Incorrigible UMNO leaders continue to shamelessly equate public interest to UMNO interest, and demonstrating no signs of regret of wrongdoings
He even shielded which a plan is profitable to a open because "Umno members could get a twelve percent bonus during a apartments" whilst typical bumiputras can get 7% discount.
Tony Pua
Despite a Prime Minister's continued assertion which UMNO has "transformed" as good as "learnt from a mistakes of a past", a leaders go upon to be completely shameless when defending a viewable wrong doings of their past.
In a ultimate display by Ng Suee Lim as good as Shuhaimi Shafiei upon a land squeeze by Kota Raja UMNO, a latter paid usually RM1,000 in reward for 4 acres of land worth during least RM2.8 million in Section 25, Shah Alam. While a land was creatively slated for building a sports as good as distraction formidable with a community centre, a site visit had found usually nearly completed apartments as good as shoplots.
However, when queried by Malaysiakini, former Kota Raja Umno arch Amzah Umar has denied any indiscretion over a ultimate allegations, observant which "the medium-cost apartments have been meant for open interest." Amzah was also a former state representative of Sri Muda.
He even shielded which a plan is profitable to a open because "Umno members could get a twelve percent bonus during a apart! ments&qu ot; whilst typical bumiputras can get 7% discount. It appears which a Animal Farm cannot be some-more true for UMNO "All animals have been equal, though a little animals have been some-more next to than others".
In fact, Amzah had a cheek to deny which there isn't "anything unusual" in which a Umno division as good as MBSA usually paid RM1,000 in land premiums.
It is viewable which UMNO is unable to differentiate in between a seductiveness of UMNO, a party, a leaders as good as members, from which of a seductiveness of a public. They have shown no distress over a fact which such actions is no different from hidden a resources of a people to profit UMNO as good as Barisan Nasional.
Based upon a reply of Amzah as good as other leaders over a progressing land-grab exposes in Selangor, it cannot be some-more clear which if Barisan Nasional is re-elected in to Government, they will go upon to pillage as good as plunder a resources as good as resources of a state during a expense of a man-on-the-street.
The contrariety with a Pakatan Rakyat administration cannot be some-more stark. After 5 years of administration, no Pakatan Rakyat member parties or a elected representatives have perceived a single square of land from a state government.
We call upon Selangor Barisan Nasional as good as UMNO leaders, to announce which if these "projects" were indeed in open interest, afterwards all increase outset from these projects should be returned to a State Government so which a monies could afterwards be outlayed upon a welfare of Selangorians as good as upgrading a infrastructure of a state.
Despite UMNO carrying attacked 5.4 million Selangorians, a Prime Minister has chosen to remain! elegant ly wordless upon a above issue. Datuk Seri Najib Razak who is also a Selangor UMNO Chief must get his house in order by explaining a land squeeze liaison as good as usurpation responsility for UMNO's sins. Otherwise, his call for "transformation" is zero by dull tongue to surprise Malaysians.
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FIKIRKAN : Ada sesuatu yang tidak kena Najib di Gaza.


Cuba anda perhatikan wajah dan gaya berpakaian PMNajib semasa lawatan ke Gaza.

Berbanding dengan lawatan PMNajib ke London, New York, Davos tentunya kita dapati ada perbezaan yang ketara.

Lihat cara berpakaian dan penampilan PMNajib semasa bertemu Ratu Elizabeth atau Obama.

Wajah Najib juga tidak begitu ceria. Barangkali dia terlalu fikirkan PRU 13 dan ancaman team Muhyiddin. Bertambah dengan rungutan Presiden Mahmud Abbas yang marah kerana tidak melawat Tebing Barat.

Jika di lihat pakaian PM Ismail Haniyeh, tidak menjadi hal. Ini kerana itulah pakaian beliau(tanpa tali leher) semasa acara rasmi, lawatan luar negara dan upacara rasmi.

Berbanding PMNajib. Mengapakah Najib tidak berpakaian seperti semasa berjumpa Obama atau module rasmi? Biasanya Najib akan memakai tali leher dan kot yang kemas.

Adakah bagi Najib ini sekadar module santai-santai sedang pihak Palestin menyediakan satu perbarisan hormat untuknya ?

Adakah pihak Wisma Putra menganggap ini satu lawatan seperti NGO kerana takutkan kemurkaan Amerika yang menganggp HAMAS sebagai pengganas?

Untuk politik dalaman pula, Najib gunakan lawatan ini untuk menunjukkan betapa UMNO amat prihatin dengan nasib Palestin berbanding PAS. Pada hal, tangan kanan Najib bersalam ! dengan P alestin manakala tangan kirinya menjual sawit kepada Zionis !

Atau adakah lawatan PMNajib ini untuk selesaikan satu "skandal " besar yang melibatkan orang besar Putera UMNO yang dikatakan cuba pikul guni lebihan derma Palestin?

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Lagi taktik kotor Umno BN untuk menafikan kemenangan PR dalam PRU13? Sumber:

Dengan keadaan PRU13 yang domain menang kalah yang mungkin sangat tipis, kerja celaka macam ni yang kesannya kecik joke mungkin boleh menafikan kemenangan calon Pakatan Rakyat.

Sinarharian melaporkan:
SHAH ALAM Barisan Nasional (BN) Selangor digesa menghentikan tindakan mengelirukan rakyat dengan menukarkan tempat mengundi pengundi sesuka hati untuk kepentingan parti mereka.

Adun Selat Klang, Dr Halimah Ali berkata, pihaknya kesal selepas menerima aduan beberapa pengundi Dun Selat Klang mendapati Dun dan Parlimen mengundi mereka ditukar ke kawasan lain pada surat Selamat Tahun Baru dengan simbol 'Sayangi Selangor' daripada BN
Selangor yang diterima mereka. -Sinarharian.
Bila baca 2 perenggan laporan Sinarharian macam katatas tu, aku tak nampak ada apa masalah. Biasa la Umno BN hantar surat kepada pengundi.
Takat nak cari maklumat pengundi termasuk alamat terkini memang takdak masalah sangat kut, tambah-tambah untuk yang isi borang BR1M, memang Umno BN boleh dapat alamat terkini lengkap dengan nombor telefon.

Bab guna duit kerajaan untuk hantar kad ucapan tu joke aku tak heran pasainya memang sejak dari dulu lagi Umno BN buat harta kerajaan macam harta mak bapak depa punya.

Cuma yang aku mushkil bila Sinarharian melaporkan:
"Contohnya A Ramachandran Dun N46 Pelabuhan Klang P110 Klang tetapi bila disemak Pengarah Pilihan Raya Negeri Selangor! , Dzulki fli Ab Rahman dan beliau sendiri akui pengundi ini masih berada di Dun Selat Klang

"Tetapi kenapa surat Selamat Tahun Baru yang dihantar oleh Perdana Menteri menunjukkan mereka seolah-olah ditukarkan tempat mengundi.

"Ini yang dihantar dan kita mendapat maklumat ramai lagi menghadapi situasi ini," katanya. - Ibid.
Takkan kut Umno BN bangang sangat sampai maklumat tempat mengundi joke boleh silap. Dengan SPR yang bila-bila masa sanggup jadi kuda tunggangan Umno BN, aku tak rasa patut ada kesilapan macam tu.

Persoalannya sekarang macamana boleh jadi macam tu. Adakah memang penama tu SPR memang dah pindahkan ke tempat lain dan SPR saja tak ubah dalam database untuk semakan di laman SPR.

Ataupun Umno BN saja hantar maklumat tu untuk kelirukan pengundi yang memang depa dah kenalpasti sebagai penyokong Pakatan Rakyat padahal pengundi tu sebenarnya tak berubah joke tempat mengundi.

Aku memang tak heran kalau itu memang sebahagian dari perancangan dan usaha Umno BN untuk mempertahankan Putrajaya dan dalam masa yang sama merampas balik Selangor.

Memang dengan kemajuan teknologi IT sekarang ni, maklumat tempat mengundi tak sepatutnya jadi masalah tapi masih tetap boleh kurangkan undi calon Pakatan Rakyat kalau joke mungkin tak banyak.

Tapi dengan keadaan PRU13 yang domain menang kalah yang mungkin sangat tipis, kerja celaka macam ni yang kesannya kecik joke mungkin boleh menafikan kemenangan calon Pakatan Rakyat.

Ditambah pulak dengan tektik kotor lain macam 'pengundi segera' dikalangan warga asing, memang tak mustahil calon Pakatan Rakyat sebenarnya dah kalah sebelum hari mengundi lagi...

- cenangau Read More @ Source

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

EU says would work with any democratically-elected government

PETALING JAYA, January 25 European Union ambassador Luc Vandebon asserted a willingness to co-operate with any democratically-elected government, during a revisit with Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today. The revisit comes as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is now occupied with a five-day World Economic Forum (WEF) in ... Read More

Bendera PKR Dan PAS Dicalit Degan Lambang Salib


Bendera PKR yang dicop lambang salib diturunkan. Satuperbuatan jahat yang sungguh mencelakan dilaporkan berlaku di Johor malam tadi apabila bendera PAS dan PKR dicalitkan (print) dengan lambang salib. Kejadian itu berlaku di Batu Pahat Johor.

Selain bendera itu dicop dengan lambang salib ianya juga ditulis dengan perkataan-perkataan buruk menghina kedua-dua parti itu, ini menggambarkan si pelakunya seorang yang belum tamadun ataupun "gedebe tahi kucing."

Cara berpolitik tidak bermoral ini juga menunjukkan pihak yang melakukan perbuatan itu dalam keadaan terdesak dan nazak.

Tidak dipastikan apakah perletakan lambang salib itu pada bendera kedua-dua parti itu yang telah dipasang, atau ia disiapkan awal-awal kemudian dipasang malam tadi.

Beberapa helai bendera yang dicop lambang salib itu telah diturunkan. Satu laporan polis berhubung kejadian itu dikatakan telah dibuat pagi ini.

Kegiatan atau perbuatan seperti ini sepatutnya tidak berlaku dan semua pihak harus berkempen secara tertib mengikut lunas-lunas demokrasi.

Pihak polis dan juga SPR perlu memastikan ia tidak merebak. Paling penting pastikan apakah ia perbuatan salah satu pihak yang bertentangan di antara satu sama lain atau pun ada anasir-anasir lain yang berniat jahat melaga-lagakan kedua-dua pihak.

Dibimbangi sekiranya perkara jahat ini tidak dibenteraskan kemungkinan ia boleh mencetuskan sesuatu yang lebih buruk kelak apabila ada pihak yang tidak dapat mengawal keadaan bertindak membalas balik perbuatan itu.

Perletakan lambang salib ini mungkin ada hubung kait dengan isu kalimah Allah dan juga! provoka si oleh pihak tertentu yang memperbodoh-bodohkan rakyat kampung kononnya kalau Pakatan Rakyat memerintah Malaysia ianya akan dikuasai oleh Kristian.[wm.kl.11:36 am 25/01/13]
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Bumburing: Umno thought I was 'opposition' even then - Free Malaysia Today

Bumburing: Umno suspicion I was 'opposition' even then
Free Malaysia Today
Incumbent Tuaran MP, Wilfred Bumburing, who is expected to mount on the Pakatan Rakyat ticket has defended his 'record' while in BN. KOTA KINABALU: Former Barisan Nasional MP Wilfred Bumburing, stung by the remark from Sulaman representative Hajiji ...

Bakar Bible: Usaha DAP perbesarkan isu kalimah Allah

Kenyataan Dato Ibrahim Ali dalam ceramahnya di Perhimpunan Perkasa di Permatanag Pauh bersama tun Dr Mahathir berhubung membakar Bible harus dilihat dalam konteks yang betul. Baca SINI

Kata-kata Ibrahim Ali hanya reaksi spontan dan kata-kata seimbas lalu yang agak casual yang ditujukan kepada pihak mubaligh Kristian yang telah menyebarkan Bible yang dikatakan adalah Bible Melayu kepada

Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat KL112 at its peak Video

After observation so many videos of Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat KL112 I found this one to be more significant as well as taken during a peak. Judge for yourself as well as review to what a umno-bn tranquil media reported.

- Malaysia For All
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Whats Next after Sabah RCI?, asks Kim Quek

January 25, 2013

What's Next after Sabah RCI?

Kim Quekby Kim Quek (01-24-13)

COMMENT: Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad finally admitted in the face of strenuous justification which he postulated citizenship to the bootleg immigrants who have flooded Sabah, though quickly combined which the citizenship was postulated legally.

He said: "Many of them in Sabah were not there for the day or two, though 20 or thirty years as well as can verbalise Malay. They have the right to be citizens".

Is which all there is to the infamous 'Project M' (M stands for Mahathir) which has brought Dr M during Perdanauntold miseries to Sabahans the mere extenuation of citizenship to qualified immigrants in the normal legal way? To get to the truth, let us hear the little top officials of the Sabah National Registration Department (NRD) who gave justification to the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) seeking in to the race blast of Sabah.

Incontrovertible evidence

Sabah NRD Assistant Registrar Kee Dzulkifly Kee Abd Jalil pronounced the special section he was working in, illegally released the little 100,000 blue identity cards (ICs) to the immigrants (blue cards have been meant for adults only), in further to arising 200,000 letters of capitulation for bieing born certificates for the young kids of immigrants.

With these capitulation letters, they woul! d get th eir bieing born certificates from the hospitals or district offices. These immigrants, who have been all Muslims, have been especially from the Southern Philippines as well as Indonesia.

Kee Dzulkifly, together with the little of his fellow officers who additionally gave justification collaborating Kee Dzulkifly's evidence, was subsequently incarcerated underneath the Internal Security Act (ISA) for dual years from 1995 to 1997, for enchanting in these bootleg activities.

Tamparuli NRD arch Yakup Damsah pronounced which upon direction from then-Sabah NRD arch Abdul Rauf Sani, he as well as his colleagues were flown from Sabah to Kuala Lumpur, where they operated the clandestine operation in the house of Mahathir's then-political secretary, Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin during Kampung Pandan to illegally issue blue ICs to immigrants.

Yakup pronounced the role of the operation was to progress Muslims electorate as well as to safeguard they opinion for UMNO in the Sabah state election. His organisation released 40,000 blue ICs within the month. Yakup was subsequently incarcerated underneath the ISA for his bootleg act.

NONESabah NRD Chief Ramli Kamaruddin, who succeeded Abdul Rauf, pronounced which dual weeks prior to the 1994 Sabah state election, he met then-deputy home apportion Megat Junid Megat Ayub (the then-home apportion was Mahathir) during Hyatt Hotel in Kota Kinabalu, where he was instructed to issue temporary IC receipts to immigrants.

These receipts, in the names of electorate who never voted, would enable the immigrants to opinion upon polling day, so as to safeguard the Barisan Nasional (BN) victory. Also present during the road house was Osu Sukam, who after became Sabah arch apportion! in 1999 . Ramli Kamaruddin was additionally incarcerated underneath ISA for dual years from 1995.

Sabah NRD Deputy Director Mohd Nasir Sugip testified which the department carried out the surreptitious 'Ops Durian Burok' from 1992 to 1995 underneath direction from the state Election Commission (EC) to provide unqualified immigrants with blue ICs so which they could opinion in an election.

With the new ICs released in accordance with the details provided by the EC, these Philipino as well as Indonesian Muslims were afterwards planted as electorate in vital constituencies (classified as 'black' or 'grey' for BN) across Sabah to assistance BN win in elections. At one time, Sabah EC executive Wan Ahmad Wan Yusof handed over the list of 16,000 names as well as asked for these to be converted in to 'Bumiputra Islam' voters. Mohd Nasir was after incarcerated underneath the ISA.

Blackout by mainstream media

All these justification were presented to the RCI upon Jan 16, the third day of the hearings; since Mahathir claimed his ignorance upon the subsequent day, Jan 17. Does it not boggle the mind which in the face of such flawless justification of this large bootleg operation, Mahathir would still deny the existence?

What gave him the bravery to do so, if not for the actuality which the RCI's record have probably been blacked out by the mainstream media, while his statement of counterclaim would be since prominence?

Despite such connivance from the mainstream media as well as Mahathir's brazen denials, there is no approach which such the staggering breach of law can be buried in this Internet age of ubiquitous information.

Equally impossible to deny is Mahathir's couple to these acts of treason. The dual key domestic leaders featured in the justification Aziz Shamsuddin as well as Megat Junid were Mahathir's closest confidantes, who were additionally well-known for! their p urposes as henchmen to govern the little of his some-more tasteless schemes.

At their level of domestic influence as well as status, these dual henchmen would have as well as the bravery nor the reason to embark upon such the confidant venture of tall fraud which could simply have led their tour to the gallows, without the insurance of the top domestic leadership.

It is as clear as daylight which these dual domestic minions were usually carrying out the wishes of their domestic boss.

Mahathir irretrievable linked

Project M is unparalleled in modern history in which it is the surreptitious operation which has succeeded in robbing the emperor rights of the people by large distillate of bootleg immigrants as well as pervasive contamination of the electoral hurl with bootleg electorate (known as the haunt voters).

azlanThe success of Project M has ensured UMNO's hegemony in Sabah for almost dual decades. And the strange Sabahans will continue to be subjected to such order unless the bootleg immigrants as well as haunt electorate menace is resolved.

What is even some-more shocking is which the haunt voter cancer continues to grow right up to this day, not usually in Sabah, though there is plenty justification which the malignancy has been swelling in peninsula Malaysia, as exemplified by the thousands of indeterminate purebred electorate which aspect continually, quite in the state of Selangor.

The latest justification was uncovered by the consult carried out by the Selangor government. In the house-to-house check upon the half the million newly purebred voters, 135,000 of them could not be traced, for which the EC has not since any current answer. In fact, the greatest problem is the EC, which has unabashedly acted as the dom! estic ar m of UMNO.

Take the case of the bomb expose' uncovered by the Sabah RCI. In any democracy, the choosing elect would have immediately swung in to emergency action, as well as in as well as with other agencies such as the NRD, military as well as Attorney-General's Chambers, would find out the criminals as well as rectify the huge damage to revive integrity as well as public certainty to the electoral system.

But not the EC. The latter has chosen not to react upon the sore excuse which any comment would be 'sub judice' as well as any movement would additionally be premature, as the RCI has not finished the findings.

Bonanza for Opposition?

The same deaf as well as dumb tactic has additionally been adopted by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak as well as the member parties of Barisan Nasional. The EC as well as BN's strategy seems to be do zero until the subsequent choosing which will be hold in probably dual months' time. (Parliament stands dissolved upon April 28, as well as polling within 60 days thereafter.)

And Opposition alliance Pakatan Rakyat as well as polite multitude will have to decide whether to theatre an additional mass rally, both to force the little urgent as well as basic electoral reforms together with cleansing of the electoral roll, as well as to gain domestic capital by swinging the center belligerent further towards them.

Whatever the decision upon the mass rally, the opposition will certainly leave no stone unturned to proclaim the moral as well as domestic bankruptcy of the obligatory domestic energy in resorting to equates to most tainted during the peril of destroying the democracy so as to adhere upon to power.

Thus, the Sabah RCI is turning out to be the last-minute present to the Opposition after all, whatever the findings.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Open Letter to Brother Robert Judah Paul

FMT LETTER: From Rev Sivin Kit, via e-mailLiving as the religious minority in the plural multitude is never easy. It is done even reduction easy when you as members of this minority try to have the difference to the multitude around us. Nonetheless, your adore for the civic destitute as well as your work among them have been well known as well as can only be seen as the phenomenon of Christs call for us to adore the neighbours as ourselves.We have been nonetheless troubled by the quote attributed to you in Free Malaysia Today which Christian ... Read More


Pendedahan gambar-gambar yang menunjukkan kehadiran bekas Timbalan Presiden PAS, Nasharuddin Mat Isa di samping Perdana Menteri, Najib Abdul Razak di Gaza, telah membuatkan sebilangan pemimpin PAS meloncat, dan pada masa yang sama, ada pula yang cuba untuk test market.

Nasharuddin Mat Isa, merupakan figura yang pale dikenali di dalam PAS. Walaupun desakan demi desakan agar Nasharuddin Mat Isa dipecat dari PAS, namun sehingga kini, Majlis Syura PAS enggan berbuat begitu. Pemerhati politik beranggapan, PAS enggan mengambil risiko dalam tempoh terdekat ini, memandangkan Nasharuddin Mat Isa mempunyai pengikutnya yang tersendiri. Namun kedudukan Nasharuddin Mat Isa dalam PAS tidak akan selamat sebaik-baik sahaja PRU13 berakhir dan keputusan diumumkan.

Nasruddin Hasan Tantawi, Ketua Pemuda PAS juga nampaknya tidak mahu ketinggalan dalam hal tersebut. Sama ada dia cuba untuk mendapatkan perhatian atau barangkali juga ingin menguji sejauh mana pengaruh Nasharuddin Mat Isa yang selama ini kurang menonjol, hanya dia yang lebih tahu.

Namun cubaannya untuk memperlekehkan pemergian Nasharuddin Mat Isa ke Gaza bersama-sama Perdana Menteri dan anggota rombongannya yang lain, ternyata memakan diri. Nasruddin Tantawi boleh melihat sendiri reaksi yang diberikan oleh rakan-rakannya dalam Facebook yang lebih banyak membidasnya berbanding menyokong pendapatnya.

Beberapa hari lepas, Nasruddin Tantawi melompat sakan dan begitu marah dengan Karpal Singh yang memaksa Presiden PAS, Abdul ! Hadi Awa ng agar mengarahkan Majlis Syura Ulama PAS menarik balik ketetapan yang telah dibuat berhubung KALIMAH ALLAH. Pada ketika itu, Nasruddin Tantawi mendapat sokongan yang begitu meluas. Ramai penyokong PAS yang tidak senang dengan kerenah DAP, memuji-mujinya tatkala sebilangan besar pemimpin PAS pula menekup telur masing-masing.

Mungkin bertitik tolak daripada reaksi yang diterimanya itulah, Nasruddin cuba melakukan ujian.

Ramai pecacai Pakatan Rakyat yang cuba melakukan tohmahan dan hasutan berhubung penyertaan Nasharuddin Mat Isa dalam rombongan Perdana Menteri ke Gaza. Daripada kecaman yang dibuat oleh Presiden Palestin, Mahmoud Abbas terhadap kehadiran Perdana Menteri Malaysia di Gaza, sehinggalah reaksi yang ditunjukkan oleh agen-agen provokator Zionis, terutama menerusi berita-berita yang disiarkan, para pecacai Pakatan Rakyat menjadikan seolah-olah kehadiran itu tidak dihargai oleh warga Palestin.

Baca seterusnya di SEL13.COM

Fareez Rahmat, Fikri Haziq: Tunjuk sebab kenapa Sinar Harian tak patut di BOIKOT?!

Kedua-dua cybertrooper Sinar Harian ... Fareez Rahmat dan budak UMNO (ye budak tak matang) Fikri Haziq mempertahankan akhbar ini seolah-olah ianya telus, seimbang dan adil serta amanah. Baca balik SINI dan SINI

Kalau betul Sinar Harian itu profesyenal dan beretika kewartawanan ... sila tunjuk sebab kenapa orang ramai yang berakal dan minda tak patut boikot Sinar Harian berdasarkan

Beng Hock, his killers & the MACC forever captured in landmark documentary of his death

Beng Hock, his killers & a MACC forever prisoner in turning indicate documentary of his death
Teoh Beng Hock was a male who died whilst in a control of a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters in Shah Alam.
We read about him, you saw his print in a news, as good as you recollect a emotive images of his pathetic sister.
We knew him as a domestic worker.
He was law-abiding as good as guileless of a MACC, a supervision anti-corruption group - a good guys who go after a bad guys.
It was Teoh's fatal inapplicable designation in guileless them.
He had left to their bureau to assistance in their review over a teenager expense, RM 2,400 to be exact, incurred by his boss, a state representative who is a member of a Selangor exco (state executive committee).
We know a rest of a story.
We saw a haunting print of his body sprawled upon a fifth bureau building of a Plaza Masalam bureau building where a MACC bureau was located.
We saw a ripped pants as good as you imagined his final thoughts moments prior to he hit a ground as good as his immature reason up ended.
A picture paints a thousand words. A sad a single draws a thousand tears as good as creates a widow cry.
Teoh's desired ones, his parents, his sister as good as his mother done a widow after a posthumous marriage, still can't talk about Beng Hock without choking as good as you clarity their grief as good as despair.
you could feel their suffering as Teoh's widow wiped a tears from her eyes with her peaceful finger as good as could not answer a question. Such suffering you can! not cens or from a camera.
The large cover-up began prolonged prior to a headlines of Teoh's genocide got out.
To a countless series of Malaysians including I, who still indicate a finger during a MACC, Teoh was a stranger to a public, an additional cog in a domestic machine where part-players have been never in a limelight.
Timely scrutiny by an insider
rights-of-deadTricia Yeoh in her award-winning documentary upon Teoh Beng Hock titledRights of a Dead,released late final year, has brought him closer to us.
It is a timely work since similar to so many who died in mysterious circumstances Teoh can simply slip out of a open psyche in to history.
"I unequivocally longed for to uncover how a family suffered by it" pronounced Yeoh during a Freedom Filmfest gathering.
Her first-hand believe as a staffer of a Selangor supervision had given her an insinuate believe of a "unresolved case."
The reduced movie provides a succinct comment of events prior to as good as after Teoh's genocide as good as leaves a spectator still with a whinging proverbial subject - "Who did it?"
After watching Yeoh's documentary which won a Justin Louis Award FFF2012, you realised which some-more than feeling chagrin during a supervision for his death, you owe Teoh Beng Hock a dignified obligation to finish what he had set out to do.
He longed for his nation to be a improved place.
you got to know some-more about a male who a open still consider was murdered notwithstanding an central inquisition as good as a stately elect of inquiry in to his genocide which resulted in an open verdict.
Teoh was a loyal Malaysian, a promising immature male who felt which operative for a politician was a single approach he could put self-assurance! to work .
Unlike those who usually complain, he acted as good as got endangered in helping a politician to shift a nation he loved.
It was a eminent enterprise for which he paid a idealisation price.
Many Malaysians reason a supervision obliged for a deaths in MACC as good as military custody, as good as which have not been properly dealt with.
The culprits still roam free. The MACC male in charge of Teoh's box was promoted divided from where Teoh had died.
As for a police, they refused to action upon a recommendations of a stately elect to raise military standards as good as accountability.
This action of repudiation has signed a genocide warrants of some-more who will die in military control since a little consider which a military uniform is looseness to action above a law.
But Teoh did not die in military control since he was a suspected criminal.
He died in a control of a government's anti-corruption agents whom he had left to help.
Teoh's genocide sounded a notice bells which something is drastically remiss with a MACCmodus operandi.
"It can occur to anyone including me," pronounced Yeoh in an interview.
The stately elect blamed a MACC officers for their modus operandi which caused Teoh to die reduced of observant they killed Teoh.
But you have been zero a wiser since a stately commission's final decision was conjunction carnage nor suicide. An earlier inquisition gave a outcome of self-murder which was opposed by Teoh's family as good as a public.
It left many unanswered questions though to many in a public, they know since Teoh died though they do not have a smoking gun. And circumstantial justification whilst compelling, is not enough to have a government, mostly seen as partial to a police, to move about any rapist charges.
Any Joe Public could fall victim
cheah-chin-leeThe Unknown Soldier is a fable as good as remembered every year, though a many 'unknown' deaths in supervision control have been uninvestigated as good as lost since they never reason a open eye.
And right away Malaysians have been confronted with an additional genocide in military custody, which of Cheah Chin Lee, 36, in Penang. And again a genocide is shrouded in mystery, a male who had no reason to kill himself was found hanged in a military lock-up.
In her reduced documentary Tricia Yeoh succeeded in sketch a spectator closer to Beng Hock, a male of conviction, not just a victim of murder.
And viewers have been poignantly reminded which they 'cannot be neutral' in light of injustice, pronounced Yeoh in an interview.
Maybe you have a soft spot though who could be so inhuman as to not be affected when a movie allows you to take a closer demeanour during someone's black death. It could have been someone tighten to us it could have been you or me, as Yeoh did not forget to remind us.
The video brought a law closer to my heart as good as a tears to my eyes. It was such a tributary as good as meaningless genocide as good as you keep asking myself since over as good as over again.
Why do Malaysians die in supervision control in a internal military lock-up, in a prisons, in a MACC office?
Why have been there so many deaths in control as good as still there is no stately elect in to those deaths? There is no open outrage, no taking to a streets. No indication it is all starting to stop.
If a 'system sucks' as they contend it is since you allow it as good as do not criticism enough. And Yeoh creates her indicate in a respectful though touching way.
you theory you can't demonstrate over every single action of misapplication since many believe a shift ! of super vision as good as a purge of crime competence have a in advance difference.
To cure any sickness you have to provide a means not a symptoms as good as you can't be indifferent or neutral. He or she who is not against immorality abets it as good as competence be a victim. Yeoh could not sojourn neutral since a complement compels us to take domestic sides as good as it is not a domestic party though what it does which wins a support.
Many holes in MACC story
Teoh Beng Hock did not merit to die no Malaysian deserves to die when in a supposedly protected hands of a military or coercion officers who have been lerned to defend a law as good as protect a public.
No a single can convince me which Teoh Beng Hock was not tortured or roughed up as to wish to cling to around a MACC bureau when he could have left after a interview, if in actuality you accept a MACC explanation.
The central story did not stack up.
The answers to deaths in control never do. And a victims as good as their desired ones never get probity in many cases. Those who emanate fiction to cover up a actuality as good as their culpability will eventually have to own up, hopefully, not regularly upon their genocide bed.
If indeed it was loyal Teoh asked to stay back, he contingency have indispensable to redeem from his ordeal, which competence have included physical abuse, it explains since Thai pathologist Dr Pornthip forked to a unexplained pre-fall damage upon Teoh's neck as good as her opinion which he was 'murdered'.
And a anecdotal testimony of someone interviewed in a documentary, who was once roughed up by a MACC, backs a suspicion of Teoh's own diagnosis during a hands of his interrogators.
Beng Hock was 'collateral damage'
Tricia Yeoh a first-time film-maker weaved a elementary storyline using headlines footage as good as personal interviews as good as guided us by a labyrinth of witnesses including a former tip supervision crime questioner who spoke of shortcomings in military investigations in to Teoh's death.
The impact upon me was not a luminosity of a production, most of it was a elementary indicate as good as record single camera work, though a authenticity as good as poignancy of Teoh's genocide itself as good as a little details similar to his enterprise to serve his nation which filled a pieces in a jigsaw for me.
Yeoh got to a indicate as good as there's usually so most you can cover in a reduced movie as good as she succeeded in her aim.
If there was a consequential blank piece, it is 'Why?' a whinging question.
Why take divided a reason up of someone who did not fool around any main purpose in politics? Why did Teoh Beng Hock have to die?
Because you know he would not have killed himself when he had so most to live for an approaching marriage as good as new purpose as a husband, as good as a suspicion of carrying a son would be enough reason for any male to wish to live.
There have been many hypotheses upon Teoh's genocide though there is a single foregone conclusion: Teoh was a material damage in what right away appears a domestic witchhunt.
The law of how he died competence emerge a little day as it mostly does in Malaysia since scandals have been mostly buried in shoal graves as good as a skeletons will rise to tell a truth.
Cover-up has regularly been a approach of evading a truth. And it is immature people similar to Tricia Yeoh who will keep a fire for probity burning.
Teoh Beng Hock is a domestic martyr. Yeoh's documentary has certainly done it possible as good as simpler to continue to tell Teoh Beng Hock's story as good as to seek eventual probity for him, his family a! s good a s friends.
But there is no video of Teoh's talk with a MACC officers.
A recording would have saved his reason up as good as you certitude it is customary procession right away for a MACC as good as it should also be in places where people have been reason in custody.
Story told for a consequence of a son
A documentary movie of this inlet was not done with a singular target to win awards during movie festivals. Films of this genre have been not done to entertain us as good as impress us with a dexterity in a making.
you competence not be haughty which Tricia Yeoh, a talented as good as endangered immature Malaysian, a excellent lady of conscience had meant which you take a summary of a movie to heart as good as action upon it.
It was a story which had to be told. It is a movie which deserved to win a endowment as good as Yeoh succeeded in her goal. Its summary to me is which you need to absolve Beng Hock's genocide by bringing his murderers, either conscious or otherwise, to probity as good as to guarantee which it can never occur again.
Justice is doubtful to be given under a obligatory supervision as good as an additional genocide did occur again, not prolonged after Teoh's.
Ahmad Sarbani Mohammed, a Malay law officer was a victim this time, as good as Malaysians contingency have felt a clarity of deja vu, since similar to Teoh Beng Hock he also fell to his genocide whilst in MACC custody.
We know even less of this man's genocide than you do of Beng Hock's. He as well deserves to have his story told.
The slightest you can do for Beng Hock is to guarantee his immature son will get a reason up his father would have given him had he returned from a MACC bureau which fatal day.
"Your Daddy was a hero, he died serving his country," you contingency tell a boy.
Whatever a feelings upon politics or a allegiances, pro! bity con tingency be master.
Putting The System under scrutiny
Justice delayed is probity denied, as good as probity denied is a crime unpunished as good as a victim doubly victimized whilst a perpetrator goes scot free.
And you goal a family groups of Kugan, a many good known of Indian deaths in military control as good as others who also died in control will get a probity their family groups as good as friends direct as good as deserve, as good as which a open wish to see.
Corruption is a country's cancer though a supervision which does zero about deaths in custody, as good as in actuality promotes those obliged for Beng Hock's genocide sends a wrong message.
Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan, Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed their unjust deaths have come to designate a tyranny of immorality which contingency be challenged for under tighten scrutiny it is a same bloody immorality which gave us a murders in a murdering fields as good as which shock us to a core.
Evil rears a ugly head in opposite ways as good as opposite places though a victims regularly suffer an unjust as good as black genocide as good as their desired ones get a reason up sentence of suffering as good as sorrow.
Whoever you are, you simply cannot mount by as good as watch others die during a hands of sanctioned criminals whoever they have been who abuse a power you gave them.
We have been a brother's keeper as good as you have been obliged to forestall a widow's tears.
The complement contingency change. The hurtful contingency go.
We contingency work for good governance since crime formula in a deaths of innocent Malaysians as good as any genocide in a control of a supervision is a single genocide as well many.
A opinion for a shift Beng Hock wanted
The Rights of a Deadis a documentary every Malaysian should watch as good as realise which you can never certitude any supervision group whilst you have been in their control since of what happened to Teoh Beng Hock.
It is a notice not to be treated with colour easily which those who have been hapless to be placed in a control of a authorities over a many teenager make a difference competence end up dead.
It is not to cow us though to enforce us to move a culprits to court as good as to guarantee immorality never triumphs since a good will do something.
The usually guarantee is to guarantee usually a trustworthy get to reason bureau as good as a complement creates any lawbreaker accountable as good as no a single is allowed to be above a law.
Responsible leadership as good as obliged systems have been a country's best safeguards.
you am blissful Tricia Yeoh did a movie as good as demeanour forward to some-more of such films as good as a Freedom Film Festival people have been a real item to amiability as good as a movie attention as good as you applaud them.
A opinion for Teoh Beng Hock is a slightest you can do for him as good as a nation he loved. A opinion for Teoh is a opinion for a shift he wanted.
Change will improved guarantee a rights of a living.
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Semua alah UMNO kan Anwar? Be the man la, orang tanya jawab la, apa nak kira dari mana? Tu pemimpin kerajaan semua dok layan Mkini dan Malaysian Insider selamba je? Anwar lu tarak telor ka?

Ghana Benefit From Referee Blunder To Sink Mali

PORT ELIZABETH: Mubarak Wakaso scored the penalty to give Ghana the 1-0 win over Mali in African Cup of Nations Group B compare this morning but usually after the victors were helped upon their way by the outrageous error by the referee, reported Eurosport.Read more... ... Read More

Panel: Umno used local council for cheap land

A select cabinet underneath a Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor state public has exposed nonetheless an additional purported cheap land liaison involving Umno today, claiming this time a latter had piggybacked upon a Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) to assist its land approval.

NONESelangor select cabinet upon land as well as district offices (Padat) chairperson Ng Suee Lim(left)claimed which Kota Raja Umno division as well as MBSA mutually applied for a seven-acre land in 2006, evidently to build a sports as well as distraction formidable as well as community centre.

There were allegedly an additional eleven applicants from in isolation developers intendeding to make use of a land for blurb as well as residential projects.

The Klang District Land Committee, which was during a time in charge of a tract in Section 25, Shah Alam, endorsed which 4 acres go to MBSA as well as 3 to a Umno division during market price, Ng said.

NONEHowever, when a state senior manager council, chaired by then-menteri besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo (right) met to authorize a land application, a suit of ownership was reversed as well as Umno presumably got 4 acres while MBSA received three.
Ng further claimed which in addition, Kota Raja Umno usually indispensable to pay a 'nominal fee' of RM1,000 as land premium, although associate Padat cabinet member Shuhaimi Shafiei claimed which land in a a! rea was estimated to be value RM700,000 per hactare during a time.
When applying for a growth formulation approval(Kebenaran Merancang), he pronounced a proposal called for apartments as well as shoplots, with usually a small gymnasium for MBSA.
He added which Phase One of a growth would include of over 600 unit units value during least RM124 million, eleven shoplots, as well as alternative amenities, plus more of a same in a remaining dual phases.

However, he pronounced he is unable to provide details upon Phase Two as well as Three because a applicable growth formulation approval applications have nonetheless to be submitted.
'Hottest' box to date
Lim, who is additionally a Sekinchan assemblyperson, pronounced which this is a 'hottest' box which he has raised to date as it shows how Umno had leveraged upon a internal council to its advantage.
The land is a single of twenty-four plots of land which he had progressing claimed to be purchased low by BN component parties when a bloc was in control of a state during a prior administration.

NONE"MBSA, as a internal authority, has been used by Kota Raja Umno for all preference as well as facilities. How?

"Since it (Kota Raja Umno) is using MBSA, a growth formulation approval is simpler as well as more expedient compared to a in isolation entity or political party. Therefore Umno is like a parasite," he pronounced during a press discussion today.
Shuhaimi added which Padat has additionally endorsed which Kota Raja Umno pay RM500,000 as 'consolation' to MBSA.

While surrender which is it distant next a cost of a land, MBSA would differently have nothing to uncover for a deal solely for a gymnasium sitting upon about 0.3 acres.
During a site revisit to a area after a press conference, a 5 unit blocks appeared to be nearing execution , but construction was still ongoing nearby.

Reporters were additionally given access to a gymnasium meant for MBSA as well as found it so small which it could usually fit in dual badminton courts.

Ng demanded which budding apportion as well as Selangor BN arch Najib Abdul Razak apologise specifically for a purported land squeeze scandal, differently Selangorians should not even cruise choosing by casting votes BN back into power.

He additionally demanded which all twenty-four plots be returned to a state government.
When contacted, then-Kota Raja Umno arch Amzah Umar denied any indiscretion in a matter.
"Umno land is usually 4 acres; MBSA three. We do not disaster with a MBSA land (since) it is a corner venture.

"The recreational centre has not been built nonetheless as well as is still in progress. The gymnasium is already there," he said.
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Ex-Umno division chief: Houses for public interest

Former Kota Raja Umno arch Amzah Umar has denied any wrongdoing over a latest allegations of a land-grab scandal in Section 25, Shah Alam, saying which a medium-cost apartments have been meant for public interest.

He pronounced it provides members of public with housing. When pulpy for details upon how it differs from a for-profit development, he pronounced Umno members could get a 12 percent discount at a apartments.

"We give a 7 percent discount for bumiputra buyers as well as 12 percent for Umno members, if we am not mistaken," he pronounced when contacted today.

NONEAmzah (left), who was additionally Sri Muda assemblyperson at a time when a land deal was struck, was responding toallegationsmade by Selangor select cabinet upon land as well as district offices (Padat) chairperson Ng Suee Lim as well as cabinet member Shuhaimi Shafiei today.
The display currently is part of Ng's efforts to reveal twenty-four plots of land allegedly sold cheaply to BN member parties when a coalition was in control of Selangor.

State antithesis members including Selangor Umno information arch Abdul Shukor Idrus have previously rebutted which a poor land was meant for'community purposes', such as office building village halls as well as kindergartens.

Commenting further upon today's expose, Amzah pronounced all has been starting according to devise as well as in suitability with an agreement with a Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) as well as the! re is no tract to use a internal authority to expedite a growth as alleged.

"What scandal? It is all in a plan. You can check with MBSA, a state government, or a district officer, all is in order," he said.

When it was pointed out which there have been usually apartments in a plans Ng showed to members of a press as well as no pointer of a sports as well as recreation complex which was initially proposed, he pronounced this is in between MBSA as well as a developers as well as he does not know underneath which proviso it would be built.

He additionally denied which there is "anything unusual" in which a Umno multiplication as well as MBSA usually paid RM1,000 in land premiums, claiming which most other organisations additionally applied to a state supervision to pay usually a nominal fee, or no price at all.

Once land is granted, he pronounced it is Umno's right as a property owner to develop it as it sees fit.
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Pecahkan PR: Senjata terakhir selamatkan Umno BN

Senjata terakhir untuk menyelamatkan perikatan Umno BN daripada dihantar ke bangku Pembangkang ialah dengan mewujudkan perpecahan di dalam Pakatan Rakyat dengan memisahkan PAS dan DAP.

Eyewitnesses say cops, mob beat handcuffed man to death

C. Sugumaran's mother, K. Manimagalay, is distraught after observation her youngest son's body. Picture by Choo Choy May
SERDANG, Jan twenty-four A confidence guard was chased down yesterday by 4 policemen who subsequently handcuffed as well as beat him to death together with the host of more than twenty people in Hulu Langat yesterday, eyewitnesses alleged today.
It is misleading why policemen were perplexing to apprehend 40-year-old C. Sugumaran. He was found naked with shackles still upon him, according to witnesses.
His physique is right away during the Serdang Hospital where family members had been denied entrance given their arrival during 9am.
According to witnesses who were present during the sanatorium today, the incident happened during 6.30pm yesterday.
Sugumaran was seen using from the 4 policemen in dual patrol cars along the major highway five minutes from his home in Taman Sri Nanding, Batu twelve Hulu Langat.
As the highway was undiluted with traffic, the 4 policemen stopped their vehicles as well as proceeded to chase after Sugumaran upon foot.
After they caught as well as handcuffed him, more than twenty alternative group from the nearby grill assimilated the policemen as well as proceeded to attack him.
"The military stepped upon Sugumaran's neck," R. Moohanarajan toldThe Malaysian Insiderat the Serdang Hospital here today.
"Twenty to thirty people wearing plain clothes beat him up. He was lying facedown with his hands handcuffed behind," combined Moohanarajan, who was Sugumaran's neighbour.
The eyewitnesses pronounced which the 10-minute violence happened during about 6.30pm yesterday nearby the Taman Perkasa cemetery during Batu 12, Hulu Langat.
Policemen mount outside the morgue of Serdang Hospital. Picture by Choo Choy May
More than twenty people comprising Sugumaran's family, kin as well as neighbours had gathered during the sanatorium here given 9am, demanding to see the body.
Sugumaran's mom K. Manimagalay was only authorised entrance to her son's physique about six hours later during 3.10pm.
She detonate into tears after emerging from the mortuary as well as had to be consoled by her younger brother.
Chaos ensued when Kapar MP S. Manikavasagam shouted: "The shackles are still upon the body.Celaka(Damn)! Already dead, still handcuffed."
Other people proposed cheering angrily as about five military officers attempted to carry out the crowd.
Moohanarajan, who is unemployed, pronounced he was returning home after buying the video diversion when he saw the military chasing Sugumaran, violence him, handcuffing him, as well as then throwing turmeric powder in the latter's face.
He combined which the debate military only came during about 11pm to mislay the physique after it had rained.
Sugumaran's family, kin as well as neighbours wait to perspective his body. Picture by Choo Choy May
Manimagalay pronounced which her youngest son Sugumaran did not have the rapist record.
"He never stole. He did not attempted murder anyone...People pronounced which he had fought with Nepalese though," she told reporters.
The mom of 3 sons also pronounced which Sugumaran suffered from the mental illness, though did not mention what it was.
Sugumaran's friend T. Panirselvam pronounced which Sugumaran was irascible as well as reacted to provocation.
"Ma ybe he has depression," pronounced Panirselvam, adding which Sugumaran's mom had lodged the military inform against Sugumaran the couple of years ago, though did not mention further.
Sugumaran's family counsel N. Surendran told reporters here currently after observation the physique which Sugumaran's left leg was injured as well as had lots of scars, which indicated which "he was pushed down."
"There was bleeding from the behind of the head. On his face, there were remains of turmeric powder around the mouth," pronounced Surendran, who is also the PKR vice-president.
Surendran called for an evident military investigation as well as the cessation of the group involved in the incident.
The autopsy results were unavailable during press time.
Kajang CID chief DSP Marzuki Mohd Mokhdar toldThe Malaysian Insidertoday which the military would brief reporters after the autopsy which would likely be accomplished tonight.
"We've zero to hide," he said.
Sugumaran's family counsel N. Surendran (2nd left) speaks to kin during the hospital. Picture by Choo Choy May
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Police deny beating man, say he died of heart attack

KAJANG, January twenty-four The police have denied violence the security guard yesterday to death, pointing out which the post-mortem currently suggested which he had died of the heart attack. Three eyewitnesses purported progressing currently which four policemen had handcuffed and afterwards assaulted 39-year-old C. Sugumaran together with the mob of more than 20 yesterday dusk near ... Read More

Engaging in the name of Rasulullah

Islam has been misconstrued in most ways, as well most times as well as Muslims have been descrated as really aggressive. There was a fear opposite Muslims in a West. However, Muslims in New York City is environment a really great e.g. of engaging a public, in a name of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W., Rasulullah.Karen Armstrong, a heading British researcher upon Islam shares her thoughts upon Islam as well as Muhammad S.A.W., being compassionate as well as just.In this subsequent Youtube, is a final sermon of Muhammad S.A.W., during ... Read More

Batu Caves temple claims theyre being punished for protesting

(The Star) - The Batu Caves temple cabinet claims it is being victimised by a Selangor government for entertainment a criticism opposite a construction of a common ownership near a limestone cavern site final year.
Sri Maha Mariamman Devasathanam committeechairman Datuk R. Nadarajahalleged a state government, by a Selayang Munici-pal Council (MPS), had done weird requests, together with asking for a office office office building devise of a iconic staircase which leads into a categorical cave.
"After we protested opposite a condominium, MPS sent us a fusillade of letters, as well as a single of them was to brawl a reserve of a staircase.
"The staircase has been around given a 1930s. Millions of people have been going up as well as down it as well as there has never been a problem.
"And right away they wish a office office office building devise for a staircase?'' Nadarajah pronounced here yesterday.
He alleged a state government was additionally punishing him by scrapping his plans for an Indian informative centre as well as done him face a lot of bureaucracy over a Batu Caves wire automobile project.
Nadarajah claimed a development sequence for a wire automobile was authorized upon December 31 final year, though MPS was asking for a office office office building devise again.
"That will take us another year of waiting. People are already asking about a wire car,'' he said.
The wire automobile devise was announ-ced in 2011 as well as was approaching to be finished in 2012.
He reiterated which a problems began after he started speaking againt a common ownership project.
"I protested as well as they are right away entrance after me,'' alleged Nadarajah.
Nadarajah had led a criticism opposite a 29-storey comm! on owner ship project, located only 120m subsequent to a Lord Murugan statue, in Oct final year, observant a development was too close to a limestone hills.
He combined which he would be divulgence some-more subsequent week as well as showing a letters from MPS.
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We are Malaysians, not Pendatangs, says my Friend, John Toh

January 24, 2013

We have been Malaysians, not Pendatangs, says my Friend, John Toh

Din MericanLast week, as well as again currently you met John Toh, my dear friend (both of us have been septuagenarians watchful in the airport lounge, similar to the notorious octogenarian, for the turn to catch the subsequent flight to eternity) at the Royal Selangor Golf Club.

John as well as you who have been former corporate executives talked about what it was similar to growing up in the days when Tunku Abdul Rahman was the Prime Minister as well as how things got to this theatre of degeneration in the affairs of state after 55 years of Independence. He as well as you charge this collapse of the legislative, legal as well as executive branches of supervision as well as the societal malaise to the single man's climb to energy in 1981 as well as his 22 year+ administration. Others may remonstrate with us. It is their right to differ as many as it is the avocation to verbalise up.

Tun Dr.Mahathir who started his administration department with the aphorism BERSIH, CEKAP danPerkasa's Patron AMANAH contingency take full responsibility for the republic in crisis. We admired him really many since he fired the passion for Malaysia, though over the years, John as well as you have come to realise which he is the male obsessed with power, who does not know when to let go.

Tun Dr. Mahathir has successfully brought down the Badawi administration department in 2009, as well as is right away working towards to the domestic passing of the present Prime Minister. you get the sense from his difference ! as well as actions which he thinks he is still indispensable.

You as well as you know no the single is indispensable. Each era will have the own leaders as well as it is the avocation of the generationand certainly cave as well as John'sto ensure which the present leaders both in the supervision as well as the Opposition discharge the nation properly as well as not pester them at every opportunity. We contingency guide, cajole, encourage, as well as praise them if they do the right things as well as do them right. Critique them, if you must, though do which constructively.

Recently, Tun Dr. Mahathir went over the top when he tried to divert the attention from his extenuation of Identity cards to both Filipinos as well as Indonesian illegals to capacitate the opinion in the 1994 Sabah state elections by blaming Tunku Abdul Rahman. He pronounced which the Tunku gave citizenships to Chinese, Indians as well as others. The Tun forgets which it was partial of the Independence deal with the British colonial government. It is nasty for Tun Dr. Mahathir to credit the male who is no longer around to urge himself. Lawyer Tommy Thomas has done us the use when he wrote an article upon the subject, which you put upon this blog.

Let me right away post John's e-mail to me. you promised him which you will share his concerns with all of you. Thank you, John. You as well as you cannot give up. As you pronounced to you today, you both have been heavily invested in Malaysia. Our children have been luckier than us since you have since them good preparation to capacitate them to compete anywhere in the world. We cannot right away abandon the mental condition of the joined Malaysia. Why? We know you can shift things around. So,we contingency verbalise against the likes of Ibrahim Ali as well as others similar to him. Being unexcited is no longer an option. Elegant silence?, well, leave which to Tun Musa Hitam.Din Merican

_! ________ ____________

Kuala Lumpur, January 24, 2013

Dear Dato' Din,

It was many gratifying to encounter up with you after the relapse of over 40 years. A lot has happened to the respective lives in the intervening period though you am glad to note which the fire in your belly is still blazing bright. Although you was unable to encounter you until now, you have been following your blog steadily as well as have kept up with the issues you saw fit to discuss in the open domain generally for those who miss media await as well as in the process denied the laws of healthy justice.For this you contingency salute you in your intrepid electioneer to assistance those who have been oppressed.

Co-incidentally, the really important as well as current emanate which you find unfortunate is the remark by Tun Dr. M regarding Tunku's act of extenuation Citizenship to over 1 million pendatangs shortly after Merdeka. While you myself am the 3rd era Malaysian innate as well as the humble theme of HRH Sultan of Selangor which you became in 1954 by Operation of Law you still feel alienated by such references to Pendatangs as well as you simulate upon Tunku's movement as well as ask what is the rationale as well as the finish result of the "gift of Citizenship" by the dear Tunku.

I contingency firstly declare which you am not the Member of any domestic Party or NGO though just the single of those who happen to adore the Nation as well as any movement which means contrariety among the people naturally saddens me. you am additionally not an economist or domestic scientist.

After clearing the air, assent me to give you my layman's view upon what stirred Tunku to do what he did as well as what have been the consequences. By the time you gained Independence, Malaysia had the good fortune to knowledge the number of "booms". First wa! s the ru bber bang in late 1940s though growth of synthetic rubber caused the rubber industry to lose the bounce in reduction which 2 decades. Then you had the tin bang followed by the joist bang as well as in early or midst 1970s you additionally gifted the oil as well as gas boom. With the outrageous deforestation of joist land, entrepreneurs began to plant oil palm over the logged over land as well as palm oil became the subsequent bang factor what lasts to this day.

My indicate is this. Except for the oil as well as gas sector, all the other booms which occurred required substantial internal labor as well as commercial operation resources as well as additionally the await of good ride as well as information exchnage infrastructure,which brings to thoughts the venerable institutions you had. At which time, Malayan Railways ran well as well as profitably though not anymore. Telecoms, Central Electricity Board, PWD, Postal Services, Waterworks Department. were managed by many Pendatangs as well as all were means to render reliable services to the people though not anymore.

These days you can't even drink water straight from the taps similar to you used to. So the dear Tunku, in his knowledge saw which in sequence to rise the country, you need to have able as well as dedicated workers regardless of where they came from as well as if anybody were to ask me how Malaysia came to be what it is today, you will tell them it is due to Tunku's foresight.

In comparison, let us look at Sabah. At the indicate of fasten the Federation in 1963, Sabah was the single of the richest if not the richest State in Malaysia. Besides oil as well as gas, Sabah had outrageous joist resources as well as minerals as well as the abounding volcanic dirt will let anything you put in to the belligerent grow. Sadly, today, Sabah is the single of the poorest State as well as many of the resources have been depleted.

I am not competent enough to allude this incident to the influx of illegal immigrants in to the State though from the layman's perspective, you cannot all diffuse this notion though you will leave it to the qualified experts to pull their own conclusion.

Hope you won't find the on top of overbearing. Lets encounter shortly for the dish together. Best wishes to you as well as Family as well as May God Bless you in your endeavors.


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Polis & samseng belasah lelaki bergari hingga mati...

Seorang pengawal keselamatan dalam keadaan bergari yang dikejar oleh empat anggota polis telah dibelasah hingga mati bersama-sama sekumpulan 20 orang samseng di Hulu Langat semalam, dakwa seorang saksi hari ini.Walaubagaimanapun punca anggota polis cuba menahan mangsa berusia 40 tahun C Sugumaran masih belum diketahui.Beliau didapati dalam keadaan berbogel dan bergari, menurut saksi.Mayatnya pada ketika ini berada di Hospital Serdang dimana keluarga mangsa tidak dibenarkan untuk menjenguk.Men ... Read More


Alkisahnya benda ni berlaku di sebuah sekolah yang telah didoktrin akan kepala cikgunya dengan kunyitan Anwar. Ini sekadar ceritera takde kena mengena dengan yang dah mati mahupun masih hidup. Begini kisahnya...

Selamat Pagi Cikgu (nyanyi macam upin & ipin)

Budak Tadika: Cikgu macam mana nak eja EPAL, Cikgu?
Cikgu Anwar: UMNO

Budak Tadika: Cikgu satu campur satu jawapannya apa Cikgu?
Cikgu Anwar: UMNO

Budak Tadika: Cikgu kenapa perlu kita minum air cikgu?
Cikgu Anwar: UMNO

Budak Tadika: Cikgu, lepas huruf Alif, apa huruf lagi Cikgu?
Cikgu Anwar: UMNO

Budak Tadika: Cikgu boleh tak saya guna tulis PENANG?

Cikgu Anwar: Yang tu baru bukan UMNO, ni ko kena tanya TOKONG SEGALA TOKONG LIM GUAN ENG
Budak Tadika: ? ? ?

Inilah doktrin Anwar pada pengikutnya yang terlebih telan kunyit!

Dia meliwat, kantoi SALAH UMNO!

Dia mendokong negara Israel, kantoi SALAH UMNO!

Dia merasuah sampai jadi Bapa kepada segala Perasuah, kantoi SALAH UMNO!

Dia kantoi berzina ngan China Doll, salah UMNO!


Lu oramg pikir la semdiri!

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device around Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

LGE lies, play racial and religous sentiment

So a Penang Tokong Lim Guan Eng liednot a first time but still a distortion is a distortion as well as this time it is serious, really serious as well as in truth serious.

He is trying to pass out a true Chinese as a Malay, manipulated a celebration choosing result to accommodate this Chinese as a Malay directed at eye-washing a non-Malay celebration members as well as Malaysians in general.

Guan Eng lied about a celebration election

Sambutan Maulidur Rasul di Madrasah Tarbiah Islamiah Apartment Putra Ria.

Sambutan Maulidur Rasul di Madrasah Tarbiah Islamiah Apartment Putra Ria.
Sambutan Maulidur Rasul di Madrasah Tarbiah Islamiah Apartment Putra Ria., Kuala Lumpur.

picture & news tweet#RajaNongChik Read More @ Source

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

We are Malaysians, not Pendatangs, says my Friend, John Toh

January 24, 2013

We have been Malaysians, not Pendatangs, says my Friend, John Toh

Last week, as well as again currently we met John Toh, my dear friend (both of us have been septuagenarians watchful in a airport lounge, like a notorious octogenarian, for a spin to locate a subsequent moody to eternity) at a Royal Selangor Golf Club.

John as well as we who have been former corporate management team talked about what it was like growing up in a days when Tunku Abdul Rahman was a Prime Minister as well as how things got to this theatre of degeneration in a affairs of state after 55 years of Independence. He as well as we charge this fall of a legislative, legal as well as senior manager branches of supervision as well as a societal sadness to a single man's climb to energy in 1981 as well as his twenty-two year+ administration. Others might disagree with us. It is their right to differ as most as it is a duty to speak up.

Perkasa's PatronTun Dr.Mahathir who started his administration department with a aphorism BERSIH, CEKAP dan AMANAH contingency take full responsibility for a nation in crisis. We admired him really most since he dismissed a passion for Malaysia, though over a years, John as well as we have come to realize which he is a male spooky with power, who does not know when to let go.

Tun Dr. Mahathir has successfully brought down a Badawi administration department in 2009, as well as is right away working towards to a domestic demise of a benefaction Prime Minister. we get a impression from his difference as well as actions which he thinks he is still indispensable.

You as well as we know no a single is indispensable. Each generation will have a own leaders as well as it is a duty of a generationand certainly ca! ve as we ll as John'sto safeguard which a benefaction leaders both in a supervision as well as a Opposition discharge a nation scrupulously as well as not pester them at every opportunity.

Recently, Tun Dr. Mahathir went over a tip when he tried to obstruct a attention from his extenuation of Identity cards to both Filipinos as well as Indonesian illegals to capacitate a opinion in a 1994 Sabah state elections by blaming Tunku Abdul Rahman. He pronounced which a Tunku gave citizenships to Chinese, Indians as well as others. The Tun forgets which it was part of a Independence understanding with a British colonial government. It is nasty for Tun Dr. Mahathir to credit a male who is no longer around to defend himself. Lawyer Tommy Thomas has finished us a service when he wrote an essay upon a subject, which we put upon this blog.

Let me right away post John's e-mail with you. we betrothed him which we will share his concerns with all of you. Thank you, John. You as well as we cannot give up. As we pronounced to we today, we both have been heavily invested in Malaysia. Our young kids have been luckier than us since we have given them great preparation to capacitate them to contest anywhere in a world. We cannot right away to abandon a dream of a united Malaysia.Din Merican


Kuala Lumpur, Jan 24, 2013

Dear Dato' Din,

It was most delightful to meet up with we after a lapse of over 40 years. A lot has happened to a particular lives in a inserted period though we am blissful to note which a fire in your belly is still burning bright. Although we was unable to meet we until now, we have been following your blog steadily as well as have kept up with a issues we saw fit to plead in a open domain generally for those who miss media support as well as in a process denied a laws of healthy justice.For this we contingency salute we in yo! ur fearl ess electioneer to help those who have been oppressed.

Co-incidentally, a really critical as well as stream issue which we find disturbing is a acknowledgement by Tun Dr. M per Tunku's act of extenuation Citizenship to over 1 million pendatangs shortly after Merdeka. While we myself am a 3rd generation Malaysian born as well as a common theme of HRH Sultan of Selangor which we became in 1954 by Operation of Law we still feel alienated by such references to Pendatangs as well as we simulate upon Tunku's action as well as ask what is a motive as well as a end outcome of a "gift of Citizenship" by a dear Tunku.

I contingency firstly declare which we am not a Member of any domestic Party or NGO though only a single of those who occur to love a Nation as well as any action which means contrariety between a people of course saddens me. we am additionally not an economist or domestic scientist.

After clearing a air, permit me to give we my layman's view upon what prompted Tunku to do what he did as well as what have been a consequences. By a time we gained Independence, Malaysia had a great happening to experience a series of "booms". First was a rubber bang in late 1940s though growth of synthetic rubber caused a rubber industry to remove a bounce in less which 2 decades. Then we had a tin bang followed by a joist bang as well as in early or mid 1970s we additionally gifted a oil as well as gas boom. With a outrageous deforestation of joist land, entrepreneurs began to plant oil palm over a logged over land as well as palm oil became a subsequent bang cause what lasts to this day.

My indicate is this. Except for a oil as well as gas sector, all a alternative booms which occurred compulsory estimable internal labor as well as business resources as well as additionally a support of great transport as well as communication infrastructure,which brings to thoughts! a princ ely institutions we had. At which time, Malayan Railways ran efficiently as well as profitably though not anymore. Telecoms, Central Electricity Board, PWD, Postal Services, Waterworks Department. were managed by many Pendatangs as well as all were means to describe reliable services to a people though not anymore.

These days we can't even drink water straight from a taps like we used to. So a dear Tunku, in his wisdom saw which in sequence to develop a country, we need to have able as well as dedicated workers in any case of where they came from as well as if anybody were to ask me how Malaysia came to be what it is today, we will tell them it is due to Tunku's foresight.

In comparison, let us demeanour at Sabah. At a indicate of fasten a Federation in 1963, Sabah was a single of a richest if not a richest State in Malaysia. Besides oil as well as gas, Sabah had outrageous joist resources plus minerals as well as a abounding volcanic dirt will let anything we put in to a belligerent grow. Sadly, today, Sabah is a single of a poorest State as well as most of a resources have been depleted.

I am not competent sufficient to allude this incident to a liquid of illegal immigrants in to a State though from a layman's perspective, we cannot totally diffuse this notion though we will leave it to a qualified experts to draw their own conclusion.

Hope we won't find a above overbearing. Lets meet shortly for a meal together. Best wishes to we as well as Family as well as May God Bless we in your endeavors.


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Adun Changkat Jering lepas tangan

Sikap lepas tangan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Changkat Jering, Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu, bakal mengundang bahaya kepada penduduk setempat kerana membiarkan jalan retak dan berlubang tanpa diselanggarakan.Menurut Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Kuala Sepetang, Tai Sing Ng, beliau mengetahui perkara tersebut ekoran menerima tiga aduan daripada penduduk setempat.
"Jalan Pengkalan Setia 1 kini menjadi amat bahaya kepada para pengguna jalan raya kerana penutup besi jalan pada mulut jalan Taman Pengkalan Setia sudah lama hilang. Lubang atas jalan dibiarkan begitu melebihi dua minggu.
"Bagi kes kedua, penghuni Taman Simpang Setia mengadu longkang taman yang di sebelah Tadika Strawberi Minda Maju sudah lama rosak melebihi setahun. Kerosakan longkang ini menjadikan jalan connect sebelah tadika berkenaan tidak dapat tahan keberatan kenderaan lalu lintas, lalu mula meretak," katanya pada kenyataan.
Manakala katanya, aduan ketiga yang diterimanya adalah berkenaan tiang telekom yang dibina di tengah jalan yang menghalang laluan pengguna.
"Sejak kelahiran sejarah kampung lebih daripada 10 tahun dahulu, sebuah tiang telekom telah menghalang perjalanan kenderaan Kampung tersebut," ujarnya.
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Subhanallah..Isteri Pemimpin Umno/BN Ini Mengundang Bala Allah.

Subhanallah..Mengapa kalian mahu menyakitkan hati Rasullulah??sedangkan sudah 53 tahun dah Umno dan BN memerintah dan mengadakan sambutan Maulidur Rasul namun isteri pemimpin dan parti komponen mereka masih lagi "Berbogel"??kata nabi,"akhir zaman wanita berpakaian tetapi bertelanjang."..Saban hari pemimpin Umno/BN dan Pencacai najis Umno menjerit-jerit dan terpekik-terlolong macam orang kena sawan babi mengatakan bahawa Hanya Umno/BN sahaja yang memperjuangkan Islam dan mendaulatkan Islam dalam pemerintaha mereka.

Atas dasar kesungguhan Umno/BN Haprak itulah maka Isteri Pemimpin tertinggi mereka "Bertelanjang" dengan megah dihadapan rakyat,tanpa rasa berdosa dan malu dan dengan sombong menonjolkan apa yang perlu ditonjol di hadapan Allah dengan Megahnya...Maka tunggulah laknat dari Allah!!!InsyaAllah.."Barangsiapa yang redho dengan sesuatu kekufuran maka mereka juga nanti akan turut menjadi kufur."Hadis nabi s.a.w.

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Hadi hari 34: Sediakah kafirkan ahli PAS bantah Karpal?

PULAU PINANG 22 Jan. - Sekumpulan ahli Pas hari ini mengadakan demonstrasi membantah tindakan Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh yang meminta parti itu mengkaji semula penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh bukan Islam.

Kumpulan yang diketuai bekas Ketua Pemuda Pas negeri, Mohamed Hafiz Mohamed Nordin itu berarak kira-kira 100 meter bermula di hadapan Dewan Sri Pinang menuju ke firma guaman Karpal di Jalan

NINA in "Pakatan Rakyat". No Income, No Assets but RICH

In "Pakatan Rakyat" there have been most Malays who have turn rich though operative for it, though any commercial operation astuteness as well as though any brains!

In "Pakatan Rakyat" there have been most Malays who have been since lucrative commercial operation opportunities though any monetary risks for them. These have been fail-safe cash cows with an iron clad income behind guarantee - a supervision buys it behind from you during a premium not IF you destroy though WHEN you fail! But here is where "Pakatan Rakyat" has failed these Malays.

Tajuddin Ramli, Amin Shah, Halim Saad

These have been a top of a heap of failed Malay 'businessmen' who shorten those who benefited from resourceful supervision clientele as well as became part of a enlightenment of greed right away infused in to most Malay consciousness. These individuals have been since each assistance, each fail- protected option to succeed. And nonetheless they fail.

And then there have been those similar to Mahathir's son whose 'businesses' have been kept afloat by billions of ringgits belonging to a people as well as this son of Mahathir considers himself a businessman of substantial abilities - a brand new rich Malays!Malays who have been multi millionaires riding upon a behind of "Pakatan Rakyat" as well as a people's money. But during slightest this son creates a uncover of using a commercial operation empire- a diverseconglomerate which covers a operation of activities mostly legal! But come upon lah.what commercial operation empire?Given a breaks he has had,! even a gorilla can live in clover though ever using out of bananas for a rest of his life!

Then you have Malays similar to a late Zakaria Deros, Muhammad Taib, Isa Samad, Shahidan Kassim as well as of course a barbarous Khir Toyo.These have been a scums of a earth. They do not even have a intelligence or decency to hide a resources which they have stolen from a people who have voted toput them in power. The hastiness in which Khir Toyo had proceeded to arrangement his stolen resources after losing bureau fills most of us with go through slashing disgust. But these have been a people which "Pakatan Rakyat" chooses to be leaders inside of "Pakatan Rakyat".
But what is most deleterious to a Malays have been a most thousands of Malays who have been taught which income can be got by abusing a trust placed in them by other Malays.A Ketua Cawangan gets a stipulate to build a first school in his "kawasan".Without any believe of commercial operation he is since a commercial operation event waybeyond his genius to manage. All he knows is which he has to get someone just about anyone. who will take a stipulate off his hands as well as give him a large commission. He creates a 20% to 50% elect off a stipulate price. It does not regard him if a stipulate is successfully completed or not what matters is how much he will have as elect from which stipulate after all he has already spent a allege since to him by JKR to begin a contract. To him this is a great approach of doing commercial operation ...the "Pakatan Rakyat" way!

And so "Pakatan Rakyat" teaches a Malay to do commercial operation though carrying any believe of a commercial operation which he does, though any operative capital, though risks as well a! s positi vely though any smarts to be able to better himself by this commercial operation event since to him by "Pakatan Rakyat".

While all this is going upon a wheeling as well as traffic is most heated in thecorridors of power.In Putrajaya as well as in a Government Ministries. Not usually by a Minister himself though also by all his staff anybody as well as everyone with entrance to a Minister will have their money. In Agriculture, Defense, Education, Trade, Energy, Water as well as Communication as well as a mom of all Ministries, The Ministry of Finance. And do not dont consider about a Government Agencies as well as anywhere else a ringgit can be made. Hell there have been income to be made even in Rela as well as a Anti-drugs Agency!

All this bacchanal of creation income creates these Malays cash rich. Wine, women as well as songbig cars, good clothes have been easy sufficient habits to acquire though it does not teach them how to keep a income or how to use a income to have some-more money. And their capability to have income stays as prolonged as their Minister stays a Minister so have grain whilst a object shines!

And so what does it do to these Malays? They turn parasites.

Parasite:"Somebody who lives off a generosity of others as well as does zero in return"

What they consequence is not sufficient to keep them in a lifestyle which they wish to live up to as well as so they take from us. While you have to live upon a salary you consequence "Pakatan Rakyat" ! energeti cally opens up most sources of illegal income for those which pledge allegiance to a party.These Malays have been regarded by most Malays as a worst of a corrupt which "Pakatan Rakyat" has caused to a Malay race. The participation of these Malays creates genuine all which "Pakatan Rakyat" leaders have been observant about a Malays. That a Malays need to be spoon fed, which a Malays have been unable to contest upon a turn personification field with a other races, which a Malays will always need Ketuanan Melayu or they will be no some-more Malays left in their own country!

This is positively loyal of a Malays in "Pakatan Rakyat" though not of a Malays outward "Pakatan Rakyat"!I tremble to consider of what a destiny will hold for these people. Where will they go as well as how will they tarry when "Pakatan Rakyat" is out of government?We see a destiny for these people in a likes of Ibrahim Ali as well as Mahathir.They know zero though politics. Without governing body they do not have a life.even when they have been past 80. But there have been no some-more places for them inside of "Pakatan Rakyat". And so you see them do what they do right away as well as they turn a suffering to us in a place where a object does not shine! Just consider of a disastrous stroke it will have upon a nation when this unfolding is repeated thousand of times during various levels after a subsequent ubiquitous elections when "Pakatan Rakyat" is ousted!The approach things have been for "Pakatan Rakyat" they know it would be a inapplicable designation to send a message to a other races which "Pakatan Rakyat" usually looks after their own though what choice do they have?

Wha t you need to assimilate is which "Pakatan Rakyat" has a fragmented domestic reality with genuine energy residing outward cabinet. The extent to which this energy is exercised will rely upon a Prime Minister of a day.Our history will uncover us which Tunku, Hussein Onn as well as Abdullah Badawi left bureau since of resources over their control. Circumstance combined by those outward supervision though inside of "Pakatan Rakyat". A diseased PM similar to Najib will surrender energy to this faction, or for a lack of a better word, to these warlords as as well as when dictated to do so.

Because "Pakatan Rakyat" has been identified with a Malays, "Pakatan Rakyat"'s problem is a Malay problem. "Pakatan Rakyat"'s crisis is a Malay crisis. And "Pakatan Rakyat"'s solution to their problem will also be a Malay solution. "Pakatan Rakyat" wants to lead though a capability to lead will rely upon whether their intention to shift is sincere. Whether it can be corroborated by positive shift in a face of opposition from a powerful forces inside of "Pakatan Rakyat" which wants to maintain a present standing quo. Can "Pakatan Rakyat" change?

I consider not. "Pakatan Rakyat" is deceit. "Pakatan Rakyat" is greed. "Pakatan Rakyat" is not the future!As a Chinese says :"The harsh winter is gone as well as open is around a corner".I consider which open is in truth around a dilemma for all of us. We await the13th ubiquitous Election with much impatience!!
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz