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Book Review Podcast
Power is duty, not a prize

Tunku Abdul Rahman as good as his era were dedicated leaders, not for energy though a sense of avocation to a present as good as a future. They were not in governing body for a money or for themselves. Indeed, even after they had assumed power, they never used their position to good themselves or their families, nor did they set up loyal cronies who would action as their financiers or reason any wealth unlawfully warranted during a shortcoming of a people.
The running law was shortcoming of open office. Public bureau was seen as a duty, not as an opportunity. The open bureau was additionally partial of their sense of domestic joining to create a Malaysia that was fair, just, cohesive, as good as balanced. This was combined by a low conviction of generational shortcoming for those who would come after them.
Our 3 mislaid decades
One of a biggest losses in open hold up as good as in governing body currently in Malaysia is that detriment of gen! erationa l responsibility. Everything seems to be surrounded! by gree d as good as a desire to be billionaires.
This had led to a pyramid of cronies within a obligatory domestic parties as good as their associates in business. It is this multiple of a hierarchy of domestic cronies as good as commercial operation cronies that led to a centralisation of energy in a obligatory domestic care as good as in a Office of a Prime Minister.

This is a case in all a parties within a energy structure. This state of affairs is a single of a most dangerous as good as formidable to dismantle since there has been 3 decades of centralised power.
The domestic style that has dominated in these mislaid 3 decades has been "double-think" as good as "double-talk". One of a facilities that is shocking in this plan to say standing quo is a encouragement covertly of secular as good as eremite obscurantism.
The underlying theme was a process of using a shift of racialism as good as sacrament upon a a single palm as good as talks of togetherness upon a other palm in order to make a people warrant to a standing quo of power.
As a result, racialism as good as secular concerns appear to have a hold upon all aspects of a lives, in politics, economics, education as good as employment, irrespective of a present being that has got zero to do with race or religion. We have been upon purpose made to feel that we have been warrant to these forces.
Freedom of discuss as good as countenance of a domestic concerns to shift a atmosphere hav! e been c alm by how it will be interpreted by those who wish to repudiate us a right to differ.
Article 10 of a Constitution that guarante! es this leisure is roughly non-existence or theme to fright of plea or defamation. Legal suits dictated to silence legitimate concerns of open shortcoming have been increasingly used.
Unfortunately, a legal complement has mislaid a elemental importance of Article 10 to a democratic hold up of Malaysia. Common sense seems to have been taken out of a law.
Obscene income miss of harmony gap
On a mercantile front, income miss of harmony in Malaysia has widened. Some studies suggest that Malaysia's miss of harmony is wider than Thailand's or Indonesia's.
Historically, a regard was about ownership as good as control of a economy. It was a perspective of some that if ownership was de-racialised or offset during a top, mercantile justice would follow. It is no longer a valid premise for a future.
Income miss of harmony is no longer a complaint in in between races; it crosses a secular order as good as it is a complaint of a infancy of Malaysians who feel a vigour of acceleration in roughly each necessary aspects of their lives, severe their contentment of themselves, their families, as good as their future.
Today as good as in a nearby future, this is a most critical plea we face. It is not an easy plea to overcome. It is a time when Malaysia needs care of a highest quality as good as of those who have a dignified bravery to shift as good as re-think a mercantile policies.
It is in these resources that we face a critical complaint of taking moody food prices, acceleration in cost of houses compounded by necessity in housing for a vast infancy of young Malaysians.
Lack of mercantile expansion to give all levels an event to make use of their talents to find work that is co-ordinate with their contribution, their needs of each day life, as good as to slight a miss of harmony gap, is a hazard! of a fu ture.
Therefore, we should be concerned about a justification of a removal of subsidies that affects a low income since that will offer dilate a miss of harmony as good as open the! multitude to amicable commotion as good as disintegration, as good as increase amicable incohesion.
It is in this context that we lift a issue about eccentric energy production companies (IPPs). The privatisation contracts have been currently stable by a Official Secrets Act, as good as thus we have been incompetent to really know whether or not a open as good as Petronas, as trustees of a public, have been without delay or indirectly subsidising these companies as good as a tycoons who have been benefitting during a shortcoming of a public.Related to a theme of a withdrawal of subsidies is a deficit that a government suffers from in handling a economy. This theme cannot be distant from a approach that a government has managed a nation's finances.
If a deficit is as a outcome of wastage, corruption as good as imprudence in a make use of of open funds, afterwards a solution to a complaint should not be upheld upon to a public. What is indispensable is a reexamination of a government of a country's financial government prior to taking any drastic steps that would affect a contentment of a people.
We need to know a being behind a strong subsidies that have been since to a open as good as its relationship in a totality of a government of a open finance. Only after we know a law - as good as a whole law - should any shift in a process of subsidies be implemented, as a consequences would have life-changing stroke upon a provision of a people.
In a resources of taking moody acceleration in food, stagnation of a manage to buy as good as income, we should not do anything that would dilate a disparity of income th! at would means amicable instability.
Rule of law, not of men
The plea currently is for a lapse to generational shortcoming in governing body as good as open office. This can usually be completed if we have democracy as good as parliamentar! y energy that is responsible.
Democracy was a basis of a founding of a state of Malaysia by a Constitution in 1957. When it was quickly dangling in 1969, a leaders of that era were uneasy, as good as they restored democracy as soon as possible.
That is since they realised that democracy has an unique worth in formulating a citizenship that is not made up of sheep though of obliged citizens. Only obliged citizenship that understands democracy can bring about stability, congruity as good as mercantile prosperity.
During those days, it was ingrained in that era of leaders that democracy was not usually a form though a worth complement that respected a necessary institutions of democracy similar to a independence of judiciary, a leverage of parliament theme to a Constitution, a respect for elemental rights, as good as giveaway speech.They additionally accepted a meaning as good as primacy of a order of law as good as not of men. They additionally knew that democracy is a usual heritage of amiability that we inherited as good as have a avocation to continue. The law that they accepted was additionally from a usual heritage of all civilised nations.
And a single of a inheritances is a usual law complement of a order of law that is enshrined in a constitution. They knew that a phrase "common law" meant a wisdom that is upheld to us in a progress of law as good as a values that have been encapsulated in a law governing open bureau as good as shortcoming to society. That laws have been meant to enhance democracy as good as leisure though not to ! say as g ood as go upon domestic energy that is unsuitable with a order of law as good as a constitution.
Independence did not come with peace though with very formidable problems, particularly a government of a manage to buy as good as transforming it to bring about a shift in in between all a secular groups.
They realize that some of their problem! s had ro ots in a history of Malaysia. There was a critical imbalance in in between a countryside as good as a civic zone with secular dimensions that were as good sharp. Indeed, misery was additionally utterly prevalent. There were open discussions as good as experiments.
Some of we might recollect that a single of a highlights of open discuss was organised during a University of Malaya underneath a title, 'The Great Economic Debate' each year. That disappeared with a changes in a Universities as good as University Colleges Act as good as a decrease of universities' autonomy.
The poke was to eradicate a sense of miss of harmony in in between a various peoples of Malaysia, whether since of one's identity as good as amicable origins, or for other reasons. It was as partial of this poke that during Tun Abdul Razak's time, a Second Malaysia Plan was launched in 1971.
We need to be reminded of a design of that plan:
"National togetherness is a over-riding design of a country. A stage has been reached in a nation's mercantile as good as amicable development where larger emphasis must be placed upon amicable formation as good as some-more estimable placement of income as good as opportunities for national unity."
Erosion of a Malaysian Dream
That dream was slowly eroded from a mid-1980. The goal that we had during that time is now challenged in a most critical way.
Recently, Petronas announced that it had made a RM90.5 billion pre-tax profit. If we amass a distinction of Petronas over a years, it would come to a mind-boggling figure of billions as good as billions.
Yet, a ! biggest misery is found in a petroleum producing states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Sarawak, as good as Sabah. This dignified inconsistency in a approach exemplifies how a nation's manage to buy is mismanaged as good as how a institutions set up in a 1970s have mislaid their design as good as joining to elucidate a immediate as good as pressing problems of a nation.Petronas was set up with a design of portion a nation's seductiveness as a priority. It was never dictated to give Petronas a hold up of its own as an incorporated association for comparison people to distinction during a shortcoming of a national interest, nor was it a design to allow Petronas a cooperate existence eccentric of national interest.
What is indispensable is for institutions similar to Petronas is to have a national focus rsther than than say a multinational status. The target of making Petronas a multinational cooperation during a shortcoming of national seductiveness is discordant to a Petroleum Development Act.
Petronas should have a Petroleum Advisory Council to advise a prime apportion upon a operation of a law as good as a government as good as utilization of its resources as spelt out in a Petroleum Development Act.
Another e.g. of a abuse of energy is a privatisation of sure government institutions that were set up as a open use to offer a people.
Bernas is a single e.g. of a privatisation of an necessary commodity as a corner for a group of people as good as owned partially by two companies in Hong Kong. An necessary commodity such as rice should not have been privatised for commercial operation purposes. We have been a usually rice producing nation that has privatised as good as since as a corner to a single association a importation as good as placement of all rice products.The being currently is Thailand as good as Indonesia have been self sufficient in rice as good as we have been dependant upon 30 percent of alien rice. But since it is a monopoly, alien rice is cheaper in Singapore than Malaysia.
Privatisation for a good of in isolation people to distinction from such an necessary commodity is a clear abuse of power. It would not have happened in those days. But with a centralisation of energy ! in a o ffice of a prime Minister who had a party underneath his absolute control, anything was possible!
I will suggest to we that there was a counsel plan to centralize energy in a care in a surreptitious manner. Unfortunately a nature of secular governing body blinded us of a being behind sure policies as good as conduct of leaders during that time.
RM880 bil in collateral flight
The decrease of democracy, a abuse of power, as good as a mismanagement of a manage to buy as good as a nation's finances, a mercantile waste, a miss of national congruity in a mercantile policies led to the moody of capital in a region of RM880 billion over a years from a 1980s.
That was a beginning a mislaid decades as good as a full stroke of a consequences of a mercantile policies that has continued since then, is yet to have its full stroke upon a national lives. And when it does a consequences have been unpredictable.
The centralisation of energy in a Office of a Prime Minister as good as a attorney-general had a major role in this state of affairs. The plea currently is to reverse a centralisation of energy as good as revive a check as good as shift of a genuine democracy.
We need to reclaim as adults of Malaysia a rights in a democracy; that energy as good as authority have been positions of certitude as good as responsibility, not to offer personal seductive! ness or as an event for personal enrichment. We need to reassert as politically active as good as obliged adults a judgment of amicable obligation as good as open use in those who find domestic office. Power is duty, not a prize.
We need to rethink a mercantile policies. Particularly in a focusing upon a national objectives that have been urgent; mercantile policies is not usually about wealth creation though needs to have a dignified dimension that takes into comment a contentment of all adults as a idealisation priority over profits.
I have since we a broad sweep of a p! ast as good as a bird's eye perspective of a appearing problems of handling a manage to buy as it is today. we goal this will open a dialogue that benefits all of us.
TENGKU RAZALEIGH HAMZAH is former financial apportion as good as Gua Musang MP. The above discuss was partial of a Perak Lectures, organised by Perak Academy upon June eighteen in Taiping. Courtesy of Malaysiakini
Ungku A. Aziz: Pantun and the Wisdom of the Malay Mind
June 19, 2011
Ungku A.Aziz: Pantun as well as a Wisdom of a Malay Mind
by Dato Johan Jaaffar @www.nst.com.my
ROYAL Professor Ungku Abdul Aziz Ungku Abdul Hamid is a single of a biggest minds a nation has ever known. He is also a male of most achievements, to name one, he is a first target of a Merdeka Award in a preparation as well as village category in 2008. His interest in all things well read is legendary.
He was spooky with a Japanese haiku during a single indicate as well as his latest adore is a Malay pantun. Pantun positively is a most renouned car for a countenance of poetic feeling in between a Malays. Pak Ungku painstakingly assembled, documented as well as studied a little 16,000 of them over a years. He comparison 78 to be enclosed in an engaging harangue organized by a Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) as well as a Malaysian Linguistic Association in 2007 as partial of a Raja Ali Haji Lecture series.
I am celebrated to have been given a opportunity to write a preface for a book Pantun dan Kebijaksanaan Akal Budi Melayu (Pantun as well as a Wisdom of a Malay Mind) based upon a harangue published by DBP. It was a labour of adore for me knowing a male behind a book. It is not mostly we find someone of his status to give such critical attention to a Malay poetical form. It is routinely a domain of well read scholars as well as researchers. Ungku Aziz positively brings a new dimension to well read studies seeking during pantun from assorted disciplines from economics to mental references areas really few would brave tread.
So his celebration of a mass of a Malay pantun would positively be opposite from others. But Ungku Aziz is a contrarian in between mercantile thinkers who hold which there is a attribute in between a mercantile capabilities of a Malays as well as their worth system, worldview as well as psyche. When he proposed studying misery in between a Malays, he realised how culture, ways of life, dietary day to day as well as supervision policies were an indomitable interruption to their progress.
It was not a pleasant thing to say during a time but Ungku Aziz common a same view as another monumental thinker in between a Malays, Zainal Abidin Ahmad or Zaba, who was uncharacteristically audacious in criticising a little of a Malay ways. It was, therefore, unsurprising which Ungku Aziz wrote a intense reverence to Zainal Abidins views in a book Jejak-jejak di Pantai Zaman published in 1975.
Not surprisingly, too, it was Ungku Aziz who done a word minda (mind) partial of a Malay lexicon. No alternative Malay well read origination explains a Malay thoughts better than a pantun. For more than 700 years of a life as partial of a Malay verbal tradition, a pantun has regularly been a manifestation of a might of Malay creativity as well as a storehouse of a Malay mind.
Pantun is simple in a form but complex in a texture as well as nuances. It is simply adaptable as well as allows for improvisation. The pantun contains pleasing imagery as well as a delicacy of thoughts. That is partial of a reason why it survives a test of time. Even today, we listen to pantun being read during wedding ceremonies as well as official functions, not to discuss upon a airwaves during a smallest provocation.
The pantun was created anonymously just similar to most of a functions which constitute a Malay verbal tradition. It is engaging to note which a pantun was born out of a largely uneducated Malay populace of old. Life was tough as well as survival was a rule. Far from a lush of alternative well read luminosity as well as theatrical sophisticat! ion nurt ured by a istana (court), lesser mortal! s had to say with folk novel of their own, from cerita rakyat (folk tales) to verses similar to pantun, gurindam (a two-line verse) as well as peribahasa (proverbs).
Literary functions became partial of a socialisation process. Before radio as well as TV, people lived with tukang cerita (story-tellers) as well as penglipur lara (literally, soother of woes) of all kinds. Even nenek (grandmothers) were involved in telling exemplary dignified stories to be emulated as well as fables, myths, legends as well as spook stories. Literary functions perform as well as have been used as tools to educate. They reaffirm social norms as well as village compliance. But creativity is their mainstay.
Utusan: Bersih is Pakatans bid to spark Middle East-style protests
PAS moves centre as Umno veers far-right

Vote PAS to remain 'dominant', Malays told
Anonymous_5fb: Umno all a while has a bulletin of indoctrinating a Malays to have them consider that only by Umno that Malays can be widespread in governing body as if they have a legacy to be in supervision in perpetuity.
But with a advent of Internet, some-more as well as some-more Malays realize that this is not so, as well as they have a improved choice in Pakatan Rakyat. PAS fit in good to convince a Malays upon this as so far, whether you similar to it or not, constant attacks upon PKR have dented a reputation.
Docs: PAS vice-president Husam Musa has a strong indicate in his residence that if Malay electorate do not opinion wisely in a arriving ubiquitous election, their dilution of domestic energy would positively happen.
Yes, if a infancy of a Malays opinion Umno/BN in a arriving election, Malay prevalence will prevail underneath Umno/BN. Umno's style of governance is formed upon corruption, cronyism, deception as well as irrationality as you have been witnessing now.
In reduced underneath Umno, a Malays will not see a widespread Malay supervision as claimed by Umno though a Umno widespread supervision where a energy is not unequivocally in a Malay people's hands though in a hands of a few comparison Umno bigwigs.
Factors that a Malay village have been exposed to will wear underneath a strong Umno government, for example, a withdrawal of subsidies! , rampan t corruption, violent inflation, etc.
So a break time for Malay electorate have been fast approa! ching. W sick a Malays opinion for a unified Malaysia underneath Pakatan as well as face adversity together, or lapse to Umno as well as face mercantile uncertainty alone?
Multi Racial: Malaysia is a nation that have infancy Malays. As such, Malays will have a final contend upon who to be voted to power.
At a impulse Umno is attempting to emanate unfounded fright upon Malays. They might be successful in a little though likely to destroy for a majority. This is because there have been most prepared Malays who know what is going on.
With regards to what Husam said. Please don't fall in to Umno secular politics. We have no problem carrying a infancy of elected state assemblymen or women as well as MPs being Malay. But you have problem if whoever govern a nation is racist as well as corrupted.
We have problem if a supervision have been not critical to urge a peculiarity of a education, judiciary as well as other supervision agencies.
Proarte: PAS should equivocate a language of leverage as well as 'dominance'. This has been a evil of Muslim order throughout story when traffic with minorities as well as non-Muslims. It in tangible fact is a hallmark of insecurity.
Democratic governance is predicated upon equivalence as well as if PAS wants to be partial of a courteous democracy afterwards it should stop using a language of fascists.
Jiminy Qrikert: Malays have been widespread demographically. Politically, Malays have been 'dominant' around Umno's 'ketuanan Melayu' that has proven to be merely a prosthetic solution that has outlived a use-by date.
'Ketuanan Melayu' is right away irrelevant to rally a Malays. The some-more prepared Malays get, a some-more wakeful they turn that it is Umno that is widespread as well as it is a Umno Malay elite who exploits this prevalence for their own selfish gains.
Mal ays have been deceived by Umno's 'supremacist' conditioning in to meditative they have been dominant. But a reality is utterly different - Malay heartland states have been in in between a poorest.
Spanking multi-level blurb complexes for Malay trade! rs have been b uilt, though most of these have been right away middle city ghettos. Kuantan is an e.g. - a mosques have been beautiful though a executive commercial operation district is a disgrace.
BN states have been in disrepair. Umno-BN corporatisation of non-Malay businesses destroys a commercial operation over time. This kind of Malay prevalence is carcenogenic as well as implosion is inevitable. It is time that Malays select Pakatan Rakyat.
Ruben: It is very lovely for PAS to talk about this openly. Husam Musa is absolutely right, there have been most improved leaders in Pakatan than BN. Nizar Jamaluddin showed in a reduced time a potential to lead Perak as well as he even has a potential to be a PM.
Lim Guan Eng has proven without doubt despite all a unwashed campaigns to bring him down, that he can lead Penang to wealth as well as still yield opportunities for all. Khalid Ibrahim is you do good in Selangor.
'Tok Guru' Nik Aziz Nik Mat (our own Mahatma Gandhi) has finished wonders in his elementary as well as nonetheless absolute way. We have been improved off without BN.
Quigonbond: PAS might not be using a state with Malaysian demographics in Kedah as well as Kelantan, though if policies have been to be practical zodiacally as distant as possible, it shouldn't matter whether they have Perak or not to showcase their genius to administer.
What PAS needs to be in in between right away as well as a ubiquitous choosing is to uncover Malaysians a little initiatives in Kedah as well as Kelantan as well as give us a ambience of a progressive leadership.
Nik V: we consider Muslims as well as non-Muslims comparison have been some-more than willing to suppo! rt any s tatesman who is a moderate, in any case of that sacrament he comes from. But when that statesman starts imposing his or her religion, afterwards a total diversion changes. PAS can be smarter than Umno anytime if their hearts have been true.
2cts Worth: PAS has shown that it can change as opposed to Umno, that is stranded in a rut. The perception of a non-Malays during this indicate favours PAS. At one time, PAS was seen to be a religious fanatic as well as w! as to be shunned.
Umno is right away a abhorred party. Casting fears as well as suspicions in in between a races is their categorical pattern to stay during a helm.
Anonymous_417c: The day that sacrament is left to a particular to profess as well as belong to, is a day domestic parties can strew their encumbrance to sacrament as well as concentrate upon governing a masses done up of different ethnicities as well as religions. For PAS to do so, it provides an opportunity to perspective Islam as a sacrament to be loved.
Compare this with a approach Umnoputras manage religious issues by policies of compulsion, bad personal examples as well as archaic explanations of various issues, branch off most from Islam.- Malaysiakini
MCA: $1.8M For 6 Facebook Pages Are Very Cheap Lah
Being MCA and the sunset of the Chinese cause
MCA: $1.8M For 6 Facebook Pages Are Very Cheap Lah

Look, Muhyiddin paid for 400 cover for $44,000 each as well as they paid for millions only to clooect dust. Mahathir even better, outlayed $4 trillions to set up plants only to collapse them .As if this is not great enough, he done the government sign your life away for great ... you're still paying the universe many unreasonable physical phenomenon tariff in the universe until today ... Hehehe.
Read the rest of the longhorn shit here: -
The MCA boss pronounced it was formidable to put the dollar figure to the creativity of the IT consultants used. record pic
The MCA boss waded in to the controversy surrounding the RM1.8 million paid for 6 Facebook pages by the method helmed by celebration clamp boss Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen, saying it competence price zero to start such pages though maintenance had costs.
He added which it was formidable to put the dollar figure to the creativity of the IT consultants used, which he suggested was the largest variable in the bill.
That creativity, I dont know how most they will charge, he told reporters after attending the fundraising dinner at SMJK Chong Hwa here.
Its something which you cannot measure, not like the server as well as the software. That one you can quantify the amount.
Dr Chua pointed out which the high-value of creativity was the reason 23-year-old Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg was declared youngest billionaire by Forbes in 2008.
He, nonetheless, pronounced he will request from Ng the minutes of yesterdays Cabinet meeting! , which was convened to find clarification from her upon the RM1.8 million outlay.
The Malaysian Insider, quoting sources, reported yesterday which Ng had been told not to rubbish time by her fellow ministers after it became transparent she had no intention of upon condition which the breakdown of the costs.
The disturbance over the Tourism Ministrys Facebook losses began upon Tuesday when Ngs deputy, James Dawos Mamit, revealed in Parliament which RM1,758,432 had been outlayed developing 6 Facebook pages for the ministry.
He had pronounced each of the 6 pages Cuti-Cuti 1Malaysia, Citrawarna 1Malaysia, Karnival Jualan M! ega 1Mal aysia, Festival Pelancongan Seni Kontemporari 1Malaysia, Kempen 1Malaysia Bersih as well as Fabulous Food 1Malaysia price RM293,072.
The announcement drew condemnation from the online community, sparking the spontaneous campaign which same evening which invited thousands to reject Ngs unreasonable spending.
Her method first entered the spotlight late last year when it was revealed in Parliament which Ng had outlayed more for her official trips abroad despite slashing the tourism promotional budget.
Ng again came underneath glow after Tourism Malaysias former promotion group purported which the method had asked for bribes in sell for the promotion contract.
Karzai: US in Peace Talks With Taliban
BN vulture culture: Muhyiddin leads Umno charge at Yen Yen ...
Lifeline4Gaza: Pidato Mat Sabu dibatal, didakwa kerana tekanan JPM
Soi Lek says Tourism Facebook pages incur more cost than personal ones

The MCA president pronounced it was formidable to put the dollar figure to the creativity of the IT consultants used. file pic
The MCA president waded into the controversy surrounding the RM1.8 million paid for 6 Facebook pages by the method helmed by celebration clamp president Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen, saying it might price nothing to begin such pages though maintenance had costs.
He added which it was formidable to put the dollar figure to the creativity of the IT consultants used, which he suggested was the largest non-static in the bill.
That creativity, I dont know how much they will charge, he told reporters after attending the fundraising cooking during SMJK Chong Hwa here.
Its something which we cannot measure, not similar to the server as well as the software. That the single we can quantify the amount.
Dr Chua pointed out which the high-value of creativity was the reason 23-year-old Facebook author Mark Zuckerberg was named youngest billionaire by Forbes in 2008.
He, nonetheless, pronounced he will request from Ng the minutes of yesterdays Cabinet meeting, which was convened to seek construction from her on the RM1.8 million outlay.
The Malaysian Insider, quoting sources, reported yesterday which Ng had been told not to waste time by her associate ministers after it became transparent she had no intention of on condition which the breakdown of the costs.
The debacle over the Tourism Ministrys Facebook losses began on Tuesday when Ngs deputy, James Dawos Mamit, suggested in Parliament which RM1,758,432 had been outlayed building 6 Facebook pages for the ministry.!
H e had pronounced each of the 6 pages Cuti-Cuti 1Malaysia, Citrawarna 1Malaysia, Karnival Jualan Mega 1Malaysia, Festival Pelancongan Seni Kontemporari 1Malaysia, Kempen 1Malaysia Bersih as well as Fabulous Food 1Malaysia price RM293,072.
The announcement drew defamation from the online community, sparking the extemporaneous campaign which same dusk which invited thousands to reject Ngs unreasonable spending.
Her method first entered the spotlight late last year when it was suggested in Parliament which Ng had outlayed some-more for her official trips abroad notwithstanding slicing the tourism promotional budget.
Ng again came underneath fire after Tourism Malaysias former advertising group purported which the method had asked for bribes in sell for the promotion contract.
Soi Lek says Tourism Facebook pages costlier than personal ones

The MCA boss pronounced it was formidable to put the dollar figure to the creativity of the IT consultants used. record pic
The MCA boss waded into the controversy surrounding the RM1.8 million paid for 6 Facebook pages by the method helmed by celebration clamp boss Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen, saying it competence price nothing to begin such pages though maintenance had costs.
He combined which it was formidable to put the dollar figure to the creativity of the IT consultants used, which he referred to was the largest non-static in the bill.
That creativity, we dont know how much they will charge, he told reporters after in attendance the fundraising cooking during SMJK Chong Hwa here.
Its something which we cannot measure, not like the server and the software. That the single we can quantify the amount.
Dr Chua forked out which the high-value of creativity was the reason 23-year-old Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg was declared youngest billionaire by Forbes in 2008.
He, nonetheless, pronounced he will request from Ng the mins of yesterdays Cabinet meeting, which was convened to find construction from her upon the RM1.8 million outlay.
The Malaysian Insider, quoting sources, reported yesterday which Ng had been told not to waste time by her fellow ministers after it became clear she had no goal of providing the relapse of the costs.
The debacle over the Tourism Ministrys Facebook losses began upon Tuesday when Ngs deputy, James Dawos Mamit, suggested in Parliament which RM1,758,432 had been outlayed building 6 Facebook pages for the ministry.
He had pronounced each of the 6 p! ages Cu ti-Cuti 1Malaysia, Citrawarna 1Malaysia, Karnival Jualan Mega 1Malaysia, Festival Pelancongan Seni Kontemporari 1Malaysia, Kempen 1Malaysia Bersih and Fabulous Food 1Malaysia price RM293,072.
The announcement drew condemnation from the online community, sparking the extemporaneous debate which same dusk which invited thousands to condemn Ngs exorbitant spending.
Her method initial entered the spotlight late final year when it was suggested in Parliament which Ng had outlayed some-more for her central trips abroad notwithstanding slicing the tourism promotional budget.
Ng again came underneath glow after Tourism Malaysias former advertising group alleged which the method had asked for bribes in exchange for the graduation contract.
Bersih rally test of BN tolerance, says PKR
Rais demonising citizens through Bersih, says Ambiga
Some Saudi women challenge drive ban
Music For The Weekend
June 18, 2011
Music for The Weekend
While in the run of Sunway Hotel in Phnom Penh this morning, Semper Fi reminded me which you should play the little reduction of tunes together with jazz numbers for you this weekend.
So, upon my lapse this afternoon, you talked to Dr. Kamsiah as well as she agreed which you should entertain you with the potpourri of renouned pieces.
From the universe of jazz you underline Ben Webster. Miles Davies, Chet Baker as well as crooner Mel Tome. After which you bring you Glen Campbell, Helen Reddy, Doris Day as well as Bette Medler.
Rounding off the week end session, you have selected singer-composer Barry Manilow. Have the great weekend.Dr. Kamsiah as well as Din Merican
Ben Webster
Miles Davies
Chet Baker
Mel Tome
Glen Campbell
Helen Reddy (requested by Semper Fi)
Doris Day
Bette Medler
Barry Manilow
Bersih: Komen Rais kaitkan serangan siber tak masuk akal, kata Ambiga
Bersih chief welcomes Umno Youth march on July 9
Isnt a one-race civil service a form of apartheid?
Written by Dr Boo Cheng Hau
I remember once as a immature healing officer, you was boycotted by handling entertainment staff when you longed for stern movement taken against a staff helper who went for a kenduri when she was supposed to dumpy for a surgery.
An partner helper had to cover up for her derelict senior. Both a nurses a a singular who had absented herself as good as a a singular unexpected forced to relieve her duty were Malay. The immature patient fibbing upon my handling table watchful to deliver her baby was Malay too. And additionally Malay, a anaesthesist as good as alternative handling entertainment staff who gave me a cold shoulder after you remonstrated with a matron.
I had sensitive Matron right divided after you found a immature helper shivering in fright because she was thrown into a low finish as good as confused to support in a surgery. If you had approaching disciplinary movement to be taken, you was disappointed. My colleagues who rallied around a competition ensign sadly failed to see which a patient (someone belonging to their own secular community) about to give bieing born deserved a best healing care.
What if it had been an puncture box where a hold up was during stake? Malays have to be done wakeful which an amateurish as good as one-race dominated polite use might not be beneficial to them as good as as a majority, they would be a ones ultimately most affected. With such experiences, you can understand why you resigned from a open illness sector.
One of my Malay superiors urged me to consider about a use though then again, if usually a Malays themselves could consider about how injustice in between polite servants has hindered their own progress.
1Malay initial as good as foremost
Malaysia has a outrageous as g! ood as l argely secular Malay polite service, completely loyal to Umno, though increasingly amateurish which is a biggest obstacle to Prime Minister N! ajib Raz aks 1Malaysia. This was a view of former Economic Planning Unit emissary director-general K. Govindan, according to a leaked United States tactful cable.
The WikiLeaks which appeared in Malaysia Today upon June 6 had a wire further quoting Govindans perspective which a polite use adopts a very narrow worldview as good as will oppose, even refuse to implement, reforms perceived as damaging secular Malay interests, even if assured of a long-run gains for Malaysia.
Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has referred to a use as a Malay administration. He did not even worry to pass it off as a bumiputera administration department department department in which box it can be claimed by a non-Muslim locals of East Malaysia. Alas, a Orang Asli indigenous to a peninsula do not even figure in a equation.
Non Malays have been progressively cleansed from a open zone with usually a few remaining now in consequential as good as unavoidable sectors such as teaching in vernacular schools. The Orang Asli have been all excluded.
Umno ultra nationalists urge majority-race prevalence as justifiable against to a minority-race prevalence previously in South Africa underneath apartheid. Theyre sanctimonious their systemic injustice is not distinct to a rest of a world even if a minorities in Malaysia have been resigned to this supremacist sequence of open affairs.
The open zone should simulate a countrys plural multitude or in alternative words, set a example as good as no longer arrangement a same secular imbalances blamed upon a divide-and-rule process underneath British colonial rule.
Not a in accord with apportioning
Mahathir as good as his ultras claim their certain mov! ement di ffers from apartheid. Yet a finish outcome of a certain or rsther than discriminative movement is a monopoly of all aspects of socio-economic hold up by a singular politically widespread secular majority. One exampl! e of a 1Malay administration department department department during work is a annual Public Service Department (JPA) grant disbursement where tip non-Malay students crop up to have been systematically sidelined.
Even though Article 8 (2) of a Federal Constitution states which all citizens have been authorised if formally competent by educational standards to come in any bend of a open service, as good as there can be no taste upon grounds of race, religion as good as a like, in reality, a Malay ultras have ignored this inherent provision.
The open zone can declare which it is abandoned of secular taste usually if a staff combination reasonably reflects a secular combination of a country as good as a money coming in formed essentially upon merit. The competence, integrity as good as efficiency of personnel contingency take dominance over ones skin colour as good as genealogical status.
In 1967, a Malays accounted for 68 percent of all polite servants (Supian Ali as good as Mohd Zainuddin: p.162). Chinese accounted for 16 percent as good as Indians fifteen percent. In 1968, Malays outnumbered non-Malays usually in dual (administrative services as good as authorised services) out of 9 open use areas, as good as accounted about half of a uniformed services manpower (Mohamed Suffian: p.297). Nonetheless, most tip executive jobs, authorised military officer as good as technical posts were hold by a Chinese as good as Indians.
Under proviso (2) of article 153 in a constitution, it is a shortcoming of a Yang Dipertuan Agong behaving upon Cabinet recommendation to ensure a reservation for Malays as good as locals of Borneo a in accord with suit of positions in a sovereign open service. The constitution additionally prohibits any deprivation of a person of any open bureau! hold by him; as good as open servants all races of all levels contingency be treated impartially (Mohamed Suffian: p.294).
The constitution compels which any favoured treatment contingency still be in accord with to all secular groups as good as consequence take precedence. The doing of favoured policies has to be transparent.
In 1978, a American c! ourt rul ed in Regents of University of California v. Bakke which consequence contingency take dominance over ethnicity in a doing of certain action, as good as reverse injustice as good as secular quotas have been strictly forbidden.
Strictly speaking, secular quotas have been found by a courts to be unconstitutional as good as not regarded as certain movement in a United States. Instead secular quotas were a main feature of apartheid in South Africa
Consequences of secular quotas
The New Economic Policy imposed a quota in respect of Division you officers in a following services. The sum have been shown in ratio:
Non Malays
Home & Foreign services
Judicial as good as authorised service
Customs service
Police force
Source: Mohamed Suffian, 1976, p.29
As of December 31, 2009, a Malaysian polite use comprised 1,247,894 employees. Their secular breakdown can be seen next as good as in some-more aged with past years.
Before NEP 1971
June 2005
December 2009
Shortly after Independence, there were about 40 percent Indians in a Johor polite service. Today a 8,372-strong Johor polite use has witnessed a shrinking of Indians to a small 1.39 percent as good as Chinese to an even some-more miniscule 0.12 percent (The Star, Apr 8, 2010).
!All o f the Johor leading executive officers, together with state secretaries, secretaries, directors of various state agencies, district officers as good as land officers as good as special administrators have been Malays in a state where non-Malays account for roughly half of a population. 1Malay domination of a open use is distinguished not usually during a tip executive levels though additionally down to a ubiquitous workers.
Is a absolute domination of a open use by a Malays to be deemed in accord with as good as constitutional?
XXL distance govt as good as payroll
As you all know, a Malaysian open zone is magisterial as good as you have a highest suit of polite servants to race compared with a neighbours. In fact, were likely a world record holder!
Yet a polite use still keeps expanding. It keeps absorbing Malay graduates who would differently be. This will cause a Malay immature epoch to adhere to a theory of Malay leverage until a burble bursts.
The open zone comprised 11.9 percent of a sum workforce in 1970, peaking during fifteen percent in 1981 though dropping to 12 percent in 1991 after an aggressive privatization programme launched in a mid-1980s (K.S. Jomo et al: p.65).
Civil Servants
% of sum pop.
The Philippines
Malays ia899,250
* Population as during 2003, UN estimatesSource: UN online Network in Public Administration as good as Finance, 2004
Like alternative total states in story such as a Third Reich of Nazi Germany, Umno needs a large series of Malay polite servants to carry out a proletariat by racism. Its state-sponsored Biro Tata Negara ! propagat es Malay leverage from tip polite servants down to a grassroots.
BTN has successfully infused not usually Malay leverage though additionally Sinophobia as good as xenophobia in between Malay polite servants. The British were perceived as a colonizers as good as Chinese subsequently became a brand new bogeymen after Independence as a counterfoil for instilling Malay unity.
Nonetheless, there have been unintended consequences from a magisterial series of Malay polite servants. Some of them living in civic areas take upon second jobs teachers give private tuition as good as sell insurance; nurses rivet in direct sales; government bureau ubiquitous workers work during petrol kiosks during night. But during slightest they have been trying to enlarge their income by honest means.
Corruption in between polite servants has even been fit as an acceptable way to balance a income inconsistency in between a Chinese-dominated private zone as good as Malay-dominated open sector. The tragic thing about a total issue is which crime has not usually victimized a non-Malay bad though has additionally denied a underprivileged Malays access to state resources.
The miss of promotion prospects has contributed to a phenomenon of most non Malays resigning from a open use on top of deterring brand new prospective entrants from applying. The kulitfication (skin colour) ceiling as good as alternative preferences along secular lines comes during a expense of open administration department department department efficiency. Inefficiency in a open zone has in turn adversely influenced! a inhab itant economic growth as good as a incomes of those who dominate a open sector.
There were favoured policies during a apartheid epoch to upgrade a living standards of politically widespread white Afrikaner minority in between alternative better-off whites. But apartheid is an incorrigible system of administration because it degrades fellow countrymen as good as refuses to allow which all tellurian beings have been equals. Such discriminative favoured policies have been not certain action; they have been immoral.