Saudara Pengarang,
JELAJAH Sumpah yang dikatakan dianjurkan oleh Ketua AMK Sabah adalah satu pembohongan besar-besaran sebagaimana yang didedahkan secara tidak langsung oleh Ahli Parlimen Beaufort, Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin.

Mengikut pengakuan Lajim, beliau terpaksa berbelanja kira-kira RM30,000 untuk membiayai module AMK termasuk membayar tiket kapal terbang, Hotel dan pengangkutan untuk EXCO pusat; tetapi di belakang takbir, Mohd Serman membuat fitnah terhadap Lajim.
Mohd Serman Hassnar yang 'melantik diri sendiri' sebagai calon AMK untuk bertanding di Parlimen Libaran, kawasan kubu kuat Musa aman pada PRU thirteen ini.

Persoalannya bolehkah beliau menang sedangkan namanya sering dikaitkan dengan rampasan tanah milik orang Cina di Sandakan dan Batu Sapi yang menjadikan alasan Sijil Anak Negeri Palsu sebagai 'senjata'nya.

Pada 2012, PKR Pusat ada memberi peruntukan sebanyak RM10,000 kepada beliau untuk membantu AMK Cabang di negeri Sabah, tetapi tiada siapa yang tahu ke mana peruntukan berkenaan.

Kebanyakan Bekas AMK Sabah sangat marah terhadap Mohd serman kerana semasa jelajah sumpah di Sabah, kebanyakan Bekas AMK dipaksa bertugas sebagai 'Pemandu' kepada Exco Pusat, sedangkan mereka sudah pencen daripada AMK.

Difahamkan Mohd Serman hanya mahu bekerja sama dengan ahli AMK yang mempunyai sumber kewangan yan! g kukuh dan tidak mahu membuang masa melayan ahli yang tidak mempunyai kewangan sehingga beliau memasukan banyak bekas ahli "Pakatan Rakyat" ke AMK kerana mereka ada sumber kewangan dari "Pakatan Rakyat".

Segelintir AMK berkata, jangan pandang rendah kepada ahli yang tidak mempunyai sumber kewangan yang kukuh kerana mereka tetap mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat di kalangan akar umbi.

Sehubungan itu, kami bimbang jika Mohd Serman menangdalam PRU-13 maka beliau akan menjadi bertambah sombong dan meneruskan kegiatannya dalam Skandal Rampasan Tanah.

Sebaliknya, jika beliau kalah maka beliau wajib meletakkan jawatan sebagai Ketua AMK Sabah dan serahkan jawatan berkenaan kepada AMK yang berkaliber di Sabah.

Kami agak malu kami mendapat tahu ada di kalangan pimpinan AMK Sabah terlibat dengan skandal kebejatan dignified termasuk Ketua AMK Keningau dan Ketua AMK Penampang. Buktinya akan kami dedahkan kemudian.

Oleh itu kami berharap agar Ketua Penerangan AMK Sabah, Citra Masadi tidak menjadi 'berus tandas' kepada Serman kerana amat tidak berakhlak bagi melindungi kegiatan tidak bermoral dan sombong pemimpin AMK Sabah.

Salam Hormat,

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Ce bring sikit wahai Bapak Haiwan bernama Nik Aziz? Apakah mereka ini joke syaitan jugak?

Surat Terbuka Kepada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat

Baru semalam Pakatan Rakyat melancarkan declaration mereka dalam Konvensyen Pakatan Rakyat ke-4 di SACC, Shah Alam. Nampaknya kebanyakkanya janji berulang. Takpelah, asalkan jaga kebajikan rakyat. Tapi, kenapa Pakatan Rakyat/BA tidak pernah sentuh langsung masalah-masalah lain seperti OKU? Apakah Pakatan Rakyat hanya jaga pengundi sahaja? Adakah kebajikan itu untuk pengundi sahaja? Harap-harap PR tak jadi twenty-five dengan Be End.
Berikut surat terbuka daripada Saudara saya, Ronasina Kartunis:
Datuk SeriAnwar Ibrahim
Ketua Pembangkang Malaysia,
Assalamualaikum Datuk Seri,
sebagai ibu bapa kepada anak OKU dan punya ramai kawan-kawan OKU, kami tersinggung dengan Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat yang dibentangkan twenty-five Februari lalu tidak menyentuh hak untuk golongan OKU yang melebihi 1 juta di Malaysia ini.
Tidak adanya pelan untuk OKU ini membuktikan tidak ada apa-apa usaha sepanjang lima tahun Pakatan Rakyat memerintah di negeri-negeri mereka.
OKU bukan hendak naik elaun atau peralatan percuma sahaja atau sekadar penerima bantuan tetapi menikmati hak sama rata dengan yang lain sama seperti kita memperjuangkan isu penghapusan PTPTN, yuran percuma dan sebagainya. Juga peluang pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan OKU.
Kami pernah cuba berbincang dengan YB-YB Pakatan Rakyat tetapi riak wajah pun tidak menunjukkan minat malah program seperti forum atau seminar tentang OKU pun kurang mendapat sambutan pimpinan PR dan penyokong parti berbanding isu-isu yang boleh memberi keuntungan politik seperti isu keganasan polis, isu kes Altantuya dan sebagainya.
Apabila disuarakan, kami diminta bersabar ada ganjaran di akhirat. Mujurlah tidak seperti BN, disuruh sentiasa bersyukur.
Tiada usaha bersungguh exco kerajaan neg! eri untu k bertemu dengan golongan OKU bagi membincangkan pelan dasar. Malah Agenda Wanita Malaysia yang katanya menyebut tentang OKU juga tidak dibawa ke dalam declaration ini. OKU tidak punya banyak masa dan tenaga untuk senang-senang memanjat tangga pejabat YB kerana golongan OKU terpaksa mengharung perit arus untuk survival. Sebaliknya pegawai-pegawai khas YB ini perlulah mengatur menjadi jambatan penghubung antara pemimpin dengan golongan OKU.
Diharap luahan ini dapat dipertimbangkan.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Ronasina Kartunis
(Mohd Affandi bin Ramli)
26 Februari 2013

-media perak
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Gambar 18SX: Berahi Yang Tidak Berkesudahan.. Ditangkap Hanya Berkemban Lepas Rai Harijadi Teman Lelaki.. Jom Terjah!!

Sanggup datang dari jauh, lepas rinduKLUANG - Tidak serik-serik. Wanita yang pernah ditangkap Pejabat Agama Islam Johor pada tahun lalu atas kesalahan berkhalwat, sekali lagi dicekup ketika sedang memadu kasih selepas meraikan majlis hari jadi di sebuah hotel di Jalan Mengkibol, di sini, awal pagi kelmarin.

Sebelum itu, wanita berkenaan sempat menyambut hari jadi teman lelakinya yang ke-22 di sebuah restoran makanan segera di bandar Kluang.
Lelaki yang berasal dari Melaka itu sanggup datang ke Kluang semata-mata ingin menyambut hari lahirnya dan melepaskan rindu dengan teman wanitanya yang jarang ditemui kerana bekerja di sebuah pasar raya di bandar Kluang.

Ketua Bahagian Penguat kuasa Jabatan Agama Islam Johor cawangan Kluang, Anuar Kosnin, berkata, sewaktu serbuan dijalankan kira-kira jam 1.15 pagi pasukan penguat kuasa terpaksa menunggu lebih kurang lima minit untuk pasangan berkenaan membuka pintu hotel.

"Apabila pintu dibuka hanya lelaki sahaja yang ada manakala si wanita menyembunyikan diri dalam bilik air dalam keadaan berkemban dengan harapan untuk menyelamatkan diri daripada ditahan.

"Hasil pemeriksaan yang dijalankan mendapati wanita yang! ditahan itu pernah ditangkap oleh Pejabat Agama Islam Johor pada tahun lepas di kawasan Perumahan Jalan Haji Manan, Kluang tetapi bersama dengan lelaki lain," katanya.

Anuar berkata, hukuman dan denda yang dikenakan ke atas wanita itu tidak pernah dijadikan tauladan tetapi masih mengulangi kesalahan yang sama iaitu berkhalwat.

"Bagaimanapun, pasangan berkenaan akan didakwa mengikut Seksyen 27 (1) (a) & (b) Enakmen Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah Johor 1997, yang membawa hukuman denda maksimum RM3,000 atau penjara maksimum dua tahun, atau kedua-dua sekali jika sabit kesalahan," katanya.

Operasi bersepadu itu berakhir sekitar jam 5 pagi dan melibatkan lima daerah Jabatan Agama Islam Johor iaitu Muar, Batu Pahat, Pontian, Johor Bahru dan Kluang, disertai tiga anggota Cawangan Penyiasatan Khas (CPK) Kem Mahkota Kluang.
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Hungry Enough To Eat A Horse

SO inspired we could eat a horse? Chances are, if you've continually used up processed-meat products in Europe, we already have.Read more... ... Read More

DAP lodges report against PM over anti-Islam remark

By Opalyn Mok

February 26, 2013

Najib was quoted in The Star as observant A opinion for PKR will fall short the aqidah whilst the opinion for PAS will outcome in disunity between Muslims and the opinion for DAP will see Islam being oppressed. File picGEORGE TOWN, Feb twenty-six - DAP leaders in Penang and Kuala Lumpur simultaneously lodged military reports opposite the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak over his acknowledgement which the await for DAP will outcome in Islam being oppressed.

Here, DAP national assistant broadside cabinet member Zairil Khir Johari lodged the inform opposite Najib during the George Town Police domicile during about 10.30am.

As you near the elections, roughly every week the Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders will slander DAP and Pakatan Rakyat using secular or eremite sentiments which is very dangerous, he told the press discussion after lodging the report.

These allegations had portrayed DAP as an anti-Islam celebration which is not right, he said.

Zairil was referring to the statement by Najib when rising the Terengganu-level Jelajah Janji Ditepati (Promises Fulfilled) programme recently.

The premier was quoted in The Star as observant A opinion for PKR will fall short the aqidah whilst the opinion for PAS will outcome in disunity between Muslims and the opinion for DAP will see Islam being oppressed.

Zairil pointed out which the PR state supervision in Penang, led by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, showed which DAP is distant from anti-Islam though had increasing allocations for the states Islamic eremite affairs department.

The state right away allocates RM60 mil to the states Islamic eremite affairs dialect annually, he said.

Zairil pronounced DAP vice chairman Senator Dr Ariffin Omar also lodged the inform opposite Najib in Kuala Lumpur.

We hope the milita! ry will take action opposite such dangerous slander though if they dont, you will cruise receiving authorised action opposite Najib, he said.

He combined which so many of military reports lodged by DAP went unsolved as the military exclude to take appropriate actions opposite the culprits .

Even when you take authorised actions, similar to so many PR leaders had sued Utusan Malaysia and won close to RM1 million over the years though they have been not bothered, he said.

Why is it that ONLY EMPLOYEES of Najib & Rosmah were involved in Altantuya murder

Why is it which ONLY EMPLOYEES of Najib & Rosmah were concerned in Altantuya murder
we am really blissful which P.I. Bala is behind to Malaysia as well as know which the finish law about the 'real murderers' of Altantuya as well as the events of the night of the murder will aspect really quick as well as with great clarity.
we titillate P.I. Bala to hold the names of the people concerned as well as because is which which ONLY employees of Datuk Najib as well as Datin Rosmah were concerned as well as upon whose orders as well as 'main reason' did they commit this iniquitous crime upon the pregnant Mongolian woman.
we also titillate the former IGP to confirm which Datuk Najib had called him as well as interfered in this murder review during which time. The law contingency as well as will prevail.
P.I. Bala has my finish await as well as prayers as well as we goal probity will overcome so which the suggestion of Altantuya 'rest in peace' once the 'real murderers' have been found guilty.
Deepak Jaikishan is the former tighten crony of Prime Minister Najib Razak's wife Rosmah Mansor. They have been no longer of friendly terms due to the business descending out.
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Pencerobohan Lahad Datu akan berakhir dalam masa 48 jam

By Tarra Quismundo
Philippine Daily Inquirer
1:44 am | Tuesday, February 26th, 2013
MANILA, PhilippinesThe deadlock between Malaysian confidence forces as well as an armed organisation of supporters of a sultan of Sulu entered a third week upon Monday with hopes running high which a drama would end inside of a next 48 hours.
The Malaysian supervision extended a deadline for a armed organisation to leave a encampment of Tanduao in Lahad Datu locale by another 48 hours to allow time for talks between emissaries of a Philippine supervision as well as a family of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III for a stop of a so-called Royal Armed Forces of a Sultanate of Sulu as well as North Borneo.
The first 48-hour prolongation of a Feb. twenty-two deadline lapsed upon Sunday as a Philippine supervision sent a Navy boat to collect up a women as well as children among Jamalul's supporters to get them out of harm's way in a event a Malaysian forces were forced to charge a Filipinos' camp.
A matter from a Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) pronounced a boat was withdrawal for Sabah from Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, upon Sunday night.
But a DFA pronounced Monday a boat was still in Tawi-Tawi, available tactful clearway to come in Malaysian waters as well as be upon standby off Lahad Datu to receive a noncombatants from a armed organisation led by Agbimuddin Kiram, brother of Jamalul, who ordered a penetration in to Sabah to press his clan's explain to a territory.
"We have schooled which [Malaysian forces] have surrounded a area. So what we wish to occur ! is [for] this organisation to right away confirm to leave a area for reserve as well as get upon board a charitable ship," pronounced DFA orator Raul Hernandez.
"We do not wish them to get hurt, to think of resorting to assault or whatever. That's because we sent a boat there. It's ready to go to a border when we have people who have been ready to be moved as well as fetched," he said.
The plan
The plan is to send a boat to Sabah once Jamalul's supporters mind a government's interest for them to come out as well as lapse home.
Malaysian vessels will ferry them to a border as well as transfer them to a Philippine ship, Hernandez said.
"Hopefully, before Tuesday, they will already be upon board a ship," he added.
"The boat will stay there as prolonged as it is needed, as prolonged as a suggest to take caring of them is there. It's a charitable mission," presidential orator Edwin Lacierda told reporters in Malacaang.
Aside from carrying food supplies, a boat is additionally equipped to provide injured people.
Earlier reports pronounced a boat would additionally collect up members of Agbimuddin's organisation who would select to leave, though Lacierda pronounced he hoped a women would urge a rest "to come home."
Another vessel had reportedly left Sulu early Monday for Sabah.
Philippine officials pronounced a boat was transporting a member of a Sulu sultan's family accompanied by certain supervision officials.
Tawi-Tawi Gov. Sadikul Sahali told reporters which he knew about a vessel from Sulu though did not disclose who was upon board.
Talks starting on
Talks were starting upon Monday between supervision emissaries as well as a sultan's family despite a reported hardlining of Jamalul.
"We have a little people whom we have sent to speak to a family as well as a organisation in wh! ich area as well as we have been anticipating they will be assured to leave a area for their safety," Hernandez said.
A brother of Jamalul whom a supervision had hoped would assistance remonstrate a sultan to call his supporters home Monday pronounced he was not informed about a charitable goal until after a boat had left port.
"I know there was a ship. But they told me about a goal after a boat had left. What's that?" Esmail Kiram said.
That ship, he said, will not lapse with its dictated passengers.
The sultan's supporters will not take a ship, he said, since "they will never leave their own homeland."
"This is do or die," Agbimuddin, a armed group's leader, pronounced in an speak with Radyo Inquirer 990 AM.
"I believe we have been right [and] this place belongs to us. We will stay," Agbimuddin said.
Agbimuddin pronounced he was not endangered about a Malaysian deadline. He as well as a "royal army" would stay to assert their explain to Sabah, he said.
He pronounced a Malaysian officials he had oral with attempted to remonstrate him as well as his organisation to go during a back of to Zamboanga as well as discuss a explain there.
"I said, because should we bother? Why can we not speak here?" Agbimuddin said.
"We didn't come here to have fight or have trouble for a authorities or anybody here. We usually wish to live in a place. This place belongs to us," he added.
"If we will lapse home, afterwards we will go during a back of to zero. And we pity a Muslim as well as Christian Filipinos who will be left behind. We know what a Malaysian police might do to them," he said.
But a simmering displeasure is believed to be building up inside of a ranks of Agbimuddin's group.
Word filtering out from Tanduao was which several subcommanders of a organisation had stopped a little of their hungry suppor! ters fro m withdrawal as well as gunshots were heard upon Sunday.
But Sabah Police Commissioner Hamza Taib denied reports of gunfire or a little of Agbimuddin's men being shot.
"It is not true," pronounced Hamza, who arrived in Lahad Datu Monday morning for an update upon a standoff.
Reports of gunfire from Agbimuddin's organisation reached Manila upon Monday.
An Inquirer source pronounced a gunshots were a notice to stop supporters of a sultan who longed for to leave.
"The shots were substantially meant for those who went with [Agbimuddin] though right away wish to go home," pronounced a source, a Philippine diplomat.
No a single was hurt, a source said, though a gunshots "startled a already irritable confidence forces."
The shrewd person reliable which a Malaysians extended a deadline for a organisation to leave by another 48 hours, ending Tuesday.
All was still in Tanduao upon Monday, a source said.
Binay meets sultan
Vice President Jejomar Binay has joined a efforts to remonstrate Jamalul to end a predicament peacefully.
Binay met with Jamalul upon Sunday night as well as told a sultan which he was peaceful to bring a Sulu sultanate's Sabah explain to a United Nations.
"He explained to me their in front of as well as we listened to him," Binay pronounced in a press matter expelled Monday.
"I afterwards reiterated a in front of of a Philippine supervision as well as renewed my interest for sobriety," Binay said.
"I emphasized which a parties should strive all efforts to arrive during a pacific resolution," he said.
Jamalul reliable a meeting with a Vice President.
He told reporters upon Monday which Binay gave his word to assistance a sultanate find a pacific resolution to a standoff.
"The Vice President is additionally in favor of what we have been doing," Ja! malul sa id.
"He asked if it was loyal which Malaysia was paying us [for Sabah]. When we [explained to him a situation], he said, 'In which case, that's ours.' It's a Vice President observant which that's ours. That includes him," Jamalul said.
Asked if Binay offering him any specific help, he said: "He did not promise anything. But he pronounced he is peaceful to support me."
Jamalul went on: "When we told him about a sultanate of Sulu, we thought tears flowed from a eyes of a Vice President. He said, 'Don't worry. If in box a President did not wish to assistance you, we will [still assistance you].' That's what he said."
With reports from Nikko Dizon, TJ Burgonio as well as Marlon Ramos in Manila; Karen Boncocan,; Julie S. Alipala as well as Jeoffrey Maitem, Inquirer Mindanao; as well as The Star/Asia News Network

It is all about "marathabat," a matter of principle, as well as not money, a sultan of Sulu insisted upon Monday as over a hundred of his followers, a little of them armed, vowed to stay put in Lahad Datu in Sabah state which they explain to be their genealogical land.
The Sultanate of Sulu as well as North Borneo (Sabah), through orator Abraham J. Idjirani, done this transparent as a deadlock with Malaysian confidence forces one after another in Kampung (Village) Tanduao in Lahad Datu.
"It is not about money; it is about marathabat," pronounced Idjirani, who claimed he was vocalization for Sultan Jamalul Kiram III.
For a tribes of a Moros as well as a Muslim Filipinos in Mindanao, "marathabat" is a appreciated possession of a family. It means "honor" as well as "pride," pronounced Idjirani
In this issue upon a claims of a heirs of a sultan of Sulu, marathabat pertains to Malaysia's approval of their chronological right upon ! Sabah, " not usually for a "Tausug," though for all Moros, all Filipinos, as well as a Philippines," pronounced Idjirani.
On Saturday, Kiram III done transparent a sultanate usually has a single spokesperson as well as which Idjirani was appointed as such by a stately decree.
As this developed, Idjirani told a Manila Bulletin which he did not contend which a sultanate wants to lapse to a Philippines a explain upon Sabah of a sultan's descendants.
"I was misquoted," he pronounced of an essay which came out Sunday (not in a Manila Bulletin).
Any aspect of a sultanate's genealogical rights to Sabah should be discussed thoroughly, he stressed.
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Project IC: All fingers are pointing at BN

VOX POP'The video certain is amusing. It reflects exactly what BN is capable of. The grin of a Bangladeshis were indeed sweet.'

Umno sec-gen livid over video linking BN to Project IC

vox populi tiny thumbnailLittleGiant:BN secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor says "God save us all". we determine with him. God has to save us all from a Umno-BN politicians who have no contrition during all to 'spin' any volume of lies.

Tengku Adnan patently has no time to know anything about Project IC in Sabah as well as a RCI (royal commission of inquiry) proceedings going upon there. May be he is as well interested as well as rapt with a classification of Umno as well as BN possibilities for a arriving elections.

Fair&Just:Tengku Adnan can't even appreciate a humorous piece. As a observant goes, there is no fume though fire.

Surely BN is resp! onsible for a distribution of ICs (identity cards) to a foreigners as no Chow Kit peddlers or any Ah Kow can emanate such papers where a holder can even opinion in a GE.

Amalgam:Tengku Adnan, because be so defensive if you have been innocent?? Why not just follow your PM's footsteps as well as equivocate creation any comments? Stop receiving rakyat for fools - you will not be fooled by a Umno supervision anymore.

Onyourtoes:The video might be fake, though a element as well as nuance of it is genuine, got it, Tengku Adnan?

And do you know because a video, nonetheless fake, might be effective? It is simple: a government, a police! , a Nati onal Registration Department (NRD) as well as Election Commission (EC) have lost their credit as well as respect. Think low or not during all.

Victor Johan:This video is patently a parody, a humorous message is pun-intended. It is meant to mock as well as ridicule Umno-BN.

Black Mamba:The video certain is amusing. It reflects exactly what BN is capable of. The grin of a Bangladeshis were indeed sweet. With a small money, a Bangladeshis can b! e counted! upon to opinion as well as action accordingly.

Lim Chong Leong:More sinister is a video of a pot-bellied DSAI (Anwar Ibrahim) from Datuk Trio.

And all Umno machine went in to full force, observant there was no tampering of a video as well as which a video was original, all except which a pot-bellied male was Anwar.

But what has happened with which video after all a hoo-ha of releasing it during a top road house in Kuala Lumpur as well as a irreverence during a mosque under military protection along with bullet-proof jackets?

Multi Racial:The emanate is not about who furnish this video. It is about a content of a video which is loyal as well as is function in this country.

The Sabah RCI has reliable it. The subject is what a EC as well as a relevant authorities have been going to do about it. Nothing so far.

Those have been acts of fraud as well as their ring leaders contingency be immediately prosecuted as well as a EC as well as NRD contingency work together to immediately frame a citizenship as well as voting rights of these feign citizens.

Otherwise, even if BN wins this election, it would be illegitimate.

TehTarik:If it is proven which a elections have been fraudulent to foster a statute party, then it irrefutably shows which BN is no different from a pre-Arab Spring! regimes of Egypt as well as Tunisia.

There will be a great duration of political as well as mercantile doubt if BN wins GE13 by cheating. we don't think which a opposition is going to accept a results. The batch marketplace could tank, as well as capital as well as bent will flee.

2LAN:Which partial of a video is slander? Too few IC recipients shown?

Permanent proprietor voted in 3 elections, RCI told

Anonymous_3e86:Why didn't a RCI conducting military officer ask Omar Mohd Subair a reason for wanting to be a registered voter?

Obviously a RCI is a farce. I! t didn&#3! 9;t want to indicate a finger during BN as a law-breaker behind all this illegal registration. This RCI is an additional 'sandiwara'.

The end during a end of a RCI might identify a people who carried out this illegal registration to vote, though it will not give a reasons for such registration - just like a Altantuya murder, there is no motive.

Fair&Just:Oh, there is zero wrong or criminal with a Sabah electoral roll as they have been usually technical faults as well as had been rectified?

Everything is clean, no need to name thedetergentto rinse a electoral list as all faults have been corrected. Yes, even cows can fly in Sabah.

TehTarik:The EC is a referee in a diversion between dual teams - BN as well as Pakatan. Like match-fixing in soccer, a EC appears to have supposed 'bribes' from one of a teams.

This is to safeguard which BN wins a diversion even if a Pakatan players have been much some-more proficient as well as skillful. Also a goal post is of dual sizes. The Pakatan goal post is 10 times a ! ! size of t! he BN goal post.

And it appears which even a linesmen ( Immigration Department as well as a police) have been in a pockets of BN. - Malaysiakini Read More @ Source

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Cops say will throw the book at Lahad Datu invaders

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein (centre) inspects a purloin of a police military officer near Lahad Datu, Feb 17, 2013. Reuters picLAHAD DATU, Feb twenty-five Police have decided to act based upon a law to finalise a penetration of armed Filipinos in Kampung Tanduo, a little 130km from Lahad Datu town.
Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib pronounced police would make make use of of applicable laws to prosecute a foreigners underneath siege by confidence forces, to ensure that nobody could shun as well as come in a area.
"We will decide after considering assorted factors including a surorunding area prior to acting. When a time comes, there will be no some-more negotiations. We can assign them in court, it is up to us.
"We do not caring where they come from, including a Sultanate of Sulu. They are foreigners who intruded a country as well as violated a laws as well as sovereignty.
"Action can be taken underneath a Penal Code or associated laws," he told reporters during Lahad Datu Marine Police Complex here, today.
Hamza pronounced a police will make make use of of a befitting approach as well as will never concede upon a penetration issue to guarantee a country's sovereignty.
"Yes, you heard gunshots though I dare say they were not from confidence forces. They might be aimed during animals or warning shots (from intruders)," he pronounced commenting upon a report published in a pick media.
He urged a people not to be concerned as confidence is still underneath carry out adding a intruders might face shortage of water, food as well as fuel.
Asked about a alleged Philippine vessel sent to bring a intruders home, Hamza pronounced a vessel was not in Malaysian territorial waters.
Police have identified a group of armed Filipinos who lan! ded in K ampung Tanduo upon Feb 12 as descendants of "Raja Sulu" from Southern Philippines. Bernama
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Tak sangko Azhar "Ferrari" Idrus bodoh serupo nate

Dalam Sinar harian hari Ahad, Ustaz Azhar Idrus Al Ferrari merah mempertahankan NIk Aziz. Biasalah Sinar Harian yang lebih bersungguh-sungguh mempertahankan pembangkang dalam diserang isu dari melaporkan jawapan pada serangan terhadap BN dan hanya melaporkan saja eventuality pro BN.

Ustaz yang kaya raya sampai boleh pakai Ferrari Merah dengan ceramah dan jual video itu berhujah kepada Harakah dan

"No! No! No!" to MCA vice president Dr. Ng Yen Yen - Video

Umno-BN measure another NO NO NO

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Poodah! To'Kong Stail (Parody Ubah DAP)

eh eh ... suka situa kutuk ni.

Unspinners baru contrast contrast belajar guna Moviemaker.


(click upon fool around icon to view video)

So most unexplained deaths in control - Francis Udyappan, Kugan, Sarbani, Guna, Sugumaran, Cheah Chin Lee, as well as about 1,500 others!

How can you have certitude in a questioning agencies as well as due processes any more? The Coroner's Inquest in to a genocide of Teoh Boon Hock (TBH) ruled that it was conjunction self-murder nor murder. The Royal Commission of Inquiry concluded that TBH had been driven to self-murder by a extremely assertive interrogative techniques of named Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency(MACC) officers. Yet none could insist why a male who had willingly left to support MACC investigations in to a piffling have a difference of a $ 2,400 suspected false claims matter, would dedicate self-murder during MACC's office premises. Why would he indeed, when that same week, he was scheduled to register his matrimony to a woman who was awaiting their initial child, as well as after that year, celebrate their central marriage that had a blessings of both sets of relatives as well as family members?

Who was it who pronounced "I will have certain no stone is left unturned in questioning as well as removing to a bottom of Teoh Boon Hock's black Death!"CLICK HERE. And if damaged promises were Heathrow Airport, you would have Prime Minister Najib's blubbery pink lips all the time circling a globe several times over, wouldn't we?! < br>
Here is one such take upon TBH's death.It's usually by carrying a clarity of humour that you can maintain a sanity.

But have no mistake. The PEOPLE can recognizeMURDERwhen they see it! The Nazi's have been among us.They have been all out to undermine a really fabric as well as foundations of Malaysian society, with their Hitlerian agenda! We must stop them during any as well as all cost!

The strange youtube couple is during

Donplaypuks with sudden suicides in custody, man!
Posted byDonplaypuks
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SPR Sedia Hadapi Pelbagai Kemungkinan Pada PRU-13

Timbalan Pengerusi Surunjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar pada sidang media selepas menghadiri Taklimat Ulangan kepada Pegawai Pengurus dan Penolong Pegawai Pengurus bagi negeri Perak dekat Segari di Lumut, Perak. -fotoBERNAMA
LUMUT:Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) bersedia berdepan pelbagai kemungkinan termasuk kekecohan atau proses perjalanan pilihan raya terganggu di pusat penamaan calon dan pengundian pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 akan datang.
Timbalan Pengerusi SPR Wan Ahmad Wan Omar berkata cabaran mengurus pilihan raya kali ini berbeza kerana banyak perkara baharu akan dilaksanakan tambahan pula pilihan raya umum ini dilabel sebagai 'ibu segala pilihan raya', 'pilihan raya paling panas' dan 'pilihan raya paling sengit'.
"Banyak perkara baharu yang diperkenalkan akan dilaksanakan SPR pada pilihan raya kali ini yang merupakan 'pilot project' seperti pengunaan dakwat kekal," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyampaikan ucaptama pada Taklimat Ulangan kepada Pengawai Pengurus dan Penolong Pegawai Pengurus bagi negeri Perak di Segari di sini, Ahad.
Beliau berkata kekecohan atau proses pengundian boleh terganggu berhubung penggunaan dakwat kekal sekiranya pemilih tidak mematuhi peraturan atau undang-undang pilihan raya.
Ada beberapa keadaan yang menyebabkan pemilih tidak akan diberi kertas undi antaranya tidak mahu menunjukkan jari untuk diperiksa, tidak membenarkan jari dicalit (dengan dakwat kekal) dan jari telah dicalit dengan dakwat kekal, katanya.
Wan Ahmad berkata elemen penggunaan dakwat kekal adalah wajib dan merupakan antara perkara penting yang perlu difaha! mi semua parti politik dan rakyat.
Beliau berkata sesiapa yang mengganggu kelancaran proses pilihan raya atau mencetuskan kekecohan serta menghalang proses itu di tempat pengundiaan boleh dikenakan tindakan mengikut Peraturan-Peraturan Pilihan Raya (Perjalanan Pilihan Raya 1981) iaitu didenda RM1,000 dan dipenjara.


woit....BAGAIMANA DENGAN PENGUNDI HANTU?.... kah kah kah..




kah klah kah... SEKARAG RAKYAT YANG BERFI AMARAN...kah kah kah..



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Pencerobohan Lahad Datu dirancang tahun lalu

Sultan Jamalul Kiram III (duduk), Sultan Esmail Kiram II (bersongkok kelabu). Mereka ni adalah anak-anak Datu Punjungan Kiram yang mengangkat diri jadi Sultan Sulu sama-sama. Walau joke setiap mereka mengangkat diri jadi Sultan Sulu namun mereka nampak akrab walhal dalam Protokol Kenaikan Sultan Sulu tidak membenarkan dua sultan dalam satu masa.


- Akhir tahun lalu gerakan Kesultanan Sulu Darul Islam yang dipimpin oleh Sultan Bantilan Muhammad Muizzuddin II di Jolo Sulu telah diberikan laporan dari Tawi-Tawi bahawa ada satu gerakan bersenjata sedang berlatih dengan keahlian lebih kurang 400 orang lelaki. Mereka ialah gerakan keluarga Punjungan Kiram dari Pulau Simunul menurut laporan tersebut.

- Sultan Bantilan II kemudian mengeluarkan kenyataan kepada wakilnya di Tawi-Tawi agar tidak melibatkan diri dengan mana-mana pihak bersenjata. Maka sekiranya ada ahli SSDI (Sultaniyah Sulu Darul Islam) yang terlibat maka SSDI berlepas diri dari sebarang tanggungjawab, yakni SSDI tiada kaitan dengan mereka.

- Sultan Bantilan II juga menghantar mesej ke Sabah khusus kepada ahli SSDI yang sedang bekerja di sana agar memastikan ahlinya tidak terlibat dengan sebarang gerakan bersenjata. Sekiranya ada minta dilaporkan ke Istana seberapa segera. Kerana menurut pandangan Sultan Bantilan, kemungkinan gerakan bersenjata KIRAM tersebut adalah untuk sabotaj gerakan Kesultanan Sulu (SSDI).

- Tiga hari sebelum pihak bersenjata KIRAM masuk ke Lahad Datu, Sabah, Istana Sultan Bantilan II di Jolo mendapat maklumat bahawa ada dua bot besar sedang bersiap menuju ke Sabah sarat dengan senjata berat dan dikatakan punya mis! i untuk berperang.

- Menurut laporan dari Tawi-Tawi mereka ini ditertawakan oleh para penyokong Sultan Sulu lain kerana menurut mereka mana mungkin dengan hanya dua bot sebesar itu dan tentera yang bilangannya boleh dibilang dengan jari kaki dapat menewaskan tentera Malaysia yang serba lengkap itu. Mereka dianggap bunuh diri. Bagi Sultan Bantilan di Jolo pula, gerakan bersenjataKIRAM ini ada pihak yang lebih besarmain dibelakang mereka.
Sultan Bantilan II - Kemudian beberapa hari kemudian mereka telah sampai ke Lahad Datu yang menurut laporan mereka sampai dulu di Felda Sahabat 17. Dari dua bot itu yang satu telah berjaya dipintas malah dikatakan telah karam. Manakala yang satu lagi berjaya mendarat dan terus berkubu.

- Menurut laporan dalam kumpulan Kiram itu terdapat seorang lelaki berkulit putih memakai baju celoreng. Pelbagai spekulasi timbul selepas itu berkenaan kehadiran lelaki kulit putih tersebut dalam kumpulan penceroboh itu. Namun menurut Sultan Bantilan II di Jolo, SSDI tidak boleh mengeluarkan kenyataan spekulasi berkenaan kehadiran kulit putih tersebut kemungkinan hanyalah rekaan untuk mengaiktan pencerobohan itu dengan tentera Balikatan USA yang sekarang sedang berkubu di Tawi-Tawi dan Jolo.

- Lahad Datu tiba-tiba kecoh bak diserang garuda. Huru-hara dari pasar ke kampung-kampung. Ada yang yang seperti meracau tak tentu pasal kerana berasakan Lahad Datu bakal menjadi medan pertempuran ala filem Holywood. Dikhabarkan dari saksi mata, bahawa mereka yang berkubu di Lahad Datu itu memang nekad dan sarat dengan senjata berat. Mengambil posisi strategik dan nampaknya mereka seperti sudah biasa berperang. Almaklum latihan tentera mereka berbulan bulan sejak tahun lalu.

- ! Ada lapo ran sebahagian mereka itu adalah bekas tentera MNLF yang sudah lama mufarakah dari MNLF. Mereka adalah dari suku Tausug yang GAGGIL (degil) dan selalu melanggar arahan ketua. Menurut saksi mata yang telah ambil video sebagaimana yang dilaporkan dalam Facebook wajah-wajah mereka seperti sudah hilang seri walau joke kelihatan menakutkan. Hilang seri seperti tanda bahawa mereka bakal mati katak di tangan tentera Malaysia. Rambut sebahagian mereka panjang sebagai melambangkan kepahlawanan Tausug yang walau joke nampak kalah secara lojik namun dianggarkan dapat bertahan berbulan bulan malah mungkin bertahun. Mereka dapat bertahan begitu kerana mungkin berjaya berenang larikan diri semula ke pulau Tawi-Tawi. Selamat.

- Malaysia nampaknya panik seketika.! Pelbagai tuduhan dan spekulasi bergema di mana-mana. Ada yang buat sepekulasi bahawa tentera penceroboh itu diatur oleh Kerajaan BN-UMNO sendiri untuk mnejadikannya hero lantaran itu pengundi KDM joke akan kembali menyokong BN. Ada pula spekulasi yang menyatakan bahawa itu adalah perancangan PKR untuk memburukkan kerajaan BN. Ada yang kata ia perancangan USA-Filipina untuk dapatkan semula Sabah demi Minyak di Laut Sulu dan Spratly. Ada yang katakan bahawa kemungkinan ia adalah kerja MNLF dan ABU SAYYAF kerana marah pada Malaysia yang menyokong MILF dalam perjanjian damai tahun lalu. Ada juga yang kata ia dilakukan oleh kumpulan politikus dari Filipina untuk dapatkan pampasan demi menampung kos kempen pilihanraya ARMM tidak lama lagi di Sulu-Mindanau.

- Akhirnya bocor rahsia setelah tunggang-langgang mencari jawapan, bahawa mereka itu adalah tentera KIRAM yang kemudian didapati mereka seperti ditipu dengan janji-janji pelik. Kemungkinan besar ada yang dijanjikan tanah seluas beribu ekar, ladang kelapa sawit berhektar, dan mungkin ada yang dijanjikan dengan hanya diberikan seluar LEVI'S 501. Yang lebih pelik kedengaran janji bahawa mereka kalau dah sampai ke Sabah, wakil Inggeris sedang sedia dengan berguni USD untuk diberikan kepada mereka. Nam! pak sepe rti bergurau dan melucukan. Mungkin saja benar mungkin saja tidak walau joke mungkin terbukti mereka dihantar untuk dijadikan umpan untuk dibunuh oleh MALAYSIA.

- Nyata sekali mereka adalah perangkap kepada MALAYSIA menurut analisis alternatif di tepi jalan. Mereka yang masuk kelihatan sedikit dan senang dimakan, namun ia bahaya sebagaimana bahayanya ikan buntal yang kecil tapi jerung joke takut termakannya. Sebesar mana joke ikan jerung dengan gigi semula jadi tajam namun takut termakan ikan buntal.

- Mereka berkata, kalau Malaysia lepaskan tembakan dan berjaya membunuh mereka maka PASUKAN YANG LEBIH BESAR akan datang. Ikan-ikan buntal yang datang kemudian ini akan dilemparkan ke seluruh pantai timur Sabah. Namun, kalau Malaysia berjaya m! enghalau ! mereka secara aman tanpa berlaku apa-apa. Nyata sekali misi ikan-ikan buntal akan gagal.
Sultan Jamalul Kiram III garbage bin Datu Punjungan sedang memberikan arahan kepada tenteranya yang masuk ceroboh Sabah supaya bertahan kerana Malaysia akan tetap memberikan mereka makanan.
- Sultan Bantilan II di Jolo sebagai ketua gerakan SSDI yang bergerak secara aman tanpa senjata, menyeru saudara-saudara seagama di Malaysia agar cepat memformasikan satu jawatankuasa bertindak dengan menghimnpun sejarahwan Malaysia dan Sulu. Duduk semeja memandang positif kepada gerakan Kesultanan Sulu secara aman ini. Malaysia harus bertindak dahulu sebelum ia berlarutan menjadi benda lain. Gerakan Kesultanan Sulu semakin mendapat tempat. Kiram walau joke tindakannya kali ini sangat menjadikannya tidak renouned malah menjadikannya sebagai keluarga kesultanan Sulu yang selamanya melakukan kesilapan. Namun sekurang-kurangnya tindakan subersif KIRAM ini dapat membuka mata Malaysia betapa masanya sudah tiba untuk MEMBICARAKAN KESULTANAN SULU.
Rakyat Sultan Bantilan II membanjiri bandar Jolo ketika perarakan besar-besaran beberapa tahun lalu. Keluarga Kiram sangat terancam dengan gerakan Kesultanan Sulu Darul Islam (SSDI) yang dijalankan oleh Sultan Bantilan II di kepulauan Sulu saat ini. Perarakan demi perarakan secara aman oleh rakyat SSDI selama 6 tahun sehingga kini menjadikan keluarga KIRAM perlu "DO SOMETHING". Kerana menurut KIRAM, SABAH dan SULU itu adalah milik keluarganya, bukan milik kerajaan SULU yang mana ia bukan milik pribadi mana-mana Datu joke melainkan ia hak rakyat Sulu secara keseluruhan. KIRAM tidak pernah belajar dari kesilapannya yang lalu. Mereka sangat ketinggalan dari pengetahuan sejarah sekali joke generasi muda Tausug sudah berjaya menulis pelbagai buku sejarah Sulu. -BY DZULASREE
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Ceramah dari Ibrahim Ali (Presiden Perkasa/Ahli Parlimen Pasir Mas). Mungkin ada diantara kita tak berapa suka dengan Ibrahim Ali tetapi EP harap dengarlah apa mesej yang cuba disampaikannya...bukan melihat siapa yang berkata.Harap dapat luangkan masa dan tonton sehingga habis. Selepas itu barulah boleh komen dan sebagainya. ... Read More

Konvensyen Pakatan berhantu ... tak ada orang (Pakatan Is Officially Dead)

How many of you knew which a Pakatan Rakyat was having their National Convention starting today?The National Convention is starting on right right away during a Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC) though only 300 people or less have turned up. Tomorrow a assemblage will be even poorer.

Look during a design above. The record have already started ok. Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng, Hadi Awang, Azmin Ali, Saifuddin Nasution and all a tip leaders of Pakatan were already there up on stage. Look during a Dewan - there are some-more empty chairs than people - chairs lonesome in white cloth,macam kain kapan putih.

The Unspinners has a reporthere. Here are some snippets :

Konvensyen Pakatan berhantu ... tak ada orang
Posted by The Unspinners during 2/25/2013
  • Konvensyen Pakatan Rakyat di Shah Alam sebentar tadi hambar lapor Antarapos
  • meskipun konvesyen itu membariskan tiga pemimpin utama PKR, DAP dan PAS.
  • Hanya kira-kira 300 orang mengisi Pusat Konvensyen Shah Alam
  • !
  • Saifuddin Nasution memulakan ucapan, diperhatikan Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng dan Hadi Awang.
  • Azmin Ali terus menjaja nama Anwar Ibrahim sebagai calon Perdana Menteri
  • Ketua Penerangan PAS Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man berkata soalan siapa menjadi Perdana Menteri banyak bergantung kepada parti mana memenangi jumlah kerusi pale tinggi
  • Menurutnya, PAS belum memberi persetujuan mana-mana individu sebagai PM.
  • "Saya lihat calon perdana menteri ini kita bagi PAS lawan dululah bila kita menang kita boleh bincang siapa perdana menteri. Macam kita nak bagi keuntungan kambing, kambing pun tak bela lagi jadi tak tahu mana nak untung.
Ha ha ha. So they are fighting over who will become PM. Malu betul lah.

Betul Tuan Ibrahim. Silap haribulan nanti kambing awak tak jadi PM. Kambing lain pula naik jadi PM. Kalau kambing lain jadi PM, awak dengan kekawan PAS semua akan jadi lembu dan kaldai. Boleh tolong angkat beg, baldi dan tong sampah untuk kambing DAP dan kambing PKR.

Cerita kambing itu memang betul.
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Deepak urges PI Bala to tell all

Carpet merchant Deepak Jaikishan has urged former in isolation questioner P Balasubramaniam to spill all he knows about the attempted attempted murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.

In the text-message matter to the press, Deepak pronounced he was "very glad" with Balasubramaniam's return hoped which he will exhibit the events during the night of the murder.

"I urge Balasubramaniam to divulge the names of the people concerned as well as why is it which only employees of [names withheld] were involved?

"And upon whose orders as well as the main reason did they dedicate this heinous crime upon the pregnant Mongolian woman?" he said.

Deepak pronounced which Balasubramaniam had his full await as well as hoped which the Altantuya's "real murderers" will be found guilty.

Balasubramianreturned from exileyesterday as well as pledged to exhibit more sum about his involvement in key personalities connected to the attempted attempted murder "inch by inch".

In July 2008, Balasubramaniam suggested his orthodox declaration drawing approach links between Altantuya as well as afterwards emissary premier Najib Abdul Razak.

What followed was the sequence of events which saw Deepak successfullypersuadingBalasubramaniam to flee the country after releasinganother orthodox declaration, within twenty! -four ho urs as well as in dramatic fashion, to deny the essence of the first document.

Deepak claimed which during the time, he had closed links with Najib family as well as was roped in to help, though he has now emerged their staunch critic, after they allegedlyrenegedtheir guarantee over the land deal. Read More @ Source

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Tiga Kawan Nyaris Dibelit Ular Sawa

ALOR GAJAH: Tiga sekawan nyaris dibelit seekor ular sawa di sebuah ladang ternakan lembu di Kampung Sungai Petai, di sini, kira-kira jam 6.30 petang, kelmarin.Read more... ... Read More

One small step for a Muslim, one giant leap for our eardrums?

Apres lui, le dluge? One can only hope

Indonesian Wins Rare Victory Against Noisy Mosque | The Jakarta Globe

Banda Aceh. An elderly Indonesian pronounced Monday he had won the singular feat against the noisy mosque, despite being forced to repel authorised action after an indignant host in jeopardy to kill him.

Complaints against the loud speakers arising the call to request have been met with impassioned antithesis in Indonesia, the world's greatest Muslim-majority nation that is home to about 800,000 mosques.

And when Sayed Hasan, 75, filed the legal case in December in the city of Banda Aceh, in that he complained of being disturbed by extensive recordings of Koranic verses, it was met with clever protests from the community.

But Hasan, the Muslim, pronounced despite being taken to see the deputy mayor and Muslim leaders, and then being escorted to the court where he was forced to repel his authorised suit, he had in conclusion won the singular victory.

"I was forced to repel my legal case as an indignant host in jeopardy to kill me," he said. "But after we dropped my case, the volume was significantly turned down by about half."

A local Muslim personality pronounced the imam had motionless to revoke the noise.

City dwellers in Indonesia have been mostly woken up prior to dawn by intermingling calls to request from three or four circuitously mosques. Many additionally blare Koranic verses or promote day-long events through loudspeakers.

Ninety percent of Indonesia's 240 million adults have been Muslim. While many use the assuage form, Aceh range has implemented Sharia law, that is enforced by special Islamic police.

Agence France-Presse

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Terimakasih sudah bergabung untuk menjadi Relawan Bandung Tersenyum (RBT) Gerakan Bandung Tersenyum adalah wadah untuk mengajak dan menggerakan kepedulian warga Bandung sebagai bentuk kecintaannya terhadap kota Bandung khususnya lingkungan Kota Bandung melalui module kebersihan. Beberapa module yang sudah dan masih berjalan diantaranya : 1. Bebersih Kota Bandung Tercinta di seputaran kawasan Dago Car Free Day dan Lapangan Tegallega Bandung. 2. Berbagi Kantong Sampah Bandung Tersenyum kepada pedagang kaki lima yang menggunakan gerobak. Khusus untuk Berbagi Kantong Sampah ada beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan oleh rekan-rekan relawan : Kantong Sampah Bandung Tersenyum bisa diambil (gratis) di Radio Ardan, Jl. Cipaganti Nomer 159 Bandung, dengan mengisi form yang sudah disediakan oleh Bandung Tersenyum. 1 Kantong Sampah diperuntukkan untuk 1 pedagang kaki lima yang menggunakan gerobak karena kantong di disain khusus untuk dipasang di pegangan gerobak. Setelah mengambil Kantong Sampah, relawan diwajibkan untuk melaporkan hasil kerjanya melalui media sosial dgn menyebutkan akun Bandung Tersenyum sebagai bentuk akuntabilitas bahwa kantong sampah telah dibagikan kepada yang berhak dan untuk membangkitkan semangat warga kota Bandung lainnya untuk tergerak bersama-sama menciptakan Bandung yang lebih bersih. Contoh twitter : Bapak Edi pedagang bakso di jalan pasteur menerima #KantongSampah @BdgTersenyum. Ayo kita buat Bdg lbh bersih :) Foto Kantong Sampah yang sudah ...

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Pakatans grand promises misleading

Kedah Gerakan girl chief observes which multiform promises in a declaration were identical to those done during 2008 ubiquitous choosing but which were never over in Pakatan states.
GEORGE TOWN: Pakatan Rakyat's ubiquitous choosing declaration shows a perfect pomposity of a bloc formulation to form a subsequent sovereign government, rebuked a Gerakan girl here today.
Party Kedah girl chief Tan Keng Liang blasted Pakatan of not being honest as well as sincere, as well as misleading a people by making grand promises in a latest manifesto.
"We goal Pakatan would examination a declaration so as not to mislead Malaysians in a entrance election," he pronounced in a statement.
Tan is skeptical of Pakatan's guarantee to set up 150,000 affordable homes in low as well as medium cost categories, as referred to in page 25 of a declaration booklet.
Since receiving over Kedah in 2008, he pointed out which PAS-held Pakatan supervision had failed to set up any affordable homes for Kedahans.
He pronounced a Auditor General 2010 Report stated which a DAP-helmed state supervision had additionally failed miserably to set up a singular affordable home in Penang.
He pronounced a Pakatan states' disaster to set up affordable homes for lower income people had done a mockery of a own "welfare state" agenda, which a bloc guarantee if it took over Putrajaya.
He celebrated which multiform promises in a declaration were identical to those done during 2008 ubiquitous choosing but which were never over in Pakatan states.
"We are skeptical upon a sincerity of Pakatan in implementing all a promises in a m! anifesto
"Pakatan state governments' actions in past 5 years didn't reflect a promises," pronounced Tan, upon Pakatan declaration launched during a Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC) today.
In a final ubiquitous election, he pronounced Pakatan allies DAP, PKR as well as PAS, all betrothed in their particular manifestos which they would not hike up a H2O tariff.
However, he pronounced Kedah's H2O price tag shot up by 100 per cent in 2010 as well as likewise Penang's price tag additionally increasing underneath a pretext of H2O charge surcharge.
"Indeed, in Kedah, they betrothed to reduce it," he said.
Although Pakatan promises to exercise open proposal policy, Tan pronounced many projects in Pakatan states were never awarded in open tender.
He cited Aman Central RM500 million shopping mall, building a whole of RM330 million KUIN main campus as well as RM109 million Amansuri common ownership project, all in Kedah; as well as Penang WiFi project (phase 2) as well as a award of Penang housing consultancy stipulate for Batu Kawan as glaring examples.
Pakatan's hypocrisy
On Pakatan's guarantee to provide giveaway tertiary preparation as well as to abolish a National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) loans, he pronounced he pronounced a bloc state governments did not suggest giveaway higher preparation to all students in UNISEL as well as KUIN (Insaniah) in Selangor as well as Kedah respectively.
He pronounced students in both universities, which come underneath a state supervision purview, relied upon PTPTN loans to compensate their fees.
In 2011, he noted PAS-led state supervision even increasing a fees for K! UIN notw ithstanding criticism from a students.
A year later, he removed which KUIN suspended 5 students who protested against a preference of a university's administration.
Imposed underneath a supplies of Universities as well as University Colleges Act (UUCA), he pronounced a cessation was never reduced notwithstanding open protest.
"But right away Pakatan promises academic freedom as well as abolishment of UUCA," Tan fired a broadside.
He additionally exposed Pakatan's pomposity with a guarantee to remodel laws to umpire logging activities.
Despite open criticism over environmental damage, he pointed out which Kedah supervision still refused to stop a logging of forest pot in a state, together with Pedu, Gunung Inas as well as a latest, Bukit Perangin.
On Pakatan guarantee to uphold media freedom as well as restoring certitude in media practitioners, he pronounced Pakatan supervision barred a number of media from covering a Kedah assembly proceedings in 2011 because these media reported a state's disaster to hoop a flood situation.
"In Penang, a Pakatan supervision had criminialized sure media as well as journalists from state functions from time to time," he said.
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Mirror, mirror on the wall: who will in GE13 win them all?

Mirror, counterpart on a wall: who will in GE13 win them all?
With a GE13 deadline creeping in, we a rakyat have been reprimanded as good as threatened, or cajoled by a little politicians; others keep our goal desirous as we keep watchful in comprehensive darkness not knowing when we will walk to a polls.
The days have been filled with all kinds of open deception (not open relations) stunts; gimmicks; media over-drive blasts; revelations; allegations; as good as what not. 'Name it as good as we can have it' seems to be a daily fodder.
The BN entourage is keeping to a own strategy which appears similar to a innumerable reduction of concoctions which speaks of extremes ranging from threats, reprimands, coerce, to rewards, incentives, promises as good as a little mysteries too.
The PR bloc meanwhile is augmenting a battery of allegations as good as evidences of wrong-doing by BN; goal desirous promises as good as published deliverables. And their "People's Manifesto" usually unveiled seems to have dismissed a hopes of a rakyat even higher.
In a nutshell, it does not take a good researched consult to establish that, really clearly BN is already on a defensive mode while a bloc opposition front is advancing on an offensive battle wave.
Rise of people energy a universe over
Between these two extremes of a pendulum of Malaysia's stream domestic state hangs a precarious goal of a rakyat. And therein as well rests a blank link which will deliver a verdict of a GE13 outcome.
That blank link is a answer to a subject what do a rakyat i.e. privately a voters, want?
T! his is w hat will ultimately establish who will be creation it to Putrajaya. Even if as Mahathir's domestic mantra of a finish justifies a means was deployed to safeguard BN won "at all costs, over passed bodies as good as crushed bones," which win will usually be temporary.
The law is, a universe is good in to a re-defining proviso as distant as a tellurian history of democracy goes. The climb of people energy demarcates a 21st century of tellurian history.
Hence, Malaysia will be no exception. We need to have a bravery as good as humility to re-discover but fear or foster what electorate wish as good as what electorate do not want.
Race & sacrament have been out
Foremost, electorate do not wish to be widely separated by race. They wish to be proud Malaysians pity a land as good as a opportunities based on effort. They additionally wish to share a integrity they enjoy with those reduction endowed, i.e. a bad as good as infirm based on principles of a caring as good as concerned humanity as good as not competition nor domestic territory.
Voters wish to cherish as good as protect as good as maintain their faiths but hindrances from a corridors of politicians. They wish to live as good as use their respective faiths anchored with respect, honour as good as acceptance of any others' own beliefs. They do not wish to be despising, fighting as good as murdering any other over religion, period.
Because electorate hold which all religions have been indispensable for all a opposite believers in this multi racial, multi informative as good as multi eremite proletariat called Malaysia.
They know as good as cherish a fact which religions can usually assistance urge a really multitude they go to; bringing peace, goal as good as gift to aloft beam in these times when a tellurian continue changes as good as food shortages have been melancholy a planet's future.
Anyt! hing whi ch reduces this genius of sacrament will thus be abhorred.
But BN politicians have been still blank this fact, sadly.
Missing wealth
Voters know even but all those difficult statistics, which their nation is a abounding nation. They know which being a tiny republic by competition distance as good as in comparison to their neighbouring nations, a oil as good as resource abounding republic which is giveaway of healthy calamities has enough to go around a twenty-eight million people generously for decades.
They have come to know as well good which this tiny republic needs no conglomeration handful of billionaires to keep a economic cake piping hot.
Voters know which they have been milked for distant as well long, having to pay inflated prices for goods, services, comforts as good as even for a roof over their heads as good as their daily mobility to as good as from their hunting grounds.
They know which they could have enjoyed cheaper imported cars of improved peculiarity as good as comfort; which they could have had preparation on direct but having to forgo tertiary preparation because of monetary constrains; they know which they could have enjoyed as good as progressed with improved illness if not for all a privatization of healthcare scams as good as schemes.
Voters know which they could be leading a happier lifestyle with reduced stress levels since a many economic as good as resourceful blessings this republic was included with.
Voters have been sleepy - unequivocally sleepy with a 22 years of Mahathirism. Even some-more sleepy with a recent as good as augmenting dash of BN's war cry of competition as good as sacrament gradual politicking as good as all kinds of unanswered allegations as good as dubious handouts.
Looking back to a year when electorate expel their ticket for Pak Lah, a single c! an easil y see which it was done not for a miss of certitude for shift but because they longed for shift really much.
That shift they longed for was to applaud in removing out of a compulsory grips of Mahathir. People were sleepy of being led by a knot all a time.
But because BN failed to recognize this energy of a voter, it has left on to be on a defensive today. There is no pity nor regrets here for BN's sitz im laben. Nothing is permanent on this face of a earth. Hence no a single tellurian can explain to be a panacea for all as good as all a time.
After all even communism could not withstand a tides of people energy sweeping across a corridors of dictatorships.
Threatening which this republic will fold as good as fall apart; reminding electorate to be grateful for all a handouts they have perceived all these years; canvassing a four corners of a republic with some-more handouts as good as gift deeds all of these have been as good as will usually serve to rile a electorate annoy as good as entrench their dread to any domestic celebration which sticks to such antics.
Hence, if a electorate regard a Pakatan Rakyat's "Pakatan Harapan Rakyat" manifesto, it is no surprise.
Politicians be reminded. The voter who walks to a list box with which energy of a defining disproportion to a vote-count is not a handful of billionaires or a politicians' family members. On a contrary a millions of operative rakyat who will reserve for a list box have been a decision makers.
It is what they a electorate wish for themselves as good as for their destiny young kids as good as a legacy of this republic is what matters.
And if by a little hand of a demon a result is fraudulent sky forbid, a people energy will take root. Knowing Malaysians, they will not go for violence. That is a done deal.
But a stream will sweep so strong starting underground, which it wi! ll set a nation lagging far, far, behind in conditions of emotional quotient. And which inventory will not assistance a winner waves a destiny on deceitful winning.
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Undoubtedly we won't read this in a Barisan tranquil media. I similar to them because they pass a criteria for SMART goals/targets specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.
Read themHERE:

However all these
must be tanstlated into
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Pakatan Rakyat's Manifesto: Populist or Reformist?

Pakatan Rakyat's declaration contains a lot of promises, goodies as good as freebies. It is not difficult to inapplicable designation as a ultimate budget. For a start, a bloc promises every Malaysian family a monthly take-home household income of during slightest RM4,000.

It sounds like roughly Utopia as good as a nation's coffer is bottomless. It promises arrangement as small as RM50 per month to some-more significant grant of RM2 billion to account smallest wage.

However a declaration is wordless upon how it is starting to grasp a promises. It does not explain how this nation is starting to be equates to to afford a small brand brand brand new subsidies, grants, freebies as good as payouts. The bloc left details upon revenue streams aside.

However, a declaration is unequivocally a political document. It is written to greatfully housewives, undergraduates, polite servants, late armed forces members as good as Felda settlers who have been deliberate important voters in a subsequent GE.

Sabah as good as Sarawak appear transparent winners as good with promises of 20% share of oil royalty, pan-Borneo railways as good as improved infrastructures. It offers insurance of Orang Asli land rights as good as assistance.

However, it is starting to be a bad headlines for big conglomerates. The declaration has due an anti-monopoly law to quell as good as mangle up monopolies. Another subject beckons, how have been smaller companies starting to be equates to to contest with incomparable unfamiliar companies regionally?

The declaration has unsuccessful to identify reforms indispensable in approach a federal supervision conducts a business. Firstly, a federal supervision has to manage a on-going deficit. This nation cannot continue spending over a equates to as good as expect income to drop from a sk! y. A cur sory demeanour during a PR declaration does not suggest which they have a plan in place to cut bill deficit.

Second, a declaration touches really small about reforms as good as restructuring. It takes an remedy which income is a solution to all woes. This proceed competence not be as good opposite compared to what PM Najib has finished over a final 5 years.

As a result, both coalitions competence finish up trying to prove who is a improved Santa Claus.

Let's demeanour during a small of a details:

1. Malaysian Women's Contribution Fund

PR intends to have legally compulsory for husbands to contribute between RM10-100. Government to yield RM50 per month for wives. It sounds great though RM10-100 is a tad as good small a sum to even assistance pay anything. What about operative couples? What about couples who have been commercial operation partners? How does a supervision intend to have a contribution?

If a bloc wants to greatfully housewives as good as full time moms, it should stick behind to what it has preached - being need based. It should concentration upon singular moms, illness care for underprivileged women, genius office building as good as equal opportunities for all women. Inequality for women in a small faiths should additionally be addressed to safeguard which their rights have been protected.

2. Senior Citizens' Bonus Scheme

Again, a bloc is exposing a populist tendency. Each comparison adult elderly 60 as good as upon tip of will embrace a reward value RM1, 000 any year to assistance ease their financial burdens. Private zone early retirement age has been lifted to 60 years old. Not all of those who have been 60 as good as upon tip of have been starting to need a assistance.

However, there have been most who competence need some-more than only RM1,000 a year to survive. The bloc should stick behind to a old adage - concentration upon needs as good as not blanket welfare. A late CEO, who has millions in his bank accounts, does not merit a RM1,000. Meanwhile, those who unequivocally need benefit competence additionally need a shelter, food, nursing care, healthcare as good as others. It would be improved for PR to concentration upon providing a decent as good as dignified early retirement to a deserving comparison citizens.

3. Economic Policy

3.1 Monthly Household Take-home Income of RM4,000

It would need a bloc to stand in a GDP per capita of roughly RM22,000 to RM48,000 (assuming which there's a breadwinner per household). Doubling a GDP per capita is fascinating though as easy as it sounds. It takes a a single after an additional renovate of a manage to buy to safeguard which improved arrangement commensurates with improved productivity as good as aloft value of production. What is PR's strategy? Doubling of GDP per capita through subsidy or cash handout is not sustainable.

3.2 Add 1 million New Jobs

Malaysians have been no longer operative in industries such as plantations, a construction zone as good as a use industry.Pakatan Rakyat will deliver a extensive package to safeguard a single million brand brand brand new pursuit opportunities for Malaysians in these sectors by progressive reduction of a single million unfamiliar workers within 5 years of Pakatan Rakyat rule.

It is erroneous to pretence which Malaysians have been r! eady to fill up a vacancies vacated by a a single million unfamiliar workers. It is fake to pretence which internal employers will be ready to replace these unfamiliar workers with internal ones. Granted, brand brand brand new jobs will have to be combined though most of a unfamiliar workers have been low-to-semi skilled. We need to emanate aloft value jobs for a workers as good as growing series of impoverished graduates. This can only be completed with a sum renovate of a preparation system as good as a economic structure.

If a bloc reduces intake of unfamiliar workers, a series of a internal companies have been only starting to close emporium as good as move upon to reduction labour intensive industries or adopt automation. It is not starting to emanate 1 million brand brand brand new jobs for Malaysians as claimed in a manifesto.

3.3 Minimum Wage of RM1,100

The Pakatan Rakyat administration department will deliver a smallest wage, where every worker will be paid during slightest RM1,100 per month. The initial financial weight incurred by a employer in a early stages of a smallest salary doing shall be similarly borne by a government.

The Minimum Wage Implementation Facilitation Fund value RM2 billion aims to yield automation incentives as good as smallest salary doing grants to eligible companies, to safeguard which a complete pursuit market is not jeopardised by a doing of smallest wage.

The subject is because should taxpayers' income be used to assistance equivalent a financial weight incurred by employers? At present, there have been already grants as good as subsidies available to assistance companies to automate as good as brand brand brand new record adoption. MIDA h! as alloc ated RM2 billion to support internal companies. Some of these have been relating grants.

It has been proven which some-more funds/grants do not assistance internal companies especially SMEs to automate. A change of corporate mindset, some-more perfectionist consumers as good as some-more rival commercial operation sourroundings have been indispensable to teach a survival instinct in them.

4. Education

The proposal to set up 5 technical universities as good as twenty-five vocational schools have been done in a right direction. The declaration calls for an investiture of aRCI for preparation reform. Honestly, we have had sufficient of RCI. The supervision needs to revamp both a preparation as good as aloft preparation ministries so which people of calibre as good as peculiarity educators have been picked to manage a preparation system. RCIs occasionally meet a expectations.

PR needs to understand which "free education" is not synonymous with "quality education". It is important to concentration upon peculiarity preparation than giveaway education. Its declaration affirms which fees for aloft preparation in all open institutions will be borne by a government.

Fees for students in in isolation institutions will be subsidised by a supervision to be upon par with a open institution's rate. This proposal is again problematic. There is no ceiling for fees in in isolation institutions. Why should taxpayers' income be used to subsidized fees for students in in isolation institutions?

PR declaration affirms which all students in a open institutions! will be supposing with living price allowance for food as good as lodging, books as good as transportation, solely for those who have been financially well-off.

Students in in isolation institutions can borrow from a special account to cover their living costs for a duration of their studies. How is this opposite from a PTPTN? It is only an additional form of PTPTN; which is probably starting to finish up with a same predestine as a stream a single - not tolerable in a long run. Most in isolation institutions have been not only charity education, they have been additionally compelling lifestyle as good as consumerism. It is utterly usual to find engineer outlets, eateries as good as cafes operating in their premises. Surely price of living is aloft in in isolation institutions compared to open ones.

The bloc should concentration a resources upon upgrading a peculiarity of open institutions to yield glorious preparation as good as have them a institutions of choice.

5. Social Well-Being

Pakatan Rakyat is committed to resolve a complaint of trade overload in a Klang Valley as good as alternative vital cities within 10 years of coming to power, with a target of shortening overload by 50% during a initial term.Additional investment of RM2 billion in a initial year to stand in a series of buses and
bus routes in a Klang Valley. It is a eminent promise though competence be as good optimistic.

The provision of open ride like buses alone does not assistance to revoke overload if a supervision cannot change a mobility culture. Car is a amicable status symbol to most Malaysians. How most have been peaceful to ditch their automobile as good as walk t! o a trai n stop? It takes education, recognition as good as process involvement to foster open transport.

RM2 billion is a lot of income though though a extensive process intervention, it is income in to a drain. The increasing series of buses competence finish up contributing to some-more congestion!

Worse, a bloc is determine to lower a automobile prices to as low as RM25,000! Singapore imposes a tall COE price (certificate of entitlement) for a reason - to daunt in isolation automobile ownership! How can PR grasp lower overload by creation it cheaper as good as simpler to own a car?

It proposes to annul tolls. It sounds good for those of us who using a highways often. However, toll is used as an effective approach to revoke overload by creation it costly to expostulate during rise hours.

In sum, PR needs to get a bit some-more critical about a process creation capacity to safeguard which a solution to revoke overload is good suspicion out as good as comprehensive.

It is easy to receptive to advice populist though a small of these policies competence finish up contradicting any alternative as good as being rendered ineffective.

6. Civil Service

PR has appeared to be utterly discreet in idea a extensive restructuring of a polite service. A series of PR leaders have been aware of a problems faced by a polite service. It is magisterial as good as soaking a lot of resources from a country's annual budget. But a 1.4 million clever polite use is an important opinion bank for a coalition. It has to be finished though do not count it upon PR to announce vital reforms of a p! olite se rvice.

It has worded a declaration utterly diplomatically by earnest to restore a status as good as honour of a polite use as good as to free them from undue political interference. It is left to be seen if any supervision of a day would frankly not impose any carry out as good as command over a polite service. Most of a tip polite servants have been reporting to a executives. The sequence between a supervision as good as a polite use has to be moderated by an independent check-and-balance mechanism e.g. anti-corruption group as good as IPCMC.

Ironically, a PR declaration is wordless upon a doing of a IPCMC though betrothed an grant of RM200 million per annum to a military force for modernisation.

In summary, a PR declaration competence interest to sure voter groups though it is frequency transformational. It does contain a small heart warming promises to halt Lynas as good as to review a Pengerang projects though it has promises really small extreme reforms which have been direly needed.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz