Pakatan: Dedah empat laporan utama sebelum laksana Pelan Induk Pendidikan

KUALA LUMPUR, 14 Sept Pakatan Rakyat (PR) menggesa kerajaan mendedahkan empat laporan utama kepada umum sebelum melaksanakan Pelan Induk Pendidikan Kebangsaan yang dirasmikan baru-baru ini oleh perdana menteri (PM) Datuk Seri Najib Razak dengan mendakwa pelan tersebut tidak mempunyai arah tuju yang jelas bagi meningkatkan mutu pendidikan ... Read More


Sejak SUARAM terkantoi kerana menerima dana asing untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan Malaysia dan bukannya berfungsi sebagai NGO yang membela hak asasi manusia, pertubuhan itu nampaknya agak senyap dan jarang lagi membuat kenyataan.

Pendedahan ini sekali gus menutup isu kapal selam scorpene dan juga pembunuhan Altantuya yang kononnya berkaitan dengan pemimpin tertinggi kerajaan. Apa yang jelas kini ialah segala penipuan SUARAM untuk menggambarkan berlakunya rasuah dan juga penglibatan pemimpin tertinggi dalam pembunuhan adalah satu perancangan yang telah disusun rapi oleh mereka.

Sehubungan dengan itu, adalah tidak mustahil bahawa kematian Altantuya itu sendiri adalah termasuk dalam perancangan mereka. Di tambah pula dengan versi-versi akuan bersumpah dan skrip U-turn dan S-turn yang ditulis oleh pihak PR dan SUARAM mengenai kes ini yang menyebabkan kita semakin musykil akan peranan sebenar PR/SUARAM dalam kes ini.

Ini kerana, hanya orang yang bersalah yang mempunyai banyak versi dalam penceritaan.

Sedangkan di pihak kerajaan, rekod menunjukkan bahawa jawapan mengenai scorpene mahupun Altantuya tidak pernah berubah. Malah, kerajaan dan Dato Seri Najib tidak tahu menahu mengenai kisah atau latarbelakang wanita tersebut.

Yang begitu arif tentang sejarah Altantuya adalah SUARAM / PR sehinggakan mereka dapat mengesan Altantuya di Perancis pada ketika tertentu walaupun polis Perancis sendiri tidak punya rekod kemasukan Altantuya ke negara itu. Bukankah ini sesuatu yang pelik?

Sahlah bahawa isu sebenar di sini bukanlah scorpene mahupun Altantuya, tetapi SUARAM dan PR serta apa yang mereka sanggup lakukan untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan Malaysia.

Mungkin menyedari bahawa mereka telah terperangkap kali ini ma! ka media mereka, terutamanya, blog Lim Kit Siang, telah memaparkan beberapa artikel yang cuba menggambarkan bahawa kerajaan Malaysia kecut-perut, berpeluh-peluh dan menggeletar apabila isu scorpene dibangkitkan SUARAM. Tetapi, apa yang menarik ialah puak-puak PR ini tidak langsung menafikan bahawa SUARAM dibiayai dana asing malah membela tindakan itu dengan alasan kerajaan juga menerima dana asing?

Alasan ini menunjukkan betapa pihak mereka terdesak dan kehilangan arah serta hujah untuk membela SUARAM.

Mereka boleh terus mencuba untuk menggambarkan ketakutan kerajaan, tetapi rakyat nampak siapa yang takut dan siapa yang tidak. Yang takut ialah mereka yang enggan bersumpah atas nama Allah S.W.T sedangkan Dato Seri Najib telah pun bersumpah sebanyak 4 kali bahawa beliau tidak pernah mengenali Altantuya.

Yang takut ialah mereka yang gelabah, kerap memusing cerita, membuat akuan bersumpah dan kemudian menariknya kembali, menulis dengan penuh butiran terperinci dan kemudian menafikannya pula.

Dan yang takut adalah mereka-mereka yang lari keluar negara dan enggan berhadapan dengan mahkamah walaupun kononnya mempunyai bukti kukuh untuk mengesahkan ceritanya.

Siapakah mereka-mereka ini jika bukan puak-puak Pakatan Rakyat sendiri. Kini, dengan kaitan SUARAM dengan agen asing semakin ketara, puak-puak PR ini semakin kecut-perut, dan berusaha sedaya upaya untuk meremehkan penerimaan dana asing tersebut.

Jika PR tidak turut terlibat dengan agen asing, kenapa PR perlu membela agen asing seperti SUARAM? Kenapa pula PR tidak melihat kesalahan dalam menerima dana asing dan menjadi talibarut asing?

Jawapannya ialah kerana SUARAM itu adalah PR. Maka kesimpulannya di sini ialah PR adalah agen asing a.k.a pengkhianat negara!

What is wrong of Law Enforcement in Malaysia?

September 14, 2012

What is wrong of Law Enforcement in Malaysia?

by R. Nadeswaran(09-11-12)

Police Cover-Up

MORE than 30 years ago, I interviewed the afterwards Inspector General of Police Tun Hanif Omar in his office. It was the candid, no-holds barred tete-a-tete as well as among alternative issues, we talked about why the public "fear" the police.

"Can we remember your younger days?" he asked. Not much though several incidents have been ingrained in the memory. You know Nades, Hanif said the matter of factly, when children refused to have their food, the mothers customarily in jeopardy them by saying, "Eat fast or the Policeman will come as well as catch you." And the child finishes his or her meal though further fuss.

Hanif afterwards reasoned which this "fear" is inculcated in people's minds from the immature age as well as as the result the negative perceptions of the Police. It was an eye-opener carrying left by the same slight in my younger days.

These days, relatives might no longer make make make make make use of of of of of the same ruse as well as instead make make make make make use of of of of of words like "you can't play games upon the computer if we do not finish your food". However, the notice of the Police being high-handed as well as using double-standards in law coercion is removing some-more credibility than ever before.

Enacted before their very own eyes, the public perceives the Police Force as the "bully", receiving advantage of the vulnerability of immature persons whilst adults who had carried out similar acts have been treated with colour with kid gloves.

This is not an complaint of the complete fo! rce thou gh the little isolated incidents finished in the glare of camera lights adds further to the poor picture of the much-maligned law enforcers.

In Sep 2008, the organisation of men smashed the print frame temperament the sketch of former Penang Chief Minister Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon as well as afterwards tore up his sketch in front of the packaged media group. This was preceded by the descending out between Koh as well as UMNO politician Ismail Ahmad. Nothing happened. The Police watched with arms folded.

On Merdeka Eve, the organisation of people had trampled upon the sketch of the Prime Minister as well as his wife. If stepping upon photographs is an offence, it is understandable. That's the reason why no one was charged in the Penang incident. And yet, the military deemed it fit to make make make make make use of of of of of the Sedition Act as the basement for their investigations. And what followed is what can usually be described as the military shooting themselves in their own feet.

The sketch of the 19-year-old in shackles upon the front page of this newspaper final week drew nonetheless again, nonessential courtesy upon the Police Force. For the umpteenth time, the picture of the force took an additional knock. Was it required to fetter someone who willingly came to assist the military in their investigations? And she had nonetheless to be charged.

On Sunday, Bernama quoted the Home Minister as observant which the government might review the customary handling procession (SOP) concerning the detain of persons surrendering to the Police.

Is this the Joker or the Joke?

Is there an SOP? The methodology for arrests is prescribed in the Criminal Procedure Code. Surely legislation supersedes any code or procedure.

Section 15 of the Criminal Procedure Code upon making arrests states:

(1) In making an detain the Police officer or alternative chairman making the same shall actually touch or obstruct the body of the chairman to be arrested unless there is the submission to the control by word or action.

(2) If such chairman forcibly resists the endeavour to detain him or attempts to hedge the arrest, such officer or alternative chairman might make make make make make use of of of of of all means required to effect the arrest.

So, there's no constraint as well as neither is it imperative to make make make make make use of of of of of shackles when impediment someone. The difference being which the impediment officer is of the perspective which he or she is expected to escape. Here, the girl willingly went to the Police hire as well as was treated with colour like the convicted criminal. No one will complain if dangerous criminals or convicted felons have been shackled, though when double standards have been applied, the furore will be uncontrollable.

You do not have to go to the Police hire or justice house to see such vulgar discriminatory actions. Just look during the photographs in the newspapers as well as if there is the prefix to the name of the accused person, he might also be driven to the justice house in his in isolation chauffeur-driven SUV whilst the typical guy arrives in the Black Maria or the Police van.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Undies among most-forgotten items left on planes


MELBOURNE: A traveller's hoop skirt is among the list of bizarre equipment discovered in an aircraft, the consult has revealed.

Many airline passengers have left at the back of their hoop skirt whilst de-boarding their flights, the new consult has revealed.

Flight more aged website Skyscanner conducted the check as well as found which one third of the passengers surveyed had left at the back of equipment value more than 100 dollars, including their cameras, iPads as well as gaming consoles, reported.

Then there were 5 per cent of people who had left at the back of their passports or transport documents.

After books (18 per cent), the many ordinarily forgotten equipment were mobile phones (9 per cent), repository or newspaper (8 per cent) as well as an object of wardrobe (8 per cent).

There were additionally 5 passengers who had left at the back of their marriage rings upon the plane.

Other equipment which have been left at the back of include fake teeth as well as trombone as well as once an underwear.

Dave Boyte from Skyscanner has advised airline passengers to keep the tighten eye upon their valuables.

"As the frequent flyer I have mislaid headphones, books as well as iPods in the past," he ! said.

"The last thing you want before heading off upon the long-awaited holiday is losing something profitable upon the plane.

"My advice is to keep your passport, phone as well as wallet protected - these are the many important items," he added.

The many ordinarily left-behind equipment upon the plane: 1. Book (18 per cent) 2. Mobile phone (9 per cent) 3. Magazine/newspaper (8 per cent) 4. Clothes (8 per cent) 5. Glasses/Sunglasses (8 per cent) 6. Headphones (6 per cent) 7. Passport/identity papers (5 per cent) 8. Camera (3 per cent) 9. iPad (3 per cent) 10. Food (3 per cent) 11. Console (2 per cent) 12. Handbag (2 per cent) 13. Child's fondle (2 per cent).

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Suggestions for the new education blueprint

Justin Santiago September 13, 2012 SEPT thirteen Forget about perplexing to pretend to have an preparation plans that usually seems to take baby stairs to improve a turn of preparation in a country. Here are a little sure-fire stairs to improve a peculiarity of preparation in a nation by leaps and end without needing [...] ... Read More

Najib taken captive by Umno's right-wing

VOXPOP'Poor Najib is in a pocket of ultra worried forces. He needs to soften these forces to hang upon to a power.'

PM says 114A 'modern, forward-looking' legislation

vox populi tiny thumbnailKgen:How can territory 114A of a Evidence Act prevent slander as well as cyber-bullying when a perpetrators can censor at a back of an trusting temperament knowing which a military will usually go after whoever is decorated as a author?

They know which a military will be as well quiescent to investigate since they have a processed victim who contingency infer his innocence, which is roughly impossible.

Swipenter:Innocent unless proven guilty or guilty unless proven trusting - which do you prefer? This is aimed at determining as well as not facilitating a scold as well as responsible make use of of a Internet.

I rather cite you giveaway a guilty chairman due to miss of explanation as well as justification than to convict an trusting chairman but explanation as well as evidence. This is gross injustice of a misfortune kind. How brazen looking can which be?

iBoleh:Najib is making a same inapplicable designation to urge a decision not to review territory 114A, similar to what he did when his deputy claimed he is Malay first, Malaysian second.

His deputy went opposite what he had tweeted when he was divided overseas. His care as well as authority will be in danger if he doesn't put! his foo t down.

Mushiro:Why did Najib indoctrinate a cupboard to discuss a 114A in a wake of criticisms? But a cupboard which was chaired by DPM Muhyiddin Yassin motionless not to review it. Did Najib get a message?

Vgeorgemy:Poor Najib is in a pocket of ultra worried forces. He needs to soften these forces to hang upon to a power.

Bender:Care to discuss upon which 'forward looking' claim, Najib? Because I don't see how such blunde! r which yo! u call 'legislation' can be described as brazen looking.

Oh, right, discuss is not a culture. So, part of brazen looking is to accept whatever people like you say but question.

Anomnim:We have been not arguing which you don't need which law, you have been arguing which since a weight of explanation right away falls upon a people who could not authority a resources required to come up with a justification to clear themselves.

Can you imagine a rape victim having to explanation which a rapist is a culprit?

Cantabrigian:What nonsense is this? No matter how modern as well as brazen looking you are, a element of law is still a same over a past 20 centuries - which a chairman is trusting unless proven guilty.

Puchong Mali:It is indeed 'forward looking' for Third World politicians who still dream of land upon to energy in this age of Internet. - Malaysiakini
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NGOs: Greater influence, more responsibility

By Khoo Ying HooiWith a rising influence as well as prominence of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) such as Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) in a country, their activities have come underneath augmenting scrutiny.Questions have been raised about their representation, financial management as well as governance. This in spin has led to growing vigour upon NGOs to improve their accountability as well as effectiveness.Ever given a involvement of Suaram in a Scorpene scandal, it has been showered with criticisms ... Read More

Ketika public transport dinaiktaraf, Rafizi nak banyakkan kereta

Pakatan pula sebaliknya hanya sibuk memanjakan golongan minoriti kecil yang mahukan kereta-kereta import, lantas cuba untuk menggula-gulakan golongan ini dengan penurunan harga kereta-kereta.Siapa sebenarnya yang ingin dibantu oleh Pakatan dengan janji kereta murah ini? Sudah pastinya bukan orang kebanyakan.Kita orang berilmu jangan termakan dengan janji dan polisi populis Pakatan Rakyat.

Pengerang will stay a fishing village for 1,000 years if...

Pengerang will sojourn a fishing encampment "for a thousand years" though a multi-billion ringgit petrochemical projects, with a internal encampment blank out upon thousands of high-valued jobs as well as development, Dialog Group says.

NONEBut with a argumentative projects, Dialog executive chairperson Ngau Boon Keat (left) said, a encampment could in fifteen years design to grow to be similar to Jurong in Singapore.

"It's such a beautiful as well as smashing site which you can emanate a lot of mercantile value for a country. If you don't do anything, you will sojourn a fisherman's encampment for a thousand years to come...

"Jurong is contributing to one-third of Singapore's GDP," Ngau told reporters today.
The 60-year-old pronounced which as a immature graduate in 1972, he has taken up a job during a Jurong petrochemical refinery as there were no jobs for him in a attention in Kuala Lumpur.

Likewise, he pronounced a Pengerang devise would emanate many jobs for graduates, so those who have been competent no longer need to work in a Middle East, as they do now.

Dialog Group is partnering with a Johor supervision as well as Dutch company Royal Vopak to deposit up to RM4.08 million for a growth of liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage, loading as well as regasification terminal to import LNG for trade purposes as well as done during home use.

Dialog is additionally during a behind of a RM5 billion Pengerang Independent Deepwater Petroleum Terminal (PIDPT) project.

According to Ngau, a LNG aspect of a devise will take up 150 acres of a 500 acre devise area, partial of which had to be acquired from internal villagers.

"The cost is dynamic according to marketplace value. ! you cann ot contend you compensate RM1 to RM2 per block feet. The supervision decides by a land tribunal," he said.

He additionally pronounced which Dialog is profitable RM30,000 in compensation for each of a 120 protected fishermen affected by a devise as well as half of which for a unlawful fishermen, around a state government.

He pronounced a LNG aspect was not partial of a primary plan, though was included after demand for LNG surged following a Fukushima trembler in March 2011, which led to a chief disaster.

'No environmental harm'

Ngau additionally positive a public which all a projects will not adversely begin a environment, only as a refineries during Port Dickson as well as Kerteh have not caused environmental harm.

He pronounced which those who explain which a Pengerang devise cannot be compared to a Jurong refinery, as a Jurong refinery is located upon an void island, have been "misleading as well as poisoning a minds of reporters".

"I proposed a refinery in Jurong. It is in Singapore city. When they were reduced of land, they built an island, reclaimed a little land. It is a dubious matter (to contend a Jurong refinery is not in a city).

"If people discuss it you which (it is not in a city), it's a greatest bullsh*t they can say. You make make use of of which word," he said.

He added which multinationals who will make make use of of a heart have difficult environmental codes as well as will adhere to this, even if it is aloft than what is required by internal authorities.

He pronounced which Rotterdam, which is home to a vast petrochemical refinery, is still a really beautiful city as well as has not been shop-worn by a plant or by-products

"Even when you eat rice you have waste. That's because you have to go to a toilet... have been you observant you want to send it behind to (rice exporters) Vietnam as well as Thailand? The indicate is how you conduct a waste," he said.

Ngau additionally likened those who prote! st again st a project, though make make use of of petrochemical products upon a daily basis, to activists who want to save sharks though still consume shark's fin.

He pronounced a all agreements will be signed as well as decisions for th! e LNG pro! ject will be done in June, though "there is regularly a possibility of cancelling".

The devise is approaching to be finished during a finish of 2015 as well as begin operations by 2016.

The PIDPT is approaching to be finished by a finish of subsequent year as well as begin handling by April 2014.

The LNG heart was announced today, alongside six other investments which total RM5.607 billion, as well as have been approaching to progress a country's Gross National Income by RM2.361 billion as well as emanate 18,522 brand new jobs.

The investors have been United Plantations Berhad as well as Oleon Sdn Bhd (RM96.33 million), Medical Devices Corporation Sdn Bhd (RM88.55 million), National Instruments Academy as well as Innovation Nucleus (RM270 million), Community Recycling by Waste Recovery Alternative Solution (RM947.125 million), Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd (RM125 million) as well as Tocotrienol Researchers (RM4.7 million).
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Lawak pagi: Dari Harakahdaily ke tapak ceramah

If other countries walk, we have to run says Najib

PUTRAJAYA, Sept 13 Malaysia's new dump in global competitiveness rankings means that the republic contingency urge during the faster rate than alternative countries pronounced Datuk Seri Najib Razak today.
This comes after Malaysia forsaken 4 places from twenty-one to 25 in the World Economic Forum's ranking of many rival countries.
The prime minister(picture)said during the briefing upon the mercantile transformation programme that it showed Malaysia needed to work harder to urge the position relations to alternative countries.
"If alternative countries improve, you contingency work harder," he exhorted. "If they walk, you contingency run, if they run, you have to accelerate."
Najib pronounced that Malaysia could not be calm or complacent.
"If you stay during the same place, in reality, you have been relocating backwards," he said.
Najib pronounced that the World Economic Forum's annual rankings should be used as the source of inspiration as good as domestic will to make Malaysia the some-more advanced country.
Switzerland was ranked the world's many rival republic for this year, followed by Singapore, Finland, Sweden as good as the Netherlands, Germany, US, UK, Hong Kong as good as Japan
Some economists pronounced Malaysia's dump in rankings is the being check for the republic as good as showed that alternative countries have been relocating during the faster rate.
Malaysia was ranked 21st in 2008, 24th in 2009, 26th in 2010 as good as 21st in 2011.

The WEF pronounced that following improvements in final year's report, Malaysia maintains the score though drops 4 places as alternative economies have changed ahead.

Malaysia was overtaken by UAE, that jumped 3 spots to 24, New Zealand that ros! e from 2 5 to 23, Luxembourg that rose from twenty-three to 22, as good as Korea that leapt from twenty-four to 19.

Malaysia gifted the fall in ranking in 77 indicators compared to the rise in the ranking in usually 48 indicators while rankings in the remaining twenty-three indicators remaining unchanged.

Among these were: "Business Costs o! f crime as good as violence" indicator underneath the Reducing Crime NKRA that fell 63 to 69, "Macroeconomic environment" that fell 35 to
26, "Government's Budget Balance position" underneath the Public Finance Reform Strategic Reform Initiative (SRI) that fell 96 to 110 as good as "Intensity of Local Competition" as good as the "Extent of Market Dominance" - both underneath the Competition, Standards as good as Liberalization SRI, that fell 26 to 36 as good as 14 to nineteen respectively.

WEF identified inefficient government bureaucracy, corruption, an inadequately prepared workforce, bad work ethics in the work force as good as limiting work regulations as the top five problems faced when you do commercial operation in Malaysia,

It pronounced that the country's many notable advantages have been found in the fit as good as rival marketplace for goods as good as services (ranked 11th) as good as the remarkably understanding monetary sector (6th), as good as the business-friendly institutional framework.

Switzerland, that retains the top place again this year, was praised for the clever opening opposite the board.

WEF remarkable that the country's strengths were associated to innovation as good as work marketplace efficiency, where it tops the GCI rankings, as good as the lack of simplicity of the commercial operation sector.

It combined that Switzerland's scientific investigate institutions have been between the world's best, as good as the clever collaboration between the academic as good as commercial oper! ation se ctors, combined with tall association spending upon R&D, ensures that much of this investigate is translated in to marketable products as good as processes reinforced by clever egghead skill protection.

Singapore, that rose from 7th in 2008 to 2nd this year, was also praised for the outstanding opening opposite the complete index as good as both the public as good as private institutions were rated as the most appropriate in the world for the fifth year in the row.
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To hell and back

The perpetrator who sentDeputy Agriculture as well as Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong a 'hell' records is finally arrested as well as is put on trial. This is a second day of a conference as well as Chua has taken to stand to testify.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Police inform lodged over ruin notes
(Bernama) -- Deputy Agriculture as well as Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong has lodged a military inform after reception a letter containing 4 pieces of 'hell' records as well as a Chinese journal cutting.
The MCA Young Professionals Bureau arch said a journal cutting, between others, touched on his challenge to discuss with Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim on a Talam Corporation Bhd (Talam) debt restructuring.
He believed a 'hell' notes, each supposedly value 'eight billion', was a warning to him not to pursue a debate," he told reporters after lodging a inform at a Putrajaya military domicile here today.
Earlier, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek had additionally received two pieces of 'hell' records with a journal cutting.
Yang Berhormat, can we please demeanour at a copy of this military inform as well as confirm which this is a military inform we done on 12th September 2012 as well as which which is your signature on a military report.
Yes, we confirm.
So, Yang Berhormat, we reported which some different chairman or persons had sent we 4 ruin records with a total 'value' of RM32 billion.
But because did we have a military report?
Because t! hey sent me those ruin notes.
we know they allegedly sent we a ruin notes. But because did we have a military report? What is so wrong with promulgation we ruin notes? What is a crime here?
Ahin Chinese enlightenment it is very insulting as well as offensive to send a live chairman ruin notes.
So we feel angry or annoyed which they sent we ruin records because we have been not passed yet. If we were passed afterwards we would welcome these ruin notes. You would not feel angry or offended.
Has it harmed we in any way?
we do not understand.
Has this caused we bodily mistreat or financial loss?
So it only influenced your feelings?
Is it a rapist offense to harm someone's feelings?
So if we do not invite we for my daughter's marriage as well as we harm your feelings we can be sent to jail?
So where is a rapist offense in promulgation we ruin records alternative than a chairman harm your feelings?
Hurting someone's feelings is wrong.
So, promulgation we ruin records harm your feelings as well as it is a rapist offense to harm your feelings. Okay, how do we know which these have been ruin notes?
AhI recognize them.
Yes, though how do we know which they have been ruin notes? Is a word 'hell' printed on these notes?
So a word 'hell' is not printed on a records which were sent to we though we recognized them as ruin notes?
Was not a word 'Diyu' printed on these records which we have referred to as ruin notes?
And does not 'Diyu' meant 'underground prison' or 'underground court'?
So there is nothing to uncover which a records we received have been ruin notes. In fact, what is printed on these ! records is 'underground prison' or 'underground court' as well as not 'hell'.
Okay, Yang Berhormat, do we believe in hell?
Are we a Christian?
You have been not a Christian though we believe in hell?
But is not ruin a Christian concept? In Chinese culture, there is no such thing as hell. The judgment of ruin was introduced to China by a Christian missionaries a few hundred years ago whereas Chinese civilisation goes behind 5,000 years, or 3,000 years before Christianity. Is this not correct? So there is no such thing as ruin in Chinese beliefs.
we am not sure.
In fact, according to Chinese beliefs, when we die we get sent to a Earthly Court where a Lord of a Earthly Court will judge we as well as then, according to what a justice rules, we will possibly be sent to heaven or to a maze of underground chambers where we offer your sentence for a sins we have committed. Hence ruin does not exist. Correct?
we suppose so.
Hence, also, given ruin does not exist, afterwards ruin records additionally cannot exist.
And given ruin records do not exist as well as we done a military inform alleging which someone had sent we ruin records we put it to we which we have done a fake military inform as well as thus should face charges for this crime.
How can like that.
Yang Arif, we call on a justice to dump a charges opposite my customer given a complainant has done a fake military inform opposite my customer alleging which my customer annoyed him by promulgation him ruin records whereas ruin does not exist in Chinese ideology as well as as a result ruin records additionally cannot possibly exist as well as a complainant cannot be annoyed by something which is non-existent.
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EC: Code of conduct for caretaker govt ready

The breeze contingency be brought to a sovereign supervision for further deliberation, says Election Commision deputy authority Wan Ahmad Wan Omar.
PETALING JAYA: The Election Commission (EC) has prepared a formula of control for a caretaker government, possibly to be used for a 13th ubiquitous election
"The breeze is ready though we need to present it to a sovereign supervision for further deliberation," pronounced EC deputy authority Wan Ahmad Wan Omar today.
The formula of control is one of a twenty-two recommendations done by a Parliamentary Select Committee upon Electoral Reforms (PSC) in order to urge a electoral routine in a country.
The 13th ubiquitous choosing contingency be called before April 2013 though Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak had hinted upon multiform occasions which he might disintegrate a parliament by a finish of this year.
Wan Ahmad pronounced a formula was prepared after a EC studied conventions in alternative Commonwealth countries, namely Australia as well as New Zealand.
On a need to consult a sovereign government, Wan Ahmad pronounced it was important as a supervision of a day would become a caretaker supervision by default once parliament was dissolved.
"That's a convention. Our constitution, in a stream form, makes no discuss upon a role of a caretaker government," he said.
Wan Ahmad added which Pakatan Rakyat would additionally be consulted upon a formula of control as a antithesis pact was in control of multiform state governments.
"But then we have been talking about a ubiquitous election. So we will be consulting a sovereig! n superv ision first before going to a state governments," he said.
Overseas voters
On allowing abroad Malaysians to opinion during their respective tall commissions, Wan Ahmad pronounced which a EC had additionally motionless to follow alternative Commonwealth countries' model, where a voters need to come behind during least once in 3 years to be authorised to vote.
The EC official additionally pronounced which a make a difference would need multiform amendments to a law as well as a Attorney-General's Chambers was already seeking into it.
Wan Ahmad, however, urged Malaysian voters abroad to lapse to opinion in a event a amendments were not done in time for a subsequent ubiquitous election.
"Nobody is stopping you from coming behind to vote. Plan your trip behind during a polls to expel your ballot.
"We have been working upon a 13th ubiquitous choosing website which will be launched soon. It will have all a sum including your polling station as well as others. Make an effort to come behind home," he said.
On a smallest 10-day polling period, Wan Ahmad pronounced a EC would encounter a requirements done by a PSC.
However, he was not enlightened of carrying long campaigning period, observant it would be too costly as well as would need most supervision agencies to work around a clock, especially a police.
"Besides, Malaysian political parties debate roughly 365 days a year. They debate through media, ceramah as well as alternative avenues. Our electoral debate duration is some-more similar to a time to hang things up. So do we unequivocally need some-more time for campaigning?" asked Wan Ahmad.
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Beaten every day for 60 days

When we have been beaten for 60 days straight, your ignorance no longer matters to you, says an ex-ISA detainee.
KUALA LUMPUR: A former detainee underneath a Internal Security Act (ISA), Fadzullah Razak, recalls with sourness a day a budding minister voiced a dissolution of a action exactly one year ago.
"When we found out a 'amazing' news by NST as well as Utusan a usually newspapers detainees have been provided with everybody was shocked as well as in disbelief, even a apprehension staff," Fadzullah told a press discussion here today.
"My fellow detainees were so happy; some were jumping with joy, others rolled around upon a floor. You'd find people celebrating in all sorts of manner.
"But we told them: 'Don't believe it, as a government has never been sincere about it'," pronounced Fadzullah.
His scepticism upon which day is assumingly not unfounded although exactly one year has passed given Najib Tun Razak's much-anticipated announcement, 30 detainees sojourn in a Kamunting apprehension centre underneath a now-defunct action which allows for apprehension without trial.
After a brand new check was tabled to reinstate a ISA this year, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein had ignored calls for a detainees' immediate release as well as instead pronounced he would personally demeanour by each case to determine their fate.
Fadzullah himself was usually expelled last month, along with eleven other detainees, after spending dual years there for allegedly carrying links with terrorist organisation Jemaah Islamiah links which had never been proven in court.
"The incident in a centre was ext! remely s tressful suppose meaningful a ISA had been abolished, but you're still stranded there as domestic hostages," pronounced Fadzullah.
"We're talking about trusting people here; people who had never been charged in court. How can we accept a fate, as we had not finished anything wrong?"
He pronounced a military would discuss it a ISA detainees to simply renounce themselves to their predestine a task which he pronounced was far easier pronounced than done.
Beatings, temptation as well as threats
Fadzullah explained which before detainees were brought to Kamunting, they were first "tortured" for 60 days during a military remand centre (PRC) until they confess their crimes.
"Torture, passionate humiliation, 60 days of beatings It's impossible [in which situation] for we to say, 'I'm innocent.' You only want it to stop," he said.
"So whether you're guilty or not, we confess," he said.
Fadzullah pronounced he knew of a 19-year-old detainee who, incompetent to ward off a torture, had strangled himself with a towel.
He also pronounced which even though a assault stops once detainees have been taken to a centre, a officers resort to threats as well as temptation to bleed cooperation.
"The officers threaten us all a time. They contend things like: we can have we expelled early. So a detainees will only follow orders," he recalled.
But when inspectors from a Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) visited a centre, Fadzullah said, a officers would bribe a detainees with dishes from fast-food outlet McDonald's.
"Whenever a inspectors come to see us, a officers would observe from behind to see who would dare to turn a whistleblower," he said.
"It's all only a game to them."
Situation worsens for superfluous detainees
Meanwhile, counsel Farida Mohammad pronounced which she ! had visi ted multiform of a superfluous detainees yesterday, as well as had found which their incident was worsening.
She pronounced which one of a detainees, Razali Kassan, was pang from kidney problems as well as was forced to squeeze his own dishes during a centre as a alloy had suggested him to equivocate oily foods.
"This doesn't make sense during all. He is being incarcerated there; a centre should be on condition which him with a right food, not forcing him to buy his own meals," she said.
She also suggested which teacher Bakar Baba, who was ironically incarcerated dual months after a ISA's dissolution was announced, is right away jobless.
"His family perceived a letter from a Education Ministry which he has been sacked. And given he perceived a letter dual months late, he has passed a deadline for a appeal," pronounced Farida.
But she pronounced which Bakar was not giving up as well as had appealed to a ministry to have his pursuit reinstated, despite not meaningful when he would ever be expelled from a apprehension centre.
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Syiah Group Unhappy With Nasharuddin

As for now, based on two PAS's inner source, one from North PAS as well as an additional one from a East Coast had reliable that there is an orderly transformation which would intent Ustaz Nasharudin Mat Isa's status as a claimant for a coming GE13.How successful a transformation would be is still unknown but it confirms a actuality that there have been a couple of who have been not happy with a former PAS's Vice President as well as they have been still operative on ways to get a objective done.At a same time, a disaster of PAS's Syur ... Read More

IGP: Rising crime just a perception

Ismail Omar takes note of a public's regard though a top cop maintains which it is a make a difference of perception.
PETALING JAYA: Inspector-General of Police Ismail Omar today admitted which a majority of Malaysians feel vulnerable as well as perceived crime to be upon a rise, according to a consult conducted by a police.
He also revealed which general investors had expressed regard over confidence issues in a assembly in in between them, International Trade Minister Mustapa Mohamad as well as himself earlier this morning.
Ismail pronounced as of May this year, 54% of those interviewed by a military felt a nation was vulnerable though confirmed which this was only a make a difference of perception.
He confirmed which his force had finished what was indispensable to bring down crime underneath a anti-crime inhabitant pass outcome area aim though conceded which some-more effort contingency be placed in rebellious a disastrous perception.
"We are trying to bring it down to 45% soon though you contingency demeanour during alternative indicators. You can have teh tarik during anytime of a day without feeling in jeopardy in anyway," he told an event held to discuss a stand of corporate crime here.
Also benefaction was former IGP Hanif Omar, who in his speech, longed for explanation from Ismail upon open grievances over a alleged stand in violent crimes in a country.
Ismail responding pronounced he had told investors which there was a undo in in between what was reported as well as a belligerent reality, urging both investors as well as a open to end a fixation upon a "statistics war" as well as demeanour during alternative! indicat ors pointing to confidence improvements in a country.
Managing perception
An example of this was Malaysia's stand in a global peace index. The nation right away ranked 19, a single notch up from last year while it was reduce a previous years.
Opposition leaders claimed a military as well as Putrajaya fabricated a anti-crime census data among open panic over multiform high-profile violent crimes to dress up a crime-fighting NKRA only forward of pass polls.
Realising which confidence was a pass regard of a voters, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak had done a crusade against crime a single of his administration's hallmark policies.
Ismail dismissed a accusations as well as pronounced which a authorities had finished well to quell both travel as well as index crimes. He pronounced this hard-earned result, however, had been busted by disastrous media reporting.
"The (anti-crime) NKRA is down a drain," he said.
Ismail pronounced a supervision as well as his men were right away entering a second phase of a crime-fighting programme as well as would embark upon a new bulletin to conduct a bad open perception.
"There is a challenge. Our plea is how to conduct this undo in in between a disastrous stating as well as our success in crime-fighting," he said.
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Sleazy anti-Islam film slammed for depicting Prophet as a buffoon & sex maniac

Sleazy anti-Islam movie slammed for depicting Prophet as a clown & sex maniac
PAS Youth has assimilated a carol of defamation over an Israeli-American movie director's impassioned insult of Prophet Muhammad through a movie whose trailer's coming upon YouTube has sparked aroused protests.
The wing's cabinet member Khairul Faizi Ahmad Kamil said a 14-minute trailer was nothing more than to entice snub from Muslims.
"As Muslims, you should be supportive as well as feel outraged by a issues being played up by certain quarters," he told reporters.
The trailer has been upon YouTube since July, though it was promoted by a staunchly anti-Islam Egyptian-American Coptic Christian Morris Sadek who posted a video upon his blog.
The video between others depicts a Prophet as a clown as well as sex maniac.
But a movie maker Sam Bacile, an Israeli Jew, has remained defiant, as well as continued spewing his venoms opposite Islam when he was interviewed by phone by Associated Press yesterday.
Bacile done no apology for his movie which led to a death of four Americans in Libya, together with its ambassador to which country, when crowd stormed as well as set fire to a US embassy in Beghazi.
PAS Youth meanwhile said it was formulation peaceful protests nationwide to reject a film. A gathering is additionally programmed outward a US embassy in Kuala Lumpur to urge Washington to take movement opposite a culprits behind a cheap film. Similar rallies are being programmed tomorrow by Muslims worldwide.

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Najibs mysterious change of heart over 114A: Muyhiddin now calling the shots?

Najib's mysterious change of heart over 114A: Muyhiddin right away calling a shots?
Is emissary budding apportion Muhyiddin Yassin more successful in a cabinet than a budding minister?
The subject followed Najib Razak's u-turn on his stand towards a argumentative legislative addition to a Evidence Act 1950
Yesterday, Najib praised a legislative addition to Section 114A of a action as "modern as well as forward-looking" to encourage internet users to be responsible whilst preventing slanders as well as harassment by anonymous netizens.
"It was with these in thoughts which you nice a Act," Najib added, whilst observant a law "had not been explained enough".
His remarks contrasted his statement on Aug 14, a day when internal netizens took part in an "Internet Blackout" to protest a act, in which he said he was instructing a cabinet to examination a argumentative amendment. Najib's regard was common by alternative BN leaders, namely UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, emissary Higher Education apportion Saifuddin Abdullah as well as emissary Youth as well as Sports apportion Gan Ping Sieu.
But a three were reportedly reprimanded by Muhyiddin for airing their stance.
According to news portal Malaysiakini, Muhyiddin's call to rebuke a contingent was revoked by Najib during a cabinet assembly on Aug 29.
fuddin as well as Gan after certified which they had been summoned to insist their stance, whilst apportion in a Prime Minister's Department Nazri Aziz confirmed which this was part of Muhyiddin's instruction.
Najib's ultimate about-turn however, not only confirms speculation of a rift betwee! n him as well as his deputy, though also a flourishing influence a former Johor Menteri Besar has.
"With Najib right away ancillary Section 114A, it shows Muhyiddin has managed to enlarge his influence in a cabinet. Najib is in a hot seat," said a source close to a BN administration.
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PKR Sabah Secretary cum Central Council Member, Dr Roland Chia criticized a move by a BN supervision in getting a Employers Provident Fund (EPF) to bail out FGVH by accumulating shares of Felda Global Ventures Holdings (FGVH) even as shares of a camp hulk sank to a new low yesterday, shutting at RM4.68 a share or usually thirteen sen upon top of a arising price.

In a context of Sabah ,this inventory of FGVH has also caused 306,000 acres of Sabah Land of which most of this land occupied by locals to be engrossed in to this controversial listing.
According to filings with Bursa Malaysia, a country's largest grant fund's stake in FGVH have increased 5.4 per cent since Sep 3, a day before FGVH plunged below a RM5 mark.

FGVH was a second largest initial open suggest (IPO) in a universe this year as well as a shares rose twenty per cent in a initial day of trading to RM5.46 but have been in a ubiquitous downward arena since.

FGVH could also onslaught with a ageing oil palm trees which comment for 53 per cent of a 320,000 hectares of oil palm estates which rank between a highest in a attention as well as a replanting exercise would mean even some-more detriment of income for a group during a period it takes for trees to mature.

FGVH also reportedly suffers from a capability in conditions of tonnes per hectare which ranks as a third lowest between a vital Malaysian plantations firms.

In a context of Sabah, this is another bad deal, instead FE! LDA shou ld lapse 306,000 acres of land to a State of Sabah because FELDA had crack a guarantee as well as reneged from a obligations to rise a land since to FELDA intended to serve a seductiveness of a people of Sabah behind in a 1970s.

The BN Government should explain to a people as well as comment for a failure as well as incompetence in permitting FELDA to deviate from a strange objective after carrying allocated some 306,000 acres of State land to FELDA for land settlement schemes intended to serve a good of a people of Sabah.

FELDA was compulsory to yield a housing tract of land to any settler as well as his family together with a home residence built upon it inside of a residential land of a scheme.In fact, FELDA usually used less than 10% of a land allocated to it by a State Government for a intended settlement scheme involving usually about 1,500 settlers any allocated with 14 acres of land.

Instead, FELDA one after another to take up as well as rise a large acreage of land in to oil palm camp as property owner utilizing open funds as well as generating billions of revenues as well as profits for a good of a Federal Government.
"I am not surprised a revenues from Sabah had contributed substantially to a RM400 million FELDA office complex built recently in Kuala Lumpur," Dr Roland Chia lamented.
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Guidelines to identify gay and lesbian symptoms published | Free MalaysiaKini

The Malaysian Education Ministry has outdone itself in wisdom as well as concern to strengthen a young, nubile minds in Malaysia. It has permitted discipline to let relatives know if their young kids have been not going to grow up straight.

The come in a form of 4 symptoms which relatives should be upon a surveillance for as their young kids grow in to adults.

V Neck? Check. Sleeveless? Check. Buffed? Check. He's probably gay

Those who have robust sons who like to wear V neck, sleeveless shirts should be removing worried, according to a discipline since their son would have a single of a symptoms of being horror of horrors gay!

What they have not pronounced in a discipline if they should be banned from watching a Rambo movies because, well, Sylvester Stallone is buffed as well as he wears tight, V neck as well as sleeveless T shirts when he's toting an RPG (no disbelief a phallic symbol indicating which he may have deviant tendencies of bomb proportions).

For this open use to homophobic relatives a Malaysian Education Ministry earn's Unspun's coveted shit-for-brains tag.

Guidelines to identify happy as well as lesbian symptoms published | Free MalaysiaKini.

The Education Ministry had permitted "guidelines" to help relatives to identify happy as well as lesbian "symptoms" in their young kids so they can take early corrective measurements.

The discipline list 4 symptoms each of gays as well as lesbians:

Symptoms of gays:

Have a robust body as well as like to uncover their body by wearing V-neck as well as sleeveless clothes;

Prefer parsimonious as well as light-coloured clothes;

Attracted to men; and

Like to move large handbags, similar to those used by women, when hanging out.

Symptom s of lesbians:

Attracted to women;

Besides their womanlike companions, they will distance themselves from alternative women;

Like to hang out, have dishes as well as nap in a association of women; and

Have no love for men.

"Once a young kids have these symptoms, evident courtesy should be given," a discipline warn.

According to Sin Chew Daily, a discipline published by Yayasan Guru Malaysia Bhd as well as Putrajaya Consultative Council of Parents as well as Teachers Associations, as well as permitted by a Education Ministry, were launched during a convention in Penang yesterday.

The convention upon "Parenting in addressing a issue of LGBTs (lesbians, gays, bisexuals as well as transgenders)" was organised by Yayasan Guru Malaysia Bhd as well as officiated by Deputy Education Minister Mohd Puad Zarkashi (right).

Penang is a fourth state to hold such a seminar, after Selangor, a Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur as well as Perak, as well as yesterday's convention in Penang was a 10th in a country.

Puad is quoted by Sinar Harian today as observant which a exposure of symptoms of gays as well as lesbians was a most appropriate approach to residence a widespread of such unhealthy materialisation among students.

"Youths have been simply influenced by websites as well as blogs relating to LGBT groups. This can additionally widespread among their friends. We have been worried which this happens during schooling time," Puad told some 1,500 teachers as well as parents.

The discipline were distributed to all those who attended a seminar.

In an evident response, Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin sent out this tweet message: "I wear fitted, v-neck t-shirts. I'm okay."

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LISTENING..... Hiew as well as Datuk James listening to a hawkers.

THE PAKATAN Rakyat walk about was conducted in Papar to attend to a people, as well as during a same time meeting them to pass upon to them a message upon a need to change a government.

The PR leaders benefaction during a walk about were a KK MP Hiew King Cheu, a PKR Papar Chief Datuk James Ghani, Sabah DAP Vice Chairman Edward Ewol Mujie, Wanita Chief Noriah Onong, Andrew Lee Chee Kiong as well as alternative leaders of PKR as well as DAP.
The people in Papar welcome a visiting team as well as they told them of a problems as well as requests upon a spot. They instruct a PR leaders can come some-more mostly to Papar so which most alternative problems can be resolved generally those in a kampongs.

The executive marketplace here is indeed carrying most problems similar to a cleanliness, unwashed drains, foreigners sorrowing a commercial operation of a locals, poor lightings, as well as no lights provided to a executive area, burglars frequently mangle in, bad 1st building business, as well as foreigners doing commercial operation surrounding a market.

The people instruct a Papar legislature to take immediate movement to put things right here, since their livelihood is seriously affected. One hawker pronounced which during times which she can even consequence one ringgit in a day as well as she has to pay expensive stall let to a council.

The Papar District Council should rearrange a people ! who are entrance in here to do commercial operation as well as it is due which a people who are selling upon a streets to be moved to fill up a empty stores in a 1st building of a market.

This will capacitate a street to be privileged of hawkers as well as some-more people will go to a 1st building to buy their needs. The 1st building is left empty is unequivocally a rubbish as well as during a benefaction only a few hawkers is struggling to survive there.

Datuk James Ghani felt really contemptible about this as well as he goal a Papar Council will do something to assistance these poor people there. He additionally wishes which a legislature can readjust a let of a 1st building stores as well as give everybody a standard rate. There is a different of rates giving to a hawkers here.

The people additionally told a KK MP Hiew which they instruct a automobile park in front of a marketplace to be widened as well as increased so which some-more people would similar to to come to a marketplace to do their shopping.
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TO COMMEMORATE Malaysia's 55th Independence Day, Prime Minister Najib Razak published an essay highlighting a nation's assorted accomplishments, principally that whilst much of world's economies have been "either prosaic or falling," Malaysia is steadily delivering high total of mercantile growth.

The statute Barisan Nasional coalition, nonetheless perceived by a center category to be unpopular, has overseen unchanging mercantile development as well as has worked to raise incomes as well as yield consumer affordability.
Despite these achievements, a upper echelons of Malaysia's statute bloc have clearly permitted a argumentative general traffic agreement that will have huge impacts upon made at home consumers as well as will even criticise a government's own capability to emanate legislation.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a free-trade agreement led by a United States in partnership with Asia-Pacific nations identical to Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, as well as others. If a agreement is supposed by all participatory nations as well as successfully passed, signatory countries contingency conform to a rigid set of authorised regulations, together with despotic egghead skill protections, authored by part of of big unfamiliar corporations.

While critics of a agreement call it "a stealth attack upon democratic governance," heading members of a US Senate as well as Congress have uttered snub over a TPP primarily due to a climate of priva! cy surro unding a negotiations. Six hundred US corporate advisors have negotiated a TPP, as well as a due breeze content has not been made accessible to a public, a press or policymakers.

US Senator Ron Wyden, a Chair of a Congressional Committee with office over TPP, was even denied access to a traffic texts. In Malaysia, members of council such as Charles Santiago have uttered frustrations over Putrajaya's rejection to redeem any report per a agreement.

Based upon report contained in dual leaked chapters of a TPP agreement, a partnership aims to abolish a burden of unfamiliar corporations to a governments of countries with that they traffic by introducing a myriad of brand new corporate rights as well as privileges.

The due agreement would have signatory governments under obligation to unfamiliar corporations for costs imposed by inhabitant laws as well as regulations, together with health, safety as well as environmental regulations, mandating that corporations embrace remuneration taken directly from made at home taxpayers as well as open funds.

Advocacy website Public Citizen has confirmed a flawlessness of a leaked section of a TPP titled, "Investment," as well as released a minute research of a text. In further to a leaked "Intellectual Property Rights" chapter, it can be concluded that a agreement illustrates a major idea of US multinational corporations to impose impassioned unfamiliar financier privileges as well as rights upon building countries by giving individual corporations as well as investors equal standing with any TPP signatory country's government.

NGOs such as a Malaysian AIDS Council as well as a Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia have uttered their concern over a TPP's tying egghead skill laws, that allow American drug companies to secure long-term monopolies upon curative products by preventing a production of general ! drugs, t hus augmenting a cost of medicine.

The United States is perfectionist assertive egghead skill provisions that extend existent patents upon medicines for up to 10 years in further to a stream requirement of 20 years. Malaysian Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai has oral out opposite a TPP, arguing that such an agreement would have healthcare reduction affordable to a public:

"We have been opposite a obvious extension. According to a agreement, if a disinfectant is launched in a US, as well as then three years later it is launched in Malaysia, a obvious would start from when it is launched here as well as not when it was launched progressing in a US, this is not fair."

The due legislation upon Intellectual Property will have huge ramifications for TPP signatories, together with Internet stop for households, businesses, as well as organizations as an supposed chastisement for copyright infringement. In further to allowing copyright holders to anathema together imports of copywritten material as well as prioritizing inhabitant police to enforce copyright laws, a extreme expansion of copyright duration for receptive to advice recordings as well as movie is imposed.

Signatory nations would radically submit themselves to oppressive copyright restrictions in line with American law, severely tying their capability to digitally sell report upon sites identical to YouTube, where streaming videos can be deliberate copyrightable. Patricia Ranald, convener of a Australian Fair Trade as well as Investment Network offers:

"Broader copyright as well as egghead skill rights demands by a US would lock up a Internet, stifle research as well as enlarge education costs, by extending existent inexhaustible copyright from 70 years to 120 years, as well as even creation it a rapist offense to temporarily store files upon a computer but authorization. The US, a! s a net exporter of digital information, would be a only party to good from this."

Proposed measures would restrict signatory nations from sportive collateral controls to forestall as well as mitigate financial crises as well as promote financial stability. Malaysia was means to redeem from a 1997 Asian Financial Crisis some-more quickly than its neighbors by introducing a array of collateral control measures upon a Malaysian Ringgit to forestall external speculation.

Under a TPP, nations would not have a capability to exclusively aspire to financial routine as well as emanate collateral controls, as well as contingency assent a giveaway flow of derivatives, banking speculation as well as alternative rapacious financial instruments.
Signatories to a TPP could have their made at home policies (health policy, land make use of policy, supervision buying decisions, regulatory permits, egghead skill rights, financial regulation) legally overwritten prior to unfamiliar tribunals, giving external investors a right to aspire to claims opposite a nation outside a regulations of that nation's own authorised system.

In a in isolation "investor-state" that a TPP is attempting to establish, inhabitant governments can be sued by unfamiliar corporations, submitting signatory countries to a office of financier arbitral tribunals, staffed by in isolation zone attorneys. Foreign tribunals could sequence governments to compensate unlimited money remuneration out of inhabitant treasuries to unfamiliar corporations as well as investors if brand new or existent supervision routine hinders investors' "expected destiny profits".

Any remuneration paid to in isolation investors as well as unfamiliar corporations, in further to large hourly fees for tribunals as well as authorised costs would be shouldered by a made at home taxpayer in any signatory country. Under this regime, unf! amiliar investors as well as multinational corporations can criticise a government of participatory nations by trimming made at home regulations as well as tying a abilities of inhabitant governments to emanate policy.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership would oblige nations to alter their made at home routine to imitate with twenty-six due chapters of legislation, together with financial, health-care, telecommunications, food as well as product standards, land make use of as well as healthy resources, supervision procurement, as well as more.
Undoubtedly, a Trans-Pacific Partnership is a document is assembled to offer private, not open interests, by exempting in isolation corporations from any form of open accountability.

The research supposing in this essay is based upon dual leaked chapters of a due agreement (which might or might not be subject to amendments prior to a conclusion of negotiations); a alternative twenty-four chapters have not been released for open scrutiny, or even to policymakers in those participating countries.

Other than a inhabitant commission for any participating country, a only people who have been allowed to see a actual content of a due agreement have been members of assorted Trade Advisory Committees as well as tip corporate executives, with no part of from academia or polite society.

The blanketing privacy over a entire traffic routine is nothing reduced of alarming, with legislation in place to keep content proposals from being publically released until 4 years after a close of negotiations. [9] The subsequent round of TPP negotiations is set to take place in Leesburg, Virginia in early September. Prime Minister Najib Razak has pronounced Malaysia is committed to being a part of of a Trans-Pacific Partnership:

"I hope infrequently in a near destiny you will be means to interpretation TPP. It is important for a! US to h ave giveaway traffic with ASEAN. ASEAN is a US$ 2 trillion (RM6.30 trillion) marketplace of 600 million people as well as there is not another traffic bloc with momentum identical to it in a world."

Ostensibly, a TPP can be seen as an try by a United States to build a bloc in that its corporate interests browbeat a ASEAN region to opposite China's augmenting mercantile prowess.

Leaders as well as citizens comparison contingency reexamine their stance upon this emanate as well as consider a huge negative ramifications it would hold for consumers as well as made at home industry. Previous attempts to negotiate a US-Malaysia bilateral giveaway traffic agreement in 2006 2010 have failed; a single would hope that attempts to implement a Trans-Pacific Partnership suffer a identical fate.

(NOTE : Nile Bowie is a Kuala Lumpur-based American writer as well as photographer for a Centre for Research upon Globalization based in Montreal, Canada. He explores issues of terrorism, economics as well as geopolitics.)
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HAP SENG Building Materials Sdn Bhd Chief Executive, Ron Delaney, astounded us when he claimed his company's chase work in a Kukusan Forest Reserve has 'complied with a requirements' set by a authorities.

How does Delany's 'compliance' insist as well as 'approval by a authorities' block with a actuality that Kukusan Forest was designated a Class 1 Protection Forest between 1984 as well as 2003 that by law equates to despotic protection where not ONE STAND OF TIMBER CAN BE REMOVED, most less stealing rocks though by his admission, Hap Seng quarried Kukuksan all by that period ?
The Forest Legislation specifically state that no drop of timberland reserve in a process of stealing timberland produce.

This is a puzzling subject SEPA Tawau is asking Delany as well as additionally a Office of a Director of Forestry Department Sabah to answer.

How is it that Hap Seng seemed to be given a free palm to do what demeanour similar to a transparent defilement of a most necessary safeguard for Sabah's pass timberland resources?

We know from press clips some Tawau folks protested when they noticed this obvious anomaly as well as what happened subsequent was Kukusan was downgraded to Class 2 Forest Reserve, instead of receiving Hap Seng to task.

But even then, Class 2 standing permits usually commercial descent of timber, not rocks, starting by a boundary set in a Forestry E! nactment though Hap Seng additionally a single after another to chase for rocks under its Class 2 status?

To each Sabahan, this is transparent defilement of Sabah Forestry laws, not compliance.

Delany owes a people of Tawau as well as Sabah an honest explanation how he deems obvious violations as well as noncompliance as 'compliance'.

Similarly, a Office of a Director of Forestry Department additionally contingency insist since it 'permitted' quarrying even in category 1 protection Forest as Delany pronounced categorically that Hap Seng Building Materials 'complied with a requirements set by a authorities.'

How can quarrying a Class 1 as well as Class 2 timberland be described as 'compliance with a requirements set by a authorities' when a requirements set a authorities obviously rule quarrying out, as far as each Sabahan knows it?

Doesn't this box set a dominance that even Class 1 timberland standing doesn't guarantee protection?

This incidence worries SEPA Tawau since it suggests that even a Class 1 standing given to other high charge areas similar to Maliau Basin as well as Danum Valley Conservation Area does not guarantee they have been protected from being blown up.

Delany as well as Sam Manan need to insist a pass subject we have been asking from Day 1 -what makes it probable to deem non-compliance, compliance?

Other issues similar to a potential of leaving a poisonous lake behind, or so called 'compliance with approval s' such as quivering ,air blast, airborne dust, H2O quality as well as sound turn that Delany pronounced EPD was checking were only side issues.

Neither was SEPA looking at Hap Seng's tiny pledge to return a area with well landscaped look-out platform 100 metres above sea turn with hermetic highway ! access u pon a single side as well as a fresh H2O lake, upon project completion of it total of hold up Plan Supplementary agreement with Forestry Department.

Meaning Kukusan Hill of 190 metres over sea turn will be cut down to 100metres. How can Hap Seng compliance without violating Sabah Land Ordinance of bulletin Trig Hill when they brimg down a hill.

SEPA Tawau highlighted this box to alert everyone that no resources may be protected from unfamiliar squeeze if they tell Sabahans their exploitations of even Class 1 forests had a approvals of a authorities.
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"PAIRIN'S description of PM Najib as a domestic "doctor" shows a lack of domestic recognition upon his part over a large political, social as well as cultural complaint faced by a people in Sabah.

Instead of giving a right as well as tangible attribute a current Prime Minister essentially possess, Pairin have given him a wrong attributes.If in truth Najib is a domestic "doctor" asPairin have highly attributed him with, afterwards he (the PM) have all along been giving only generic medicines for a illnesses which have depressed upon a people of Sabah.
"Firstly, Dr. Mahathir, substantially a single which we would wonder if Pairin would agree with me if we call him someone who gave us a PTI perennial mildew by giving citizenship as well as Malaysia IC to a huge series foreigners during his tenure as PM which caused a extraordinary race explosion in Sabah.

This is a genuine disease, a cancer which is eating in to a fabric of a multitude which Najib should have given a right kind of medications. Its been over a month given a proclamation upon a investiture of a RCI have been made as well as nonetheless there seem to be no denote when they would begin their work.

This make me as well as a people of Sabah wish to ask if a members of a RCIhave ever perceived their minute of appointment to date to enable them to function.

"Some of a 'cure' for a 'illnesse! s' menti onedby Pairin as being given by Najib to solve a people's complaint are only "generic medicines' which does not have lasting effect upon a provision of a people generally those in a hardcore joint nor does it help solved their problem.

More so, how much do you design from a RM500 monetory benefit which comes once after a fifty year period? What they should have finished is to urge a smoothness system in a "e-kasih" as well as "cari-cari" program instead of randomly terminating a benefit upon comparison individuals.

we have people coming to me angry which their benefit have been consummated after having been approved as well as receiving a benefit for 4 months. The reason given for terminating a benefit upon this particular particular is only a word "TAMAT" (Terminated).

Clearly, if in truth Najib is a domestic doctor as portrayed by Pairin afterwards he have been carrying out a wrong diagnosis as well as thusgiving a wrong medicines. This gives a people of Sabah a some-more reason why this current government underneath Najib must be replaced.

"I doubt if Pairin ever visited any remote rural areas where misery among a Kadazandusun community are still prevelant. As such we thus challenge Pairin to privately go to a ground as well as find out for himself if a level of misery among a KDM 'cured' by Najib." - Sabahkini
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According to CSL's analogy, Najib is a coward...

for not usurpation a plea to a discuss from Anwar.

I have only watched NTV7's headlines in English during 8 pm. in that Chua Sr. was shown during a press conference, defending his son, Chua Tee Yong for not usurpation Selangor MB's representatives' plea to a debate. He criticised Khalid for not branch up to face his son, Chua Jr.!

Who is Chua Tee Yong to plea Selangor MB to a debate? Even though he is a Deputy Minister during federal level, everybody knows how he got his benefaction post. If not for his sex scandal, Dr Chua would not have handed his entitlement (as President of MCA) to a ministerial post (although a lesser one) to his son on a platter. we am assured Chua Jr. is creation full make use of of a inequitable msm in their favour, to discredit Selangor Pakatan government. He was not during all meddlesome in a law nor in a debate. Tony Pua, Dr. Zulkefly, William Leong as well as Faekah were ready though Chua Jr. insisted he will only discuss with a MB, who happened to be in Bangkok! That was how patently disdainful as well as conceited for a youth emissary minister. ! If he wa s during all meddlesome in a details, he should have debated with anyone in order to get to a truth. The public would have been since a possibility to judge from a discuss as to who is some-more credible.

In an additional part of a evening news, DPM pronounced Selangor Pakatan's preference not to reason a state election during a same time as a GE, shows their lack of confidence. He thinks a reason for delaying a state election is to have a second possibility in box Pakatan mislaid some-more parliamentary seats in Selangor. we instruct Selangor would have a state elections during a same time only to prove them wrong. It competence be futile to design any corrections to dubious voters' registration. If a people's sentiments are strongly in foster of Pakatan, nothing can stop them winning. - KoSong
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10 Questions over the Education Blueprint

September 13, 2012

10 Questions over the Education Blueprint

by P.

It's the long, arduous process towards vital tutorial reform, though hopefully the initial step is right away being taken.

ONE contingency goal as good as urge which the rough preparation plans released upon Tuesday will lead to nothing reduction than the complete turnaround of the preparation complement so which Malaysians turn great educated.If we don't take this event to shift direction as good as move forward from the steady, relations deterioration in the tutorial standards, afterwards the prognosis for the future is rsther than dour as good as the competitiveness as the republic will decline.

A review of the preparation complement in the plans shows how distant during the back of we are. International contrast indicates which we loiter distant during the back of the many appropriate countries internationally, the difference between the 15-year-olds as good as theirs being as many as three drill years.

In actuality such contrast indicates which 80% of the schools have been poor. Enough said. Over the years, we have let the standards of the preparation trip as good as we have been in the deep hole from which we have to puncture ourselves out. The bid as good as will required have been starting to be extensive as good as have to be prolonged as good as sustained.

One difference with the preparation plans this time is there have been targets for achievement, timelines as good as action plans to get the preparation there. That's good, for the devise is invalid if it does not have these.

Here have been 10 pointless questi! ons whic h arose as we browsed through the blueprint:

1. How will teacher standards be raised? Teaching starts with teachers.We have to recollect which there have been existing teachers, many of whom have been next standard as good as who entered the training contention when the club was lowered. Raising their standards is starting to be tough. Attracting rarely qualified graduates in to the contention is not easy to do with the existing compensate scheme. And if we lift compensate opposite the board, those who have been reduction than great right away will additionally benefit, the maze which will be difficult to crack.

2. How many energy will principals have as good as how have been their capabilities starting to be improved? Good schools begin with great principals. We know which there has to be energy given to the right leaders to get the training contention in to shape. But we have to safeguard which the leaders have been right as well in the initial place. There should be the programme to enlarge the skills of principals initial before the teachers themselves.

3. Why is basic infrastructure in many schools still lacking? After some-more than half the century of independence as good as all the income outlayed upon education, the sector which accounts for the many expenditure, because have been there schools which do not have the appropriate infrastructure?Perhaps the complaint is which income is not being outlayed efficiently as good as though the greatest returns.

4. Why is all the income sunk in to preparation not paying dividends?There is the need to examine why, with all the income spent, formula have not been great in general comparison, with the tutorial standards disappearing upon the relations basis as good as the gap widening with the grown countries. How do we get some-more bang for the buck?

5. How will English inclination be raised? Proficiency is related not usually to training though usage as well. We should re-examine the emanate of training science, mat! hs as go od as alternative technical subjects in English, generally from secondary propagandize turn onwards as the equates to of raising English proficiency. It is intolerable which just the little over 20% of students acquire the credit in English during SPM level.

6. What about vital skills such as health, monetary planning, sex education, etc? There is many which is not taught in propagandize in conditions of vital skills, such as illness as good as sex education, monetary planning, interpersonal relationships, as good as personal development.Isn't it time we introduced these in the significant as good as suggestive approach in preparation as good as in as secular the approach as possible?

7. How many competency-based outcomes can there practically be? When we still have quotas as good as alternative discriminatory measures, it is difficult to have decisions based upon consequence as good as competency. When we talk about equality we should give as great next to event to the same results. You can give some-more people opportunities for education, though we contingency never reduce opportunities for preparation for those who have the qualifications.

8. What will be the border of transparency? Transparency is not usually served through annual reports where information is disclosed fairly, though additionally through checks as good as balances to safeguard which all is right as good as fair. For which we need proper illustration of all stakeholders in all bodies which have decisions to safeguard which nothing is manipulated as good as the complement can be trusted.

9. What about universities? If we want better connoisseur teachers as good as better graduates we need to upgrade the universities. Social purposes can be better served through widening opportunities as good as charity calming education, though this contingency not be during the expense of lowering tutorial standards. Universities should be particularly open to moves to enlarge the capacity of their students. For which ! we need to get great university training staff too.

10. Can we put the fun back in to learning? Often we forget to have use of the natural oddity as good as inquisitiveness of students to assist them to learn, though instead concentration upon book as good as rote guidance as good as the complement based upon examinations. While examinations can't be phased out, there have been alternative things which can be done to enlarge the fun in education. It's starting to be the prolonged as good as arduous process putting the preparation complement back upon the right path.

Hopefully the preparation plans will help, as good as with everybody's support as good as the required domestic will, some things during least will get relocating this time around.

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