Kewangan Islam Mencari Matlamat?

Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam, 2012 (APKI), telah pun dibentang dan diluluskan di Dewan Rakyat. Terdahulu Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan (APK) diluluskan utuk menggantikan BAFIA, Akta Kawalan Pertukaran Asing, Akta Insuran dan Akta Sistem Pembayaran.

APKI pula untuk menggantikan Akta Perbankan Islam dan Akta Takaful. Kedua-dua akta yang dimansuhkan ini akan diletakkan di bawah akta baru ini. Tujuan pengenalan akta-akta baru ini adalah untuk menyelaraskan undang-undang sedia ada sekaligus memangkin pertumbuhan Malaysia sebagai hub kewangan antarabangsa.

Tidak dinafikan bahawa Malaysia adalah antara negara ummat Islam yang banyak berperanan mendayakan dan mengarusperdanakan Kewangan Islam. Usaha-usaha perintis tentunya merujuk seawal penubuhan institusi Tabung Haji dalam tahun 1969, seterusnya penubuhan Bank Islam pertama pada tahun 1983 sehingga terkini cadangan menubuhkan Mega Bank Islam.

Kebrentakan kewangan antarabangsa mutakhir ini, khasnya kemelut kewangan di Amerika, krisis zon Euro yang menyaksikan Greece, dan terkini Itali dan Spain juga di ambang kebankrapan, meletakkan Kewangan Islam kembali mendapat perhatian. Sebut-sebutan bahawa Kewangan Islam mampu mengambil alih dan diarusperdanakan menjadi teras kewangan antarabangsa sudah tidak lagi menjadi rahsia dan ditakuti masyarakat antarabangsa.

Pun begitu malangnya, Kewangan Islam belum lagi difahami betul-betul oleh ummat Islam sendiri. Lebih malang kalau penganjur dan penaja Kewangan Islam sendiri masih belum berpuashati tentang kefahamannya oleh pihak penguasa politik dan pemerintah. Kegagalan menghayati tasawur dan tujuannya, meletakkan 'Maqasid (Matlamat) Kewangan Islam' ini tidak mampu dicapai.

Penulisan ini dibuat bertujuan memaparkan aspek ini.
Umumnya Kewangan Islam difahami sebagai satu 'industri berorientasi pencegahan' atau 'prohibition-oriented industry'. Kewangan Islam lazimnya diertikan dengan mencegah Riba, Gharar (Penipuan) dan Masyir (spekulasi) dalam transaksi serta kontrak dan ! mengelak kan dari terlibat dalam pelaburan serta pembiayaan sektor dan perniagaan 'haram'.

Lebih khususnya lagi, sisi-sisi pandang mengikut kerjaya dan pengkhususan juga turut mewarnai kefahaman dan persepsi tentang Kewangan Islam. Seorang pengamal undang-undang, seorang ahli ekonomi, seorang 'regulator' dan seorang penasihat Syari'ah punya perspektif masing-masing.

Justeru amat mustahak untuk ummat ditegaskan kembali 'Apa itu Kewangan Islam'? Lebih penting, 'Bagaimanakah Kewangan Islam seharusnya berperanan membangunkan ummat dan negara'?

Penulis juga akhirnya akan memaparkan bagaimana, dalam usaha penguasa dan pemerintah menaja Kewangan Islam, amalan tadbir-urus dalam negara tampak semakin mengalami percanggahan dengan prinsip-prinsip Syari'ah dan tadbir-urus Islam dengan laporan Ketua Audit Negara dan pendedahan pelbagai skandal kewangan.

Wajar ditegaskan Kewangan Islam bukan hanya untuk mengelakkan muamalat atau transaksi pengurusan perniagaan yang bebas unsur-unsur riba, gharar dan spekulasi. Sudah sampai waktunya Kewangan Islam ini kembali diletakkan berperanan untuk sentiasa mencapai 'Maqasid Syari'ah' itu sendiri khasnya 'Pemeliharaan Harta' atau Hifzul Maal. Malah lebih fundamental dan luas dari itu Kewangan Islam mesti juga diletakkan berperanan dalam kerangka untuk mencapai 'Maqasid Syariah' atau Matlamat-Matlamat Syariah yang lebih luas yakni 'Keadilan (Justice), Kemakmuran (Prosperity) dan Kelestarian (Sustainability).

Sudah sampai waktunya satu 'penilaian kritikal' dibuat terhadap matlamat yang seharusnya dicapai oleh perlaksanaan Kewangan Islam ini di segi kayu ukur kemakmuran rakyat dan tadbir-urus yang menjadi lebih bersih, beretika, bebas rasuah serta salahguna kuasa.

Syariat Islam terbahagi kepada dua jenis hukum hakam yang bersifat Kekal (Thawabit) dan Berubah (Mutaghyyirat). Muamalat tergolong dalam hal perkara yang bersifat "Mutaghayyirat". Meniliti perkembangan Kewangan Islam menyerlahkan betapa Syariat Islam itu adalah sangat anj! al (flex ible) dan berdaya-maju (dyamics).

Dengan gandingan pelbagai pihak serta penubuhan beberapa badan penting terkini seperti MIFC (Malaysian International Islamic Financial Cetre), ISRA (BNM), ASAS (Association of Syariah Advisors), pacuan pengembangan Kewangan Islam terus diterokai.

Ini mengizinkan pembangunan produk-produk kewangan Islam secara inovatif dan agresif dalam dekad-dekad mutakhir. Pengukuhan amalan perbankan, pasaran kewangan dan pelaburan Islam berlaku ketika wujudnya pelbagai produk yang mampu memenuhi pelbagai keperluan instrumen pelaburan dan kecairan (liquidity). Permintaan yang meluas serta produk yang diterima di peringkat global dengan peraturan yang kukuh juga turut menstabilkan pasaran keseluruhannya.

Justeru, perkembangan dan inovasi dalam industri kewangan adalah sangat pesat samada dalam produk sector perbankan, insuran, pasaran saham, pasaran wang termasuk terkini derivatif yang "Patuh-Syariah" atau "Syariah-Compliant".

Pun begitu, kelangsungan perkembangan kewangan Islam terkekang dengan pelbagai faktor. Antara yang menghalang kepesatannya ialah kewujudan modal insan yang terlatih dan berkepakaran learned human capital.
Penjanaan produk baru adalah satu usaha menuntut sumber yang lebih besar dari kewangan konvensional. Adalah diakui pelbagai pihak pengamal Kewangan Islam sendiri, bahawa ketika Institusi Perbankan Islam (IPI) ini terpaksa juga menggunakan pakar institusi perbankan kovensional, produk-produk yang terhasil tidak dapat tidak adalah sebahagian besarnya 'Syariah-Compliant' dan bukan sebenar-benarnya produk Syariah.

Ini membawa kita kepada contoh produk Sukuk Bai' Bithaman Ajil (BBA) yang diizinkan oleh Majlis Penasihat Syariah atau Syariah Advisory Council (SAC), Bank Negara Malaysia. Namun Sukuk BBA ini adalah tidak diterima dan tidak diluluskan (prohibited) oleh badan "Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Finance Istitutions (AAOIFI) justeru kerana 'aqadnya'.

Badan ini mengenalpasti bahawa 'Aqad' atau 'C! ontract' yang melandasi Sukuk BBA itu adalah aqad "Bai Al-Inah" yang sifat kewangannya ialah "Ribawi" atau 'riba-based financing'. Pembelian semula item oleh cotohnya pihak mudharib semasa matang sukuk tersebut pada harga nominal, mengandungi unsur ribawi.

Amat mustahak bagi pengamal Kewangan Islam, berbeza dengan kewangan konvensional, yang mesti meletakkan pelbagai langkah-langkah kawalan dan pemantauan supaya ia tidak terdedah kepada salah-laku mereka yang mahu memanipulasi pasaran kewangan dan sebagainya.

Ini membawa kepada topik yang terakhir dalam penulisan ringkas ini.
Sesungguhnya, Kewangan Islam adalah satu juzuk penting dalam mengatursusun kehidupan ummat yang telah disyariatkan oleh Allah SWT. Kewangan Islam juga berpaksikan nilai moral Islam yang tinggi sebagai 'Moral Compass' yang bertanggungjawab membenteras segala tabiat yang curang dan khianat.

Penghayatan Etika yang murni ini akan dapat menangani amalan rasuah, penyalahgunaan kuasa, pemborosan, pembolotan kekayaan di kalangan segelintir manusia rakus dengan cara monopoli, kronisme dan pengepungan (kartel) dan pengherotan pasaran.

Wajar bagi ummat Islam khasnya dan rakyat seluruhnya, membuat penilaian secara kritis, ikhlas, terbuka dan berani, supaya tadbir-urus kewangan dan pembangunan ekonomi di negara dilakukan dalam etika dan semangat ruh syariat Islam.
Ataukah sebaliknya, sementara kita ghairah memacu pengembangan amalan Kewangan Islam, negara ini semakin tercabar kewibawaan dan integritinya kerana kebejatan rasuah dan salah guna kuasa yang endemik atau semacam tidak dapat dibendung lagi. Kejatuhan kedudukan dalam 'Indeks Persepsi Rasuah' (CPI) negara di peringkat antarabangsa adalah petanda buruk bagi kita.

Hakikat wujudnya kesenjangan atau jurang kaya-miskin yang terus melebar dan pembolotan kekayaan negara yang juga semakin terserlah, mengesahkan bahawa Matlamat murni Kewangan Islam dan Ekonomi Islam itu masih jauh untuk direalisasi dan didayakan. Jangan hanya sukuk atau bon yang diterbitkan s! ahaja 'k omplian-syariah' atau Patuhi Syariah, tetapi amalan dan tadbri-urusnya bobrok dan melanggari good-governance atau tadbir-urus Syariah seumpama yang mencetuskan skandal kes PKFZ dan berhubung kegagalan pengurusan Pelabuhan Antarabangsa Tuna Malaysia di Batu Maung oleh Malaysia International Tuna Port Sdn Bhd dan Bindforce Sdn Bhd.

Selama skandal NFC menjadi 'lambang penularan tadbir-urus buruk' yang dilakukan oleh golongan yang memilikki kuasa dan PKFZ sebagai mercu-tanda keberanian 'perkongsian rompakan pihak penguasa politik pemerintah', maka cita-cita da Matlamat Kewangan Islam untuk membangunkan negara dan rakyat yang makmur dan sejahtera akan terus dicabar dan tersudut.
Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, Pengarah Eksekutif Pusat Penyelidikan Pas Pusat.

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The MIC's extremely bitter harvest

"......of a 900,000 Indian voters, less than half have been with a MIC"- G Palanivel ('Has awkward MIC thrown in a towel?'-The Malay Mail)

COMMENTNow, when former MIC strongman S Samy Vellu has admitted which during his tenure as celebration president, in those "closed doors, let's keep it in a (BN) family accord building meetings", a MIC had no voice whatsoever, it is pointless kicking a running dog, so to speak.

With a ubiquitous elections perpetually turn a corner, BN (race-based) member parties have been scrambling to find aptitude in a face of Umno domination as good as an pick front which has been really successful in propagating a multicultural/religious message.

NONEWhile a MCA has a jot down of accomplishment to tumble behind upon (even yet a single might disagree with a achievements as good as agendas of pronounced record), a same cannot be pronounced of a MIC. The domestic celebration is covenant to a fact which a Indian village (or during slightest a large disenfranchised section) is estranged from mainstream governing body given a MIC has been failing in duty (I would argue criminally so) in a duties.

I could not be worried to recite a litany of a MIC's erosive machinations upon a Indian community. As a long-time pre-Pakatan Rakyat 'opposition supporter', you consider domestic parties similar to a DAP as good as PSM have finished distant some-more for ! a Indian village than a MIC ever (and recognising a state of a Indian community, though sadly, t! his did not amount to most in a long run).

In this post-2008 tsunami era, Hindraf as good as elements inside of Pakatan have shown which there is an pick to an determined race-based party, when it comes to a village expectations of a Indian community.

Well, let me be clear. So long as Hindraf (through a Human Rights Party) assumes an anti-establishment stance, galvanising certain elements inside of Pakatan, there could be an pick to an determined race-based party, when it comes to a village expectations of a Indian community.

MIC as good as Perkasa

To assimilate Hindraf's influence in a Indian village as good as a fear it raises in this appeaser organisation, all you have to do is listen to a speeches by MIC boss G Palanivel. When he rambles upon with something similar to this, "We might be outspoken during times, though it is really given you adore this nation as good as want it to be a most appropriate it can be," he certain as hell is not talking about a MIC.

These "vocal" Indians have been Hindraf as good as members of a antithesis alliance. When has a MIC ever been outspoken about a 'interests' of a Indian village beyond creation regular squeaks to uncover which they exist?

Moreover, when he goes upon about 'affirmative action programmes' which has benefitted a Malay village which could be used for a Indian community, he is ripping out total pages from a Hindraf playbook.

Furthermore, this total emanate of 'stateless Indians' which should additionally encompa! ss 'dis! placed Indians' has come about usually given Hindraf has been screaming about this for years as good as a antithesis coalition has reacted in a positive manner. Think about it. Hindraf has been a catalyst for any transformation when it comes to addressing 'Indian issues' for a domestic alliances in this country.

NONEThis is where Pakatan as good as Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim have been really politically keen in dealing with Hindraf. The brand new proclamation by Hindraf chief P Waythamoorthy (far left) which Anwar hasagreed in principleand will sign Hindraf's five-year plans is substantially a fatal blow to a MIC.

However a decline of a MIC (and hopefully not in a "rumours of my passing have been severely exaggerated" kind of way) has eventually drawn a line in a silt of a simmering class tensions which have existed in a Indian village for some time. This should not be confused with a 'caste' tensions which have been a permanent tie in MIC politics.

The strategy employed by a MCA as good as MIC in reclaiming their lost share of electorate as good as holding up their end of a secular bargain has been markedly different. Whereas a MCA has possibly embroiled itself in a shade play uncover of defiance towards Umno, (where Umno stays silent upon MCA attacks upon a supremacist ideology or blusters regulating a outsourced thugs) or zeroed in upon a "Islamic" bulletin of PAS, a MIC seems to have reverted to extreme sycophancy as a means of domestic survival.

NONEA great example of this is MP P Kamalanathan (Hulu Selangor) (right in photo) who during a march of a hotly contested Hulu Selangor chair justified a existence of right-wing pressure group Perkasa as a healthy extension of village governing body as good as which a group was merely seeking after a interests of a Malay community, most similar to a MIC was for a Indian community.

Helen Ang, a single of a some-more (if not a most) judicious observers of a Indian experience in this cou! ntry, di ssects Kamalanathan's position in'Why MIC Hulu Selangor candidate defends Perkasa?'and succinctly ends her square by alluding to a 'mandore' underpinnings of a MIC.

"Kamal's defence of this ultra-movement is untenable though not astonishing as after all, this is a candidate who pronounced which he would "take behind a sovereign chair as good as deliver it to Prime Minister Najib Razak as present for his first year in office? Like a housecat boring in an charity of a prisoner mouse," writes Helen in conclusion.

Common DNA

However, what you would argue is which a MIC as good as Perkasa share common DNA when it comes to their purpose in competition governing body in this country. Whereas Perkasa reflects a conservative hostility towards viewed slights outwards against o! ther comm! unities, a MIC turns it rage inwards towards a own community.

In other words, a MIC over a long Umno watch became a Indian communities' own small Perkasa nightmare in conditions of a bullying force whose sole bulletin was to keep everyone in line.

Just as Perkasa's purpose is to maintain a hegemony of Umno elites by a inclination of competition as good as religion, a MIC, suppressed inner dissent as good as any goal of evolutionary change by a perpetuation of standing governing body as good as a enlightenment of vulgar cronyism as good as sycophancy to maintain a order of a chosen few, who seemed to revel in their 'house negro' status inside of a BN.

NONEBoth entities savoured a bully proceed to politics. The brand new story of a MIC is repl! ete with distant too most examples where muscle was lucky over receptive dialogue. By a own admission, a MIC welcomes 'reformed' criminals as good as to contend zero of a well-documented rumours of a intersection of a criminal black market as good as a plums domestic positions inside of a MIC.

As a long-time former MIC politico tells me, all of this would mean zero if a Indian village benefitted from a crime inside of a MIC. He goes upon to contend "the MIC representing a smallest ethnic group in this nation should have had a satisfactory easier time ... what is a word again ... 'uplifting' a village with a 'goodies' thrown a way. But a masters knew a greed of their servants, as good as they knew damn good a income was not starting where it was ostensible to go".

This brings us behind to a 'class' being of a post-MIC era. These days a some-more you read upon 'Indian' issues, a some-more it becomes transparent which a class groups inside of a Indian village is reflected in a tensions in between an 'Indian' social as good as domestic organisations similar to Hindraf/Human Rights Party as good as antithesis forces which work under a multicultural cloak similar to Pakatan.

MIC's disaster is not a single of 'race' though a single of 'class'. This should warn nobody given a noxious fumes of 'caste' has always been embedded in 'class'. There is most to blame Umno for though a being is which a MIC had a one after another bulletin of promulgating a enlightenment of subservience which served not usually Umno ends though additionally some-more importantly theirs.

The MIC has no forgive for a horrible state which a sizeable territory of a Indian village find themselves in. Unlike a MCA, which never authorised a crime to get in a proceed of implementing discernible programmes which would safeguard a incomparable slice of a economic pie, a MIC authorised crime to become a raison d'etre of a existence.

The same can be pronounced of Umno, actually. What it chose to do is define Indian village ! expectat ions in such a proceed which it was neither necessary nor domestic expedient for a Umno machine to perform them.

Culture of subservience
This is why an organization similar to Hindraf is aversion to a current discourse. They neither pay courtesy to a enlightenment of subservience which characterised a Indian village nor welcome a 'multicultural identity' of oppositional politics.

However, what a Hindraf as good as Pakatan fondness might create is a brand new proceed of recognising as good as addressing a problems inside of a Indian community. A sermon which is cognizant of competition though which (hopefully) ultimate goal is for a class-based approach. It is additionally a partnership of equals or during slightest it is a partnership which has been completed after an extremely torturous courting phase.

NONEWhat this possible agreement/alliance in between Pakatan as good as Hindraf demonstrates is which an Indian-based NGO can negotiate a settlement with a domestic celebration creation a necessary compromises (if any) upon a own trems.

And this is critical after years of a MIC subservience culture. Now most would find this discomforting. When you have mocked Hindraf as a racist organisation, it is difficult to face a secular being where compromises need to be made for domestic presence in an every vote counts environment.

However, what a Indian village needs to do is commission itself as good as a first proceed to do this is a rejecting of a MIC as good as to set up accord with parties which could make their (Hindraf's) aspirations a reality.

Even if this does not work out, during slightest for a first time, it would have been something which was ! finished upon a community's own conditions as good as not an bul! letin se t out by a appeasers in a MIC.

S THAYAPARAN is Commander (rtd) of a Royal Malaysian Navy.
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Malaysia facing decelerated FDI flow

Posted upon 5 December 2012 05:37am

Eva Yeong

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 5, 2012): Malaysia is no longer attracting foreign approach investments (FDIs) as openly as it used to, pronounced former financial minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, adding which the country is not investing enough to meet the aspirations. "Private investment now makes up the not as big apportionment of the country's gross made during home product (GDP).

Although we continue to say the relatively high national savings rate, some of those savings have left overseas," the Gua Musang member of council pronounced in his keynote residence upon "Pragmatism in the Face of Present Economic Outlook" during the MIER National Economic Outlook Conference 2013/2014 here yesterday.

"Malaysia has turn the beforehand exporter of capital, the evil which is uncivilised of the growing, high potential economy. "There is additionally this silent emanate of capital flight, whether it is in the form of over-invoicing by corporates or personal wealth leakages," he added.

On the made during home production front, he pronounced the nation depends upon the relatively narrow spectrum of expansion drivers, while the government's income bottom is just as limited as well as the emanate of fuel subsidies has to be addressed quickly. Tengku Razaleigh pronounced the dismissal of petrol subsidies is needed as it is the draw towards upon government finance management as well as an impediment to proper resource allocation.

"In sequence to strengthen the normal consumer, perhaps we can begin by requesting an implicit subsidy cut upon large engine genius car owners via the higher highway tax," he said. Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop pronounced private investment is approaching to account for 30% of the country's total investments subsequent ye! ar. "Pr ivate investment, which grew marginally by 2.5% during 2005 to 2009 period, purebred the double number expansion of 15.5%

in 2010 as well as 12.2% in 2011. "Even some-more encouraging, it grew upon an annualised basement of 22.2% in the first half of this year," he pronounced during the opening of the event. Meanwhile, RAM Holdings Bhd comparison ubiquitous manager as well as organisation chief economist Dr Yeah Kim Leng. pronounced domestic-based sectors as well as services need to grow during the faster gait in sequence to have the sustainable domestic-driven growth.

"Domestic direct has actually helped the Malaysian manage to buy equivalent the tellurian direct over the final decade as well as some-more importantly, in the post tellurian financial predicament year of 2010 as well as 2011, made during home direct has actually been offsetting the disastrous expansion from exports," he told reporters upon the sidelines of the conference. "Domestic direct can assistance smoothen Malaysia's output fluctuations. "Use made during home direct to raise essential element because Malaysia is such an open manage to buy with exports contributing some-more than 100% of GDP.

We have been actually subject to the lot of these external direct shocks," he added. Yeah pronounced subsequent year's GDP expansion will sojourn above 5% with RAM Ratings progressing the forecast of 5.3% for 2013. He pronounced the two vital risks have been the stability Eurozone debt predicament which could potentially outcome in double dip for the tellurian manage to buy as well as the fiscal cliff.

"If these two don't happen, Asia, with mending indicators from China as well as alternative rising countries, will be in the clever in front of to capitalise upon the informal expansion as well as demand. "Combined with the resilient made during home demand, there won't be any vital startle to the financier confidence as well as consumer spending," he added.

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13 OCTOBER 2012, STADIUM KELANA JAYA SIFAR RASISMA pernahkah kau bayangkan hidup tanpa perkauman bangsa kita adalah umat manusia pernahkah kau bayangkan kulit hanyalah pakaian variasi tak perlu diskriminasi betapa bodohnya dunia xenofobia luar sedar tanah yang kau pijak bukan berhala tak perlu kau bangga dan semboyan patriotisma hanyalah sekadar promotion opportunis merebut kuasa pernahkah kau bayangkan tanpa pagar dan sempadan bebaslah manusia di bumi bertebaran pernahkah kau bayangkan tentang kesamarataan betapa indah dunia sifar rasisma betapa bodohnya dunia persengketaan hanya kerana berbeza biologi, kultur, etnik dan agama tolak ultra-nasionalisma punca mabuk megalomania keldai mimpi jadi zebra bebaskan mentaliti dari indoktrinasi tak perlu lagi etnik chauvinis dunia ciptaan tuhan tanpa garis sempadan migrasi dan berasimilasi LAGU / LIRIK : SOUL SAVIOR

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The Flight of The Money Changers

FDR's initial discuss tells of income changers fleeing a temple.

"The income changers have fled from their high seats in a church of a civilization. We may right away restore which church to a ancient truths. The measure of a restoration lies in a border to which you request social values some-more eminent than mere monetary profit.

He was vocalization out against a free marketplace system. He blamed a in isolation zone for causing a Great Depression. FDR launched his New Deal which became a indication for bigger as well as bigger government.

We have been not starting to discuss upon which side caused a good depression. That will never be an finale debate. Many of us who review economics believed a good basin was caused by a disaster of supervision andcowardprivate sector.More specifically by a incompetence as well as crime of a supervision as well as finished worse by a doormat as well as pliant in isolation sector.

In a loyal democracy, a in isolation zone or marketplace complement will serve as a check upon a powers of a government.

In Malaysia a doormat in isolation zone serves as a running dogs to a corrupt, violent as well as amateurish public sector. This is generally loyal of those groups of people finished rich since of domestic connections as well as supervision patronage. They will be a first to be dumbfounded when they can already see their domestic enthusiast losing power.

Look around of us. Which kind of industrialists, commercial operation people, contractors as well as so forth who have been rooting for UMNO as well as BN? Mostly those who have benefited from approach negotiated contracts, those who got licenses as well as quotas, those who have benefited from supervision legislative mechanisms in short those who have benefited from supervision patronage. The fee collecting concessionaires, a IPP contractors, a holders of APs, infrastructure contractors, a permit as well as share holders- these have up a villainous in isolation sector.

Having said so, you can right away rephrase FDR's initial discuss to review something similar to this: a villainous contractors, permit as well as share holders, a IPP concessionaires, a AP holders, a parasitic monetary analysts have been trembling in their high seats as well as will flee once a will of a people is restored.

Who represents a amateurish supervision as well as speaks for a doormat capitalists? PM Najib of course- a unqualified showman as well as recently mastershouter. Najib's daily matra is lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu which is right away updated to lu tolong gua dulu, baru gua tolong lu. You assistance me, we assistance you, becomes you assistance me first, afterwards we will assistance you.

This is a fundamental fissure in Najib's armor as well as a reason since you say, Najib aint goin to do no transformation. By now, everybody should comprehend which Najib has given us a lot of BS. Lu tolong gua , gu atolong lu is just a movement of ask not what your nation can do for you, though ask what you can do for a country. Here, supervision is a country. Translated, lutolongguaguatolong lu just means, which a supervision is a patron, a people a sentinel which is looked after by a good master. The supervision is a master, a people! have be en servants.

That is a mindset by which UMNO as well as BN operate. Such mindset finished UMNO hold which only they can move a larger good for a people. The same mindset allows UMNO to have a treacherous claim which only it can save a country. it was which mindset which authorised Najib to shamelessly contend it in Tamil,"Yipadaithorkin, yeapadaivehlum" which means: "If this group cannot win a battle, no other group can"). Poodah!

What have a income changers done? We listen to of a villainous as well as narrow-minded warnings from a profiteers- a investment banks as well as bonds houses or as Walla describes them, a lease seekers, gate-keepers as well as mind-sweepers. They have lent their support to UMNO as well as BN observant which if Barisan loses, a marketplace will take a hit since of a uncertainty which follows.

They have been of march vocalization out of regard for their self-preservation. Because a rent-seekers, gate-keepers as well as mind-sweepers underneath a new administration would be late to feed upon grass a grass-less fields of Bamboo River Resort.

The excellent as well as smart bankers aka lease seekers, gatekeepers as well as thoughts sweepers should ask themselves since is it which Malaysia ranks 54 this year in a crime index upon top of installed with half a trillion ringgit in exile debts though Singapore spun out from her innards ranks up there during series 5 upon top of being presently a richest nation in a world.

They have been dumbfounded since they see a writing upon a wall- a universe in which they ply their manipulative trade is about to end. As a single blogger puts it eloquently: " It unequivocally amazes me afterwards which craven egotistic individuals cannot see a futility of creat! ion an a mateurish foray into narrow-minded politics, during this point of a collective domestic life, but triggering disastrous reactions from a large section of a public"

How can you report their greeting during a prospects of BN losing? we can't put it any better than a same bard describing a greeting of these income changers as "lower-order overacting as well as a pathetic needless arrangement of brinkmanship for as well as upon behalf of money-grubbers"

Posted by sakmongkol AK47
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Menziarahi kembali (Revisiting) Muktamar PAS dan PAU.

Kedua-dua Muktamar Tahunan PAS (MTP) dan Perhimpunan Agung Umno (PAU) baru sahaja selesai dianjurkan. PAU yang barubeberapa harimelabuhkan tirainya tentunya mempunyai 'advantage tertentu' berbanding MTP yang diadakan dua minggu lebih awal.

Pelbagai analisis telah mula terbit dalam segenap media cetak, elektronik serta media sosial, dari sisi-sisi pandang yang serba rencam dan menarik.

Tentunya setiap pandangan dan analisis mewakili sesuatu anutan dan kepercayaan politik meskipun yang melontarkan ide-ide tersebut adalah orang akademik atau pihak 'think-tank' yang lazim mendakwa mereka bebas dan tidak partisan atau berpihak.

Penulisan ini tidak mendakwa analisis ini bebas kepentingan politik. Tentunya tidak. Namun penulis berharap bacaan sehingga kehujung nanti jelas mempamirkan cita-citanya memupuk pencerahan minda tanpa 'fear atau favour' dengan izin, atau rasa takut dan gentar kepada cemuhan dan kritik dari mana joke datangnya.

Justeru kerana had dan ruang yang terbatas pilihan tajuk adalah diakui 'selektif'. Tidak semua yang akan dapat disebut dan tentunya ada yang berasa tidak puas.

Dari hal Muktamar (MTP) da Perhimpunan (PAU)

Kedua-dua MTP dan PAU didahului oleh Pemuda dan Wanitanya. Bezanya, sementara PAS mempunyai Dewan Ulama' yang turut bermuktamar, Umno memilikki Puteri yang juga bersidang sebagai dewan. PAS belum lagi mengangkat 'Amirah'nya untuk bersidang sebagai dewan lagi seperti 'Puteri'.

Meskipun banyak perkara menarik yang harus dirakamkan, ada baiknya ia tidak mendahului analisis Ucapan Dasar kedua-dua Presiden PAS dan Umno.

Dari hal Ucapan Dasar kedua-dua Presiden

Tidak wajar bagi penulis menyatakan bahawa di segi Ucapan Dasar; Presiden PAS boleh diberi markah yang lebih baik dari Presiden Umno. Anda boleh sahaja memilikki penilaian yang berbeza, namun hati kecil anda tetap akan mengakui bahawa Presiden PAS, yang diakui umum kehebatan berpidatonya, tidak perlu meninggikan s! uaranya dan berteriak lebih dari yang diperlukan.

Emosinya lebih terkawal meskipun membuat ucapan muktamar terakhir sebelum 'perang besar' bertempur lawan. Sukar bagi penulis untuk memberikan komentar yang sama kepada Presiden Umno yang tampaknya sangat tertekan dan unfortunate sekali untuk 'tenteranya' faham benar-benar ucapannya. Semacam itu penentu segala kalah menang, hidup-mati partinya. Namu peleknya, 'ancaman' akhirnya tidak bersabit seteru atau lawan tapi dari hal 'tentera'nya sendiri yang beliau kata 'lebih saya takuti'.

Maka, sementara Presiden PAS menerangkan 'road-map'nya ke Putrajaya dan bagaimana untuk berjaya ke situ, Presiden Umno membelasah lawannya cukup-cukup pada awalnya tetapi berakhir dengan memberi 'kata-dua' serta mengancam yang bakal belot kerana 'tidak dipilih bertanding'. Beliau tegaskan bukan sahaja mahu menang tapi menang dengan 2/3 majoriti di parlimen. Mengapa dan juga bagaimana untuk menggapai cita-citanya, tidak sangat dihuraikan. Dua ucapan yang sangat berbeza dari sudut gaya, isi dan penekanan.

Ucapan Dasar Presiden PAS disambut baik oleh pelbagai pihak. Mantap, menyeluruh dan jelas, kata mereka. Penulis kesempatan menerima ucapan tahniah buat Tuan Guru Presiden dari kawan-kawan merentasi kaum dan agama, pihak awam, swasta, usahawan dan golongan korporat bahkan sms dan tweets dari dekat dan jauh.

Ucapan Presiden Umno juga menarik dianalisis dengan lebih mendalam. Anda berhak memberi penilaian secara jujur dan terbuka. Menyebutkan bahawa "Umno lebih tertib dari PAS, lebih demokratik dari PKR dan lebih inklusif dari DAP" merupakan dakwaan yang begitu berani oleh Presiden Umno. Ramai yang mungkin kurang senang dengan cubaannya itu.

Amat mengejutkan apabila beliau mendakwa dirinya penyelamat negara dari kemelut ekonomi global, berjaya mengeluar negara dari 'perangkap pendapatan sederhana' dan kini kea rah pacuan ekonomi berprestasi tinggi. Lebih mengejutkan apabila beliau mendakwa lebih baik dari seteru ketatnya sebagai seorang M! enteri K ewangan yakni Ketua Pembangkang itu. Umum juga mahu tahu kalau-kalau statistik di segi i. defisit fiskal negara, ii. hutang kerajaan Pusat dan iii. kadar pertumbuhan, boleh beliau utarakan bersama. Malang, statistik membuktikan sebaliknya!

Presiden Umno itu tidak melepaskan peluang menghubungkan perjuangan parti itu dengan Islam bahkan mendakwa 'Umno lebih Islamik dari PAS'. Cubaannya amat ganjil dan tidak enak didegar kerana umum sukar mendamaikan tuntutan Islam dengan perbuatan dan tabiat penguasa dan elit tertingginya parti itu. Tentunya sukar.

Sukar juga memahami kalau Islamlah yang dijadikan dasar dan ikutan Umno yang dipimpinnya, maka apakah Islam juga yang patut dipersalahkan umum dengan saratnya rasuah dan salah guna kuasa oleh partinya 'penagihan-addiction' kronik yang telah menjadi sinonim dengan gelagat dan tabiat elit pemimpin parti Melayu itu di seluruh peringkat sampai ke pemimpin bahagaian dan cawangan parti.

Dalam suasana serba 'desperate' itu, mahu saja Presiden Umno ini memadam hakikat bahawa dasar partinya 'Ketuanan Melayu' (Malay Supremacy) dan slogannya 'Hidup Melayu' dan ideologinya Nasionalisme Melayu. Tidak dinafikan Umno cuba berubah, mentelahan berhadapan dengan satu pilihanraya yang mengancam kesinambungan kuasa dan kerajaannya. Tetapi itukan satu cita-cita, lebih tepat lagi omongan dalam situasi terdesak seperti hari ini, yang belum lagi berupa realiti.

Permohonan maafnya dalam bahasa kiasannya tentang 'bumi mana tidak ditimpa hujan, gading mana yang tidak retak..' diharapkan beliau akan menimbulkan ihsan-belas rakyat kepadanya dan pemimpin partinya untuk mereka di'ampuni' oleh rakyat. Apakah 'dosa-dosa' dan 'jenayah' mereka tidak pula disebut oleh Presiden Umno itu. Keputusan PRU nanti akan menentukan apakah semudah itu untuk rakyat memaafkan penguasa politik yang kini hanya bergantung harap kepada sokongan orang Melayu.

Paling tidak sopan apabila Presidennya tidak melepaskan peluang mengancam rakyat, khasnya orang Melayu supaya tidak ! menjalan kan 'uji-kaji' atau 'mencuba-cuba' dengan pertukaran kerajaan. 5 tahun masa yang lama tegas beliau. Ancaman sama dibuat oleh Timbalan dan Ketua Wanitanya terlebih dahulu.

Ketua Wanita langsung menyebutkan tentang thirteen Mei sebagai 'hantu' atau 'bogey' menakutkan rakyat supaya 'tidak berubah' dan kekal dengan Umno-BN. Apakah aphorism 'Katakan Tidak kepada Pakatan' bakal menerima nasib yang sama kepada katakan 'Tidak' kepada kempen anti-rokok? Kalau rokok yang buruk itu joke gagal, apatah lagi Pakatan yang rakyat 'kecapi nikmat'nya di negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat. Aduhai Presiden Umno.

Dari hal perbahasan Perhimpunan dan Muktamar

Penulis juga akan berterus terang tentang hal muktamar dan perhimpunan. Tidak ada baiknya kalau penulis sekadar 'bermanis mulut' atau cuba untuk 'spin' satu yang tidak benar. Demi perjuangan dan pencerahan minda rakyat, penulis akan menyatakan 'qaulan sadida' 'perkataan yang benar' tentuya dari sisi pandangnya yang sifatnya 'nisby atau relatif' dan 'tidak absolute'. Jangan melenting..relaks dan terima sebagai 'input luar' yang tidak menuntut bayaran 'intellectual property' ini.

Perbandingan perbahasan MTP dan PAU menyerlahkan perbezaan ketara. Sementara perwakilan PAS dalam MTP bebas menyuarakan apa jua yang dirasakan dekat dihati pengucap dari negeri-negeri dan dewan-dewan, termasuk dari Dewan Perhimpunan PAS Pusat (DHPP) yang mewakili mereka, ternyata pada kali ini, Umno telah 'stage-managed' atau 'menyusun-atur' ucapan perwakilan2nya dalam PAU itu.

Jelas PAU mempunyai 'advantage' di segi, ini kerana dapat mengambil iktibar dari pengalaman MTP yang berlangsung lebih awal. Umno kelihatan 'mengawal' isi serta fokas pengucapnya. Tidak seperti lazim, contohnya seperti PAU lalu, perwakilan bebas mengangkat isu NFC dan rasuah pelbagai pihak. Tidak pelik kalau tidak ada sesiapa joke yang berani menyinggung isu-isu kepincangan tadbir-urus kerajaan BN dan hal-hal dalaman parti tersebut.

Keseluruhan perbahasan baik di pe! ringkat Dewan Pemuda, Wanita atau Puteri adalah menjuruskan serangan kepada seteru dan musuh sekaligus mengalih pandangan umum terhadap 'kepincangan' lawan politiknya. Umno sangat licik menggunakan kaedah itu sehingga dilihat mereka semacam 'berpadu dan bersatu hati'.

Nyawa Umno di hujug tanduk

Amat luar biasa emosi dan tenaga mereka seolah-olah keesokan itu akan terus berperang. Teriakan Hidup Umno!,Hidup Malaysia!, kini ditambah dengan aphorism Hidup Rakyat dan Allahu Akbar! Terasa akan janggalnya tetapi itulah perubahan Umno pada saat-saat nyawa dan kuasa sudah di hujung khalkum.

Umno kelihatan sangat berkehendak untuk menang justeru tidak mempedulikan isu-isu yang minta diselesaikan oleh rakyat. Tampak PWTC itu agak 'terpisah' (aloof-divorced) dari denyut-nadi rakyat teramai. Tidak hairan kalau Presiden menggunakan kalimat 'sudah sampai masanya kita kembali kepada rakyat' dalam awal ucapan beliau. Penulis ini spontan mengicaukan tweetya 'Oops..selama ini di mana ya?'.

Sukar untuk menghubung ucapan perbahasan dengan realiti kecuali kalau yang dikatakan adalah apa yang hendak dibuat pemimpin itu dan bukan kerja yang telah dibuat. Kalau mahu diukur 'kerja buat' Umno, sangat sukar untuk dipadankan dengan ucapan perwakilan.

Kewujudan jurang kaya-miskin yang terus melebar khasnya dalam etnik Melayu, pembolotan kekayaan secara rakus oleh segelintir manusia kaya-superkaya (rich-super rich) di kalangan elit bisnes-politik, kelompok besar yang layak terima BRIM serta masih ramai pendapatan di bawah RM1,500 sebulan, mendahulukan kepentingan bisnes dari keselamatan-kesihatan rakyat seperti projek Lynas, penularan rasuah-salah guna kuasa dan pelbagai kebejatan tadbir-urus kewangan negara khasnya hutang kritikal kerajaan Pusat, hutang isi-rumah dan korporat-GLCs, merompak hak rakyat seperti royalti Kelantan, adalah lambang kepincangan tadbir-urus kewangan dan pembangunan Umno-BN (UBN) untuk kesekian lamanya.

Justeru, perbahasan dalam PAU, kerana telah 'disus! un-atur' tidak langsung diizikan menyebut kelemahan pentadbiran UBN. Ia gagal menyuntik keyakinan bahawa Umno ada perancangan serta agenda bertindak untuk menangani gejala dan kepincangan ini. Ini yang ditunggu-tunggu orang Melayu-Islam bukan retorika dan lagu lama bahawa Melayu akan terancam apabila Pakatan mengambil alih kuasa.

Perbahasan MTP lain pula halnya. Benar bagai dek kata. Demokrasi hidup subur dalam PAS dan muktamarnya membuktik hakikat tersebut. Syabas! Namun MTP jelas membuktikan bahawa tidak semua perwakilan 'berjaya' mengangkat agenda perubahan yang dihajati Presiden parti itu. Ucapan yang menyeluruh dan terperinci di segi 'pengarahan' dan 'strategi umum' bagi menghadapi PRU ke-13 tidak disambut dengan perbahasan yang menjurus kea rah memfokas 'pertarungan' PRU ke-13. Sebaliknya sebahagian besar perbahasan MTP bersifat 'dalaman' yang tidak 'konstruktif-produktif' untuk PRU ke-13, kerana sentiasa mencari kelompok 'yang bersalah' (witch-hunting). Penjelasan fenomena ini akan dihuraikan nanti.

Penulis perhatikan bahawa perwakilan 'kurang berjaya' mencerap dan menggarap mesej utama Presiden bahawa PAS berada di kedudukan pale baik dalam jatuh-bangun perjuanganya di persada politik nasional. Tawaran "Negara Berkebajikan Teras Perpaduan" tidak digarap dan terus dimaknakan oleh perbahasan perwakilan dalam pengalaman pemeritahan atau 'tajribah siasah' ketika mengecapi sedikit kuasa dalam parlimen ke-12 dalam mentadbir 4 buah negeri Pakatan, khasnya dengan Kelantan yang sudah melepasi dua dekad.

Ternyata, sesungguhnya bahawa perwakilan 'terperangkap' dengan serangan musuh-musuh politik luaran dan 'dalaman' yang kerap merobek kepercayaan ahli bahkan mungkin juga segelintir kepimpinan bahawa kononya PAS telah menyeleweng dengan Negara Berkebajikan dan meninggalkan Negara Islam. Serangan bahawa PAS telah luntur, tergelincir dan 'tidak dominan' sebenar mengesani psikologi perwakilan dan parti. Bahkan di perhatikan bahawa Majlis Syura Ulama sendiri terpaksa menjawab serangan kuncu-kunc! u jahat Umno dengan pernyataan "PAS masih di atas landasan asal perjuangannya". Pemerhatian penulis juga disokongan sesetengah pengamat politik; 'Mengapa sampai begini tertekannya PAS?'.

Pasca Muktamar, PAS wajar meninggalkan polemik ini kerana penulis dapati sehingga keluaran mutakhir Harakah, masih melayan serangan UBN ini. Ini sangat merugikan masa dan sumber parti kerana bentuk penerangan yang PAS wajar dayakan seterusnya adalah mengertikan dan memaknakan Negara Berkebajikan- Baldatun Taiyyibah-dalam bentuk polisi dan progam kerajaan yang kita sedang pimpin dan bakal terus ditadbir.

PAS-Pakatan Alternatif Viable dan Lebih Baik

PAS tidak perlu mengulang-ulang bahawa 'PAS komited kepada Tahaaluf Siyasi' kerana tiada siapa yang sangsi kecuali kalau-kalau ada di kalangan ahli dan kepimpinan yang masih curiga dan tidak puas diterangkan oleh kepimpinan tertinggi parti sendiri.

Di ambang PRU ke-13 MTP sepatutnya terus meyakinkan bahawa PAS dan Pakatan adalah alternatif lebih baik dan mampu membawa Negara keluar dari pelbagai kebejatan moral, ekonomi dan kewangan akibat dari tadbir-urus yang bobrok oleh segelintir kepimpinan UBN yang rakus dan tamak.

Namun perwakilan tetap PAS berjaya menonjolkan kepimpinan Umno sebagai tidak mempedulikan perhitungan pahala-dosa, syurga-neraka dan baik-buruk keatas rakyat seluruhnya. Cukup untuk menyerlahkan lambang kebobrokan Umno dengan NFC dan kebobrokan perpaduan BN merompak Negara dengan PKFZ.

Bagi membuktikan PAS tetap dominan dan 'bukan melukut tepi gantang' terdapat perwakilan yang secara tidak menghitung kesan baik-buruk politik pilihanraya, dengan tidak dibawa melalui usul, spontan mengesyorkan sesuatu yang ditanggapi umum sebagai 'menembak di kaki sendiri'. Peringatan sopan dan penuh berhemah Presiden PAS wajar diulangi acapkali.

Penulis memerhatikan kesemua ini sebagai usaha menjawab-balas serangan musuh dan seteru politik PAS yang menceburui kedudukan PAS yang memposisi perjuangan Islam yang diteng! ah-tenga h persada politik nasional. Sesungguhya, 'Slogan PAS for All' dan kini 'Islam for All' adalah sangat digeruni seteru politik PAS yakni Umno dan kuncu-kuncunya. PAS terus menempah pelebaran sokongan hasil penerangan yang menampilkan ISLAM sebagai "Rahmah ke atas Semua" (Islam A Mercy unto All Mankind as well as a Universe).

Sokongan Melayu-Islam 'pertengahan', sebagai tambahan penting kepada segmen Melayu-Islam tegar di 'Malay belt', sokongan kaum Cina-India, khasnya terbukti dengan keterlibatan DHPP, adalah antara perkembangan 'Political Islam" pale menarik dalam pengalaman Gerakan Islam Kontemporari dalam dekad mutakhir ini. Barat dan medianya juga sangat waspada akan perkembangan ini.

Kekuatan PAS ini harus segera difahami dan dihayati oleh kesemua pimpinan dan ahli serta pendokong PAS, lantas terus mengukuhkan posisi dan pelebaran sokongan parti Islam itu. Melakukan kesilapan berulangkali bakal mencetuskan kesangsian bahkan ketakutan di kalangan pelbagai segmen pengundi yang baru berjinak dengan PAS termasuk DHPP itu sendiri.

MTP dan PAU telah berlalu dan membawa pengalaman dan naratifnya tersendiri. Hanya kelompok yang terus memperbaikki dirinya akan bersedia dan mampu memerintah. Adapun kelompok yang hidup dalam alam khayalannya akan mendapati dirinya diperintah. PAS dan Pakatan kini bersedia memunggah segala sumber dan kekuatan hingga ke garis penamat.

Benar, kemenangan bukan segala-galanya, tetapi segala cita-cita menegakkan Keadilan-Kebenaran serta merakyatkan kemakmuran negara berteraskan 'UbudiyyatilLah' akan hanya mampu diusahakan setelah kemenangan dan sedikit kuasa dianugerahkan Allah disyukuri dan dizahirkan.Ingat doa Nabi Yusuf di dalam Al-Quran.Rabbi, qad aataitani minal mulki..Tuhanku, sesugguhnya kalau telah augerahkanku sedikit dari Kuasa KerajaanMu.

PAS dan rakan-rakan Pakatannya bersedia untuk menunaikan Amanah besar ini dengan izin Allah jua!

Takbir! Allahu Akbar!

Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, AJK Pas Pusat

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Bersih Rocks - Konsert UMNO 8T - 9

Video Rating: 0 / 5

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Corruption: Dont bark up the wrong trees, govt told

Dec 6: Harakahdaily

Veteran DAP personality Lim Kit Siang has rubbished a plan voiced by a government's Performance Management & Delivery Unit (PEMANDU) to hold a march for members of parliament upon avoiding corruption, observant a authorities were barking up a wrong tree.
According to Pemandu, a march will be conducted by a Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission as well as a Attorney General's Chambers commencement nexy year.

But Lim pronounced a genuine conflict was "grand corruption" during a tip echelons of power.
"The MACC as well as a AG's Chamber should not be barking up a wrong trees as they should know where a priorities in fighting corruption, generally grand corruption, should lie.

"Let me tell MACC as well as a AG's Chambers that a obligatory priority in a conflict opposite graft in Malaysia is for MACC as well as AG's Chambers to conduct a march upon crime for a Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Mentris Besar as well as Chief Ministers particularly Sarawak as well as Sabah as well as tip government officers together with a Attorney-General, Tan Sri Gani Patail himself, if Malaysia is critical in its fight opposite 'grand corruption'," pronounced Lim in his response.

Lim challenged MACC as well as AG's Chambers to additionally conduct a march training leaders to be responsible when critical crime allegations were publicly done opposite them "including clearing their names as well as substantiating their reputation in a courts of law".

'Nothing to celebrate'

Lim duration pronounced there was zero to celebrate over Transparency International's latest Corruption Perception Index that saw Malaysia's ranking starting up to a 54th position compared to 60th last year.

Accord ing to Lim, one reason Malaysia's ranking softened was a brand new methodology used in a survey.
"The total number of countries assessed in a TI CPI 2012 have been reduced from 183 countries last year to 176 countries this year as well as TI has used a brand new methodology, declaring that country scores of a CPI 2012 cannot be compared opposite those of 2011 or prior editions," he said.

Lim further added that Malaysia was still far behind most alternative nations in combatting corruption.

"Since 1995 Malaysia has been overtaken by South Korea as well as Taiwan while most countries are closing a crime gap, generally Turkey that was ranked No 29th with a CPI score of 4.1 in 1995, but that has caught up with Malaysia with both equally ranked during No. 54 with a score of 49 in a 2011 TI CPI."

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Bersih Rocks - Konsert Bersih 8T - 8

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

12-12-12, Memorable Number But Weak Date

PETALING JAYA: It is the noted date though feng shui experts as well as numerologists contend 12.12.12 is not befitting for auspicious events.Read more... ... Read More

Penjagaan bagi pesakit tahap kritikal

Azmi Anuar

hospitalPerbualan bersama-sama seorang rakan yang telah menjalani pembedahan merawat penyakit kanser yang dikesan di kakinya pada tahun dahulu membawa kami merenung bagaimana nasib mereka yang mengalami keadaan yang serupa tetapi tidak berkemampuan mendapatkan rawatan yang sewajarnya.

Dia sendiri telah diberitahu setelah menjalani pemeriksaan cat-scan baru-baru ini bahawa sel kanser didapati telah merebak ke bahagian paru-parunya. Pembedahan dan rawatan susulan yang diberi sepanjang tahun nampaknya tidak berhasil menghapuskan semua sel kanser. Pihak sanatorium meminta dia datang untuk menjalani pemeriksaan CT scan pada bulan berikutnya walaupun kesnya merupakan kes pesakit kanser pada tahap yang kritikal.

Itulah salah satu kelemahan pentadbiran sanatorium awam kerana rakan saya yang telah pergi ke sebuah sanatorium swasta untuk mendapatkan pandangan kedua telah diberitahu bahawa pemeriksaan CT scan boleh dijalankan dengan serta-merta jika perlu.

Apa yang pasti sanatorium awam menghadapai pelbagai kekangan sama ada dari segi peralatan mahupun kakitangan yang berkelayakan. Mungkin akibat kekangan itulah, pesakit terpaksa menunggu lama untuk pemeriksaan atau rawatan susulan. Menunggu bukan sesuatu yang aneh dihospital awam. Perhatikan sahaja barisan pesakit yang menunggu giliran untuk bertemu doktor di mana-mana sanatorium awam dan setelah diperiksa, menunggu pula untuk mengambil ubat.

Apabila dibandingkan dengan sanatorium swasta yang mengenakan caj lebih tinggi untuk segala jenis perkhidmatan yang diberikan jelas sekali perbezaannya. Kos bertemu seorang doktor di sanatorium swasta selama sepuluh minit kadang-k! adang su dah cukup memberi kesan kepada pendapatan harian kumpulan berpendapatan rendah.

Itulah hakikatnya, sanatorium swasta bukan sahaja memberi perkhidmatan perubatan dan rawatan untuk pesakit tetapi merupakan satu bentuk perniagaan.

Perlu membaca syarat-syarat insurans

Insurans kesihatan boleh membantu meringankan kos perbelanjaan rawatan yang tinggi di sanatorium swasta tetapi itupun tertakluk dengan terma dan syarat yang ditetapkan oleh syarikat insurans. Sesetengah pembeli insurans tidak sedar banyak kekecualian yang ada di dalam sesuatu perjanjian yang ditandatangani.

Apabila seseorang benar-benar memerlukan rawatan dan tidak sanggup menunggu giliran di sanatorium awam, mereka beralih ke sanatorium swasta. Malang sekali kadang-kadang mereka gagal menerima rawatan yang diharapkan kerana tidak menepati terma dan syarat di dalam perjanjian.

Mahu tidak mahu, mereka terpaksa ke sanatorium awam semula kalau masih mahukan rawatan. Apakah yang terjadi kepada mereka yang berada pada tahap kritikal seperti rakan saya yang terpaksa menunggu giliran untuk mendapatkan rawatan di sanatorium awam.

Nampaknya kumpulan ini terpaksa berserah kepada nasib melainkan mereka mempunyai wang yang mencukupi untuk mendapatkan rawatan di sanatorium swasta. Kalau pilihan pertama pesakit tadi ialah sanatorium awam, kemungkinan besar mereka memang tidak mampu beralih arah ke sanatorium swasta.

Konsep sanatorium swasta yang lebih cenderung memberi khidmat kepada mereka yang tidak berkemampuan seperti Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) boleh diambil sebagai contoh perkhidmatan perubatan yang perlu diperluaskan. Hospital yang mengenakan caj perubatan mengikut kemampuan pesakit pasti kelihatan lebih mesra masyarakat dan saksama.

Di sanatorium seperti ini, pesakit yang berkemampuan secara tidak langsung memberi subsidi kepada yang tidak berkemampuan. Kaedah ini memberi peluang kepada kumpulan berpendapatan rendah mendapatkan rawatan yang terbaik pada harga yang berp! atutan.< /p>

Memerlukan pendekatan yang berbeza

Satu aspek perkhidmatan perubatan yang sering diabaikan ialah tumpuan bersabit penjagaan pesakit yang telah disahkan berada pada tahap kritikal. Kumpulan ini meliputi pesakit yang tidak mempunyai peluang untuk sembuh dan hanya menunggu saat meninggalkan alam fana. Rawatan dan penjagaan susulan untuk pesakit seperti ini memerlukan pendekatan yang berbeza berbanding pesakit biasa.

Malahan cara pihak pengamal perubatan memberitahu pesakit tersebut tentang keputusan cat-scan yang tidak memberangsangkan pun misalnya memerlukan pendekatan berbeza. Kaedah dan pendekatan yang membabitkan kumpulan ini perlu dijadikan sebahagian latihan yang penting untuk mereka yang memilih profesion perubatan.

Pilihan rawatan dan apa yang mungkin dihadapi oleh pesakit perlu disampaikan sebaik mungkin setelah keputusan awal diketahui oleh pesakit. Janganlah dibiarkan pesakit terkapai-kapai tanpa apa-apa panduan.

Kejutan menerima keputusan pemeriksaan yang tidak memberangsangkan pasti mempengaruhi keadaan fizikal, mental dan emosi pesakit. Keadaan pesakit setelah menerima laporan kesihatan mesti dipantau kerana boleh menjadi penunjuk sama ada dia berkemampunan menempuh hari-hari terakhirnya dengan tenang dan redha.

Apalah salahnya jika pesakit diberi keyakinan bahawa walaupun dia sedang berada pada tahap kritikal tetapi layanan yang akan diberi akan tetap sama. Pesakit itu bukanlah statistik semata-mata di dalam laporan tahunan pihak pentadbiran hospital.

Kekurangan tenaga mahir yang boleh membantu pesakit yang tidak lagi berupaya mengurus diri sendiri juga perlu ditangani. Mereka yang mempunyai keluarga yang prihatin atau wang yang mencukupi untuk mengambil jururawat persendirian dianggap bernasib baik. Keadaan yang menyedihkan akan dihadapi oleh mereka yang tidak mempunyai sanak-saudara yang boleh membantu da! n beban bertambah berat jika tidak berkemampuan.

Rawatan untuk pesakit di peringkat akhir hayat mereka lebih merupakan kaedah dan pendekatan meringankan penderitaan yang dialami. Ubatan-ubatan sahaja tidak mencukupi. Ketika itu kehadiran orang lain yang prihatin tentang keadaan pesakit adalah lebih bermakna. Pesakit memerlukan sokongan moral yang utuh kerana maut yang menunggu mungkin tiba esok atau lusa.

Apabila penyakit sudah tidak dapat disembuh

Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia yang memperkenalkan perkhidmatan rawatan paliatif pada tahun 1995 juga mempunyai garis panduan yang berkaitan. Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) menyatakan bahawa rawatan paliatif adalah pendekatan yang memperbaiki kualiti hidup pesakit dan keluarga mereka yang menghadapi masalah bersabit penyakit yang mengancam nyawa.

Hospital Pulau Pinang misalnya mempunyai seorang pakar perubatan paliatif yang terlatih dan telah mula bertugas di situ semenjak Mac 2010. Hospital itu mentakrifkan rawatan paliatif sebagai rawatan yang bertujuan memberi keselesaan dan meningkatkan kualiti kehidupan pesakit-pesakit yang mengidap penyakit yang tidak dapat disembuh terutama sekali pesakit kanser peringkat lewat.

Setakat manakah keberkesanannya di hospital-hospital awam? Hakikatnya ketika ini bilangan pengamal perubatan terlatih masih kurang di bidang tersebut yang menyebabkan kebanyakan ahli keluarga dan rakan pesakit sendiri tidak sedar kewujudan kaedah rawatan sedemikian.

Semakin hari semakin ramai yang memerlukan perkhidmatan ini dan langkah-langkah pro-aktif harus diambil oleh pihak Kementerian Kesihatan. Rakyat negara ini berhadapan dengan banyak masalah kesihatan akibat gaya hidup dan pemakanan ! yang tid ak sihat. Apabila nyawa pesakit sudah tidak boleh diselamatkan, biarlah mereka pergi menemui Sang Pencipta dalam keadaan yang tenang dan selesa.

Perkhidmatan rawatan paliatif bukan sahaja bermanfaat bagi pesakit tetapi juga membantu ahli keluarganya. Mudah-mudahan perkhidmatan seperti ini akan diperluaskan kerana perjalanan terakhir hidup seseorang di dunia seharusnya tidak dibayangi penderitaan. Semoga rakan saya dan mereka yang senasib terus bersemangat menghadapi dugaan yang mendatang dengan bantuan perkhidmatan sedemikian.

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The Baling Incident of 1974

December 12, 2012

The Baling Incident of 1974 commemorated

by Terence Netto (11-12-12)

Hishamuddin Rais during Baling Protest, 1974In the historical catalog of events which have turn signposts for the raising of tellurian rights consciousness among Malaysians, the Baling situation of December 1974, which saw university students have common cause with bankrupt peasants, has turn an event rather similar to the 1955 Montgomery train boycott was for the US civil rights movement.

Both events drew knee jerk repression from custodians of the status quo, whilst both the national assembly as well as the watching world stood riveted by the philharmonic of courageous rebuttal as well as the gamut of oppression it provoked.

Both episodes threw up charismatic leaders Anwar Ibrahim in the Malaysian example as well as Martin Luther King Jr in the American one who would go on, with their statures extended by the travails they had to endure, to lead their rudimentary movements to respective denouements, yet in Anwar's box the perfection is the little way from its vindicatory apotheosis.

Thus, the decoration of the 1974 Baling situation which Parti Keadilan Rakyat inaugurated to organise during the Dewan Sivik in Petaling Jaya yesterday in as well as with the imprinting of the World Human Rights Day was apposite for reasons during once elementary as well as profound.

NONEThese were encapsulated by one of the commemoration's speakers, Syed Hamid Ali (left), who was! concern ed in the Baling situation as well as was detained underneath the ISA for his pains.

"For me, the stress of the Baling situation lies in the elementary truism: Where there is oppression there will be opposition," intoned the PKR personality who is the younger brother of Senator Dr Syed Husin Ali, the former deputy president of PKR who also spoke during the event.

Syed Hamid elaborated: "The Baling situation was just the mystic effusion of the array of lead-up incidents during the early 1970s which culminated in university students as well as expertise members determining which they could not stand detached from the sufferings of peasants in the rural areas as well as the labouring classes in towns who were feeling the goods of depressed rubber prices or were hungering for housing as well as other basic needs."

Earlier, speakers Kamarazaman Yaakob as well as Professor Gurdial Singh Nijar, who were both held underneath the ISA for their parts in the episode, any related vignettes of their involvement, the former, the Universiti Malaya student personality during which time, the some-more evocative orator for reason of his emotive recall of as well as reflections upon aspects of distress endured by the arrested students, expertise members as well as NGO leaders who demonstrated their await for the peasants strike by the high tumble in rubber prices.

NONESenator Syed Husin Ali (right), then an Associate Pprofessor during University of Malaya who was held for six years underneath the ISA for his impasse the longest span of apprehension suffered by the victim of the ISA dragnet which year also spoke during yesterday's memorial.

Syed Husin opined which his concept of tellurian rights entailed working to have certain which people had occupations with the be! arable s alary as well as affordable housing.

The last orator was PKR confidant Anwar Ibrahim, who said which the concern for tellurian rights should comparison bounds of race as well as religion as well as which moral courage was the sine qua non of the quarrel opposite man's inhumanity to man.

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Sedap sangat Syed Azman fitnah, akhirnya terdedah salahlaku sendiri

ADUN PAS bagi Batu Burok, Dr Syed Azman Syed Ahmad menerima tamparan hebat apabila usahanya untuk menimbulkan isu di sidang DUN Terengganu dipatahkan dengan beberapa pendedahan yang membabitkan dirinya dan kerajaan PAS ketika mentadbir Terengganu pada tahun-tahun 19990-1994.

Dalam jawapan tertulis, pihak pemerintah BN mendedahkan kerajaan PAS telah melelong Dermaga Barat di Kemaman pada

The Flight of The Money Changers

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Akibat bengang dan marah dengan perkhidmatan layanan yang diberikan, seorang lelaki Cina bertindak menterbalikkan 42 kon ais krim yang dibelinya di atas meja kaunter pembayaran di sebuah restoran KFC...Insiden ini bukannya berlaku di Malaysia tau..tapi di negara China...Kejadian berpunca daripada pekerja restoran berkenaan lambat menyediakan hidangan yang ditempah lelaki terbabit dan menyebabkan dia terpaksa menunggu selama lebih 1 jam tanpa sebarang notis pemberitahuan. ... Read More

Stop using the term fixed deposit

Najib Tun Razak's detractors should take Pakatan Rakyat to charge for first mouthing a tenure 'fixed deposit', says MIC.
PETALING JAYA: MIC has come forward in counterclaim of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's use of a tenure "fixed deposit" in propinquity to a Indian community.
It's communications chief, S Vell Paari pronounced which a opposition, Pakatan Rakyat, had in fact used it even before Najib did.
"It is a antithesis who first started regulating a tenure bound deposition in reference to a sold segment of a choosing by casting votes community," he said.
Yesterday Najib received slam from Indian village leaders over a debate which he made during a 66th MIC AGM upon Sunday.
In his debate Najib said: "In a 11th ubiquitous choosing (2004), a BN had its bound deposition in a Indian voters. In a 12th ubiquitous election, a Indian bound deposition moved from a BN bank to a antithesis bank.
"Maybe a seductiveness rates were not great in 2008 for a Indian bound deposition votes though over a last 3 years we have raised a seductiveness rates as well as they have been creation a quip to a BN bank. The confidence upon a BN government is back."
This debate resulted in 3 Indian village leaders S Ambiga of Bersih, K Arumugam of Tamil Foundation as well as A Jayanath of Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia to dispute a notion of Indians being a fixed-deposit for BN.
Elaborating further, Vell Paari pronounced which DAP leaders had used a tenure "fixed deposit" after a DAP won twelve state seats in Sarawak last year.
"If we feel which it is insulting, we should take a antithesis to charge as well," he said. He added which Najib was merely quoting Palanivel who had used a tenure "fixed deposit" during a latter's residence upon Sunday as well as questioned because a people have been not articulate about Najib's readiness to recognize a contributions of a Indian community.
Personally, Vell Paari felt which a tenure "fixed deposit" should not be used by possibly side of a political divide.
"Let's get absolved of this tenure from a political vocabulary," he said.
Stateless Indians
On a issue of stateless Indians, a MIC leader extended an olive branch to PKR clamp -president, N Surendran.
"I'm not here to disagree about a numbers. MIC is induction stateless Indians by a MyDaftar program as well as PKR has found stateless Indians. Let's work together as well as resolve a issue once as well as for all," he said.
Surendran claimed which there have been 300,000 stateless Indians. The number is doubtful by Najib as well as MIC.
In connection to this Surendran, who is a lawyer, would be leading a sit-in protest in front of National Registration Department tomorrow during 10am in Putrajaya.
Vell Paari also welcomed a protest tomorrow, observant which protests were essential for great governance.
"We also need people like Surendran so which we (BN) have been not complacent," he said.
He added which a number of stateless Indians can be marked down if a National Registration Department provides citizenship documents to young kids who have a single Malaysian parent.
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Planned rally not an opposition ploy, says Nurul

PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar believes a home apportion is not trying to finalise a problems faced by stateless people.
PETALING JAYA: The programmed convene tomorrow in Putrajaya to criticism a plight of stateless Malaysian Indians is not a domestic tool of a antithesis to instil loathing as well as incite racial conflicts, PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar said.
"It is unsatisfactory that instead of solution a issue, a Barisan Nasional once again falls behind on a racial bogey," she pronounced in a press statement today.
Nuzul, who is Lembah Pantai MP, was rebutting Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein's claim that a programmed convene was a mere domestic ploy of a opposition.
Hishammuddin additionally dismissed a opposition's claim that there have been 300,000 Malaysian Indians in a country who have been stateless.
Said Nurul: "Hishammuddin is directly obliged for a National Registration Department, that has failed to finalise a longstanding emanate of stateless Malaysians."
She additionally claimed that statelessness is not usually a problem plaguing a Indian community, but additionally other Malaysians as well.
Stateless people have been deprived of a opportunity to work, to attend propagandize as well as to receive basic healthcare besides being incompetent to vote nonetheless they were born as well as raised here all their lives.
Nurul additionally pronounced a government has unlawfully refused to emanate MyKad to these people.
She additionally took a appropriate at BN parties that usually speak for their own particular races.
"The BN has been as well! as rema ins a biggest danger to a unity of all peoples as well as races in Malaysia," she said.
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Getting to the core of stateless issue

The supervision should set up the Committee for Citizenship Registration to address the issues of stateless citizens, says Kua Kia Soong.
By Kua Kia Soong
As you good know, the governing body of statelessness is tied to the governing body of competition in this country. It is unsuitable which the bugbear which was thrown in to the Independence onslaught to put the anti-colonial forces upon the defensive viz. who have been the 'pribumi' (indigenous people) as well as who have been the 'pendatang' (immigrants) as well as therefore not competent for citizenship continues to establish the domestic agenda in 2012.
We never destroy to be bemused by the antics of the Barisan Nasional supervision which gives out the couple of citizenship certificates to multiform erstwhile stateless Malaysians only before every election.
The media coverage of grateful beneficiaries hugging the good Home Minister usually adds to the parody.
We do not accept such tokenistic attempts to damp the stateless as well as you direct to know once as well as for all only how many stateless persons there have been in this country?
The stateless cannot accept the fate in which they have been doomed to wait in line for an choosing to arrive as well as anticipating for the couple of lucky draws to bear fruit.
Race has played the pass role in Umno's process to revoke the number of non-Muslim electorate as well as during the same time enlarge Muslim electorate in order to say "Malay dominance".
East Malaysian leaders have alleged which 'Project M' was implemented to ! ensure F ilipino Muslims as well as Pakistanis were postulated citizenship's in large numbers to dilute the non-Malay majority of Sabah.
In west Malaysia, Indonesians have for years been obtaining citizenship with relative ease compared with many non-Malays who were born in Malaysia.
Committee needed
PKR as well as Hindraf have claimed which there have been as many as 300,000 stateless Indians in this nation whilst the MIC says which they have usually purebred 9,000 or so. According to the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (DHRRA), Malaysia, 'Southeast Middle East Human Rights Watch' 2011:
"It is estimated which there have been around 40,000 Indian young kids in the state of Selangor alone who do not have their birth certificates. Similarly, based upon the number of cases you received during our 10 community centres from 2003 2006, you estimated which during slightest 20,000 Indian women do not have identity documents. These total could be much aloft if their young kids have been taken in to account. Therefore, they turn 'stateless' in their own nation as well as as the result they been denied of insurance as well as caring as the adult of the nation state, as well as thus exposed to abuse as well as exploitation."
What about the stateless Chinese as well as the stateless indigenous peoples in Sarawak as well as Sabah? We know which there have been considerable numbers of them as well.
We therefore call upon the supervision to set up the credible Committee for Citizenship Registration with enough resources to solve the predicament of the stateless once as well as for all.
This committee must be seen to be eccentric as well as professional. It is too important the charge to be entrusted to any domestic party.
The Department of Statistics as well as the Registration Department should be concerned in this exercise in order to give us the correct numbers of the st! ateless in the country.
The right to the nationality
Every person has the right to the nationality. Yet statelessness continues to be the elemental cause of discrimination, exploitation, as well as even forced displacement.
The stateless have no legal insurance or the right to experience in domestic process; poor employment prospects as well as poverty; little opportunity to own property; transport restrictions, as well as inadequate access to healthcare as well as education.
To date, usually 57 states have turn celebration to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons as well as even fewer states, only 29, have been celebration to the 1961 Convention upon the Reduction of Statelessness.
It is time for Malaysia to take the predicament of the stateless seriously instead of treating them like the domestic football to score the couple of during the time during elections.
Kua Kia Soong is human rights watchdog Suaram's adviser.
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Subsidy system must be reviewed: Mahathir

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec eleven The funding complement must be reviewed to safeguard a subsidies reach a people who really need them a most, says former prime apportion Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He said due to ineffective placement mechanism under a stream funding system, motor fuel funding in particular did not essentially reach a targeted group, though was ... Read More

'Cut my ear & jump into the Pahang river': WE ARE WAITING, ADNAN YAAKOB - PR

'Cut my ear & burst into a Pahang river': WE ARE WAITING, ADNAN YAAKOB - PR
Pakatan Rakyat's persisting 'Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat', a series of gatherings featuring a top leaders, attracted some-more than 30,000 people who braved complicated surge in Pahang last night.
The eventuality was hold during Darul Hikmah, a PAS centre in Kerdau.
And not surprisingly, a prime ingredient of speeches by a leaders, including PAS emissary president Mohamad Sabu, DAP confidant Lim Kit Siang as good as state commissioner Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, was a guarantee by Pahang Menteri Besar Adnan Yaakob to cut his ear as good as burst into a Pahang stream if BN loses a Bentong parliamentary chair to DAP in a coming ubiquitous election.
"If PR wins Pahang, someone will remove a ear," jibed Mat Sabu in gripping a crowd entertained.
Tuan Ibrahim meanwhile pronounced Adnan's remark would serve as a challenge for Pahang's PR to win in Bentong as good as a state.
At a event, PR additionally launched a '6+3' declaration for a people of Pahang, six being pledges for a state whilst three during a Federal level.
PR has affianced to solve housing issues as good as land woes, gazette Orang Asli local lands to forestall land grabs, as good as ease application to modify agriculture lands.
The coalition additionally promised a corruption-free administration as good as a practice of an open-tender system. It additionally wants to revoke land tax pending study on state revenue generated by Pahang's rich natural resources.
Tailored for Pahang
The state-level declaration was ! jointly signed by Tuan Ibrahim, Pahang PKR authority Fauzi Abdul Rahman as good as state DAP authority Leong Ngah Ngah.
At a Federal level, PR promised to provide housing for those underneath Felda Plantation as good as for second as good as third generations of Felda settlers, military retirees as good as armed forces veterans. The Federal offer, endorsed by PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, DAP confidant Lim Kit Siang to one side Mat Sabu, additionally calls for a 20 percent kingship for oil extracted off Pahang's shores.
Another pledge by PR is to upgrade Pahang's road infrastructure joining vital towns in a state.
Later during a press conference, Anwar pronounced a offers made to Pahang served as annexation to a coalition's Buku Jingga manifestos catering privately to a executive state.
"Each state as good as state-level Pakatan can come to terms to put in brand new manifesto, as good as if agreed, it will be announced. It is tailored privately for a state, only like for Sabah as good as Sarawak.
"For example, in Pahang, with a discovery of oil, it is critical to have royalty, whereas this is not applicable for Selangor as good as Penang," Anwar said.
Asked about PR's chances of receiving over Pahang, Anwar pronounced a outrageous crowd was a pointer that a state was braced for change.
"Furthermore, it must be remembered that this eventuality was hold in a middle of Felda," rejoined Tuan Ibrahim during a press conference.
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STOP BEING DR M'S ERRAND BOY: Save yourself, Najib - Umno Baru is beyond salvation

STOP BEING DR M'S ERRAND BOY:  Save yourself, Najib - Umno Baru is beyond salvation
Three years after Mohd Najib Abdul Razak became a unelected Prime Minister underneath weird circumstances, he dropped a bombshell of sorts, as good little, as good late, final weekend.
It appears after all which he won't be means to bring about badly-needed changes in Umno as good as save it unless he gets his own mandate in a General Election. In any case, that's what he's claiming. He has virtually called his own bluff: from a Umno needs to shift or will be altered mantra to Umno has in truth changed.
But a some-more things crop up to shift in Umno, a some-more they remain a same.
Errand Boy
In short, Najib was saying which former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has a Umno Supreme Council in his pocket as good as eating out of his hands. Najib, in Mahathir's eyes, was usually an insufficient errand boy. He's grinning as good as bearing a humiliations as good as insults instead of demonstrating which he's a Prime Minister as good as in charge.
What Najib has appealed for from a electorate is not a finished thing. It's not in a people's interest to assistance save Umno, even if they could, from eventual almighty damnation brought about by Mahathir's self-indulgent policies fuelled by racism, prejudice as good as opportunism.
Umno, similar to any organisation, contains inside of itself a seeds of a own destruction. The 1987 High Court stipulation of Umno as unlawful, over Mahathir's presidential victory by thirty bootleg branches, has festered similar to terminal cancers in a inheritor Umno Baru Party! which b oth Najib as good as his predecessor, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, hereditary from Mahathir.
No one can save Umno from almighty damnation in a benefaction form
Umno is as good far left in a rotten state, multiple cancers, as good as there's zero which Najib or anyone else for which matter can do to save a domestic celebration wracked by complications brought about by systemic schisms.
Najib would do good to forget about saving Umno as good as instead work for his own domestic salvation. He can do this by nominating usually his people as possibilities in a forthcoming 13th General Election. He needs to go for broke.
Those left out as possibilities can either support him, as good as thereby live to quarrel an additional day, or maybe go their own separate ways party-less. Such possibilities would include Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz, Mahathir's son; as good as a majority of members in a Umno Supreme Council.
The Opposition is doubtful to take those from among his people expected by Mahathir to be fielded by Umno though were denied a opportunity by Najib.
Most domestic pundits have been additionally in consensus which Najib's most appropriate domestic plan would be to concentration upon saving himself as good as not risk sinking into a domestic quagmire with Umno. Seat-wise, these pundits advocate which Najib target for his coterie emerging underneath a Umno symbol as a single largest retard in Parliament as good as a state assemblies solely for Sarawak.
Ironically, this would be possible by a estimated 300, 000 bootleg immigrants allegedly placed upon a electoral rolls in Peninsular Malaysia in an operation allegedly masterminded by Mahathir given 2008 whilst Najib looked a alternative way.
Mahathir is regulating Malaysia from at a back of Najib as Prime Minister
Mahathir apparently belabours underneath a misin! terpreta tion which he's an additional Deng Xiaoping who ran China for decades, but any central posts, as de facto leader.
The destiny of a embattled Prime Minister, underneath such circumstances, is up for grabs. However, upon a plus side, if he shows a little guts, he won't risk being ousted by Mahathir after a GE to make approach for his undeserving son in a shameless arrangement of nepotism as good as Muhyiddin as interim Prime Minister.
Again, upon a plus side, a possibility of Malay branch upon Malay after a GE in a new chronicle of May thirteen would be averted. The Malay-speaking communities in Peninsular Malaysia -- Bugis, Javanese, Minang, Acehnese, Indian Muslims etc -- have been already politically split down a middle. One half is upon a Umno side as good as a alternative half is with a Opposition Alliance (Dap, PKR as good as Pas), when not sitting upon a fence.
If Najib doesn't fool around his cards well, he risks an additional May thirteen as allegedly unleashed by his father in 1969 in cahoots with Mahathir as good as afterwards Selangor Menteri Besar Harun Idris. Najib, in a way, has red blood upon his hands similar to Mahathir who was additionally alleged to be at a back of a murdering of Indians in Kampung Medan from March 8 to twenty-two in 2001 by Madura bootleg immigrants from Indonesia.
In Najib's chronicle of May 13, hinted at not long ago by disgraced Wanita Umno personality Shahrizat Abdul Jalil underneath a prompting as good as urging of Mahathir, Malay (Umno members, a illegals, military as good as army) would take upon Malays from PKR, Pas, Dap as good as a fence-sitters in a wake of a 13th GE.
On a ideological side, there have been fundamental reasons for Najib to desert Umno in a stream form as good as hijack a celebration name as good as symbol for his faction.
A opinion for Umno is a opinion for Mahathir as good as his rotten policies
Umno, from a pregnan! cy in 19 46 as good as later as Umno Baru in 1987, never had a domestic ideology.
The nearest which a celebration had to a domestic beliefs was "Indian Muslim possessiveness of a Chinese in business". It was this possessiveness which led to a Malayalee Muslims from Kerala (southwest India) in Singapore to create a judgment of Malay nationalism. All nationalisms have been tangible by what they oppose as good as in a box of Malay nationalism; it was ostensibly Chinese mercantile dominance. So, a Malayalees in Singapore set up a initial Malay printing press as good as Malay newspaper to spread a thought of Malay nationalism, according to Professor William Roff's "The Origin of Malay Nationalism".
Malay patriotism became Umno's battle-cry in 1946 underneath Onn garbage bin Jaafar, a Malay-speaking Muslim half-Turk, who led a Muslims in Peninsular Malaysia opposite British advisors winning a support of a Bugis Sultans for a Malayan Union.
In an mocking spin of events, Muslim immigrants often during a British Raj from Sulawesi, Java, Sumatra, India as good as alternative places as good as their descendants were opposite a thought of alternative immigrants, non-Muslims, being considered people of Peninsular Malaysia as well. Hindus from India were in fact a initial people to solve down in Peninsular Malaysia after a Orang Asli, a Orang Asal (Original People) of a land. They went upon to set up a Kadaram Civilisation in Kedah as a trade bridge, entrepot as good as half-way spot -- much similar to latter-day Malacca, Penang as good as Singapore -- between India as good as China. Kadaram had a sizeable series of Chinese traders.
Malay patriotism a injured judgment latched upon by Umno
Having no domestic beliefs did not forestall Umno from regulating a injured judgment of Malay patriotism to wring concessions from a British for itself in a Constitution of a Federation of Malaya.
The tenure Malay was tangible pol! itically in a Constitution.
Article 153, giving a Special Position to a Malays as good as Orang Asal by approach of a reasonable suit in four specific areas -- polite service, government-owned institutions of aloft learning, government scholarships, as good as opportunities from a government to do commercial operation -- was extrinsic as well.
In 1970, a New Economic Policy (NEP) was introduced to exterminate misery irrespective of competition or creed; eliminate a marker of competition with mercantile function as good as place of residence; as good as ensure which a Orang Asal -- Orang Asli, Dusun together with a Kadazan or urban Dusun, Murut as good as Dayak -- as good as a Malays and/or Muslims own, control as good as conduct thirty per cent of Malaysia's corporate wealth, i.e. publicly-listed, by 1990.
In reality, as good as thus raising a need for Umno to shift for a better, none of a above -- Article 153 as good as NEP -- happened.
Oil as good as gas rich Sabah as good as Sarawak a lowest in Malaysia
Sabah as good as Sarawak, Nations in Malaysia, degenerated as good as acquired by December 2010 a dubious distinction of being a lowest tools of a Federation, an proclamation made in Kota Kinabalu in a same month by a World Bank, regulating total from a Economic Planning Unit, as good as a respective State Planning Units.
Sarawak was saved from being a lowest in Malaysia by bootleg immigrants in Sabah entering a inhabitant total upon misery by MyKads released to them around a backdoor. By 2005, a 1.7 million foreigners together with bootleg immigrants in Sabah eclipsed a 1.5 million locals.
The Sabah Law Association has pointed out which a Petroleum Development Act 1974 is unconstitutional. This did not forestall a Umno Government in Putrajaya from forcing a so-called oil agreement upon Sabah as good as Sarawak in 1976, amidst a comfortless air pile-up which killed Sabah Chief Ministe! r Donald Muhd Fuad Stephens, to take divided 95 per cent of their oil as good as gas revenues from a inner waters as good as 100 per cent from a outer waters. Therein lies a roots of a grinding misery of Sabah as good as Sarawak.
To supplement insult to injury, a Umno Government takes divided most of alternative revenues in Sabah as good as Sarawak in a continuation of policies which can usually be considered as internal colonization.
Umno unilaterally lengthened Article 153 -- claiming which a Malays now had Special Privileges -- as good as a NEP to each facet of hold up in Malaysia by administrative laws i.e. government policies in movement desirous by Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany as good as a white minority Apartheid Regime in South Africa. All opportunities were indifferent for a Umno Malays as good as any new opportunities created by non-Muslims were authorized usually if led by Umno Malays. The 2ndProng of Article 153 bona fide interests as good as aspirations of a non-Malays was ignored.
Non-Muslims being converted by a National Registration Department
The Orang Asal were left out from Article 153 as good as a NEP.
The non-Muslim Orang Asal with a garbage bin or binte in their names have been being released MyKads where their religion is listed as Islam. Those who criticism have been being brushed off with a ridiculous advice from a National Registration Department: "Get a stipulation from a Syariah Court which we have been no longer Muslim." When one is non-Muslim in a initial place, why a need to get a "no longer Muslim declaration"? Non-Muslims have been not subject to a jurisdiction of a Syariah Court or Syariah laws.
Thousands of Orang Asal have been stateless, proxy or permanent residents to keep them out of a electoral rolls. Ay a same time, a community is being serve marginalized as good as disenfranchised by bootleg immigrants entering a electoral rolls with MyKads released around a ! backdoor . At slightest a third of a one million voters upon a electoral rolls in Sabah have been bootleg ommigrants.
Over 300, 000 Indians in Peninsular Malaysia remain stateless to be a source of poor work in a authorised twilight zone as good as to keep them out of a electoral rolls as good as a central statistics.
Nearly 500, 000 people have been bankrupts, carrying been declared often at a back of their backs i.e. ex-parte, as good as generally for insignificant sums, because they were guarantors for loans or were a victims of fraudulent make use of of their personal documents. They have been not eligible, underneath a Bankruptcy Act 1967, to vote. Like a stateless, they form a ready pool of poor work as they have been not authorised to operate bank accounts but potential employers willing to plead upon their behalf. Employers pounce upon a opportunity to compensate bankrupts in money as good as feat them.
An equal series have been blacklisted by monetary institutions for being at a back of even once in their loan repayments.
Foreigners depressing salary rates of Malaysian workers
It has additionally been estimated by NGOs which a serve dual million bootleg immigrants in Malaysia have been being exploited as poor undocumented work to depress a salary rates of Malaysians even further. The Minimum Wage Act a miserable RM 900 per month in Peninsular Malaysia as good as RM 800 per month elsewhere in a nation -- serve encourages foreign work whilst discouraging Malaysians from entering a work force.
There's no diversity in a polite service, teaching service, tactful service, Judiciary, military as good as armed forces or a Government related Corporations (GLCs).
Government procurements, contracts, tenders, quotas, concessions, permits, licences as good as reservations have been costing a taxation payers anything from double, triple to ten times what it should actually cost them. The fam! ilies, n ominees, cronies as good as fat cats of a powers-that-be have been pocketing a disproportion tax-free as a National Debt Burden threatens to spiral out of control, carrying crossed a 50 per cent of GDP mark.
Rotten to a core Umno Mahathir complement needs to go
This is a rotten to a core complement which a Umno Supreme Council, led by Mahathir, wants to safety in perpetuation as a arrange of standing complement in Malaysia.
Najib has concurred a need for shift as good as reform inside of Umno.
He has additionally conceded which Umno has neither altered nor reformed.
Either Najib has to desert Mahathir, come over to a side of a reformists, denote real distress as good as root for shift or he will be changed.
There have been no dual ways about it.
Malaysia Chronicle
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