Pada Jumaat lepas, saya bersolat Jumaat di masjid Taman Ehsan. Sebaik saja melangkah masuk ke masjid, saya agak terkejut apabila melihatkan Ustaz ,yang terkenal sebagai orang kuat PKR yang didakwa berkhalwat baru-baru ini sedang rancak berkhutbah.

Saya jadi pelik, bagaimana ustaz sanggup berdiri di atas mimbar, sedangkan kes khalwatnya itu masih lagi berjalan dan belum selesai. Bagi saya, ini bukan isu undang-undang, tetapi ini adalah isu kredibiliti dan maruah seorang Muslim.

Saya tertanya-tanya, bagaimana cara ustaz berfikir. Bagaimana agama Islam ini, memandu ustaz untuk berfikir di luar kotak pemikiran dan falsafah politik. Saya terfikir sendirian, apakah ustaz tidak malu kepada umat Islam, ketika ustaz berkhutbah di atas mimbar, maka berkemungkinan yang terbayang di kepala ahli jemaah, adalah kes khalwatnya yang ternyata nampak belum menyebelahinya.

Saya masih terngiang-ngiang pengakuan ustaz dipukul dan teraniaya di dalam kes tersebut. Namun apa yang jelas, ketika muncul di kaca tv, wajahnya tidak berubah. Tidak ada bengkak atau kecederaan yang terzahir di wajah Ustaz. Malah, tidak ada tersiar di dada akhbar atau media alam maya, mendedahkan tubuhnya yang bengkak-bengkak akibat dipukul oleh 20 orang lelaki, seperti yang didakwanya itu.

Timbul persoalan, apakah Ustaz kini sudah pandai menipu? Apakah sejak masuk politik, maka berbohong tidak lagi menjadi dosa? Apakah setelah ustaz menyertai politik, maka segala-galanya boleh menjadi halal sekiranya keadaan darurat politik untuk menyelamatkan karier dan undi memerlukannya?

Sekiranya Ustaz menipu, maka apakah peribadinya, dan hatinya serta jiwanya seorang ustaz, yang sanggup menebalkan muka, malah berkhutbah Jumaat dan bercerita tentang agama, sedangkan dia sendiri sedang begelut dengan kes maksiat? Ini mengingatkan saya bagaimana coach pujaan beliau, Anwar Ibrahim juga pernah melakukan perkara yang sama.

Apakah layak seorang ustaz yang menipu naik di atas mimbar lalu memberi khutbah Jumaat?

Jika d! ulu, ust az cukup lantang membantai, mengutuk malah juga menghina orang-orang yang tidak selari pendapat dengan ustaz, apatah lagi dengan orang-orang yang mempunyai masalah moral, maka ustaz akan mencerca dan membuka aib mereka tanpa ada segan silunya. Bahkan, ustaz sendiri pernah mahu memancung kepala seorang ulama, hanya kerana perbezaan pendapat dalam politik.

Tetapi hari ini, ustaz sendiri terpalit dengan isu-isu maksiat dan ternyata isu ini lebih memalukan. Buykan sahaja terhadap diri ustaz, tetapi kepada keseluruhan umat Islam di negara ini. Bagaimana seorang ustaz boleh ditangkap bersama-sama dengan seorang isteri orang, pada jam dua pagi di bilik road house mewah?

Apakah ustaz mahu menyalahkan UMNO sedangkan ustaz sendiri tahu bahawa kita dilarang untuk berada di dalam keadaan yang boleh menimbulkan fitnah? Tidakkah seorang ustaz tahu akan perkara itu? Sudah pasti ustaz tahu, namun ustaz sendiri yang buat-buat tidak tahu kerana mengikut nafsu sepertimana ustaz selalu mengikut nafsu politik ustaz bila berceramah dan berkata-kata.

Kata ustaz, ini adalah promotion politik untuk menjatuhkan imej ustaz. Apakah ustaz fikir bahawa rakyat ini terlalu bodoh, untuk membezakan kebatilan dan kebenaran di dalam negara ini. Semua orang tahu tentang kes ustaz yang mempunyai isteri dua. Semua orang tahu bahawa kelemahan ustaz untuk menjadi seorang suami yang berpaksikan contoh Rasulullah saw apabila tersebarnya cerita keganasan rumahtangga di dalam kendalian ustaz.

Sebagai salah seorang umat Islam yang kerdil dan hina, saya minta agar ustaz bergeraklah di dalam masyarakat seperti seorang pendakwah biasa. Pendakwah yang hanya mengharapkan ganjaran dari Ilahi semata-mata dan bukannya ganjaran dunia.

Keluarlah dari dunia politik kerana ia terlalu kuat dugaannya terhadap ustaz. Sekali ustaz silap, Islam akan tercemar di mata masyarakat. Fitnah akan menular di kalangan akar umbi umat Islam yang lebih banyak yang buta dari yang celik.

Ustazkembalilah ke pangkal jalan. Ingatlah ikrar in! i bahawa Solatku, Ibadahku, Hidupku dan Matiku hanya kerana Allah semata-mataIngatlah

Faqir Illalah

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All-very-rojak Liyana Fizi

(All pics below pleasantness of Liyana Fizi)

A SINGER-songwriter popular for her honey-like vocals as well as melodic tunes,Liyana Fizihas been in a Malaysian eccentric music stage given 2006. She initial made her entrance as a single of thefounding members of a indie cocktail bandEstrella, that perceived 8 nominations for a inauguralVoizeIndependent Music Awards in 2008.

Liyana has given become a piece for a single person artiste, releasing her entrance piece for a single person albumBetween a Linesin September 2011. The album features 10 songs, together with a little a guitar-playing artiste composed herself. Indeed, Liyana says music is an critical countenance of her reason up as well as musings.

In an interview withThe Nut Graphon 8 February 2012 in Bangsar, a songstress, who is of mixed ancestry, tells us since she feels it is critical to keep upon sharing stories, views as well as opposite opinions.

TNG:Where were we born? What do we remember from your childhood?

I was innate in Hospital Kuala Lumpur upon fourteen Sept 1983. My beginning mental recall was in Brunei. we stayed there for a little while when we was three years old. But alternative than that, my childhood was spent in Shah Alam, as well as we still stay in a same house from when we was little.

Shah Alam was a nice place to grow up in since it is similar to a big neighbourhood. we stayed with my motherly grandparents as well as my mum. And we know how amatory grandparents are. So we was unequivocally loved. It was awesome.

Can we snippet your moth! erly gra ndparents' roots?

Grandma was from Negri Sembilan as well as has Jakun, Jawa as well as Chinese blood, as well as grandpa was from Malacca. But my late grandpa was actually not my biological grandfather. Before him, my grandma was tied together to my biological grandfather, whose name was Peter Polderman, a Dutch [citizen] who was residing as well as working in Malaya during a time. But my grandpa lifted my mother, as well as he lifted me. So we don't consider blood is thicker than water, we unequivocally don't.

As distant as my family is concerned, we have clever "girl power" andadat perpatihtradition from a Negri Sembilan side. On my father's side, he is from Kedah as well as has Siamese, Mamak, Arab lineage. So it's all unequivocally rojak in my family.

Liyana (bottom right), with her mom (centre, back), her motherly parents mom (front, centre) as well as alternative family members in a photo from a Seventies.

What was it similar to flourishing up with this good mix?

Despite this good mix, we was lifted as a Malay girl. we guess a benefit of having a family of mixed birthright would be that we have been not inclined to judge people according to skin or religion.

Are there any noted family stories or memories we reason upon to?

My parents mom regularly had stories. What we realise is that people from a old days regularly have a little sort of heirloom or beliefs. My grandma rocks; she is unequivocally sporting. She is a type of grandparent who wouldn't mind if we wore bareback dresses or off-shoulder blouses. But she regularly pronounced never to unclothed your midriff. It is a sexiest partial of a lady as well as we cannot show it.

She is unequivocally wise, as ! well as her advice that will regularly stay with me would be: "If it is not yours, do not take it." And: "If we have money, do not contend we do not if someone wants to steal some. Rezeki will regularly come behind to you." we consider a single of a many special pesanan we will regularly keep with me is "Take caring of your mum". She regularly pronounced we go to no a single yet God, yourself as well as your mum.

It is a unequivocally matrilineal family. You must have grown up with such a clever sense of your gender, as well as being a woman.

My grandma was schooled only up to Standard Two, as well as was stopped from starting to propagandize in box she learnt how to write surat cinta to boys. Then they tied together her off. Such an astray situation.

Liyana's motherly parents mom during a P Ramlee era.

However, she was unequivocally spirited. we was lifted to know as well as assimilate my gender, not let it stop me from we do a lot of things. They additionally contend Negri Sembilan women have been unequivocally tough to control since they have been garang as well as feisty!

Was competition ever an emanate to you?

It was never an emanate as my family never likes to segregate. We have been already so mixed! During Christmas, we had a tree since we regularly wanted a Yuletide tree, yet there were no trees for Hari Raya. So my silent would find a tree, mist it china as well as put up Raya cards upon it. It was a Raya tree! We would additionally skirt up in saris as well as go visiting for Deepavali. Since we was a child this was all a norm for me.

Do we feel we were a single of a propitious ones?

Definitely, since we know a little of my friends who have never been for a Chinese New Year or Deepavali celebration. They sojourn stranded inside their own bubble. They have this mindset that if they admit o! r apply oneself another religion's celebration, they have been betraying their own. But Islam promotes that we apply oneself alternative people's religion.

Obviously these days, there have been controversies surrounding a issues of competition as well as religion. How have they influenced you?

I started realising these issues in college. My silent refused to send me to a internal university since she did not wish me to be in a bubble. She went to UiTM yet she had a tough time there. Being half-Dutch, she stood out, as well as there were issues she was not "Malay Malay"; her colour; she did not wear a tudung.

So we was sent to serve my studies in a private college in Subang. we was wearied in high propagandize yet in college we had a lot of fun. In certain classes we had a category upon Communications, Power as well as Conflict we would study a Internal Security Act, Bumiputera rights as well as alternative topics. we was a single of a three Malay [Malaysian] students in class, as well as lecturers would pose questions to get a contention going. Some students would contend they could not get certain things even yet they had complicated so hard. we was 19, as well as we was listening.

It was such an awakening since we realised how easy it was for me to get a loan. we remember thinking: "Shouldn't it be a matter of seeking during one's background or grades for scholarships?"

And how did it make we feel?

A two-year-old Liyana as well as her mother, with a "Raya tree" in a background.

It made me feel as if this privilege was put upon my head. Some people contend (the privilege) is a good thing, yet there we was in category as well as others did not have this privilege. So how is this easy for me?

For people who have been in my social network, we try to encourage them to open up their minds a little bit. we am not trying t! o evange lise or anything, yet it is only to contend certain things like: "Do not segregate."

I once pronounced "Happy Deepavali" online, as well as a single child said: "Someone pronounced wishing Happy Deepavali is haram, awak kafir!" That pissed me off, that is unequivocally tough to do. So we gave him a piece of my mind, as well as a thing about posing these questions online is that we will get a lot of comments. Someone else will share links, a little will contend these have been what opposite ustazhave said, as well as others will contend we must apply oneself opposite religions.

What else gets we or creates we unhappy about Malaysia?

Corruption. It's unequivocally blatant. And a using of media to try as well as cover things. People can compare these days; it is not hard. What affects me is meaningful that there have been people who have been not aware a infancy who have been receiving in everything upon TV or in a papers as well as believing it. It affects me since if we have been trying to shape a nation this way, it is not starting to go far. That gets to me.

What do we wish for a future?

I goal a single day we will have free preparation as well as medical services for all citizens in this country. If we could get to that point, afterwards things would progress in each aspect. That would be my dream.

And no tension over religion, since that is supposed to be personal as well as not governed. What gives me goal is that things have been regularly progressing, as well as we have some-more as well as some-more young people who have been willing to verbalise up. They have businesses as well as they have been some-more outspoken. You know these old people who exclude to change? we keep meditative they will be transposed by these young people, these opposite youths of today.

The bookFound in Malaysia Volume 2, that was launched upon Malaysia Day 2011, is now available in bookstores for RM50. It features formerly unpublished interviews with Asha Gill, Lillian Too, Khairy Jamaluddin as well as Baru Bian. Volume 1 ofFound in Malaysia, featuring 54 earlier interviews, is now in the second print run as well as retailing during RM45.

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FMT, media Zaid Ibrahim fitnah polis acu pistol

Seorang blogger yang blognya kami gmar membaca tersalah anggap video FMT yang menunjukkan polis acu pistol ke arah perusuh. Dia tersalah anggap olis bersikap ganas keterlaluan. Video tersebut berikut:Posting Gerakan Timur menjawab kesilapannya. Apa yang berlaku di atas menunjukkan kronologi kejadian, betapa polis sebenarnya menjadi mangsa brutalisme balaci-balaci Ambiga. Pro Bersih 3.0

Saifuddin Nasution Berjaya Memperbodohkan Diri Sendiri Dengan Cemerlangnya

Ketua Umno cawangan Kubang Bunggor, Mohd Nor Halim mengakui terkejut apabila cawangan diketuainya itu dikaitkan sebagai cawangan parti yang turut dianggotai Timbalan Pengerusi SPR, Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar.Saya kenal semua ahli Umno cawangan saya dan setahu saya, tak pernah pun Datuk Wan Ahmad, Timbalan Pengerusi SPR daftar jadi ahli di cawangan ini, katanya.Jadi apabila Datuk Saifuddin Nasution (Setiausaha Agung PKR) sebut nama Datuk Wan Ahmad sebagai ahli Umno cawangan ini, saya tahu dia su ... Read More

MAS to remain listed while seeking recovery alone

KUALA LUMPUR, May 7 Putrajaya will not cruise privatising Malaysia Airlines (MAS) notwithstanding unwinding a share barter with AirAsia as Khazanah Nasional Berhad feels a listing status will give a loss-making flag conduit a discipline demanded for a financial turnaround, sources say.
MAS mislaid RM2.52 billion final year, together with some RM1 billion in provisions, as well as is seeking for RM6 billion this year to financial a brand new fleet which includes a Airbus A380 as well as a ultimate generation Boeing B777 as well as B737 aircraft. The flag conduit has pronounced it will issue a RM3 billion Islamic down payment this year.
"The government won't cruise privatising MAS notwithstanding infancy control being with Khazanah because they believe being listed will give a airline financial discipline," a source toldThe Malaysian Insider.
Children watch MAS aircraft during a Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang. The airline is seeking for RM6 billion this year to financial a brand new fleet. Reuters pic
Khazanah, a state asset manager, binds 69.34 per cent of MAS stock with another 9.1 per cent hold by a Employees Provident Fund (EPF), a country's largest grant fund. MAS sealed during RM1.24! a share final Friday, two days after a nine-month-old share barter was aborted.
The unwinding of a share barter saw Khazanah send a 10 per cent or 277,650,600 ordinary shares in AirAsia behind to Tune Air Sdn Bhd, whilst Tune Air eliminated a 20.5 per cent or 685,142,000 ordinary shares in MAS behind to Khazanah. It was a cashless contract as well as formed on a same barter comparative measure of 2.05 formed on a prices when a share barter was announced in August 2011, where MAS was valued during RM1.60 per share as well as AirAsia's share during RM3.95.
There has been conjecture which MAS could ! be taken private due to a huge volume required for a re-fleeting exercise as well as a daily burn rate of RM5 million, cited in an internal memo sighted byThe Malaysian Insider.
In a audited accounts submitted to Bursa Malaysia recently, MAS pronounced it had secured a RM1 billion short-term allege from a local financial institution, considered like a bridging loan compartment it gets a financing for a aircraft sorted.
"There will be a call for a capital-raising exercise though a MAS management as well as Khazanah have been confident it can be done without privatising a airline," another source said.
However, a source added which MAS will have to re-look a price make up notwithstanding being between a lowest in a segment with a price per accessible chair kilometre (CASK) during twenty-six sen whilst a revenue per accessible chair kilometre (RASK) is about twenty sen, a lowest in a region. Competitors such as Cathay Pacific as well as Singapore Airlines operate in a aloft price environment though have improved yields as they ope! rate fro m aviation hubs, unlike KLIA which is not an general aviation hub.
Cathay Pacific has a RASK of 32.2 sen whilst SIA is 31.8 sen due to their higher-yielding first- as well as business-class seats.
MAS is expected to generate improved yields when a initial fuel-efficient Airbus A380 enters service in July, after a business-class seats have been reconfigured from 40 to 66.
MAS authority Tan Sri Md Nor Yusof toldThe Starover a week end which a flag conduit will not contest in a low-cost marketplace though believed it can tap a regional marketplace by being a premium conduit as this is a catchment area. "Our middle class is flourishing si! gnifican tly. So there is traffic,'' he was quoted as saying.
Md Nor additionally pronounced a "cost make up is not bloated though you need to pull up the sales, which is very urgent. We have to reduce the CASK as well as lift a RASK. We have to fill up a! seats. Now the average load factor is 70 per cent as well as you wish to pull it to 80 per cent, you have been removing a numbers, though you still have to pull harder."
But Md Nor did say which Firefly would continue with a turboprop operations.
"We only have to re-configure what you wish to do with a turboprops as well as fill a aircraft. Beyond that, Firefly can be re-branded. That is a consideration, as well as to explore if it can additionally fly over a 1.5 hours (range). All which will come under the regional network strategy," he said.
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ACCORDING to Dr John Ortiz there was a plan to 'liberate' Sabah during a Marcos' Administration as well as that a infancy of a people of Sabah have been Phillipinos! Datuk Anifah pronounced a Philippines have not dropped their claim upon Sabah. So why a hell have been you giving ICs to a Filipinoes who ARE STLL RESIDING in a Phillippines as well as those who only came to Sabah not long ago without going through immigration? This is TREASON. What if there is a referendum given there have been more illegal immigrants with NRIC than Sabahans?Watch The Videoclip.(ANSARI ABDULLAH)

- Sabahkini
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Leave my mother alone, Azmin tells Umno

KUALA LUMPUR, May 7 PKRs Azmin Ali currently demanded which his detractors leave his mom as well as family out of politics, accusing Umno of invading his privacy. Umno-owned TV3 had on Saturday dusk featured Azmins mom Che Tom Yahaya in an exclusive talk where she pleaded for the PKR deputy boss to return to the family. I am pleading ... Read More

Stop it, Dr M: And to think we used to like you! How could we have been so blinkered?

Stop it, Dr M: And to consider we used to like you! How could we have been so blinkered?
Reading Tun Mahathir Mohamad's statements as good as viewpoints in his blog as good as in a controlled media creates we unequivocally wonder what has got in to this man's soul. What exactly is this man's nightmare?
His latest avalanche of attacks aimed during discrediting leaders within a antithesis retard creates a single feel so sick, wanting to scream "why can we not do something inestimable for peace loving adults who have been dynamic to put a republic back upon a rails of democracy as good as justice which can bring real swell for all Malaysians as good as not usually to good a little cronies as good as proxies?"
Tun, even your own daughter Marina Mahathir smells like a white lily as she expresses her ideology pure like you. She is so balanced in her opinions as good as so full of compassion for a rakyat.
What has unequivocally got in to you? Do we consider Malaysians have been cursed fools who need to be controlled, churned as good as blinkered all their live! s?
Do we consider we have been a usually right-thinking, able homo sapiens for Malaysia eternally? If no, good during slightest which is how we come opposite for millions of Malaysians lately.
If a rakyat have been a aroused lot, what about you?
In a initial place, if your anointed personality Najib had authorised a people to gather peacefully during Dataran Merdeka as good as leave by a appointed as good as concluded timeline, as good as if they people had backtracked upon a agreement, we can contend Malaysian! s have b een violent.
But despite all a hurdles as good as intimidations thrown in a path of citizens, they still came with flowers, slogans as good as chants peacefully sitting upon a hard tarmac for hours under a upon fire sun.
With so many armed as good as muscled military upon avocation what is so formidable to overpower a little 30 or fifty empty-handed as good as so-claimed charging individuals? So because did a military go all over a streets as good as alleys as good as lambast their powers upon innocent tens of thousands wanting to leave as good as go divided from a scene?
And we brave contend which Malaysians have been a aroused lot? What assault did a media guys as good as gals commit which fitting brutal attacks upon them as good as deleterious of their tools? But we have been completely wordless about this, why?
The people of Malaysia who have been becoming artificial with we as good as your thoughts as good as difference is increasing by a hundreds of thousands daily in a warongs, corporate corridors as good as we brave contend even within your mangled! as good as male ipulated "Pakatan Rakyat" which we recreated. What have we got to contend about this?
Malaysians would select Nik Aziz over we any day
And thoughts we during each election date we have never stopped aggressive a devout personality Tok Guru. In a nave past we believed your treacherous thoughts as pristine wisdom. We were so exposed to your Machiavellian ideologies as good as spooky priorities. But appreciate God for a new media, we declare today over disbelief a stately heart of this common personality of PAS.
What have been we anticipating for? That by your aggressive this noble as good as common personality Tok Guru, we Malaysians will fall again in your trap as good as bail out this unsoiled as good as moving icon of Islam as good as a male who lives a life which ! addition ally does not ill-treat a faith, goal as good as gift of all other faiths?
Indeed if we put we an! d a To k Guru out during Dataran Merdeka, almost all Malaysians will gather before a schooled as good as common PAS leader, leaving we with a handful of beneficiaries. Are we diversion to sink to this low-level test of all times then?
Respect is earned, not given. Please Tun Dr Mahathir, in your vintage years with genocide knocking so tighten upon your doorway, because do not we contend as good as consider of hope, love, compassion, faith, gift as good as integrity for all Malaysians?
If we cannot do all these for all Malaysians during slightest do it for your son whom we mental condition will a single day be a next 'Mahathir of Malaysia'.
The people will no longer tolerate your selective memory
As a former leader, a statesman, do not we comprehend which we have failed all Malaysians with you! r causti c as good as disintegrating remarks about anyone who does not support your "Pakatan Rakyat"-of-the-Mahathri version? Do we not comprehend which we have been ripping off this republic to shreds with race-based as good as eremite divisiveness?
And for a annals Tun what have we said so distant about a C4 of a Mongolian pregnant girl? What have we spoken about a arms purchase? What about a cow-gate, a anak-gate, a timber-gate, as good as a so many gate-strories which is flooding a pathways of progress?
What have we got to contend about a Auditor General's Annual Report Card upon a country's health as good as mismanagement?
But when it comes to knocking a daylights of goal as good as adore of all endangered Malaysians for a free, satisfactory as good as purify electoral roll; blasting divided a really aspirations of Malaysians to declare a some-more convincing la! w - we c ome out tops. Why? What has got in to you?
Either sick or vile
There is usually a single conclusion: Either we have been really sick up in a head or in truth we have been a really vile man. Well which is what people have been pity about we in a teh-tarik sessions as good as bottle-and-rum runs.
And possibly way, it leads us to another subject whose answer is sure to surface after your demise. And a subject is: What is it we have been fearing many - a genocide of your "Pakatan Rakyat"-of-the-Mahathir version or which a law will finally locate up with all a sins of a past? Or both?
Now let us additionally s! ee how m any of a categorical tide media will have a honest courage to put this Letter up as much as they have been rebuilt to repeat your word for word in their pages as good as airtime.
Malaysia Chronicle
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Siapa mulakan keganasan? Polis atau perusuh?

Tengok di masa 1430. Polis hany amenjalankan kuasa yang telah jelas dibenarkan dalam undang-undang dan selari dengan Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia.Dipetik dari GAP

Bersih 3.0 draws a mere 0.1% of Indian participation

FMT LETTER: From Anusriya Sukumaran, via e-mailA cursory view of YouTube videos, photographs via e-mail, facebook, etc. as well as a feedback we have been getting are a really skinny to a estimated balance of a small 0.1% Indian appearance at a Bersih 3.0 rally. Reporters upon a belligerent also communicated a same thing to us.A letter to Malaysiakini upon May 1 from a writer job himself a (pseudo) Hindraf believer had this to say: One final point needs to be made about Bersih 3.0. While a crow ... Read More


Klik imej untuk lebih jelas
Korang tengok la wayang Wan Azizah betina sundal ni! Drama dia memang dasyat la, kononnya dia nak tunjuk baik menasihatkan Azmin pi jumpa mak dia padahal betina sundal yang menghalalkan segala kegiatan haram Anwar ni dengan sengaja mahu mengesahkan bahawa Azmin anak derhaka! Can we see the game?

Wan Azizah adalah wanita pale keparat dalam sejarah negara kita ni. Betina gampang ni la puncanya ramai tertipu dulu padahal Jijah tau siapa Anwar sebenarnya. Cemburu dia pada Azmin semua tahu, malah orang PKR sendiri joke tahu yang dia bersama-sama Khalid memang nak bunuh karier Azmin.

Sekarang sudah nampak jelas, Wan Azizah joke adalah salah seorang dalang disebalik video aiskrim Azmin ni. Elok le tu, korang gaduh sesama sendiri dan buka pekung masing-masing. Pastu tuduh ini semua KERJA UMNO! Apa korang fikir rakyat Malaysia ni bodoh? Tak berakal?

Lagi satu aku nak cerita kat hangpa pasal video AISKRIM ni. Ingat tak, tak berapa lama dulu, si Azmin dedahkan skandal seks Ummi Hafilda dengan satu dayak yang Ummi sendiri joke tak kenal? Ish, takkan la korang mudah lupa kot?

Ini yang aku pelik ni, setiap pembongkaran pakatan haram pasal isu seks ke, rasuah ke, penyokong pakatan dan parti pale pokemak yang kuat jual agama tu tak pulak marah ya? Tapi bila terkeluar video Azmin, Anwar tengah sedap mengenjut korang kata UMNO takde modal dan guna isu peribadi?

Eh! Eh! Macam tu pulak ya? Ada pulak siap bagi nasihat jangan buka aib orang. Wah! Bila kena tang batang hidung sendiri, jangan buka aib, kalau ab korang aib kena tutup! Apa punya haramjadah punya teori la korang pakai ni?

Wei, Azmin siap pasang saksi palsu la nak kenakan adik dia. Padahal takde bukti dan fakta pun. Ini Azmin ada vide! o wei. S ama macam Anwar joke ada video tapi pengikut dia tetap kata itu fitnah. Jangan la taksub macam ni, kelak musnah negara kita kerana korang nak berketuakan manusia durjana seperti mereka ni!

Ada akal fikir, ada otak guna, jangan jadi BABI BODOH yang sentiasa diperguna manusia durjana ok!

Criminal cause likely in UK's 'spy in bag' death

LONDON: A British view whose unprotected corpse was found sealed in the bag in his London home - the bizarre box that has intrigued his nation - was probably killed unlawfully by an additional chairman though the full law may never be known, the coroner pronounced on Wednesday.

Maths expert Gareth Williams, 31, was found curled in the foetal position inside the zipped as well as padlocked red hold-all in his bathtub in Aug 2010.

An unnamed view who spoke from during the back of the screen, as well as the yoga expert who attempted as well as unsuccessful 100 times to lock himself in to an matching bag to see if it was possible, were between witnesses who testified during the seven-day inquisition in to his death.

"I am sure that the third celebration placed the bag in to the bath as well as on the balance of probabilities sealed the bag ... The means of his genocide was unnatural as well as expected to have been criminally mediated," pronounced coroner Fiona Wilcox, delivering her verdict.

She pronounced pronounced there was no justification that any fellow view had been involved, though it remained the legitimate line of inquiry.

The box has unprotected failings during MI6, Britain's external comprehension agency, that unsuccessful to report Williams missing for days after he did not show up during work even though the custom required the alert to be lifted within dual to four hours.

"Our grief is exacerbated by the disaster of his employers during MI6 to take even the most basic inquiries as to his whereabouts as well as welfare that any in accord with employer would have taken," Williams' family pronounced in the statement after the verdict.

MI6 has apologised for the failings as well as for causing trouble to the Williams family, while military pronounced after the c! oroner's outcome that they would go on their investigations.

"The inquisition has lifted several brand new lines of inquiry as well as the review will now refocus as well as actively aspire to all the ev! idence h eard," pronounced Jackie Sebire, who led the investigation.


The surprising details of the box fuelled intense media conjecture about what competence have happened, ranging from attempted murder by unfamiliar spies to the passionate experiment gone wrong.

Police found make-up, the long-haired wig as well as unworn women's clothes as well as shoes value around 20,000 pounds ($ 32,400) in Williams' flat. They additionally found images of transvestites, the picture of Williams wearing only boots as well as justification of visits to passionate subjugation websites on his computer.

But Wilcox rejected the thought that the genocide was related to surprising passionate practices, observant that there was no justification that Williams, the penetrating hill-runner as well as cyclist, was interested in claustrophilia, as well as that no semen was found in the red hold-all.

"I thus wonder what was the ground for such information to have been released out to the media? we wonder if this was an attempt by some third celebration to manipulate perception of the evidence," she said.

Under British law, the coroner's justice does not apportion censure or impose the sentence, though rsther than seeks to understand the resources of the death. But Wilcox pronounced that countless questions remained unanswered in this case.

"Most of the elemental questions in propinquity to how Gareth died sojourn unanswered. There has been endless conjecture though small genuine evidence. It is unlikely this genocide will ever be satisfactorily explained."


Williams lived in the intelligent district of Pimlico, just across the Thames from MI6 headquarters, the difficult fortress on the south bank of the Th! ames tha t has featured in James Bond films.

Investigations in to his genocide were difficult by the fact that his body was really bad decomposed after remaining in the bag in the Aug feverishness for the full week until he was found. This hampered the work of debate investigators.

The experts have been unable to! determi ne whether Williams died from suffocation or poisoning, as well as no debate justification has been found that could definitively indicate to an additional individual.

One of the policemen concerned in the review told the inquisition he had not asked to examine some of Williams' effects found during MI6 headquarters, including memory sticks as well as the bag roughly matching to the one in that Williams was found dead.

Wilcox strongly criticised military for leaving these items with MI6 instead of seizing them as evidence.

"This simply would not have happened had the exhibits been produced by any other celebration as well as should not have occurred in this case, given it questions the trustworthiness of the evidence."

Wilcox pronounced this was particularly cryptic given the possibility Williams could have died during the hands of an MI6 colleague.

She criticised dilettante anti-terrorist branch military officers, who were in charge of gathering justification from MI6 because of the security implications of questioning the genocide of the spy, for not taking any formal statements from MI6 staff.

"Lack of stop is the underline of several of the (MI6) witnesses as well as this may be because they were not asked to have sealed statements, as well as they are being asked to stop justification dual years later," Wilcox said.

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PAS admits difficulty getting support from rural Malays - The Sun Daily

PAS admits difficulty removing await from farming Malays
The Sun Daily
He said this would have it difficult for a celebration to take upon Umno in a Malay heartland. One reason for this was PAS' thorough proceed whereby its programmes were too "party-centred", he said when opening Perak PAS's 16th gathering here today.

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BERSIH 3.0 Broke Many Glasses (Including A few Glass Ceilings)

BERSIH 3.0 Broke Many Glasses(Including A Few Glass Ceilings)M. Bakri Musawww.bakrimusa.comFirst of Two Parts: Seeing The Bright Side(Next Week: Part Two: Lessons To Be Learned)In a issue of a largest open demonstrations against a Barisan government, a officials mania now turns to a exercise of apportioning blame as well as a compared inflicting of vengeance. Both are tender tellurian reactions, but hardly enlightening, sophisticated, or even fruitful. Besides, there is ple ... Read More

Polis Memukul Peserta BERSIH Di Luar Kawasan Larangan Mahkamah

Para pembaca sekalian. Lihatlah sendiri. Kesemua aksi dan kejadian tembakan gas serta pemukulan peserta BERSIH sebenarnya berlaku di luar kawasan yang telah dilarang oleh perintah mahkamah.Segala cerita kononnya Azmin menyuruh peserta merempu dsbnya rupa2 nya tidak releven.Segala kejadian yang kita lihat di video2 tu rupanya berlaku jauh dari kawasan yang dilarang mahkamah.Rakyat Malaysia sekali lagi telah ditipu hidup2 oleh UMNO dan Barisan Nasional.Gambar Ehsan MalaysiakiniTUL ... Read More


Georgetown Ketika umat Islam bersiap-siap untuk menunaikan solat Jumaat, seorang remaja lelaki 16 tahun bersama pasangannya yang berusia seventeen tahun, asyik memadu asmara di bilik tidur rumah gadis berkenaan di Kepala Batas dekat sini, Jumaat lalu.Remaja perempuan itu mengambil kesempatan ketiadaan bapanya yang keluar bekerja untuk membawa teman lelakinya masuk ke dalam rumah.Difahamkan, gadis berkenaan kerap membawa teman lelakinya itu ke rumah, namun kejadian Jumaat lalu, mereka dicekup sepasuka ... Read More

Protest in Malaysia

May 6, 2012

The Economist: Protest in Malaysia

Protest in Malaysia

It's which time of year

May 1st 2012, 13:01 by R.C. | SINGAPOREThe Economist

THE BERSIH rallies have fast established themselves as something of the protocol in Malaysia's political calendar. The script goes something like this: thousands of protesters declare which they have been starting to march by Kuala Lumpur to direct electoral reform; the twitchy supervision as well as protest leaders spend days variable over the suitable venue; the protest goes ahead in rebuttal of Police demands; assault ensues, hundreds have been arrested; supervision issues the small apologies; everyone goes home. The usually significant various is the political impact. Last year it was hugethis year it will substantially be very little.

Bersih means "clean" in Malay, as well as the BERSIHh transformation is made up of the bloc of NGOs as well as civil-rights organisations which want the electoral complement cleaned up so as to allow all parties the fair chance of winning elections. At the moment most explain which the electoral complement is heavily rigged in favour of the ruling coalition, Barisan Nasional (BN), which has been in energy ceaselessly ever since the country's independence from Britain began in 1957. The BERSIH rallies have thus turn inextricably linked to the cause of the Opposition, led by Anwar Ibrahim.

The BERSIH 3.0 convene upon Apr 28th positively attracted some-more people than final year's version, perhaps as most as 80,000 (although the Police put the figure during about half of that)! . As the re will almost positively be the general choosing in the coming months, perhaps the tall turn of interest wasn't which surprising. But by some-more aged final year's rally, notwithstanding the relatively smaller series of protesters, completed the superb political impact.

At the time the supervision of Najib Razak badly mishandled the total situation. Thousands of demonstration military were captured by video cameras as well as smart-phones laying in to the with bare hands protesters in order to sunder them; H2O gunnery unit were dismissed in to the sanatorium as well as some-more than 1,600 people were arrested. The make use of of state assault was the huge annoyance to the government, confirming in most peoples' minds the sense which the Prime Minister was in truth the odious ogre of Malay patriotism as well as not the reforming liberal which he had claimed.

Stung by widespread criticism in the international press, Mr Najib's supervision was forced to apologize for most of its behaviour. Subsequently it repealed the slew of outdated as well as odious laws to win back its reforming credentials. A parliamentary cabinet was additionally set up to look in to proposals for electoral reform. In all, the transparent feat to BERSIH.

This year it was some-more of the score-draw. Certainly, towards the finish of the convene there was another tear of violence, as well as the Police were once again seen deploying H2O gunnery unit as well as tear gas opposite the demonstrators. They arrested some-more than 400 of them. Once again there were reports of Police brutality, as well as once again the Prime Minister had the small quick explaining to do. This time Mr Najib felt obliged to apologize personally to a internal reporter who had been beaten up by the Police (he was a single of several). Once again, these nauseous scenes do small to bolster Mr Najib's claims to be the different kind of reform-minded leader.

However, this year there were problems upon the BERSIH side too. Some protesters attacked as well as overturned the Police automobile as well as it seems which about 20 Police Officers were wounded. This, of course, played in to the government's hands, allowing Mr Najib to explain which "The Police were victims. They became targets as well as were beaten."

The personality of BERSIH, Ambiga Sreenevasan, conceded which the small people will think which "the rally had left wrong" since of the uncontrolled behaviour of the few protesters. The assault might even tarnish the broader transformation for democratic reform, the bit. And Mr Anwar had the small explaining of his own to do. He was caught upon video nearby a single of the Police barricades articulate to a single of his colleagues; critics lay which he was inciting supporters to push in reserve the barriers. Mr Anwar himself says this is nonsense.

Either way, it is transparent which BERSIH won't be able to browbeat the dignified tall groundat slightest not upon the measure of a single weekend's theatricsas they did final year. The debate for electoral remodel goes on, though Mr Najib emerges from this year's fracas with his reformist certification essentially intact, not most worse for the wear.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Protest in Malaysia

May 6, 2012

The Economist: Protest in Malaysia

Protest in Malaysia

It's which time of year

May 1st 2012, 13:01 by R.C. | SINGAPOREThe Economist

THE BERSIH rallies have quickly determined themselves as something of a protocol in Malaysia's domestic calendar. The script goes something similar to this: thousands of protesters declare which they have been going to impetus through Kuala Lumpur to demand electoral reform; a twitchy supervision as well as criticism leaders outlay days haggling over a suitable venue; a criticism goes forward in rebuttal of military demands; assault ensues, hundreds have been arrested; supervision issues a little apologies; everyone goes home. The usually significant variant is a domestic impact. Last year it was hugethis year it will probably be really little.

Bersih means "clean" in Malay, as well as a BERSIHh transformation is made up of a bloc of NGOs as well as civil-rights organisations which wish a electoral complement cleaned up so as to allow all parties a satisfactory chance of winning elections. At a impulse most explain which a electoral complement is heavily rigged in favour of a ruling coalition, Barisan Nasional (BN), which has been in energy continually ever since a country's autonomy from Britain began in 1957. The BERSIH rallies have thus turn inextricably related to a cause of a Opposition, led by Anwar Ibrahim.

The BERSIH 3.0 convene upon April 28th certainly captivated some-more people than last year's version, maybe as most as 80,000 (although a military put a figure during about half of that). As there will! almost certainly be a ubiquitous choosing in a coming months, maybe a tall turn of interest wasn't which surprising. But by more aged last year's rally, despite a comparatively not as big series of protesters, achieved a terrific domestic impact.

At a time a supervision of Najib Razak really bad mishandled a total situation. Thousands of demonstration military were prisoner by video cameras as well as smart-phones laying in to a with bare hands protesters in sequence to disperse them; water gunnery unit were fired in to a sanatorium as well as some-more than 1,600 people were arrested. The use of state assault was a outrageous embarrassment to a government, confirming in most peoples' minds a impression which a budding apportion was indeed a odious hobgoblin of Malay patriotism as well as not a reforming magnanimous which he had claimed.

Stung by drawn out criticism in a general press, Mr Najib's supervision was forced to apologise for most of a behaviour. Subsequently it repealed a slew of old-fashioned as well as odious laws to win back a reforming credentials. A parliamentary committee was additionally set up to look in to proposals for electoral reform. In all, a transparent victory to BERSIH.

This year it was some-more of a score-draw. Certainly, towards a finish of a convene there was an additional rip of violence, as well as a Police were once again seen deploying water gunnery unit as well as rip gas opposite a demonstrators. They arrested some-more than 400 of them. Once again there were reports of military brutality, as well as once again a budding apportion had a little discerning explaining to do. This time Mr Najib felt thankful to apologise personally to a local reporter who had been knocked about up by a Police (he was a single of several). Once again, these nauseous scenes do little to bolster Mr Najib's claims to be a opposite kind of reform-minded leader.

However, this year there were problems upon a BERSIH side too. Some protesters attacked as well as overturned a Police car as well as it seems which about 20 Police Officers were wounded. This, of course, played in to a government's hands, allowing Mr Najib to explain which "The Police were victims. They became targets as well as were beaten."

The leader of BERSIH, Ambiga Sreenevasan, conceded which a little people will think which "the rally had left wrong" because of a uncontrolled poise of a couple of protesters. The assault might even tarnish a broader transformation for approved reform, a bit. And Mr Anwar had a little explaining of his own to do. He was caught upon video near a single of thePolice barricades talking to a single of his colleagues; critics lay which he was inciting supporters to pull in reserve a barriers. Mr Anwar himself says this is nonsense.

Either way, it is transparent which BERSIH won't be able to browbeat a moral tall groundat slightest not upon a score of a single weekend's theatricsas they did last year. The campaign for electoral reform goes on, though Mr Najib emerges from this year's fracas with his reformist certification essentially intact, not most worse for a wear.

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Road to Malaysias Day of Destiny

May 6, 2012

428 BERSIH 3.0:Road to Malaysia's Day of Destiny

by Bridget

COMMENT With good over 100,000 people gathering final week for electoral remodel in a largest street protest in a nation's history as good as a eventuality marred by violence by both state as good as non-state actors comparison Malaysian governing body has reached an critical impasse.

The BERSIH3.0 convene as good as a emanate exhibit which a trail brazen for Malaysian governing body will grow even some-more quarrelsome as good as complex. As a opposite 'Bersih stories' pour in, trimming from 'ordinary' heroism to a darker accounts of beatings as good as abuse of power, a pierce of Malaysian governing body outside of a area of chosen to a streets as good as amicable media is both lenient as good as scary.

Prime Minister Najib Razak's decision not to accommodate a concerns of a protesters final week, as good as even to demonise their actions, now prods Malaysia offer along a road to a day of destiny, where a domestic fate of Malaysia's 54-year supervision will be determined. So far, a routes chosen have been a single of confrontation rsther than than compromise, creation fortitude to differences even some-more difficult.

bersih 3 convene 020512 lma008Before a rally, I argued which 4 actors would shape governing body around BERSIH3.0 a youth, a center class, a Police as good as East Malaysians. Of these, 3 we! re decis ive upon convene day itself (the latter will grow some-more so as elections approach).

The girl as good as a middle-class attended a convene in large numbers, marking a new generation's rendezvous with governing body as good as transforming a largely boring center class in to a some-more intent electorate.

Those wearing yellow as good as green included Malaysia's soccer moms, a selling mall princesses, discontented students, retirees as good as usually reticent professionals. These people comprised those who had for years enjoyed a air-conditioned comfort of Malaysia's success, yet with opposite levels of concern as good as angst chose to brave Kuala Lumpur's hot as good as wet conditions upon April 28.

It was uncomfortable, but overwhelmingly, this welcome of annoy shows how intent Malaysians have been with hot-button domestic issues as good as their eagerness to mount up as good as be counted.
toh ching hong tigongkia during bersih convene 3.0They were there because they see a nation relocating in a wrong citation as good as wanted to have it right.

At a really least, a BERSIH convene suggested a shortcomings of a country's leaders in addressing a concerns of a large, critical as good as increasing series of a citizens.

Much of a attention focused upon a third actor, a Police, whose over-the-top actions in a use of rip gas as good as their attacks upon reporters have permanently stained their repute between those connected to a rally.

For those not during a rally, a design is reduction transparent as a mainstream media has manipulated a eventuality in an try to waylay a dignified tall ground, with a supervision going as distant as censoring a general media as good as destroying cameras. Often a characterisation of Police transformation has been a single of black as good as white, where in tangible fact there is most s! ome-more gray, as good as views have been evolving as some-more as good as some-more stories have been shared.

Questions will remain about a breaching of a barricade, as good as unless a truly eccentric celebration investigates, a 'he said, she said' energetic will be abundant with swindling theories which breed difficulty as good as guess rsther than than foster genuine apply oneself for a Rule of Law.

Ultimately, Malaysian voters will confirm upon who ordered what as good as why, as a truth cannot be censored with over 100,000 Malaysians from all walks of reason up sharing their practice behind inside their air-conditioned homes by a amicable network which directly as good as in a roundabout way overwhelmed over half of a electorate.

Different narratives

BERSIH 3.0 was a nationalistic event, a impulse of patriotism. What is striking to see have been two opposing 'Save Malaysia' narratives which have emerged. The initial is a single which is usual by convene attendees as good as a supporters as those who braved a rip gas decided to come out to 'save' a country.

This prophesy is a single in which a eventuality becomes a branch point towards larger leisure as good as empowerment. The symbolism of Dataran Merdeka runs low as this nationalist account is a single of rights as good as fairness.

The core of electoral remodel involves guaranteeing which a voice of a people is heard sincerely as good as freely. As such, for BERSIH supporters attending a rally, it was about this democratic picture for a nation as it hopes to pierce towards a stronger complement formed upon firmness as good as inclusion.

NONEThis stands in stark contrast to a pick picture formed upon a some-more conservative nationalism, a single in w! hich a h azard is defined as a protesters, typical people, who have been challenging a standing quo. They were portrayed as aggressive a country, initial upon a Police force as good as then after a obligatory complement as a whole.

This government-linked 'image building' has attempted to showcase a protesters as inhabitant confidence threats (needing spiny wire), immoral actors who have been 'dirty' rsther than than clean. Embedded in this account is a picture which a protestors have been anti-Malay, primarily as enemy of a Malay Police force as good as after as supposedly immoral individuals.

It is hate-speech which is reminiscent of regimes which feed upon fright as good as reason onto energy by exclusion. Also weaved in to this account is a picture of destabilising reformasi proponent fighting for energy in a form of Anwar Ibrahim, who is ironically pounded even offer in what can be seen as an bid to move behind a Dr Mahathir Mohamad's bottom of supporters in to Najib's domestic fold.

The efforts to stoke loathing of a BERSIH transformation as good as a supporters, generally Opposition leaders, have been extensive, involving a plan of a foreign media as good as threats opposite reporters as good as observers, such as Australia's Senator Nicholas Xenophon (right).

This account is about regulating racism as good as fear, hoping to tap in to underlying conservatism as good as relying heavily upon state energy to reason onto power. This is all couched in an pick account of patriotism, where Dataran Merdeka is portrayed as a place where challengers to energy have been putting a nation governed by a Barisan Nasional underneath attack.

For a democratic nationalists in this equation, BERSIH3.0 was a mass rebellion. It w! as attac ked, put down as good as described in such a demeanour which will set up anger. The calls for BERSIH 4.0 have been already being voiced between supporters.

For a conservative nationalists, BERSIH3.0 represents a revolutionary eventuality which they have chosen to demonise, not entirely realising which in doing so they have been sowing a seeds of offer discontent.

Supporters upon this stick have been demanding for arrests, with BERSIH leaders as good as antithesis activists tip of a list, as they have been blinded by authoritarian collection used in a Mahathir epoch which have been outdated in Malaysia's some-more mature polity.

Four elemental mistakes

The reason which these narratives have been so opposite is a one after another misreading of BERSIH 3.0. There have been 4 elemental mistakes which a conservative nationalists made about a BERSIH rally. First of all, they go upon to equate a transformation with a opposition.

NONEThis stems from a deep-seated fright of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. While both Pakatan Rakyat as good as a polite society-led BERSIH transformation share a little usual interests in reform, as do a strenuous infancy of Malaysians from opposite a domestic divide, they have been not a same.

BERSIH represents a extended amicable transformation which goes over antithesis domestic leaders, as good as arguably even a BERSIH leaders themselves.

It is about remodel in governance as good as improved representation, together with upon a partial of antithesis parties. This enlargement of polite multitude in to places such as Kota Kinabalu as good as Ipoh, as good as broadening inside of Kuala Lumpur itself, illustrates a new people-oriented governing body of Malaysia. Elites upon both sides will have to accommodat! e a some -more active as good as intent public.

The days when people blindly follow a leaders or go to a streets for personalities alone have been gone. Attacks upon individual politicians in a arise of a convene just exhibit a complete disagreement of a movement.

The second inapplicable designation of a conservative nationalists is which BERSIH3.0 is about apart groups of Malaysians divided by ethnicity, organized by obviously ethnically divided groups. While racial identity remains critical for Malaysian politics, for convene goers this was not about race, but about a country. The unchanging thesis is a single of Malaysian identity, where a single of a rally's thesis songs was 'Negaraku'.

The impact of this open pierce to welcome non-ethnic governing body is profound. In Mar 2008, voting opposite racial lines was largely private. The reality of usual purpose came when a formula came out.

Many of a motivations of Mar 2008 Hindraf, eremite rights as good as some-more were racial in nature. BERSIH3.0 was markedly different. It was about a usual purpose, where ethnicity was put in reserve in foster of community building. BERSIH3.0 was arguably a largest trust-building eventuality in Malaysia's history after Merdeka.

NONEMalays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Ibans as good as some-more met each other, usual laughter, water, sweets, salt as good as tears.

(The spillover is which it helps set up trust between most antithesis supporters who came to a rally, as good as a middle-ground Malaysians who met revolutionary antithesis members for a initial time. For PAS in particular, perhaps a biggest success was a Amal confidence units, which were seen safeguarding rally-goers opposite races.)

After years of transformation towards differences, towards reduction un! derstand ing, this was put in reserve upon a hot afternoon. BERSIH3.0 has set in place conditions where trust office office building between typical people can grow stronger.

Ironically, a conservative nationalists have underestimated a abolition of fright in Malaysian politics. This is their third mistake. The bravery between Malaysians is growing. You do not need to look during a numbers of a crowd, although this should not be ignored.

You do not need to even look during a leaders of a transformation or a examples of Police officers who offering assisting hands to convene goers while a little of their peers were abusing their positions. Malaysians have been increasingly willing to take tenure of their future as good as have been willing to do so again.

Conservatively, a distance of BERSIH3.0 some-more than doubled in reduction than a year. The authorities have been fooling themselves if they consider which these people will not mount up again. BERSIH conservatively directly overwhelmed over 20 percent of a citizens as good as in a roundabout way most more. The large participation of immature people is generally critical as they have been traditionally a strongest risk-takers.

One student remarked to me afterwards how a taste of a rip gas a second time was sweeter as good as she was ready for more. Yes, a she. This is a reduction aroused Malaysia, as good as a some-more angrier one.

NONEFinally, a conservative nationalists crop up to be mistakenly ignoring a emanate behind a convene electoral reform.

Polling conducted in late 2011 shows before BERSIH3.0 which usually a third of citizens consider a electoral process is fair as good as free really most in line with a UMNO hardcore.

Whatever people consider about a plan as good as people in BERSIH- as good as views talk about a strenuous infancy of Malaysians see a problem w! ith a el ectoral system.

The supervision should bear in thoughts which globally, a single most critical eventuality which triggers domestic transitions is a fake election. If a Barisan Nasional goes to a polls underneath a resources which have been already during large seen to be astray as good as lacking integrity, they have been miscalculating a underlying sentiments of a flourishing series of people about a core emanate of a rally.

They will be seen to be illegitimate by a large share of a population. This distance of a convene should be promulgation transparent signals to leaders to scrupulously rivet in electoral reform. Anything else will be seen by most as a desperate magnitude to reason onto energy rsther than than a genuine charge of a leader.

No compromises, usually confrontation

Attention has centred upon a timing of a polls. It looks some-more as good as some-more expected which these will occur as early as next month. Najib, over a past week, has embraced a hardline position, with an try to combine his bottom as good as papering over a divisions inside of UMNO.

The media inundation of a turned-over automobile as good as a resultant violence aims to move a rural bottom behind in to a Barisan Nasional fold. To add onto this, a hardline efforts involving personal attacks with weird photos bordering upon publishing upon a front-page of inhabitant newspapers as good as complete fabrications of speeches reflects a beginnings of an attack upon a Opposition as good as general observers.

These plan coupled with a embedded advantages in a electoral complement as good as await from East Malaysia crop up to form a plan which is perceived to move a Barisan Nasional victory, despite a single which will be rarely contentious.

To follow a trail of confrontation rsther than than concede is really risky. First of all, it ignores a elephant in a room associated with elections, a need for a elections to be seen as leg! itimate.

To date, a government's outreach to BERSIH is blank as good as genuine avenues for electoral remodel remain unexplored. While BERSIH faces a challenge of illustrating a need for reforms as good as relocating a transformation forward, a central message has resonated between most Malaysians. The larger a demonisation as good as distancing away from BERSIH, a harder concede is possible.

NONESecond, it assumes which Najib can control a actors who have been carrying out hardline manoeuvres. Already a UMNO-linked New Straits Times has been internationally shamed. How most alternative institutions will have to concede themselves in this conflict for power, in which some-more authoritarian measures have been adopted?

What creates a stream environment formidable for a stream care is which even a own actors upon a Barisan Nasional side have become some-more non-state in inlet as good as have been increasingly mobilised, creation this pierce toward legitimising hardline approaches even some-more risky.

Letting this sort of governing body rule reflects upon a leadership. Physics teaches us which with every transformation there is another reaction. Hardline options incite hardline responses. This energetic will offer to polarise a citizens in to domestic camps as good as harden positions in these camps. The days of polarisation of family groups post-1999 reformasi have been entrance again, but with even larger intensity given a mobilisation of a young.

Finally, this strong choice by Najib to welcome a hardline domestic trail will have it even harder to move about any remodel in any realm. To de-link economic remodel from domestic change is unviable. There is a need to implement a Rule of Law sincerely to foster a economy, as good as this involves a fair as good as u! nbiased investigation.

To give in to a hardline domestic in front of will undermine economic remodel as good as minister to a bad practices of regulating resources to win domestic allies rsther than than in office office building a sustainable as good as thorough economy. Indeed, a miscalculations of a flourishing amicable transformation by conservative nationalists will have Najib's inhabitant care even some-more vulnerable.

The title was inspired by a Bersih 3.0 protester, whose remarks upon BBC was censored by local satellite TV station Astro.

DR BRIDGET WELSH is Associate Professor of Political Science during Singapore Management University as good as she can be reached during She writes about social, polite multitude as good as domestic issues in Malaysia as good as a region. Dr. Welsh perceived her preparation in Malaysia when her father was operative with a multinational company.

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Kenalkah anda manusia yang tertera gambarnya dibawah ini. Beliau ialah Mohamed Razali Bin Abd Rahman Bekas Setiausaha Organisasi DAP dan Timbalan Ketua Pemuda DAP.Beliau mengaku pernah tinggal di gereja selama 2 minggu. Paderi Marine, warga USA telah berada di Malaysia selama 5 tahun untuk mengkristiankan orang Islam di Malaysia. Setiap minggu sekurang-kurangnya 2 orang Melayu telah

ISU FELDA! Kenapa Perlu Membantah Rezeki Peneroka? WHY?

Dalam beberapa hari lagi, lebih 100,000 peneroka Felda di seluruh negara akan menikmati ganjaran durian runtuh yang telah dijanjikan oleh Perdana Menteri, Dato Sri Najib Razak baru-baru ini, sebelum penyenaraian Felda Global Ventures Holdings (FGVH) yang dijangka akan berlangsung pada June nanti.

Saya pasti kesemua peneroka berdebar-debar dan tidak sabar menanti habuan lumayan yang akan diumumkan oleh Yang Berhormat Perdana Menteri pada 8 Mei kelak.

Kita semua sedia maklum bahawa Felda telah ditubuhkan untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat luar bandar. Bayangkanlah susah payah hidup para peneroka. Mereka sanggup berkorban dan berpindah ke kawasan terpencil dan hidup dalam serba kekurangan tanpa kemudahan elektrik dan air demi mengusahakan tanah Felda untuk menyara keluarga mereka.

Sanggupkah generasi zaman sekarang berbuat demikian? Saya rasa tidak. Kita sudah biasa dengan kesenangan hidup dan tidak sanggup melalui kepayahan hidup. Rasa sangsi beberapa pihak yang menentang durian runtuh serta penyenaraian FGVH amat menyedihkan kerana ia seperti memperlekeh pengorbanan dan penat lelah para peneroka selama ini.

Saya bukannya seorang peneroka Felda. Malah, saya juga bukannya anak kepada peneroka. Namun, saya berasa para peneroka memang layak menerima ganjaran yang bakal dinikmati tidak lama lagi kerana tanpa kita sedari, mereka sudah banyak berbakti kepada kesejahteraan rakyat Malaysia. Pengumuman durian runtuh ini memang tepat pada waktunya untuk membalas budi para peneroka yang telah berhempas pulas membanting tulang mengusahakan tanah Felda di seluruh negara.

Jika terdapat beberapa pihak yang! masih t idak berpuas hati, saya berharap mereka kikislah perasaan cemburu itu. Jangan nafikan hak orang lain. Jika kita ingin berjaya, marilah kita bekerja keras juga. Insya-Allah, Tuhan akan memudahkan rezeki kita pula.

Azhar Zainal

PKR says will give legal aid to wanted Bersih supporters

PETALING JAYA, May 6 PKR Youth today pledged to provide authorised benefit for individuals wanted by a authorities over their purported involvement in last weekends Bersih 3.0 rally. Kuala Lumpur police have so distant expelled a photographs of over 90 individuals wanted over a events on April 28, but none of the own notwithstanding a guarantee by a ... Read More

Cops probing Bersih 3.0 as attempt at violent revolution

Ismail discharged claims which agents provocateurs had infiltrated a rally. File pic

KUALA LUMPUR, May 6 Police are questioning a Bersih 3.0 convene as a possible attempt to usurp a supervision by aroused demonstrations, Bernama Online reported today.

Several uninformed arrests have been made following a announcement of a photographs of a demonstrators, as well as several people have telephoned us to volunteer information upon a incident, Tan Sri Ismail Omar was reported as observant in a report.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak upon Friday asserted which a convene for giveaway as well as satisfactory elections was an attempt to oust a countrys duly-elected government, a explain which has been echoed by former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

The choosing watchdog currently denied a claim, as well as insisted which Bersih 3.0s objectives were quite to direct a purify as well as satisfactory polls process.

Today, a Inspector-General of Police also discharged as ungrounded claims which agents provocateurs had infiltrated a convene to spark of scenes of chaos.

Do not make foolish accusations... you contingency be responsible. Nevertheless, each explain will be investigated, he said, during a meet-the-public session in Kulim today.

The IGP also asked which a open be patient with a military examine upon a April twenty-eight rally.

Give us some time to conduct a probe. Once a review is done, you will contention a writings to a open prosecutor, he added.

Ismail previously affianced a comprehensive examine of events during a convene for giveaway as well as satisfactory elections, which turned pell-mell after riot military began firing rip gas as well as water cannons at demonstrators for breaching a court-ordered boundary.

City military have so far released a photographs of over 90 individuals wanted over a events upon April 28, but nothi! ng of it s own despite Ismails promise which all offenders would be hauled up for their roles in a chaos.

Despite an initially pacific start to a rally, Bersihs third given 2007, military would later take measures which are now being condemned as some-more brutal than those in use during last years scattered Jul 11 Bersih 2.0 rally.

TIBAI menyerang ... lama mana Azmin nak diam

Mursyidul Am TIBAI, Zahid Md Arip telah menjemput semua untuk hadir ke Masjid Negara pada hari Jumaat untuk datang bersama-sama mendengar Azmin Ali berSUMPAH LAKNAT tentang video aiskrim dan pelbagai isu-isu peribadiny ayang tidak dijawab.Tapi dia bacul untuk hadhirkan diri dan pilih untuk diam saja dari menjawab dan menjelaskan tuduhan ke atasnya yang kini bertimbun-timbun.OLeh sebab dia mahu

Najib: Kuantan Could House Sister Industrial Park with China

KUANTAN, 6 MAY, 2012: Kuantan has been identified as the suitable location to house the sister industrial park in in between China as well as Malaysia, pronounced Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak.He pronounced the pierce was to retaliate China's efforts to keep aside the 55 sq km land in Qinzhou, Nanning as the Qinzhou Industrial Park, the joint try plan in in between China as well as Malaysia."Kuantan is seen as the closest point Nanning as well as with that we have requested the state government of Pahang to hope for the ... Read More

Dr Lim Teck Ghees reply to Dr Chandra Muzaffars invitation


Written by Dr Lim Teck Ghee Sunday, 06 May 2012 15:52


ltg-chandraI thank Chandra for responding to my explanation upon his lambasting of Bersih 3.0.

Although a Center for Policy Initiatives (CPI) is reproducing his response in full, there is unequivocally really small brand brand new in a engagement.

Basically Chandra has rehashed his arguments upon a inclusive changes to tellurian rights as good as domestic as good as polite liberties which he sees receiving place in a country.

In his primary article he was really fatiguing upon these changes progressing that

"[I]t is an irrefutable actuality which by these legislative reforms [Peaceful Assembly Act, ISA repeal, etc] a space as good as scope for a countenance as good as articulation of tellurian rights has been stretched as good as enhanced as never before."

Disappearance of "Irrefutable Fact"

I had challenged this evidence as good as pointed out which these reforms need! doing a s good as acknowledgment from a belligerent to ascertain what has been gained as good as either they have been concrete in a context of a regime which has an unusual genius for contracting dirty tricks in sequence to sojourn in power, together with manipulating a electoral process.

I had proposed which should Chandra, after conducting severe amicable science investigate publish a formula confirming this "irrefutable fact", it might maybe help remonstrate sceptics which there have been "far-reaching changes to domestic as good as polite liberties".

Although he has not yet conducted a required research, it is good to note which a tenure "irrefutable fact" has right divided disappeared in his latest opinion piece. Perhaps Chandra right divided realizes which his primary depiction was not usually inapt though additionally indefensible.

Meaningful domestic change

Chandra right divided terms a domestic changes as "meaningful" as good as has invited me to discuss with him upon a subject "Are a domestic changes which have been receiving place in Malaysia currently significant?"

His brand brand new idea touches upon an critical topic as good as you welcome it. My own in front of is which it is premature to read as good many in a changes to date. There have been many examples from story of peremptory regimes receiving one step forward as good as two backwards, as good as engaging in feet dragging, sabotage as good as even some-more impassioned forms of resistance in response to democratization pressures.

Our own story has taught us to be discreet in being over-optimistic with a current reforms.The Prime Minister (see my article: Peaceful passing from one to another of power: Open letter to all domestic parties), comparison Umno leaders, as good as alternative extremist nationalists have served notice sometimes subtly; upon a! lternati ve occasions some-more plainly which all equates to might be used to prevent a pacific passing from one to another of power.The probability of these domestic reforms being tactical as good as a ruse aimed during shopping time is wholly plausible.

Many alternative domestic analysts as good as typical adults have additionally been sceptical which these changes which Chandra has created about have been amply deep as good as game-changing. Questions have been asked if they have fundamentally altered a peremptory complement imposed by a Barisan Nasional as good as if they simulate changes in a anti-democratic impression of a small of a BN's leadership. It is here which Chandra as good as you differ profoundly though distinct him, you do not consider it is an emanate which can be resolved over a debating table.

I contingency additionally put it upon record which even if a antithesis were to come to energy during a next elections, pressure would have to continue to be exercised upon a brand brand new government to set up a some-more robust parliamentary democracy.

In a Spirit of Merdeka stipulation of 2007 which was endorsed by a vast number of polite society organizations, there was a call for a investiture of a strong democracy in which a subdivision of energy of a executive, legislative as good as law is maintained, as good as checks as good as balances preventing a monopoly or abuse of energy by a senior manager branch have been in place.

The stipulation additionally called for a encouragement of tellurian rights as good as basic freedoms which have been based upon values of participation, accountability, transparency, equivalence as good as diversity. Six major areas of reform were identified.

If you compare a reforms undertaken recently wi! th a ful l list identified in a declaration, it can be seen which you have a long journey forward in a struggle for tellurian rights as good as democracy. In particular, areas such as a investiture of domestic as good as administrative neutrality in key institutions such as a judiciary, a polite service, police, Election Commission, a Attorney General's office; as good as ensuring autonomy in a horde of alternative institutions as good as processes in a society, as good as not usually a electoral process, have been still lagging.

How useful would an open open discuss be?

Chandra has noted which "on both a electoral routine as good as domestic changes, Teck Ghee as good as I, it is obvious, have opposite approaches.Instead of stability to air a views by a cyber media, you entice him to discuss with me in open upon what you consider is a many fundamental question confronting Malaysians today. Are a domestic changes which have been receiving place in Malaysia currently significant?"

Frankly there would be really small value added in a one-off open debate. In my view, an open discuss as a one-time event is as good fleeting to assent concrete sermon witness a Lim Guan Eng as good as Chua Soi Lek exchange. Also there might not be many seductiveness in usually a two of us punishment a views to an audience. What differences you have towards domestic shift is clear from a commentaries.Our opinions have already reached Malaysians by a cyber media.In actuality Dr. Chandra, by his lucky standing with a mainstream media, has had many greater imitation as good as electronic coverage for his views than you can ever goal to achieve.

This is not to say which you am antithetic to erudite discussion as good as analysis upon a extent as good as significance of a domestic reforms undertaken. you have never run divided from a good erudite discussion. If Chandra is unrelenting upon carrying this sell take place, you would similar to to introduce a some-more complete sermon over a CPI we! bsite (< a href=""> as good as over his JUST as good as Yayasan 1Malaysia websites, or even over a Universiti Sains Malaysia website.That approach a educational as good as endangered open interested in a subject of domestic shift in Malaysia can experience in a cyber forum.

A cyber forum will not usually broaden a assembly though can additionally bring about a postulated as good as higher quality of discourse. Chandra as good as you can determine upon a terms of reference for a open sermon as good as provide a opening cases.We can make use of his primary idea of subject as a starting indicate as good as if you work quickly, you am hopeful you can exercise this forward of a coming elections.

Should my counter offer receive a go-ahead, you expect Chandra to make use of his influence as a chairman of a board of curators of Yayasan 1Malaysia to have this discuss disseminated in as unedited a form as probable in a mainstream media as good as all over a 1Malaysia network. you will similarly make use of my (more limited) influence to see if a sermon can be serve disseminated some-more widely.

Chandra has suggested as good which a open discuss be conducted in a inhabitant language.I determine which it is critical to reach a Malay audience. you would similar to to introduce which Chandra, for a start, arranges for a interpretation of a sell into Bahasa Malaysia by his Yayasan 1Malaysia staff, as good as to pass out this sell in a Malay imitation media as a prelude to an lengthened forum.

Malaysia as a Police State

In his note too, Chandra has referred to a confront as to either he had ever made a statement with courtesy to Malaysia being a military state. you had lifted this indicate during a open forum organised by PCORE (an NGO) in November 2010, as good as he had asked me to provide explanation during which meeting.I stop which in my reply, you had settled which you had performed this report from an art! icle by a internal scholar.I might have said which you apologised if this report was untrue.

Subsequently, you had an sell over a e-mail initiated by Chandra in which he asked me to "e-mail [him] a letter which cites me describing Malaysia as a Police State." you responded by upon condition which him with a full reference to a writer of a educational paper created in 1991 as good as a following footnote from which paper:

"Widely quoted amicable censor Chandra Muzaffar (1986) was to protest even prior to Operation Lallang of 'a rarely controlled, severely limited, democracy in Malaysia.' After a events of 1987 as good as 1988, he, as good as YM Tunku Abdul Rahman Malaysia's initial Prime Minister, and Malaysia's leading elder statesman, were changed to make use of a tenure 'police state' to describe a incident in Malaysia." (p.23)

I subsequently pointed out to Chandra in a e-mail sell which whilst there is a difference between "a rarely controlled, severely limited, democracy", a "police state" as good as a "fettered democracy", it is not simply semantics, as good as "it is critical for you to explain this."

I additionally suggested which "an explanatory article upon a above topic in a NST will you am certain be didactic to a public, as good as to me; as good as will beget many food for thought for all of us." That turned out to a last occasion when Chandra communicated with me upon a topic of a "highly controlled, severely limited, democracy" you live in. It was followed by a deafening overpower upon his part.

Final words

Chandra has been during pains to show which he has been consistent over a past decades in his stance upon a major issues confronting a country.

Chandra, my friend, there have been many, together with your Barisan Nasional allies, who have been bemused by your egghead acrobatic exercises to justify your new domestic transformation.

*! Dr Chan dra Muzaffar's invitation to Dr Lim Teck Ghee to discuss with him can be read here.

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