Merah suruh jumpa BN ... bila bantu, PAS fitnah
candidate bagi BN bagi Tanah Merah.
Beliau seorang yang bekerja bersungguh-sungguh dan
sanggup perhabiskan duit sendiri untuk rakyat. Beliau menceburi bidang automotif dan saya difahamkan beliau
mempunyai banyak pusat jualan kereta pelbagai jenama. Beliau tidak
pernah bertanding dalam pilihan raya sebelum ini.
Ajaran Syaitan atau boleh juga
Pakatans seat tussle a boon for Sabah BN
The discussions have been starting upon for so prolonged but the finish ... we consider SAPP's care can see for themselves, they competence finish up with the same predestine as PBS before. Johnny Mositun
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PM starts Johor visit by meeting state Umno, BN leaders
10 Reasons Why We Must Vote in GE13
Tawar RM200 Lepas Ramas Payudara Pelanggan
A tight slap in the face for Najib
PM asks: Are you ready for BN? Crowd says 'no!'
Najib Razak, by dressing up in Chinese clothes as well as speaking a small Hokkien or Mandarin to impress Penang people won't win hearts. By treating all non-Malays with apply oneself does.
Starr:I beg Najib did not listen to a crowd's response to his call, similar to a approach he stays 'deaf as well as dumb' to so many inhabitant issues, personal scandals, racial abuse as well as religious bigotry.
He substantially realises which not even Psy can save a ultimate passing of Umno-BN. It's absolutely foolishness to think which a strain popularised by Psy can redeem decades of misrule by a corrupt regime.
Ex-PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad'sadviceto Najib to sojourn 'deaf as well as dumb' upon issues affecting a republic is most irresponsible, certainly uncivilised of a leader of a republic as well as a recipe for disaster.
Changeagent:At slightest a people of Penang have been honest as well as wear their! hearts upon their sleeves.
They will come to watch a free Psy concert, take your ang pows as well as eat your oranges, but they will also tell you true to your face which they do ! not awai t BN. There's no need to second-guess where they stand.
Ajeekkor:I thought a PM, his emissary as well as BN leaders said this eventuality is non-political. But why contingency he asked a throng either they were ready for BN?
Pemerhati:When Najib says, "This is a supervision which cares for all Malaysians, fair as well as all inclusive", a evident thought is which he is articulate his usual unsteadiness to try as well as dope a public so which they will opinion his celebration behind in to power.
The minorities, who have been subjected to threats as well as serious discrimination as well as marginalisation, have been sick of BN.
Many local Malays have awakened to a actuality which a constitutional Malays similar to Mahathir, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as well as Syed Hamid Syed Albar, together with many Umnoputras, have been playing a competition as well as religious label to get their domestic await to stay in energy as well as rob a nation blind.
Thanks to a alternative media, they have realised which a BN leaders as well as their cronies have been stealing about a billion ringgit per week as well as Mahathir has substantially stolen US$ 44 billion.
Quigonbond:Well, Najib's right about good changes in a final 4 years - increased exposes of autochthonous corruption under a BN government, incompetence, wastages, abuse of power, collapse of institutions of governance as well as false reforms.
But hey, t! here's a ! bright side - it's also a shift of psyche of Malaysians as they realise which only since domestic parties in energy changes, countries do not collapse, as well as they can in actuality do most better, similar to Selangor as well as Penang.
Louis:Najib, you appear to be promising a moon to roughly every state or community. Are you certain which you can remember, let alone do them? A elementary guarantee to Teoh Beng Hock's family which his 'murderers! 9; would be punished was not fulfilled.
Najib, instead of promising a monorail for Penang, why not a other approach round - give Penang a monorail now, as well as Penangites competence give their votes to you in GE14.
Please don't play this ransom games with a rakyat. What you have been spending is a money, together with a RM1.5 million for you to saunter around with Psy.
Don't you feel guilty about burning which most income when there have been thousands of Malaysians who could frequency make ends meet?
Onyourtoes:I have seen a video as well as you think a Psy unison was not value RM1.50 (let alone RM1.5 million). If this is not mass violence as well as mass hypnotisation, you don't know what is.
Anonymous_5fb:Sometimes you pity Najib. But once a male has lost his integrity as well as a people's trust, that's it, 'no' is what he will get. And that's not only what Najib got, a rest in Umno-BN got it as well.
Najib is starting to check a dissolution of a Parliament again. Perhaps he may let a term lapse, upon consulting a aged man.
Ksn:The throng should have resp! onded: Ye! s, you have been ready to throw BN out as government.
Changeagent:Malaysiakini, you should add another verb to your inform - Psy keeps it short, sweet, cold as well as damp as well as "expensive".
You know it is wasteful spending when a title action as well as a throng conduct true for a exit doors right after a performance, even quicker than you can contend "op-op-oppa Gangnam-style".
Anonymous #58458950:Was it unequivocally necessary to outlay so most upon so little? Psy is over rated as well as you fell for it. How silly can you get?
The income could have been outlay more productively upon assisting bad family groups applaud Chinese ! New Year better. - Malaysiakini
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SAPP irrelevant, Sabah contest between Pakatan-BN, say leaders
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Apa kejadahnya ketua puteri "Anwar Ibrahim" ni?
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BN's PSYchological moves on Penang
NAJIB - Still NOT LISTENING???? Now you have heard what the people said "NO to BN"
PM Najib has been always claiming which he listens to a rakyat.
Malaysian have been ANGRY which prices of daily line have been RISING only because of UMNO cronies, who have been concerned in a trade. The supervision had given these UMNO cronies a MONOPOLY as well as given they control a product or produce, they set a price.
Another factor is which EVERYONE LOVES NAJIB, but a forces at a back of Najib is a PROBLEM. It seems which Najib is only USED by sure people to ACHIEVE THEIR ENDS. Until as well as unless Najib is means to set-FREE, as well as order a supervision as a BOSS, Malaysians will not vote for his UMNO/BN.
The movement is already set..........CHANGE IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN as well as all this speak of "Arab Spring" is only to frighten a rakyat. BUT a Malaysians have been NOT STUPID.....they want a BETTER MALAYSIA.
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Whole family messing with the country
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500 people pay last respects to Claudia Theophilus
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Do not hold grudge if not nominated, BN reps warned
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Perak BN dismiss Pakatan polls prediction, say Election 2008 win a fluke
The predicament resulted from a opposition's ma! nipulati on. The people right away have been given clarifications, they know how a transition happened.
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Heavy traffic on North-South expressway
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Selangor MB to discuss dissolution next week
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The Pearl of the Orient not so pearly any more
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PSY SLAP IN THE FACE: Korean superstar refused to toss 'yee-sang' with Najib, BN (2)
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Najib Kena Booo di Penang..
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Ini adalah perincian peristiwa dan orang yang telah melakukan isyarat lucah terbabit:
Kejadian berlaku di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Bayang Lepas pada jam 1:05 tengah hari tadi. Seorang lelaki Cina telah menunjukkan isyarat lucah kepada konvoi DYMM Raja Permaisuri Agong dan telah ditahan oleh pihak berkuasa.
No. Kad Pengenalan: 840718-10-5015
Umur: 29 tahun
Kerja: Quality Surveyor di sebuah kilang di Singapura
Pendidikan: Bsc Degree Building Economic as well as QS di Heriot Walt University Scotland, UK (2007)
Alamat: C18-18-9, Serina Bay, Sungai Pinang, Pulau Pinang.
Pada jam 12:50 tengah hari sewaktu rombongan DYMM Raja Permaisuri Agong berada di Terminal Perlepasan LTAB Bayan Lepas, Leong Pei Koe telah menunjukkan isyarat lucah kepada kenderaan yang diniaki oleh DYMM Raja Permaisuri Agong.
ASP Mohd Fakharuddin bin Abdul Hamid yang merupakan pengawal pengiring DYMM Raja Permaisuri Agong yang melihat gelagat lelaki tersebut telah keluar dari kenderaan pengiring dan merapati LEONG PEI KOE.
Amaran telah diberikan kepada lelaki Cina tersebut yang dia boleh ditahan dan ditangkap di bawah Seksyen 294 (a) KK. Bagaimanapun, lelaki Cina itu mencabar pihak berkuasa agar menangkapnya dan ! berkata, di Pulau Pinang, polis Melayu tidak ada kuasa kerana Pulau Pinang adalah hak milik Cina.
Apabila ASP Mohd Fakharuddin menghampiri LEONG PEI KOE, lelaki Cina tersebut terus memberikan isyarat lucah beberapa kali. Dengan bantuan anggota PGA, akhirnya dia ditahan dan digari bagi siasatan dan tindakan lanjut.
Hasil siasatan polis mendapati, lelaki Cina tersebut tidak mempunyai rekod lampau, manakala ujian air kencingnya adalah negatif.
Namun alasan yang paling melawakkan diberikan olehnya ketika ditanya mengapa dia berbuat ialah, DIA BERTENGKAR DENGAN BAPANYA DI DALAM KERETA dan apabila keluar dari kereta bapanya, dia meluahkan perasaan marah dengan menunjukkan isyarat lucah kepada kenderaan-kenderaan yang bergerak berhampiran dengannya.
Kononnya, dia berasa di lapangan terbang kerana hendak menaiki penerbangan ke Singapura pada jam 1:40 tengah hari selepas beraya di rumah keluarganya.
Pihak berkuasa sedang berusaha untuk mendapatkan perintahan tahanan reman dan siasatan lanjut sedang dijalankan.
Timbul satu persoalan, adakah LEONG PEI KOE akan dibebaskan selepas dia meminta maaf dan merayu, sama ada menerusi dirinya sendiri atau joke membabitkan ibu bapanya, kemudian keluarganya diziarahi oleh Perdana Menteri, Timbalan Perdana Menteri atau Menteri Dalam Negeri mahupun para pemimpin MCA dan GERAKAN?
SEKSYEN 294 (a) KK - Melakukan apa-apa perbuatan lucah di mana-mana tempat awam. Hukumannya jikalau didapati bersalah adalah penjara 3 bulan dan dendan atau kedua-duanya. Orang yang dituduh juga boleh ditangkap tanpa sebarang waran.
House PK: Ini aku petik dari blog Flying Kick. Aku harap pihak polis dan KDN kan bertindka sewajarnya, tolong jangan keluarkan amaran lagi dan terus bertindak ya...takkan nak tengok parang terbang kut baru nak bertindak?
Youtube : | Kickdefella @SyedAzidi Rakam Video Ladang Rakyat Botakkan Hutan Pasti Titis Air Mata Rakyat Kelantan
Parti Islamkah perangai seperti ini?
Jangan harap rakyat akan terus undi. Kebatilan dan kezaliman akan ada ajalnya nanti. Read More @ Source
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An EPIC FAIL moment in the short, obscene career of Najib Razak...
Malaysian crime apportion Najib Razak demonstrates how NOT to squander income on public relations exercises on trial to backfire.
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Lawatan tapak dan majlis penyampaian sumbangan utk membeli pam tangki air Pangsapuri Pandan Utama pada 9 Feb 2013.
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A canard swiftly slain
February 11, 2013
A canard fast slain
by Terence Netto@
COMMENT: Never give a fool an even break. That seems to have been a spirit of a PAS authorities towards a bit of foetid air which Mingguan Malaysia let lax by a orifice of a columnist Awang Selamat.
The alacrity with which PAS denied a Mingguan Malaysia story yesterday which claimed their syura legislature had rejected a preference of Anwar Ibrahim as budding apportion in a eventuality of a opposition coalition's victory during a 13th ubiquitous choosing is commendable, yet speculation upon which measure is not expected to vanish with a expeditious denial.
On a night before of a spine-tingling ubiquitous election, a swift denial of a canard by voices inside of a Pakatan Rakyat repertoire demonstrate a coalition's willingness for a homogeneous of hand-to-hand combat which a closely fought choosing is expected to spawn.
But more vital than speed during stifling brazen lies would be prescience during avoiding situations which entice a deployment of a imaginative distortion by Pakatan's adversaries, something a Utusan stable of newspapers is skilful at.
Pakatan has to be careful, in a evident prelude to a ubiquitous election, not to allow illumination in between a positions of their member parties upon issues of crucial importance to both a opposition bloc such as who is to turn PM should a bloc win a polls as well as to sections of a electorate such as a either a use of a tenure 'Allah' for God is permitted of non-Muslims.
Admittedly, uniformity upon a latter measure is not easy to bring off. However, except for a Allah issue where there is illumination in between a individual in front of of PAS (non-Muslims cannot use a tenure freely) as well as usual one of Pakatan (the tenure is not exclusive to Muslims), this ! uniformi ty has been broadly achieved.
The coming of a missile of illumination in between a PAS as well as Pakatan positions upon a Allah issue was enough opportunity for a Utusan paper spinners to exploit.
Imaginative invention
The UMNO-owned Utusan group cares a fig either Malaysia has just depressed 23 slots upon a World Press Freedom Index gathered by a Paris-based NGO, Journalists Without Borders.
In fact, an editor from a group told a defamation hearing final year which imaginative invention towards a group's paper targets is improved value for money than boring reporting of facts.
In alternative words, a paper would not let contribution get in a way of their level most appropriate to forestall a Malaysian Plutocrats Incorporated's usual nightmare: A Pakatan victory during a polls with Anwar emerging as budding minister.
Yesterday, in pursuit of which goal, columnist Awang Selamat mused which a PAS syura council, during a new meeting, had vetoed a preference of Anwar as PM, a decision a clerk wily pronounced celebration president Abdul Hadi Awang (right) did not consider fit to halt with.
Awang suggested which a syura council's veto was stirred by Anwar's acquiescence in DAP's stand upon permitting non-Muslims to use a tenure 'Allah' for God, a in front of which was reiterated final month as a usual in front of of Pakatan as well as which was firstly formulated in Jan 2010 during which time, to no strong objection from a jurists in PAS.
The columnist went upon to suggest which a vetoing of a preference of Anwar as Pakatan PM by a syura legislature was also due to dignified defects in his character, a wily bit of venom to go with plausible bits upon Anwar's differences with a le! gislatur e upon a Allah issue as a reason for a distaste for a PKR leader.
Hours after a column saw a light of publishing day, a secretary of a syura legislature pronounced it fitnah (libel) as well as a person who chaired a meeting, Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who occupies a eighth month chair of spiritual head of a party, decried it as nonsense.
Nik Aziz (left) pronounced a make a difference of Anwar as Pakatan PM-designate was not even lifted during a meeting.
Two denials of a story from personages of importance inside of a legislature meant which a story was lopped off during a head so which a rudderless physique rolled in to unconcern flattering quickly.
But a speculation about PAS' misgivings about Anwar as Pakatan PM-designate is not likely to slip off a ledge.
That is since of a bit of histrionics during a annual convention of a celebration in Kota Baru final Nov when a nominee proposed during a debate which celebration president Abdul Hadi Awang be nominated for a in front of as well as a floor erupted in approbation.
This bit of parochial drama, in division of a sufficiently long-running Pakatan consensus upon Anwar as PM-designate, is caviar for a coalition's adversaries who have been skilful during creation things which have been reduction than an even break in to something of a cornucopia.
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Vishwaroopam ~ Kamalahaasan's Cinematic Demonization of Muslims
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