Bendera Malaysia (yg asal) Diluluskan oleh King George VI
Gempar! Hakim Australia Tak Iktiraf Brian McDonald Sebagai Pakar DNA
Mat Sabu tak cukup duit nak bayar duit jaminan sampai Unit Amal kena gerakkan tabung. Kemudian kira duit yang terkumpul di hadapan wartawan dalam mahkamah. Konon-kononnya PAS miskin dan Mat Sabu pula memang pemimpin yang tidak berduit.
Tapi aku rasa pun, Mat Sabu jenis takdak duit dalam kocek atau memang kedekut nak keluar duit sendiri. Kalau dia ada banyak duit,
Mukhriz's statement on Azizan his personal view: Ahmad Bashah - Sin Chew Jit Poh
Sin Chew Jit Poh
ALOR SETAR, Sept twenty (Bernama) -- Kedah Umno liaison arch Datuk Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah said the matter by his emissary Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir for Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak to step down was his personal view and not which of the state ...
Ucapan PM Najib: beri yang tidak beri
Mat Sabu claims trial, bail set at RM15,000

Mat Sabu could be jailed for up to dual years if convicted. File pic
The justice set bail during RM15,000.
If found guilty of a offence underneath Section 500 of a Penal Code, a PAS personality face up to dual years jail and/or a fine.
Mohamad, who is popularly well known as Mat Sabu, was alleged to have defamed policemen as well as soldiers who shielded a Bukit Kepong military hire in a 1950 conflict by communists.
The maverick politician additionally faces an pick assign of shaming family members of a policemen as well as soldiers.
Mohamad had additionally surrendered himself to military during 8.30pm final night as well as was expelled on military bail half an hour later.
Umno's Utusan Malaysia had first accused a maverick politician of glorifying Ahmad Indera in an Aug 27 report which quoted Mohamad as observant which a comrade personality was a true hero.
Twenty-five policemen were killed in a conflict on a Bukit Kepong military hire in 1950.
The daily as well as Malay hardliners in Umno have regularly called for Mohamad to be charged over a comment with a little even insisting which a PAS personality be nude of his citizenship.
Mohamad denies glorifying communists, observant he never mentioned "communism" in his speech.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced a raft of reforms final week to give Malaysians some-more leisure but Mohamad's prosecution might spark fears of a crackdown opposite dissent.
The assign of rapist insult was additionally used in 2008 opposite argumentative blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin who claimed which Najib as well as his mother were involved in a murder of Mongolian lady Altantuya Shariibuu.

Mohamad, widely known as Mat Sabu, faces a assign underneath Section 505 of a Penal Code for making a statement probable to lead to open mischief.

A leaked US Embassy wire carries an explosive assign against former Election Commission (EC)chief Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman - which he certified to personally granting citizenship as well as Malaysian temperament cards to over 60,000 unfamiliar displaced person workers (predominantly Muslims from Indonesia as well as Mindanao in a Philippines) in Sabah, in exchange for their votes in state assembly elections to assistance Umno assume domestic control over Sabah.
During which decade, Umno postulated citizenship as well as Malaysian temperament cards to over 600,000 unfamiliar displaced person workers in Sabah. This is attributed to Mahathir's PROJECT IC.
In 2007, afterwards EC Chairman Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahmansaid that "there is usually one system of administration in this nation which is capable of running (the country)."
< span>He let slip today his views upon which 'regime' he regards as being capable of running a country, as well as said those who disagree with him do not realise a 'critical' incident a nation is in.
If this is not mischievous, afterwards pigs can climb trees.
Abdul Rashid went upon to say which he was upon a same wavelength as his friend, comparison Umno personality Sanusi Junid, about what a nation needs. "If you do not agree, afterwards you have been in trouble, because we run a elections," he boasted.
Not blatant mischief?
Wan Ahmad (CURRENT Deputy EC)added, "BN has never attacked or put down a EC. That is a difference between PAS, DAP, PKR as well as BN."
Critics of a EC say which BN has no reason to attack or put down a EC, as a EC is doing BN's work.
Mischief or otherwise?

SAKMONGKOLAK47 aka Datuk Ariff fumed: I wouldn't wish a Bangladeshi siphon in attendance to have a same voting rights as we do. How a elections elect can with impunity insult our comprehension by claiming a ultimate voters lists have been meant for inner dissemination is beyond any magnitude of decency!
Isn't this collateral mischief?
What if it was Najib in the sex video?
Some NGOs wish to know because Pakatan Rakyat leaders have been superfluous wordless upon Anwar being concerned in a sex scandal as well as would they keep quiet if it was Najib Tun Razak.
PETALING JAYA: Would Pakatan Rakyat leaders sojourn wordless if there was a video implicating Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in a sex scandal?
This was a question an NGO popped up when referring to a ultimate video upon Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
The video snippet allegedly showed Anwar entering a road residence with bureau worker Shazryl Eskay Abdullah.
Commenting upon a video, Coalition of Malay Students in Peninsular Malaysia (GPMS) secretary-general Zambri Mohd Isa criticised antithesis supporters for practising double standard.
"When Kelana Jaya MP Low Gwo Burne recorded a video of a lawyer allegedly trying to fix legal appointments, a antithesis leaders went to locale with it prompting a Royal Commission of Inquiry to be established to examine a matter.
"But when it comes to Anwar's case, not even a squeak is listened from his supporters," Zambri said.
Last week, pro-Umno blogger Papagomo posted a brand new video snippet purportedly joining Anwar to a sex video expelled in April.
Early this year, a contingent job themselves "Datuk Trio" expelled a video allegedly display Anwar intent in sex with a prostitute.
In an prolongation to a video, Papagomo expelled a ultimate snippet final week display "Anwar" entering a road residence lift with Shazryl. Shazryl is a single of contingent which expelled a sex video early this year.
Impeachment in Parliament
Zambri hailed former illness apportion Dr Chua Soi Lek's decision to renounce from bureau in 2008 after he was concerned in a sex scandal.
He prono! unced wh ich even Selangor antithesis leader, Dr Mohd Khir Toyo, quiescent from bureau final year when concerned in a corruption scandal.
"But Anwar refuses to even swear in a mosque to infer his innocence," he added.
As a people's representative, Zambri pronounced Anwar should answer all a allegations again! st him.< br />.
"He is not a usual male in a street. Anwar is a parliamentarian. If we wish to be a great nation, we must be brave to face this," he said.
Selangor Coalition of NGOs opposite Corruption (GAPS) chairman Hamidzun Khairuddin pronounced which Parliament should impeach Anwar over a allegations.
"If Anwar is not investigated, it will have a mockery of our eighth month house," Hamidzun said.
With Anwar's moral standing underneath a cloud, he pronounced it was time for someone from DAP or PAS to take over Pakatan's helm.
We have to residence this moral decay. In my view, (PAS president) Hadi Awang as well as (DAP secretary-general) Lim Guan Eng have been implicitly superior to Anwar," he added.
Best to ignore
However, PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub discharged a NGOs' arguments as well as reiterated their support for Anwar.
"In principle, we hang to qazaf where an prosecution must yield 4 witnesses to infer their allegation. In Anwar's case, no witnesses have come forward," Salahuddin said.
On whether Anwar's insusceptibility over a have a difference would hurt Pakatan, Salahuddin discharged a notion outright.
"For decades a government had accused Anwar of many things though a people have been still with us as they know a truth," he said.
On because Anwar refused to comment upon a new allegation, a PAS personality pronounced which substantially Anwar was sleepy responding to a accusation.
"I think he is only fed up with it. It's best for him to omit it," he said.
Echoing Salahuddin's sentiments, DAP Youth personality Anthony Loke additionally pronounced Anwar's alleged p! assionat e misconduct emanate is only being played up to upset a public.
"Let's only omit a have a difference as well as move forward, " pronounced Loke.
Malaysians Must Know a TRUTHMat Syabu Komunis Sedang Didakwa di Mahkamah
Najib's final, personal warning to his Ministers
Watch out Tan Sri as well as Datuk Seris. Terrence's piece in The Malay Mail (Monday, 19 Sept)h e r ehas the chilling outcome which nothing of us feel though we know which some of the Ministers have not stopped wetting their pants. A Najib armed with those thick files on bungle as well as hurtful practices is lethal. As fatal as the PM who pronounced he would repeal the ISA.
Bukan Nasi Lemak 2.0, soalnya Namewee Fauziah Arof
21 SEPT Melihat reaksi orang ramai mengenai filem sulung arahan Namewee, Nasi Lemak 2.0 yang dikatakan mereka sebagai sebuah filem 'komedi sosial' yang baik lagi menghiburkan, ia tidak sedikit joke menarik minat saya untuk menonton filem tersebut.
Jika diberi tiket percuma pun, saya tidak mahu menonton filem ini, walaupun dibarisi oleh nama-nama selebriti handal yang saya kagumi seperti Afdlin Shauki, Datuk David Arumugam dan Adibah Noor, apatah lagi melanggannya di Astro First apabila filem itu habis ditayangkan kelak.
Sebabnya, bukan kerana filem Nasi Lemak 2.0. Tetapi kerana si pengarah dan penulis skripnya yang banyak mengguris hati rakyat Malaysia sebelum ini.
Tentu kita belum dapat melupakan lagi, pemuda yang berasal dari Johor ini pernah dengan lagu Negarakuku, memperlekeh negara dan menghina wanita Islam bertudung dan azan subuh.
Selepas itu, dia atau nama sebenarnya Wee Meng Chee buat hal lagi dengan menghina TNB dan dalam lagu bertajuk Kawanku menghina Melayu dengan lirik 'Melayu Balik Hutan Jadi Sakai'.
Dan ada lagi, dia membuat satu lagi klip video yang menghina Guru Besar dan Kementerian Pelajaran dengan perkataan-perkataan lucah.
Sekarang, Namewee melalui Nasi Lemak 2.0 pula menyifatkan, filem lakonannya itu adalah aspirasi 1 Malaysia, yang melambangkan penyatuan dan perpaduan kaum di negara ini.
Alahai, dia pula bercakap pasal 1Malaysia. Adakah anak muda ini sedar, bukankah perpaduan di negara ini dipupuk dengan cara kita menghormati setiap kaum yang ada. Bukan dengan menghina dan memperlekehkan sesuatu kaum dan negaranya seperti yang disiarkan di YouTube.
Namun 'perjalanan seni' anak muda ini boleh disifatkan luar biasa, kerana setelah apa yang dilakukannya, peliknya dia masih diberi peluang berjumpa seorang menteri, dan tiada tindakan yang diambil terhadapnya.
Dan dia yang banyak 'diberi muka' ini juga dengan yakinnya mahu berjumpa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pula untuk menyokongnya berkarya atas nam! a 1 Mala ysia.
Siapa dia Namewee ini, apa keistimewaan dan kekebalannya? Jawapannya, lelaki ini telah menyakiti hati ramai orang terutamanya orang Melayu dan umat Islam di negara ini.
Seperti yang ditegaskan, saya tiada masalah dengan filem Nasi Lemak 2.0. Saya menyokong filem tempatan dan tidak kisah mengeluarkan wang menonton filem Melayu di pawagam.
Apabila memperkatakan tentang filem berunsurkan 1Malaysia, bukan filem Nasi Lemak 2.0 sahaja mempunyai aspirasi ini. Saya juga telah menonton filem Estet di pawagam.
Estet arahan Mamat Khalid ini menggabungkan kehidupan semua kaum di negara ini yang saling hormat-menghormati dan membantu antara satu sama lain dalam sebuah kampung.
Dan saudara Mamat kita ini, tidak heboh joke dengan mengangkat filem tersebut sebagai filem 1 Malaysia! Utusan Malaysia
* This is a personal perspective of a bard or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not validate a perspective unless specified.
Namewee from a Chinese perspective
It strikes me that Namewee expresses himself in a Chinese approach we will not confront from a likes of DAP 2.0's newly minted banking called theHasnah Yeop domestic coin.
By Helen Ang
Namewee is in a news again for his just expelled movie Nasi Lemak 2.0 as well as his reported attempt at removing a assembly with a budding minister. A debate magnet, Namewee has additionally at a same time attracted a expected brickbats as well as martial threats from a usual suspects.
Lyrics from a classical hit in that a lady sings about her adopted father: "Without heaven how can there be earth, though a land how can there be home, though home how can there be you, though we how can there be me "
Namewee's swat in Negarakuku recalls to me a little echoing difference in almost a same cadences:
(Translation: we adore my country, [only] when there is nation there is home, [only] when there is home there is me, now [standing] here singing song loudly to you)
It strikes me that Namewee e! xpresses himself in a Chinese approach we will not confront from a likes of DAP 2.0's newly minted banking called a Hasnah Yeop domestic coin.
It may warn we that in his controversialNegarakuku released in 2007, Namewee starts a swat by professing his adore for Malaysia to that he later adds a devious "this nation we like very much".
Namewee's ambivalence is genuine of a generally conflicted Chinese here rather than a one-dimensionality of a Firsters as well as their "I'm-more-Malaysian-than any a single else" chest thumping .
Embedded in a Chinese language as well as thus a ethos (remember, 'bahasa jiwa bangsa') is a judgment of jia (home), around that form a difference 'family' as well as 'country'.
Hannah Yeoh with her God-walks-with-me tweets fawned over by 30,000 faithful supporters is on a totally different craft from a Mandarin-and-Hokkien vocalization Namewee who pursued his tertiary preparation in Taiwan.
In fact, a Chinese school student incompetent to get a chair in local universities is a single of! Namewee 's grouses aired in Negarakuku.
Caring for a Chinese? Nah
Do note that a DAP does not take up a above type 'Chinese' issues.
Therefore it boggles a mind how a party's detractors (read:Utusan/Umno bloggers) still keep claiming that DAP favours a Chinese. In truth, a leaders favour whatever is advantageous for themselves initial as well as foremost. Whatever it takes for them to kee! p as wel l as expand their clout (power has gotten to their heads) so that they can go on to suffer a perks of office.
After all, in Penang that DAP controls, Lim Guan Eng takes so most pride in awarding bumiputera contractors 98 percent to 100 percent of a state tenders (quoting a arch minister's own boast).
Thus, rhetorically speaking, DAP should have no issues possibly if 98%-100% of local varsity places were to go to bumiputera.
So how can we design this Anak Malaysia-sloganeering celebration to membela nasib kami orang Cina when DAP is so plainly disrespectful of a Chinese ethnicity as well as at a same time so deceitfully eager to elevate a Malay race as well as religion in order to greatfully a main vote bank?
The onslaught of Umno, according to a founding principles, is to cure a Malay ('Hidup Melayu!'). The onslaught of PAS is for Islam since MCA as well as MIC have 'Chinese' as well as 'Indian' in their celebration names respectively. What values do a DAP mount for?
The mean as well as sparse DAP
It is a most maligned MCA instead that recently managed to pull off theUEC coup, a matter of university opening for holders of a Chinese school unified examination certificate that Namewee complained about in his swat as [previously] being treated with colour like a meaningles! s square of paper by a authorities, i.e. a gift accepted overseas though not recognized by Malaysia.
But is DAP happy with this UEC positive development? Nope!
As we know, DAP as well as friends aren't at all happy possibly with a announced repeal of a ISA a polite liberties new thing that they've been at great heedfulness to undermine.
The naysaying on both issues is f! or a s ame reason that it is their lame tactic to find fault with everything (see The Star, Sept 10) that competence just put Barisan in great stead with a people.
News that a ISA will be abolished is surely a relief. Yet it's been dismissed by a wet blankets with a same sick beauty a opposition treated with colour other Najib-driven reforms that have been trotted out.
The opposition cold water response as well as negative turn to a ISA rollback is nothing though petty. This mean spiritedness is not in a Chinese nature, merely a DAP 2.0s character.
New security laws to focus on terrorism, race and religion

But a de facto law apportion pledged which a dual brand brand new laws to replace a Internal Security Act (ISA) would not be as odious as a argumentative law being repealed.
He stressed which a dual deputy laws "cannot" be some-more odious in nature as a budding apportion had promis! ed meani ngful reforms to a country's surety laws.
The apportion pronounced which a single of a laws would plunge into terrorism whilst a second would privately understanding with defence public assent as well as order, as well as hold upon racial as well as eremite relations.
< p style="margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; font-style: inherit; border-top-color: rgb(208, 208, 208); border-right-color: rgb(208, 208, 208); border-bottom-color: initial; border-left-color: rgb(208, 208, 208); background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Garuda, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; border-bottom-style: none; border-bottom-width: initial; ">"But these laws, as a PM pronounced final week, must comply with dual elemental issues one, no a single can be arrested upon a basis of differences in domestic ideologies as well as two, extended apprehension can only be aut! horize b y a courts. These are a dual safeguards," he told reporters after assembly with member from a Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia here this evening.Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced final Thursday a dissolution of a ISA, a three Emergency Declarations as well as also a need for annual printing as well as publishing permits when both Dewan Negara as well as Dewan Rakyat have their subsequent sitting.
The Umno president pronounced dual brand brand new laws would be enacted in place of a ISA to protect a peace, harmony as well as confidence of a nation though admitted which they were "risky though necessary for our survival."
Just days after Najib's announcement, resistance began to surface, with domestic hardliners like Perkasa's Datuk Ibrahim Ali calling upon a budding apportion to safety a spirit of a ISA in a dual brand brand new laws.
Those across a domestic order remained carefully optimistic of a reforms, expressing fears which a enactment of dual brand brand new laws meant a ISA was merely being repackaged.
Nazri, however, reminded Malaysians which both laws would still be theme to extensive parliamentary debates as well as open consultation prior to they are enacted.
He rubbished criticisms which a laws could be some-more odious than a ISA or which they would merely be a repackaging of a ISA, observant such statements were "ridiculous".
"If they are which odious as well as yet are passed in Parliament, then a opposition must be sleeping," pronounced a outspoken minister.
Nazri also revealed which a Attorney-General (A-G) is scheduled to brief a Cabinet tomorrow upon a extermination of a ISA as well as issues surrounding a dual brand brand new laws to be drafted.
He pronounced a laws should be ready to be tabled by a March Parliamentary sitting after a A-G gathers feedback as well as consults with all applicable stakeholders.
On proposals to dissolution as well as make serve amendments to alternative confidence as we! ll as pr ess laws in a country, Nazri expressed confidence which if a ISA, a "mother of all laws", could be repealed, a supervision would likely have no qualms doing a same to alternative pieces of legislation in a future.
The apportion also pronounced there was no need for a supervision to apologize or recompense former ISA detainees, insisting which they had been rightly detained.
"Anything which was finished in a past was finished according to a law.
"Similarly, if you decide a single day which it is no longer illegal to steal, should you then apologize or recompense all a thieves who were punished under a law in a past?" he reasoned.
Agenda hapus warisan, sejarah Nizam Yatim
21 SEPT Sudah terang lagi bersuluh. Walaupun tiada dokumen rasmi dengan tajuk 'Langkah-Langkah Untuk Menghapuskan Warisan Malaysia', namun tindak-tanduk pemimpin pembangkang sejak 'menang besar' pada Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) 2008 sudah cukup untuk menunjukkan apa yang bakal dilakukan jika memperoleh kuasa.
Jika ditakdirkan memerintah negara ini, mereka akan mengubah segala-galanya yang menjadi identiti kebangsaan Malaysia. Ini termasuk Perlembagaan Persekutuan; lambang utama negara seperti Jalur Gemilang, pemakaian songkok dan batik serta sejarah perjuangan menuntut kemerdekaan negara ini.
Tidak mustahil akan muncul juga 'idea gila' untuk menggantikan lagu Negaraku dan merobohkan bangunan Parlimen kerana dikatakan mempunyai hubungan secara langsung dengan Barisan Nasional (BN).
Perkiraan mereka cukup mudah. Apa sahaja yang didakwa mempunyai kaitan dengan Umno dan BN perlu dihapuskan tanpa menghiraukan hakikat bahawa perkara itu tidak sepatutnya dipolitikkan kerana ia telah ditetapkan dan dipersetujui semua kaum sejak merdeka.
Terbaru, melibatkan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kota Alam Shah daripada DAP, M. Manoharan yang menegaskan pihak pembangkang akan menukar Jalur Gemilang jika memperoleh kuasa pada PRU akan datang kerana ia mempunyai kaitan dengan BN dan meniru bendera Amerika Syarikat.
Peguam yang membuat kenyataan dalam laman sosial Facebook miliknya pada fifteen September lalu bertindak mengedarkan bendera parti politik untuk sambutan Hari Merdeka dan Hari Malaysia, sebagai ganti kepada bendera Malaysia yang ditentangnya itu.
Sebenarnya, Jalur Gemilang tiada kaitan dengan BN kerana ia dicipta dan dipilih oleh orang ramai menerusi satu pengundian yang dikelolakan oleh sebuah akhbar berbahasa Inggeris. Ia kemudiannya diwartakan dengan persetujuan Majlis Raja-Raja pada 1949, manakala gabungan parti komponen itu ditubuhkan pada 1974.
Pemimpin DAP yang aktif dalam pertubuhan haram, Hindraf itu sebenarnya tidak sunyi daripada kontroversi. Pa! da 2009, beliau telah meluahkan perasaan tidak gembira dengan syarat pemakaian songkok ketika istiadat pembukaan sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Selangor.
Menurut beliau, syarat itu tidak perlu dipatuhi kerana orang bukan Melayu tidak diberikan status bumiputera dan masih dilayan sebagai kumpulan berbeza. Sehubungan itu, beliau menuntut kerajaan memberikan taraf bumiputera kepada bukan Melayu di negara ini yang lahir selepas 31 Ogos 1957.
Penentangan terhadap pemakaian songkok turut dikongsi oleh wakil rakyat DAP lain dan ia terbukti pada June tahun ini apabila twelve wakil rakyat parti itu tidak mengenakan pakaian rasmi dan songkok pada upacara pembukaan sidang DUN Sarawak Ke-17.
Dalam pada itu, Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim lain pula kerenahnya. Ketika menyampaikan syarahan bertajuk Kebebasan dan Musuh-Musuhnya sempena Festival Salihara 2010 di Jakarta, Indonesia pada Oktober tahun lalu, telah menghina batik yang menjadi warisan negara. Beliau menyifatkan ia sebagai jelik sebab ciri-ciri keseniannya cukup rendah sehingga menyebabkan dirinya lebih gemar memakai batik Afrika.
Pada masa sama, pada awal tahun ini, kerajaan PKR Selangor telah mencuba untuk meminda Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Selangor 1959. Pindaan itu bertujuan memberikan kuasa kepada Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim melantik tiga pegawai eksekutif negeri termasuk Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri (SUK) dan memastikan Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah hanya memberi perkenan calon yang direstui kerajaan PKR sahaja.
Pengerusi Program Sains Politik Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Dr. Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk yang diminta mengulas direction itu menyifatkan ia sebagai membimbangkan kerana perkara-perkara yang telah dipersetujui bersama sejak merdeka sepatutnya tidak diubah.
"Perkara-perkara ini seharusnya tidak diubah. Mengapa mempersoalkan kedudukan sultan dan bendera kebangsaan?" katanya.
Tegas beliau, langkah itu membuktikan pihak pembangkang tidak! serius untuk mewujudkan sebuah kerajaan yang lebih baik berbanding kerajaan BN seperti yang dicanang-canangkan.
"Jika ingin mewujudkan kerajaan lebih baik pihak pembangkang seharusnya membangkitkan persoalan dasar dan bukannya mengenai perkara-perkara yang telah disepakati bersama," ujarnya.
Sementara itu, pihak PAS pula mempunyai perancangan lain iaitu bagi mengubah semula sejarah negara.
Ini terbukti dengan kenyataan Timbalan Presidennya, Mohamad Sabu ketika satu ceramah di Pulau Pinang, 21 Ogos lalu, yang mahu pengganas komunis, Muhammad Indera yang mengetuai serangan ke atas Balai Polis Bukit Kepong, Muar, Johor diiktiraf sebagai pejuang kemerdekaan. Dalam kejadian menyayatkan hati pada twenty-three Februari 1950, twenty-five orang termasuk ketua balai berkenaan, Sarjan Jamil Mohd. Shah terbunuh.
Pensyarah Kolej Undang-Undang, Kerajaan dan Pengajian Antarabangsa, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Mohd. Na'eim Ajis menyifatkan kenyataan Mohamad itu hanya akan mewujudkan perbalahan dalam masyarakat. Menurut beliau, malah kini telah muncul dua kelompok iaitu yang menyokong dan membantah kenyataan beliau.
''Saya melihat golongan yang menyokong Mat Sabu hanya menerima bulat-bulat apa yang dikatakan oleh beliau tanpa membuat kajian terlebih dahulu tentang fakta sejarah sedia ada," katanya.
Selain gerakan untuk mengubah lambang rasmi dan sejarah negara, terdapat juga direction di kalangan pemimpin pembangkang untuk mengubah Perlembagaan Persekutuan, walaupun hasrat itu tidak diluahkan secara nyata kerana bimbang tidak mendapat sokongan orang Melayu.
Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang ketika sesi Dewan Rakyat pada Ogos 2008 misalnya telah mempertikaikan mengapa isu ketuanan dan hak-hak Melayu diberi penekanan sejak kebelakangan ini berbanding perpaduan nasional. Isu terbabit sepatutnya tidak dibangkitkan oleh beliau kerana kedudukan hak-hak istimewa orang Melayu telah termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Perkara lain yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan tertinggi n! egara it u yang sering dipertikaikan pihak pembangkang adalah mengenai tanah rizab Melayu, jaminan orang Melayu untuk mendapat lesen, assent dan kuota dalam perniagaan atau pendidikan serta keistimewaan mendapat biasiswa.
Segala tindak-tanduk yang ditunjukkan pemimpin pembangkang itu membuktikan jika mereka berkuasa, hak keistimewaan orang Melayu, budaya warisan bangsa, sejarah dan identiti Malaysia yang menjadi kebanggaan kita akan hilang. Utusan Malaysia
* This is a personal opinion of a writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse a view unless specified.
Change....What Change?
Even though you explain to have a two-coalition system (albeit not formally), a widespread coalition has shaped a domestic landscape to their advantage - roughly transforming a system in to a "single celebration in power" with a alternative coalition standing in a shadows as well as infrequently screaming for attention. The tendency is abuse comes in to a picture as well as a rakyat have been a greatest losers.
The inefficiency as well as miss of accountability of various departments leading to outlandish expenditures upon nonsensical items, both big as well as small, contingency be stopped. In a surrounded by have been some who have no qualms about grabbing whatever they can whilst they can since they can. Report any abuse of power! There is a lot which needs to be done. Those who have not been performing up to mark contingency not be re-elected! There is no two ways about it. We have to put in place estimable leader to have which shift happen.
Many of us hold which voting for a Opposition is a approach to move about change. That is just a starting point. If a Opposition has a interests of all during heart, you goal which their e! lection machinery is all oiled as well as cranked up for immediate action which can occur any time. Instead of a usual mud-slinging, a Opposition contingency assistance to restore respect to politics.
While writing this post, you was chatting with Antares via Skype. He said:
The great headlines is which you do not have to humour all those disastrous traits many longer since any of us has a opportunity to shift a complete domestic discourse if you wish to. Each of us could indirectly shift a approach which supervision functions as well as a approach a discussion progresses. Being rarely continuous via a net as well as telephony systems, you have turn rarely amicable beings who can be improved rebuilt to lead/change a world. It is up to us to be part of which wheel of shift which is spinning.
A few days ago, RPK wrote a timely proposal in his post called "Can We Look At This Instead, A Bill of Rights?"We need such proposals to rivet a election possibilities in a sharp-witted discuss as well as exam out a waters to see who is a a single who can deliver those needs.
In a next GE, campaign speeches can no longer take a same theme, content or style similar to in a past. This is a some-more educated as well as enlightened electorate who should ideally know what they wish as well as opinion a right candidate in to place. Change can usually come a Opposition can suggest possibilities of calibre who can govern plans as well as follow by these to move about change. Without sounding cliched, they contingency do some-more than just travel a walk. And they should have already handpicked a candidates, rebuilt a funds as well as election declaration as well as paraphernalia.
Some say governing body is a "art of a possible." That being a case, shift can usually come if you put in to place leaders who can practice a domestic! art tho ugh offered their souls to a devil.
Change can be effected if you elect possibilities who can grasp a many for a usual great which they contingency assimilate thoroughly!
We wish leaders who attend to others, generally a rakyat as well as to discuss it us nothing though a truth. They contingency be wooer to confess their failings as well as sense from their mistakes. Change can come if a leaders do not waste their time merely demonizing their critics as well as opponents though doing many or worse still, turn similar to them when they have been in seats of power.
We wish leaders who can concede their philosophy inside of excusable limits, though betraying their consciences, in sequence to grasp a best for a most, as they assimilate a best to be, in team-work with their domestic opponents. We wish people capable of changing their mind! s as well as ad mitting their errors. And you wish leaders who do not find "all or nothing" in ideological battles which no a single wins as well as which furnish countless casualties. In a word, you wish giveaway human beings to lead us, not ideologues or demagogues.
Change can usually come if you see election possibilities who exclude to be trapped by power, profit, possession, position, payoff as well as pleasure. Before perfectionist anything from others, they should be means to demand it of themselves as well as to do for others what they would wish others to do for them as well as their desired ones.
For a next GE, you unequivocally goal which there will not be any outrageously costly as well as forever analyzed campaigns which empty us of a patience as well as sanity.
The rakyat as well as politicians comparison contingency be very transparent about what arrange of shift you wish to see in a country. Let us move beyond 'Kick BN Out' or Change is Imperative. Let us list out a concerns as well as see how these can be changed for a better.
What is everybody of us doing now to have which shift happen? Are you promulgatio! n out em ails or engaging a friends in forums/social networking media/dinners etc? Are you volunteering a services as well as talents to a celebration you await so which they can call upon us to assistance during a campaign period?
Are you jotting down a concerns as well as voicing these via a right channels?
There is so many to be finished as well as you cannot be armchair critics. Yes, shift is needed as well as you have to have it occur though once it does, other changes contingency be put in to place similar to clockwork. So you sincerely goal which a Opposition have been well-prepared by now with their election declaration as well as not to haggle or disagree though to work cohesively to have which dream happen.
170,818 voters come from unknown birthplace
PAS Youth reveals some-more discrepancies in a Election Commission's electoral roll.
PETALING JAYA: Some 170,818 electorate whose bieing born place is different have been purebred as voters, PAS Youth claimed today.
Johor PAS Youth arch Suhaizan Kaiat suggested a electorate were purebred under nation formula "71" of a Election Commission's second entertain breeze roll. This equates to that their nation of start is unknown.
But Suhaizan forked out that in a National Registration Department (NRD) list, "71" was not an official code.
As a result, there are doubts about a birthplace of a 170,818 electorate who have been purebred as eligible electorate for a entrance ubiquitous election.
"Why is formula 71 still being used when a EC itself has indicated there is a particular formula for each nation in a world?" asked Suhaizan.
He cited a case of Mismah, an Indonesian, whose status was upgraded from permanent proprietor to Malaysian citizen in four hours.
"Mismah's formula was ostensible to be '61 to prove she is from Indonesia. But instead, formula '71 was used," Suhaizan pronounced in a statement.
The "Mismahgate", as it came to be well well known in news reports, saw a EC come under complicated criticism.
Suhaizan additionally pronounced a series of purebred electorate from different nation of start was higher in Pakatan Rakyat-held states (including Perak as well as a Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory), totalling a little 97,923 or 57.32%.
"This series (170,818) is too suspicious. Is it a fluke or is it planned?" he asked.
Suhaizan additionally pronounced Chinese of a various denominations such Hokkein, Teochew, as well as Cantonese, were a top series of electorate at 72,742 whose nation of start is not known.
The Indians as well as others such as Pakistanis, Punjabis, Indian Muslims as well as Bangladeshis who were purebred under formula "71 totalled a little 29,605.
Indonesian electorate whose nation of start ! is diffe rent came up to 7,468.
Suhaizan additionally pronounced of a 170,818 voters, a little 37.7% of them purebred under formula "71" were Muslims whilst 62.30% were non-Muslims.
He predicted that a series of electorate whose birthplace is not well well known will rise in a EC's third-quarter hurl breeze ,which he pronounced will be used in a upcoming ubiquitous election.
He hopes that a NRD director-general Jariah Mohd Said will act upon a matter.
BFM89.9 Hear And Now in Malaysia (Ep 3): Happy Malaysia Day
The voices of UndiMsia!'s immature organisers as well as campaigners, Michael, Nany, Nadia, Alea, Nicol, Rahul as well as Michelle have been captured by BFM89.9 in a new showhere.
This week we take a demeanour during a nation as it greets its 48th Malaysia Day. We'll take a brief demeanour during a past though often we're starting to try to demeanour during a future. We're starting to meet three groups of people (Serambi, UndiMsia!, EPIC), immature Malaysians who have been only a handful of a immature Malaysians receiving it on themselves to shape their own destinies as well as maybe a nation's. Produced by DotDotDot, brought to we by BFM in partnership with a Economic Transformation Programme.
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16 Sept Fundraiser: Come UndiMsia! Joyce Wong &...
16 Sept Fundraiser: Come UndiMsia! Pang Khee Teik ...
UndiMsia! Turun Padang di Hulu Langat
Malaysiakini: Apakah itu UndiMsia!
Tags: BFM89.9, D! otDotDot , Hear And Now, UndiMsia!
The Pusat Rakyat LoyarBurok (PRLB) is a village centre run by a Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism as well as Human Rights (MCCHR). PRLB is open to Homo Sapiens (or higher i.e. Homo Superior like a X-Men), all species of simian as well as polite society organisations who wish to use a space for meetings, activities or events which support, foster or raise a goal as well as suggestion of MCCHR. MCCHR's goal is to foster as well as strengthen human rights in Malaysia in suitability with determined international rights principles, treaties as well as law by maximising a use of all appropriate collection by integrated as well as community-based approach. We additionally like to party as well as do alternative fun stuff. Serious. PRLB's categorical role is to yield a gainful as well as protected space for youth (don't worry, old flers have been additionally welcome-lah) to engage constructively, plead as well as teach themselves (and others) about civil, political, economic, amicable as well as informative issues. It additionally seeks to yield a platform for alternative beneficial rakyat-orientated activities such as parties as well as alternative fun stuff. I know we receptive to advice bleak here, though we have been critical about a fun stuff.
Posted on twenty-one September 2011. You can follow any responses to this entrance by a RSS 2.0.
Read some-more articles posted by PusatRakyatLB aka Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism & Human Rights (MCCHR).
Message in song about a vote. Check out as well as spread it!
Recommended Reads:
LoyarBurok joins MyConstitution during Urbanscapes 201...
The NutGraph Commentary: Remembering a Perak Cri...
Malaysiakini: UndiMsia! Goes Public On Malaysia Da...
The common persona of Lord Bobo's minions (yes, all a impertinent monkeys as well as monkettes). Haven't we heard? LoyarBurokking is a lifestyle. Join us, as well as your life will never be a same again. Because it's fun.
Posted on twenty-one September 2011. You can follow any responses to this entry by a RSS 2.0.
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Strange Things are afoot in Zaids KITA: 3 kitaed
September 21, 2011
Strange Things have been afoot in Zaid's KITA: 3 kita'ed
Stephanie Sta Maria| September 20, 2011
The sacking of 3 top leaders in KITA has set a wheels in motion for a chorus of dissent opposite a care of celebration chief, Zaid Ibrahim.
Three months ago treasurer, Rashid Azad Khan, was sacked via content message. Last Wednesday central secretary, Abdul Latif Thambi, as well as central cabinet member, Muhammad Firdaus Christopher, were since a boot.
In an evident response Firdaus unleashed a harangue opposite Zaid for bypassing celebration constitution, induction state branches by dubious equates to as well as his altogether high-handedness in running a party.
Latif, meanwhile, cried tainted for his sacking over a website password as well as bloody Zaid for leading Kita astray from a strange mission. And now voices from inside of a party's state care have expressed identical dissatisfactions.
Penang state chief, Tan Tee Beng, acknowleged which a allegations of a fund shortage, sacking over teenager issues as well as a lack of celebration custom were all true. According to him, a talk has prolonged been circulating inside of a celebration as well as was a ticking timebomb.
"Zaid had a right to sack a 3 for airing dirty linen in open though he should have used a opposite approach," he said. "He could have regularly hold in isolation talks with them to try to finalise a issue.
"Unhappiness as well as onslaught will disease each domestic celebration though wh! en a bra nd new celebration is gearing up for a ubiquitous election such incidences have been never good."
The Nibong Tebal MP pronounced which Zaid substantially regarded KITA as his personal celebration when it was initial launched though which perception had to change as contingency Zaid's tendency to make decisions alone.
"Zaid has to decide whether he wants to be a group player," Tan said. "If you're similar to (Gerakan president) Koh Tsu Koon who listens to everyone afterwards we can't make a decision. But if you're similar to Zaid afterwards you're during a other extreme."
While Tan might have been softly reproachful of Zaid's conduct, Malacca state chief, Colonel Hashim Putih, bloody him outright.
Zaid's arrogance
He pronounced which a sacking of a 3 was in poor ambience as no reasons were since for their exclusion either to a celebration care or even to a contingent themselves.
"They should have been since a possibility to defend themselves," he said. "The preference is astray to them as well as to celebration members who have been in a dark over a sacking. But this is loyal of his persecution style as well as non-compliance with a celebration constitution."
Hashim additionally admitted which "shortcuts" were taken to register a Malacca bend with a Registrar of Societies.
Meanwhile, his secretary-general, Yahya Mohd Idris, bemoaned Zaid's "hasty as well as drastic" decisions over "trivial issues" as well as agreed which Zaid's audacity had expel a shadow over a celebration which was still upon a brink of development.
"He expelled a news to a media before even informing a celebration care which he shouldn't have done," combined Yahya, which confirmed Firdaus' earlier explain which he had found out about his sacking by media reports.
This sentiment was loudly echoed by Negeri Sembilan state chief, R Sri Sanjeevan, who forked out which they should have been shown due apply oneself as state chiefs by being i! nformed ahead of a media.
He pronounced he shocked during a reasons for a dismissal, especially over a website password, as well as called it "extremely childish".Sanjeevan, however, declined to comment upon a other allegations observant which it wouldn't be fair as he had conjunction experienced nor heard it initial hand.
"But KITA is still an tot as well as needs a proper upbringing," he said. "If there is already in-fighting now, people will lose faith in us. I call upon all parties to keep as well as work out their disputes internally from hereon."
Government needs more taxpayers, says finance ministry
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept twenty Tax income has not increased in the past 4 years, causing regard over the government's ability to fund expenditure.
Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai (picture) pronounced currently that annual income had hovered during around the RM160 billion symbol whilst output was on an upward trend.
"There is the need to enlarge the number of learned labourers so that the supervision will be able to collect some-more taxes as well as enlarge the revenue," the senator said.
He pronounced that open finances performed the third of the income each from oil as well as gas, income taxation as well as indirect taxes such as stamp as well as law duties.
The MCA clamp president combined that usually 1.65 million out of Malaysia's workforce of 12.8 million warranted sufficient to be taxed.
Lim pronounced this was due to the low level of learned labour, that during twenty-nine per cent, fell distant reduced of developed countries where 40 per cent of their human resource were skilled.
The supervision has committed to shortening the budget deficit that strike the two-decade high of over seven per cent in 2009 after it spent freely to kindle an manage to buy that engaged by 1.7 per cent that year.
The Barisan Nasional (BN) supervision has additionally reduced subsidies notwithstanding inflation hovering over three per cent the two-year high given March, suggesting there are limited supports for another impulse package.
The tellurian manage to buy has wobbled over the past few months due to concerns over the debt crises in the United States as well as Europe.
Putrajaya has additionally put off plans to deliver the products as well as use taxation (GST) that would dilate the taxation bottom due to fears of the voter backlash.
It not long ago pressured telecommunications co! mpanies to retract their decision to pass on the 6 per cent use taxation to prepaid customers, saying that the open was already burdened by surging vital costs.
Although Malaysia's GDP rebounded to the 7.2 per cent expansion final year, the movement has slowed with the first dual quarters of the year recording the 4.9 as well as 4 per cent expansion respectively.
Mat Sabu on police bail
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept twenty Mohamad Sabu was arrested by military in Penang this dusk over his remarks upon the 1950 Bukit Kepong tragedy.
The PAS emissary president had presented himself during the state military domicile during 8.30pm before being released upon bail half an hour later.
He is due to be charged in the Butterworth Sessions Court tomorrow with criminal insult after being indicted of glorifying communist guerrillas who attacked the Bukit Kepong military hire in the pre-independence attack.
Umno's Utusan Malaysia had first indicted the maverick politician (picture) of glorifying Ahmad Indera in an August twenty-seven inform which quoted Mohamad as saying which the communist personality was the true hero.
Twenty-five policemen were killed in the conflict upon the Bukit Kepong military hire in 1950.
The daily as well as Malay hardliners in Umno have repeatedly called for Mohamad to be charged over the comment with some even insisting which the PAS personality be stripped of his citizenship.
Mohamad denies glorifying communists, saying he never referred to "communism" in his speech.
If found guilty of the offence under Section 500 of the Penal Code, Mohamad faces up to two years in prison and/or the fine.
Maximise KLs greenery say foreign experts
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 20 Foreign urban formulation experts have urged local authorities as well as developers to strengthen KL's greenery which can ultimately be used to raise the city's competitiveness.
Sebastian Moffat, CEO of the Consensus Institute as well as who has been involved in assisting propel Vancouver to the top of the world's many bearable cities rankings pronounced which in Vancouver, businesses contend which they have been helped by the city's repute as the bearable as well as ecologically on-going city.
"If Kuala Lumpur can put the good face brazen as well as gain the good repute including which of ecological protection, all which will assistance in tellurian competitiveness," pronounced Moffat during the International Conference on World Class Sustainable Cities here.
Lu Wei Ping, executive ubiquitous of the Urban Development Bureau in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, which has been branded an "eco-city" pronounced which the first sense he had of KL was which it was "full of trees."
"There is the observant in Chinese when your skin is fair, it covers your ugliness," he quipped during the conference. "Kuala Lumpur's trees create the positive image of the city. I titillate developers not to cut down your trees."
Alex Leong, vice president of commercial operation development, Asia during AECOM, the US company which won the River of Life plan to rehabilitate KL's rivers, pronounced which KL indispensable to equivocate going down the trail of the little Chinese cities.
"I only got behind from Beijng where blue skies have been the luxury," he said. "We should feel fortunate."
Moffat pronounced which KL indispensable to immature the mercantile policies as well as safeguard the taxes as well as price structures speedy churned make use of walkable communities as well as movement oriented growth as well as push localisation where energy as well as H2O was sourced locally as far as possible.
"You need to get KL's skeleton right," he said.
Ku! ala Lump ur in the 1970's was regarded as among the greenest as well as many pleasant capital cities in Asia.
Its population however stretched dramatically given the 1980's but corresponding investments in correct city formulation leading to the loss of many of the greenery which make use of to hide surrounding mountainous country as well as line the roads whilst rival land scarce Singapore surged forward with far sighted policies which has positioned it firmly as the many ecologically on-going city in Asia.
There have been the little attempts by the Najib administration to reverse the little of the repairs as well as among the initiatives which have been voiced embody skeleton by the KL City Hall to plant 30,000 trees annually until 2020 as well as to create the 100 year aged rainforest along the city's stream underneath the River of Life project.
Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Fest 2011
Folks, a Eco Film Fest is back. The 4th Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival (KL EFF) will be at a back of during University Malaya from twenty-eight thirty October 2011.
The EFF which proposed in 2008 has gradually grown as a one-stop height for immature Malaysians to watch, learn as well as be desirous from a showcases of environmental films, muster by local immature NGOs as well as immature commercial operation owners compelling their efforts, products as well as services.
The festival, which will additionally has been touring a nation (Penang, Perak, Johore as well as Sabah to name a few) will shade over 40 general as well as twenty-six Malaysian films. This year's general drive-in theatre come from United States of America, Germany, Ukraine, Greece, Brazil, Norway, Netherlands, Indonesia as well as Finland, to name a few. A variety of genres of drive-in theatre will be presented from beautiful reduced films, narratives, documentaries, animation as well as even children's films. On a opening night (Friday, 28th October), a Festival will be screening a Malaysian films.
Some of a drive-in theatre to watch out for have been "On Borrowed Time", a reduced movie by both TRAFFIC as well as a World Wide Fund for Nature Malaysia (WWFM), as well as directed by Lara Ariffin as well as Harun Rahman, ! which te lls a story of persisting efforts to residence wildlife poaching in a Belum-Temenggor timberland reserve.
Another reduced movie to look out for is Gary Liew's "Perspectives" which tells a tour of a little girl's query to find out what "0% ! Wastage" unequivocally is, as well as entrance to a fulfilment which what people waste today will begin her destiny tomorrow. It is model perspective upon where wastage is heading us in a nearby future. "Perspectives" has perceived mixed nominations (Best Film, Best Cinematography, etc.) as well as it won Best Editing during a final year's 2010 BMW Shorties.
Some of a local drive-in theatre which will be premiering for a initial time during a Festival have been "Pesan" by Kha'qhii Lima productions; "Terra" by Sho Suzuki as well as "Circus" by Nicholas Chin Wai Choong, among others.
The screenings will be accompanied by seminars which will focus upon "Trends in wildlife & environmental filmmaking", "The Magic Art of Storytelling", "Managing a Production" as well as "The Ten Rules of TV".
The movies to be screened over a weekend (29th as well as 30th October) embody "Leonids Story", upon surviving a aftermath of a 1986 Chernobyl chief disaster from Germany as well as directed by Rainer Ludwigs; an Argentinian tale of a epic victory of a Patagonian locale who degraded huge economical as well as political powers, creation a large choice over their own destiny in "They Come For it All, They Come For a Gold", by executive Christian Habaruk; as well as "Food Matters", an Australian movie by James Colquhon as well as Laurentine 10 Bosch which uncovers a trillion dollar worldwide 'sickness industry' as well as gives people a little scientifically verifiable solutions for overcoming seizure naturally.
! Other fi lms embody "Of Straw as well as Earth" from Switzerland by Ysaline Rochat, "It's a Beautiful Day" from Indonesia by Tonny Trimasanto, "Earth" from England by Alfie Barker, "Kostakis" from Greece by Theodora Malliarou, "Toxic Tears" from Netherlands by Tom Deiters as well as Suzanne Nievaart, "Green" from France by Patrick Rouxel as well as a Jane Sablow CG animation series ("Smart Machine", ! "Wishful Thinking" as well as "Cravings") for young kids focusing upon full of health food.
(p.s. Be assured which they will NOT be screening Cicakman as well as Cicakman 2)
Yasmin Rasyid, a brains at a back of a EFF says "Malaysia is not vesting in to wildlife as well as environmental movie creation as most as we can. Malaysia, if we consider about it, has most pass destinations for extraordinary wildlife as well as environmental movie creation since of a region's rich natural heritage, as well as since like most alternative areas of a world, a natural sourroundings is under threat from rapid economic growth as well as climate change. There have been so most environmental issues which have been still under exposed as well as movie is one certain way to get a open to know about it. By meaningful as well as understanding, usually then can be begin to conceptualize how to go about addressing or elucidate these environmental issues."
The Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival was founded by EcoKnights, a local environmental organization, in 2009 as well as has been orderly each year for a past 4 years. It is additionally Malaysia's initial environmental movie festival.
The legal holiday is giveaway (which Malaysians like really much) for all together with a screenings. Apart from a screening of films, there will be a range of activities from performances by local musicians to muster of eco-friendly products as well as services together with muster by assorted environmental adv! ocacy gr oups.
Monyet King says
1. Mark a dates upon your calendar. Go as well as watch a films. They have been good, as well as they have been free. More details here.
2. My earlierfeature about Yasmin Rasyid here!
3. Monyet King will be creation a guest coming during a KL EFF. But no one will know.
City planners need to listen more, says KL Mayor
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 20 The mayor of Kuala Lumpur echoed an rising theme of the Najib administration today as well as urged city planners as well as builders to attend to open opinion as well as act upon what people wish as well as not what they think people want.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had multiform times previously pronounced that the days of "government knows most appropriate have been over" as well as has been actively reaching out directly to the open around amicable media channels such as Facebook as well as Twitter.
Performance management agency Pemandu has additionally been enchanting open stakeholders around the series of ongoing labs to help delineate open policy.
KL Mayor Tan Sri Ahmad Fuad Ismail (picture) pronounced at the International Conference upon World Class Sustainable Cities here that the proceed taken by civic planners as well as builders must be people-centric.
"I think that as city managers, planners, architects as well as builders, you have to attend more, sense some-more as well as make cities as places for people," pronounced Ahmad in the speech delivered by KL City Hall emissary executive of ubiquitous planning Zulkifli Ibrahim.
Kuala Lumpur aims to be the single of the world's tip 20 most liveable cities upon the planet by 2020, up from the stream in front of in the tall 70's of most liveability rankings.
The goal could be stymied by chronic problems plaguing the city, such as litter, crime, potholes, decayed sidewalks, traffic congestion as well as rash development, that still persist despite countless open complaints.
Some ambitious initiatives have been mooted, however, in the final year, together with the new mass movement complement as well as the River of Life project, that proposes to reorient the city back to the roots along the Klang as well as Gombak rivers by ! rehabili tating the H2O peculiarity as well as revamping the stream banks with the variety of social, residential as well as blurb developments, such as the 100-year-old forest, bike lanes, canals as well as civic beaches.
Ahmad additionally pronounced that KL will be emulating cities, such as Singapore as well as Hong Kong, as well as has built 14km of walking routes so far as well as will allot 15-30 per cent of space reclaimed through civic metamorphosis to parks as well as open spaces.
Aku kesian betul Tun Don sekarang ini. Walaupun konco-konconya menguasai pelbagai bidang, terutama sekali sebagai pembuat keputusan, namun oleh kerana dia asyik tidur, maka masalah-masalah yang akan mengiringi kehidupan selepas bersara, tidak akan pernah lekat dalam kepalanya. Mungkin dia ingat, dia akan kekal sebagai
Government does not know how to mislead the people, says Najib
PUTRAJAYA, Sept twenty The government does not know how to trick Malaysians or manipulate historical fact, unlike a opposition, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was quoted by Bernama Online as observant today.
He also pronounced that Barisan Nasional (BN) had always championed a significance of bringing swell to a republic as well as prosperity to its people.
However, certain antithesis groups were trying to paint a different design of a situation, he alleged.
He continued that a opposition's constant emphasis on pledges made during a 2008 general election, that had nonetheless to be fulfilled, was merely to buoy their political interests as well as agenda.
Najib pronounced that in order to redress any misconceptions that might arise, Umno as well as BN plan to insist a loyal incident to Malaysians at all levels of society by highlighting that a bloc as well as a celebration are forward of a mutation curve.
He urged Malaysians not to think of Umno as well as BN as being abandoned of brand new ideas as well as unknowingly of a challenges that they currently face.
Najib, who is also a boss of Umno, speculated that it would be disastrous for a nation should a antithesis take over Putrajaya.
He indicted a antithesis of wanting to change certain long-held precedents, such as a nation's history as well as a inhabitant flag, as they see fit, a inhabitant headlines agency reported.
The budding minister's comments were part of an chateau to an Aidilfitri entertainment of a Association of Former Members of a Social Welfare Development Department (PBAKM) at his official residence, Seri Perdana, today.
He ended by rallying a members of PBAKM, of that he is patron, to assist BN in fortifying Putrajaya, stating that Seri Perdana is a chateau of Umno as well as a BN budding minister, as well as that a nation's future depends o! n their support, as a antithesis cannot be relied on to have its most appropriate interests at heart.
Apabila kata-kata pemimpin tidak diyakini - masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri
Clarification on Lynas Radiation Statements
Following a post Understanding a Lynas Rare Earth Plant in thirteen Questions, which featured answers by Dr. Lee Chee Hong, Chemical Engineering Expert upon Metals, LoyarBurokker Eric Choo sought a views of Nick Tsurikov.
Mr Tsurikov is an expert in Mining Radiation Hazards. He is a director of Calytrix Consulting Pty Ltd which provides recommendation upon a government of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM). Many of his replies relating to NORM can be obtained from his website. He does not work for Lynas Corporation though he has been independently advising Lynas upon a government of deviation insurance issues. He had upon 29 August 2011 wrote a letter to reply to a technical comments done by YB Fuziah Salleh upon TV PAS upon issues relating to Lynas. More info of Nick can be obtained here. He is additionally a part of of a Western Australia Radiation Council.
His response to Eric is reproduced below:
My apologies for a delay in replying we will try to answer a questions as well as comment upon a answers below. Questions from 1 to 9 we cannot answer they have been not applicable to deviation protection, Questions 10-13 we will.
Question 10
The points in a answer have been in all correct. It is, however, critical to note two things: a radon generated in a spoil of thorium is different to a a single generated in spoil of uranium (I will residence this below) as well as it is not 'introduced' by Lynas a natural credentials in Malaysia in accordance with United Nations Scientific Committee upon Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) [Table 24 of a Annex B of a 2000 Report to a UN General Assembly] specifies in which a credentials turn of radon in Malaysia is 14 Becquerels per cubic met! er.
Which means which in any cubic scale of air inside your home, your workplace, in a restaurant, etc fourteen atoms of radon break up each second, producing hot lead.
Question 11
The points in a answer have been in all scold as well. Important thing to note, however, is which a wet(!) material will be transported in double-layered plastic bags which have been placed inside containers, so there will be no spillage of any kind. Theoretically, radioactivity may be rescued in plant stacks (chimneys) as well as in a waste H2O it has been, however, scientifically proven which a concentrations of hot materials would be utterly close to undetectable levels in a stack as well as a limit set by AELB for a waste H2O is of a same order as World Health Organisation sets for a drinking(!) water.
In fact, of march we can detect deviation everywhere; a main indicate which it is not expected which there will be any quantifiable increase in a credentials levels due to a operation of a plant.
Question 12
The first indicate is in all scold there will be no outmost (gamma) deviation detectable during a stretch of 100 meters from a plant, in actuality substantially not even during a 40-50 scale distance.
The second indicate (about radon as well as lead travelling hundreds of kilometers as well as being in all 'deadly'). The hapless blunder was done here most likely due to requesting a criteria for uranium spoil products to thorium spoil products. we do assimilate which a answer is not wholly befitting to a subject "I'm usually a layman, we review a paper we saw a news, though we want to know more", however there is simply no other way though to get a little bit in to a 'scientific side', creation it as easy to assimilate as possible.
As we all know, there will be some very minimal amount of uranium present in a combine (but not some-more than in ilmenite as well as about 6-7 times reduction than in zircon which h! ave been common parts of tin/amang concentrate), as well as as everybody says a emanate is with thorium. Now, if we compare a spoil products of uranium as well as thorium, namely radon as well as lead: Uranium-238: Radon (Rn-222), half-life=3.8 days ebbing in to Lead (Pb-210), half-life=22 years Thorium-232: Radon (Rn-220), half-life=56 seconds ebbing in to Lead (Pb-212), half-life=11 hours.
Clearly, a statements in a answer to Q12 appear to be some-more or reduction correct, though usually for radon as well as lead generated by a spoil of uranium. It is obvious from a some-more aged upon top of which if any radon is emitted from any materials upon site (thorium) a concentration will be half of a strange a single in reduction than a minute.
And if we assume, for example, which a breeze is blowing during a velocity of 5 meters per second, this will occur during a stretch of about 300 meters from a 'source'. Naturally, during a stretch of, say, 3 kilometers (where a nearest houses are, as we understand) it will be reduction than a single tenth of a strange thus flattering most 'unmeasurable' as well as 'undetectable' during distances over 1 kilometer.
Now to lead. Even if any lead from thorium (Pb-212) will be carried out anywhere as well as be rescued (unlikely, though contend it can be) it is critical to note that:
(a) in 24 hours there will be usually about 20% of a strange left; as well as (b) is is most reduction harmful than a a single from uranium (Pb-210). There have been determined sip coefficients for a transformation of both Pb-212 as well as Pb-210, as well as Pb-212 (from thorium) is three times reduction dangerous than Pb-210 (from uranium).
Therefore, a statements about radon as well as lead 'getting in to food chain', 'released inside a body' as well as causing 'very critical consequences' have been obviously incorrect.
It will be very most appreciated if this information is prepared anywhere where it was published.
Question 13
The answer to a Q12 upon top of as well as a lot of information presented on my website clearly uncover which "it is safe". Of course, no a single has reported a consequences of consuming hot materials as, even if there will be any in theory, any increase in a credentials levels will be undetectable as well as increase in people's bearing to deviation unmeasurable.
And, lastly, any one should confirm for him/herself to whom they should listen to. we determine to this, of course.
If I've done any mistakes upon top of or missed something please let me know.
Kind regards
Nick Tsurikov
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Tags: Eric Choo, Gebeng, Lynas, Lynas rare earth plant, Nick Tsurikov, radioactive materials, radioactivity, rare earth
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Posted upon 20 Sep 2011. You can follow any responses to this entrance through a RSS 2.0.
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Prosecution: McDonald not a DNA expert

McDonald (right) had additionally questioned their methods in arriving during their conclusions, as good as queried their failure to embody certain procedures - such as ensuring a DNA samples were clean as good as but contaminants.
Among a unanswered questions, he noted, were a miss of justification to indicate where a tangible DNA samples came from, as good as how samples retrieved from Anwar's prosecution - Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan - could be in "pristine condition" when it was submitted some-more than 100 hours after a alleged sodomy act.
The Australian consultant additionally cannot pronounced he could not boot a probability of Saiful's own sperm being present in his anus based upon a findings.
It additionally stays to be seen either Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak as good as his mother Rosmah Mansor will take a mount this week as anticipated.
8.58am: PKR's Sungai Petani MP Johari Abdul is in court.

9.10am: Anwar arrives with PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as good as multiform supporters. He shakes hands with Johari as good as sits subsequent to him.
9.18am: Court starts with High Court decider Justice Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah presiding. McDonald takes a stand. Defence warn Ram Karpal informs a justice which he has one some-more question to ask McDonald about an Australian case.
McDonald's report dated April 24, 2011 is noted as evidence.
9.21am: Cross-examination being accomplished by solicitor-general II Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden.
Yusof goes upon with a 2007 Australian box where a appellate justice had deserted a appeal.
Yusof says he will show McDonald is not an consultant despite progressing saying he was tender with a Australian credentials.9.27am: Yusof says a world of DNA has modernized so much. Yusof claims a little of a credentials performed by McDonald have been obsolete.
9.30am: Yusof (right) asks either in 2002 McDonald was compulsory to attend any hearing programmes.
McDonald replie! s there is no grave research acceptance in a examination.
9.31am: McDonald says he is a approved NATA evaluator of debate labs for a ISO 17025 certification.
9.36am: Yusof continues to conflict McDonald's credentials as contained in his curriculum vitae.
Yusof asserts which McDonald's gift performed in 1992 is archaic due to a developments in a margin since.
9.41am: McDonald says he has not attende! d any de bate DNA contrast course.
Yusof: Have we been lerned formally? To interpret, to analyse?
McDonald: we am lerned rigourously as a scientist.
Yusof: Do we sight people?
McDonald: Yes, in all areas including interpretation.
9.45am: Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar arrives.
Yusof ask how McDonald had acquired his expertise, to which a Australian replies he worked in a field, did contrast as good as did analyses.
Yusof: When was a final time we conducted DNA testing?McDonald explains which in 2004, "I would have conducted a little of them. Those have been now accomplished by robots now. we am a comparison scientist when those things have been accomplished by junior people as good as robots."
9.52am: Yusof says which in ISO 17025, they would visit as good as get to know a scientists as good as either they have a required qualifications.
"The scientist, as partial of a accreditation, a scientist Seah Lay Hong (right) as good as Nor Aidora (below), contingency consistently be tested," says Yusof.McDonald replies in a negative.
He says usually comparison scientists have been usually allowed to appreciate results.
"They have to have a required qualification."
10.03am: McDonald says he does not know either a lab accreditation is conducted each dual years.
10.05am: McDonald says he did not conduct a tests in his 2004 lab in Australia, as it was accomplished by robots."I usually appreciate a results."
10.07am: PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Ak! in walks in.
Yusof now refers to a Brunei box where McDonald was hired. Yusof says a justice had not accepted a foreign expert's (McDonald) evidence, nonetheless a decider was tender with a government chemist.
"I don't know we am not here in a recognition contest," McDonald quips.
10.14am: McDonald says he disagrees which a Brunei box did not accept his evidence.
10.15am: Yusof asserts which McDonald gave justification upon DNA in a Brunei case, as good as which a Australian was not means to persuade a Brunei court.
McDonald says he does not know about that.
10.21am: Yusof now refers to an Australian box where he pronounced a justice thought McDonald lacked neutrality.
McDonald says which was a judge's opinion, but was not established as fact.
10.27am: Yusof refers McDonald to another box where a retrial was systematic as good as a decider had reservations about McDonald's testimony.
"The justice has issues of his credibility in this case."
Justice Zabidin allows McDonald to insist further.
10.34am: McDonald explains which upon appeal, a judges a! ccepted his evidence.
10.41am: McDonald reads from a divide of a same box where it was pronounced which he was a truthful declare as good as a jury should accept a evidence.
10.46am: Yusof reads from another box which describes McDonald as not an consultant witness.
Former Bukit Bintang MP-turned opposition part of Dr Lee Chong Meng walks in court.
10.59am: Yusof continues attacking McDonald's credibility as good as imagination by showing cases where a justice deserted or questioned his evidence.
11.03am: Yusof reads out from an article which pronounced McDonald does not have a required believe as good as education in molecular genetics or general believe of DNA, as good as which he relied upon journals to gain kno! wledge.< /p>
11.08am: McDonald says these have been statistical matters. He admits which he does not have an imagination in sub-population.
11.11am: McDonald says a little of a views voiced by a judges was a court's opinion.
11.16am: Yusof indicates which a prosecution has accomplished questioning upon McDonald's qualifications.
He wants to go into a subsequent subject of semen.
Yusof asks for a half-hour break. Justice Zabidin allows.
1! 2.04pm:< /strong> Trial resumes with Yusof cross-examining McDonald. He goes upon to bring multiform cases. McDonald says he has testified in 150 cases, as good as he cannot recollect all details.
12.08pm: Yusof says McDonald was hired by a defence. He asks McDonald to give reduced answers to his questions.
Yusof: Is this your area of expertise?
McDonald: Yes.
Yusof: You contingency be fair?
McDonald: Yes.
Yusof: You contingency not have a prediction?
McDonald: we do not fully assimilate it.
12.12pm: Yusof asks McDonald either he is an consultant to establish counts about semen found upon samples taken after 56 hours as good as since to chemist 48 hours later.
McDonald replies he is an expert.
12.17pm: Yusof refers McDonald to a 1982 biography which refers to a prolonged time after which sperm was still found.
"This is a reference, a one which is reported. Even in genitalia, it (sperm) can final for 120 hours," Yusof states.
12.24pm: Yusof shows McDonald a Thai-language journal, but a Australian consultant refuses to answer questios upon a make a difference since he cannot assimilate what is written.
Yusof: On arrogance which this article is true...!
"No," McDonald replies emphatically.
C V Prabhakaran: we object. We cannot ask based upon assumptions.
12.30pm: McDonald says there is no bottom value.
Yusof says a biography says semen can lasts in a vagina for 19 days.
McDonald: we can't determine because we cannot assimilate a (language) bottom (it is created in Thai).
12.36pm: Yusof asserts which based upon a journal, it is not unusual which one can find semen upon swab after it was retrieved after 113 hours.
The decider asks for break. The proceeding will continue during 2.30pm.
[More to follow]