AirAsia X boss slams MAHB for budget terminal delay, airport fees hike

The Malaysian Insider :: Malaysia

Courtesy of Political! ly Incor rect Buzz & Buzz

Empower: Bengkel esok tiada agenda tersirat, malah tidak cabar undang-undang Islam

KUALA LUMPUR, 30 Okt Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (Empower) kecewa dengan kenyataan Majlis Perundingan Pertubuhan Islam Malaysia (Mapim) semalam sambil menegaskan bengkel anjuran pihaknya esok tiada sebarang bulletin tersirat ataupun mahu mencabar undang-undang keluarga Islam. Justeru pertubuhan bukan kerajaan itu berkata kesimpulan ... Read More

Lets talk about a good death Lee Poh Wah

OCT 30 A little-known fact is which any day, some 150,000 deaths occur via a world. Anthropologist Geoffrey Gorer justly calls it "the publishing of death".

In his letter Death, Grief as good as Mourning, he argues which genocide has replaced sex as a unmentionable topic in polite multitude today: A century ago, sex was not discussed, whereas genocide was treated openly. Today, a conflicting is true.

We generally accept which swell is an inexorable true line forward. In medicine, so many killer diseases of a past from bubonic plague to malaria as good as illness have been curbed, whilst life-threatening incidents such as premature births have been remade in to innocuous events.

Yet, such swell has not stopped us from regressing in Ars Moriendi, a art of dying. Dying used to be a common amicable eventuality by a ill as good as their family as good as friends, as good as genocide was distinguished with an blow up ritual. Increasingly now, people die alone, in an visitor as good as sterile environment such as a hospital. Funerals have been tolerated as an untimely truth.

Today, a failing routine is occasionally seen or heard. As a result, many no longer know what to design or how to behave. When confronted by death, you either feel ungainly or avert a gaze.

The shift in amicable mores has been compounded by modern healing technologies which concede us to delay death, though mostly during a expense of peculiarity of life. We can think, for example, of a terminally ill who might live extra weeks by pang cure-at-all-cost chemotherapy as good as a torturous side effects. Or of heart patients who survive a heart conflict usually to continue ongoing ailments or dementia.

By creation failing a slow process, you have introduced, in many cases, a spectre of depression. Physical pang exacerbates psychological pain, as good as clamp versa, so which a failing routine turns in to a downward spiral of deepening trouble as good as despair.

For society, failing a! s a long drawn-out eventuality has created a web of complexity involving policy, law, ethics as good as economics. Family as good as caregivers have to juggle their respect for a wishes of a chairman with their visualisation of what a right thing to do is.

Policy makers as good as doctors have to parcel out singular resources. Who, for instance, should have priority to a life-extending treatment?

The proceed you die has changed over time, though a fear as good as fascination genocide exercises over a tellurian thoughts remains a constant.

All hold up fears a end. Ernest Becker, of Denial of Death fame, goes so distant as to disagree which a terror of genocide lies during a really base of tellurian behaviour; what drives us is not, as Sigmund Freud would have it, unconscious sexual desire though a unfortunate effort to deny a mortality, to control a strenuous stress annoyed by a believe of a biological destiny.

To this could be combined a present-day direction of giving in to a hedonistic tendencies. Anything which does not give wish is bad, as good as if it cannot be eliminated, during slightest it should be hidden away.

But it is not possible to run from death. It is, after all, a usually certain eventuality in a lives. A much improved plan is to befriend this stranger.

Like any phobia, a fear of genocide as good as failing can be alleviated when you have been familiar with what it is, when you can speak openly about it, when you have been prepared, as good as when you have a energy to have it a improved knowledge for ourselves as good as desired ones.

The proceed forward is to speak about genocide in a meridian of honesty, in sequence to "normalise" it. In a same proceed which you hope for for puberty, marriage, parenthood as good as ageing, you need to ask ungainly questions about genocide as good as dying. And you need to be since frank answers. Talking about genocide could shift a proceed you live, simply because it will assistance us arrange out a emotions a! s good a s relationships.

In addition, you should facilitate a preferred physical circumstances for a great death. For a sick, there is a universe of disproportion in in between failing in pang as good as in joy alone, or in a association of desired ones. For a living, there is also a universe of disproportion in in between seeing a failing chairman demeanour inhuman in a hospital with tubes sticking out of him, as good as anticipating him dignified as good as peaceful in his own bed.

In spite of all a organization to assistance a poor in a world, a family groups of a failing have been mostly during a loss. They have no idea of how to help, or what to do. They feel unable as good as frightened in a face of death. They need a assistance of palliative care, a holistic proceed which supports not usually a failing though their family groups by focusing upon their peculiarity of life; prioritising a diagnosis of a pang but neglecting a psychosocial as good as spiritual aspects.

The palliative caring group of doctors, nurses as good as amicable workers takes a sting out of genocide by on condition which a family as good as caregiver with viable alternatives regarding healing treatment, nursing caring as good as romantic support. They can prompt as good as facilitate a right decisions during a right time, receiving in to account a wishes of a dying, as good as of a family. Through their expertise as good as understanding, they assistance to minimise a physical suffering, whilst on condition which a spiritual balm.

Theirs is such a humane as good as compassionate approach, I happily extol it as one of Britain's many appropriate exports. I would go so distant as to advocate palliative caring as a tellurian right, since which it relieves man from a woe of untreated pain. It is a amicable innovation which deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for giving peace of thoughts as good as physique during a impulse when you need it most.

Properly handled, hold up in a shadow of genocide can be richer than! hold up in a sun. While a bodies turn weaker, a spirit can grow stronger. I have seen terminally ill patients who have been genuinely happy as good as able of creation their demise a joy-filled impulse to those around them.

True wisdom comes from meaningful which whilst genocide might be inevitable, failing is not a problem. The genuine problems have been a refusal to die which mostly leads to a conspiracy to do anything to equivocate it; a fear of genocide as good as a stupidity of a failing process, which create unnecessary suffering, stress as good as a feeling of helplessness.

But all these can be overcome. Palliative caring for one, when delivered well, shows us which a great genocide is not as impossible as it seems. Today

* Lee Poh Wah is a CEO of Lien Foundation, a Singapore philanthropic house remarkable for a indication of in advance philanthropy.

* This is a personal perspective of a writer or publication, as good as does not necessarily paint a views of The Malaysian Insider.

The Malaysian Insider :: Side Views

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

What I want to be

OCT 30 we have the transparent mental recall of writing about wanting to be the clergyman when we grew up. This was when we was about 10 as good as again multiform some-more times via delegate school. It was the repeated thesis in classroom essays.

The thing is, the older we became, the reduction certain we was about this training business. English was the the single subject we excelled in, yet this was expected due to the watered-down calm which was introduced in the KBSM syllabus.

I did come from the family of four teachers yet my maternal grandmother, paternal grandfather as good as two aunts. Surely, it was in my genes to be an educator?

This line of suspicion did not offer me good in college when we sealed up for the grade in Accounting as good as Finance. With 6 uncles, aunts as good as cousins qualified as franchised accountants, we could hack it too. Couldn't I?

So until we proposed my initial pursuit during 23, we had no clue what it was we was formulation to be. we had finished the growing up part. When was we going to be something?

My husband, upon the alternative hand, always knew he wanted to work with animals. It did not matter what field it would be in, so prolonged as it was the compassionate the single (deep frying duck in the fast food grill would not cut it).

The calling to offer as the veterinarian came to him in the sixth form when he learned which the local university offered the march in veterinary science.

His mental condition until which moment of note was to be the zoo screw or the stable kid positions which would ensure he stayed tighten to his animals.

Looking during my friends from school, we wouldn't have guessed where half of them have ended up.

Whether they were tall achievers or difficulty makers, they have finished well: high-flying lawyers, the human resource director of the multinational company, healing specialists, the dentist, the mom homeschooling the kid prodigy, an additional mom using the! success ful macaroon-making commercial operation from home, an accountant incited pastry chef.

Some of us switched careers once we hit our mid-30s, finally being means to do what we really wish to do. It's hard to say what we wish to be when we grow up. Until you've grown up.

I found my balance when the crony introduced me to journalism the day we picked up my final-year results.

Within the week of stringing during New Straits Times we knew which which was where we wanted to be if usually because of the smashing editors as good as writers who were willing as good as means teachers.

I asked an aged crony what she suspicion we would be as good as funnily enough, she suspicion we would be the bard because we used to write her prolonged letters (this was back in the day of aerogrammes)!

This week, my three-year-old as good as his classmates were asked to skirt up as what they wanted to be when they grow up. At three! It took me 20 some-more years to figure which out.

As expected, most children showed up as doctors, nurses, firemen as good as ballerinas. we wouldn't be so quick to put it down to parental wishes. These outfits have been easy to come by as good as for time-pressed parents, the no-sweat option.

One small lady stood out upon my Facebook page though. Her mum had posted the design to insist how proud she was of her daughter's choice: A mother. She sported the sarong rope with the baby doll in it as good as the diaper bag upon her shoulder. How cool is that?

Once we explained the judgment of occupations as good as provided examples (waiter, teacher, tennis player, doctor, bus driver) to Ishan, he zoomed in upon competition automobile driver, "just similar to Lightning McQueen" (from the Disney Pixar Cars cartoon).

So we scrambled to conform the homemade costume yet could not find the claim unite logos as good as F1 stickers whi! ch accou tre racing suits. we rushed to the fondle shops in Wan Chai which lend towards to sell anything under the moon, usually to be told they'd sold out.

My subsequent most appropriate choice was surgical scrubs, meditative we could do the father-son combo some day. Except which Ishan did not wish anything to do with being the veterinarian. Animal doctor? No!

Thank integrity for syringes as good as stethoscopes. Once he set his eyes upon those as good as the host of healing gadgets, he was happy to enclose the scrubs as good as lend towards to his killer whale stuffed toy.

You're substantially meditative which this practice has the sense of foreboding, where the kid is forced into an function he does not like. He would have so been the competition automobile motorist had we found those stickers.

I wonder yet if the competition automobile motorist will remove its shine when he discovers which it will be the prolonged time before he gets behind the circle of the competition car. Will he be happy washing cars, celebration of the mass automobile manuals, studying engines, working for the automechanic as good as offered competition day tickets during the concession booth?

We'd substantially insist to him how most the competition automobile motorist can have the small after on. And the accident rate. Show him photos of fantastic automobile crashes upon the track. Find the long-lost crony who actually is the professional competition automobile motorist to lay Ishan down for the man-to-boy chat.

I suspect the trick is to explore pathways as good as pursuit opportunities of assorted fields. we was undeveloped as the teenager yet in the age of Internet there is no excuse not to sense all there is about the mental condition job.

Meanwhile, we have an additional year to come up with the killer competition automobile motorist suit. Hopefully he hangs upon to this profession prolonged enough. Who knows, he may wish to be the robot subsequent year.

* The views expre! ssed her e have been the personal perspective of the columnist.

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Masa depan Libya pasca Muammar Gaddafi

30 OKT Nama Muammar Gaddafi kini tinggal dalam lipatan sejarah.

Kematian beliau pada usia 69 tahun pada tanggal 20 Oktober lalu dipercayai dipukul dan ditembak pada bahagian kepalanya oleh salah seorang daripada pejuang Majlis Peralihan Kebangsaan Libya (NTC), membawa bersamanya segala kezaliman yang dilakukan beliau sepanjang 42 tahun memerintah Libya ke dalam liang lahad.

Membawa bersamanya juga ke dalam liang lahad adalah perwatakan dan sikap aneh Muammar yang kadangkala mencetuskan kontroversi hinggakan kuasa-kuasa Barat pernah menggelarkan Muammar sebagai "anjing gila." Segala misteri mengenai riwayat hidup Muammar mati bersamanya dan tidak mungkin dapat dirungkaikan lagi.

Dari awal lagi, kematian Muammar sudah dijangka. Ini kerana kuasa-kuasa Barat melihat Muammar sebagai satu lagi halangan kepada bulletin mereka untuk menguasai sumber minyak di negara berkenaan. Tindakan Muammar yang dikatakan menaja keganasan tidak seiring dengan bulletin Barat. Sementara pemerintahan kuku besi selama lebih empat dekadnya bercanggah dengan sistem demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia yang diperjuangkan mereka.

Dari detik-detik kediamannya di Bab Al-Aziziya jatuh kepada pihak NTC hinggalah kepada kejatuhan Bani Walid dan Sirte, Muammar tidak mempunyai banyak pilihan. Sama ada memilih untuk mati sebagai syahid di negara kelahirannya ataupun bertindak sebagai pengecut dan mendapatkan suaka politik di negara luar.

Namun pada akhirnya, beliau tetap memilih penyelesaian pertama. Ternyata, Muammar tidak berganjak daripada pendirian asalnya bahawa beliau akan mati di bumi Libya.

Kini, harapan untuk melihat Muammar lenyap daripada persada politik Libya telah tercapai. Muammar sudah pergi selama-lamanya. Yang tinggal kini hanyalah kesan-kesan parut dan pengalaman hitam yang mewarnai sejarah negara tersebut.

Kuasa-kuasa Barat seperti Britain dan Perancis yang mendalangi Revolusi di Libya boleh menarik nafas lega kerana dengan ketiadaan Muammar di hadapannya, hasrat untuk ! membentu k sebuah demokrasi di negara itu, sudah separuh tercapai.

Lebih signifikan lagi, kejayaan menggulingkan Muammar dalam keadaan yang tersusun dan dalam tempoh yang singkat, memberi petunjuk kepada Amerika Syarikat, apa yang kuasa besar tunggal dunia itu boleh buat di Iraq, Britain dan Perancis juga mampu berbuat demikian. Cumanya apa yang berbeza kali ini, usaha tersebut dibuat secara multilateral membabitkan pelbagai pihak.

Reaksi serta-merta yang ditunjukkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Barat seperti Presiden Perancis, Nicholas Sarkozy dan Perdana Menteri Britain, David Cameron menunjukkan betapa risaunya mereka kalau-kalau operasi untuk menggulingkan rejim Muammar tidak berjaya. Mereka bagaimanapun cukup bernasib baik. Libya bukan seperti di Iraq atau Afghanistan.

Dalam fikiran kuasa-kuasa Barat termasuk pihak Pertubuhan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara (Nato) yang mengetuai kempen pengeboman di Libya selama lapan bulan lamanya, sekurang-kurangnya kempen anjuran mereka berbaloi dan tidak sia-sia.

Keputusan untuk menamatkan misi ketenteraan di Libya menjelang esok, 31 Oktober 2011 sekurang-kurangnya menyelamatkan Nato daripada mengulangi kesilapan yang pernah dilakukan oleh Amerika Syarikat dalam misi penaklukannya di bumi Iraq.

Kejayaan Nato dalam menggulingkan rejim Muammar secara tidak langsung turut menghantar mesej kuat kepada pihak yang melihat Nato sebagai sebuah entiti yang sudah tidak relevan dalam epoch pasca Perang Dingin untuk berfikir semula. Mesej yang cuba disampaikan di sebalik kejayaan ini ialah "kami masih mempunyai peranan yang boleh dimainkan."

Bagi kuasa-kuasa Barat dan penentang Muammar, kematian diktator itu membuka satu lembaran baru dalam lanskap politik Libya yang selama ini terkongkong dalam doktrin bawaan beliau.

Pada mereka, selepas kematian Muammar, tidak akan berlaku lagi penindasan, tiada lagi kezaliman ke atas rakyat Libya dan Libya akan muncul sebagai sebuah negara demokrasi contoh kepada negara-negara Arab lain.

Pada pemikiran ! kuasa-ku asa Barat juga, mereka percaya rakyat Libya akan mengenangkan saat-saat inilah sebagai detik pale bersejarah dalam hayat mereka sekali gus terhutang budi dengan Barat yang membantu mereka.

Dan seperti yang dijangka, NTC beberapa hari lalu telah meminta Nato untuk terus berada di Libya sekurang-kurangnya sehingga akhir tahun ini kerana merasakan keadaan keselamatan di negara itu masih belum stabil sekalipun Muammar telah mati.

Walaupun tindakan dan visi itu dilihat terlalu idealistik, rakyat Libya tidak menghiraukan sangat aspek itu. Bagi rakyat Libya, inilah julung-julung kalinya negara tercinta mereka bebas daripada bayangan Muammar dan mereka mahu merasai detik-detik yang bersejarah ini, selagi terdaya.

Begitu tebalnya perasaan kebencian rakyat Libya terhadap Muammar hinggakan ada antara mereka yang sanggup berbaris panjang untuk berjam-jam lamanya untuk melihat jenazah Muammar yang dipamerkan di sebuah bilik mayat di Misrata. Malah, ada yang mengambil kesempatan itu untuk bergambar dengan Muammar dalam keadaan terbujur kaku.

Apapun, adalah satu tindakan tidak bijak untuk membuat rumusan bahawa dengan kematian Muammar, maka berakhirlah segala permasalahan yang melanda Libya. Hakikatnya, perjuangan untuk membina sebuah Libya yang lebih telus, terbuka, makmur lagi membangun baharu sahaja bermula.

Buat masa ini, rakyat Libya tidak boleh dipersalahkan jika mereka masih dalam keadaan terkejut dan optimis dengan masa depan negara berkenaan. Apa tidaknya, "mood" revolusi masih membara dan belum berakhir. Para pejuang NTC masih belum mahu meletakkan senjata mereka sehingga kesemua saki-baki pejuang Muammar dihapuskan.

Tidak salah untuk bersikap optimis dalam hal ini tetapi harus diingat apa yang berlaku di Iraq dan Afghanistan wajar dijadikan teladan agar perkara sama tidak berulang di Libya. Sepanjang dekad pertama abad ke-21, bumi Iraq dan Afghanistan ditakluk oleh AS.

Kehadiran AS pada mulanya disambut dengan penuh optimis malah mereka dijulang sebagai hero k! erana be rjaya membebaskan negara mereka daripada rejim kuku besi. Tetapi lama-kelamaan perasaan optimis itu kemudiannya bertukar kepada perasaan benci dan meluat.

Keengganan AS untuk mengundurkan askar-askarnya daripada bumi Iraq dan Afghanistan selepas kejatuhan rejim Saddam Hussein dan Taliban mengukuhkan keyakinan bahawa kedatangan mereka dipenuhi dengan muslihat tersembunyi.

Apakah dalam kes di Libya, situasi serupa akan berulang? Tidak mustahil ia boleh terjadi jika kuasa-kuasa Barat memandang remeh terhadap sentimen penduduk di sini. Kehidupan berpuak-puak yang begitu menebal dalam kalangan rakyat Libya, masing-masing dengan budaya serta identitinya tersendiri, akan menyukarkan lagi usaha itu.

Dalam menilai perkembangan mutakhir yang berlaku di Libya ketika ini, terdapat banyak persoalan yang masih belum terjawab. Sebagai contohnya, tekad NTC untuk tidak membalas dendam ke atas musuh-musuh politik mereka selepas kejatuhan Muammar berupa omong-omong kosong sahaja.

Pembunuhan ke atas Muammar oleh seorang pejuang NTC (walaupun NTC menafikannya) membayangkan betapa sukarnya untuk mengawal kemarahan rakyat Libya terhadap Muammar. Lebih sukar lagi ialah bagaimana untuk menterjemahkan janji itu kepada tindakan konkrit.

Selain itu, beberapa anggota NTC seperti Mustafa Mohammed Abdul Jalil dan Ali Issawi pernah berkhidmat dalam Kabinet Muammar satu ketika dahulu, sekali gus mengundang tanda-tanya mengenai kesetiaan mereka.

Mustafa umpamanya berkhidmat sebagai Menteri Kehakiman sementara Ali pula Menteri Ekonomi, Perdagangan dan Pelaburan. Sejauhmanakah kesetiaan mereka kepada perjuangan NTC boleh dipercayai? Jika mereka boleh berpaling tadah dengan rejim Muammar, apakah ada jaminan ia tidak akan berlaku dalam Kabinet baru nanti? Apakah sebab-musabab di sebalik pengkhianatan mereka kepada rejim Muammar? Adakah sekadar tidak berpuas hati dengan kezaliman Muammar semata-mata?

Dalam dunia politik, prinsip kesetiaan tidak pernah wujud. Jika wujud sekalipun, hanyalah merek! a yang b erpolitik mengikut lunas-lunas sebenar. Pun begitu, dalam mempertahankan prinsip tersebut, mereka terpaksa membayarnya dengan harga yang tinggi.

Satu lagi direction yang kurang menyenangkan dalam konteks ini ialah saban kali sebuah kerajaan baru ditubuhkan selepas kejatuhan rejim lama, kedengaran rejim baru yang berjanji untuk melaksanakan pelbagai pembaharuan tanpa menyedari kemampuan untuk mengotakannya. Semua sedia maklum bahawa janji-janji sedemikian merupakan satu kenyataan politik yang ada kalanya tidak realistik dan tidak mungkin dicapai.

Antaranya, rejim baru berjanji untuk mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan yang secukupnya, membasmi gejala rasuah dan memperkasakan sistem demokrasi. Namun sering kali janji-janji itu berakhir dengan kehampaan. Dan inilah yang dibimbangi oleh rakyat Libya.

Apakah momentum dan perasaan optimis ini akan berterusan? Sudah pasti, semua rakyat Libya mengharapkan sedemikian. Tetapi kepimpinan baharu Libya perlulah peka untuk memastikan bahawa ia mampu menguruskan jangkaan rakyatnya dengan bijak.

Kelahiran Libya yang baru haruslah bermula daripada rakyatnya sendiri dan bukannya kuasa-kuasa Barat yang berkepentingan.

* Pandangan di atas adalah pendapat kendiri penulis.

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Muhyiddin: "Mahathir Bodoh" ?

DPM: Teaching Maths as well as Science in twin languages not feasible

Mahathir's PPSMI is BODOH ?

By Florence A Samy, The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: The incident will be kucar-kacir (chaotic) if relatives have been given the choice to confirm if they wish their young kids taught in Bahasa Malaysia or English in the guidance of Science as well as Mathematics in schools, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.

It will be hard for the Education Ministry to plan. How have been you starting to do it if one school wants it in English as well as another in Bahasa Malaysia?

Also, how have been you starting to yield the teachers? Some of our English teachers have been not so efficient.

What if the little schools wish the theme to be taught in English though you do not have great English teachers? In the end, the parents' hopes will not be realised, pronounced Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister.

It is not that you do not understand the parents' wishes. I am also the parent though you need to demeanour during the most appropriate proceed as well as this is what you have implemented this year, he pronounced after opening the 8th Malay Language as well as Literary Congress here yesterday.
Literary recognition: Muhyiddin adjusting the songkok upon Tan Sri Emeritus Dr Ismail Hussein, who was presented with the Outstanding Figure of Malay Literary 2011 endowment during the 8th Malay Language as well as Literary Congress during Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka in Kuala Lumpur Saturday.

Muhyiddin pronounced the Government had studied all aspects prior to creation the decision to abolish the Learning of Science as well as Mathematics in English (PPSMI) programme, that was implemented in phases from 2003.

He! had voi ced in 2009 that the PPSMI would be abolished as well as the new process Upholding Bahasa Malaysia as well as Strengthening English (MBM-MBI) would be implemented.

He reiterated that English would not be sidelined, adding that efforts were underneath way to urge the guidance as well as precision of the denunciation in schools.

These included changing the curriculum to make it more attractive as well as effective; augmenting English class durations from 240 minutes to 300 minutes; as well as bringing in teachers from the United States subsequent year underneath the Fulbright programme to make firm the precision of English among teachers as well as precision more teachers in teachers' precision institutes.

The MBM-MBI process started this year as well as all Year One pupils, with the exception of those in vernacular schools, have to use Bahasa Malaysia for Science as well as Mathematics.

We will not sideline English, generally when it is the communicative language. I hold the stairs you have taken this year will bear ripened offspring in the entrance years.

On the matter by Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong that the resource for the changeover to the precision in Bahasa Malaysia would be voiced soon, Muhyiddin pronounced the soft landing proceed would be used to insist to relatives that the passing from one to another from PPSMI was not drastic.

Muhyiddin pronounced Science as well as Mathematics would go upon to be taught in both English as well as Bahasa Malaysia up to 2015, as the final batch of students in the PPSMI programme would have afterwards finished their delegate education.

While the little groups wanted to retain PPSMI as an option, others supported the abolition, including the organisation of 48 non-governmental organisations that submitted the memorandum to him upon Thursday.

Court esy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Bigger not always better, Husni tells SMEs

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 30 Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah has suggested local tiny as well as medium enterprises to stop fixating upon growing bigger as well as instead focus upon getting better. A SME is additionally successful if it can specialise in a sold high-value, niche product. Buyers come to we from all over a world because we are a best, Bernama Online ... Read More

Did Francis Yeoh let slip that all Mahathir took was 30%?

Did Francis Yeoh let trip which all Mahathir took was 30%?

Recently, we was repelled to watch a Bloomberg talk with Francis Yeoh where it was suggested by Haslinda Amin which Francis Yeoh has benefitted so most from "his friend in powerful places" which currently "more than 70% of YTL increase come from a energy plants".

Francis additionally done a gaffe when he sa! id which it was ok operative with a former Prime Minister since all Mahathir did was to take 30%. It was some-more than a Freudian trip as Francis specifically pronounced "HE taxes 30%" as well as not which it was taxed by a government.

Unbelievable ! amounts of money

It is additionally disgusting to see how most income this associate of Mahathir has siphoned off to Singapore until today. According to Haslinda Amin, Francis right away owns some-more than a third (ie 33.3%) of a energy era capacity in Singapore. So most of a tough warranted income of Tenaga Nasional has been used to compensate this associate until Tenaga is in a red despite raising tariffs as well as flitting all a charges to all of us, a innocent helpless users of electricity.

So most subsidy is being given to a IPPs by way of a special gas prices, as well as to top it all, Mahathir has forced TNB to buy back a physical phenomenon during bound prices with a corrupted margin of profit to Francis (so Mahathir uses a Christian to siphon a red blood of his own people).

As for Francis, how can such a lie profess to be a Christian when a single of a Ten Commandments obviously states "Thou Shal! l Not St eal" (in this case, especially from a poor Malays). Perhaps Francis has a eleventh commandment which says it is alright if we take for The Mamak.

While a old folks as well as a needy have been all pang in Malaysia, this 'wonderful' male Francis pronounced which he has taught his young kids a importance of a denunciation of God. Sometimes, a usually denunciation these people know is a denunciation of songlap money.

Fart faces as well as arrogance?

When a benefaction supervision loses a next election, we should string them up by their short as well as curlies to uncover a universe what a garland of mean, heartless, red blood suckers a little of them have been. We would adore to see them we do The Jailhouse Rock with their billions unresolved from their b*lls.

Now which we have seen a cinema of Yeoh's young kids upon Bloomberg, we will know in which citation we will separate at, a next time we bump in to them in their Lot 10, Marriot, Ritz Carlton, Vistana as well as all these ill gotten properties from a IPP fraud planned by Mahathir, a false Muslim, carried out by associate Francis whose self-proclaimed commandment seems to be "I shall take as well as make make make use of of of God's name in vain."

Vote these people out in a next entrance choosing or we will have to go on to go by their fart face as well as nonsensical arrogance. We have been profitable by a noses for aloft as well as aloft physical phenomenon bills for their extravagant life-styles.

Dr M's buddies

I was during Mahathir's open residence in Seri Kembangan upon Sunday, just to see what type of chairman he is as well as we know what? He is two faced; sanctimonious to smile, ! sanctimo nious to listen, sanctimonious to caring for a destiny of Malaysia when in actuality all he is we do is trying to save his image, which we all know currently is zero though a farce.

Mahathir's true friends have been Daim who denies he raped a republic of billions, Tajudin who refuses to confess he plundered MAS as well as a republic of some-more billions, Syed Mokhtar who was practically given carry out of a nation's rice bowl to siphon off some-more easy billions.

And this garland of idiots have been still in a country.

Let's make a Opposition win a choosing as well as chuck all these shit bags in jail where they rightly belong.

'For Goreng'

I was told by a CEO of MRxx which Daim has in actuality whispered to Mahathir which UMNO needs to make make make use of of of a MyKad to register as voters all a Indonesians as well as alternative newcomer Muslims so which they can try to lie in a entrance election. In return, Mahathir has to! ld Franc is to make make make use of of of a "YES" network. 4G equates to "For Goreng" so which they can spy upon all a youngs' emails correspondence.

For a start, we say "no" to Francis' 4G so which they cannot spy upon what we have been emailing or talking by a inclination as well as apps. Just ask ourselves a elementary question: Can we believe which Francis a f**k face is a good male as well as really wants to assistance Malaysia, or is he a running dog of Mahathir to give him all a tough warranted money, as well as all a in isolation information?" After all, Francis did give a talk in Singapore in a Singapore flyer with Haslinda Amin, as well as not in Malaysia, both smiling across a Singapore skyline as well as observant how clever they have been as well as how reticent a Malaysians are.

Having lived abroad myself, we have never encountered such a arrangement of self-glorif! ication when he should know darnn well a biggest reason he is abounding is since he sucks up to Mahathir as well as they both lie a Rakyat. As lying, stealing, fakes any counts, they should be a initial to be thrown in to Hell when their day of rekoning comes.

It is all Hussein Onn's fault

All Malaysians should ask since a heck am we profitable so most for my physical phenomenon bills so which these Nimcompoops can go around as tall fliers? Why a heck was a talk hold in Singapore? Francis can't even be proud to be Malaysian. We have been so reticent to be cheated day as well as night by these idiots!


A reassessment is indispensable of Mahathir Mohammad who is zero some-more than a worse tellurian being ever brought to this world earth. The late Hussein Onn done a full of blood mistake of choosing this fellow as well as sidelined Razaleigh, that's since when in Onn's after years he chose to stick on Pakatan Semangat 46.

Najib nearly joined 46 too though as a hen-pecked lalang, what do we expect? Muhyiddin, a extremist by clarification is zero some-more than Syed Mokhtar's puppet, as well as by prolongation Mahathir's puppet. Zahid has no brains. Hishammuddin, with zero in between his ears, should refrain! from us ing his father's name or grandfather's name in vain since because should UMNO benefit these fakes like Francis Yeoh, when there have been so many alternative improved as well as true men in Malaysia! So there we have it, there is no a single value a whilst in this God forsaken, drink drinking government.

So, a brand brand brand new Ten Commandments for a improved Malaysia : -

1. "Bersih bills" - criticism with a brand brand brand new turn of Bersih your electric bills unless we have no problems giving your tough warranted income to Mahathir.

2. Boycott approbation 4 Goren! g 4G ke ep your info private.

3. Cancel your approbation 4G if we did not know their true intentions.

4. Boycott all their shopping malls or hotels do this from today.

5. Tell your most appropriate friends about this limb Mahathir Mohamad.

6. Read about San Mirzan as well as his drink land grabbing plot tell 50 friends any about this as well as widespread a gospel.

7. Remember which a mamak family drinks drink as well as not teh tarik when we go to their open house.

8. Tell their young kids off when we see them either mamak's kids, Francis' kids, or Daim's kids, as well as go on to expose these red blood suckers. Do not let their young kids have half a possibility to pretend to be means to live like quasi aristocrats when they have been young kids of crooks.

9. Put them in jail, not Anwar.

10. Register right away to vote for a brand brand brand new supervision as well as a real destiny for a country.

- Malaysia Chronicle received this post from a reader. We have not been means to verify a contribution as well as tell a essay in good conviction for readers to sign for themselves a value as well as veracity of a contents. Happy reading!

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

PPSMI: Don't give up just because it's difficult - Malaysia Kini

PPSMI: Don't give up only since it's difficult
Malaysia Kini
And patently so with a approach Umno played its slight governing body to hinder Malays' bearing in a name of Malay supremacy. For genuine progress, leverage means zero if they have singular competencies. Onyourtoes: It is difficult to plan? ...

and more

Kepada Prof Aziz Bari, saya doakan saudara selalu Aspan Alias

30 OKT Prof Aziz Bari telah menerima surat dengan berisi peluru pada pukul 11.45 pagi semalam dan ini merupakan satu lagi usaha untuk menekan masyarakat yang berfikir. Nampaknya sekarang hanya satu sahaja cara untuk kita hidup aman di negara ini; iaitu dengan mendiamkan diri sahaja dan tidak memberikan tentangan tentang pandangan kuning ... Read More

Kiss of Death Bahagian 1

30 OKT Wan memandang jam dinding. Ada sekitar setengah jam sebelum mengharapkan kedatangan Syed seperti dijanjikan. Dia meletakkan kole berisi kopi di atas meja bacaan dan duduk di kerusi menghadap komputer riba. Sebaik tetikus digerakkan, skrin memaparkan laman sesawang yang sedang dilayari sebentar tadi. Wan melihat senarai pengunjung laman ... Read More

Commonwealth leaders refuse to publish key reports findings

By Mark Kennedy, Postmedia News Vancouver Sun PERTH, Australia Commonwealth leaders have abandoned warnings that their ebbing association will die but obligatory reforms as well as have failed to reach poignant agreement on how to safeguard a part of nations reside by human rights beliefs as well as a order of law. The growth came Saturday, as a leaders [...] ... Read More

Working overtime for a common ground in Perth

CHOGM CHOC-A-BLOC. Foreign Ministers of the Commonwealth are assembly past midnight now in the frantic bid to save the Perth CHOGM from the major breakdown. The CHOGM leaders end their three-day assembly this afternoon but have failed to reach consensus on an array of consequential issues.

The Commonwealth, similar to it or not, has turn more divisive than ever. And it's not only about huuman rights. Some


Aku sebenarnya nak termuntah setiap kali nak cerita pasal Aziz Bari ni, bukan apa puak pakatan anak haram ni dok jadikan si bebal ni idola mereka! Dia ni dari zaman dulu lagi suka keluarkan statement bangang tahap harami punya! Lantak dialah, aku malas nak cerita pasal dia ni banyak sangat, geli beb!

Cuma aku yang tak tahan ni bilamana si Aziz Bari kata dia terima peluru, klik sini.

Wah! Drama

Pakatan will reward bright Malays, Anwar pledges

By Emily Ding
October 29, 2011

LONDON, October 29 "Bright immature Malays" as well as not well-heeled scions of a politically-connected will be rewarded if Pakatan Rakyat takes over Putrajaya, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim promised Malaysian students here yesterday.

The opposition personality blamed a country's present mercantile slip upon unilateral affirmative movement polices a statute Barisan Nasional (BN) supervision permitted even as he attempted to sway Malaysia's next generation of leaders to cast their vote for a opposition pact.

"Bright immature Malays" should be since a required support, a PKR confidant told jittery scholars mulling their futures in a University College of Londo! n, right pound in a UK capital city with ringside seats to a world economy's collapse personification prior to them.

"But not a abounding Malays, not a billions of shares allocated to cronies as well as family members of a statute clique, not a billions of contracts awarded," he added.

Putrajaya's "endemic corruption" cost Malaysia a robust economy, Anwar (p icture) said.

The former deputy budding apportion pronounced he was accused of being "a Malaysian personality prepared to reject his competition as well as appease a Chinese" when he due to dismantle a New Economic Policy (NEP) in 2007.

"I am totally assured which since satisfactory elections in GE13, Pakatan Rakyat will form a government," he said.

He highlighted which Malaysia, once a plain manage to buy in Middle East during a 1970s to early 1980s, is right away lagging during a back of Singapore, Taiwan as well as South Korea.

"Now, we have been better than Burma," Anwar said, accusing Putrajaya of practicing cronyism as well as nepotism.

The mercantile confidant to Malaysia's richest state, Selangor, pointed to a Auditor! -General 's Report 2010 expelled final Monday which found many ministries as well as supervision agencies had unfit their budgets.

Singling out a federal review upon a Ministry of Agriculture as well as Agro-based Products' cattle-rearing project, Anwar asked: "Who got it? The initial vital allocation not a poor farmers or padi planters. It's a son of a comparison minister".

"How much? RM250 million," he said, adding! which th e volume was partial of what he called a "Agriculture Rural Transformation Fund".

The National Feedlot Centre (NFC) set up in 2008 in Gemas, Negri Sembilan plan to create Malaysia's "Beef Valley" has been related to Women, Family as well as Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's family.

Anwar additionally recounted a government's controversial purchase of two French submarines a couple of years ago. He remarkable which pronounced a person who arranged a deal was since half a billion ringgit as "commission".

"If a sergeant takes RM50, which is 'corruption'. So it's different terminology. 'Commission' is halal. Corruption is haram," he said, as well as added: "You subsidise a abounding though we do not call which 'subsidy', you! call th during 'incentive'."

But Malaysia's biggest mercantile block, Anwar suggested, was due to a statute elite's "hypocrisy".

"You can have a single family owning RM2.9 billion value of San Miguel alcoholic beverages company of a Philippines [sic]. A good Muslim leader, we have been very liberal," he pronounced sarcastically.

The acknowledgement appeared a thinly-veiled reference to Datuk Mirzan Mahathir, a eldest son of his former trainer turned nemesis, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia's fourth as well as longest-serving budding minister.

"But if we find a single Malay girl in Pahang consuming a single glass of beer, not usually was she convicted though she was almost caned," Anwar said.

Former model as well as mom of two Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno triggered glob! al confl ict after heing arrested Pahang's eremite military for imbibing a alcoholic splash while upon holidaying during a popular beach review in 2007.

She was spared a shaft after a Sultan of Pahang intervened final year as well as condemned her to perform a two-week village service in a children's home as an alternative.

Anwar was most inhuman when he pounded a N! ajib adm inistration for conducting what he called a "semblance of support to a remodel agenda".

But he might have crossed a boundary when he mischievously addressed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib's mother as "Datuk Seri Rosmah", instead of "Datin", suggesting a latter wears a pants in a house.

Anwar additionally pounded Najib's efforts to present a new picture as "the elaborate open relations network" hired by Putrajaya to execute a sixth budding apportion as well as his mother "as good reformers liberal, assuage Muslims".

In a bid to rebrand his picture as well as burnish his personal as well as government's global credentials, Najib was exposed to have outlayed millions of open funds to hire several high-profile unfamiliar firms, together with APCO Worldwide, London-based FBC Media, a TV writer proposed by distinguished US journalist Alan Friedman as well as a PR group credited with polishing ex-British PM Tony Blair's open image.

Putrajaya has since ended a contracts with APCO as well as FBC. The latter company is currently being investigated by a UK's communications industry regulator, a Office of Communications as well as broadc! asters B BC as well as CNBC for selling paid-for content sheltered as news.

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Qantas grounds all flights, CHOGM leaders stranded

Australia's Qantas Airways grounded its entire swift currently over a bitter work brawl in an unprecedented pierce which stirred a supervision to warn it feared for a airline's future as well as would seek movement to finish a dispute.

Qantas pronounced it would close out all employees from Monday night in a brawl inspiring 70,000 passengers as well as 600 flights upon a single of a country's biggest transport weekends. The grounding
does not affect Qantas' bill airline Jetstar.

The proclamation took passengers as well as a supervision by surprise, embarrassing Prime Minister Julia Gillard who was hosting a Commonwealth leaders summit in Perth. Some of those
leaders have been booked to fly home tomorrow with Qantas.

qantas workers set upon 3 banners 1Unions, from pilots to caterers, have taken set upon movement given September over pay as well as opposing Qantas plans to cut its soaring costs, as it looks during environment up dual new airlines in Asia as well as cutting behind financially draining long-haul flights.

"They have been trashing our strategy as well as our brand. They have been upon purpose destabilising a company. Customers have been right away fleeing from us," Qa! ntas chi ef senior manager Alan Joyce said.

"(The unions) have been sticking by unfit claims which have been not just to do with pay, though also to do with unions trying to dictate how we run our business," pronounced Joyce, who estimated a ultimate pierce would price a airline A$ 20 million a day.

The set upon is a worst brawl a airline has faced given 2008, when industrial movement by engineers price it A$ 130 million (US$ 133 million), according to local media.

"I am very endangered about Qantas' future," pronounced Transport Mi! nister A nthony Albanese, adding a supervision had asked for a special work tribunal conference to finish a industrial action.

"This will be aimed during both actions by unions as well as by Qantas management," he said.

The tribunal will hold an urgent meeting tonight as well as if it orders an finish to a industrial movement Qantas is expected to be drifting again tomorrow.

"It (the grounding) is to some extent written to get a supervision involved," Australian aviation analyst Tom Ballantyne pronounced upon ABC Television. "The airline will be irretrievably damaged if it goes upon for more than a month."

Passengers stranded

Qantas' decision to hindrance flights comes during a single of Australia's busiest transport weekends, with tens thousands travelling to a hugely popular Melbourne Cup horse competition upon Tuesday, dubbed "the competition which stops a nation".

Many passengers were stuck upon aircraft watchful to take off currently when a education proclamation was made.

"Alan Joyce is land a blade to a nation's throat," pronounced Captain Richard Woodward, vice-president of a Australian as well as International Pilots Association.

qant!  as worke rs set upon 2"It is straight-up blackmail. I knew he was trying to kill Qantas, though I didn't know he longed for to do it this quickly," he said, adding a Qantas board should pouch Joyce.

An lengthened education would benefit domestic rival Virgin Australia as well as others such as Singapore Airlines, British Airways as well as Chinese carriers upon general routes.

Virgin Australia pronounced it would accommodate Qantas passengers where possible as well as was seeking during adding more services in response to Qantas education its swift over a work dispute.

Singapore Airlines pronounced it had not increased flights though was monitor! ing a Qa ntas situation.

Qantas pronounced pass high value domestic bookings upon easterly coast routes have been down by a quarter. November general bookings have fallen nearly 10 percent.

"To finalise this during a expense of profitable customers upon a single of a biggest drifting days in Australia is quite frankly...bizarre, uncalled-for as well as astray to a constant customers which Australia has," a businessman, who only gave his name as Barry, told Sky TV during Melbourne airport after he was stranded.

The airline pronounced a monetary stroke to date has reached A$ 68 million as well as a movement is costing Qantas we estimate A$ 15 million per week in lost revenue.

It plans to cut 1,000 jobs as well as order US$ 9 billion of new Airbus aircraft as partial of a have over to deliver a loss making general business.!

Aircraft currently in a air would complete a sectors they have been operating. However, there will be no serve Qantas domestic or general departures anywhere in a world, it said.

- Reuters

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Pakatan will reward bright Malays, Anwar pledges

LONDON, October 29 "Bright young Malays" as well as not well-heeled scions of the politically-connected will be rewarded if Pakatan Rakyat takes over Putrajaya, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim promised Malaysian students here yesterday.

The antithesis personality blamed the country's benefaction mercantile slip upon unilateral certain movement polices the statute Barisan Nasional (BN) supervision permitted even as he attempted to lean Malaysia's subsequent generation of leaders to cast their vote for the antithesis pact.

"Bright young Malays" should be given the required support, the PKR confidant told jumpy scholars mulling their futures in the University College of London, right smack in the UK collateral city with ringside seats to the universe economy's collapse personification before them.

"But not the abounding Malays, not the billions of shares allocated to cronies as well as family members of the statute clique, not the billions of contracts awarded," he added.

Putrajaya's "endemic corruption" cost Malaysia the robust economy, Anwar (picture) said.

The former deputy prime apportion pronounced he was accused of being "a Malaysian personality rebuilt to condemn his race as well as appease the Chinese" when he due to dismantle the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 2007.

"I am totally convinced which given satisfactory elections in GE13, Pakatan Rakyat will form the government," he said.

He highlighted which Malaysia, once the plain manage to buy in Asia during the 1970s to early 1980s, is now lagging behind Singapore, Taiwan as well as South Korea.

"Now, we have been better than Burma," Anwar said, accusing Putrajaya of practicing cronyism as well as nepotism.

The mercantile confidant to Malaysia's richest state, Selangor, pointed to the Auditor-General's Report 2010 expelled final Monday which found many mi! nistries as well as supervision agencies had bungled their budgets.

Singling out the federal review upon the Ministry of Agriculture as well as Agro-based Products' cattle-rearing project, Anwar asked: "Who got it? The first vital allocation not the poor farmers or padi planters. It's the son of the senior minister".

"How much? RM250 million," he said, adding which the volume was partial of what he called the "Agriculture Rural Transformation Fund".

The National Feedlot Centre (NFC) set up in 2008 in Gemas, Negri Sembilan plan to emanate Malaysia's "Beef Valley" has been related to Women, Family as well as Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's family.

Anwar additionally recounted the government's argumentative squeeze of dual French submarines the couple of years ago. He noted which pronounced the chairman who arranged the understanding was given half the billion ringgit as "commission".

"If the sergeant takes RM50, which is 'corruption'. So it's different terminology. 'Commission' is halal. Corruption is haram," he said, as well as added: "You subsidise the abounding though we do not call which 'subsidy', we call which 'incentive'."

But Malaysia's greatest mercantile block, Anwar suggested, was due to the statute elite's "hypocrisy".

"You can have the single family owning RM2.9 billion worth of San Miguel alcoholic beverages association of the Philippines [sic]. A good Muslim leader, we have been really liberal," he pronounced sarcastically.

The remark appeared the thinly-veiled reference to Datuk Mirzan Mahathir, the eldest son of his former boss turned nemesis, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia's fourth as well as longest-serving prime minister.

"But if we find the single Malay girl in Pahang immoderate the single potion of beer, not only was she convicted though she was almost caned," Anwar said.

Former indication as well as mom of dual Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno triggered tellurian uproar after heing arrested P! ahang's religious military for imbibing the alcoholic drink whilst upon holidaying during the popular beach review in 2007.

She was spared the cane after the Sultan of Pahang intervened final year as well as sentenced her to perform the two-week community service in the children's home as an alternative.

Anwar was many inhuman when he pounded the Najib administration for conducting what he called the "semblance of await to the reform agenda".

But he may have crossed the boundary when he mischievously addressed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib's mother as "Datuk Seri Rosmah", instead of "Datin", suggesting the latter wears the pants in the house.

Anwar additionally pounded Najib's efforts to benefaction the new picture as "the blow up open relations network" hired by Putrajaya to execute the sixth prime apportion as well as his mother "as good reformers liberal, assuage Muslims".

In the bid to rebrand his picture as well as refinement his personal as well as government's tellurian credentials, Najib was unprotected to have outlayed millions of open funds to hire multiform high-profile unfamiliar firms, together with APCO Worldwide, London-based FBC Media, the TV producer proposed by prominent US journalist Alan Friedman as well as the PR team credited with polishing ex-British PM Tony Blair's open image.

Putrajaya has since finished the contracts with APCO as well as FBC. The latter association is currently being investigated by the UK's communications industry regulator, the Office of Communications as well as broadcasters BBC as well as CNBC for offered paid-for calm sheltered as news.

The Malaysian Insider :: Malaysia

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

The Najibs pilgrimage and GE

If a allegation is loyal which it is nothing more than a political gimmick, Does Najib think manipulating his hajj will assure him of a people's vote?


News is out which a 13th general choosing is scheduled for December 10. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is approaching to disintegrate Parliament upon November 11.

All this will happen once Najib as well as mother Rosmah Mansor return from thei! r hajj p ilgrimage upon November 6.

Along with this news which was done by Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) chairperson Badrul Hisham Shaharin or better well known as CheguBard, came some unfortunate revelations.

Naively or otherwise, Badrul pronounced his "inside sources" told him which Najib as well as Rosmah's outing to Mecca was related to a picture building-cum-enhancement of a PM as well as his determined wife.

Badrul! went upon to contend which media coverage has been put in place to yield extensive coverage to a hajj event achieved by a premier as well as his wife.

What is astonioshing is a reason at a back of a airing of a couple's event to influence as well as captivate a rakyat, especially a Malays in winning their votes come a 13th GE.

"Don't be astounded if a picture or video clip of Najib as well as Romah entering a Kaabah is aired every night," Badrul was quoted as saying.

Does Najib think manipulating his hajj will assure him of a people's opinion as well as victory in a impending general election? Was which a real vigilant of Najib as well as Rosmah, to have a full of trials as well as tribulations journey to Mecca, to perform a hajj?

Najib's hajj agenda

For those you do a hajj, it is pronounced to be a really "privat! e" affai r, between them as well as God. Donned in a white ihram as well as abandoned of all material comforts, a hajj is achieved with a intention of looking redemption for a sins done.

In a case of Najib as well as Rosmah, misusing a event to further their worldly vested interests, i.e. mending their picture to win a hearts of electorate will put any decent human being to shame.

It was usually dual months ago which a Selangor Islamic Religious Department or Jais gate-crashed in to a thanksgiving cooking organized by a Damansara Utama Methodist Church, accusing a church of perplexing to convert Muslim guests at a dinner.

It is illegal to proselytize Muslims in Malaysia.

But extremist organisations like Perkasa were far from positive which proselytisation was never a church's agenda. In retaliation, upon October 22, a Himpunan Sejuta Umat (Himpun) was organised.

Perkasa, a Malay rights group, lauded a success of Himpun claiming it unified Muslims even from opposing political factions.

Himpun claims to have a subsidy of 200 NGOs representing four million Muslims nationwide.

Yet a 100,000 seats in a Shah Alam Stadium were glaringly dull with hardly 5,000 people bend up for a rally. To a Christian leaders, a Himpun fight is "irrelevant" as no conversion attempts were ever made.

Himpun's co-organiser, Mohd Yusri Mohamed, had prior to a convene insisted which a convene was not anti-Christian, amid rumblings of uneasiness which it could spark further racial tensio! ns.

< p style="margin-top: 12px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; outline-style: none; outline-width: initial; outline-color: initial; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; text-align: -webkit-! auto; ba ckground-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">What does Perkasa have to contend about a Najib-Rosmah hajj pilgrimage, which is all about fulfilling their hidden agenda?

Rushing in to a GE a disaster

Badrul, who is also Rembau bend PKR chief, pronounced he was done to understand which Najib upon purpose chose a date November eleven after reception paranormal as well as astrological recommendation which pronounced a series 1 is a lucky number for Najib as well as Rosmah.

Are Muslims not forbade from believing in such matters? It is pronounced which not usually is a practice of astrology haram or forbidden, so is upon vacation an astrologist as well as listening to his predictions, buying books upon astrology or celebration of a mass one's horoscope have been also forbidden!

Since astrology is mainly used for presaging a future, those who practice it have been considered fortune-tellers. And a one who seeks his horoscope comes under a ruling contained in a Prophet's statement:

"The Salaah (daily prayer) of whoever approaches a fortune-teller as well as asks him about anything will not be accepted for forty days as well as nights."

Such a idea is considered shirik or polytheism because Allah has clearly stated: "With Him have been a keys to a secret as well as nothing knows it solely Him."

To-date, it is confirmed which Najib will go by a November eleven date despite being cautioned by some buliding not to reason a general choosing most progressing as well as in a astounded manner.

Badrul went upon to contend which a 13th GE is also being rushed to plunge into a middle crisis troubling Umno, a country's widespread celebration representing Malay rights. The 13th GE is Najib's approach of creation sure his detractors inside of Umno do not succeed in dethroning him.

But Badrul is disturbed which a call for a GE most sooner will usually spell difficulty for Najib, keeping in thoughts a chain of events post-July, when choosing watchd! og Bersi h 2.0 hold a "Walk for Democracy". One of them was a environment up of a parliamentary select cabinet upon elect! verbal ref orm in Aug this year.

Bersih 2.0 has cautioned a Najib administration department which any pierce towards electoral reform would be deemed insincere as well as treacherous if a eight evident final by Bersih 2.0 have been abandoned prior to a 13th general election.

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

FB, kuda dan Shahrizat Ahmad Lutfi Othman

29 OKT Hujung minggu lalu, saya menghadiri dua program khusus mengenai media, di hadapan aktivis PAS yang kelihatan ghairah menanti tarikh pilihan raya umum ke-13. Pada twenty-two Oktober, Persidangan ICT dan Media Baru 20011, di Kolej Universiti Islam Zulkifli Muhammad, Taman Melewar, dan esoknya kursus kewartawanan, di Ipoh, Perak.

Membedah fenomena dunia siber dan kompleksiti media baru dengan segala perubahan yang begitu pantas tentunya bukan tugas mudah, apatah lagi dilakukan di hadapan mereka yang mahir ICT. Sebenarnya saya tertinggal jauh di belakang berbanding penguasaan dan kepakaran peserta persidangan terhadap teknologi media baru.

Di zaman internet "mendefinisikan" pergolakan politik antarabangsa, sehingga Facebook, chatter dan youtube dilihat mampu menjatuhkan sesebuah kerajaan dan menggulingkan regim, seperti ditunjukkan di Timur Tengah, saya cuba membawa perspektif agak berbeda, sambil mempersoalkan beberapa "tanggapan dan kepercayan" terhadap mukjizat kuasa siber.

Dalam konteks siasah tempatan, "padang permainan" kini hampir sama rata; tiada lagi monopoli maklumat sepertimana situasi twenty tahun lalu. Meskipun media konvensional, seperti akhbar, radio dan televisyen, masih dikongkong elit penguasa dengan pelbagai peraturan ketat, namun majoriti rakyat mempunyai pilihan dan akses terhadap media baru, yang menawarkan berita dan laporan lebih seimbang.

Faktor-faktor lain yang juga membantu kesedaran berpolitik, antaranya adalah kualiti pendidikan, meluasnya kelas menengah, pertumbuhan urbanisasi, peningkatan tahap ekonomi, celik IT, dan pengaruh globalisasi.

Namun, sewaktu masih ramai yang teruja, misalnya dengan pengaruh kejayaan revolusi rakyat 18 hari di Dataran Tahrir, Kaherah, yang difaktorkan oleh pencetusnya, Khalid Said dan Wael Ghonim, melalui sumbangan besar media sosial, kita wajar menekuni semasaknya gelagat dan kerencaman politik lokal. Malaysia harus ada formula tersendiri dan tidak terikut-ikut dengan realiti dunia luar, tanpa me! mperkeci lkan suntikan semangat dan motivasi di atas kejayaan mereka.

Khalid Said adalah anak muda Mesir, twenty-eight tahun, dibunuh kejam Amin Daulah (unit khas polis paling ditakuti di Mesir) apabila mendedahkan komplot jahat polis bersama pengedar dadah, yang dimuat-turun dalam youtube. (Perhatikan pengaruh luar biasa video bergerak melalui youtube). Kepalanya dikatakan dihentak ke dinding dan tangga sehingga mati; mayatnya dicampak ke tepi jalan tetapi polis mendakwa beliau mati disebabkan terlebih mengambil dadah.

Wael Ghonim, eksekutif muda Google, membuka akaun Facebook, 'Kulluna Khalid Said' atau 'We are All Khalid Said', memaparkan gambar ngeri Khalid, yang kemudiannya menaikkan rasa amarah amat sangat rakyat terhadap Presiden Hosni Mubarak. Di peringkat awal siapa joke tidak menjangkakan jaringan laman sosial mampu mencetuskan revolusi rakyat secara aman yang bersejarah itu.

Tarikh twenty-five Januari diingati sebagai "Hari Melahirkan Marah". Wael ditangkap. Penahanannya tidak meredakan malah mencetuskan kebangkitan lebih hebat. Ramai nyawa terkorban. Rasa takut yang menyelubungi rakyat Mesir selama lebih 3 dekad hilang. Melalui youtube kita saksikan mereka berani mengasak kereta perisai tentera.

Laluan internet disekat, tetapi anehnya ia makin mendorong lebih ramai membanjiri Tahrir. Ya, daripada bersembang dalam FB dan merayau di alam maya, tekad mereka lebih serius untuk berkubu di lapangan, berdada langsung menuntut perubahan. Akhirnya Hosni tinggal keseorangan, "perkakas tradisinya" seperti tentera dan media "berpaling tadah. Beliau terpaksa berundur juga. Realiti Mesir waktu itu diasak enam isu besar: Kadar kemiskinan tinggi, merebaknya rasuah, pengangguran tidak terkawal, inflasi melonjak, gaji rendah, Hosni mungkin bertanding presiden lagi atau memberi jalan kepada anaknya, manakala suara rakyat langsung tidak dilayan.

Secara kasar, isu sama turut melanda negara kita, tetapi perinciannya agak berbeda. Malaysia nampak ke hadapan daripada segi kebebasan bersuara! , agihan kekayaan dan partisipasi politik. Sistem demokrasi dan perjalanan pilihan raya kita lebih maju dan tersusun. Penyelewengannya agak "sofistikated" dan tidak begitu menjolok mata seperti Mesir.

Dalam kedua-dua majlis, di Taman Melewar dan Ipoh, saya menekankan agar aktivis arif memahami kerencaman persekitaran dan budaya-sensitiviti lingkungan. Selain menguasai perkembangan ICT dan aplikasi media baru sepenuhnya, aspek modal insan mesti diperkukuhkan ke peringkat kecemerlangan. Meskipun internet seolah-olah dianggap semacam "agama baru" di abad ke-21 ini, tidak semudah itu pengaruhnya melempah, seperti yang kita hajatkan.

Saya tertarik dengan soalan seorang peserta, yang membangkitkan keberkesanan media baru dalam kempen pilihan raya negeri Sarawak. Bagi saya, internet hanya satu alat atau middle berkesan untuk kita berhubung langsung dengan pengundi. Banyak lagi aspek lain wajar ditekuni.

Dalam konteks Sarawak, apakah rakyatnya dapat akses dengan media baru secara berkesan dan menyeluruh? Saya perhatikan, banyak pendedahan berfakta mengenai salahlaku dan penyelewengan Ketua Menteri, Taib Mahmud, bertaraf mega disiarkan beberapa laman, tetapi para pengunjungnya tidaklah begitu ramai. Malah, dengan hambatan keluasan negeri, kemudahan perhubungan, tahap celik IT, dan politik ugut BN terutama di kawasan luar bandar, Sarawak memerlukan lebih banyak masa untuk melakukan perubahan.

Dalam pada itu, asas penulisan dan kewartawanan perlu dihadam sebaiknya oleh aktivis dunia siber. Begitu juga selok-belok penggunaan bahasa yang baik dan indah, dengan etika terjaga. Memang internet telah menghapuskan segala hirarki dalam penerbitan media tradisi. Tulisan tidak perlu diedit dan disemak lagi. Dengan sekali klik atau tweet, kita dapat berkongsi sehingga jutaan orang. (Tapi ia tidak seindah disangka, hal jaringan ini perlu dianalisis lebih rapi).

Saya mengingatkan, tanpa kredibiliti, media (termasuk internet) akan hilang bisa dan pengaruhnya. Sedangkan, pembinaan dan pemantapan pengaru! h merupa kan perkara asas terpenting dalam proses reformasi. Jika akhbar pro-Umno, seperti Utusan Malaysia dan Berita Harian, semakin tipis pengaruhnya disebabkan hilang wibawa, maka laman-laman sosial turut terdedah kepada gugatan serupa.

Facebook atau blog tidak akan membawa impak positif jika ia hanya sarat dengan gosip dan khabar angin.

Justeru, program melahirkan lebih ramai penulis berwibawa harus digiatkan, termasuk di kalangan blogger dan 'facebooker'. Bahan yang terhidang dalam laman sosial mestilah berkualiti, baik dari segi hujah, idea, pendekatan mahupun susunan bahasa, serta dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dan mampu mempengaruhi khalayak. Biarpun lebih terdedah kepada generasi muda, mutu kandungan usah diremehkan.

Apa pun, tentulah pendekatan dan persembahan dalam laman sosial tidak perlu terikat dengan bentuk penulisan kewartawanan. Pastinya ia lebih padat tetapi santai, ringkas dan bersahaja, mudah difahami, selari dengan jiwa anak muda tetapi harus ada elemen "menggemparkan" sehingga ramai audien mahu berkongsi dan membuat pautan.

Sejumlah 12 juta pemegang akaun Facebook di Malaysia memang merupakan sasaran berpotensi, yang jika digerakkan dengan bijaksana, mampu membentuk gelombang dan menarik turun BN daripada Putrajaya. Tapi harus diingat, generasi yang bermaklumat tidak semudah itu dapat dipengaruhi. Mereka semakin bijak menilai dan menganalisis, serta menuntut pembuktian. Ya, jangan sama sekali perkecilkan minda anak muda ...

Saya kira, Facebook juga bergantung dengan capaian youtube dan ruang itu belum dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya oleh aktivis Pakatan. Tidak banyak klip video mengenai senario sosio-politik-ekonomi, apatah lagi yang benar-benar kreatif, telah dihasilkan. Sedangkan "bahan-bahan mentahnya" mudah didapati di mana-mana. Klik sahaja enjin carian seperti Yahoo atau Google, segalanya di hadapan mata.

Misalnya mengenai pembentangan bajet Najib Razak dan belanjawan alternatif Pakatan. Begitu banyak fakta dan pendedahan menarik dikemukakan Anwar Ibrahim! dan pim pinan Pakatan yang lain, susulan daripada Buku Jingga, yang boleh dipakejkan dalam yotube. Tawaran Pakatan juga dapat diolah dalam bentuk animasi mudah.

Seorang rakan FB saya telah menunjukkan klip-klip video kempen parti-parti politik di Britain, yang dirakam untuk tayangan dalam masa hanya 60 saat. Malah ia mendedahkan fakta menarik, merujuk insiden-insiden tertentu yang berlaku dalam masa satu minit, misalnya jumlah kecurian atau pelepasan gas karbon disoksida di England. Mungkin ia boleh dijadikan rujukan sebagai persiapan kempen pilihan raya umum akan datang.

Jika pilihan raya 1999 menyaksikan ledakan laman-laman web reformasi, dan pilihan raya 2008 disendat dengan kemunculan blog dan youtube, tidak syak lagi perang PRU13 akan riuh-rendah dengan pertarungan "sengit tetapi santai" di laman-laman sosial.

Cadangan agar aktivis lebih didedahkan dengan aspek-aspek teknikal dan meneroka pengkhususan, seperti kaedah menaikkan ranking blog, wajar diberi perhatian segera. Mungkin bengkel-bengkel lebih kecil perlu diusahakan. Lagi pula, keajaiban dunia siber, khususnya berkaitan jaringan laman sosial, masih banyak misterinya. Kita belum benar-benar mengoptimumkan aplikasinya. Apa pun, sewaktu kita begitu obses dengan media baru, usah lupa middle tradisi, yang sepatutnya menjadi pelengkap di antara satu sama lain. Internet bukannya alternatif tetapi lebih dilihat sebagai satu lagi middle untuk memperkukuhkan prasarana sedia ada.

Janganlah diremehkan pengedaran risalah, pembikinan VCD, penerbitan buletin dan usaha menyebarluaskan Harakah itu sendiri.


Saya belum sempat meneliti Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010. Meneruskan tradisi daripada tahun-tahun sebelum ini, pendedahan tentang pelbagai kelemahan, kepincangan dan penyelewengan bukan lagi satu kejutan.

Tiga tahun lalu, kita digemparkan (sekadar contoh kecil) dengan harga set screwdriver RM224.94 sedangkan harga pasaran hanya RM40, harga kamera digital kodak melonjak kepada RM8,254.29 (harga ! pasaran RM2,990), set pasu plastik RM42.80 (harga pasaran RM5.20), settee 6 seater RM9,075 (harga pasaran RM1,500) dan 2 tonne jack RM5,741.69 (harga pasaran RM50).

Selain itu, pihak Audit juga tidak dapat mengesahkan fourteen bayaran kemajuan berjumlah RM943.46 juta (hampir RM1 bilion) kepada kontraktor yang terlibat dalam pembinaan 6 kapal peronda Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia, bagi tempoh Disember 1999 hingga Januari 2002 disebabkan baucer bayaran dan dokumen sokongan yang berkenaan telah hilang daripada simpanan Kementerian Pertahanan!

Tahun ini, ia berulang lagi. RM56,350 dibelanjakan bagi sepasang teropong visi malam, iaitu twenty-nine kali lebih tinggi daripada harga pasaran bernilai RM1,940. Komputer riba dan pencetak warna berharga RM3,428 dibeli pada harga RM11,845 (lebihan 246 peratus). Harga 23 kuda yang dibeli Majlis Sukan Negara berjumlah RM5.66 juta dan dibuat melalui rundingan terus tanpa kelulusan Kementerian Kewangan. Lebih teruk, hanya lima kuda didapati layak dan dapat bertanding pada pertandingan World Endurance Championship.

Kita juga masih belum mendapat jawapan Shahrizat Jalil, seorang menteri kanan dan ketua wanita Umno, di atas kegagalan Pusat Feedlot Kebangsaan yang dimiliki dan dikendalikan National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd, kepunyaan suami dan anak-anak Shahrizat.

Sasaran projek bernilai RM250 juta di atas tanah anugerah seluas 5,000 ekar itu bagi memenuhi 40 peratus permintaan dan pengeluaran daging lembu untuk pasaran tempatan. Jumlah lembu yang perlu disembelih untuk mencapai sasaran adalah 1,500 ekor sehari sedangkan jumlah lembu yang kini disembelih hanya twenty ekor sehari.

Bukan setakat Shahrizat, malah Muhyiddin Yassin sebagai bekas Menteri Pertanian dan Agro Industri yang terlibat menganugerahkan projek ini kepada rakan menteri beliau perlu memberi respons segera.

Benarlah rumusan Naib Presiden PAS, Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man: "Kerajaan BN tidak akan faham bahasa laporan Audit, yang boleh menyedarkan mereka hanyalah bahasa daripada pet! i undi."

Ya, masakan saban tahun kita belum jelak lagi dengan paparan Laporan Ketua Audit yang hampir sama. Itu belum dikira rasuah atau salahguna kuasa elit pemerintah bersama suku-sakat mereka, yang tidak dapat dihidu SPRM ...

* This is a personal perspective of a bard or publication, as well as does not indispensably paint a views of The Malaysian Insider.

The Malaysian Insider :: Side Views

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

English for all - not for select few Feizrul Nor Nurbi

OCT 29 Dear Parents

There has been an audible cry done by a supporters of PPSMI for a policy to be reinstated as an preference in a inhabitant preparation system. An preference here equates to schools have been able to select whether to continue teaching Mathematics as well as Science in English or revert behind to pre-PPSMI medium of instruction, being Bahasa Melayu in inhabitant schools or Tamil/Mandarin in vernacular schools.

While upon a aspect it seems fair to cruise this direct from a groups, digging a bit deeper exposes a apocalyptic hypothesis if this preference is given.

Firstly, succumbing to this direct will open a proverbial floodgates of everlasting demands from undiscerning relatives acting upon a pretence which their demands have been usually for a great of their children.

Perhaps once a floodgates have been open, you will see demands for subjects taught in dialects instead of a 3 languages implemented now. The relatives in Kelantan competence wish their young kids to sense in Kelantanese, Kedahan wanting to sense in 'loghat utara', as well as those from Penang wanting to sense in Hokkien. Even a stream complement of having 3 different school streams creates a set of complicated problems, though we shall leave which topic for an additional day.

If which is not silly enough afterwards maybe you have been starting to see relatives clamoring for allege subjects being done accessible in schools there will be Advance Math for a 'Math genius' as well as Basic Math for a 'normal' students. Or Advance Physics for those moving to be astrophysicists as well as Basic Physics for a not-so-gifted amongst them.

Most silly of all when relatives have a direct for a 'gifted' sons or daughters be since extra courtesy by equates to of improved teachers as well as improved comforts during a expenses of a weaker learners. But wait - this is already happening. We call this 'class streaming' where a idea of segregating a means from a academically-challenged mo! stly for mula in a most appropriate teacher being allocated to a most appropriate minds, while those unfortunate to lay in 'kelas corot' will be left to rot but extra bid to move them during standard with a means ones.

It is rsther than clear which a idea of a inhabitant preparation complement being a great equalizer is mislaid upon these parents. A inhabitant preparation complement should serve a purpose of academic-democratiser where peculiarity preparation is done accessible to all students in any case of background, where access to peculiarity is done accessible to all during no extra cost as well as a opportunity to excel have been since as a right as well as not usually for a select few.

Sadly, when talking about 'democratisation of education', it has been misconstrued as a right to collect as well as select whatever suit their undiscerning whims as well as wants.

The being is, in Malaysia, preparation has degenerated in to a category war a conflict in between a haves as well as a have-nots.

The haves have been those with a resources to compensate for which great preschool, which Grolier thesaurus set sitting in a home library, which frail pearly white school uniforms, which Kumon classes, which subscription to Astro's Playhouse Disney, which private mentor 5 times a week, which piano category as well as violin lessons, a weekend ballet category as well as maybe a most simple of all - a correct dish for your loved ones.

On a opposite spectrum you have a 'have-nots' those relatives struggling to yield for their family, where an adequate preschool is already labelled over their reach, where there have been no money put in reserve for their child's preparation when a categorical regard is where their subsequent dish starting to come from, where a tyro themselves be concerned about operative as well as earning a living to assist their family instead of focusing upon a lessons in class.

These have been a ones depending unconditionally upon a inhabitant preparation com! plement to lift them out of their apocalyptic hold up struggles. This is a being during hand, which maybe most relatives absolutely heading their air-conditioned lives have been preoccupied of.

Oblivious enough even to direct which it is their right to be since privilege over a have-nots, arguing which their sons as well as daughters should not be held behind usually to house those less fortunate.

To those relatives creation these demands - we have dual words for you 'Private' as well as 'School'.

What have you as a multitude degenerated into? We mostly have fun of southern neighbor for their Kiasu behaviour, though rsther than disconcertingly you have been heading down a same approach as they have been now.

For those creation these demands, please understand which a Rule of Scarcity applies. Providing for a single organisation will meant taking divided from another. Asking for a preference for PPSMI equates to supports as well as bid contingency be allocated to train teachers, for books as well as references, for a syllabus catering for a demands - profitable supports as well as bid which could have been used more productively to increase a peculiarity of a preparation complement across a house where it will good a bigger pool of people.

Perhaps supports which will be a difference in between a hold up 'kais pagi makan pagi' as well as a hold up where a subsequent dish is guaranteed. And to a little people, it can be even be difference in between hold up as well as death.

PPSMI, or even a English-medium schools, will get my opinion if as well as when a whole policy is formed upon a turn personification field. Here is where a early exposure to English is crucial around early-childhood education, preschools, kindergartens, as well as a gainful sourroundings where young kids as early as 4 years old have been exposed as well as encouraged to try English. The usually approach to do this is to have early childhood preparation mandatory for all; by ensuring it is accessible as! well as affordable, with a view which by a age of 7 all students will have enough proficiency in English for them to begin learning alternative subjects - Mathematics as well as Science as well as others - in English.

Can you achieve this? Is it during all doable? Or is it usually a mountain as well high to climb?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. With a 'bigger picture' unfolding which is unequivocally none as well appealing, it is crucial which you channel what singular apparatus you have to tackle a real source of a problem.

Its time you fight for a categorical course instead of bickering over crumbs as well as leftovers.

On a personal note....

It has been an emotionally removal experience writing these articles, for it is an issue close to my heart, an issue which we am ardent about. we certitude a fellows during PAGE have been of a same stock, with a drive as well as stability galvanizing like minded relatives to await their cause. For which they have my respect.

Just it is a lament of mine which a means chosen by PAGE does not directly address a ailment plaguing our country's preparation system. Certainly what a rakyat needs during this stream connection is a vigour organisation which acts as a watchdog over a inhabitant preparation system, steadfastly demanding peculiarity across a house from a supervision for a good of a people. And we hold PAGE fits this purpose perfectly, usually if it decides to be.

It competence be a harder aim to achieve; maybe but a change in supervision it will be impossible. But rest assured, when our preparation complement is during standard with a most appropriate in a world, a nectar of success will be a sweetest of all, as well as on top of all, enjoyed by all Malaysians, in any case of background, race as well as faith.

* Feizrul Nor Nurbi reads The Malaysian Insider.

* This is a personal opinion of a writer or publication, as well as does not necessarily paint a views! of The Malaysian Insider.

The Malaysian Insider :: Side Views

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Aku sokong negeri terengganu beb! Aku harap pasukan terengganu menang dengan cemerlang! All the most appropriate to Terengganu!

Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry smartphone

Muhyiddin: If not BM, therell be chaos

The Education Ministry has refused to concede students a option of Bahasa Malaysia or English in a training of Science as well as Mathematics, angering groups like PAGE.

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian students will not be means to choose between English or Malay as a middle of direction for a learning of Science as well as Mathematics.

According to Education as well as Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, such an option would outcome in disharmony for a inhabitant education system.

"If you give relatives this choice, it will cause disharmony (kucar-kacir) in our education system. It will be formidable for a Education Ministry to plan as to whether a propagandize will teach (the subjects) in English or Bahasa Malaysia," he told reporters today.

Muhyiddin certified which most English teachers in a nation were not up to standard as well as used this as an forgive to revert a middle of direction to Bahasa Malaysia.

"How have been you going to prepare a teachers? As you know today, some of our English teachers have been not which good, so if a propagandize doesn't have great English teachers, a hopes of relatives will not be achieved," he said.

He combined which a make a difference was already deliberate by a method as well as shielded a decision, claiming which it was a most appropriate resolution possible.

"All this has been deliberate by a ministry. It's not which you do not assimilate a wishes of parents. As a parent, I wish these wishes too, though you have to demeanour to a most appropriate solution," he said.

FMT formerly reported which Form Four students would be learning Science as well as Mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia instead of English subsequent year.

This revelation was generally trea! cherous to parents, who claimed which they were not officially sensitive about a matter.

The shift would strike current Form Three students a hardest, considering which most of them complicated a dual subjects in English given entering Standard One in 2003.

Pro-English denunciation groups had criticised a government's preference to throw a PPSMI (Maths as well as Science in English) in foster of a Upholding a Malay Language as well as Strengthening Command of English (MBMMBI) subsequent year.

These enclosed a Parents Action Group for Education (PAGE) as well as Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM).

'Fed up with Muhyiddin'

Today, PAGE chairperson Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim told FMT which Malaysian relatives were "fed up" with Muhyiddin's preference in a denunciation debacle.

She pronounced which attempts by PAGE to verbalise to a apportion over a make a difference strike a section wall.

"We have attempted to encounter him 3 times over a past year. He knows you wish to see him. Ministry officials have attempted to arrange a assembly between us (PAGE) as well as him, though you know he doesn't wish to encounter us.

"It's obvious which he's done a wrong preference over this," she said.

English, Noor Azimah said, was already a widely-used denunciation in most parts of Malaysia. She additionally stressed which PAGE was not asking to abolish Bahasa Malaysia as a middle of instruction.

"We're asking for a option to learn in English. Why have been they giving out a bad understanding here? They're creation it formidable for us to go to inhabitant schools as well as have been forcing us to go to a inter! inhabitant schools for a rich," she said.

Noor Azimah combined which a "national denunciation pushers" did not represent relatives during large, as well as were thus condemning students to an uncertain fate.

The biggest crook in a switch from PPSMI to MBMMBI, she said, were a Malays.

"The Malays would remove out, as well as! they'd be left to debase in a inhabitant schools," she said.

"If they (the government) have been serious about relocating a nation forward, they will see a significance of English. What have been they afraid of?" she asked.

She afterwards warned a supervision which it could remove out electorally, generally with speculation of a ubiquitous election only around a corner.

Unhappy parents, Noor Azimah hinted, were likely to vote for a antithesis as a result.

According to a matter by PAGE, inhabitant exam scores softened with a key of a PPSMI in 2003.

Citing a Millenium Development Goals 2010 report, PAGE pronounced which both rural as well as civic students had softened exam scores in a years using to 2010.

"They (rural students) all showed improvements in English, no rebate in Bahasa Malaysia, as well as improvements in Science as well as Mathematics in a last couple of years," it said.

According to an online petition confirmed by PAGE, more than 100,000 relatives had protested opposite a ministry's decision.

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Be bold and cleanse BN, Najib told

LDP emissary boss Chin Su Phin, who has called upon Chief Minister Musa Aman to quit, urges a PM to mattock hurtful leaders.

SANDAKAN: The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has urged Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to get rid of hurtful leaders in Barisan Nasional.

LDP emissary boss Senator Chin Su Phin, who has been at a forefront of demanding which Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman step down, pronounced Najib contingency have a confidant decision.

"The PM contingency infer which he is a PM who walks a talk. We hope which all leaders who are found to be hurtful as well as concerned in abuse of power will be dropped in a entrance ubiquitous election.

"There is this curse which Sabah will see a shift of supervision every 9 years. From our perspective, Sabahans need not have to shift a present supervision usually a single person needs to be altered to safeguard a improved future for Sabah," he said.

"In our country, roughly everybody has heard about a accusations being levelled opposite a arch ministers of Sabah as well as Sarawak.

"We strongly believe which if those leaders concerned in hurtful practices as well as abuse of power are removed, BN will certainly win a subsequent ubiquitous election," he added when addressing a corner LDP Youth as well as Wanita association here.

'Pakatan a dysfunctional grouping'

Chin additionally reiterated which LDP would not concede itself to become a unable superficial in BN.

The outspoken LDP leader pronounced a celebration would continue to voice out any pertinent issues inspiring a people as well as quarrel for a truth as well as seductiveness of a people.

"We will try to move up issues as well as problems inspirin! g a coun try as well as a people to a top BN care to seek a resolution you remain constant to BN as well as will continue to stay in a coalition," he pronounced though warned which they would not be "yes men".

Meanwhile, Chin discharged a opposition Pakatan Rakyat fondness comprising PKR, PAS as well as DAP as a dysfunctional grouping as well as pronounced its attempt to deliver a two-party complement in Malaysia was impractical.

The LDP leader though due which in Sabah, a BN contingency not usually select winnable possibilities though additionally winnable parties in confronting a subsequent ubiquitous election.

"I dare say which LDP is a winnable celebration as well as you additionally have winnable candidates. We've been in BN with Umno ever given BN was in a opposition in Sabah as well as you fought ! together as well as in conclusion formed a state supervision in 1994.

"We hope a BN care will recognize LDP's contribution," he said, adding which a members felt a celebration was being treated with colour foul pointing out how a state BN care had authorised a assemblymen who were dissatisfied with their parties to cross over to another BN component celebration in sequence to keep their posts in a state government.

While praising Najib's decision to abolish a unpopular Internal Security Act (ISA) he said: "We still needs certain laws to strengthen a country as well as quarrel terrorism, supportive issues related to sacrament as well as security."

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz