Bro Parpu,
Yuran pengajian pelajar 90% ditanggung oleh kerajaan, manakala baki sebanyak 10% ditanggung oleh mahasiswa.
Ambil contoh, seorang pelajar yang menerima RM3,250.00 per division pinjaman PTPTN hanya membelanjakan sekitar RM1,000.00 ke RM1,500.00 untuk yuran pengajian dan baki akan menjadi duit poket pelajar. Pakatan mencadangkan pemansuhan PTPTN dan akan menanggung 10% yuran pengajian pelajar. rujuk Bermaksud pelajar atau ibu bapa perlu menyediakan duit poket sendiri.
Bukan semua ibu bapa mampu menanggung duit poket untuk anak-anak di pengajian tinggi. Sebab itu Pakatan mencadangkan pemansuhan PTPTN, bukannya pemberian biasiswa di mana dalam kes pemberian biasiswa yuran pengajian di bayar oleh pembiaya dan pelajar akan menerima duit poket setiap bulan, dua bulan atau setiap semester.
Tapi untuk meyakinkan rakyat, eloklah Pakatan mula memberikan pendidikan percuma di negeri yang mereka perintah bermula dari peringkat pra sekolah sehingga pengajian tinggi. Ambil contoh Selangor, mereka ada KUIS yang dimiliki oleh kerajaan negeri. Saya telah menelefon KUIS +03-8925 4251 dan mereka mengesahkan biasiswa tidak ditawarkan dan pelajar perlu memohon pinjaman dari PTPTN atau MARA. chait yennadey.
House PK: Itu original email dari pembaca yang hanya bagi nama dia sebagai Putera Suran. Aku sokong cadang brader yang hantar email ini, apa kata mulakan dengan negeri yang mereka perintah dulu.
Err, seingat aku janji-janji dulu masih banyak belum te! rtunai. Nak janji senang tapi nak memenuhi janji tu yang payah kan Pakatan Harami? So amacam ada berani buat kat negeri Pakatan dulu?
A battle for personal survival
PM has adopted a populist proceed as good as a latest is a apparent abolition of a ISA, replacing it with a seemingly less harsh, but in reality, an essentially identical law with energy to detain without hearing albeit for a shorter period.
He is being projected to be a some-more open, liberal leader peaceful to listen as good as bend to a wishes of a people.
This is part of a make-over to win votes given a subsequent choosing is consequential to his own survival. The ubiquitous feeling is which if he does not do improved than last round, even if BN continues to win a simple majority, vultures will be after him as good as in a name of celebration interest, he will be finished a "Badawi".
The consensus now is which BN has a aloft possibility to win, so a presence of a celebration is not in immediate danger. This cannot be said about PM's own survival, which will depend upon a much improved opening than a last election. No a single now knows for certain whether such a feat will be probable as good as hence a check in job for a fresh poll.
Human inlet will be , if we have been a single of a 'vultures' which have been inside of sight of descending to PM's throne, we will certainly hope which PM will not do so good as good as thus, your chances of descending to a ultimate will be might brighter. In which case, leg pulling as good as subtle sabotage cannot totally be ruled out.
The complaint with PM is which most of his populist moves have been in actuality half-measures which have been neither here nor there. The electoral reforms , a introduction of a brand new law replacing ISA have been just some of a examples.
While these half measures have been looked upon with warning by a some-more conservative territory of a party, they do not win a hearts of a liberals which make up a bulk of a civil society as good as NGOs out there.
While he preaches moderation, there was zero being finished to curtail a extremist views of certain organisation which is now being ! viewed t o be just a outsourced partner of a Big Brother.
While he hands out money to a poorer territory of a nation, his compatriots have been viewed to be involved in million-dollar scandal typified by a Cowgate affairs, which most viewed to be just a tip of a iceberg.
PM's own presence cannot be upon hearing by a embracing a cause of these half measures.
Talk to anyone in a street, a complaint of rising cost of living causing belts to be tightened would be much some-more bearable if a whole country is in an purgation drive. Not so when a elites have been spending expensively as good as when corruptions have been seen to be quite rampant; not so when billion dollar projects have been being dispensed to those with connections, as good as millions value of center man elect have been being paid ; not so when Auditor general's report came out with extraordinary tales of goods being bought during astronomically jacked-up prices year in as good as year out.
While people have been suffering, a ruling elites have been seen to be abusing a money entrusted to them; money which ultimately comes from a rakyat.
On tip of that, people have been worried which after a General Election, these populist half measures will give ways to oppressive "I-couldn't-care-less-now" moves together with GST, aloft petrol prices, aloft electricity tariff, aloft travel costs as good as generally an additional turn of belt-tightening.
Given these scenario, wouldn't it improved if PM goes all a way of a reformer? Reform fully a electoral processes, some-more autocracy as good as tellurian right for a rakyat, no some-more detention without trial, some-more resolve in rebellious abuses as good as corruption during a tip level thereby saving billions which can be put to improved use, be some-more environmentally friendly as good as ban a Lynas project, so upon as good as so forth.
There is still about a year for PM to become a real reformer. Otherwise, while his celebration might still win a subseque! nt round , his own domestic presence will be some-more precarious.
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Tian Chua takda telor saman AIDC, GAP dan Unspinners!
Buat masa ini, ura-ura berkata Azmin tidak akan bertanding di DUN Bukit Antarabangsa.
Ini berlainan dari sangkaan ramai bahawa Azmin mahukan jawatan Menteri Besar Selangor, dia dipercayai akan hanya dicalun untuk Parlimen saja. Teori ini timbul apabila Khalid dilapurkan tukar alamat dari Ijok ke Lembah Pantai.
Azmin yang sekarang merupakan ahli Parlimen Gombak berkemungkinan akan mempertahankan kerusi Gombaknya. Namun ada desas desus dia akan bertanding di Lembah Pantai kerana Nurul Izzah dijangka akan kalah teruk di Lembah Pantai jika pertahankan kerusi Lembah Pantai.
Desas desus memberitahu bahawa Ummi tidak ditentukan lagi kawasan untuk bertanding tetapi pastinya dia akan menentang Azmin dimana Azmin bertanding.
Pasti macam-macam akan keluar dari Ummi ketika berkempen. Azmin telah diserang dengan pelbagai persoalan, tuduhan dan laporan tentang peribadi dan kewangannya. Sampai bila Azmin boleh berdiam. Lama-lama dia terpaksa berhadapan dengan semua itu.
Nampaknya akhirnya dia akan menjawab semasa pilihanraya dan ketika itu adalah suatu masa yang genting untuk menjawab. Ketika itu salah jawab boleh menyebabkan menang kalah dalam pemilihan.
Sumber: The Unspinners
INI LAGI PANAS PUNYA CERITA: Ibu Azmin Rayu Allah Bebaskan Azmin Dari Durjana Anwar
Chaos without elites a big lie, says top academic
By Shannon Teoh
The genuine dangers came in the really severe moments of domestic as well as mercantile crisis.
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Bersih an "illegal" nobody, Election Comm hits out as D-date to polls near
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Ini kejadian banjir pale buruk pernah berlaku di kawasan ini dan saya terpaksa meminta pertolongan jiran untuk menyelamatkan ibu bapa serta abang yang lumpuh apabila paras air semakin naik, demikian kata Alias Mohamad, 49, ketika menceritakan cetik cemas menghadapi banjir yang menenggelamkan rumahnya sehingga ke paras bumbung.
Katanya, khuatir dengan keselamatan kedua-dua orang tuanya, Mohamad Abdul Rauf, 80, dan Yun Megat Din, 76, beliau terpaksa akur untuk memindahkan mereka ke pusat pemindahan banjir di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Kampar bersama abangnya, Nazri Mohamad, 55.
Mereka sekeluarga tinggal di Kampung Kuala Dipang yang terletak tidak jauh dari Sungai Kampar.
Kira-kira jam 5 pagi, paras air mula naik dan kami sekeluarga terpaksa dipindahkan ke tempat yang lebih selamat, katanya ketika ditemui di tempat kejadian pagi ini.
Alias adalah salah seorang daripada hampir 1,200 mangsa banjir yang terpaksa dipindahkan ke dewan SMK Kampar selepas rumah mereka dinaiki air sehingga ke paras bumbung.
Tinjauan di tempat kejadian mendapati, kebanyakan rumah yang terletak berdekatan dengan Sungai Kampar ditenggelami air sehingga ke paras bumbung.
Crumbling fortress, yet BN and its media continue to spin outrageous lies
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The Mismeasure of Wealth
April 13, 2012
Project Syndicate: Partha Dasgupta
The Mismeasure of Wealth
Sir Partha Dasgupta is Professor of Economics during a University of Cambridge as well as Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. His many brand brand new book is Human Well-Being as well as a Natural Environment.
Despite many successes in formulating a some-more integrated as well as fast global economy, a brand brand new report by a United Nations Secretary-General's High-Level Panel upon Global Sustainability Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing recognizes a current tellurian order's failure, even inability, to exercise a drastic changes needed for loyal "sustainability."
The Panel's inform presents a vision for a "sustainable planet, only society, as well as flourishing economy," as well as 56 policy recommendations for re! alizing which goal. It is arguably a many prominent general call for a in advance redesign of a tellurian manage to buy ever issued.
But, for all of a rich content, Resilient People, Resilient Planet is short upon concrete, unsentimental solutions. Its many valuable short-term letter of reference a replacement of current growth indicators (GDP or variants thereof) with some-more comprehensive, thorough metrics for resources seems tacked upon roughly as an afterthought. Without quick, wilful general movement to prioritize sustainability over a status quo, a inform risks pang a predestine of a 1987 predecessor, a pioneering Brundtland Report, which introduced a judgment of sustainability, similarly called for a model shift, as well as was then ignored.
Resilient People, Resilient Planet opens by paraphrasing Charles Dickens: a universe today is "experiencing a most appropriate of times, as well as a worst of times." As a whole, amiability has completed unparalleled prosperity; great strides have been being made to revoke tellurian poverty; as well as technological advances have been revolutionizing a lives, stamping out diseases, as well as transforming communication.
On a other hand, inequality remains stubbornly high, as well as is increasing in many countries. Short-term political as well as mercantile strategies have been pushing consumerism as well as debt, which, together with tellurian population growth set to reach nearly nine billion by 2040 is subjecting a healthy ! environm ent to flourishing stress. By 2030, notes a Panel, "the universe will need during least 50% some-more food, 45% some-more energy, as well as 30% some-more water all during a time when environmental limits have been melancholy supply." Despite poignant advances in a past 25 years, amiability has failed to conserve resources, safeguard healthy ecosystems, or differently ensure a own long-term viability.
Can a official inform however absolute create change? Will a universe now rally, distinct in 1987, to a Panel's call to "transform a tellurian economy"? In fact, perhaps genuine movement is innate of crisis itself. As a Panel points out, it has never been clearer which you need a model shift to grasp indeed tolerable tellurian development.
But who will coordinate an general process to study how to encourage such a shift, as well as who will ensure which scientific commentary lead to suggestive public-policy processes?
First, there contingency be a poignant general as well as interdisciplinary research effort to plunge into these issues comprehensively; a Panel's letter of reference to establish an general scholarship row is thus a step in a right direction. But formulating such a physique will take time, as well as a plea is to get a most appropriate scholarship to policymakers quickly.
The 2010 Report by a Commission upon a Measurement of Economic Performance as well as Social Progress, commissioned by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, echoed a current accord between amicable scientists which you have been mismeasuring a lives by regulating per capita GDP as a thirty-six-inch ruler for progress. We need brand brand new indicators which tell us if you have been destroying a prolific base which supports a well-being.
The United Nations University's International Human Dimensions Program (UNU-IHDP) is already operative to find these indicators for its"Inclusive Wealth Report" (IWR), which proposes an approach to sustainability formed upon natural, manufactured, human, as well as amicable capital. The UNU-IHDP grown a IWR with support from a United Nations Environment Program, to provide a extensive analysis of a opposite components of resources by country, their links to mercantile growth as well as tellurian well-being, as well as policies which have been formed upon amicable government of these assets.
The initial IWR, which focuses upon 20 countries worldwide, will be strictly launched during a arriving Rio+20 Conference in Rio de Janeiro. Preliminary commentary will be presented during a Planet under Pressure Conference in London in late March.
The IWR represents a consequential initial step in transforming a tellurian mercantile paradigm, by ensuring which you have a scold report with which to consider a mercantile growth as well as contentment as well as to reassess a needs as well as goals. While it is not dictated as a universal indicator for sustainability, it does suggest a horizon for discourse with mixed constituencies from a environmental, social, as well as mercantile fields.
The incident is critical. As Resilient People, Resilient Planet aptly puts it, "tinkering around a margins" will no longer suffice a notice to those counting upon renewable-energy technologies as well as a green manage to buy to compromise a problems. The Panel has revived a call for a inclusive shift in a tellurian mercantile system. Our plea this time is to follow difference with action.
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April 13, 2012 Fresh Blood needed, says Dr. UMNO by
April 13, 2012
Fresh Blood needed, says Dr. UMNO
by Reuters/
Prime Minister Najib Razak will approaching win elections approaching this year, helped by a raft of domestic as good as mercantile reforms, but his celebration needs fresh red blood to be means to reason upon a own in a long-term, former personality Mahathir Mohamad said.
Najib has begun unwinding a decades-old certain movement routine that favoured a Malay infancy as good as eased difficult confidence laws to win back a await of ethnic Chinese as good as Indian voters who had forlorn a celebration in a last choosing in 2008.
"The PM's change is right away quite considerable," a 86-year-old Mahathir told Reuters in an talk in his unconventional Petronas Twin Towers bureau dotted with very old ceramics.
Najib, who has additionally announced amicable handouts to low income family groups in brand new weeks, has seen his await grow as a outcome of these initiatives, Mahathir said.
But Najib's United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), a lynchpin of a statute National Front (BN), contingency strew a reluctance to embrace inner change."The celebration itself is not managed well. They do not concede brand new people to come in. They are scared," Mahathir said.
"I consider BN will still win. The problem, of course, is trying to get a two-thirds majority. I consider Najib will win mor! e. It sh ould be some-more than 2008. If he does not win more, Najib's in front of will become insecure."
Najib contingency call elections by subsequent March, but is at large approaching to reason a polls presumably by Jun as he seeks to capitalise upon a volatile economy as good as a domestic reforms.
A Doctor in a House
Mahathir stays an successful force in statute celebration circles. In 2009, he led a pull to oust afterwards Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as good as usher in Najib following a bad showing in a elections.
Mahathir, who recently published a 843-page discourse called "A Doctor in a House," to counter criticisms of domestic patronage as good as abuse of energy during his rule, pronounced a routine of dismantling a certain movement routine had taken longer than expected.
"It should begin with removing all a abuses. For example, when we give Malays authorized permits for importing cars, business licences, contracts, they will sell it off," he said. "That should be stopped. It is still going on."
He pronounced some-more had to be finished to revitalize UMNO, that has dominated a National Front coalition since independence in 1957.
Najib has deferred inner celebration elections by 18 months to resolve issues of "money politics as good as domestic sabotage" as good as foster togetherness between a over three million members forward of a polls.
"In my time UMNO was strong. Now it is not. If we await so as good as so, we get contracts, we get all these perks. Whether a celebration is down or not, it is irrelevant to them. They contingency be land their posts as good as removing their perks," he said.
"So if somebody who is better than them comes in, afterwards they feel their in front of is threatened! . So the y try their most appropriate not to concede better-qualified people to come in, he added. Reuters
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Usaha subversif kembang ideologi komunis oleh aktivis Bersih
Self-selected news, anyone?
Najibs not indispensable
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More irregularities as EC continues patch-up job
- 7, 841 electorate were purebred underneath Code 71 in Selangor alone. This code is used to impute to adults innate outside of Malaysia.
- Numerous cases of more than fifteen people purebred underneath the singular address.
- In the last entertain of 2011, no deaths were purebred in Sabak Bernam, Sungai Besa! r, Hulu Selangor as well as Tanjong Karang. (Such cases will be purebred underneath Code 33.) However, the check with National Registration Department (NRD) suggested which death certificates were issued in these constituencies.
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Pembohongan Najib Tun Razak Berkaitan PTPTN
Jangan la FANATIK sangat macam ni....ianya sangat tidak elok...
BERTAUBATLAH WAHAI MANUSIA YANG TAK ADA IMAN! Takkan la korang nak jadikan semua musuh hanya kerana kita tak sokong PELAKON YANG TAK RETI BERLAKON ni?
PKR mengadakan 'Wacana Politik yang bertajuk "Pendidikan Percuma, Apakah Sekadar Mimpi" di Dewan Kiambang, Sek. 7, Shah Alam.
Inilah ceramah yang kehadhiran Anwar menunjukkan aura mula pudar. Baca Tok Selampit sini.
OK ini artikel The Unspinners, korang sendiri tengok kan? Tak laku kan? Sekarang aku tunjuk kat korang Konvesyen Media Sosial yang telah diadakan di Terengganu:
Wacana Politik, kurang hadhirin dan kurang mantap
Batang Kali massacre: Protestors greet British PM
The organisation paint five superfluous survivors of a pronounced electrocute in 1948, who are perfectionist that Cameron voluntarily beginner investigations instead of waiting for a British supervision to be constrained to do so by equates to of a justice order.
Action Committee Condemning a Batang Kali Massacre coordinator Quek Ngee Meng told reporters that his organisation had sought for a legal review upon a make a difference during a London High Court to enforce a British supervision to hold a inquiry.
The make a difference would be heard upon May 8 as well as 9.
"Whoever wins, a other party will appeal. This will take a prolonged time, as well as a survivors cannot wait. Most of them are over 70 years old," pronounced Quek.
He additionally urged a British supervision to learn from an example set by a Netherlands in Sep final year, by apologising to a family groups of a 1947 Rawagede electrocute in West Java.
Quek, who is additionally a legal counsel for a group, pronounced they originally wanted to encounter Cameron during his visit in Malaysia, though was incompetent to prepare for a assembly through a British High Commission.
He pronounced a Comm! ission's unfamiliar process solicitor Nikesh Mehta supposed a group's memo outward a university's gates instead as well as promised that it would be brought a courtesy of a budding minister's office.
The Batang Kali electrocute supposedly took place upon Dec 12, 1948, where 14 members of a Scots Guards allegedly executed twenty-four with bare hands villagers in Batang Kali, Selangor.
Colonial authorities during a time had claimed that a twenty-four were communists insurgents instead, perplexing to rush notwithstanding being told that you do so would result in them being shot.
Cameron was during Nottingham University to speak during a Global Movement of Moderates eventuality alongside his Malaysian counterpart Najib Abdul Razak.
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Maybank Malaysian Open 2012: Round 1
April 12, 2012
Maybank Malaysian Open 2012: Round 1
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) U.S. Masters runner-up Louis Oosthuizen showed no ill-effects of his playoff heartbreak as well as long-haul mass departure to Southeast Middle East to glow an opening six-under 66 during the Malaysian Open upon Thursday (April 12).
The South African, who lost out to American Bubba Watson in Augusta upon Sunday, was tied for third to the single side American Jason Knutzon as well as India's Jyoti Randhawa during the European as well as Asian Tour co-sanctioned event in Kuala Lumpur.
Oosthuizen's compatriot as well as tighten friend Charl Schwartzel accomplished the day in front after the 64 left him the single clear of India's Jeev Milkha Singh.
The South African twin looked rested ahead of their early tee time as well as they clearly enjoyed each other's company as they laughed as well as joked in the cool, sunrise temperatures.
"I feel like I'm overhanging it well as well as we think the lot of times I'm used to ! the lot of travel so you conform quickly," 2010 British Open hold up Oosthuizen told reporters.
"We knew there would be the single difficult round as well as it is routinely the initial the single as well as it was propitious for us it was in the sunrise so you can have the great rest (this afternoon)."
Oosthuizen, additionally grouped with Thailand's Thongchai Jaidee (73), received the loudest cheer from the tiny galleries which woke early to see how he would react to the agony of blank out in the year's initial major.
After pulling his expostulate somewhat left upon the 10th, his initial hole, he munched upon an apple before hitting the fairway timber to the corner of the ascending green as well as he then got up as well as down for the birdie four.
A great tee shot during the 226-yard 11th set up the nine-foot birdie putt which the South African rolled in to give him the dream begin as well as the second two came during the 15th when he rifled his 199-yard initial cadence subsequent to the pin. The highlight, though, was an eagle 3 during the third.
"I hit the three-iron in there as well as we done the great prolonged putt," the gap-toothed Oosthuizen said. "I suspicion we would onslaught the bit more upon the greens speed-wise though we felt gentle as well as we done quite the couple of putts."
The only negatives for the 29-year-old World Number nineteen were forsaken shots during the par-four initial as well as sixth though they were equivalent by birdies during the fourth, fifth as well as seventh.
"I felt great we done two stupid bogeys though yeah it was still good. we had the great night's rest as well as I'll try for the subsequent 24 hours to hopefully have the lot of rest," four-times European Tour winner Oosthuizen said.
Schwartzel (left), the 2011 U.S. Masters hold up who accomplished 11th here final year, constructed nine birdies during the $ 2.5 million event in Malaysia as he attempts to win for the initial time since his Augusta triumph.
"I have worked tough during my diversion for the final couple of months as well as haven't had anything occur for me. But it has been feeling great for the prolonged time as well as currently we seemed to put it together, eight-under is the great measure for me," he said.
World Number 7 Martin Kaymer of Germany had 5 birdies, two double bogeys, the single spook as well as an eagle in an eventful 70, the measure suited by defending hold up Matteo Manassero of Italy.
(Editing by Tony Jimenez)
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