PM labels Pakatan Budget right-wing, Republican

The prime apportion said currently which Budget 2012 ensures a people's gratification unlike Pakatan's shade alternative which made no discuss of it. Picture by Choo Choy May

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct sixteen Datuk Seri Najib Razak has called a Opposition's shade Budget a "right-wing Republican" budget which unsuccessful to residence a needs of a people.

The prime apportion said Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) shade Budget, unveiled three days prior to his own Budget 2012, had usually focused upon Malaysia's budget gap as well as national debt though made no discuss of public welfare.

"When they discuss in Parliament they receptive to advice similar to really fiscal, right-wing Republican conservatives. About mercantile deficit, about debt ... (but) zero about a people.

"But our Budget can reduce mercantile necessity as well as safeguard a people's welfare. This is a Barisan Nasional Budget," he told a Gerakan National Delegates Assembly during Menara PGRM here today.

Najib additionally took a poke during what he said was PR's inconsistency in deriding a Budget as unrealistic whilst additionally claiming BN had plagiarised policy proposals from a Opposition's Buku Jingga manifesto.

"They cannot decide what is a right line. If we contend we borrow from you, later upon we contend a Budget is unrealistic, which equates to your proposal was unrealistic in a first place," he said to cheers from a packed gallery.

In his Budget debate upon Oct 7, Najib pledged RM2 billion in wage hikes for a polite use as well as RM2.5 billion in approach aid for poor households as well as students struggling to encounter a rising cost of living.

He additionally said a government expects GDP to enhance by five to 6 per cent next year, with mercantile necessity shrinking to 4.7 per cent from an estimated 5.4 per cent this year as Putrajaya cuts down upon development spending.

But bot h analysts as well as Opposition leaders have criticised a expansion projections as being too high, as well as expect a national economy to enhance by a small over 4 per cent during a most.

The Malaysian Insider :: Malaysia

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Saya mohon maaf

16 OKT Apakah kesilapan yang pale mengaibkan sepanjang hidup anda? Pernahkah anda memohon maaf secara terbuka di atas kesalahan yang dilakukan? Sejauhmanakah permohonan maaf yang dilafazkan benar-benar terbit dari lubuk hati anda? Ataupun ia dilakukan secara terpaksa?

Itu adalah antara persoalan-persoalan berbangkit yang pada zahirnya cukup terus-terang namun tidak mudah untuk dijawab. Ia tidak mudah untuk dijawab kerana ia menyentuh soal maruah dan ego seseorang. Tambahan pula, ia juga menguji kejujuran dan keikhlasan hati nuraninya.

Bagi mereka yang sentiasa bersedia memperbaiki kelemahan diri, persoalan sedemikian bukanlah satu isu besar. Malah, ia merupakan sebahagian daripada proses mematangkan fikiran mereka terhadap sesuatu isu. Mereka tidak gentar untuk dikritik kerana percaya bahawa melalui kritikan membina, mereka dapat mempelajari sesuatu berharga.

Dalam kehidupan seharian, kita diajar untuk sentiasa merendah diri. Merendah diri dalam setiap aspek kehidupan baik dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain, hubungan ibubapa dan anak serta suami dan isteri. Merendah diri merupakan perbuatan terpuji yang digalakkan dalam semua agama.

Malangnya, berapa ramaikah antara kita yang benar-benar bersikap sedemikian? Bagaimana pula dengan pemimpin-pemimpin politik kita? Mungkinkah mereka mampu memberikan teladan baik kepada rakyat?

Hakikatnya, budaya memohon maaf masih belum mencapai piawaian yang dimahukan terutamanya dalam kalangan pemimpin politik. Lihat sahaja dalam perwatakan pemimpin-pemimpin politik dalam media yang nampaknya begitu ghairah untuk cabar-mencabar antara satu sama lain.

Lebih buruk lagi, ada antara kalangan mereka yang suka mendedahkan keburukan musuh politik di khalayak seolah-olah dia sendiri sahaja yang bersih. Dengan perwatakan negatif yang cuba ditonjolkan oleh pemimpin politik kita, kita tidak boleh menyalahkan rakyat marhaen jika mereka sendiri enggan berbuat demikian. Yang harus dipersalahkan adalah diri pemimpin politik itu sendiri.

P emimpin-pemimpin politik mungkin sukar untuk mengeluarkan kata-kata keramat itu kerana mereka malu ataupun egonya yang terlalu tinggi. Mereka percaya adalah lebih baik untuk membisu sekalipun menyedari bahawa tindakan itu berkemungkinan mengakibatkan popularitinya terjejas.

Bagi mereka, memohon maaf umpama mengakui kelemahan diri sendiri. Dari sudut psikologinya, mengakui kelemahan diri sendiri ibarat mengaku dirinya sudah bersalah.

Dari sudut percaturan politik pula, pengakuan kelemahan itu hanya mengukuhkan bahawa kepimpinannya sudah gagal dan tidak berkesan. Lantaran itu, pengakuan tersebutsudah pastimengundang musuh-musuh politik untuk menyerang kredibilitinya. Oleh itu, sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga, mereka memilih untuk bersikap dingin, bertegas dan tidak berganjak dari pendirian asal. Namun, berbaloikah?

Pernahkah jugaanda melihat kalangan pemimpin-pemimpin politik kita memohon maaf di atas kesilapan atau kelemahan yang dilakukannya? Malangnya, tidak banyak.

Sehubungan itu, pemimpin-pemimpin politik negara kita seharusnya mencontohi sikap pemimpin politik di negara maju seperti Jepun dan Korea Selatan yang mempamerkan sikap kebertanggungjawab yang cukup tinggi dalam profesionalismenya.

Apa yang cukup mengkagumkan penulis ialah mereka yang tampil memohon maaf di atas keterlanjurannya bukan sahaja terdiri daripada tokoh-tokoh korporat, orang-perseorangan bahkan juga pemimpin-pemimpin politik. Yang menjadikan tindakan mereka lebih signifikan adalah pengakuan tersebut dilakukan di khalayak ramai. Sesungguhnya, tidak ramai yang berani berbuat begitu. Hanya mereka yang memiliki daya ketahanan dan kecekalan sahaja yang mampu menahan keaiban berkenaan.

Dalam menilai tindak-tanduk pemimpin-pemimpin politik tadi, dapatlah disimpulkan bahawa wujud perasaan bersalah dan kebertanggungjawaban dalam diri mereka. Budaya dalam masyarakat mereka yang tidak berkompromi dengan kesilapan menjadikan ia sebati dalam kehidupannya. Sekadar memadai untuk mengatakan ia dicemburui ole! h orang lain.

Pada ketika persepsi masyarakat umum terhadap pemimpin-pemimpin politik berada pada paras yang tidak begitu memberangsangkan, inilah pentas terbaik untuk memperbetulkan tanggapan negatif itu selain meyakinkan rakyat bahawa masih ada pemimpin politik yang beretika dan merendah diri.

Mengakui kesilapan diri tidak semestinya bermakna seseorang pemimpin politik itu lemah. Sebaliknya, ia ibarat simbol kekuatan yang mana seseorang itu bersedia untuk memperbaiki segala kelemahan sedia ada dan melangkah ke fasa baru kehidupan.

Keterbukaan menerima kritikan membina dan perubahan positif bukan sahaja mencetuskan imej positif di mata rakyat bahkan juga memberi sinar harapan kepada rakyat bahawa wakil rakyat mereka masih boleh diharapkan.

Rakyat tidak akan kisah jika pemimpin mereka mengakui kelemahan diri memandangkan ia adalah sebahagian daripada ragam kehidupan. Malah, rakyat sebenarnya lebih suka seorang wakil rakyat yang jujur dan berterus-terang. Perwatakan jujur dan berterus-terang inilah yang dapat mendekatkan diri pengundi dengan pemimpin politik.

Yang nyata, masih ada ruang penambahbaikan yang perlu dilipatgandakan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin politik negara jika mereka ingin meletakkan dirinya setaraf dengan pemimpin-pemimpin politik negara maju dari pelbagai aspek. Segala-galanya harus bermula daripada diri seseorang pemimpin itu. Langkah pertama itu mungkin sukar tetapi mampu memberi kesan positif sekiranya diurus dengan baik.

Tatkala pemimpin-pemimpin politik negara maju tidak kekok untuk memohon maaf di atas kelemahan diri mereka, mengapa tidak pemimpin politik negara kita?

* Segala pandangan yang diberikan di atas hanyalah pandangan peribadi penulis.

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In my garden I asketh by Azly Rahman

In my grassed area you asketh
by Azly Rahman

In my grassed area you asketh
Roses because contingency you have thorns?
what story of hold up have been you revelation us?
as you reap a grass with this wrecking guillotine appurtenance in my hands
Up as well as down as well as in circles
Guillotining thousands after you stormed a Bastille

But still, roses roses because have been you with thorns?
As you anticipate roses you asketh again as well as again
though a strange a subject competence it be
can a rose be not a woman though a man?
And a thorns that ensure have been though defender angles?
now how could that not presumably be?
in a world as upside down as you have created it to be?

And even in my grassed area you shall never fail to see
As a poet Emily would too agree
Life as well as death
Heaven as well as hell
And purgatory
And a role you play in these little worlds you could see
Ah .. my grassed area as well as me

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Korang kena tengok video ni, Zin Badak kasi taruk cili sama pembangkang Selangor! Teruskan perjuangan wahai UMNO dan BN SELANGOR!

Tq GAP sebab siarkan video ni!

The art of window cleaning 25 storeys above ground

OCT 16 These days my outward world is rather cloudy. Dirt-stained, in fact.

I wake up in a morning unsure if it is hazy out or whether I'd lost to put my eyeglasses on. Or, from 25 floors upon tip of belligerent whether it is raining in a distance.

Then we realise it is a state of my windows. Unwashed since Apr 2010. When we initial moved here, I'd wondered how people spotless their windows at this height. My neighbour upon a 52nd building has hers spotless each week (!).

The homeowner/ proprietor does not customarily trouble himself with such a death-defying act. They have their supporter do it instead. I've had H2O season onto me (bird pee?) usually to look up as well as spy a palm wielding a washcloth or a consume by an open window.

Don't look down. Window cleaning is usually for a brave. Picture by Anita Anandarajah

In a previous two-storey home, when it was usually my father as well as I, window cleaning was never an option. The subject came up mostly enough yet a continue was mostly too cold as well as we did not own a ladder nor could we equates to to hire a professional to do a correct job. So we left it to a rain. The same applied to a automobile that saw a inside of a automobile rinse once a year.

After relocating to a unit in Hong Kong, post-renovation left a windows lonesome in dust so we attempted getting my once-a-week help to purify a extraneous of a windows. we figured it was a normal to make such a request here.

A no-nonsense 40-something Filipino, she gave me a disapproving look as well as flatly refused to. "I purify usually a inside," she said.

She put her foot down upon cleaning a ceiling air blower too when she saw a rickety orange stool we offered for her to stand on. "Don't we have a ladder?" she asked.

In all honesty, we admired her organisation position upon preserving her longevity. Nonetheless it did not sto! p me fro m rock rock climbing onto that stool to purify a air blower after she had left.

The fact is most employers design their domestic supporter to purify windows inside out. There is no safety harness, usually a long-handled squeegee.

Some windows do not have grilles which, if we can design it, upon a high-level floor, equates to sticking half your physique out, facing strong wind.

I roughly dropped my squeegee once a initial as well as usually final time we spotless my windows in a 42 months I've lived here. we shuddered to consider of a children who might have been in a stadium below had a rod landed upon them.

Another suspicion dawned upon me: my son might confirm to 'help' me purify a windows a single day after examination me do so. So we've learned to live with a freckled view of Victoria Peak.

One supporter lost her hold up final month when she was performing a identical action from a 10th building of her employer's home in Pok Fu Lam. Indonesian Istiqomah, 30, from East Java, is believed to have fallen to her death while cleaning windows, The Jakarta Post reported.

Sadly, Istiqomah is not a initial supporter to remove her hold up this way. Nor will she be a last.

Back home, cleaning windows is pretty straightforward. we never liked it yet my mum was no worker driver. Using scrunched up newspaper as well as water, we scrubbed usually as distant as my palm could reach.

Watching my neighbour's maids though, we can say it was no walk in a play ground or roof tiles for that matter. Scaling a balcony as well as tiptoeing opposite roof tiles tiles is frightful things even if usually 4 metres from a ground.

So how does a single keep a windows purify from such great heights, generally when family visits from great ol' Malaysia where windows have been spotless religiously?

My mum-in-law is a initial to notice dust bunnies so in an attempt to be a dutiful daughter-in-law we Googled "cleaning windows Hong Kong" ahead of her visit.


Here is what we came across:

1. "The normal rehearse here is to discuss it your supporter to do it";

2. "Get a single of those window cleaners with a consume upon a alternative finish with a frame of rubber upon tip of it";

3. "We purify those that open next to alternative windows yet differently do not worry as well as usually purify a interior side of a windows";

4. "My supporter cleans a windows usually from inside, when a kids have been at school. We have absolutely banned her to risk her hold up for a purify window. We consider it's not value it as well as we do not want to see a kids to see her rock rock climbing upon a windowsill as they love to duplicate her. Yes, a windows have been dirty from outward yet we do not mind. As prolonged as a rest of a residence is clean";

5. Use a magnetic window cleaner that cleans a inside as well as outward of a window concurrently by securing both sponges in place (Note: this object does not seem to be upon a marketplace anymore); and

6. "Normally we usually wait for a typhoon to do a job."

So if we ever come to my home, greatfully squint a little while admiring a view. You might usually make it past a dappled panes. Unless of course a typhoon's made it's round a day before.

* The views voiced here have been a personal perspective of a columnist.

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Hisham to 'bare all' on citizenship for foreigners

Hishammuddin Hussein said he would exhibit everything with courtesy to allegations which foreigners were given citizenship during a select cabinet set up by Parliament.

NONEThe home minister who is additionally Semberong member of parliament said even foreigners compared with antithesis celebration members were issued Malaysian citizenship.

"The ministry has additionally approved applications from antithesis celebration members. That alone shows which we have been not resourceful or biased. we will exhibit everything to a select committee," he told reporters in Kluang today.

The antithesis had accused a government as well as a Home Ministry of arising Malaysian citizenship to foreigners to ensure a feat for a ruling bloc in a next general election.

He added which he or his officers in a ministry had zero to hide.

"This have been all facts. we do not know who have been a applicants, whose propinquity they have been or whether they have been supporters of a government or not," he said.

Hishammuddin said allegations by a antithesis which a National Registration Department (NRD) had issued citi! zenship to Bangladeshis had been clarified by its director-general Datin Jariah Mohd Said.

"In a past 7 years, usually thirty Bangladeshis had been given citizenship as well as from a thirty usually 7 have been eligible to vote. And from a seven, usually four have registered as voters," he said.

- Bernama
Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Motif Aziz Bari Awang Selamat

16 OKT Awang tidak terkejut dengan kenyataan pensyarah indang-undang, Profesor Dr. Abdul Aziz Bari mempersoalkan titah peringatan Sultan Selangor berhubung isu cubaan memurtadkan orang Islam. Ramai tahu siapa sebenarnya Abdul Aziz. Awang bukan mahu membuat tuduhan liar tetapi ia sudah menjadi rahsia terbuka sebagaimana yang didedahkan oleh Ahli Parlimen Bebas, Zulkifli Noordin.

Kecenderungan politiknya kepada pembangkang cukup jelas. Pensyarah hebat seperti Abdul Aziz akan selalu mencari kewajaran untuk menjayakan misi politiknya. Tidak boleh secara halus, dibuat secara terbuka tetapi masih berselindung atas nama akademik. Lalu Awang musykil Abdul Aziz yang dianggap pakar perlembagaan oleh sesetengah pihak mempersoalkan tindakan Sultan Selangor sebagai `bukan sesuatu yang lazim dan tidak konsisten'.

Menurut beliau, campur tangan baginda perlu dilakukan selaras dengan ajaran Islam. Memang lain macam nadanya dan amat tidak wajar. Pada Awang, perbuatan Abdul Aziz itu sendiri di luar kelaziman. Maka kita boleh faham mengapa ramai menyifatkan tindakan beliau sebagai biadap.

Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Selangor, baginda selaku ketua agama Islam negeri mempunyai hak mutlak terhadap hal ehwal Islam. Telitilah kenyataan Sultan Selangor, ia sedikitpun tiada cacat cela serta tidak terkeluar daripada bidang kuasa baginda.

Sebagai orang Islam, Awang menjunjung kasih ke atas Sultan Selangor kerana komited menjaga kepentingan Islam, yang jelas termaktub dalam Perlembagaan negara. Jadi, tidak timbul sama sekali bahawa tindakan baginda tidak konsisten dan tidak selaras dengan ajaran Islam. Awang melihat tindakan Abdul Aziz sebagai cubaan untuk menutup mulut Raja-Raja Melayu dalam melaksanakan peranan sebenar. Jika Raja dan Sultan tidak boleh menyentuh soal agama, apakah mereka hanya menjadi raja untuk ceremonial semata-mata?

Lagipun, apa yang dititahkan oleh Sultan Selangor berhubung isu murtad itu adalah benar. Sebagai rakyat bertanggungjawab, Abdul Aziz sewajarnya! akur da n mendokong kebenaran. Jika beliau mendakwa dirinya pro-kebenaran mengapa bersikap sebaliknya? Apakah siasatan Jais yang mendapati berlaku usaha memesongkan akidah umat Islam, bukan kebenaran?

Walaupun pendakwaan tidak dilakukan kerana keterangan yang diperolehi tidak mencukupi namun hakikat berlaku cubaan memurtadkan orang Islam, adalah nyata. Kalau bukan Jais, apakah beliau mahu percayakan pihak yang satu lagi? Utusan Malaysia Online

* This is a personal opinion of a writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not validate a view unless specified.

The Malaysian Insider :: Side Views

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Hentikan provokasi seberang Ahmad Naim Tahir

16 OKT Laskar asalnya perkataan Parsi, tapi digunakan secara meluas di Indonesia hingga kita di Malaysia pun ada tersalah anggap ia bahasa asal negara jiran itu. Gabungan enam huruf berkenaan tambah renouned di negara kita bila ada novel dan filem bertajuk Laskar Pelangi, tapi pale renouned lagu didendangkan kumpulan Nidji.

Semakin lama, populariti Laskar Pelangi semakin menghilang tidak lagi dijadikan bahan sembang, sama seperti nasib Nidji yang kini semakin suam.

Tenggelamnya Laskar Pelangi, kita di Malaysia diperkenalkan kepada satu lagi laskar baru. Orang di Indonesia memanggilnya Laskar Merah Putih (LMP), kumpulan yang baru-baru ini berdemonstrasi di depan bangunan kedutaan besar kita di Jakarta.

Jika diterjemah secara tak langsung, LMP maksudnya askar Indonesia kerana merah putih warna bendera negara mereka atau sering disebut 'Sang Saka Merah Putih'.

Khamis dan Jumaat lalu, tersiar gambar di surat khabar, televisyen dan portal berita aksi penunjuk perasaan kesan isu tercetus secara tiba-tiba, membabitkan hubungan dua hala antara Malaysia dan Indonesia.

Pemimpin dan anggota LMP berseragam celoreng membawa sepanduk dan berucap mengecam negara kita. Sehari sebelum itu, satu lagi kumpulan dipanggil Forum Betawi Rempug juga melakukan aksi sama. Bukan sekadar tunjuk perasaan, tetapi turut diisi unsur keganasan.

Kumpulan itu meluahkan kemarahan mereka, kononnya Malaysia merampas tanah di Camar Bulan dan Tanjung Datu di Kalimantan Barat. Insiden terbaru mengembalikan ingatan kepada aksi Kumpulan Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat Indonesia (Bendera) kira-kira setahun lalu, tapi ketika itu aksi Bendera lebih ganas dan tidak terkawal.

Penulis berpeluang berbicara dengan Koordinator Bendera, Mustar Bona Ventura Manurung melalui telefon, antara lain bertanya apa asas perjuangan mereka dan apa punca mahu ganyang Malaysia. Dijawabnya, mereka mahu Kerajaan Indonesia melakukan pembaharuan, memberi keadilan kepada rakyat, ringkasnya reformasi total.

Dalam rea! ksinya j uga, Mustar memaklumkan tidak salah kalau Indonesia melancarkan perang ke atas Malaysia.

Perang dilabelnya sebagai gagasan baru dan jangan dianggap negatif! Baginya, diplomasi, dialog dan rundingan tidak boleh selesaikan masalah.

Pendirian Mustar ketika itu lebih kurang sama dengan LMP yang dipimpin Adek Erfil Manurung. Dijulang poster jelas membenci negara kita, kata-kata 'Ganyang Malaysia' seperti sudah jadi sesuatu yang wajib setiap kali berdemonstrasi apabila timbul isu hubungan dua hala Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta.

Bukan mereka tidak sedar ada kira-kira dua juta rakyat Indonesia di Malaysia diberi peluang mencari rezeki untuk menyara diri dan keluarga, malah ada bertemu jodoh dengan rakyat kita dan hidup selesa. Bukan juga mereka tidak tahu, penyelesaian pale praktikal adalah melalui perbincangan, bukan perang yang memudaratkan.

Sebab itu, jangan dianggap retorik kenyataan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, tidak menolak kemungkinan rusuhan di Jakarta itu sengaja dicetuskan pihak tidak bertanggungjawab bagi menarik perhatian terhadap masalah dalaman dihadapi mereka, menjadikan Malaysia sebagai 'punching bag'.

Mengapa bila timbul saja isu, terus mahu tunjuk perasaan tanpa mahu menunggu sama ada isu itu benar-benar sahih atau sekadar telahan. Tidak sedarkah mereka kesan demonstrasi bukan kecil, banyak kemudahan dirosakkan, banyak belanja dikeluarkan, ramai yang tidak bersalah jadi mangsa keadaan.

Begitu juga nasib lebih 6,000 pelajar kita di Indonesia. Sepanjang kehangatan isu itu, mereka tidak senang belajar mahupun menjalani praktikal. Sering diherdik dan jadi mangsa provokasi rakan sekuliah dan pensyarah, sedangkan tiada pun kejadian rampasan tanah.

Jika dilihat kembali, sejak isu itu tercetus, tiada sedikit pun riak cemas pada wajah pemimpin kita kerana apa didakwa Timbalan Ketua Suruhanjaya we DPR, TB Hasanuddin dari Parti Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P) itu sebenarnya memang tiada.

Akhirnya, kebenaran terserlah apabila Pang! lima Ten tera Nasional Indonesia (TNI), Laksamana Agus Suhartono, kelmarin mengesahkan Malaysia tidak pernah merampas tanah di Camar Bulan dan Tanjung Datu. Memang ia tidak mungkin kerana anggota TNI sentiasa mengawal kawasan sempadan itu sesuai perjanjian antara kedua-dua negara.

Sehari sebelum itu, wartawan Berita Harian turut ke kawasan diperkatakan dan mendapati penduduk kedua-dua negara di sana tidak tahu menahu mengenainya, malah hidup mereka dilalui penuh aman damai. Tidak hairan mereka memaklumkan begitu terkejut membaca atau menonton berita aksi demonstrasi di Jakarta.

Penjelasan panglima TNI itu sewajarnya jadi penamat pertikaian. Namun, jangan terkejut jika selepas ini ada isu lain pula ditimbulkan kumpulan tertentu dalam usaha merenggangkan hubungan dua negara berjiran. Berita Harian Online

* This is the personal perspective of the writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not validate the view unless specified.

The Malaysian Insider :: Side Views

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Its Muhyiddin who should be grateful Ali Kadir

OCT 16 You know elections have been around a dilemma when a politicians start telling a citizens which you should be beholden for all a development around us. It is implausible which these Barisan Nasional (BN) politicians still make all these patronising noises, meaningful full well how sleepy you have been of listening to their rubbish.

But since you have been upon a subject of gratitude, let me suggest a series of reasons because Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (yesterday for a umpteenth time he suggested Malaysians to be grateful) as well as friends should be beholden to us.

1. BN should be beholden which they have been still occupying Putrajaya notwithstanding clear justification of corruption, nepotism as well as cronyism during a top levels of government, including members of a Cabinet.

So passive have been Malaysians which you have put up with leakages, inflated contracts as well as ostentatious displays of resources by members of a Mahathir administration, a Abdullah team as well as a Najib government. We have put up with all this corruption in a name of development. So Muhyiddin as well as friends should be beholden to us for a blind loyalty as well as apathy.

2. BN should be beholden to us for granting as well as even embracing mediocrity. Malaysia's best as well as brightest have been deserting a land of their bieing born as evidenced by a World Bank study which showed which some-more skilled Malaysians have been operative as well as vital abroad.

And this brain empty has influenced every spin of society. Not startling which you have a likes of Hishammuddin Hussein, Noh Omar, Kong Chong Ha as "our leaders" as well as go on usurpation sameness as a fait accompli.

3. BN should be beholden to us for usurpation batch as well as hollow answers to some critical questions such as who just ordered a RM24 million ring; how a squalid corporal was able to order riot police to glow rip gas as well as chemical-laced H2O in to Tung Shin Hospital as well as how d! id you b ravery out a figure of six per cent expansion subsequent year with a whole world preparing for economic Armageddon.

4. We should be beholden to Muhyiddin as well as friends for introducing race politics as well as personification a race as well as religious card during every spin as well as creation Malaysia some-more divisive than ever. Thank you guys from a bottom of a hearts. We have been grateful.

5. We have been beholden to Muhyiddin as well as squad for flooding this land of ours with illegals as well as then giving them legitimacy for domestic purposes. The people of Sabah especially say a large thank you to you for completely swamping a state with foreigners.

6. We have been beholden to BN for nurturing as well as developing people like Ibrahim Ali as well as Nazri Aziz. We would be a most poorer nation without them.

In conclusion, you have most to be thankful to BN for. So let's show them a thankfulness soon.

* Ali Kadir reads The Malaysian Insider.

* This is a personal opinion of a writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse a perspective unless specified.

The Malaysian Insider :: Side Views

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


Rasanya BAHLOL pun tahu penguatkuasaan enakmen penTADBIRan ISLAM di negeri-negeri yang berSULTAN adalah terletak kepada bidang kuasa DYMM Sultan itu sendiri dengan diBANTU oleh MUFTI dan Majlis Agama ISLAM negeri.. Perkara ini bukanlah BARU.. Malah telah diPUTUSkan sejak dahulu lagi semasa NEGARA menuju keMERDEKAan menerusi pemBAHAGIan KUASA antara Kerajaan Persekutuan dengan Kerajaan

Najibs property gains tax ill-advised, says HBA

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct sixteen The National House Buyers Association (HBA) claims the budding minister's revision of the Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) was "ill-advised" as the brand brand new rate voiced in Budget 2012 would usually drive skill prices up further.

HBA Secretary General Chang Kim Loong pronounced this was since the revised rate would have small impact upon short-term speculators looking to flip houses for distinction as well as result in an enlarge in suppositional skill investments.

He remarkable the Real Estate Developers Association (Rehda) had praised the enlarge of RPGT from 5 to 10 per cent for houses solitary inside of dual years of squeeze but had also pronounced which the brand brand new measure would be incomprehensible to short-term speculators looking to flip houses for profit.

HBA Secretary General Chang Kim Loong claimed which it appeared the budding minister had listened to the perspective of commercial operation groups with vested interests as well as agendas. file pic

Chang claimed which whilst Najib was right to try as well as ensure which each citizen could means to have the roof tiles over their head, it appeared which he had also listened to the perspective of commercial operation groups with vested interests as well as agendas.

Balloting for the 1 Malaysia Housing Programme (PR1MA), the government's affordable home tenure scheme, kicked off yesterday with draws for Kompleks Kejiranan in Putrajaya. A whopping over 7,000 applications were received for the 560 home units made available.

"It is hapless which the PM has been ill-advised upon the loyal situation," pronounced Chang in the statement to the media yesterday. "Thus, upon the contrary, the Rakyat can expect to see an enlarge in suppositional skill investments which will in spin serve drive up the prices."

Chang pointed out properties have been typically not aut! horised to be solitary during the building the whole stage, which takes dual to three years, as well as therefore, raising the RPGT from 5 to 10 per cent for properties solitary inside of dual years would be meaningless.

Under the revised RPGT, speculators could squeeze properties from developers during the launch as well as flip the properties upon execution after dual years as well as would have to pay usually the same existing 5 per cent up to the fifth year, after which all increase have been not taxable.

"With the single some-more tasteful financing packages, really often these speculators only need to pay the 10 per cent down payment as well as walk divided with the remunerative gain during the finish of the building the whole period," pronounced Chang adding which over-speculation in the marketplace was setting the stage for the skill marketplace "meltdown".

Chang pronounced which if the Najib administration department was keen to quell speculation, it needed to correct RPGT to 30 per cent for properties solitary inside of dual years; 20 per cent for sales between years dual as well as three; fifteen per cent for sales between years three as well as four; 5 per cent for sales between years 4 as well as five; as well as no tax for properties solitary after year five.

Property buyers would also be authorised the one-time exemption from RPGT.

Chang pronounced which such the offer would not affect genuine homeowners as well as skill investors but would forestall speculators looking to have the quick buck as well as drive up prices beyond general affordability.

"We urge the PM to seriously consider serve as well as some-more in effect measures to stem the extreme goods of extreme skill speculation," pronounced Chang.

"Short-term GDP growth should not be the solitary criteria. We need to emanate the sustainable housing industry as well as extreme conjecture is certainly the single certain approach to see the bubble burst. More importantly, the social aspects of h! ouse ten ure should take budding consideration."

The HBA arch also pronounced which the affordable housing intrigue under the 2012 Budget, which saw the roof price lifted from RM220,000 to RM400,000, could potentially be disastrous for participants.

He remarkable which to buy the RM400,000 skill with the 4.75 per cent interest loan would need the smallest monthly income of RM6,300 as the monthly amends of RM2,086 should not surpass one-third of the person's income.

"For the domicile which can't means to flare out the 10 per cent deposition from their savings, it would be the intensity disaster for them to dedicate to the RM400,000 housing loan," pronounced Chang.

He pronounced which for the affordable housing intrigue to be suggestive authorities contingency pull for the building the whole of some-more affordable properties in the center income band which means properties inside of the RM220,000 to RM300,000 price range.

Rehda boss Datuk Seri Michael Yam had in greeting to the 2012 Budget pronounced the association was blissful the supervision was raising the RPGT for the first dual years to 10 per cent, noting skill development was the key writer to the country's economic resources as well as the brand brand new rate would assistance revoke skill conjecture as well as foster fast as well as healthy growth.

Putrajaya introduced the 70 per cent loan-to-value debt cap upon third properties last year in reply to complaints which skill prices had spiralled out of control due to prevalent speculation.

A housing affordability draft carried in The Edge Financial Daily upon Aug fifteen showed which skill prices had risen from 5.9 times income in 1989 to 10.9 times income in 2010.

The share of domicile loans to total bank loans in Malaysia, meanwhile, rose from 35.2 per cent in 2000 to 55.5 per cent in Aug 2010.

The Malaysian Insider :: Malaysia

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Be grateful to BN government, DPM tells people

By Clara Chooi
October 15, 2011

SEREMBAN, Oct fifteen Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin told Malaysians today to be beholden to a Barisan Nasional (BN) supervision for a most efforts which have softened their lives.

According to Bernama Online, a emissary prime apportion reportedly talked up a BN government's performance to a crowd of thousands after visiting a Ampangan market here, claiming it has always cared for a people by doling out assist as well as programmes for a needy.

He urged a Ampangan folk opposite following in a footsteps of people from Selangor as well as opposition-held states who voted for a antithesis during Election 2008.

"It's not easy to be a government; a antithesis is only good during making promises which they never have to fulfil," he was quoted as observant in Bernama Online.

Muhyiddin (picture) is upon a day-long visit to multiform locations in Negri Sembilan, a state a sovereign antithesis is pronounced to be confident of toppling in a entrance polls, speculated to be called within months.

The inhabitant headlines agency pronounced Muhyiddin later voiced a RM5 million grant to Ampangan folk RM4 million to build a brand new hawker centre, RM500,000 to refurbish a market as well as a superfluous RM500,000 to repaint as well as repair a Ampangan flats.

The Malaysian Insider reported earlier this year claims by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) that a marginal five per cent swing in 4 key seats in a state would be enough to disintegrate a BN supervision here.

State PR leaders had told The Malaysian Insider that a win in a Pilah, Kelawang, Lenggeng as well as Linggi state seats, where BN won by wafer-thin majorities in Election 2008, would secure a bloc a elementary infancy in a 36-member state legislative assembly.

BN won Pilah by 1,258 votes, Kelawang! by 1,16 7 votes, Lenggeng (1,285) as well as Linggi (1,575). BN won 52.6 per cent (178,048) of a state's renouned votes, whilst PR won! 47.4 pe r cent (160,504) behind then.

The ruling bloc now controls a state supervision with 21 state assemblymen (Umno-19, MCA-1, MIC-1) whilst PR has fifteen assemblymen (DAP-10, PKR-4, PAS-1). Should PR keep a current seats as well as win over 4 BN state seats, it would meant that PR would be able to carry out a state public with a 19-17 elementary majority.

Negri Sembilan PR leaders have also been ramping up efforts to woo v! oter ingest pier in a state by organising talks as well as ceramahs in a Umno stronghold, as well as will focus upon winning over rural Malay voters in a state, most of whom have been traditional Umno supporters.

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

CIMB: good money chasing after haram money!

JO & Murak

It seems like a corrupted Najib's First Family (and ex-PM's Mahathir Family) are creation brand new friends with fellow corrupted Filipino businessmen, specifically those in San Miguel Corporation.

I formerly wrote about a scandal involving Mirzan Mahathir, a executive in Petron, San Miguel's subsidiary, regulating his hermit Mukhriz to swing a sale of Esso Malaysia's assets to San Miguel. While a shit upon Mirzan is still flourishing as good as getting dirtier by a day, I wish to prominence now, it's a PM's hermit Nazir Razak's turn to pierce Malaysian income out of a country by regulating CIMB to buy San Miguel's soon-to-bust Bank of Commerce of a Philippines (as seen here Another special decoction in a making.

We Malaysians fail to understand CIMB's (in actuality Nazir Razak's) pierce in putting in great purify Halal Bumiputra income to follow after bad haram about-to-bust bank that was built upon income done from beer-drinking Filipinos!

We can usually conclude that he is following a footsteps of Allah-condemned Mirzan Mahathir to benefit assets in San Miguel in readiness for their coming "rainy days" when PR marches in to Putrajaya.

Maybe this is not Najib's doing, though a work of Mahathir, a mastermind. Nazir was known to have differed with his PM hermit in opinion over certain process matters.

Mahathir as "Advisor" to Petronas did not give a scold as good as correct recommendation to a association that pays him so bloody well. Any donkey with usual sense would have got Petronas to jump upon a wagon as good as squeeze what ExxonMobil longed for to draw up of. He had his sons Mukhriz to approve as good as Mirzan (with San Miguel) to ! take ove r a assets. All a Mahathirs conveniently as good as strategically placed.

Aren't these crooks "Birds of a feather" creation abroad nests ready to take off by initial accessible Tony Fernandes's AirAsia! or Anan da Khrishnan's in isolation Gulfstream jet when a BN's chips fall at GE13? Classic e.g. of a "ornithological specimens of a identical plumage rally in closest proximity" so said Oliver Goldsmith.

But alas, that fatal moody from Malaysia with their ill gotten gains may not land them in luxurious karaoke clubs where San Miguel beer is served by a brood of sparely-clad Filipina beauties, though right in to a arms of a Law of Philippines, for one of a kingpins of San Miguel Corporation, Roberto Ongpin is already being investigated by a Philippines Senate for insider trading, utterly a same predestine as new Raj Rajaratnam of Gelleon Group Hedge Fund of a USA (details here

Now Nazir, please don't pretend to be a saint for we aint one! We know, your abroad hangouts; we name a few for your verification: Estella Bar, Princess Bar, Queen Girl Bar in Manilla, Alexis illGALS in Jakarta, Hooters Paramatta, Hooters Penrith, Hooters Beach plus of march your tip boozing hideout in Mont Kiara.

My Bumi friends only could not care reduction what arak we splash or that birds we shoot, though for Pete's sake lay off your dirty haram hands from CIMB stakeholders' income by taking a interest in a falling Bank Haram. It is obvious to a Rakyat that 90% of all government IPO's, works, financing, etc. is since to Nazir Razak's CIMB upon a silver platter, we cannot suppose all a Rakyat's hard warranted income pumped in to CIMB like giving freebies away, as good as right divided Nazir regulating it like his own income under CIMB's plans to emanate a formal couple to this cro! oked har am association as good as a haram Filipino bank. We wish no partial of it, we understand?
Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Will Khairy be retained in Rembau?

With Negeri MB Mohd Hasan is eyeing a parliamentary chair for a 13th GE, predestine of Umno girl arch rests solely with Najib

REMBAU: With a prospect of Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar Mohd Hasan contesting in a Rembau parliament chair in a 13th General Election, a big subject is what will occur to stream Rembau MP as well as Umno Youth chief, Khairy Jamaluddin.

Barring final mins changes by prime minister Najib Tun Abdul Razak, Mohd Hasan is set to contest a Rembau parliamentary chair as well as he has been aggressively you do his belligerent work in Rembau since late final year.

The Rembau parliament constituency encompasses 4 state seats. Umno-BN won Rantau, where Mohd Hasan is a state assemblyman, Chembong as well as Kota. It mislaid a Paroi state seat.

In 2008, Khairy won a Rembau chair with a 5,746 majority, defeating Rembau PKR arch Badrul Hisham Shaharin.

Top Umno leaders here can't contend is what will occur to Khairy as well as where he's contesting? Could he be since a Rantau state seat? Only Najib binds a cards.

"Najib has to confirm if Khairy is an asset to him," pronounced a source. Najib is aware there is a probability of his emissary Muhyiddin Yassin as well as Mukhriz Mahathir teaming to take upon Najib as well as his cousin Hishamuddin Hussein during a celebration elections next year.

"Muhyiddin will vie for a president's p! ost. His hamuddin will go for a emissary president's post as well as Mukhriz is expected to challenge Hishamuddin," revealed a source.

"Support from Umno girl is really vital for Najib as well as Hishamuddin as well as a only male who can work with Najib as well as Hishamuddin during a moment is Khairy. He has shielded Najib upon many issues," combined a so! urce.

There is a odds which Najib will margin Khairy during Kepala Batas where Khairy's father in law as well as former prime minister Abdullah Badawi is a stream MP.

It will not be formidable for Umno Kepala Batas to house Khairy to stand in Kepala Batas in a ubiquitous election as Umno division arch is Abdullah himself.

Khairy also can design a support of Kepala Batas Umno girl arch Reezal Merican Naina Merican who is also one Khairy's most trusted man.

Reezal Merican also enjoys a close relationship with Abdullah as well. Khairy's political career still can be saved supposing Najib gives him a curtsy to contest in Kepala Batas.

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Budget 2012: Tale of a bloated bureaucracy and half-truths

It's aged booze in a brand new bottle as well as a handling expenditures, during scarcely 80%, will gobble up a overwhelming bulk of a inhabitant budget


The Budget 2012 announced by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is no different from a one for this year. Development gets comparatively a measly RM50 billion whilst handling expenditures, during scarcely 80%, will gobble up a overwhelming bulk of a inhabitant budget.

Yet couple of have commented so distant upon this "Harapkan Pagar, Pagar Makan Padi" budget. Najib trumpeted which a bill was a common bid of most shining minds, together with PhDs, diligently during work within a government.

He pooh-poohed claims by a opposition alliance which it was a copy-cat job formed upon their own version. The opposition, during a same time, pronounced a bill was unrealistic.Najib rightly gloated over a opposition putting a feet in a mouth.We haven't heard a final of this.

Najib, however, couldn't get a PhDs to insist why a RM50 billion allocated for this year's growth targets is a measly sum by some-more aged with which allocated for those charged with supervising this so-called development.

The projects started so distant this year face cost-overruns. This has resulted in either a scrapping or carrying forward of a great commission of a projects planned for 2011. This creates 2012 aged booze in a brand new bottle.

It has turn roughly slight for supervision growth projects to finally price a tax-payers double, three times as well as even up to 10 times a initially approved allocation. Old day to day die hard as evident from a governing body of patronage, distant from being in a death throes, still receiving centre-stage in Umno.

The prov! erbial " getting caught with a hand in a cookie jar" set of symptoms continues unabated as if there will be no tomorrow. How will all this translate into a inhabitant debt weight as well as a value of a banking in a years ahead? It remains to be seen.

However, if you demeanour around, you do not have to demeanour too distant in a tellurian encampment ushered in by a digital manage to buy brought about by globalisation as well as a report as well as communication technology.

The stability trage! dy of Gr eece comes to mind. The Mediterranean nation, run by a magisterial bureaucracy as in Malaysia, has turn some-more than ruined as well as muddles by from day-to-day largely upon general charity.

The mom of all cover-ups in a Budget 1012 is a augmenting fee which a magisterial bureaucracy, already 1.3 million strong, is exacting upon a nation's increasingly precarious finances.

'The ight evils bedeviling Malaysia'

At one time, not so prolonged ago, a gov! ernment decided which a then one million clever polite use indispensable to be embellished as well as embarked upon an assertive round of corporatisation as well as privatisations.

This brought down a series of polite servants to 800,000 but not for long. The figures were shortly upon a ri se again as well as surged past 1.2 million with a supervision not even batting an eyelid. Babudom had won hands down against their made at home masters.

Wither all a corporatisation as well as privatisation exercises! The Babus themselves had dutifully worked upon a twin strategies - amidst most breast-beating, wailing, moaning as well as groaning during a insistence of their made at home masters.

It appears which a right hand did not know what a left hand was doing. The latter was removing a supervision to be even some-more firmly entrenched in a commercial operation of being in business. The former, meanwhile, was removing it out as well as divided upon a premise which "th! e govern ment has n! o commer cial operation being in business".

Alas a Babus enmeshed in a world of red tape fast negated whatever benefits a republic could have drawn from corporatisation as well as privatisation. Now, you no longer hear any talk about corporatisation as well as privatisation as well as a need to trim a polite use to a some-more financially manageable limit.

Malaysia does not need a polite use which exceeds 500,000, a magical figure formed upon consequence as well as productivity. Alas, it will not be, given a gutless wonders in public office.

Patently, a eight evils bedeviling Malaysia's inhabitant bill every year have been a permanent lot complement which a polite use has since become, a welfare state complement enjoyed by a privileged couple of from womb to tomb, a funding syndrome, a dependency set of symptoms fostered upon a farming people by a ruling party eyeing a captive vote bank, a governing body of patronage, a L! icence R aj, a complement of supervision procurements, tenders, contracts, concessions, licences, quotas as well as permits, as well as a sly practice of stuffing a electoral rolls in marginal seats think slush supports with bootleg immigrants.

It's unthinkable for Umno in particular to deliver a kind of reforms which will downsize a polite use as well as giveaway a work force for a private sector. The party isn't expected to do divided either with a alternative crippling practices which marked down a nation's manage to buy final year finish to one size smaller than which of beside Singapore.

Some magnitude of a inhabitant bill not revelation a total story in Malaysia can be gleaned from 4 recent as well as not so recent developments.

For one, beside Thailand has announced which a country will deliver a nationwide smallest wage of RM900 per month. Malaysia has nonetheless to do so as well as is meditative of a most low! er figur e zone by sector.

India, in a "take it or leave it" stance, will not concede a nationals to work as made at home assistanc! e in Mal aysia unless they have been paid during least RM1,400 per month. That was enough to send most potential Malaysian employers up a wall.

Adding insult to injury, Cambodia spoken final night (Oct 14, 2011) which it will stick on Indonesia as well as no longer concede a nationals to work as made at home assistance in Malaysia.

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz


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Not so pointed agenda 'Sarawak Reports' has since up the fight

Taib Mahmud's $ 5million dollar the year 'Cyber-war Campaign' has conceded the humiliating defeat, with the last passing of the site 'Sarawak Reports'.

Sarawak Reports was partial of the vicious network of internet sites, set up by the crooked UK-based prolongation FBC Media, in the hired try to undermine this blog as well as to attack the opposition personality Anwar Ibrahim.

By taking advantage of the probably identical name to the own, FBC obviously hoped they could confuse web-surfers in to reading their pro-Taib propaganda, instead of the investigate in to Taib's thirty years of hurtful government.

However, there is small justification which readers were in fact fooled by this dear exercise. The site never dared to tell the handful of comments it received for its stories, which were small more than dull 'puff pieces' praising Taib's 'progress as well as development' policies.

The site additionally carried the permanent territory devoted to attacking the Editor of Sarawak Report as well as family members.

Malaysians Must Know the TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Gerakan's women also want Koh out, but is the 'mutiny' sincere

Gerakan's women additionally wish Koh out, though is a 'mutiny' sincere

Gerakan boss Koh Tsu Koon has refused to heed a calls of a Women's wing to quit, though pundits who had predicted a bloodbath for a 62-year-old former Penang Chief Minister steady their forecasts which he will step once he regains a little poise as well as dignity.

"The summary is so shrill as well as clear. No a single could inapplicable designation it though to expect Dr Koh to immediately bow down to a direct from a Women's wing is asking for as well much," PKR vice boss Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

Worst betrayal

Indeed, it was a unhappy day for Tsu Koon, who has a cleanser record compared to many of his BN colleagues. But being celebration boss requires some-more than personal traits, it requires foresight, vision as well as a game plan. Koh lacked all these as well as misfortune of all, he could not move himself to mount up to Prime Minister Najib Razak's Umno party.

Nonetheless, Koh rejected a call from Tan Lian Hoe, a Gerakan Wanita chief, to step down, observant she was often absent ! from mee tings as well as which he would lead a celebration in to a next general election, widely approaching to be hold next year.

But a misfortune cut is which Umno has additionally done it transparent which it is hand-in-gloves with a camp which wants Koh out before GE-13 so as to benefaction an image of rejuvenation inside of a BN to recover a affections of cloyed voters..

At a Gerakan Wanita meeting upon Saturday, Lian Hoe pron! ounced a celebration was ashamed to be "looked down on" for "our self seductiveness as well as weak care style." She additionally told Koh point-blankly to figure up or boat out.

"We wish him to be dauntless as well as have decisions which can move a brand new hold up in to a party. It should be looked during in a positive way, as a turning point for a survival," she pronounced during a press conference.

Political opportunism

Koh, who accepted a Senator-ship as well as a federal Cabinet post notwithstanding losing his chair during a 2008 general election, has been indicted of being as well restored with his cushy job.

He has turned a deaf ear to a flourishing calls from Gerakan grassroots to take a bolder approach in dealing with coalition boss Umno, revelation them which it was wiser to fool around a role of a 'opposition' inside of a BN system.

However, which plan failed abjectly. Each time which Koh or alternative Gerakan leaders attempted to object to 'sensitive' issues, they were rudely shot down by Umno. The same is happening in MCA.

This has led pundits to hold which a current 'mutiny' in Gerakan is additionally unfailing to destroy as far as reforming Gerakan is concerned. They have been of a view which Koh's critics in Gerakan have been usually after his blood for a consequence of raising their own profile as well as shift inside of a celebration as well as in a government.

Koh's predecessor, Lim Keng Yaik, is between those who have been leading a pull to reject Tsu Koon, nonetheless Tsu Koon was Keng Yaik's own selected successor. Several months back, Keng Yaik had warned Tsu Koon which Gerakan was "going to a dogs" underneath his weak hand.

A impassioned confrontation had been approaching upon Sunday when a categorical Gerakan annual assembly takes place, though Keng Yaik says he is sick as well as ! will not attend. Nevertheless, Gerakan watchers have been certain Keng Yaik's "people will do a job for him", referring to some-more Tsu Koon quit calls.

Lian Hoe's own mouth service

Pundits additionally pointed out which Lian Hoe did not once discuss a greatest problem inside of BN, which is corruption, even though she did scold a coalition's components, again though mentioning names, of not guidance from past lessons.

"Our better in a 12th General Election has not served as a lesson to a care of a member parties in a BN. The suggestion of accord is usually mouth service," pronounced Lian Hoe, who is additionally a Grik MP, in what many interpret as being directed during Umno's racial as well as eremite politicking.

She then praised Najib's devise to annul a ISA, ignoring a dual brand new deputy laws which have been sharply cursed by civil society as well as tellurian rights groups.

Lian Hoe additionally called upon BN components not to fight for seat, though to let a "top leadership" of BN, which is actually Umno, to decide upon who would be a most appropriate candidates.

"MCA as well as Gerakan can usually shift if they leave BN. Until they do, so what if T! su Koon quits. The next guy will additionally be underneath Umno's thumb. They will sell out to a goodies which Umno offers," pronounced Tian.

Malaysia Chronicle

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Education Ministry Prepared to Train Religious Teachers

PORT DICKSON, fifteen OCTOBER, 2011: The Education Ministry is prepared to yield training programmes to all teachers, leaders as well as founders of public as well as in isolation zone Islamic religious schools, pronounced Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. ... Read More

PM Najib: Meritocracy = Best amongst the Malays

PM Najib addressing ANSARA members during 'PM Unplugged'

Prime Minister Dato Seri Mohd. Najib Tun ! Razak an nounced which a New Economic Policy is here to stay as well as will not be abolished. He affirmed this during an ANSARA event 'PM Unplugged' during PWTC.

"When you said you need to have 'meritocracy', what you meant is 'The Best Amongst Malays'. We need to invoke required 'adjustments' in a policy", vocalization to 1,000 Ex MRSM students organisation or ANSARA members.

"We need to rise a competency of a Malays as well as for them to have economic resilience. We need a 'transformation', so you tweak a NEP, to grasp a desired results.", he explained. "We no longer want to see Malay businessmen had to sell divided assets, generally when they face a vital crisis. We have seen this before".

"If you longed for to be popular, afterwards you would pander to a 'Economic Rent Seekers'. We want to see 'what you know' instead 'who you know'. This is not to most appropriate approach to rise a Malays, to be during a aloft economic standing".

PM Najib addressing a 'PM Unplugged' audience

PM Najib explained a his process of 'inclusivity', "It does not mean you will desert a Malays. This is not a 'zero sum game'. We must use a wisdom". He additionally said which a Government is really committed in building a Malays as well as will go upon policies which have proven to work. "I have allocated RM100 million for subsequent year's budget for MRSM".

"The latest figures show which a income per capita already completed RM30,0! 00, whic h is USD10,000. We want to be industrial nation status. Of march you want to see a Malays be a significant part of that".

Talking about Malay businessmen wanting 'capacity building', thus a 'break' from a Government, PM Najib explained "We see a lot of these companies, when they go outside, their new markets ask them 'Did your Government buy your product?'. That's is because you need to have a process for these Malay companies to sell to GLCs. We additionally realize which unlike alternative people, a Malay businesses do not have a 'informal support system'.

PM Najib articulate about critical counts to ANSARA members

During a Q&A session, he was asked about a 'Single School System'. His response, "We don't live in an ideal world. Our forefathers have decided to concede vernacular schools. We cannot stop this now, without hav! ing a ra cial issue. It is really formidable to do divided with this, now".

To a grouse about PM Najib's politicians (which include Cabinet members as well as elected representatives) have been not doing similar to what he is doing (going around upon a belligerent to encounter rakyat as well as engaging them) which include events such as this, a witty reply from a Prime Minister, "Well, you inherited this (The Government as well as elected member from PM 'Flip-Flop' Abdullah's time). Give me a uninformed mandate. I'll do a required changes".

That is a evidence which more changes will come.

PM Najib being 'unplugged', with ANSARA members

In a light moment during a Q&A s! ession, an ANSARa member coyly ask what keeps a Prime Minister awake during night, "I take things, philosophical. My days have been getting longer as well as nights have been getting shorter. you lend towards to nap off some of a 'knee jerk issues', as well as confirm in a morning. Usually, you nap utterly well".

Earlier in his opening speech, ANSARA President YB Dato' Mukhriz Mahathir said which ANSARA members have gone a prolonged way. "We have members who go high up to a sky (Angkasawan) as well as as low in a depth of a sea (Submariners)".

The Deputy Minister of MITI additionally asked which whatever' Transformation' which a Government intend to do, to take in to care of a majority. "Many of a members made it to tip position upon their own merits. It is transparent which 'Affirmative Action' does not interfere with a judgment of 'meritocracy'".

- bigdogdotcom

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Teng Chang Khim: Make Sure That Najib Will Be The Last Prime Minister Of Barisan Nasional

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Liverpool 1 - 1Man Utd: Hernandez Denies Gerrard

It may not have lived up to Sir Alex Ferguson's billing as the greatest match-up in English football though Liverpool's 1-1 pull at home to Manchester United was typically not without incident. ... Read More

Umno VP: Malaysia Is Not An Experimental Ground

KUALA KANGSAR, fifteen OCTOBER, 2011: Malaysia is not an experimental ground for irreponsible parties, in particular for a opposition, to jeopardise destiny generations, pronounced Umno Vice President Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal. ... Read More

Early payout of RM100 student aid, says DPM

PORT DICKSON, Oct fifteen Putrajaya will begin paying out in Dec a RM100 individual assist for students that was announced underneath Budget 2012, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said today. Muhyiddin said a early payment had been authorized by a prime apportion even though a grant was done underneath subsequent years Budget. When tabling Budget 2012 in ... Read More

Mustapa: Current Economic Scenario Motivates Asean to Hasten Integration

KUALA LUMPUR, fifteen OCTOBER, 2011: The current tellurian mercantile scenario has supposing a Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean) a proclivity to move brazen faster in conditions of mercantile and trade integration. ... Read More

Isu Ramas Tetek : Guan Eng, Anak Siapa ni?

Isu anak VVIP meramas tetek seorang pelajar perempuan dan kemudian cuba didiamkan oleh bapanya dengan menyuap RM200,000 kepada keluarga pelajar perempuan tersebut, semakin heboh diperkatakan di blog-blog sama blog pro UMNO mahupun pro Pakatan.Agak aneh juga mengapa dalam hal ini Guan Eng tak bersuara langsung. Malah perpindahan sekolah anaknya selepas isu ramas tetek itu juga nampaknya sangat

Mahathir 'Pakat' with oppositions to oust Najib

This what People Powered Portal Thinks.

Obviously, a Anwaristas wants you to consider differently.

Dr M as good as Najib shadow-box over GE-13: Who is fighting smart, who is not?

Dr M as good as Najib shadow-box over GE-13: Who is fighting smart, who is not?

Former premier Mahathir Mohamad seems to be operative feverishly tough to get Prime Minister Najib Razak to check a 13th ubiquitous election, a rather odd thing to do when you consider which Mahathir is ostensible to be retired.

At 85, he should be counting his good fortune as good as allowing a current establishment a giveaway palm in using a country. Yet, a still machiavellian as good as sharper-than-a-knife statesman is patently concerned which underneath Najib, Barisan Nasional might finally see a passing as good as this would spell mess for all which he has built during a twenty-two years he was budding apportion as good as solitary arbiter of a predestine of twenty-eight Malaysians.

Yes, Dr M was which authoritarian, as good as which emboldened a network of cronies as good as large crime to sustain as good as take root in Malaysia. Once BN goes, there would be a lot of reckoning as good as accounting for, which Mahathir as good as his supporters cannot afford. Hence his golden early retirement will have to wait for a whilst more.

Already, a cracks have been appearing with Mahathir's cronies making a evening news. The Ananda crime investigation has kicked off in India, as good as there is increasing open scrutiny for a MAS-Air Asia share barter which has brought to light a ties Mahathir has ! with Ton y Fernandes.

Adding to these woes, it is a fact which there is reduction open trust in BN; with dwindling support for MCA, Gerakan as good as MIC from their communities as good as a inner splits in UMNO which threaten to have a BN irrelevant amongst immature voters.

Smack in face for a PM

Most recently, a dismay of Budget 2012 sums up Najib's ethos in using a country; a nation of "one off" hand-outs has prompted Mahathir to suggested a Malays to shift their "freebies" mentality.

"I know most people in this nation go for giveaway things. But you should feel ashamed when you take something for free," he pronounced in his speech when launching a Ummah Unity as good as Economy Seminar organized by a Malaysia Islamic Welfare Organisation (Perkim) as good as Malay Chamber of Commerce.

Mahathir, who is a Perkim president, combined which Muslims, who were between a poorest communities in Malaysia, should work tough to be financially stable.

Now, this is a strange comment when a single takes in to account a various measures Mahathir has put in to place to grant a Malays as good as Bumiputras more precedence in a mercantile marketplace.

Is Mahathir really observant which a bid to empower a Malays has not been successful as good as thus BN needs to sojourn in energy longer to achieve what he had failed to accomplish? And underneath Najib, has a mercantile state of a Malays as good as a nation come to a stand-still?

If so, which is a pound in a face of a 58-year-old scandal-plagued Najib as good as portends domestic skullduggery which he should good be stay upon a alert for.

Enters Muhyiddin

Najib in being a mere replacement for Ab! dullah B adawi, feels a vigour to infer himself worthy of being budding minister. He has nonetheless to receive a open charge to lead Malaysia as good as as GE-13 lo! oms ahea d, he is eager to emanate a grand tidal wave which can brush him to energy for another term in office.

But this is not easy, given a little have been commencement to spin to Muhyiddin Yassin, a emissary budding apportion as good as series dual man in UMNO pronounced to suffer Mahathir's support for a Umno presidency. The series dual mark in UMNO has traditionally additionally been a emissary budding minister's spot. For a little it has been blessing, nonetheless for most a mark is jinxed.

Would Muhyiddin Yassin risk gunning for a series a single post in a entrance UMNO General Assembly? Or would Muhyiddin wait for h! is spin as good as in a future reinstate Najib as series a single as good as subsequently be budding minister?

Thus, owing to a bleak scenario confronting BN as good as UMNO; a at a back of choosing date would be fitting if BN is aiming to sojourn in energy with or without Najib Razak during a helm. It would give them more time to comprehend Budget 2012 as good as additionally to win at a back of most needed support from their grass-root supporters as good as to fix their inner problems before confronting a open vote.

Less fitting to Najib

However, a at a back of choosing is reduction fitting to Najib.

So to pile a vigour upon Najib to check polls, Mahathir, a seasoned statesman which he is, has been discerning to indicate out which polls should be hold as late as probable in sequence to encumber a Pakatan Rakyat.

The choosing during a state public level will rely upon a particular state governments either to dissolve a public or otherwise. If a legislative assemblies in a 4 states underneath a Pakatan Rakyat have been not dis! solved, you will see a choosing being cramped only to a states underneath a BN rule, Bernama reported Mahathir as saying.

"As such, they already have 4 states underneath their rule. They will combine upon a other states to expand their domination. However, if a ubiquitous choosing is hold too tighten to a expiry of a five-year mandate, they will have no preference but to dissolve a state assemblies," he added.

One is still smart, a other favours short-term thinking

This is smart thinking by Mahathir. With a outrageous resources during BN's disposal, Pakatan cannot afford a conflict upon all fronts - during both state as good as parliamentary levels. And if Najib follows by with Mahathir's line of thought, Pakatan is in critical trouble.

Mahathir is an design as good as master tactician unlike Najib; who thrives upon open adulation and poor fore-sight. A protracted conflict is what Mahathir is aiming at, meaningful full good Pakatan Rakyat is ill-prepared for this, nonetheless Najib seems to preference a discerning skirmish - unchanging with his short-term view of things.

This call by Mahathir to check polls will not go unnoticed between a UMNO ranks as good as most would see a proof at a back of his reasoning. Whether Najib will listen as good as follow by with his predecessors idea is open for debate; serving only to add to a guessing game of when will Malaysians decide in GE-13?

Malaysia Chronicle

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH
Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Stay out of GE13, Koh told

Gerakan's Wanita arch Tan Lian Hoe says boss is being viewed as a guilt as well as might imperil party's chances of winning in a ubiquitous election

KUALA LUMPUR: Gerakan Wanita arch Tan Lian Hoe urged Gerakan boss Koh Tsu Koon to back off from being a claimant in a arriving 13th ubiquitous election.

"If there is a need to step down, only step down," Tan pronounced during a during a 24th Gerakan inhabitant representatives conference (NDC) during a celebration headquarters in Cheras this morning.

Later during a press conference, she pronounced which a message in her opening debate to a wanita wing was meant for Koh as well as simplified which she was not asking him to step down as president.

"I'm requesting a celebration to confirm on that. I'm not pressuring him to step down immediately."

She explained which Koh might be a guilt to a celebration in a ubiquitous elections as he is being viewed to be a diseased leader.

"Once a claimant is named, a people might make use of (Koh's) diseased care as an issue.

Tan who is additionally Grik MP as well as emissary apportion for domestic traffic cooperative,and consumerism pronounced Koh has a choice.

"We want him to be brave (to mount out of a elections) or leave a party," she said.

When asked either celebration members would rebel against Koh if he chose to mount in a elections, she said: "I do not similar to to disintegrate people. Let a representatives decide."

Gerakan emissary boss Chang Ko Youn who was additionally present during a press conference, in an immediate reaction, played down Tan's call for Koh to lay off a elections.

"Party members have a right to air their views. This will not affect a party's image," Chang said.!

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

Dr M and Najib shadow-box over GE-13: Who is fighting smart, who is not?

Dr M as good as Najib shadow-box over GE-13: Who is fighting smart, who is not?

Former premier Mahathir Mohamad seems to be working feverishly tough to get Prime Minister Najib Razak to check a 13th ubiquitous election, a rather odd thing to do when you consider which Mahathir is ostensible to be retired.

At 85, he should be counting his good fortune as good as permitting a current investiture a giveaway hand in using a country. Yet, a still wily as good as sharper-than-a-knife statesman is obviously concerned which underneath Najib, Barisan Nasional might finally see its demise as good as this would spell disaster for all which he has built during a 22 years he was budding apportion as good as solitary arbiter of a predestine of 28 Malaysians.

Yes, Dr M was which authoritarian, as good as which emboldened a network of cronies as good as massive crime to foment as good as take base in Malaysia. Once BN goes, there would be a lot of reckoning as good as accounting for, which Mahathir as good as his supporters cannot afford. Hence his golden retirement will have to wait for a whilst more.

Already, a cracks have been appearing with Mahathir's cronies making a dusk news. The Ananda crime review has kicked off in India, as good as there is increasing open scrutiny for a MAS-Air Middle East share barter which has brought to light a ties Mahathir has with Tony Fernandes.

Adding to these woes, it is a actuality which there is reduction open trust in BN; with shrinking await for MCA, Gerakan as good as MIC from their communities as good as a internal splits in UMNO which threaten to have a BN irrelevant amongst young voters.

Smack in face for a PM

Most recently, a fear of Budget 2012 sums up Najib's ethos in using a country; a nation of "one off" hand-outs has prompted Mahathir to suggested a Malays to change their "freebies" mentality.

"I know most people in this nation go for giveaway things. But you should feel ashamed when you take something for free," he pronounced in his debate when launching a Ummah Unity as good as Economy Seminar organised by a Malaysia Islamic Welfare Organisation (Perkim) as good as Malay Chamber of Commerce.

Mahathir, who is a Perkim president, added which Muslims, who were among a poorest communities in Malaysia, should work tough to be financially stable.

Now, this is a bizarre comment when a single takes into account a various measures Mahathir has put into place to grant a Malays as good as Bumiputras some-more precedence in a mercantile marketplace.

Is Mahathir really observant which a bid to empower a Malays has not been successful as good as thus BN needs to remain in energy longer to grasp what he had failed to accomplish? And underneath Najib, has a mercantile state of a Malays as good as a nation come to a stand-still?

If so, which is a pound in a face of a 58-year-old scandal-plagued Najib as good as portends domestic skullduggery which he should good be stay upon a rapt for.

Enters Muhyiddin

Najib in being a small replacement for Abdullah Badawi, feels a vigour to prove himself worthy of being budding minister. He has nonetheless to embrace a open charge to lead Malaysia as good as as GE-13 lo! oms ahea d, he is eager to emanate a grand tidal call which can brush him to energy for an additional term in office.

But this is not easy, since a little have been beginning to spin ! to Muhyi ddin Yassin, a emissary budding apportion as good as series two man in UMNO pronounced to suffer Mahathir's await for a Umno presidency. The series two mark in UMNO has traditionally additionally been a emissary budding minister's spot. For a little it has been blessing, nonetheless for most a mark is jinxed.

Would Muhyiddin Yassin risk gunning for a series a single post in a entrance UMNO General Assembly? Or would Muhyiddin wait for h! is spin as good as in a future reinstate Najib as series a single as good as subsequently be budding minister?

Thus, overdue to a bleak scenario facing BN as good as UMNO; a delayed choosing date would be fitting if BN is aiming to remain in energy with or though Najib Razak during a helm. It would give them some-more time to realize Budget 2012 as good as additionally to win back much needed await from their grass-root supporters as good as to fix their internal problems prior to facing a open vote.

Less fitting to Najib

However, a delayed choosing is reduction fitting to Najib.

So to pile a vigour upon Najib to check polls, Mahathir, a seasoned statesman which he is, has been quick to point out which polls should be hold as late as probable in sequence to handicap a Pakatan Rakyat.

The choosing during a state open level will depend upon a particular state governments whether to disintegrate a open or otherwise. If a legislative assemblies in a 4 states underneath a Pakatan Rakyat have been not dissolved, you will see a choosing being confined usually to a states underneath a BN rule, Bernama reported Mahathir as saying.

"As such, they already have 4 states underneath their rule. They will concentrate upon a alternative states to expand their domination. However, if a ubiquitous choosing is hold as well close to a expiry of a five-year mandate, they will have no choice ! though t o disintegrate a state assemblies," he added.

One is still smart, a alternative favours short-term thinking

This is intelligent meditative by Mahathir. With a huge resources during BN's disposal, Pakatan cannot afford a battle upon all fronts - during both state as good as parliamentary levels. And if Najib follows by with Mahathir's line of thought, Pakatan is in serious trouble.

Mahathir is an objective as good as master tactician unlike Najib; who thrives upon open acclamation and bad fore-sight. A long battle is what Mahathir is aiming at, knowing full good Pakatan Rakyat is ill-prepared for this, nonetheless Najib seems to favor a quick skirmish - unchanging with his short-term perspective of things.

This call by Mahathir to check polls will not go neglected among a UMNO ranks as good as most would see a logic behind his reasoning. Whether Najib will attend as good as follow by with his predecessors suggestion is open for debate; serving usually to add to a guessing game of when will Malaysians confirm in GE-13?

Malaysia Chronicle

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz