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Hmmm, does Daisy need a RM26,000 bra?
NUJ's proposals to a Parliamentary Select Committee upon electoral reforms.
a. The Election Commission contingency be empowered to form a media monitoring cabinet whose duties will include arising discipline to print, promote as well as on-line media.
b. This is to safeguard a media engages in satisfactory reporting so that voters have access to balanced views for them to have their choice .The cabinet should be upon avocation from a time a Dewan Rakyat/ State Assemblies have been dissolved until choosing results have been announced. In a case of by-elections, a cabinet should spring in to movement from a time there is a infrequent vacancy until choosing results have been announced.
c. Public Media RTM as well as Bernama News, Bernama Radio as well as Bernama Television.
i. The statute supervision will become caretaker supervision as well as they should be prohibited from all monopolisingstate comforts ( RTM as well as Bernama).
ii. This is since these open media have been saved by taxpayers.
iii. NUJ proposes that a series of hours allocated for domestic parties to debate over radio as well as radio should be formed upon a commission of parliamentary seats won in a final choosing or upon a commission of parliamentary seats now they have been contesting.
iv. Representatives from both a caretaker supervision as well as opposition should be since time to debate "live" during prime time over radio as well as television.
v. Bernama, similar to private media, should allow to ethical reporting, as well as yield satisfactory as well as balanced coverage to all parties.
5. Private Media Online headlines portal, newspapers, promote stations including Astro.
a. They should additionally allow to ethical reporting as well as yield satisfactory coverage.
i. The right to reply contingency be since if a media carries adverse report about a celebration or candidate.
ii. Newspapers as well a! s on-lin e media contingency sell space to domestic parties that wish to publicize their manifesto.
6. The Commission can pull up regulations for media cabinet to enforce regulations under a control of choosing in a Election Act 1958. It should be emphasised that no candidates, agents or domestic parties through a media before as well as during a choosing have statements to promote feelings of ill will, displeasure or feeling as settled under territory 4A of a Election Offences Act 1954.
7. The Commission through a cabinet should censure a insane media as well as display complaints perceived from aggrieved parties in a website.
8. Apart from ensuring a giveaway media during a election, a Commission contingency see that a military sparingly as well as quickly authorize permits for domestic parties as well as independent possibilities to control ceramah. The role of a military is to safeguard open reserve as well as order. If two opposing parties have been conducting ceramah that is close to one another, military should distance them to forestall any untoward incident.
9. Conclusion.
A giveaway as well as satisfactory choosing is an critical component of a organic parliamentary democracy.
Voters contingency be since a giveaway will to elect their wakil rakyat, their Federal Government as well as State Governments who will have decisions upon their interest over a next five years.
Thus, electorates contingency have ready access to information, headlines as well as commentaries for them to have an sensitive decision.
The Commission contingency safeguard a media, whose business is to sell report as well as influence a public, play a role of a unbiased referee.
Undisputed choosing results will give legitimacy to a brand new government/s as well as a charge to administer a states as well as a federation.
V. Anbalagan
general secretary NUJ Malaysia
January 26, 2012
by Nawawi Mohamad, Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle
Since PKR leaders Rafizi Ramli as good as Zuraida Kamaruddin blew a lid off a RM250mil NFC disturbance with their well-timed series of expose' as good as revelations of greed, crime as good as sheer financial imbecility, a liaison has morphed from being a disaster in to a swamp for UMNO.
Make no mistake, a UMNO chosen have been watching this box a really wary eye since NFC is additionally a gateway to UMNO's Pandora box. If not careful, it can provide physical condition rival Anwar Ibrahim's Pakatan Rakyat bloc with a domestic arms of mass drop for a 13th general election.
But roar as good as scream it may, UMNO has no a single to censure yet itself, a own greed as good as a own infighting for this really vicious situation. What a blunder of fireworks for a grand finale of drop for UMNO!
Even Houdini or David Copperfield could never have NFC as good as a spook of a Shahrizat clan, their cows, condos as good as Super-class Mercedes Benz vanish from a people's minds! Sad to say, a dual magicians could never have a total RM250mil supervision soothing loan reappear for a people either!
'Safest' solution
Firstly, a UMNO chosen have not been means to finalise a disturbance amicably as they have been means to with past cases. Why? Two categorical reasons a 13th general choosing as good! as UMNO 's own inner polls later this year. Yes, instead of compromising as good as assisting to cover up for any other, different factions have been using a NFC disturbance as precedence to defeat any other.
The 'final' decision for right away which is is to varnish a debacle. In alternative words, let Shahrizat as good as family flounder away, whilst Raja Nong Chik (right)- blamed for instigating a liaison since he allegedly coveted Shahrizat's Lembah Pantai parliamentary chair might have to wait for a whilst some-more to get his wish. This is deemed a 'safest' resolution again, for right away which is!
The varnish ordered by a UMNO chosen is actually what Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin had initially planned which is to deny all indiscretion as good as to stretch themselves from a debacle. Of course, they would remove credibility as good as a certainty of everyone. But for a disgraceful UMNO, this is not, as good as will not be a final time.
So regardless of how flimsy is a explanation, how obvious a lies they produce, Khairy as good as a NFC alternative stars including Prime Minister Najib Razak, DPM Muhyiddin Yassin, Agriculture Minister Noh Omar will usually brazen it out like a Shahrizats. Anyone who asks will be told which all is alright as good as there is zero to be endangered about.
Obviously, Shahrizat a Wanita arch as good likes a 'whitewash' option. She had been dumbfounded when former premier Mahathir Mohamad told her to give up before she was chased out of a party. But of course, Khairy will win her secure gratitude for receiving her side as good as perplexing to clarify as good as justify a alleged wrongdoings. Even so, will a ultimate devise work?
Salleh as good as Datuk Fix-it
Salleh Ismail, a NFC boss, had tried to k! eep cold as good as stay quiet for as prolonged as he could. But when a luxury condos in Bangsar, followed by another a single in Singapore which worse still was purebred to their personal names proposed to dash all over a newspapers, he could not keep quiet anymore.
Shahrizat as good tried to disassociate herself totally from a debacle, saying NFC was her family's concern as good as zero to do with her. But to no relief since even her own UMNO women said which would be impossible. Salleh is her father as good as she is his wife, as good as there is bound to be lots of pillow talk common between a dual like any normal couple.
Then a Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission raided a NFC offices, a tad as good dramatically, prompting most to accuse a commission of assisting to destroy rather than find evidence. As for a police, from initially saying it found no elements of "criminal breach of trust", a cops U-turned as good as unexpected found there could be a little basis for a Attorney General to take to court after all.
The subsequent Jack-in-Box to cocktail out was a unfortunate "Datuk Fix-it". Initially, speculation was rife which Salleh had been arrested yet it incited out to be another real 'Datuk', someone who mingles good with a high-and-mighty as good as does their dirty work for them. This "Datuk Fix-it" could be most fortunate if he plays his cards right.
In a NFC case, he was incarcerated for perplexing to cheat several Police investigators, offering a little RM1.7mil purportedly received from Salleh so as to get a officers onto his side. Of course, a Datuk Fix-it will not be a peaceful victim for nothing. The Shahrizat-NFC disturbance is so hot, most tip people could get burnt easily.
RM250million went in to NFCo! rp: How was a income spent?
Unfortunately, Datuk Fix-it was not means to finalise a subsequent PKR bombshell upon a credit cards spending binge by a Shahrizats, which amounted to a little RM600,000 in 2009 alone. The Malaysian open went livid when they saw a headlines reports of Shahrizat's twenty-something-year-old kids drawing outrageous 5-figure salaries as good as who were additionally since similar-sized monthly credit card boundary to utilize.
Shahrizat had no choice to to take 3-weeks leave. But instead of cooling off, she roped in PERKASA arch Ibrahim Ali as good as several Malay NGOs to assistance defend her as good as win a magnetism of a Malays. Ibrahim Ali's heading injustice rught away stormy feathers when he insisted NFC was "in order" as good as a total turmoil was due to a discontented non-Malay staff who blew a alarm upon a project.
Then in loyal UMNO prime-time drama style, Salleh dutifully telephoned home from Mecca, insisting which it was all a mistake! To Salleh, a Auditor-General audited usually a books of a government-owned National Feedlot Centre in Gemas, which is a 2,000 acre plantation as good as not NFCorp, which is his family-controlled organisation which was awarded a job of overseeing a NFC project. According to Salleh, a plantation is is managed by a supervision itself via a Ministry of Agriculture! But of course, this incited out to be inaccurate.
Apart from extending a most inexhaustible RM250 million soothing loan, a usually supervision assistance seen during a NFC in Gemas was a abattoir facility it provided. Additionally, Salleh is concerned in both NFCorp as good as overseeing a state-owned NFC, which is headed by his son as good as tranquil by dual alternative siblings.
NFCorp was additionally granted a loan by a Badawi administration department to run a NFC. So to simply indicate out a difference in NFCorp as good as NFC creates no sense during all. Whatever it is, open income in a form of a supervision loan might have bee! n improp erly used, as good as this contingency be investigated thoroughly without fright or favor.
Burning questions
Left with no alternative option, UMNO is right away bursting hairs. Like Houdini as good as Copperfield, they have to scream 'KAZAM' to deflect open attention. But sorry to say, no a single is blinking.
UMNO is right away worse off than before. Its leaders, from Najib to Muhyiddin, to Mahathir to Khairy, have been seen as crooks peaceful to acquit corruption, peaceful even to 'racialize' crime usually to get UMNO off a NFC hook.
Salleh has shown himself to be amateurish from a begin as good as he should resign to have approach for a examine for loosening as good as CBT; for not being alert about a set-up as good as organizational make up of a plan entrusted to him to manage; as good as lastly, for vouchsafing a disturbance occur right underneath his own nose. No consternation a RM250 million loan is in a mess, with outrageous chunks outlayed upon non-cattle associated items.
How most is left, how was it spent, how most can be recouped? These have been a blazing questions yet conjunction Najib nor a Shahrizats will be penetrating to provide a answers. It looks like NFC is branch some-more as good as some-more in to a total disaster by a day. UMNO deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin who awarded a plan to Salleh's NFCorp contingency additionally be investigated as to because he selected such an fresh chairman to manage a RM250 million fund.
But a most critical questions to ask have been because is UMNO receiving so prolonged to solve a debacle; because is UMNO working so tough to stretch itself from a fallout; as good as because is it perplexing to white wash a disturbance even yet it contin! gency kn ow which such a move will leave a outrageous as good as ugly scar which can never reanimate or be hidden?
Even if a private auditor is appointed by a supervision to examine in to NFC, a people will be suspicious, since which a terms as good as anxiety of a audit might be lopsided to preference sure UMNO parties.
No easy approach out a lesson UMNO can never learn
Be which as it may, a most likely reason for a varnish is which UMNO does not really have a resolution to this debacle.There have been usually as good most inter-connections as good as to serious a little of these might emanate repercussions which could rock a elite. Yet, by perplexing to insist all is fine is equivalent to withdrawal a time explosve behind as good as watchful for it to explode, receiving UMNO down with it.
The usually approach to diffuse a domestic arms of mass drop which Khairy, Muhyiddin, Shahrizat, Najib as good as Nong Chik have built is actually to go in a citation which they have been right away branch away from.
To save UMNO, crime contingency be punished as good as a perpetrators not authorised to escape. But since UMNO's record, it is highly unlikely which it can ever move itself to do this. What subsequent then? Put it this way, whatever new shenanigan UMNO decides on, it will never work unless UMNO owns up.
Malaysia Chronicle
Capitalism is Dead, Long Live Capitalism
January 26, 2012
FTimes Editorial (12-27-11)
The marketplace economy is the many successful mechanism for formulating resources amiability knows. Allied to complicated science, it has done more than transform the universe economy; it has transformed the world. For the initial time in history, the world's principal states rest upon the marketplace economy to rise their economies. Almost as important, they rest upon the tellurian marketplace economy. Contemporary states have been destined to co-operate with the single an additional if they have been to prosper.
Yet the marketplace economy is not as unchangeable as the laws of the Medes as well as the Persians in the book of Daniel. It is successful not since it stays the same, though since it does not. The pushing force is the desire of all human beings to work for the betterment of themselves as well as their families. The mechanism is the equally healthy poke for the improved deal. But institutional settings as well as relationships with domestic institutions have regularly been open to change. This very affability has ensured the presence of marketplace economies.
Two centuries ago there was no limited liability, no personal bankruptcy, little executive banking, no environmental law as well as no stagnation insurance. All these! changes occurred in response to economic or domestic pressures. All brought with them new solutions as well as new challenges. At the time of ongoing financial shocks, this need for instrumentation has not ended. On the contrary, it is as critical as ever.
What, then, have been the hurdles that make the difference today? The libertarian movement in the US, whose standard-bearer is Ron Paul, is clear about the answer: annul nearly all of these process innovations as well as go back, as distant as possible, to the capitalism of the late 19th century. Outside the US this current of perspective holds little sway. Even inside the US, it is merely the member of the Republican coalition. It is more than the small oddity though it is not starting to figure the future.
More applicable is asking how distant the resurgent capitalism that emerged in the 1980s, underneath the care of Ronald Reagan in the US as well as Margaret Thatcher in the UK, right away needs to be reformed. The answer is that it contingency be, for it has proved not just unstable, but, in critical respects, unjust. The result has not usually been the harmful crisis, though also the clarity that the achievement of extraordinary resources may not reflect well-developed merit. In societies that rest upon consent, this is politically corrosive.
At the heart of the renewed discuss have been 3 issues: finance, corporate governance, as well as taxation. These have been the questions lifted by the "occupy" movements, which, for all their intellectual incoherence, have changed the conditions of the domestic debate.
The financial zone grew as well big, partly since risks were misunderstood as well as partly since it was encouraged by policymakers to expand. It will need to be improved compelled in future, partly by ensuring the risks it creates have bee! n intern alised. Again, corporate government has as well mostly fraudulent executive remuneration in its own interests, rather than that of shareholders. Finally, the engorgement of incentives have authorised many of the many successful people to escape taxation. In all these respects, the complicated economy needs reform, to become both fairer as well as more efficient.
Beyond such reforms, the discuss over macroeconomic stabilisation that goes behind to the 1930s has been renewed. In the years up to the crisis, the lengthened consensus was that the financial process targeted at acceleration was enough. This perspective has been exploded. After the lengthened period of unfortunate invention right away underneath way, the new singularity will be required, the single that takes correct account of asset prices, leverage as well as the purpose of executive banks as lenders of last resort.
Capitalism will endure, by changing. That is the lesson of the past. It is just as applicable today.