Pemberian warganegara sebelum Merdeka tak ikut peraturan
Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu ditanda tangani pada twenty-one Januari 1948 antara British dan Raja Raja Melayu dan UMNO dan Menteri Menteri Besar ialah saksi perjanjian ini mewakili rakyat. Ianya mula berkuat kuasa pada 1
Malaysias Top 10 Richest People For 2013
Sabah RCI: Dr M caught red-handed Kua Kia Soong
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Polis terima tujuh laporan kes edar Bible kepada pelajar Islam
Wah .. Bank Islam lodges second police report, Anwar Ibrahim keeps mum
Wawa maintains which he is innocent. But of course.
Nizar Tiada Kredbiliti Untuk Berdebat Dengan Saya: DS Zambry (VIDEO)
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Mahathir says Najib is a weak leader
Look East Pilgrims!
There must be something terribly wrong with popular ratings done upon Najib. The polls contend he has the popular rating of 60-65%. If we ask people in the street, most of them could not give the rat's donkey about Najib. If he is so popular as well as much loved, since was the series of Malaysian Indians celebrating his Ponggol event so dismal?
Because the Malaysian Indians haven't recovered from the greatest insult Najib dished out to them when handlers were usually throwing hampers as well as rice to the outstretched hands of Malaysian Indians. That was the pitiful site. This is not Zimbabwe or the single of the African countries.
It must be heart-warming to aristocratic as well as bourgeois Najib to see most of the wretched of the earth scrambling over the single an additional affirming his own registered background. All those 'I am the single of the people' antics, face booking, twitterings, eating daun pisang, upon foot around in Petaling Street, busy-bodying in Pasar Khadijah Kota Bharu- everyone knows have been all broadside BS. People can see by the hypocrisy.
The infancy of Malaysian Indians have been so held up in the pauper genius which they forgot the insult as well as chagrin Najib treats them with. Will they still want to give Najib their nambikei? Don't!
So how come he has the rating of 60%? The race representation has never review newspapers or what? Or is the race representation done up of the deejay we was listening to the single day, who pronounced George Town as Jorjee Town? Which propagandize did she go to? RTM employ mental retards or what?
Now the male who can walk upon H2O has pronounced it again. Najib is the weak leader. Because Mahathir can as well as since Najib is. The usual Najib proceed of dealing with accusations is to keep silent anticipating ! which si lence as well as progressing stoical contempt will have all these nasty things go away. His minders as well as all the UMNO paid bloggers including those who affectionately call the PM's missus- kak Rose will accost Najib's actions as which belonging to the good male or even, God forbid, statesman-like.
To which we will say- though of course, Deepak additionally refers Rosmah as Kak Rose.
These nasty issues will not go away. Deepakgate has done people turn confirmed in their thinking which these two people have something to do with the Alantuya murder. They won't until we take an iron fist proceed the authorised way. A nobody similar to Deepak can besmirch the position of the PM as well as repairs the reputation of Najib as well as the missus in their personal capacities as well as all they did, was to respond in the weakly as well as enfeebled manner. "Deepak cannot be trusted as well as we swear we do not own such the ring". The people have been not all impressed as well as in truth have been even some-more assured which we have so most things to hide. The UMNO people know all this. But they have been respectful enough not to discuss it Najib in his face or will try to save him by laying all the censure with Rosmah.
I have pronounced it the long time ago- Najib is the political invertebrate. If he were the Lee Kuan Yew or Hsien Loong or Chok Tong, the people who have allegations will be hauled to court. But afterwards the justice is the last place Najib as well as Rosmah want to be. Because afterwards all will have to be pronounced in the open unless the DPPs prosecuting have been dumb asses or the judge the single of the possibilities we introduce to have cashiered once PR comes to power. As an aside, we contend this again- in sequence to revive the judiciary, all we need to do is to grant off most of the senior judges.
Najib wi! th all t he skeletons in the runner has compromised the bureau of the PM right from day one. Many UMNO part of as well as leaders know Najib is the single bloody hypocrite. In the past he has given recommendation to so most UMNO second liners to rein in their wives though when it comes to him, he is the destroyed case. He is an ow-ow PM usually similar to his not so smart cousin.
Why has Mahathir come out so most times to contend Najib is the weak leader? Less in the open, though in private, we am told, so most times. Mahathir refers to Rosmah as which woman. Others throwing upon to what Mahathir say, which immorality lady with the omnivorous lust to swallow up any business deals. Deals which will have Imelda Marcos looked the dwarf standing beside her not so high structure.
Because Mahathir knows Najib has so most things to hide. All his indiscretions, business deals as well as so forth. Or may be Mahathir knows, Najib has amassed some-more income than Mahathir could ever did.
Apart from Isa Samad as well as Rahim Tamby Chik who Najib fears, the male he fears most is Mahathir. Because the old male knows who the genuine Najib is from the day Najib deserted as well as did the Judas to Tengku Razaleigh when Razaleigh was fighting Mahathir for the UMNO presidency. He had Najib in his palms.
Mahathir decides who can bullion bureau as well as not Najib. The usually reason since Khairy Jamaluddin does not reason bureau is since Mahathir does not concede Najib to designate KJ. If the Pemdua UMNO has got any emergence of amour-propre they would have pressured Najib to designate their leader. The personality of UMNO's lady scouts is the emissary minister. The emissary of Pemuda UMNO binds an office. The personality of UMNO's Auntie's Club was the apportion until she was held out by the NFC scandal. And the male KJ vanquished for the post of Youth Leader is done the minister.
And still people demand which Najib is visionary! The visionary is asking Mahathir for the lifeline.
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Pegawai HEP Perak memukul pelajar di Mesir. Kronologi peristiwa.
Yang Dipertua
Keluarga Pelajar-pelajar Islam Perak Mesir sesi 2012/2013

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Perkasa: We welcome police reports
President Barack H. Obamas Second Inaugural Address
January 22, 2013
President Barack H. Obama's Second Inaugural Address
Washington D C, Jan 21, 2013
Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, members of a United States Congress, distinguished guests, as good as associate citizens, any time we accumulate to inaugurate a president, we bear declare to a fast strength of a Constitution. We affirm a promise of a democracy. We stop which what holds this republic together is not a colors of a skin or a beliefs of a conviction or a origins of a names.
What makes us exceptional, what makes us America is a devotion to an thought articulated in a stipulation done some-more than dual centuries ago. We hold these truths to be self-evident, which all men have been combined equal.
That they have been endowed by their author with certain unalienable rights, as good as among these have been life, liberty, as good as a office of happiness. Today we continue a never finale tour to overpass a definition of those difference with a realities of a time. For story tells us which whilst these truths might be self-evident, they've never been self-executing. That whilst freedom is a present from God, it contingency be secured by his people here on earth.
The patriots of 1776 did not fight to replace a restraint of a aristocrat with a privileges of a few, or a order of a mob. They gave to us a republic, a supervision of, as good as by, as good as for a people. Entrusting any generation to keep protected a founding creed. And for some-more than 200 years we have. Through red red blood drawn by lash, as good as red red blood drawn by sword, we remarkable which no kinship founded on a beliefs of autocracy as good as equality could tarry half slave, as good as half free.
We done! ourselv es anew, as good as vowed to move brazen together.
Together we determined which a modern economy requires railroads as good as highways to speed travel as good as commerce, schools as good as colleges to train a workers. Together we discovered which a giveaway market only thrives when there have been manners to ensure foe as good as fair play. Together we finalise which a good republic contingency caring for a vulnerable as good as protect a people from life's misfortune hazards as good as misfortune.
Through it all, we have never relinquished a doubt of executive authority, nor have we succumbed to a fiction which all societies ills can be cured by supervision alone. Our celebration of beginning as good as enterprise, a insistence on hard work as good as personal responsibility, these have been constants in a character.
For we have regularly accepted which when times change, so contingency we, which fealty to a founding beliefs requires brand brand new responses to brand brand new challenges, which preserving a particular freedoms ultimately requires usual action.
For a American people can no some-more encounter a final of today's universe by behaving alone than American soldiers could have met a forces of fascism or communism with muskets as good as militias. No singular chairman can train all a math as good as scholarship teachers we'll need to equip a young kids for a future. Or build a roads as good as networks as good as investigate labs which will move brand brand new jobs as good as businesses to a shores.
This generation of Americans has been tested by crises which steeled (ph) a finalise as good as proved a resilience. A decade of fight is right away ending.
And mercantile recovery has begun.
America's possibilities have been limitless, for we retain all a qualities which this universe without boundaries demands: lady as good as drive, farrago as good as openness, of endless genius for risk as good as a present for reinvention.
My associate Americans, we have been done for this moment as good as we will seize it, so prolonged as we seize it together.
For we, a people, understand which a country cannot attain when a shrinking couple of do really good as good as a flourishing many barely have it.
We hold which America's wealth contingency rest on a broad shoulders of a taking flight middle class. We know which America thrives when any chairman can find independence as good as honour in their work, when a wages of honest work will liberate families from a margin of hardship.
We have been loyal to a hold when a little lady innate in to a bleakest misery knows which she has a same chance to attain as anybody else since she is an American, she is free, as good as she is next to not only in a eyes of God though also in a own.
We understand which neglected (ph) programs have been inadequate to a needs of a time. So we contingency strap brand brand new ideas as good as record to remake a government, revamp a taxation code, remodel a schools, as good as commission a adults with a skills they need to work hard or sense more, reach higher.
But whilst a means will change, a role endures. A republic which rewards a bid as good as determination of any singular American, which is what this moment requires. That is what will give genuine definition to a creed.
We, a people, still hold which any adult deserves a simple measure of confidence as good as dignity. We contingency have a hard choices to reduce a price of health caring as good as a distance of a deficit.
But we reject a idea which America contingency select between caring for a generation which built this country as good as investing in a generation which will build a future.
For we remember a lessons of a past, when night before years were outlayed in misery as good as relatives of a child with a disability had nowhere to turn. We do not hold which in this country freedom is indifferent for a lucky or happiness for a few. W! e commen d which no have a difference how responsibly we live a lives, any a single of us at any time might face a office detriment or a remarkable seizure or a home swept away in a terrible storm. The commitments we have to any alternative by Medicare as good as Medicaid as good as Social Security, these things do not corrupt a initiative.
They have firm us.
They do not have us a republic of takers. They giveaway us to take a risks which have this country great.
We, a people, still hold which a obligations as Americans have been not only to ourselves, though to all posterity. We will reply to a hazard of climate change, meaningful which a disaster to do so would misuse a young kids as good as destiny generations.
Some might still deny a overwhelming judgment of science, though none can equivocate a devastating impact of raging fires, as good as crippling drought, as good as some-more absolute storms. The trail towards tolerable appetite sources will be prolonged as good as sometimes difficult. But American cannot resist this transition. We contingency lead it.
We cannot concede to alternative nations a record which will energy brand brand new jobs as good as brand brand new industries. We contingency explain a promise. That's how we will maintain a mercantile vitality as good as a national treasure, a forests as good as waterways, a stand lands as good as sleet capped peaks. That is how we will safety a planet, commanded to a caring by God. That's what will lend definition to a hold a fathers once declared.
We, a people, still hold which fast confidence as good as durability assent do not need incessant war.
Our dauntless men as good as women in unvaried tempered by a flames of battle have been unmatched in ability as good as courage.
Our adults seared by a mental recall of those we have lost, know as good good a price which is paid for liberty. The knowledge of their scapegoat will keep us forever observant opposite those who would do us harm. But ! we have been also heirs to those who won a peace, as good as not only a war. Who spin sworn enemies in to a surest of friends. And we contingency lift those lessons in to this time as well. We will urge a people, as good as uphold a values by strength of arms, as good as a order of law.
We will show a bravery to try as good as finalise a differences with alternative nations peacefully. Not since we have been genuine about a dangers we face, though since engagement can some-more durably lift suspicion as good as fear.
America will sojourn a anchor of strong alliances in any corner of a globe. And we will replenish those institutions which extend a genius to conduct predicament abroad. For no a single has a larger interest in a peaceful universe than a many absolute nation. We will support democracy from Asia to Africa, from a Americas to a Middle East, since a interests as good as a demur enforce us to action on behalf of those who prolonged for freedom. And we contingency be a source of hope to a poor, a sick, a marginalized, a victims of prejudice.Not out of small charity, though since assent in a time requires a constant allege of those beliefs which a usual hold describes; tolerance as good as opportunity, tellurian grace as good as justice. We a people declare currently which a many evident of law which all of us have been combined next to is a star which guides us still; only as it guided a forebears by Seneca Falls as good as Selma as good as Stonewall; only as it guided all those men as good as women, sung as good as unsung, who left footprints along this good mall, to listen to a preacher say which we cannot travel alone; to listen to a King broadcast which a particular freedom is inextricably firm to a freedom of any essence on Earth.
It is right away a generation's charge to lift on what those pioneers began, for a tour is not finish until a wives, a mothers as good as daughters can consequence a vital next to to their efforts.
Our tour is not finish until a happy broth! ers as g ood as sisters have been treated similar to any a single else underneath a law, for if we have been indeed combined equal, then certainly a love we dedicate to a single an additional contingency be equal, as well.
Our tour is not finish until no adult is forced to wait for for hours to practice a right to vote.
Our tour is not finish until we find a better way to acquire a striving, carefree immigrants who still see America as a land of opportunity, until bright young students as good as engineers have been enlisted in a workforce rather than expelled from a country.
Our tour is not finish until all a children, from a streets of Detroit to a mountainous country of Appalachia to a still lanes of Newtown, know which they have been cared for as good as loving as good as regularly protected from harm.
That is a generation's task, to have these works, these rights, these values of hold up as good as autocracy as good as a office of happiness genuine for any American.
Being loyal to a founding papers does not need us to agree on any contour of life. It does not mean we all conclude autocracy in just a same way or follow a same precise trail to happiness.
Progress does not enforce us to settle century's prolonged debates about a role of supervision for all time, though it does need us to action in a time.
For now, decisions have been on us as good as we cannot means delay. We cannot mistake absolutism for principle or surrogate spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate.
We contingency act. We contingency action meaningful which a work will be imperfect (ph). We contingency action meaningful which today's victories will be only partial, as good as which it will be up to those who stand here in 4 years as good as 40 years as good as 400 years hence to allege a undying suggestion once conferred to us in a gangling Philadelphia hall.
My associate Americans, a promise we have sworn before we today, similar to a a single re! cited by others who serve in this Capitol, was an promise to God as good as country, not celebration or faction.
And we contingency steadily execute which promise during a generation of a service. But a difference we spoke currently have been not so opposite from a promise which is taken any time a infantryman signs up for duty, or an newcomer realizes her dream.
My promise is not so opposite from a promise we all have to a dwindle which waves above as good as which fills a hearts with pride. They have been a difference of citizens, as good as they paint a biggest hope. You as good as I, as citizens, have a energy to set this country's course. You as good as I, as citizens, have a requisite to shape a debates of a time, not only with a votes we cast, though a voices we lift in defense of a many very old values as good as fast ideas.
Let us any of us right away embrace with solemn duty, as good as overwhelming joy, what is a durability birthright. With usual bid as good as usual purpose, with passion as good as dedication, let us answer a call of story as good as lift in to an uncertain destiny which precious light of freedom.
Thank you.
God magnify you.
And might He forever magnify these United States of America.
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The Middle Class Dilemma by Karim Raslan
January 22, 2013
The Middle Class Dilemma
The Malaysian center classes have been trapped.The 2013 ubiquitous election leaves them with an unenviable choice.
On a a single hand, they have been presented with a incumbents whom they perspective in a categorical as unreformed as well as unrepentant. Indeed a shrill as well as nasty tone of a NGO activist as well as viral video male lead Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin would crop up to encapsulate Barisan Nasional's ethos.
However, a Opposition is additionally failing to supplement worth to a debate. Four-and-half years on, a reality of Pakatan Rakyat's uneven leadership has been laid bare for all to see as well as evaluate. Selangor as well as Penang have been a highlights with Kedah as well as Kelantan as a laggards. It's not a great pointer when a contrast is which big.
In a 2008 polls, most of a center classes forlorn a ruling bloc as swathes of a moneyed West Coast fell to Pakatan Rakyat's promise. This time around, while a Opposition looks set to maintain a grip upon these tools of a country, a fervency of a await has dipped.
This is due in part to a stresses of maintaining an alliance which straddles such disparate partners particularly a Islamist Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (or PAS) as well as a avowedly secular Democratic Action Party (DAP). Over a inserted years, we have become all as well wakeful of a weaknesses inherent in this a! pparentl y opportunistic pairing.
Certainly, a constant attacks by Pakatan's enemies have started to gain traction. We right away know which with regards to issues of open morality as well as religion, we should look to PAS's Majlis Syura for guidance as well as direction. In this all-important arena, a Malay leadership in Parti Keadilan Rakyat (or PKR) has had little success.
At a same time, Barisan Nasional (BN) has selected to concentration upon galvanising a base of rural as well as semi-rural Malays in a determined attempt to reason upon to energy as well as head-off Pakatan's incursions in to a countryside.
What this has meant in unsentimental terms is which while a prime apportion has maintained a resolutely centrist as well as inclusive approach, his own party has veered to a "right" in order to stir up as well as mobilize a Malay base. With a tongue so uncompromisingly Malay as well as generally working class, bourgeois concerns corruption as well as a abuse of energy have been shunted aside.
How have these developments left a center classes trapped?Well, most were frustrated as well as irritated by a genuine (and perceived) mismanagement of Barisan, saying Pakatan as a acquire injection of uprightness as well as professionalism in to governance as well as open life.
However, recent events in Kedah over a correspondence of women singing as well as performing publicly shows a extent to which PAS's larger conservatism extends over a proportions of a Malay/Muslim community. Moreover, a furore over a make use of of a word "Allah" by non-Muslims as well as PAS's unequivocally open flip-flop upon a issue underlines this vicious cause as well as a leverage of a Majlis Syura.
So for most in a center class, Pakatan's guarantee of a clean as well as professional administration department has unfortunately been undermined by concerns about fears of dignified policing as well as a arbitrary deception of syariah.
These fears have been genuine as well as cannot be assuaged by mere promises which PKR as well as a DAP will be means to assuage PAS in power. BN said as well as continues to say a same thing about UMNO's racialist sentiments as well as which isn't working unequivocally well.
The coalition, which idealisation proves itself peaceful to acknowledge which Malaysia is becoming different as well as which views upon morality have been no longer uniform, will win a center ground. Of course this will be unpleasant though it's what a nation needs to pierce forward.
Ultimately however, Malaysia's center category must confirm in a subsequent ubiquitous election what's a larger threat: a awaiting of dignified policing as well as creeping fundamentalism, or unchecked, institutionalised corruption as well as a abuse of power.
Is it probable which some day these threats will in a future merge in to a single massive plea about what it unequivocally means to be Malaysian as well as what is a loyal inlet of our country? Now do we see what we mean about a center classes being trapped?
* Karim Raslan is a Malaysian writer who travels a segment to know some-more as well as write some-more about a hold up as well as times of a people.
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