Ini luahan Tun Dr M di blog beliau. Aku petikd an letakkan kat sini supaya korang rasa apa yang diampaikan oleh Negarawan Terulung Negara ini. Sudilah membacanya, hayatilah segala apa yang ditulis oleh beliau.

1. Kemana sahaja saya pergi, di Malaysia atau luar Negara, saya akan ditanya bila pilihanraya akan diadakan.

2. Saya harap saya tahu jawapannya tetapi Perdana Menteri tidak memberitahu saya apa-apa, dan lazimnya hanya Perdana Menteri yang boleh menentukan tarikh tersebut. Sudah tentu tarikh itu tidak boleh melangkaui tempoh 5 tahun hayat Parlimen.

3. Soalan seterusnya ialah samada Barisan Nasional akan menang. Jawapan saya ia akan menang. Tetapi sebesar mana kemenangan itu sangat penting. Malaysia tidak boleh ditadbir oleh Parlimen yang berbelah-bahagi (hung Parliament) atau sebuah Kerajaan yang lemah. Keduanya tidak baik untuk Malaysia kerana semua akan tumpu kepada politik dan ekonomi serta pembangunan akan diketepi.

4. Ramai yang berkata Perikatan/Barisan Nasional telah berkuasa terlampau lama. Benar. Saya percaya bahawa sesuatu pemerintahan tidak boleh terlalu lama. Tetapi sekarang saya tidak begitu yakin pandangan saya boleh digunapakai untuk semua keadaan.

5. Ini kerana alternatif kepada Barisan Nasional adalah sesuatu yang menakutkan Ia dipimpin oleh seorang yang obsesi hanya hendak jadi Perdana Menteri tidak kira bagaimana sekalipun. Dulu saya tertanya-tanya mengapa ia menyertai UMNO dan bukan PAS. Sekarang saya faham. Ia akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri. Menyertai UMNO dan tidak PAS, yang pemimpinnya tidak pernah jadi Perdana Menteri, ia akan menjadi Perdana Menteri hanya dengan memanjat tangga kepimpinan UMNO. Sebaik saha! ja menye rtai UMNO ia bertanding jawatan Ketua Pemuda. Kemudian ia bertanding Naib Presiden seterusnya Timbalan Presiden. Langkah selanjutnya ialah menjatuhkan Presiden dan menjadi Perdana Menteri. Ia amat mudah.

6. Tetapi Perdana Menteri kelihatan tidak mahu berundur. Maka ia memulakan gerakan sulit memburukkan Perdana Menteri. Apa yang berlaku sudah menjadi lipatan sejarah.

7. Sekarang ia menerajui pembangkang dengan harapan akan dinobatkan di Putrajaya sebagai Perdana Menteri selepas pilihanraya ini. Saya berpendapat ini tidak baik untuk Negara. Begitu juga dengan koleksi caca-marba Pakatan yang cuma berpakat untuk tidak bertanding sesama mereka tetapi sebaliknya menyokong satu sama lain untuk memenangi pilihanraya sahaja. Selain parti Saya mahu jadi Perdana Menteri, turut sama ialah parti yang rasis dan parti yang memperalatkan agama. Mereka akan berbalah sepanjang masa. Mereka bukan satu gabungan. Mereka cuma berpakat untuk membantu masing-masing memenangi pilihanraya. Sekarang pun mereka sudah berbalah berkenaan siapa yang patut jadi Perdana Menteri. Mereka tidak berpegang kepada pendapat bahawa parti yang terbesar harus memimpin.

8. Memang benar Barisan Nasional sudah lama berkuasa. Begitu juga PAS di Kelantan. Tiada siapa boleh nafi kemajuan dan kemakmuran luar biasa yang dikecap di Negara dicapai dalam tempoh pemerintahan Barisan Nasional. Ini tidak boleh dinyatakan mengenai pencapaian PAS di Kelantan.

9. Kepimpinan PAS dan DAP yang sudah berumur tidak bertukar jauh lebih lama berbanding Barisan Nasional dan parti-parti komponennya. Sudah enam Perdana Menteri memimpin Kerajaan Barisan Nasional tetapi dalam tempoh itu Ketua DAP masih tetap ditempatnya dan tidak mahu melepaskan jawatan. Dan anaknya akan mengambil-alih. Sebuah dinasti sedang terbina.

10. Kepimpinan PAS juga tidak berubah dalam tempoh kepimpinan empat pemimpin Barisan Nasional.

11. Ketua Keadilan meletakkan dirinya sebagai Penasihat tetapi menobat isterinya sebagai Presiden dan anak perempuanny! a sebaga i Naib Presiden. Teman akrabnya menjadi timbalan. Tidak ada tanda-tanda akan berlaku sebarang perubahan kepimpinan. Dan pasti tiada pemimpin yang akan meletak jawatan.

12. Perubahan mestilah dari dalam dan luar. Perubahan luaran hanyalah untuk mengabui mata. Semasa kepimpinan enam ketua UMNO, polisi agak berbeza diantara satu sama lain. Kerajaan yang dipimpin tidak boleh dianggap sama. Yang pasti prinsip politik dan ekonomi jauh berbeza. Begitu juga dengan dasar luar. Malah boleh dikata walaupun nama adalah sama, Kerajaan setiap Perdana Menteri itu berbeza satu sama lain.

13. Barisan Nasional yang bertanding dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke !3 tidak akan sama dengan Barisan Nasional dibawah kepimpinan lima yang terdahulu. Ia adalah Barisan Nasional yang baru. Dan perubahan akan berlaku.

14. Namun begitu Barisan Nasional tetap berpegang kepada prinsip dan polisi asas yang sama. Parti komponen BN mengamalkan demokrasi di dalam parti dan Negara. BN percaya kepada perdagangan bebas dan inisiatif dari sector swasta. BN berpegang kepada kerjasama antara kaum dan perkongsian kuasa. BN juga percaya kepada agihan kekayaan yang adil diantara kaum. BN mesra perniagaan tanpa meminggir kepentingan anggota masyarakat yang lain.

15. Ia terbuka kepada innovasi dan idea-idea baru serta mengambil-kira pandangan yang dilontar rakyat dan ini membawa kepada perubahan dan transformasi. Cuma yang buta sahaja yang tidak dapat melihat perbezaan antara pemimpin tertinggi Kerajaan BN.

16. Ini bukanlah Negara satu parti. Barisan Nasional itu sendiri adalah gabungan fourteen parti yang berlainan. Mereka boleh bersama atau memilih untuk keluar. Banyak parti ditubuh di Malaysia semasa zaman Perikatan dan Barisan memerintah Negara. Setengahnya dapat bertahan walaupun tidak menyertai gabungan Kerajaan.Yang lain seperti Sosialis, terus hilang. Setengahnya berjaya ke Parlimen manakala yang lain gagal memastikan wakil mereka ke Parlimen ataupun Dewan Undangan Negeri.

17. Parti-parti pembangkang yang! bertaha n tidak pernah gagal untuk memenangi beberapa kerusi di dalam setiap pilihanraya. PAS kekal menerajui Kelantan menerusi beberapa pilihanraya dan pernah memenangi Terengganu dua kali. Sebuah parti tempatan pernah menewaskan Barisan Nasional dan menubuh Kerajaan di Sabah. Pulau Pinang dimenangi Parti Gerakan, ketika itu sebuah parti pembangkang.

18. Pilihanraya di Malaysia tidak pernah membosankan. Dalam tahun 1969, Perikatan hampir kalah dan dalam tahun 2008 Barisan Nasional kehilangan lima buah Negeri, satu Wilayah Persekutuan dan gagal mendapatkan majoriti dua pertiga di peringkat Persekutuan. Keputusan pilihanraya di Malaysia tidak pernah melihat parti yang memerintah mendapat sokongan 99%. Hakikatnya parti pembangkang selalu memenangi sebilangan kerusi di peringkat Dewan Undangan Negeri dan peringkat Persekutuan.

19. Sukar untuk memahami bagaimana seseorang boleh menyatakan bahawa Malaysia adalah Negara pemerintahan satu parti. Memang benar Perikatan dan Barisan Nasional memenangi semua pilihanraya Persekutuan. Negara ini negara demokratik dan jika rakyat memilih untuk mengundi semula parti Kerajaan itu hak demokratik mereka. Mengundi pembangkang untuk memerintah tidak menjadikan Malaysia lebih demoratik mahupun menjadi bukti kita mengamalkan complement dwi-parti. Pandangan jika mengundi pembangkang dalam pilihanraya akan datang akan menjadikan Malaysia negara yang mengamalkan complement dwi-parti adalah tidak berasas. Parti-parti pembangkang tidak mewakili satu parti, bukan pun satu gabungan. Mereka membantu satu sama lain hanya untuk memenangi pilihanraya. Mereka akan kekal bersendirian, setiap satu dengan dasar dan bulletin masing-masing. Mereka mungkin menubuhkan Kerajaan campuran tetapi ia akan menjadi gabungan yang longgar tanpa satupun bulletin yang jelas.

20. Barak Obama menjanjikan perubahan bila terpilih. Tetapi ia tidak berdaya untuk menutup Guantanamo Bay ataupun keluar segera dari Iraq atau Afghanistan. Ia terpaksa meneruskan tindakan yang dirancang oleh orang yang! diganti kannya. Apabila tamat edahnya tiada apa perubahan yang telah berlaku di Amerika Syarikat.

21. Di Jepun kehendak kepada perubahan membawa kepada kekalahan LDP. Sekarang LDP kembali berkuasa menggantikan Parti Demokratik Jepun yang kekal hanya satu penggal. Perubahan Kerajaan tidak meningkat kemajuan Jepun.

22. Pendapat bahawa perubahan semestinya membawa kebaikan tidak selalu benar. Milton Obote dikatakan Presiden yang tidak baik untuk Uganda. Maka Idi Amin merampas kuasa. Ia lebih buruk sehingga terpaksa diturunkan secara paksa oleh tentera yang memberontak.

23. Iraq diperintah oleh Saddam Hussein sebagai diktator. Ia dikatakan amat kejam. Amerika Syarikat membuat keputusan melakukan pertukaran rejim (regime change). Ini melibatkan pembunuhan 200,000 rakyat Iraq yang tidak berdosa selain menghancurkan negara mereka.

24. Terdapat Kerajaan baru sekarang tetapi disangsikan kebaikannya berbanding Kerajaan Saddam. Tidak ada pertelingkahan antara puak Sunnah wal Jamaah dengan Syiah di zaman Saddam, tetapi sekarang pertembungan ganas sering berlaku antara dua pihak ini, masing-masing mengebom dan membunuh pihak yang lain.

25. Terdapat banyak contoh perubahan rejim tetapi kebanyakkannya tiada perubahan yang berlaku hasil darinya. Amat sedikit contoh menunjuk apabila berlaku perubahan keadaan bertambah baik. Sepertimana dikatakan oleh orang Perancis Plus ca change, plus cest la meme chose (lebih banyak perubahan, lebih banyak kekal sama).

26. Tidak perlu menukar Kerajaan semata-mata untuk menegak complement dwi-parti. Negara yang mempunyai complement dwi-parti tidak berkeadaan lebih baik. Mereka masih menghadapi krisis kekonomi dan kewangan, mereka mengalami kemelesetan, berdepan dengan demonstrasi jalanan dan mogok.

27. Saya telah nyatakan sebelum ini better a demon you know than a angel you dont. Barisan Nasional bukanlah syaitan. Negara ini maju dengan jaya di bawah pemerintahan Barisan Nasional. Bila kejayaan tidak berlaku, Barisan cepat menukar pemimpin! yang ga gal.

28. Pilihanraya memberi kita peluang untuk menunjuk kepada parti pemerintah akan perlunya mengubah dirinya sendiri. Mesej ini akan sampai, amaran telah diberi dan tindakan positif akan diambil.

29. Jangan perjudi Negara ini dengan yang tidak dikenali dan yang belum teruji. Beberapa peluang yang diberi kepada pembangkang menunjuk kekurangan kemahiran dan pencapaian. Kelantan jelas tidak maju dengan baik. Pulau Pinang pula, kejayaan yang sedikit disertai dengan kegagalan yang banyak.

30. Pilihanraya bertujuan untuk rakyat memilih parti yang akan memerintah Negara. Ramai percaya majoriti rakyat tahu apa yang baik untuk mereka. Tetapi hakikatnya majoriti rakyat tidak tahu. Mereka mengundi samada berdasarkan kaum atau parti yang propagandanya terdedah kepada mereka. Cuma segelintir yang memahami isu-isu dan kualiti parti yang bertanding.

31. Akibatnya, pilihanraya mungkin menyebabkan parti yang tidak layak terpilih membentuk Kerajaan.

32. Kerana kemungkinan ini, amatlah penting pengundi diberi seberapa banyak penjelasan yang mungkin mengenai parti dan dasar serta rekod mereka supaya pengundi dapat membuat keputusan yang pintar.

Sumber: Blog Che Det


MERIAH ... Musa (tengah) diiringi Hamsan bersalaman dengan salah seorang ketua kontinjen sebelum berarak mengelilingi pusat bandar dan berakhir di Dewan Masyarakat Sandakan.

SANDAKAN : Lebih 15,000 masyarakat Islam sekitar bandar ini mengambil bahagian pada satu Sambutan Maulidur Rasul peringkat Daerah Sandakan 1434H / 2013M yang berlangsung meriah di Padang Bandaran Sandakan, kelmarin.

Sebanyak 60 buah kontinjen yang masing-masing membawa sepanduk telah berarak sejauh dua kilometer mengelilingi bandar bermula dari Padang Bandaran dan berakhir di Dewan Masyarakat yang menyaksikan Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman mengetuai perarakan diiiringi 'Selawat Nabi'.
Terdahulu daripad itu, Musa sewaktu berucap menyempurnakan majlis memberitahu bahawa sambutan Maulidur Rasul yang diadakan setiap tahun bukan sahaja memberi ruang kepada ummah untuk memperingati dan meraikan hari kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW; malahan menjadi wadah untuk memperkukuhkan lagi ikatan ukhuwah perpaduan dalam kalangan umat Islam.

Ini katanya, semangat ukhuwah adalah penting dan perlu sentiasa dijiwai sekali gus disemarakkan setiap lapisan masyarakat ke arah mewujudkan suasana yang lebih aman serta harmoni demi mencapai kem! ajuan ya ng bermakna dalam pelbagai aspek kehidupan.

"Selaras dengan tema sambutan pada tahun ini iaitu 'Wasatiyah Tonggak Kesatuan Ummah' ... marilah kita sama-sama mengamalkan pendekatan kesederhanaan atau 'Wasatiyyah' dalam setiap tindakan.

"Jika kita menyingkap kembali sirah Nabi Muhammad menerusi pendekatan wassatiyah, Baginda telah dapat membawa Madinah menjadi sebuah negara Islam yang unggul dan terkenal," jelasnya.

Musa berkata dalam konteks Kerajaan Negeri, pihaknya bersyukur kerana mempunyai kerajaan di bawah kepimpinan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak yang memperkenalkan konsep tersebut di dalam pentadbiran kerajaan hari ini.

Menurut beliau, sikap kesederhanaan ini hendaklah diterjemahkan secara positif terutamanya dalam meletakkan kedudukan umat Islam dalam dunia global, teknologi dan ilmu termasuk persaingan ekonomi dan juga membina tamadun ke arah misi Islam itu sendiri.

Sehubungan itu, beliau berkata umat Islam di negeri ini harus mencontohi peribadi Nabi Muhammad demi melakar kejayaan yang lebih besar dan bermakna terhadap perjuangan membela agama, bangsa dan negara.

Sesungguhnya, katanya, sifat-sifat mulia yang ada pada Baginda mampu mendorong ummah menjadi umat wassatiyah yang akan beroleh kejayaan dunia dan akhirat.

Sementara itu, Timbalan Presiden Majlis Perbandaran Sandakan (MPS), Haji Mohd Hamsan Awang Supain pula menegaskan ke arah melahirkan generasi Islam yang lebih berkualiti dari segi disiplin dan akhlak mulia, maka gerakan memperkasa dakwah Islamiah wassatiyah perlu diperhebatkan.

Menurutnya, para ilmuan Islam perlu tampil membawa gagasan pemikiran yang kritis, membina, ikhlas, jujur dan istiqamah berdasarkan keperluan realiti tetapi tetap berpaksikan kepada wahyu dan assunnah.

! "Tetapi bukannya ditafsir atau diolah mengikut rentak idealogi dan warna perjuangan mereka," jelas beliau.

Katanya, apa yang patut dilakukan oleh cendekiawan muslim kini ialah menghurai, melengkap dan menyempurnakan sebagai usaha pemulihan, penambahbaikan dan peningkatan ke arah mencipta hasil karya yang bermutu untuk faedah ummah.

Dalam pada itu, Hamsan yang mewakili segenap masyarakat Islam baik di daerah Sandakan mahupun di seluruh negeri ingin merakamkan terima kasih dan syukur terhadap kepimpinan Musa yang sentiasa prihatin kepada keperluan dan keselesaan tempat beribadat umat Islam.

"Ini dapat kita lihat sendiri khususnya di Sandakan dengan pembinaan masjid-masjid, surau-surau dan sekolah-sekolah agama yang telah banyak didirikan manakala yang sedia ada yang berkeadaan usang juga mendapat perhatian serius untuk dibaik-pulih," ujarnya.

Hadir sama pemimpin politik maestro Sabah yang juga Ketua Umno Bahagian Sandakan, Tan Sri Haji Ampong Puyon; Ahli Parlimen Libaran, Datuk Juslie Ajirol; Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Gum-Gum, Datuk Zakaria Mohd Edris; Adun Sukau, Datuk Saddi Abdul Rahman dan pegawai-pegawai kanan kerajaan negeri serta persekutuan termasuk pemimpin masyarakat setempat.
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


JUARA IGAL-IGAL...Pengalai Noraini Manurat berpakaian tradisi suku Bajau pantai timur mempersembahkan tarian Igal-Igal sempena pertandingan Igal-Igal di Kampung Tampi-Tampi,Semporna.


SEMPORNA: Menteri Di Jabatan Ketua Menteri Sabah, Dato Sri Nasir Tun Sakaran, menyarankan generasi muda mempertahankan senibudaya bangsa melalui tarian-tarian tradisi dengan mempelajarinya supaya tidak lenyap ditelan zaman.

Katanya, tarian-tarian tradisi yang meliputi muzik dan pakaian tradisi melambangkan martabat sesebuah sukukaum dan perlulah dipelihara sebagai khazanah warisan negeri ini yang memiliki lebih 30 etnik serta hidup dalam rukun dan damai.
Beliau berkata demikian di majlis Ramah Mesra Bersama Pemimpin dan Pertandingan Tarian Igal-Igal anjuran Pusat Daerah Mengundi (PDM) Zon Tampi-Tampi dekat sini semalam.

Sempena majlis itu pelbagai acara diadakan termasuklah pertandingan futsal, tarik tali dan tarian tradisi Igal-Igal.

Hadirsama sempena majlis itu Ketua Wanita Usia Daerah Semporna yang juga isteri Dato Sri Nasir, Datin Sri Rukiah Badar; Pegawai Perhubungan ADUN Senallang, Haji Zainal Jalaludin; Pegawai Kemajuan Masyarakat (CDO) Kawasan Senallang, Roslan Jalaludin; Ketua Kampung Tampi-Tampi, Panglima Maharadja Habibun Maharadja Gausal; Panglima Haji Nurillah serta Ahli-Ahli Jawatankuasa PDM Zon Tampi-Tampi.

Nasir! berkata , selain menjadi kemegahan setiap sukukaum, seni budaya juga merupakan daya tarikan pelancong serta mampu mengukuhkan perpaduan di kalangan sukukaum negeri ini melalui pertandingan mahupun persembahan kebudayaan dalam sesebuah majlis keramaian.

Sehubungan itu beliau mengajak seluruh rakyat negeri ini sentiasa memelihara adat dan budaya masing-masing sambil memberikan tunjuk ajar kepada generasi muda yang menjadi penerus kepimpinan Negara masa depan.

Nasir yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Kawasan Senallang, menasihatkan rakyat di kawasan itu sentiasa mewujudkan perasaan muhibbah dan saling mengukuhkan perpaduan serta memelihara pertalian persaudaraan demi kesejahteraan hidup berkampung mahupun bermasyarakat.

Katanya, tanpa perpaduan kaum yang menjadi teras utama keamanan dan kemakmuran Negara sudah tentu kita tidak akan dapat menikmati kesejahteraan hidup serta tidak dapat menikmati pembangunan berterusan yang menjadi lambang kemajuan sesebuah Negara.
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Ke Mana Haluan Nasharudin Selepas Ini?

Meneliti perkembangan terbaru Nasharudin Mat Isa selepas dipecat keahlian dalam Majlis Syura Ulama PAS dan tidak disenaraikan bertanding dalam PRU 13, timbul persoalan : Ke mana haluan bekas Timbalan Presiden PAS itu.Adakah beliau akan terus kekal jadi beg tinju dalam PAS atau mengambil keputusan meninggalkan parti tersebut?Mengenali Nasharudin yang sentiasa memegang prinsip, beliau tidak mungkin keluar parti dan perkara ini sudah ditegaskan ahli parlimen Bachok sebelum ini ketika desas desus ... Read More

Anak Beranak Pengsan Dirempuh Babi

KUALA TERENGGANU: Terkejut apabila diberitahu anak dan suami pengsan dirempuh babi, kata Rokiah Ibrahim, 39, ibu kepada Siti Nur Syafikah Sulaiman, 5, yang tersembam ke atas jalan selepas motosikal dinaiki bersama bapanya melanggar babi hutan di Kampung Cheting, Hulu Terengganu, kelmarin.Read more... ... Read More


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Mohd. Kamal Abdullah,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Read More @ Source

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Semalam Nik Aziz dah bagitau yang Ustaz Nasha tidak akan bertanding mewakili PAS lagi, KLIK SINI

Aku tak sangka Nik Aziz si tua kutuk ni begitu zalim dan kejam sekali perangai dia. dia cakap selamba kodok je dalam Buletin Utama semalam. Macam takde benda je. Cuba kalau UMNO yang buat macam tu? Mesti seluruh jentera Pakatan akan kata UMNO memang zalim.

Dasar parti hipokrit! Apa saja mereka buat semuanya halal kan? Tak ke kimak namanya ni? Aku nak share ngan korang satu artikel pasal isu ni:

DALAM PAS, yang berkuasa mutlak adalah Mursyidul Am PAS, Nik Aziz Nik Mat. Hanya si tua bangka ini sahaja yang ada kata putus siapa patut dipecat dan siapa yang tidak. Memanglah ada peraturan tertentu dalam PAS untuk penyingkiran ahli, tapi restu Mursyidul Am PAS adalah undang-undang yang tidak tercatat.

Tapi dengan keadaan kesihatan Nik Aziz kebelakangan ini, tidak ada siapa yang mahu percaya beberapa pemecatan pemimpin PAS terutama di kalangan pemimpin, adalah dibuat olehnya.

Juga bukan mana-mana pemimpin PAS yang lain sebab mereka ini di bawah Nik Aziz dari segi hieraki. Jadi siapa?

Jawapannya, tidak lain dan tidak bukan ini semua kerja Anwar Ibrahim!!

Hanya Anwar Ibrahim sahaja yang setaraf Nik Aziz dan layak buat keputusan macam ini. Pemecatan berbeza dengan isu kalimah Allah dimana Nik Aziz dan Anwar Ibrahim berbeza pendapat. itu soal dasar, ini balas dendam. Anwar memang berdendam dengan Nasharudin sebab ikut Najib melawat Gaza yang seringkali menyerang kepentingan negara yshudi, Israel di sebelah.

Anwar kan pelindung keselamatan Israel!!

Dan ini bukan kali pertama, sebelum ini joke Anwar sudah masuk campur dalam soal penyingkiran Da! tuk Dr. Hasan Ali tahun lepas. Dalam kes itu, Hasan Ali dipecat dari PAS tanpa diberi peluang untuk membela diri terlebih dahulu setelah beliau mengkritik Anwar Ibrahim secara terbuka. Jadi, logiknya (Anwar campur tangan), ada.

Baca seterusnya di Perak Today

"Remember, we study history to try and understand the past, not to judge it."

In 1991, a brother of a Sabah Chief Minister, Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, was detained underneath a Internal Security Act (ISA) for allegedly plotting to take Sabah out of Malaysia. With a detention of Dr Jeffrey, this some-more or reduction confirmed a gossip of a tract to take Sabah out of Malaysia as well as subsequently for Sabah to stick on a Philippines.THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin "Remember, we investigate history to try as well as understand a past, not to judge it." That was what my lecturer told m ... Read More


Kalimah Allah! Milik seluruh umat manusia - Dr Yusuf Al-Qardhawi Artikel ini diambil berdasarkan teks khutbah Jumaat Dr Yusuf Al-Qardhawi pada 22 Januari 2010 yang lalu di Masjid Umar bin Al-Khattab di Doha, ibu negara Qatar. Anda boleh melihat kenyataan penuh beliau melalui laman web rasmi Dr Yusof Al-Qardhawi dan juga saya perolehi terjemahan beliau melalui laman web saudara Ridzuan Abdul Aziz. Syukran diatas perkongsian. Ianya merupakan penjelasan yang ri ... Read More

Makan busat 5 ribu: Cahaya harapan dari Pulau Pinang

Ramai pihak mengatakan tiada harapan untuk BN di Pulau Pinang. Pengundi CIna kan berikan sepenuh undi kepada DAP/ Kononnya Cina dah rasa darah pegang kuasa dan kini tidak akan lepaskan peluang yang terbaik ini.

Dalam DAP berpropaganda dan memainkan isu sensitif, MCa rupanya bekerja dalam diam-diam. Apabila menghampiri pilihanraya umum, nampak kita sokongan Cina telah menunjukkan harapan.

Bridge builders stand down Book Burners

January 29, 2013

Bridge builders stand down Book Burners

by Terence Netto (01-28-13) @

COMMENT It was a week end fraught with anxiety over what a small pyromaniacs had in jeopardy to do. In a event, it turned out to be an arise when suggestive symbolism triumphed as agitator intent fizzled out as well as a rest of a country breathed a small easier.

The children of light had triumphed over a children of darkness which was a essential story of a week end just past. Whom as well as what did it take for this to happen?

It took imagination by a small leaders as well as helpful meditative by typical people for a triumph albeit, temporary of a nobler impulses over a baser instincts of man.

Rarely have such manifold symbolic gestures, like a birthday celebration of a permanent leader, as well as a still celebration of a mass as well as speculation of scriptural texts by a host of typical people, total to provide an appraising open with a liberating possibilities which a beautiful imagination affords.

Ibrahim AliPerkasa firebrand Ibrahim Ali (left) had set a theatre for apocalyptic probability two weeks ago with his call to Malays to bake Malay-language bibles which used a term 'Allah' for God.

That agitator call stirred a welter of greeting though nothing was publicly forthcoming from leaders rhetorically invested in a paths of moderation.

Politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum. Predictably, Ibrahim's call, clearly safe from interdiction by a powers-that-be, drew an unknown respondent to post an invitation to a open t! o declar e a burning of bibles upon Jan 27 during a open venue upon mainland Penang.Fortunately, not everybody took a threat in supine fashion.

Nik Aziz meets Karpal

The ecumenical Mujahid Yusof Rawa, a PAS MP for Parit Buntar as well as his party's pointman for their outreach programme to non-Muslims, had been operative for a long time to opposite just a kind of fear mongering during which Ibrahim Ali is a dab hand.

Mujahid, in cahoots with comrades in PKR as well as DAP in Penang, contrived to have PAS devout personality Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat encounter up with DAP chairperson Karpal Singh during a latter's home, which is located in a thick of a Thaipusam frolic yesterday along Waterfall Road in Penang.

Sunday, Jan 27, happened to be a Kelantan Menteri Besar's 82nd birthday. Karpal, who has recently been a aim of critique by a small ulama in PAS over a former's appeal to them to reconsider their position upon a 'Allah' issue, was agreeably surprised by a visit to his residence by Nik Aziz, a birthday male himself.

They reminisced upon a past when they first became colleagues in 1978 upon a Opposition benches in Parliament, Karpal representing Jelutong in Penang, as well as Nik Aziz branch out for Pengkalan Chepa in Kelantan.

"His presence sends a clever summary which our togetherness is as clever as ever, notwithstanding all which happened," chimed a happy Karpal.

A baked sweat bread for a prelate

After which visit to Karpal, Nik Aziz met up with a Catholic bishop of Penang, Sebastian Francis, during a hotel where he presented a baked sweat bread to a prelate.

Nik Aziz Nik Mat as well as Penang bishop Sebastian Francis baked sweat bread 2The meeting was not originally upo! n Nik Az iz's report though was arranged spontaneously, as a counterpoint no doubt, to a in jeopardy bible-burning eventuality which did not take place.

Bishop Francis told a frail-looking Nik Aziz which a country's needs his devout example, a view which Ibrahim Ali would expected disagree.

Elsewhere in a country, during a park inside of a closeness of a Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, a small throng of people, who could not have known about a ecumenical goings-on between DAP as well as PAS in a north as well as between Islamic as well as Christian leaders, flopped down upon a grass to read devout books they have brought along to a collective read-in.

klcc book celebration of a mass 270113 masjalizah hamzahOne of them, a Muslim declared Masjaliza Hamzah (right), brought a Bible as well as read from it. She said, "Other people might be worried for me, though I am not worried about my own faith."

The suspicion here echoes with a small musical lines from a producer William Blake: "In each cry of man/In each infant's cry of fear/In each voice, in each ban/The mind-forged manacles I hear."

Yesterday, devout as well as lay leaders in Penang as well as in Kuala Lumpur, acted out gestures whose distinguished panache helped crack a 'mind-forged manacles' which a book-burning throng want people to be shackled with.

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Singaporean Demonstrate Why They Are First World Electorate

The Punggol East By-Election outcome held everybody by surprise. On paper, it looked like a chair if for a receiving for PAP. So most factors are in preference of a PAP being a obligatory as well as all.Yet, a PAP faltered.Although so most have commented on a issues being raised during a election, a a single emanate which is common between all writer is which Singaporeans do not feel secure about their destiny anymore.In alternative words, they voted opposite PAP since they fear for their destiny an ... Read More

Lifting of ban paves way for meeting with PM Najib, says Waytha

The light of a anathema upon Hindraf has paved a way for a call in to meet with a budding minister to plead a problems faced by a Indian community, pronounced a chairperson P Waythamoorthy.

"With this turn of events now, Hindraf's leadership will be meeting upon an urgent basement to plead a way forward.

"Top upon a agenda is a call in by a supervision to have an open dialogue with a budding minister with a perspective of anticipating solutions to a problems faced by a Indian community.

NONE"We will be approaching all these new opportunities with a minds as well as a eyes wide open, so as to avoid a wrong turns of a past," pronounced Waythamoorthy (right) in a statement today.

On Saturday, a supervision announced which it haslifted a banon a organisation, after four years of calling it an bootleg organisation.

The statute party's move comes after a opposition, Pakatan Rakyat, reportedlyagreed to acceptHindraf's plans for a fortitude of a problems of a Indian community.

"This step, which you consider a small step, is a first certain step which a BN supervision is taking to begin a real routine of correction of a chronic complaint which Hindraf has been raising rather noisily, as well as for which it was rendered an bootleg organization in 2008.

"Hindraf has paid a complicated! price t hrough arbitrary, antagonistic as well as inequitable promotion in a onslaught thus far, but since a onslaught is a dharmic struggle, you continue upon a belief which law will always prevail, as well as a onslaught can usually lead to feat earlier or later," pronounced Waythamoorthy. Read More @ Source

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Time to implement nine-year-old IPCMC proposal

"Just demeanour during a amount of resistance we received when we wanted to set up a Independent Police Complaints as well as Misconduct Commission (IPCMC). It is not easy (to reform)."

The resurrection of a IPCMC discuss jogged my mental recall as well as took me behind to a "exit" interview we did in 2008 with Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, a afterwards out-going budding minister.

We were discussing reforming a military as well as a (then) Anti-Corruption Agency which had suffered exceedingly low open notice ratings.

That year alone, we had witnessed 85 fatal shootings by a military as well as a control of a group in blue opposite supporters as well as leaders of selected domestic parties had additionally come underneath a spotlight.

Bukit Aman's own sum indicated which in between 2000 as well as 2011, 147 detainees had died in custody. In all cases, there was "no evidence" to suspect tainted play.

Only a conflict upon a former deputy budding minister-turned antithesis personality laid unclothed a extra-judicial control of a military when a own arch - a inspector-general of military Rahim Noor certified to assaulting Anwar Ibrahim in what became a barbarous black-eye situation which was a inspiration of a Keadilan pitch we see upon a party's flag today.

royal military elect inform as well as custodial deathsSo, there was a need to verbalise of a IPCMC during which interview, as a royal elect for military remodel 2004 was nonetheless to see any of a 125 recom! mendations be implemented - together with environment up a IPCMC.

Fast forward today, as well as a republic is grappling with 3 brand n! ew lock- up deaths. The box of a many famous a single - A Kugan is still being played out in a civil courts as those in assign of Kugan were exonerated of his death.

Over a final dual months there had been 3 cases of shun from military control involving a sum of 10 detainees - together with 3 foreigners.

And upon Thursday, a suspected mentally-disturbed man was killed in handcuffs upon a streets in Kajang - set upon by a mob, as well as what eyewitnesses claim, a very policemen who had cuffed him.

NONEThe coroner rught away expelled a inform which C Sugumaran had died of a heart attack. Of course, Kajang military arch ACP Ab Rashid Wahab denied any wrong-doing upon his men's part, saying military are still probing a assorted versions of his death.

We have seen this book before. "We will investigate" seems to be a customary answer from a powers-that-be, in a hope it will relieve raging emotions as well as buy enough time for a little of a courtesy necessity media to be dreaming by another issue.

To be fair, a military force is a single to be reckoned with. Its success rate if, a single were to hold a National Key Result Areas (NKRA) is outstanding.

And it thrives to evolve as well as to get upon with a times - de! spite a c! hicken-feed annual budget, which often fails to account for a high price of vital for lower ranking group as well as women in blue.

All a great comes to naught

But when an situation such as these deaths in custody, or a Home Ministry as well as Royal Malaysian Police's open relations disaster in a form of Bersih 3.0, crops up - all a great which is finished by a military as well as a successes come to naught.

Which is because a notice index is conflicting of what a NKRA tells you.

Fact remains, a milit! ary cann ot examine itself! It flies upon a face of logic as well as a principles of natural justice.

Although a single is allowed underneath a Commissions of Enquiry Act 1950 to set up such bodies upon a box by box basis, it would be a strain to set up a Commission of Enquiry for each situation involving a police. This is due to a high series of questionable control which have lead to deaths underneath military watch.

The 2004 Commission of Inquiry had remarked which between others, a "infringements of tellurian rights are endless as well as a Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) is not seen as being pure or under obligation to a public".

It had additionally remarkable a "consistent abuse of tellurian rights" by a force as well as non-compliance with procedures. It looks like, nine years on, a notice as well as a problems are roughly a same.

Hence, a single needs to seriously go behind to a sketch house as well as re-look a 2004 recommendations.

The 2004 Commission had between ! others re! commended a repeal of a Restricted Residents Act; reducing a apprehension duration of ISA detainees as well as amending a Police Act to remove a need for a assent for a peaceful gathering.

One wonders because if a supervision could adopt all these recommendations - even going a single up as well as abolishing a ISA indiscriminate - is there such hesitation to introducing a IPCMC, as well as pure procedures for handling detainees - a categorical recommendations of a 2004 commission.

Over a weekend this subject was acted to a deputy premier as well as a home minister - who declined to answer a question.

The refusal of a leaders to deal with this subject begs a analysis of how much gratified are a politicians to a military - especially now, come choosing time.

Are they, as testified by a former budding minister, reluctant due to a clever antithesis by a force? One evidence opposite a formation of a IPCMC is which it is discriminatory. Why usually a military as well as no! t altern ative members of a civil service?

Simple. That evidence is flawed because a military with all a management vested in it - together with a capability to take a hold up - is not your regular supervision military officer with a name tag.

The usually way, a little semblance of certainty can be easy in a force is which there is an eccentric body, a members gratified to no one, who acts as a nanny over a force, with a capability to power in brute officers.

It is a usually way to go.
TERENCE FERNANDEZ is handling editor ofThe Malay Mailand welcomes feedback as well as brickbats
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We can't stop Bukit Gasing development, admits DBKL

Despite a recent array of landslides, Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) could not stop a hillslope development in Bukit Gasing since doing so would need purchasing a land out of open funds.

Mayor Ahmad Phesal Talib told a press discussion currently that DBKL had initially against a project, though now has no choice though to abide by a justice order.

"(The developer) Gasing Meridian Sdn Bhd has already won a justice case, how can you stop it?

"Now you have to let Gasing Meridian to govern a plan though with precautions. If you try to stop them you have to emanate a notice of purchase. Who is buying? The public," he pronounced at a press discussion today.

When it was forked out that there had been a array of landslides in a area over a weekend, he said, "If there have been landslides, you will take action together with a developers. It is no problem."

Pressed serve upon a emanate of landslides after a press conference, he said, "The landslides have been starting upon for a while. They would have to make corrections."

However, he pronounced a routine could not be expedited since internal residents have been complaining about a earthmoving trucks, that have been causing problems with mud as well as traffic.
This led to a system where Gasing Meridian as well as other developers had to impose limitations upon a trucks moving mud divided from a site, such as a numbers.

Bukit Gasing is located along a border of Kuala Lumpur as well as Petaling Jaya, as well as has been a centre of a five-year legal battle in between residents fearing landslides as well as environmental damage as well as developers.

The culminated in a Court of Appeal decision upon October 2 final year in a developer's favour.

Ahmad Phesal was vocalization to reporters currently near a site of ! another recent landslide - Bukit Setiawangsa, that slipped upon December 30 final year.

In arise of this, he pronounced a 6m-tall wall is being built as a foot of a mountain as a temporary magnitude as well as is already at 70 percent completion, as well as will be done in a few weeks.

Meanwhile, a developer I&P Group would have to contention skeleton for a more permanent measure, whilst a Public Works Institute (Ikram) is tasked with entrance up with a landslide jeopardy map of Kuala Lumpur in six months.

He pronounced a map would be used to brand slopes that need special courtesy as well as as a basement for evaluating future hillslope development proposals.

There have been now about 3,000 such developments in Kuala Lumpur, he said.
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Nasharuddin's Sacking Politically Motivated - Najib

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan twenty-eight (Bernama) -- PAS' dropping of its former deputy boss Nasharuddin Mat Isa from a party's Syura Council is politically motivated, pronounced Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. He pronounced a step was taken after Nasharuddin, who is also Bachok MP, accompanied him upon a humanitarian revisit to Gaza. "By right, they (PAS) should appreciate a revisit because it was for a good of Muslims. "But it appears they view this as more benefiting a supervision as well as Umno than PAS. ... Read More

"Remember, we study history to try and understand the past, not to judge it."

In 1991, the brother of the Sabah Chief Minister, Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, was incarcerated underneath the Internal Security Act (ISA) for allegedly plotting to take Sabah out of Malaysia. With the apprehension of Dr Jeffrey, this some-more or reduction 'confirmed' the gossip of the tract to take Sabah out of Malaysia as good as subsequently for Sabah to stick upon the Philippines.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
"Remember, you investigate story to try as good as assimilate the past, not to judge it." That was what my techer told me this morning. you think he is chiding me for being as good judgemental in my comments per the English Civil War as good as the dispute in between King Charles you as good as Parliament, the march you am now taking.
With which suggestion as the backdrop, you would like to give you my research per the current debate raging in Malaysia -- as good as which is the debate per the Sabah immigrants issue which is being investigated by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI).
The Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) was formed upon 5th March 1985 as good as it won the state elections which were hold soon after which with Pairin Kitingan as Sabah's new Chief Minister.
During PBS's order of Sabah from 1985 to 1994, the lot of rumours were flying around Peninsula Malaysia, especially amongst the Malay-Muslim community. And what was being pronounced dumbfounded the Malays-Muslims from West Malaysia.
The initial gossip endangered Muslims in Sabah converting or returning to Christianity.
During the time of Tun Datu Haji Mustapha bin Datu Harun -- which is the period when Usno was ruling Sabah -- most non-Muslim locals were converted to Islam. From what you in Peninsula Malaysia heard, those who converted to Islam were! given l and as good as money, as good as were sponsored for the trip to Mekah. Hence, according to what the Sabahans told us, most locals converted to Islam for the financial rewards rsther than than given they believed in Islam.
When PBS took over the state government, it seems which most who converted to Islam earlier converted or went during the back of to Christianity. And this dissapoint the Muslims from Peninsula Malaysia. Whether this unequivocally did happen or not is another matter. This was what they were told as good as this was what everybody believed was happening. Hence this outraged the Muslims.
The next gossip was per who was allegedly during the back of PBS.
The gossip afterwards was which the Vatican was financing PBS by the Philippines. It seems this concerned the outrageous sum of money as good as the role of the Vatican was to settle the Christian supervision in Sabah.
Ultimately, the devise was for Sabah to lift out of Malaysia. Sabah would afterwards stick upon the Philippines, which has regularly claimed which Sabah belonged to the Philippines. (Read some-more per this make the difference below).
In 1991, the brother of the Sabah Chief Minister, Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, was incarcerated underneath the Internal Security Act (ISA) for allegedly plotting to take Sabah out of Malaysia. With the apprehension of Dr Jeffrey, this some-more or reduction 'confirmed' the gossip of the tract to take Sabah out of Malaysia as good as subsequently for Sabah to stick upon the Philippines.
Hence the Malays-Muslims from Peninsula Malaysia had to 'do something' to bring down the Christian supervision of Sabah as good as forestall 'Christian' Sabah from withdrawal Malaysia to stick upon the 'Christian' Philippines. And which would be to intermix the Christian race of Sabah by bringing in Muslims as good as giving them choosing by casting votes rights, meaning additionally temperament cards.
The Pri! me Minis ter during which period was Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as good as his Deputy was Anwar Ibrahim, who was additionally the Director of Operations for Barisan Nasional Sabah. However, this was not something which only those dual could lift off.
This was the Muslim contra Christian issue. This concerned the Vatican as good as the Philippines plotting to spin Sabah in to the Christian state as good as eventually lift Sabah out of Malaysia to turn partial of the Philippines.
Hence Seri Perdana, the army, the police, the Immigration Department, the National Registration Department, the Elections Commission, etc., all had to play the partial in gripping Sabah Muslim as good as to forestall Sabah from withdrawal Malaysia to turn partial of the Philippines.
This was the outrageous swindling which concerned most people as good as most supervision agencies. There may have been the couple of decision-makers during the tip though these people could not have pulled something this big off unless the complete supervision machinery was mobilised towards this effort.
Later, all those key people during the reduce level -- such as those from the Immigration Department, National Registration Department, as good as so upon -- were incarcerated underneath the ISA in the bid to silence them.
Just as good most people were concerned as good as it was as good risky to allow these people to ramble free where they could substantially talk. So they were dull up as good as incarcerated but trial. They could certainly not be put upon hearing where all the justification of their 'wrongdoing' would be revealed in court.
To the Sabahans, those from West Malaysia or from Kuala Lumpur have been traitors. To the Malays-Muslims from West Malaysia, those who managed to thwart the Vatican/Philippines tract to lift Sabah out of Malaysia to turn partial of the Philippines have been patriots who have served Islam well.
you suspect this brings me during th! e back o f to the march you am now taking. To the 'Roundheads', Charles you was the traitor to the Protestant cause. To the 'Cavaliers', Charles you was the victim of injustice. It all depends upon who is essay story as good as the victors as good as not the washed up regularly write history. And given Charles you mislaid the polite war as good as his conduct got chopped off, afterwards Charles who was 'weak' as good as compromised with the Catholics is the traitor whilst the Parliamentarians have been the patriots.
How will those people during the back of the pierce to thwart Sabah apropos Christian as good as thereafter withdrawal Malaysia to turn partial of the Philippines be viewed by historians, say, 100 years from today? you suspect it depends upon who will be essay those story books as good as this, again, will rely upon who the winners have been starting to be.
As my techer said, "Remember, you investigate story to try as good as assimilate the past, not to judge it." Hence you will not criticism upon possibly what they did was right or wrong. My job as the tyro of story is merely to relate what happened as good as state how you interpret those events. This will be how you am starting to pass my march during the end of March 2013.
The Philippines' explain to Sabah (EXTRACT)
The Sultanate of Sulu was granted the domain as the esteem for helping the Sultan of Brunei against his enemies as good as from afterwards upon which partial of Borneo is famous as partial of the Sultan of Sulu's sovereignty. In 1878, Baron Von Overbeck, an Austrian partner representing The British North Borneo Co. as good as his partner British Alfred Dent, leased the domain well known as "Sabah" - rounded off translated as "the land beneath the winds". In return the association will yield arms to the Sultan to resist the spaniards as good as 5,000 Malaysian ringgits annual let based upo! n the Me xican dollars value during which time or its equivalent in gold. This lease has been continued until the autonomy as good as arrangement of the Malaysian federation in 1963 together with Singapore, Sarawak as good as Malaysia. Up to these days, the Malaysians have been continuing the let remuneration of 5,300 Malaysian ringgits - the 300 ringgits increased from strange rent.
In 1962 during the Pres. Diosdado Macapagal's administration department (the father of the present president, Glorio Arroyo), the Philippines formally claimed Sabah based upon the Sultanate of Sulu heirs' explain upon the territory. The Philippines broke diplomatic family with Malaysia after the federation have included "Sabah". The sultan's heirs have given the Philippine supervision the authority to aspire to the explain legally in general courts. However, the next administrations have possibly have ignored or set aside the explain for pacific co-existent as good as traffic propinquity with the Malaysians.
One poignant situation involving afterwards President Marcos have briefly brought in to limelight the Sabah explain once more. In 1972, the Marcos supervision have been training personally the group of Muslim Filipinos in Corregidor, an island off Manila Bay, for probable intrusion in Sabah to pave the way to an armed secession of Sabah from Malaysia. But upon knowing of the plans, the recruits have mutinied as good as were separated solely for the single which swam the brook as good as was rescued. The newspapers have called this incident, the "Jabidah Massacre" declared after the operation which was given by the military. The survivor emitted the devise as good as the explain was put in during the back of burner once more. It was hold which given of the incident, the Malaysians have been aiding the Muslim separatists against the Philippine government. Some people says this dreaming the attention to the explain upon Sabah as the supervision was inextricable in containing the conflict.
How Philippines will eventually take Sabah (EXTRACT)
Much H2O has flowed underneath the overpass given the arrangement of Malaysia. Even though Malaysia gained autonomy by pacific means, it did not mean which the birth of the new nation was but labour pangs.
Sukarno of Indonesia as good as Macapagal of the Philippines were both against to the inclusion of the North Borneo domain in the Federation of Malaysia. Sukarno, it contingency be emphasised, had launched the Konfrontasi to crush Malaysia.
Macapagal was however reduction intense in his office against the arrangement of Malaysia, despite allegations in the initial half of 1968 which immature Suluk group were personally being trained in Corrigedor for the role of infiltrating as good as invading Sabah.
Successive Philippine governments have raised the make the difference of the explain over Sabah with the Malaysian supervision during various regional as good as general fora. At the single stage, they even in jeopardy to bring the make the difference to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague for arbitration.
However, the Malaysian supervision has steadfastly refused to be the litigant upon the drift which Sabah had turn an constituent partial of Malaysia by the inherent as good as approved process.
That aside, the people of Sabah had strongly voiced their desire to be partial of the Federation of Malaysia underneath the protection of the United Nations-sponsored United Nations Malaysian Mission (UNMM) as good as the Lord Cobbold Commission.
Notwithstanding the above argument, the Philippine supervision has persisted to aspire to her explain of supervision over Sabah. Two books were published upon the claim, the ! single i n 1964 as good as the other in 1967, environment out the legal as good as historical bases of her explain upon Sabah; though the contents of the books were refuted by the Malaysian government's during the June-July 1968 meeting in Bangkok, most to the embarrassment of their Philippine counterparts.
G James, Malaysiakini(READ MORE HERE:
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Kurups son for Pensiangan

PBRS boss Joseph Kurup who is eyeing a Sepanggar parliamentary chair is aiming to position his son for sovereign turn politics.
KOTA KINABALU: Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) boss Joseph Kurup is unlikely to defend his Pensiangan parliamentary seat, a move which is seen as paving a approach for his son Arthur's active appearance in sovereign turn politics.
Arthur is approaching to competition a Pensiangan chair for Barisan Nasional in a entrance ubiquitous election.
Since early final year, Kurup, a Federal Natural Resources as well as Environment Deputy Minister, has been furloughed his subdivision introducing his son to a residents.
During a party's congress final month, Arthur was unanimously made a celebration Youth chief, a post which automatically makes him a single of PBRS' vice-presidents.
Another spirit which a older Kurup is not contesting in Pensiangan was his proclamation of PBRS staking a claim to a Sepanggar chair in a 13th ubiquitous choosing for a BN.
That chair is right away hold by a antithesis Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP). The obligatory MP is Eric Majimbun.
PBRS leaders contacted have indicated which should BN leadership give a nod to PBRS in Sepanggar, a claimant will be Kurup.
However, a chair is additionally sought by BN partners Umno, United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko), Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) as well as a Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).
Kurup is said to be hesitant about defending his Pensiangan chair because of a argumentative approach it was handed to him in a 2008 ubiquitous election.
Kurup, a counsel by training! , won a chair without a competition when all alternative candidates were disqualified after a returning military officer deserted their assignment writings allegedly for filing them after a assignment period had ended.
Pensiangan, a prohibited seat
One of a deserted candidates, Danny Anthony Andipai of PKR, took a make a difference to court claiming which he had duly filed his writings upon time but was disqualified upon a orders of Kurup.
The Kota Kinabalu Election Court ruled in favour of Andipai as well as declared a Pensiangan chair vacant.
However, Kurup filed an interest to a Federal Court which overruled a preference as well as declared him a duly inaugurated MP.
Pensiangan has given incited out to be a prohibited chair as well as is being claimed by Umno.
There are dual state public seats Sook as well as Nabawan in this parliamentary constituency. Sook is hold by PBRS emissary boss Ellron Angin as well as Nabawan, was won by Bobbey Ah Fang Chuan of Upko.
Kurup, a former Sabah emissary arch minister, contested as well as won a Sook chair in 2004 for a BN when he garnered 3,973 votes against 3,578 obtained by Jeffrey Kitingan who contested as an independent. He won by a 395-vote majority. Another independent claimant Yapilin Nawawi polled 252 votes.
Apart from following Kurup upon his domestic rounds for a final couple of months, Arthur, 31, is said to be gaining recognition between a people of Pensiangan.
Arthur was prepared in Australia as well as obtained his Master of Laws from Queensland's Bond University. He was admitted to a Sabah Bar in May final year.
PBRS was shaped by antagonistic members of PBS upon Mar 11, 1994. The celebration was strictly accepted as a single of a component parties in a ruling BN coalition upon Jun 10, 1994.
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Bodies of Malaysians killed in Algerian siege arrive home

Rescue workers carry the coffin of the single of the hostages killed during the warrant predicament in In Amenas Jan 21, 2013. Reuters pic

SEPANG, Jan twenty-eight The bodies of dual Malaysian adults killed in the Algerian warrant predicament during the gas trickery complex in In Amenas, Algeria, arrived during the cargo complex of KL International Airport here during 8.30pm today.

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman pronounced the bodies of Chong Chung Ngen as well as Tan Ping Wee were flown from Algiers with cooperation from the Malaysian Embassy as well as JGC Construction Pte. Ltd.

The bodies were accompanied by Patrick Purait Awang, the single of the Malaysian adults who escaped unhurt during the incident, he pronounced in the statement.

Anifah pronounced his emissary Senator A. Kohilan Pillay as well as officers from Wisma Putra were additionally during the airport to receive the bodies.

He pronounced the family groups of the victims had privately asked for their remoteness to be respected whilst they coped with the difficult situation.

In this context, the Malaysian supervision would similar to to extend the upraise again to the victims family groups for the genocide of their desired ones, he said.

Tan from Port Dickson, Negri Sembilan was reported to have worked in Algeria over the past 6 months, whilst Chong from Ipoh, Perak was the peculiarity carry out inspector as well as had only been in the country for three months.

In the Jan 16 incident, five Malaysian adults were among 130 Amenas Oil as well as Gas Production Complex (OGPS) staff of various nationals held warrant by the militant group.

The situation was believed to be in retaliation opposite the Algerian supervision for permitting French warrior jets in to the airspace to relieve Muslim militants in Mali.

Tan as well as Chong were killed, whilst K. Ravi, Lau Seek Chiang as well as! Patrick Purait Awang were safe.

Lau as well as Ravi have returned home safely last Wednesday. Bernama


Alamak aku takut nak pakai perkataan Penang la sekarang ni. yalah kan perkataan tu dah jadi hakmilik Cina Komunis BABI si Guan Eng kan? Tapi aku pakai gak la, peduli apa aku. Si Cina kaki burit ni nak buat apa kat aku joke ya tak?

Ni cerita dari blog Flying Kick yang kebetulan berada di Penang telah terjumpa satu majlis anjuran MCA di Penang, biasanya majlis MCA ni kurang dapat sambutan kan? Tetapi dek kerana Guan Eng semakin jadi babi, maka rakyat Penang dah mula tunjuk protes mereka ni, jom baca:

Agak-agak apa yang akan dikatakan oleh Lim Guan Eng atau pale tidak joke anjing-anjing penjilatnya yang berwajah Melayu dan mengaku beragama Islam apabila melihat lautan manusia bermata sepet yang berkumpul dalam sebuah majlis anjuran MCA, sebuah parti berteraskan kaum Cina yang asalnya merupakan sebuah persatuan saudagar-saudagar dan taukeh-taukeh lombong?

Atau pale tidak pun, apa komen yang akan diberikan oleh Tony Pua, kalau tidak joke Teresa Kok yang seringkali mengaitkan Presiden MCA, Chua Soi Lek sebagai 'rakan kongsi' senyap mereka apabila MEGA DINNER anjuran MCA Pulau Pinang mendapat sambutan yang cukup luas?

Adakah mereka akan menggunakan alasan kononnya UMNO telah membayar Cina-Cina itu untuk hadir? Atau Lim Guan Eng akan mengatakan, Cina-Cina Pulau Pinang itu semuanya kelaparan dan kebulur sehinggakan mereka tergamak datang untuk makan percuma?

Atau barangkali puak-! puak PAS dan PKR akan mengatakan, UMNO dan MCA bekerjasama menyediakan bas, baju T, kain batik, kain pelikat, duit RM50 dan sebungkus minyak masak cap Dacing bagi memancing kedatangan Cina-Cina itu ke program berkenaan?

Bermula jam 7:00 malam tadi, MEGA DINNER anjuran MCA Negeri Pulau PInang telah berjaya mengumpulkan lebih 5000 orang hadirin ke majlis tersebut. Kesemua 500 meja telah penuh dan ditempah dari awal lagi. Majlis berlangsung di Han Chiang.

Dan menariknya, kedatangan mereka bukanlah bermotifkan makan malam yang perlu dibayar itu. Sebaliknya untuk meluahkan kemarahan, ketidakpuasan hati dan kebencian terhadap pentadbiran Lim Guan Eng di Pulau Pinang yang menurut mereka, lebih banyak cakap daripada bekerja.

Apa yang puak-puak Pakatan nak dalihkan lagi? Selama ini mereka kerapkali mendabik dada, kononnya undi dan sokongan Cina SEMUANYA dah berpihak kepada DAP dan Pakatan Rakyat. Indikasi yang ditunjukkan di Pulau Pinang yang merupakan negeri yang cuba dijadikan harta pusaka oleh Lim Guan Eng, terutama dengan dasar-dasar kebenciannya terhadap Melayu dan Islam, nampaknya boleh membuatkan pecacai-pecacai Pakatan menepuk dahi kalau tidak pun, jolok buntut sendiri dan kemudian cium dengan mata terpejam renik!!!!


Orang Asli turned into temporary leaseholders on their own ancestral lands!

As a small of we may know we married Anoora Chapek, a Temuan lady, roughly eighteen years ago. Her tribe, second largest in a Malayan peninsula, once roamed a whole of Selangor, Negri Sembilan as well as parts of Pahang.

In 1999 a Temuan race was estimated during 18,560. I'm not aware if there is a stream census, though we know there have been fewer than 170 of them in Kampong Pertak, where we have resided since 2002 when a new settlement was constructed by Gamuda to relocate a villagers for a Selangor Dam project.

Note how Anoora (assigned a name Noorhayati binti Chapek by some
Jabatan Orang Asli officer, as well as later condensed to Noor) has been given a Muslim
identity through a insertion of "binti" instead of "anak" prior to her father's name.

In 2004 any domicile received a accede to from a Land Office entitling a house owner to a 99-year franchise upon a 1,101 block meters where their homes stood - as well as an one some-more 0.3 hectare for ubiquitous use, additionally upon a 99-year proxy lease. In total any householder was required to compensate RM70 per year towards a lease.

During a negotiations for a resettlement of a Temuan in tie with a Selangor Dam project, a Orang Asli of Pertak were promised freehold titles to their land. Nothing was said about a 282 hectares of genealogical lands "approved for gazetting" in Feb 1965. They had waited scarcely 40 years for theirtanah pusakato be formally gazetted as an Orang Asli permanent ! reserve. This did not happen. Instead, a Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli (now renamed Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli) conspired with a Land Office to turn a Orang Asli into 99-year leaseholders upon their own genealogical lands.

This entitles my wife to 0.3 hectare of rural land upon a 99-year lease
whose exact locationhas never been done well known to any one in a village.

When we read a accede to as well as realized what was happening, we had a prolonged chat with a Tok Batin of Pertak, Bida Chik, who voiced surpassing anger as well as distress during being constrained to compensate franchise to occupy their own genealogical lands. He felt it was a bold insult for Orang Asli to be labeled "leaseholders" upon lands their ancestors had inhabited for large generations. Nobody knows exactly how prolonged a Temuan clan has been around - though most Orang Asli tribes can lay explain to carrying lived in a Malayan Peninsula for up to 40,000 years - presumably much more.

Batin Bida Chik we asked Bida Chik if he was rebuilt to record a category movement opposite a state government for trampling upon their inherent right to continue inhabiting their genealogical lands ad infinitum. He balked during a idea during carrying to take legal movement upon his own. At a time he was confronted with a radical coterie of pro-BN villagers who were without delay under a influence of a Jabatan Orang Asli as well as who done a point of ignoring or deriding Bida Chik's authority as Batin (headman).
"So d istant we have not been asked to compensate a singular cent," Bida noted. "The day they begin demanding money, we will cruise our legal options." That was some-more than 8 years ago. Householders in Kampong Pertak received bills from a Land Office about a week ago. The bills have been for 5 years of assessment, 2008-2012. As distant as we know, nobody was billed for a preceding years. Perhaps, as a small concession, a Orang asli were given a short respite of 4 years.

One bill for a franchise of 1,101 block meters of residential land amounts to RM462.90. The alternative is for RM45 towards a franchise of 0.3 hectare of rural land - a exact location of which has never been done transparent to any one in a village. Not even a headman knows where his 0.3 hectare is supposed to be. The Orang Asli - or during least a Temuan of Pertak - have never been keen upon farming as well as their present crop of rubber trees were planted for them in a mid-1960s by RISDA (Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority). Together a bills total RM507.90 (with a RM32.30 rebate offering for early payment).

Pic by Peter Walker Some Temuan domicile have been relatively well-off - generally rught divided after a bumper collect of durians. Many can afford a monthly subscription to Astro. A small handful even own cars as well as vans as well as roughly every domicile has a motorcycle as well as a couple of handphones. However, income levels have been extremely uneven as well as we additionally have widows as well as elderly folk who rely upon financial assistance from relatives - as well as a scanty RM300 monthly welfare cheque from a Welfare Department.

My nextdoor neighbor Nuak @ Shima, for instance, is a mom of three small to! ts whose ages operation from 2 to 5 years. Her Indonesian-born husband, Azman Izhak, was diagnosed with colon cancer last year as well as now has to invert between home as well as a Sungai Buloh sanatorium two hours away. He has been unable to work for some-more than a full year. He practical for welfare benefit most months ago - though a last time we asked, not a cent had been forthcoming.

In effect, a small Orang Asli households will have small difficulty forking out RM507.90 for 5 years' franchise - while others will find a volume a staggering, if not impossible, burden.

As a former urbanite accustomed to paying rent, being asked to compensate RM70 a year for a payoff of vital in Kampong Pertak is hardly worth complaining about, as distant as I'm concerned. That's a same volume we fork out for my annual road tax.

However, it's opposite all beliefs of satisfactory play as well as probity for an already marginalized village to be incited by legislative sleight-of-hand into proxy leaseholders upon lands they can lay explain to for literally hundreds, if not thousands of generations.

Last week we had an additional discussion with Batin Bida Chik about this issue. He was of a opinion which none of a villagers would wish to compensate franchise for what they understand to be their own genealogical lands - even if they could afford it. They regard it as humiliati! ng, scornful as well as a transparent attempt to dispossess them of their genealogical lands. He asked if we could move a make a difference to public courtesy - as well as hopefully solicit a benefit of a Bar Council or any human rights lawyers to take a make a difference to court. And this is precisely what we am doing. If anybody celebration of the mass this can help, kindly get in touch viaemail. Thank you.

Posted byAntares
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Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim bersama rakyat selepas menunaikan solat Maghrib di Surau al-Mubarakah, Taman Bukit Cheras, petang ini.

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Kuala Pilah - Kubu "Pakatan Rakyat" paling gagah - Kini dah rabah



Dulu kalau parti pembangkang mau mengadakan siri ceramah di Kuala Pilah, pasti tiada sambutan diberikan..pernah penganalisis politik mengatakan jika pembangkang mengadakan ceramah di Kuala Pilah lebih ramai penceramah dari pendengar yang hadir.

Itu dulu.. kini ianya sudah menjadi sejarah..

Terbukti dengan siri Ceramah Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat bersama DSAI yang diadakan di Kuala Pilah semalam, 27hb Januari 2013.

Bermula siang hari di Kg Melang, Kuala Pilah bersebelahan Pasaraya Econsave dan malam harinya di Kg Temeris di k! awasan r umah Tok Ketua Omar.

Sambutan yang diberikan cukup memberangsangkan.. Orang luar bandar dan kampung tradisional sudah mula beralih arah dari "Pakatan Rakyat" ke Pakatan rakyat pimpinan DSAI.

Isu putar belit Kalimah Allah langsung tidak menjejaskan sokongan rakyat kepada PR yang bertekad maukan perubahan drastik demi kelangsungan hidup yang lebih realistik.

Hayat "Pakatan Rakyat" sudah hampir sampai kepenghujungnya sebaik saja pembubaran parlimen diistiharkan.

Pihak PDRM dan Majlis Daerah Kuala Pilah telah memberikan kerjasama yang cukup baik sekali. -omak kau
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Berjuta juta dibayar kepada BN Cyber Trooper tapi hasilnya habuk pun tarak?....

Berjuta juta dibayar kepada BN Cyber Trooper tapi tak berkesan pulak tu.. Knapa agaknya...??.Adakah BN Cyber Trooper ni semua nya BODOH2 je..??...hihihihihi Read More @ Source

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BN dah GABRA dah... [TENGOK...]

Saifudin Nasution - BNGabraDah..!!

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Teresa Beri Sumbangan Kepada Mangsa Banjir Di Puchong

Teresa Banjir11
PUCHONG 28 JAN: Adun Kinrara, Teresa Kok menziarahi mangsa-mangsa banjir Kampung Tengah di Puchong untuk memberi sumbangan kepada mereka yang bermalam di Masjid Nurul Iman di kampung itu.

Mereka berpindah ke Masjid yang dijadikan pusat pemindahan banjir sementara ekoran kejadian banjir yang berlaku pada Jumaat lepas.

Katanya, walaupun 41 keluarga terlibat dengan bencana banjir itu, hanya 25 keluarga yang berpindah ke masjid itu untuk mendapat perlindungan.

Teresa yang juga Ahli Parlimen Seputeh memberi sumbangan sebanyak RM150 setiap keluarga mangsa banjir serta RM50 setiap seorang yang menghulur bantuan kepada mangsa banjir.

Beliau menyampaikan sumbangan itu dalam satu majlis yang diadakan di pekarangan luar masjid itu.

"Saya menyuarakan penghargaan kepada semua pegawai kerajaan daripada Pejabat Daerah Petaling, MPSJ, Jabatan Kebajikan, ketua kampung dan JKKKnya, penghulu, Imam masjid dan sukarelawan.

"Saya juga memuji pihak Masjid kerana sudi membenarkan ruang masjid untuk dijadikan tempat perlindungan kepada para mangsa banjir," kata beliau.

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- na'im nikmat
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Pemuda Sabah Pengsan Dibelasah Polis, Kembarnya Disimbah Air Panas

Seorang pemuda Sabah berketurunan Bajau cedera parah dibelasah ala samseng oleh lima anggota polis hingga pengsan ketika ditahan jam 2 pagi di sebuah siber kafe di Telipok Ria, Tuaran, nineteen Januari lalu.

Gambar:Belakang Nazrul melecur akibat disimbah air panas oleh polis

Peguam mangsa, Erveana Ansari Ali dalam kenyataan berkata, menurut seorang saksi, sekumpulan polis masuk ke kafe tersebut dan menangkap Asrul Nordin sebelum mangsa diheret ke satu sudut, digari dan dibelasah hingga pengsan.

Menurut Erveana, dalam kejadian itu, bapa saudara mangsa yang dikenali sebagai Zul mendesak polis berhenti membelasah dan meminta penjelasan tetapi salah seorang polis, Inspektor Mazli menengking dan memberi amaran supaya beliau tidak masuk campur.

"Mazli dan beberapa polis turut memukul dan menghalang ibu bapa mangsa yang cuba menghalang polis membelasah anak mereka," kata Erveana.

Beliau berkata, tindakan ganas polis terhadap mangsa dipercayai ekoran raut wajah beliau serupa dengan kembarnya, Nazrul Nordin yang pernah ke Balai Polis Tuaran pada sixteen Januari lalu.

"Nazrul pergi ke balai polis untuk beri keterangan dan membuat pengecaman polis yang menuang air panas di belakang badannya ketika dalam tahanan semasa diberkas pada 6 Julai lalu kerana disyaki memecah masuk rumah. Tetapi tiada bukti mensabitkan beliau dengan tuduhan itu.

"Asrul pula diberkas atas kesalahan penyalahgunaan dadah bawah Seksyen fifteen Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952," jelas Erveana.

Mengutuk serangan tersebut, Koordinator Jingga thirteen Sabah itu mendesak Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) segera menyiasat kejadian ini dan mengambil tindakan teg! as terha dap polis terlibat.

"Polis bukan raja di Malaysia untuk bertindak sesuka hati tanpa mengikut peraturan kerana per! nah berikrar menjaga keselamatan awam dan bertugas mengikut undang undang.

"Mereka tiada hak untuk memukul rakyat sesuka hati dan membabi buta," tegasnya.

Erveana berkata, rakyat Sabah kini berani bangkit untuk menuntut keadilan dan memerangi kezaliman polis. -KD
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Sapa punya keja neh... paklongdin

Salam semua...
Tak sangka betoi Pak Long penyakit babi mengamuk neh dah jadi penyakit moden pulak... Pak Long ingatkan serangan babi menggila neh hanya zaman dulu time Pak Long pugaq kampung jaa... habih kebun-kebun kot tepi hutan jadi mangsa, rupanya kot tengah pekan joke dah ada babi menyerondoi rata... Kesian..!!
Spesel untuk anak-anak semua, kat sini Pak Long nak perturunkan satu petua macamana nak halang babi dari menyerondoi rata kampung. Tolong amalkan petua mudah neh...
Kutip ja rambut-rambut yang bersepah kat kedai gunting rambut tuh sebanyak mungkin dan taboqkan sekeliling rumah atau kat tiang-tiang papan tanda tempat yang dia gatai sangat nak serondoi tuh...
Taboq ja, tak dak jampi serapah lain yang diperlukan.

Logik akainya mudah... Serangan babi ni semua pakai serondoi ngan domoi dia ja... Time dia ! serondoi tu la rambut-rambut yang kita taboq tadi neh akan termasuk ikut hidung...
Time tu babi neh akan lari berselerak pasai bersin semedang, teruih tak jadiserondoi... Hangpa besa ka tengok babi bersin, haha...

Lain la kalau babi neh jenih sekolah, serondoi pakai penutup hidung... Sekian, selamat mencuba...


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