KOTA KINABALU : Rakyat Malaysia seharusnya bersyukur kerana pasukan keselamatan negara masih dapat menangani secara bijaksana isu pencerobohan warga Filipina sejak twelve February lepas di Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu, bahagian pantai timur Sabah, kata Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata apa yang penting sekarang ialah insiden itu diharap dapat diselesaikan dengan cara baik tanpa berlaku pertumpahan darah.
"Insiden di Lahad Datu mempunyai kesan dari segi apa sahaja yang berlaku di negeri ini tentu ada impaknya.

"Tapi yang kita rasa bersyukur ialah bahawa soal itu telah dan masih ditangani secara bijaksana oleh pasukan keselamatan dan polis kita, dan ini telah dijelaskan dengan nyata oleh Perdana Menteri (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak) semasa beliau berada di sini dan kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein (Menteri Dalam Negeri) dan IGP (Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Ismail Omar)," kata timbalan pengerusi Barisan Nasional itu kepada pemberita ketika diminta mengulas perkembangan terkini isu pencerobohan itu.

Beliau sebelum itu mendengar taklimat pilihan raya daripada pengerusi-pengerusi penyelaras bahagian BN Sabah di Bangunan Umno, di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata kerajaan Malaysia akan melakukan yang terbaik bagi menangani isu pencerobohan itu seperti yang diharapkan rakyat.

"Kalau itu dapat kita lakukan, Insya-Allah, rakyat di negeri Sabah terutamanya akan rasa bahawa keselamatan sentiasa terpelihara. < div>
"Mereka dapat menyaksikan kepimpinan di peringkat negeri dan juga pusat telah berusaha menyelesaikan masalah sensitif itu dengan keadaan yang baik dan impaknya adalah baik, katanya.

"Maknanya rakyat tahu kita boleh urus apa sahaja masalah yang timbul dan tidak membawa kesan buruk kepada negeri ataupun negara," katanya sambil menambah bahawa kerajaan akan memberi perhatian yang pale utama soal keselamatan rakyat Sabah. (Bernama)
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KENINGAU : Parti pembangkang mengaburi pemikiran rakyat dengan pembohongan sebagai taktik menjatuhkan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN), kata Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Beliau berkata pembangkang kini risau kerana rakyat, khususnya di negeri-negeri yang ditadbir oleh pembangkang, semakin sedar bahawa BN adalah satu-satunya kerajaan yang mampu membela dan menjaga kebajikan rakyat.
Sambil menyifatkan ketua pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai pengkhianat nombor satu negara di dunia luar, Muhyiddin berkata Anwar sengaja memberi gambaran buruk mengenai situasi dalam negara.

"Barisan pemimpin pakatan pembangkang datang ke Sabah dengan mengatakan BN semakin kalah di Semenanjung," katanya pada Program Himpunan Rakyat 1Malaysia di sini, malam tadi. "Itu adalah pembohongan...dan kononnya Sabah juga akan jatuh ke tangan mereka."

Mereka mengatakan rakyat di Malaysia menderita, tetapi pembangkang yang sebenarnya tertekan kerana mereka sudah nampak gelombang iaitu kebangkitan rakyat yang tahu bagaimana BN berjuang untuk rakyat.

"Anwar semakin mendapat kurang mendapat sambutan rakyat ketika turun berkempen," katanya. "Jadi apabila rakyat tidak lagi percaya kepadanya, dia ke luar negara seperti Australia dan Indonesia untuk memburukkan Malaysia."

Muhyiddin berkata sokongan rakyat terhadap BN semakin kuat khususnya di Sabah, tetapi pembangkang sengaja tidak nampak dan tidak mengakui pembangunan ketara yang dibawa oleh BN ke negeri itu.

Pada program itu, Muhyiddin, yang juga Menteri Pelajaran, meluluskan peruntukan RM40 juta bagi pembinaan sebuah sekolah menengah baharu, SMK Desa Wawasan, di Tambunan, dekat sini.

Beliau turut bersetuju untuk mewujudkan sebuah Sekolah Menengah Sains di di sini bagi memenuhi keperluan pelajar yang semakin minat dalam bidang sains.

Di samping itu, beliau turut mengumumkan peruntukan RM2 juta bagi pembinaan dewan serba guna Sekolah Kebangsaan Bingkor dan RM1 juta untuk melaksanakan pelbagai projek kecil di daerah Keningau. (Bernama)
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Pengkhianatan keatas Orang Melayu (1)

Orang Melayu kena faham perkara ini. UMNO telah menipu sebahagian besar orang Melayu dengan mendakwa mereka berjuang untuk bangsa, agama dan negara. Sementara sebahagian besar orang Melayu dan rakyat lain hidup dalam keadaan yang kian menyusahkan, harta benda dan kekayaan negara disamun dan dirompak oleh gerombolan UMNO. Hutang negara semakin menggunung , menggadai masa depan jenerasi yang akan datang.

Apa yang melekakan orang Melayu? Yang meleka dan melalaikan mereka ialah keselesaan hidup dikampung2 dalam keadaan seadanya dan kejahilan akibat setiap hari ditanam minda mereka dengan promotion UMNO.

Tapi keadaan yang sebegini tidak ubah seperti zaman dulu kala semasa tanah Melayu dibawah pemerintahan golongan feudal. Orang Melayu tetap selesa secara keseluruhan dalam keadaan yang seadanya dan kejahilan. Zaman dulu, promotion dalam bentuk penceritaan yang bersifat dongeng dan tahyul mengenai kebesaran dan kehebatan golongan feudal.

Hari ini keadaan orang Melayu masih tetap serupa. Penceritaan mengenai kehebatan dan keagungan puak UMNO dilakukan oleh media yang di miliki oleh UMNO. Najib ada 2 jam di Gaza di sifatkan sebagai wira. Mereka yang bermukim di Gaza berminggu minggu dan berbulan itu tidak se wira Najib yang bergegas mahu keluar dari Gaza. Minda orang Melayu dihamba abdikan mengesahkan apa yang Pendita Zaaba nyatakan- yakni golongan yang pale menindas bangsa Melayu terdiri dari bangsa mereka sendiri. Penindasan yang pale dasyat ialah mengekang pembangunan minda orang Melayu. UMNO telah menjadi apa yang Zaaba ramalkan dalam tulisan nya. Tanpa disedari, UMNO khianat kepada bangsa nya sendiri.

Jika kita ada tanah, ada rumah, anak2 berkerja dan berdikari- ini semua bukan disebabkan oleh UMNO. Semua kerajaan yang memerintah mesti mengujudkan persekitaran yang minima untuk rakyat mereka membangunkan diri. Kita sendirilah yang ! membangu nkan diri diatas tapak yang disediakan. Semua kerajaan yang bertanggung jawab melakukan perkara yang asas.

Jika UMNO boleh memerintah Malaysia, mana2 parti lain joke boleh. Apa yang UMNO boleh lakukan, semua parti yang memerintah boleh lakukan dengan lebih baik. Dengan rekod yang ditunjukkan oleh UMNO selama 55 tahun, tidak ada kerajaan bukan UMNO boleh melakukan nya dengan lebih teruk. Nobody can do worse than UMNO. Rekod kerajaan Pakatan di Kelantan, Penang, Selangor dan Kedah menunjukkan mereka boleh. Bukti dah ada depan mata.

Pemilikan perkara2 yang mensejahterakan hidup pada kedudukan seadanya- bukan alasan untuk terus menyokong UMNO membabi buta. Kita bukan mewarisi dunia ini dari ibu bapa, tapi meminjam dunia untuk anak dan cucu kita. Tanggung jawab kita ialah meyediakan persekitaran yang lebih baik dan cerah untuk mereka. Kita mesti tinggal dunia yang lebih baik dengan kerajaan dan pemerintah yang lebih baik untuk mereka.

Jangan kita selesa jika kita ada itu semua. Dalam sejarah Islam, kita mengubah kerajaan kalau kerajaan itu meneruskan kemungkaran. Kemungkaran dalam bentuk jinayah ekonomi, pemusnahan institusi penjaga hak rakyat seperti inistitusi demokrasi, kehakiman dan lain lain lagi. Kerajaan yang melakukan ini semua disifatkan sebagai zalim dan kezaliman menjustifikasikan pertukaran kerajaan. Kita tukar kerajaan UMNO kerana ianya zalim.

Apa tanda dia zalim? Jinayah ekonomi- pencurian wang melalui projek2 penyamunan wang dan harta rakyat berluasa dibawah UMNO. Rasuah menjadi jadi dan tidak dapat dikekang lagi. Presiden UMNO dan keluarga dituduh secara terang2 mengambil wang dan berkomplot menyapu wang, pemimpin UMNO korap lelaki dan perempuan, insttusi kehakiman hilang kredibiliti, ejensi yang menjaga kegiatan rasuah dilihat tidak berkesan, rakyat dipukau dengan tutur kata dan janji manis pemimpin UMNO.

UMNO me! njamin m asa depan yang gemilang dan mewah untuk golongan Melayu yang terpilih. Kepada sang majority, masa depan yang UMNO hasilkan ialah masa depan dibebani hutang yang menggunung, kos kehidupan yang kian meningkat, pendapatan per kapita yang mengekori kos penyaraan hidup. Untuk sang majoiti, masa depan dimana institusi demokrasi musnah, complement penghakiman memihak kepada yang kaya dan berada, perasuah besar lepas dari hukuman dan sebagainya.

Jika lah benar UMNO menjuarai kepentingan bangsa Melayu, kenapa setelah 55 tahun UMNO memerintah, 8.7juta orang Melayu hidup dengan pendapatan bulanan RM1500 kebawah? Mengapa 90% penerima BR1M adalah bangsa Melayu yang mengesahkan setelah UMNO perintah 55 tahun, yang susah tetap orang melayu?

Bolehkah UMNO mengaku bahawa mereka mewakili suara orang Melayu? Dalam 2008, calun2 UMNO hanya memperolehi 2.38juta undi. Apa jadi kepada jumlah ahli UMNO yang 3.2juta? jika kita andaikan daripada 2.38juta undi tersebut, 380 ribu adalah undi dari bukan-Melayu, maka calun2 UMNO hanya dapat 2 juta undi. Ini akan bermakna, 1.2juta ahli UMNO sendiri sudahpun menolak UMNO kerana mereka menyedari hipokrasi perjuangan UMNO.

UMNO mengujudkan 2 jenis masa depan. Satu masa depan gemilang dan mewah untuk sekelompok Melayu yang terpilih. Suatu lagi masa depan gelap dan muram untuk sebahagian besar bangsa Melayu sendiri. Kenapa ini terjadi? Jawapan nya ialah kerana dasar yang dijalankan UMNO itu salah.

Apa dasar pokok UMNO? UMNO mahukan kesamaan dalam hasil atau equivalence in outcome. Jadi? Jadi untuk mencapai kesamaan hasil, UMNO mencampuri urusan ekonomi dengan membesarkan penglibatan kerajaan. Peningkatan penglibatan kerajaan lah yang menyebakan banyak ketidak adilan berlaku. Ianya membenarkan pemain2 ekonomi dipilih dari kalangan kroni2. Dan pemilih kroni dan tukang pilih kasih yang nombor wahid ialah Dr Mahathir. Pada masa yang sama, peningkat! an pengl ibatan kerajaan menyebabkan pelbagai halangan buatan manusia dikenakan keatas kita tapi menyenang dan memudahkan golongan yang terpilih.

Apa yang UMNO lakukan ialah berselindung disebalik kuasa kerajaan untuk mengayakan sekelompok Melayu yang terpiilih. Maka tidaklah mengherankan bahawa perbezaan pendapatan dikalangan bangsa Melayu adalah yang terbesar diMalaysia. Gini fellow dikalangan Melayu lebih besar dibandingkan dengan ukuran yang sama dikalangan bangsa2 lain di Malaysia. Apa ertinya itu? Itu ertinya, mereka yang berkuasa dalam UMNO tidak membantu sebahagian besar orang Melayu.

Kepentingan yang mereka juangkan ialah kepentingan kelompok orang Melayu terpilih. Sebahagian besar orang Melayu sebenarnya tidak memerlukan UMNO untuk hidup. Dibawah pemerintahan kerajaan bukan UMNO, orang Melayu tetap boleh mendapatkan tanah, tetap mendapat bantuan kebajikan masyarakat jika mereka memerlukan. Orang Melayu mesti membuang tanggapan hanya UMNO sahaja yang boleh membangunkan bangsa.

Perubahan hanya boleh dilakukan jika kita mengubah kerajaan yang ada. Bagaimana kita mendapat perubahan , jika kerajaan itu tetap sama? Kerajaan yang mempromosi pembesaran penglibatan kerajaan akan terus melakukan demikian kerana disana dan dengan cara yang demikian, kepentingan bisnes mereka terus terjamin.

Maka jika orang Melayu mahu berubah, maka ubahlah kerajaan yang ada.

Apa transformasi yang dilaungkan oleh Najib? Ada kita tengok struktur feudal dalam masyarakat Melayu diubah? Masyarakat Melayu masih terus distrukturkan mengikut complement feudal. Rakyat terbanyak dilembukan dan dididik supaya memuliakan suatu kumpulan yang terpilih. Dan mereka terpilih bukan kerana kepandaian dan bakat mereka- bahkan mereka jadi golongan terpilih kerana baka mereka. Kuasa dan kemuliaan semestinya ada dalam tangan golongan ini. Kita mesti singkirkan ! pemikira n bahawa pimpinan negara ini mesti berada dalam tangan mereka yang berbinkan Mahathir, Tun Razak, Hussein Onn, atau Najib.

Masa depan Melayu kononnya bergantung kepada segelintir pemimpin Melayu yang semestinya datang dari UMNO. Selagi orang Melayu disekat dari mempratikkan pilihan, maka selama itu, laungan transformasi hanya omongan kosong. Apatah lagi jika laungan itu dibuat oleh Najib yang tebal dengan fikiran fiudalisme nya.

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Pelancaran BN Pilihan Orang Muda Peringkat Negeri Perak : Hishammuddin

ekarangan kediaman Menteri Besar Perak di sini bergema dengan laungan 'Barisan Nasional (BN) pilihan orang muda' apabila lebih 10000 orang dari seluruh Perak berhimpun menyatakan sokongan kepada parti itu. Himpunan BN Pilihan Orang Muda itu yang pertama kali diadakan bukan hanya disertai kalangan ahli parti komponen BN, malah golongan mahasiswa dari beberapa institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) di negeri ini. Pada majlis yang dirasmikan Naib Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein itu, mereka yang memakai kemeja T berwarna biru dan merah jambu memenuhi pekarangan kediaman rasmi Menteri Besar Perak. Turut serta, Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Dr. Zambry Abd. Kadir; Ketua Pemuda BN, Khairy Jamaluddin; Ketua Puteri UMNO, Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin; Ketua Pemuda BN negeri, Khairul Azwan Harun dan Ketua Pergerakan Puteri negeri, Salbiah Mohamed. Hishamuddin dalam ucapan perasmiannya, berkata, kehadiran begitu ramai golongan muda pada majlis itu sekaligus menangkis dakwaan pembangkang kononnya BN tidak mendapat sokongan golongan muda. Menurut beliau, pelbagai pembaharuan yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan termasuk Program Transformasi Politik (PTP) terbukti berjaya menarik golongan muda untuk bersama berjuang d! engan BN . "Ada pihak kata BN tidak mendapat sokongan orang muda dan masa depan BN tiada bersama dengan golongan muda tetapi kehadiran ramai golongan muda hari ini membuktikan golongan muda akan tetap bersama dengan BN," katanya. Terdahulu, Khairy Jamaluddin ...

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Vell Paari ! (control yourself, Vell Paari!)

Aiyoyo karawalleh! Now Samy Vellu's son S Vell Paari is losing his balance. Just because of two persons - the convert as well as the Melayu - he wants to burn down the political pact which has done his family rich as well as famous.

Asking all MIC members tovote opposite Barisan Nasionalin the arriving 13th ubiquitous election didn't have him the wise guy as well as is not fit to speak for the Indian party. Either he was impressed by anger as well as sentiment, nobody can tell though he shouldn't have reacted such in the first place.

By doing so, he himself is inciting loathing among Malaysian Indians opposite the Malays as well as the statute party. Why lar, my brother?

Why didn't you voice out your dissatisfaction via the more tactful channel? You could have written the note to MIC boss Palanivel as well as even to PM Najib Tun Razak though you chose to blow your tip by arising the statement to anti-BN headlines portal. How's that?
KUALA LUMPUR, February twenty-two S. Vell Paari has told his MIC boss to pull for action opposite Datuk Dr Ridhuan Tee for disparaging Hindus or the party plan executive will ask Indians to vote opposite the statute bloc Barisan Nasional (BN).
In an open letter to party boss Datuk Seri G. Palanivel today, Vell Paari pronounced the make the difference should be raised during next week's Cabinet assembly to press Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein to action opposite the Muslim academic as well as also Perkasa boss Datuk Ibrahim Ali.
"If no action is taken opposite Ridhuan as well as Ibrahim, I would pull forward my proposal in advising the! Indians who to vote for. I would make use of the MIC height to go forward with my proposal.
"The usually way for you (Palanivel) to stop me is to pouch me. The round is in your court," read Vell Paari's letter, which was copied to headlines portal
The MIC Youth lodged the police report upon Wednesday over an essay by Tee, which appeared in theSinarMIC Youth report arch S. Subramaniam pronounced the essay was "derogatory" as well as "insensitive" to Hindus as it talked about the controversial movie "Vishwaroopam", though the bard had wrongly linked it to Hindus.Hariandaily, headlined "Kesabaran Umat Islam Ada Had", which was published upon Monday
Be like your father lar, bro. He was the loyal Malaysian when in comes to deliberating supportive issues like these behind close door as well as within the BN spirit. If you wish to turn the politician in the country like Malaysia, you must comply the 'code of political conduit' laid by the fathers of pre-Independence.


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Police escorts a danger to motorists

KOTA KINABALU: Police, especially traffic police, escorting VIPs on Sabah roads are being accused of endangering other highway users when conducting their duties. A amicable activist said he not long ago roughly met with an collision when overzealous military escorts forced him to a verge of a highway to give approach to a VIP speeding towards himDonny Yapp, a director of UK-based NGO, Borneo Rights International (BRI), said a policemen simply bulldozed their approach by a traffic as well as confused other engine ... Read More


masyarakat india ini ada masalah besar
sebagai warga negara
bangsa india hanya 8% dari jumlah warga negara
tapi ada 9 parti politik

1 - mic
2 - ppp
3 - tellurian right party
4 - makal sakti party
5 - hindarf
6 - kimma
7 - ipf
8 - indraf

lagi satu parti apa?

9 - satu lagi parti joined malays inhabitant organistion pulau pinang

kah kah kak
kah kah kah
kah kah kah

party ini pulak
pebah dua
satu pro abang
astu pro adik
lepas itu nak minta twenty-five kerusi
kah kah kah

Ahli PPP 'serbu' ibupejabat Malaysian Nanban

Seramai 60 ahli Parti Progresif Malaysia (PPP) bertindak "menduduki" ibupejabat akhbar harian berbahasa TamilMalaysian Nanbanuntuk menuntut permohonan maaf berhubung penyiaran sebuah artikel yang didakwa menghina parti itu.

NONEIanya berlangsung selama lima jam mulai 2.30 petang dan menyaksikan wart! awan LK Raj - bukan penulis artikel tersebut - diserang, didakwa oleh beberapa ahli PPP.

Raja mendakwa ditumbuk lima kali, menyebabkan kecederaan di kepala, perut dan kaki kanannya.
Dia mendakwa seorang penyerangnya juga membuat ugutan bunuh terhadapnya dan dia kini bimbang akan keselamatan dirinya.

Ahli PPP berkumpul di pejabatMalaysian Nanbandi Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur ketika mengiringi Presiden parti itu, Datuk M Kayveas menemui pegawai akhbar berkenaan.

PegawaiMalaysiaNanbanmendakwa kumpulan tersebut bertindak agresif terhadap Kakitangan tersebut.

Kayveas memberitahu pemberita kemudiannya bahawa partinya akan mengambil tindakan terhadap penyerang tersebut jika mereka didapati dari kalangan ahli parti itu.


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Najib - Siapa dia Flora Ong...

Satu lagi nama baru keluar dari ahli perniagaan, Deepak Jaikishan hari ini yang dikaitkan dengan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak iaitu Flora Ong.

Deepak berkata, Najib mengenali dan mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan kedua-dua wanita iaitu Altantuya Shariibuu dan Flora Ong.Malah Deepak berkata, Najib turut membiayai kewangan kedua-dua wanita tersebut.

Deepak juga mendakwa Najib memberikan sokongan kewangan kepada kedua-dua wanita ini.

Pampasan untuk anak Antantuya

Deepak hari ini berjanji akan memberikan semua pampasan yang beliau perolehi dari tindakan samannya ke atas Datuk Seri Najib Razak kepada anak dan keluarga wanita Monggolia yang dibunuh dengan kejam, Altantuya Shariibuu.

Ini kerana, merekalah mangsa sebenar dari kematian wanita dari Monggolia ini, kata Deepak kepada Harakahdaily.

"Saya berjanji akan memberikan seluruh pampasan yang bakal saya perolehi dari saman ini kepada anak yatim yang ditinggalkan Altantuya dan keluarganya.

"Biarkan kebenaran terdedah (melalui saman ini)," tegas Deepak dalam kenyataannya.

RM100 juta saman

Deepak hari ini memfailkan saman RM100 juta ke atas Najib Razak kerana mendakwa beliau sebagai orang yang tidak berkredibeliti.

"Kebenaran tidak boleh diselindungkan, saya mahu beliau mengaku atau nafikan hal ini sebelum kepulangan P.Bala Ahad ini," tegasnya ketika ditemui di Mahkamah Tinggi Jalan Duta.
Beliau juga mengaitkan adik beradik Najib dalam kes ini iaitu Nazim dan Johari Razak di samping isterinya, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.
Ini kerana, kata beliau, ketiga-tiga mereka mempunyai kaitan secara langsung dengan kes pembikinan akuan bersumpah kedua yang dibuat oleh P Balasubramaniam.-harakahdaily

RCI pendatang asing Sabah sengaja tangguh giliran...

dr ChongSeorang saksi KEADILAN dalam Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang asing di Sabah, Dr Chong Eng Leong bimbang gilirannya untuk memberi keterangan sengaja dilewatkan seolah-olah tidak mahu memberi peluang beliau membuka mulut.

"Mereka seperti tak mahu saya jadi saksi. Asyik bertangguh, dengan alasan ada ramai lagi sedang menunggu giliran," katanya kepadaKeadilan Daily.

Ketua Biro Keselamatan, Imigresen dan Reformasi Pilihan Raya KEADILAN itu sepatutnya memberi keterangan pada twenty-nine Januari lalu tetapi sehingga hari ini beliau belum dipanggil.

"Sudah tiga sesi berlalu. Menurut peguam saya, pihak RCI akan memaklumkan bila saya akan dipanggil. Disebabkan itu saya masih belum boleh buat sebarang kenyataan," katanya.

Chong Eng dipanggil berikutan pendedahannya sebelum ini dalamSuara Keadilanedisi twenty-eight Ogos 2012 berhubung keterlibatan bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam memberi kewarganeraan kepada warga Filipina dan Indonesia di Sabah.

Menurutnya, Projek IC Mahathir atau 'Projek M' telah menambah secara drastik jumlah penduduk Sabah dan membenarkan pendatang asing menjadi pengundi sah.

Beliau turut mendedahkan terdapat 200,000 nama warga asing hasil dari 'Projek IC' dalam senarai pemilih di Sabah dari jumlah keseluruhan 950,000 p! engundi berdaftar.

Katanya, hasil projek tersebut,! penduduk Sabah telah bertambah kira-kira 700,000 orang termasuk generasi kedua dan sebahagiannya telah berdaftar sebagai pengundi sah.

RCI memulakan sidang pada 14 Januari lalu dengan menampilkan 48 saksi di Kota Kinabalu.-keadilandaily

'Instant citizens' might embody subversives, RCI told...

The police Special Branch pronounced currently there could be rebellious elements in between a foreigners who received blue temperament cards illegally as good as thus Project IC was a hazard to inhabitant security.

"We do not know where these people came from or their backgrounds. They could be criminals or rebellious in inlet or similar things.

"This becomes a threat, not usually to security, but additionally to political, economic as good as amicable stability," assessment military military officer Ahmad Fauzan Mohd told a stately commission of exploration upon immigrants in Sabah today.

Ahmad, who is based in a confidence as good as tellurian trafficking associate multiplication of a Kuala Lumpur Special Branch, pronounced he was tasked with assessing intelligence during a crackdown upon Project IC.

Having led a intelligence component of a six-year investigation beginning in 1995, Ahmad said, they rescued a associate which was illegally arising temperament cards, which was additionally concerned in tellurian trafficking.

As a result, he said, 94 people who were concerned in a associate were arrested underneath a Internal Security Act in in between 1995 to 2001.

Of this, 80 were given a two-year apprehension ! undernea th a act, 6 was placed underneath restricted chateau as good as 8 some-more were liberated unconditionally.

NONEAhmad combined which a apprehension sequence was sealed by a afterwards emissary home minister Megat Junid Megat Ayub (right).

Asked since none of these people were charged after being released from ISA, Ahmad explained this was a normal for all cases.

However, he said, 3,035 people who were beneficiaries of fake temperament cards had been charged in court with possessing a documents.

Ahmad combined which from a intelligence assessed, a associate was driven by financial benefit valued during some-more than RM11 million.

"Each customer (foreigner) was charged in in between RM50 as good as RM1,400... They included, agents, sub-agents as good as National Registration Department (NRD) officers," he said

'Other motives not considered'

However, when pulpy if he had considered either a associate had alternative motives, he replied: "I had no reason to demeanour during alternative motives since a financial benefit (motive) is already there."

Pressed if this meant his investigate w! as usually "one-track", he replied: "Yes".

Ahmad pronounced a greatest officials concerned as good as subsequently arrested were former Sabah NRD directors Abdul Rauf Sani as good as Ramli Kamarudin.

Queried by examination short counsel Ansari Abdullah either politicians were in between those arrested, Ahmad pronounced he he merely assessed their activities as good as did not take note of their domestic affiliations.

The questioning was led by conducting military military officer Manoj Kurup.

Also receiving a mount currently was NRD report technology partner executive Laila Abdul Wajid, wh! o explai ned which a NRD data was related to a Election Commission by a Agency Linked-Up System.

Aside from this, Laila explained, a EC additionally intermittently sent a names of its registered voters, in bulk, to a NRD for vetting.

"There was additionally a full vetting of a complete electoral roll of 11.8 million voters (by NRD) in 2011," she said.

Every month, she said, a NRD would send an average of 8,000 to 10,000 names of those who were on top of a age of 21, as good as names of citizens who have died, to a EC for a electoral roll to be updated.

Laila combined which 66,682 people had been granted citizenship in Sabah in in between 1963 as good as October 2012. Of this, 59,276 have been still alive. -malaysiakini

Antara Senarai 20 Taiko Malaysia 2011 menurutMalaysian Business:

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Direct candidates under BN possible in GE13, Najib hints

Najib had hinted during a possibility when asked if a coalition would margin possibilities deemed 'winnable' for a polls though are without a friend in their respective parties. File pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 23 - Barisan Nasional (BN) has not ruled out fielding possibilities without delay underneath a coalitions banner, a pierce which could see personalities like Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat selected for a Election 2013 competition despite his spat with MCAs leadership.

English every day The Star reported currently which BN authority as well as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had hinted during a possibility when asked if a coalition would margin possibilities deemed winnable for a polls though are without a friend in their respective parties.

Wait as well as see. When a time comes (itll be revealed). I dont wish to burst a gun, a publication quoted him as saying.

The journal reminded which BN had once fielded a claimant underneath a ensign during a 1995 federal polls. Hulu Rajang MP then, Billy Abit Joo, had done story as BNs first claimant to competition as a coalitions member.

Joo did not belong to any of a component parties as there was no sustenance which required a BN part of to do so. However, Joo later assimilated a Sarawak Peoples Party.

The English every day additionally reported which a renouned Mas Gading MP Datuk Tiki Lafe could additionally competition as a direct claimant after his faction, which includes four other parliamentarians as well as a single state assemblyman, left a Sarawak Progressive Democratic party.

Should this happen, a same could be used for Ong in Pandan, an civic constituency in Selangor with a large Chinese population. The former MCA boss had helmed a chair for five terms.

It is understood which Ong is favoured by senior leaders in Umno to urge his Pandan parliamentary chair because of his personal popula! rity bet ween constituents there

Ongs adversary with a present president, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, had sparked rumours which a latter would be forsaken in favour of Gary Lim, a partys legal business head, for a Pandan contest.

At a Pandan MCA Chinese New Year gathering upon Wednesday night, Dr Chua had told reporters which Ong was not enclosed in a partys list of probable possibilities for a 13th general election, which contingency be held by June.

He claimed which Ong does not have a await from his own division, alleging serve which a former MCA arch had not been nominated to contest.

However, multiplication members held a press conference yesterday to rebut Dr Chuas announcements which a Pandan multiplication had picked Lim as a candidate.

They suggested which a multiplication has not even met a single time to plead claimant options, much reduction decided upon Lim, adding which this meant which no a single has been selected to mount in Pandan yet.

We would like to insist here which Pandan MCA has never met to plead who should represent MCA as well as BN for Pandan, a divisions Youth arch Chong Sin Woon had said, adding which a last preference upon candidacy is within a reach of BNs authority as well as which a multiplication would await whoever Najib picked for a job.

Dr Chua pronounced last night he saw this as a blanket await to his preference for a Pandan seat, a pierce seemingly directed during enforcing his earlier proclamation which Ong would be left out of a polls race.

He additionally pointed out a multiplication itself had met upon a own currently as well as agreed to accept a partys last preference upon a issue of candidacy.

Ong has so distant brushed off reports which he has been forsaken as MCAs candidate, insisting which a last preference lies in a hands of Najib as well as not Dr Chua.


Kalau korang nak tau betapa disorganisenya PAS dan segala caca marba dalam parti mereka maka korang wajib kena miliki buku ini.


Pengkhianatan keatas Orang Melayu (1)

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Vishwaroopam, Psy, and Tanda Putera

by Mariam Mokhtar
If the rakyat cannot certitude its Cabinet ministers to tell the truth, afterwards the skinny wall which protects us from commotion can simply be breached.Does Najib wish to emanate commotion in the last-ditch try to keep power?Mariam Mokhtar
As you approach the 13th ubiquitous choosing (GE13), Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's interpretation of "1Malaysia" gets some-more bizarre.
To outrider in the Year of the Snake, Najib done the surprise announcement which the Chinese would be treated with colour to the special performance by the Korean entertainer Psy. Earlier this week, after most delay as good as complicated censorship, the Indians were eventually allowed to perspective the film, "Vishwaroopam".
The Malay masses, regularly upon the wrong finish of the stick when it comes to UMNO's largesse, were forced to perspective the UMNO propaganda movie "Tanda Putera".
Psy in Penang
Psy's performance allegedly price RM3 million for the small twelve minutes. The anathema upon Vishwaroopam caused promoters to humour poignant financial losses. Much of the box-office takings were diverted to pirated DVDs which were openly sole throughout Malaysia.
"Tanda Putera" price RM4.8 million as good as is funded by the National Film Development Corporation (Finas) as good as the Multimedia Development Corporation (Mdec) in other words, by the taxpayers.
We have been told which "Tanda Putera"! uses th e May thirteen secular clashes as the backdrop to the attribute in in between the Prime Minister of the time, Abdul Razak Hussein, as good as the former Deputy Prime Minister as good as Home Affairs Minister,(Tun) Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman. For health reasons, Ismail had retired from politics though Razak managed to persuade him to come out of retirement to assistance finalise the crisis.
The screening of "Tanda Putera" was paid in instalments twice, final year. On September 13, it was claimed which there was insufficient graduation for the film, afterwards upon Nov 15, the Cabinet decided which sure scenes were "inappropriate".
Filem TandaPutra
Were the bans written to emanate some-more hype around the movie as good as so enlarge the curiosity of the little members of the public?
Last Monday, around 3,000 Felda settlers who were in Kuala Lumpur to hear UMNO leaders including former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, perceived an unexpected addition to their programme. Najib ordered which "Tanda Putera" be screened as good as reporters were asked to leave the hall.
It is vast which Najib uses secular sentiments to shock the electorate in to choosing by casting votes for UMNO. How can the wounds from May thirteen heal, if they have been ceaselessly being re-opened?
The movie was shown after Mahathir had told the FELDA settlers which they were beholden to UMNO. He said, "The joy today is due to tough work as good as the government's help, can't people be the little grateful as good as appreciative?"
Lessons from story ignored
The biggest tragedy of the May thirteen riots is which UMNO ministers have not schooled any lessons from history. The legacy of Mahathir equat! es to wh ich his antipathetic influence still continues after he quiescent as Prime Minister.
The Reluctant PoliticianIn the book,"The Reluctant Politician"about Tun Dr Ismail, by Ooi Kee Beng, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah claimed which Ismail was the the single who wanted Mahathir diminished from UMNO as good as twice prevented Mahathir from being re-admitted in to UMNO.
The book additionally states which Ismail criminialized offending documents criticising the Tunku from being circulated because law as good as sequence was breaking down, as good as he was austere which there would be "no coup in the country as good as no coups in the party".
Ismail was well known for fair fool around as good as correctness, as good as the book claimed which "every Malay colleague including Mahathir, feared Ismail". Ismail was regularly ready to discuss as good as he was highly principled.
Malaysia is still condemned by the May thirteen riots as good as each the single of us has to bearno-extremism-1our share of contrition as good as guilt. How most of us can indeed call ourselves Malaysian?
Some of us direct which vernacular or religious schools be kept. Universities have special quotas to meet. Particular jobs, contracts or positions have been given to sure sections of the community. Are you prepared to allot with all these secular policies?
Najib is personification the dangerous game in using "Tanda Putera" to try to pitch await for UMNO. The similarities in in between 1969 as good as 2013 have been uncanny.
In 1969, it was believed which there were dual factions in UMNO ! the "ult ras" who included the immature Mahathir; as good as the "old guard" or the moderates who were led by Tunku. Today, the energy struggle exists in UMNO in in between the aged Mahathir as good as Najib.
The communists were done the convenient scapegoat for the May thirteen disturbances. In the past couple of years, the comrade element is again being blamed for troubles in Malaysia.
Even PAS personality Mat Sabu was accused of being the comrade sympathiser when he alluded to Malay leisure fighters who used comrade ideals to fight for autonomy of Malaya.BERSIH marchers were not spared when former Inspector-General of Police (Tun) Hanif Omar claimed he recognized comrade elements from video footage of people upon the march.
In 1969, the statute Alliance celebration suffered the poignant decrease in support. In an relate of the past, the loss of await which BN suffered in 2008 is predicted to continue to GE13.
The Opposition took carry out of Kelantan as good as Penang in 1969 as good as states similar to Selangor as good as Perak did not have the clear majority. In 2008, Kelantan, Penang, Kedah, Selangor as good as Perak fell to the antithesis although Najib later grabbed back energy in Perak.
In the 1960s, the Malays were pang economically. Despite assorted programmes to assistance Malays in the reduce income bracket, most of the benefits have been abused by UMNO Malays to assistance themselves, as good as not their poorer cousins.
'Ketuanan Melayu' myth
Perkasa's PatronForeign powers were wakeful of the taste suffered by the minorities, in the 1960s, though mercantile considerations done them demeanour the other way.
There is no change today. Britain as good as France have been some-more interested i! n offere d their weaponry than chastising the leaders for their human rights abuses as good as racist policies.
Even before independence, the non-Malays had learnt to mount upon their own dual feet while the Malays have regularly felt which Malaya was their "homeland" as good as they did not need to work as tough as the "pendatang".
Perkasa ManFive decades later, the "Ketuanan Melayu" (coined by Abdullah Kok Lanas Ahmad) myth has caused the serve decrease in the living standards as good as self esteem of the Malay.
It was claimed which in 1969, the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) whose members were from the cross- section of Malaysia, was the usually confidence section which dispensed law as good as sequence but bias. Today, instead of attracting non-Malays in to the confidence forces, the armed forces, similar to the civil service, have been primarily Malay.
In 1969, the May thirteen troubles caused the Sarawak state choosing to be postponed. Today, you witness the Sulu company intrusion in Lahad Datu as good as the revelations by the Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI). Would these be used to delay elections or acknowledgement emergency rule in Sabah?
In Oct 1969, Najib's father, (Tun) Abdul Razak, who was the head of theTun RazakNational Operations Council (NOC) investigating the May thirteen tragedy, produced the inform which summarized the little of the tasks as good as choices they faced.
Razak pronounced which Malaysia had to work tough to revive mutual certitude as good as secular harmony. Has Najib taken heed of his own father's advice?
In recent years, Malaysians have been subjected to ! most vio lence as good as most threats from the statute party. If the rakyat cannot certitude its Cabinet ministers to tell the truth, afterwards the skinny wall which protects us from commotion can simply be breached.Does Najib wish to emanate commotion in the last-ditch try to keep power?
Mariam Mokhtar is the FMT columnist.
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Panama speaker wins Bahasa Melayu elocution contest

PUTRAJAYA, Feb twenty-three Darrick Fernando Jaramillo from Panama was crowned a Prime Ministers Cup Bahasa Melayu Elocution Contest hold up in a international difficulty hold during a Putrajaya International Convention Centre here last night. His debate entitled Malaysia dihatiku (Malaysia in my heart) was adjudged a most appropriate between 5 contestants in ... Read More

Vishwaroopam, Psy, and Tanda Putera

February 23, 2013

They come in all colours: Vishwaroopam, Psy, as well as Tanda Putera

by Mariam Mokhtar| Feb 22, 2013

If the rakyat cannot trust its Cabinet ministers to discuss it the truth, afterwards the skinny wall that protects us from commotion can simply be breached.Does Najib wish to emanate commotion in the last-ditch try to keep power?Mariam Mokhtar

As you proceed the 13th general choosing (GE13), Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's understand of "1Malaysia" gets some-more bizarre.


To herald in the Year of the Snake, Najib done the surprise announcement that the Chinese would be treated with colour to the special performance by the Korean entertainer Psy. Earlier this week, after many delay as well as heavy censorship, the Indians were eventually allowed to view the film, "Vishwaroopam".

The Malay masses, always upon the wrong end of the hang when it comes to UMNO's largesse, were forced to view the UMNO graduation movie "Tanda Putera".

Psy in Penang

Psy's performance allegedly price RM3 million for the mere 12 minutes. The anathema upon Vishwaroopam caused promoters to humour poignant financial losses. Much of the box-office takings were diverted to pirated DVDs that were openly sole via Malaysia.

"Tanda Putera" price RM4.8 million as well as is saved by the National Film Develop! ment Cor poration (Finas) as well as the Multimedia Development Corporation (Mdec) in alternative words, by the taxpayers.

We have been told that "Tanda Putera" uses the May thirteen secular clashes as the backdrop to the relationship in between the Prime Minister of the time, Abdul Razak Hussein, as well as the former Deputy Prime Minister as well as Home Affairs Minister,(Tun) Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman. For illness reasons, Ismail had retired from politics though Razak managed to persuade him to come out of early retirement to assistance finalise the crisis.

The screening of "Tanda Putera" was paid in instalments twice, final year. On Sep 13, it was claimed that there was insufficient graduation for the film, afterwards upon November 15, the Cabinet motionless that sure scenes were "inappropriate".

Filem TandaPutra

Were the bans written to emanate some-more hype around the movie as well as so increase the curiosity of the small members of the public?

Last Monday, around 3,000 Felda settlers who were in Kuala Lumpur to hear UMNO leaders including former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, received an astonishing serve to their programme. Najib systematic that "Tanda Putera" be screened as well as journalists were asked to leave the hall.

It is outrageous that Najib uses secular sentiments to scare the electorate into choosing by casting votes for UMNO. How can the wounds from May thirteen heal, if they have been continually being re-opened?

The movie was shown after Mahathir had told the FELDA settlers that they were beholden to UMNO. He said, "The joy today is due to tough work as well as the government's help, can't people be the small beholden as well as appreciative?"

Lessons from story ignored

The greatest! tragedy of the May thirteen riots is that UMNO ministers have not learned any lessons from history. The legacy of Mahathir equates to that his antipathetic influence still continues after he quiescent as Prime Minister.

The Reluctant PoliticianIn the book, "The Reluctant Politician" about Tun Dr Ismail, by Ooi Kee Beng, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah claimed that Ismail was the the single who longed for Mahathir expelled from UMNO as well as twice prevented Mahathir from being re-admitted into UMNO.

The book also states that Ismail criminialized offending papers criticising the Tunku from being circulated because law as well as sequence was breaking down, as well as he was austere that there would be "no manoeuvre in the country as well as no coups in the party".

Ismail was known for satisfactory play as well as correctness, as well as the book claimed that "every Malay colleague including Mahathir, feared Ismail". Ismail was always ready to debate as well as he was rarely principled.

Malaysia is still haunted by the May thirteen riots as well as each the single of us has to bearno-extremism-1 the share of contrition as well as guilt. How many of us can truly call ourselves Malaysian?

Some of us demand that vernacular or religious schools be kept. Universities have special quotas to meet. Particular jobs, contracts or positions have been given to sure sections of the community. Are you prepared to dispense with all these secular policies?

Najib is playing the dangerous game in using "Tanda Putera" to try to pitch await for UMNO. The similarities in between 1969 as well as 2013 have been uncanny.

In 19! 69, it w as believed that there were two factions in UMNO the "ultras" who enclosed the immature Mahathir; as well as the "old guard" or the moderates who were led by Tunku. Today, the energy struggle exists in UMNO in between the aged Mahathir as well as Najib.

The communists were done the available victim for the May thirteen disturbances. In the past few years, the comrade element is again being blamed for troubles in Malaysia.

Even PAS leader Mat Sabu was accused of being the comrade sympathiser when he alluded to Malay leisure fighters who used comrade ideals to fight for independence of Malaya.BERSIH marchers were not spared when former Inspector-General of Police (Tun) Hanif Omar claimed he recognised comrade elements from video footage of people upon the march.

In 1969, the ruling Alliance celebration suffered the poignant decrease in support. In an relate of the past, the detriment of await that BN suffered in 2008 is predicted to go on to GE13.

The Opposition took carry out of Kelantan as well as Penang in 1969 as well as states like Selangor as well as Perak did not have the transparent majority. In 2008, Kelantan, Penang, Kedah, Selangor as well as Perak fell to the opposition although Najib after grabbed back energy in Perak.

In the 1960s, the Malays were suffering economically. Despite various programmes to assistance Malays in the lower income bracket, many of the benefits have been abused by UMNO Malays to assistance themselves, as well as not their poorer cousins.

'Ketuanan Melayu' myth

Perkasa's PatronForeign powers were wakeful of the taste suffered by the minorities, in the 1960s, though economic considerations done them look the alternative way.

There is no change today. Britain as well as France have been some-more interested in ! offered their weaponry than chastising the leaders for their tellurian rights abuses as well as racist policies.

Even prior to independence, the non-Malays had learnt to mount upon their own two feet while the Malays have always felt that Malaya was their "homeland" as well as they did not need to work as tough as the "pendatang".

Perkasa ManFive decades later, the "Ketuanan Melayu" (coined by Abdullah Kok Lanas Ahmad) parable has caused the serve deterioration in the living standards as well as self esteem of the Malay.

It was claimed that in 1969, the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) whose members were from the cross- territory of Malaysia, was the only security section that dispensed law as well as sequence but bias. Today, instead of attracting non-Malays into the security forces, the armed forces, like the polite service, have been predominantly Malay.

In 1969, the May thirteen troubles caused the Sarawak state choosing to be postponed. Today, you witness the Sulu militia intrusion in Lahad Datu as well as the revelations by the Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI). Would these be used to delay elections or declare emergency rule in Sabah?

In October 1969, Najib's father, (Tun) Abdul Razak, who was the head of the Tun RazakNational Operations Council (NOC) questioning the May thirteen tragedy, constructed the inform that outlined the small of the tasks as well as choices they faced.

Razak said that Malaysia had to work tough to revive mutual trust as well as secular harmony. Has Najib taken mind of his own father's advice?

In new years, Malaysians have been subjected to many assault as well as many threats from the ruling party. If the r! akyat ca nnot trust its Cabinet ministers to discuss it the truth, afterwards the skinny wall that protects us from commotion can simply be breached.Does Najib wish to emanate commotion in the last-ditch try to keep power?

Mariam Mokhtar is the FMT columnist.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

PAS nak Ku Li jadi PM ...

Anwar ditolak oleh Majlis Syura PAS bukan lagi merupakan desas-desus atau khabar angin yang digembar-gemburkan atas nama propaganda politik. Hakikatnya, Majlis Syura PAS kini benar-benar tegas enggan menerima Anwar sebagai Perdana Menteri kerana diselubungi masalah moral, LGBT, liberalisme dan pluralisme.

Penolakan itu diketuai sendiri oleh Hadi Awang, Haron Din, Haron Taib, Tuan Ibrahim

Vishwaroopam, Psy, and Tanda Putera

February 23, 2013

They come in all colours: Vishwaroopam, Psy, as good as Tanda Putera

by Mariam Mokhtar| Feb 22, 2013

As you proceed the 13th general choosing (GE13), Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's interpretation of "1Malaysia" gets some-more bizarre.


To outrider in the Year of the Snake, Najib done the warn announcement which the Chinese would be treated with colour to the special opening by the Korean entertainer Psy. Earlier this week, after most check as good as complicated censorship, the Indians were finally authorised to perspective the film, "Vishwaroopam".

The Malay masses, regularly on the wrong end of the stick when it comes to UMNO's largesse, were forced to perspective the UMNO graduation movie "Tanda Putera".

Psy in Penang

Psy's opening allegedly price RM3 million for the small 12 minutes. The ban on Vishwaroopam caused promoters to humour significant monetary losses. Much of the box-office takings were diverted to pirated DVDs which were openly sole via Malaysia.

"Tanda Putera" price RM4.8 million as good as is funded by the National Film Development Corporation (Finas) as good as the Multimedia Development Corporation (Mdec) in alternative words, by the taxpayers.

We have been told which "Tanda Putera" uses the May thirteen secul! ar clash es as the backdrop to the attribute in in in between the emissary budding minister of the time, Abdul Razak Hussein, as good as the former Deputy Prime Minister as good as Home Affairs Minister,(Tun) Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman. For illness reasons, Ismail had late from politics though Razak managed to persuade him to come out of retirement to assistance finalise the crisis.

The screening of "Tanda Putera" was deferred twice, final year. On Sep 13, it was claimed which there was insufficient graduation for the film, afterwards on November 15, the Cabinet decided which sure scenes were "inappropriate".

Filem TandaPutra

Were the bans designed to emanate some-more hype around the movie as good as so enlarge the curiosity of some members of the public?

Last Monday, around 3,000 Felda settlers who were in Kuala Lumpur to hear UMNO leaders including former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, received an astonishing further to their programme. Najib ordered which "Tanda Putera" be screened as good as reporters were asked to leave the hall.

It is vast which Najib uses secular sentiments to shock the voters in to choosing by casting votes for UMNO. How can the wounds from May thirteen heal, if they have been ceaselessly being re-opened?

The movie was shown after Mahathir had told the FELDA settlers which they were beholden to UMNO. He said, "The comfort currently is due to tough work as good as the government's help, can't people be the small grateful as good as appreciative?"

Lessons from story ignored

The greatest tragedy of the May thirteen riots is which UMNO ministers have not schooled any lessons from history. The legacy of Mahathir equates to which his loathsome shift still continues after he resigned as Prime Minis! ter.

The Reluctant PoliticianIn the book, "The Reluctant Politician" about Tun Dr Ismail, by Ooi Kee Beng, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah claimed which Ismail was the one who wanted Mahathir diminished from UMNO as good as twice prevented Mahathir from being re-admitted in to UMNO.

The book additionally states which Ismail banned offending documents criticising the Tunku from being circulated because law as good as order was violation down, as good as he was adamant which there would be "no manoeuvre in the nation as good as no coups in the party".

Ismail was known for satisfactory fool around as good as correctness, as good as the book claimed which "every Malay colleague including Mahathir, feared Ismail". Ismail was regularly ready to debate as good as he was highly principled.

Malaysia is still condemned by the May thirteen riots as good as each one of us has to bearno-extremism-1 the share of contrition as good as guilt. How most of us can truly call ourselves Malaysian?

Some of us direct which vernacular or eremite schools be kept. Universities have special quotas to meet. Particular jobs, contracts or positions have been since to sure sections of the community. Are you prepared to dispense with all these secular policies?

Najib is playing the dangerous diversion in using "Tanda Putera" to try to swing await for UMNO. The similarities in in in between 1969 as good as 2013 have been uncanny.

In 1969, it was believed which there were dual factions in UMNO the "ultras" who included the immature Mahathir; as good as the "old guard! " or the moderates who were led by Tunku. Today, the energy struggle exists in UMNO in in in between the old Mahathir as good as Najib.

The communists were done the convenient victim for the May thirteen disturbances. In the past couple of years, the comrade component is again being blamed for troubles in Malaysia.

Even PAS leader Mat Sabu was accused of being the comrade sympathiser when he alluded to Malay leisure fighters who used comrade ideals to fight for autonomy of Malaya.BERSIH marchers were not spared when former Inspector-General of Police (Tun) Hanif Omar claimed he recognized comrade elements from video footage of people on the march.

In 1969, the statute Alliance celebration suffered the significant decrease in support. In an echo of the past, the loss of await which BN suffered in 2008 is predicted to go on to GE13.

The Opposition took control of Kelantan as good as Penang in 1969 as good as states similar to Selangor as good as Perak did not have the clear majority. In 2008, Kelantan, Penang, Kedah, Selangor as good as Perak fell to the opposition although Najib after grabbed back energy in Perak.

In the 1960s, the Malays were pang economically. Despite assorted programmes to assistance Malays in the lower income bracket, most of the benefits have been abused by UMNO Malays to assistance themselves, as good as not their poorer cousins.

'Ketuanan Melayu' myth

Perkasa's PatronForeign powers were aware of the taste suffered by the minorities, in the 1960s, though mercantile considerations done them demeanour the alternative way.

There is no shift today. Britain as good as France have been some-more meddlesome in offered their weaponry than chastising the leaders for their human rights abuses as good as e! xtremist policies.

Even prior to independence, the non-Malays had learnt to stand on their own dual feet while the Malays have regularly felt which Malaya was their "homeland" as good as they did not need to work as tough as the "pendatang".

Perkasa ManFive decades later, the "Ketuanan Melayu" (coined by Abdullah Kok Lanas Ahmad) parable has caused the further decrease in the living standards as good as self esteem of the Malay.

It was claimed which in 1969, the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) whose members were from the cross- territory of Malaysia, was the only confidence unit which dispensed law as good as order without bias. Today, instead of attracting non-Malays in to the confidence forces, the armed forces, similar to the civil service, have been primarily Malay.

In 1969, the May thirteen troubles caused the Sarawak state choosing to be postponed. Today, you witness the Sulu militia intrusion in Lahad Datu as good as the revelations by the Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI). Would these be used to check elections or acknowledgement emergency order in Sabah?

In October 1969, Najib's father, (Tun) Abdul Razak, who was the conduct of the Tun RazakNational Operations Council (NOC) investigating the May thirteen tragedy, produced the inform which outlined some of the tasks as good as choices they faced.

Razak pronounced which Malaysia had to work tough to revive mutual certitude as good as secular harmony. Has Najib taken heed of his own father's advice?

In new years, Malaysians have been subjected to most violence as good as most threats from the statute party. If the! rakyat cannot certitude its Cabinet ministers to discuss it the truth, afterwards the skinny wall which protects us from commotion can easily be breached.Does Najib wish to emanate commotion in the last-ditch try to retain power?

Mariam Mokhtar is the FMT columnist.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Indians should hitch their wagon to Pakatan

R Kengadharan I might be wrong though I consider this nation was built on a grounds of Malay political primacy. I consider this grounds is embedded in a founding documents of this country. Interpretation of this grounds need not translate into repression of a rights of a non-Malays and minorities. It merely meant that Malays, [...] Read More

'F****** Hell!': Mancini Snaps At Questions About Pellegrini Replacing Him

LONDON: Roberto Mancini has launched an impassioned defence of his record during Manchester City, among fresh claims he could get a axe, reported Daily Mirror..Read more... ... Read More

Followers mistakenly held, says Sulu sultanate claimant

VIDEO 2.47 min

One petitioner to a throne of a Sulu sultanate claims which eleven of his group were arrested nearby Lahad Datu, though says a arrests have been a case of in error identity.

NONEThe claimant, Ampun Muedzul-Lail Tan Kiram (right), pronounced a eleven were arrested because they were suspicion to be a supporters of an additional petitioner to a throne, Jamalul Kiram, who is at a back of a ongoing Lahad Datu standoff.

"I interest to a Malaysian government, greatfully release my people," Muedzul-Lail pronounced when interviewed byKiniTVjournalist Sumisha Naidu yesterday.

Muedzul-Lail's chancellor Andres Linholm additionally toldKiniTVthat Malaysian military have been going village-t! o-village looking for supporters of a Sulu sultanate.

However, when asked about this allegation, Sabah military commissioner Hamza Taib reliable a arrests, though pronounced they were not related to a stand-off.

Instead, Hamza said, a eleven detainees do not have proper documentation.

He additionally denied which a military were on a village-to-village search for a Sulu sultanate supporters. Read More @ Source

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Najib: Federal jobs freeze will hurt Selangor residents

Najib (centre) holds up a copy of a integrity oath during a signing rite in Putrajaya, Feb 20, 2013. Picture by Saw Siow Feng
KUCHING, Feb twenty-two Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak currently said a Selangor government's proposed movement to suspend all sovereign projects in a state would usually offer to waste a people.
He described a movement as unwarranted as not usually would a people be upon a losing end, Selangor's swell would also be stunted.
"We will discuss a emanate as well as decide upon what movement to take, either we request for a court order or alternative follow-up action; but whatever a state wants to do, a people will stand to lose," he stressed during a media conference after attending a special meeting with Sarawak Barisan Nasional (BN) component celebration leaders here today.
Najib's comments were destined during a Selangor government, that has dangling all sovereign projects in a state including roads as well as infrastructure, pending an appeal against a High Court statute that a Sepang Municipal Council had no authority to emanate a notice to remove a Automatic Enforcement System (AES) cameras.
Meanwhile, a budding minister also dared Pakatan Rakyat leaders to pointer a Transparency International Malaysia Election Integrity Pledge.
"All this whilst they accused a BN of most things; we have willingly signed a pledge. If they have been unequivocally fighting against energy abuse as well as corruption, now is a time to prove it. They had been unchanging as well as organisation in their stance nonetheless have been reluctant to sign," he noted.
According to him, a integrity oath would potentially curb energy abuse, vote-buying, misappropriation of supports as well as contributions to domestic parties, as well as alternative choosing offences.
N! ajib was asked to criticism upon PAS boss Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang's matter that a celebration would not pointer a pledge. Bernama
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Kes ragut di Malaysia bukanlah sesuatu yang luar biasa malahan jenayah ini semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun malah lebih para ianya menular di dalam generasi muda di Malaysia. Rakaman berikut adalah kes ragut yang dilakukan secara nekad di Shell Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam. Dari masa yang dipaparkan CCTV, ianya berlaku ketika waktu tengahari pada eighteen Februari 2013 yang lalu.Ingatlah, sentiasalah berhati-hati walau di manapun anda berada tanpa mengira lokasi dan waktu. Kejadian ini boleh berlaku ... Read More

Ku Li Amal Islam Lebih Baik Dari Anwar?

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DAP eyeing over 150 seats in GE

(Bernama) -- The Democratic Action Party (DAP) is eyeing to competition more than 150 Parliamentary and State Assembly seats in a upcoming 13th General Election (GE13), and seeking RM15 million for a choosing campaigns. Its deputy authority Tan Kok Wai pronounced a final list of a candidates was being finalised and would be announced after a dissolution of Parliament and States Legislative Assemblies. The DAP National Election Bureau authority also pronounced a DAP would unveil a choosing matriarch ... Read More

Local councils outsourcing statutory functions

Two internal councils in Johor have been delegating their functions to a in isolation company, which a counsel says is illegal
PETALING JAYA: Can a internal legislature nominee a duties to a in isolation entity? Two internal councils in Johor seem to have been doing this for years.
The Johor Bahru Tengah Municipal Council (MPJBT) as well as a Kulai Town Council (MPKU) have been outsourcing a orthodox functions to Southern Ads Sdn Bhd, a in isolation company.
"Southern Ads does a chartering for banners as well as buntings. We only authorize chartering for business premises as well as signboards," pronounced an central from a MPKU's chartering department.
The official, who claimed anonymity, pronounced which a internal legislature has been delegating tasks to a in isolation association for a long time, but could not endorse when this use started.
An central from MPJBT's chartering department additionally pronounced this has been starting on for some years. "For bunting as well as ensign licenses, please refer to Southern Ads," pronounced a official.
When contacted, a staff from Southern Ads, who did not want to named, pronounced which they have been arising bunting as well as ensign licenses on interest of both internal councils since 2004.
"We're a concessionaire for MPJBT as well as MPKU," pronounced a staff, who could not contend if it was legal for them to be receiving over a councils' orthodox functions.
"I don't know. we just work here," was her discerning response.
It's illegal, says lawyer
However, counsel Derek Fernandez pronounced it was illegal for internal councils to nominee jobs to a in isolation entity under a Local Government Act 1976.
"Parliament has since energy or option to a sold body or person, afterwards which energy or option must be exercised by which body or person.
"Any try to nominee such energy to a third celebration or any other outward body is illegal as well as ultra vires," pronounced Derek who is additionally a councillor with a Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ).
He cited a Subang Jaya Town Council (MPSJ) when it tried to privatise health department approvals for restaurants to a third celebration during a previous state administration.
"After most conflict from several parties, we found which it was illegal for them to do so," he said. If such practises have been allowed, it should additionally be legal to privatise a entire internal council.
"We can start privatising a state as well as federal government. No need to call for elections we can privatise supervision powers to third parties for a 100-year contract," he said.
FMT's calls to MPJBT as well as MPKU presidents Md Fuzi Ahmad Shamimi as well as Md Rofiki Shamsuddin for construction were unsuccessful.
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Voters Still Confused About Indelible Ink

Voters Still Confused About Indelible Ink
KUALA LUMPUR -- Malaysians have been still confused with a use of memorable ink which will be used for a first time, even as a 13th ubiquitous choosing is quick approaching.
Registered voters, met during pointless by a writer, generally suspicion which memorable ink was a tool used to symbol a list paper upon polling day.
Among them was polite servant, Khairunila Khalid, 50, who pronounced she suspicion a memorable ink referred to a pen which could be used to symbol a list paper compared to formerly used pencils.
Sharing a same view was patron relations executive, Noor Ain Isaak, 26, who would be choosing by casting votes for a first time: "I suspicion a memorable ink is used to symbol a list paper so which a vote cannot be altered."
Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusof when met by Bernama recently clarified which a use of a memorable ink referred to a marking of a left index finger of a voter prior to being since a list paper.
He stressed which its use was to forestall repeated choosing by casting votes as claimed by some parties as well as to increase a people's confidence in a clarity of a choosing by casting votes process.
"Previously, there were accusations against a EC alleging which Malaysians voted more than once, although it hasn't been proven during all.
"However, EC made a pierce upon a idea of a Parliamentary Select Committee upon Electoral Reform," he said.
The use of memorable ink for a 13th ubiquitous choosing is in line with a Election Regulations (Conduct of Elections) (Amendment) 2012, gazetted in Feb fi! nal year .
Abdul Aziz pronounced a memorable ink however would not be germane for postal voters.
"We have various supplies for electorate who do not have a left index finger or have been disabled," he said.
Abdul Aziz pronounced a EC would be regulating two types of ink with opposite levels of continuance for early electorate as well as unchanging voters.
"For early voters, a ink will final longer as you do not wish allegations of a same person choosing by casting votes again as a unchanging voter upon polling day. For normal voting, you have been regulating a opposite colour ink.
"EC will be distributing a ink to a polling stations along with other stationeries such as brushes, finger pads, list papers as well as boxes upon a evening prior to polling day," he said.
Abdul Aziz pronounced a use of a memorable ink had been approved by a Chemistry Department, Health Ministry as well as a National Fatwa Committee.
Indelible ink was proposed for a 12th ubiquitous choosing in 2008 though was forsaken upon legal advice as well as public sequence as well as confidence aspects.
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Why is DBKL shy to announce RM200 million ITIS contract awarded to GTC Global Sdn Bhd

"ITIS the approach to go" though go where?
"ITIS the approach to go" though go where?
Securing the ITIS Ccntract value RM200 million
Securing the ITIS Ccntract worthRM200 million
Yours indeed has posted an essay calling upon DBKL to announce the name of which "GLOBAL-LY" well known association which was awarded theIntelligent Transport Information System(ITIS) stipulate value RM200 million, inHERE. Unfortunately, DBKL chose to keep this endowment underneath wrapped until now. Why? Why? Why?
It is now an open secret which since January 2013 the ITIS stipulate worthRM200 millionhas been awarded to that"GLOBAL-LY"known company,GTC Global Sdn Bhd(GTC Global). GTC Global was before well known asGapurna Technolgies Sdn Bhd,the off fire ofa skill development based company.
It is mind boggling which DBKL is so bashful to have an central announcement which GTC Global has been awarded with the ITIS contract. It is just the furious guess which DBKL might be the bit bashful to announce the endowment since GTC Global is traff! ic witho nly theinstallation of CCTVs andsurveillancesystem as well as with no knowledge with the Visual Message System (VMS). Please review the association form inHERE.
The previous ITIS which price DBKLRM370 millionwas the total failure since it was awarded to the association which has no or small knowledge in ITIS.
Yours indeed has been informed which two weeks ago there was the kick-off assembly held in DBKL where GTC Global did the display to DBKL as well as other government agencies. When questions were asked by Dr Leong, the Pengarah of Jabatan Pengakutan of DBKL, with regards to the ITIS, the officers from GTC Global were unable to answer the simple questions. What the joke?
We do not want to see another ITIS which works for the few months as well as afterward KL motorists will only review gratifying greetings like"Selamat Hari Raya", "Selamat Tahun Baru", Selamat Deepavali"and the similar to from the VMS.
DBKL contingency be transparent about the award. It contingency have an central announcement of the endowment of the ITIS stipulate as well as what have been the pertinent conditions of the contract. We contingency safeguard which there contingency be enough safeguards in the stipulate to protect the interests of DBKL. There contingency be Performance Bond of enough amount to safeguard which GTC Global could perform the stipulate for at least the next 10 years.
Warga KL do not want to see another unsuccessful ITIS which price RM200 million. The ITIS Project in KL has now price DBKL the total ofRM570 million!

Keeping silence is not an choice for DBKL.

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