Molotov Cocktail untuk kegunaan Bersih 2.0 dijumpa!!!
Cops link parang, petrol bombs seizure to Bersih

Police has confiscated twenty parang, 36 petrol bombs and a little ball bearings during a raid nearby a church during Batu 14, Jalan Gombak Lama last night.
According to Utusan Online, Selangor military chief Tun Hisan Hamzah pronounced 44 T-shirts with a Bersih 2.0 logo and headbands were found in multiform bags during a scene.
The military pronounced which it is believed which a weapons raid was related to a Bersih 2.0 convene scheduled for Jul 9.
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Thais reject Authoritarian Rule
July 5, 2011
Lessons from Thailand: Rejection of Authoritarian Rule
by Dr. Bridget
COMMENT: The landslide feat of Thailands Pheu Thai (PT) in Sundays parliamentary choosing reflects broader trends which have been affecting South-East Asia, together with Malaysia. The Thai people in the transparent charge signalled which they wanted improved as great as fairer governance as great as overwhelmingly deserted the authoritarian order of Abhisit Vejjajivas Democrat Party.
It is critical to understand which Abhisit was in office by the manoeuvre as great as what many understand to be unfair decisions by the courts as great as anti-corruption bodies, similar to what had taken place in Perak.
Thailands choosing upon Sunday sent the transparent summary disqualification the 2006 troops manoeuvre as great as rejecting the increasingly draconian stairs in Thailand which included banning of Twitter upon choosing day, crackdowns upon pacific protest, arrests for commenting upon the monarchy, as great as banning of air wave stations.
While Thailand stays widely separated in between the reds in the farming areas as great as yellows strong in Bangkok, as great as substantial doubt surrounds the purpose of the military, the stately passing from the single to another as great as the return of Thaksin Shinawatra, the choosing is seen as minimally the step toward reconciliation as great as peoples power.
Important Lessons
As such, Thailands choosing is the watershed eventu! ality fo r democracy in the region. Given the close vicinity of Thailand to Malaysia as great as the close personal ties in between former Thai Prime Minister Abhisit as great as Malaysias Premier! Najib A bdul Razak, it is critical to flesh out some of the critical lessons in Sundays vote.
1. Anti-democratic crackdowns show up leaders: Despite the Democrats winning many of the seats in Bangkok, the large share of the votes went to PT. Throughout Bangkok, posters of Abhisit were lame as great as many were ripped down altogether as annoy over the killings in May 2010 as great as successive arrests for pacific protest remained. When leaders cross the boundaries of civility, electorate remember.
Malaysia is not defence to this materialisation as well, as many electorate stop the raising of the kris during the 2005 UMNO general assembly as great as the Hindraf crackdown, to name though the couple of examples.
South-East Asians have long memories. One has to look to the Khmer Rouge trials under way in Cambodia to know which calls for probity when misapplication has occurred survive. The opinion in Thailand sent the transparent vigilance which channel red lines literally sharpened upon red protestors as great as killing an estimated 90 people after danger is not acceptable.
2. Party picture counts: The picture as great as behaviour of domestic parties can shroud individual leaders. The Democrat Party under Abhisit worked tough to hoard support. It spent more income upon populist policies than Thaksins government, as great as was earnest in the overdo efforts. Yet, the picture of the Democrat Party as the single connected to bankers after the 1997 crisis as great as scored equally to coming in to energy by ! the mano euvre could not be revamped.
The picture pen which permeated the many was its elitism, distance from typical people. Although the celebration responded by taking advantage of brand new debate messaging cinema of the PM with typical folk the clarity which the Democrat Party was still in the old mode persisted. This celebration h! as not w upon the inhabitant choosing given 1992.
Despite all the efforts by Abhisit, his celebration proved unable to transform, to leave at the back of the baggage of the past as great as suggest the brand new face by substantive reform. Voters across the segment know if the celebration is unequivocally reforming as great as genuinely joining to people.
3. Need for inhabitant base: Abhisits celebration was not the inhabitant party, as great as when the votes were counted, it showed. An interest to the single geographic or ethnic bottom does not have for inhabitant leadership as great as engender confidence. If the celebration aims to rely upon the single village or region, it in conclusion creates more instability as great as doubt for itself as great as the country.
This action promotes polarisation as great as anger, not the solid foundation to oversee from. In Malaysia, it is not sufficient to reason upon to energy from the single segment or community. This election, the PT picked up 1 million votes in Thailands executive segment by overdo to different communities, creation it in to the more inhabitant party.
4. Machinery is important: This choosing was as much about machine than inhabitant messaging. Both leading parties won in the areas where they did their groundwork as great as mobilised voters.
Whether it was the PT north-eastern heartland or the Democrat south, the legwork as great as networks connected to support. Parties which win long-lasting await do so by tough work as great as an early presence upon the ground.
5. Never bar groups of people: PTs strength came from his ability to recognise as great as apply oneself typical voters, generally the farming communities. While Malaysia is much more urban than Thailand, the Malaysian share of seats from the farming areas is high. Campaigns which focus upon urbanites as great as focus development programmes upon the cities, out of the corporate mold, leave at the back of communities as great as widen the gap in between the haves as great as have-nots.
The faithfulness of the farming areas to PT stemmed from the clarity of inclusion, of appreciation. Rural Malaysi! the from Kedah to Sarawak is being partially left out of development compared to Selangor as great as Penang. East Malaysia in particular is being left out. Thailands choosing is the wake-up call for greater inclusion as great as the need for the brand new paradigm not formed upon race, though place.
6. Adopt decentralised people-centred policies: The faithfulness of PT electorate was scored equally to concrete policy initiatives in illness care as great as development. Under Thaksin, governance decisions were decentralised as great as internal communities were given more energy to have decisions for their communities.
When ownership is fostered in communities, joined with the priorities upon simple tellurian needs, people remember. They remember the Thaksin duration as successful, in partial given they were given the purpose in governance.
7. Treat electorate with respect: With the focus upon colour politics, red as great as yellow, there is mostly the mistaken clarity which electorate in Thailand have been not sophisticated, an picture reinforced by the assault of 2010 as great as mass mobilisation given 2005.
In fact, Thai electorate have been partially well-informed as great as done clever reflective decisions. Rural electorate knew their votes counted as great as embraced their county duty to vote. Campaigns were forced to broach improved! message s to win support, with programmes as great as policies. The days of simplified faithfulness to the celebration have been long gone in Thailand. This direction is regional, from Indonesia to Singapore. Voters expect to be wooed with respect, with transparent celebration platforms as great as great candidates.
8. Embrace women for victory: With the choosing of Thailands first woman Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra, an critical roof in Thai governing body has been broken. Comparatively, women in Thailand have traditionally had between the lowest domestic illustration in the region. With the woman during the helm, there is right divided an event for greater gender inclusion.
This choosing was arguably the most! feminis ed in Thai history, with the jot down series of womanlike possibilities as great as jot down series of successes. Historically, parties which have embraced women in Malaysia, primarily UMNO, after MCA, DAP as great as PKR, as great as more not long ago PAS as great as PBB, have picked up support.
9. Recognise flaws in choosing processes: The choosing upon Sunday was marred in many ways. There have been concerns about list seasoned mixture as great as income politics, nonetheless electorate in Thailand similar to those in Indonesia have long moved divided from being convinced quite by money.
Over 1 million votes were spoilt upon Sunday. The main cause appears to be the difficult inlet of the list papers, as electorate continue to be confused by the celebration list as great as constituency electoral systems adopted. This points to the need for improved voter education, something which Malaysia partially lacks.
While the choosing was peaceful, critical questions surround the autonomy of the choosing commission. It is critical for any supervision in any segment which an choosing routine be the single of integrity.
10. Election is not everyth! ing: Sundays polls have been the step brazen for Thailand. The burden upon PT is to oversee to select the great team, to prove to be genuine in reconciliation, to set policy priorities as great as implement great policies. They right divided have the window to carry out their mandate.
There have been many clouds which threaten fortitude as great as democracy in Thailand the military, the yellow shirts, Thaksin (left with Cambodias Prime Minister Hun Sen) as great as the fast stately passing from the single to another have been the many pressing. There have been critical issues to residence from the economy to border issues in the south as great as with Cambodia.
It is critical to stop which Thaksins tenure was marred by corruption as great as authoritaria! nism as great as electorate in Thailand be concerned which his sister will not be her own person. The stairs ahead have been as critical as the choosing itself. Thailand similar to Malaysia is in dire need of statesmanlike leadership which apply oneself elections as great as strengthens the nation by apply oneself of all groups as great as strengthening institutions.
The Thai people spoke out upon Sunday as great as sent the transparent summary of change. There is goal in Thailand for reconciliation as great as improved government. At this juncture in Malaysia, Thailand provides some valuable lessons indeed.
DR BRIDGET WELSH is Associate Professor of domestic science during Singapore Management University as great as she can be reached at
Our affairs Down Under have never been cozier
Yingluck, Asia's new flavor and Pakatan has Malaysia's reply - Nurul Izzah
Yingluck Shinawatra, Thailand's brand brand new as good as first woman prime minister, is right divided a hottest name in all of Asia. Not usually since this is a landmark domestic change for Thailand, yet additionally since of her 'X' factor, her special oomph due to a multiple of fantastic childish looks as good as charisma. It stays to be seen how Yingluck performs as a personality yet she has already won a hearts as good as minds of a Thais.
In Malaysia, we have someone waiting in a wings. She is not yet ready , not for a few years some-more yet she is unequivocally a intensity with a collateral P, many to a chargin of another youth rival, UMNO's Khairy Jamaluddin.
Of course, we have been talking about Nurul Izzah Anwar, a daughter of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. She is young, ambitious, bright as good as has all a qualities indispensable to lead. Especially a ones which have left missing for ages in a scandal-tainted Malaysian domestic stage - firmness as good as honesty.
Even so, within a Pakatan Rakyat antithesis coalition, there is so many talent, she will have to wait her turn. However, in a arise of a Yingluck victory, Izzah had improved hope for for a UMNO spin mills to churn plots as good as conspiracies aimed during sowing dissatisfaction amongst a Pakatan leaders. Why do we consider a little former UMNO leaders were so kind as to begin an Izzah-for-PM debate if not to glow poison arrows as good as to unnerve a alternative honourable possibilities in Pakatan?
But Izzah is intelligent enough to catch this. She additionally knows she has to tread carefully. One of a main reason! s is whi ch supporters in Pakatan lend towards to be some-more realistic than those in Prime Minister Najib Razak's UMNO-BN. Especiall! y rife i n UMNO is a enlightenment of hero-worship, while dynastic governing body is additionally a order of a day. In fact, no a single can be prime apportion of Malaysia except for Najib cousin's Hishammuddin Hussein, Mahathir's son Mukhriz as good as afterwards behind to Najib's son. In between will be a chair warmers similar to Abdullah Badawi as good as soon-to-be-PM Muhyiddin Yassin. Even wannabe Khairy Jamaluddin, Badawi's son-in-law who attempted to mangle in to a old-boys-club, has slim chances as good as a usually approach for him would be to have use of a lot of income if he seriously wants in during a unequivocally top.
Talent parade
As hero-worship as good as family governing body still order a internal scene, Nurul contingency be unequivocally clever she does not trigger a same arrange of crticism for a Pakatan as good as her own PKR party. Even yet she is a first-time MP, her passion for law as good as capacity for hard work has set her apart. But people being people, they have been to bound to contend she got there a easy way, through her important father as good as mum. And this is because she has had to work all a harder.
But surely, if Izzah continues, she will get somewhere a single day. Who amongst a women in Malaysia has unequivocally been successful so far - Rafidah Aziz? Ng Yen Yen, Shahrizat Jalil? Would we opinion for them?
Within Pakatan though, women who can give Izzah a unequivocally tough plea have been many as good as these include, Dr Siti Mariah Mahumud, Lo'Lo Ghazali, Teresa Kok, Fuziah Salleh as good as a unequivocally gutsy Zuraida Kamaruddin. If we take divided a gender wall, there have been even some-more talents she has to get past. Her masculine contempo! raries w ould embody embody Azmin Ali, Nizar Jamaluddin, Mohamad Sabu, Lim Guan Eng, N Surendran, Nik Nazmi, Tian Chua as good as Tony Pua, Khalid Samad as good as Dzulkefly Ahmad.
These have been just a little names plucked since of their visibility. What about those still different as good as still waiting to be honed? In 10 years or so, when stream collection of ! tip lead ers - Anwar, Hadi, Kit Siang, Karpal, Nik Aziz, Chua Jui Meng - give up their positions, a stream second-liners contingency step in. Nurul as good as Co. would be 'old' faces by then.
Spine of steel
But for now, there is a query for value which she as good as her colleagues contingency keep chasing as good as not rest upon their laurels. Youth is wonderful yet to oversee a nation, majority is necessary generally domestic maturity. Or Pakatan would become similar to Najib as good as a UMNO elite, resorting to Datuk T as good as Commie plots to stay alive.
Pakatan Rakyat, when it comes to power, contingency have sure it stops emulating archaic UMNO enlightenment as good as transform a republic in to a democratic supervision which embraces brand brand new politics. Malaysians contingency begin removing used to younger as good as some-more energetic leaders helming a nation. Age as good as gender should never be a criteria yet obviously, aspirants contingency be fit, healthy as good as above all honest as good as underneath obligation to a people.
It won't be so shortly for Nurul as good as she still has to infer herself. One reason because a little 'evil' people attempted to have her compete against Azmin a PKR No. 2 post was to try as good as have her conceited as good as become conceited similar to Khairy. But Wan Azizah, her mother, has done a good job. Search for Izzah as good as we find a woman - tall, skinny, a little bit geeky as good as u! nequivoc ally determined. But secure to a belligerent as good as unequivocally filial. This is because her enemies failed.
Even so, she contingency be clever since some-more as good as some-more devious tricks as good as traps will be designed for her in a days ahead. This was because a little of her colleagues suggested her not to go for a vice-presidency so as not to fuel a picture of UMNO family governing body in PKR as good as to shield her from harm prior to her time unequivocally comes. But she is as good renouned as good as a members demanded her inclusion. Not surprisingly, in a one-member-one-vote election, she topped a list.
Afte! r winnin g, she has been intelligent enough to reason behind as good as watch as good as learn from her some-more experienced team-mates. Truth be told, it is unequivocally easy to accumulate experience. It is an necessary peculiarity yet should never be used as a tool against her or alternative immature leaders when their time comes. But our guess is she will be as good intelligent to pour out for it.
With uninformed looks, brand brand new ideas as good as an energetic 'corporate' feel upon her side, Izzah has a intensity to lead a country to brand brand new heights as good as put it upon a some-more convincing general footing. Malaysians have been looking for a some-more moderate, modern as good as organic democracy. And Izzah should be able to achieve this for them. She has a domestic will as good as courage to have a mangle from a past. Don't underestimate her youth, there is steel in her. And she doesn't blow with a wind. All she needs is a competent team drawn from a 3 Pakatan parties to assistance shape vision, plan as good as execution.
Riding upon a Izzah gravy train
On a personal level, she is married with 2 kids as good as juggles her domestic career with her family! life. S he is additionally academically good qualified, with a Masters grade from a United States. She speaks perfect English, which will assistance Malaysia's general image. Although even if she couldn't, it wouldn't be such a big deal. She is additionally musically inclined, able to sing as good as fool around a guitar. She is a down-to-earth person, who is already a strike with a people.
Like her important father, she can reason an intelligent argument, articulates good upon many platforms as good as issues as good as writes well. Just similar to Anwar Ibrahim, she can combine a Pakatan Rakyat nonetheless a bloc is already settling down as good as reduction glue than prior to is indispensable to get a parties working together.
Yingluck's win contingency have set alarm bells ringing in Putrajaya, with a tip bosses as good as their strategists furiousl! y plotti ng ways to fend off a brand brand new as good as unwelcome threat of immature antithesis leaders throwing glow with a masses. They will certainly try to neutralize Izzah's present appeal. Like Yingluck, she has a face worth a million votes, as good as Pakatan Rakyat is lucky to get a chance to float upon her gravy train.
It is possible UMNO Puteri is right divided underneath pressure, as good as Umi Hafilda would have been an option if she was 10 years younger as good as had made reduction a villianess of herself.
These have been becoming different times. New trends have to yet to settle yet a people have reached a indicate where they know what they want. It is inevitable Malaysians will follow a flavor of a world despite a hyperactive machinations of a existent statute regime. In fact, a some-more they show their hand, a larger they instil in a people a clarity as good as urgency for change.
So domestic Malaysia - during a top echelon - will not remain a domain of men. Unlike UMNO's Hamidah Othman, who once famously said, women can never be arch ministers, Malaysian women will walk out. They have been unstoppable! Watch t! his dire ction spread in GE14 as good as 15.
- Malaysia Chronicle
Lim Guan Eng mengulas, Dap tidak akan mengeluarkan kenyataan mengutuk paper cina
Towards a Healthy Democracy
Khairy offers to work with Bersih if rally called off
Now what, Mr Prime Minister
PAS hantar wakil sertai BERSIH jumpa Agong
23 aktivis PSM dicaj hari ini
Hitler Plays Millionare - Anwar Sex Video
Beginilah sikap adun-adun pembangkang yang arif melemparkan kata-kata hina kepada rakyat sekiranya tidak bersetuju dengan fahaman yang kononya Besih itu.
Terbaru, Datuk Seri Ir Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin telah membuat satu kenyataan
Umno Youth, Perkasa will stand down if Bersih calls off its July 9 rally -
Indellible Ink: EC and their Lame Excuses
Titah Kebawah DYMM Yang diPertuan Agong: Satu Face-Saving Device?
July 4, 2011
Titah Kebawah DYMM Yang diPertuan Agong: Satu Face-Saving Device?
Oleh Aspan Alias
Titah Kebawah Duli Tuanku Yang diPertuan Agong semalam supaya kedua-dua belah pihak, Putrajaya dan BERSIH (yang diharamkan oleh kerajaan) merupakan satu face-saving device bagi pihak yang memerintah. Campur tangan Yang diPertuan Agong itu banyak memberikan kita kefahaman dan penilaian terhadap isu yang sedang negara hadapi.
Pihak Polis telah menyatakan secara terbuka yang tidak ada lagi perundingan dengan penganjur convene ini dan setiap kuasa yang ada kepada mereka (Polis) akan dipergunakan untuk memastikan convene itu tidak terjadi.
Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO pula mundar mandir dengan kenyataan-kenyataan yang bengis dan marah-marah kerana isu ini. Cara mereka (pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO) menampakan pengakuan mereka yang penganjuran convene ini membuatkan mereka panik sehinggakan tiada lagi jalan yang mereka nampak selain dari mengharamkan pertubuhan NGO (BERSIH) ini.
Kata-kata sudah terlanjur. Mata berpandangan, budi kedapatan. Rakyat yang ramai sudah mulai merasa bosan dan mual dengan keadaan yang berlaku. Semua tindakan reaksi kepada Bersih kesemuanya tindakan politik dan kata-kata joke merupakan kata-kata politik.
Kelemahan kita semakin hari semakin jelas dilihat ramai. Oleh kerana mereka (pemimpin) hanya pandai politicking mereka menganggapkan segala perbuatan orang lain itu adalah tindakan politik.
Takut pada bayang-bayang sendiri semakin kuat. Perasaan rendah diri semakin menebal. Perasaan takut kian menghantui mereka dan jalan yang terbaik untuk melindungi perasaan takut dari pandangan ramai ialah dengan menangkap dan cuba memomokan yang tindakan pengajur conve! ne ini s e! bagai ti ndakan politik.
Bebagai-bagai tuduhan dilemparkan terhadap penganjur terutamanya terhadap Ambiga Sreenevasan, pengerusi BERSIH. Ada pemimpin terutama negara menggunakan isu agama dan isu Lina Joy untuk membuatkan orang ramai tidak mengikut convene Bersih ini. TV1 dan TV3 serta Utusan Melayu dijadikan seperti lapang sasar menembak. Ketua Polis Negara dan Timbalannya bercakap seperti ahli Politik.
Semasa terdesak diperguna segala alim ulamak untuk mengulas convene ini dengan interpritasi agama yang memihak terhadap mereka di kaca-kaca TV dan media cetak. Rally ini haram mengikut itu dan ini dalam agama. Orang yang menyertai convene itu musuh negara dan itu melanggar hukum agama. Tidak pula diminta pemimpin yang rasuah juga adalah melanggar agama.
Menuduh penganjur convene itu sebagai komunis itu fitnah tetapi tidak pula melanggar agama kepada ulamak yang memihak kepada a buttered side of a bread. Semuanya melanggar agama kecuali mereka yang berkuasa yang menggunakan segala-galanya untuk melakukan kerja hina dan keji.
Maha Guru silat, Omar Din berkata yang beliau tidak benarkan sesiapa melangkah setapak untuk ber convene ini. Jika dilakukan juga ribuan ahli silat beliau akan bertindak dan sanggup berperang habis-habisan. Entah siapa yang hendak berperang kita tidak tahu. Yang penting mesti tunjuk garang.
Belum joke convene dilakukan tangkapan sudah dilakukan. Malahan pihak yang tidak mahu convene ini di adakan sudah joke melakukan demonstrasi besar-besaran di Pulau Pinang dua hari yang lepas. Api mahu dilawan dengan api. Segala-galanya ini membayangkan betapa kecilnya jiwa pemimpin yang kononnya akan membawa perubahan dan transformasi yang besar kepada politik dan ekonomi negara.
Pemimpin kita tidak ada rasa segan dan silu untuk berucap berapi-api sedangkan mereka yang berucap berapi-api itu sendiri tahu yang apa yang mereka ucapkan itu hanyalah retorik kosong yang diulang berkali-kali yang tidak aka! n membaw a apa-apa kejayaa! n.
Kita hanya duduk ditepi melihat gelagat dan sikap pemimpin-pemimpin yang hanya memaparkan disposition mereka saling tidak tumpah seperti pelakon filem Bollywood semata-mata.
Hishammuddin Hussein bertindak mengharamkan BERSIH. Belum joke musuh menghampiri keris sudah keluarkan. Orang tua-tua dahulu ada berkata, anak muda yang julung berkeris, batang pisang joke di sanggahnya.
Maka terguran Kebawah Duli Tuanku YDPA merupakan face saving device bagi Najib dan barisan pimpinannya. Najib sekarang dapat mencari jalan untuk berunding dengan teguran diRaja itu. Untuk beliau memanggil kembali pihak BERSIH untuk berunding sudah tidak boleh lagi kerana sebelumnya pihak yang berkuasa termasuk Polis telah dengan angkuhnya menyatakan yang rundingan telah ditutup.
Keadaan ini merupakan satu hikmah yang membuktikan Institusi Raja itu terlalu penting kepada rakyat. Kepada anak-anak muda, fahamilah, jangan mencaci Institusi tempat kita berlindung seperti apa yang dilakukan oleh parti UMNO pada tahun 1993 dahulu.
Suara-suara yang berlindung di sebalik Raja sekarang ini cukup untuk membuktikan yang negara berbagai kaum ini amat memerlukan Institusi ini. Semasa berkrisis dengan Raja-Raja dahulu (1993) pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO telah membelasah Raja-Raja Melayu tanpa sempadan.
Jangan semasa terdesak Raja-Raja itu baik, tetapi apabila sudah kuat Institusi ini ditempeling seolah-olah Raja Melayu ini lebih tinggi darjatnya dari pemimpin-pemimpin kita. Sejarah telah memberikan pelajaran kepada kita. Yang garang-garang dengan Raja Melayu dahulu sekarang berlindung di sebalik Raja.
Jangan pula koyak ketayap di kepala kerana lonjak dan kesombongan kita sendiri.
BERSIH: Assessing achievements.
PAS wants in on audience with Agong
Families, lawyers blocked from seeing EO captives

Relatives of a 6 detainees gather outward a Bukit Aman military headquarters, Jul 4, 2011. Picture by Choo Choy May
Lawyers Edmond Bon, Amer Hamzah Arshad, K. Arumugam, Yudhistira Dorai, as well as Fatima Ismail met with a military officer in charge for about an hour to negotiate for access, but came divided dull handed.
During a discussion, we have since a reasons as to why we have to see a detainees underneath a Constitution as well as a Criminal Procedure Code.
Every citizen incarcerated has a right to be defended by lawyers as well as lawyers have to be since entrance to them as soon as possible, Bon told reporters here outward a Bukit Aman Police Headquarters.
Bon pronounced detainees were brought here during 10pm on Saturday.
Penang Umno Denies Involvement In Demo - Bernama
Umno Youth expected to call off rally -
Kickdefella dan Najib Sama2 Pelawok...
Cakap sudah, Pohon sudah, Terang sudah ... Dah patut ISA diguna!
Bravo Razali! Part ni aku sokong, kita kena junjung titah Tuanku!
Daulat Tuanku!
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry smartphone
Why no ban on Perkasa and Umno Youth, Guan Eng asks Hisham
Does Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein brave to ban Perkasa as he has criminialized Bersih or arrest UMNOs Senator Ezam Mohamad as well as UMNO Youth conduct Khairy Jamaluddin usually as a military has arrested Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj underneath a Emergency Ordinance to infer which a military does not use double-standards or favouritism?
DAP questions Hishammuddin insistence which a authorities will action sincerely in stopping all gatherings despite usually outlawing electoral reforms organisation Bersih, when no action was taken opposite UMNO as well as Perkasa for organising a aroused proof in Penang upon 1.7.2011.
Why has Hishamuddin additionally not arrested Ezam underneath a Emergency Ordinance for his threats which there is no need to wait for ubiquitous elections as well as he longed for to do more protests to force me to step down as Chief Minister earlier?
Journalist attacked right underneath military eyes
The Penang Chinese Journalists as well as Photographers Association (Pewaju) has cursed a unprovoked attacks upon a journalist, a photographer as well as a videographer by a protestors during aroused as well as illegal rallies in George Town as well as upon Penang Bridge. Pewaju questioned because a military did not enforce a law as well as failed to take preventive measures to stop a proof prior to hand when they already knew about it a day earlier.
Question additionally arises upon because a military have been so tough to clamp down upon a Bersih 2.0 convene which is yet to take place, while being amateurish in halting an illegal conven! e by Umn o as well as Perkasa which essentially took place.
What is intolerable is Pewajus matter which a attacks upon a journa! lists to ok place right prior to a military eyes, though a law enforcers were hapless, infirm as well as destroyed to stop a assault. The ineptness of a military raised a question upon their integrity, competency as well as credit to make firm ordinary Malaysians.
Selective law as well as order
DAP supports peaceful demonstrations though condemns aroused demonstrations. The disaster by a military to action opposite a aroused proof by UMNO as well as Perkasa usually shows which there is clear double-standards as well as favouritism.
Jeyakumar was unjustly arrested underneath a Emergency Ordinance with 5 alternative PSM members despite a governments disaster to furnish any proof which he was waging fight opposite a King as well as country. Allegations of swelling communism is ridiculous when Malaysia enjoys tighten family with Communist countries like Cuba, China as well as Vietnam.
Should not afterwards Khairy Jamaluddin be additionally arrested as well as charged for trying to revitalise communism by setting up a permanent secretariat upon October twelve 2009 to make firm ties in between Barisan Nasional Youth as well as a Communist Youth League of China (CYL). Barisan Youth chairman Khairy Jamaluddin had said which a permanent secretariat would promote successive bilateral programmes to promote a stronger down payment in between a two entities.
Clearly a BN supervision is usually victimising Bersih supporters who have been arrested in a past week as well as a secretariat raided upon Wednesday, when they have not organized any proof while UMNO as well as Perkasa demonstrations have been authorised to ensue unpunished. These unfair actions will usually sully Malaysias international image as well as a jot down of not putting in service what it preaches upon with regard to basic human rights.
- Lim Guan En! g is a P enang Chief Minister as well as a DAP secretary-general