Depan nampak bagus saja kursus KAF, NDi dan IRI
Rafidah: Shahrizat actually not quitting

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Forcing out the 1 per cent corrupt

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More to be charged in NFC scandal
By Shannon Teoh

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1Care blueprint to be ready in two years, says Liow

The blueprint for a much-opposed revamp of a country's healthcare system, 1Care for 1Malaysia, is approaching to be ready in dual years, pronounced Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai today.
He told a Dewan Rakyat that a method has "not even decided upon that indication will be used", trimming around a subject upon how much supports would be required to set up a initiative.
Liow pronounced this in reply to extra questions posed by Sim Tong Him (DAP-Kota Melaka) asking a method to state all aspects of a 1Care scheme.
Sim also asked upon a annual estimated expenditure as well as a series of patients who will good from a service as well as treatment, including whether it will be a jointventure with a private sector.
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Ini adalah produk terbaik Proton! Memang endorse terbaik! Lepas ni sesiapa yang kutuk Proton selama ini akan ternganga dan tak berani nak kutuk lagi! Tak lama lagi dah...tungguuuu...
Rafidah vs Shahrizat: It's a mud fight
Pakatan has nothing to offer Sabah

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Forcing out the 1 per cent corrupt

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What is worse than a pariah politician in Malaysia?
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Anwar 'broker, boneka' kuasa asing
Pakatan: Vote-tampering likely if early count nixed
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal

The EC is environment a theatre for large irregularities of votes in a country. DAP MP Charles Santiago
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PM to review MAS-AirAsia deal, says MAS union official
March 14, 2012

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A bleak house divided against itself
Bloggers Buzz
Introduction by CPI
Far from being a inclusive writer, A. Ghani Ismail is instead more same to a cryptic in a mountains, as well as to illustrate a single who blogs only really rarely.
Nonetheless at your convenience a maestro journalist's provocative writings do appear in his blog 'Liberty', they are worth paying tighten attention to. His many new piece published some days ago takes us into a current uneasy state of Malay politics.
Ghani is both an idealist as well as a realist who dismally sees an "ideological hopelessness a way things are in this beautiful country".
Yet at a same time, he harbours a hope which "a Malaysian people" could someway arise to mitigate a bleakness of a anticipated outcome upon a country's destiny or if a end of a single joined bangsa seems a tad too utopian, afterwards at slightest "something else which is accommodative", as if so which a assorted races can go upon living side by side peacefully.
He concedes, utterly realistically, w! hich wit h Malaysia mired in "a state of dysfunction as decadent as this, seeking to refurbish a nation with firmness cannot be enough". At a really least, a mutation which contingency take place as well as many urgently is a single which lends "ideological conformity as well as domestic cohesion".
Ghani avers which a critical dispute "is not about a preference between Transformation or Reformation. It is about what a Transformation is eventually about". And his critique of Prime Minister Najib Razak's assorted stabs at 'transforming' a socio-political as well as mercantile landscape as to be approaching is devastatingly severe.
According to Ghani's assessment of a statute party as well as a warlordism which plagues it, "Umno, having plainly traded votes for income in a purchases of positions from bottom right to a level of party president, cannot as well as will never again be accepted as representing patriotism as it had been once before".
What is not exactly startling is his work of art of a ethical as well as dignified spoil which has seeped into all levels of Malay society.
He adds, "In a mix of drawn out corruption as well as a abuses arising from a 'private domains' in government, some 85 percent of projects which were drawn for a good of Malays as well as Bumiputras in a New Economic Policy (NEP) had been 'leaked'.
"It tells us process as well as project slipways can be assembled with a right payments to a right people in a Administration as well as a Executive. In fact, a distortion of 85 percent suggests these slipways are normal practice, i.e. firmness had been a bad word in a supervision as well as a Malays/Bumiputras had been taken for a ride by their own kinds."
In short, as Ghani puts it, "The NEP was bastardized".
Segueing from his contemplative sermon upon race, a second part of Ghani's piece touches upon religion. In this aspect, he beholds "a bizarre emergence of Islamic fundamentalism" manifest in a holding together of a antithesis electoral pac! t.
< p>Although he acknowledges which from 1988 until now a shariah law could not as yet reinstate common law so as to capacitate a country to opt for a shariah as a solitary legal as well as judicial system, yet there is a steady deposit to a social dichotomy of Muslims as well as dhimmis or 'protected subjects'.The threat of shifting into a full-fledged Islamic state is not as remote or as lost as certain sections of a restored non-Muslim citizens (read: hardcore antithesis supporters) would lull us into believing.
Only really not long ago upon Friday (March 9), five group indicted of gambling were publicly caned in full perspective of hundreds in beside Aceh a Indonesian island which implements hudud law.
Tracing a ever augmenting radicalization of sacrament which has ensued, Ghani contends which "[t]he powder-keg had exploded in Egypt, in Iraq as well as in Nigeria. In Pakistan a evil is a terror-ride involving Muslims contra Muslims first as well as Muslims contra a two percent Christian minority second, killing a Governor [Punjab governor Salman Taseer] as well as a Minister [the cabinet's only Christian Shahbaz Bhatti] so far".
The scenario of eremite extremism is not a single to be taken easily even in Malaysia as well as Ghani is utterly right to receptive to advice a warning upon a simmering stew pot which is partly fanned as well as fuelled by a ferocious domestic contestation engulfing us today.
In his apocalyptic words, "Even if it is loyal not more than thirty percent of a Malays can be drawn into a creation of a Holocaust, it has to be remembered only five percent of a Malays in amok should be enough to run a country thirty years back in a couple of days as well as creation liberation unfit in fifteen years. A neater equation might move recolonization as a prerequisite for liberation should we blood-let again in Malaysia".
Is Ghani merely fear-mongering or overstating a case? We do not think so.
In this regard, he posits a m! any impe nding question: "Can a infancy of a Malays resolve their ideological froth? Or will a infancy eventually stick on a taking flight eremite fundamentalism as well as engage a kafirs in war?"
Ghani's posting 'View from a Sick Bay: Malays More Bewildered' can be read in full at his blog, which we recommend which we do.
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Balloting from abroad possible via postal vote, says EC
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal

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Gullible and stupid Malaysians

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GE-13 - "Anwar Ibrahim" going it alone?
Thus, in fighting for a survival, it has been rumoured which "Anwar Ibrahim" is deliberation a choice of abandoning a BN allies, mainly MCA as good as Gerakan, most of whose possibilities had depended upon Taiko for 'safe' seats in Malay-majority constituencies.
Not surprisingly, given a cruciality of GE-13, "Anwar Ibrahim" members wish to have their own party possibilities in those seats, arguing which their allies like MCA as good as Gerakan, apart from not pulling their own weight between a non-Malay voters, have been likely to be shunned by a Malay voters. Thus, wouldn't it some-more judicious to have "Anwar Ibrahim" possibilities in a Malay-majority areas, with a larger possibility of winning?
This tactic (rather than strategy) might not be as assured as a "Anwar Ibrahim" members might wish to believe. Unless a Malay-majority for such a chair is in a segment of during slightest 90% of a constituency's voters, a beneficiaries of such an "Anwar Ibrahim" choosing proceed might good spin out to be PAS as good as PKR instead.
Take for example, federal or state seats which have purebred electorate with a following racial percentages, contend notionally, Malays 70%, Chinese 27% as good as Indians 3%. And for morality sake, I'm presumption all 3% Indian electorate will go BN.
If "Anwar Ibrahim" abandons a MCA as good as Gerakan allies whose possibilities (presumably Chinese) had previously stood as BN possibilities in a indication constituencies, afterwards it would not be out of spin to contend which it'll be likely all 27% of Chinese voters, even BN supporters, will automatically ABU.
And we woul! dn't be surprised if MCA as good as Gerakan members (though probably not their leaders with 'interests' in! an "Anw ar Ibrahim" feat wakakaka) will role-play a FrenchMaquiswakakaka. That will leave "Anwar Ibrahim" as good as PAS (or PKR) to battle out for a 73%.
Unless "Anwar Ibrahim" is assured it can garnered during slightest 51% of a electorate in any constituency (in a general case, usually Malay votes with perhaps a trace of Indian ones), a chair will go to PAS or PKR.
The "Anwar Ibrahim" prospects will dim serve as a Chinese commission increases.
Don't dont think about we're presumption all a Indian votes will go to BN though we did qualify which by stating my progressing assumption was quite for morality sake. We might expect in general which a Indian votes will be split 80:20 in favour of "Anwar Ibrahim". Thus, it's again not great news for "Anwar Ibrahim"'s due tactic for GE-13.
However, what will be in favour of "Anwar Ibrahim" (leaving in reserve a EC as good as alternative open institutions in reserve in this discussion) would be a deep faithfulness of a 'heartland' for "Anwar Ibrahim" as good as a await of a royals, whose judicious royal nods for "Anwar Ibrahim" can exponentially raise a joining of a heartland.
In this "Anwar Ibrahim" due scenario, to go it alone as good as f* a MCA & Gerakan wakakaka, PAS might transport better than PKR, whosede factoleader is now being blackened by "Anwar Ibrahim"'s allegations of his tighten associations with Israel. True or otherwise, a barrage of "Anwar Ibrahim"'s badmouthing will have an outcome upon his appeal to a heartland as good as consequently those of his PKR party candidates.
Unfortunately, most in a heartland will accept which there is law in a allegations of Anwar's tighten affiliations with Israel.
Anyway, PAS had in an progressing forecast, likely it could win in 60 federal seats with mixed ethnicity (say, Malays 65%,! Chinese 25 to 30, as good as Indians 5 to 10%) during a expense of "Anwar Ibrahim". With this "Anwar Ibrahim" brand new choosing didactic discourse of playing it safe, PAS' predictions might infer prop! hetic. M aybe that's because a Erdogens have been successful in gripping a tight control upon a Ulama faction, probably whispering"Now, do not we guys f* it up when we have been so tighten to realizing a dreams, so close a f* up!"wakakaka.
But we consternation either "Anwar Ibrahim" is descending in to a 'play safe' racial trap which PKR had walked in to in a Ijok as good as Hulu Selangor by-elections. Then, PKR considered a ethnicity of a party claimant for choosing overrode everything, including a explain as a multi-racial party
By contrast, in a Ijok as good as Hulu Selangor by-elections. "Anwar Ibrahim" had daringly showed it was willing to mount an Indian in any of a constituencies. PKR upon a alternative palm abandoned firstly a appeals of a Youth vice-chief S. Manikavasagam as good as secondly, a arguments ofMalaysiakiniCEO Premesh Chandra, Dr Chandra Bose as good as during which time'still PR-friendly'Dr Chandra Muzaffar wakakaka for PKR to put a income where a claimed multi-racial mouth was, by nominating Indian possibilities as well.
But alas, in a Ijok by-election, Superb Superman Supremo bypassed his supposed friend Nallakaruppan as good as parachuted in Khalid Ibrahim - wakakaka, another reason for Nalla to be pissed off with a Great One.
The same PKR play-safe mentality was again seen in Hulu Selangor, yet of course during which time we weren't wakeful which someone in PKR had already seen Zaid Ibrahim as a destiny competitor in a PKR care hierarchy andsabohimkau kauby providing "Anwar Ibrahim" with photos of Zaid's imbibing banned ambrosia wakakaka.
Naturally, a Indians were utterly furious with Anwar's choices for a Ijok as good as Hulu Selangor by-elections, as good as accused PKR of'cakap tak serup! a bikin' in a claimed multi-racial credentials.
To recapitulate, Najib as good as a BN not usually won a two by-elections with an Indian claimant in each, though in doing so, which was, putting up non-Malay! candida tes, also a moral high ground.
But that's all left to waste because today a non-Malay electorate won't recall Najib's adventurous 1Malaysia gamble in Ijok as good as Hulu Selangor, some-more so with this gossip of "Anwar Ibrahim" pushing in reserve possibilities of a allies in a brand new "Anwar Ibrahim" gambit.
Just how in a world has a Chinese swung over from Tunku's "Anwar Ibrahim" to a once-feared PAS, as good as to such an extent which "Anwar Ibrahim" has to evolve an choosing strategy which assumes no Chinese support? Where's themuhibbahsupport which "Anwar Ibrahim" enjoyed in 1999 as good as 2004?
Big time f*up? That's for "Anwar Ibrahim" to answer.
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The Incomparable Nurul Izzah Anwar Speaks...
First time I shook her palm was in 1998, before long after a commando team broke angrily in to Anwar Ibrahim's Damansara Heights chateau as well as bundled him off as "a hazard to national security." Nurul Izzah was usually 18 years old then, though she was composed as well as assured as she greeted a throngs of well-wishers passing through their home to lend dignified support.
Nurul Izzah's illustrious father, Anwar Ibrahim, was indeed a very serious hazard - not to a republic though to a corrupt, false as well as tyrannical Umno complement of administration established by a megalomaniacal as well as Machiavellian Mahathir Mohamad - who, in his 22-year term, almost single-handedly obliterated a horizon of goodness as well as implicitly infested each public establishment in a country - from a police force as well as a judiciary right down to a universities, civil service, as well as even a religious agencies.
Almost thirteen years later, little has altered in Malaysia. The evil bequest left at a back of by Mahathir still plagues a nation. And Nurul Izzah's father is still a icon of domestic reform, as a Opposition Leader staid to become Malaysia's 7th budding minister if you can somehow overcome BN's fraudulent choosing complement as well as knock them off their tall horses.
At usually 31, Nurul Izzah Anwar is already a seasoned campaigner. Everyone I know admires her courage, intelligence, restraint - and, most of all, her compassionate, practical domestic stance. Of course, her distinguished beauty is a fantastic bonus. We dream of a day when you can watch a budding minister residence a republic with perfect devotion as well as outspoken admiration.
It's tall time Malaysia gets a personality who deserves a standing acclaim whenever she opens her mouth.
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Pahang MB to sue daily for refusing to apologise (with video)

"I have instructed my counsel to take movement againstSin Chew Dailybecause they claimed which we had referred to to dump rare earth rubbish at Sungai Lembing, though we have never pronounced that.

According to the report published bySin Chew Dailytoday, Adnan simplified which the remark about Sungai Lembing was done by Atomic Energy Licensing Board executive ubiquitous Raja Abdul Aziz Raja Adnan as an example of rubbish transfer site during the closed-door assembly with him.
He claimed which the Chinese daily's reporter was not present at the meeting.
"I have instructed my counsel to collect report as well as issue the authorised letter toSin Chew Daily," he was quoted as saying.
On the 24-hourultimatumissued by the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) perfectionist an apology, the unfazed menteri besar warned which if NUJ "takes the wrong step" authorised movement will additiona! lly be b rought against the union.
Last Saturday, during the open eventuality in Kuantan, Adnan blew his top as well as regularly called Chinese newspaper journalists "stupid" for stating his purported statement which Lynas radioactive rubbish could be dumped in Sungai Lembing.
He additionally pushed divided the camera hold by the photographer who was gnawing shots of his outburst.
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MPPP irked by banners of queen found at dumpsites

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Only one per cent of cops on take, says IGP
March 14, 2012

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Rosmah, a symbol of institutionalized discrimination, does not deserve a PhD
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On the cusp of GE-13, is Mahathir trying to make a political comeback?
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