When mainstream media isn't free, online media fills the vacuum

The viral nature of Internet media, namely Facebook as well as Twitter, is a single of a reasons why a Bersih 2.0 campaign has been successful. Yes, Walski thinks it is a success, despite not being means to proceed with a creatively planned Jul 9 street rally.Although a Patriot as well as Perkasa antithesis campaigns, too, used online media to foster their counter-cause, a numbers speak for themselves - a acceptance as well as influence of Bersih 2.0 distant exceeds which of a Patriot/Perkasa one.That, for Wals ... Read More

Bersih 2.0 besar kepala ... Jaja nama Agong hina dan provok polis

Ikutkan tak patut Bersih 2.0 dilayani oleh sesiapa pun. Dato Hishamuddin sudah guna kuasa Menteri untuk umumkan Bersih 2.0 sebagai persatuan haram. Polis dah katakan pintu rundingan telah tutup. Tawaran track sudah ditolak mereka, maka tawaran itu tiada lagi atas meja dari polis. Dua hari lepas DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda joke sudah bertitah menyatakan keprcayaan kepada PM dan menuntut

The economics of compassion

by Erna Mahyuni The Malaysian Insider July 06, 2011 JULY 6 The ETP is meaningless. Or at least it is to a male on a street. Where do they get a numbers from? a associate I know asks me. The only numbers that mean anything to him right now have been a prices of his [...] ... Read More

Answering MP for Kota Belud...Again

I was told which a MP of Kota Belud has since his come-back to my progressing article. His article, by a way, is entitled Will you ever assimilate Dear Ambiga's friends?Allow me to respondagain:1.0 DEAD VOTERS VOTING: Abdul Rahman Dahalan (ARD) says which EC will give full cooperation if you prominence a life of passed voters properly What we need from ARD is for him to insist HOW passed voters can climb from a grave as well as cast their votes? 1.1 My own experience after attending assorted briefings ... Read More

UMNO Online - Arkib

Wanita UMNO. Pemuda UMNO. Puteri UMNO. Jawatankuasa Biro-Biro ... Logo UMNO. Bendera UMNO. Sejarah. Presiden UMNO. Dato' Onn Jaafar. Tunku Abdul Rahman. Tun ...


by drrafickFirstly, BERSIH 2.0 committee should be congratulated on their wisdom of usurpation a suggest to have a entertainment in a stadium. An suggest which I believe was proposed by a RMP several weeks ago as well as probably reinforced following Ambiga assembly during a palace. The joke is there is right away a precedent where an wanted person society is authorised to do a demo legally in Malaysia. This would probably be a initial in Malaysia. Whatever it is, people would still be wearing yellow t-shirt to a stadium wh ... Read More

FREE MALAYSIAKINI - [image: Welcome to] Tuesday, July 05 @

FREE MALAYSIAKINI -Tuesday, July 05 @ 07:57:57 CDTLoginDon't have an comment yet? You can create one. As a purebred user we have some advantages similar to thesis manager, comments pattern and post comments with your name.Related LinksMore about CAPTIONNews by susanlooMost review story about CAPTION:q"" | Login/Create an Account | 0 commentsThe comments have been owned by a poster. We aren't obliged for their content.No Comments Allowed for Anonymous, greatfully registerPage Generation: 0.05 Seconds ... Read More


Kesian PAS! Kesian Mat Sabu! Kesian pencacai-pencacai berserban yang rasa mereka lebih Islam berbanding orang lain! Kesian! Kesian!

Ambiga Sreevanasan telah mengumumkan demonstrasi jalanan dibatalkan atas nasihat KDYMM Yang Dipertuan Agong tetapi himpunan akan diteruskan di dalam track atau lebih tepat lagi di kawasan tertutup. Sedangkan pada masa yang sama, Mat Sabu yang merupakan orang

Malaysian Electoral Reform Activists to Move Protests - Voice of America

The government of Malaysia has been tranquil by the single domestic party, the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) since independence in 1957. The last time Bersih, formally known as the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections, held the demonstration in ...

Authorities probing Vinod Sekhars role in Green Rubber

KUALA LUMPUR, July 5 The Insolvency Department is right away investigating the possible crack of failure law by businessman Datuk Vinod Sekhar following the inform which suggested which the latter is still the association director notwithstanding being the bankrupt. The Malaysian Insider has received the letter from the department requesting information regarding to ... Read More


ambiga sudah pening kepala. pening kepala pasal dia sudah 'masuk terlalu dalam' dalam perancangan bershit.asal pandangannya, bershit tidak akan mendapat tentangan daripada rakyat malaysia.dek kerana itu ambiga pernah beri amaran kepada pas supaya menuruti perintahnya untuk memberikan kepercayaan kepada beliau (ambiga) untuk mengetuai bershit.ambiga fikir, bershit 2011 perlu melaksanakan jadual perencanaan yang sama sepertimana bershit pada november 2007.bershit 2007 tiada tentangan rakyat.bershi ... Read More


Firstly, BERSIH 2.0 committee should be congratulated on their knowledge of accepting a offer to have a entertainment in a stadium. An offer which I believe was due by a RMP several weeks ago and substantially reinforced following Ambiga assembly at a palace. The joke is there is right away a fashion where an outlaw multitude is allowed to do a demo legally in Malaysia. This would substantially be a first in Malaysia. Whatever it is, people would still be wearing yellow t-shirt to a track when they leav ... Read More

Pembunuh Kejam

JOHOR BAHRU: Misteri kehilangan pelajar tingkatan empat, Nurrahayu Qomarodin Bajuri, 16, terjawab apabila polis menemui beberapa anggota badannya yang dikerat dan dibakar di dua lokasi termasuk di tanah perkuburan Hindu di Masai dan di ladang sawit di Sungai Tiram, Ulu Tiram, kira-kira 5 petang kelmarin. Polis turut menemui serpihan tulang selain pakaian milik remaja perempuan itu yang hilang dari tapak pembinaan berhampiran tempat kerja bapanya di pekan Seri Alam di Masai, selepas dihantar pula ... Read More

Bersih 2.0 rally in stadium after audience with the King...

Following a meeting with a Agong this afternoon, Bersih 2.0 chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan said a NGO coalition has concluded to reason its convene in a stadium.Met outward a inhabitant house after an assembly with Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin during Istana Negara, Ambiga said a coalition "will concur with a supervision and accept their suggest to have a event in a stadium"."Therefore, a convene upon a street will not take place." The transformation does not yet know which track will be used. This wil ... Read More

PM gives nod to rally in stadium

The supervision has spoken a truce with a Coalition for Free as well as Fair Elections (Bersih 2.0), agreeing to concede a convene to be reason in a stadium.

"I understand Bersih wants to have a assembly with a supervision on carrying a convene in a track (and) we have been ready to encounter them," Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak pronounced today.

However, he pronounced a organisers must agree to several conditions.

"(They must) go peacefully, arrange peacefully as well as leave peacefully," pronounced Najib.

Earlier today,three members of Bersih 2.0 were granted anaudience by a Agong, during that they concluded to reason a convene in a track as a compromise to a strange thought of a street rally.

However, no sum of a venue as well as date were rught away available.

[More to follow]

Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Malay NGOs want Ambigas citizenship revoked

Two Malay groups in Penang wish Ambiga's citizenship revoked for allegedly severe a King's authority. (Free Malaysia Today) - Bersih 2.0 personality S Ambigas citizenship is being questioned again. This time dual Malay groups wish her citizenship revoked for allegedly severe a Kings authority. Perkasa north-east bend conduct Mohd Rizuad Mohd Azudin and Pesatuan Suara Anak-Anak Malaysia (PSAM) conduct Mohamed Ghani Abdul Jiman both claimed which Ambiga had defied a Kings authority to stop ... Read More

Call for class action against Police Act

Lawyer Leong Cheok Keng says it is unconstitutional to deny permits for open rallies.

IPOH: A tellurian rights counsel has called for a class-action fit to challenge a inherent validity of Section twenty-seven of a Police Act, which sets conditions for a granting of permits for open rallies.Section twenty-seven of a Police Act has to be challenged in justice as it contradicts Articles 4(1)(a) and (b) of a Constitution, pronounced Leong Cheok Keng, who gained inflection dual years ago as counsel for former Perak menteri besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin in his fit opposite Barisan Nasionals takeover of a state government.

Article 4(1)(a) of a Federal Constitution provides for freedom of debate and expression and Article 4(1)(b) gives adults a right to pacific assembly.

Under Section twenty-seven of a Police Act, a organisation intending to reason a open convene contingency request for a assent 90 days prior to a event and a district military arch give his decision within 3 days.

If a application is rejected, an appeal to a arch military officer (CPO) of a state contingency be filed within 48 hours. The CPOs decision is final. It cannot be challenged in court.

Leong contends which Section twenty-seven is unconstitutional.

The military contingency remember which a Federal Constitution reigns supreme over a Police Act, he said.

He also criticised a military force for what he pronounced was a disposition opposite opposition parties in a coercion of a law.

Speaking to FMT, he called upon a government to apply oneself a inherent rights of all adults and issue correct guidelines to a military upon a coercion of Section 27.

Another tellurian rights lawyer, Augustine Anthony, called upon a government to dissolution a Emergency Ordinance of! 1969, a s endorsed by a Royal Police Commission! in 2005 .

The ordinance was enacted to fight aroused acts of subversion. Anthony remarkable which military had resorted to regulating it opposite opposition parties instead of a scandalous Internal Security Act (ISA).

He believes a government fears which regulating a ISA will capture universe attention. The ordinance, similar to a ISA, enables a military to reason suspects for 60 days and magnify a duration of apprehension but hearing to dual years by order of a Home Minister.

Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Bersih 2.0 accepts stadium offer for rally

Following a assembly with a Agong this afternoon, Bersih 2.0 chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan pronounced a NGO bloc has agreed to hold its convene in a stadium.

NONEMet outward a national palace after an assembly with Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin during Istana Negara, Ambiga pronounced a bloc "will concur with a supervision as well as accept their offer to have a event in a stadium".

"Therefore, a convene upon a travel will not take place."

The transformation does not nonetheless know which track will be used. This will be voiced during a after date.

"We have been very grateful for a (audience with a Agong) as well as will accept a supervision offer," Ambiga added.

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had progressing due which Bersih holds its demonstration in a track rather than upon a streets of Kuala Lumpur.

Asked whether a decision reflects a concede upon a partial of Bersih, Ambiga pronounced it was, given a circumstances.

NONEAmbiga, Bersih 2.0 steering committee part of Zaid Kamaruddin as well as national laurate A Samad Said had arrived during a Istana Negara gates about 1.55pm.

The trio had progressing refused criticism when approached.

Yesterday, Bersih 2.0 submitted a formal request for an assembly during which they intend to explain a movement's in front of as well as find a Agong's advice upon a rally.

Bersih 2.0 had requested for a assembly because a Agong had issued a special statement! upon Sunday night.

Th! e Agong had pronounced that, whilst it is obligatory upon a supervision to fulfill its responsibilities in a "just as well as correct manner", travel demonstrations would bring some-more mistreat than good, even if a strange intention is good.

[More to follow]

Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Menurut satu berita(klik) yang ditulis oleh Shannon Teoh, Khairi Jamaluddin dan Pemuda UMNO sanggup bekerjasama dengan BERSIH dalam memenuhi tuntutan kumpulan tersebut sekiranya mereka menggugurkan kempen BERSIH 2.0.

Menurut KJ sistem sedia ada memang memerlukan penambahbaikan. Pelik juga aku. Kalau dah tahu perlu ada penambahbaikan kenapa sampai orang menjerit menyalahkan kerajaan baru nak

Bersihs hidden agenda a success

All it took was the press discussion to make known the date as well as venue. BN leaders fell for the bait.But if Bersih has the dark bulletin to lean the domestic momentum in Pakatan Rakyats favour as well as if the opposition coalition is indeed critical about reforms, afterwards isnt three days of waste the tiny cost to pay for the corrupt-free, transparent as well as estimable business sourroundings in the future? RK Anand, Free Malaysia Today If the claim which Bersih 2.0 has the dark bulletin is true, afterwards kudos to the l ... Read More

BERSIH2.0 Leaders granted an audience by DYMM Yang diPertuan Agong

July 5, 2011


DYMM Yang diPertuan Agong grants BERSIH Leaders an assembly this afternoon

Joseph Sipalan & Abdul Rahim Sabri@www.malaysiakini.com
Jul 5, 11

The Agong granted BERSIH2.0 leaders an assembly this afternoon, during which the movements convene scheduled for Saturday is approaching to be discussed.

BERSIH2.0 chief Ambiga Sreenevasan, steering committee member Zaid Kamaruddin and inhabitant laurate A Samad Said (right) were seen entering the Istana Negara gates about 1.55pm. The contingent refused criticism when approached.

Yesterday, BERSIH2.0 submitted the formal request for an assembly during which they intend to explain the movements in front of as well as find the Agongs recommendation on the rally.

BERSIH2.0 had requested for the assembly because the Agong had released the special statement on Sunday night.

The Agong had said that, whilst it is obligatory on the government to fulfill its responsibilities in the only as well as wise manner, street demonstrations would bring more mistreat than good, even if the strange intention is good.

Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz