SPR Cuba Tegak Benang Basah Dgn Nafi Pengundi Hantu
Tun Hanif Omar Heads Independent Panel on Alleged Police Violence
May 10, 2012
Tun Hanif Omar Heads Independent Panel upon Alleged Police Violence
The Malaysian Insider (05-09-12)
Tun Hanif Omar was named currently as a head of a six-man eccentric row to examine allegations of military violence opposite reporters as well as alternative participants of final month's BERSIH 3.0 convene for electoral reforms.
Besides a former Inspector General of Police, a alternative members of a row have been former Chief Judge of Borneo Tan Sri Steve Shim, Sinar Harian handling executive Datuk Hussamuddin Yaacub, legal adviser to Media Chinese International Liew Peng Chuan, Petronas Corporate Affairs Senior General Manager Datuk Medan Abdullah as well as Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia clergyman Prof Dr Ruszmi Ismail.
Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, who voiced a names today, said a row was expected to convene a first meeting to set a terms of reference in a next few days.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had pledged final week that "credible, gifted as well as respectable" people would form a eccentric row tasked with questioning allegations of military brutality.
Najib added that he, along with a complete supervision as well as members of a public, have been keeping a tighten eye upon investigations in to a allegations that journalists, both internal as well as foreign, had been roughed up during a convene for giveaway as well as fair elections.
Six internal pressmen as well as about twelve p! hotograp hers as well as reporters from a unfamiliar media were reportedly assaulted during a dispute upon Apr 28, after a military sprayed H2O cannons as well as rip gas to sunder Bersih 3.0 protesters.
Both internal as well as unfamiliar media groups have condemned a hard-handed tactics used upon a media, whom they forked out were merely doing their jobs.
Chaos reigned upon a streets of Kuala Lumpur for over 4 hours after 3pm upon Apr twenty-eight when military dismissed rip gas as well as H2O cannons as well as chased protesters down a streets of a collateral to sunder what had primarily proposed out as a pacific protest calling for giveaway as well as fair elections.
The Bar Council has said that a observers found that military savagery during a convene was "magnified" as compared to already chaotic scenes during a similar entertainment for giveaway as well as fair elections final Jul 9.
Police dismissed rip gas as well as H2O cannons after some demonstrators breached a block in front of DBKL as well as rushed in to Dataran Merdeka, that a court had barred a open from entering opposite that particular weekend.
Police dismissed as far as a DBKL premises, that have been opposite Jalan Parlimen, as well as a pierce broke up a crowd who fled helter-skelter though military chased them down during Jalan Tun Perak as well as Jalan Raja Laut.
More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Durian Runtuh or Durian Mengkal?
joy by Bernama Online following a budding ministers announcement currently that
they were to design a windfall of RM15, 000 any following a inventory of FELDA
Global Venture Holding (FGVH).
Let me
simplify a emanate at hand. This is a unclothed knuckle fight in between a bad guys (FGV)
and a great guys (the settlers). Lets face it- if Najib sides
End of the line for Umnos Running Dog - MIC
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Sekali pandang memang best la, nampak PEMUDA LAHANAT PAS ni anti kepada aktiviti HOMOSEKSUAL! Tapi kalau korang masih ada akal dan ingat, PAS dari ketua sampai balaci, bila aku cakap balaci maka aku refer pada UNIT ANAL PAS menjaga si ketua LGBT iaitu Ambiga bagai Permaisuri.
Sedangkan kita semua tahu AMBABIGA adalah pejuang LGBT! Puak-puak SYAITAN IBLIS TAHAP DAJJAL PAS ni tak marah pulak peranan AMBABIGA, tapi bila ada penulis luar yang cintakan LGBT sama macam AMBABIGA, mereka nak marah pulak. Sialnya PEMUDA PAS ni.
Wei PEMUDA PAS, kasi potong lu orang punya lancau dan kasi makan sama itu pitbull la, buat malu je la korang ni. Flip Flop mengalahkan si raja FLIP FLOP tersohor tu ha. Aku cabar pemuda PAS, kalau korang ada telor, bangkit dan tentang AMBABIGA tu.
Kalau korang berani lawan AMBABIGA, baru aku respek. Kalau tak lu orang memang anjing la. Ptuiiihhh!
Probe panel: A horrendous error in judgement

YOURSAY'It looks similar to Najib is definitely making a dope of a rakyat to consider we will accept his 'independent' row to examine Bersih 3.0.'
Hanif Omar leads Bersih 3.0 examine panel
Ferdtan:The brazen appointment of a former inspector-general of military Hanif Omar as conduct of eccentric row to examine incidents of violence during a Bersih 3.0 rally is tough to understand.
He had compromised himself by job a protesters'communists'and claiming Bersih 3.0 was acoup d'etat attemptto overpower a government.
This may uncover which BN supervision couldn't care reduction for a feelings of a people. Are they so cruel which it does not even bother them during all? Are they playing a mental game?
They know unequivocally good which Hanif is not excusable to all. Possibly later, they will announce which Hanif rejects a appointment. Is it a devise to divert courtesy from a other members of a cabinet to avoid scrutiny?
They have been not seen to be persons of standing in a village (with a exception of a former arch judge). Not to insult, a rest have been merely wage-earning executives, together with a professor.
Disgusted:I'm shocked. It looks similar to Najib is definitely making a dope of a rakyat to consider we will accept his "independent" row to examine Bersih 3.0. What a rubbish of time as well as money.
We still demand upon a cleaning up of a electoral rolls as well as a abdication of a Election! Commiss ion arch as well as his deputy - both of who! m were U mno members - as well as a revamp in a composition of a EC.
Let's not be distracted from a genuine aims of Bersih.
Timothy:In which case, we already know a findings of a panel: It is confirmed then which Bersih 3.0 have been comrade symphatisers, saved by socialist elements to overpower a supervision by primarily occupying Merdeka Square... a little elements of outmost funds were found to be from a neighbouring socialist country.
Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga is horrified, though we am terrified during a thought of it.
Lynn:I don't assimilate how a single can justify a appointment of a Petronas corporate affairs senior general physical education instructor when there have been no appointees from any human rights group.
What a sham of a committee. we personall! y consider a people advising Najib as well as a supervision have been idiots or Pakatan Rakyat spies. They can't be which stupid, can they?
Doc:There is no need to wait for a Bersih 3.0 row probe's finding. Let me outline a findings:
1) Police acted professionally during all times during a 'riot'.
2) Opposition politicians programmed in advance to safeguard a protest incited violent.
3) Police were victims, protestors a aggressors.
4) Police seen violence up protestors brutally were essentially Pakatan supporters dressed in military uniform perplexing to paint a bad design of a force.
5) Many protestors slipped as well as fell upon a road as well as they were forced by a ! oppositi upon to contend which a military had beaten them up.
6) The unfamiliar media reported a incident poorly as they were shabby by a infidel US perplexing to illegally install Anwar Ibrahim as PM.
7) Police spraying chemical-laced water was a lie. They s! prayed J asmin-scented water upon a rakyat as it was a hot day to cool them off.
LongYanren:I consider this is a most horrendous blunder in judgement upon a part of supervision to have appointed Hanif Omar to conduct a panel, what with a clever public reaction against his views of comrade elements infiltration of a Bersih rally as well as a possible manoeuvre attempt.
I am commencement to consider which this supervision is unequivocally receiving adults as damn bloody fools. This appointment is starting to explode badly.
Joe Lee:To allude to a not long ago departe! d Ernest Callenbach, a unequivocally progressive American writer: "As empires decline, their leaders turn increasingly amateurish - petulant, ignorant, gifted usually with PR skills of posturing as well as spinning, as well as prone to a appointment of constant idiots to important supervision positions. Comedy thrives; indeed writers have been frequency needed to invent outrageous events. Their municipal leaderships turn increasingly crazed, corrupt, as well as incompetent, as well as often a military takes over (which is, after all, a bug of a total nation, as well as has no eccentric financial base similar to a raider class)."
Replace 'empires' with Malaysia, 'military' with a police/MACC, 'looter class' with Umno as well as its cronies.
Indeed Malaysia is not unique during all. Only which it is during a unequivocally modernized state of disrepair. The stupid comedians have been still using a uncover not quite knowing which their uncover will have to end unequivocally soon. Appointing Hanif Omar as examine personality is unequivocally humerous entertainment in action.
Chris Wong:Let us not rubbish any some-more time with RCI, eccentric panels, special commissions, etc.
Every time we ! have a single , read a range of a panel/commission carefully, ! as well as we will find which all have been extremely restrictive. Malaysians should right away DIY (do it yourself) if they intend to have a contend in a direction of a country.
We cannot rest any more upon a politicians. Participate, engage as well as mobilize with other civil multitude groups.
Hmmmmmmmm:I thought a single of a ministers pronounced which we have been a emperor republic andcapableof eccentric probe?
With Hanif as a personality of a probe, we theory we should dont think about about any examine as well as save a money.
UN special rapporteurFrank La Rue, right away we know why you're not wanted - this is a kind of people they have been looking! for. - Malaysiakini Read More @ Source
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Nurul Izzah's first-ever podcast

For a 11th Middle Malaysia podcast, media consultant Oon Yeoh speaks to Nurul Izzah Anwar, a MP for Lembah Pantai who is confronting a vital barrier in a arriving general choosing since there has been a significant increase in a series of postal electorate in her constituency.
She is also likely to be challenged by an Umno apportion with a absolute arsenal of machinery, income as good as media.

Although she was present during Bersih 3.0, as good as was essentially upon a same lorry which S Ambiga was upon when a Bersih co-chairperson gave her speech, really few people beheld her participation since she kept a really low profile during a event. In a podcast, she explains why.
Nurul Izzah addresses some difficult as good as argumentative issues - either it was wrong for a people to charge a barricades as good as either she believes her father, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, gave orders to breach a barricades.
Like many people, she expects a choosing to be hold in June. While she senses which there's good await upon a ground, during a same time she's entirely wakeful which it's hardly a level-playing margin in a electoral contest.
Still, she's assured as good as she explains because which is so in her first-ever podcast.
Listen to Nurul Izzah in this 12-minutepodcast. Read More @ Source
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Foreigners caused the brawl, say security officials
NGOs, parties say Irene Fernandez has tarnished nations image

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Tun Hanif Omar Heads Independent Panel on Alleged Police Violence
May 10, 2012
Tun Hanif Omar Heads Independent Panel upon Alleged Police Violence
The Malaysian Insider (05-09-12)
Tun Hanif Omar was declared currently as a head of a six-man eccentric row to investigate allegations of military violence opposite journalists as well as alternative participants of final month's BERSIH 3.0 convene for electoral reforms.
Besides a former Inspector General of Police, a alternative members of a row are former Chief Judge of Borneo Tan Sri Steve Shim, Sinar Harian managing director Datuk Hussamuddin Yaacub, legal adviser to Media Chinese International Liew Peng Chuan, Petronas Corporate Affairs Senior General Manager Datuk Medan Abdullah as well as Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia clergyman Prof Dr Ruszmi Ismail.
Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, who announced a names today, pronounced a row was expected to convene a first meeting to set a conditions of reference in a next few days.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had affianced final week that "credible, experienced as well as respectable" individuals would form a eccentric row tasked with questioning allegations of military brutality.
Najib combined that he, along with a complete government as well as members of a public, are gripping a tighten eye upon investigations in to a allegations that journalists, both internal as well as foreign, had been roughed up during a convene for giveaway as well as satisfactory elections.
Six internal pressmen as well as about twelve photographers as well as journalists from a unfamiliar media were reportedly assaulted during a fracas upon April 28, after a military sprayed H2O cannons as well as rip gas to sunder Bersih 3.0 protesters.
Both internal as well as unfamiliar media groups have cursed a hard-handed strategy used upon a media, whom they forked out were merely you do their jobs.
Chaos reigned upon a streets of Kuala Lumpur for over 4 hours after 3pm upon April twenty-eight when military dismissed rip gas as well as H2O cannons as well as chased protesters down a streets of a capital to sunder what had primarily started out as a peaceful criticism calling for giveaway as well as satisfactory elections.
The Bar Council has pronounced that a observers found that military savagery during a convene was "magnified" as compared to already chaotic scenes during a similar gathering for giveaway as well as satisfactory elections final July 9.
Police dismissed rip gas as well as H2O cannons after a little demonstrators breached a block in front of DBKL as well as rushed in to Dataran Merdeka, that a justice had barred a public from entering opposite that sold weekend.
Police dismissed as far as a DBKL premises, that are opposite Jalan Parlimen, as well as a move broke up a crowd who fled aimless but military chased them down during Jalan Tun Perak as well as Jalan Raja Laut.
Read More @ SourceMore Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Kemunculan pelbagai kumpulan anti Raja
Heres to more good years Kua Ee Heok
My adventures in Myanmar - Part 1 (18 photos)
3. The Chief Minister of a state of Mandalay during a launch ofan infrastructure project which we am working on. Ex-military man.
4. The audience. The internal community came to hear a Minister speak.
5. This small girl's parents were a caterers for a function.
6. Two policemen from a internal police station. The internal policemen grin alot but have bad teeth (due to their sireh chewing habit). They were carrying water, we think. (note : these have been a police, not a military)
7. A temporary toilet by a riverside. we used it twice.
8. A bullocart nearby Myotha, a encampment 2 hours from Mandalay. There have been still plenty of bullocarts in Myanmar (note! : a cow s, though, do not live in condos)
9. A tannery (i.e. leather creation factory) in Mandalay. Those of we who similar to leather goods, we might want to visit a tannery a single of these days to learn how leather is produced. You might not want to wear leather after that.
10. Two kids who were hanging out during a tannery
12. This is how we should ride upon a bike in a heart of Mandalay.
13. A pointless man in Mandalay. we don't know what he is carrying. There have been many guys similar to him, carrying vast bags. Didn't have time to find out.
14. These kids desired to pose. we was going to a print of just a single when all his friends came running asking to be included in a print shoot. They were swimming during a Mandalay port, among a barges as well as ships.
15. Local folks boarding a boat to go across a rivers. They all came in their best dresses.Note a umbrellas.
17. Another pointless man with his lungyi (sarong). we don't consider a cowboy hat is a Burmese traditional costume.
POST-BERSIH 3.0 FORUM - HISHAM RAIS (Part 2: 'Rumours as Structured Scam for Attack & The Promise')

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Pemerintah al Malaziyah, Khalifah Umar al Khattab dan Fir'aun
Saya gamak( cakap orang Pahang) Najib ni tak baca joke understanding FGVH ni. Yelah- dia hendakkan part seronok menyampaikan wang kepada rakyat. Orang Pekan tahu apa saya cakapkan- customary Najib sama dengan customary Mat Tompel. Jika kita beri kuasa dan comforts kepada Mat Tompel, saya yakin Mat Tompel mampu buat kerja lebih baik dari Najib. Dalam bab menyampaikan duit kepada rakyat, saya rasa Mat Tompel boleh di beri rating A++.
Tapi ulasan mengenai Felda itu dalam Bahasa Inggeris, akan di lakukan subsequent change.
Buat masa ini, saya nak komen mengenai isiu mutakhir. Kerajaan Najib sudah tentu tidak lebih baik dari kerajaan Khalifah ke2 Islam- Umar al Khattab. Kedua, Najib dan pimpinan UMNO lebih teruk dari Firaun.
Ulamak yang mengelilingi Najib buat apa kita tidak tahu. Boleh jadi asyik memperagakan gaya hidup citarasa tinggi.
Saya bersetuju dengan kebimbangan saudara Aspan. UMNO sekarang pakar dalam membuat filem mengenai babak dalam tandas, babak hisap ais krim, babak ! dalam ka mar tidor. Agaknya, inilah unsur2 transformasi yang di sebut oleh presiden UMNO.
Saya tidak mengenali Azmin Ali secara peribadi dan tidak rasa rugi joke jika tidak mengenali dia. Tapi apa yang di lakukan oleh media kawalan UMNO keatas nya, melebihi garis good tastes. Its passageway for liquid politics at its most vile. Kita tidak tahu macam mana video mengenai orang yang menyerupai Azmin di ambil. Jika di ambil, maka ianya mesti di rancang begitu rapi. Authenticity video clips itu kita tidak tahu.
Apa pasal ular dalam semak UMNO berdiam diri , kita tidak tahu. Saya baru berjumpa dengan seorang tokoh agama bertaraf sahibus samahah bertanya akan hal ini. dia menceritakan kepada saya kisah Khalifah Umar al Khattab. Jika nak kira kelayakan, Umar tidak layak jadi khalifah atas rekod nya sebelum masuk Islam.
Setelah menjadi Khalifah, kelaziman khalifah Umar ialah meronda malam untuk melihat keadaan kehidupan rakyat.
Umar mempunyai seorang sahabat yang masuk Islam. Semasa sebelum Islam sahabat khalifah ini terkenal sebagai seorang pemabuk. Umar di beritahu oleh pembodek2 nya, bahawa sahabat ini masih lagi kaki mabuk walapun sudah Islam.
Suatu malam Umar telah membuat rondaan sekitar kota nya. Dia sampai ke kediaman sahabat nya yang di katakan mabuk itu, dan mendengar dengan jelas, sahabat nya sedang mabuk.
Umar joke memasuki kawasan rumah dan mengintai apa yang di lakukan oleh sahabat nya itu. apakala di intai , dia dapati memang benar, sahabat nya sedang mabuk lalu umar memecah pintu dan berdepan dengan sahabat nya.
Kamu ini benarlah seorang munafik kerana dalam sembunyi kamu masih dengan tabiat mabuk.
Ya khalifah amirul mukminin, kata sahabat nya. Benar aku melakukan kesalahan kepada Allah, tapi aku lakukan satu kesalahan berbanding dengan engkau yang telah melakukan 3 kesalahan.
Siapakah yang lebih munafik antara kita?
Mengintai dan mengintip perkara peribadi di larang oleh Allah. Apatah lagi tujuan intaian tersebut adalah untuk mendedah keaiban orang lain. Dalam hal orang yang menyerupai Azmin Ali, ketulenan video clips joke belum kita sahihkan tapi UMNO telah menjalankan passageway for liquid politics yang lazim mereka lakukan. Mendusta dan memfitnah adalah keperangaian kedua UMNO.
Berbalik kepada pemimpin UMNO dan Najib yang lebih teruk dari Firaun. Dahsyat sunguh kerajaan Mr Transformer Optimus Prime.
Firaun tahu identiti ibu nabi musa. Dia tahu ibu Nabi Musa menyusui Musa semasa bayi. Firaun kenali juga keluarga nabi Musa yang lain.
Tapi apabila Nabi Musa keluar melarikan diri dari negeri Firaun dengan membawa para pengikut nya, adakah Firaun menjadikan ibu Nabi Musa atau saudara Nabi Musa sebagai tebusan? Atau menggunakan ibu Nabi Musa atau saudara Nabi Musa untuk mengugut supaya Nabi Musa pulang ke Mesir? Firaun tak suruh pakar aqidah mengibaratkan Musa sebagai si Tanggang.
Firaun Malaysia menggunakan ibu Azmin Ali dan saudara Azmin Ali untuk tujuan politik nya. Firaun Malaysia lebih teruk dari Firaun zaman Nabi Musa.
Itulah tabiat pimpinan UMNO yang mahu mentransformasikan negara ini.
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Alastair S Neill, pakar utama underside bumi dari Kanada yang juga Naib Presiden Eksekutif Dacha Strategic Metals, berkata beliau kagum dengan kemudahan pengeluaran Lynas Corporation yang menurutnya bertaraf dunia.
"Saya sudah melihat banyak kilang pemisahan underside bumi dan saya meletakkan kilang ini dalam senarai teratas yang setanding dengan kilang pale canggih yang saya pernah lihat di Perancis," katanya semasa lawatan ke kilang di Gebeng, Kuantan, hari ini.
Lawatan itu sempena Simposium Nadir Bumi Antabangsa anjuran Akademi Sains Malaysia (ASM). Neill menjadi penceramah jemputan pada simposium berkenaan.
Pakar lain dalam pasukan itu termasuk Profesor Chun-Hua Yan dari Peking University, Christoph Wilhelm dari Karlsruhr Institute of Technology di Jerman dan Jack Lifton, pengasas bersama Technology Metals Research LLC dari Amerika Syarikat.
Lifton berkata, Malaysia bakal menjadi pengeluar kedua terbesar underside bumi di dunia selepas China, sebaik kilang itu beroperasi.
"Inilah contoh tepat kecanggihan, mungkin kilang jenis ini lebih canggih di dunia. Saya tidak percaya terdapat masalah radiasi, tidak sama sekali. Apa yang saya perhatikan ialah keselamatan dalam mengendalikan jumlah besar cecair," katanya.
Lifton, perunding dan pensyarah mengenai asas pasaran teknologi logam, berkata kilang itu dapat menarik lebih banyak perniagaan jika syarikat di sini menggunakan produk itu dan seterusnya menggandakan impak ke atas ekonomi tempatan.
Sementara itu, Chun berkata kemudahan dan susun atur kilang it! u dilaku kan dengan tersusun berikutan pelaburan yang baik.
Beliau berkata, walaupun China mungkin memiliki teknologi underside bumi terbaik di dunia, industri, teknologi dan sains wajar dibangunkan oleh semua.
Wilhelm pula berkata, kilang itu nampak selamat kerana semua aspek diambil kira, termasuk pengurusan sisa.
Naib Presiden ASM, Datuk Ir Ahmad Zaidee Laidin, berkata berdasarkan pandangan pakar-pakar asing itu jelas kilang berkenaan menggunakan teknologi terkini dalam pemisahan underside bumi.
Pasukan berkenaan sebelum itu mengadakan perbincangan terbuka bersama pengurusan Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd mengenai cabaran yang dihadapi setakat ini. - BERNAMA
HOUSE PK: AKu pelik betul, dah satu dunia punya pakar kata Kilang Lynas ni selamat, tapi kaum DAP ni masih nak menegakkan benang yang basah. Ini bukan lagi soal keselamatan dah, ini puak DAP tak puashati sebab bukan mereka yang dapat projek ni. U get what i mean?
Pemerintah al Malaziyah, Khalifah Umar al Khattab dan Fir'aun
saya akan memberi ulasan keatas durian runtuh Najib kepada peneroka Felda dalam
artikel yang lain. Kita beri Najib syok dahulu. Dia baru pergi ke Rompin bawak cerita kehebatan kerajaan pimpinan nya memberi durian runtuh kepada peneroka Felda. Orang Melayu di kampung2 tradisi pun ada harapan legitimate untuk terima sogokan. Orang India yang memberi nambikei kepada Najib pun ada
Gov't withdraws Election Offences Amendment Bill

According to Minister in a Prime Minister's Department Nazri Abdul Aziz, a preference to abort a Bill was arrived during currently after a 10-minute meeting between a government, a opposition as well as a Election Commission (EC).
The equates to which a Election Offences Act stays during standing quo for a subsequent general election.

The Dewan Rakyat upheld a Bill final month though with changes, including land back a amendment which disallowed domestic parties from assisting voters to check their names as well as choosing by casting votes streams.
Another amendment rejected by a Dewan Rakyat was one which authorised a Election Commission to foreordain when as well as how long a candidate's polling as well as counting agents can stay in a polling stations.
Amendments upheld embody a offer to remove a candidate's agents from a Election Commission registration counter (barong) as well as to remove requirement for all printed materials to have printers as well as publishers' details. [See chart below]
"Amendments done to a Bill by a Senate would have to go back to a reduce residence as well as ! repel ing is a neater, improved way," he said.
'More open consultation subsequent time'
Nazri added which a EC had concluded to repel a Bill in entirety as some-more amendments done would describe it pointle! ss.
< br>He pronounced which a supervision had usually acted as a "postman" in tabling a Bill to Parliament, as well as did not know a contents of a Bill which was proposed by a EC.
Nazri, who pronounced which a Bill saw resistance from both supervision as well as opposition lawmakers, added which a supervision had tabled a Billin totoas it had respected a EC's independence.
The apportion pronounced which a final time something like this happened was 3 years ago, when a Bill was sent back to a Dewan Rakyat.
"But a Dewan Rakyat did not take it up inside of 3 months as well as it lapsed," he said.

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BN reps stage another walkout over alleged remarks by Lim
Activist: Cops kept me in custody despite court order

Student activist Khalid Ismath claimed which a military one after another to hold him in control notwithstanding an sequence by a court for his release.
"(After a magistrate's order), they still kept me in custody, asking me questions separate to a accusations opposite me," he pronounced during a press discussion during a Lawyers for Liberty office today.
He had willingly left to a Kuala Lumpur military headquarters last Saturday to support in a investigation as well as infer his innocence, though was instead arrested as well as asked questions of asexual nature, according to him.
On Sunday morning, a Dang Wangi military had sought anadditional four-day remandfrom a magistrate's court, though certified to a court which they had no alternative justification to show.

TheFacebookpostingsaid: "I would agree if all a policemen be killed because of a way they have treated with colour a rakyat (during Bersih 3.0).
"So every time you hold a demonstration, there is no some-more need to come to terms with a military again. We will fight on."
Also in attendance during a press discussi! on were Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM) chairperson Safwan Anang, SMM secretary Haziq Abdul Aziz as well as Malaysia Bangkit chairperson Mohd Syahid Zaini.
Plans to sue Utusan, Kosmo
Khalid additionally combined which he was taking legal movement opposite multiform newspapers for painting him as violent, namingUtusan MalaysiaandKosmoas a two writings he skeleton to sue during a moment.
"I have discussed a matter with lawyers as well as activists, as well as will not demur to take movement opposite a media which have published this untrue allegation," he said.

"Any sane chairman can see clearly a difference (between me as well as this man) in terms of hairstyle, skin colour as well as so on," he said.
Because of a published stories, he has faced harassment from various parties, according to him.
He additionally faces exclusion from UiTM if he is found to be culpable.
Khalid additionally claimed which Deputy Higher Education Minister Saifuddin Abdullah had spoken onTwitterthat a particular decorated in a newspapers was not him.

"According to him, a SB is regularly following me," he added.
A check onTwitters hows which a emissary minister had retweeted in Malay: "Faculty resources pronounced which (the individual) is not Khalid Ismath. SB (Special Branch) is regularly with Khalid". Read More @ Source
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