Umno tidak rosakkan poster Azmin, Zuraida

PETALING JAYA: Umno Ampang mendakwa orang pembangkang terutama PKR yang merosak atau mencemarkan print serta sepanduk Timbalan Presiden PKR, Azmin Ali dan Ketua Wanita, Zuraida Kamaruddin yang dipasang di kawasan itu.Ketua Umno bahagian, Datuk Ismail Kijo berkata, beliau mendapat maklumat berkenaan daripada bekas-bekas ahli dan penyokong PKR.Katanya, mereka memberitahu, ahli PKR yang memasang sepanduk atau print atau bendera mereka, kemudian mereka menyembur atau merosakkan.Tujuan mereka ... Read More

Jika tiada maaf, dedahkan gambar dan bukti!

Nyanyian Lagu "Inilah Barisan Kita" di hadapan Kedutaan Singapura Puak-puak ultra kiasu ingat apabila kegemparan Jumaat lepas hanya tinggal spekulasi, mereka ingat rakyat Malaysia tidak berani bangkit dan hanya pandai buat bunyi bising daripada jauh sahaja. Namun, tanpa mereka menyangka, kira-kira jam twelve tengahari tadi, kira-kira 500 orang rakyat yang patriotik telah berarak ke pejabat

If the Euro collapses, Malaysia will SINK like a rock as in 1998 as hot money exits

If the Euro collapses, M'sia will SINK identical to the rock as in 1998 as hot money exits
What will be the outcome of the Euro Collapse? One design says it all. According to the forecast, the evident outcome of the fall of the euro will be ((scroll below for blown-up pic):
> Decline in mercantile output
> Increase in Unemployment rate
> Increase in consumer prices
Actually how approaching will be the fall of the Euro?
According to officials from Deutsche Bank, the 'scenario is really likely' as well as German companies have been already scheming for the possibility of you do business in pesetas as well as drachmas again.
Whatever pacts as well as deals will be torn detached when the Euro disintegrates. Business contracts as well as deals will have to be reassessed as well as many companies have been approaching to go in to bankruptcies.
All of Europe will not be spared, Germany will additionally be many influenced as well as is estimated to remove during least 500 billion euros as well as can be shown in the following chart.
Source : Spiegel
Effects will spread identical to Wildfire
The effects will spread identical to the Tsunami Wave as well as according to Economists from ING Bank which " in the first dual years following the collapse, the countries in the euro section would remove twelve percent of ! their me rcantile output.
This corresponds to the loss of some-more than 1 trillion. It would have the retrogression which followed the bankruptcy of investment bank Lehman Brothers seem identical to the minor industrial collision by comparison. Even after five years, say the ING experts, mercantile outlay in the euro section would still be significantly lower than normal. "
And according to the German Finance Ministry "in the first year following the euro collapse, the German economy would shrink by up to 10 percent as well as the ranks of the impoverished would bloat to some-more than 5 million people".
How does it affect the Companies as well as Malaysia?
One of the outcome when Southern Europe countries mangle off from the eurozone will be the implementation of the so called trade barriers. Every nation will have to protect the industries as well as hence price tag upon imported goods will be travel tremendously. Moreover, there will be an inducement to devalue their currencies so as to have their exports some-more attractive.
Another blow to Germany will be the reduced direct of German products due to the price travel caused by the devaluation of their currencies. Germany will be hardest hit if the Euro fall since it is the largest exporter to Spain as well as Italy as well as in fact many Southern Europe countries. Its exports to Italy as well as Spain accounted to some-more than 100 billion euros.
Even BMW's CEO Norbert Reithofer warns which the fall of the euro "would be the catastrophe," as well as says which he "doesn't even wish to suppose it"
Anyway as of this writing(12.30 am),the Greek's Stock Index Athex Composite has mislaid some-more than 7% after Greek Finance! Ministe r quiescent as well as Spain's IBEX forsaken some-more than 3.8%.
Talk about the 'Band Aid' effects of last week's bailout, which failed to calm markets after all.
Malaysia will not be spared possibly since the lot of Emerging Markets identical to Indonesia,Thailand,Singapore as well as Philippines have large borrowings from European Banks.
When they begin to repatriate their supports behind to Europe, there will be the big hole in the monetary marketplace as well as the effects will be identical to the 'Hot Money' leaving the nation not as well prolonged ago in 1998!
Malaysia Chronicle
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Skandal Scorpene: Gambar Menunjukkan Altantuya Berada Di Paris Tersebar!

Siasatan polis mendapati penterjemah Mongolia tidak pernah memasuki Perancis 1999-2006, tetapi gambar yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2007 menunjukkan bukti sebaliknya, kata satu laporan.

Manakala penyiasatan polis Perancis telah mendedahkan bahawa Altantuya Shaariibuu, tidak pernah memasuki Perancis 1999-2006, terdapat gambar-gambar yang diambil di Paris yang disiarkan beberapa tahun lepas, yang menyatakan sebaliknya.

Satu laporan mengenai penyiasatan polis Perancis telah dibawa oleh portal berita dalam talian Free Malaysia Today (FMT) dalam artikel yang bertajuk 'Prench probe: Altantuya never entered France'.

Laporan yang diterbitkan hari ini adalah berdasarkan dokumen sulit penyiasatan yang dikemukakan kepada siasatan kehakiman Perancis itu yang sedang mencari dakwaan rasuah yang dibayar di dalam perjanjian kapal selam Scorpene pada 5 June 2002 antara firma pertahanan Perancis DCNS dan kerajaan Malaysia.
Walau bagaimanapun, pada tahun 2007, satu siri gambar yang disediakan untuk Middle East Sentinel oleh Syed Abdul Rahman Al-Habshi, bekas konsul kehormat Mongolia di Malaysia, memberitahu bahawa buat Altantuya, "ini adalah perjalanan untuk hidupnya ke Eropah".

Menurut portal berita Hong Kong, Syed Abdul Rahman telah enggan menyatakan dari mana sumber gambar tersebut muncul.

Mereka dipercayai telah menemui harta benda kepunyaan Altantuya selepas dia dibunuh, menurut Middle East Sentinel dalam sebuah artikel yang bertajuk 'Who was Altantuya Shaariibuu?', yang ditulis oleh John Berthelsen pada 5 Disember tahun yang sama.

"Jika anda pergi ke laman Middle East Sentinel, anda akan m! elihat g ambar Altantuya berdiri di depan kedai Louis Vuitton, Buddha Bar, Cathderal Notre Dame dan seluruh lokasi lain di Paris," komen Berthelsen kepada Malaysiakini.

Berthelsen, bekas wartawan Middle East Wall Street Journal di Malaysia, juga berkata keluarga Altantuya telah enggan mengulas lanjut mengenai gambar-gambar tersebut.

Walau bagaimanapun, pada bulan April tahun ini, bapa Altantuya, Setev Shaariibuu memberitahu satu sidang akhbar yang dihoskan oleh Suaram di Kuala Lumpur bahawa visa anak perempuannya ke Perancis telah dikeluarkan di Kuala Lumpur di bawah nama itu "Amina Abdullah" dan bahawa dia telah sepatutnya untuk memasuki Paris selepas terbang ke Jerman.

Amaran dakwaan foto Altantuya-Najib

Laporan FMT berkata bukti terbaru dari penyiasatan polis Perancis menimbulkan amaran pada kewujudan gambar wanita Mongolia itu, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Altantuya dan sekutu rapat beliau, Abdul Razak Baginda di Paris, yang didakwa diambil di antara 2004 dan 2006.

Gambar yang dikatakan telah dikenali pasti pada perbicaraan pembunuhan Altantuya semasa kenyataan saksi yang juga sepupunya Burmaa Oyunchimeg, yang telah menemani Altantuya ke Kuala Lumpur untuk memeras wang komisen yang dijanjikan daripada Abdul Razak.

Gambar tersebut adalah bukan antara harta benda Altantuya selepas tubuhnya - dibungkus ke dalam bit beserta bahan letupan tentera gred C4 - dijumpai dalam satu kawasan pembersihan hutan di Shah Alam pada Oktober 2006.

Dua pegawai polis yang pernah menjadi pengawal peribadi Najib Altantuya telah disabitkan dengan pembunuhan Altantuya dan dihukum mati.

Mereka kini menunggu rayuan mereka.

Abd ul Razak juga didakwa bersubahat dalam pembunuhan Altantuya, tetapi beliau telah dibebaskan tanpa dipanggil membela diri.

FMT melaporkan bahawa kertas siasatan Perancis polis mendedahkan bahawa Najib Altantuya - ! yang mer upakan Menteri Pertahanan pada masa itu - dan Razak Baginda, berada dalam lawatan rasmi ke Paris dari 16 June hingga 18 pada tahun 2000.

Najib juga melawat Perancis pada Julai 2001, Julai 2003, June 2005 dan Oktober 2007 tetapi ia adalah mungkin bahawa Najib dan rombongannya telah memasuki Perancis melalui saluran diplomatik, kata laporan FMT.

Pegawai gergasi pertahanan milik kerajaan DCNS juga telah memaklumkan kepada polis Perancis bahawa mereka tidak pernah bertemu dengan orang yang dinamakan Altantuya dan tidak tahu yang dia hadir semasa rundingan untuk perjanjian Scorpene, kata laporan itu.

Dokume n-dokumen sulit juga menimbulkan persoalan tentang peranan Altantuya sebagai penterjemah bagi perjanjian itu sejak pegawai DCNS juga telah memaklumkan kepada polis Perancis bahawa rundingan untuk kapal selam telah dilakukan di Malaysia, bukan di Perancis.

"Satu bekas pengurus jualan rasmi DCNS di Malaysia, Fredric Faura - memberitahu penyiasat Perancis bahawa rundingan telah dijalankan dalam bahasa Inggeris, tidak dalam bahasa Perancis, jadi tidak perlu bagi seorang jurubahasa," FMT ditambah dalam laporannya.

"Tambahan pula, Altantuya tidak bercakap Perancis, jadi dia tidak dapat bertindak sebagai jurubahasa Bahasa Inggeris-Perancis."

Altantuya Shaaribuu Pasti Pelik Kenapa Rosmah Tak Berani Saman Sydney Morning Herald!

Apabi laThe Sydney Morning Heraldmendedahkan Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor membeli belah dengan begitu boros dan serakah sehingga kira-kira RM325,000 dilaporkan telah dikerjakannya, beliau hanya sekadar menjawab, "Semua itu karut, dibesar-besarkan secara liar dan tidak benar".

Ketika kita tertanya-tanya mengapa beliau liat sangat nak saman SMH dan ada pula yang mencabar beliaumengheretakhbar tersebut ke mahkamah di Australia, tiba-tiba wartawan yang menelanjangkan perbuatan itu,Andrew Horneryberkata:

FLOM (wanita pertama Malaysia) dakwa saya membesar-besarkan secara liar lawatan sambil membeli-belahnya di Sydney? Saya tetap pertahankan setiap kata-kata saya. Sumber saya amatkukuh.

Bak kata orang, bolehlah kita beli cocktail corn ka, maruku ka, kacang goreng ka siap-siap nak baca berita seterusnya.

Lagi pun, Rosmah joke dah kata, "The Australian designer will be creation the matter soon" (The Sun 23/1/12"Rosmah: Aussie inform upon selling debauch all rubbish").

Apa pun, Rosmah memang kaya. Dalam berita Bernama bertajuk "Tabung Gaza dilancarkan untuk bantu penduduk Palestin di Gaza", dilaporkan:

Dr Mahathir juga mengumumkan isteri perdana menteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, yang merupakan penaung Tabung Kemanusiaan Palestin telah menyumbang RM1.5 juta kepada Tabung Gaza.

Kalau dia boleh derma RM1.5 juta gitu-gitu ja, bayangkanlah kekayaan dia. Pernahkah dia bayar cukai pendapatan?

Dan, barangkali kerana kekayaan yang luar biasa itulah ada yang bertanya, Rosmah sebenarnya mangsa atau pemangsa? (Berita Malaysiakini 23/1/12 bertajuk "Rosmah sangkal dakwaan berbelanja mewah" memetik Rosmah berkata, "Saya selalu menjadi mangsa")

Bila Hornery beria-ia enggan menarik balik apa yang dilaporkannya dan berkeras berkata "I stand by every word. My source is stone solid. Free press rules," saya teringat liputan begitu banyak akhbar di seluruh dunia yang mengaitkan suami Rosmah, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dengan pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Walaupun maruah dan namanya dah di tahap taik babi, Perdana Menteri Umno itu tetap enggan mengambil tindakan terhadap akhbar-akhbar itu sama seperti Rosmah enggan mengambil tindakan terhadap SMH dan Hornery yang bertegas bahawa "my source is stone solid".

Bila tak berani saman, orang mudah membuat andaian apa yang dituduh tu benar.

Dalam posting bertajuk "! Tengok N ajib, teringat Altantuya. Tengok Altantuya, teringat Najib":
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menggesa Najib membersihkan namanya.

Sambil menjangkakan media asing akan terus memburukkan Najib, Dr Mahathir berkata, apa yang lebih penting ialah apa yang difikirkan oleh rakyat Malaysia.

"Dengan merekalah Najib perlu membersihkan namanya," kata beliau.

Walaupun taikonya sendiri yang menasihatkan beliau membersihkan namanya, Najib diam. Nampaknya berkesan strategi beliau.

Selain Dr Mahathir, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah juga menggesa Najib membersihkan namanya.

Razalei gh mengambil contoh tindakannya menyaman beberapa media asing yang mengaitkan beliau dengan beliau dengan skandal Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF).

Tindakan undang-undang tersebut dibuat di negara dimana akhbar-akhbar tersebut diterbitkan, kata Razaleigh.

Beliau menang kesemua kes samannya, akhbar-akhbar berkenaan menyiarkan permohonan maaf malah beliau mendapat ganti rugi.
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Altantuya never set foot in France, did not speak French

So, were a French military lying?If Suaram was hoping to revitalise a ghost of Altantuya by a Scorpene "trial" in France, in a goal which it could assistance Anwar Ibrahim's connect Prime Minister Najib Razak during a subsequent ubiquitous election, it's not happening as planned. Read the Free Malaysia Today's inform French Probe: Altantuya Never Entered France (June 25). Not only had Altantuya never set feet in France as purported by Suaram. a murdered Mongolian additionally did not speak a word of French as well as could not have been a interpreter in a deal, or so a French cops say.

This new discovery has sent a anti-Najib operatives operative overtime. Despite a (French) military findings, Susan Loone insists which there were cinema of Altantuya in France, which she had been shown those pictures, as well as which Altantuya had therefore been in France during a single time in her life, preferably with Razak. Malaysiakini dutifully facilities her article: Photos uncover which Altantuya was in France.

The rush to reassure a trusting is not confined to a local choir. Asia Sentinel has come out with nonetheless another exclusive (Deep as well as Dirty: Malaysia's Sub! marine S candal) based upon secret papers allegedly sent to a portal's HK office "via a circuitous track which took them to Brussels, Belgium; Lagos, Nigeria; Brazzaville, Congo; Libreville, Gabon; afterwards to Leipzig, Germany as well as eventually to Hong Kong" [phew!] in an attempt to block a leak in a whole story. Middle East Sentinel additionally insists which Altantuya had been to France.

Sir Peter's Day

(a birthday poem for a good teacher)

O' Sir Peter a Magnificent
a kind a compassionate
a giver of hope
of delight as well as honourable grades
a gentlest of souls
yet a thousands verses flow
similar to french verbs in poke of glottal stops
... ... similar to an adverb dangling with a modifier
similar to a gerund repenting of all a sins
similar to a noun in love with a pronoun
similar to a separate infinitive courting an strange verb

i can never appreciate thee enough
you taught us a colonial language
so which you may become better colonials as you age
yet you have been still natives with a large heart
similar to old sentimentals
O' Sir Peter a Elder
But you demeanour younger than Shakespeare
regularly young during heart
groovy conform travolta-polyester as well as all ... skin tight
your calm is legendary
your difference of encouragement put mad students in a quandary
you showed us what a funny denunciation English is
there is Pahang English to begin with
Kelantan English is a most appropriate it seems
you argue with a speaker as well as "it's up to mu .. " he would say
KL English can be a bit conceited as well as too much of a routine
sounding a bit american these days with a bit of sentul gusto thrown in
yes sir peter ... you taught us which Malaysian English called Manglish
so which you will not speak Spanglish
or Singlish
or similar to a Indians -- "sing-song-English"
On your birthday
this portentous day
this stately day
a day as splendid as a sun which shines on stratford-upon-avon
where a good bard reigns in stately memoriam
a day wherein birds chirp
similar to a chimpanzees of penang hill
similar to a jumping frogs of pelindung hill
on this good day
on your birth as well as rebirth day
you appreciate thee
for a present of denunciation as well as lite! racy
you bestowed on many
as well as for each word of hope
each a single which sparks a child's creativity
by ! way of a denunciation so utilitarian so pretty
which gives a single wings of glory
to grasp good functions in jubilee of humanity
of milton as well as chaucer
as well as goldoni as well as dante alighieri
as well as shakespeare as well as duke byron
as well as keats as well as shelley
as well as beckett as well as gogol and
as well as rimbaud as well as rilke
you appreciate thee
O ' Sir Peter a Forever Young in suggestion as well as in persistence of memory
May your birthday be a time for me
to recollect a days
you used to wait anxiously for good jokes you discuss it many
"come a single come all ... come to this gymnasium ... " as well as some-more than this
to have us happy
when you thought you were punished for the past sins
as well as banished
in a place called "purgotary"
where a usually fun you had was sneaking out on those nights
to watch bruce lee as well as those funny chinese movies
all in a name of leisure as well as human dignity
you taught us by which funny denunciation called English-- a initial love no a single can take it from me

-- azly rahman
walden III
june 25,2012
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after 15 years in party

after some-more than 15 years with PAS. One of them, Abdul Mutalib Jaafar, 55, from Kampung Gelam, said he made ...


Ingat lagi isu Roti Massimo? KLIK SINI

Kita boleh lihat bagaimana Robert Kuok melalui DAP menyerang Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary. Bermacam-macam cara mereka buat untuk sabotaj Syed Mokhtar. Kempen yang dimulakan di Facebook oleh DAP ni memang berniat jahat dan racist.

Terbaru Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar menjadi mangsa lagi bilamana beliau diserang hanya kerana beliau ingin menyelamatkan Penang Port atau Pelabuhan Pulau Pinang.Yang pale kuat menyerang beliau adalah akhbat The Edge selain dari DAP yang dah memang racist.

Kalau korang baca artikel yang dikeluarkan dalam The Edge memang sangat menyakitkan hati dan seolah-olah Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar sedang melakukan satu kesalahan besar, mereka dengan sengaja membesar-besarkan isu ini untuk merosakkan nama baik Syed Mokhtar.

DAP Pulau Pinang jangan cerita la, mereka menyerang dan mengugut macam-macam. Tak cukup dengan itu, penyebab BN kehilangan Pualu Pinang Gerakan joke sama dok taruk cili kaw-kaw punya, semua kerana Syed Mokhtar adalah melayu Islam! Itu aje.

Kalau la Robert Kuok yang nak ambikalih benda ini, aku percaya semua akan puji dan puja. Dalam negara kita ni, kalau orang Cina ambikalih apa saja, pasti semua akan diam membisu tapi disebabkan SYed Mokhtar adala melayu dan Islam maka mereka serang habis-habisan.

Ada ayat dalam the Edge yang pale aku takleh terima seolah-olah menggambarkan bahawa Syed Mokhtar membuat amal jariah untuk menujuk-menunjuk. Pada hakikatnya Syed Mokhtar tak pernah beritahu sesiapa joke apa yang dia beri bantuan. Dasyat betul la orang Cina yang busuk hati ni!

Padahal sepertimana yang kita semua tahu, bahawa setiap syarikat yang Syed Mokhtar ambil! alih, se muanya akan bertukar menjadi sayarikat yang boleh membuat keuntungan. Dia boleh spin around syarikat yang bermasalah kepada syarikat yang berjaya. Ini adalah hakikat dan sebab itulah kaum DAP ni marah sangat.

Come on la wei, apa yang telah Syed Mokhtar sumbangkan pada umat Islam di Malaysia ni memang tak boleh dinafikan, walau dia tak mahu publisiti tapi orang yang pernah terima sumbangan dari dia tahu cerita sebenar.

Aku dah pernah cerita dulu, bagaimana ada pihak yang mahu membuat liputan sumbangan yang diberi oleh Syed Mokhtar tetapi dihalang oleh beliau. Dia tak mahu sebarang publisiti tentang sumbangan yang dibuatnya. Tapi DAP bangsat ni memang dengki, tak boleh tengok melayu berjaya dan bantu melayu yang lain.

Berbalik pada kisah The Edge yang tak henti-henti serang Syed Mokhtar ni, dah jadi macam satu direction pulak The Edge serang Syed Mokhtar ni, aku joke hairan jugak kenapa jadi macam ni, so aku joke buat la investigate sikit.

Rupa-rupanya ada dalang atau hanjeng Anwar dalam The Edge ni, aku syak la, mungkin orang yang pernah disebut nama dia dalam Akuan Bersumpah Murad. Nama dia adalah Tong Kooi Ong. Dia ni dulu Phileo Allied punya bos! Ingat Shamsidar dulu jadi DIRECTOR sayrikat tu lagi?

Sebab itulah The Edge secara konsisten menyerang Syed Mokhtar, ada agenda peribadi rupanya, kemudian disokong oleh parti extremist yang pale haramjadah iaitu DAP. Bukan itu saja, ada jugak orang UMNO yang berkepentingan dalam Penang Port sekarang ni tak mahu syarikat ni terlepas ke tangan Syed Mokhtar melalui sayrikatnya Seaport Terminal Sdn Bhd.

Penang Port kini memang banyak hutang dan tidak berapa menguntungkan. Ini diakui oleh Chua Soi Lek sendiri yang juga merupakan Pengerusi Penang Port. Dengan pengambilalihan Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar ni, maka Penang Port boleh menjadi syarikat yang menguntungkan.

Korang boleh lihat sendiri bagaiaman semua syarikat di bawah Syed Mokhtar berjaya dan menjadi sayrikat yang menguntungkan. Senang cerita macam ni la, berapa nayak! syarika t milik Syed Mokhtar yang mengalami kerugian? Takpe partial tu nanti aku cerita kemudian.

Sekarang ni aku dah memang tak boleh tahan tengok DAP, The Edge serta beberapa orang berkepentingan nak busukkan nama Syed Mokhtar! Inilah masalahnya bila ada Melayu nak berjaya, bangsa DAP menjadi cemburu.

Mereka cuba gambarkan bahawa Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar adalah proksi UMNO yang nak kaut semua projek-projek besar. Padahal syarikat yang dia ambik ni semuanya syarikat yang bermasalah, kemudian dengan kepakaran dia, dia menukar kesemua syarikat tersebut kepada syarikat yang menguntungkan.

Wahai orang Melayu semua, bukalah mata kamu semua, lihatlah betapa busuknya hati DAP Komunis ni, mereka dengan sengaja mahu menjahanamkan seorang Melayu Islam yang sudah berjaya dalam perniagaan. Ayuh kita tentang DAP dan sekutu-sekutu mereka habis-habisan!

Aku akan sambung di lain hari nanti, ada banyak lagi aku nak cerita ni!

Rancangan DAP minta Singapore jajah Malaysia?

Satu lagi bukti DAP dan penyokong mereka berkiblatkan Singapura. Sekarang semakin masuk akal bukan?!! DAP lahir dari benih haram PAP yang memerintah Singapura secara autoritarian.Kami ada maklumat mengatakan CM Penang ke Singapura sekurang-kurangnya sebulan sekali bagi melapor perkembangan projek menjajah Malaysia kepada LKY.Ada juga maklumat bahawa setiap cawangan DAP mendapat USD/SGD 5000

Lawak pagi: PAS ganti UMNO?

Demikian kelihatan bendera parti Pakatan berkibar pada belon yang diterbangkan tinggi kelihatan ketika Menteri Besar membuat module lawatan sehari ke daerah Kuala Langat. Didaerah Kuala Langat kawasan Melayu pun, Pakatan tunjukkan bendera DAP dahulu di atas. PKR yang tiada penyokong dan pemimpin berkebolehan untuk ditawarkan joke diletakkan nombor dua. PAS berkempen untuk ganti UMNO yang

Have we learnt nothing from the Bota fiasco?

Haven't a clue of what you meant by a Bota fiasco?
Does a name Nasarudin Hashim ring a bell?
How soon you forget!
On 25th January, 2009, theMalaysianinsider reportedthat Nasarudin Hashim, a UMNO state representative for Bota, Perak, had announced his preference to give up UMNO with evident effect as well as cranky over to PKR.
The same news report quoted Anwar as saying which Nasarudin's preference was"critical, reflecting a perspective of his voters, essentially a Malays in his constituency" as well as was "the beginning of a new wave".
What followed was more similar to a tidal wave which swept Pakatan out of energy in Perak!
The following day,Malaysianinsider reportedthat Anwar had predicted which there would be a slew of defections by BN lawmakers occurring fortnightly from Feb onwards.
AnotherMalaysianinsider reportof a same day has Najib responding to Anwar's prediction.
"These have been all rumours you do not consider so", Najib is reported to have rebutted.
Knowing what you! know no w, you can good imagine right away which Najib contingency have been tickled pinkish by Anwar's prediction, given what was afterwards in a pipeline.
10 days after announcing he was ditching UMNO to stick upon PKR, Nasarudin announced his lapse to UMNO.
This followed a announcement by Behrang Assemblymen Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi as well as Changkat Jering Assemblyman Mohd Osman Jailu, both of PKR, as good as Jelapang Assemblyman Hee Yit Foong of DAP, which they were quitting their respective parties to turn eccentric BN-friendly MPs.
And a collapse of a Pakatan state supervision in Perak facilitated by these cranky overs from PKR as well as DAP!
Prior to Nasarudin's lapse to UMNO, aMalaysianinsider articleentitled"Bota crossover looks similar to a Pakatan manoeuvre opposite itself", in my view, pointedly summed up a mess which Pakatan had depressed into.
"Last week's manoeuvre of removing Umno's Bota representative Datuk Nasarudin Hashim to forsake could spin out to be a tactical inapplicable designation as it has ironically in jeopardy a very presence of a Pakatan Rakyat supervision in Perak if this weekend's events have been anything to go by.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's delight in snaring Nasarudin has right away made a electoral agreement remove its "moral standing" as well as incompetent to protest about Umno's pierce to entice Pakatan Rakyat state legislators wary of their destiny or disgruntled with their own leadership, critics said
"All is satisfactory in love as well as war. Pakatan drew initial blood with Nasarudin as well as Umno right away seems to be removing behind during them. They can't complain. They started it first," an Umno warlord told The Malaysian Insider".
Yesterday,Malaysiakini reportedthat Anwar supposed a duplicate forms of 300 former members of Gerakan, a Indian Progressive Front as well as MIC have to stick upon PKR.
At what appears to have been a well-attended ceramah in Nibong Tebal, Anwar is additionally reported to have apologised for carrying picked Tan Tee Beng to competition a Nibong Tebal parliamentary constituency in a 2008 ubiquitous election as well as went upon to assure which this time around, Pakatan would only"choose those who have been qualified, good, as well as have been organisation in fortifying a beliefs of a clean as well as satisfactory supervision for a people".
This declaration is timely and, you hope, can be taken to meant which even as you review reports which Anwar is in talks withMICandSabah BNleaders who might be considering crossing over to PKR, even if these leaders should in conclusion crossover to PKR, they will not be fielded as Pakatan candidates in a 13th GE.
In a minute to a FMT entitled"It looks similar to Anwar never learns?", P Dev Anand Pillai articulates entirely my concerns.
"There has been rumours which certain MIC leaders have been in talks with a PKR Supremo about a probable cranky over before a impending ubiquitous elections. It looks as yet PKR has not learnt its lessonWhen a PR bloc talks about a unworthiness of politicians who jump ship, it becomes a fun which they court probable cranky overs!The young bent in a PKR is what Anwar has to tap, if he does not assimilate that,then he is not ready to turn a next Prime Minister! of Mala ysiaUntrustworthy politicians from a MIC have been a last thing which contingency be in a thoughts of a PKR SupremoHas Anwar lost it? Wouldn't he of all know which such characters cannot be trusted? Despite meaningful which he is entering in to dangerous territory by courting this moronsIf Anwar can't comprehend this afterwards he has lost a plot".
- The People's Parliament
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Watercooler conversations

JUNE 26 Ive been reading an extraordinary book by Daniel Kahnemann, a Nobel Prize winner, called Thinking, fast as well as slow. In his introduction, he states which he wrote a book anticipating to improve a peculiarity of standard office watercooler conversations where people routinely exchange gossip as well as alternative discerning news. What is a peculiarity of your watercooler ... Read More

Denied and Defacto Denial

MKINI photo

On 02 April 2009, Malaysiakini publishedPrayers for Altantuyain which it reported which PKR politicians, privately Perak PKR state member Tai Sing Ng (Kuala Sepetang) as well as Chang Lih Kang (Teja), hold a mini Chinese 'Cheng Beng' ritual of commemorating Altantuyaa's over soul.

MKINI photo

Very in contact with though was it unequivocally for Altantuyaa?

Malaysiakini reported:

Many would see this as a noble gesture upon a partial of a opposition politicians, who vehemently denied which it was a publicity stunt.
However, it would be formidable to deny which there was no political motives whatsoever since a actuality which a by-election would take place in a community next Tuesday.

Poor Altantuyaa, not even authorised to rest in peace.

A week as well as a half later, upon 18 April 2008, Malaysiakini reported in itsActivists might be charged over Altantuya 'hearse' that:

Eight PKR Youth members might be charged in p! robity n ext Tuesday over a display a number of photographs as well as an representation of slain Mongolian inhabitant Altantuya Shaariibuu upon their cars.
The eight - from Perak, Terengganu as well as Sarawak - were arrest! ed upon Ap ril 7, which was polling day, when their cars were making a rounds in a Bukit Gantang parliamentary constituency.One of a cars had a representation of a mock coffin scored equally to a roof, plastered with cinema of Altantuya, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak as well as his wife, Rosmah Mansor.

MKINI photo

Then there was Tian Chua's creative as well as rarely talentedphoto-shopped'Paris cooking for three' photo.

Poor Altantuyaa, though we unequivocally wonder during at PKR's relentless bid in a G.A.N [Gerakan Anti Najib] debate which incidentally proposed when Najib was stilltheDPM as well as occupying someone's (rightful?) position wakakaka. G.A.N was to mislay Najib from impeding someone.

Infact, if we recall correctly, which a sure someone even launched a probity ! box to get behind his old/previous DPM appointment.

But alas, a spoilsport Court ruled opposite his case, as well as to illustrate denied him a victorious lapse to UMNO -tsk, tsk, sayang aje. we had posted this upon 08 Mar 2010 inFederal Court statute - black yesterday, wh! ite toda y.

In box we can't recall which probity case, we wrote about a probity declaringAnwar's dismissal as DPMis lawful because according to our marvellous judiciary, a king, as a constitutional monarch,was required to action in accordance with a recommendation of a prime minister, ...

while a mere month prior to this (yes, usually around 30 days), a very same three judges who were additionally upon a appeals bench to hear Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin's interest opposite a unconstitutional sacking of him as a MB of Perak ..... by a Sultan of Perak, ruled which it was not necessary for a opinion of certainty to be done in a state public as a Sultan can conduct his own exploration to establish which celebration or coalition has a majority. [...]

Eithe! r they w ere of a many inattentive nature (and to f* with stare decisis) or we could quote George Orwell who wrote in Animal Farm (Chapter 2, pg 11), that "Squealer could turn black in to white" wakakaka.

Anyway, apart fromourmost remarkable judiciary, Anwar did sue to get behind in to UMNO as well as privately his aged celebration appointment of him as a DPM. But alas, he failed as well as to illustrate Najib was safe, during least for a while.

But lamentably, currently G.A.N has suffered a many serious reversal when we read (via Malaysia-Today)Free Malaysia Today'sFrench probe: Altantuya never entered France.

But a fighting suggestion of PKR as well as G.A.N supporters have not discontinued an iota. we saw this in a comments territory in Malaysia-Today which discharged a commentary of a French military review as per a following:

Itu Altantuya masuk malaysia- tada rekod.
Itu Altantuya masuk france pun tada rekod.
Jadi yang masuk france dan malaysia itu adalah Altantuya punya hantu kah, Najib?


This concerned French politicians too. we am not surprise which a French Immigration delete a records a ala Malaysian Immigration.

Hmmm, denials? wakakaka.

And there was additionally a criticism upon a publisher K. Kabilan who had a 'impertinence' to write a above essay as well as dissapoint PKR supporters:

Who is K Kabilan? How did he get a documents? we thot usually Suaram has a documents. Is this essay spin? Is this essay believable?

As we wrote inMurdering Altantuyaa Shaariibuu again:

As we journey by a dark of cold oblivion
Borne upon a behind of Shava to meet his master
Assigned to Samsara by vicious nefarious forces
Which ended my karmic forces violently, abruptly

In my odyssey, wandering by a woeful Acheron
Was there a time when we had felt soothing voices
To comfort me amidst my lonely pains as well as fears
Yes we do, usually from a One who is perfumed Pure

But a loudest noises have been they job for 'justice'
Though, we grin cynically, 'twas not meant for ! me
Th eir shrill proclamations & belated outrage (sigh)
Startled even great Gujir Tngri as well as a 77 siqar

Grandstanding acrobatics, their forgive to dispense
With all norms, purportedly all for me (wry smile)
I contingency declare we perspective with questioning as well as distaste
As we would professional chest-pounding mourners

Gnashing Colgate mint-flavoured peroxide-d teeth
Wretchedly wringing manicured Ulan oiled hands
Shedding date-expired cosmetic bags of lo-salt tears
Proclaiming to be 11th hour paragons of 'justice'

Even Ataya Tngri rolled his very old eyes upwards
While Emegelji Eji cackled with caustic laughter
The very old span could see abacus shaped hearts
Clicking furiously as well as shaming Casio calculators

By sheer speed of their mathematics of advantage
What to extract, exploit, extricate from my name
Squeezing a very last speck of desiccated blood
From my hyper cold shattered fragments of bones

Eager hands raided a tomb for me to be laid
As stepping stones for a progress of a demigod
On Ardha-Matanga, 4 tasks & seven white trunks
Saluting Brahma, on foot to Amarawati by a lake

As a pseudo-pious pirouetting pachyderm crushes
What little good left of my name, what certitude exists
In my family's goal for atonement of my vicious murder
I realize those rough battle cries were not for me

Summoned by conjured probity to right away serve Fenrir
To break asunder Gl! eipnir b ut usually with my death
Re-evoked, for my essence to be murdered a 2nd time
To satiate a burning thirst of Angrboda's 1st child

Poor Altantuyaa - no one* unequivocally cares about you.

* with a exceptions of Susan Loone as well as Lucia Lai

Poor PKR/G.A.N supporters - no one* unequivocally understands how we all feel, not about Altantuyaa of course, though about a reversal for a G.A.N camp! aign. De nial is all left for you.

* with a exceptions of yourselves wakakaka
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Memo to aristocrat looking release

About 30 supporters of Hindu Rights Action Force collected during Istana Negara this sunrise to submit a memorandum looking a royal intervention to release 5 Hindraf leaders detained under a ISA. some-more in Camera: Mohd Kamal Ishak Editing: Indrani Kopal

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'Public toilets near Padang bad idea'

agreed with a proposal ...

Syed Mokhtar like a king, says senior Umno MP

KUALA LUMPUR, June 25 A senior Umno backbencher accused a Najib administration today of favouring Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary in supervision procurement, observant a logistics tycoon is "like a king."
Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin(picture)told Parliament this when criticising a selection of Syed Mokhtar's Seaport Terminal to take a finance ministry-owned Penang Port Sdn Bhd (PPSB) private, observant it was "unsuitable in current conditions."
"Syed Mokhtar is similar to a aristocrat with so many banks subsidy him," a Barisan Nasional (BN) backbenchers deputy arch said when debating a extra supply bill, referring to a former's sovereignty which has a reported total debt of RM34.3 billion, or about 10 per cent of all internal corporate bonds.
The Sabah Umno personality asked "why contingency we have one male king?" as well as suggested instead which "we have some-more princes as Sri Gading as well as myself have been ready," referring to his parliamentary colleague Datuk Mohamad Aziz.
The surging debt of companies underneath Malaysia's richest Bumiputera has lifted fears of a repeat of a monetary system's collapse in 1998 which had then been spurred by a failure of Renong Bhd to perform its liabilities.
With China's manage to buy fast cooling as well as a determined euro-zone predicament appearing over Malaysia's export-oriented economy, Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua told Parliament final week a retrogression might cause a logistics tycoon's sovereignty to fall.
"Syed Mokhtar's organisation of companies have a combined debt of RM34.3 billion or some-more than 10 per cent of all internal corporate holds as of 2011 with only RM7.8 billion money as of May 2012," a DAP publicity arch said progressing in a extra supply check debate.
He additionally ! pointed out which debts raked up by Renong, led by Tan Sri Halim Saad, was about RM20 billion or 7 per cent of loans in a promissory note complement fourteen years ago, distant reduction than a risk posed by Syed Mokhtar's 4 listed entities.
"But Renong's bankruptcy caused hundreds of millions in losses to investors, a collapse of a batch marketplace as well as a RM10 billion supervision bailout," he additionally told a press conference.
Penang's DAP-led state supervision has additionally been strongly hostile a pierce to privatise a island state's port to Syed Mokhtar, notice which a latter might engage in asset stripping by bringing a 7 units of Super Port Panamax cranes from Penang to his Tanjung Pelepas Port (PTP) in Johor.
Penang Port Commission arch Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has insisted a understanding will have a port some-more competitive, observant no private player will take on PPSB's RM1.3 billion debt but looking to enlarge returns.
But DAP lawmakers as well as attention players believe Syed Mokhtar will cite to combine his resources in Johor as well as allow Penang Port, which has available at slightest six consecutive years of profit, to turn a tributary port.
Renong won various supervision contracts for highway, rail, skill as well as telecommunications deals in a 1990s whilst Syed Mokhtar right away controls power, water, ports, rail as well as toll businesses as well as inhabitant carmaker Proton with billions in government-guaranteed debt.
The Asian monetary predicament was a period of monetary predicament which gripped most of Asia commencement in Jul 1997, as well as lifted fears of a worldwide mercantile meltdown due to monetary contagion.
By a end of 1997, credit ratings had depressed from investment class to junk as well as a batch marketplace as well as ringgit lost some-more than half their value, a latter descending from above 2.50 to underneath 4.57 to a US dollar.
It force! d then b udding minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad to levy strict capital controls as well as a 3.80 brace opposite a dollar.
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Husam challenges Awang Adek, TV3 to be fair to Kelantan over gold coin

(Harakah) - Kelantan state exco Husam Musa has challenged deputy Finance minister Awang Adek Husin as well as UMNO-controlled headlines broadcaster TV3 to agree to the debate on the allegation which Kelantan Golden Trade (KGT) was mired with scandals.
KGT as well as the Kelantan state government's bullion silver programme have come underneath conflict from the UMNO-controlled television channel.
Husam remarkable which the issue had been one after another for the week but any concrete information, as well as pronounced TV3 should have the bravery to put the allegations to test by giving airtime to plead the allegations.

"I goal TV3 is prepared to safeguard fairness if it's siding with the truth," pronounced Husam.

The PAS clamp president proposed the broadcast hire to hold the open forum in between him as well as Awang in sequence to set the record true over the issue.

Awang, who is pronounced to BN's Menteri Besar candidate for Kelantan, has demanded the state supervision to come clean on the allegations of irregularities.

The allegations first appeared on TV3's imitation essence partner, the UMNO-owned dailyUtusan Malaysia, based on the blogger's article.

Kelantan's dinar as well as dirham coins one after another to capture buyers, attack the record sale of RM500,000 during the Kelantan Trade Expo last week.
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MACC chief, not Anwar, instructed me to issue SD, says ex-ACA director

(Harakah) - The former director of a Anti-Corruption Agency has strongly denied an claim in two UMNO-owned dailies claiming which antithesis leader Anwar Ibrahim had ordered him to emanate a orthodox stipulation clearing a former deputy budding apportion of a supposed RM3 billion bank comment allegation.
Following a inform inNew Straits TimesandBerita Harianon Jun 21, Abdul Razak Idris pronounced a instruction to emanate a orthodox stipulation came from a arch government official of a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in sequence to equivocate a subpoena by Anwar pertaining to a latter's insult fit against NST in 2009.

The MACC was shaped in 2009 to replace a ACA. Its arch government official in 2009 was Ahmad Said Hamdan, who late in 2010 as well as was transposed by Abu Kassim Mohamed.

"I was not instructed by Anwar though was asked by MAAC arch government official in sequence to equivocate he or his officers from being subpoenaed by Anwar as plaintiff witnesses in his polite fit againstNSTat a finish of 2009," Razak was quoted as observant upon his return from Indonesia in reply to a ultimate report.

TheNSTon Jun twenty-one quoted Razak as observant which he had been directed by Anwar to emanate his orthodox declaration.

In their corner reply issued toHarakahdaily, PKR vice president N Surendran as well as member of a domestic business Sivarasa Rasiah pronounced Razak's rejection was proof of a papers' impression assasination debate carried out "with a knowledge as well as approval of budding apportion Najib as well as UMNO who own these two newspapers".

"UMNO as well as a media have right away been caught red-handed making a fake statement of a really critical inlet about Anwar.The antithesis leader has through his solicitors currently issued a direct to theNSTand< em>Berita Hariannewspapers to tell with equal prominence Abdul Razak Idris&#39! ; rejection which he was ordered to have a SD by Anwar," pronounced a duo.

TheNSTis alone facing two insult suits, one from Kelantan Menteri Besar Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat for a paper's inform labeling him an "infidel", as well as an additional from Australian senator Nick Xenophon who a paper accused of being "anti-Islam" formed upon a built statement.
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Perkasa stages protest at Singapore embassy over Bersih 3.0

Perkasa stages protest during S'pore embassy over Bersih 3.0
KUALA LUMPUR- More than 200 Perkasa members rallied in front of The Icon Tower in Jalan Tun Razak which temporarily houses a Singaporean Embassy during about 1pm to uncover their protest against three of a country's diplomats who participated in Bersih 3.0 convene in April.
Perkasa boss Datuk Ibrahim Ali handed a minute of protest to dual member of a embassy.
- New Straits Times
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Dr M: BN govt not autocratic, "turbulence" in Selangor will affect PKR

Dr M: BN govt not autocratic, "turbulence" in S'gor will start PKR
KUALA LUMPUR Former budding minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today questioned a roar by some quarters here to push for a revolution to disintegrate a government when a latter was already giving a lot of priority to a people's interests.
"Is our government autocratic? Is it not giving courtesy to a people, not building as well as more advanced a country?" he asked.
Taking questions during a forum entitled, "Discussions with a politician The commitment of graduates will be a matter for inhabitant progress" during Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) here, Dr Mahathir pronounced Malaysia had a approved system which was much improved than most countries affected by a "Arab Spring".
He pronounced which in certain countries which were not so approved as well as where their leaders indulged in self-interest, there was drawn out suffering because those governments did not prioritise a interests of their people.
"The people continued to suffer, a commission of misery went up, in fact, there were cases of university graduates who were unemployed, as well as these were a factors which led to a uprisings," he said.
Dr Mahathir pronounced a "Arab Spring" unprotected undemocratic as well as strict regimes which forced a people to disintegrate their governments.
In comparison, he said, Malaysia was utterly opposite as well as as such, there was no prerequisite "for us to action outside of a law to disintegrate a government". Therefore, a people should evaluate a incident rationally.
Meanwhile, when asked to comment on a leadership tuss! le durin g Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) in Selangor, Dr Mahathir pronounced which it would start Selangor PKR though Barisan Nasional (BN) should not be exhilarated over a situation.
"The turbulence taking place will start PKR, though BN needs to continue a bid to win back Selangor in a coming ubiquitous election. They (BN) must work tough as they cannot only design to win opposite weak opponents," he added.'
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'Pendatang' slurs: Don't downplay issue to escape taking action - Kit Siang tells Najib

'Pendatang' slurs: Don't downplay issue to shun receiving action - Kit Siang tells Najib
In perplexing to downplay a "pendatang" (immigrants) slur oft finished opposite non-Malay Malaysians, a Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is revelation to dual things:
Firstly, a disaster of his 1Malaysia Policy which he announced when he became Prime Minister 39 months ago with a objective to emanate a Malaysia where each Malaysian regard himself or herself as Malaysian initial as well as race, religion, region as well as socio-economic status second;
Secondly, his inability as well as unfitness to do anything to opposite as well as clean out this divisive as well as insidious mindset which perpetuates a false, mischievous as well as anti-national multiplication of Malaysians, which is quite ridiculous when a first-generation internal born of a single village could call on a fourth, fifth or sixth-generation internal born of another village to "balik China" or "balik India"!
In his discourse with Chinese youths during University Malaya yesterday, Najib urged a Chinese village not to be offended by people who call them pendatang (immigrants) since such remarks have been finished by a handful of "lunatics" with "loose screws".
He pronounced those who utter such remarks purposely say so to harm a feelings of a Chinese village as well as which his administration department does not share such views.
He said: "I hope we have been not too harm by a single or dual comments. In each community, there have been always a single or dual people whose heads have been not quite right."
Is it true usually a single or dua! l lax sc rews?
Najib's answer would be most assuring if it is true which it is usually "one or dual lunatics" with "loose screws" who finished such offensive, insidious as well as anti-national remarks.
However, this is not a case.
In actual fact, a "pendatang" slur is most manly proof of a disaster of Malaysian nation-building in a past five decades as well Najib's 1Malaysia policy, as it is not confined to "one or dual lunatics" though infected a highest levels of governing body as well as government since of decades of Biro Tata Negara (BTN) teaching of polite servants as well as open officers.
Najib's own special military officer to a Prime Minister, Datuk Nasir Safar for example had labeled Indians as well as Chinese as "pendatang" as well as combined insult to damage in dogmatic which "Indians came to Malaysia as beggars as well as Chinese especially women came to sell their bodies".
Two years ago, during a launch of a Merdeka celebrations of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, Kulai, a school principal Hajah Siti Inshah binti Monsar said:
"Pelajar-pelajar Cina tidak diperlukan dan boleh balik ke China ataupun Sekolah Foon Yew. Bagi pelajar India, tali sembahyang yang diikat di pergelangan tangan dan leher pelajar nampak seakan anjing dan hanya anjing akan mengikat seperti itu."
Malaysians of course still remember a situation in a Permatang Pauh parliamentary by-election in Aug 2008 where an "Anwar Ibrahim" multiplication chief referred to a Malaysian Chinese as pendatang orang tumpang as well as totally untrustworthy Malaysians.
The "pendatang" slur is not a outcome of "loose screws" of "one or dual lunatics" though a outcome of decades of a poison of anti-national teaching by state agencies like a BTN perpetuating Malaysians into dual classes of people.
Will Najib do anything concrete
What has a Najib adm! inistrat ion department finished underneath its 1Malaysia process to develop an official process backed up by a national consensus which usually "lunatics" with "screws loose" would make a "pendatang" slur, as well as classifying it as a divisive, fraudulent as well as anti-national indicate of view which must be condemned by all nationalistic as well as receptive Malaysians?
Malaysia will be celebrating our 55th National Day on Aug 31.
Is Najib rebuilt to send out a clear as well as unmistakable summary which in line with his 1Malaysia policy, those who continue to regard a Chinese as well as Indians as "kaum pendatang" have been lunatic, definitely anti-national who must be condemned by all receptive as well as nationalistic Malaysians in undeniable terms as well as who should have no place in Malaysian governing body or open service?
Lim Kit Siang is a DAP MP for Ipoh Timur
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LAMP Gives Green Light to Lynas

The BolehlaNd supervision is certainly a world's usually supervision which uses superlatives upon itself with so much confidence, it creates Bolehland receptive to advice similar to a little Shangri-la Paradise, similar to a little ancient Kingdom of a Sultanate all powerful, all knowing, all wise as well as all wonderful. They would even go to contend which it's since of a Hang brothers which gave them which invincibility.

Our 1Leader as well as his alternative 1sChieftans have no qualms to label BolehlaNd as a world's best, in almost anything or everything from a secular to a religious, democracy to Islam, pacific fair nation, multicultural diversity, land of divert as well as honey, education to civil servants as well as what have you.

Their latest is carrying a 'safest rare earth plant' in a world.

Now rare earth deviation in actuality a word deviation worries many people generally those as well as their past as well as destiny generations have ! suffered from exposure to them.

Our 1Malaysia's certainty is formed upon a certainty of scientists, local ones too as well as being a obliged supervision have a people's seductiveness in their hearts, a Lynas plant contingency go one. Yes in truth since those people watchful for income to move hearten their heart have been watchful for a plant to begin operations. So that's substantially what carrying a interests of a people during heart equates to you can supposed eh?

The BN government's certainty even goes to explain you can reason it in your hand, thorium which is, as well as it's similar to land upon to a little jade or pearl is it? Even a scientist Minister is peaceful to stay nearby a plant just to prove his point. Well, go ahead, a Lynas people would love to see which happening. Better still why not site it contend nea! rby Putr ajaya or a KLCC or those brand new housing projects specially built for a single competition or two eh?

If a certainty is so plain which land it in one's palm is safe, why not make make use of of a rubbish products or thorium to make i! nto jewe lry or beads as well as saw it onto a little Birkin bags as well as present it free to a all of BN's leaders' spouses? That will certainly assure a rest of us doubtful folks!

If it's so safe, set up lodge industries nearby a plant then, make make use of of a by products to sell souveniers to tourists. Better still make make use of of it for office building materials for all supervision buildings or places of worship. Why stop there, why not for roads as well as hospitals as well as schools. After all, it's safe. Why a need to have all those universe class standards upon disposal as well as what have you eh?

Of course, a scientists will consider us usual non scientists folks absurd, ridiculous as well as paranoid. Yeh, discuss it it to a Red Earth victims?

Hey, even friends have been asking me to stop eating x-ray products or alien burn tea or toys from a Occident all since of
'illogical' as well as 'bias' unproved systematic claims! But it does expel disbelief upon one's positive joy from scientists they have been as protected as substantially land thorium in one's hand?

Are there no alternative attention you wish to await to heighten a coffers as well as which of those seductiveness party? Is it which there have been strong cronies with invested interests in Lynas which it contingency work come what may?

Our leaders have been all dead by a time any serious consequences may stand up when a plant has begun operation or stop operation for whatever reasons.

Lynas Advanced Materials Plant or LAMP can peep any immature light upon a reserve of this plant as well as go forward with a TOL. To those affected, LAMP's! immatur e light is no Green Lantern electioneer for them. In actuality LAMP's immature light is flashing a red light which noone wish to take a step forward as well as travel with certainty they won't get hit by a call of deviation which prove deadly to them.

In actuality whatever colour LAMP tries to peep during a usual folks influenced by a plant as well as assures them it's similar to a protected light during a end of a tunnel where you find an opening to yield out of a darkness as well as freedom, or a rainbow where your fortunes have been found, a usual folks see it as a relocating light entrance towards them - a quick relocating train drive by those with vested interests, streamer their approach as they have been stuck upon a tracks!

Green light or systematic assurances have been no reserve guarantee of a safety. If it were, why is Australia, Singapore as well as all a countries a leaders bring where rare earths have been in direct not rushing to set up their own Lynases?

There in lies a lies about Lynas as well as all those claims as a energy source. Why is it in a land where rainfall is abundance you have been unable to harness this God since present for a power, a purify sustainable resource in fact.

We have mismanaged what God has since us as well as this doesn't need any scientist research to diffuse this explain right?

We prefer to plunder a resources as well as rape a land for damaging resources for a energy than harness a natural ones which God provides. Makes us consternation if a leaders consider themselves Gods to confirm what is most appropriate since they have a people during heart.

Right now, a leaders have been personification God using a God of science to keep a hearts of a people with vested seductiveness in a LAMP plan with a splendid destiny land immature dough in their hands as well as bringing hearten in their heart.

In BolehlaNd, tolls have been k! nown to be bullion mines. Similarly LAMP's TOL is also a bullion mine to vested parties, no?

It just so happen LAMP's immature gets them their gold.

But afterwards a Gods have been great since they have perhaps mischievously planted in a minds of miserly arrogant leaders to consider up of a name LYNAS to work this plant. With such a name, a Gods have planted wisdom in a ordinary folks to disbelief a truths betold by these L(ie)ynas fellows eh?

Believable L(ie)ynas?

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By now, Umno-BN the most corrupt regime in ASEAN with largest ...

Moaz Nair Najib may preach to the people on 'political certainty' to save BN (Barisan Nasional) from tumbling in the subsequent general election. But small does he realize that domestic certainty and economic fortitude sojourn an preferred ...

LAMP Gives Green Light to Lynas

The BolehlaNd supervision is surely a world's only supervision that uses superlatives upon itself with so much confidence, it makes Bolehland receptive to advice similar to some Shangri-la Paradise, similar to some very old Kingdom of a Sultanate all powerful, all knowing, all wise as well as all wonderful. They would even go to contend that it's since of a Hang brothers that gave them that invincibility.

Our 1Leader as well as his other 1sChieftans have no qualms to tag BolehlaNd as a world's best, in roughly anything or all from a secular to a religious, democracy to Islam, peaceful satisfactory nation, multicultural diversity, land of milk as well as honey, education to polite servants as well as what have you.

Their latest is carrying a 'safest rare earth plant' in a world.

Now rare earth deviation in actuality a word deviation worries most people especially those as well as their past as well as destiny generations have suffered from exposure to them.

Our 1Malaysia's certainty is based upon a certainty of scientists, local ones too as well as being a responsible supervision have a people's seductiveness in their hearts, a Lynas plant contingency go one. Yes indeed since those people watchful for income to bring hearten their heart have been watchful for a plant to proceed operations. So that's substantially what carrying a interests of a people during heart means we can ostensible eh?

The BN government's certainty even goes to explain we can hold it in your hand, thorium that is, as well as it's similar to land upon to some mount or pearl is it? Even a scientist Minister is willing to stay nearby a plant only to infer his point. Well, go ahead, a Lynas people would love to see that happening. Better still since not site it contend nearby Putrajaya or a KLCC or those brand new housing projects specifically built for a single competition or two eh?

If a certainty is so solid that land it in one's hand is safe, since not make use of a rubbish products or thoriu! m to hav e into jewelry or beads as well as saw it onto some Birkin bags as well as present it giveaway to a all of BN's leaders' spouses? That will surely! assure a rest of us skeptical folks!

If it's so safe, set up lodge industries nearby a plant then, make use of a by products to sell souveniers to tourists. Better still make use of it for building materials for all supervision buildings or places of worship. Why stop there, since not for roads as well as hospitals as well as schools. After all, it's safe. Why a need to have all those universe class standards upon disposal as well as what have we eh?

Of course, a scientists will consider us usual non scientists folks absurd, ridiculous as well as paranoid. Yeh, discuss it it to a Red Earth victims?

Hey, even friends have been asking me to stop eating microwave products or alien burn tea or toys from a Occident all since of
'illogical' as well as 'bias' unproved scientific claims! But it does cast disbelief upon one's positive comfort from scientists they have been as protected as substantially land thorium in one's hand?

Are there no other industry we wish to await to heighten a coffers as well as that of those seductiveness party? Is it that there have been strong cronies with invested interests in Lynas that it contingency operate come what may?

Our leaders have been all passed by a time any serious consequences may crop up when a plant has begun operation or stop operation for whatever reasons.

Lynas Advanced Materials Plant or LAMP can flash any immature light upon a reserve of this plant as well as go forward with a TOL. To those affected, LAMP's immature light is no Green Lantern electioneer for them. In actuality LAMP's immature light is flashing a red light that noone wish to take a step forward as well as travel with certainty they won't get hit by a wave of deviation that infer deadly to them.

In actuality whatever colour LAMP tries to flash during a usual folks influenced by a plant as well ! as assur es them it's similar to a protected light during a finish of a hovel where we find an opening to crawl out of a darkness as well as freedom, or a rainbow where your fortunes have been found, a usual folks see it as a moving light coming towards them - a quick moving train drive by those with vested interests, heading their w! ay as th ey have been stuck upon a tracks!

Green light or scientific assurances have been no reserve guarantee of a safety. If it were, since is Australia, Singapore as well as all a countries a leaders cite where rare earths have been in demand not rushing to set up their own Lynases?

There in lies a lies about Lynas as well as all those claims as a energy source. Why is it in a land where rainfall is contentment we have been unable to harness this God since present for a power, a clean tolerable apparatus in fact.

We have mismanaged what God has since us as well as this doesn't need any scientist research to dispel this explain right?

We cite to plunder a resources as well as rape a land for damaging resources for a energy than harness a natural ones that God provides. Makes us wonder if a leaders consider themselves Gods to confirm what is most appropriate since they have a people during heart.

Right now, a leaders have been personification God using a God of science to keep a hearts of a people with vested seductiveness in a LAMP project with a bright destiny land immature dough in their hands as well as bringing hearten in their heart.

In BolehlaNd, tolls have been known to be bullion mines. Similarly LAMP's TOL is additionally a bullion mine to vested parties, no?

It only so occur LAMP's immature gets them their gold.

But then a Gods have been great since they have maybe mischievously planted in a minds of greedy conceited leaders to consider up of a name LYNAS to operate this plant. With such a name, a Gods have planted wisdom in a ordinary folks to disbelief a truths betold by these L(ie)ynas fellows eh?

Believable L(ie)ynas?
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SUARAM - Upholding Human Rights

The final collection ISA detainee was arrested in 1987. they were released in 1989 with a assistance of family await groups. It was felt that as long as ISA is still in effect, anyone can detain but trial, remains a hazard to all Malaysians. From thereon family advocacy groups as well as ex-detainees establish SUARAM to advocate for a abolishment of a ISA that was strictly formed in 1989.

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Orang beriman tak boleh pilih pemimpin peliwat


after some-more than 15 years with PAS. One of them, Abdul Mutalib Jaafar, 55, from Kampung Gelam, pronounced he done ...

Hulu Langat MP: I never said Lynas plant is safe

Fed-up with cartoons, badges as well as T-shirts portraying him as being 'pro-Lynas', PAS' Hulu Langat MP Che Rosli Che Mat has lashed out during those who have taken his views out of context.

NONE"I usually pronounced that, as a nuclear scientist, we find which a deviation level is low," he said, referring to hisremarksin a Dewan Rakyat last week.

"I never pronounced which a Lynas plant is safe. There have been other considerations such as a chemical process which needs to be looked at."

As for those regulating his image in pro-Lynas campaign material, Che Rosli forked out which they "do not have my permission (to do so)".

"If they continue, we might sue," he said.

[More to follow]
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Ibrahim mocks JAG award for sexism

Ibrahim Ali, who heads Malay rights pressure group Perkasa, has mockingly welcomed an 'Aiyo... Wat Lah?!" Award 2012 conferred upon him upon Saturday.

NONE"If possible, have the ceremony bigger and invite me," he said with sarcasm when asked to criticism upon theawardconferred by the coalition of 8 women's rights NGOs, known as the Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG).

Ibrahim won the 'Insulting Intelligence' category for his Apr 7, 2011statementthat extramarital affairs have been caused by "wives who neglect their responsibilities" to their husbands.

This was among six awards for the many discriminatory remarks by public figures and process makers which have been deemed sexist, misogynistic, homophobic or transphobic.

There was additionally the 'Right upon Track' endowment for positive developments towards greater gend! er next to ity.

The nominations were collected from headlines reports published last year, after which 74 representatives from JAG member-groups voted over the period of 7 days.
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Syed Mokhtar like a king, says senior Umno MP - The Malaysian Insider

The Malaysian Insider

Syed Mokhtar similar to a king, says senior Umno MP
The Malaysian Insider
KUALA LUMPUR, June twenty-five A senior Umno backbencher accused a Najib administration department currently of favoring Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary in government ...


In March a season of a month was: When will Najib disintegrate Parliament? And everybody became an expert in prediction, a little presumption a status of being prophetic, claiming their closeness to contacts in a inner circles. It became such a dissipating and an irritating mania which it gave birth to a slew of initiate domestic pundits. This prompted me to do a posting on twenty-three March 2012HERE.
Friends stopped asking me this WHEN subject since they pronounced which we was taking a elections as well lightly. They have been right of march though am we wrong if we say which this is one nation which is so preoccupied in WHEN a WIFE will give a green lights?
And starting by whatRAFIZIwill exhibit and whatASIA SENTINELhave accumulatednah we will not proffer anything..whilst they prime a subs.

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Rang Undang-Undang Umur Persaraan dan KWSP

Azmi Anuar

chartsPengenalan Rang Undang-Undang Umur Persaraan Minimum 2012 yang dibentangkan di Dewan Rakyat baru-baru ini mendapat reaksi yang menggalakkan dari ramai pihak. Persekutuan Majikan-Majikan Malaysia (MEF) menyambut baik pengumuman bahawa umur persaraan smallest untuk mereka yang bekerja di sektor swasta akan dinaikkan ke 60 tahun selaras dengan peraturan baru yang telah ditetapkan untuk kakitangan awam.

Sementara itu, Profesor Ekonomi di Fakulti Ekonomi, Kewangan dan Perbankan, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Prof. Amir Baharuddin berkata, langkah meningkatkan usia persaraan itu dapat memberikan ruang kepada para pekerja untuk menstabilkan ekonomi selepas bersara.

Hakikat yang tidak dapat disangkal ialah peningkatan jangka hayat rakyat Malaysia berbanding tahun-tahun selepas negara baru mencapai kemerdekaan. Walaupun kini rakyat menghadapi masalah kesihatan pula akibat gaya hidup yang lebih mewah, rata-rata ramai rakyat negara ini akan menikmati hidup yang melebihi umur persaraan 55 tahun ketika ini.

Mereka yang sakit dan bersara tanpa tabungan yang mencukupi pasti menghadapi masalah kecuali ada yang membantu sama ada ahli keluarga sendiri atau pihak yang berwajib. Kos perubatan tidak dapat dinafikan lagi akan menjadi salah satu faktor utama dalam kehidpan seorang pesara. Pesara yang prihatin harus terus mengekalkan tahap kesihatan sebaik mungkin dan yang sakit perlu mencari wang untuk membiayai kos perubatannnya.

Peningkatan jangka hayat dan trend berkahwin pada usia yang lebih tua secara! tidak l angsung juga memberi peringatan kepada kita supaya bersedia lebih awal untuk masa tua. Mereka yang berkahwin lambat berkemungkinan mempunyai anak yang masih bersekolah apabila mencapai umur 50 tahun ke atas dan usia persaraan yang baru boleh membantu meringankan beban kewangan yang terpaksa dipikul. Kos pembelajaran semakin meningkat dan ura-ura untuk memansuhkan skim pinjaman pendidikan PTPTN yang dikemukakan oleh sesetengah pihak boleh memporak-perandakan perancangan awal seseorang untuk anak-anaknya.

Secara kasar, umur persaraan baru tidak memberi apa-apa kesan yang mendalam kepada mereka yang bekerja sendiri. Selagi badan sihat dan boleh bekerja, seharusnyalah mereka yang tergolong dalam kumpulan ini akan berjaya menikmati gaya hidup yang berpatutan. Itulah kelebihan mereka yang bekerja sendiri kerana dari awal lagi akan bersedia menghadapi apa juga yang akan berlaku pada masa hadapan. Mereka lebih peka bahawa menabung dan hidup sederhana akan membantu menjamin hidup yang selesa di usia tua.

Mungkin itulah hujah yang hendak dikemukakan oleh seorang penulis tentang mereka yang memberi pendapat bahawa terdapat golongan yang tidak mampu bersara kerana memerlukan wang untuk meneruskan hidup. Penulis itu tidak dapat menerima sama sekali alasan tersebut. Dia boleh memahami naluri seseorang yang masih perlu bekerja untuk membiayai kegemarannya seperti membeli buku atau melancong tetapi tidak perlulah memberi alasan hendak bekerja lagi semata-mata untuk meneruskan hidup.

Pucuk pangkalnya memang terletak di bahu kita sendiri, berdikit-dikit dahulu sebelum menikmati kesenangan di hari kemudian. Segala tarikan dan godaan untuk bersaing dengan rakan-rakan, menunjuk-nunjuk siapa yang lebih, akan membawa bencana jika tidak kena gayanya. Janganlah ikut ungkapan biar papa kedana asalkan bergaya. Se! harusnya ditukar kepada mengikut rasmi padi, semakin berisi semakin tunduk.

Gaya hidup: Dulu lain, sekarang lain

Ketika ini pihak berwajib cuba menanam semangat berjimat-cermat dan penyelenggaraan bajet keluarga yang seimbang supaya para pekerja mampu berdikari dan menikmati usia tua yang lebih nyaman. Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) sendiri telah memperkenalkan Skim Simpanan Persaraan 1Malaysia sejak 3 Januari 2010 untuk membantu mereka yang bekerja sendiri iaitu kategori individu yang tidak mempunyai skim simpanan persaraan secara formal. Skim ini memang boleh membantu sedikit sebanyak mereka yang tidak mahu terikat bekerja di bawah telunjuk orang lain.

Wang tidak akan pernah mencukupi jika kita sentiasa mengejar dan mahu menikmati sesuatu yang bukan perkara utama dalam hidup seharian. Apa yang penting tentulah makanan, pakaian dan rumah tetapi kita terpaksa akur mengukur baju di badan sendiri. Tidak salah mengimpikan yang lebih mewah untuk diri kita tetapi mestilah berusaha untuk mencapainya. Janganlah lebih kerak daripada nasi.

Mungkin itulah kelemahan ramai di antara kita kerana naluri inginkan sesuatu yang lebih baik dan di luar kemampuan telah menjadi sebahagian daripada matlamat hidup. Hidup sederhana tidak lagi menjadi sesuatu yang dibanggakan malahan bersaing dan mempamerkan kemewahan menjadi bulletin utama. Pekerja yang baru menapak tidak harus terkejar-kejar cuba mendapatkan sesuatu yang di luar kemampuannya. Kita tidak rugi apa-apa jika tidak memiliki barangan mewah atau yang terbaru di pasaran dan cuba mendapatkannya juga hanya kerana rakan-rakan yang lain memiliki semua itu.

Usaha Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK) yang berfungsi di bawah kelolaan Bank Negara Malaysia amat dialu-alukan dalam menangani kelaziman sesetengah daripada kita hidup melampaui batasan kemampuan. AKPK melalui module pendidikan kewangannya menyediakan pelbagai perkhidmatan pendidikan yang dirangka khas untuk membantu para individu supaya mereka dapat mengawal kedudukan kewangan mereka lalu mendapatkan ketenangan daripada penggunaan kredit yang bijak.

Program pendidikan seperti ini mesti disebarluas supaya para pekerja terutama lepasan sekolah boleh memantau aliran tunai mereka. Kita semua lemah dan tidak ada manusia yang sempurna. Peringatan dan apa juga sokongan moral yang boleh membantu kita menyeimbangkan hidup mesti disokong. Setidak-tidaknya alasan bahawa kita perlu terus bekerja setelah mencapai umur persaraan akan berkurangan.

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