The Curse of Marina Lee Abdullah?

I came opposite this info in RPK'sThe tour in life is never a straight line (PART 15):

But Anwar was adamant. "Make certain Zubir Embong as well as Rahman Bakar win," Anwar instructed. "Do whatever needs to be done." It was common hold which Hadi Awang as well as Anwar Ibrahim hated each other. Hence to Anwar this was additionally personal.

According to RPK who helped his MCKK matey Anwar Ibrahim* inthe1986 ubiquitous electioncampaignin Terengganu, Rahman Bakar was selected to contest opposite Pak Haji Hadi Awang in Marang in 1986, as well as a UMNO male won, gratifying we suppose, Anwar's personal passion opposite a PAS leader.

*Anwar was thenthepowerful UMNO Minister of Education, a ministerial appointment imperative for ascending tothePM post.

I consternation whethertheanimosity in between Anwar as well as Pak Haji had (or should it be grammatically 'has') to do with a well well known story of Anwar Ibrahim being (once) groomed to betheleaderof PAS. Yes, child we not!

Hadi Awang

Thus Dr Mwasn'tthe usually a single who had an eye upon a ABIM firebrand as well as his silvery-tonguedmanmanlai.

Naturally his rarely vocal (is there anyotherway todescribeAnwar, wakakaka) ABIM care as well as certification brought him to a notice of PAS' (late) presidentDato' Ustaz Hajji Fadzil garbage bin Muhammad Noor, a well well known moderate, who was soimpressed by a younger male thatthe Ustaz longed for him to be his successor as President of PAS.

Just imagine which if Anwar had not joined UMNO, today a PAS President would be Ustaz Anwar Ibrahim as well as not Pak Haji Hadi Awang. What a thought!

'cuse me whilst we have a kid or dual ofScotch(naturally Johnny Walker Double Black) wakakaka.

But in which head-hunting episode, it was Dr Mahathir who won opposite PAS (Ustaz Fadzil Noor) fortheaffection of Anwar, a male afterwards well well known for his ABIM anti-establishment (meaning anti-UMNO) crusade.

Dr Mahathir

I consternation either Anwar had left ABIM for UMNO in a peep ...ZOoooooommm... tojoinparachute in to a many absolute domestic organization in Malaysia?

Probably from his change of devotion to UMNO, many people together with as well as especially his former mates in ABIM (except those who followed him in to UMNO wakakaka) knew Anwar loves domestic energy some-more than a dome! stic equ ates to he was espousing as ABIM's Chief.

Of march he claimed he would reform UMNO from within.

During his sixteen years in UMNO he shot opposite a domestic landscape of power, lighting it up in meteorite conform to turn a really absolute DPM, as well as a publicly well well known heir-anointed to Dr Mahathir to turn a Prime Minister of Malaysia, an appointment he wouldn't have (theoretically) achieved, as RPK wrote, if he had turn usually a PAS president after Ustaz Fadzil Noor.

Anwar Ibrahim

And in those sixteen years in UMNO, as DPM as well as during times acting PM, did he vaunt any inclinations, even a small subatomic iota, of reforms, or even voice same, as he had promised when he leapt from ABIM in to UMNO?

Nay, nary a squeak nor a peep!

And when he was booted out from UMNO, he done which 16-year record of non-achievement as an UMNO apportion even worse by blaming everyone else solely himself, as well as usually bleatingreformasiwhen he was no longer in a position of power.

Anwar even dared explain to have been helpless to have changes whilst in government.

Former Bar president Zainur Zakaria sneered during Anwar's pitiable forgive - readZainur Zakaria Zapped AAB & An! war Ibra himfor more.

Zainur Zakaria

Anyway, from my personal observations it's some-more than domestic energy per se which Anwar loves - oh, he loves that, there's no doubt. But apart from energy per se as well as a compared considerable trappings for a DPM, we consider he enjoys open adulation, as well as if not open acclamation afterwards during slightest supporters' acclamation more.

Eager hands raided a tomb for me to be laid
As stepping stones for a progress of a demigod
On Ardha-Matanga, 4 tasks & seven white trunks
Saluting Brahma, walking to Amarawati by a lake

Altantuyaa Shaariibuu

Yes, according to a gospel by kaytee wakakaka, Anwar has a debility for admiration, acclamation as well as devotion from people, but we believe, some-more than would be considered normal. To his ears, howling acclaim (wakakaka) must be perfect delightful music.

He done it ... oh well ... almost.

They say, what goes up must come down! again ( unless of course, in starting up 'whatever' has completed shun quickness - well, let's see what happened as well as will happen).

It's probable which a Western educated person, especially intheclassics, wouldmake a comparison in between Anwar Ibrahim as well as Achilles upon many aspects, as well as yet we agree, wouldargue usually up to a certain point.

Both shot up similar to blazing stars, both were stop in their marks during near thepinnacle of their glories, yet in this, Achilles knew his fate, for he had privately chosen, when asked by a gods, to fire up in glory but die immature instead of apropos an average aristocrat to die during a developed aged age.

I hold Anwar additionally shares an additional commonality with Achilles - he has an Achilles heel as well as we posted upon this in Jul 2008 in a square titledThe Achilles heel of Anwar Ibrahim.The partial we wish to extract for your examination pertains to his Achilles heel:

During a Trojan War, he [Achilles]was fundamentally (almost) invincible until he was fatally bleeding in a same (un-bathed) heel by an arrow shot by Paris, son of King Priam of Troy.

Thus an Achilles' heel is a deadly debility (metaphorically not earthy only) in annoy of overall strength, essentially or potentially, leading to downfall.

Anwar Ibrahi! m has an Achilles heel, as well as upon this we do not wish to listen to any of those salacious comments pertaining to new events.

In my opinion, Anwar's Achilles heel has been as well as still is his impatience.

Coupled with his extreme domestic ambitions, his Achilles heel had been as well as will be his downfall.

Achilles shot in heel

I afterwards continued with a grapevine story of Anwar's humiliation of Gaafar Baba, a during large well well known split with Dr Mahathir, his rarely publicized attempted 916coup d'tatto replace AAB's post-March 2008 government, as well as RPK's disenchantment with Anwar after campaigning for Mr Manmanlai.

One territory of the
postThe Achilles heel of Anwar Ibrahimis as follows (posted in Jul 2008 inside of a period which we call'The not so Manmanlai Interregnum', wakakaka):

Anwar's Achilles heel is showing by again, refusing to wait for for a next ubiquitous choosing of march there are alternative factors as well which we will blog upon tomorrow. Hence a PKR's roughly every day promote about tentative party defections maybe to vigour alternative UMNO stalwarts if not AAB, ........

Expect him to go upon as well as even expand his debate of domestic destabilization, as he becomes some-more raging with a coming Septem! ber sixt een in only 2 months time.

And Malaysiakini has only published'Opposition had programmed demo today'where it reported Home Affairs Minister Syed Hamid claiming that, this month alone, his method has received information which numerous demonstrations were to be staged by a opposition (he substantially meant PKR) with a solitary purpose of toppling a government.

Aiyoyo, Anwar, where's your male male lai? Just similar to your reformasi?

Anwar & supporters

Anyway, in Aug 2008 (still within'The not so Manmanlai Interregnum', wakakaka)I posted an additional opinion-piece upon Anwar titledThe torture as well as impatience of Anwar Ibrahim, extract as follows:

I note which Anwar Ibrahim has grown gaunt rsther than than slim maybe he's some-more careful about his diet as he is in his 60's, or maybe a debate (since pre-March 2008) has taken a terrible toll upon him.

Anwar Ibrahim has driven himself incessantly, frenetically as well as obsessively towards what he goal will be his domestic crowning glory, a premiership of Malaysia.

Leaving aside his conceit, adore of energy as well as disdain for those he sees as his egghead inferiors in a current UMNO hierarchy, his unrelenting push to turn a PM of Malaysia, by offshoot or by crook, has been due to a single tormenting cause

which has been a loss of his place in Malaysian dome! stic car e story as a 5th PM of a nation, only upon a night before of his expected zenith as Dr Mahathir's anointed heir.

His zenith would have over even a legend ofUMNO's Da Vinci code(s), for surely in R-A-H-M-A-N, a minute 'A' would have come after 'M'.
Yet, as they say, 'There's many a slip 'twixt crater as well as lip', as well as Anwar found which to his invincible distress.

I hold it has been this narrow miss during a top domestic office, only by a hair's breath, which has done a male super-g! eram, a frustrated annoy over normal boundaries, even sending him in to unbridled rage.

It has been an experience which has tormented him since.

Da Vinci formula

Today, we offer for your examination aFree Malaysia Todayarticle by CT Ali titledEach unsteadiness by Anwar has a costs.

Incidentally,CT Ali is a reformist who believes in Pakatan Rakyat's ideologies. He is a FMT columnist, so please don't automatically condemnhim as an UMNO mole, inthesame Myrmidon-ish approach as a little anwaristas have condemned me as a MCA paid writer (though we instruct MCA would bloody pay me, wakakaka).

Some relevant perusing for us would be as follows:

Alas for Anwar as well as for us, what domestic collateral ! as well as reservoir of goodwill from a Malaysian open which he, PKR as well as Pakatan had gained from a success of a 12th ubiquitous choosing had not been used wisely.

From a false feeling of well-being of an impossibly ill-conceived voiced takeover of Putrajaya, by a series of increasingly controversial decision-makings which smack as well plainly of domestic opportunism as well as self-interest, Anwar has lurched from a single domestic mess to another.

Each unsteadiness by Anwar had a costs. And solemnly but surely PKR as well as afterwards Pakatan mislaid traction in a attempt to take what happened during a 12th ubiquitous choosing onto to a next level where Pakatan could have formed a supervision after a 13th ubiquitous election.

So distant we have accommodated his follies, overlooked his personal misdemeanours, abandoned his crass stupidity in meditative which we did not know what was happening in Selangor, chuckled during his flights of fancies (taking over Putrajaya) as well as forgave him his errors all in a name of Pakatan as well as aware of what he has undergone during a hands of a rancorous Mahathir.

Perhaps Anwar mistook a miss of a cracking of a whip when we should, as being a licence for him to carry upon with his controversial activities personal or otherwise.

Perhaps he thinks which a finish justifies a means. That we will disremember anything he does if which is what he thinks is indispensable for Pakatan to win a choosing as well as for him to be prime minister.

I consider Anwar is sadly mistaken.

Gutter politics

I only wish to tell Anwar this.

If we are privately concerned in any approach with Deepak Jaikishan as well as Musa Hassan's new revelations, afterwards we really have no clarity of a disregard as well as disgust many of us have for politicians, any politic! ians for which matte! r, who w ish to score cheap domestic points by resorting to gutter politics.

The same denial felt by so many of us during a demeanour Mahathir treated with colour as well as pursued we (I consider a word to describe what Mahathir did was "zalim") after your tumble from grace can so simply now be turned towards we if we insist upon starting a same approach as Mahathir as well as Umno.

And it can turn with such a ferocity as well as vengeance as to describe any attempt by we to go upon as leader of Pakatan simply impossible.

If we detect a clarity of finality in these assertions by me, afterwards we are right.

There is rising annoy between many of us rakyat during a possibility which we will have to put up with this silly charade of a financially desperate Deepak as well as a late "past his use by date" Musa to plead their box for their own gains with your help.

And seemingly being able to do it in a guise of "truth telling" to capacitate a people to know what is a truth!

All this only does not gel with a people anymore.

Cease as well as desist, Anwar, as well as disentangle whilst we still can from a stranglehold which Deepak as well as Musa will in a future have over we when a waves turns as it did with (private investigator) P Balasubramaniam.

Do it whilst we still can.

Musa Hassan

Incidentally, in RPK'sThe tour in life is never a straight line (PART 15)he referred to Anwar nipping ! him for being in KL instead of Terengganu helping in UMNO's debate in 1990, an act which hurt RPK's wife, Marinabecause Anwar scolded her father in open in front of many people.

RPK told us Marina said:"That illegitimate is never starting to turn a Prime Minister. You only watch. Record which in your diary. He is starting to fall. Record which in your diary."

Has which been a potent curse, a single as deadly as a arrow of Paris, son of King PriamofTroy?

RPK & Marina

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