'PKR, not DAP, will be biggest opposition party'

PKR will form a greatest opposition celebration if a BN remains in federal power after a subsequent ubiquitous elections, pronounced DAP national broadside arch Tony Pua.

He was rebutting a domestic analyst'sopinionthat a DAP would take pole in front of in a Pakatan Rakyat.

azlanPua pronounced a DAP will only competition 40-50 parliamentary seats.

Without divulgence a series of seats that PKR is to contest, he pronounced it will still be a greatest opposition party.

"How can you turn a greatest celebration in Pakatan?" asked Pua in refuting a views of Michael Yeoh, a CEO of a Asian Strategy as well as Leadership Institute (Asli).

"Either PAS or PKR will have substantially a many series of seats, as well as you consider it will be PKR."

Yeoh had projected that Pakatan will win 99 parliamentary seats, with 123 seats to go to a BN.

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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Baru-baru ini, negara digemparkan dengan panggilan dan cercaan seorang pemimpin besar dan tokoh ulama Parti Islam Semalaysia yang menyamakan penerima BR1M seperti haiwan ternakan. Nyatalah sekali, kejutan tersebut disambut pula oleh seorang ulamak muda yang kontroversial, Prof. Madya Dato Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, apabila beliau beberapa hari lepas menyamakan kerajaan sebagai pelacur. Maka, penuhlah facebook dan twitter menjadi mata rantai mencerca dan mengaibkan pemimpin negara dengan menggunakan artikel tersebut, dan berseronoklah ulamak muda tersebut apabila kata-katanya dijadikan buah peluru untuk menghina pemimpin negara.

Menegur Pemerintah
Acapkali, dalam ceramah-ceramah dan kuliah-kuliah beliau, beliau menasihatkan pendengar dan pengikut beliau supaya berlaku adil dan rasional. Begitulah dalam sejarah manusia, seringkali yang menasihatkan sedemikian adalah mereka yang bertindak 180 darjah bertentangan dengan apa yang didakyah oleh mereka. Contohnya, seperti pihak komunis, seringkali menamakan diri merekalah yang pale demokratik atau kepunyaan rakyat tetapi di bawah merekalah yang pale miskin demokrasinya dan pale menderita rakyatnya.

Malang sekali, dalam tulisan terbaru beliau, pemimpin kerajaan dituduh sebagai membolot wang rakyat terlebih dahulu sebelum membahagikan kepada rakyat jelata. Digambarkan juga seolah-olah isteri dan kawan-kawan pemimpin negara sedang memfaraidkan harta negara dan menyamakan pemberian-pemberian dari kerajaan itu seperti hubungan seks sebagai penambah perisa penulisannya.

Bukankah tuduhan-tuduhan seperti itu adalah satu tuduhan yang berat? Sudah tentu ulamak muda itu tahu bahawa di dalam Al! Quran, Allah Taala telah berfirman:

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan daripada prasangka kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian prasangka itu dosa, dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain.. (Surah Al Hujurat, ayat 12).

Adakah patut tuduhan yang tidak mempunyai bukti yang jelas itu, kita sebarkan dan kita sambungkan kepada khalayak semata-mata untuk menjadi hero kepada pendengar dan juga peminat kita? Adakah begitu murah ilmu dan kedudukan kita untuk digadaikan semata-mata untuk mendapat sedikit pujian di atas dunia ini?

Penulis juga tertanya-tanya, apakah dosa pemimpin kerajaan tersebut kepada ulamak muda itu? Apakah pula dosa dan salah isteri pemimpin negara tersebut terhadap Dato Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin itu? Apakah penganiayaan yang pemimpin negara sekeluarga pernah lakukan terhadap beliau ataupun mana-mana ahli keluarga dan sahabat handai ulamak tersebut? Jika ada, alangkah baiknya jikalau beliau pergi bertemu dengan mereka sesuai dengan hadith yang beliau sering ungkapkan semasa beliau menjadi Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Perlis:

Sesiapa yang ingin menasihati orang yang memiliki kuasa, janganlah dia menampakkannya secara terang-terangan. Sebaliknya hendaklah dia mengambil tangannya (orang yang memiliki kuasa) dan bersendirian dengannya (menasihatinya dengan tidak didedahkan aib secara terbuka). Jika dia terima maka dia berjaya, jika tidak dia (orang yang menasihati) telah menunaikan kewajipannya. (Riwayat Ibn Abi Asim dalam al-Sunnah 507. Sanadnya sahih seperti yang dinyatakan oleh al-Albani ketika mentahqiq al-Sunnah ini (hlm 507).

Pukul Anak Sindir Menantu
Penulis sebenarnya agak hairan kerana tuduhan-tuduhan dan keperihatinan Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin terhadap pemberian ikhlas pemimpin kepada rakyat adalah bermusim. Maklumat yang penulis perolehi daripada sahabat-sahabat di Perlis, mengatakan bahawa Dato Seri Dr. Shahidan Kassim sewaktu menjadi Menteri Besar Perlis adalah sangat pemurah kepada rakyat terutamanya sewaktu bulan Ramadhan. R! akyat mi skin di Perlis sudah merasai BR1M sebelum adanya program seumpama ini oleh kerajaan Pusat. Pada waktu yang sama, Dr Mohd Asri sudah menjawat jawatan Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Perlis.

Setiap malam semasa bulan Ramadhan di Perlis, DS Shahidan telah bermurah hati memberikan wang saguhati dan juga hadiah-hadiah berbentuk bekalan makanan dan peralatan elektrik kepada rakyat Perlis terutamanya yang miskin dan berpendapatan rendah selepas solat terawih. Inilah contoh pemimpin yang berjiwa rakyat.

Ironinya, di manakah suara ulamak muda ini sewaktu menjawat Mufti Negeri Perlis sewaktu peristiwa ini berlaku? Tidak muncul pula bait-bait dari kitab As-Siyasah asy-Syariyyah fi Islah ar-Rai wa ar-Raiyyah oleh Ibnu Taymiyyah oleh Dr Mohd Asri untuk memperingatkan Dato Seri Shahidan supaya terselamat dari fitnah dan mulut hodoh parti pembangkang. Walhal, inilah regulation yang sama yang digunakan oleh Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak untuk menawan hati rakyat jelata sesuai dengan semangat demokrasi yang mengambil kira kehendak rakyat. Maka, janganlah perbuatan Dr. Mohd Asri ini laksana pukul anak sindir menantu ataupun kelak, habis madu sepah dibuang.

Jangan Jadi Seperti Datuk Nikah Kahwin
Melihatkan perbuatan Dr. Mohd Asri ini, mengingatkan penulis terhadap watak Datuk Nikah Kahwin dalam filem Musang Berjanggut oleh Tan Sri P Ramlee yang berkata:

Tapi tidak mengapa. Undang-undang dalam negeri ini kanda yang bikin. Itu semua boleh padam.

Ayat Al-Quran, hadith-hadith dan pendapatpendapat ulama, sudah wujud ratusan malahan ribuan tahun. Namun, janganlah kita menjadi seperti Datuk Nikah Kahwin, yang mana hukum agama itu seolah-olah bikinan mereka semata-mata. Apabila mahu, diambil dan dicatit apabila terasa tidak kena dengan kepentingan tembolok, maka dibuang dan dipadam.

Oleh itu, sukalah penulis mengingatkan kepada Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, sejarah akan menilai samada kita akan menjadi seorang yang berpendirian teguh seperti Ibnu Taymiyyah dan Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal ataupun s! eperti s esumpah yang mengikut selera ramai seperti penentang-penentang kedua-dua tokoh ulama besar yang disebutkan tadi. Jika sekiranya pilihan kedua yang dipilih, maka sudah pasti Dr. Mohd Asri akan tercatat di dalam sejarah seperti watak Datuk Nikah Kahwin dan akan diingati sehingga akhir zaman sebagai musang berjanggut.

Janda Berjaya

The Battle for Penang

Penang voters are between the many sophisticated in the country.

In the past, they have many times voted for the statute bloc during State turn though for antithesis possibilities for Parliament, so which they would not lose out upon development, though during the same thing, have the some-more vocal voice in Parliament. This is the form of check as well as balance.

In 2008, they have turn so disenchanted with the statute state supervision which not only they voted overwhelmingly for antithesis during Parliament level, they also uprooted the total BN government, as well as statute parties such as Gerakan, MCA as well as MIC were totally routed, with nothing of them winning the single seat. Out of the 40 state seats, only UMNO managed to win 11 out of the fifteen they contested. PR won twenty-nine , mainly in Chinese majority as well as mixed seats.

This time around, BN is withdrawal no stones unturned in trying to win behind Penang. They even resorted to dangerous fanning of secular as well as eremite sentiments. Penang in the difference of the distinguished personality of the civil multitude is right away ' the really polarised as well as divided place'.

In personification up secular sentiments, the fool around of BN in Penang is to goal which UMNO this time around will win fifteen out of the fifteen seats they contested. With the return of the little Malay votes, they goal which MCA or Gerakan or MIC can manage to win behind the little seats. There will be 2 opposite scenario depending upon the number of seats these member parties might win.

If these 3 not as big parties can win up to 6 seats, afterwards BN will rule with the elementary majority. A Gerakan candidate who is the leader in one of the state seats will turn the CM, even though we can see from the incident as well as mathematics which he would be the really lame lameduck CM, since which the exco will be primarily stuffed by UMNO winners.

If these 3 not as big parties win only about 4 or even! 5 seats , the Big Brother with the extensive resources as well as 'info" during palm might entice/coerce the little of the PR members to cross over. Frogs, like in the case of Perak after 308, will always be there.

This will test the legality of the antihopping law upheld recently in the State Assembly, as well as thus the justice battle will be unavoidable .

Meanwhile, whoever will have the confidence of the Governor to form the supervision will form the government, tentative the outcome of the battle in the court. The Governor's preference will substantially hinged upon who wins the Federal election.

But since which some-more than 80% of the racial Chinese voters will be anti-BN ( it took them the integrate of millions outlayed as well as the 8 notation opening by PSY to find this out), it will in truth be the miracle for these 3 tiny parties to win any seat.

So as the person who hails from Penang, we consider this time around, PR might still win Penang, though BN might have the integrate some-more extra seats because of the stronger UMNO. But to win behind Penang? It has to take some-more than free handouts, fanning of secular sentiments or the opening by the Korean Star to do it.

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More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Saudara Pengarang,
NAMPAKNYA Polis Sabah 'sibuk' dengan kes Pencerobohan 'Tentera Sultan Sulu' sehingga lupa untuk menyiasat kes jenayah yang berlaku di Lahad Datu; kononnya sudah ke tahap 'ZERO' sejak kedatangan tetamu tidak diundang di Kampung Tanduo, Tungku.

Saya tidak tahu di mana silapnya laporan saya terhadap seorang PATI, Sufriandy Suparlan @ Asdar yang dibuat di Balai Polis Kunak/000255/13 belum diambil sebarang tindakan. Isi kandungannya seperti berikut;
"Pada lebih kurang jam 4.02 petang (8/02/2013) saya telah membaca artikel di portal Sabahkini.net bertajuk 'Mafia CPO Mewah Atas Kecuaian Polis?' Oleh itu saya bagi pihak AMK (Angkatan Muda Keadilan) Negeri Sabah datang ke Balai Polis untuk membuat laporan polis terhadap Supriandy Suparlan @ Asdar Bin Tabari serta menggesa pihak polis dan RCI membuat siasatan ke atas beliau yang disyaki memiliki dokumen meragukan. AMK juga meminta agar SPRM menyiasat pegawai polis atau individu-individu yang tersebut namanya di dalam artikel tersebut kerana jelas bertentangan dengan undang-undang dan perkara ini juga akan menimbulkan spekulasi yang negatif terhadap pihak berkuasa; serta boleh mewujudkan suasana kurang selamat kepada masyarakat sekeliling sekiranya jenayah boleh dilakikan tanpa sebarang tindakan pencegahan dan di dalam laporan polis ini juga AMK menyertakan lampiran artikel untuk rujukan pihak berkaitan kelak. Sekian laporan saya."

Persoalan saya, ketika RCI sedang bersidang, Polis Lahad Datu yang mungkin gaji mereka dibayar oleh Mafia CPO ini tidak langsung mempedulikan laporan yang saya buat; malah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara mengesahkan MyKad yang dipegang Sufriandy adalah BENAR sekalipun Asdar adalah PATI.

Mungkin OCPD Lahad Datu, Supt Shamsuddin Mat, Inspektor Shahrulzaman, Inspektor Ronny dan Inspektor Mutalib tidak tahu menjalankan siasatan bagaimana PATI Bulumkumba ini boleh mendapat MyKad bertaraf Warganegara sedangkan di dalam Sijil Lahir atas nama yang sama mencatatkan penama berbangsa Jawa dan BUKAN Warganegara.

Tidak mungkin mereka sukar mencari saksi kerana polis tahu di mana bapa saudara Asdar yang sebelum ini pernah membuat laporan polis tinggal; malah ibu bapa sebenar Asdar masih memegang pas kerja ladang.

Dengan lulusnya Akta DNA di Parlimen dan sudah boleh digunakan di Sabah, tidak mungkin sukar bagi polis menjalankan siasatan dan mendakwa Asdar kerana telah memalsukan keterangan diri dan memiliki dokumen milik orang lain; termasuk melakukan jenayah ROGOL tujuh tahun lalu.

Walaupun banyak maklumat berhubung jalinan kerjasama polis dengan Mafia CPO ini, tetapi saya tidak percaya jika Pesuruhjaya Polis Sabah, Datuk Hamza Taib boleh terpedaya dan ikut serta melindungi Asdar, sebagaimana yang didakwa Mafia CPO ini?

Salam Hormat,

Ketua Penerangan AMK PKR Sabah.
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More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

The Battle for Penang

Penang electorate are among the many sophisticated in the country.

In the past, they have many times voted for the statute coalition during State turn yet for antithesis possibilities for Parliament, so which they would not remove out upon development, yet during the same thing, have the some-more outspoken voice in Parliament. This is the form of check as well as balance.

In 2008, they have turn so disenchanted with the statute state supervision which not only they voted overwhelmingly for antithesis during Parliament level, they additionally uprooted the total BN government, as well as statute parties such as Gerakan, MCA as well as MIC were all routed, with none of them winning the singular seat. Out of the 40 state seats, only UMNO managed to win 11 out of the fifteen they contested. PR won 29 , mainly in Chinese infancy as well as churned seats.

This time around, BN is leaving no stones unturned in trying to win behind Penang. They even resorted to dangerous fanning of secular as well as religious sentiments. Penang in the words of the prominent personality of the polite multitude is now ' the really polarised as well as divided place'.

In playing up secular sentiments, the fool around of BN in Penang is to goal which UMNO this time around will win fifteen out of the fifteen seats they contested. With the lapse of the little Malay votes, they goal which MCA or Gerakan or MIC can conduct to win behind the little seats. There will be 2 opposite scenario depending upon the series of seats these member parties might win.

If these 3 not as big parties can win up to 6 seats, then BN will rule with the simple majority. A Gerakan claimant who is the leader in the single of the state seats will turn the CM, even yet you can see from the incident as well as arithmetic which he would be the really sore lameduck CM, since which the exco will be primarily pressed by UMNO winners.

If these 3 not as big parties win only about 4 or even 5 seats, the Big Brother wit! h the ex tensive resources as well as 'info" during hand might entice/coerce the little of the PR members to cranky over. Frogs, similar to in the box of Perak after 308, will regularly be there.

This will exam the legality of the antihopping law passed not long ago in the State Assembly, as well as thus the justice battle will be inevitable .

Meanwhile, whoever will have the certainty of the Governor to form the supervision will form the government, pending the outcome of the battle in the court. The Governor's preference will substantially hinged upon who wins the Federal election.

But since which some-more than 80% of the ethnic Chinese electorate will be anti-BN ( it took them the integrate of millions spent as well as the 8 minute opening by PSY to find this out), it will in truth be the spectacle for these 3 small parties to win any seat.

So as the person who hails from Penang, we think this time around, PR might still win Penang, yet BN might have the integrate some-more extra seats because of the stronger UMNO. But to win behind Penang? It has to take some-more than free handouts, fanning of secular sentiments or the opening by the Korean Star to do it.

Read More @ Source

More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

LAHAD DATU - Kami menunggu. Kami tidak akan menyerang kami akan hanya mempertahankan diri - Azzimudie

TANJUNG LABIAN (Lahad Datu): Police have been set to finish a stand-off with a Sulu organisation holed in Tandou village, about 165km from here, as a armed intruders ignored last-minute attempts by Malaysian as well as Philippines authorities to get them to leave Sabah peacefully.
The group, led by Raja Muda Azzimudie Kiram, a hermit of self-proclaimed Sulu Ruler Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, remained daring as well as had deserted a ultimate ask by PhilippinePresident Benigno Aquinoand Malaysia's emissaries nonetheless 3 deadlines since to them were extended, with a last finale yesterday.
In a telephone conversation withThe Star, Azzimudie pronounced his organisation was ready to face an attack.
"We have been fine. We design a Malaysian forces to attack today (Tuesday). We have been ready to urge ourselves, you have been not afraid," he said.
Asked why he suspicion a organisation would be attacked, he replied: "Because it is shown on TV as well as was in a radio that a deadline is over. We have been not fearful since you know you have been right. This is our land."
Asked if he was not fearful as he usually had about thirty armed men, Azzimudie said: "We have been prepared, you have been waiting. We will not attack (but) you will urge ourselves."
Azzimudie, who has also been in telephone contact with his brother, had stated that he would usually take orders from Jamalul Kiram.
In a meantime, a secretary-general of a supposed sultanate, Abraham Idjirani, pronounced tha! t a orga nisation deserted Aquino's appeal to return to a Philippines.
After gripping a Sulu patriots shut in for scarcely 3 weeks, Malaysian confidence forces, who had been waiting for an sequence to lame a group, done their participation at multiform vital locations in as well as outside a surrounding Felda plantations yesterday.
Government as well as armed forces healing teams have been on standby should a green light be since to deport a Sulu group.
Asked if a pierce opposite a Sulu intruders will be done inside of a subsequent twenty-four hours, Deputy Inspector-General of PoliceDatuk Khalid Abu Bakarsaid: "Maybe. We have been set to finish a stand-off."
In a nationally televised statement from Malacanang, Aquino appealed to a Sulu Sultan to finish a stand-off peacefully or face a full force of a law.
He said: "The point of no return has not been reached yet, though you have been coming that (time) fast."
Stating that there were 180 people in a Sulu group, with about twenty to thirty armed, Aquino warned that as adults of a Philippines, they were firm by its laws as well as a constitution that renounces fight as an instrument of national policy.

Presiden Filipina Beri Amaran Kepada Sultan Sulu
Sitti Krishna Idjirami (kiri), adik kepada Sultan Sulu Jamalul Kiram III (tengah) dan Putera Mahkota Bantillan Kiram (kanan) bercakap pada sidang media di Manila, Selasa.
MANILA:Presiden Filipina Benigno Aquino memberi amaran kepada Sultan Sulu pada Selasa bahawa beliau akan berdepan tindakan undang-undang sekiranya tidak menamatkan pencerobohan pengikutnya di Sabah.
Aquino memberitahu Sultan Jam! alul Kir am III untuk memanggil pulang 180 pengikutnya supaya meninggalkan sebuah perkampungan nelayan dekat Lahad Datu yang diceroboh masuk sejak 9 Februari lalu.
"Sekiranya anda memilih untuk tidak bekerjasama, tindakan undang-undang negara ini akan digunakan untuk mencapai keadilan bagi semua.
"Keadaan seperti ini tidak boleh berterusan. Jika anda seorang pemimpin sebenar pengikut anda, anda perlu bekerjasama dengan kami dalam mengarahkan mereka pulang secara aman," kata Aquino dalam satu kenyataan yang disiarkan sebuah stesen televisyen tempatan.
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More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

British investors sue ex-Umno treasurer Azim over RM12.4m - The Malaysian Insider

The Malaysian Insider

British investors sue ex-Umno treasurer Azim over RM12.4m
The Malaysian Insider
British lawmakers have been said to have sought Najib's involvement in a case. File picKUALA LUMPUR, February twenty-seven Sixty British investors have sued former Umno treasurer Datuk Seri Abdul Azim Mohd Zabidi as well as his IT company, Doxport Technologies Sdn Bhd ...

Man Rebuilt Lost Penis Using Skin From Arm

A MAN has had his penis made up using skin as well as fat from his arm.Read more... ... Read More

The wisdom of Malaysia's non-violent approach

"... a aroused fight in between a Royal Sulu Army as well as Malaysian confidence forces could undermine a final stages of a Malaysia-mediated assent negotiations with a Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Mindanao. In a worst-case scenario, there is fear it could also trigger a reconstruction of militancy by a Moro National Liberation Front, that sealed a assent accord with Manila in 1996." - Malaysia, Philippines: Ethnic tensions are during a centre of a standoff, Stratfor, twenty-six Feb

Critics are a dime a dozen in a Lahad Datu invasion incidence. Even (df) Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, who held most important portfolios but Home Affairs when he was Dr Mahathir's "blue eyes", thinks he knows how to do a pursuit improved than a Home Minister.

But with a sum that you right away know come greater distinctness as well as a small bit of wisdom. There are some-more - much some-more - during stake here. The easiest as well as fastest way to finalise a so-called arm dispute would be by violent. But with a good of hindsight, I think everybody would determine that if you had a bloodlust of a little politicians who disagreed with Hishammuddin Hussein's tact as well as non-violent approach towards a armed Sulu invaders, there would have been a massacre of old as well as starving men as well as women! in Lahad Datu.

It would have been good PR (public relations) disaster.

The might of a total tellurian rights world would come down on us.

We would have been so broke to be Malaysians.

Clearly, as well as either Anwar likes it or not, it's a coming-of-age in Lahad Datu. For Hishammuddin, too.

Read Terence Fernandez's Bloodshed: An Absoiute Last Resort (Malay Mail, February 25)
Also read Lahad Datu, Sabah Oil as well as American Interest

khalifah demokrasi?

moga kita sentiasa dalam dakapan rahmat Allah swt..

maka ini merujuk pada polemik hadis berikut:

"Barangsiapa mendatangi kalian - sedang urusan (kehidupan) kalian ada di bawah kepemimpinan satu orang (Imam/Khalifah) - dan dia hendakmemecah belah kesatuan kalian dan mencerai-beraikan jemaahkalian, maka bunuhlah dia!" (HR Muslim)

"Jika dibai'at dua orang Khalifah, maka bunuhlah yang terakhir dari keduanya." [HR. Muslim]

"Barangsiapa membai'at seorang Imam (Khalifah), lalu memberikan genggaman tangannya dan menyerahkan buah hatinya, hendaklah ia mentaatinya semaksimal mungkin. Dan jika datang orang lain hendak mencabut kekuasaannya, penggallah leher orang itu." [HR. Muslim]


subhanAllah.. ini antara sebab kenapa aku tak sokong sistem demokrasi.. hadis ini merujuk pada sistem khalifah.. kalaupun nak diterjemahkan ke dalam sistem demokrasi, mempunyai ketua pembangkang bukan bermakna kita mempunyai dua pemimpin.. kalau nak kira ketua pembangkang sendiri mengakui perdana menteri itu adalah pemimpin perdana.. aku joke tak tahu camna nak cerita keIslaman dalam sistem demokrasi ! ni.. sis tem demokrasi nih mmg kacau bilau dari awal sebenarnya..

macam ni lah.. dalam konsep khalifah, ada baiah.. semua ketua kabilah berbaiah pada seorang khalifah.. Amirul Mukminin.. pemimpin orang-orang Islam.. ini antara sebab mengapa Saidina Hasan ra menyerahkan jawatan khalifah kepada Muawiyah.. kerana tidak mahu ada dua khalifah dalam satu masa supaya ummah tidak berpecah.. ketika krisis Saidina Usman ra, ramai sahabat sendiri jadi pembangkang kepada khalifah yg dikatakan memberatkan kerabatnya, tidak bermakna mereka menganggap ketua yang membangkang itu adalah khalifah..

realitinya perdana menteri kita bukan khalifah, malah agong kita joke bukan amirul mukminin.. ini hanya kepala negara yang di zaman Daulah hanya sebatas jawatan gabenor.. apalagi kita nih guna sistem demokrasi.. kita pilih bukan yang mengikut kesolehan tapi mengikut mana yang popular dan mana yang kita rasa menguntungkan kita.. malah kalau nak kata yg dimaksudkan ialah perdana menteri.. negara kita nih bukan negara Islam pun, nak kata negara orang Islam joke susah juga sbb yang bukan Islam joke sama banyak.. kita lantik ketua joke bukan sebab dia Islam tapi sebab parti dia menang.. kalau dikatakan nanti dap menang majoriti dalam parlimen, boleh cina jadi perdana menteri.. dlm perlembagaan takder sebut kena Islam untuk jadi perdana menteri.. maka pendapat aku hadis ini tidak merujuk pada situasi politik yg kita ada.. maka tak perlu bunuh ketua pembangkang,.

kalaupun kita nak anggap perdana menteri itu imam.. dia sendiri joke tau bahawa lepas satu penggal jadi imam dia dah bukan imam lagi sehingga dia dilantik semula.. maka dia tak bolehlah anggap orang yang nak lawan dia tuh pecah belahkan jemaah sebab dia sendiri yg kosongkan jawatan supaya org lawan dia.. jika kita nak ikut juga hadis ini, bukan hanya ketua pembangkang kita kena bunuh, tapi ketua umno kelantan, ! kedah da n selangor joke kita kena bunuh sama.. maka marilah kita berbunuhan sesama kita.. mungkin ada kebaikan demi perpaduan umat Islam.. (sigh)

aku gelihati sbnrnya bila berkisah tentang demokrasi nih.. sbb bagi aku memilih pemimpin cara demokrasi nih mmg sangat mencederakan akal.. mmg makin lama makin gila orang melayu dek mazhab politik nih.. orang politik nih bercakap macam orang melayu nih bodoh sangat.. kalau nak guna sangat hadis ni, bubarkan parlimen.. beri balik kuasa pada raja-raja melayu.. biar raja melayu yg pilih mana2 ketua yg dia suka.. tak payah buat pilihanraya.. kalau takder pilihanraya, takder parti politik.. kalau raja tak betul, org marah raja saja.. tak suka raja yg ini kita pindah cari raja yg lain.. kan senang.. tak payah nak risau melayu hilang kuasa.. tak rosak parah otak org melayu..

kita nih tak perasan sebenarnya tanah ini bukan tanah melayu lagi.. ini tanah namanya malaysia.. kita dah lepaskan tanah ini sebab kita nak sabah dan sarawak bergabung.. ini pemimpin, yg kita letakkan urusan kehidupan kita, dulu dah buat..taraf melayu di tanah nih dah diturunkan dari pemilik kepada penumpang istimewa.. ini realitinya.. jadi bila yg kafir nak kuasa juga, dia ada hak.. sebab pemimpin, yang kita letakkan urusan kehidupan kita, dulu dah beri jaminan macam tu.. tanah melayu dah tergadai.. yg ada hanya tanah malaysia.. kalau malaysia tuh sama makna dgn tanah melayu, kenapa tukar nama? sebab bunyinya moden? sebab bunyi malaysia tuh cina dan india dengar sama dengan bunyi MELAYu-CIna-indiA...sbb itu lepas jadi malaysia diorg pulun nak menang pilihanraya 1969.. diorg menang pun.. kita curi kemenangan diorg.. baru pemimpin, yg kita letakkan urusan kehidupan kita, tersedar dan kelam kabut buat macam2 nak selamatkan melayu.. tanah yg kita pijak bukan milik kita sahaja... kita dah gadaikan jadi milik bersama.. kita tertipu dengan perjanjian yang kita sendiri buat.. ini sudut pandang ya! ng kita semua akan sedaya upaya tanak tengok dan percaya..

maka apa cara nak pulangkan apa yg sebenarnya milik kita?

Islam.. itu kekuatan perpaduan melayu.. bila Islam tertegak sebagai perlembagaan negara.. apapun nama negaranya, tetap menjadi milik orang Islam dan orang bukan Islam hanya mendapat perlindungan.. masalahnya ada pula sektarian politik..

kita ambil contoh sektarian dalam jemaah muslimin sebagai ibarat..

aku amik contoh nih sebab aku agak setuju dgn sorg kawan aku yang kata parti politik nih sama cam group dlm Islam.. kat pakistan nih ada macam2 sect, aku sendiri baru pertama kali lalui pengalaman berhadapan dgn macam2 group nih.. yg aku perasan semuanya mengaku ahlussunnah wal jamaah.. yg jadi group nih sebab mereka nak bezakan ahlussunnah wal jamaah yg mana yang sebenar2 ahlussunnah wal jamaah.. jadi mereka bagi nama lain..bila dah bagi nama maka jadi pecahlah sbb orang awam kena pilih.. mmg ada group yg tak betul langsung, tapi kebanyakan group bezanya sikit2 saja.. kadangkala hanya berbalah tentang bidaah.. ada yg berbalah tentang sanad hadis.. ada yg berbalah tentang terjemahan ayat Quran.. dan semua mengaku ilmu yang mereka ada bersanad langsung hingga ke Rasulullah saw..

jadi bila kita cerita bab politik narrow-minded malaysia ni.. lebih kurang sama juga.. bila umno kata dia perjuang org melayu, yg mana nama melayu ini diikat dengan agama Islam, maka secara langsung bermakna dia memperjuangkan Islam.. sebab tuh melayu dulukala ada istilah 'masuk melayu'.. aku rasa semua org faham bab ni.. begitu juga pas.. dia kata dia perjuang Islam.. titik.. dah jelas dan tak perlu diperjelaskan..

yang membezakan keduanya ialah cara memperjuangkan Islam! ..

org umno kata bukan dia tanak buat undang2 syariah, malah dah tubuh joke mahkamah syariah, hanya saja org umno berpendapat belum masa nak ubah perlembagaan buat undang2 syariah kerana komposisi kaum dan terlebih lagi kerana org2 melayu sendiri byk yg Islam pada nama sahaja.. kerna itu perjuangan awal kemerdekaan diletakkan atas nama nasionalisme bukan atas nama Islam.. kerna org melayu zaman itu tahu sangat bahawa kemerdekaan tidak akan didapatkan tanpa sokongan dari kaum-kaum bukan Islam.. ini jelas kenapa umno bergabung dgn mca utk pilihanraya dewan bandaran ke-2 selepas kalah teruk di pilihanraya dewan bandaran pulau pinang.. maka pada pendapat org umno, cara memperjuangkan Islam ialah dengan perlahan-lahan memperkuat kedudukan mahkamah syariah.. ini argumentasi orang umno..

pada orang pas pula berbeza.. mereka berpendapat kerana tanah ini tanah melayu dan kekuasaan ada dalam tangan melayu maka undang2 syariah harus ditegakkan serta-merta.. kerna itu adalah wasiat Rasulullah saw.. jika selamanya kita membiarkan tanah melayu ini tidak ditadbir atas syariah Islam maka kita berdosa.. org pas berpendapat bahawa dengan menegakkan undang2 syariah maka orang melayu akan kembali kepada al-Quran dan sunnah.. aku sangat faham argumentasi orang pas..

sama matlamat, sama tujuan, beza cara..

yang aku tak setuju dgn umno ialah mereka ini kelihatan tidak bersungguh2.. dan yang aku tak setuju dgn pas ialah ramai yang agak tergesa-gesa.. kebanyakan orang awam hanya ikut2 saja.. ramai org umno joke tak faham perjuangan sebenar umno, ramai yg hanya sebatas perjuangan bangsa sahaja.. padahal memperjuangkan melayu bukan sekadar perjuangan bangsa.. org pas joke ramai yg tak faham juga.. malah kebanyakannya hanya ikut2 sokong pas sebab marah pada org umno dan beranggapan kesulitan hidup mereka dis! ebabkan salahguna kuasa oleh org umno.. ini termasuklah yang mengatakan A.B.U. dan A.B.C.D... maaf ini hanya pendapat aku.. mungkin aku yg tak pandai nak melihat dari perspektif itu...

aku berpendapat mengapa tidak biarkan saja orang tidak memilih mana2 parti.. sama macam kita tak perlu nak pilih mana2 sect.. kita belajar dengan tok guru satu group dan kita belajar dari tok guru group yg lain.. mana yang kita rasa tenang, mudah2an Allah swt beri petunjuk.. jadi kita tak perlu taksub ikut saja.. org yg ada guru mursyid joke akan sentiasa berdoa agar apa yang dipelajarinya itu adalah ilmu yang benar.. kita belajar dengan cara berfikir.. bukankah Islam itu agama yg menggalakkan berfikir?

maka bila kita nak beribadah dengan Allah swt, kita ikut sunnah Nabi saw, bukan ikut sect.. bila terjadi pertembungan maka kita mufaraqah.. kita mengelakkan fitnah pada Islam, pada diri kita, pada kawan2 kita.. kita bersetuju untuk tidak bersetuju.. jadi bila mazhab2 politik ini berkisah dan membongkar itu ini, kita dengarnya dan hadamkan.. jangan percaya terus.. jika memang ada kebenaran maka kita ambillah supaya kita dapat memilih dengan lebih baik.. tak perlu sokong kuat2 kecualilah mmg kita org politik atau mmg berada dalam parti politik.. bila berdiskusi, kita bertanyalah pendapat bukan kita paksakan pendapat.. bukankah dalam dakwah juga tugas kita hanya menyampaikan, hidayah itu milik Allah swt yang mahu diberikan kepada sesiapa sahaja yang dikehendaki-Nya.. tak perlu nak marah bila orang tidak sependapat dgn kita.. sebab yang kita buat nih semua kerana Allah swt, bukan kerna orang lain dan bukan kerna diri kita..

tapi ini hanya pendapat akulah..aku mungkin salah.. jangan ambil kalau korg rasa pendapat aku ni sesat.. ;)

moga Allah swt melindungi kita dan memberi petunjuk pada kita. amin.


Dicatat olehusoPkuChai
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The Lahad Datu Standoff: Another Point of View

February 27, 2013


The Lahad Datu Standoff: Another Point of View

by Lt Gen (Rtd) Datuk Seri Zaini Mohd Said |panglima_sauk70@hotmail.com

Sulu armyLIKE many happenings in a realm of national security, a ones often thought doubtful as well as even unfit to happen will. Old troops hands had already learned this as well as will constantly remind themselves to design a astonishing to occur, somehow.

Long ago, a United States gifted Pearl Harbour as well as then a 9/11 attack. We had between others, things like a Al Maunah arms heist during a troops camps, a two-person samurai prolonged knife conflict in Putrajaya as well as right away a incursion as well as entrenchment in Sabah of armed soldiers of a Sultanate of Sulu upon February 12. All of these were often unexpected.

Those in a commercial operation of counterclaim as well as confidence have been conscious of threats which can begin from outside or from inside of a country. However, they can never envision as well as picture fully a actual as well as minute form these threats can manifest themselves. These, therefore, can still surprise.

We were surprised by a incursion of a soldiers as well as their direct forHome Affairs Minister2 Sabah to be handed back to a Sultanate of Sulu or else they would quarrel to a genocide if necessary. It was additionally some surprise to many as to a manner they made their demand, with some-more than 100 armed men, in Sabah, and, headed by a stately m! ember fr om a sultanate.

Not unexpectedly, many have been questioning why they were means to land in a first place as well as why it is receiving so prolonged to exude or apprehend them, forcibly if need be.

Understandable, questions from in settle with minds but since a operation as well as ethereal process of urging them to leave is ongoing, it is best to let a authorities go about doing their job as well as wait for for a complete answers to come once there is full closure of a matter.

In a meantime, there is little need for be concerned or means for alarm. Indications have been which a authorities as well as Police have been upon tip of a situation as well as have been prepared for any eventuality.

The Sulu soldiers have been additionally reported to begin to remove their haughtiness as well as overpowering fast. Even a troops is tighten by as well as ready to come in if needed. It should not be as well difficult for a confidence forces to end a standoff by have use of of force during all.

We should, however, pray which this will not be necessary. It would certainlyRajah Muda Agbimuddin Kiram affect as well as imperil a effort as well as a purpose as a monitor towards getting a Moro Islamic Liberation Front as well as Manila assent settle finalised as well as a establishment of a Bangsamoro state in southern Philippines.

If force were to outcome in many casualties upon a Sulu side, then Malaysia's plans as well as prospects of assisting as well as participating in a growth in a land of a Moros will diminish. It cannot be easy when there have been to be malicious as well as angry people from inside of a population there.

In any case, it is believed which they had not come intending to quarrel us or a confidence forces. That they c! ame led as well as ready to go in recognisable troops uniforms with transparent insignias is not to crop up intimidating but to be identified as a bona fide as well as organized troops physique as well as not terrorists or usual criminals.

map-sabah-intrudersA recognition which would grant them to be regarded as well as treated underneath all a supplies of a general law upon land warfare as well as a Geneva Convention as troops combatants. A standing they could nevertheless remove if they were to have monetary or alternative element demands over what has already been stated.

This contingency have been transparent to a authorities as well as which substantially explains a benefaction strategy of urging them to leave peacefully as well as not giving in to any inappropriate demand, being a many appropriate choice to pursue.

Avoid a shooting partial during all costs for it will never ever end in which partial of a world as well as not with a Moros.

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Lari 5 tahun ... siapa tanggung si PI Bala penipu?,

Selepas lebih kurang 5 tahun penyiasat persendirian Balasubramaniam Perumal (PI Bala) menghilangkan diri bersembunyi di India, Ahad lepas bersamaan 24 Februari 2013, akhirnya PI Bala muncul di KLIA dengan sambutan hangat oleh kira-kira 50 penyokong PKR.

Sambutan yang diberikan oleh PKR terhadap PI Bala itu mengesahkan lagi wujudnya peranan parti itu dalam merencanakan komplot jahat mereka

UMNO Khianat Melayu (3/3)

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Apa saja (Parody yang cool)

Pakatan Rakyat Manifesto for GE-13: Some Glaring Omissions

February 27, 2013

Pakatan Rakyat Manifesto for GE-13: Some Glaring Omissions

by Malaysiakini (02-26-13)

PR GE-13 Manifesto

Pakatan Rakyat has drawn up most bold as well as far-reaching promises in a manifesto, which has a potential of transforming Malaysia at a very core. However, a request dubbed as 'The People's Pact, The People's Hope' declaration does enclose some glaring omissions, which made it unsuitable with a coalition's policies.

A list of five key issues, selected by Malaysiakini, follows:

1. Goods as well as services tax

The BN supervision has been playing around with a idea of implementing a goods as well as services taxation (GST) given a Abdullah Ahmad Badawi administration.

And although a required law has given been tabled in 2009, all a signs have been pointing to a post-general election implementation. The Najib Abdul Razak administration, however, had argued which a GST is essential to help sustain a debt-laden sovereign government, as well as in widening a taxation base beyond a benefaction stand of 1.7 million taxpayers.

Pakatan was against to a idea, with PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim stressing which a brand new taxation will burden a lower-income group. However, there is no discuss of any move to scrap a proposed Goods as well as Services Bill in a Pakatan Rakyat manifesto.

2. The Indian as well as infirm communities

we-the-rakya!   tMost of a nation's minority groups, from Orang Asli to a inland people of Sabah as well as Sarawak, perceived substantial mentions in Pakatan's manifesto, with a exceptions of a Indian as well as infirm communities, who had been left out.

The Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) has long highlighted a categorical problems which have been faced by a Indian community such as obtaining equal economic opportunities as well as land concessions for a construction of Tamil schools which has so far not been resolved during Pakatan's reign in a Penang as well as Selangor states.

It has additionally been considered strange which Pakatan did not outline a policies for a infirm community. In Selangor as well as Penang, a state supervision had ensured which there was representation from a infirm community in a internal supervision bodies to delineate policies for barrier-free access.

3. Local supervision elections

Local supervision elections were suspended in 1964, as well as given then, DAP has been actively championing a replacement of a elections which it argued would bring about greater potency as well as clarity to a operations of internal authorities.

Last year, a DAP-led Penang supervision passed a law which was designed to allow such elections, though a Election Commission (EC) had motionless not to comply. The make a difference is approaching to be brought to court soon.

That was as close as DAP has gotten to illustrate far. But judging from Pakatan's manifesto, which creates no discuss of a matter, they might not get most further even if Pakatan takes over Putrajaya.

It is widely believed which PAS as well as PKR have been not in foster of a idea, as well as have been gentle with a benefaction complement of having domestic appointees in a ru! nning of internal supervision bodies.

4. Freedom of information

NoIn most complicated democracies, open entrance to supervision papers is a right. Both Selangor as well as Penang have passed a required laws meant to promote this service, though in truth, a mechanism for such a service has yet to be in place.

Perhaps a actuality which a laws have been now still window-dressing for both a Selangor as well as Penang administrations, resulted in this policy being left out of Pakatan's manifesto. On a other hand, BN has been remarkable to be opposed to such measures.

5. Asset declarations

Pakatan has been hounding a BN leaders who reason open office to acknowledgement their assets, though a former had not affianced to do so in their manifesto. However, a coalition has implemented this complement for a state cupboard members in Selangor as well as Penang, whereas a Kedah as well as Kelantan states had selected not to follow suit.

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Vell Paari stands by resolve, Palanivel seeks Cabinets wisdom

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 27 MICs S. Vell Paari is adhering to his finalise to pull a celebration to campaign exclusively of Barisan Nasional (BN) in Election 2013 should a statute bloc exclude to condemnation bigots for spewing racist salivate opposite a countrys non-Malay communities. But a MIC plan executive told The Malaysian Insider that ... Read More

Altantuya Slandered By Deepak

Recently, Deepak Jaikishan, the problematic businessman, used to lift people's courtesy by claiming that Abdul Razak Baginda is sterile.Just how suppose how good this runner salesman is, he even know personal information of other men.Deepak however, might have missed the fact, Razak Baginda is not waste as he has the child, Roweena, from his matrimony with Mazlinda Makhzan where they have been still together.The reason at the back of why Deepak built such accusation would usually lead to one - to convinc ... Read More

Survey: Malaysians convinced 'Project IC' has not ended

The infancy of Malaysians hold which a covert operation aimed during extenuation citizenship to foreigners is still starting on.

According toMerdeka Centre, 60% of those surveyed hold which 'Project IC' has one after another until today.

Only 26% disagreed which there is still such an operation, whilst a remaining 14 percent are uncertain or refused to answer.

A sum of 1,021 respondents participated in a consult between Jan 23 to February 6.
According to a racial breakdown, 61% of Malays as well as 71% of Chinese hold which 'Project IC' was ongoing, whilst 25% of Malays as well as 13% of Chinese hold otherwise.

Surprisingly, Indian respondents broke a direction with a whopping 76% who do not hold which foreigners were still being given blue temperament cards, since usually 19% believed which it was still occurring.

Of a sum sample size, 59% were Malays, 32% were Chinese, as well as 9% were Indians.
merdeka center hold in extenuation citizenship to foreigners

When damaged down along a lines of domestic affiliation, 45% of BN supporters believed which Project IC is ongoing, compared to a 37% who go upon to hold dishonesty to a claim.

Expectedly, 82% of Pakatan Rakyat supporters believed this was true, as compared to a 11% who believed otherwise.

The strenuous infancy - 86% of respondents - "strongly disagreed" or "somewhat disagreed" during a extenuation of citizenship for Indonesian as well as Philipines Muslims to live as well as opinion in Sabah.

Vast infancy opposite a move
Responding ! to a fol low-up question upon whether a respondents concluded with a extenuation of citizenship for Indonesian as well as Filipino Muslims so which they can live as well as opinion in Sabah, an strenuous 86% disagreed, whilst 10% agreed.

According to a racial breakdown, 83% of Malays as well as 88% of Chinese were against to such a move, since usually 12% of Malays as well as 9% Chinese agreed.

However, a Indian respondents here were consistent with a general direction as well as in fact, topped a rest with an strenuous 95% who disagreed to this move, whilst a mere 1% concluded upon it.
merdeka center determine in extenuation citizenship to foreigners

This was also reflected by a bipartisanship, as 81% of BN supporters as well as 91% of Pakatan supporters were against to it, whilst usually 13% of BN supporters as well as 7% of Pakatan supporters were in favour.

According to testimonies during a stately elect of inquiry upon a issue of immigrants in Sabah, an operation took place in a state sometime in a 1980s as well as 1990s where Muslim foreigners had been postulated citizenship.

The pierce was finished in a bid to alter a state's demographic to disintegrate a afterwards Parti Bersatu Sabah-led state government, thus paving a way for Sabah Umno's rise to power.
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A question of moral authority

RK Anand Like many Malaysians, S Ambigas calm is also wearing thin over the budding ministers feet-dragging in dissolving Parliament. At the single indicate when the budding ministers rating was up, conjecture was abundant about the snap polls. But now, the nation is left wondering if the ubiquitous election would ever be called. Like many Malaysians, [...] Read More

Gunshots fired at house belonging to Sg Siput MIC chiefs brother

SUNGAI SIPUT, February 26 Several gunshots were dismissed at a residence of a brother of Sungai Siput MIC chief, R. Ganesan in Taman Jalong here last night.
In a incident at about 11pm, R. Murugan, 40, who lived in a double-storey terrace residence with his mother, mother as well as daughter was not at home.
"I was with Ganesan as well as two friends at a restaurant in Kantan here when I perceived a call from my wife, M. Puvaneswary, 30.
"She told me that whilst they were sleeping, she listened loud explosions outward a house," he said.
Upon returning home, Murugan was sensitive by his mother two bullets had penetrated a potion door as well as hit a wall inside.
Murugan who is a chairman of Perak People's Unity as well as Development Association pronounced he found a bullet underneath his automobile as well as several shooting signs upon a embankment as well as car.
He pronounced a incident was not a initial time as a residence had been splashed with paint as well as hurled with stones.
He believed a incident was politically motivated.
Meanwhile, Sungai Siput military chief Supt Azman Salim when contacted confirmed a incident as well as military were investigating from assorted angles.
"The forensic team found several bullets as well as shells in as well as outward a house. Police would be receiving statements from a victims as well as a box was being investigated underneath Section 4 of a Firearms Act (Increased Penalty) 1971," he said. Bernama
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Majority of voters unhappy with Project IC as Sabah RCI continues

An eccentric poll shows which 86 per cent of electorate in Peninsular Malaysia disagreed with a government's past action which has seen a unfamiliar race boom in a Borneo state as good as earned it a moniker 'Project IC'. Reuters picKUALA LUMPUR, Feb twenty-six Nearly nine out of 10 electorate remonstrate with Putrajaya's past moves in extenuation citizenship to Indonesians as good as Filipinos to live as good as vote in Sabah, according to a ultimate voter consult amid an ongoing stately review into a flood of foreigners there for a past twenty years.
Independent pollster Merdeka Center For Opinion Research, which surveyed 1,021 electorate in Peninsular Malaysia at a end of January, reported currently 86 per cent observant they disagreed with a government's past action which has seen a unfamiliar race boom in a Borneo state as good as earned it a moniker "Project IC".
The consult additionally found 60 per cent of electorate observant they believed a vast series of foreigners were still getting a blue-coloured identity cards marking their status as citizens.
The longstanding issue of illegal immigrants which has one after another violent for decades has incited emotive between Sabah natives similar to a Kadazandusun as good as Murut communities, many of whom feel which a state has been attacked of a supervision by a massive liquid of foreigners from beside Philippines as good as Indonesia.
More than a quarter of Sabah's race are foreigners, totalling a staggering 889,000 out of a 3.2 million-strong race in Sabah, or about 28 per cent, formed upon a 2010 census.
Sabah has 926,638 voters, according to a Jun report in English-language daily The Star.
The vast series of foreigners has additionally disturbed Sabah natives, who mostly blame them for a climb in crime as ! good as for stealing job opportunities.
More than 100 armed Filipino gunmen intruded into Lahad Datu upon Feb 9, claiming ties with a Sulu sultanate which gives them ownership of Sabah. They have since refused to leave.
Recognising a domestic stress of Sabah's illegals problem, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had agreed to form a stately elect of exploration (RCI) to look into it.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia's longest-serving prime apportion who was in energy from 1981 to 2003, has been accused of spearheading a supposed "Project IC", in which citizenship was allegedly since to immigrants for their votes.
But former Sabah Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Salleh, who administered a state from 1976 to 1985, has denied at a RCI of a life of "Project IC".
Dr Mahathir told a press discussion final month which foreigners in Sabah had indeed received citizenship, though stressed which it was "within a law".
The exploration prior to a five-member row led by former Chief Judge of Sabah as good as Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong resumes upon March 5.
The Jan twenty-three to Feb 6 survey, which was saved internally by a Merdeka Center, directed to gauge voters' perceptions of issues in a run up to a 13th ubiquitous choosing due soon. It had a margin error of 3 per cent.
The research residence pronounced a consult took place after a Jan twelve People's Uprising rally backed by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders in a national capital here as good as a ongoing media coverage of a Sabah citizenship-for-votes stately inquiry.
It remarkable which other issues which formed a articulate indicate to a consult enclosed runner play Deepak Jaikishan's as good as former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan's statements argumentative statements against a government, as good as a "Allah" eremite dispute.
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British Victims of Investing in Malaysia

60 British Investors upheld by British MPs, record a civil fit against a ex-Treasurer of UMNO, Dato Azim Zabidi as well as his association Doxport Technologies Sdn. Bhd. for alleged fraud.
This follows upon from 5th October 2011 when British investors lodged a military criminal box in Malaysia against a directors of Doxport Technologies Sdn Bhd. Investors lay that Doxport Technologies solicited supports upon a false basement regulating fake invoices as well as papers as well as misappropriated supports amounting to a little US$ 4,000,000.
Several British MPs have expressed their deep concern to a Malaysian Attorney General, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail with a range as well as speed of a military investigation. 14 months after lodging a criminal complaint, usually one suspect has been interviewed by a military as well as a Money Laundering Investigation Division have, after a baffling delay of 14 months, usually just proposed their review in to a activities of Doxport Technologies.
60 British investors backed in a UK by Lord Ahmed of Rotherham as well as their MPs, have lodged a civil box during a High Court of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur to retrieve over US$ 4,000,000 of supports from Doxport Technologies Sdn. Bhd. as well as its directors, employees as well as member including Dato Azim Zabidi (Chairman & Director); Sivalingam Thechinamoorthy (Director) as well as Gurmeet Kaur (Accounts Department & Shareholder).
A Press Conference will be hold upon Wednesday 27th February 2013 during 11am by a Malaysian MP Zuraidah Kamaruddin during a PKR Headquarters, A-1-09, Merchant Square, Jalan Tropicana Selatan 1, 47410 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
The British High ! Commissi on inMalaysiawill additionally have a deputy benefaction during a Press Conference as well as a Press Statement by Lord Ahmed ofRotherhamwill additionally be read/given out.
In addition, a Press Conference will additionally be hold in London during a House of Lords in early March 2013 attended by British investors, their deputy Lord Ahmed of Rotherham, their particular MPs as well as by UK as well as Overseas Press, News as well as Media organisations.
British investors are represented in Malaysia by The Chambers of Kamarul Hisham & Hasnal Rezua. Tel: 603 6201 3566
Notes to Editors:
A Press Conference will be hold upon Wednesday 27th February 2013 during 11am by a Malaysian MP Zuraidah Kamaruddin during a PKR Headquarters, A-1-09, Merchant Square, Jalan Tropicana Selatan 1, 47410 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
The British High Commission inMalaysiawill additionally have a deputy benefaction during a Press Conference as well as a Press Statement by Lord Ahmed ofRotherhamwill additionally be read/given out.
To attend or for serve report upon a Malaysian Press Conference greatfully contact:
The Chambers of Kamarul Hisham & Hasnal Rezua. Tel: 603 6201 3566 or emailseapress@bvim.org.uk
Please send any articles or video that we may undertake or web links to these toarticles@BVIM.org.uk
To attend or for serve report upon a UK Press Conference greatfully contact:
Some of a British investors have instituted a website outlining a case, for serve details see:
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BN DEATH KNELL: Najib's popularity plunges further to 61% hit by ERODING MALAY SUPPORT

BN DEATH KNELL: Najib's recognition plunges serve to 61% strike by ERODING MALAY SUPPORT
Prime Minister Najib Razak's recognition plunged an additional 2 commission points to 61%, confirming a growing views which his domestic plan has been heavily flawed, ceding a upper-hand to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim as well as his Pakatan Rakyat bloc as a country's ubiquitous choosing nears.
The 59-year-old Najib is right away a slightest renouned PM to lead a Umno-BN bloc into inhabitant polls, as well as this may produce Malaysia's first-ever regime shift if a Opposition is able to seize a day as well as win a sovereign government.
Najib is expected to disintegrate Parliament within a subsequent few weeks to pave a approach for a 13th ubiquitous election.
More damaging, a consult results have been firm to increase a discontent as well as infighting within his Umno party as well as serve weaken his capability to suppress rivals including Deputy prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin as well as former premier Mahathir Mohamad.
Sharp drop in Malay satisfaction
According to a Merdeka Center,"several weeks away from a ubiquitous election, a consult concluded between voters in Peninsular Malaysia in early Feb 2013 found which a Prime Minister's approval rating had slipped serve to 61% from 63% during a end of Dec 2012.
The consult found which whilst satisfaction between Chinese as well as Indian voters remained during 34% as well as 75% respectively, a view between Malay voters had declined 4% from 77% to 73%.
The consult additionally detected movements in voter s! entiment s towards a supervision as well as a ruling Barisan Nasional party whereby 48% pronounced they were "happy with a government" whilst 45% reported they were "happy with Barisan Nasional". The consult additionally found declines from between Malay respondents towards a supervision as well as Barisan Nasional."
Deepak , Musa allegations have an impact
The PM's altogether approval rating had only managed to urge 1 commission indicate to 65% final Nov after he voiced a populist as well as choosing goodies-filled Budget 2013, compared with 64% final May.
The Jan twenty-three to Feb 6 survey, which was funded internally by a Merdeka Center, directed to sign voters' perceptions of issues in a run up to a 13th ubiquitous choosing due soon. The Center says a results have a margin error of 3%.
The research house pronounced a consult took place after a Jan twelve People's Uprising convene corroborated by Anwar as well as PR leaders in Kuala Lumpur as well as among a ongoing media coverage of a Sabah citizenship-for-votes royal inquiry.
Merdeka Center additionally remarkable which other issues forming a articulate indicate to its consult enclosed statements done by controversial office worker Deepak Jaikishan as well as former Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan against Najib, a supervision as well as a brawl over a make use of of a word "Allah".
Malaysia Chronicle
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Dr M: My children succeeded from own efforts

Dr M: My young kids succeeded from own efforts
KUALA LUMPUR- If PKR confidant Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim becomes the budding minister, the cupboard will be filled with his family as well as friends as ministers.
Former budding apportion Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad pronounced if this happened, it would be easy for them to do anything they wanted.
The former premier pronounced Parti Keadilan Rakyat belonged to Anwar as he appointed his mother as the boss as well as chose her to competition for the Permatang Pauh parliamentary seat.
"He afterwards asked his mother to resign so which he can competition the seat. There is additionally no evidence of any competition for the party adviser's position hold by him. Now his mother is the boss whilst his daughter is the vice-president", he wrote in his blog chedet.cc
On the other hand, Dr Mahathir pronounced when he was the budding apportion as well as financial minister, nothing of his young kids hold any positions in the supervision or in the party.
"Their names were nominated multiform times but I did not allow it until after my retirement. They additionally never received any supervision contracts."
He pronounced which if they succeeded in governing body or in business, it was usually by their own efforts as well as all these happened after he retired from politics.
Dr Mahathir pronounced Petronas did not give any opportunities to his young kids when he was an confidant with the oil company.
"In fact, no contracts were since to my young kids by Petronas until their businesses had flourished. Although I am called the Petronas adviser, I never gave ! any advi ce. It is under the budding apportion as well as he gives instructions to Petronas."
He additionally denied any involvement in the new stipulate since to his son as purported by Anwar.
"I was usually informed by the Petronas boss after it was since out. I never participated in the decision creation process as well as am ready to swear upon the Quran in the mosque."
Dr Mahathir pronounced giving out such contracts would substantially be finished by Anwar if he was in power.
He added which when Anwar was the deputy budding apportion as well as financial minister, many contracts were since to his political supporters as well as family.
He pronounced this was displayed during the Umno ubiquitous assembly, where the names of those who got contracts when Anwar was in power.
"The names of his supporters as well as families have been there. None of my children's names is there."
Dr Mahathir pronounced his son Mirzan was the target of Anwar's slander.
"It is true which he was the executive in the San Miguel association but it is not just the drink association as it is increasingly concerned in the food as well as inorganic substance industries."
He pronounced which following the allegations, Mirzan quiescent as well as he was right away the executive in the Petron oil company, which was formerly known as ExxonMobil as well as the fuel supplier to aircraft in Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
"When ExxonMobil was taken over by San Miguel, it was placed under Petron as well as my son was appointed the executive whilst the fuel supply stipulate was inherited by Petron.
"If Anwar's mother as well as daughter can become politicians, because can't my young kids do business but being slandered by him? Is he out of ideas now?"
- New Straits Times
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Who has been funding Bala for the past 5 years?

(Perak Today) - After about 5 years private investigator, Balasubramaniam Perumal (Bala) went to hiding in India, last Sunday, Feb 24, he came back to KLIA, welcomed by about 50 PKR supporters. The welcoming ceremony confirmed which a celebration does have its impasse in using an evil plot to manipulate a attempted murder box of Mongolian model, Altantuya to be related to Prime Minister, Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak. The initial thing Bala did when he got to KLIA was being underneath promise while hol ... Read More

Pandan Candidacy: Is Dr Chua's MCA Checkmated?

It appears which Dr Chua Soi Lek was perplexing to avert his nemesis Ong Tee Keat being nominated to urge his Pandan parliamentary chair by suggesting which Ong is not on his party's list to contest the subsequent GE. He was perplexing to preempt the probability of Ong being nominated by PM Najib as the BN approach candidate.

Here's where the problems lie; it is the physique blow to the MCA which has been seen as debasing to UMNO. The party's foes generally the DAP has been starting around suggesting which MCA is anything but the puppet of UMNO. By major Dr Chua on his choice of claimant for Pandan, PM Najib is starting to reinforce this notice as well as DAP has an one more bullet to have use of for the arriving GE.

The only MCA president who had stood up for his element against UMNO was the late Dr Lim Chong Eu. When his approach for 40 parliamentary seats was rejected by Tunku Abdul Rahman, their attribute worsened. Lim left MCA in 1960 as well as came back to form UDP in 1962; which was the precursor to Gerakan. we was absolved to interview the late Dr Lim for 3 uninterrupted days during his office.

What is Dr Chua starting to do next? Overnight, his celebration has lost the chair to UMNO. Technically, Ong Tee Keat is an UMNO-sponsored claimant for the Pandan seat. Meanwhile, what is the standing of Ong's membership in MCA? Technically, Ong has committed the grave disciplinary offense by refusing to mind his party's direction to empty his chair for an additional candidate, Gary Lim. Is Chua starting to call for the disciplinary action against Ong?

Dr Chua is wary of the fact which the winning Ong may threaten his energy bottom in MCA if the celebration wins reduction than its last tally of fifteen parliamentary seats. A resurgent Ong is something Chua would hatred to see as well as worse if the former creates the quip as the subsequent president of ! MCA pres umption which many of comparison leaders remove their seats. Among the leaders, Liow Tiong Lai is seeking quite plain in defending his turf. The same cannot be said for Wee Ka Siong, Chua Tee Yong, Ng Yen Yen as well as others.

Najib's decision to field approach BN possibilities has both pros as well as cons. It could usher in the brand new epoch for the racially divided coalition to in the future merge into the singular multiracial party; starting with UMNO, MCA as well as MIC.

On the flip side, fielding approach possibilities generally those who are confronting the little personal conflicts with their respective celebration suggests which BN is in truth quite querulous as well as UMNO is right away left with no choice but to dictate the total candidacy for the 13th GE. Direct possibilities are starting to appear in Sarawak as well given SUPP, PRS as well as SPDP are confronting the split too.

For now, Dr Chua is confronting the leadership crisis in MCA. He wants to project himself as the clever as well as decisive personality in MCA as well as an next to comparison partner in BN. Being told to have rescind on his decision is the setback he does not need now.

PM Najib may be attempting to save Pandan by putting the rest of MCA seats during risk! And Dr Chua's opponents are starting to have the field day doubt his "Mojo" (re: Austin Power).

It is surely the honeyed sweet revenge for Ong.

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Forced to convert

Will a new supervision do a right thing?
How prolonged will a Sultans continue to close their eyes?
Are they not a genuine BUMIPUTRA/MALAY of this country?
Pendatang heighten themselves running this country whilst a start continues to live in poverty.
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A reason to reject "Pakatan Rakyat" in Selangor

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The children will have to pay for Mahathir's sin

Unconfirmed sources have indicated which TWO (2) "Royal Sulu Army Subjects" from a Sulu Royalty in Lahad Datu were shot passed today.Sources have been incompetent to confirm if their death came from a result of any gun glow from our Malaysian confidence forces,although residents listened in between 6-10 gun shots fired.

The TWO(2) passed organisation were identified as Hj.Musa as well as Malik(pic above). Malaysian Security Forces have been parsimonious lipped over a incident at a moment....source pleasantness of Sabahkini news.

Well if a headlines is loyal afterwards Mahathir Kutty is passed duck. Now a Sulu Army will track his young kids down identical to a way a Taiko did to Mirzan in Hongkong.

So right away a young kids of Mahathir Kutty has to pay for their father's sin.

They can right away kiss their commercial operation good-bye.
Malaysian confidence forces have proposed their crackdown on a Filipino armed organisation which has occupied a part of Sabah, Malaysia, by impediment late Monday a nephew of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III in Sabah.

Abraham Idjirani, orator of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, reliable a arrest of Sahid Asaral Aswad in a village of Tanduao in Lahad Datu town.

"But he was not part of a group which arrived early this month. He was innate there," Idjirani said by phone.

"We have been not sure what his violation is but it's clear a Malaysian supervision has proposed its crackdown against supporters as well as relatives of Kiram," he added.

Meanwhile "This is do or die," said Raja Muda Agbimuddin Kiram, hermit of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III.
Posted byDian
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The timing is right

The Chinese see Psy.
The Malays see Tanda Putera.
The Indians see Vishwaroopam.
The Rakyat see P.I. Bala.
Najib as well as BN see the exit.
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Adakah lagi tempat Melayu bergantung?

February 26, 2013

Komen Pak Kadiak: Adakah lagi tempat Melayu bergantung?

oleh Dato A. Kadir Jasin @www. kadirjasin.blogspot.com

Pak KadiakSeorang usahawan Melayu yang pada satu ketika dulu amat berjaya dan tersohor dengan mainan pasaran sahamnya yang sangat licik tetapi sudah lebih sedekad terpelanting daripada perniagaan arus perdana di Malaysia kerana politik, bertanya saya kepada siapakah orang Melayu boleh bergantung.

Bukan alang kepalang punya soalan itu. Orang putih kata, a million-dollar subject (soalan sejuta dolar). Saya kata, soalan yang tidak ada jawapan. Lagi hebat, dia bertanya soalan itu (melalui sistem pesanan ringkas/SMS) dari di Milan, Itali yang berupa ibu kota fesyen dunia.

Untuk sama-sama memahami dan memikirkan jawapan kepada soalan berkenaan, izinkan saya mengemukakan beberapa fakta, andaian dan keluhan sebagai asas perbahasan:

1. Di saat-saat kedudukan orang Melayu semakin terdesak dan terancam, kepemimpinan Melayu di kedua-dua belah sempadan politik dilemparkan pelbagai dakwaan, tuduhan dan insinuasi yang sangat dahsyat. Ada tuduhan sudah terbukti. Ada tuduhan sekadar sensasi. Ada tuduhan disangkal sepenuh hati. Ada yang pucat kesing, murung berdiam diri. Apabila tuduhan tidak dibalas, tentu ada yang percaya ia berasas.

2. Persepsi yang semakin negatif di kalangan orang Melayu sendiri terhadap jati diri, integriti dan moral pemimpin politik Melayu.

3. Yang malu, rugi dan dicaci adalah orang Melayu. Dan Melayu bukanlah ramai sangat di Malaysia ini. Menurut Bancian 2010, penduduk Malaysia seramai 27,484,596 orang. Daripada jumlah itu, Melayu 50.1 peratus, Cina 22.5 peratus, Bumiputera bukan Melayu 11.8 peratus, India 6.7 peratus, kaum-kaum lain 0.7 peratus dan orang asing 2.25 juta atau 8.2 peratus.

4. Jadi hanya sepa! ruh pend uduk Malaysia orang Melayu dan orang Melayu pula, secara purata, adalah lebih daif daripada orang Cina dan India di segi ekonomi. Orang Melayu dan Bumiputera adalah warga ekonomi kelas tiga.

5. Orang Melayu semakin lemah di segi politik kerana berpecah tiga antara UMNO, PAS dan PKR. Hanya UMNO boleh dianggap parti yang berorientasikan Melayu. Itu joke azam Melayunya semakin luntur. PAS mengaku parti Islam dan PKR parti pelbagai kaum.

6. Kepemimpinan Melayu, sama ada dalam UMNO, PAS atau PKR tidak lagi komited 100 peratus mempertahan dan memperluaskan kuasa politik dan ekonomi Melayu/Bumiputera kerana berlumba-lumba memikat hati pengundi Cina dan India.

7. Sikap orang Melayu yang semakin lemah dan negatif terhadap jati diri bangsa, penerokaan ilmu, komitmen kepada kerjaya, mencari kejayaan dan mengumpul harta. Orang Melayu tidak malu lagi menjadi peminta bantuan dan penerima subsidi. Mereka semakin tidak berdaya berdikari, sesat dan hilang arah tujuan.

8. Mungkin benarlah kata Hang Tuah, takkan Melayu hilang di dunia. Tetapi kita tidak pernah pula mendengar Hang Tuah berkata, takkan Melayu hilang di Tanah Melayu. Hari ini, ke mana joke kita pergi di dunia, kita akan berjumpa orang Melayu yang boleh hidup senang di perantauan.


9. Saya sangat komited kepada pendirian bahawa zaman orang Melayu bergantung semata-mata kepada kepemimpinan politik Melayu sudah berlalu. Kalau orang Melayu masih berasa perlu mempertahankan bangsa mereka, mereka perlu mewujudkan suara atau kuasa ketiga di luar kerangka politik dengan berpayungkan Raja-Raja mereka.

10. Dan dalam jangka masa singkat, saya tidak nampak wujud jalan pintas yang akan membolehkan orang Melayu mengembalikan kedudukan dominan mereka sebagai bangsa induk Malaysia. Kuasa ekonomi orang Melayu tidak pernah ada. Kini kuasa politik semakin t! erancam. Wallahualam.

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Azmin Ali guna kanak-kanak sebar SMS fitnah

Satu SMS palsu yang menyamar sebagai BN Selangor telah dihantar dari nombor 0133868376 (prepaid celcom)
Pemilik no hp telah dikesan sebagai : Wan Surya Nadia binti Wan Azmi
NRIC No.: 950802105714Alamat: 6-0-4, Kelumpuk Tempua B,
Jalan 9/56, Ampang Ulu Klang.
Ini sah budak lai. kecil-kecil dah diajar menipu oleh Azmin Ali suruh ni..