When Yong is hungry like the wolves

The domestic vigilance coming from Yong Teck Lee in a final couple of months prove which he is trying to sail upon dual boats Barisan National as well as Pakatan Rakyat during a same time. His changeable statements to keep both a vital domestic parties in great humour might finish with a backlash.
Selvaraja Somiah

President of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Taiko Yong Teck Lee's romancing of a Barisan National might finish his adore affair with a Sabah antithesis front soon. But this brand brand new adore story bring up a indecisive question as to since he is so unfortunate when a Barisan National has frequency since any indication to warmly accommodate him under a fold. Sources in a Barisan National say Yong Teck Lee can't be trusted. How can they depend upon a leader who was willing to embankment a Barisan Nationalhis decade-old senior partner when he felt a family in in between both were strained since of one male Pak Lah? Earlier too, Yong Teck Lee parted ways with Pairin Kitingan as well as formed a SAPP. The gainer of this triangular diversion being played in a state might be Shafie Apdal a great crony of Yong Teck Lee who is watchful as well as watching in a wings to take over as arch apportion from Musa Aman.
Remember when Yong Teck Lee was arch apportion he together with Shafie Apdal milked Yayasan Sabah until it scarcely when dry? However, thanks to Musa Aman,he saved a day for Yayasan Sabah. Even Lajim Ukin, Sabah's important party hopper as well as aged buddy of Yong Teck Lee from a Party Bersatu Sabah (PBS) days where both began their domestic career as well as where both plotted to destroy PBS have been seen regularly together nowadays. If brand new gathering in a meetings of SAPP is any indication, afterwards Yong Teck Lee being adamant to go for a infancy of a state seats (60 in Sabah) this coming loom! ing 13th general election upon what he termed as "the element of Sabah autonomy" is all about splitting a antithesis votes as well as helping Barisan National win big.
The domestic vigilance coming from Yong Teck Lee in a final couple of months prove which he is trying to sail upon dual boats Barisan National as well as Pakatan Rakyat during a same time. His changeable statements to keep both a vital domestic parties in great humour might finish with a backlash. At a same time, Pakatan Rakyat stay specifically The Democratic Action Party (DAP) feels which Yong Teck Lee is not constant as well as his track jot down for a final couple of years shows which he is more committed to divide as well as separate a antithesis votes. It is a known actuality which notwithstanding bad governance Yong Teck Lee ruled this politically vibrant state for 2 years but a lot say he worked 4 prolonged years (pun added since he worked day as well as night 24hours a day making hay whilst there is fever with his partner in crime Joseph Ambrose Lee).
Yong Teck Lee's brand brand new domestic plan to conflict Pakatan Rakyat as well as hinting he would additionally embankment Dr Jeffrey's State Reform Party (STAR) anytime is additionally meant to hijack Dr Jeffery's aged battle cry of " Sabah For Sabahans" , "Sabah Rights" as well as right away "Ini Kali Lah", as well as keep his minority group in his pocket. In a meantime, Yong Teck Lee is trying his most appropriate to brush a issues of malgovernance as well as corruption during his time as arch apportion under a carpet with a help of captive media. Being a intelligent seasoned politician, Yong Teck Lee knows his limitations; he additionally knows a art of handling a levers of a energy equations. He has frequency longed for any arise to confess his faithfulness to a Party Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), as well as Anwar Ibrahim in particular. Recently, he took a event to welcome Anwar Ibrahim in a Kota Kinabalu International Airport as well as this says a lot. Though ! he is no t a partial of a Pakatan Rakyat but usually supports it from a outside, he additionally denounced DAP Sabah strongly. Is Yong Teck Lee driving a crowd in in between Anwar Ibrahim as well as DAP Sabah?
In a since domestic situation, Yong Teck Lee doesn't have any alternative alternative but to support a PKR in Sabah after his bad tour in a Batu Sapi Parliamentary by-election where even Ansari of PKR did improved afterwards him. He can't consider of joining Pakatan Rakyat since of DAP Sabah since Dr Jeffrey Kitingan can pierce in any direction. The plea for a antithesis is how to strike an agreement among themselves so which there will be usually one-to-one fights with a Barisan. It will not be easy since SAPP as well as DAP have been eyeing a same seats whilst Jeffrey is unlikely to give approach to PKR upon preference seats. Besides, there is no adore mislaid in in between Dr Jeffrey as well as Anwar Ibrahim.
Now, as domestic churning is starting upon in Sabah, a situation is which a dual domestic stalwarts Yong Teck Lee as well as Dr Jeffrey Kitingan have been being used as pawns in a diversion played by a Barisan National as well as Pakatan Rakyat, both "Party Party Malaya" as they say here in Sabah.
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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Salam Bro parpu,

Saja je gua email kat lu pasal gua geram dengan isu kalimah Allah. Gua tgk makin menjadi2 ni. Geram sungguh gua. Sultan Selangor sebagai Ketua Agama pon dah tak nak dengar.

Bagi aku ni yang belajar agama tidak la tinggi mana, pon boleh fikir yang penggunaan nama Allah itu tidak sesuai digunakan oleh bukan Islam. Kenapa aku cakap camtu?

1. Anak-anak kecil tidak dapat membezakan mana satu Islam mana satu bukan Islam.

Kita cakap yang Allah itu satu pada anak-anak kita. Kita cakap Allah tidak beranak dan tidak pula diperanakkan. Kita cakap Allah itu adalah pencipta alam ini dan tidak satu boleh disamakan dengan Allah.

Tapik bila nama Allah ini digunakan bukan Islam, contohnya agama Kristian tgk2 Allah ni ada anak iaitu Nabi Isa. Dia takkan panggil Jesus nya. Dia akan panggil Nabi Isa kalau dia buat buku. Dalam cerita-cerita dia nanti yang ditujukan khas untuk budak-budak, dia pastinya mnggunakan peluang ini untuk mengoptimumkan penggunaannya. So kanak-kanak akan jadi keliru. Tiba-tiba tgk kat gereja ada kalimah Allah. Tgk2 kat cerita Nabi Isa ada nama Allah yang diceritakan dalam versi Kristian. So camner tu. Mereka duit byk. Buku setahun boleh keluar berpuluh ribu dan lambakan buku keluaran mereka akan berada dalam pasaran. Takleh nak halang sbb dalam perlembagaan tiada sekatan untuk mengamalkan agama lain. So kita nak cakap apa pada anak2 kita. Tahu2 je mereka dah baca buku tu. Jgn lupa kanak-kanak pale kuat ingatan mereka. Kena pulak kat sekolah cikgu guna buku tu untuk ajar anak-anak yang kononnya mengajar agama Islam. Ada kita tahu? Doa pula yang diamalkan di sekolah dibaca oleh anak-anak kita ikut cara mereka. Ada kita tahu? Sekarang ini kita rasa selamat sbb tahu bahawa perkara sedemikian dil! arang. T olong la sedar UMAT ISLAM Malaysia, penggunaan kalimah Allah ini bukan takat nak guna sahaja. Ada lagi plan dia yang lain....Tolong la bangkang perkara ini. Bersatu la untuk menghalang perkara ini atas nama ISLAM.

2. Perang Crusade Tentera Kristian Tidak Pernah Laungkan Allahhuakbarada 3 perang salib sebelum ini. Peperangan ini mmg antara Umat Islam dan puak kristian. Yang aku hairannya, dalam ketiga-tiga perang salib ni, tidak pernah aku baca satu kisahpon yang ada dalam internet atau movie hollywood, mereka laungkan Allahhuakbar bila berperang. Hanya tentera Islam sahaja. Dah tu, kalau perang tak pernah guna abih nak guna pasal apa sekarang? Common la ni bukan pasal kalimah Allah sahaja. Ini merupakan satu kaedah colonization secara tersirat.

Kalau dulu tahun 1511, Alfonso De Alburque datang Tanah Melayu ni boleh colonized Melaka dengan perperangan, tapi sekarang nak mulakan perang salib ke 4 bukan cara berperang. Yang negara Islam dok beli peralatan tentera padahal perang salib ke 4 mungkin dah pon bermula tetapi bukan lagi menggunakan kaedah konvensional. Ada ke dalam mana-mana tulisan sejarah Alfonso melaungkan ALLAHHUAKBAR masa takluk Melaka? Kalau ada la mesti Sultan Melaka ajak bincang sbb nak tanya ko ni Islam ke apa? Dalam cerita Kingdom of Heaven tidak ada satu pon nama Allah disebut oleh pejuang kristian dalam memepertahankan bumi Palestin. Ni nak guna nama Allah untuk apa? Kalau peperangan kerana agama tiada laungan Allahhuakbar, ni kenapa masa ni nak guna? Ada tujuan lainkan? Bagi aku tidak lain dan tidak bukan ialah bentuk penjajahan baru gerakan bawah tanah dan perang salib 4 telah pon bermula.

Orang Islam menggunakan kalimah Allah dengan penuh berhati-hati. Nama ini amat tinggi darjatnya. Tapi kenapa bila nak guna nama Allah, ada anasir-anasir yang pertikaikan Azan? Bukankah laungan Allah itu? Ada sesetengah kawasan perumahan yang menentang pembukaan surau. Sbb apa?? Bising bila Azan. Aik, nak guna nama Allah tapi masa azan dikatakan bising lak? Orang Islam bila laun! gkan nam a Allah, betapa gerunnya mereka mendengar nama tu hinggakan tidak selesa kalau sedang buat perkara yang mungkar. Nama Allah digunakan oleh orang Islam bagi menyeru ke arah kebaikan selain dari panggilan solat. Yang depa ni nak guna nama Allah ni untuk apa? Ada bulletin lain bukan? Dalam bible versi mana-mana sekalipon dia tak sebut Allah, dia sebut The One. Napa dulu2 tak bubuh Allah dalam bible? In actuality dalam mana debat yang aku tgk dalam Youtube Deedat ke, Zakir, ke takder lak pembentang kristian menggunakan kalimah Allah. Ni apahal kat Malaysia ni nak guna nama Allah ni?

Benarkan penggunaan nama Allah sbb kononnya orang Islam boleh tarik minat orang bukan Islam masuk Islam.

Aku rasa ni la sbb orang-orang yang sokong benarkan. Sbb kononnya inilah peluang untuk kembangkan bilangan orang Islam. Bila nama Allah digunakan, orang bukan Islam boleh kenal Allah. Oit kalau ni la alasannya, ini lah alasan pale bodoh dan sangap oleh pemimpin Islam. Kenapa?? Buat masa ini nak keluarkan buku mengenai Islam pon amat sedikit berbanding publication orang krisitian. Ko pikir dorang nak ke baca buku tulisan korang. dengar pon idak apatah lagi nak baca. Kalau inilah alasannya, strategi ni bakal makan diri. Kena ingat puak-puak kristian telah memulakan langkah untuk memulakan crusade ke 4. Bibit dia sama dengan masa mula-mula perang salib 1, 2, dan 3. Perang Psychology. Mengukur kekuatan Islam. Dan buat masa ini mereka rasa boleh menang sbb ada orang Islam sokong.

Nak cerita berapa ramai orang bukan Islam dalam Malaysia yang dah di Islam oleh puak2 ni pon aku tak tahu berapa ramai. Tapik gerakan mubaligh kristian mmg ramai dah kristian kan orang. Mereka ada duit, kemudahan dan integrity mereka tinggi. Tak macam orang-orang Islam. Yang ustaz-ustaz nya dok sibuk BERBALAH SESAMA SENDIRI. UAI kata UFB salah, UFB kata UAI tak paham. UAI kata pemimpin ni ngok. Dr MAZA dok kata orang ni salah. Oit korang tak nampak ke gerakan subersif sedang berjalan semasa korang tgh sebok tegakkan pendapat korang. Ta! kleh ke bersatu kata jangan guna. Walaupun dulu2 kata boleh, tapik di Malaysia ni cakap je ikut cakap Ketua Agama iaitu Sultan. Sultan kata tak boleh, ikut je. Jangan byk songeh. Takyah ulas-ulas kata dalam syarak, story kata macam ni macamtu. KETUA AGAMA kata takboleh dah kata je tak boleh dan takyah ulas kata boleh. BOLEH TAK USTAZ2 bersatu?

Kalau ustaz-ustaz cerdik pandai dalam Islam ni tak bersatu takkan umat Islam nak bersatu. Sbb gurunya pon dah tak bersatu. Apa yang terjadi sekarang ialah kalau statement tu tak betul dan salah dan bakal merugikan pihak pembangkajng, korang diam. Tak nak ulas. Hanya bersetuju sahaja ulas. Kalau yang boleh memenangkan pembangkang....bukan main ceramah korang kata orang ni salah...tak paham agama tak belajar...Oit tolong la!! ATAS NAMA ISLAM, boleh tak kita determine yang nama ALLAH itu hanya orang Islam sahaja pakai di bumi Malaysia. Nak pakai di negara lain world lain waimah segala pelusuk mana pon guna lah. Tapi di Malaysia dengar cakap SULTAN sebagai KETUA AGAMA ISLAM. Dia kata tak bleh....tak bleh. Dah dok diam2. Yang nak ulas2 lagi buat apa? Tak murtad pon aku kalau Islam kata boleh aku kata tak boleh. Tak rosak pon akidah aku kalau aku kata orang Islam takleh pakai nama ALLAH. Jadi nak buat apa diperdebatkan lagi?? Belajar agama tinggi2, buat benda basic iaitu perpaduan pon tak boleh. Asek nak menghentam dan menyatakan pendapat dia betul. Ni pasal nama Allah bukankah senang sahaja.

Itulah padangan aku pasal kalimah Allah. Mmg ada orang tak setuju dengan pendapat aku. Tapi ini pandangan aku dan aku hanya nak pastikan Islam di Malaysia tiada kekeliruan. Sorry bro panjang....heheheheh geram punya pasal.

Allah ban against court order, Cabinet decision, Selangor told

KUALA LUMPUR, January 10 Lawyers in a "Allah CD" case have formally written to tell a Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) which a Selangor Sultan's ultimate ban upon a make use of of "Allah" by non-Muslims is disrespectful of a 2009 High Court sequence as good as in dispute with a 2011 sovereign supervision preference upon a matter.
In a minute to MAIS yesterday, a lawyers merged papers to both decisions to remind a legislature which a settlement to a debate had long been reached, notwithstanding a ultimate eremite charge over a same issue.
File print of a Alkitab. Lawyers have pronounced a new ban upon a make make make use of of of of a word 'Allah" is discordant to a justice sequence as good as a Cabinet decision.
"MAIS's action, which is inconsistent as good as discordant to a sequence of a court, appears to belittle as good as disrespect a justice decision," a lawyers pronounced in a minute sealed by Annou Xavier, who is additionally a member of a Kuala Lumpur Catholic Lawyers' Society (CLS).
The initial request attached to a minute is a copy of a 2009 justice sequence where Jill Ireland, a Sarawakian Christian, was postulated accede to plea a government's previous lien of multiform of her eremite CDs which gimlet a word "Allah". The second request is a Apr 2011 round to Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) chairman Bishop Ng Moon Hing which was sealed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak himself, stating which Christians as good as those of alternative faiths can import as good as make make make use of of of bibles in any languages together with Bahasa Malaysia.
In a run-up to a heated Sarawak state polls, a sovereign supervision had upon Apr 2, 2011, issued a 10-point resolution to a "Allah" controversy, permitting a publication as good as distribution of a AlKitab, a! Malay-l anguage Bible which it had impounded due to a make use of of "Allah" to impute to a Christian God.
As such, Annou pronounced which by unexpected banning non-Muslims in Selangor from regulating "Allah", MAIS had not usually contradicted both a justice as good as sovereign government's decisions, though had additionally contravened Article 11(3) of a Federal Constitution which, he said, stipulates which those of all alternative faiths in Malaysia had a right to conduct their eremite practices freely.
"We goal MAIS will not prolong this emanate of non-Muslims regulating 'Allah' in a media as good as instead apply oneself a justice preference as good as every individual's right to leisure of religion," a counsel wrote.
The Kuala Lumpur High Court had upon May 4, 2009, postulated leave to Jill Ireland to plea a Home Ministry's seizure of her eremite CDs temperament a word "Allah" a year earlier.
In a order, it was decided which Jill had a right to "own, receive, use, import, discharge as good as posses" any materials with a word "Allah" upon it.
In a conditions of a order, Jill was additionally postulated a declaration which it was a "legitimate expectation" for her to retain or make make make use of of of these materials for a purpose of conducting her eremite faith freely.
Jill, a member of a Sidang Injil Borneo (SIB) church, had sued a ministry for confiscating her personal collection of CDs during a airport in 2008 simply because they gimlet a word "Allah".
The 29-year-old racial Melanau had demanded which a CDs titled: "Cara Hidup Dalam Kerajaan Allah", "Cara Menggunakan Kunci Kerajaan Allah", "Ibadah Yang Benar Dalam Kerajaan Allah" as good as "Hidup Benar Dalam Kerajaan Allah" be returned notwithstanding a ministry's explain to her which a equipment were a hazard to inhabitant security.
The "Allah" charge was reignited recently when Lim Guan Eng, secretary-general of a opposition DAP, raise! d a argu mentative emanate in his Yuletide summary propelling a sovereign supervision to lift a ban upon a word published in a Malay bibles shipped into Sabah as good as Sarawak, who form a bulk of Malaysia's 9.2 per cent Christian population.
In response, MAIS suggested upon Tuesday which Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin had called for an emergency meeting with state Islamic eremite officials to club non-Muslims from regulating a Arabic word for god.
The matter from a state's top Islamic management came notwithstanding a High Court ruling in Dec 2009 which a word "Allah" was not limited to Muslims as good as a Catholic Church had a right to publish a word in a Malay territory of a weekly newspaper Herald.
But notwithstanding a Selangor Sultan's decree, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) reliable upon Tuesday a mount upon a controversy, insisting which Islam does not demarcate others from regulating a word.
PAS boss Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang told a joint press conference with PR leaders in Petaling Jaya which Christians as good as alternative non-Muslim communities should not abuse a word to spread confusion between Muslims though this did not meant they were not authorised to make make make use of of of a word.
"Islam does not stop those of alternative faiths from usingkalimah'Allah' in their practice, although [in a make use of of a word by non-Muslims] it does not impute to a original definition of a word as according to a al-Quran," he said.
In new years, a Christian as good as Muslim eremite communities have been intent in a tug-of-war over a word "Allah", with a latter group arguing which a make make make use of of of should be exclusive to them upon a drift which Islam is monotheistic as good as a word "Allah" denotes a Muslim god.
Shipments of a Alkitab, a Malay-language Bible catering to a Bahasa Malaysia-speaking Bumiputera Christians, were shut off or confiscated during ports prior to a supervision eventually bowed! to vigo ur as good as expelled them in 2011.
A 10-point resolution was subsequently issued, seen as a move during a time to rage Christian anger forward of state elections in Sarawak, a state where a bulk of a country's Christian community resides.
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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

EC snub disappoints international observers

SUBANG JAYA: International observers have expressed beating with a Malaysian Election Commission (EC) for purportedly rejecting their offer to comply a 13th general election.The 3 members of a Muslim American Election Observers Committee pronounced they had met with EC throughout their three-day fact-finding goal here in a run up to a polls, which must be held by April.We done a offer which a committee would be more than happy to send out delegates to comply a electio ... Read More

Royal fatwa on Allah word - has HRH been let down by advisor(s)?

The often referred to 3 'R's has been about the elemental skills of education involving 'rithmetic, 'riting & reading, In Malaysia, there is positively the miss of the third, namely, celebration of the mass ability as can be observed from the comments at blogsites, wakakaka.

RPK has lamented upon this, which you rescued in the single postofhis where the caller challenged him upon issues he had actually explained comprehensively in which post, wakakaka.

I as well suffered front the same experienced. In my postsNow, who are the Arab wannabes?andThe Church & AllahI consternation at Malaysian educational standards and/or the miss of celebration of the mass (and comprehensive) skills of my visitors, together with those who read my posts published by Malaysia-Today, when they sermonized to me (wakakaka, excuse the unintended pun) abouttheetymology as well as history (during Dutch colonial Indonesia) as well as the Court's statute in the have make have make make make make make use of of of of of of of of of the word Allah, but celebration of the mass which you had actually written, as follows (extracting from the two posts mentioned):

Given the experts' etymological as well as historical clarifications upon the Allah word, you am in no doubt which Father Lawrence Andrew is upon strong authorised drift to have make have make make make make make use of of of of of of of of it ... as well as indeed you know which the court has supported his stand. []

Legally, High Court Judge Lau Bee Lan had ruled as unconstitution! al the M alaysian government's ban of the have make have make make make make make use of of of of of of of of of Allah as the Bahasa equivalent of the word God in the Catholic Herald. []

I'm afraid upon the personal basis, kaytee isn't all which understanding of the Church's insistence upon regulating the Allah word to represent/indicate/describe their Christian God in the Malay language. []

But you have regularly believed which sacrament is about faith as well as morality as well as not legality or for which matter, domestic approval. Thus you find it unfortunate which the Father Andrew as well as the Catholic Herald had taken the emanate to the courts. Surely upon the have the difference of eremite faith as well as knowledge, there are numerous alternative names of God it could have have make have make make make make make use of of of of of of of of next to Allah. you perspective the arguments for the have make have make make make make make use of of of of of of of of of Allah as seemingly formed upon obduracy as well as legality rsther than than any trustworthy unavoidable reason.

I afterwards went upon to item my challenge to Father Lawrence Andrew's arguments.

Apart from sharpened down Father Andrew's arguments which the Allah word is critical since the Tuhan word is unsound for serving the summary in the little biblical passages, you additionally voiced my sympathy for the Muslim community's concerns for the reason you know the Christian Church has an evangelistic goal ...

... as well as endowing it with the Bahasa version of the Bible (al Kitab) which uses the Allah word to impute to the Christian god would be same to asking lil'! Johnny to thoughts the cookie jar to ensure it's not raided, the totally impractical expectation.

I have been as well as still am deeply concerned which the potential (and tangible realization) of the emanate of Christian proselytizing of Muslims, will destabilize serve the already unsure politically-affected inter-communal relationship, with all the attendant unpleasant consequences, ...

... of which you performed an ugly glance of when the mufti sms-ed his followers to stop the built case of the church in Perak proselytizing Muslims.

On New Year's day you had the chitchat with my matey, Ong Kian Ming whose Malaysiakini articleAllah row - what's the name of the game?I had challenged.

Kian Ming was his usual gentlemanly self where he kindly took upon the charge of explaining to me the logistical problems concerned in switching from al Kitab's Allah word to what you have suggested, to wit, Yahweh, Elohim as well as the horde of alternative Hebraic appellations which the Christian god is better well known by intheChristian world.

I've beenimpressed by Kian Ming's masterly learn upon the logistic issue, though it contingency be noted as well both of usdidn'ttouch upon the Church's evangelistic angle. Unfortunately due to pressing before engagements you wasnotable to go on discussion with him upon the topic.

But nonetheless, the indicate you wish to have is which while Ididn'tand still don't await th! e Church 's intention to have make have make make make make make use of of of of of of of of the Allah word, you have never questioned the authorised rights (thus far, until the government's interest is known) to have make have make make make make make use of of of of of of of of which word in the newsletter, the Catholic Herald, as well as al Kitab.

I am taking the difficulty to reiterate this since (a) of the poor celebration of the mass skills of the little visitors wakakaka, as well as (b) the bearing of this brand new post.

MAIS informed us HRH Sultan Selangor has intended which the word Allah is the sacred word specific to Muslims in the fatwa gazetted 3 years ago, as well as to illustrate contingency not be used by any non-Muslim sacrament in Selangor.

Look mateys, there contingency be no doubt which while HRH is the constitutional monarchy, he has the purpose which entitles him to emanate approach decrees, which is, those upon Islamic affairs in his state of Selangor, as he is the conduct oftheIslamic sacrament in Selangor.

And upon suchIslamicissues, it has been claimed which hewouldbeadvised by the Menteri Besar (MB).

It has been precisely this factor, which of the MB of the state or his emissary advising HRH upon Islamic affairs, which in Mar 2008, rught away after the general election, you saw Khalid Ibrahim, afterwards allocated MB of Selangor, daub dancing away! from ap pointing his deputy.

DAP, the second largest component of the spontaneous (winning) coalition in Selangor, had nominated sweetie Teresa Kok to be the emissary MB.

But Khalid Ibrahim did not understanding courageously with the three times domestic whammy (to him) candidate proposed as his deputy, the single who was/is the Chabor (woman), Chinese as well as the Christian (all rolled into one), the triple-C cause which sh*tted him ...

... while the beside State of Perak additionally saw HRH Regent sidelined Ngeh Koo Ham of DAP (the Pakatan celebration with the many series of ADUNs) as well as picked instead Nizar Jamaluddin of PAS (the Pakatan celebration with the least series of ADUNs) to be the state's brand new MB. Mind you, HRH's choice, for whatever reason, incited out to be the serendipitious the single for us.

It was purported which Muhammad Munir Bani, the Selangor sultan's in isolation secretary, had suggested Khalid Ibrahim about the palace's 'preference' for the Malay (and, alas, not the Malaysian) emissary MB.

However, Muhammad Munir denied reports which HRH longed for 'a emissary from the sold race' (meaning 'Malay'), although headdedthe sultan was the eremite conduct for Islam as well as Malay culture, as well as to illustrate the MB has the charge of aiding in these duties, which in his absence would additionally have to handled by his deputy.

In which many unbelievable zigzagging explanation, Muhammad Munir, after denying HRH longed for the Malay emissary MB, in the same exhale averred which it was ! usually scold the Malay (not the Malaysian) be the emissary MB.

Following that, Malaysiakini reported inExpert: No authorised need for Malay emissary MBthat Prof Abdul Aziz Bari, the constitutional expert who lectured law at the International Islamic University Malaysia, was consulted upon the matter.

Prof Abdul Aziz dismissed Muhammad Munir's claims which the emissary MB should ideally be the Malay to support the MB in Islamic as well as cultural duties.

The Prof said:"The Sultan of Selangor does not need the menteri besar or the emissary menteri besar in counts pertaining to sacrament as well as Malay custom."

According to the Prof, the sultan, as the conduct of Islamic counts as well as the Malay adat, is the chairman in charge of such counts in the state, as well as not the MB or his deputy.

He said:"Matters cited by the palace are entirely inside of the sultan's jurisdiction. As the sultan might act upon his own discretion upon these matters, the constitution provides which the council might be allocated to support him. This is what is ordinarily well known as eremite councils or majlis agama, which looks after the eremite department or the jabatan agama. In the alternative four states as well as sovereign territories, the Agong will have the same establishment."

Prof Abdul Aziz additionally commented which the prolonged delay in the appointment of the emissary MB was nonessential as well as might even be unconstitutional.

But when asked either the appointment of the Deputy MB had been postponed or scrapped altogether, Khalid Ibrahim side-stepped the emanate by saying the need to insist the have the difference (what?) properly to the people (who?), as well as which he would do this after the executive councillors had been sworn-in (why?).

Nonetheless, out of respect for HRH, in any case of either the allegations attributed to him were loyal or otherwise (as the little Malaysians have the bad robe of dropping big names together with HRH's for their own agenda), the triple-C (Chabor, Christian as well as Chinese) Teresa Kok was not allocated as emissary MB.

In HRH's latest fatwa, which has beenentirelywithin his stately privilege as the headof theIslamic sacrament in Selangor, which non-Muslims contingency not have make have make make make make make use of of of of of of of of the Allah word, you consternation either HRH was suggested by MB Khalid Ibrahim, or MAIS, or which HRH had acted upon his own?

While no the single should question HRH as well as his stately privilege upon counts Islam, you need to ask the simple, question: Since it'sonly upon counts Islamthat the constitutional kingdom has any approach say or right to emanate decrees, how is his 3-year old fatwa, in spite of his new reminder, to be practical to non-Muslims such as Christians as well as the Church, or for which matter, the non-evangelistic Sikhs whose holy book is not even in Bahasa?

According to The Malaysian Insider, MAIS cabinet member Datuk Mohd Misri Idris pronounced HRH had instructed MAIS as well as the Selangor Islamic Religious Department JAIS to take unrelenting movement opp! osite an y Muslim or non-Muslim who questioned or belittled the edict released as well as gazetted according to Selangor laws.

But usually how will JAIS or MAIS do which to non-Muslims whenneitherhas any office over non-Muslims?

If you might be so confidant as to add, alas, while you respect as well as adore HRH, unfortunately his Islamic fatwa cannot be practical to non-Muslims. If you am constitutionally as well as legally wrong upon this point, greatfully scold me rught away as well as you will apologise many profusely as well as humbly implore HRH for the stately pardon.

Then, this constitutional indicate effectively equates to which the Church can go on to legally have make have make make make make make use of of of of of of of of the Allah word but any fear of violating HRH's command, which is usually germane to Muslims as well as Islamic institutions in Selangor.

Now, whoever has suggested HRH upon this matter, either it's Khalid Ibrahim or MAIS, as well as if my take upon constitutional law is correct, afterwards which advisor (Khalid Ibrahim or MAIS, or both) has/have provided bad bad bad recommendation to HRH, who positively loses face as the Church group, quite legally, insists thatdespite stately decree, Protestant churches say will keep regulating 'Allah'- as well as you haven't even come totheCatholic church yet.

Off with their heads?

Hmmm, you consternation either sweetie Teresa Kok as the triple-C emissary MB could have finished better in! advising HRH upon this issue?
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Gelagat Memalukan Seorang Isteri PM..

KUALA LUMPUR 10 Jan: Menjelekkan apabila Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor berbelanja mewah tetapi rakyat miskin yang sedang bergelut dalam kehidupan seharian hanya diberi makan sisa roti menerusi Program Roti 1Malaysia.

Naib Ketua Wanita KEADILAN, Norsham Abu Samah berkata, isteri Perdana Menteri tidak ikhlas dan berpura-pura baik membuat amal kebajikan dengan meminta lebihan roti daripada road house mewah dikutip untuk diberi kepada golongan daif.

"Untuk bantu golongan miskin tapi beri roti lebihan amat menjengkelkan. Agaknya Rosmah tiada naluri keibuan. Memberi makan kepada orang yang memerlukan mestilah makanan berkualiti, bukannya sisa.

"Mungkin orang Umno BN rasa bangga dengan sikap Rosmah, tetapi sebenarnya tindakan beliau itu tidak patut," katanya ketika dihubungi.

Beliau mempersoal Rosmah kerana memperlekeh golongan kurang kemampuan.

"Kebajikan apa namanya jika bantuan yang disampaikan umpama tidak ada perasaan. Kalau nak tolong, biar makanannya elok. Ini buktinya Umno BN tiada belas kasihan kepada orang miskin.

"Mereka hanya tahu bolot harta negara. Lebihannya baru difikirkan untuk diberikan kepada rakyat," ujar Haniza.

Program Roti 1Malaysia merupakan usaha untuk mengumpul roti lebihan daripada road house mewah untuk diagihkan ke rumah kebajikan, dan golongan memerlukan.

Rosmah semasa pelancaran program tersebut 7 Januari lalu malah merayu agar Program Roti 1Malaysia diperluas untuk meliputi Program Asuhan dan Didikan Awal Kanak-Kanak (Perma! ta) di b awah naungannya.~kd
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So, screw the RM207 billion, let's try and change the Jalur Gemilang again ..

"Instigating uprising is a crime ... Instigating change of flag is TREASON." - An sms message sent to me by an ordinary, peace-loving Malaysian (who happens to be a lawyer) this morning.
1 million Malaysians wish change of flag? They wish!

Pulling out all stops. Earlier today in Jakarta Anwar Ibrahim was still babling about a RM207 billion "Death Railway" income which Japan paid to Malaysia. Apparently, nobody told him which Tokyo had reliable yesterday what you essential Malaysians had suspected all along, which a claim was hogwash!

But that's additionally how desperate a transformation has become. With a ubiquitous choosing drawing nearer and no game-changing issue in hand, they have been pulling out all stops. So, a Japanese denied a RM207 billion, so what?! They still have Deepak's RM13 million gems for Rosmah, which would have a people angry. Right?

Not so. This Saturday's gathering is aimed to yield a biggest political platform for Anwar prior to a 13th ubiquitous election. It is not about "Amarah Rakyat" (the people's anger). The people have been angry during blatant lies like a RM207 billion stunt Nizar tried to pull. Rakyat marah dan meluat additionally with theirlying campaign,< span>malicious fabrication, anddangerous racial & religious games.

The majority or a people can see by a Bersihs. They will show their annoy during a polls, which will not be hold this Saturday.

Death Railway compensation issue simmers on

Former Perak menteri besar Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin (below)had reportedly insisted that a Japanese supervision had paid RM207 billion to a Malaysian government, disclosing papers purportedly to prove his point.

The sum is meant to be remuneration for forced Malayan labourers working upon during a Thailand-Burma Railway during a second World War and their heirs, but they claimed to have never perceived a money.

Among others, a single of a papers is a purported memo from a Finance Ministry to a Thailand-Burma Railway Former Labourers and Heirs Welfare Association, antiquated Mar 29, 2011.

"We are pleased to inform that a explain to disburse RM207 billion has been referred for supervision capitulation and further action; a Attorney-General and a Ministry of Human Resources have been sensitive of this process," said a letter, as quoted in PAS party organHarakah Daily's online book yesterday.

NONEAnother request that Nizar re! portedly disclosed was purportedly from a Attorney-General's Chambers to a association.

"For your information, a issue needs to be referred to a cupboard for approval. The cupboard paper is being prepared for further action," it said.

Nizar had previously claimed that a Japanese Embassy to Malaysia had confirmed profitable thecompensationfor labourers of a infamous 'Death Railway', from that some 30,000 Malayans survived a ordeal.

However, a embassy's second cabinet ! member T akaharu Suegami laterdeniedthat such a confirmation was issued. Read More @ Source

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Ahead of polls, Putrajaya tells local media to soften peoples hearts

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 10 Putrajaya has told a internal media to soften peoples hearts as well as provide more great news before this years ubiquitous election to showcase a ruling Barisan Nasionals (BN) administrative record, contend management team who have attended a series of hush-hush meetings given New Years Day. The Malaysian Insider understands which ... Read More

[PANAS] Kes Puspahanas - RM100 Juta Dibayar Tapi Hanya Buat Signboard & Pagar Zink!

Awan Megah Gagal Siap Projek, Rafizi Hairan Kementah Tidak Tuntut RM72.5 Juta?

Pengarah Strategi PKR, Rafizi Ramli mempersoalkan tindakan Kementerian Pertahanan(Kementah) yang tidak mendapatkan RM72.5 juta dari Awan Megah Sdn Bhd akibat kegagalan menyiapkan projek Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan Nasional (Puspahanas).

Beliau mendakwa dalam perjanjian, Kementah mensyaratkan penyediaan bon tanah dengan nilai itu sebagai jaminan projek terbabit akan siap dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan.

Lebih membimbangkan, katanya apabila bon tanah itu luput secara automatik pada 3 Februari 2011.

"Jadi, Kementerian Pertahanan perlu menjawab perkara itu sedangkan dengan wang RM72.5 juta itu ia boleh digunakan untuk menampung kos pembinaan Puspahanas," katanya dalam sidang media, di Ibu Pejabat PKR, di sini.

Projek pembinaan Puspahanas itu lewat dimulakan oleh Awan Megah Sdn Bhd walaupun perjanjian dimeterai tahun 2005 dan sepatutnya siap Januari 2011 mengikut jadual yang didaftarkan dengan Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan (CIDB).

"Kementerian Pertahanan perlu menjawab persoalan yang dibangkitkan ini antaranya mengapa Kementerian tidak menggugurkan Awan Megah Sdn Bhd dari projek ini apabila sudah terbukti ia tidak mempunyai kemampuan dan kepakaran.

"Adakah Awan Megah Sdn Bhd menyediakan bon tanah baru bagi menggantikan bon tanah asal yang luput," katanya.

Tinjauan Rafizi ke tapak pembinaan Puspahanas di Presint 1, Putrajaya menunjukkan bahawa hanya dua daripada 12 bangunan utama sedang dibina.

Menurut maklumat yang diperolehi dari kakitangan underling kontraktor di tapak pembinaan, kerja pembinaan hanya bermula dalam bulan Ogos lalu.

Sehubungan it! u, satu jelajah nasional ke kawasan kem tentera akan diadakan mulai esok bagi menerangkan isu salah guna w! ang Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT).

Jelajah itu akan dimulakan di Setiawangsa, Lumut, Bandar Tun Razak, Kuantan dan Butterworth.

RM160 Juta LTAT : Kerabat Akan Lapor Polis

Kenyataan Pengerusi Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT), Tan Sri Dato' Sri Mohd Anwar Mohd Nor bahawa urusan pembelian Astacanggih dan Awan Megah oleh Boustead Holdings Berhad ("Boustead") merupakan satu pelaburan yang baik adalah tidak masuk akal.

Sekiranya LTAT benar-benar berminat untuk mengambilalih syarikat ini, ada dua perkara penting yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam menentukan nilaian syarikat-syarikat ini, iaitu:

1. Tanah yang dimiliki oleh Awan Megah yang menentukan bayaran kepada Awan Megah. Nilaian yang dibuat oleh Boustead adalah RM130 juta kononnya untuk membeli tanah 223 ekar yang didakwa milik Awan Megah

2. Nilai projek penswastaan dan keuntungan yang bakal diperolehi dari projek penswastaan Puspahanas. Nilaian yang dibuat oleh Boustead adalah RM30 juta untuk membeli saham Astacanggih dan RM130 juta kepada Awan Megah

Saya telah meneliti dokumen-dokumen yang diserahkan kepada saya untuk menentukan nilaian yang adil bagi urusan ini, jika LTAT dan Boustead benar-benar berminat mengambilalih syarikat ini berdasarkan pertimbangan komersil.

Nilaian tanah 223 ekar

Saya merujuk kepada surat bertarikh seventeen Julai 2009 dari Jabatan Ketua Pengarah Tanah dan Galian (Persekutuan) kepada Pengarah Tanah dan Galian Negeri Selangor yang dilampirkan bersama.

Kandungan surat tersebut menyatakan rayuan Kerajaan Persekutuan di bawah pentadbiran Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak kepada keputusan Kerajaan Selangor yang menolak permohonan Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk memindahmilik tanah seluas 223 ekar kepada Awan Megah.

Ini bermakna, tanah seluas 223 ekar yang kononnya dibeli oleh Boustead itu masih lagi hakmilik Kerajaan Persekutuan ! dan tert akluk kepada kebenaran Kerajaan Selangor bagi kelulusan pindahmilik dan kelulusan pelan pembangunan.

Status terkini tanah 223 ekar itu adalah jelas: ia bukan hakmilik Awan Megah dan Kerajaan Selangor telah menetapkan bahawa ia tidak boleh dibangunk! an kecuali bagi tujuan pembinaan markas, seperti mana tujuan asal tanah itu dipohon oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan dahulu.

Oleh yang demikian, pembayaran RM130 juta oleh anak syarikat Boustead kepada Awan Megah yang dimiliki Raja Ropiah Raja Abdullah, Ketua Wanita Umno Selangor samalah dengan memberi wang RM130 juta kepadanya tanpa ada apa-apa hasil kepada Boustead.

Jika urusniaga ini tetap berlaku, Boustead akan menyalahgunakan RM130 juta dana pencen anggota tentera untuk membayar 223 ekar tanah kepada Awan Megah yang tidak mempunyai hakmilik tanah itu.

Projek penswastaan Puspahanas

Boustead terpaksa menyiapkan Puspahanas yang kini tergendala mengikut perjanjian dengan Astacanggih dan Awan Megah. Salah satu pertimbangan nilaian berjumlah RM160 juta (iaitu RM30 juta kepada Astacanggih dan RM130 juta kepada Awan Megah) adalah kos projek yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Awan Megah.

Tanggungan Awan Megah kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk menyiapkan projek ini boleh dirujuk kepada Perjanjian Penswastaan muka surat 13, Perkara 3.3 mengenai Bon Tanah ("Land Bond") yang perlu dibayar oleh Awan Megah.

Bon Tanah ini adalah satu bentuk jaminan kewangan yang bersamaan dengan jumlah keseluruhan projek penswastaan, iaitu pembinaan Puspahanas yang perlu dilaksanakan oleh Awan Megah.

Sekiranya Awan Megah gagal menyiapkan projek, Kerajaan Persekutuan berhak menuntukan Bon Tanah ini untuk digunakan bagi menyiapkan projek tersebut.

Perjanjian Penswastaan secara jelas menyatakan bahawa Bon Tanah sebagai jaminan Awan Megah untuk menyiapkan Puspahanas hanyalah RM72.5 juta sahaja.

Ini bermakna, kos keseluruhan Puspahanas hanyalah RM72.5 juta sahaja.

Dalam keadaan Puspahanas masih belum disiapkan dan nilai! nya RM72 .5 juta sahaja, pembayaran RM160 juta oleh Boustead sudah tentu satu harga yang tidak masuk akal.

Oleh yang demikian, jelas bahawa urusniaga membabitkan RM160 juta ini hanyalah bayaran rasuah oleh Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak untuk menut! up mulut ! Deepak dan memadamkan skandal ini.

Pembayaran sedemikian rupa bagi membeli tanah yang hakmiliknya tidak wujud dan projek yang jumlahnya jauh lebih rendah adalah satu pengkhianatan kepada anggota tentera dan penyelewengan yang melibatkan kepimpinan tertinggi negara.

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Hari ke 24 N.Ajis bisu: 10 ribu pohon tak dapat, Cina DAP yang dapat

MOHD. SYAMSUL (lima dari kanan) menunjukkan laporan polis berhubung isu pajakan tanah kepada syarikat yang dikaitkan dengan pemimpin DAP di Kota Bharu semalam.

Dalam ucapan Dato Nik Amar di Majlis Jawab UMNO, Nik Amar kata kerajaan negeri beri tanah kepada orang ramai yang nak memohon. Dia guna Felda Relai sebagai contoh.Katanya siapa nak tanah, perlu mohon. Betul ke?


Merasmi Dan Menyerahkan Pondok Pengawal Kepada SRJK Tamil West Country Barat. Turut Agihkan Beg

West Country Barat adalah sebagai saudara kembar bagi West Country Timur (Seksyen 5 BBB). Walaupun West Country Barat (di pinggir UNITEN dan berhadapan diSeberangHospitalSerdang) tidak termasuk di bawah Dun Bangi tetapi segala urusan dari pihak negeri dianggap sebahagian dan bersama dengan West Country Timur (Seksyen 5 BBB). Pada asalnya pekerja-pekerja ladang di kedua tempat adalah di bawah satu syarikat. Kedua-dua tempat mempunyai penempatan pekerja-pekerja ladangIndia. Kedua-dua tempat mempunyai Sekolah Tamil. Tapi SRJK(T) West Country Barat seolah-olah berada di bawah Dun Bangi. Bantuan persekolahan adalah melalui Adun dan Adun juga menyalurkan sebahagian dari peruntukan tahunan kepada SRJK(T) Country Barat. Misalnya pada pertengahan tahun 2011 SRJK(T) West Country Barat berkenaan memohon dari Adun peruntukan untuk membina Pondok Pengawal bagi menjaga keselamatan Sekolah dan keluar masuk pengunjung. Pondok Pengawal sedemikian telah dibina sebelumnya di SRJK(T) West Country Timur BBB. Permohonan tersebut telah diluluskan oleh Adun Bangi sejumlah RM5,000. Pondok Pengawal telah dibina dan siap pada bulan Disember 2012.
Pada pagi ini Adun bersama saudara Azizi dan Shahrum datang ke SRJK(T) West Country Barat dengan tujuan untuk Merasmi dan Menyerahkan Pondok Pengawal Tersebut. Turut sama hadir untuk acara penyerahan ini Y.B. Puan Teo Nie Ching Ahli Parlimen Serdang bersama pengiringnya saudara Elex. Majlis ringkas diadakan di dalam bilik Sekolah.! Ucapan alu-aluan disampaikan oleh Wakil Guru Besar Puan Sapu Litchmy. Turut sama En. Muniandy Wakil PIBG, Puan Shanti (guru) dan seorang dua ibu bapa. Pihak Guru Besar memberitahu, bahawa Sekolah mempunyai 93 murid yang kebanyakan dari Balakong dan ada eleven guru.
Y.B. Puan Teo Nie Ching memberitahu bahawa setiap tahun kerajaan negeri Selangor memperuntukkan bantuan kepada SJK(C), SJK(T) dan Sekolah Agama Rakyat sebanyak RM16 juta dalam mana RM4 juta daripadanya ialah untuk SJK(T). Beliau mau pihak Kerajaan Persekutuan memperbaiki kemudahan dan penambahan bangunan bagi Sekolah-sekolah yang menggunakan bahasa ibunda.
Adun Bangi menyebut bahawa, SRJK(T) tidak asing bagi Adun dan setiap tahun Adun datang membawa peruntukan dan juga desire sekolah. Kerajaan Negeri Selangor juga membina bangunan bagi tambahan kelas. Kali ini Adun datang bagi merasmi dan menyerahkan Pondok Pengawal bersama Y.B.Teo Nie Ching. Juga bagi mengagihkan beg-beg Sekolah.
Selepas ucapan Adun Bangi, Y.B. Teo Nie Ching, Puan Litchmy, Shanti, En. Muniandy guru dan beberapa AJK Sekolah dan beberapa ibu bapa ke Pondok Pengawal. Upacara memotong reben depan pintu Pondok Pengawal dilakukan oleh Adun Bangi dan! Ahli Pa rlimen Serdang. Selepas perasmian, ada aduan dari En. Muniandy, bahawa Pondok Pengawal belum ditarik handle electric, menyebabkan kipas belum dapat digunakan, manakala dari hadapan pintu Pengawal ke tepi jalan perlu dibuat jalan laluan. Adun menyatakan, ``Itu adalah perkara mudah, cari wireman sambung handle dan buat jalan pendek boleh beli satu dua desire semin dan buat jalan. Boleh buat gotong royong atau upah pekerja. Kalau perlu sedikit sebanyak peruntukan, boleh buat permohonan.
Selepas Perasmian Pondok Pengawal Adun bersama Y.B. Teo bergerak ke hadapan Sekolah dalam mana semua murid-murid berbaris di hadapan Sekolah. Di sini Adun dan Y.B. Teo membahagikan setiap orang murid (93) dan juga 10 murid Tadika menerima satu desire masing-masing. Kata Y.B. Teo, ``Bagus semua murid pakai desire sama jenama Selangor, cantik dan menarik !``
Sebelum bertolak pulang Adun sampaikan 2 salinan bagi setiap buku `Bangi Bandar Ilmu` dan buku `Gagasan Bangi` kepada Guru Besar untuk Perpustakaan Sekolah.

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Ingatkan Rafiz lembu tersohor, rupanya Nizar lagi lembu

Setiap kali Rafizi nak kenakan orang, dirinya yang terdedah salah dan dilihat bodoh. Betullah dia dedahkan NFC tapi maklumatnya tak betul. Dia sudah salah tuduh Shahrizat dan akhirnya kena saman Kak Ijat.

Dia dedahkan pemberitahu maklumat dan dua-dua kena dengan Bank negara atas kesalahan BAFIA. baru-baru ini dia dedahkan satu akaun orang berkaitan isu Deepak. Tunggu masa ... kenalah dia.

Inside Story on Votes Rigging by DAP

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Syabas urged to solve water crisis quickly

KUALA LUMPUR, January 9 Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) has been urged to solve a H2O supply predicament in a Klang Valley immediately.
Deputy minister in a Prime Minister's Department Datuk Ahmad Maslan hoped a predicament could be settled prior to a Chinese New Year jubilee given he had promised a people of Sri Melaka Flats in Cheras as well as areas in a Klang hollow that a supervision would safeguard a problem would be solved quickly.
"I will hit Syabas currently as well as discuss it them a placement of H2O regulating tankers to a influenced residents, given a H2O predicament took place during a finish of December, is inadequate," he said.
He pronounced this during a media conference after meeting residents of Sri Melaka Flats, Cheras during a Barisan Nasional (BN) programme in Cheras, here, today.
Syabas executive authority Tan Sri Rozali Ismail had recently pronounced a crisis, especially in Ampang as well as Cheras, was expected to continue until a Chinese New Year celebration.
Rozali pronounced a H2O predicament would be lengthy as there was a shortfall of treated water, climb in direct from time to time as well as a delay of a CAPEX programme encompassing repair works, upgrading or shift of assets as well as stream placement complement by a state government. Bernama
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Halal elevators at four-star hotel

A leading four star road house has signboards next to multiform elevators which instruct which usually 'halal' products can be ecstatic in a lift.
PETALING JAYA: The Crystal Crown road house here has signboards erected next to 3 elevators which state which usually "halal" products can be ecstatic in a rises as good as a road house management has not commented.
A visit to a road house earlier currently to director for a signboards, which have been creation headway in a amicable media, resulted in a findings of 3 matching signs upon 3 floors.
FMT understands which these signboards have been located upon levels B1, B2 as good as B3.
A further pointer upon tip of a elevators' doors state which these rises have been "for staff only" as good as attempts to speak to a management have been futile.
An try to find a views of both a attendants as good as car jockey were fruitless as good with both saying,: "I do not knowask counter.ask counter," referring to a front desk.
However, a Islamic Consumer Association of Malaysia (PPIM) had an explanation for these signboards.
"Maybe a role of these elevators is to cater to kitchens as good as places where food is stored," said PPIM chief romantic Nazim Johan.
His claims may be justifiable since as far as FMT understands, a 3 rises have been usually permitted via a staircase as good as not a categorical elevator in a lobby.
He said which both a Malaysian Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) as good as a Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) have very despotic conditions when it comes to a handling of halal food.
"The road house really will! do ever ything they can to prevent losing their halal certification as it would meant a huge detriment of business for them," he added.
Speaking to FMT, Nazim cited a new case dual days ago of Corus Hotel in KL carrying their halal certificate revoked by Jakim as good as said which Crystal Crown would not wish to humour a identical fate.
The road house management, Jakim as good as Jais were all unreachable for comment.
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Kenyataan Media Wira Perkasa Malaysia

So its settled then

Malaya or Malaysia did not attend a discussion since Malaya as well as Malaysia did not exist nonetheless during time. Malaya was created only in 1957 as well as Malaysia in 1963. Hence Malaya/Malaysia is not a celebration to which covenant or a target of any compensation. The target would be Britain, a colonial masters of a self-existent Malaya/Malaysia during which time.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
So it's staid then. Pakatan Rakyat allows non-Muslims to us a Allah word. Barisan Nasional does not concede non-Muslims to have make make make make make make use of of of of of of of a Allah word.
MCA, a lead partner in Barisan Nasional after Umno, has no perspective about a matter. You have make make make make make make use of of of of of of of or do not have make make make make make make use of of of of of of of a Allah word they do not care. They have been not starting to criticism about it.
MIC does not wish to criticism possibly they have been starting to comment. They have been only starting to maintain an superb silence. So we do not know possibly MIC agrees or does not determine to non-Muslims regulating a Allah word. And MIC will shortly be well known as MINC, a acronym for 'May we Not Comment'.
His Highness a Sultan of Selangor does not determine to non-Muslims regulating a Allah word. The Church does not determine to His Highness a Sultan not agreeing to non-Muslims regulating a Allah word.
Some people in Pakatan Rakyat determine with Pakatan Rakyat's stand. Some people in Pakatan Rakyat do not determine with Pakatan Rakyat's stand. Some people in Pakatan Rakyat do not wish to take a mount per Pakatan Rakyat's stand.
Some people in Barisan Nasional determine with Barisan Nasional's stand. ! Some peo ple in Barisan Nasional do not determine with Barisan Nasional's stand. Some people in Barisan Nasional do not wish to take a mount per Barisan Nasional's stand.
So it's staid then. Malaysian politics can no longer be widely separated between Pakatan Rakyat as well as Barisan Nasional. Because there have been supporters, opposers as well as abstainers from both Pakatan Rakyat as well as Barisan Nasional, Malaysian politics must right away be widely separated between a pro-Allah word as well as a anti-Allah word grouping.
Pakatan Rakyat as well as Barisan Nasional plus their thirteen or so component celebration members will need to be disbanded as well as a new organisation of pro-Allah word as well as anti-Allah word be created to face a entrance ubiquitous election. The electorate will afterwards be means to vote along a lines of possibly they await or conflict a have make make make make make make use of of of of of of of of a Allah word.
Once possibly a pro-Allah word or a anti-Allah word organisation wins a ubiquitous selecting as well as gets to form a new sovereign government, Malaysians can design to see brighter days ahead of them. Maybe corruption, abuse of energy as well as wastage of public funds will still be a complaint as well as we will still not see transparency, burden as well as good governance, though during slightest Malaysians would have resolved a single extremely critical emanate -- possibly a pro-Allah word or a anti-Allah word organisation gets to run a country.
With possibly a pro-Allah word or a anti-Allah word organisation running a country, unfamiliar investors will flock to Malaysia as well as will flow billions in to a country. More jobs will be created as well as no Malaysian will face unemployment. There will, in fact, be a huge complaint of labour shortage, which will concede a couple of million Indonesians to migrate to Malaysia to fill up a many pursuit vacancies. These Indonesians can afterwards be given Malaysian! citizen ship as well as they will be means to vote in destiny Malaysian ubiquitous elections.
Malaysia can afterwards enlarge a smallest salary to RM1,500 a month, as what some people want, which can be further increased by 10% a year so which Malaysians can be ahead of a inflation rate as well as not find it tough to have ends meet.
In time, Malaysia's smallest salary can compare which of a UK, which is rounded off RM35 an hour. Then a a single million Malaysians vital as well as operative overseas can return to Malaysia as well as find employment during home since Malaysia is confronting a shortage of workers as well as is paying high wages, allied to which of a UK.
Malaysia's domestic culture would additionally see a revolutionary shift which it much needs. No longer will politics be about who creates a better Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak or Anwar Ibrahim. It will additionally no longer be about Ketuanan Melayu, a New Economic Policy, Article 153, Bahasa Malaysia, Malaysia's poor education system as well as poor illness service, etc. It will be about possibly we await or conflict a have make make make make make make use of of of of of of of of a Allah word.
Malaysians of all races as well as religions will no longer be widely separated similar to they have been now. Malaysians of whatever competition as well as sacrament will be united under a single of two umbrellas. And these umbrellas would be possibly we await or we conflict a have make make make make make make use of of of of of of of of a Allah word.
Now, upon a second emanate of a supposed RM207 billion from Japan, a Treaty of San Francisco or a San Francisco Peace Treaty between Japan as well as a Allied Powers was strictly sealed by 48 nations upon 8th Sep 1951 during a War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco, United States. It came in to force upon 28th Apr 1952.
The countries which attended a Conference were Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambo! dia, Can ada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Mexico, a Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, a Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia, a Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Syria, Turkey, a United Kingdom, a United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, as well as Vietnam.
This covenant served to strictly finish World War II, to rigourously finish Japan's in front of as an majestic power, as well as to allot remuneration to Allied civilians as well as former prisoners of fight who had suffered Japanese fight crimes. This covenant done endless have make make make make make make use of of of of of of of of a UN Charter as well as a Universal Declaration of Human Rights to speak a Allies' goals.
Malaya or Malaysia did not attend a discussion since Malaya as well as Malaysia did not exist nonetheless during time. Malaya was created only in 1957 as well as Malaysia in 1963. Hence Malaya/Malaysia is not a celebration to which covenant or a target of any compensation. The target would be Britain, a colonial masters of a self-existent Malaya/Malaysia during which time.
So which is additionally staid then, only similar to a have make make make make make make use of of of of of of of of a Allah word has been settled. And a Japanese Embassy has only confirmed which a RM207 billion does not exist only similar to Malaya/Malaysia did not exist when a covenant was signed.
So right away Malaysians can get back to a commercial operation of selecting their subsequent supervision in a entrance ubiquitous election. And we will select your supervision not upon possibly we await Pakatan Rakyat or Barisan Nasional though upon possibly we await or conflict a have make make make make make make use of of of of of of of of a Allah word.
And once a selecting ! is over as well as a winning organisation gets to form a subsequent government, Malaysia is starting to pullulate as well as is starting to grow in leaps as well as bounds as well as in no time during all Malaysia is starting to pierce from a bottom of a list of ASEAN countries to a tip of a list, violence even Singapore as well as Indonesia, who have been nonetheless to resolve a emanate of possibly non-Muslims can or cannot have make make make make make make use of of of of of of of a Allah word.
Malaysia is starting to be remembered as a first of roughly 200 countries all over a universe which has strictly decided upon a have a difference of possibly non-Muslims can or cannot have make make make make make make use of of of of of of of a Allah word. Malaysia has done story as well as in time will be hailed as a universe leader staid to take over a leadership of a United Nations.
Malaysians who used to be abashed of their nation will right away be unapproachable to be Malaysian. The United Nations might even consider changeable its domicile from New York to Putrajaya in honour of a good swell a nation has done in resolving a emanate of a have make make make make make make use of of of of of of of of a Allah word.
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BN MPs: Allah is exclusive to Muslims

At least three BN members of council have been firm in their mount which a word 'Allah' is exclusive to Muslims as well as should not be used by those from alternative faiths.
PETALING JAYA: Several BN MPs currently confirmed which a word "Allah" is exclusive to Muslims, asserting which a make a difference has been blown up given of continuous politicking.
Vocal Kinabatangan MP Bung Mokhtar Radin pronounced those who make make make make make use of of of of of a word to mean God, were "trying to incite a masses as well as have violated a country's [Federal] Constitution."
He additionally strike out at Penang Chief Minister as well as DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, who had asked a government to concede make make make make make use of of of of of of a word "Allah" by alternative religions in a country.
"He [Lim] should apologize as well as I consider which in his eagerness to win a entrance [general] election, he has acted rudely in this matter. He is trying to fish for votes regulating this issue.
"He does not have any right to interfere in a affairs of a Malays or Muslims. Instead, he should organise his celebration first given his celebration is so disorganised. Even to count 2,000 votes, it is a complaint for them," he said, referring to a DAP inhabitant elections recently.
Commenting upon PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang's make a difference yesterday which Umno had politicised a matter, Bung Mokhtar pronounced all Pakatan Rakyat components parties have conspired upon this issue.
"I am not a eremite scholar, but given he is one, he should try to assistance his friends who have strayed. Instead, he, too,! has str ayed," he said.
At a press discussion yesterday, Pakatan settled which it has no reservations for non-Muslims to make make make make make use of of of of of a word "Allah" when referring to God as prolonged as a word is not misused.
Senator Mashitah Ibrahim, who is Deputy Minister in a Prime Minister's Department, pronounced a people, generally those in Selangor which is led by a Pakatan government should follow a direct of a Selangor Sultan.
Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah in 2010 had issued a direct forbidding non-Muslims from regulating a word "Allah" to impute to God.
"All eremite counts have been underneath a Sultan's authority as well as a make make make make make use of of of of of of a word 'Allah' by non-Muslims is underneath a Fatwa Council.
"I consider this emanate should not have been [made into] a controversy in a first place. Everything has been politicised as well as I hold which a antithesis is simply regulating this as a political weapon; it is a same, really, with a emanate of hudud," she said.
'Everything is politicised'
Mashitah stressed which there should be a boundary in between religion as well as politics.
"I do not consider all should be politicised. As for those who have been so adamant to make make make make make use of of of of of a word 'Allah', I simply do not understand. Why do they wish to make make make make make use of of of of of it so much? If they wish to make make make make make use of of of of of it so much, then only modify to Islam," she said.
Sri Gading MP Moh! amad Azi z pronounced it was open believe which a Sultan as well as a Fatwa Council have come out observant which non-Muslims have been forbidden from regulating a word. As such, he said, everybody should only follow whatever which has been determined.
"If we do not follow a laws, things would get chaotic. This make a difference should not be politicised as well as everybody contingency be careful not to offend a Muslims as a word 'Allah' is exclusive to Muslims.
"Why do they wish to maintain a word in a Malay Bible only? Why not in a Chinese as well as Tamil Bibles? It is obvious which all is politicised.
"Also, have been they starting to begin calling a church as a church of Allah? All these things definitely go opposite a teachings of Islam," he said.
Mohamad additionally pronounced which lately a lot of people have been starting opposite a Sultan, "that a lot of people do not wish to follow a Sultan's orders".
"Why contingency they go opposite a Sultan? The Sultan wields power so which Islam would not be viewed in a bad light.
"The complaint with PAS is which a members regularly consider which only they know all about Islam while others know nothing, only given some graduated from Al-Azhar University. But that's not a case as others additionally have a knowledge, they only do not uncover it," he said.
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Rafizi doubts NST report that ICAC dropped Amangate probe

Rafizi doubts NST surprise which ICAC forsaken Amangate examine
PKR executive of plan Rafizi Ramli refuted the New Straits Times headlines surprise which Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has forsaken the review into the Amangate crime allegations.
"(The actuality which it quoted an unnamed source), which is strange. we disbelief which it is true," he told Malaysiakini.
Rafizi associated which from his dual visits to the ICAC headquarters in Hong Kong, the investigator in charge of the box done it transparent which the anti-graft physique will not hold any sum or status of the review to anyone.
"That is the approach they work... which is why we believe it (the headlines report) may not be true."
Rafizi pronounced which he will, however, write to the ICAC investigator in charge whom he had met previously, to surprise her which the Media Prima-owned journal had done the claim.
In the surprise today, the English language daily quoted unnamed sources, telling them which the anti-graft physique had decided to dump investigations as no brand new justification were forthcoming.
The PKR deputy lodged the surprise with ICAC previously, after sum of alleged money-laundering involving Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman was published in anti-Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud's website, Sarawak Report.
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As usual MCA chickens out, sits on fence over Allah row

As common MCA chickens out, sits on fence over 'Allah' row
KUALA LUMPUR An MCA personality refused today to have a stand on a Selangor Sultan's direct banning non-Muslims from referring to their gods as "Allah".
When asked if non-Muslims should be authorised to make make use of of a word "Allah", MCA deputy broadside chief Loh Seng Kok evaded a subject by saying: "I'm not making a statement."
He noted, however, which most state anthems contained a word "Allah".
"Are we being barred from singing a state anthem now?" asked Loh, who is additionally an MCA executive cabinet member.
Muslim-majority Malaysia has 13 states as well as 3 federal territories. More than half a state anthems contain a word "Allah" in their lyrics.
The Selangor Sultan educated a Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) as well as a Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (JAIS) yesterday to take firm action opposite all groups, including non-Muslims, who one after another to subject a state fatwa (edict) as well as a 1988 state law restricting make make use of of of a Arabic word.
MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek was unavailable for comment.
Former Perlis mufti Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin has pronounced which a stately anathema would force most states to emanate a "special" version of their anthems.
Christian church leaders have questioned if a fatwa could be applied to non-Muslims.
Council of Churches in Malaysia (CCM) secretary-general Rev Hermen Shastri additionally pointed out which a High Court's 2009 ruling, which pronounced which a word "Allah" was not exclusive to Muslims, was stil! l in eff ect pending a Home Ministry's interest opposite it.
CCM president Bishop Datuk Thomas Tsen has highlighted Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's 10-point agreement, released in Apr 2011, which authorised Christians in Borneo Malaysia to make make use of of a word "Allah" in their worship.
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Bar Council still awaiting Deepaks reply on Tan Sri lawyer

Council authority Lim Chee Wee says a office worker has asked for time to substantiate his claim about a brute 'Tan Sri' lawyer.
PETALING JAYA: The Bar Council is still waiting for office worker Deepak Jaikishan to give it sum of a purported involvement of counsel Cecil Abraham in private investigator P Balasubramaniam's second statutory declaration (SD).
Bar Council boss Lim Chee Wee pronounced a legislature had made a applicable enquiries from Deepak with courtesy to his allegation.
"He has perceived a minute from a council, but he asked us to give him time before replying," Lim pronounced today.
Deepak, in a recent series of press conferences, referred to a involvement of a "Tan Sri" counsel in removing Balasubramanian to retract his initial SD, which concerned Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor in a genocide of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu.
The initial SD was affirmed upon Jul 1, 2008. The second SD, which contradicted a first, emerged upon a next day.
Following Deepak's revelation, former MACC advisory panelist Robert Phang identified a Tan Sri as counsel Cecil Abraham, a stream member of a panel.
Another open figure who has purported which Abraham was a Tan Sri is romantic counsel Haris Ibrahim. Last week, he challenged Abraham to sue him over a allegation.
Haris pronounced today which he had yet to receive a reply from Abraham.
He has additionally been pressuring a Bar Council to investigate Deepak's allegation. "I've done what I can," he told FMT. "It's up to a Bar Council to proceed with a matter."
O n a status of a council's probe, Lim said: "The club will have a necessary announcement as and when appropriate. It' is not the process to make known every step in a enquiry theatre or even disciplinary stage."
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KOTA BHARU : Angkara enam tin sardin dan tiga paket Milo yang dicuri, seorang buruh terpaksa meringkuk di penjara selama dua tahun selepas diputuskan Mahkamah Majistret di sini, semalam.

Hukuman diputuskan Majistret Mohd Fazaly Ali Mohd Ghazaly selepas lelaki berusia twenty-nine tahun itu mengaku bersalah.
Mohd Zamri Mustafa dari Kampung Gertak Kechupu di sini mengaku mencuri dua barangan bernilai RM70 itu di sebuah kedai runcit di Jalan Pauh Lima di sini, pada jam 12 tengah hari, 20 Disember lalu.

Tuduhan dibuat mengikut Seksyen 380 Kanun Keseksaan. Lelaki terbabit memiliki rekod lampau menceroboh, dan mencuri selain pernah dihukum atas Akta Kesalahan Kecil sebelum ini.

Pada prosiding semalam, Mohd Fazaly Ali sempat mengingatkan tertuduh supaya menginsafi perbuatannya kerana dia boleh dikenakan sebatan jika masih mengulangi kesalahan itu.

Mohd Zamri yang berbaju lokap ungu itu semalam menganggukkan kepalanya tanda faham.

Dalam perkembangan sama, tertuduh mengaku tidak bersalah mencuri sebuah motosikal Honda bernilai RM2,000 milik seorang warga emas di hadapan kedai kopi, Simpang Empat Kampung Sungai, Bachok, pada jam 1 petang, 7 Disember lalu.

Susulan itu, kes ditetapkan sebutan semula pada 17 Januari depan dan tertuduh dibenarkan diikat jamin RM8,000 dengan seorang penjamin.

Kedua-dua kes dikendalikan Timbalan Pendakwa Raya negeri, Noor Dayan! a Mohama d.
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Empowering Women is the Route to Equality

January 9, 2013


Empowering Women is a Route to Equality

by W Scott Thompson

AlexisI am rereading Alexis de Toqueville's astonishing 1835 Democracy in America. Even afterwards in his travels he appreciated which a southern slave-owning high society were entirely aware which a North would get richer compared with them precisely interjection to a augmenting lack of harmony in a South. But it couldn't be discussed.

The slave owners was profitable for a non-productive childhood as well as old age of his slaves. The workers had no incentive to furnish some-more or innovate. In a North, almost everybody worked, as well as larger distinction came from innovation as well as larger productivity. Formal equivalence done we richer as well as richer. Or as we saw as a child in a border state, a local makers had only half a market, as a African Americans were hold down still too most to add to a shopping public.

Tocqueville goes on, wrongly as it happens, to predict a despondency of a "negroes". There could never be equality, so ingrained was a prejudice, as well as a blacks had zero to do though accept their degradation as well as base status, uselessly aping a hold up of their master. He would not have believed a Barack Obama could be boss in 10 centuries. But afterwards he was right it has taken almost dual centuries to get past halfway towards genuine equality.

Today, a biggest complaint in a march to equivalence (apart from a march divided from it in a US as well as to a lesser border in alternative abounding countries) is in lenient women. True, perhaps a a single good thing which came out of communism in Russia as well as China was a during slightest theore! tical eq uivalence determined in in between a genders. India's rape final month has during final awakened a nation to a daunting problem, as well as in a really large way. But in a dual biggest countries, India as well as China, a complaint in maintaining demographic ratios of equivalence is a preference still for male babies. There would be about 40 million some-more women in India currently had no such stairs termination of womanlike foetuses or even death for womanlike babies been taken, according to demographic estimates.

Africa has few bright lights. A United Nations investigate found which women, measuring relations work contributions by caloric output, did over three-fourths of a work, not even including birthing. There have been NGOs springing up all over hostile womanlike circumcision it's utterly a opposite thing for them than for men, as well as has no positive health benefits. It's all to keep them in their place. It's brutal.

Someone did a association in in between per capita income as well as a purpose of women. Guess what, a larger a equivalence a higher a PCI (Japan being a curious exception). And a glaring black area of a globe was a Middle East, and, to a most lesser extent, South Asia. Things have been changing constructively in Southeast Asia. The Philippines has had dual women presidents, though both "heirs". And we note in my encampment which upon weekends a group still lay outside slanderous as well as celebration rough really rough gin, whilst their asawa labour in a kitchen to move them plates of food to nibble on. Little need be said of a macho enlightenment of Latin America.

In a march towards industrialisation, it is natural for lack of harmony to grow for a time, in a singular sense. The innovators who emanate a brand new resources lot themselves a large chunk of a pie, until those upon whom a little of a cache trickle down climb up as well as demand a bigger share for themselves. From afterwards upon it's a subject of either ! a state has receptive to advice process for swelling a resources by satisfactory elections, improved schools, hospitals as well as infrastructure, minimum wage, as well as so forth.

The remarkable change from autocracy to democracy during fast resources accumulation is nowhere some-more notable than in Korea as well as Taiwan. The middle category grew right to one side a fast climb of gross national product. Successfully industrialising states which have confirmed democratic strides brazen have been regularly a result of receptive to advice policy.

America was for so prolonged a measuring hang of democratic growth to one side resources accumulation, which it has taken 40 years for people to realize which it's been starting a alternative approach during this period.

Unenlightened leadership, blindness to a trend or blind determination to strengthen it, have contributed. It's wearisome though required to note which Obama, as in so much, is a initial boss to try to do anything about it. Someone finally foresaw a apocalyptic straits such flourishing lack of harmony was leading to most appropriate with pictures by a Washington disharmony caused by a excessively well-financed Tea Party obstructionists. You can't have democracy without nutritive democracy.

*W Scott Thompson is emeritus highbrow during a Fletcher School of Law as well as Diplomacy, Tufts University, United States

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