Agak menarik melihat keputusan undi pemilihan Jawatankuasa Kerja Pusat (CEC) DAP yang baru berlangsung di mana Dinasti Lim dilihat terus unggul menguasai parti itu dengan ketua keluarganya, Lim Kit Siang berada di tempat tertinggi di dalam senarai.

Tempat keduanya pula diisi oleh anak Lim Kit Siang, iaitu Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng yang befitu terkenal dengan sifat chauvinis ultra kiasu dan hebat sebagai diktator yang berjaya menghalau ramai bangsa Melayu dan India di Pulau Mutiara itu.

Meskipun dia dikatakan mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat dan hebat dengan jawatan Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh hanya mampu untuk berada di tempat ketiga dalam senarai tersebut dan anaknya, Gobind, hanya mampu untuk berada di tempat ke-8.

Jelaslah Dinasti Lim mengatasi Dinasti Singh is King dengan ketara.

Kaum India pula hanya mempunyai seorang saja wakil di dalam CEC parti tersebut apabila M. Kula berjaya menempatkan dirinya di tempat ke-16 dari twenty orang ahli DAP yang terpilih.

M.Kula dipercayai menang dan terpilih diatas ehsan para perwakilan DAP yang hadir memandangkan parti itu memerlukan sokongan dari kaum India yang ramai di Pulau Pinang, sekaligus memastikan jawatan Guan Eng di negeri itu selamat.

Dari twenty kerusi penggerak utama DAP itu, hanya tiga orang itu saja yang terpilih dari golongan bukan kaum Cina manakala baki lagi 17 orang telah dimonopoli oleh kaum Cina.

Paling menyedihkan, tiada langsung wakil bangsa Melayu yang berjaya tersenarai di dalam CEC yang mempunyai kuasa menentukan dasar serta perjuangan parti tersebut.

Berikut adalah keputusan pemilihan CEC untuk tahun ini:

Lim Kit Siang 1607

Lim Guan Eng 1576

Karpal 1411

Chong Cheing Jen 1211

Anth! ony Loke 1202

Wu Him Ven 1202

Tan Kok Wai 1199

Gobind Singh 1197

Tony Pua 1162

Teng Chang Khim 1152

Fong Kui Lun 1137

Nga Kor Ming 1075

Chong Eng 1006

Chow Kon Yeow 986

Liew Chin Tong 984

M.Kula 984

Boo Cheng Hau 958

Teresa Kok 925

Teo Nie Ching 903

Ngeh Koo Ham 824

Persoalannya, tidakkah rakyat di negara ini sedar dengan keputusan itu maka jelaslah bahawa DAP yang kononnya sebuah parti berbilang kaum itu hanyalah retorik dan hipokrit semata-mata?

Kononnya DAP turut memperjuangkan bangsa Melayu? Maaflah, dari apa yang dilihat di dalam keputusan pemilihan tersebut, Melayu langsung tiada di dalam hati ahli-ahli DAP dan seolah-olah tidak wujud sama sekali.

Sebenarnya, bukan tiada bangsa Melayu yang bertanding di dalam pemilihan tersebut.

Yang bertanding di antaranya ialah Zairil Khir Johari, Ahmad Ton, Senator Ariffin S.M. Omar, Tengku Zulpuri Shah Raja Puji, Zulkifli Mohd. Noor, Roseli Abdul Ghani, Solaiman Op Syed Ibrahim dan Harun Ahmad.

Malangnya, seorang joke tidak menang, malah kalah teruk di tangan puak-puak chauvinis ultra kiasu yang diketuai oleh Dinasti Lim.

Persoalannya, apakah bangsa Melayu tidak sedar-sedar bahawa mereka langsung tidak mendapat tempat di dalam perjuangan DAP?

Itupun mereka masih lagi tegar menyokong parti kafir harbi itu dan tidak segan-segan untuk berkempen, mengibarkan bendera roket serta membela DAP seolah-olah parti itulah yang akan membawa mereka ke syurga!

Sumber: Perak Today

HOUSE PK: Kan aku dah kata DAP adalah parti Kristian yang majoritinya adalah kaum Cina, mana depa nak ambik melayu. Hanya melayu bodoh bebal dan tak cukup akal saja boleh terpedaya dengan DAP ni.

Wahai anak-anak muda diluar sana, aku melalak siang malam bagitau korang yang DAP adalag parti extremist dan chauvinist. Semelam mereka telah membuktikannya. Ad! a melayu yang bertanding tapi tak lepas sebab Cina Kristian tak nak melayu dalam pengurusan parti ni. Dulu Tunku Aziz joke depa halau. Mana Sakmongkol aka Arif Sabri dan Aspan Alias?

Kalau lepas ni masih ada melayu yang percayakan DAP, maka sah mak pak dia tak bernikah!

Isu CIMB : Mesti sebar


Gambaran semakin jelas dalam isu CIMB. Ada dua benda yang korang kena tengok dan sebarkan. Pertama video kat bawah neh. Dalam video ini antara yang penting ;

1. Hamidah seperti mempersoalkan kewujudan/fungsi kesatuan pekerja CIMB bagi membela nasib pekerja CIMB.

2. Ketua bagi HR CIMB pusat, Hamidah Naziadin telah dikesan melakukan pembohongan dalam isu kebajikan pekerja CIMB. Hamidah cakap pekerja CIMB mempunyai insentif perubatan yang unlimited, termasuk keluarga kakitangan, juga termasuk rawatan gigi, reward dan sebagainya. Ini sebenarnya telah membuka total risk kepada company [unlimited kos rawatan kesihatan kakitangan termasuk keluarga]

3. Namun kesatuan menafikan. Bahkan memberikan butiran lanjut berkenaan perkara tersebut. Hanya kakitangan tertinggi CIMB dan pegawai2 atasan tertentu je merasai insentif tersebut. Kakitangan CIMB mempunyai singular dan had masa untuk merasai insentif tersebut. Contohnya rawatan gigi, rm300 lebih kurang. Untuk pekerja yang berusia 40 tahun ke atas, medical checkup hanya akan ditanggung jika melakukan checkup 2 tahun sekali..

4. Insentif untuk berpantang, bersalin dan blablabla [kakitangan wanita] langsung tak pernah wujud.

5.NUBEmempersoalkan kenapa reward contractual 2 bulan menjadi isu besar kepada hamidah?

6. NUBE menegaskan bahawa kakitangan berhak berkongsi keuntungan yang diraih syarikat kerana CIMB dibangunkan bersama. Ia tidak tertegak dengan atas tangan sorang seseorang. Ia kerjasama semua jadi apa masalahnya kakitangan CIMB turut merasai keuntungan yang diraihkan oleh syarikat?

7. CIMB tidak pure dalam beberapa polisi yang mereka sendiri wujudkan. Contohnya laporan berkaitan prestasi dan PMS [maaf aku tatau PMS ini apa].

8. Ramai kakitangan yang dah lama berkhidmat [usia] tidak disambung semula, boleh jadi ia adalah bulletin CIMB mahu mengyahkan kakitangan seperti ini..apatah lagi dengan kewujudan skim MSS [Mutual SeparationSkim= Masa sudah sampai]. Menurut NUBEialahadalah dikriminasi usia.

9. Namun NUBE mengatakan itu tidak sepatutnya kerana mereka telah lama bersama CIMB, berkhidmat, jatuh bangun, ada jasa...

Dan yang kedua ialah gambar kat bawah neh hah ;

Sumber :sini

Isu neh boleh pergi ke peringkat nasional jika kakitangan CIMB bersatu suarakan hak mereka. Tak guna gak kita cakap sini pongpang2 jika kakitangan CIMB sendiri tidak bersatu untuk mengatasi penindasan yang dilakukan terhadap mereka kan. Betul tak?

! So ini la masanya untuk kakitangan CIMB bersatu dengan gerakan2 lain dan up kan means korang supaya mendapat liputan meluas dan meraih sokongan orang ramai. TV3 endorse takan siarkan. CIMB neh berkaitan dengan adik najib. Haram le tv3 nak siarkan. Pergi la mampos kata tv3.

- amenoworld
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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

'Tornado' Spotted in Pasir Panjang, Singapore

A screen squeeze from video footage sent in by a viewer, depicting a waterspout swirling over a H2O during Pasir Panjang packet terminal. Pix: Julie Beattie/CNA A screen squeeze from video footage sent in by a viewer, depicting a waterspout swirling over a H2O during Pasir Panjang packet terminal. Pix: Julie Beattie/CNASINGAPORE:A "tornado" during Pasir Panjang upon Saturday left some residents startled.
The winds were so strong which it caused some of a zinc slats upon a roof tiles of Pasir Panjang packet depot to chase as well as fly off.

Employees during a depot pronounced no one was injured.

The "tornado" was in actuality a waterspout, which is caused by heated thunderstorms, as well as is formed when columns of H2O are sucked to a base of a clouds.

Julie Beattie, whose home overlooks a packet terminal, sent in video footage of a weather phenomenon to Channel NewsAsia.

"I felt a wind start to collect up as well as went to close a patio doors, as well as then noticed this swirling suit of water, as well as we thought, what is this?" she said.

"I was glued to it, it started removing stronger... we suspicion this (was) a mini tornado."

The National Environment Agency (NEA) pronounced an normal of 3 occurrences of waterspouts over Singapore waters are reported each year.

NEA added which waterspouts tend to have a short hold up cycle of up to tens of mins as well as they customarily dissipate rapidly upon reaching a coast.

They also noted waterspouts are generally associated with heated thunderstorms over a sea.

However, it is difficult to foresee a occurrence of waterspouts since not all thunderstorms lead to a arrangement of waterspouts.

- Channel News Asia
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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Fatwa paling bangang dalam abad millennium

Dicatat oleh
Ibrahim Ali sekarang dalam keadaan terdesak yang tersangat
Sang Katak ini takut kehilangan Pasir Mas pada PRU13
Dulu mintak kerusi daripada TGNA kemudian membelot
Sekarang nak mintak daripada Umno, Umno tak ambik port

Kesian..sayang seribu kali sayang
Hidung sudah lah tak mancung
Pipi pulak tersorong-sorong
Dok mengemis merata, nak bertanding PRU13

Semalam sekali lagi Ibrahim Ali berfatwa
Menggunakan Qias untuk menghasut
Sila lah ikut kata-kata Sahibus Samahah Ibrahim Ali
Takut-takut kelak ditimpa musiba, bala bencana

"Kalau kita betul Melayu Islam, orang Melayu mesti beli, baca Utusan tiap-tiap hari.

"Rokok pun RM10.20, surat khabar RM1.50 tak nak beli ... balik janji dengan saya, beli Utusan (Malaysia)," katanya

Sukan Star ( Laman Berita Sukan Yang Di Ulas Dengan Kaki )
"Rokok rm10.20 boleh beli,takkan Utusan rm1.50 tak boleh beli?" - Ibrahingg Ali

1st time gua dengar ayat camni,selalu orang kata rokok boleh beli takkan derma masjid seringgit takleh.Katak,katak.
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More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

The curse of Dr Mahathir?

It seems we have been intheseason for impiety as great as curses, wakakaka.

Recently PAS did the startling in carrying the request event to abuse UMNO. The impiety itself was not startling as we can gamble such curses would be the norm during the duration using up to an election, be it for the stateorparty.It was usually startling given PAS announced the impiety event openly, wakakaka.

I consternation either UMNO pollies bought sometangkals(azimat) from Pak Bomoh Awang Mohd Yahya to neutralize the PAS curses. wakakaka. Well after all, some-more than the fewUMNO, PAS as great as PKR pollies (not Tian Chua or Sivarasa though, wakakaka) deliberate bomohs prior to any choosing upon to their respective chances - see my postsReligious Devotion of Malaysian PoliticiansandDoctor is in - by appointment only!

Anyway, most were repelled by the request event being used, or as they believed,misused for cursing. But actually, impiety has been partoftheAbrahamic religions for eons, withthemost dramatic being great olde Moses laying down the evil! word up on the Pharaoh with the god-given abuse of 10plagues.

The 10 plagues (or god's curses manifested) proposed with themild, usually the River Nile turning red with blood, nonetheless escalated in rudeness with any succeeding plagueuntilthe most extreme as great as evil of all occurred with the 10th, whenthegod oftheHebrewsmurdered every trusting first-born in Egypt, tellurian as great as animals (Exodus 11:4-6 - KJV):

And Moses said, Thus saith theLord, About midnight will we go out in to the midst of Egypt:

And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the initial innate of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is during the back of the mill; as great as all the firstborn of beasts.

And there shall be the great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there was none l! ike it, nor shall be similar to it any more.

That was worse than the Chinese'harm kar ch'an', the genocidal abuse upon thefamilyline of one's enemies - unequivocally barbarous as great as usually uttered by low category Chinese [low category in character, genius as great as behaviour, wakakaka].

Of march if we leave it totheJudaists as great as Christians, theywouldtell we God punishedthose Egyptians because...yadda yadda yadda...

... nonetheless unequivocally we wonder, that creator God (supposedly loving, merciful as great as forgiving) would do that to! his own creations.

Answer: Of march usually the God of the Hebrews. And it would be hardly startling that such the Hebrew God would call his Hebrews (and thereafter, Israelites, Judeans, Jews) his 'chosen people', as we have come to learn from the OT bible, the single in being written by, would we believe, the Judeans, wakakaka.

If we ask the Japanese, theywouldtell we they have been god's children, where their emperor is descended without delay from the Sun Goddess Amaterasu andtheirislands created bytheJapanese gods Izanagi as great as Izanami.

Not to be outdone, an desirous UMNO male with the moniker of Reezal Merican, positively eyeing the little tall positions with all the trappings (wakakaka), motionless to make the name for himself by copycat-ingtheJudean (Jewish) explain as great as dogmatic thatMalays aremukhtarin, god's'chosen ones', as great as of march (the principal motive as great as objective) UMNO has been anointed by godas the equivalent of Moses, presumably to lead the Malays in to the little arrange of UMNO-ish promised land.

Naturallyhe wanting referring to that Moses led the Hebrews wandering around in the forest for 40 years,from 1972 to 2012circa 1350 BCE.

Reezal Merican afterwards openly pontificated"What is there of the Malays prior to Umno came along?"

What about them vital in the stately golden age of the Malacca Sultanate? What about them being citizens of the extraordinary Srivijaya Empire prior to they motionless to be great good known specifically as Malays?

Never mind, patently he wasn't asking for answers as he dictated his controversial question to betheanswer as well, to wit, to remindtheMalays of UMNO's Mosaic role.

But Reezal Merican wasn't the initial 'Malay' (wakakaka) to explain the 'chosen' standing for Malays. Harussani what's-his-name, Perak's chief mufti, beat him to it by dogmatic in 2011 thatMalays have been some-more special than Arabs in Islam, nonetheless he, perhapsmerajuk-ishlyand grudgingly wakakaka, certified Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was an Arab.

In the preposterous explain to first Islamicpedigree,Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas, the director ubiquitous of the Institute of Islamic Understanding, even preceded Harussaniwhat's-his-nameby informing us in 2006, that:

"The Melayu is tangible as initial being the Muslim as great as given he's the Muslim, he follows the etiquette as great as traditions of the Malays that have been successive from Islam, followed by the denunciation of the Malays that (also) derives from Islam."

Huh?"...the etiquette as great as traditions of the Malays that have been derived from Islam, followed by the denunciation of the Malays that (also) derivesfrom Islam..."?

But afterwards in this, we suspect he's supported by PAS in Kelantan that has prohibited thewayang kulitfrom showing episodes of Ramayana as great as Mahabharata given of their Hindu origins.

But hey, perhapswayang kulitproponents could use Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas' evidence that the etiquette as great as traditions of the Malays including thewayang kulitandmakyonghave been successive from Islam as great as have zero to do with any alternative religions.

And usually tobeonthesafe side, thebersandingceremony should be reviewed to winnow off any hereditary Hindu informative elements, whilst theMalay dictionary contingency be purgedofwords such asraja, agama, negara & bangsa,all of that have been hereditary from Sanskrit, wakakaka.

Thus, not withstanding Reezal Merican's oratorical antics, as great as the Hebrews as great as Japanese myths, it's the matter of who wrote the book (or uttered same during the domestic party's ubiquitous assembly, wakakaka) for the race to spin god's 'chosen' ones.

Old Testament

All the upon top of UMNO as great as UMNO-affiliates' silliness have risen to prominence usually in the final 30 years - some-more of their means later.

Back to curses - the the single in the Bible we particularly admire for the scary hazard is inDeuteronomy 28:22which warns:

The LORD shall smite thee with the consumption, as great as with the fever, as great as with an inflammation, as great as with an extreme burning, as great as with the sword, as great as with blasting, as great as with mildew; as great as they shall pursue thee until thou perish.

Gasp ...butDeuteronomy 28:30 is utterly frightening as great in stating:Thou shalt espouse the wife, as great as an additional male shall lie with her: ... etc etc ...

Wow, the abuse of the Hebrew God essentially promoted husbands being cuckold-ed as great as wives committingadultery? No consternation it set those Hebrew men ontheirmurderous uproar in Canaan.

But okay, those biblical curses by God were about 4000 years ago. Today no church or priests/monks would do that ... aha ... solely for those clerics in PAS, perhapsindicating their genius still resembletheoriginal mould (template) written during those unequivocally old times, wakakaka.

But let's dont consider about about PAS as grea! t as the perennialperpetual problematic mania with sex as great as counts sexual such as Shimshon (Samson) as great as Delilah in the Kota Baru salon, as great as Dawid as great as Yehonathan (David as great as Jonathan, son of King Saul) allegedly cavorting during the KB airporta la1 Samuel 18:1-4 (KJV):

And it came to pass, when he had done an finish of speaking unto Saul, that the essence of Jonathan was weave with the essence of David, as great as Jonathan desired him as his own soul. ...Then Jonathan as great as David done the covenant, given he desired him as his own soul.And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, as great as gave it to David, as great as his garments, even to his sword, as great as to his bow, as great as to his girdle.

David & Jonathan David to Jonathan
A integrate of days ago we postedThe Curse of Marina Lee Abdullah?Today we nonetheless we would write along the same line nonetheless with Dr Mahathir as my brand brand new 'Moses' as great as his curse, thatisthe abuse of (or by) Dr Mahathir, not that bloke who was confused as to either he was Egyptian or Hebrew.

I have to declare that, whilst we had ! formerly penned the bit here as great as there about Dr M's 'curse' before, as great as programmed to do animprovedpost, it has been RPK who inspired me to get upon with this charge by the couple of paragraphs inhispostThe tour in hold up is never the true line (PART 16).

RPK's post talks about the Great UMNO Split in 1987 (about 8 months after the nation's 1986 ubiquitous election), an irreparable schism brought about by the hostile tussle for energy in in between Dr Mahathir as great as Tengku Razaleigh (Ku Li) that was brought to the culmination in UMNO's 1987 celebration election. The lines that caught my eyes are:

Ku Li
... the mom of all battles appearing over the setting -- the competition in in between Team A as great as Team B.

And did it prove to be the mom of all battles! Never prior to had so most income been outlayed upon the celebration election. Never prior to had threats as great as extort been used to the extreme to make people do the bidding of those who aspired for power. Never prior to had Umno been brought to the brink of drop as great as that it never unequivocally recovered from ever since.

The 1987 celebration competition altered Umno for great as great as introduced the brand brand new enlightenment in to Umno that transferred the celebration from the hands of the nationalists in to the hands of the capitalists.

Basically, Umno was transformed from the celebration of intellectuals as great as educators in to the celebration of commercial operation taukay! s. Umno became what MCA regularly was -- the income party. Umno sent shivers down MCA's spine given Umno became some-more money-driven than even MCA itself.

The brand brand new Umno enlightenment became: income talks, bullshit walks. And it has remained that approach ever since.

Umno would never be brought back to what it was when it was initial formed in 1946. Umno became 'Umno baru' in 1987 even prior to Umno Baru was legally as great as officially registered in 1988. And this is what most did not grasp during that time ...

Leaving aside RPK's contention in hisThe tour in hold up is never the true line (PAR! T 17)that it had been Anwar Ibrahim who, through his bullying tactics in UMNO intra-party politics, denied us of Tengku Razaleigh as Malaysia's domestic head in 1987. Tengku has mostly been touted as the best PM we never had.

Instead, Anwar endowedthenation with Dr Mahathir's 22-year premiership, that RPKsurmisedas the fittingpadan mukafor poor MrManmanlai, wakakaka.

But in all fairness, Anwar had/has benefited from both Dr M's mentor-ship as great as ironically enmity, for:

... without Dr M, he wouldn't be UMNO's DPM (and some-more likely, PAS president, wakakaka - now, where's my scotch?);

... without the supportofthosewho hated as great as were repulsed by Dr M! as grea t as his bequest (UMNO apropos unbearably feralunderAAB from 2004 to 2008), he wouldn't have been successful in his so-calledrefomasiafter 2004;

... without the USA perceiving Dr M as the hostile national personality he wouldn't have been so pampered by the Americans as great as nurtured as the intensity friendlier alternative PM (now, with the Najib who's unequivocally US-friendly, as great as presumption Najib continues to be PM, let's see if the Yanks will settle Anwar the same degree of 'warmth' he had formerly enjoyed).

Extending from RPK's initial palm comment of UMNO being ...transformed from the celebration of intellectuals as great as educators in to the celebration of commercial operation taukays, we humbly opine theunderlyingcause of such an UMNO mutation has utterly the lot to do with Dr Mahathir's thinly slice upon hisshoulder, that he supposing the glance of in hisThe Malay Dilemmabook.

Of course, I'm no Barry Wain with the 363-page book likeMalaysian Maverick - Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times. This is usually kaytee's personal take of Dr M in the single single post, so okay, here goes:

The olde male was aggrieved, or if we wish to call the scoop the spade, mightily pissed off that the Malays, the officially dynamic indigenous people of Malaya-Malaysia, had been subjugated (enslaved) in their own land by the alternative races, presumably as great as predominantly the Chi! nese, wi th the collusion of the Poms, all given of their (Malays') toleration andnon-confrontational nature.

There has been the little truths in his comment nonetheless there have been sum errors (and nonsense) as well, nonetheless as they say, the best bullwouldbetheone built upon half-truths.

Dr M longed for an official module of certain movement to address what he saw as the Malay disadvantaged position vis--vis Chinese control of commercial operation in Malaysia. His argument, as expressed in hisThe Malay Dilemma, contingency have shabby Tun Razak who afterBrutus-ingTunku Abdul Rahman following May 13, formulated the NEP as great as brought Dr M back in to UMNO's middle fold.

And when Dr M became PM, he went about it (the certain actions) in the distant bigger way. Yes, we can't ever saythisman wastheSultanofSomnambulism, wakakaka.

His ventures were in addition blessed or accursed (depending upon your philosophical outlook) by Malaysia's brand brand new found resources of oil as great as gas, giving him roughly unfettered latitude in implementing his policies as great as schemes.

The major downside conferred by the brand brand new wealth, we suspect, was the nonchalant as great as passive attitude towards his protgs' failures, bullshit* as great as the associated profligate waste.


In the ubiquitous case, the certain actions, whilst itself the great eminent program, was so entirely dissipated as great as abused that it negated any proclivity for tangible acquisitions of know-how, skills as great as incremental competencies for entrepreneurship and/or veteran trades as great as occupations, as great as their successive improvement, effectiveness as great as efficiency.

I would contend his great good known toleration instead speedy 'go-for-broke' get-bloody-rich schemes or gimmickries, no matter how useless, irrelevant or greedy the schemes or activities competence have been.

* recall reading the headlines report that Dr M bemoaned someone fibbing to him about the dropping of the Proton Saga during the North Pole, the single of Boleh-Land's gimmickries to instil honour as great as certainty in Malaysians (Malays). we reckon both the gimmick as great as the try to cover up the failure to achieve what was dictated were bullshit.

Back to that thinly slice upon his shoulder - if translated in to unequivocally made easy terms, we suspect this would mean that, usually my made easy example, for every 10 Malaysian millionaires, 10 large commercial operation tycoons, 10 industrialists, 10 doctors, 10 engineers, 10 chemists, 10 what have you, etc, he would similar to to see approximately 6 Malays in any of those groups.

If we have been rebuilt omit thefact that the magic formula wasnot extended to the police, military, civil service (and university intakes),then wecouldfind zero wrong in his vision-objectiveper se, as great as indeed even extol him for it. It was the pretty satisfactory objective.

I'm full of idioms today, so as they say, the devil was in the sum (or implementations). Thus the World's biggest amicable engineering project, alas, fell unequivocally very reduced of the dictated (higher) objectives as great as worse, brought about undesired attitude, popularly referred to sneeringly as 'the let mentality'.

Reserving 30% of brand brand new housing estate with the 7% discount for Malays, as an item in the grand amicable engineering scheme, unfortunately brought about dual inequities - (a) it benefited usually the elite who purchased same as great as sell the discounted houses off for the discerning profit whilst ordinary Malays were either not meddlesome (because they have land as great as houses, admittedly in the kampungs where they prefer to reside) or could not afford the houses, as great as (b) the non-Malay purchasers of those brand brand new houses had to finance the 7% discount of the 30% indifferent grant - if anyone believes the developers would catch the 7% discount, afterwards he/she contingency be in la la land.

Let's pierce upon to an additional issue. we heard he devised thepayungconcept, that in elementary conditions involved the government identifying, supporting, promoting, fostering, nurturing, etc, say, 10 Malays to spin unequivocally tall level participants in society, such as industrialists, large businessmen, as great as hopefully all apropos millionaires, etc.

Each of these brand brand new heroes in spin would afterwards do further (ie. identify, supporting, promoting, fostering, nurturing) an additional 10 Malays, with the hope-for snowballing effect until his dreams come true, of Malays presumption their rightful as great as proportionately-correct positions in Malaysian society.

It's the eminent objective, nonetheless alas, Dr Mahathir, being the superman as great as super intellectual he has been, had not reckoned with the ordinary man's elemental selfish as great as diseased nature, as great as done allowance for these.

Some or perhaps most (though not all) of his 'chosen-ones' (his, not God's) were usually humans with all their weaknesses, not helped during all by the miss of forging through the furnace of tough work, hardships, apprenticeships, as great as experience.

More than the couple of were failures, nonetheless he forgave them, afterwards helped them picked themselves up to try again, as great as again as great as again ... we suspect given their success was elemental to removing the humongous thinly slice off his shoulders. There have been abhorrence stories of large bailouts ... as great as bailouts ... as great as bailouts ... as great as ... well, we get the idea, we know abo! ut the b ailouts, etc.

The invisible reserve net was regularly there, the humongous rewards were mouth-watering, as great as Don Corleone was eminent for his indefatigable toleration as great as forgiveness (except to those who were fraudulent to him, wakakaka).

His blind loyalty to his protgs, friends (or cronies) as great as supporters was legend, as great as had in most cases proved to be the liability as he easeful them from descending off the face of the earth. But whilst we admire 'loyalty' we didn't let him offscot-freefor his erroneous virtue. we had once written of him:"He chose the sore as great as thus he contingency accept responsibility for their inability to perform."

He was approach as great distant ahead of his protgs

There have been most examples of how his loyaltyto his protgs, friends (or cronies) as great as supporterswere unnoticed eg. Tajudin of MAS, his own Kedahan UMNO pollies (Osman Aroff, Johari Baharom, Saad Man, Samsudin Ahmad see my postEt Tu BaharomandNo Hang Tuah for Dr Mahathir), Najib who did the discerning zig zag back to safety, thanks to an Anwar offer he dared not exclude (as suggested by RPK inThe tour in! hold up is never the true line (PART 16)) as great as of march MrManmanlaihimself, wakakaka!

And what happened to thepayungconcept? Perhapshis protgsfocussed usually upon relocating themselves from being millionaires to apropos billionaires. we have in addition suspected that the targeted Malay equity had already been completed (but not admitted) as great as held in the hands of usually the few.

I had the disreputable suspicion Dr Mahathir knew his certain programs were not gaining traction. Perhaps he was in denial that the shortcomings were due to the combination of the sad 'rental mentality', the ever present reserve net -both portion as the crutch he indicted the Malays of relying upon for as great long- as great as the rapacity of those who succeeded nonetheless abandoned the rest of the reduction advantageous or reduction clever mob.

Perhaps he believed that they indispensable the prod, prompt as great as push, as great as the outrageous sip of self confidence. Was this the reason for the birth of the Boleh-ness teaching module as great as the greedy gimmickries?

His Boleh-ness teaching succeeded beyond his wildest imaginations nonetheless not in the approach he had envisaged or intended. His bequest authorised the 'chosen' to consider unequivocally BI! G, where 'commissions' or 'revenues' were no longer considered in small sums of tens of millions nonetheless rsther than (up periscope please) hundreds of millions if not multi billions. The antithesis protested until the cowsdidn'tcome home wakakaka.

Khir Toyo's Bali-style magnificent mansion

Dr Mahathir in addition didn't design his'Kepimpinan melalui teladan'(Leadership by example) aphorism to spin so successfully adopted. Can we blame themata-matafor his natural 'urges' when he drives by the Bali Palace in Selangor ortheSatay Palace in Klang, as great as consternation WTF he was achieving in some-more aged by risking his hold up in duties? And hewouldalso consider BIG lah.

unequivocally Malaysian style

RPK sensitive us thatThe 1987 celebration competition altered Umno for great as great as introduced the brand brand new enlightenment in to Umno that transferred the celebration from the hands of the nationalists in to the hands of the capitalists.

Yes, nonetheless those capitalists (and their cronies) were 'extraordinary' capitalists where they were upon trial humongous incomes as great as protected from loss - Tolls, IPP, etc as great as as an! e.g. of profligate waste, hundreds of millions if not billions were given to the local executive to set up naval boats, most of that didn't appear upon the docks let alone the seas.

in lieu? wakakaka

The courts were in addition celebration to crimes of land robberya latheAdorna Properties Sdn Bhd v Boonsom Boonyanitprecedence, so most so it murderous Judge Gopal Sri Ram that he as the judge did the unprecedented, by observant f* off (kaytee's words, wakakaka) tothe didactic discourse ofstare decisis.

Note: The sad Adorna fashion was eventually discharged bytheMalaysian courts in new times, nonetheless the life for several years was the outrageous smear upon the justice complement as great as judicialcredibility. Howthef* could such the statute happened intheoriginalcase if not for the distressing state of affairs that has beentheMalaysian system.

In such the meridian where toleration to poor opening was legend, reserve net for the chosen guaranteed, perfect wantonness avarice as great as conceited display of unaccountable pornographic resources condoned, as great as screwed-up governance as great as questionable legal rulings accepted, the sad mlange supposing the poisonous cocktail, the stench masked over usually by the ringgit-perfume of oil as great as gas, beautiful non-accountability as great as the audacity of the lop-sided majority of the statute celebration in Parliament.

Thus, we have the Malaysia cur! rently w here corruption, non-transparency, unaccountability, poor governance as great as perfect political-ethnic audacity have spin an unique partial of the socio-economic-political landscape.

Dr Mahathir's supporters will look during his shining as great as some-more benign achievements as his blessings. And we mustn't repudiate him his dues, for he completed most things for Malaysia. He was the ruthless one-man juggernaut as he dragged the reluctant Malaysia screaming in to the 21st Century. Anyone who stood in his approach was 'chopped' down. He had no full of blood patience for namby pamby heel-dragging stuff.

He was dynamic to propel Malaysia in to the rankings of 1st World nations a.s.a.p, as an admired, respected, competitive, rich as great as unapproachable member, as great as by the deadline too. The final word in his vocabulary was procrastination.

Undoubtedly he saw Singapore's progression intotheranks of 1st World nations with most discomfit as Malaysia is in being resource-richer with some-more intensity than the little island nation. Yet ....., as great as that substantially competence have been what had frenetically driven Mahathir when he was PM.


But paradoxically, he entrenched the domestic complement that fi! nal raci al supremacy as great as racial prevalence in virtually every field, instead of reliance upon meritocracy as great as the free market, as great as thus contributed enormously to the gradually unwell state. We have been now using upon reserves, that we have amassed in the progressing days of the independence as great as from the resources from the nation's first resources.

He alluded to his failures (to advance the Malays to his perceived Utopian state) some-more than once, blaming the Malays for over-depending upon the crutches that ironically he supposing as great as still final for their stability provision.

Have alltheabove beenthecurse of Dr Mahathir who proposed off upon the eminent means nonetheless finished up with the nearfailingstate (in conditions of governance,proprietyand accountability, etc) for us as great as future generations?

We could go as great as upon nonetheless to summarise in the purposeful form, we opine that his 22-years order has turned the Malaysian popular as great as familiar colloquialism of'Jaga standards'into something of the joke today.

Now, if we revisit London as great as happen by St Paul's Cathedral, that was written andbuiltby Christopher Wren, we will see upon the wall upon top of his burial ground inthecryptthe engravedmessage in Latin,'Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice'which means'Reader, if we find his monument, lookaroundyou'.

I believe the same summary can be attributed to Dr Mahathir too, with the teenager amendment, for it to read'Reader, if we find his monument,both great as great as bad, look around you',where in place of Wren's cathedral, we have Dr Mahathir's Malaysia including the most sad systems as great as policies, faults as great as failings.

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1Malaysia concept in ashes

Blood as great as dirt nationalism refers to an beliefs which focuses upon ethnicity based upon dual factors descent as great as homeland.
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has settled which his prophesy of 1Malaysia is dictated to opposite a growing inhabitant divide in between Malaysians upon race, sacrament as great as alternative supportive socio-cultural issues.
He has additionally argued which a target of a prophesy is to strengthen inhabitant togetherness upon a basement of inclusiveness "this process equates to which we'll try to be as thorough as possible, in a clarity which you should have a supervision which is means to reach out to all communities". (Interview with CNN, Talkasia, November 1, 2010)
Not only was this prophesy of 1Malaysia considerably absent from a recent Umno general open but a real driving force of a party one utterly at contingency with 1Malaysia emerged from a shadows during a singing of a strain by Tokyo Umno Club representative Arif Yassir Zulkafli.
The lyrics of a strain 'Lagu Warisan' can be seen to encapsulate a ideological leifmotif of Umno. It provided a romantic as great as mental tall indicate of a assembly as great as explains because a strain left representatives in tears as great as in spontaneous rendition.
It additionally explains because a Umno mind as great as genius has remained unchanged during a last 66 years of a party's existence insecure, envious, delusional, un-accepting of alternative Malaysians, as great as propagating a bankrupt doctrine of 'Blood as great as Soil' nationalism akin to which of a Nazis as great as fascists.
Blood as great as dirt na! tionalis m refers to an beliefs which focuses upon ethnicity based upon dual factors descent as great as homeland. Readers meddlesome in guidance more about red blood as great as dirt nationalism can review a Wikipedia.
Anak Kecil categorical api
Terbakar hatinya yang sepi
Air mata darah bercampur keringat
Bumi dipijak milik orang
Nenek moyang kaya raya
Tergadai seluruh harta benda
Akibat sengketa sesamalah kita
Cinta lenyap di arus zaman ini
Indahnya bumi kita ini
Warisan berkurun lamanya
Hasil mengalir ke tangan yang lain
Pribumi merintih sendiri
Melayukan gagah di nusantara.
The translated version in English reads:
A small child plays with fire
His barren heart burns
Tears, red blood as great as sweat (yet)
His land belongs to outsiders
His forefathers had abundance
Now his inheritance is mortgaged
The outcome of conflict amongst ourselves
Love disappears in a modern tide
How pleasing is a land
Passed down from generation to generation
But a increase upsurge to alternative hands
The locals blubber unheeded
Aren't Malays a brave in a archipelago
Recommended references:For more upon a translated lyrics, review Dr Azly Rahmanhereas great as his essay 'A Malay perspective of Biro Tata Negara as great as Ketuanan Melayu'.
Impact of Lagu Negara
! The pois oning of Malay minds through a disastrous portrayals of non-Malay communities as great as depiction of a Malays as victims whose birthrights have been stolen by "immigrants" is stability unabated.
For now, it has left a 1Malaysia concept in ashes.
The danger is which these sentiments contributing to a siege genius can be so deeply embedded which they turn impossible to understanding with rationally. When inflamed by insane parties, they can easily get out of control as great as can be a catalyst for violence.
Lagu Warisan a signature strain of Malay 'patriots' emotional for a return to a Malay motherland free of pendatang originated from a Biro Tatanegara, a propaganda arm of Umno in a polite service.
In his essay 'BTN is frequency an innocent selling toothpaste' (Dec 17, 2009), CT Wongwritesthat:
"[when] a dignified codes have been suspended [and a] brand new dignified code is substituted a cry for defending one's competition or sacrament or country carries a brand new as great as sinister meaning. The perpetrators of secular assault hijack a mind as great as a feelings of its own competition for their purpose of gaining or consolidating powe. [] Systematic, conscious as great as deliberate efforts have been being made to create a Enemy in a open space in a little of a mainstream media or government-sponsored programmes. The pithy or substantial rejecting beliefs is so openly propagated which a normal revulsion opposite cruelty towards alternative human beings is alarmingly lacking."
To a BTN, you contingency supplement a double-faced Umno mouthing a tongue of solidarity as great as inclusion when with non-Malay audiences, as great as fanning a flames of extremist secular emotions when addressing a Malay constituency. Taking a quarrel to Umno
The line separating great as great as evil as great as law as great as falsehood may crop up contentious as great as complicated. However you should not run divided from sketch this line, however difficult is a task.
Minimum active actions embody speaking out as great as calling for a removal or neutralising of those institutions as great as individuals guilty of sowing as great as escalating secular dread (and religious disharmony), in particular which emanating from a statute circles as great as a bureaucracy, generally from Umno ranks as great as a central imitation as great as electronic media, quite Utusan Malaysia as great as TV3.
Leaders of a alternative Barisan Nasional component parties who have been silent, indifferent or insufficient towards a escalation of a hate governing body of competition as great as sacrament contingency find their voices as great as put vigour upon Umno towards genuine reform.
Other pass interest players such as PAS as great as Muslim NGOs contingency be more active in conversion Islamic elements towards more progressive positions which can opposite a governing body of secular envy as great as hate propagated by Umno.
Failure to reply to 'Lagu Warisan' as great as its supporters will see a country's secular tensions as great as groups expand towards a violation point, with a minorities very much upon a defensive as great as a authorities possibly reluctant to intervene or to action in favour of a minority.
The rule of law becomes a tyranny of a majority; perpetrators of secular as great as religious hate as great as discord feel which they can get divided with insane actions aimed at maintaining dominance or curbing dissent; as great as a country's basic toleration gives way to tougher or stronger as great as polarized positions upon all sides, setting a theatre for instability as great as amicable strife.
This essay firs! t appear ed in theCPI website. The writer is a CPI director.
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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Hidup peneroka Gatco atau hidup Hindraf?

Peneroka Gatco sebenarnya bukanlah ahli Hindraf, Barisan Nasional mahu joke Pakatan Rakyat.
Bahagian Akhir
(Komen ini merupakan sambungan dari komen yang kami siarkan semalam yang bertajuk "Kemelut Gatco masih tiada kesudahan".)
Apa sebenarnya yang berlaku pada 5 Disember lepas? Selain daripada bantahan dan kegagalan menyerahkan chit kepada Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan, Mohamad Hasan pada 5 Disember, ada sesuatu perkara yang menarik berlaku yang tidak diketahui oleh umum.
Ketika lebih 150 peneroka sudah joke berkumpul di hadapan Wisma Negeri, beberapa 'orang kuat' Hindraf secara tiba-tiba mengedarkan t-shirt rasmi Hindraf berwarna oren kepada peneroka Gatco. Selepas hampir semua peneroka mengenakan t- shirt Hindraf, berlangsung sesi bergambar bersama sepanduk.
Agak mengejutkan sebelum Pengerusi Hindraf P Waytha Moorthy memulakan ucapan, beliau meminta Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Senawang, P Gunasekaran (DAP) supaya berdiri jauh daripada tempat beliau berucap.
Waytha berkata lebih kurang begini kepada Gunasekaran: "Sebenarnya saya menunggu untuk anda. Kalau anda dah pergi sana, saya boleh mulakan ucapan saya. Saya tidak mahu isu Kampung Gatco menjadi seperti isu Kampung Buah Pala".
Waytha berkata demikian mungkin merujuk kepada isu Kampung Buah Pala yang DAP sebagai peneraju Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang yang gagal pertahankan sebuah perkampungan India yang berusia lebih 100 tahun.
Insiden itu membuatkan Gunasekaran; ADUN Paroi, Mohd Taufek Abdul Ghani (PAS) dan beberapa ADUN DAP yang lain berada di situ tersentak.
! Tidak lama selepas itu Gunasekaran bersama beberapa ADUN DAP kelihatan beredar dari situ mungkin kerana perasaan malu.
Walaubagaimanapun Waytha membenarkan Mohd Taufek dan Ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) Negeri Sembilan, Mohd Nazree Mohd Yunus berucap.
Apa yang menghairankan ialah selepas Waytha dan peneroka gagal menyerahkan chit selepas menanti tiga jam, Waytha melaungkan "Hidup Hindraf! Hidup Hindraf!" berkali-kali dan peneroka Gatco turut sama melaungkan aphorism tersebut.
Kenapa laung 'Hidup Hindraf'
Kenapa tidak laung "Hidup Peneroka Gatco!"? Persoalannya apa kena mengena laungan "Hidup Hindraf" dengan isu peneroka Gatco?
Peneroka Gatco sebenarnya bukanlah ahli Hindraf, Barisan Nasional (BN) mahu joke Pakatan Rakyat. Sebilangan kecil daripada mereka ada yang ahli Umno dan MIC.
Tetapi hampir semua peneroka Gatco boleh dikatakan sebagai peneroka yang tidak berparti walaupun sejak tiga pilihan raya umum yang lalu mereka menyokong penuh calon BN dengan harapan calon BN yang menang akan membantu mereka menyelesaikan kemelut hak milik tanah perladangan yang berlanjutan sejak sekian lama.
Tidak salah Hindraf turut sama perjuangkan hak peneroka Gatco tetapi mengapa Waytha dan orang kanan Hindraf tidak melaungkan "Hidup Peneroka Gatco! "Hidup Peneroka Gatco!"?
Apa tujuan Waytha dan pemimpin Hindraf yang hadir pada pagi itu mengedarkan t-shirt Hindraf berwarna oren? Perhimpunan di hadapan Pejabat Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan pada pagi 5 Disember lalu seolah-olah seperti perhimpunan Hindraf.
Senario pada pagi itu ternyata jauh berbeza berbanding himpunan pada twenty-eight Mac tahun ini apabila peneroka tidak memakai baju mana-mana parti atau organisasi.
Survival Hindraf
Dari kaca mata media dan orang berkecuali, apa yang boleh dikatakan Hindraf telah menggunakan peneroka Gatco untuk publisiti dan surv! ival Hin draf itu sendiri pada pagi tersebut. Seramai 150 peneroka Gatco yang hadir pada pagi itu tiba-tiba menjadi penyokong Hindraf tanpa mereka sedari.

Tetapi peneroka Gatco yang merupakan warga emas tidak boleh disalahkan sepenuhnya kerana mereka berada dalam keadaan yang terdesak dan mungkin akan ikut sesiapa sahaja yang menjanjikan bantuan dan pertolongan untuk mendapatkan kembali lapan ekar tanah perladangan.
Seorang wartawan media arus perdana berbahasa Melayu bertanya kepada FMT kenapa peneroka semua memakai t-shirt Hindraf. Malah beliau menyatakan keberatan beliau untuk memberi liputan maksima. Tidak diketahui apa yang bermain di dalam kepala wartawan muda tersebut.
Berbanding pada twenty-eight Mac lalu, apabila Mohamad turun dan menerima chit peneroka Gatco, kali ini Mohamad tidak datang berjumpa dengan peneroka dengan alasan mesyuarat Exco belum selesai. Beliau hanya menghantar Pegawai Khas beliau Zulkefli Awang untuk menerima chit tersebut.
Ada kemungkinan Mohamad tidak mahu melayan peneroka Gatco kali ini kerana tidak menyenangi kehadiran Hindraf.
Waytha dan penyokong Hindraf harus tahu, bagaimana orang Cina dan India umumnya membenci Perkasa kerana menganggap pertubuhan tersebut terlalu ekstrim Melayu. Begitu juga orang Melayu secara umumnya turut membenci Hindraf kerana Hindraf juga dilabel sebagai terlalu ekstrim India.
Ada juga pengundi atas pagar yang menganggap Hindraf adalah Perkasa versi kaum India. Bagi mereka perjuangan Perkasa dan Hindraf adalah sama sahaja iaitu atas teras satu bangsa sahaja.

Mampukah Hindraf atasi masalah Gatco?
Ada sebuah sepanduk yang dibawa oleh pemi! mpin Hin draf yang dipegang oleh peneroka Gatco berbunyi "Kalau Menteri Besar tak boleh, biar Hindraf selesaikan masalah ini".
Bagaimana Hindraf ingin menyelesaikan masalah hak milik tanah Gatco tidak pula diketahui.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Bertindak Peneroka Kampung Serampang Indah (Gatco) sekarang, K Krishnan dan Setiausaha Jawatankuasa, C John sepatutnya bertegas dengan Hindraf atau mana-mana parti politik bahawa peneroka tidak ada masalah jika sesiapa sahaja yang memperjuangkan isu Gatco. Tetapi mereka tidak seharusnya merelakan peneroka Gatco dipergunakan oleh Hindraf atau parti politik untuk publisiti murahan dan kepentingan politik (political mileage).
Krishnan dan John sepatutnya menghalang pemimpin Hindraf daripada mengedarkan t- shirt Hindraf dan juga menegah Waytha daripada menyuruh Gunasekaran menjauhkan diri daripada tempat Waytha berucap.
Ini ialah kerana semua pihak yang memperjuangkan isu Gatco termasuk Hindraf dan pemimpin parti politik berhak berada di situ melainkan Krishnan dan John sendiri yang menyuruh Gunasekaran beredar dari situ.
'Menangguk di air keruh'
Kelakuan Hindraf umpama 'menangguk di air keruh' pada 5 Disember bukanlah kelakuan yang kali pertama berlaku.
Pada 29 Sep lalu, ibubapa dan bekas murid Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Kuala Pilah mengadakan satu bantahan di hadapan sekolah tersebut menuntut kerajaan bina segera sebuah bangunan sekolah baru, memandangkan bangunan sedia ada sempit dan tidak kondusif.
Bantahan itu turut disertai oleh kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat Negeri Sembilan dan pemimpin Hindraf. Sejurus selepas ibubapa dan kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat menamatkan sidang akhbar di hadapan sekolah tersebut, sekumpulan kecil pemimpin Hindraf melaungkan aphorism "berjuang!" dan "berjuang sehingga saat akhir!". Tiba-tiba mereka turut melaungkan "Hidup Hindraf!".
Tidak difahami apa kena mengena "Hidup Hindraf!" dengan isu di ! SJKT Kua la Pilah.
Alangkah molek kalau pemimpin Hindraf tersebut melaungkan aphorism seperti "Hidup SJKT Kuala Pilah!".

MIC beri harapan baru
Dalam perkembangan terbaru MIC pula muncul memberi satu harapan baru kepada peneroka Gatco apabila Pengerusi MIC Negeri Sembilan, Dato' T Rajagopalu mengumumkan beberapa keputusan MIC Negeri Sembilan dan kerajaan negeri yang memihak kepada peneroka Gatco.
Rajagopalu berkata seramai 283 peneroka asal Gatco telah ditawarkan empat ekar tanah perladangan manakala 115 peneroka peringkat kedua yang membeli tanah perladangan daripada peneroka asal telah ditawarkan dua ekar tanah perladangan.
Kos penanaman getah semula dan mengukur lot tanah perladangan akan ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan sama ada melalui Risda atau Felcra.
Selain daripada itu Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan juga telah melanjutkan tempoh pajakan (leasehold) tanah perladangan Gatco yang sepatutnya berakhir pada tahun 2042; untuk tempoh 99 tahun lagi.
"Dalam mesyuarat MIC negeri yang diadakan pada 10 Disember, yang turut dihadiri oleh wakil peneroka Gatco; kami juga telah memutuskan agar surat tawaran hak milik tanah perladangan Gatco harus diberikan kepada peneroka dengan kadar segera.
"Saya telah memohon kepada Menteri Besar untuk menyegerakan pemberian surat tawaran hak milik tanah perladangan peneroka Gatco", kata Rajagopalu kepada FMT.
Lapan ekar tanah
Rajagopalu juga berkata jika ada peneroka Gatco tetap mahukan lapan ekar tanah perladangan, maka beliau akan berunding dengan Syarikat Thamarai Holdings berhubung urusan jual beli tanah perladangan tersebut.
"MIC Negeri Sembilan akan melantik sebuah syarikat Jurunilai untuk menilai pasaran semasa setiap se ekar tanah perladangan tersebut dan akan menanggung kos perunding Jurunilai tersebut.
"Maka mana-mana peneroka yang ingin memiliki lebih daripad! a empat ekar tanah perladangan, maka mereka perlu membayar harga pasaran semasa tanah di situ untuk empat ekar tanah selebihnya.
"Peneroka yang mampu, boleh membeli enam, tujuh atau lapan ekar tanah perladangan setiap seorang mengikut kemampuan masing-masing", jelas Rajagopalu.
FMT gagal hubungi Rajagopalu untuk mendapatkan maklum balas beliau untuk mengetahui standing terkini berhubung rundingan beliau dengan Syarikat Thamarai Holdings berkaitan tawaran mengizinkan peneroka Gatco membeli lebih dari empat ekar tanah perladangan daripada Syarikat Thamarai Holdings.

Kata pendapat FMT
Sebenarnya kemelut ini tidak sepatutnya berlaku jika Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya sejak kawasan penempatan dan perladangan Gatco ini dibuka pada tahun 1977.
Peneroka membawa masalah ini kepada dua bekas Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan, Dato' Sri Rais Yatim dan Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad ketika tempoh kedua-dua pemimpin Umno itu menjadi Menteri Besar dahulu.
Sekarang giliran Mohamad pula untuk mendengar keluhan peneroka Gatco.
Kemelut ini mungkin boleh diselesaikan jika Menteri Besar mempunyai 'political will' dengan mengguna pakai Seksyen 3 Akta Pemilikan Tanah yang memberi kuasa kepada Kerajaan Negeri memiliki sebarang tanah untuk kepentingan awam melalui sesiapa atau organisasi di mana Kerajaan Negeri berpendapat ia menguntungkan perkembangan ekonomi di Malaysia.
Lagi joke asalnya Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan memberikan tanah ini kepada Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Negeri Sembilan (PKNNS) melalui pajakan 99 tahun. PKNNS pula memberikan tanah ini kepada Gatco melalui pajakan 66 tahun.
Peneroka mendakwa di dalam perjanjian antara PKNNS dengan Gatco, jelas disebut bahawa tanah ini diberikan kepada Gatco dan tanah ini mesti dibangunkan untuk peneroka.
Atas sebab itu Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan dan PKNNS tidak boleh lari dari tanggungjawab mereka dalam memastikan nas! ib dan h ak peneroka dibela dan dijamin.
Kini satu-satunya saluran yang tinggal untuk peneroka Gatco ialah melalui pintu rundingan. Setakat ini yang berjanji membuat rundingan dengan Syarikat Thamarai Holdings ialah Timbalan Ketua Menteri 2 Pulau Pinang, Prof P Ramasamy (DAP) dan Rajagopalu.
Mohamad juga boleh melakukan keajaiban dengan kuasa dan pengaruh beliau sebagai orang No.1 di Negeri Sembilan.
Walabagaimanapun semua itu bergantung pada Mohamad dan Syarikat Thamarai Holdings itu sendiri.
Mungkin satu-satunya jalan terakhir untuk peneroka Gatco mendapatkan hak mereka semula ialah dengan menukar Kerajaan Negeri pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13) nanti, dengan harapan Kerajaan Negeri baru (Pakatan Rakyat) menggunakan segala kuasa yang ada pada mereka menyerahkan kembali hak peneroka dan membayar pampasan sewajarnya kepada Syarikat Thamarai Holdings.
Diharap pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat Negeri Sembilan yang sering melaung-laungkan bahawa mereka akan kembalikan hak peneroka Gatco jika berjaya mengambil alih Wisma Negeri mengotakan janji mereka sekiranya berjaya membentuk kerajaan baru pada PRU-13 nanti.
Untuk berlaku adil, Syarikat Thamarai Holdings tidak boleh disalahkan dalam kemelut
ini kerana mereka membeli tanah perladangan Gatco ini mengikut lunas undang-undang
yang betul.
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LIVE!! Siri PAS Ganti Umno (PGU 6.0) Peringkat Terengganu

Live!! Ceramah Siri PAS Ganti Umno(PGU 6.0) peringkat negeri Terengganu.. Selamat menonton..

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The curse of Dr Mahathir?

It seems we have been intheseason for impiety as great as curses, wakakaka.

Recently PAS did the unusual in carrying the request session to abuse UMNO. The impiety itself was not unusual as we can bet such curses would be the norm during the period running up to an election, be it for the stateorparty. It was usually unusual given PAS announced the impiety session openly, wakakaka.

I consternation either UMNO pollies paid for the small tangkals (azimat) from Pak Bomoh Awang Mohd Yahya to neutralize the PAS curses. wakakaka. Well after all, some-more than the fewUMNO, PAS as great as PKR pollies (not Tian Chua or Sivarasa though, wakakaka) deliberate bomohs prior to to any choosing upon to their respective chances - see my postsReligious Devotion of Malaysian PoliticiansandDoctor is in - by! appointment only!

Anyway, most were shocked by the request session being used, or as they believed, misused for cursing. But actually, impiety has been partoftheAbrahamic religions for eons, withthemost dramatic being great olde Moses laying down the immorality word upon t! he Phara oh with the god-given abuse of 10plagues.

The 10 plagues (or god's curses manifested) proposed with themild, usually the River Nile turning red with blood, yet escalated in rudeness with each next plagueuntilthe most drastic as great as immorality of all occurred with the 10th, whenthegod oftheHebrewsmurdered each innocent first-born in Egypt, human as great as animals (Exodus 11:4-6 - KJV):

And Moses said, Thus saith the Lord, Ab! out midnight will we go out in to the surrounded by of Egypt:

And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the initial born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; as great as all the firstborn of beasts.

And there shall be the great cry via all the land of Egypt, such as there was none similar to it, nor shall be similar to it any more.

That was worse than the Chinese 'harm kar ch'an', the genocidal abuse upon thefamilyline of one's enemies - really barbarous as great as usually uttered by low class Chinese [low class in character, genius as great as behaviour, wakakaka].

Of march if we leave it totheJudaists as great as Christians, theywouldtell we God punishedthose Egyptians because... yadda yadda yadda ...

... yet really we wonder, that creator God (supposedly loving, compassionate an! d forgivi! ng) would do that to his own creations.

Answer: Of march usually the God of the Hebrews. And it would be hardly surprising that such the Hebrew God would call his Hebrews (and thereafter, Israelites, Judeans, Jews) his 'chosen people', as we have come to sense from the OT bible, the singular in reality created by, would we believe, the Judeans, wakakaka.

If we ask the Japanese, theywouldtell we they have been god's children, where their czar is descended directly from the Sun Goddess Amaterasu andtheirislands created bytheJapanese gods Izanagi as great as Izanami.

Not to be outdone, an ambitious UMNO male with the moniker of Reezal Merican, positively eyeing the small tall positions with all the trappings (wakakaka), motionless to have the name for himself by copycat-ingtheJudean (Jewish) explain as great as dogmatic thatMalays have been mukhtarin, god's'chosen ones', as great as of march (the principal ground as great as objective) UMNO has been anointed by god
as the homogeneous of Moses, presumably to lead the Malays in to the small arrange of UMNO-ish betrothed land.

Naturallyhe omitted mentioning that Moses led the Hebrews erratic around in the forest for 40 years, from 1972 to 2012 circa 1350 BCE.

Reezal Merican afterwards plainly pontificated "What is there of the Malays prior to Umno came along?"

What about them vital in the ! glorious golden age of the Malacca Sultanate? What about them being adults of the amazing Srivijaya Empire prior to they motionless to be great great known privately as Malays?

Never mind, patently he wasn't asking for answers as he dictated his controversial subject to betheanswer as well, to wit, to remindtheMalays of UMNO's Mosaic role.

But Reezal Merican wasn't the initial 'Malay' (wakakaka) to explain the 'chosen' standing for Malays. Harussani what's-his-name, Perak's arch mufti, beat him to it by dogmatic in 2011 thatMalays have been some-more special than Arabs in Islam, yet he, maybe merajuk-ishly as great as grudgingly wakakaka, certified Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was an Arab.

In the preposterous explain to primary Islamicpedigree,Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas, the director ubiquitous of the Institute of Islamic Understanding, even preceded Harussaniwhat's-his-nameby informing us in 2006, that:

"The Melayu is defined as initial being the Muslim as great as given he's the Muslim, he follows the etiquette as great as traditions of the Malays that have been successive from Islam, followed by the denunciation of the Malays that (also) derives from Islam."

Huh? "...the etiquette as great as traditions of the Malays that have been successive from Islam, followed by the denunciat! ion of t he Malays that (also) derives from Islam ..."?

But afterwards in this, we think he's upheld by PAS in Kelantan that has taboo the wayang kulit from showing episodes of Ramayana as great as Mahabharata given of their Hindu origins.

But hey, maybe wayang kulit proponents could use Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas' evidence that the etiquette as great as traditions of the Malays together with the wayang kulit as great as makyong have been successive from Islam as great as have zero to do with any alternative religions.

And usually tobeonthesafe side, the bersanding ceremony should be reviewed to winnow off any hereditary Hindu cultural elements, whilst theMalay lexicon contingency be purgedofwords such as raja, agama, negara & bangsa,all of that have been hereditary from Sanskrit, wakakaka.

Thus, not withstanding Reezal Merican's oratorical antics, as great as the Hebrews as great as Japanese myths, it's the matter of who wrote the book (or uttered same during the political party's ubiquitous assembly, wakakaka) for the race to turn god's 'chosen' ones.

Old Testatment

All the upon top of UMNO as great as UMNO-affiliates' stupidity have risen to inflection usually in the final 30 years - some-more of their equates to later.
Back to curses - the a singular in the Bible we utterly admire for the scary threat is inDeuteronomy 28:22which warns:

The LORD shall smite thee with the consumption, as great as with the fever, as great as with an inflammation, as great as with an impassioned burning, as great as with the sword, as great as with blasting, as great as with mildew; as great as they shall aspire to thee until thou perish.

Gasp ...butDeuteronomy 28:30 is utterly frightening as great in stating:Thou shalt betroth the wife, as great as an additional male shall lie with her: ... etc etc ...

Wow, the abuse of the Hebrew God essentially promoted husbands being cuckold-ed as great as wives committingadultery? No consternation it set those Hebrew group ontheirmurderous rampage in Canaan.

But okay, those biblical curses by God were about 4000 years ago. Today no church or priests/monks would do that ... aha ... solely for those clerics in PAS, perhapsindicating their genius still resembletheoriginal mould (template) designed during those ancient times, wakakaka.

But let's forget about PAS as great as the perennialperpetual problematic mania with sex as great as counts passionate such as Shimshon (Samson) as great as Delila! h in the Kota Baru salon, as great as Dawid as great as Yehonathan (David as great as Jonathan, son of King Saul) allegedly cavorting during the KB airport a la 1 Samuel 18:1-4 (KJV):

And it came to pass, when he had done an end of vocalization unto Saul, that the essence of Jonathan was weave with the essence of David, as great as Jonathan loved him as his own soul. ...Then Jonathan as great as David done the covenant, given he loved him as his own soul.And Jonathan nude himself of the robe that was upon him, as great as gave it to David, as great as his garments, even to his sword, as great as to his bow, as great as to his girdle.

David & JonathanDavid to Jonathan
A integrate of days ago we postedThe Curse of Marina Lee Abdullah?Today we yet we would write along the same line yet with Dr Mahathir as my brand brand brand brand brand brand new 'Moses' as great as his curse, thatisthe abuse of (or by) Dr Mahathir, not that bloke who was confused as to either he was Egyptian or Hebrew.

I have to confess that, whilst we had previously penned the bit here as great as there about Dr M's 'curse' before, as great as planned to do animpr! ovedpost , it has been RPK who desirous me to get upon with this charge by the couple of paragraphs inhispostThe tour in hold up is never the true line (PART 16).

RPK's post talks about the Great UMNO Split in 1987 (about 8 months after the nation's 1986 ubiquitous election), an irreparableschism brought about bytheacrimonious tussle for powerbetween Dr Mahathir as great as Tengku Razaleigh (Ku Li) that was brought to the culmination in UMNO's 1987 celebration election. The lines that held my eyes are:

Ku Li
... the mom of all battles looming over the setting -- the competition between Team A as great as Team B.

And did it infer to be the mom of all battles! Never prior to had so much income been outlayed upon the celebration election. Never prior to had threats as great as blackmail been used to the impassioned to have people do the behest of those who aspired for power. Never prior to had Umno been brought to the brink of drop as great as that it never really recovered from ever since.

The 1987 celebration competition altered Umno for great as great as introduced the brand brand brand brand brand brand new enlightenment in to Umno that eliminated the celebration from the hands of the nationalists in to the hands of the capitalists.

Basically, Umno was remade from the celebration of intellectuals and! educator! s in to the celebration of commercial operation taukays. Umno became what MCA always was -- the income party. Umno sent shivers down MCA's spinal column given Umno became some-more mon! ey-drive n than even MCA itself.

The brand brand brand brand brand brand new Umno enlightenment became: income talks, jive walks. And it has remained that approach ever since.

Umno would never be brought behind to what it was when it was initial formed in 1946. Umno became 'Umno baru' in 1987 even prior to Umno Baru was legally as great as strictly registered in 1988. And this is what most did not grasp during that time ...

Leaving in reserve RPK's contention in his The tour in hold up is never the true line (PART 17)that it had been Anwar Ibrahim who, by his bullying tactics in UMNO intra-party politics, denied us of Tengku Razaleigh as Malaysia's political head in 1987. Tengku has mostly been touted as the best PM we never had.

Instead, Anwar endowedthenation with Dr Mahathir's 22-year premiership, that RPKsurmisedas the wise padan muka for poor Mr Manmanlai, wakakaka.

But in all fairness, Anwar had/hasbenefitedfrom both Dr M'smentor-shipand ironically enmity, for:

... yet Dr M, he wouldn't be UMNO's DPM (and some-more likely, PAS president, wakakaka - now, where's my scotch?);
... yet the supportofthosewho hated as great as were repulsed by Dr M as great as his legacy (UMNO becoming unbearably feralunderAAB from 2004 to 2008), he wouldn't have been successfu! l in his so-called refomasi after 2004;

... yet the USA perceiving Dr M as the antagonistic inhabitant leader he wouldn't have been so élite by the Americans as great as nurtured as the intensity friendlier alternative PM (now, with the Najib who's really US-friendly, as great as presumption Najib continues to be PM, let's see if the Yanks will accord Anwar the same degree of 'warmth' he had previously enjoyed).

Extending from RPK's initial palm comment of UMNO being ...transformed from the celebration of intellectuals as great as educators in to the celebration of commercial operation taukays, we humbly opine theunderlyingcause of such an UMNO mutation has utterly the lot to do with Dr Mahathir's thinly slice upon hisshoulder, that he supposing the glance of in his The Malay Dilemmabook.

Of course, I'm no Barry Wain with the 363-page book likeMalaysian Maverick - Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times. This is usually kaytee's personal take of Dr M in the singular single post, so okay, here goes:

The olde male was aggrieved, or if we want to call the scoop the spade, mightily pissed off that the Malays, the strictly dynamic inland people of Malaya-Malaysia, had been subjugated (enslaved) in their own land by the alternative races, presumably as great as predominantly the Chinese, with the collusion of the Poms, all given of their (Malays') toleration andnon-confrontational nature.

T! here has been the small truths in his assess! ment yet ! there have been sum errors (and nonsense) as well, yet as they say, the best bullwouldbetheone built upon half-truths.

Dr M wanted an central module of certain action to address what he saw as the Malay disadvantaged position vis--vis Chinese carry out of commercial operation in Malaysia. His argument, as voiced in his The Malay Dilemma, contingency have shabby Tun Razak who after Brutus-ing Tunku Abdul Rahman following May 13, formulated the NEP as great as brought Dr M behind in to UMNO's inner fold.

And when Dr M became PM, he went about it (the certain actions) in the distant bigger way. Yes, we can't ever saythisman wasthewalking SultanofSomnambulism, wakakaka.

His ventures were additionally sanctified or accursed (depending upon your philosophical outlook) by Malaysia's brand brand brand brand brand brand new found resources of oil as great as gas, giving him roughly unfettered embodiment in implementing his policies as great as schemes.

The vital downside conferred by the brand brand brand brand brand brand new wealth, we suspect, was the nonchalant as great as tolerant attitude towards his protgs' failures, bullshit* as great as the compared wicked waste.

In the ubiquitous case, the certain actions, whilst itself the great eminent program, was so entirely dissipated as great as abused that it negated any motivation for actual acquisitions of know-how, skills as great as incremental competencies for entrepreneurship and/or veteran trades as great as occupations, as great as their successive improvement, efficacy as great as efficiency.

I would contend his great great known toleration instead encouraged 'go-for-broke' get-bloody-rich schemes or gimmickries, no matter how useless, not pertinent or greedy the schemes or activities competence have been.
* stop reading the headlines inform that Dr M bemoaned someone fibbing to him about the dropping of the Proton Saga during the North Pole, the singular of Boleh-Land's gimmickries to instil honour as great as certainty in Malaysians (Malays). we reckon both the gimmick as great as the try to cover up the failure to grasp what was dictated were bullshit.

Back to that thinly slice upon his shoulder - if translated in to really done easy terms, we think this would meant that, usually my done easy example, for each 10 Malaysian millionaires, 10 big commercial operation tycoons, 10 industrialists, 10 doctors, 10 engineers, 10 chemists, 10 what have you, etc, he would similar to to see we estimate 6 Malays in each of those groups.

! If we ha ve been prepared omit thefact that the sorcery regulation wasnot extended to the police, military, polite service (and university intakes), then we
couldfind zero wrong in his vision-objectiveper se, as great as indeed even applaud him for it. It was the reasonably satisfactory objective.

I'm full of idioms today, so as they say,thedevil was inthedetails (or implementations). Thus the World's greatest social engineering project,alas, fell really really short of the dictated (higher) objectives as great as worse, brought about undesired attitude, popularly referred to sneeringly as 'the let mentality'.

Reserving 30% of brand brand brand brand brand brand new housing estate with the 7% bonus for Malays, as an item in the grand social engineering scheme, unfortunately brought about two inequities - (a) it benefited usually the elite who purchased same as great as sell the discounted houses off for the discerning profit whilst typical Malays were either not interested (because they have land as great as houses, admittedly in the kampungs where they prefer to reside) or could not afford the houses, as great as (b) the non-Malay purchasers of those brand brand brand brand brand brand new houses had to subsidize the 7% bonus of the 30% indifferent grant - if any one believes the developers would catch the 7% discount, afterwards he/she contingency be in la la land.

Let's move upon to an additional issue.I listened he devised the payung concept, that in elementary terms ! concerne d the government identifying,supporting,promoting, fostering, nurturing, etc, say, 10 Malays to turn really tall turn participants in society, such asindustrialists,big businessmen, as great as hopefully all becoming millionaires, etc. Each of these brand brand brand brand brand brand new heroes in turnwouldthen do further (ie.identify,supporting,promoting, fostering, nurturing) an additional 10 Malays, with the hope-forsnowballingeffect untilhisdreams come true,ofMalays presumption their legitimate as great as proportionately-correctpositionsin Malaysian society.

It's the eminent objective, yet alas, Dr Mahathir, being the superman as great as super in! tellectua! l he has been, had not reckoned with the typical man's inherent greedy as great as diseased nature. as great as done stipend for these. Some or maybe most (though not all) of his 'chosen-ones' (his, not God's) were usually humans with all their weaknesses, not helped during all by the lack of forging by the furnace of tough work, hardships, apprenticeships, as great as experience.

More than the couple of were failures, yet he forgave them, afterwards helped them picked themselves up to try again, as great as again as great as again ... we think given their success was elemental to removing the humongous thinly slice off his shoulders. There have been abhorrence stories of large bailouts ... as great as bailouts ... as great ! as bailo uts ... as great as ... well, we get the idea, we know about the bailouts, etc.

The invisible safety net was always there, the humongous rewards were mouth-watering, as great as Don Corleone was eminent for his healthy toleration as great as redemption (except to those who were fraudulent to him, wakakaka).

His blind loyalty to his protgs, friends (or cronies) as great as supporters was legend, as great as had in most cases valid to be the guilt as he easeful them from falling o! ff the fa! ce of the earth. But whilst we admire 'loyalty' we didn't let him offscot-freefor his fallible virtue. we had once created of him: "He chose the sore as great as thus he contingency accept responsibility for their incapacity to perform."

He was approach as great distant ahead of his protgs

There have been most examples of how his loyaltyto his protgs, friends (or cronies) as great as supporterswere unnoticed eg. Tajudin of MAS, his own Kedahan UMNO pollies (Osman Aroff, Johari Baharom, Saad Man, Samsudin Ahmad see my post Et Tu Baharom as great as No Hang Tuah for Dr Mahathir), Najib who did the discerning zig zag ! behind to s! afety, thanks to an Anwar suggest he dared not exclude (as revealed by RPK in The tour in hold up is never the true line (PART 16)) as great as of march Mr Manmanlai himself, wakakaka!

And what happened to the payung concept? Perhapshis protgsfocussed usually upon moving themselves from being millionaires to becoming billionaires. we have additionally suspected that the targeted Malay equity had already been completed (but not admitted) as great as held in the hands of usually the few.

I had the disreputable guess Dr Mahathir knew his certain programs were not gaining traction. Perhaps he was in rejection that the shortcomings were due to the multiple of the sad 'rental mentality', the ever present safety net - both portion as the crutch he accused the Malays of relying upon for as great long - as great as the rapacity of those who succeeded yet abandoned the rest of the less advantageous or less clever mob.

Perhaps he believed that they needed the prod, prompt as great as push, as great as the outrageous sip of self confidence. Was this the reason for the birth of the Boleh-ness teaching module as great as the greedy gimmickries?

His Boleh-ness teaching succeeded beyond his wildest imaginations yet not in the approach he had envisaged or intended. His legacy authorised the 'chosen' to think really BIG, where 'commissions' or 'revenues' were no longer deliberate in sm! all sums of tens of millions yet rsther than (up periscope please) hundreds of millions if not multi billions. The antithesis protested until the cows didn't come home wakakaka.

Khir Toyo's! Bali-sty! le palatial mansion

Dr Mahathir additionally didn't expect his 'Kepimpinan melalui teladan' (Leadership by example) aphorism to turn so successfully adopted. Can we censure the mata-mata for his healthy 'urges' when he drives by the Bali Palace in Selangor ortheSatay Palace in Klang, as great as consternation WTF he was achieving in some-more aged by risking his hold up in duties? And hewouldalso think BIG lah.

very Malaysian style

RPK informed us thatThe 1987 celebration competition altered Umno for great as great as introduced the brand brand brand brand brand brand new enlightenment in to Umno that eliminated the celebration from the hands of the nationalists in to the hands of the capitalists.

Yes, yet those capitalists (and their cronies! ) were 'e! xtraordinary' capitalists where they were upon trial humongous incomes as great as protected from loss - Tolls, IPP, etc as great as as an e.g. of wicked waste, hundreds of millions if not billions were given to the internal executive to set up nav! al boats , most of that didn't crop up upon the docks let alone the seas.

in lieu? wakakaka

The courts were additionally celebration to crimes of land robbery a la the Adorna Properties Sdn Bhd v Boonsom Boonyanit precedence, so much so it murderous Judge Gopal Sri Ram that he as the judge did the unprecedented, by observant f* off (kaytee's words, wakakaka) to the didactic discourse of stare decisis.

Note: The sad Adorna fashion was in the future dismissed bytheMalaysian courts in recent times, yet the exi! stence fo! r multiform years was the outrageous smear upon the probity complement as great as judicialcredibility. Howthef* could such the ruling happened intheoriginalcase if not for the distressing state of affairs that has beentheMalaysian system.

In such the climate where toleration to poor opening was legend, assured safety net for the selected guaranteed, sheer wantonness avarice as great as conceited arrangement of unaccountable obscene resources condoned,andscrewed-up governance andquestion-aljudicial rulings, the lamentablemlangeprovided the toxic cocktail, the stink masked over usually by the ringgit-perfume of oil as great as gas, creative non-accountability as great as the audacity of the lop-sided majority oftheruling celebration in Parliament.

Thus, we have the Malaysia currently where corruption, non-transparency, unaccountability, poor governance as great as sheer political-ethnic audacity have turn a! n unique part of the socio-economic-political landscape.

Dr Mahathir's supporters will demeanour during his shining as great as some-more soft achievements! as his b! lessings.. And we mustn't repudiate him his dues, for he completed most things for Malaysia. He was the ruthless one-man juggernaut as he dragged the reluctant Malaysia screaming in to the 21st Century. Anyone who stood in his approach was 'chopped' down. He had no full of blood calm for namby pamby heel-dragging stuff.

He was dynamic to propel Malaysia in to the rankings of 1st World nations a.s.a.p, as an admired, respected, competitive, wealthy as great as unapproachable member, as great as by the deadline too. The final word in his wording was procrastination.

Undoubtedly he saw Singapore's course intotheranks of 1st World nations with much chagrin as Malaysia is in reality (natural) resource-richer with some-more intensity than the small island nation. Yet ....., as great as that substantially competence have been what had frenetically driven Mahathir when he was PM.


But paradoxically, he entrenched the political complement that demands racial supremacy as great as racial prevalence in probably each field, instead of reliance upon meritocracy as great as the ! free mar ket, as great as thus contributed enormously to the gradually unwell state. We have been running onthereserves we have amassed in theearlierdaysofourindependenceas great asthe resources from the nation'sprimary resources.

He alluded to his failures (to advancetheMalays to his perceived Utopian state) some-more than once, blaming the Malays for over-depending upon the crutches that ironically he supposing as great as still demands for their continuing provision.

Have alltheabove beenthecurse of Dr Mahathir who proposed off upon the eminent equates to yet finished up with the nearfailingstate (in terms of governance,proprietyand accountability, etc) for us as great as future generations?

We could go as great as upon yet to summarize in the pithy form, we opine that his 22-years order has incited the Malaysian popular as great as familiar colloquialism of 'Jaga standards' in to something of the fun today.

Now, if we revisit London as great as happen by St Paul's Cathedral, that was designed andbuiltby Christopher Wren, we will see upon the wall upon top of his tomb inthecryptthe engravedmessage in Latin, 'Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice' that equates to 'Reader, if we find his monument, lookaroundyou'.

I hold the same message can be attributed to Dr Mahathir too, with the minor amendment, for it to read 'Reader, if we find his monument, both great as great as bad, demeanour around you', where in place of Wren's cathedral, we have Dr Mahathir's Malaysia together with the most sad systems as great as policies, faults as great as failings.

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